Poy Poy

Poy Poy

17.10.2013 08:06:22


FAQ (v0.1)




v0.1 (10-28-01): It's up. Included the basic game controls
and gameplay system, as well as some character descriptions.
The next update will most likely be the last...


I) Introduction to Poy Poy

II) The Various Gaming Screens
1) Starting the Game
2) Multiplay
3) Multi-tap
a) Notes on using Multi-tap
4) Exhibition Mode
a) Exhibition
b) Player Set-up Screen
c) Player Entry Screen
d) Glove Set Up Screen
e) Stage Select Screen
5) The Poy Poy Cup Mode
a) Character Select Screen
b) Channel Poy Poy Lobby Area
c) What are Psyche Gloves?
d) Loading and Saving Games
e) Competitor's Area
6) Options

III) In The Heat of Battle (Game Play)
1) Controls
2) The Arena
a) Scoring
b) Basic Moves
3) Game Over
a) Loading a Saved Game from Exhibition Mode
b) Loading a Saved Game from Poy-Poy Cup Mode
c) Exhibition Mode
d) Saving Your Game
4) Obstacles and Items

IV) Characters
1) Brief Overview
2) Poy-Poy Contestants
a) Harry
b) Mike
c) Bubba
d) Mia
e) Cindy
f) Naomi
g) Naomi
h) Poison
i) Kage
j) Wize
k) Arnold
l) Steel
m) Kool
n) Lee
o) Joey
3) NPC's
a) Glove Shop Clerk
b) Tune-Up Shop Clerk
c) Usher
d) Shady Guy
e) Announcer
f) King

V) Psyche Gloves
1) Brief Introduction
a) Classes
b) Attack Types
2) The Gloves
a) Bomb
b) Knife
c) Seeker
d) Crush
e) Hop
f) Thunder
g) Chase
h) Hunter
i) Shout
j) Hurricane
k) Hail
l) Star
m) Magic
n) Poison
o) Dwarf
p) Giant
q) Death
r) Meteor

VI) Stages
1) Stage Information
a) Flatlands
b) Robots
c) Park
d) Iceberg
e) Moai Land
f) Desert
g) Stage Infinity
h) Practice

VII) Copyright Information


In a nutshell, Poy Poy is a party game where you throw
rocks, bombs, crates, logs, stage hazards and even your
other opponents at other opponents in a virtual arena in
order to win huge cash prizes. To add to the fierce
competition in terms of defeating your opponents are the
addition of Psyche Gloves, gloves that give the competitors
'lethal moves', depending on the glove. Each one is
different from the to other.

And here's a little excerpt from the instruction booklet:

Welcome to the Poy Poy Cup Championships!

Come right on down and take a seat for the greatest
spectacle in the land. It's Poy Poy, the challenging game
of strength, cunning, speed and dexterity. Contestants from
all over the land will be competing for big cash prizes and
the honor of becoming the Poy Poy Cup Champion.

Well, that concludes this little section. Let's move on...



NOTE: I'm taking many of the explanations from the
instruction booklet, as usual. It can explain the majority
of this stuff better than I can.


::Starting the Game::

When the game begins, you'll see the Title screen. Press
the Start button to get to the Mode Select screen.
Highlight one of these options with the Directional button,
then press the X button to select it.


This game can be played by multiple players. With extra
players, you need extra controllers and the Multi-Tap. Four
controllers can be connected with one Multi-Tap.

Equipment Needed: 2 players/2 controllers

3-4 players: 1 controller for each player and 1 Multi-Tap

Playstation Console --> Multi-Tap 1 -->

Controller port 1-A
Controller port 1-B
Controller port 1-C
Controller port 1-D

Notes on using the Multi tap

When connecting controllers to a Multi-Tap, always connect a
controller to Controller prot 1-A of the Multi tap first,
followed by Controller ports 1-B, 1-C, and 1-D. It is
strongly advisable to use only controllers specified for use
with the Multi tap.

