Mechwarrior 4 - Venegance

Mechwarrior 4 - Venegance

17.10.2013 15:25:58
by Briareos Kerensky (, briareos_CWE), ver 3.X 16/10/2002

Table of Contents
2-Update History
3-History Briefing
4-Weapons Briefing
5-'Mechs Briefing
6-Vehicles and Misc Enemies Briefing
7-Lancemates briefing
8-How to costumize a 'Mech
9-General Tactics
10-Multiplayer Tactics
14-Custom 'Mechs
15-Differences between MechWarrior 4 and BattleTech
16-Credits and misc


All names and marks are property of their respective owners; this document is
copyright of Briareos Kerensky: unauthorized reproduction of this document as
it is or in part is forbidden; to ask authorization send a mail to me
( Do not send mails asking CD keys or other personal codes
which changes with every CD package: every softhouse has its own way to use
these keys, and I won't deny myself the possibility to play online a game only
because someone has "lost the package" or "the package is corrupted".
If some sections have cheats in them which includes alteration of hex codes,
renaming files, creation of new ones, I will not answer of HD formatting, lost
datas, World Wars, nuclear explosions, invocation of demons of any kind or any
other damage derived from those operations.
I'm Italian, so do not pay attention to the many mistakes I'll do in spelling,
grammar construction and so on.
Now have fun.


16/10/2002-version 3.X. More submissions, corrections and updates.

13/10/2002-version 3.0. Corrections and submissions.

9/1/2002-version 2.1. Added Custom 'Mechs section, for everyone wanting to
submit his or her Configs.

9/12/2001-version 2.0a. Final version (this one's the real). Some corrections
throughout the document. I want MW4:Black Knight.

30/11/2001-version 2.0. Final version. All uncompleted sections completed (most
notably walkthrough, with the final mission and General Tactics).

14/11/2001-version 1.6. Operation 6 completed. Other sections started and/or

12/11/2001-version 1.4. Operation 3, 4 and 5 completed. How to Costumize your
'Mech section started and completed. Some revisions throughout the document.
Added Operation names (hoping that they're right translations). 100 Kbs reached
and passed.

9/11/2001-version 1.2. Corrected some mistakes, other sections started and
walkthrough continued up to Operation 3.

8/11/2001-version 1.0. Finally the game is out here too! Leader moved the
publication of MW4 after X'mas and I had to buy a PC powerful enough...History,
'Mech, other basic sections on line plus operation one.
In fact, the game was out well before the publication of this document (I
completed the MechCommander 2 walktrhough even before starting this one!), but
stability problems kept me away from the game...BTW, here it is, my MW4


In 3028 Prince Hanse Davion, ruler of the Federated Suns marries Melissa
Steiner, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth; as gift, Hanse Davion promises the
Capellan Confederation, starting the Fourth Succession War; the Capellan
Confederation will lose most of its territories, and the newly formed Federated
Commonwealth is now the most powerful Successor State.
After this war the Inner Sphere lives a moment of realtve peace, only when in
3050 the Clan arrives to conquer the Inner Sphere. In 3052 Comstar won the
Battle of Tukayyid, giving to the Inner Sphere a peace long 15 years. However
internal contrasts are hard to die; in 3052 Hanse Davion dies of an heart
attack, and in 3055 Melissa Steiner is assasinated.
In 3056 Victor Steiner-Davion moves to rule the Federated Commonwealth as the
Archon-Prince; his sister, Katherine Steiner Davion decides that the old Lyran
Commonwealth will no longer be part of the Federated Commonwealth, changes her
name to Katrina and secedes for his borther's realm.
Victor Davion is busy in recreating the Star League, to defeat the Clans; to
show the new League power, the Inner Sphere leaders plan the annihilation of
the Smoke Jaguars; in months the Clan is annihilated by Clan rules; the Clans
are astonished, though hostilities would propably restart soon. In the Lyran
part of the Federated Commonwealth Victor loyalists are subverted or killed,
including the Dresari are Ian Dresari, the only surviving member
of this noble family and decide to move revenge against Katrina Steiner for
this secession.


Before the description of every single weapon and equipment, here is a brief
description of the categories.
MW4 introduces the concept of weapon bays: a certain weapon bay can accept only
determinated types of weapons (energy bays=energy weapons only and so on),
though Omni bays can accept every kind of weapon. Note that these bays are also
limited by dimensions, so not all weapons will fit in a given type of
hardpoint. This makes the configuration of "official" 'Mechs somewhat different
from how are knew by BT player.
+ Energy weapons (red): energy weapons uses massive amounts of electricty
produced by the 'Mech's reactor, and they can be fired without ammunition
problems. This advantage is balanced by the large amounts of waste heat that
they produce: the only way to dissipate this heat is to mount extra heat sinks,
which compensates for their relatively light mass and compactness. Range and
firepower increases in proportion.
+ Ballistic weapons (yellow): these weapons must be fed by ammunition: this
limits the times the weapon can be fired, and ammunitions explode when struck
by weapon fire. They do not produce large amounts of heat, but are bulky and
weight a lot. Lighter models have a longer range but less firepower; heavier
models have more firepower than range, and carries less ammo.
+ Missile weapons (green): like ballistic weapons they use ammunitions, and
each launcher fire a specified number of missiles in a single salvo.
Missiles are explosive, and they produce moderate amounts of heat. Damage is
spread among the whole target, and not concentrated like other weapons.
+ Equipment: this category contains the larger variety of accessories a 'Mech
can mount. They include alternative type of armors, heat sinks and EW
(Electronic Warfare) suites.


STANDARD/ER LASER: Lasers fire a beam of coherent light, producing damage
through the extreme temperatures that the beam reaches; standard lasers have a
medium/short range but the ER version has longer ranges, especially in their
Clan versions; in fact, the Clan ER Medium Lasers have a range value roughly
equivalent to the Inner Sphere standard Large Laser; ER versions have a greater
heat value but maintain the same damage values; Medium and ER Medium are good
back up weapons for every kind of 'Mech.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 600 meters
Damage: 7,5
Heat: 5
Recycle rate: 5
Size: 2
Weight: 5 tons

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 300 meters
Damage: 1,2
Heat: 0,6
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 1
Weight: 1 tons

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 150 meters
Damage: 0,30
Heat: 0,10
Recycle rate: 1
Size: 1
Weight: 0,5 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 800 meters
Damage: 8
Heat: 8
Recycle rate: 5
Size: 2
Weight: 4 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 1,5
Heat: 1,2
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 1
Weight: 1 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 200 meters
Damage: 0,35
Heat: 0,2
Recycle rate: 1
Size: 1
Weight: 0,5 tons

PULSE LASER: Pulse Lasers fire a stream of four laser beams instead of the
single one of standard and ER lasers; they produce more heat than standard
lasers but the amount generated is equivalent to ER lasers (both versions); it
is possible to "walk" this prolonged beam, making hitting a single target
easier, and have a very low recharge time, making them efficient at close
range. Clan versions have a longer range, roughly the 50% more of Inner Sphere

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 600 meters
Damage: 2,62
Heat: 1,75
Recycle rate: 1,25
Size: 2
Weight: 7 tons

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 300 meters
Damage: 0,60
Heat: 0,30
Recycle rate: 0,75
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 150 meters
Damage: 0,15
Heat: 0,05
Recycle rate: 0,25
Size: 1
Weight: 1 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 800 meters
Damage: 3
Heat: 3
Recycle rate: 1,25
Size: 2
Weight: 6 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 0,75
Heat: 0,60
Recycle rate: 0,75
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 200 meters
Damage: 0,27
Heat: 0,12
Recycle rate: 0,25
Size: 1
Weight: 1,5 tons

STANDARD/ER PPC: the PPC fires particles. Both versions produces high amounts
of heat, and and among the most powerful weapons (in fact, the Clan version is
the most powerful weapon in this game) in this game; the "projectiles" are
fast, but slower the laser ones; they pass AC shells and missiles and matches
Gauss' ones, however. They are extremely bulky though the Clan version is
lighter. The standard version (available only to Inner Sphere units) has a
shorter range but produces less heat. Recharge times are long, but it is highly
recomended. When hit by PPC fire, a 'Mech will suffer a limited short-circuit.

Name: PPC
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 750 meters
Damage: 10
Heat: 10
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 3
Weight: 7 tons

Name: ER PPC
Technology: Clan
Range: 900 meters
Damage: 14
Heat: 15
Recycle rate: 8
Size: 3
Weight: 6 tons

FLAMER: the flamer taps hot gases directly from the reactor, creating an hot
stream of flames; the flamer do not produce too much heat and when the stream
hits the target, its heat level will increase, plus creating light damage. If
hit, the target will catch fire for about 5 seconds, and it will be illuminated
for this period of time; a basically useless weapon, but good if you want to do

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 150 meters
Damage: 1
Heat: 4
Recycle rate: 4
Size: 2
Weight: 1 tons

Technology: Clan
Range: 150 meters
Damage: 1
Heat: 4
Recycle rate: 4
Size: 2
Weight: 0,5 tons

BOMBAST LASER: a new Inner Sphere weapon. The Bombast Laser produces lots of
heat and weights a lot, and has a dubious firing mechanism:
when you press the first time your trigger, the Bombast Laser will begin to
charge. A second pression of the trigger will fire the laser. Longer the Laser
will charge, more powerful (and more heat-intensive) the beam will be. When
fully charged, the Laser will automatically fire.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 500 meters
Damage: 10 (maximum) - 1 (minimum)
Heat: 8 (maximum) - 1 (minimum)
Recycle rate: 4
Size: 2
Weight: 7 tons


MACHINE GUNS ARRAY (MG ARRAY): a series of machine guns packed together. The
Inner Sphere variant packs three guns while the Clan one four, with the same
weight of its Inner Sphere counterpart. They do not do much damage, but have a
fast rate of fire and I take a perverse pleasure in firing groups of them. Not
worth the weight, however.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 150 meters
Damage: 0,2
Heat: 0,00
Recycle rate: 0,30
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 450

Technology: Clan
Range: 200 meters
Damage: 0,3
Heat: 0,00
Recycle rate: 0,3
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 600

STANDARD AUTOCANNON (AC): ACs fire a stream of high-velocity projectiles toward
a single target. In MW4 standard ACs come only in 2, 5 and 10 types: the 5
model has a good range sacrificing firepower, while the 10 model has twice the
punch of its smaller brother but keeps a decent range. The 5 model holds 120
rounds in a single ton and the 10 model only 36. The Clans use Ultra and LB-X
ACs, they do not have standard ACs.

Name: AC/2
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 900 meters
Damage: 2
Heat: 0,1
Recycle rate: 1
Size: 1
Weight: 8 tons
Ammo per ton: 240

Name: AC/5
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 600 meters
Damage: 5
Heat: 0,2
Recycle rate: 1,5
Size: 1
Weight: 8 tons
Ammo per ton: 120

Name: AC/10
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 9
Heat: 0,60
Recycle rate: 4
Size: 2
Weight: 13 tons
Ammo per ton: 36

LB-X SCATTERSHOT: shotgun-like ACs: rather than directing a single stream of
projectile toward a single area of the target, an LB-X rounds will reproduce a
cluster effect on the whole enemy, maximizing the possibility to score head or
critical hits. Not enough, the damage increases as the target closes range; the
damage value is indicated after the AC type (LB 20-X: 20 damage points) and
it's the damage the AC will allocate if it strikes at close range. Inner Sphere
units haven't access to LB-X technology; Clan ACs come in 10 and 20 models.

Name: LBX AC 10
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 450 meters
Damage: 14 (maximum)
Heat: 1
Recycle rate: 4
Size: 2
Weight: 12 tons
Ammo per ton: 36

Name: LBX AC 20
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 300 meters
Damage: 24 (maximum)
Heat: 2
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 3
Weight: 15 tons
Ammo per ton: 20

Name: LBX AC 10
Technology: Clan
Range: 450 meters
Damage: 14
Heat: 1
Recycle rate: 4
Size: 2
Weight: 10 tons
Ammo per ton: 36

Name: LBX AC 20
Technology: Clan
Range: 300 meters
Damage: 24
Heat: 2
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 3
Weight: 12 tons
Ammo per ton: 20

ULTRA AUTOCANNON: the Ultra ACs do not fire special rounds like the LB-X ACs,
but can fire a stream of projectiles roughly comparable to two standard ACs'
ones. This doubles the damage of the stream, but also eats ammunition in a
faster rate. Ultra ACs are in use in both factions, in two models: 2 (with 240
ammunitions per ton) and 5 (120 ammunitions per ton).

Name: Ultra AC/5
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 600 meters
Damage: 4
Heat: 0,15
Recycle rate: 1,5
Size: 1
Weight: 10 tons
Ammo per ton: 120

Name: Ultra AC/2
Technology: Clan
Range: 900 meters
Damage: 2
Heat: 0,11
Recycle rate: 1
Size: 1
Weight: 6 tons
Ammo per ton: 240

Name: Ultra AC/5
Technology: Clan
Range: 600 meters
Heat: 0,15
Recycle rate: 1,5
Size: 1
Weight: 8 tons
Ammo per ton: 120

LIGHT/STANDARD GAUSS RIFLE: a ballistic version of the PPC; with this
translation the Gauss got lower temperatures and limited ammo supplies, but
kept its high damage value. The Inner Sphere version of the Rifle is heavier
but has the same damage and range values of the Clan version.
The projectile is fast and reliable, and has average reciclying capabilities. A
good choice as ballistic for Omni 'Mech's main weapon.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 800 meters
Damage: 17
Heat: 1
Recycle rate: 8
Size: 3
Weight: 16 tons
Ammo per ton: 24

Technology: Clan
Range: 800 meters
Damage: 17
Heat: 1
Recycle rate: 8
Size: 3
Weight: 13 tons
Ammo per ton: 24

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 1200 meters
Damage: 12
Heat: 0,8
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 2
Weight: 13 tons
Ammo per ton: 30

LONG TOM: this Long Tom is not the famous artillery cannon, but a smaller
version, uselful at shorter ranges; I do not like this weapon as it weights too
much and its effects what you expect from a (small) artillery weapon, though it
acts like it. The projectile is relatively slow, and describes an arched
trajectory and when hits the ground, it explodes with a relatively large
strike; the projectile's slowness make difficult to target fast-moving enemies.
Better to use Gauss Rifles or PPCs.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 700 meters
Damage: 25
Heat: 25
Recycle rate: 7
Size: 3
Weight: 20 tons
Ammo per ton: 18


LONG RANGE MISSILE (LRM): Long Range Missiles are the only missile type
requiring a lock-on onto the target. Well, they do not stricktly require it,
but it is better to wait for the lock or the salvo will likely be wasted. When
combined to an active NARC beacon, the LRMs will follow the selected target,
eventually increasing their maneuverability. LRM racks come in 4 types: 5, 10,
15 or 20 missiles per salvo. All missiles (except Thunderbolts) tend to spread
damage along the whole target rather than inflicting a single, devastating
blow; also, missiles tend to hit in salvos, so most times not all missiles from
a salvo will hit the target. Each ton of ammunition holds 240 missiles.

