Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2

13.10.2013 23:03:55
Lethal + Tdeath's Silent 2 Hill FAQ (v.2)
BY: Jason Hurtada aka. Lethal
BY: Tory McAvoy aka. Tyrantdeath
Version 1.0- Updated 10.12.01
silent Hill 2 site:

Please don't email me about things NOT in this faq, the email's pileing
up, so if you really need help, visit the message board.
there are many people who will able to get to your questions a lot
faster than I can.

The Generic Disclaimer:

This faq was written by Jason hurtada and Tory McAvoy, copyright 2k1,
was started on 8.27.01. If you would like to use this faq on your site,
be my guess, just make sure not to edit it, you must keep the "by"
credits unaltered. Also, we like to know where its being posted so send
me a link, I would like to visit your site. Maybe we can have dinner
after. Please contact us with any questions at

Tdeath, has more free time, go bug him.




Now let's get our faq on....

10.11.01 Finally Finished the walkthru. It should be easy enough to
understand that you won't have to email me. I should be finishing this
faq up with the stuff I missed. Like rankings and stuff. But most of
that stuff is available at the silent hill 2 website.

10.10.01 The walkthru is almost finished. Fianlly. Added the location
to the last secret item thanks to emails by, and
Vicki Goebel Also added a strategy to beat
eddie byVicki Goebel ( Finally I added another
thingto the little things section, thanks to Jon Curry

10.7.01 added more walkthru. should be finally finished with the
walkthru in a day or two. NO MORE Walkthru questions, yesssssss!

10.05.01 Added secret items, some boss strategies, and more of the
walkthru. Also added some boss strategies by ThaKing

10.03.01 Added Gameshark Codes, and some cheats, Also revised some of
the sections in the faq.

10.01.01 Added more of the walkthru, a few parts after the hangers
battle. Also added a new "pyramid head Strategy" by Mike
( A surpriseing, and easier way to beat the
monster the first time.
(located in walkthru + enemy guide)

Finished my personal game. Continueing the Faq Game.

This faq is far from finished. I (lethal) started the faq yesterday, so
I had to go back an play through the game and write all of it down. So
that is the reason the walkthrough is still unfinished. I beleive
Tdeath finished the game more than once, or knows how to finish it,
but if you want to ask questions, it would be helpdful if you asked one
or the other, and not email both the same question. I don't even want
to spoil the rest of the game for myself, so i am keeping secrets and
endings guide out until I at least get two or more endings.

Since you already have the manual, you already know what to do.

Silent Hill 2 was introduced late in 2000. But everyone knew it was
coming out several months earlier when Konami tested Silent Hill with
PS2 graphics. By that time, the fans of the original game were excited
about experience the game in next-generation graphics. Except for me,
as Silent Hill left me emotionally scarred.I had to go through
countless therapy sessions to forget about little demon children.
But I guess I caved in , bought the game and wrote this faq.

Silent Hill 2 returns players back to the eerie town of Silent Hill in
a new story with all new characters. Players assume the role of James,
who receives a cryptic letter from his wife beckoning him to meet her
in Silent Hill, a place that holds great meaning for the couple. What
would normally be a comforting, even romantic letter, scares and
confuses James – his wife has been dead for three years. The
mystery of the letter compels him to return to the surreal horror
and all-too-real danger in Silent Hill.

James is into dead women.

III. CHARACTERS- by Tdeath (

James Sunderland:
His life was happy, he had a good life, a loving wife, and no real
worries. But James Sunderland could never have possibly imagined what
would happen to make his world become destroyed, his loving wife, Mary,
had suddenly captured a rare disease, striking James in the most bitter
of ways as he watched her die slowly and painfully for a very long time,
until she finally died a sudden death one day, leaving him forever.
James is naturally grief stricken over this, and even though it has
been several years, he still mourns every couple of days, unable to
take the pain of her never being there, the pain of seeing things
around him every day of his life that remind him of his departed love,
and he is apparently lost his meaning to life. James is a man who has
nothing to lose, and will take out anything that stands in his way of
finding Mary, but otherwise is a simple and polite man.

Mary Shepherd Sunderland
A quiet and polite woman, once wife to James Sunderland. Having been
deceased three years ago, it seems frightening that she would suddenly
come back from the dead and begin writing cryptic love letters to James,
effectively scaring the hell out of him and filling him full of hope at
the same time. But you know what they say, "Love does strange things to
a person..." and in this case, that exact quote may have a lot of

Angela Orosco
The very first human that James stumbles upon in Silent Hill. She is
apparently searching for her mother and siblings, summoned in a very
simillar way to Silent Hill as James has. On the outside, she looks and
sounds like a very level headed and pleasant woman, although a little
nervous. But on the inside, there is something tormenting and posessing
her, driving her slowly to madness. Her past has been a sad one, running
from home several times because of her father, who sounds like a sick
and abusive man who had tormented her once her mother and siblings
were away. But it may actually be quite the opposite, her "mama" and
siblings may not even exist...

A little girl wandering the barren and evil streets of Silent Hill on
her lonesome, and somehow surviving without even a scratch. She is
perhaps the only surviving local of Silent Hill, and knows all, but
seeing as how she hates James with an extremely bitter animosity,
she isn't exactly willing to tell all. If it were not for this
unknowning hatred for James, she would actually be a normal, innocent
child. She is actually kind and curious as young children should be,
but once again this unknown hate for James keeps her from being
anything but kind to the player. As ridiculous as her bitterness
seems, she may actually have quite a good reason for hating him,
and he perhaps has commited a terrible crime, without even knowing...

Mysterious, flirtatious, and always curious, A mysterious woman who
bears a resemblance to Mary, James's dead wife. The simillarity is
in the face and the voice, but otherwise non existant. She has a polar
opposite personality to Mary, very provocative and ambitious to Mary's
quiet and polite manner. James can't help but feel as though he is
talking to his wife when he speaks to her, however, and the level of
intimacy that their conversations have is so high sometimes that
James could barely distinguish. But Mary's future is undetermined,
and it may be very, very black indeed...

Eddie is hands down the most disturbed character in Silent Hill 2.
When you first meet him, he is praying to the porcelain god outside
of a room with a dead man in it, to which he repeatedly defends
himself (even without James asking if he did it), saying "I didn't do
it! I didn't kill anybody!" and is very cowardly and pathetic. His
normal persona, when not puking and denying obviously recent committed
crimes, is actually very outgoing and generous. He has the mind of a
child, you could say. But there is another side of Eddie that he cannot
control, a side that is insane, murderous, and overtly paranoid. This
side unfortunately comes out more than one would hope, and he might
just get in James's way of finding Mary, and James may not be too
happy about that. Perhaps a confrontation is iminent in the future....


The wooden plank can be summed up in 3 simple words: easy, effective,
fast. People denounce the plank with nails in it because it looks
flimsy, but soon after use, you realize all it takes is a lot of skill,
and you can go through the first half of the game with it. It also uses
no ammo, and is the first weapon you get. And even if you don't like
the wooden plank with nails in it, get used to it, because it's all
your getting through the first level.

Like Harry, James is quite a bad shot, and the dark enviroment doesn't
help the situation. This weapon is more for cloes range and desperate

Steel Pipe
Yes, the steel pipe makes a return from Silent Hill. But this time it's
bigger and a lot more powerful. The Steel Pipe has three attacks: the
normal swings which are done by tapping the X button, and then you can
hold X and release the R2 button and he'll stab the pipe right through
the enemy, and then press both buttons down at the same time and
he'll bring it down hard on their head. A very fun weapon to use.

Great Knife
Pyramid Head (aka The Butcher) at one time wielded this weapon. It was
the sword he dragged behind him that you feared so greatly. Well, after
you kill him, you find his hide out and discover the gigantic blade
among a mess of blood. James decides it would be a fine weapon indeed,
so you take it and now you can be just like The Butcher, dragging the
sword behind you and then you see a Nurse Demon and...**slice** with
one hit! Careful though, this thing is as slow as James dragging it.
(how do you think you won against the Butcher in the first place?!)

Oh you damn right. The chainsaw is back and it's no ordinary chainsaw.
this thing is a BIG chainsaw. you can slash through anything with it,
and it will even cut enemies in half! And James can also go temporarily
insane when using it, waving it in the air and screaming like a mad man.
It's real funny to watch.

Hyper Spray
This will be unlocked once you get the same ending twice.
This stuff is interesting. You can spray it directly at ANY enemy in
the game (including bosses) and they will stop dead in their tracks,
allowing you to dispose of them however you want. Careful though,
James can be hurt (and possibly killed) by this spray if you use it
too much at once.

Well, a new handgun and it's much more powerful, but the problem is it
can only hold 10 bullets. You find it around the second level, where
you gladly acceot it into your humble inventory.

Double Barreled action. This thing is one of the most powerful weapons
in the game and has no equal. But the problem is that it takes a long
time to aim, shoot, and then comes the recoil. If somehow you
don't take out the enemy on the first shot, you'll most definitely
get hit. A couple of nice things about the shotgun is it has six shots
and is auto loading. Very cool.

High Powered Hunting Rifle
Beware, Patients and Mannequins, this gun is your worst nightmare. This
thing will not only kill them in one (or if they're lucky two shots)
shot, but it will send 'em flying back to wherever they came. James
somehow knows how to hold the thing too, and he does it well. Maybe
he did some huntin' back in the day? Seeing the way he handles that
chainsaw, he may just have a bit of a killer in em...

