Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith

Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith

17.10.2013 12:44:35
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And MotS

V 1.3

This is my (That is BigD) first ever FAQ. However... I intend on putting
all the information that I know into this walkthrough. All in all.... it
should take about 5 kb..... ohh.... you only want the stuff about this
game?! I thought I need to put everything that I knew full stop.. so
this will be about 1 byte... nah.. I know alot about this game so I'm
gonna put it all in....(wy the hell did I just say that???)
(Ohh By the way, if anyone can, I need a better title, I just felt like
trying so it sucks greatly[although I'll still keep on trying....

Though before we start lets just sort out "the Author" Section:
1. The Author:

Name: BigD KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!)send anything to me that
you want me to say.. any contributions.. any questions.. anything I want

Zone Name: Rain_BigDJH0-ex name now. If you have JK or MotS... go to
the zone( can blow other people up all around the world
(They also support alot of other games as well so go there).

(You may be wondering why I have the word "Rain" infront of my name. I'm
a member of the SithRainMakers.... their homepage is go there to see what we're
about..... or not as the case may be...)

Indeed the Rain clan has now died... however, 5 of the surviving members
hae created a new clan..... THE LORDS OF LEGEND!!!!

so now my Zone name is : LL_BigD If u see me on, msg me and tell me
how great the faq is....hehehe
Right now however, we are looking for new recruits, JK + MOTS talent
that we can use against the forces of EVIL.... or other clans.... either
of which.... if you wish to join, find me on the net or mail me, I'll
test you.... and we can see what happens....

Other FAQs:
Working on a EVO search for Eden EVO guide(bit of a difference in games
really isn't it, I also like RPGs, so if anyone has something to say
about that, mail me, I enjoy the feed back), not finished.
Considering several things..... but, there are to many good faqs out
there that I might have thought about but they won't get posted so I
won't bother, If I do see anything.... WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!

Authors starting note:
I'm sure none of u have actually read this author section, and probably
never will, but never mind. I just want to add here, that although that
this a serious walkthro, I want to make it enjoyable for the readers,
cos I like that, having a laugh, we all do.... but if my lame attempts
at jokes annoy anyone, mail me..... ^_^ ...... I've got 9 already
haven't I? I HAVEN'T EVEN POSTED THIS YET?!?!?! JEES..... I'm gonna put
the jokes i anyway.... HAHAHAHAHA
2. Version History

1.3 20/8/01
Long time no see huh?
Finally got some Qs, got a couple of mails, thanx to those. It makes
writing this worth it. Carried on with the secrets. Still waiting for
more though. Added some other minor things, guide to sending Qs. more
info on the author section, changed the copywrite and had another go at
the good old title... I NEED HELP WITH THAT!!! anyone got the time...?.
just a general checkup before I do my next update.... COMING SOON!!!!!

1.2 2/6/01
Added to the "where can I find this FAQ" thing.
Started secrets. Few other changes, speelings... I mean spellings

1.1 1/06/01

After I sent this up to gameFAQs, I realised that there was alot of
stuff I forgot to change... so here we go:
changed V1.0 hist because I missed some out. Couple of typos...
Added Force Defend to MotS now. Added a bit on Force Projection. Added a
bit on the end of cheats. Added MotS intro. Carried on with MotS weapons
and finished them.


I'm gonna change the version number every time I change something on
each day that I do. Considering I intend on doing alot today... might as
well. I've decided to leave the story as it is because I want to get on
with the gameplay and send it to be posted. =)
Finished JK weapons and started MotS. Finished JK & MotS Forces.
Finished some stratergies. Finished thanks, cheats, copyright crap.

0.9 30/05/01 (Note that I am English..... We do it our way)
05/30/01 If it will make u lot happy......

Started writing this...... just saw that there is a very large space for
FAQS about this game at GameFAQs so I'll write this and give it to
anyone that wants it =)
Finished Author section and contents started story.... realised I had
started too late so now I'm gonna go to sleep....zzzzz....zzzzzz...

3. Contents:

1. About the Author

2. Version history.

3. Contents (The bit your reading now!)

4. The Story...... if you can be bothered to read it. ^_^ (UNFINISHED)

5. Weapons
a. Jedi Knight
b. MotS S

6. Force Powers
a. JK
b. MotS

7. Single Player Stratergies }
Both }
8. Multiplayer Stratergies }More to come at a later date.
a. Both }
b. JK }
c. MotS }

9. FAQ

10. Secrets (UNFINISHED)

11. For all the cheaters out there & For those that just can't get

12. Thanks and Contributers

13. Legal Junk

In later editions: (possibly)

Walkthrough of levels for JK & MotS

Characters in game (ie. Kyle, Jerec, Jan)

Speciallities of the personalities.