Name: LRM 5
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 4
Heat: 1,2
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 1
Weight: 3 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (48 salvos)

Name: LRM 10
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 8
Heat: 2,4
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 1
Weight: 6 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (24 salvos)

Name: LRM 15
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 12
Heat: 3
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 2
Weight: 8 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (16 salvos)

Name: LRM 20
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 16
Heat: 3,6
Recycle rate: 6
Weight: 11 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (12 salvos)

Name: LRM 5
Technology: Clan
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 4
Heat: 1,2
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (48 salvos)

Name: LRM 10
Technology: Clan
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 8
Heat: 2,4
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 1
Weight: 3,5 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (24 salvos)

Name: LRM 15
Technology: Clan
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 12
Heat: 3
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 2
Weight: 4,5 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (16 salvos)

Name: LRM 20
Technology: Clan
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 16
Heat: 3,6
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 2
Weight: 6 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (12 salvos)

SHORT RANGE MISSILE (SRM): these missiles are totally unguided and should be
used in WVR (Within Visual Range) combat; they are pretty useless against
fast-moving targets if you are not good in anticipating its movements. SRMs
come in 3 type: 2, 4 and 6 missiles per salvo. Each ton of ammunition holds 120
missiles. When compared to LRMs, SRMs have twice their firepower but half the
range. They are also lighter than LRM launchers.

Name: SRM 2
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 250 meters
Damage: 2
Heat: 0,4
Recycle rate: 2
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 120 (60 salvos)

Name: SRM 4
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 250 meters
Damage: 4
Heat: 0,6
Recycle rate: 2
Size: 1
Weight: 3 tons
Ammo per ton: 120 (30 salvos)

Name: SRM 6
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 250 meters
Damage: 6
Heat: 0,8
Recycle rate: 2
Size: 2
Weight: 4 tons
Ammo per ton: 120 (20 salvos)

STREAK SRM: Streak SRMs are used by Clans only. The Streak SRMs are guided,
like LRMs, but do not require a target: when fired the Streak SRMs will search
the nearest target and will follow it until they score an hit; note that if you
have a terget under your targeting reticule, the missiles will home on it, as
well as if you have a locked target; when used with active NARC beacons, the
Streak SRMs will go toward the nearest active beacon. As standard SRMs, this
advanced version comes in 2, 4 or 6 missiles pack. Each ton of ammunition holds
120 missiles.

Technology: Clan
Range: 250 meters
Damage: 2,4
Heat: 0,6
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 120 (60 salvos)

Technology: Clan
Range: 250 meters
Damage: 4,8
Heat: 0,9
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 1
Weight: 3 tons
Ammo per ton: 120 (30 salvos)

Technology: Clan
Range: 250 meters
Damage: 7,2
Heat: 1,2
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 2
Weight: 4 tons
Ammo per ton: 120 (20 salvos)

MEDIUM RANGE MISSILE (MRM): MRMs are fired like standard SRMs, but are a
retrofitted version of LRMs: by removing steering thrusters and guidance
systems engineers were able to increase the missile/salvo ratio and the
ammunition load for single launchers; when compared to LRMs, a MRM bin contains
twice as much the missiles. MRMs are fired in 10, 20, 30 or 40 missiles per
salvo: the sheer number of missiles is balanced by a relatively slowness of the
missiles and the relative difficulty in hitting a mobile target with such
weapons. MRMs are not NARC-compatible. Each ton of ammunition holds 240

Name: MRM 10
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 8
Heat: 2,4
Recycle rate: 5
Size: 1
Weight: 5 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (24 salvos)

Name: MRM 20
Technology: Inner Sohere
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 16
Heat: 4,8
Recycle rate: 5
Size: 2
Weight: 8 tons
Ammo per ton: (12 salvos)

Name: MRM 30
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 24
Heat: 6
Recycle rate: 5
Size: 2
Weight: 11 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (8 salvos)

Name: MRM 40
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 400 meters
Damage: 32
Heat: 7,2
Recycle rate: 5
Size: 3
Weight: 13 tons
Ammo per ton: 240 (6 salvos)

NARC MISSILE BEACON: The Narc fires an heavily modified missile that delivers
special emitters that helps firendly missiles in locking target for a short
period of time. Each time that the "Narced" enemy is damaged, the Narc can
expire before its time runs out. When locked, it will allows faster lock-on
capabilities and improved to-hit chances for LRMs and Streak SRMs. Note that
ALL friendly units with Narc-capable missiles will benefit from a "Narced"

Name: NARC
Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 450 meters
Damage: 0,00
Heat: 1
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 1
Weight: 4 tons
Ammo per ton: 6

Name: NARC
Technology: Clan
Range: 600 meters
Damage: 0,00
Heat: 1
Recycle rate: 3
Size: 1
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 6

THUNDERBOLT MISSILE (THDRBLT): Unlike all other missiles (Narc excluded), the
Thunderbolt is a single, powerful missile. It cannot be shooted down by any
kind of AMS, and a single missile is more powerful than an LB-20X or than a
Clan ER PPC shot. The main drawback of this weapon is its scarce ammunition per
ton ratio, and it is nearly impossible to fight extended battles with the
Thunderbolt as main weapon. Thunderbolts are not guided.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 1000 meters
Damage: 28
Heat: 7
Recycle rate: 8
Size: 3
Weight: 14 tons
Ammo per ton: 15

FLARE (FLARE): I don't know why the flare is under the missile its
name suggests, the flare is used to enlight places with a small white light; if
you hit a moving target with a flare, the flare will continue burning even if
this enemy moves in water, but will expire in about 15 seconds; also, if you
try to launch a Flare when someone (even you) has the Light Amplification off,
a single Flare will produce so much light that the Amplification will white-out
due to the excessive light in the area; pretty useless, however.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 360 meters
Damage: 0
Heat: 2
Recycle rate: 2
Size: 1
Weight: 1 tons
Ammo per ton: 10

HIGH EXPLOSIVE (EXPLSV): When triggered, the High Explosive will make the
'Mechs reactor collapse. The result will be an explosion augmented by the
Explosive's own charge, enough to heavily damage even Assault 'Mechs if
triggered at short ranges. Useless in single player, might result useful in
multiplayer for suicide tactics.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 30 meters
Damage: 100
Heat: 0,00
Recycle rate: 2,5 (useless, but it has @_@)
Size: 2
Weight: 2 tons
Ammo per ton: 1

ARTILLERY BEACON (ARTLRY): Used to signal where the artillery pieces (far, far
away from where you are) have to fire. Useless in multiplayer and used only
once in single player.

Technology: Inner Sphere
Range: 360 meters
Damage: 40
Heat: 5
Recycle rate: 6
Size: 1
Weight: 5 tons
Ammo per ton: 2


FERRO FIBROUS ARMOR: Ferro Fibrous armor is the standard armor compound in MW4.
When compared to standard or other compounds, the Ferro Fibrous offer more
points per ton (30) and weight less. Ferro Fibrous armor absorbs all kind of
damages normally, without bonuses on any kind of weapon.

REFLECTIVE ARMOR: Reflective armor is designed to mitigate effects of energy
weapons, roughly halving the damage of lasers and PPCs. It provides 20 points
per ton; it sufferes a small malus when countering balistic and missile weapons.

REACTIVE ARMOR: designed to halve damage of missile weapons, the Reactive armor
provides 20 points per tons; it counters balistic weapons in the same way as
Ferro-Fibrous and has a small malus against energy weapons.

STANDARD INTERNAL STRUCTURE: types of internal structure cannot be changed and
are automatically assigned with a specific 'Mech. The standard compound for
Internal Structures absorbs damage in the same way of Ferro-Fibrous armor,
without any malus but also without any bonus on weight or whatsoever.

ENDO STEEL INTERNAL STRUCTURE: Endo Steel compound weights half than a standard
compound, but is more prone to recieve damage.

ECM and GUARDIAN ECM SUITES: this electronic package is designed to reduce
ranges of enemies' sensors. A unit affected by enemy ECM suites (Guardian is
the Inner Sphere codename, while the Clans use no particular codenames) will be
able to detect units only within 500 meters. One of its side effects is to
decrease slightly missiles' lock time. 'Mechs with heat above the 50% will be
always detected, even if within friendly ECM radius.
Both Suites wieght 1 ton and do not occupy any critical.

ACTIVE and BEAGLE ACTIVE PROBES: the Active Probe (Beagle for the Inner Sphere
and without codenames for the Clans) is designed to enhace the standard 'Mech
sensors. It is capable to greatly decrease missiles' lock time, and capable of
partially breaking ECM "bubble". If ECMs and Active Probes are combined
togheter, the missiles' lock is about 4 seconds. It also increases radar's
maximum range by 200 meters (for a total of 1200 meters).
BAPs are capable of detecting shutdown 'Mechs within 100 meters (or at least
Matthew Shane says this; he also wrote that he tried with one of his
lancemates; I'll have some tests ASAP).
Both Probes wieght 1 ton and do not occupy any critical.

LIGHT AMPLIFICATION: as you might know, night greatly limits visibility. 'Mechs
carry external lights to illuminate the sorrounding environment, but the light
also makes them visible and illuminates only a small area in front of the
'Mech. If a 'Mech mounts Light Amplification equipment it can use it to see
night-shrouded environments without turning on external lights. Useless in any
other kind of condition.
There's no difference between Clan and Inner Sphere Amplification equipment:
both weight 1 ton and do not occupy any critical.

AMS and LASER AMS: AMS stands for Anti Missile System; this sytem will try to
shoot down any incoming missile (Thunderbolt excluded). Standard AMS is in use
in Inner Sphere units and carries a limited supply of rounds, limiting its
effectivness in prolonged battles. Clans developed Laser AMS, a modified Small
Pulse Laser with the tracking equipment of the AMS. Though it doesn't expend
ammo, it generates large amounts of heat; this system is slightly superior to
its Inner Sphere counterpart in shooting down missiles.
Note that the AMSes will shoot down only missiles that have a solid lock on
you, ignoring all other missiles.
Both Systems weight 1.5 tons.

JUMP JETS: though 'Mechs have a relatively humanoid shape and are capable of
entering terrains otherwise impossible for standard vehicles, environments like
cities or mountains can limit their agility. Jump Jets were created to provide
this extra mobility the 'Mechs needed: jump jets can be used to pass buildings,
climb over high, otherwise impossible to reach, surface and to make a more
difficult target during battle. Nearly any light and medium 'Mech has the
possibility to mount jump jets, though only the Mad Cat MkII can mount them in
the assault class.
Jump Jets weight varies from chassis to chassis.


Just a little note: looks like the designer who did the new 'Mechs enjoyed
ancient gods, monsters and angels names. Specs are referrng to 'Mech's original
configs. For guidelines to costumizes them, refer to the appropriate section
and under the appropriate 'Mech.



Mass: 30 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 90 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 5 tons
Maximum Speed: 130 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 1 SRM-6, 5 Medium Lasers, 1 MG Array
Equipment: none
Bays: 3 Beams (2/2/1 Slots), 1 Ballistic (1 Slot), 1 Missile (2 Slots)
Additional Equipment: Light Amplification, Jump Jets (2 tons), AMS

The faster 'Mech in the game, the 30-ton Osiris still packs a good close-range
punch thanks to 5 Medium Lasers, MG Array and a single, but powerful SRM-6
pack. Though its speed will make it suiteable for reconaissance jobs, the lack
of support to ECM and Active Probes will limit its usefulness. A good
fast-response 'Mech, however.


Mass: 35 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 360 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 6.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 100 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 1 NARC Beacon, 2 Small Pulse Laser, 1 Small Laser, 1 LRM 15
Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Guardian ECM Suite, Light Amplification
Bays: 3 Beams (2/1/1 slots), 2 Missile (2/1 slots)
Additional Equipment: Guardian ECM Suite, Beagle Active Probe, Light
Amplification, AMS

Slightly slower than the Osiris, the Raven weights five tons more and supports
all electronic equipment of the game, thoughs it doesn't have Jump Jets. The
Raven is intended as a recon and support 'Mech: the NARC beacon is useful to
direct friendly missile fire.


Mass: 40 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 120 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Reflective, 9 tons
Maximum Speed: 102 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 1 Large Laser, 1 Medium Laser, 1 MRM 20, 1 MG Array
Equipment: none
Bays: 1 Balistic (3 slots), 1 Missile (3 slots), 1 Beam (3 slots)
Additional Equipment: Light Amplification, Jump Jets (3 tons), AMS

A good medium-sized, all-around 'Mech the Chimera. Its weapon bays can accept
all but the bulkiest kind of weapon, making it good enough for both
reconaissance (though it lacks the dedicated equipment) and combat. The main
configuration has its main drawback in the limited ammo supply and accurancy of
the MRM 20, probably the Chimera main weapon and relative lack of other
hard-hitting weapons.


Mass: 45 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 120 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 8 tons
Maximum Speed: 106 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 3 Medium Pulse Lasers, 2 LRM 10s
Equipment: Guardian ECM Suite
Bays: 2 Missiles (2/3 slots), 3 Beams (1/1/1 slot), 3 Ballistic (1/1/1 slot)
Additional Equipment: Guardian ECM Suite, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (3
tons), AMS

I think the Hellspawn is well suited for close-range fightings, though the
presence of a Guardian ECM Suite may turn it into a good sniper, especially
with missiles.
One of te best costumizations I've ever done was a close-range 'Mech, with
three SRM racks and 3 Medium Pulse Lasers.


Mass: 50 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 120 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 8 tons
Maximum Speed: 95 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 1 SRM-6, 2 PPCs, 2 MG Array
Equipment: none
Bays: 1 Missile (2 slots), 2 Balistics (2/2 slots), 2 Beam (3/3 slots)
Additional Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (3
tons), AMS

The cover 'Mech. The Uziel is ideal as a raider thanks to its impressive speed
and manueverability, plus its main weapons, two PPCs.
The backup weapons, a SRM-6 and two MG Array should be removed for more heat
sinks or additional armor.
Upgrading the Uziel is simple: Clan ER PPC, Clan Streak SRM-6, maximum armor
and additional heat sinks in place of the Machine Gun Arrays.


Mass: 55 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 120 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 8.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 85 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 2 Medium Pulse Lasers, 1 LRM 5, 1 LRM 10, 1 AC/10
Equipment: none
Bays: 2 Balistic (3/2 slots), 1 Beam (2 slots), 2 Missile (2/3 slots)
Additional Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Light Amplification, AMS

Realtive rare in this game, the Bushwacker is a medium-weight BattleMech
designed as a fire-support boat for any kind of formation. Twin LRM launchers
and a single AC/10 are enough to produce an hard-hitting rain of long-range
fire that most Inner Sphere 'Mechs could not withstand. However, against the
superior Clan technology the Bushwacker isn't so effective.


Mass: 60 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 120 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Reflective, 12 tons
Maximum Speed: 81 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 1 LRM 10, 1 MG Array, 2 Ultra AC/5s, 2 Medium Lasers
Equipment: none
Bays: 1 Missile (3), 2 Beam (2/2), 1 Balistic (5)
Additional Equipment: Light Amplification

The Argus is different from all other 'Mechs: it is the only to lack any kind
of additional equipment (including AMS) except for the nearly useless Light
Amplification. It is decently fast and protected by a tick Reflective armor,
and can host most beam and missile weapons thanks to its large bays, but the
main weapon of the Argus should be one or two large-bore balistic weapon, as it
can certainly support thanks to it huge balistic port.


Mass: 65 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 100 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Reactive, 12.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 76 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 1 Small Pulse Laser, 2 LRM 20s, 1 Large Laser
Equipment: Light Amplification
Bays: 2 Missile (4/4), 3 Beam (2/2/2)
Additional Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (4
tons), AMS

Where the Argus is prevalently a balistic-based 'Mech and the Awesome an
energy-only machine, the Catapult was especially designed to sport huge missile
bays to carry any launcher existing. This old design also serves in the
Capellan Confederation as fire-support unit were Archers or more expensive
'Mechs lack or are to valuable and probably served as basis for the Clan Mad
Dog OmniMech.
A Catapuilt should be always configured as a long-range fighter, with one ER
Large Laser or equivalent, smaller LRM launchers to support AMS and Active
Probe equipment and Medium/Small Pulse Lasers for close defense.