I just avoid every enemy and kill when I have to, tdeath on the other
hand likes to fight.

Patient Demons (Straight jacket Monster)
Background Info:
These monsters have had many different names before hand, ranging from
straitjacket monster, stretching monster, even orifice! But the official
name is apparently the Patient Demon. these demons were once part of
either the psychiatric ward of the Brookhaven hospital or the residents
of Silent Hill, turned into demons once brought into the nightmare/hell
world, where they appeared in both dimensions. You can tell the
difference between certain kinds, but they aren't very distinguishable.
In any case, these things are disgusting, vile creatures that have had
their straitjacket melded together with an extra layer of skin that has
been put upon them. They spit clouds of acidic vomit and are tough
competitiors if not dealt with correctly.

Any weapon will put them into submission, but it is wise to use the
Nail Plank because you can down them in three to four shots with it,
then stomp on them quickly so that they don't scurry away and regenerate.

Vomit Cloud
Foot Chew


Background Info:
We all remember these from Silent Hill. They were a petty annoyance,
and often got in the way when trying to attack bigger enemies or
getting past a walkway. Well, in Silent Hill 2, they are no different,
except for the fact they are much more weaker...

If you want to attack them tactically, well then here you go: stomp
on them. You don't have to knock them down first, you can stomp on
them already without even hitting them. You can also run over them.
If you really want to be an evil little bastard,
use the handgun on them.

-I just avoid them, using a zig-zag pattern. (lethal)

Disformed Mannequin

Background Info:
A very interesting creature. They were at one time mannequins that
are seen in shopping malls and clothing stores, but were chopped off
at the midsection and sewn together , making two lower body halves
come to life with evil. Although their attacks can be tough, they
are in poor reach of you and can easily be put into submission

Since they can put a hurt on you, make sure your taking on only one
when using the Nail Plank. If there are multiple ones, use the handgun
or shotgun. But the steel pipe is very effective later on, 'tis
their bane.

Kick/punch?! can't tell.

Background Info:
Yet another new creature in Silent Hill 2. These once human creatures
have obviously had some changes, as they sport gigantic, parasitical
arms that hide blood sucking tendrils underneath. They fortunately
can only attack under the grates of the nightmare world's floors,
and are easy targets for you if you want to attack them.
Basically just run and they'll never hit you. But if you want to
fight, continuously step away while firing a gun and they'll
eventually fall to the ground below, making a satisfactory smack.

Blood Suck
- I think the blood suck also can stun James.

Background Info:
Very interesting creatures indeed. They apparently are creatures
that got melded with doors, making for the most odd creature
you'll ever see. The first one you fight is a boss, and is very
difficult to attack, as it is extremely strong. These things have
an instant death move in which they eat you through the slit on the
bottom of the tables, and can tackle you as well. Very dangerous
creatures in general, and should be dealt with swiftly.

Use the shotgun, since rifle ammo is sparse. If your one on one
with a doorman, then use the steel pipe, but only if you have an
exceptionally large amount of room.

Strategies: (the boss fight) (
This battle can be tough, as this is a very small room and the enemy
is quite wide. When he gets close he'll bite on your head. As with
previous bosses, you'll want to keep on the opposite side of the
room when you're attacking. If you've got hunting rifle ammo, use it.
About 10-12 shots will kill him. If you can get a little distance
from the enemy, fire off two shots and wait a second. Two hits will
knock him down. Allow him to get up then fire two more shots into
him. Move to the other side of the room, reload and repeat the

Consume (Instant Death)


Background Info:
Monsters confined to cells in the ceiling. you face three of them
in Brookhaven Hospital as a boss fight. They can strangle James,
but other than that, this boss fight should be relatively painless.

run across the room from the hangers, and don't go under them. As
long as your using the shotgun on the first two, then things should
go easy enough. On the last one, use the handgun.

Leg Choke

Crazy Eddie

Indeed. Eddie finally cracks and believes James is a bad guy, so
after letting all of the truths revealed about him, James and him
battle to the death. This is a damned hard battle if your not
careful. For veterans of Silent Hill, this is the Cybil fight.

for the first time around, keep blasting. Keep your bullets in
check and just keep blasting. When the dual shock controller
begins vibrating really violently, that means hit the R3 button,
which is the right analog stick, and you'll automatically recover
using a health item.

For the second form, hide behind the meats, popping out to shoot
the hell out of the man, and then hiding back again. If your good,
you can pop out and go up right behind him and use the chainsaw
or Shotgun and then hide again and he will never get a shot in.
Another good tactic if your not good at dodging shots is to go
right up to Eddie, as he will instead try and beat the crap out
of James, which is a lot easier to deal with. If your able to
keep a somewhat cool head during this battle, you'll survive,
but Eddie won't.

Strategies: (

There's no real tactic to this fighting this battle. If you run,
Fatty will shoot you. Just raise your best weapon (hopefully you've
got some hunting rifle shells) and keep firing. Heal if you need to
(you shouldn't have to more than once).
After Fatty runs away, follow him to the next room.

Boss Battle:
Again, you don't need to follow any strategy. Keep firing at him
until he's dead. It should only take about 10 shots from the hunting
rifle. You may need to heal once, as he'll get a few shots in
during reloading.

Strategies (

Anyway I think I found a good way to deal with Eddie, when I fought
him Iused a ampoule and then Great Knifed his ass!! And he went
running scared,in the meat locker I hid behind some meat and waited
for Eddie to come and used a ampoule then Great Knifed him again
and he went down on his lard ass. Could you try this out and see
how well it works for you.

Gun Shot

PYRAMID HEAD (1st Encounter info)

Backround Info:
Wheres a visor or something. Likes to "get down" with monsters.
Isn't much of a threat until you face it. Your mysterious
nemesisthroughout the game, he wields many different weapons
and is very deadly with all of them. you best strategy is to
always stay on the move and, above all, STRAFE. The first
encounter will have you fighting against him and the great
knife, which if James is only nicked by, will deplete more
than a half of your life on all difficulties. If your even
remotely close to him though, you get, shall we say,
"cleaved". The second time, seeing as how you've taken his
precious sword, he now wields a spear, which can either
impale you or hurt you severley. The second to last battle
of the game requires you to fight two of them at once!!
thankfully, the strategy is all here.

The first encounter will be you vs the butcher with his big
sword. The environment that you fight in will be a squared
room. what you want to do is keep him in the center, shooting
and unloading a full clip of your handgun into him. Put
yourself into the corners of the room, and the moment you see
even a little portion of his body enter the camera, STRAFE to
the next corner of the room , repeating the process. Never let
him be trailing the walls, as then he will approach you head on,
and thats really hard to dodge.

( wrote:)
Hey I noticed in your FAQ/walkthrough that you say to attack
the first boss(P. head). You do not need to hit him even once.
He will leave on his own when the music changes. Just avoid him.

Throughout the game he will continue to stalk you and Maria.
Careful, he loves using those variety of toys of his.

PYRAMID HEAD (2nd Encounter 2X love)

The second encounter will leave you crying for mercy, as there
are now two Pyramid Heads to contend with, each wielding long
and angry spears. The strategy is basically the same as last time,
except now they have become wise to the tactics James implies.
You'll want to alternate the directions of your strafing now,
as they will eventually learn your pattern, then block you and
ultimately kabob you. Of course, use the shotgun and rifle. and
never ever reload using the default reload, alway reload via
the menu screen.

Strategies: (
This should be a very easy battle. This is a large room, so
just keep your distance. Run to a corner and blast a few rounds
into the enemy. Run to the opposite corner when they get close.
You shouldn't take any damage if you're careful. After a fair
amount of damage they will stop coming after you.


so as not to spoil the game, here is the strategies for the final
boss. simple. Strafe when the thing unleashes the cloud of black
moths upon you, or run away in a cirular motion, much like in the
first game with the lightning. And fire off one or two shots from
the rifle and repeat. Careful of this boss getting close to you,
it'll choke you with the long black tail while screaming in your
face...not a lovely way to go. After pumping it full of enough
rifle shells, it will drop to the ground screaming, begging for
a quick death. Give it the executioner's shot.

As with all previous bosses, you'll want to keep your distance,
fire a few shots, and then run to a new spot. This boss has an odd
attack, however, that will make you move a little differently. She
will throw out a swarm of butterflies. Try running underneath her
to get her to throw out the butterflies. Keep running as they chase
you. Just as they start to dissipate, turn and fire a few shots at
the enemy. Keep using this tactic and you should be fine. She also
has a close attack where she grabs you with a tentacle. Don't let
her get too close to you. After you've shot her a bit she'll fall
to the floor. The only thing left to do is to walk up and shoot
her one last time. Enjoy the ending.



-Don't fight. This ain't Resident Evil, James is not a member of

-(R2+SQUARE)+ X.
All this means is run with stick in attack mode, a press x everytime
something gets in James' way. i swear it's hillarious when he misses.

-Don't kill anything. So far (2+ hrs.) I only had to kill one monster,
and I did it becuase he was looking at me weird.

-Run. Yeah, if you continue to run, James, will get slower and
slower, but who cares, he's just a video game character. The only
place you walk is within rooms you know are safe from enemies.