::Exhibition Mode::


This is a great practice mode, good for sharpening your
skills, or taking on some friends in multi-player

Player Set Up Screen

Select options with the directional button. you can play
one to four players using the Multi-Tap. You can also setup
for two to four CPU-controlled players. Highlight your
choices, then select OK to continue, or EXIT to return to
the Mode Select screen. (NOTE: When using the Multi-Tap,
Player 1 should be using Controller port 1-A, Player 2
should be using Controller port 1-B, etc.)

Player Entry Screen

Press [up] or [down] to scroll through the available
players. Press the L1 or L2 button to see the player's
rating in Stamina, Speed, Power and Psychic abilities.

*Soft Reset*: The user can reset to Title screen during a
game using the following method: Hold down the select
button and then press and hold down the Start button for 2

Glove Set Up Screen

Select the type of Psyche Glove* you wish to add to your

Stage Select Screen

Choose one of the seven battlefields: Practice, Flatland,
Moai Land, Park, Robots, Desert, or Iceberg.

:The Poy Poy Cup Mode::

The one player tournament. There are three major Poy Poy
Cup events: The Junior Cup, Senior Cup, and Master Cup.
Each cup tournament is made up of three rounds on each of
the six stages (Practie stage is not included). You must
come in 1st place to continue on in the tournament. As each
stage is completed, the last (fourth) place character will
be eliminated, and the next competitor will be added. In
the Senior and Master Cups, the third and fourth place
winners will be replaced.

(There is also a secret 'King' class after you beat King for
the first time, but I'm not sure what it does, however. It
seems to have the same quality as the Master Cup. You can
see your new status once you go to the character select
screen after you beat King.)

Character Select Screen

Press [up] or [down] to scroll through the available
players. Press the X button to confirm your selection after
choosing any options (PLAYER, GAME MODE, etc.) Press the L1
or L2 button to see the player's rating in Stamina, Speed,
Power, and Psychic abilities. (*NOTE*: After you finish
the Junior Cup, more characters will be available for

Channel Poy Poy Lobby Area

The Lobby of the Channel Poy Poy studio has a Glove Shop, a
Glove Tune-Up Shop, and Memory Card Access Terminal. The
door at the back leads to the Competitor's Area. There is
also a door to the left of the lobby - if you send your
player through the door, you will return to the Mode Select

What are Psyche Gloves?

Psyche Gloves are the special weapons of Poy Poy
competitors. They give players special "Lethal Moves",
depending on the glove. Buy a new Psyche Glove, or have
your old ones "tuned up". Try them out in the Exhibition
Mode and learn their special properties. Before each new
round, you'll have the option of selecting a different glove
for the new round. Pick the one that you think will work
best against your upcoming opponents. In Cup competition,
your prize money is used to purchase new gloves and upgrade
old ones.

Loading and Saving Games

Walk to the Memory Card Access Terminal and use it to access
your Memory Card. It allows you to save your current game.

Competitor's Area

Walk through the back door into the Competitor's Area.
Approach the usher and select which cup tournament you would
like to play in. The usher will send you there.


Change some of the settings for the game.

Round: Set the number of rounds in one match (in Exhibition
Mode) from 1 to 5.

Sound: Set to STEREO or MONAURAL, depending on your system.

Camera: Set the camera angle to Camera A, B, or C.

COM LV: Set the level for the CPU players to 1 (weak) 2
(normal) or 3 (strong).

Strength: Set the player-controlled character's strength to
1, 2, or 3.




Become the Poy Poy champion!

Master the controls, then head to the field of competition
and put your mastery to the test! It's not easy - you'll
need to practice hard to be the best - but with your moves,
your skill, your finesse... and your Psyche Glove, you could
become the greatest Poy Poy champion of all time!

Directional Buttons- Move your player.

Start Button- Pause the game.

Select Button- Switch camera views.

Triangle Button- Lethal throw (Psyche Glove).

Square Button- Throw an item hard and foward (Slam).

Circle Button- Throw an item backwards (Suplex).

NOTE: When you're in defensive mode, (In other words, when
you're not holding anything.) the Triangle, Square and
Circle Buttons act as a Jump button.

X Button- Pick up items/Throw an item foward.

NOTE: In defensive mode, press to squat down and reduce
damage from bomb blasts.