Mass: 75 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 360 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 12 tons
Maximum Speed: 73 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 1 LB 20-X Scattershot, 4 Medium Pulse Laserss, 1 MRM 40
Equipment: none
Bays: 2 Balistics (2/4 slots), 1 Missile (3 slots), 2 Beams (2/2 slots)
Additional Equipment: Guardian ECM, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (4 tons), AMS

The most distinctive feature of the Thanatos is its capability to twist its
torso in 360 degrees. Though this isn't genereally used, it may become useful
in situation where you'll have to run away from enemies; in its standard congif
the Thanatos is a good medium and short range fighter.
Good complement of optional equipment (ECM and Jump Jets over all) and mix of
bays; the best way to modify a Thanatos is to mount a Gauss Rifle, some lasers
(groups Medium Pulse or standard/ER Medium, or a single standard/ER Large
Laser), one pack of Streak SRM (LRMs if you mounted the Medium Lasers), ECM
Suite and Jump Jets.


Mass: 80 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 80
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 15 tons
Maximum Speed: 75 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 2 SMR 2s, 3 Medium Pulse Lasers, 3 PPCs
Equipment: none
Bays: 4 Beam (3/3/3/2), 1 Missile (2)
Additional Equipment: Light Amplification, AMS

As the original Awesome's profile says, "the only way to counter an Awesome is
with an other Awesome". 3 PPCs and 15 tons of Ferro-Fibrous armor make this
'Mech a very powerful enemy in any environment: deadly at long range thanks to
its PPCs and decent at close ranges due to the Medium Pulse Lasers and SRM
racks. It is also a reasonably fast 'Mech, with a top speed of 75 kph.
The Awesome is well suited for energy weapons: triple ER PPCs, Large Pulse
Lasers or ER Large Lasers, maximum armor, AMS and enough heat sinks to
withstand the extreme temperatures that most variants will produce are the most
obvious choice.


Mass: 90 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 80 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Reactive, 13 tons
Maximum Speed: 65 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 4 Medium Lasers, 4 Ultra AC/2s, 2 LRM-10s
Equipment: none
Bays: 2 Ballistics (3/3/3), 2 Missiles (3/3), 2 Beams (2/2)
Additional Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Light Amplification, AMS

The Mauler is an assault 'Mech particulary good at long range, with its four
Ultra ACs and LRM launchers; the main problem with this configuration is
ammunition dependent: fighting with only 4 Medium Lasers is pretty hard, if not
You can costumize a Mauler in this way: remove all ACs and Lasers and install
two Large Lasers or PPCs, install a Beagle Active Probe and upgrading the LRM
racks. An other possible variantion is to remove the LRM racks, upgrade the
Ultra ACs to a /5 variant and installing two large-caliber laser weapons with
enough heat sinks to handle them.


Mass: 100 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 80 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 18 tons
Maximum Speed: 57 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 3 Small Lasers, 1 Medium Laser, 1 Small Pulse Laser, 1 AMS, 2 PPCs, 2
LRM 10s, 1 Gauss Rifle
Equipment: AMS
Bays: 4 Beam (1/2/4/4 slots), 2 Balistics (4/2 slots), 2 Missiles (2/2 slots)
Additional Equipment: Guardian ECM, Light Amplification, AMS

Aah, the Atlas, or "death-head", as the skull painted over its cockpit shows.
In fact, the Atlas is one of the worst redrawings in this game, though it is a
good all around 'Mech, capable of accepting nearly any kind of weapon. In its
standard config the Atlas is slow but features a number of offensive long-range
weapons plus one AMS and close-range weapons. You can put two PPCs and one
(Light) Gauss Rifle or Ultra ACs combined with missiles plus a Guardian ECM
Suite for maximizing its role as sniper.



Mass: 35 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 140 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 4.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 97 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 2 Clan ER Large Laser, 2 Clan LRM-10, 1 Clan ER Small Laser, 1 Clan ER
Medium Laser
Equipment: Active Probe
Bays: 2 Beams (2/2 slots), 1 Omni (2 slots), 2 Missiles (2/2 slots)
Additional Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Light Amplification, LAMS

The lighest of the Clan 'Mechs, the Cougar is mainly a fast-moving missile
boat. The original version of the Cougar had twin LRM 10s and Large Pulse
Lasers, a configuration impossible to recreate without decrease the engine
rating or the armor.
The most notable characteristic is the total absence of Ballistic bays. There
are two ways to costumize a Cougar: by enhacing its Beam or Missile
capabilities. To maximize the Missile capabilities mount the Active Probe and
remove the 2 Large Lasers, upgrade the Medium Laser to a Pulse version, add an
other, remove the Small Laser and install twin LRM 20s with lots of
ammunitions. The Laser boat can be created with two or three ER Large Lasers
(the latter option will force you to remove any secondary weapon system) and
installing enough heat sinks to manage the heat generated by these weapons.


Mass: 45 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 120 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 9 tons
Maximum Speed: 102 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 1 Clan ER Large Laser, 3 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers, 1 Clan ER Small
Laser, 2 Clan MG Arrays, 1 Clan Strek SRM-6
Equipment: Jump Jets
Bays: 1 Omni (3 slots), 2 Beams (2/2 slots), 1 Ballistic (2 slots), 1 Missile
(3 slots)
Additional Equipment: Beagle Active Probe, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (2
tons), LAMS

The (in)famaous Shadow Cat. Unfortunately the standard version proposed here is
a modified version of A configuration in the BattleTech boardgame. From the
boardgame this Shadow Cat lost one ER Large Laser but gained 2 MG Arrays and
some short and medium range lasers. The main advantage of this configuration is
that it isn't affected by ammo shortages and its incredible agility.
The Shadow Cat has a large Omni bay in its right arm; though this placement is
relatively fragile, the bay can hold almost any Clan weapon, including ER PPCs
and Gauss Rifles. It is also possible to recreate a missile carrier by adding
ECM Suite, Active Probe and two missile launchers to its Omni and Missile bay.
Maximizing its armor it is also a recomended step when configuring a Shadow Cat.


Mass: 60 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 360 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Reactive, 10 tons
Maximum Speed: 85 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 2 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers, 2 Clan LRM 20s, 2 Clan Large Pulse Lasers
Equipment: none
Bays: 2 Missiles (4/4 slots), 2 Beams (3/3 slots), 1 Omni (2 slots)
Additional Equipment: ECM Suite, Light Amplification, LAMS

The Vulture is a fire support 'Mech, and it is one of the few 'Mechs with an
intact weapons load (though with different armor and an awful new aspect). The
accurancy of a Vulture is renowed, thanks to its Pulse Lasers and advanced Clan
The best way to costumize a Vulture is to fully use its missile boat
capabilities, though it might be used as energy weapons boat, by using ECM
Suite and twin LRM 20s (or Thunderbolt launchers) with extra ammo. Downgrading
the LRM launchers and installing PPCs in place of Large and Medium Pulse Lasers
plus extra heat sinks is also suggested.


Mass: 65 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 140 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 9.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 83 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 2 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 2 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers, 2 Clan ER Medium
Lasers, 2 Clan LB 10-Xs, 1 Clan Streak SRM-6
Equipment: ECM Suite, Active Probe, LAMS
Bays: 2 Ballistics (2 slots), 2 Omnis (3/3 slots), 1 Beam (2 slots), 1 Missile
(2 slots)
Additional Equipment: ECM Suite, Active Probe, Light Amplification, LAMS

The sister 'Mech of the heavier Thor, the Loki is a similar 'Mech, though it is
lighter, more additional equipment but no jump jets to mount. It also has
larger Omni bays, all capable to host a Clan ER PPC. In its standard config the
Loki is probably the best all around 'Mech in this game.
The only restriction to costumizing a Loki is your imagination: with three
large Omni bays and other specialized slots, full complement of electronics the
Loki can be costumized as you want.


Mass: 70 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 100 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Reflective, 14 tons
Maximum Speed: 73 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 3 Clan ER Large Lasers, 2 Clan ER PPCs, 1 Clan Small Pulse Laser
Equipment: none
Bays: 4 Beams (3/2/6 slots), 1 Omni (4 slots)
Additional Equipment: Active Probe, Light Amplification, LAMS

Currently the last OmniMech created by Clan Nova Cat and probably its deadlier
invention. MW4's Nova Cat is pratically unchanged from the board-game version,
though it gained one Small Pulse Laser. Costumizing the Nova Cat is relatively
hard, as it can accept nearly only energy weapons, though it has a large Omni
bay in its torso which can be used for large LRM racks to fully use the Active
You can mount 3 large energy weapons (ER PPCs, Pulse and ER Lasers), increasing
its speed a bit and maximizing its armor or using its Omni port to create some
surprises (which can be nasty: you know that you are going to fight a Nova Cat,
so you mount reflective armor, but the Nova Cat engages you with an LB 20-X or
with a rain of missiles...).


Mass: 70 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 360 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 10.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 85 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 2 Clan Ultra AC/5, 4 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 1 Clan MG Array, 1 Clan
LRM 15
Equipment: Light Amplification, Jump Jets
Bays: 3 Omnis (3/1/3 slots), 2 Missile (2/2 slots), 1 Beam (2 slots) and 2
Ballistic (2/2 slots)
Additional Equipment: ECM Suite, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (4 tons), LAMS

The Summoner (or Thor, as it is known in the Inner Sphere) is one of the most
verastile 'Mechs in this game. One of the few heavy 'Mechs able to carry jump
jets, it is also capable to mount a moderate array of optional equipment. It
has a large number of medium-sized Omni bays and a good array other standard
Two or three large-caliber weapons plus an ECM Suite, Jump Jets, LAMS(optional)
and enough heat sinks to handle the weaponry should change this 'Mech into a
real killing machine.


Mass: 75 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 100 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 11.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 85 kph
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 2 Clan ER Large Lasers, 2 Clan ER Medium Lasers, 2 Clan LRM-20s, 2
Clan Medium Pulse Lasers, 2 Clan MG Arrays
Equipment: none
Bays: 2 Missiles (3/3 slots), 2 Omnis (2/2 slots), 2 Beams (4/2 slots)
Additional Equipment: Active Probe, Light Amplification, LAMS

The (in)famous Timber Wolf, or Mad Cat, as the Inner Sphere codenamed it. This
'Mech is a formidable blend of speed and firepower, and it is a nasty opponent
for every kind of 'Mech; in its primary config the Mad Cat provides serious
long-range firepower with its twin ER Large Lasers and LRM 20s; its firepower
is supplemented at medium ranges with a powerful array of twin ER and Pulse
Medium Lasers. As these weapons produce large amounts of heat, the two MG
Arrays can be used to discourage enemies until the heat sinks flush the
excessive heat.
The TimberWolf can be turned in a missile boat thanks to its missile ports and
the possibility to use an Active Probe; other configs I like features twin ER
PPCs and four Clan Medium Pulse Lasers or ER Medium Lasers with enough heat
sinks to use this weaponry.
The MechCommander/MechCommander 2 version of the Timber Wolf, with twin PPCs
and large LRM racks is also deadly at long ranges. Active Probes will be a fine
addition for such a variant.
Unfortunately it is impossible to mount jump jets.


Mass: 90 tons
Internal Structure: Endo Steel
Torso Twist: 80 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 13.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 73 kph
Jump Jets: yes
Weapons: 2 Clan Gauss Rifles, 2 Clan LRM 10s, 3 Clan ER Medium Lasers
Equipment: Jump Jets
Bays: 2 Missiles (3 each), 3 Balistics (3/3/2 slots), 2 Omnis (2/2 slots), 1
Beam (2 slots)
Additional Equipment: Active Probe, Light Amplification, Jump Jets (6 tons),

The only brand-new Clan 'Mech. The Mad Cat MkII is bigger and deadlier than its
smaller cousin, though is turned toward ballistic weapons; the standard
configuration is slower than the Mad Cat but faster than most assault 'Mechs,
and it has jump jets to enhace its agility. Its main role is fire support,
where the combined firepower of the twin Gauss Rifles and LRM 10s can literally
scrap assault-class 'Mechs.
It is the 'Mech with the best standard configuration, IMO. You can remove the
Gauss Rifles to install two ER Large Lasers with small caliber ACs or LRMs or
upgrade the LRM launchers plus an Active Probe and some Medium (ER or Pulse
versions) Lasers. The Jump Jets should be kept in any config.


Mass: 100 tons
Internal Structure: standard
Torso Twist: 80 degrees
Armor Type and Tonnage: Ferro Fibrous, 14.5 tons
Maximum Speed: 51
Jump Jets: none
Weapons: 4 Clan ER Large Lasers, 4 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers, 2 Clan Ultra
AC/5s, 2 Clan MG Array, 1 Clan LRM 10
Equipment: none
Bays: 1 Missile (2 slots), 2 Beams (2 slots), 3 Omnis (2/2/4), 2 Balistic (3/3
Additional Equipment: Light Amplification, LAMS

Daishi. In Japanese this term could be translated as "Great Death". The Dire
Wolf is fast (mhmm...slow) as an Atlas, but Clan technology almost double to
space where to mount weapons. The 4 ER Large Lasers can alone destroy any enemy
a Dire Wolf encounters, but this impressive firepower is supplemented by 4
Medium Pulse Lasers and 2 Clan Ultra AC/5. The LRM 10 provides also some
indirect-fire capability and the MG Arrays can be used when heat reaches
unbearable levels.
The simplest way to costumize a Dire Wolf is to remove all except the Large
Lasers, add extra heat sinks and increasing the engine rating, at least to 60
kph. The Dire Wolf is primary a laser-dependent 'Mech, though the Omni bays can
be used for large caliber ballistic weapons.
The Dire Wolf can mount only Laser AMS and Light Amplification as extra
equipment; the AMS is pratically superflous for the large amounts of armor the
'Mech carries, while the Light Amplification system can be useful during night


Unlike all other MW games (mhmm...MechCommander and MechCommander 2 excluded,
IMO) MW4 has a large variety of vehicles, including ground, water and air
threats; there are also DropShips there...
For Ground vehicles: tracked and wheeled vehicles cannot cross water and their
speed is reduced when climbing hills, but they gain a bonus when travelling on
concrete. Hovercrafts, on the other hand, can cross any kind of water and do
not lose speed when climbing, but they do not gain any bonus when on concrete.
Of course, air targets ignore the underlying terrain. VTOLs and spheroid
Dropships can hover.
Vessels cannot travel on land.



Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: 10
Body constitution value: 10
Maximum Speed: 18 kph
Weapons: 1 SRM 4, 1 Large Laser

The most common vehicle. Fast and decently armored, Bulldogs will often act in
groups to swarm a single target. They prefer to use their Large Lasers instead
of the SRMs.


Type: hover
Turret constitution value: 4
Body constitution value: 4
Maximum Speed: 24 kph
Weapons: 1 Medium Laser, 1 AC/5

Not as fast as an Harasser, but clearly superior. It features a good armor
protection with a good complement of a single long range weapon and a
medium-range laser.


Type: hover
Turret constitution value: 1
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: 27 kph
Weapons: SRM 6

Faster than the heavier Condor, but less armored and armed, though its
firepower is superior to the Condor's in close quarters.


Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: 10
Body constitution value: 10
Maximum Speed: 15 kph
Weapons: SKUD missile

A large caterpillar vehicle carrying a big artillery missile. It needs to stop
in order to fire and expect at least one Artillery Loader along with it.
Totally defenseless, the Scud Launcher (and the Artillery Loader, which has the
same stats of the Scud Launcher) is often guarded by other units.


Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: 10
Body constitution value: 10
Maximum Speed: 15 kph
Weapons: none

A large tracked vehicle carrying ammunition for the SKUD launcher. Totally
defenseless and slow-moving.


Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: 1
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: 15 kph
Weapons: 2 LRM 20s

The LRM Carrier and its short-range cousin, the SRM Carrier are tanks
especially designed to fire barrages of missiles. Probably the LRM Carrier is
the deadlier of the two because it usually sits on ridges or behind obstacles
and start hammering you and your allies with accurate LRM fire. The best way to
deal with them is to close or take out from long range before the rain starts.


Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: 1
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: 15 kph
Weapons: 3 SRM 6s

Basically it's a LRM Carrier with SRM Racks instead of the LRM ones. Usually
deployed in cities or on broken terrains to support 'Mechs with additional
short-range punch.


Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: 4
Body constitution value: 4
Maximum Speed: 23 kph
Weapons: 1 AC/5, 1 Machine Gun

A blocky and sturdy tank with a long-range, small-caliber gun. In groups can
pose a threat. More a nuissance than a threat if alone or in couple, though the
tick armor might be irritating.


Type: wheeled
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: about 50 kph
Weapons: none

A fast wheeled vehicle with a radar trnasciever on its back used for
reconaissance. Totally unarmed and very easy to take down.


Type: wheeled
Turret Constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: about 30 kph
Weapons: none

The littler brother of the Swiftwind.


Type: wheeled
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 4
Maximum Speed: about 30 kph
Weapons: 2 Medium Lasers or 2 Machine Gun Arrays

Though it is an APC, you won't see men coming out from it, though its double
Machine Gun Arrays or Medium Lasers might pose a threat to light 'Mechs if
there are more than 5 APCs in the area.


Type: tracked
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 2
Maximum Speed: about 30 kph
Weapons: none

Mobile Turret Controls are used to control Mobile Turrets (see below). Totalyy
unarmed and poorly armored. Once destroyed, all Mobile Turrets under its
control will immediately shut down.


Type: wheeled
Turret Constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: about 30 kph
Weapons: none

When struck by fire, this truck will explode, so pay attention.



Type: airplane
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: 55 kph
Weapons: bombs

I know, the manual says Chippewa, but the game says Shilone, so for me is a
Shilone (though Shilones are usually employed by house Kurita and Chippewas by
house Steiner) fact, nothing more than a sitting duck. Any average pilot
should be able to destroy it with a single shot. Shilones tend to ignore you
while they concentrate their bombs on targets you have to defend. All flying
crafts when destroyed will crash to the ground. Even if one of them hits you on
your head, it won't damage you, nor the small explosion will.


Type: VTOL airplane
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: 35 kph
Weapons: 2 Medium Lasers

An other sitting duck; slower but smaller than a Shilone, Nightshades will
attack you; however, they can be easily took out with long-range fire.


Type: helicopter
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 1
Maximum Speed: 35 kph
Weapons: 1 SRM 2

The easiest way to deal with Peregrines is to target their rotors. One hit and
they will crash, as with all others flying crafts.


Type: Spheroid DropShip
Turret constitution value: unknown
Body constitution value: unknown
Maximum Speed: unknown
Weapons: 4 PPCs, 4 Large Lasers, 4 Gauss Rifles

A Spheroid dropship with lot of firepower. Hrothgar Dropships, aside of their
unspellable names, tend to target you with Gauss Rifles and Lasers, keeping the
PPCs for protection during lift-offs. The easiest way to destroy a Hrothgar is
to target it from long range, on an elevated position, so that the DropShip
won't be able to fire its guns, positioned in the middle of its chassis, or
behind the gantry of the landing pad (if any).


Type: Aerodyne DropShip
Turret constitution value: unknown
Body constitution value: unknown
Maximum Speed: unknown
Weapons: 4 Large Lasers, 4 ER Large Lasers, 3 LRM 10s

Your Dropship. You won't have to engage one in combat.



Type: small ship
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 2
Maximum Speed: about 40 kph
Weapons: 1 Ultra AC/5 or Large Laser

A small, fast boat armed with an Ultra AC/5 or a Large Laser. It won't pose a
big problem, even if they engage in groups.


Type: battleship
Turret constitution value: none
Body constitution value: 10
Maximum Speed: about 15 kph
Weapons: 2 LRM 20s, 4 Long Toms

Big, slow-moving, heavily armed and armored. If your 'Mech has an AMS/LAMS they
won't be a big problem, especially if you keep circling around them. Though
they have Long Toms, they prefer to fire LRMs; also, their shots with Long Toms
are highly inaccurate, and often tend to target fixed targets with them.



Type: fixed heavy turret
Body constitution value: 5
Weapons: 2 LRM 15s, 2 Clan ER Medium Pulse Laser

The Calliope Turret is especially designed to take out threats at long range.
It is heavily armored and pretty accurate when firing the LRMs. It is slightly
less efficent with the single Laser, but it is still dangerous. Try to take out
with massed long-range fire or quickly close distances. All fixed turrets are
controlled by to buildings, a Turret Control and a Power Generator, though
probably you'll notice this after the turrets are destroyed. Once one of those
buildings is down, all turrets linked to them won't work anymore.


Type: fixed heavy turret
Body constitution value: 3
Weapons: 1 or 2 Medium Lasers or 1 LRM 10

A small turret with a single or twin Medium Lasers. Dangerous at close range if
there are many of them. As with Calliope Turrets, Laser Turrets are controlled
by a Turret Control and a Power Generator. The LRM Turret might be more
dangerous thanks to its long-range fire abilities.


Type: mobile field turret
Body constitution value: 2
Weapons: 1 Ultra AC/5 or AC/5

Independent movable turrets with small-caliber ACs. They do not rely on Power
Generators, but are nonetheless controlled by a Mobile Turret Control which
works in the same way as the fixed Turret Control building.


Type: fixed outpost
Body Constitution value: 5
Weapons: 1 Clan ER Medium Pulse Laser or 1 Clan ER Medium Laser

Small outposts with a single laser turret. They aren't very dangerous, but have
an armor roughly equal to a Calliope Turret's one.


Aside from their bare skills, each pilot has various tendencies in his or her
fighting style. Try to compensate your weaknesses with your lancemates'
strenghts: for example, if your are prevalently a sniper (as I am), carrying
Casey with you is pretty useless; also, when considering the two initial
lancemates, Jen is clearly superior.

Usable From: op2m1
Initial Gunnery Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Piloting Skill: 8 (5/6 of the bar)
Initial Sensor Skill: 8.5 (7/8 of the bar)
Initial Blind Fight Skill: 6.5 (3/4 of the bar)

Jen likes stealth attacks: she will be very happy to pilot a 'Mech with ECM
Suites and rely on passive sensors to surprise the enemies with short-range
strikes, though she can handle long-range weapons.

Usable From: op2m1
Initial Gunnery Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Piloting Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Sensor Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Blind Fight Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)

The archetype of the Veteran pilot in the Instant Action menu. He likes
long-range weapons and tend to flood the radio channel with useless (but
sometime funny) chat.

Usable From: op2m4
Initial Gunnery Skill: 7 (4/5 of the bar)
Initial Piloting Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Sensor Skill: 5.5 (3/5 of the bar)
Initial Blind Fight Skill: 8.5 (7/8 of the bar)

The pilot that accompanied your uncle during the first drop on Kentares. He is
a very competent pilot with high starting skills. He is very aggresive and
likes nightfights.

Usable From: op4m6
Initial Gunnery Skill: 7.5 (6/7 of the bar)
Initial Piloting Skill: 9 (9/10 of the bar)
Initial Sensor Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Blind Fight Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)

An other aggressive pilot, this time someone that finds short-range combat the
best way to deal with an enemy.

Usable From: op6m3
Initial Gunnery Skill: 9 (8/9 of the bar)
Initial Piloting Skill: 8.5 (5/6 of the bar)
Initial Sensor Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)
Initial Blind Fight Skill: 5 (1/2 of the bar)

A very competent pilot, adept to urban fights and night operations.
Unfortunately he'll be available for only the last two missions.


MW4 is very different from the previous MechWarrior products in costumizing
'Mechs; thanks, or better, due to the brand-new (and immediately ignored in
MC2) bay system, not all 'Mechs can support all weapons, even if they have
enough tonnage to devote to them; this applies also to ECM Suites, Active
Probes and Jump Jets; Light Amplification can be installed on all 'Mechs as AMS
can be (though the Argus does not support any kind of AMS system), though the
base technlogy of the chassis (Inner Sphere or Clan) will determine the type of
System installed: Inner Spherian have standard projectile AMSes, while Clans
have Laser AMS. They both have the same weight and roughly the same
performances, the only thing changegd is the name.
Returning to equipment, remember that ECM reduce by half the ranges of any
enemy within the radar's range and Active Probes will increase the radar range
by 200 meters. Also, these two equipment will reduce missile-lock on times.
Missile boats should always have at least the Active Probe. Light Amplification
is pretty useless (as the spotlight all 'Mechs mount but that's an other
story...) and Jump Jets can improve sniping abilities of a 'Mech, though they
are pratically useless in urban terrain (but not in field bases, where they
allow you jump over small buildings); jump distance is equal for all 'Mechs
(roughly 150 meters) and always mounted in the rear torso.
All these equipment, like engine, gyro, arm or leg actuators, cockpit and any
other part of the 'Mech (aside weapons) cannot be destroyed by weapon fire.
Talking about armor, I always carry maximum Ferro-Fibrous armor, with few
points on Legs and Arms to free a full ton of space. Other armors will weight
more as they provide less point per ton, but are specialized in repel some
attacks: Reflective armor dissipates damage by energy weapons and Reactive
Armor missile weapons; these armors have a small malus when dealing with damage
caused by other kinds of weapons.
About weapons: first decide what kind of weapons you are going to use (this
will also spell what kind of engagement you are planning: PPCs at close range
might be fine, but what about LBX ACs?), then the base chassis. For example,
there's only an handful of 'Mechs capable of mounting three PPCs (or only
one...BTW, the Nova Cat surely can), but most have enough space for an ER or
Pulse Large Laser. Also, Gauss Rifles can be carried by most 'Mechs, though
they are heavier than PPCs and are ammo dependent. Also remember to carefully
balance the weapons load: weapons with slow recharge rates are good for
snipers, but close-ranged fighters will find more confortable Pulse Lasers, ACs
or SRMs.
When you are going to use energy weapons (especially in hot environments)
remember to install enough heat sinks to at least the heat efficency bar at
50%: this will grant you some "autonomy" before holding fire to have the 'Mech
cool down, though a full bar is always reccomended, even with ballistic weapons
(rember that large caliber cannons generate large amounts of heat).
For ammunition-based weapons be sure to mount at least one extra ton of ammo,
especially if you will fight with them as main weapons and with Gauss Rifles
and large-caliber ACs, they tend to heat ammos at allarming rates.
Remember that Omni bays can accept all weapons wind but only few 'Mechs have
bays large enough to accomodate all weapons (for example the Dire Wolf and the
Shadow Cat). Most tend to be 2 or 2 slots -large, enough to accomodate only
Large Lasers or medium caliber ACs.


Let's begin with the gameplay differences ('Mech lab differencies has been
covered in the previous section) between MW4 and MW3. In MW3 cutting off a leg
from a 'Mech would have resulted in the 'Mech without the leg beign immediately
destroyed; this was quite frustating and before the release of the patches it
was quite simple to detroy a 'Mech with a Small Laser boat. Also, hard-hitting
weapons (especially missiles and LB-X Acs) tended to knock down 'Mechs very
easily. In MW4 a 'Mech can be knocked down; however to knock down a
light/medium 'Mech you'll need a very power shot: Cougars and alike can be
downed with a twin LB-20X strike at their Center Torso or with more powerful
attacks on their entire torso; Shadow Cats and alike can be knocked down only
with devastating shots to their torsos (triple PPCs/Gauss/LB 20-X assaults).
I've never seen top-heavy medium, heavy or assault 'Mech knocked down. Knocked
down 'Mechs can fire as long targets are within weapons range and arc.
Legs are undestroyable. Well, it is possible to disable a leg by destroying its
armor and internal structure, but the limb will remain with the 'Mech, strongly
reducing its speed (about 10 kp/h, for all 'Mechs); I've seen only one leg
totally blown off, during a single player Master Trial (in the Instant Action
menu); I was on a Shadow Cat and a 'Mech took away my right leg; the 'Mech
stopped completely: it was impossible to move, but possible to turn around. I
do not know if it was a bug or something, but that's the first and only time I
saw a leg blown off. Arms and Missile racks can be destroyed (or blown off) by
destroying their armor and internal structure.
Also, heat management has changed; a 'Mech with, for example a Clan ER PPC and
4 Clan ER Large Lasers and a green heat capacity bar WILL NOT overheat in any
way (except for external factors, like high temperatures or Flamers). This
means that you can fire whatever weapon you want if you have a green bar; also,
'Mechs with red or yellow bars (I strongly reccomend not to deploy 'Mechs with
heat bars below the half) will overheat only after a certain number of attacks:
for example, a Mad Cat with twin Clan ER PPCs and 4 Clan ER Medium Lasers will
overheat only if it fires its PPCs and Lasers twice or three times
Like MW3, extreme heat will affect your movement capabilities (you'll slow down
a bit) and will make your cockpit inaccurate, just like a PPC hit.
When engaging 'Mechs, always go for their heads; scoring an head hit is very
difficult, as it is to destroy a 'Mech's head with a single salvo (even 4 Clan
ER Large Lasers won't destroy a Daishi's head), however, in all 'Mechs (Thor
excluded, anyway), the head is always on the center torso; destroying the
center torso (armor and internal structure) is the only way to destroy a 'Mech.
All enemies will surely go for your center torso, so try to keep mobile to
avoid destruction. Legs will affect mobility, arms and missile racks weapon
load and lateral torsos weapons. When the armor is gone, damage will pass top
the internal structure; each shot at the internal structure of a 'Mech will
have a chance to destroy the weapons in it (there are no other critical hits in
MW4, just like MW3...MW2 is still unsurpassed on this point); when a location's
internal structure is gone, the location and all weapons in it will be
destroyed. When a location has its internal structure damaged, it will begin to
smoke. Smoke from center torso and other torso sections will generally TOTALLY
obscure line of sight when moving backward.
Vehicles are an other matter; VTOLs and aircrafts need only a direct hit to
their hull to make them crash, while other vehicles will take more punishment
before being destroyed. When targeting a vehicle, always go for the turret,
which is roughly the equivalent of a 'Mech's head. When a ground vehicle has
been hit pretty bad blue lights will begin to come out from it, meaning that
it's going to explode. It will take some time, but it will always explode.
DropShips and Destroyers do not have this drawback. Any kind of vehicle (even
DropShips or Destroyers) do not have a critical table, so or they are
destroyed, or they will continue firing.
Sensors are useful, but must be used carefully; when you are alone and the zone
is filled by enemies, or your target is a sitting duck, but heavily defended,
passive radars and ECM Suites will help you to pass undetected; Active Probes
will also increase your scanning range by 200 meters, while keeping your sensor
profile the same.
When a 'Mech, a fuel depot, a DropShip and any other thing that can explode
will be destroyed, they will generate a small explosion. Fuel depots are
generally the most destructive, and they will also add high amount of heat to
your 'Mech, usually forcing you to use the coolant or to shutdown your 'Mech.
'Mech explosions are similar to fuel explosions though they will allocate less
damage and heat. DropShip explosions will only allocate damage. Also, extra
heat will be added if you fire LRMs too near to your target, so do not close if
you are piloting a LRM boat.
After having spoke about damages, let's speak about repairs; at the end of each
mission your 'Mech will be automatically repaired; this includes both weapons
and armor, no weapon in your inventory will be removed to replace a damaged one
as it will be repaired for free. During missions, however, you'll might a
chance (or necessity) to repair: this can be done in 'Mech Repair Facilities in
the mission area. Not all missions have a Repair Facility, and sometime they
are concealed between buildings or by limited visibility. However, Repair
Facilities are usually located in large explanades and/or near small outposts
and/or where 'Mechs unexpectedly powered up. All bases containing 'Mechs will
have at least one of these Facilities.
There isn't only one kind of Repair Facility: the most common is a red building
with two armored doors that allow a 'Mech to enter from one side and exit from
the other one. This is also the hardest to use: you'll have to enter the base
at moderate speeds (I usually hit the "2" speed trigger, this will make the
'Mech automatically shutdown when in position), then hit the shutdown button
("S", as per standard keyboard layout) while you are in the base; this is
difficult because the 'Mech won't stop automatically, it will proceed straight,
ignoring all your commands (shutdown excluded) until you are 50 meters away
from the structure. This is quite irritating as you will be an easy prey for
Other Repair strucuters are more easily usable: they are both composed of three
walls and one single entrance and do not require too much job for obtaining a
repair. Just walk inside the walls and hit the shutdown key. Then you'll have
to manually walk away from the structure at any speed you want.
Repair Facilities always repair your while armor but will not replace destroyed
weapons and limbs.