-Conserve Health Drinks. Even if you get hurt once, don't use the
health drinks until your in the red. You can check you status by
pressing start. If you see that the screen has turned red, then you
should take a drink. It's just common sense. I think I learned to
conserve after playing Code Veronica.

-Conserve Ammo. You'll need it for the boss fights later on in the
game. Besides, James, is a bad shot.

-shoot but don't kill. Especially with tougher enemies, use weapons
to maim but never spend to much time trying to kill enemies. A good
example fo this would be when your in the company of Maria, every
moment you spend trying to kill something, is the same moment Maria
could be harmed.

WALKTHROUGH -Normal difficulty, Normal Puzzles. (by lethal)

From the opening scene make a left. After exiting the bathroom, there
will be at the scene in which James talks about getting the letter.
After the cuts scene examine the car to find the map. After you get the
map walk left until you make it to the Toruca lake entrance. Go down
the path until you reach a well, examine the well to find the first
save spot. Continue on until you reach the gates and enter. Continue
to walk into the fog until you stumble upon a girl kneeling on the
ground. A cut scene occurs in which your introduced to Maria. After
the cut scene turn left.

Then continue on till you to get to a house. To the right of the house
is a gate enter it. that continue along the path , pass the cars, pass
the ranch, and continue until you reach the to the building that leads
you into the town. Now continue to walk through the pass there should
be a body of water (or fog) on James' right.


Once you enter the town, most of the buildings will be not be
accessible, continue to walk until you get to the corner of Sanders
Street and Lindsey Street, a cut scene will be activated in which you
must follow the trail of blood. Continue down Lindsey Street and take
a right on Vachss road. Continue down the road, you will notice the
red save object on the table, which isn't accessible yet. Just
continue down the path until you he reached a boarded up tunnel.

A cut scene will occur in which you finally meet your first monster
(patient demon). James will grab a board with a nail in it, and will
look like if he want to beat on the monster pretty bad. The monster
doesn't even attack. A few swings will put it down for good. Exit the
tunnel and another cut scene will follow.

On your way back to town, notice that the area where you found the
red save object. The area is now open. In the lower left corner of
the area, there will be a health drink. There will also be another
health drink under the table. When your ready to leave the area,
save your game.

From here on out, the monsters will go at full strength,
as A tip, DO NOT EVEN TRY TO FIGHT, the point is to survive.
James isn't a super hero, he can, and will lose. Just pass every
monster you try to fight as James is quite the klutz and misses,
even with a stick.

Make your way down to Saul Street, on the lower bottom of your map.
While walking down that road, you will notice an open trailer, enter
that. Once Inside, you will notice a red object save. Save your game,
but also remember to grab that piece of paper on the couch. The paper
will give you a clue to head up to Neely's bar on Neely street
(center of map).

Head to Neely's bar, making sure to avoid any un-necessary monster
fights. The main door to the bar will be closed, but you will be able
to access the bar through the side door. Once inside, grab the map in
the corner, and your map with open up. It will now have circled both
the Woodside Apartment area, as well as the dead end to Martin street.

Make your way down to up to Martin street until you reach the end.
When you reach the end of the street, turn left and you'll discover
body, search the body and you'll find the apartment gate key.


Now head to the Woodside apartment complex and use the key on the
chain link fence doorway. Once inside the complex, enter the first
doorway you see. Once inside, turn left and you should find the map
of the first floor of the building. Also search the room for the
red object save, make sure to save your game.

Now make your way up the staircase until you get to your first door
(off to the side). Enter that door. Now make your way right until
you reach room 205, now once you enter this room, you must remember
that a sleazy mannequin monster is lying on the ground waiting to
pounce, It will not harm you until you do the next thing on this list.
Notice the the light shining from the mannequin, examine that light
and you will get the flashlight
(which you can turn off and on by pressing o). As soon as you do that,
the demon will wake up and then attack. You got options, I suggest you
leave the place, but if your hungry for action, be my guest. Now make
your way to room 208. If you look on the bookcase you will find the
room 202 key
(*I might have overlooked it, or didn't get it until I went back later)
now go into the room with the clock. Turn on your flashlight and go
to the wall with some scribbles on them. When you do that,
you will give given the following names:


Remember this for later Now go to the clock and read the text on the
right side of the clock. After that it will give you an option to push
the clock. Pick no, as you are unable to push it. Then look at the face
of the clock and it should read :
7:46 and 15 seconds

Now backtrack and make your way to the staircase. Once in that area,
climb the stairs until you reach another door. Enter it, and make sure
your light is on. There should now be some bars to the right of James.
Examine the bars and you will be asked if you want to pick up the key.
As you try, the evilness that is Laura appears. It seems as if you can't
reach the key. It's best to move on. Now make your way to Room 301.
There should be a bright red shopping cart , examine it and you will
receive the hand gun.


Now make your way back to 2F and James will discover a noise north of
his location. If you go north, near room 208, you will discover the
solitary figure of a monster. You can't harm it, which means that it's
not a good thing. Now enter room 208 and you will discover another dead
body. Now search the bookcase get the room 202 key if you didn't get it
earlier. Now exit the room. Don't panic,

Make your way to room 202, and turn on your light. Go into the room with
the red glow and make sure to investigate the hole in the wall. After a
few moments of terror, you received the clock key. Now make your way
back to room 208. Now you are able to open the face on the clock. Examine
the clock face and go into your inventory and select the clock key,
use it and now you will be treated to a puzzle:

Remember Henry, Mildred and Scott? That's the key to this puzzle. Henry's
arrow represents hours, Mildred Represents Minutes, and Scott Represents
Seconds. If you look closely, and add all the data together, you should
come up with 9:10 and 15 seconds. After you set that time, go to the
right side of the clock and read the text, and press yes to move the
clock. The clock will now be movable.

Enter the hole and now you'll be in a safe house, there will be a red
save object on the left. Save your game. Make sure to make your way to
the kitchen and get the health drink. Now exit out the other door across
from the kitchen. Now make a right and go out the blue door. Then take
the stairs up to the next floor and enter the door. Then make your way
to the area where that evil child kicked the key from your hand and get
the fire escape key-there will be two patient demons guarding the key,
so make sure to get out of there as fast as you can.

Then make your way to room 307, and you will be treated to some
monster porn :-(, anyways, you will know this figure pretty much through
out the whole game. After the cut scene, go back into the closet and
get the courtyard key. Now make your way down and go into room 303,
there is a patient demon in here, but there is also a first aid kit.
Just avoid the demon all together. Now exit the room Now, to the right
of room 303 is staircase, just follow down the hall until you reach the
blue door, passing 304 and 305. Go down the stairs and you will find a
room with a door missing, go down that hall and make sure that you have
you light equipt , then examine the object on the ground, and get the
canned juice.

Now make your way back to the 2f, and make your way to the room with
a garbage chute jam (next to room 203), it should be circled on the map.
Now, examine the chute and select canned juice from your inventory to
unclog the chute. Exit the chute room, and make a left, now enter the
blue door that leads to a stairway. This is the first stairway you
first took (the one with the save). Before you go outside, examine the
door left of the red object save, you will be able to unlock it with
the courtyard key you found during that whole "porn" fiasco , now make
your way outside. make your way out into the surrounding area Apartment
complex, and into the alley in the middle of the complex, you should
find a magazine and the old man coin. Read the memo, now return to the
stairway area with the save and enter the door that leads to the


Now make your way to the pool in the middle of the courtyard. Being
that James is such a klutz, he will fall into the pool. There will be
three patient demons in the pool. DO not fight, it's hard enough
fighting one when you have to deal with three. Just examine the baby
stroller and grab the snake coin. DO NOT try and use the pool ladder
to get out since it doesn't work, I made this dumb mistake and lost
a lot of life. Just walk to the opposite side of the pool and there
should be steps leading up to your safety. Now go to the door to the
right of the pool area, in the South East region of the area.
Enter the door, and make your way to room 101, you will get a cut
scene and be introduced to Eddie and his buttcrack.

After that scene, back track and return to the area with the red
object save. Make your way to the second floor, and make a left as
soon as you enter. When you enter, James will notice that there is
no fire escape and jump into the window of another building.

I forgot the name right now,
sue me.

Now head into the bathroom and James will notice a wallet floating
amongst the chunks (of course he grabs it and finds this memo:

12>> 01 << 02 >> 07
(it's randomly generated, but I will use my example)

Now leave the bathroom and make a left into the bigger room. In the
kitchen there should be another health drink. If you search the rest
of the room, you will see a safe sitting on a chair.

I think this is the combination to move the dial in one direction,
follow the guidelines I put (don't you second guess me!). Whenever
the code says move in this direction >> or << use your directional
pad to move in that direction.

start and put the dial to twelve (I went left first, but I think it
shouldn't matter) 12, then I turned the dial >> until I reached 1,
then with one click << I turned the dial to 2 then finally turned
the dial >> to 07. The prize is a whole load of bullets, and you
will need them soon enough.

Now, make your way to the door across from the safe. Once outside,
make a right, until you find the white and blue trim door that
usually leads to a a stair well. On James' left, you will find
the map of the building on the wall. If you go back into the second
floor, you will notice all the doors are locked, on one of the doors
there is a note, it tells you that you that there is a key somewhere
on the first floor. Now head down the staircase
(where you found the map) and head to room 105 on the first floor.
There will be a save in this room, as well as a puzzle that cannot
be solved until you get the last coin.

