Nightmare Creatures

Nightmare Creatures

17.10.2013 01:39:20
/\/ ***The Only Complete Nightmare Creatures FAQ Out There*** /_

Author - Longhorn \_//

Email -

Web site:
This site has no FAQs on it. I don’t know what I was thinking when I did
this. Please sign the guest book, though.

Christmas 2000. I unwrap this game. Guess who got it for me? My BROTHER! I
popped it in and BAM!! I was blown away at how much blood and gore and pure
FUN there was! I chopped a zombie’s head off and squirting blood everywhere!
"How do you like it?" he asks. I turn around and I go "SWEET!!!" "Glad to
hear it!" I never got around to beating it until this year. Yeah, I know. So,
I thought, why not write an FAQ for it? So here it is. Levels and all. Enjoy!
Or not, I don’t care.


Version History

Version 1.0

November 29, 2001

I don’t know why I started this today. George Harrison died today. Typed it
all up.

December 7, 2001

Pearl Harbor Day.....For some reason I always start these things when
something bad has happened. Added some crap to "Level Passwords/Cheats"
section. And made a few more changes to some sections.

December 14, 2001

Yes I know I haven’t updated this in almost a week, but I made a 62 in
Spanish!!! I have to buckle down, or I won’t be eligible for drummer things!
I can only update on weekends, or it’s failing for me!

Table of Contents

1) Characters
2) Pickups
3) Walkthrough
4) Codes
5) Credits
6) Legal Crap
7) Final

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1) Characters

In this section, I will give the characters, plus the special attacks they
can do:

Ignatius: This dude is one tough priest! Your weapon is a staff. Here are his
special attacks. Some of them can get _really_ nasty.....

Triple Strike:
Triple Kick:

Temple Strike:

Scottish Backhand:

Last Judgment:
A B C-Down

Lung Kick:
B C-Left A

Hammer Curl:

Windmill Slam:

Crescent Kick

Hammerhead Crush:
A B C-Left

Cyclone Leg Sweep:

Judas Jack Knife:
A C-Left C-Down

Spin Strike:

Ahab’s Revenge:

High Kick Feint:
B C-Left B A

Nadia: This chick can fight! She’s got some great and nasty moves! Here they

Triple Strike:

Triple Kick:

Side Flip Kick:
B B C-Left

Bloody Ballerina
B C-Left+C-Down

Gymnast Strike:
A A+Up

Divide & Conquer:
A A+Up B+A

Back Flip Kick:
B B B A A+Up

Sever Sash:

Wuthering Slice:
A A Down+B

Rising Force:
A B Up+B+A

Feet of Fury:

Cyclone Volley:

2) Pickups

There are a LOT of things that you can pick up along the way in the killer of
a game. Here they are. ALL of them!

Heart: Get this, and you get a 1-up!

Healing: This looks like a mini planet. Use this to replenish your energy a
small bit.

Super Healing: Capture this baby, and it will give you most of your energy
back. Note that I said _most_ =)

Gun: One shot = dead for _almost_ all enemies. The ones that it doesn’t kill
are zombies, Dockers, and a couple others.

Multigun: A three barreled gun, or that’s what it _looks_ like. You fire this
in all directions, and it kills every enemy around you.

Berserker: This is a temporary weapon improvement. Cuts off limbs and such.

Chaos: My most favorite. This spell turns enemies against _each other_! This
one is good for a few laughs!

Dynamite: This can also tear the limbs off of enemies that are giving you
particular trouble.

Flash: This will blind an enemy for 10 seconds.

Freeze Spell: This is a recipe for easy enemy defeat! This will freeze an
enemy. It will crack seconds later...

Repulsive smoke: Use this to drive off enemies. When you need adrenaline
refilled, kill the monster you used this on!

Proximity mines: Throw this and if any evil creatures walk by it will kill
them. Period.

3) Walkthrough

If you are playing this game for the first time, DO NOT LOOK!! I am warning
you right now, you do not want to ruin this awesome game! Explore first! If
you are stuck on a certain spot, look all you want! Okay, here we go! Let’s
get down to business.....