When the game came out I've planned to fight on the net, but for PC and
stability problems (later corrected with the 2.0 patch) I never played the
game...I feel that now it is too late to begin to play this game only, so I
assume that the two previous sections should be complete enough to satisfy your


The game has been finished with a Regular difficulty setting, with patch 2.0.
In more challenging modes, the enemies and objectives will remain the same,
though the enemy gunnery skill will be greatly increased.
Battle salvage is fixed for all missions, both weapons and 'Mechs. A
salvageable 'Mech has the reactor intact; if your lancemates eject, probably
the 'Mech will be salvageable; if it explodes, the lancemate will die and the
'Mech will not be salvageable.
You always start with a Shadowcat.



Terrain Type: lunar
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All 3 Communication Towers
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Escaping Units
Lancemates: none
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 0
Independent allies: Cougar (Sir Peter), Cougar (Casey Nolan)
'Mech Configuration: none

Steiner forces, after Katrina Steiner declared the Lyran part of the Federated
Commonwealth "free", started a series of raids on several planets to sieze any
pro-Davion sentiment. Kentares IV, your home planet, is one of those. You were
away to fight against the Clans and you family died trying to save the planet
from Steiner grasps. Not bad enough, one of your cousins, William allied with
the occupying forces and started to rule the planet.
The first thing to do is to cripple Steiner transport and communication
facilities on Kentares IV's moon.

This mission is pretty easy. The two Cougars in front of you will be very
active in this mission; however, the Relay Station is defended only by light
vehicles, so it won't be to difficult to take it over. Proceed straight until
you seen the first enemy vehicles (should be 3 SRM Carriers). Take them out
from long/medium range, then go on the hills circling the base and take out the
four LRM Turrets positioned in each angle before they start to fire, then help
your lancemates in destroying the remaining vehicles.
The tactical officer will warn you that Steiner personnel is trying to evacuate
the base: take out any APC and Transport Vehicle, even if they are powered
down, then continue to destroy enemy vehicles. Once they are all gone,
concentrate on the three Communication Towers; they'll need some shots to come
down, but aren't excessively armored.


Terrain Type: lunar
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Enemies at Nav Alpha
+ Destroy All Enemies at Nav Beta
Lancemates: none
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 0
Independent allies: Cougar (Jules Gonzales)
'Mech Configuration: none

Before moving to destroy Steiner DropShips to cripple their mobility, you have
to destroy mobile Artillery untis that are threating your base on the moon.
You will have a very limited access to Steiner communications.

Head toward Nav Alpha: Gonzales will point out that the first convoy is
escorted by a 'Mech, an Osiris; you first 'Mech to 'Mech fight in this
campaign! The Osiris should be an easy pray of concentrated fire; while you
engage the Osiris, Gonzales will go after the convoy; as the 'Mech is downed,
help him: destroy the 4 Vedettes first, then go for the two Swiftwinds, for the
two Fuel Trucks then for the SCUD launcher.
After all enemies are gone, Gonzales will signal additional enemies at Nav
Point Beta. Ignore the road and cross the mountains to reach the Nav Point: the
convoy features a single SCUD launcher, 2 SRM Carriers and 2 Artillery Loaders.
Also, a second Osiris is awaiting, shutted down, in the mountains: by coming
from there you should be able to score few "free" hits while the 'Mech is still
Destroy the Osiris, then go for the Convoy.


Terrain Type: lunar
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Steiner DropShips
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Steiner APUs
Lancemates: none
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 0
Independent allies: Hellspawn (Sir Peter), 3 Swiftwinds.
'Mech Configuration: none

Gonzales contacts you to congratulate for the succesful mission, but warns you
that this is only the beginning, and all missions will be that easy. Casey also
reports that people on Kentares IV are starting to revolt: a pirate broadcast
tells that the Steiner forces are not as strong they want to make believe, and
several of their installations on the moon are already destroyed.

This mission is going to be though: you have to take down three powered down
DropShips. They are powered down, but as you uncle Peter says, if they power
up, they will begin to fire. To slow down powering up procedures (and take
off), take out the APUs near each DropShip and ignore gantries.
Begin to travel toward Nav Alpha, where the first DropShip is. You should be
able to score one or two long-range shots from your Large Laser while reaching
the target on the DropShip itself or on the first APU. Each DropShip as 3 APUs:
it is higgly recomended to destroy them as their explosion will damage the
DropShip too, then go for the DropShip engines to maximize damage; be sure to
stay away from the DropShips at least 200 meters, or their explosion will
damage you.
The area is heavily defended: two Osiris are patrolling the area, plus some
Vedettes (your uncle will take care of them) and 2 Laser Turrets near each
Ignore everything and destroy the first DropShip, then go for the two Osirises.
Ignore the Laser Turrets, they aren't good marksmen, and you can always step on
them to cause some damage.
Now go for the DropShip at Nav Beta: destroy the APUs and then the DropShip,
and repeat for the DropShip at Nav Gamma.
Mission accomplished. Steiner forces won't be able to move large groups of
reinforcements from the moon to Kentares IV or to stage long-range movements
anymore. Uncle Peter says that fighting along you was an honor.


Terrain Type: lunar
Primary Objectives:
+ Defend The APUs while the DropShip Powers Up
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Hostile Units to Clear for Take Off
Lancemates: none
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 0
Independent allies: Shadow Cat (Casey Nolan), Hellspawn (Jen McQuarrie)
'Mech Configuration: none

You command succeded in capturing some Steiner communcations: you now know the
face of your enemies; it also looks like that they do not work well together,
and some Steiner forces are headed toward yourbase; for this reason, Sir Peter
and Gonzales will board the first DropShip and travel to Kentares before
scheduled. You, Casey and Jen will remain to protect the boarding of supplies
on the second DropShip.

Immediately engage the forces on your left: destroy the 2 LRM Carriers and the
Bulldog, then head toward the montains south of your position to destroy a
second Bulldog.
Now help Casey and Jen in destroying the remaining forces; all vehicles should
be gone by now (however, there are some SRM Carriers and Vedettes), but the
enemy 'Mechs are still active: engage whichever you see first: there are an
Hellspawn, an Osiris and a Shadow Cat.
After they are gone, you will be ready to take off.



Terrain Type: tundra
Primary Objectives:
+ Scout Nav Point Alpha
+ Scout Nav Point Beta
+ Scout Nav Point Gamma
+ Destroy All Combat Units Encounteres
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 1
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: teorically none, though reconfiguring your Shadow Cat with
hard-hitting weapons, like a Gauss Rifle in place of your ER Large Laser.

Jen and Casey contact you: she wants to apologize for her performance in the
previous mission, defensive missions are not her strong suit. Casey wants you
to know that he's a long-range sniper and suggests that all lancemates should
begin to fight from long-range. This mission is to secure the Drop Zone (DZ)
and avoid preliminar detection.
This mission is simple; be sure to carry a lancemate, you'll need some
additional firepower. Just follow the Nav sequence (Alpha, Beta and finally
Gamma) and destroy everything encountered.
Nav Alpha is protected by a Bulldog, 4 Peregrines and 2 Ravens; order your
lancemate to take care of the vehicles while you take down the Ravens.
Nav Beta is protected by 3 Bulldogs and a Cougar, plus two Twin-Medium Laser
turrets. Engage the Cougar while our lancemate takes care of the remaining
Nav Gamma is protected only by 3 Bulldogs.


Terrain Type: tundra
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy Main Base Defenders
+ Destroy Communication Station Before They Radio for Help
(+ Insure Allied Swiftwinds Arrive and Cargo Helicopters Escape)
Secondary Objectives:
(+ Destroy Any Assets Helpful to Steiner)
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 1
Independent allies: 3 Swiftwinds
'Mech Configuration: Assign your lancemate a Cougar; consider carrying a Gauss
Rifle and Reactive armor. For this mission, AMS and at least one long-range
weapon is a must.

Sir Peter contacts you, after a long time under radio silence as he is avoiding
heavy Steiner forces. Jen says that she was trained in using passive sensors
and ECM to strike enemies at close range when they do not even know you are
there. Also, you intercepted Steiner comms between Castro and the one who
killed your father; Castro assumes you are on planet and requests 3 full
companies to hunt you down.
Head directly toward Nav Alpha; for now, go to passive sensors. Once you've
reached the Station, be sure to take it out as quickly as possible: if they
radio for help, this mission will be harder. The weakest part of the Station is
the antenna, two Gauss or Large Laser shots will take it out.
Now proceed to Nav Beta and follow the Nav sequence to Nav Delta; if you want,
you may now pass to active sensors; during your navigation, two Peregrines will
enter the area from Nav Alpha: be sure to take the down now, then return on
your path and after Nav Delta proceed toward Nav Epsilon, where Steiner forces
have a small field base with various hangars and repair facilites. This base is
well defended by 3 Calliope Turrets, 6 Peregrines and two active 'Mechs, a
Cougar and a Catapult, and patrols are scouting the sorroundings, so be quick
and hit hard.
Once you are at Nav Delta (and if you have active sensors) you should be able
to pick up the first Calliope Turret, on a mountain at your left: order you
lancemate to take it down: he/she will sprint forward, drawing fire: proceed
slowly and help your lancemate with long-range fire. Then target the second
Calliope Turret and repeat the attack procedure.
Now order your lancemate to form on you and take out the Peregrines before
attacking the 'Mechs.
I suggest to concentrate fire on a 'Mech at once: destroy the Catapult first
(as usual, order your lancemate to attack, and support him/her from afar), then
go for the Cougar.
If you did well, you'll have some time to repair your and your lancemate 'Mechs
before the patrols arrive; the repair facilites are at Nav Epsilon; there are
six facilities, just approach one and shutdwon your 'Mech. If when you power up
and the patrols aren't there yet, take out the third Calliope Turret.
The patrols are two, each formed by a single 'Mech: the first is a Cougar, from
the right side of the map, the second an Hellspawn, from Nav Epsilon.
Concentrate fire once more and watch your infantry secure the Steiner supplies.
If the Comm Station radioed for help, the mission objectives will change: the
Swiftwinds will try to deliver pilots to some Cargo 'Copters at the Steiner
Base and you will have to protect them. Ignore the Station and head directly
toward Nav Zeta: expect all 'Mechs, vehicles and Turrets active and after the
Swiftwinds, so begin to take down smaller targets first.


Terrain Type: tundra
Primary Objectives:
+ Link Up with Technicians
+ Escort the APCs Across the Bridge at Nav Beta
+ Destroy the Southern Bridge
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 1
Independent allies: Shadow Cat (Jules Gonzales), 3 APCs
'Mech Configuration: Assign your lancemate a Shadow Cat and take a modified
Catapult, configured with small LRM launchers and large-caliber Lasers. A
larger enegine will also be fine.

Casey contacts you first: he wishes to evaluate your performance, and give syou
a 7, maybe an 8 (he awards himself a 9, though I usually use Jen...oh well...).
On the other side, you cousin William offered assistance to captain Burke to
hunt you down. Burke is an animal that slaughteres hundreds in the Clan Wars.
Sir Peter contacts you: Steiner forces are in full alert and will run silent
for a while. Also, your Chief Technician debriefes you on the Bombast Laser, an
advanced energy weapon with the best damage-to-ton ratio ever existed. Casey
recalls you, and request some action; however, you cannot risk to reveal your
correct position. You also recieve a distress call from Gonzales: he and
additional techs are pined down and Sir Peter lost contact.
Immediately head toward Nav Alpha, where Gonzales (piloting a Shadow Cat) and
the techs (in three unarmed APCs) are, sorrounded by approaching Steiner units.
During your navigation, you'll notice a small camp with three Condors plus two
'Mechs (an Uziel and a Hellspawn) and three Bulldogs approaching Nav Alpha.
Quickly destroy the Condors from long range, then order your lancemate to
engage one 'Mech while you take out the other, then engage the Bulldogs.
Once these threats are gone, order your lancemate to reach Nav Alpha: he/she
should detect four Mobile Turrets: have him/her destroy them and if he/she
needs, give him/her help.
Reach the convoy: Gonzales will stay with the convoy providing short-range
defense, while you will scout the sorroundings for enemies. The convoy will
follow an imaginary road between the small hills to Nav Beta, where a bridge
is. Prepare yourself to hit hard any opponents and then rush toward an other.
The first enemy you'll encounter will be an Hellspawn. Concentrate fire, then
be prepared to engage five Peregrines; a second Hellspawn and 2 SRM Carriers
will show up shortly after.
Next, two Ravens and three SRM Carriers will go after the convoy: order your
lancemate to destroy the SRM Carriers while you engage one Raven; the second
Raven should be destroyed by Gonzales; if he needs help, however, engage the
Raven in forces.
A Uziel will show up, probably when the Ravens are still active. Be sure to
have at least one of your allies after it (remember, Gonzales will not stop to
engage enemies, he will escort the convoy on the other side of the bridge) and
once the Ravens are gone, engage it too.
Now cross the bridge and destroy it.


Terrain Type: tundra
Primary Objectives:
+ Clear Way to Control Central for Technicians
+ Defend Control Center and Technicians
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 2
Independent allies: Bulldog, 3 Transport Trucks
'Mech Configuration: the same version of the Catapult you used in the previous
mission will work fine. Be sure to have maximum armor.