R1 Button- Lethal throw (Psyche Glove).

L1/L2 Buttons- Check player stats in character select

R2 Button- No Function.

::The Arena::

The object of Poy Poy is to win each match by being the last
one left standing. Players hurl rocks, logs, missiles,
boxes, boulders, stone statues and even other players at
each other to try to wear down their opponents. The goal is
to out score your opponents and move on to the enxt match.
(On another note, the psy meter is below the character's
portrait in the arena. This shows how many times you can
use your Psyche Glove. If the meter is flashing red, you
can't use it.)


Each round has a two-minute time limit. The round ends when
time runs out, or only one player remains conscious. At the
end of each round, scores are awarded based on:

-> Direct Hits Bonus - awarded for hitting an opponent
directly with an object.

-> Luck Bonus - awarded for capturing the white bonus

-> Round Bonus - determined by how soon the player was
retired from competition and the amount of health remaining
at the end of the round.

Basic Moves

Offense (When you have an object):

The Basic Throw: When you are in front of an object, press
the X button. Your character will pick it up. Weaker
characters take more time to pick up larger objects. Press
and release the X button again to throw the object forward.
The longer you hold the X button down, the farther you'll

Foward Slam: A variation of the regular throw. Pick up an
object and press the Square button to throw the object down
with force. It doesn't go far, but it's powerful!

Suplex (Back Throw): After picking up an object, press the
Circle button to toss the object over your head and behind
your back. Great move if you're being followed!

Lethal Throw (Psyche Glove): Again, pick up an object. The
press the Triangle button or the R1 button to execute a
special throw - depending on the Psyche Glove you seleced on
the Glove Set Up Screen.

Defense (When you're empty handed):

Crouch: Press the X button to duck and cover your head -
it'll protect you from bomb blasts! Press the Circle
button, Square button, or the Triangle button to jump, or do
a special maneuver to get out of the way.

::Game Over::

Loading a Saved Game from Exhibition Mode:

-> Insert the Memory Card into the Memory Card slot.

-> The player wishing to load data pushes the Select Button
at the Player Set Up screen to highlight Memory Card on the
screen. (Push the Select Buttong again to turn highlight

-> Select "OK" and press the Circle Button or the X Button
to begin loading.

Loading a Saved Game from Poy Poy Cup Mode:

-> Insert the Memory Card into Memory Card slot 1 (1-A on
the Multi-Tap).

-> Press the Select Button at the Character Select screen.

Exhibition Mode:

The game is over when your character fails to finish in
first place. You have the option to use up to 3 "Continues"
if you'd like to keep trying. If you don't continue, you
will return to the Lobby where you can cash in your winnings
on new gloves, or quit and try again as a different

Saving Your Game:

You can save the data (Psyche Glvoes Owned and Prize Money
Earned) from your Poy Poy Cup quest on a Memory Card. Stand
in front of the Memory Card Access Terminal (by the Glove
Shop) and select "Save".

::Obstacles and Items::

Red Ball: Speed burst power up.

Rocks and Logs: Large and small, with corresponding damage.

Blue Ball: Temporary unstable condition.

White Heart: Earn 2 Luck Bonus Points.

Wooden Box: If you break this by throwing it, special items
like hearts, time bombs and power-ups will appear.

Flashing Ball: Restore Psyche Glove to full power.

Black Ball: Time bomb. Stand clear, it's going to explode!

Red Heart: Recover some health points.

Supplier Robot (Hokkyu): Replenishes the supply of missiles
and items that are used up (i.e. Rocks.)

Missiles: Larger missiles have a wider range. Exploding
missiles can trigger chain reactions, causing others to


::Brief Overview::

Stamina - The physical endurance of a character, and shows
how well he/she can take hits.

Speed - How fast a character can move or run.

Power - Shows how strong a character is. Characters with a
power rating of 6 (******) can pick up heavy objects in an

Psy - Shows how fast the psy meter can recharge, allowing
for more psyche glove attacks.

::Poy Poy Contestants::


Stamina - ***
Speed - ***
Power - ***
Psy - ******

Suit color - Blue
Glove - Arrow

Comments: Harry is just about average as you can get.
There's nothing TOO great about him. Just so-so, and decent
for a beginner.