Now make your way to room 109. I think there should be bullets in
this room, inside will be another door which will activate another
cut scene ( Angela= psycho!). You will now be able to acquire the
knife Angela left, which James CANNOT use. Make sure to examine the
small table again to find the prisoner coin. Also, there is a picture
in the center of the room, make sure to check it out
(for story purposes).

Make your way back to room 105 and now you must solve the puzzle. One
of the harder ones so far.

Three bright coins in five holes be,
At one end sits the seducer of she,
The wind from behind the woman doth play
The Formless One, Null, lies furthest from they
The Old One beside the Serpent Sits not.
Tis to the prisoner's left, that he does rot.

Here is the order (O= empty):

Easy riddle mode: old man coin, O, snake coin, O,
prisoner coin

Normal Riddle Mode: O, Old Man, Prisoner, O, Snake

Hard Mode: O, Old Man, O, snake, prisoner

After that, re-examine the shelf to get the Lyne key.
Now go back to the room with a note on the 2nd floor, you are now able
to open it with the key you found. Now go through the room, and you will
notice that there is a passageway to a ledge. Go through that ledge
and into the other room. Search around the bed to find the Apartment
Stairway Key. There is also a red save in this area, save your game and
back track to the hallway of the second floor. Now make your way to the
stairway entrance by room 208 and use the key.



The trick to this fight is to lure the monster to the corners of the
room. He is very slow, so you have a better chance of dodgeing his
attacks. When he is motioning to swing, go to the other side of the room
and fire, often it's best to lure him into the conrer and move when he is
going to do the motion. Never get caught in his motion, as one or two
swings are the only things he needs to finish you off. THIS IS WHERE
package but had 5 or 6 health drinks left.

Easier suggestion:
( wrote:)
Hey I noticed in your FAQ/walkthrough that you say to attack
the first boss(P. head). You do not need to hit him even once.
He will leave on his own when the music changes. Just avoid him.

Once you beat him, he will go down into the water. If you'd like to save,
back track. otherwise continue down stairs until you reach a door. Enter
it, and you should be outside. Now go outside an you should find a first
aid kit near a set of orange cones. Now continue to walk down the road
until a cut scene is triggered between James and evil laura.

Rosewater Park
Now head to Rosewater Park. After the scene, walk and turn left into the
first stairway. Go into the corner of this area and you should find 2
sets of ammo. Now head to the Gazebo and there should be some ammo on a
stone bench outside of the gazebo. Now go left of the Gazebo into the
other passage way. there should be an entrance he, go to the other side
and read the engraving on the statue. there should also be another health
drink on a bench nearby. Now backtrack to the path with a Gazebo and
continue forward. There should be another item near the telescope, now
continue down this path. Cut scene with Maria. Your mission is to go to
the Lake view hotel.

Maria now accompanies you as well. BE CAREFUL. If she gets harmed, you
get harmed. Also, if she is too close, you might strike her as well.
Be sure to just avoid any unnecessary fight when you are with Maria.
I have also heard that the way you act or deal in the presence of Maria
affects the the end of the game.

Jack's Inn + Texxon
Now pass the parking lot and head south towards Jack's Inn. While at
Jack's inn you will find another save point on a car, make sure to save
your game if you already haven't. Now make your way to the Texxon station
and you will find the steel pipe on the hood of a car in the area. Make
sure to get this, as it's packs a lot more power than that puny plank.
make sure to search the area of the gas station for hand gun bullets and
not one, not two, but three health drinks. (remember, try to conserve
as much as you can during the game!)

You can now head towards Nathan Avenue and waste time, or go for the
money shot and head to Pete's Bowl-A-Rama, because the area north of
Nathan avenue is still blocked off.

Bowling Alley + Night Club

Now make your way to Pete's Bowl-A-Rama nearby. Before you enter, search
the front of the alley for another health drink. If you conserved properly,
then you would have at least ten to twelve health drinks and at least
one or two first aid packets.

Maria will then stay outside while you investigate the bowling alley.
Now enter the door on the left from where you entered. Laura will be
mentally abusing Eddie while he eats a pizza. Follow Laura out the
door. Cut scene. Now make your way to Heaven's night. Maria has a lot
of keys :-) Now make your way up the stairs and continue until you
reach the last door and enter it.

Brookhaven Hospital

There will be a first aid kit in the
middle of the room. Now make your way down Carroll St. and then a
cut scene will occur in which you see Laura go into Brookhaven Hospital.
When you enter, search the wall near the door for the map. Now make
your way to the reception office and save your game, most if not all
the doors on this floor are locked (as usual).

While in the health office, you will be given the names of three
patients of the hospital,
Jack Davis
Joseph Barkin
Joshua Lewis

But that isn't very important (cept story wise I guess).
There is also another health drink on the desk in the room. Last but
not least, go to the type writer and read the eerie journal. then get
the purple bull key. Now head to the men's locker room on 2f. Search
the lab coat for the examination room key. Now make your way to the
woman's locker room for a BIG surprise. First examine the teddy bear to
find the bent needle, then search around the lockers to find the SHOTGUN!.
Although you may have it, remember, conserve! Now head to the
examination room (3) on the 2nd floor. Get the first aid kit as well
as the (IMPORTANT) four digit code by examining the typewriter.

Now head towards M2 and examine the night stand. It should contain the
Lapis Eye Key, as well as shotgun shells. NOW COMBINE THE LAPIS AND
THE PURPLE BULL KEY and store it for later. Now go to room M3 WARNING,
there's a nurse in here, this is one of those instance where you must
kill, since the nurse are tough enough. Now grab the health drink
and set of bullets.

Make your way to m6 and get the shotgun shells and health drink.
When I last counted, I had almost 15 health drinks, how much do
you have left :-)

Now head back to the first floor, avoiding any unnecessary conflict.
Now head into the examination room . Now make your way to the doctor's
lounge and get the shotgun shell that are in the sink. there should
also be some more journals on the shelf in the examination room.

Now examine the bulletin board to find the code you will need later:

(Normal + East) 7335
(Hard) T= 1328

Now make your way to 3F. NURSES! this is one of those times where
you must fight once again, since you will need to input the code
without distraction. There should also be a first aid kit near the
elevator opening, make sure to pick that up. Now use the four number
code to unlock the double doors with the code. Now head to S3.

Maria will then decide to sleep (why? don't know, but it's better
now since you don't have to take care of her) Before you leave,
examine the table to find the roof key. Now go to the shower room.
Now head to the center of the room to the drain. Try using the bent
needle, but it's still not long enough. head to S11, and avoid any
possible fighting, as always. This is a save room, grab the health
drink and head towards S14 and there will be a puzzle. This is the
"Louise" puzzle. Remember this place for later. Now head up the stairs
to the roof. Use the key to enter the area. Now search the corners
to find a diary.

(read it, it will affect your ending)

(don't read it and it will affect your ending)
Choose this if you want happy thoughts, just stand near it for a
brief moment and then proceed with the game). Now, try opening the door
in the area and you will be greeted by "pyramid head". James will then
be really $%^&ed up. Much of his health has depleted. NOW IT'S TIME
TO USE THOSE HEALTH ITEMS :-P. James will now be in the special treatment
room on the third floor. Now go into the room where the skidmarks end.
On the wall in this padded cell is another code you will have to remember.
In the normal game, I believe the code is 5752, but it may be different
for your game. Now backtrack and unlock the door which leads back into
the corridor and head back to S14 to finally solve that puzzle.

This puzzle can be difficult, It took me a while to finally figure out
how the hell to solve this puzzle.

Take the combo key (Lapis/P. Bull Key) and use it on the padlock type
thing to remove the chains.

Now Use the code you found in the examination room on the remote-control
looking lock. Finally, sue the code you found in the padded room on the
turn number lock. A Piece of hair will be discovered, all that for a
piece of hair?

Now go back to the shower area and examine the drain again. Now combine
the needle and the piece of hair, and you will get the elevator key. Now
head to 3f and use the key on the elevator. Now examine the elevator to
enter it and then examine the panel inside the elevator. Now head to 1F.

Now head to C3 on the first floor and get the shells and the bullets.
BEFORE YOU DO, EQUIP YOUR SHOTGUN. You will then encounter the evil Laura,
who is much more of a threat than the monsters themselves. She will lead
James into the examining room....

She screwed you over. Meet the Hangers.


Two monsters to deal with. The come in pimped out from the ceiling,
with suction cupped hands. Run across the room from the hangers, and don't
go under them, THEY WILL STRANGLE YOU. As long as your using the shotgun
on the first two, then things should
go easy enough. On the last one, use the handgun. It should be an easier
battle, but the bosses so far have been nothing of a challenge.

Now your back on track, you will now be in the garden area of the hospital.
Now head through the double doors. There should be a save on a wall near
by. Now head to C2, there is a nurse in hear. Kill or be Killed. (I think
my kill count is 5 or 6, excluding bosses) Now get the first aid packet
in here. James will also hear a noise. Now head into C1. WATCH OUT, a nurse
is so close she could be breathing on James, cept she's dead, and dead
things don't breath. Kill it. Now search the room for bullets and a drink.
Now take the elevator up to 2f. Then go to room M4. MORE NURSES. Try
dodging the nurses by using the strafe, which I only learned later in the
game. you will find shells and a drink.

Now head to M6.Examine the %^&*ed art and get the dry cell battery and
Basement Storeroom Key. Read the memo, grabs the bullets and aid kit and
head to the Day room. James will notice the fridge. Now use the elevator
to head up to the 3rd floor.