Gonzales reports that Sir Peter split up after they were under attack by two
lances of Steiner 'Mechs, and had no news on him since.
Burke also broadcasted in all area a message that announces the death of Sir
Peter at his hands, and says that the Satellite Control is a too obvious
target. Jen and Casey wants to immediately fight back, but Gonzales objects
that your objective is to free Kentares.
The convoy will wait until all defenders are down, then will travel to the base
and capture it.
The first line of defense is at Nav Alpha: there are a Laser Turret, 3 SRM
Carriers, a Bushwacker and an Uziel. Take out the Turrets and the vehicles
first, then destroy the two 'Mechs: have your lancemates destroy the Uziel
while you destroy the Bushwacker.
Now move to Nav Beta: destroy the Uziel and ignore the two Calliope Turrets;
rather than destroying them, target the small tower on their left which
controls all Turrets in the zone.
The convoy will arrive soon and will sieze control of the Center and will gain
Turret control, so you'll be helped by the two Calliope Turrets you didn't
destroyed. There is also a 'Mech Repair Facility: order your lancemates to
repair and repair your 'Mechs before the first wave of Steiner forces arrives.
The first wave will be from North-East (as your compass shows): those two
Peregrines won't be a problem. You can also ignore them and have the Turrets
take them out.
Now two other waves will arrive: the first, from where you came from, is
composed by 2 Arguses, 2 Cougars and 3 LRM Carriers; the second will come from
North-West, and it is composed by two Cougars.
Engages the Cougars first, so that the first wave will arrive within Calliope's
range, then destroy it: go for the LRM Carriers first, then for the Arguses and
finally for the Cougars.



Terrain Type: alpine
Primary Objectives:
+ Wait for Response from Scout Groups
+ Destroy All Units at Nav Alpha
+ Destroy All Units at Nav Beta
+ Destroy All Units at Nav Delta
+ Destroy All Units at Nav Gamma
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 2
Independent allies: 3 Swiftwinds
'Mech Configuration: Hard-hitting, fast-firing weapons like Large Pulse Lasers
are a good choice for this mission. A good mix of long and short range weapons
will also work fine.

Your men found the body of Sir Peter. All your friends regret for this loss,
and someone believes that without him freeing Kentares won't be possible,
however others trust you as their new leader.
The next step will be to link up with the resistance, but there's an
opportunity to destroy the last working Steiner DropShip, already damaged by
your uncle. This will be a risky delay, but this will totally destroy Steiner's
fast long-range transportation capability.
Begin to head toward North-East: the Swiftwinds will quickly report a two
'Mechs patrol at Nav Point Alpha and Beta.
Nav Alpha is guarded by two Cougars, which can be easily overrun.
There are two Osirises and a Raven that the Swiftwinds failed to identify at
Nav Beta; be sure to take out the Osirises first before engaging the Raven.
Note that you can use the nearby lake to cool down your 'Mech if it had a poor
heat dissipation.
Now the Swiftwinds will report two more 'Mechs, this time heavies, at Nav
Gamma, and that they lost contact with one scout at Nav Delta.
Travel to Delta and take out the Osiris and the Cougar there before heading to
Nav Gamma, where two Vultures are awaiting you. With these 'Mech short-range
fights are the best, and you can use a second lake to cool down your 'Mech and
to slow them down to take more careful shots.


Terrain Type: alpine
Primary Objectives:
+ Overtake Convoy and Destroy the Guards
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Steiner Forces
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 2
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: Configure your lance with fast heavy 'Mechs, with any kind
of weapon, whichever you prefer.

All Kentares mourn the loss of Sir Peter.
As soon the mission begins, three Nightshades will fly near you. Take them
down, then quickly head toward Nav Alpha. As sooner you'll reach the convoy,
more chances you'll have to easily capture it.
The convoy itslef is protected by two Bulldogs, an Argus and a Vulture. At each
Nav point there will be two 'Mechs: Nav Alpha is guarded by two Cougars, while
the others by a mix of Arguses and Vultures.
You should be able to reach the convoy while is still at Nav Alpha. Have your
lancemates destroy the Cougars while you take down the Bulldogs, then
concentrate your fire on the Vulture and then on the Argus. If the Convoy
escapes, be sure to quickly destroy both 'Mechs at any Nav Point by
concentrating fire on the most dangerous of them first.


Terrain Type: alpine
Primary Objectives:
+ Find Damaged Steiner DropShip
+ Destroy Damaged Steiner DropShip
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 2
Independent allies: 3 Swiftwinds, Artillery Piece
'Mech Configuration: Though the briefing says you'll have artillery support,
I've found no ways to have them fire, so ignore the Artillery Beacon.
Hard-hitting long-range weapons and ECM suites will work fine. Be sure to mount
maximum armor.

The convoy you capture provided a single Artillery cannon and some ammos; this
should let you stay away from the DropShip and have it destroyed by safe
long-range fire.
Gonzales also suggests a night operation, as you will be able to act more
freely, covered by the darkness.
This mission can be played in two ways: with brute force or with stealth. In
the first way, you'll slowly advance and destroy any opposition encountered:
there are an Argus and 5 Bulldogs patrolling the area before the DropShip, plus
other two Arguses, one Mauler and three Mobile Turrets (plus the DropShip, of
course. If it powers up its weapons, prepare to suffer some serious pain). Note
that as you engage the first Argus, the DropShip will begin to power up, and
its weapons will be surely on-line when you'll reach it, leaving only few
minutes before take-off. It will also be dangerous, the 'Mechs in the area are
piloted by Veteran to Elite MechWarriors, and you won't have enough firepower
to fight a matched battle.
Otherwise, you can reach the DropShip via the river, switching to passive
sensors and employ at least one ECM Suite (this is optional, but higly
reccomended). Slowly advance toward the DropShip (BTW, it is located near the
upper center of the map), ignoring any contact. Once the DropShip is within
visual range, order your lancemates to attack it, ignoring any other hostile
unit, and do the same. As you didn't engaged anyone, the DropShip's weapons
won't be online, and you'll have more than five minutes before it will takeoff.
Once the DropShip is gone, the mission will end, and you can return to the only
working DropShip on Kentares. YOUR only working DropShip on Kentares.



Terrain Type: desert
Primary Objectives:
+ Guard Convoy as They Proceed to and Loot the First Site
+ Guard Convoy as They Proceed to and Loot the Second Site
+ Guard Convoy as They Proceed to and Loot the Third Site
+ Cargo Trucks and Ian Arrive at Extraction Point
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 2
Independent allies: 6 Vedettes (in two groups of 3 Vedettes each), 2
Nightshades and 4 Cargo Trucks.
'Mech Configuration: Long-range weapons, like PPCs or Gauss Rifles.

This area contains several military facilities used by your family that Steiner
seized and used as staging bases and prisons, so you will be able to recapture
equipment and personnel. Expect them to be well defended.
You will have to guard the Cargo Trucks while the other rebel vehicles engage
Steiner forces. Immediately destroy the Mobile Turrets you have in front of you
with long-range fire, and ignore the Cougar and the Shadow Cat at your left,
they will be engaged by the Vedettes (codename: Romeo). The Nightshades will
strafe the turrets that will continue to power up all along the base borders,
though they will need your support to left the battlefield alive.
From where the first Turrets were, a Cougar and a Shadow Cat will power up:
take them down and enter the base to take care of the four SRM Carriers inside
and of any other Mobile Turret. If the Vedettes are still engaging the two
'Mechs, give them an help, so that they will move to protect the Cargo Trucks.
Four Steiner 'Mechs, 2 Raves, a Bushwacker and a Chimera will enter the zone
from the upper-left corner of the map, few hundreds meters away from the
convoy. Take them down (you can assign one target to each of your lancemates,
but be sure to destroy the Bushwacker and the Chimera first); there is a 'Mech
Repair Base nearby, if you need it, repair, then be prepared for the last
Steiner wave, coming from the upper-left corner of the map: this time it is
better to concentrate fire on the two Uziels first before attacking the two
Once they are down, go to Nav Epsilon.


Terrain Type: desert
Primary Objectives:
+ Eliminate Guerrilla 'Mechs
+ Go to Nav Alpha
+ Defend 'Mech Hangars at Base
Secondary Objectives:
+ Defend Anti-Aircraft Guns
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: 4 Calliope Turrets, Cougar, 4 Bulldogs, 3 Guard Towers
'Mech Configuration: Long-range weapons, just like the previous mission.

One of your sisters, Joanna, is alive. She takes a great risk in communicationg
with you, but she wants you to know that she's alive and working against the
Steiner occupation with the rebellion.
Begin to travel toward Nav Alpha: three Peregrines will show up, followed by
two Shadow Cats and one Uziel, one 'Mech in a separate "wave"; it shouldn't
take too much to destroy them.
A more dangerous wave of attack will come to attack Nav Alpha: you'll have to
fend off it all by yourself, the Cougar patrolling the zone will move toward
Nav Beta; this wave is composed by 2 Shadow Cars and four LRM Carriers. Order
your lancemates to destroy the Shadow Cats while you take out the LRM Carriers
and the four Shilone bombers that would have joined the attack; these bombers
are aiming the Calliope Turrets near Nav Beta, so it won't be difficult to take
them down.
Go to Nav Beta: a third Shadow Cat, this time backed up by 2 Uziels and 2
Vultures, will attack the base; order your lancemate to concentrate fire on one
of the 'Mech you choose, and sistematically destroy any of them.


Terrain Type: desert
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Armed Escorts Around the Barges
+ Capture (come within 100 meters) Four of Six Barges
+ At Least Four Barges Must Survive
Secondary Objectives:
+ Capture Six of Six Barges
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: long-range weapons. You can freely use energy weapons on
this mission.

Joanna contacts you once again, this time thanking you for the job you've done
in the previous two missions. She also wants to reveal her and your identity to
the people of Kentares. Elys, you tactical officer thinks this is not a wise
decision, the enemy will know who are the leaders.
As soon as you'll start, you'll find yourself into a river, with the water
covering your legs and lower torso. This will force you (and your enemies) to
aim for the torso, so be careful.
The barge convoy is protected by 10 Patrol Boats (which can be easily take down
with a single blast of Clan ER PPC), 4 Peregrines (which will show up after the
first enemy 'Mech is gone) and a full lance of heavy 'Mechs.
The first 'Mech you'll encounter will be an Argus, which can be easily take
down by concentrated long range fire. Then an Uziel and an other Argus will
show up. The last 'Mech is a Loki. As this 'Mech will power up near the barges,
be sure to take it down when it's away from them, or it will destroy some
barges when it will come down.
To finish the mission, run near all remaining barges.


Terrain Type: desert
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy First Munition Factory
+ Destroy Second Munition Factory
+ Destroy Third Munition Factory
Secondary Objectives:
+ Link Up with Local Guide
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: Swiftwind
'Mech Configuration: a good mix of short and long range weapons, maybe with at
least one lancemate with an ECM Suite.

Words that you and Joanna are alive and leading the rebellion are spreading
throughout Kentares. Meanwhile, Roland wants more DropShips to bring more
reinforcments and ordered Kualin to destroy you. He's already in the area,
ready to strike when the situation will be more favorable.
This are is covered by a dense fog and is heavily built, but at Nav Delta a
former worker of this complex will guide you through this maze.
Nav Delta is protected by a Bulldog and three Vedettes, be sure to destroy them
before contacting Sheperd, the codename for your guide.
She will guide you toward the first factory, at Nav Alpha. It is protected by 5
Bulldogs and 2 Shadow Cats, plus 4 Guard Towers (these towers will be always
present around the factories, keep this in mind). You should be able to score
few hits from long range; I reccomend to destroy the Bulldogs first, they are
more agile than the Shadow Cats in this semi-urban area.
Once all defenders are gone, target the Factory and destroy it. If you want,
there is a 'Mech Repair Facility near the Nav Point (as with the Guard Towers,
there will always be 'Mech Repair Facilities near the Factories).
The second Factory is more heavily defended: an Hellspawn and a Nova Cat are
actively patrolling the zone; this continue movement will also expose them to
long-range fire, be sure to at least heavily damage the Hellspawn before
closing distances and finish them off.
The third Factory is defended by 2 Nova Cats and two Hellspawns (plus the usual
four Guard Towers), but you would be able to destroy it with long-range fire,
without powering up those 'Mechs.


Terrain Type: desert
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy Air Defense Rader and Tower at Nav Zeta
+ Destroy Convoy Escort
+ Escort Buses to LZ
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy Targets of Opportunity
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: 5 Peregrines
'Mech Configuration: Long-Range weapons. Reflective armor can be a good choice.

Kualin broadcasted on all frequencies that he will begin public execution of
captured Davion officers as the supplies are running down. This mission is very
risky, the convoy can be a trap, but it's your duty toward your people.
Order your two slowest lancemates to reach Nav Beta while you and the last of
them reach Nav Zeta to take out the base, which is protected by an Uziel. Order
your lancemate to engage it while you take down the Radar antennae and the
Control Tower, then help your lancemate in defeating the 'Mech.
Now order to all your lancemates to reach Nav Alpha, and follow them; the
convoy will cross this Nav Point soon; meanwhile, destroy any building that is
reported in red under your crossair; to complete the secondary objective the
large fuel depot near Nav Alpha and a small house have to come down.
The convoy itself is composed of 4 Cargo Trucks and it is protected by two
Cougars and four Bulldogs. Take out the tanks while your lancemates take care
of the Cougars.
Once the 'Mechs are down, order one of your lancemates to go to Nav Delta,
while you and the rest of the lance engage a Steiner Vulture appeared in the
zone: concentrate fire and quickly go to Nav Delta, where 5 Peregrines and the
Cargo Trucks will meet for dust-off.
Once all Peregrines are down, two Uziels will enter the small valley: be sure
that at least one of your lancemates engage one Uziel while you take out the
second; if you leave an Uziel alone, it will begin to fire at the Peregrines,
and the mission will fail.


Terrain Type: desert
Primary Objectives:
+ Link Up with Allied Units
+ Destroy All 'Mechs Defending Base
+ Destroy Both Guard Towers Around First Prisoner Compound
+ Destroy Both Guard Towers Around Second Prisoner Compound
+ Destroy Both Guard Towers Around Third Prisoner Compound
+ Destroy Both Guard Towers Around Fourth Prisoner Compound
+ Take Out James Kualin and His Lancemates
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: 2 Uziels
'Mech Configuration: Long Range weapons like Gauss Rifles or PPCs will work
fine, just like hard-hitting close-range weapons like LB-Xs. Be sure to have
the highest possible heat efficiency and maximum armor.

The prisoner convoy contained a veteran MechWarrior, Terra Risner, who wants
immediate revenge against Kualin; however, your primary objective is to free
all prisoners in the zone, so she 'll have to wait. Your cousin William
contacts you, hoping that you will leave the planet now, but he knows too that
you won't.
Elys doesn't know where the main prison camp is; her best guess is that is that
the camp is somewhere in this region: he intercepted several communications and
it is extremely well protected.
As soon as you move the first step, several Mobile Turrets, two Cougars and
three Peregrines will power up, attacking you. Divide your lancemates evenly
against the threats, then proceed straight to the link up point. Two resistance
MechWarriors piloting two Uziels will accompany you in this mission to provide
more firepower, though they are not good pilots...
however, the base is well defended. Expect several Twin Laser Turrets around
the whole perimeter, plus other 3 full lances of heavy 'Mechs.
The first 'Mech's to show up will be two Catapluts and two Uziels. Be sure to
take the Catapults down first (the Uziels tend to overheat and shutdown
frequently). The other 'Mechs (two other Catapults and four Vultures) will
randomly power up in the base, so keep an eye on your radar. Two Vultures will
be surely in the highest part of the base, sorrounded once again by Twin Laser
Turrets: ignore the single Turrets and take out the Turret Control Tower to
disable them all (it is the highest building of the area), then concentrate
fire on the Vultures.
Once all 'Mechs are gone, reach the 'Mech Repair Facility near one of the
possible prisoner compounds (take out the two Guard Towers) and repair, then
take out any other Guard Tower you encounter.
After destroy the Guard Towers, Kualin and his lance will show up; he pilots a
blue modified Mad Cat (twin Clan ER PPCs, twin Clan Streak SRM 6s, twin Clan
Machine Gun Arrays), while the rest of the lance is piloting standard Vultures;
engage Kualin while your lancemates take care of the Vultures. It shouldn't
take you too long to kill Kualin, he's a competent pilot but you should have at
least his same firepower (I downed him with a modified Mad Cat), and his
lancemates are even worse.