Stamina - **
Speed - *****
Power - *
Psy - ********

Suit color - Yellow
Glove - Thunder

Comments: Well, don't rely on Mike for anything too
physical, such as picking up heavy objects in the heat of
battle. Since Mike lacks stamina, you'll have to rely on
his high speed rating to get you out of sticky situations.
His high psy rating is great, so you'll have little
difficulty having your glove recharged...


Stamina - *****
Speed - **
Power - ***
Psy - ******

Suit color - Green
Glove - Magic

Comments: Although Bubba can take the hits, he really can't
dish them out. Also, whenever you notice the melee
escalating towards your direction, get the hell out of there
because when it does arrive, you might not make it out in
time and you're more than likely to get hit somehow.



Stamina - ****
Speed - ***
Power - ******
Psy - *****

Suit color - Pink
Glove - Shout

Comments: You know, a lot of people that I've played
against severely underestimate Mia, and they end up getting
their asses handed to them. Mia is a pretty good character
because she can pick up heavy objects on the fly, but she's
kind of slow, but advanced players can see their way around
that by constantly dodging attacks.


Stamina - **
Speed - ****
Power - **
Psy - *******

Suit color - Cream
Glove - Hunter

Comments: Cindy is kind of weak, but her high Psy rating
sort of makes up for that. Just don't rely on her for any
real physical tasks. Just use her as a hit-and-run
character with whatever glove she has equipped at the



Stamina - ****
Speed - ******
Power - *****
Psy - ******

Suit color - Orange
Glove - Bomb

Comments: Naomi is an extremely well balanced character.
She's decent in almost all of the areas, so she doesn't have
any real weaknesses. Another excellent character.



Stamina - ***
Speed - ****
Power - **
Psy - *****

Suit color - Lavender
Glove - Hail

Comments: Well, Poison looks flashy... but that's about it.
As you can tell by the stats, she's kind of weak. Don't
even try to rely on her for any physical tasks. Hmm... but
the CPU version of her is a nightmare sometimes, especially
in the Master stages, mainly because of her Hail glove. Go



Stamina - **
Speed - ******
Power - ***
Psy - ****

Suit color - Navy Blue
Glove - Star

Comments: Obviously, just by looking at Kage you can tell
that he's pretty fast, so take advantage of that. Picking
up small bombs, hurling them towards the opposition, and
going to the next small bomb and doing it again is pretty
effective for this guy.



Stamina - *
Speed - *
Power - *
Psy - *******

Suit color - Light Brown
Glove - Knife

Comments: I wonder if Wize was created as a sort of joke
character... I mean, not that there's anything funny about
him (he's an old guy) but still... it makes you think.
Anyway, you can tell that the only thing worthwhile on him
is his high Psy stat...



Stamina - ******
Speed - ***
Power - ******
Psy - ******

Suit color - Red
Glove - Hurricane

Comments: Physically, Arnold is a damn good character. But
he lacks in the speed the department, and his Psy is
alright. A brutal character in the right hands.



Stamina - ****
Speed - *
Power - *****
Psy - ******

Suit color - Dark Gray
Glove - Seeker

Comments: Steel... is a weird character. He can be a
little awkward to use at times, mainly because someone can
continually just walk up to you can slam you down with
rocks, and you won't be able to escape. With that aside,
keep him away from heated melees because it'll be hard for
him to escape.



Stamina - ****
Speed - ****
Power - ****
Psy - ******

Suit color - Teal
Glove - Crush

Comments: Kool is Harry with one point added to each stat
except psy. Another average character, just a little better
than Harry. Or something.



Stamina - ***
Speed - *****
Power - ****
Psy - ******

Suit color - Black
Glove - Poison

Comments: Lee is another nice character, although he's
lacking somewhat in the stamina department. Thank him for
his high speed and psy ratings.



Stamina - **
Speed - *****
Power - **
Psy - *******

Suit color - Aqua Blue
Glove - Hop

Comments: Well, physically he's horrible. Speed and psy
wise though, he's great. Don't get involved in any physical
scuffles, he'll get knocked out quickly.