Now there will be a lot of monster here. Now try going near the
stairs and examining the statue of the woman. Now head back to the
room where you left Maria (S3). She will be gone. Now search the room
for bullets and Ampoule (save this for extreme cases of desperation).
Now read the note, it has something to do with the statue of the female
in the hall. Now exit and head for the store room. There will be a few
nurses in the area, so watch out.

In the store room, will be shells, bullets and a kit. Now go down the
stairs in the area near the store room, there is a save point here.
Now head down and all the doors except the bottom door are closed. Use
the key to open the last door. Now go down the room to the shelf, push
the shelf and it will expose a hole. James will try and crawl into the
shelf, and Maria will be angry at James. She will go on and on an on, so
just don't pay attention :-) The length of this conversation will also
determine the ending you get. Now Maria will once again follow you.
Head down the ladder.

You should now be in the basement. Now search for the blood on the
floor, examine it and you should find the copper ring. Now get out of
the hole. Now head to 3f. Make your way to the elevator in the hall.
Before you go to the elevator, notice the hand, you will need to
remember this location later Now head down to 2F. Before you exit
the elevator, you will get a freaky radio message from the game show
"trick or treat"- I'm sure you've heard of it, as it is the 1# Silent
Hill radio show for the last 90 yrs :-P Now listen carefully to the
three questions. These questions will be important later, brush up on
Silent Hill History by reading memos and other things you've collected.

Now head to the day room on the 2f. Now try to examine the fridge
again. Maria will now help you. In the fridge is a lead ring. Now
use the elevator and go up to 3f. Make your way to the store room
and there will be a jeweled box there.


Trick or treat box.

Warning. You get a question wrong, you lose a lot of life.
Prize: 2 Ampoules , Shotgun Shells


First Question: Select the 3rd button.
Second Question: Select the 1st button.
Third Question: Select the 3rd button.

Now head back to the place with the statue of the woman. Now put the
copper and the lead ring in the hand of the statue. The door should be
unlocked. Go down the stairway and head down the path until you reach
the first pathway, there should be a memo on the ground, read this. You
will now have to search for a set of keys, now continue down the stairway.
As you reach the end, something happens, Pyramid Head returns. Quickly
run the hell away from him, making your way to the elevator, before you
get speared.

After the whole thing, James will now be on 1f. Once again, Maria and
James have been separated, making it easier to survive in this game.
Now head to the directors room. There's a map in here, and the hospital
lobby key. If you check your map, there will be new areas open up that
you weren't able to investigate earlier. Leave the hospital, BUT make
sure to save before leaving the area.

South Vale....after hours.

Now head to Saul street and search for the gates, in the big rig vicinity.
Enter the gates and James will locate a tunnel. While in the tunnel,
James will be greeted by under hangers, just walk around them as they are
no big deal. Now make your way until you reach the exit.
You are in East South Vale once again. Now head Lindsey Street and make
your way to the house next to the Mexican Restaurant. Read the letter
and make sure to get the wrench. Go back to Neely's bar and read the
message to James.

You shouldn't stay that long in the town anyways, but here is a list of
ammo and health drinks you might need, I MAY BE MISSING A FEW, since I
didn't stay too much in the area before I moved along:

SG bullets-
Rosewater Park, near parking lot.
Middle of Caroll St.
Near corner of Caroll and Rendell
Near corner of Rendell and Monson
Near Save on Saul
Corner of Lindsey and Sanders
Near Entrance of Flower Shop

HG bullets-
Near dead end on Rendell
Corner of Monson and Saul
Across from first building on Rendell
Grand Market
Near corner of Lindsey and Vachss
Flower Shop
Building on Saul Street
Neely's Bar
Café Texan

R Bullets-
Front/Behind Happy Burger
Big Jay's
Across the first building on Rendell Street
The dead end on Nathan Avenue (a long detour!!!)

H Drinks-
Dead End on Rendell
Corner of Saul and Monson
Near Corner of Monson and Rendell
Near second statue in Rosewater park

Dead end on Rendell
Dead end on Katz

F Aid
Sault Street
Across from happy burger


You have to go back to the park. Make your way down Katz, pass the
apts, and make your way to the door that reads "leading into
nightmares". Enter it.
Now go to the second statue in Rosewater Park, It is the woman.
There should be a mound of dirt near it. James will dig, and find
a small box Use the wrench and James will find the old bronze key.
Now make your way to the historical society museum. Use the key
you found in the park to enter the museum.


There will be a save point the moment you enter. If you search
around the photos and paintings, you'll see a kick ass painting of
pyramid head (I want to screen capture it)
Examine the rest of the photos for story purposes. Now there should
be a hole in the wall. enter it. keep going down until you reach
the end. Enter the door. In this room, there's a note, as well as a
kit. Read the note. Now exit the room, run and make a left, then
make a right, now go into the first room on the right. get the
bullets, Look at the paintings, and exit. Now continue up and into
the room that James has not inspected. Jump into the well, and
inspect the weak looking area on the well, a mis colored patch.
use the pipe and smash through it. There should be a door now.
Enter it.


Now once inside the sewer, make a right, then make a left. Go
down this path, and you should see a door on the right. Enter it.
Now head to the room to James' right. There should be a key in


This is my most requested puzzle, if people would stop asking about
it, then I would finally have time to finish this damn faq a
couple days ago, but nooooooooo, they ask and ask and ask.

Now find the key in the corner of the room. As James picks it up,
the flashlight goes out. Use the dry cell battery in the inventory,
and the light works. Guess what happens. I will leave it up to

just kidding.

Now find the panel on the wall. Examine it, and two numbers should
be lighted. THE CODE IS RANDOM, use the two buttons and try to make
a three button code, for instance 1 and 3 are lighted. try 133, 331,
313, 113, etc, until the door is unlocked. Exit the room, and try
the key on the door down the hall.

Toluca Prison

Your in the food hole, aka the cafeteria. You will find Eddie. When
he leaves, search for the drinks, the "tablet of the gluttonous pig"
and make sure to save. Now exit the room. Make a left, and go up this
path. Pass the table, and make your way to the second table. Get the
map. Now head to the door between the are of the 2nd table, and the
first table. You should be in the bathroom/shower area. Head to the
shower area and get the "tablet of the seductress". Now exit the room.

Make your way down to the area of the food hole. make your way
to the door right before you reach the food hole. You should be
in the cell area. There are monsters in the stalls, how they got
there, who knows. Now make you way down the hall, avoiding the monsters,
the 5th stall should be open. go down there and get the bullets, now
make your way back to the path, and find the 8th stall, find the WAX
DOLL and then exit the room.

Now make your way north. A lot of hassle, so use your hgun. Now make
your way up, until you find double doors, enter the ones on the west.
Now head up to the other set of jail cells in the prison. Now make
your way to the 7th cell and enter it. The Tablet of the Oppressor is
in here. When James tries to escape, the door gets rusty. DON'T panic,
just keep trying, after a while, the door should open. Now open your
map, and located the huge mass on the right of the map. Make your way
to the door that leads to this area. Now in the center of the yard is
a large scaffolding. In your inventory, combine the tablets, and then
use them on the scaffolding. Now return to the entrance and you should
find a horseshoe. Get this, and now make your way to the top corner of
the map. Before the dead end are two doors. take the first door. There
is a first aid kit. NOTICE the shiny thing on the other side of the
visitor room. Exit this room. and make your way to the room before the
top. Monsters await James, mess them up. Now make your way to the room
with the lighter. Get the lighter. Now exit to the door on the left of
the visitors room

Go down the path
Now make your way to the women's restroom. There is a closed stall in
this restroom, James will knock on it. After this, go to the mens
restroom and save your game. Enter the door across from the mens room.
There is a demon in here, finish him. Now search the room for a first
aid kit, Ampoule , and a health drink. There is also a magazine in the
room, as well as a diary on the shelf.

Behind the office, is a HUNTING RIFFLE!!! BUT USE IT FOR LATER. There
is also a lot of ammo in this room, which you will need for later. Now
exit, and head south to the gates. Enter the gates. Notice the box
shape on the floor. This is an entrance to something. But how to enter
it? hmmm. James will become a MacGuyver for a moment and use everyday
objects to solve a complex and almost life threatening problem. Combine
the doll, the horseshoe and the lighter in the menu, now use this on the
entrance and open it up.

Walk down the hall until you reach the double doors. Now make your way
until you reach the hole. jump. Now make your way to the door, and guess
what? another damn hole. Jump. There should be an elevator in the area,
there should be some items in the elevator, some r and sg shells, hgun
bullets, a kit. After the long elevator ride, save your game.

You are now what is known to many as the Labyrinth, a maze of sorts,
which isn't really a maze at all.

This map lays out the basic foundation of the labyrinth.

Okay, here goes, you will notice at the start of this area there will
be an area blocked by wires, on the other side, there will be a ladder.
There wont be way to get in there yet, but remember this place in the
future, as you will need to back track all the way here in the end. Head
your way east of where you started until you get to a fork in the road,
turn left on the top fork, and continue until you come to another fork
with one ladder on each side of the fork. Now take any ladder you choose.
You should now be in a bigger room (on my map, its sorta circular with
straight edges) In this room, there are a lot of under hangers, so run,
even if you get hit, it's better than walking. Now try to find the door
that leads to the center of the room, enter that room.