And more (if I can think of something)


4. The Story

I'm guessing that if your reading this FAQ then you own the game and
there for know the story. If you haven't got the game, Why are you
reading this???? You should be out there buying it. But if u don't want
to... u can read up on the story here. Of course, those that are playing
the game might want to find out the story on their own then I will leave
a ======== line where the story Ie the games/cutscenes come into play.

Intro. (taken from the game)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Dark Forces II
Jedi Knight

Since the destruction of the second DEATH STAR, the Rebel Alliance has
begun the difficult process of building the New Republic.

Seizing the oppertunity for control of the galaxy, new rival armies

The most dangerous of these are the DARK JEDI. Their leader, JEREC,
seeks the legendary VALLEY OF THE JEDU.

Withen this lost battleground he will find the untold power to destroy
peace and justice in the galaxy...

Enter Story Here (I'm gonna write basically the cutscenes in here with
an added bit here and there)
MotS Intro. (Also taken from the game)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
Mysteries of the Sith

It has been more than five years since Jerec was defeated at the valley
of the Jedi.
Kyle Katarn, continuing his pursuit of the light side of the force, has
joined the fragile New Republic in the struggle againts the remanents
of the Empire.
To aid their cause, Kyle has traveled to a remote base in the Altyr
system, accompanied by Mara Jade, a young smuggler who sought out Kyle
in the hope that he might further her Jedi training.
Mara, once a powerful agent of the Emperor, was swayed from the dark
path by Luke Skywalker. She now seeks knowledge of her re-emerging
power and the role she will play in the continuing struggle for the
Enter MotS story here. (I'll finish it later, OK???)

5. Weapons

a. Jedi Knight

[Number to press] [Name]
Best time of use:

1. The Fists
Description: Come on people! If you can't guess what these are and what
they do...... go play with something that doesn't require a
mind!!!!So...... yes... they are your fists.
PF: Left Jab. Quick succsession.
SF: Right Hook. Slow but powerful.

Best time: hmmm..... IMO, They suck, if you have the light-sabre use
that instead. Getting up really close is difficult. Although if you
coupled force persasion with force speed you could get in there quickly.
Of course the fists do have an added bonus if you can use them. You
don't have to worry about shields... about ten hits of a left jab can
quite possibly kill someone in MP. In SP, don't use th fists unless one
of 2 things occur. 1. You have a low amount of energy/power cells left
and haven't got the sabre. 2. you have no energy/power cells left and
haven't got the sabre. Simple enough.

2. The Bryar Pistol
Energy Cells
Description: Your good old trusty pistol. This is the first gun you
start out with and you'll probably use it alot. Energy cells are easy to
find but the stormtrooper rifle uses them up way to fast at the
begginning of the game. And we don't want to run around with no ammo
now do we? So we use the Bryar pistol. More Acurate than the stormy
rifle but less powerful. Still... if you are under 50 energy cells at
the begining of the game use this. Oh yeah... PF(primary fire) and SF
(Have a guess....... Allright I'll tell you Secondary Fire) are both the

Times of use: Like I said above, use it over the stormy rifle if low
on ammo or if you want to do a accurate shoot on some one far away.

3. The Stormtrooper Rifle.
Energy Cells
Description: The second gun in the game and the one you'll probably use
the most until you recieve the repeater. Fast, moderatly powerful, but
extremly inaccurate. Each bolt will consume 2 energy cells which can
fast led to an empty magazine if your not care full. PF & SF are the

Best time to use: Use it if in close range or if you want to clear a
large crowd (or of course you could use te concussion to clear a
crowd.... he he he..... =) )

4. Thermal Detonaters.
Description. Wanna make someone go boom??? DON'T USE THESE THEN.
Seriously, these are pretty useless... mostly. However there are times
where they are vital. For example.... The cargo area of the first level,
you know the sceret there right? Oh well it'll be in the secret section
if I ever get around to doing it =), anyway... you get there and there
are three thermal detenaters. Now, all the dumb Grans (thanks to the
incredably stupid AI) all crowd around the bottem of the box. The best
way of getting rid of them is throwing a timed TD across the the other
side, watch it bounce back and blow up. he he he. Or atleast I think you
can throw it across, if not, just throw it down.
PF:Throw, explodes as soon as it makes conntact with the surface (any
SF:Time explosion. Throw it and it will bounce around for about 3 secs,
then it will go bang!
Best time to use: Like I said above, there are only certain times that
you should use them. Also, if you have a corner that you think that
there is something there, bounce a SF round the corner and see what