Glove Shop Clerk

Comments: Go to her whenever you want to buy new gloves.
She's the woman in the lobby.


Tune-up Shop Clerk

Comments: Whenever you want to upgrade your glove, just go
this guy. He's on the right side of the lobby. Keep in
mind that each 'purchasable' glove has 5 different levels.



Comments: When going into the next room, he's the robot
that stands next to the door, ready to send you into combat.
Tell him what cup competition you'd like to enter, and he'll
send you on your way.


Shady Guy

Comments: When you finish your first cup competition
(obviously the Junior Cup compeition) he'll show up. When
you talk to him, he'll ask you for $5730000.00, but don't
give it to him when you first see him, because you'll get
nothing. Instead, wait until you're good enough to finish
the Master Cup, THEN give him the money. Each time you give
him money, he'll disappear, and he'll give you a glove each
time. He'll give you 3 special gloves each time you
complete the Master Cup and give him the money: The Giant
Glove, Dwarf Glove, and Death Glove. Of course, you just
have to do this 3 times, once for each glove. Look in the
'Psyche Glove' sections for more info.



Comments: He's just the announcer. What else is there to
possibly add?



Comments: A mysterious figure who seems to be a 'behind the
shadows' type of character. He only shows up if you beat
the Master Cup without losing any continues, and you get to
fight him on a one-on-one battle.

Let it be known right now that most Psyche Glove attacks do
crap damage against him. He can only be damaged by rocks
and bombs. So basically, the best strategy for defeating
this guy is to use Speed Star and wail away on him until
he's defeated.

One attack to look out for is his 'psyche glove' attack: A
huge blue fireball that travels extremely quick and is hard
to avoid. However, it has some start-up lag time to it, so
keep moving to make sure he doesn't have a complete aim on

Another attack is when he splits up in 3 then him and his
clones begin to attack you. Eventually after a couple of
seconds, his clones will go back 'into' him, and you'll know
that it's him again. Wail on him. When he does do this
attack though, just stay away from him and his clones and
wait until they're done attack, then go on the offensive

When you defeat him, you get the oh-so-valuable (yet cheesy)
Meteor Glove.


::Brief Introduction::

Alright, I'm going to divide each glove into their
respective families, as well as 5 different classes. Also,
I'm going to give you the attack type as well. As mentioned
earlier, each 'purchasable' glove has 5 different


F - Class (The starter class gloves. They have a '1' after
their name. Obviously, they're not that strong.)

D - Class (The second class gloves. They have a '2' after
their name.)

C - Class (The first class gloves. They have a '3' after
their name.)

B - Class (The upgraded versions of the C - Class gloves.)

A - Class (The upgraded versions of the B - Class gloves.)

S - Class (Gloves that cannot be obtained by normal means.
The 'Super' Class gloves.)

Attack Types

Area - Covers a multiple circular area, or a radius.

Shot - Shoots out in a straight line.

Wave - Shoots out in multiple directions.

Homing - Chases enemies.

Effect - Either has an effect on the player or the enemy.

Random - An unpredictable type of attack.



::The Gloves::

Bomb - Class

::Bomb 1:: (F - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: The equivalent of a small bomb being thrown.

::Bomb 2:: (D - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: The equivalent of a large bomb being thrown.

::Bomb 3:: (C - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: An explosion that covers a huge radius.

::Rail Bomb:: (B - Class) (Area/Shot Type)

Comments: Like Bomb 3, but the explosion travels.

::Super Bomb:: (A - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: Multiple small explosions appear before a huge
explosion finishes the fireworks off, juggling opponents.


Knife - Class

::Knife 1:: (F - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Shoots an object in straight line, but in a short

::Knife 2:: (D - Class) (Shot/Homing Type)

Comments: Shoots an object in a straight line, but it will
begin to semi-hone into something before it lands.

::Knife 3:: (C - Class) (Shot/Homing Type)

Comments: Travels slow, but it's semi-homing into something
or somebody as soon as it's shot.

::Kill Knife:: (B - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Shoots a very fast wall of force at an opponent,
reaching towards the end of the arena possibly hitting
anyone else that comes in its direction.