You are now in the pyramid head's main lair! If you search this room,
you will not only get shotgun shells, but the great knife as well! This
thing is awesome, much better than the stick or steel pipe any day. Use
it later. Watch out fo enemies that are everywhere, P. Heads, under
hangers. etc.

Now exit the room. backtrack. Go back to the first fork in the road, and
take the route you didn't take before (the bottom fork) Then continue on
this path until you reach the watery tunnel. Then make your way to the
ladder in this tunnel. When you enter the next room, you will be faced
with a block, a block of godly faces. Anyways, you need to manipulate
the boxes in order to get to the next room on your quest.

FACE Cube Puzzle
Okay, here's the deal, you can manipulate the cube by using the
direction pad or the analog stick.

Cube UP: Press Up
Cube Down: Press Down
Cube Left: Left
Cube Right: Right

Okay, now notice that the starting cube has blue eyes. Now continue to
move the cube up or down (doesn't matter), until you see the right side
up cube with the red eyes. From this position, turn the cube left or
right until the upside the down face is showing, I got the upside down
face with the green eyes, if details are important to you.

Hard Riddles:
Your pretty much on your own, the movement of this thing is random, just
use James' sight feature (r1) and the sticks to look for the doors. Then
move the cube until you can align the doors right. I'm sorry if I can't
help you anymore on this puzzle, but if your such a game master, then
you wouldn't be using a walkthrough :-)

Okay, after this puzzle, enter the door into the next room. Guess who's
in there.....MARIA! what!?! okay, if you played this part when you first
got the game, you would be as shocked as I was :-) to find Maria in that
damn jail cell. But now she messes with you, talking like a complete
psycho! Now she asks you to rescue her. Go back to the cube room, and
notice the shiny thing in the open breaker box. It is the wire cutters.

Now Backtrack back to the entrance of this maze. Now, cut the wires on
that door you couldn't reach. Now descend down the ladder. Now turn the
corner and enter the first ladder area you see, it should be on the right,
after you turned that corner. Then now, Go down this path and make a right.
Then go down and take this ladder. In the next room, circle around until
you reach another ladder type entrance thing. Take that ladder. Now from
here go down the path, then make a left, then go straight, make another
left and you should find another ladder, take it. Now go up this path,
and make another left. Then make a left into the first intersection you
see. Go down this path and enter into the next section. There should be
handgun bullets here. Take those.

Now if your strapped for bullets, and are crazy (AND LIKE TO DEAL WITH
P. HEAD), then you can continue to go down(or up) the path, passing the
first intersection. There are two tunnels you can take, try to avoid the
one with P. Head. Now make your way to the square room snatch the h.
gun bullets, and make your way back to the area with the h.gun bullets
you found near the door.

If you take the first intersection you see, then you decided to avoid
unnecessary fighting. Enter the room, and you should find a save. SAVE.
Okay, continue along the path , and you will here Angela scream! Find
where the sound is and enter that door. It should be the only room in
the area anyways.


Use the shotgun, since rifle ammo is sparse. If your one on one
with a doorman, then use the steel pipe, but only if you have an
exceptionally large amount of room.

Strategies: (
This battle can be tough, as this is a very small room and the enemy
is quite wide. When he gets close he'll bite on your head. As with
previous bosses, you'll want to keep on the opposite side of the
room when you're attacking. If you've got hunting rifle ammo, use it.
About 10-12 shots will kill him. If you can get a little distance
from the enemy, fire off two shots and wait a second. Two hits will
knock him down. Allow him to get up then fire two more shots into
him. Move to the other side of the room, reload and repeat the

After fighting this thing, Angela will get psycho on it and take it down.
Cool!Now follow Angela, James will find another room with hanged men in it,
in another room will be the nooses to those men.

Puzzle: The Innocent Man

Read the notes on all the faces to determine the innocent man.

In easy mode: The Kidnapper is innocent.
In Normal mode: The Arsonist is the innocent.
In Hard mode: The counterfeiter is innocent.

After you find the innocent, go back to the noose room and determine
which rope belongs to the innocent man, and release the body.
Now go back to the room, and find the place where the innocent man
hanged. Pick up the key of the persecuted. Now go back to the corridor,
and use the key on the cuff that's block the entrance. After that,
find the cell gate, search for the valve, and use that to open the

Pass the locked gate and enter the door ahead of you. When you
finally get to Maria, guess what.... yeah, again. Okay after this,
backtrack to the hall and now go to the last room you yet to discover.
Before you go in their, make sure to get the first aid in the corner.
Okay this room has graves in it, NOTICE THE NAMES ON THE GRAVES!?!
Now in the room there's a save point, SAVE. Pick up the shells, as
well as an ampoule. Now jump into the hole to the far left. When
everythings been done, try and equipt a good weapon. your going to
need it.


Hey Eddie, what are you doing with that gun?
Okay, you knew it was going to come down to this, Eddie never
liked you. You never liked Eddie. Up till now, you have been
suppressing your anger to sock him in the face with a pipe. Now's
your chance. After some words of death, it's time to get it on
and destroy or be destroyed.

For veterans of Silent Hill, this is the Cybil fight.(tdeah). I,
Lethal thinks its similar to many of the fights in Metal Gear
Solid, cuz you use a lot fo the environment to your advantage.

for the first time around, keep blasting. Keep your bullets in
check and just keep blasting. When the dual shock controller
begins vibrating really violently, that means hit the R3 button,
which is the right analog stick, and you'll automatically recover
using a health item.

For the second form, hide behind the meats, popping out to shoot
the hell out of the man, and then hiding back again. If your good,
you can pop out and go up right behind him and use the chainsaw
or Shotgun and then hide again and he will never get a shot in.
Another good tactic if your not good at dodging shots is to go
right up to Eddie, as he will instead try and beat the crap out
of James, which is a lot easier to deal with. If your able to
keep a somewhat cool head during this battle, you'll survive,
but Eddie won't.

Strategies: (

There's no real tactic to this fighting this battle. If you run,
Fatty will shoot you. Just raise your best weapon (hopefully you've
got some hunting rifle shells) and keep firing. Heal if you need to
(you shouldn't have to more than once).
After Fatty runs away, follow him to the next room.

Boss Battle:
Again, you don't need to follow any strategy. Keep firing at him
until he's dead. It should only take about 10 shots from the hunting
rifle. You may need to heal once, as he'll get a few shots in
during reloading.

Strategies (

Anyway I think I found a good way to deal with Eddie, when I fought
him I used a ampoule and then Great Knifed his ass!! And he went
running scared, in the meat locker I hid behind some meat and waited
for Eddie to come and used a ampoule then Great Knifed him again
and he went down on his lard ass. Could you try this out and see
how well it works for you.

Toluca Lake
After the Eddie battle, you finally make your way outside, now its
just you and the open fog once again. There should be a save point
on a barrel.
After you save, go along the dock until you find a row boat, you will
notice a light of in the distance, this will be your target during
this part of the game.

Simple Ass Directions for easy and normal
Up- Press Up
Down- Press down
Left- Press Left
Right- Press right

Just continue to move left or right to scan the lake until you see
bright light. Afterwards, use the d-pad to move up. You really don't
need my help for this part anyways. Come on, it's rowing a boat.

Hard Ass Directions for Hard
To move: From the center, you have to move both sticks opposite of
each other. Left going left, right going right. From there, the left
stick must go counter clock wise, while the right stick goes clock
wise- at the same time. Continue this rhythm of movement until you
reach the light.

Left or right: You should have to do this if you positioned yourself
at the beginning, but you have to stop the movement of one row, or
slow it down, and speed up the movement of the other row.

Man, this is such a pain, being that you have to stoke each stroke
by hand. You will need to use both your left and right analog sticks
to move the boat, THEY MUST BE IN UNISON in order to get anywhere,
people who have played any N64 game or Mario Party with more than one
person, your training with the stick will come in use.

After you dock, and you will see the Lake View Hotel.

Lake View Hotel
Go up to the courtyard before the main entrance and you should find
the Little Mermaid Music Box near the fountain. Now go inside through
the double doors. When you enter, you should find the Map of the hotel
on James' left. If you look at the map, James and Mary's "love nest"
a.k.a., their "room", should be marked "waiting for you". Now make
your way to the lake shore restaurant and find the piano and
investigate it. Laura will appear and a very informative cut scene
will take place. You will then receive Laura's Letter, written by Mary.
Now find the table with the plate on it and examine it to get the
fish key.

Exit the restaurant. If you want more ammo, which is scarce in the
hotel, make your way west of the restaurant. Head down the hall,
then make your way into the store room, which is two doors up from
Café Toluca. It should be in the room to bottom of the map, in the
store room. There should be riffle shells and gun bullets in here.

Now go back to the middle of the corridor, and take the steps down
to the basement floor. Head to the Venus Tears bar area and examine
the elevator in the basement to find the thinner. Now head back to
the first floor and go to the lobby. There should be a save in that
area. Now head to the reception area, which should be
on the right side of the lobby. Read the note on the desk, and take
the Room 312 Key from one of the mail slots near the desk.