/\/----------Level One: Chelsea----------/_

Kill the zombie (awesome, huh?). Then go to the end where that gate is, and
go right. A werewolf will jump out. Kill it. It might take a while to get the
controls right but, you’ll get used to it. Go into where it jumped out of. On
the wall, there is a switch with a skull on it. You’ll have to look around
for a bit. Once you find it, swing your weapon at it. A door will open,
unleashing a werewolf. There is also a zombie in this room as well. Kill both
of them (werewolf and zombie). Go into where the werewolf came from. Pick up
the items in the wall (B) and hit the switch. The gate that was locked
outside will open. Go through it. Kill the zombie, and then a werewolf will
jump down. Kill him, and go to the very end, where the gate is. It has a
barrel in front of it with a skull drawn on it. Step back and pull out your
gun and fire (L or Z)!! It will explode, opening the gate. Go forward. Now
you are in a graveyard type area. The first thing you see is a zombie. I
think you know what to do. Now explore around this area and kill all of the
creatures. Go down the stairs and go right. Kill the zombie. Go to that
statue thing. A werewolf will jump out. Kill it. Go forward. There will be a
semi-fork in the walkway. Go left. Kill the two flying creatures. Then you’ll
see a zombie guarding a gate. Kill it. Wait! Don’t go in just yet. Go to the
ex-zombie’s right. Jump (C-Left) up on the wall by the brick column. Hop off
and go in that hallway type thing. Kill the zombie in there. Collect all of
the items in there. This is not required, but it helps. Go back to where the
zombie was guarding the gate. You’ll get the level password, and your
percentages and everything. Now, on to level 2.......

/\/----------Level 2: Spitalfield----------/_

Ok, you start out in front of a wooden looking fence. Take one swipe with
your weapon, and it falls apart! Go through. There is a _huge_ monster there.
That is a Pepy’s monster. That is one tough cookie to kill, but you will be
triumphant nonetheless! Go forward. There is an iron gate. Next to you is a
small set of stairs and a switch. Hit the switch and the gate will open. Kill
the Pepy’s monster and go left. There is a zombie, and another Pepy’s
monster. Kill them both. There is a wooden gate you open with your weapon
around there. There is a Pepy’s monster and a few pickups in there. Go back
to where the zombie and Pepy’s monster were. Go straight this time, and kill
the docker. Keep going, and a zombie will pop out. Kill it and another will
pop out. Kill _that_ one. Go through, and kill the Pepy’s monster behind the
boxes. Keep going and get the other one. Keep going and get the docker.
Progress, then get the zombie. Explore, then you will find a docker, Pepy’s
monster, and a zombie. If you can pull this off, congratulations to you! Keep
going, and kill the zombie. Now you are at a set of wooden stairs. Go up
them, shoot the barrels, and go forward. Hit the switch, and hit the fence.
Go through. Kill all the monsters. Walk on through. Soon you’ll be at a
bridge that was blown up! Jump across (C-Left), and go straight. Kill the
Pepy’s monster and go straight. The next bridge is to your left. Jump across.
Go straight. The next one is also to your left. This one is a tad bit
trickier. But, you’ll get it sooner or later! Now you see a strange looking
guy go out the gate. That is Andrew Crowley. He is an Ex-Brotherhood dude.
Kill the Pepy’s monster and go out the gate......
/\/----------Level 3: Thames Tunnel----------/_

You are in the sewers now! Go forward and watch out for that rock avalanche!
Hit the cart with the barrel in it to send shooting forward. It will blow up
the debris that was blocking you in. Go forward. A docker will jump out. Kill
him. Go forward a tiny bit. Watch out for falling rocks! Then an insect will
fly up. Kill it. It is hard to beat those things once they get a hold of you.
Go up a ways. A docker will bust out. Kill him. Go forward. Another insect.
Go left. A docker will crash out. Kill him as well. Turn at that little
passageway. Go through it. There will be a gun on the railing in the "main
room". Shoot one of the barrels that are surrounding the Thames monster.
Cross the pool he was in. You have to jump. Go forward. Another insect. Kill
it. Go left. Another docker. Kill it as well. Go right at the fork. Two
dockers will jump out. Kill both of them. Go into where they came from.
Sooner of later, you’ll find a fence that you can destroy with your weapon.
Go through the passageway it has. Then there will be a docker. Sooner or
later you’ll find an area with 2 Thames’ monsters, and a bunch of docks and
piers. Find yourself the right path. If you explore right, you’ll be in a
room with a docker and a switch. Kill the docker and hit the switch. It will
open up the iron gate; the exit to this hellhole. All of these rooms are in
the same area. Sorry I couldn’t give you better directions on this one. Exit
the level......

/\/----------Boss: Sewer Snake----------/_

This guy may seem intimidating at first, but he is not. All you have to do is
to wait until his fire breath blows one of those posts over. Then when he is
near the ground, hit him! I think that you can get about two hits in before
he goes back up again. After a few hits on him and you =), he will be gone.