Terrain Type: swamp
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Eight Shilone Bombers
+ Destroy the Air Control Tower
+ Destroy All 'Mechs Defending Bombers
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates:
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: twin PPCs or Large Lasers backed up by Medium Pulse Lasers
will do fine.

Joanna says that many people there cannot stop to thank you: they are still
coordintaing prisoner evacution; however, Roland has something else in mind: in
a planetary broadcast he condemned a whole city, Vale, to death, as its
citizens are stealing Steiner equipment.
On an other communication Castro strongly objects this sentence, only to find
herself confinated in the capital perimeter to organize defenfes and stripped
of her ranks.
The air base in the upper side of the map, but before stepping into it, go
around and destroy whatever you can, so that you will be able to hunt down the
Shilones freely. There are three Missile Turrets, 6 Peregrines and 10 Condors
in the area, which shouldn't take you too long to destroy (a twin PPC strike is
enough to destroy them all); around the base a Shadow Cat and a Nova Cat are
staging a patrol; take out the Nova Cat first and then go for the Shadow Cat.
You can now step into the base; as soon as you will do this, the Air Tower will
scramble the Shilone pilots, which will try to reach their planes and take off.
There is also a Shadow Cat patrolling the inside of the base; order your
lancemates to take it down while you destroy the Control Tower and hunt down
the Shilones. Remember, they can take off, though they won't be more dangerous
than when they were grounded...there are eight Shilones in total, all shutted
down, so they won't appear on your radar until they start to roll. Also, two
Vultures will power up, trying to engage you. Ignore them and continue your
Shilone hunt, they aren't registered as base defenders and do not influence the
mission objectives.


Terrain Type: swamp
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy Hovercraft Patrol Alpha
+ Destroy Hovercraft Patrol Beta
+ Destroy Hovercraft Patrol Gamma
+ Destroy Hovercraft Patrol Delta
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: weapons like Pulse Lasers will spread death among the
hovercrafts. I also suggest a single heavy-hitting weapon like a PPC.

Roland is very angry with Burke as he reports to his lord that the 2nd Bomber
Wing has been destroyed. Burke suggests that the city can be destroyed via sea
bombardment, but Roland says that wants you dead, or Burke will be killed in
your place.
The first part of the mission is simple: just go around and destroy all Condors
and Harassers in the area (there should be at least 30 of those hovercrafts in
the area); you will recieve some damage, but there's a 'Mech Repair Base at the
center of the map, so when only one or two hovercrafts are still alive, go
there and repair (optional, the mission can be finished even without repairs),
then finish off the hovercrafts.
Duncan Burke will show up: he's piloting a modified Thor (twin Clan ER PPCs and
other small-caliber weapons like Clan ER Medium Lasers), and during the fight
will continue to taunt you over your radio frequency. Pay attention to his PPCs
and continue to circle him while you take it out. This duel is not too
difficult if you keep mobile, but if you didn't repaired it could become deadly.


Terrain Type: swamp
Primary Objectives:
+ Protect the Refugee Ships Unitl They Can Reach Open Water
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Hostile Units in Immediate Area
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: as your Chief Technician says, long-range hard hitting
weapons. Gauss Rifles, PPCs and Large Lasers will work fine in this mission.
Consider carrying Reflective or Reactive armor.

After what happened in the swamps Jen tells you that without such a leader she
won't be able to continue fighting, but you reply that she has to continue
fighting to let your memory live.
Steiners are now on a open offensive, and the Destroyer dispatched to level the
city, the Indomitable, is firing at anything that moves.
The first threat you'll have to face will be composed of 5 Bulldogs and 3
Nightshades, which are attacking a small city (probably the suburbs of Vale).
After them , two Nova Cats and two Awesomes will power up and will bein to fire
against everything, even civilian houses. If you want , you can delegate your
lancemates in destroying them while you travel to Nav Beta to prevent any
attack to the refugee boats. If you wish to destroy these 'Mechs, it is better
to have Reflective armor. The best tactic is to concentrate fire on one 'Mech
before firing on an other one.
As these threats fall, reach Nav Beta: 6 Patrol Boats are attacking the refugee
ships (this is independent from the downing of the four previous 'Mechs, they
will show up even during the firefight): Quickly take them down.
Omega Forward will report that two Destroyers are heading this way: the second
and unexpected Destroyer, the Thunderchild, will show up before the Indomitable
(the first Destroyer). Take both of them down by circling around them and
continue firing at the bridge. They will continuely fire LRMs and Long Toms,
though they will have hard time in hitting or even locking you.
As the Destroyers will sink, the boats will be far away: a journalist will
report that the Steiner forces were firing on all, even civilians, and Vale is
all but destroyed, thanks to Dresari loyalists.



Terrain Type: dense urban
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Enemy Units at Alpha
+ Destroy All Enemy Units at Beta
+ Destroy All Enemy Units at Gamma
+ Destroy All Enemy Units at Delta
+ Destroy All Enemy Units at Epsilon
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: choose the heaviest 'Mech you have, load maximum armor
(Reflective Armor can be a choice) with close-range weapons; combine high
firepower (like LB-20X ACs) and fast recharge rates (Pulse Lasers). If you are
going to pilot a missile boat, Streak SRMs are highly recomended; if you don't
have any (impossible, however...), SRMs with Active Probe. ECM Suites might be
handy, though it is not recomended to sacrifice firepower and armor protection
for them.

Jen and Joanna congratule with you for saving Vale.
Roland troops are being overwhelmed by rebel troops, but the Steiners still
have a large group of forces in the capital.
This mission IS hard. If you don't know how to handle your lancemates, this
mission will be a complete failure. Spreading damage between them and you will
be the key to success to this mission, so when moving from one Nav Point to one
other, always order your lancemate s to go first, or you will be destroyed at
the third Nav Point (enemy pilots in this mission are really good and they will
aim for your center torso).
There are five Nav Points, each heavily guarded. Some 'Mechs are powered down
and will take about one minute to completely power-up, though they are heavies,
you won't be able to do an one-shot kill, so carefully proceed toward any Nav
Point. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Nav Points are within the city while
Epsilon is positioned in a large park, giving you more movement freedom.
Nav Alpha is guarded by an Awesome, a Mad Cat (powered down) and three Mobile
Turrets with their Mobile Turret Control.
Beta is guarded by 2 SRM Carriers, 3 Bulldogs and one Atlas.
You'll find 2 Arguses, 3 Mobile Turrets and their Mobile Control, a Mad Cat and
2 Bulldogs at Gamma.
There are 2 Awesomes and 2 Bulldogs at Delta.
Epsilon is heavily guarded by two Atlases, 3 SRM Carriers, 2 Bulldogs and 3
Mobile Turrets with their Mobile Control.
The choice from where to start is yours. I usually do Nav Alpha, Gamma, Beta,
Delta and finally Epsilon. The choice is yours; remember that vehicles tend to
protect not only their Nav Points but also the nearest of them, so a systematic
assault and destruction of enemies is the best way to deal with this mission,
attacking each Nav Point from where there aren't any other enemies.


Terrain Type: dense urban
Primary Objectives:
+ Defend Rescue chopper
+ Find the Parking Garage Holding the Downed Pilots
+ Defend the Parking Garage Unitl Pilots Are in the Chopper
Lancemates: none
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 0
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: take the Atlas you captured the previous mission and add
the same weapons you installed on the previous 'Mech. Use Ferro-Fibrous armor.
ECM Suite might be more useful in this mission. Always mount AMS.

The battle is going on, but the losses are really heavy. Steiner turned a local
University into an advanced HQ. Also, your father has there an armory with some
high-tech equipment which will be very useful during the palace assault; the
equipment contained in this cache can equip 4 full heavy lances. Rebel forward
observers did not reported any movement nor if they enemy has already
discovered where the cache is.
This will be a solo mission. The area has five Parking Garages where the downed
pilots could be; you have to scout them all; once the pilots see your 'Mech,
will signal their position with a flare and the rescue copters will be sent to
take them. The flare will undoubtely attract some enemies, so be prepared.
The position of the pilots are randomly chosen, though the most probable point
is Nav Delta (at least with my game...or just a coincidence...however, it's
random); there are Steiner 'Mechs trhoughout the area. Most are light (Cougars;
three of them) and medium (Shadow Cats; five of them), bu there are also two
Thors in the area. To survive this mission, destroy the first Thor, then
destroy any 'Mech near a Nav Point, trying to ignore the others until you've
found the pilots.
Once the pilots have been found, the rescue chopper will arrive soon and will
employ about 30 seconds to get them aboard; meanwhile, the flare will attract
any surviving 'Mech in the area; keep your 'Mech moving around the building and
go for the Center Torsos of any 'Mech; all 'Mechs except the Thor will go down
with a single, combined blast from twin PPCs and LB-20X AC. The Cougar might
even take less.
The chopper will take an other 1 minute or 1 minute and a half to get outside
the zone, where you will have to continue your fight against the enemy 'Mechs;
as the pilots will reach safety, the mission will end.


Terrain Type: dense urban
Primary Objectives:
+ Destroy All Units Defending Local University at Nav Alpha
Secondary Objectives:
+ Destroy Communications Center at Nav Beta
+ Destroy Turrets Power Generator at Nav Gamma
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner, Damon
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: double PPCs and a single LB-20X will do fine in this

One of the pilots you rescued is Damon Squire, a compentent MechWarrior. Once
you take care of the local University, turned by Steiner into an HQ, the
resistance will begin to prepare the assault to the armory.
Start by engaging the nearby Vulture, then proceed toward Nav Gamma, which is
protected by an other Vulture, an Uziel and a Bulldog; Twin Laser Turrets will
power-up as you close with the Nav Point; expect at least 8 of these turrets
all along the perimeter. Destroy the Bulldog and one of the 'Mechs patrolling
the zone, then order your lancemates to take of the remaining one while you
take down the Power Generator; all turrets in the zone (around the generator
itself, the Comm Center and the University) will go down and will never
recover, enabling you to concentrate your fire on 'Mechs and vehicles.
Proceed to nav Gamma. You'll splot a Mad Cat Mk.II patrolling the zone; some
damage can be dealt by long-range fire, but pay attention to the twin Gauss
Rifles the 'Mech is carrying; as the 'Mech is down, proceed to the Nav Point,
take down the Communications Center and repair by using the two Mobile Field
Bases. Order your lancemates to repair too, then begin your assault to the
There are 3 Vultures, 3 Uziels and two Bulldogs proteting the University (plus
the perimeter turrets, but they are disabled; however, if you did not destroyed
the Generator, expect five or six turrets PER SIDE, for a total of 20/24
Order your lancemates to concentrate fire on the Uziels while you take out the
Vultures. These 'Mechs can be easily attracted away from the University,
simplifying the job of destroying. Once the 'Mechs are gone, destroy the

For the first (and last ;_;) time in MW4 you'll be able to decide between two
missions. One mission excludes the other. In the first mission (Op6m4) you'll
try to rescue your sister and will have the congratulations from your staff for
taking care of your family more than machinery. If you do the second mission
(Op6m5) you will assault the armory your sister tried to capture. This mission
is also the only way to get a Daishi before the game ends (I usually do not
care about my virtual sister, I do care about the final mission and the
firepower you'll need, though it is possible to complete it with a Mad Cat
Mk.II or an Atlas).

Tim and Sheila Marshall pointed out that:
There is something I should point out for your mechwarrior 4 FAQ. Damon Squire
is also available for the end mission if you beat the mission "rescue Sister"
You can also load one of the choice missions, then do the other.


Terrain Type: dense urban
Primary Objectives:
+ Locate Your Sister
+ Escort Your Sister to Safety
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: One 'Mech (Damon Squire), Medical Truck, 2 Command Vehicles
'Mech Configuration: a good mix of direct-fire long and short range weapons
will be the best.

Your cousin William calls you for knowing if you could accept to share powers
with him and the Steiner government; as he suspected, you hastly refuse.
Meanwhile, the battle in the capital is getting even more bloodier, with the
infantry fighting block to block. It is time to stage the attack at the armory
site or to retreat. Few minutes the beginning of the mission, however, the
resistance troops already there have been cut off and Joanna is badly wounded.
Despite your retreat order, there are no traces of your sister.
Damon Squire took a 'Mech (you'll see him on this mission) and will
independently take part in this mission.
Begin to destroy the first patrol near Nav Alpha (2 Nova Cats and 2 Bulldogs);
after you'reached Nav Alpha, an other Nav Point (Beta) will light up; the Nav
Point is protected by 2 Awesomes, but there is an other patrol composed of 2
Nova Cats and 2 Bulldogs between the two Nav Points; take out all listed
enemies before proceeding toward Nav Beta.
From now on, the Medical Truck with your sister will be always behind you,
moving forward when you are moving forward, stopping when you stop and so on.
You'll have to escort it to Nav Zeta; however, 4 Mad Cat Mk.II just dropped
between you and the Nav Point; take them down (move at half or less speed) and
order your lancemates to engage them first, while you support them from afar.
Once the Medical Truck is arrived, you'll be ready for the palace assault. You
won't have a Daishi (;_;), but you have your sister and your entire staff. Good


Terrain Type: dense urban
Primary Objectives:
+ Find the Weapon Cache and Defeat Jeanine Castro
+ Proceed to Gamma Bunker and Check for Weapons Cache (Blow Doors Off)
+ Proceed to Betaa Bunker and Check for Weapons Cache (Blow Doors Off)
+ Proceed to Alpha Bunker and Check for Weapons Cache (Blow Doors Off)
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: similar to the previous missions, though a Gauss Rifle or
a PPC will do fine in this mission.

Your cousin William calls you for knowing if you could accept to share powers
with him and the Steiner government; as he suspected, you hastly refuse.
Meanwhile, the battle in the capital is getting even more bloodier, with the
infantry fighting block to block. It is time to stage the attack at the armory
site or to retreat. Few minutes the beginning of the mission, however, the
resistance troops already there have been cut off and Joanna is badly wounded.
Despite your retreat order, there are no traces of your sister.
Damon Squire took a 'Mech and went AWOL to search your sister alone, whichever
you are going to attack.
As soon you will enter the city, you will be ambushed by three Lokis and one
Mad Cat Mk. II; Castro will begin to talk: she already discovered the armory,
and kept it secret just in case you assaulted the capital. She also order to
concentrate fire on you. Immediately take out one Loki, then go for the Mad Cat
Mk. II, then finish off all the remaining Lokis.
Now you will have to scan each Nav Point to find where's the Weapon Cache; to
inspect a Bunker, destroy the armored door on one of its sides (easily
recognizable: large as a 'Mech, gray with a yellow line at the center); the
game will choose randomly where the Cache is, though it should be the last Nav
Point you'll visit.
All Bunkers are protected by four Calliope Turrets positioned on other
buildings, with stationary (yes, they won't move at all, and they will hardly
hit you...deadmeat) Bulldogs; there will be 4 Turrets and 4 Tanks, positioned
in couples (1 Turret and 1 Bulldog) at each angle of the zone containing the
Bunker. The simplest way to deal with this defense is to order your lancemate
enter the perimeter first, while you snipe the Turrets away, then close with
the Bulldogs to finish them off.
When the second Bunker has been inspected, an heavy lance will power up at the
remaining Nav Point. As Castro says, bllod your opponent and then send fresh
troops to finish it off. The lance is composed of 2 Mad Cats, 1 Mad Cat Mk.II
and Castro's Daishi. The Cats will be very active, and they will go toward you.
Order your lancemates to take out one single target at time while you engage an
other target. Leave Castro's Daishi for last.
Once she's gone, the armory will be yours; however, your sister will be killed
by Roland and your Chief technician will leave you, considering you like your
cousin, someone interested only in power (however, you now have a Daishi. This
will allow you to spearhead the attack on the palace without too much
troubles). Good luck.