::Flash Wall:: (A - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Like the Kill Knife, but it expands and hits an
opponent multiple times if aimed right. Think of it as a
huge broom...


Seeker - Class

::Seeker 1:: (F - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Sends an object up in the air to follow and track
down an enemy for 3 paces.

::Seeker 2:: (D - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Sends an object up in the air to fllow and track
down an enemy for 4 paces, lasting longer.

::Seeker 3:: (C - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Sends an object up in the air to follow and track
down an enemy for 4 long paces, allowing more time to make
it's mark.

::Holy:: (B - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Sends an object in the air, but this time, it's a
little slow. But it's like that for a reason: When the
shadow of the floating object lands on the opponent, the
opponent must make an action for it to drop, allowing for
99% accuracy. It doesn't work if the opponent is able to
constantly dodge the object's shadow, however.

::Hitman:: (A - Class) (Homing/Effect Type)

Comments: Like Holy, but hits multiple times whenever the
opponent tries to pick up something. On top of that, it
won't go away for a while. The effect will go away if the
opponent just stands there, but by then the opponent will be
hit by *something*...

Crush - Class

::Crush 1:: (F - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: Sends an object in the air to explode and have
fireballs rain down in a circular formation.

::Crush 2:: (D - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: Like Crush 1, but the fireballs are bigger.

::Crush 3:: (C - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: Like Crush 2, but the fireballs are huge.

::Acid Rain:: (B - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: When the object is thrown into the air, fireballs
the size of the Crush 3 fireballs will rain down, but not in
a circular formation. Instead, fireballs will be shot out
all over the place, disappearing as soon as they hit the

::Cracker:: (A - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: Like Acid Rain, but the fireballs will bounce,
allowing for more damage opportunity.


Hop - Class

::Hop 1:: (F - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: An object bounces around about 4 times until it
hits an opponent, and can hit multiple times.

::Hop 2:: (D - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Hop 1, but it bounces around 7 times and has
a better homing factor, therefore hitting the opponent more
than Hop 1.

::Hop 3:: (C - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Hop 2, but the homing factor is excellent.

::Escape:: (B - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: Allows you to make great leaps around the arena.
Of course, you need to have an object in your hand.

::Guard Hop:: (A - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: When an object is used, the object will bounce in
front of you, serving as a barrier against opponents who try
to get in front of you. You can have 5 at most. (Assuming
that the character you're using has a high psy rating, as
well as a flashing ball next to you. You can have more, but
by then one of the objects would have disappeared...)


Thunder - Class

::Thunder 1:: (F - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: A small beam is shot foward, then disappears
after traveling a short distance.

::Thunder 2:: (D - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Like Thunder 1, but the beam is longer, wider,
faster, and goes a farther distance.

::Thunder 3:: (C - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Like Thunder 2, but the beam is twice as longer,
wider, faster, and goes to the end of the arena.

::Finger Ray:: (B - Class) (Wave Type)

Comments: A beam will split in 5 different directions,
sending small balls of thunder into...well, 5 different
directions. But they don't travel far, though.

::Rainbow:: (A - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: An extremely huge, wide, and fast beam is shot.
Almost unavoidable if it's headed in your direction.


Chase - Class

::Chase 1:: (F - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: A small ball of energy is shot in an arc.

::Chase 2:: (D - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Chase 1, but there are 3 balls of energy
instead of 1.

::Chase 3:: (C - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Chase 2, but the balls bounce once after
hitting an opponent, allowing for more destruction

::Wind Arrow:: (B - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: 3 different color energy balls are shot,
travelling extremely fast and has a long distance.

::Wave Arrow:: (A - Class) (Wave Type)

Comments: 5 energy balls are shot, travelling fast in a
wave formation and they reach the ends of the arena.


Hunter - Class

::Hunter 1:: (F - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: An object is throw into the air, then it hones in
on an opponent. It doesn't hone in well as the next
upgrades, though.

::Hunter 2:: (D - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Hunter 1, but the honing ability is a little

::Hunter 3:: (C - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Hunter 2, but the chances of hitting an
enemy are very good.