5. The Bowcaster (CrossBow)
Power Cells
Description: Ahhh yes, The Wookie Bowcaster, you may be wondering why
its called a Crossbow??? Well thats because its a Wookie crossbow, they
make them theirselves, so how sand people end up with them is anyones
guess. I suppose they stole the idea and made their own?? Any one verify
that for me?????? Anyway, this is a usefulish sort of gun, not widely
used but it does have its uses.
PF: Hold down and charge up, can send up to 5 bolts of energy flying
outwards that do moderate damage.
SF: Now this can be very useful. The gun magnetically seals a bolt of
energy and fires. This bolt can now bounce around the level and will
stop after about 3 hits of a wall or instantly as it hits some one.

Uses: Well, the obvious use is of course, bouncing round corners. You
could lay in ambush around a corner, wait for some one to come up(force
seeing could be useful for this) bouce it round the corner and u get a
free hit without getting hurt. That could mean life or death in MP.
Also, the spread can be used to take out alot of stormies say, in one
area. But another use of PF would be charge up and fire all into one
person up close. Useful.

Power Cells
Desc: OH YES!!!! This has got to be the favorite gun of alot of people.
Each shot isn't that powerful but boy does it fire FAST!!!! Extreamly
fast, fires in an exact straight line, any draw backs? Definetly. Ammo.
It uses up more ammo faster than any other, but it still is great. IMO
of course.
PF. Fires extremly rapid stream of bolts.
SF Fires three at the same time, slower so not advisable.

Uses. Simple enough, straight out meelees. With any luck, they'll be
dead before they can fire 2 shots. of course that might not happen but
hey, what the hell. There is also the possibility of sniping, but it
would be a bit obvious on where it is comeing from......

7. Rail Charge Launcher.
Rail Charges
Desc: Flying explosives hey..... hmmm, what can I do with these... Come
on. These IMO are pretty damn good. Sometimes they can be life savers.
For example I shall use a word equation:
Large group of stormies+well place rail charge= not so many stormies. HA
ha ha. Incase you still haven't worked it out... This can take out a
large group of them without much personal injury.
PF.Lauches Rail charge that explodes on contact
SF.Launches Rail Charge that explodes after 5 secs of launching.

Uses: See the description, simple enough. There is also a possible team
play use. I can't remember if this works but it should. Fisrt, make sure
that you can't kill the team mate. Then Launch a sec fire at him/her and
get that person to run straight at an enemy (prefarable lots of them)
Then, get as close as you can, probably swinging the lightsabre wildly
and wait for it to blow up. Then whilst the confusion is rampaging, the
person that fired the Rail, can go in and clean up.

8. Sequencer charges.
Desc. Simply enough, the charges are simply explosives that can be layed
on the floor, and then blown up. Thats it.

PF. Run like mad before using this, they blow up almost instantly.
SF. Easy enough to understand, they become mines. There for, anything
that comes near them gets blown up.

Uses: Hmmm... not to great really. PF might get rid of a sabre weilding
maniac thats chasing you and SF might allow you to hide in a corner,
without getting killed cos no one will come near you. Other than that,
most players in MP are stupid enough to run into them. As for SP, I
wouldn't bother.

9. Concusion Rifle.
Power cells.
Desc. OH YEAH DO I LIKE THIS BABY!!! You want to kill something or
somethings? get away from it and press PF. A few good hits will take
someone down easily. Like the Rail Launcher, use it to take out alot of
people in one shot. The splash damage is pretty wide as well.
SF. If they're too close, use this. all the power, no splash.

Uses: Like the Rail Launcher, Blow stuff up. If you're acurate, this
makes a brilliant snipers tool, lots of power.

0. The LightSabre.
Desc. The weapon of the Jedi, not as crude or as random as a blaster,
the sabre is for people that like to settle fights close up. And you an
do some serious damage. Of course the sabre has the added bonus of being
able to deflect blaster bolts. Just don't try to deflect the concusion,
PF. Quick, too handed swings. Narrow line of "Fire".
SF. Slow but wide, one handed. Useful for taking out lots at one time.

Uses: Deflecting, cutting through grates, killing jedi... need I say
more? I do? ohh well, I can't think of much more. For some stratergies,
look at the stratergies section.

b. MotS Weapons.