Terrain Type: sparse urban
Primary Objectives:
+ Take Out All Elite Guard 'Mechs
+ Destroy Turret Generator at Nav Beta
+ Stop the DropShip from Taking Off at Nav Gamma
+ Take Out William's Daishi
Lancemates: Casey Nolan, Jen McQuarrie, Jules Gonzales, Terra Risner, Dman
Squire (if you chosed to rescue your sister)
Maximum Number of Lancemates: 3
Independent allies: none
'Mech Configuration: long range hard-hitting weapons will work fine in this
mission. If you recovered a Daishi, a single Clan ER PPC and 4 Clan ER Large
Lasers will wreak havoc among any opponent you'll encounter in this mission. If
you do not have a Daishi, a Mad Cat Mk.II or an Atlas with Gauss Rifles and/or
PPCs will be the best. Be sure to max out the armor; Reflective compound can be

A commando team will hit the Turret Control just before you begin the attack;
the Turrets will be powered down for about 20 minutes.
Immediately order your lancemates to head to Nav Alpha, and follow them (even
with a Daishi, keep yourself behind your lancemates for the beginning). The
palace is protected by heavy and assault 'Mechs only, plus a pletora of
Calliope Turrets and an Hrothgar-class DropShip.
The main entrance to the palace is a Nav Alpha; the whle perimeter is well
protected by an high wall which has more or less the consitution value of the
buildings in the capital. A section can be took down, bu will require too much
time. Better to go to Nav Alpha and engage whatever you'll find.
There are three 'Mechs patrolling the main gates: a Mad Cat Mk.II and two Nova
Cats; there are tow more Mad Cat Mk.IIs and a Daishi within the walls; these
'Mechs are active and have to came down. Concentrate fire on one target per
time, and be sure to take them out before passing to the next one. In this
mission the Nova Cats will tend to overheat badly, so expect their radar
contacts to appear and disappear.
After these 'Mechs are gone, go to Nav Beta: two Thors will power up; destroy
them, then proceed to the Nav Point to destroy the Turret Generator before the
Turrets will be powered up. Near this Nav Point there are also four 'Mech
Repair Facilities. If you took any damage (I mean ANY) repair in them, then go
for the DropShip.
The easiest way to destroy Roland's DropShip is to target it from behind the
gantry, from the valley at the main gates or from above, from the explanade at
the center of the palace. The DropShip gunners will be very active and they are
quite accurate, so keep mobile if you have to close with it.
Meanwhile, tweo other Nova Cats will power up. Ignore them and have your
lancemates destroy them. If you are attacking the DropShip and your lancemates
are destroyed, ignore the Nova Cats and continue to destroy the DropShip.
Remember that you can destroy the DropShip even when it's taking off, as long
it is within effective weapons range.
Once the DropShip and the Nova Cats are gone, your lancemates will retrat,
leaving you alone. However, you aren't really alone: your cousin William,
piloting a modified Daishi (1 Clan ER PPC, 5 Clan Medium Pulse Lasers and 2
Large Pulse Lasers) is awaiting you at the palace gates. If you need any repair
go to the Repair Bases near Nav Beta (I strongly reccomend you to repair, even
if you recieved only few hits).
This duel is quite dangerous if you get too close to William and if you do not
have an other Daishi; your best chance is to snipe the 'Mech with few, well
placed shots while you keep circling around it.

Once William has been defeated, the war will be over. Kentares is free from
Steiner oppression, but remember, the Steinr family controls most of the
planets and unit near your planet.Depending on which mission you did in
Operation 6, you will be the new Duke of Kentares or your sister will (however,
both endings are quite horrible).


During a mission hold down CTRL, ALT and SHIFT and type:

iy: invulnerability
uo: infinite ammo
hf: no heat tracking
ib: destroy the targeted enemy
ml: mission successful

Seems that they do not work with patch 2.0.


Currently, there are three patches for MechWarrior 4, each in five or six
different languages. You do not need to download all of them, but only the last
of them, the 2.0, weighting 13 Mbytes. This patch will "grant access" to the
brand-new Mission designator (an other 10+ Mbytes file). The 8 expansion maps
(Equinox, Highlands, Hogsback, Lakefront, Polar Tundra, Scrub, Snowbound,
Wetlands) can be used with all versions of the game, but consider that they can
be used only in multiplayer games and to play online you need the third patch
(2.0), that corrects several game errors.
Also, before downloading the patch, be sure to download the correct language.
If you live in Italy or any other country and you play an english version of
MW4 (and you bought the copy in the country where you live, of course), you
need the "Nordic" language patch, not the "English" patch. I discovered this
thanks to, which I highly reccomend for news on MW4 and
for their servers, slightly faster than Micro$oft's.
Here's a small description of the multiplayer maps (from the older to the
newer). All maps have to be placed inside the MW4's
resource\missions\ directory.

Size: 1,3 Mbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, King of the Hill, Steal the Beacon
(Free for All mode only).
Terrain: hilly map with an island connected by a single bridge to the mainland.

Size: 1,3 Mbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: large desrt map with few mesas.

Size: 1,7 Mbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill,
Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: some medium-sized mountains, but primary a plain.

Size: 900 Kbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill,
Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: high mountains and valleis with lots of trees and a river.

Size: 138 Kbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill,
Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: multiplayer version of op5m2.

Size: 154 Kbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill,
Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: multiplayer version of op2m2.

Size: 242 Kbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill,
Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: multiplayer version of op2m3.

Size: 202 Kbytes
Supported modes: Attrition, Destruction, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill,
Steal the Beacon.
Terrain: multiplayer version of the Alpine Instant Action map.

Size: 8.6 Mbytes
Supported modes: unknow
Terrain: multiplayer version of the Alpine Instant Action map.

Size: 21.7 Mbytes
Supported modes: unknow
Terrain: multiplayer version of the Alpine Instant Action map.

* While visiting I stumbled on these two maps, almost six
months after I quitted playing the game. I still have to download them (I have
a 56k modem), and probably won't play them...howeverm they are official. For
unofficial single-player missions, campaigns or multi-player maps, is a very good place.


+ Jess "Shin no kami" Drafahl( ):
hi. you seem like guy whos well known in the mech warrior faqs world so i want
to share my idea for the perfect kill mech. you take a Daishi Chasiss give to
clan gauss rifles and 2 large lasers and as many as possible other lasers. try
to fill most slots. paint it with coat 18 arctic and you got my best mech, the
Beam OS. id be real happy if you added it to your FAQ. btw my names Jesse
Drafahl, hardcore but not a pro mech pilot lol.


Bought MechWarrior 4 and decided to start playing BattleTech or MechWarrior?
Are you a BettleTech fan and didn't decided yet if MW4 and other games are
worth your money? Read the paragraph below to know what's my opinion.

First part: Videogame -> Board/Role Playing Games

Let me write this as first and most important thing: the book "MechWarrior 3rd
edition" (from now MW3P) is not a game where BattleMechs fight; it is a
role-playing game, like Shadowrun, AD&D, Cyberpunk, Heavy Gear, WarHammer etc
etc etc. It focuses on characters and the cities/worlds where they live, and
Mechs seldom appear as fighting force. If you want 'Mech versus 'Mech combat
you need BattleTech (from now BT4). This boxed game now reached the 4th
edition, and with this basic box you get 2 maps, dices, rules and whatever to
introduce you into the BT universe. BT4 contains rules for Level 1 play, which
do not include Clans, vehicles, infantry and any advanced equipment (ER, Pulse,
Artemis, ECM...). For Level 2 rules (used during official tournaments) you have
to buy BattleTech Master Rules (from now BMR), a book which contains all rules
written in BT4 plus rules for advanced equipment, infantry and vehicle support.
It is better to buy both products, as BT4 contains maps and 'Mechs counters,
and you can begin to practice with the basic rules. This is you strictly need
for playing BT. The last BT rulebook is Maximum Tech, which describes optional
(Level 3) rules for a large number of situations and new (and fantastic)
equipment for your 'Mechs. These rules are optional, and not used during
official tournaments as they slow down the gameplay a lot. Other books you can
buy are the Technical Readouts (TR 3025, 3026, 3050, 3055, 3057 and 3060),
which contain new 'Mechs, vehicles, Airplanes and so on if you don't want to
build 'Mechs on your own. Note that TR 3026 contains only vehicles and personal
equipment (the latter useful if you play MW3P) and TR 3057 contains Dropships,
Jumpships and Warships, useful for BattleSpace/Aerofighter 2nd edition (read
below). Then you can buy Battleforce for large scale battles (Cluster versus
Battalion) with full air, infantry, vehicle and artillery support. An other
important thing is Aerofighter 2nd edition, a rulebook with full rules for air
support for BT4 and dogfighting. The other things are needed only if you want a
in-deepth sight of a particular faction, except the Field Manuals, which
contains new Level 2 equipment (I reccomend all Clans Field Manuals because
they speak about Clans and Comstar, Capellan Confederation, Lyran Alliance and
Federated Commonwealth Field Manuals because they contain new weapons not
included in BMR). That's it. Do you know that I did the same route for becoming
a BT-adept? (though the game was the unsurpassed MechWarrior 2 -by Activision,
DOS version...sweet memories...-)

Second part: Board/Role Playing games -> Videogame

What have you to buy? First a PC (at least a Pentium II 300 Mhz with 32 Mb of
RAM and 2nd generation 3d accelerator), then all games with BT license. The
oldest of them is Crescent Hawk's Inception, followed by Crescent Hawk's
Revenge. They are a Zelda-like game, and you do not pilot 'Mechs (I think so: I
have both archives, but even on a P200MMX the games are too fast and had not
enough spare time for them). By Infocom. Then there is the MechWarrior series,
by Activion and later by Microprose/Zipper and last by Micro$oft. The first
MechWarrior is pretty good, as it features polygonal graphic (without any of
the special effects we are used today of course); the game takes place in the
Inner Sphere, before the Clans arrive, and you are a mercenary. You hire pilots
and are paid by the Great Houses to engage their enemies. As you fight against
Houses, they will begin to hate you, and your employers will begin to place
more and better contracts for you. Really nice. The second MechWarrior is a
series of its own, with the first, 31st Century Combat speaking about the
Refusal War between Clan Wolf and Jade Falcon, the second (the expansion pack)
speaking about the Clan Ghost Bear and their lost legacy....the third and last
game by Activision is MW2: Mercenaries. It is a stand alone product, and
features a more advanced graphic engine with light sourcing effects and several
improvements. The game is a re-edition of the first MechWarrior, though the
Clans are there...the third MechWarrior, by Microprose/Zipper (with
sponsorization of Micro$oft and other companies) speaks about operation
Bulldog, and you play an Inner Sphere pilot left alone behind enemy lines. The
fourth is this game and I won't write more words 'bout it ;P...there is an
another game, MechCommander, by Fasa Interactive, where you command an Inner
Sphere company during operation Bulldog (but before the events told in MW3),
and it is the only real translation of BattleTech as a PC game. There is also
MechCommander 2, sequel of MechCommander, with the same game structure but
probably more beautiful even than the first. By Micro$oft.

Third part: Differences

I'll speak about differences between MW4 and BT; First, let's speak about the
'Mechs: they are divided into two main categories, BattleMechs and OmniMechs.
You can costumize standard BattleMechs, but this will require time and a good
technician; in addition, if you replace a light item for an heavier one (or
viceversa) the chassis might become unstable, with some disadvantages that vary
with type of equipment and location; usually, the BattleMechs have a single
configuration throughout a campaign, and they tend to be specialized
workhorses. OmniMechs have a basic chassis (engine, structure, armor and,
extremely rare, fixed equipment), and you can swap weapons and equipments (jump
jets, FCS and Targeting devices) if you have enough time. OmniMechs do not
become unstable if you swap Omni equipment, though removing engines and other
fixed things will expose them to all standard disadvantage; the open structure
of an OmniMech makes these changes really rare, and an OmniMech is capable of
performing any kind of task with the proper equipment. OmniMechs were developed
by Clans, and they use Omnis for front-line duties, relegating standard
BattleMechs for other assignments; Inner Sphere technicians developed Omni
technology in year 3058 (about), though IS firms tend to build all-around
'Mechs more than OmniMechs. As always, Clan technology is better that the IS
one, though the Inner Sphere has more EW equipments (C3 Computers, for example)
and more variety of weapons (though the Clans now have Heavy Lasers and
especially ATM launchers...). Not even a 'Mech is restricted by hardpoints, you
can costumize the 'Mechs as you want; especially with Clan players PPCs and
Pulse Lasers dominate, though every weapon has its use (flamer
of the most useless things ever created...).
Every 'Mech, whatever its tonnage can be knocked down: if the target takes 20
or plus point of damage in a single turn, it might find himself facing the
ground. You can do physical attacks: though Clans consider this kind of attack
dishonorable, it is possible to engage other 'Mech is fist-fights...I do not
know why no MW game ever recreated this type of attack...OK, I'm a Clan player
and I won't use them anyway, but the sight of an Atlas grabbing a smaller 'Mech
can be very intimidating (RPG/board game general rule No. 1: imagination. "I'll
punch you Hermes with my Atlas"=the Atlas takes the Hermes with his left hand
by the enemy's head and smashs it to the's not a punch but makes
the game better).


First credit? To Fasa for having created the whole BattleTech universe. Then to
me, Briareos Kerensky (Zone ID: briareos_CWE) and to all site showing this FAQ
with my permission; visit them at:
1) The Clans Hall (; it's my
site. Visit it and leave your sign the guestbook, this will make me very happy)
2) Federazione Italiana BattleTech (Italian BattleTech Federation;
3) GameFAQs (
4) Neoseeker (
5) IGN FAQs (
and everyone who helped with this document.
Special thanks to:
all italian BT/MW players; all programs I used to do this FAQ;
my turtle, Gamera; Thanatos, my PC (it is NOT named after the MW4 'Mech); all
soundtracks that accompained me during this long work (nominally: all Eva and
Cowboy Bebop OSTs, MW2 soundtrack ;^D and everything from Beethoven, Back,
Pachelbel, Wagner, Saint Saen, Orff, Blur, Metallica, Queensryche, Warlord,
Crimson Glory, Savatage, Cirith Ungol and everyone I forgot); Leader for having
avoided translation; the one that did the Thanatos 'Mech (I did two years ago a
Clan Omni with the same name, put it online and someone stoled the name! I hate
you, whoever you are! ;).
Thanks to and for:
+ Matthew Shane ( for his corrections
+ Chang Shao Chung ( for Mad Cat Mk. II's correct Clan
To ask permission to post this document, just send a mail writing down the URL.
To contact me, write at; ICQ UIN is 40534369; Odigo ID
is 264286. Write only about this FAQ or if you have a cute
(female)friend/sister to introduce.

Copyright (c) Briareos Kerensky 2001/2002. Reproduction and translation of
this document (as a whole or parts of its) in any mode without permission is
strictly forbidden.
All names and marks are proprerties of respective owners.

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14.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Mech-Guide (im Word-Format)
Engl. Hinweise

09.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016