::Guard:: (B - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: When you use an object, it will turn into a
boomerang and spin around you, protecting you from
opponents. You can have more than one.

::Falcon:: (A - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: When an object is spun into the air, 3 boomerangs
will come from it and hit the enemy, with great homing


Shout - Class

::Shout 1:: (F - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: An object is thrown into the air, then it moves
wildly while homing in on a opponent.

::Shout 2:: (D - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Shout 1, but it bounces on the opponent once
before finally hitting him/her/it then disappearing.

::Shout 3:: (C - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Shout 2, but it bounces twice on the
opponent, hits him/her/it, then disappearing.

::Earth:: (B - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: An object is slammed on the ground, then
everything jumps up, stunned. (Except for the bombs, they

::Quake:: (A - Class) (Random/Effect Type)

Comments: Like Earth, but everyone crawls on the ground for
a couple of seconds, vulnerable to attack.


Hurricane - Class

::Hurricane 1:: (F - Class) (Area/Random Type)

Comments: An object is thrown in the air, then when it hits
the ground it spins around a little bit in a random

::Hurricane 2:: (D - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Hurricane 1, but it spins around longer and
it hones in on an opponent.

::Hurricane 3:: (C - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: Like Hurricane 2, but it spins around longer than
Hurricane 1, and the honing ability is better.

::Tornado:: (B - Class) (Homing Type)

Comments: When an object is spun in the air, it turns into
a tornado and it hones in on the closest opponent. (Not
you, of course... that is, unless you're in the middle of
nowhere.) After that, it disappears.

::Twister:: (A - Class) (Random/Homing Type)

Comments: Like Tornado, but it lasts for an extended amount
of time, hitting more than one opponent that ends up in it's


Hail - Class

::Hail 1:: (F - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: An object is thrown into the air and turns into a
sort of 'comet', with a 'sparkly trail of destruction'
following behind it, damaging anyone that just so happens to
be in front or under it. It doesn't travel far though, and
the 'sparkly trail of destruction' bit doesn't happen until
it's about to hit the ground.

::Hail 2:: (D - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Like Hail 1, but the 'sparkly trail of
destrucion' bit is executed from the start.

::Hail 3:: (C - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Like Hail 2, but it travels to the end of the
arena and the 'sparkly trail of destruction' bit is pretty
big, covering a large path.

::Red Shock:: (B - Class) (Shot Type)

Comments: Think Hail 3, but it has the distance of the
first 2 Hails, and the color is red instead of blue.

::Aurora:: (A - Class) (Wave/Shot Type)

Comments: Like Hail 3, but it travels in a zig-zag
formation and the 'sparkly trail of destruction' bit is
damned huge.


Star - Class

::Star 1:: (F - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: An object is slammed on the ground, then 3 star-
shaped balls of energy fly out in 3 directions.

::Star 2:: (D - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: Like Star 1, but there's 5 balls of energy
instead of 3.

::Star 3:: (C - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: Like Star 2, but the 5 balls of energy expand,
covering a large area.

::Star Force:: (B - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: When an object is used, the player gains super
speed and super strength, being able to run extremely quick
and pick up large objects with ease.

::Speed Star:: (A - Class) (Area Type)

Comments: When the object is slammed on the ground, it
moves in repeated small circles, damaging any opponent in
it's path. Good for racking up scores if used right...


Magic - Class

::Magic 1:: (F - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: When an object is thrown into the air, it stays
suspended in the air for about 2 seconds, then it falls
towards the nearest person.

::Magic 2:: (D - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: Like Magic 1, but the object falls almost
instantly once it's tossed up into the air.

::Magic 3:: (C - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: Like Magic 2, but the object hits twice if you
just so happen to be using a large object.

::Stealth:: (B - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: An object is tossed into the air, but it stays in
the air until some unlucky person just so happens to walk
near it's shadow, then it'll fall instantly. Much like a
trap of some sort.

::Ghost:: (A - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: Like Stealth, but the object will travel all over
the place, looking for something to hit instead of just
staying there.