Seeing how none of the old weapons have changed, I won't say much about
them, just look under the JK section.
Same layout as before.

1. Fists/ LightSabre.
Nothing new here except that the light sabre is on 0.

2. Bryar/Blastech.
Energy Cells.
Desc: Bryar is the same. But now we have the first new weapon along the
keyboard. The Blastech is similar to the Bryar but fires slightly
faster. Secondly it has a SF. Specifically, you can charge it up to fire
a more condensed bolt.
PF. Slightly faster bolts than the Bryar.
SF. Charge her up and let her go.

Uses: Same as the Bryar almost. One thing that you can do is now charge
up before you enter a new area and then let it fly so you can take at
least one out on the first volley.

3. Stormtrooper rifle/scope.
Energy cells.
Desc. Stormies rifle is the same, but finally snipers get a scope. This
sends an extremly strong bolt with exact accuracy. Also, if your a
scout, this makes no sound (I think, well there is one class that does
that, I'll verify later).
PF: Fires powerful bolt.
SF: Toggles Auto zoom/manual zoom. (Manual zoom is jump to zoom in,
crouch to zoom out)

4. Thermal Detonaters/ Flash grenades.
Desc. Thermal are the same. Flash grenades can be described simply as
force blinding in a weapon. If there are a large group of people, and
you want to blind them, use this. The closer the explosion occurs, the
more blinded and longer the blindness.
PF: Same effect of PF for TDs just with the added blinding
SF: Same Effect of SF for TDs just with the added blinding

5. CrossBow Bowcaster.
Desc. Nothing new here.

6. Repeater.
Power cells
Desc. Nothing New here.

7. Rail charges/ seeking rail launchers.
Desc. As the name suggest, the seeking rail launchers are exactly the
same as a normal charge except that they seek their prey. They are
extremly hard to shake off and it is unlikely that the target will get
away. Very useful. I think that PF and SF do the same, they both last 5
secs, but I'm not sure. of course, if you want to avoid them.... look
again down in the strats.... as soon as I write them up.

8. Sequencer charges/ manual charges
Unlike the auto sequencers, these can be used more often if you know
what to do... In team play, you can place them on each other (so that
friendly fire is disabled), run into the enemy and become a human
suicide bomb. But (now don't quote me on this, I'm not sure) it
shouldn't hurt you, I've hadn't had time to test it in ages...(hey it
works in Turok Rage Wars.... Napalm gel is gooooood)
PF: Lays a mine (Note: you can't place more than 10 charges at a time)
SF Detonates placed mines

9. Concussion Rifle
Desc. No Change, still great though.

0. Carbon freeze gun.
Desc. Now some people don't like using these because they think that it
sucks. Most people can't stand being cought in the spray. I think, that
if you can use them effectivly, they can be the most damned annoying
guns in MP. If you get frozen, and especially if in the middle of a
large DM, you will get killed. Of course, in retrospect, if your the one
that is using the gun, then you can rake in the kills. altho, most
people get annoyed at this, it usually gets "banned"
PF: Fires Carbon to freeze them.
SF: Swings gun, use it to break apart frozen characters.

6. Force Powers.
a. JK

I'll try to do these in some sort of order....

"Nuetral" forces
Force Jump:
Desc: Simple enough, Jump high. More stars, more jump.
Uses: Nothing really in the way of offense. Useful for getting around,
and getting away from, bullets, grip, etc. etc.

Force Speed.
Desc: Self explanitory. Speeds you up. More Stars, longer duration.
Uses: Speed you up, run in quickly with sabre, run back out. Couple this
with persausion and you're laughing.

Force Seeing:
Desc/uses: Makes the screen go green. Thats it. Nah, if you believed
that,you NEED help. Basically, anyone that is persausion, will be
reavealed, also, the map becomes more revealing. This is useful for
setting up an ambush. Also, It is useful if you've run out of batteries
in a dark place. More stars, longer lasting, more revealing.

Force Pull:
Desc. Pull objects towards you. More Stars can target things that are
further away.
Uses: Pull Items towards you. Thats about it. Also, you can pull the
enemies weapons away which will leave them weaponless. Which is good. I

Light Side:
Healing: Obvious as well. More Stars, more health restored and the less
amount of force needed (I think)
Uses: Pretty obvious really, as long as you have the force you don't
need to worry about dieing....... although keep the shield up if
possible..... (I actually had a fight once, this guy couldn't use the
sabre in the cargo, he didn't like it, so he used the 50 bryar cells u
start with, I blocked nearly all with my sabre, healed, then killed
him.... rinse, repeat.....