Head up stairs in the lobby to the second floor and enter the cloak
room. There should be first aid, shells, and some gun bullets in
this room. There should also be an important briefcase in the back
of this room. Get it, and use the fish key to open it up. There
should be the key to room 204 in here. Now go to room 204, if your
playing a normal game, I think there will be one or two doormen.
Time to kill. Now head into room 204 using the key, and search the
desk, for YET ANOTHER KEY :-( this time, it's the elevator key.
Before you leave the room, examine the hole in the wall and you
should now be in room 202. Search the area for a suitcase , this is
important soon. Now search the bed for photos, if you look, you will
find a black and white marked up photo. Use the thinner on the photo,
and it should dissolve the marker.

Write down the code that you found on the suitcase, as it is random.
Now go back to that suitcase in the room and sue the code to open
it up. The Cinderella Music Box is inside. Now if you need to save,
there is a save room across from the store room on the second floor.
Save your game, and grab the health drink. Now make your way to the
elevator on the floor. Before you enter, notice the shelf outside.
once you get on, the alarm sounds. There should be a note by the
panel. It says your to heavy..fatty.

Remember the shelf? Oh man, don't PANIC!!!! but you have to put
everyone of your items into the shelf. Damn, you shoulda went on a
diet before going to Silent Hill. Anyways, head down the elevator
and find the another map for the hotel on the bulletin board...this
time for the workers. It should mark more of the places on the map.
Now go to the pantry and grab the Snow White Music Box which is on
the shelf inside. If you can't find it, just continue to examine
the shelf until you get it. Now head to the office and find the
safe, and grab the very IMPORTANT STORY ELEMENT...the video tape,
and of course the can opener.

Now, if you try and use the elevator, it will not work. Therefore,
you have to use the set of stairs in that area. Head down into the
basement. Okay, if you have been reading this faq for some time now,
you should know, I am a supporter of running like a little girl
when it comes to fighting with sucky weapons. Well, now is one of
those times, where you gotta run, but you have now weapons at all.
There are mannequin demons in this area, so the best thing to do is
zip by them. Now quicky head to the boiler room in the basement area
and get the boiler room key near the boiler. There should also be a
first aid kit in this area.

Now make your way to the kitchen. There should be a few health drinks
in the kitchen, you will need it fi you suck at running away. On the
kitchen counter the is a big economy sized can. Use the can opener to
open it...duh. There is a light bulb inside?!? just don't ask, and
now make your way to the Venus tears bar. James, being the blind, ugly,
man he is, cannot see the key opening for the front door inside the bar.
Use the lightbulb, on the nearby lamp to make James see better. Now
unlock the door. Head outside, and make your way to the stairs and go
up to the second floor.

Now head back to the shelf with all your crap. Nice to see you once
again my friends. Now go back to the hotel lobby and go to the big music
box type thingy in the first floor.

PUZZLE- Music Boxes

Cinderella fled at midnight,
Snow White woke from death,
Little Mermaid was mute for a time.

Normal/Easy Left to right: Cinderella, Snow White, Little Mermaid.
Hard: Little Mermaid on the front, Snow White in the east, Cinderella on
the west.

After you complete the puzzle, you will get the Hotel Stairway Key. Now
go up the stairs to the second floor. then make your way to the area by
the cloak room and head up the stairs to the 3F gate. Now, use the key
and unlock the gate. Now once on level 3, head to room 312. Now, notice
the VCR and TV setup, it's time, it's time to find out what's on that
tape. After this, Laura will enter the room, and the radio will play
another messed up message. From room 312, head east and save your game
on the door of room 313.

Head down to the reading room on the second floor. There is a pair of
head phones on the desk!!!!

Okay, whatever you decide to do, it will affect your ending, if you wanna
take a chance and listen then go ahead, if you decline then go a head.
If you wanna get a certain ending, my website, has an ending guide to
help get the ending you want here:

From here, the place gets all trans-dimensional! If you take a certain
room, you will be transported to another area on the floor. Here's a g
uide to those port

207 = 204
202 = 219

219 = 220
220 = 207
212 = 202

Okay, near the guest elevator should be a table with two ampoules. Grab
those, as you will need them soon. Now take the elevator to the basement.
When you reach the basement, Titanic breaks lose and your ass deep in
water. There is also a dangerous amphibious patient demon here so make
sure to run to the venus tears bar. There should be FIVE health drinks
in this bar now, grab those on the shelf behind the bar. Now head to
the kitchen and grab the shotgun shells on the bench and the first-aid
kit near the fridge. Now head to the employee stairs.

Cut scene. Angela. After the cut scene, leave Angela and go back through
the door you used to enter. MORE TRANS-DIMENSIONAL STUFF. James is now
in the employee stairs area. Head to the first floor, and everything
has been burned. Head to the restrooms and grab the ampoules. There
should be some rifle shells in this area, I think near the office.
Now if you check your map, locate the east exit door and make your way
their. Once you enter the exit go down the corridor until you reach not
one, but a grid of nine red save objects! SAVE YOUR GAME!

Before you enter the door near the saves, check James' status and ammo
count, since there will be very little time to think once you get
through the next TWO consecutive battles.

I used the riffle, it is very popular. Good luck, at this point I had
like 25 drinks, 12 f aids, about 7 ampoules and a lot of ammo. It should
be a breeze if you conserved. If not, then GOOD LUCK.

PYRAMID HEAD (2nd Encounter 2X love)
are now two Pyramid Heads to contend with, each wielding long
and angry spears. The strategy is basically the same as last time,
except now they have become wise to the tactics James implies.
You'll want to alternate the directions of your strafing now,
as they will eventually learn your pattern, then block you and
ultimately kabob you. Of course, use the shotgun and rifle. and
never ever reload using the default reload, always reload via
the menu screen.

Strategies: (
This should be a very easy battle. This is a large room, so
just keep your distance. Run to a corner and blast a few rounds
into the enemy. Run to the opposite corner when they get close.
You shouldn't take any damage if you're careful. After a fair
amount of damage they will stop coming after you.

After you beat the two pyramid heads, they impale themselves with
their spears, head back to the room with the save and make sure to
save. now go back into the P. Head battle grounds and examine the
impaled p. heads for two eggs, the rust colored and the red egg.
Now place these two eggs on the doors you could not open after the
fight, south (on the map).

Now leave through the lobby door and make your way outside. Where
there was docks, now there is a long hall of "bad memories". head
down the corridor, a message will start up, WHAT YOU DO FROM HEAR,
DECIDES YOUR ENDING. If you decide to listen to the whole thing,
then it will affect your ending. IF you decide not to listen to
the whole thing, it will also affect your ending. Now go down to
the final door at the end. Go down the stair case, now walk towards
the figure. One of the four endings will begin to play, afterwards,
its time to do some damage.


so as not to spoil the game, here is the strategies for the final
boss. simple. Strafe when the thing unleashes the cloud of black
moths upon you, or run away in a circular motion, much like in the
first game with the lightning. And fire off one or two shots from
the rifle and repeat. Careful of this boss getting close to you,
it'll choke you with the long black tail while screaming in your
face...not a lovely way to go. After pumping it full of enough
rifle shells, it will drop to the ground screaming, begging for
a quick death. Give it the executioner's shot.

As with all previous bosses, you'll want to keep your distance,
fire a few shots, and then run to a new spot. This boss has an odd
attack, however, that will make you move a little differently. She
will throw out a swarm of butterflies. Try running underneath her
to get her to throw out the butterflies. Keep running as they chase
you. Just as they start to dissipate, turn and fire a few shots at
the enemy. Keep using this tactic and you should be fine. She also
has a close attack where she grabs you with a tentacle. Don't let
her get too close to you. After you've shot her a bit she'll fall
to the floor. The only thing left to do is to walk up and shoot
her one last time. Enjoy the ending.


But there's four more endings to get, hahahaha, muhahahah. cough. Sorry.
Bye for now. I hope you liked the faq. I should update it now and again
with all the other stuff I promised.

VIII. ITEMS (by tdeath)

Apartment Gate Key
Found at: on the corpse, north end of Martin street
Use: Unlock front gate of woodside apartments

Apartment Stairway Key
Found at: On bed in apartment 208, Blue Creek Apartments
Use: Unlock 2nd floor stairway at north end of blue creek apartments

Bar Key
Found at: Hanging on boiler in boiler room, Lake View Hotel Basement
1st floor
Use: Unlocks front door of the Venus Tears bar, hotel's first floor
basement level

Basement Storeroom Key
Found at: Nightmare/hell hospital, room M6
Use: Unlock nightmare/hell hospital B1F storeroom

Bent Needle
Found at: Stuck in teddy bear in women's locker room, Brookhaven
Hospital 2F
Use: one of two items needed to be combined to remove key from 3F
shower room drain

Can Opener
Found at: Lake View Hotel office safe
Use: opened can sitting on counter in kitchen, lake view hotel's
first floor basement

Canned Juice
Found at: Outside apt.107, Wood Side Apartments
Use: Knocks garbage out of chute on 2F, Wood Side Apartments.