Poison - Class

::Poison 1:: (F - Class) (Shot/Area/Effect Type)

Comments: An object is shot for a small distance, and when
it comes to a complete halt, a black explosion radiates from
the object, and all those who get caught up in the explosion
get a 'tired' status for a couple of seconds.

::Poison 2:: (D - Class) (Shot/Area/Effect Type)

Comments: Like Poison 1, but the blast radius is bigger.

::Poison 3:: (C - Class) (Shot/Area/Effect Type)

Comments: Like Poison 2, but the blast radius is huge.

::Black Ball:: (B - Class) (Shot/Effect/Homing Type)

Comments: When an object is used for this psyche glove
attack, the object is turned into a black ball (instead of
remaining intact) and hones into one enemy for a short
distance. When the enemy is hit, he/she will get the tired

::Dark Zone:: (A - Class) (Shot/Effect/Area/Homing Type)

Comments: Like Black Ball, but an explosion commences after
hitting one person, and everyone who gets caught up in the
explosion gets a tired effect.


Dwarf - Class

::Dwarf:: (S - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: When an enemy is hit with this, he/she is turned
into a small variation of him/herself, and is unable to lift
objects and is now a victim of simply being stepped on for a
short amount of time.

This glove can be purchased by the Shady Guy for $5730000.


Giant - Class

::Giant:: (S - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: When you use this, you turn into a large
variation of yourself and you can simply run into your enemy
if you want to cause damage, and you can't get hurt.
However, you can't lift objects.

This glove can be purchased by the Shady Guy for $5730000.


Death - Class

::Death:: (S - Class) (Effect Type)

Comments: When you use this, everyone in the arena
(yourself included) will get the 'critical' status, and you
only need one hit to take out your enemies (yourself

This glove can be purchased by the Shady Guy for $5730000.


Meteor - Class

::Meteor:: (S - Class) (Random Type)

Comments: The super cheesy glove of the game. When you use
this, fireballs rain down from the sky pelting the entire
arena for 10 seconds, with each fireball doing a decent
amount of damage. As fierce as it may seem, you can
actually *not* get hit by this, but you have to be extremely

This glove can only be acquired by defeating King for the
first time.


This is nothing more than to just inform you of the stages
and what they have in them. That's all.

::Stage Information::


Comments: A square shaped stage that has logs replacing
rocks, but with that aside there's the usual items.

Hazards: None.



Comments: A circular shaped stage that has the usual items.

Hazards: A robot in a middle that occasionally puches the
objects in a random direction (and if you get close to it,
you) and has an attack where it shoots a lazer beam that
stuns you if it's not avioded (which you can do by simply
ducking) that covers the entire arena.


Comments: A square shaped stage that has the usual items.

Hazards: When you start the stage, you'll notice a huge,
unusual looking rock laying plainly in the middle of the
stage. Should you pick it up and throw it (or attack it)
though, it turns into a huge dinosaur that runs around the
stage, attacking people at random. That, and the lights
occasionaly fade, so you could barely see where you're going
of what's going to hit you.


Comments: A circular shaped stage that has chunks of ice
instead of rocks, but with that aside it's the usual items.

Hazards: Penguins that occasionally jump out of the
surrounding water and slide/waddle across the stage, and the
slippery floor.

Moai Land

Comments: A circular shaped stage with the usual items.

Hazards: Easter Island heads that cough up black balls and
walk around for a small amount of time, occasinally running
into people. They only do this if they're picked up and
thrown, or attacked.


Comments: A square shaped stage with the usual items.

Hazards: Tornados that occasionally appear out of nowhere
and randomly attack people. That, and the strong winds.

Stage Infinity

Comments: Circular shaped stage with the usual items.

Hazards: None.

You fight King on this stage, BTW.


Comments: Circular shaped stage with the usual items.
Basically, it's Stage Infinity with a different color

Hazards: None.

This stage is only available in the Exhibition Mode.


That's it!

Poy-Poy! is property of Konami, 1997.

(c) 2001, by Sasoriza. All rights reserved. All versions of
this FAQ will be given to the sites that I say can use them.
Don't sell this FAQ, as it is free to the public. If I do
give you permission to have this FAQ on your site, don't
edit this FAQ in any way.

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