Persuasion (Is that spelling right?????):
Makes you almost invisible to the naked eye. This is really annoying in
MP cos people sneak up on you all the time. However, you can still be
heard, and there is a slight trace of you(ie lots of white dots). The
only way to reveal people using this force is seeing.

This can be really annoying as well. Basically, if you get blinded the
screen goes white and you can't see perticually well. It can be really
annoying! Using force seeing will get rid of it but it will take a while
and by that time you could well be dead. Of course, all these things
will happen to the oppersition as well, =)

A must in MP battles, this is one of the only things that will stop you
from being murdered by grip. It will absorb any force done at you and
put some of it in your force meter. HA HA HA HA, then you can blind them
with their own force and kill them with a quick swing of the sabre!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA. So in reality, this is a good force.

You may not realise it but it is possible to get this in MP.
Unfortunatly it means having to sacrifice Jump, Speed, Seeing, and pull,
so realy its a waste of time and force. To get it in the game, you have
to be "True to the light Side", which I think means that you can't use
any Dark forces. (Any one verify that before I do??)
What it does is simple, protects against everything. This is
_almost_(well if ur the dark side then u won't be using it will you???)
vital to get past the Kell Dragons (is that what they are? I can't

Dark Forces (HAHA.ha..ha?..... its the name of the game for crying out

I personally haven't had much luck with throw. There never seems to be
enough stuff around to throw. So I never really used this........ (any
one want to add something here??? E-Mail me)


AHHHHHH No.. NO... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I hate this force when used
against me..... but its great if your the one using it. Lock someone in
place with this, it'll lower their health, then go in with your sabre
and slice them into nothingness (Hey I can write whatever I want in
this. If it means making my own words up then so be it) Nothing else
to say about this really except be afraid, be very afraid. Oh and there
is the dreaded " super Grip" which basically translates as " get them in
grip then mash away at F (or what ever the force button is on urs) until
they die" .... nothing else thats it....

Kinda useless really. It takes up way to much force to be effective and
it doesn't do that much damage anyway. IMO of course.

Imagine a concusion rifle. Got it? Right, now times the damage and the
splash zone by 2 and I think thats what Destruct is about. There is of
course the added bonus of IT DOESN'T HURT YOU!!!! HAHAAHAHAHAHA.

Deadly Sight:
They say that looks can kill...... well this one does (that was terrible
right?). Use this, look at some one and away _they_ go. This, like force
protection can be obtained in MP if you only have dark forces at full
strength. And is recieved through the game by only useing Dark Forces.

Now the good thing about MotS is that there are no Dark or Light forces,
they just come under one big thing. Also, the forces that are the same I
won't go into, just look above if the letters SA (See Above) occur.

Force ________

Jump: SA

Speed: SA

Seeing: SA

Push: The first new. Not alot to say except that you can push people
down holes, or just generally away from you.

Projection: DON'T USE THIS!!!!! Even the AI isn't that thick, if it sees
one person moving with a gun and the other standing still with fists,
even the computer can work that out. You might be lucky and get it to
shoot the projection once, prehaps twice but it won't take long for it
to realise that something isn't right. And definetly don't use it in MP.
No one can be that thick can they??? (Sorry if that just insulted
anyone) Also, if you go on a lift, it doesn't go up with you... which is
shame because that is the best time to use it right?? go into a new
area, 2 targets??? which one is which???

Pull: SA (with the added addition of that you can now pull switches to
activate them)

Grip: SA

Sabre Throw: Simple enough to understand. You get out sabre, you use
this force. You throw Sabre with this force and it come back. Easy
I have noticed something about this however. If for some reason you
don't get the sabre back, if you press 1 again, you have a sabre?!?! How
did that get there????? (I'm not too sure but would this mean you can
give sabres to people in your team?? tested now and yes it does... not
all that great, but if u meet up with ur team members, and there are a
couple of saberists around, hand them out, just move out of the way
after the saber has started to return.)

FarSite: Not that useful though you can use it if you wish. You become a
spirit that can fly and walk through some walls.... however, while your
off being a spirit, your body is unmoving and therefore, very likely to
get hit. You can use this to see what's round the corner but I would
suggest using seeing instead due to the fact that you can still fight
back. As soon as you do get hit tho, u return to your body, also, u can
only go so far because of the time limit, that increases with the lvl.