Clock Key
Found at: Wood Side, room 202
Use: Unlock clock face in room 208

Coin (old man)
Found at: knock garbage out of chute on wood side apartments 2F,
find outside in incinerator
Use: Solve 3-coin puzzle in room 105, blue creek apartments

Coin (snake)
Found at: Baby carriage inside woodside apts. courtyard pool.
Use: Solve 3-coin puzzle

Coin (Prisoner)
Found at: Nightstand in room 109, Blue Creek Apartments
Use: Solves 3-coin puzzle along with other two coins

Copper Ring
Found at: Nightmare/hell hospital, B1F storeroom
Use: one of two rings needed to unlock 3F north stairwell door

Courtyard Key
Found at: Wood Side room 307
Use: Unlock first door to Wood Side courtyard

Drycell Battery
Found at: nightmare/hell hospital, room M6
Use: replace battery in flashlight when old one goes out,
allowing you to see again

Elevator Key
Found at: Brookhaven Hospital 3F shower room drain
Use: Unlocks barrier over north elevator call button on 3F

Employee Elevator Key
Found at: Desk in hotel room 204
Use: Unlocks door to the room with the employee elevator,
East Side of Lake View Hotel 2F

Examination Room Key
Found at: bloody Pocket of lab coat, Men's Locker room
Brookhaven Hospital 2F
Use: Unlocks 1F examination room

Fire Escape Key
Found at: East Side of bars in 3F corridor, Wood Side Apts.
Use: Unlock door as west end of wood side apts, 2F to get
into blue creek

Fish key
Found at: Lake Shore Restauraunt inside the Lake View hotel
Use: Unlocks briefcase in hotel 2F cloak room

Found at: Wood Side room 205
Use: see in dark areas, quite an essential item.

Found at: after solving scaffold puzzle in Toluca Prison yard,
appears on door exit handle.
Use: One of three items needed to create handle for floor hatch.

Hospital Lobby Key
Found at: Nightmare/hell hospital 1F, Director's Room
Use: Unlocks nightmare/hell hospital lobby doors

Hotel Stairway Key
Found at: Lake View Hotel, music box in the lobby
Use: Unlocks the gate at the top of the corridor stairs inside
the hotel

Key of the Persecuted
Found by: releasing the wrongfully executed, hanged man in the
Use: Unlocks handcuffs locking the valves in place that raises
the bars in the labyrinth

Key to rm.312
Found in: Mail slot behind receptionist's desk, lake view hotel
Use: Unlocks Room 312 of Lake View hotel

Key to rm.202
Found at: wood side room 208
Use: Unlock room 208 in wood side apts.

Key to rm.204
Found by: unlocking briefcase in hotel 2F cloak room, Lake View

Use: unlocks room 204

Bloody Knife
Received by: Angela in Apt.109, Blue Creek Apts.
Use: one of the story items in the game that, when examined,
increases chances of the "In water" ending, in fact, it pretty
much secures it

"Lapis Eye" Key
Found at: Room M2, Brookhaven Hospital 2F
Use: One of two keys needed to solve "Louise" puzzle, helps
to combine them

Laura's Letter
Found at: Lake Shore Restauraunt, Lake View Hotel
Use: Fills in some holes about Mary's death, you'll be suprised

Lead Ring
Found at: Refridgerator, "Nightmare" hospital, 2F dayroom
Use: One of the two rings needed to solve 3F north stairwell door
puzzle with the woman's hand

Letter From Mary
Found: With you at beginning

Use: When examined, helps out by discouraging the "MARIA" ending,
examine numerous times to help out more

Light Bulb
Found at: Open can on counter in kitchen, Lake View Hotel B1F
Use: insert into the lamp of the venus tears bar

Found at: Visitor's room in Toluca Prison, civillian side
Use: Combine with other two items needed to create handle for
floor hatch

Lyne House Key
Found at: solve 3-coin puzzle in room105, Blue Creek Apts.
Use: Unlock room 209 in blue creek apartments

Music Box-"Cinderella"
Found at: Lake View Hotel room 202, locked suitcase in hotel lobby
Use: one of three music boxes needed to play the music box in the

Music Box-"Little Mermaid"
Found at: Edge of fountain in courtyard behind Lake View Hotel
Use: One of three music box needed to play music box in lobby of

Music Box-"Snow White"
Found at: Lake View Hotel's 1F pantry
Use: One of three music boxes needed to play music box in lobby

Old Bronze Key
Found inside: Tin box buried behind the praying woman statue
Use: unlocks Silent Hill historical society museum

Photo of Mary
Found: With you at beginning
Use: Examining this story item helps to keep "MARIA" ending from

Piece of Hair
Found inside: the louise box
Use: one of two items needed to get the key out of 3F shower room

"Purple Bull" key
Found at: Document Room, Brookhaven hospital 1F
Use: One of two keys needed for releasing the "Louise" puzzle box

Found at: Vachss road, construction site
Purpose: an enemy detector. Produces a fine white noise when
enemies are near

Roof Key
Found at: stand in Room S3 of Brookhaven Hospital 3F
Use: Unlocks north stair door to hospital roof

Rust-Colored egg
Found by: examining Pyramid Head corpse
Use: insert into one of the holes in either one of the two south
exit doors

Scarlet Egg
Found by: examining second Pyramid Head corpse
Use: insert into the egg-shaped hole in either one of the two
south exit doors

Spiral Writing Key
Found at: Trap Room in uknown area beneath Silent Hill
historical society
Use: unlock the floor gate in downward corridor outside the
trap room

Tablet of "gluttonous pig"
Found at: toluca prison cafeteria
Use: One of three tablets required to solve scaffold puzzle in
Toluca Prison yard

Tablet of "The Oppressor"
Found at: 7th cell of top prison row, toluca Prison
Use: one of the tablets needed for the Scaffolding puzzle

Tablet of "The Seductress"
Found at: Last shower room in Toluca Prison
Use: needed for the Scaffolding puzzle

Found at: Lake View Hotel B1F, on floor in open elevator
Use: Remove markings on the photo in room 202

Found inside: Lake View Hotel office safe
Use: put in and view in VCR in rm.312

Wax Doll
Found at: 9th cell of bottom prison row of the Toluca Prison
Use: combine it with the horshoe and lighter to open the floor

Wire Cutter
Found at: room with the rotating cube, after talking with Maria
in cell
Use: open doorway near entrance of Labyrinth

Found at: House Porch beside Gonzales Mexican Restauraunt on
Lindsey St.
Use: Unlock bolts on box buried behind the praying woman
statue in Rosewater Park

Activation Code:
EC8DBED0 14431F04

Unlimited Health:
4CA9F29A 145625DD
4CA9F2A2 145625DD

Options Mode:
In the options menu, press L1 or R1 for extra options. These options
allow you to change the blood color, whether or not your map is always
zoomed in as well as other things.

Disable scratchy filter:
Complete the game successfully and start a new one from the save.
Press L1+R1 at the options screen..

Extra ammunition:
Complete the game successfully and save it.
Press L1+R1 at the options screen.


A. Secret items.

Dog Key:
Description: A dog's bone shaped key that can ulock the
observation room in Nightmare Hotel 3F.
Location: In the dog house that appears after you get the
rebirth ending, or all three of the other endings.

There have been a few secret items that have been strewn all over
Silent Hill the second time you play the game (after beating it once).
People have been asking what these items do, if you collect them all
and you will be rewarded with a kick ass "rebirth ending".

White Chrism:
Description: A vial of white oil.
Location: Blue Creek Apartments, room 105. On the kitchen

Obisidian Goblet:
Description: A goblet. Thats about it.
Location: Find this in the smahsed display case in the
Silent Hill Historical Society Museum.

Book of Lost memories:
Description: A book with a greenish yellow cover.
Location: Found in the newspaper stand at the corner of
Nathan and Caroll Street.

Book of Crimson Ceremony:
Description: A book with a faded red cover, explains what the
other items .
Location: It is in the second floor of the hotel (in the
Alternate Hotel reading room). It is the room you can go
to after you watch the tape on the third floor, it is one
with all the books and the newspaper racks.

Joint thanks to Vicki Goebel and TacoBellGod, for the location
of the last item, the book of crimson ceremony.


Is it me, or is does the idea of a red save object remind you of
Sixth Sense? This idea even has more proof when you get to the nine
saves at the end.

The names of the streets are some of the most famous horror writers.
We should have a list of those soon.

If you look in the In the under ground graveyard the 3 graves are
marked james angela and eddie
-Jon Curry


Thanks goes out to lethal, "who has a cd out in the orient", or so he
tells the women he hits on. This is my first shot at a faq, although
it's still a collaborative effort, it's still pretty cool.

Thanks for Tyrantdeath for giving me much of the techincal info to
add to this faq. He wrote much of this faq that was intended for my
website so his name should be first, but I wrote the walkthrough so
i'm first :-)

Thanks for Gamefaqs for having free and available guides for beating
games. Also, I thank for posting this faq.

Thanks to konami for putting out another quality game, which will
ultimatly kick my Silent Scope 2/DDR habit.

Thanks to the hard working staff at
(Tud, Kris, Sam,Tdeath, Mike, and Kengo and neo)
for making the site more active and less static. Even though we
don't get the respect we deserve, we still put together a great

Thanks to for the info on the easier way
to pass Pyramid head the first time.

Special Thanks to people who visit our forum and post and make
it fun to update websites.


So this is the end huh?

COPYRIGHT 2k1. By lethal and tyrant Death.
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FAQ / Komplettlösung Ver 1.0

30.Апрель 2014
Munitions- und Gesundheitsstrainer

15.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

30.Апрель 2014

16.Октябрь 2013
Deutsche Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Deutsche Schnellösung

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Making of DVD FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Alle möglichen Enden und alle Extra Otionen.

17.Октябрь 2013
Plot Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Item/Puzzle/Monster(Boss)/weapons/SPOILER FAQ

18.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019