/\/----------Level 4: India Docks----------/_

Kill the zombie that lurks up to you. Go through and kill the other 2 zombies
that are lurking around that area. Soon you will find a broken bridge. Jump
across it. Kill the Thames’ monster. Go past it and kill the other one. Go
kill the docker. Then kill the other Thames’ monster. Go up the set of
stairs. Watch out! The docker will throw the barrels down the stairs
attempting to hit you. Now kill him. Go right and then right again. Open the
wooden gate with your weapon. Kill the docker in there. Look around for an
exit to the outside. Kill the zombie and the 2 harpies. Look around for
another docker. I think you know what to do to him. Go find the Thames’
monster and another docker in the same area. Kill them both. Now do a little
exploring. Soon you’ll find a little pendulum area. Jump at the appropriate
time. Go to the right and there is a set of stairs. Hit the switch there. Go
through the gate that it opened. Kill the docker. Then you’ll find a gate.
Open it with your weapon. Kill the docker. Go across the pendulums. Go
through the path to find the Sea Wolf Pub......

/\/----------Level 5: Highgate Cemetery----------/_

Go forward and kill the werewolf. Go through and kill the other three that
will try to get you. Soon you will find yourself going up some stairs. Turn
to your right about 89º =). Open the tiny metal gate with your weapon. Go
through the graveyard. Follow the path for a little while. Then, Andrew
Crowley will throw a piece of dynamite at you, hurting you. Follow the path
and kill the two harpies. Follow the path, then you get to the gate. Open it.
Kill the two zombies. Follow the path. Kill the harpies along the way. Now
you are in a churchy type place. Kill all monsters in here. Go find a big
door and open it with your weapon. Kill the zombie and werewolf. Shoot the
barrel. Go through. Kill the harpie (sp?), then the werewolf and then the
zombie . Go up the stairs. Kill the monsters. Go
through the door of the big crypt........

/\/----------Level 6: Hampstead Heath----------/_

And this is where I am going to stop this FAQ temporarily. Why? Because my
FAQ’s are NOT assembly line products! Each one takes me longer to make, but
each one is a complete masterpiece! I have to stay on schedule and keep my
grades up in school until Christmas. THEN I can complete this FAQ. My school
gets out for break in 3 days. Today is December 14, 2001. On to other

4.) Passwords/Cheats

These were contributed to me by Mr. Cheat [see credits section].

1 up 2 down 3 right
4 left 5 c-up 6 c-down
7 c-right 8 c-left


2 12565247
4 14565457
5 16545864
9 13565577
11 24525781
13 28361621
14 26785545
16 48585278


If you enter this code in, you won’t even need the above codes. Still follow
the above "code cracker".

Cheat Menu: 41683582


*1* Queenhite Docks: You’ll see a docker standing near a port [left] turn,
and there is a stack of crates. Looks like you can’t get past, right? Wrong!
Scoot over a little bit, and then you will find the opening. Go in there to
find the first weapon upgrade.

*2* City: At the entrance of a spider’s nest, it is right there in front of
you. I believe it is on the other side of a fence, or something.

*3* Bloomsbury: There will be the first Hellhound and it will breath some
fire and make a small aclove. Run at full speed [1 mph =)]. Get TONS of
energy. This will be difficult. Pick up the upgrade.

*4* Westminister: Go to the place where the 2 faceless men were, and those
guns in the cases. Hit the barrel to make it blow a hole, and hit the door at
the end to open it and open up a hidden passageway behind he bookcase. Pick
up the upgrade.

*5* Marylebone: Just before the mini-boss where you go to the gate, there it

5.) Credits
=========== For putting this 29% finished FAQ up. Hehe....Umm look, its

(Name Unknown): I used the passwords in this FAQ. Thanks man.

Marshmallow: Any FAQ writer knows why I am thanking this guy.

Calvin and Hobbes: That boy and that tiger are awesome. Any one else who
thinks differently is dumb

6.) Legal

This document is copyrighted by me, Longhorn. The only person that can steal
this is me. No one can steal this. Why? Because of THIS!!!!!!!

Copyright (c) 2001 by Longhorn



7.) Final

Thanks for readin’ everyone. I’ll try to complete this over Christmas break,
and write some new FAQ’s. I will see you in 3 days....


all work and no play make jack a dull boy
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*In memoriam of*

eorge Harrison~


The greatest goddamn guitar player the world has ever known......and ever
will. People like that are one in a zillion.........

hare hare krishna!
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17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level und Alle Waffen.

30.Сентябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013

06.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
13.Май 2008
engl. Paßwörter
10.Октябрь 2008
Mit den Moves

17.Октябрь 2013
Unbegrenzte Anzahl Leben, Engerie, Waffen und Bomben, sowie die Möglichkeit mit mehr Leben zu starten

11.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019