Persausion: SA

Healling: SA

Chain Lightning: Pretty much the same as the previous type of lightning
with the change being that now you have to select you target (Like you
would pull or Grip) and there is a chance that the lightning will now
move on to another person. If you can get this to work properly you
could take out alot of people.

Blinding: SA

Absorb: )
Destruct: }
Protection: }SA
Deadly Site: )

Defend: Each lvl requires two stars. As far as I know... it reduces
damage taken by force powers. But I could be wrong. I'll find it out

7. SP Stratergies:
Note: If you have any stratergies that you think should be here, Mail
them to me (address at the top of the page.... your all to lazy to look
up there aren't you?...... huh....
2nd Note: these are for both.

Two major things to look out for no matter what game your playing: Keep
moving. You stay still in the middle of the game and you _will_ be
cannon fodder. No matter what happens, keep moving. Straffing works
quite well.
Secondly: Don't waste Ammo. Especially at the beggining of the game Ammo
will be kinda scarce and you don't want to run out of ammo. You, yet
again, will be killed instantly.

Also.... You will want to know what it is your supposed to be looking
for or killing or whatever the mission objectives are. This way you will
know what you are doing and that is important.

Next isn't so much a hint, just for your enjoyment... Watch the
cutscenes... take note of the story. Afterall, you brought the game,
you'll want to get the most gaming pleasure out of it right??

Learn what your weapons and forces do... without them, thats one less
tool that you can use to your advantage.


8. MP Stratergies:

1.Somethings are very similar to SP and MP.
For example, keep on moving. Know your area... thats incredibly
important. A good tip is to play MP on your own (However) and explore
the area. Learning where everything is and that can save your life. Make
sure you know what to do in every situation. This learning will quite
possibly save your life. Ammo isn't quite so much of a problem but
knowing where stuff is will help you.

The sabre is a brilliant weapon, but you need to know how to use it.
mostly, in 1-on-1 situations, u'd be better off using sec fire, its more
powerful, and ur more likly to hit them.... One of my favourite
stratergies is to run at the enemy (or vice versa) turn in midair and
fall and slash, good to kill them. Also, never take you eye off you
opponent. thats another oppertunity to kill you. Jumping alot is also a
good idea.... and most of all, just practice, find whats right for
you.... and you never know, u might end up beating me... hehehe...

In later editions, I'll write some more information.


9. FAQ.

If you have a question, pls send it to me, I'll mail you back with the
answer and post it here. If you do send one to me, pls say what game you
are asking about, JK or MotS in the subject will do. Also, the Qs needs
to be legible. and If I'm being insulted in it, then you aren't likely
to get a reply are you? Be nice. Also, if you have some constructive
critism, then pls send that as well. Stuff like, your FAQ SUX, will not
be taken into account and deleted. Also, no Spam, chain or other crap. I
don't care about anything else except stuff bout this game, or another.
Hell send me any gaming question, I might know something about it....
Anyway, on with the Qs
1. MotS
Sent by (Oh, if you don't want your mail here,
tell me)
hi man!
i saw your FAQ on the web at which talks about Jedi
Knight Mysteries of the sith and perhaps u can help me because i don't
know how to kill the final boss Kyle .. it seems that all the damage i
do with my lightsaber aren't efficient .. he don't sceam when i hurt him
and i looked for something to do in the scene like versus Jerek but i
found anything .. so perhaps u can help me on that point :)

to do is say, I could never kill you master.... take out your fists,
walk up to him, let him attack you.... and....... you die!!!! HAHAHA...
no, just kidding. Enter final cutscene!!! Congrats, u just completed the

2. JK:
UnKnown Sender, got it off the gameFAQs, message board and I don't
remember who it was.... really sorry but hey, mail me aswell!

How many stars can you get in total. I've counted 31, but there is one
star space left, what is it???? Are there 32???

Ummm.... ahh..... hmmm.....wait a sec..... 16 thru force lvls I think,
15 lvls with secrets....... 31...... ummm... ahhh.... Anyne know if
this is true??? Any help greatly appriciated. BigD.

Adam Cavanaugh
Hey. I read through your FAQ on SW:JK. It was all very helpful, but
there was one thing I couldn't find.I was hoping you could help me, so
I'm emailing you. I keep reading about how you need a certain amount of
mana (I think you call it "Force Power") to use Force powers. My
question: were is the meter, or whatever, that shows how much Force
power you have left? In my single player game, I'm only on the fourth
level, so I only have Force speed and don't have to worry about it too
much, but for future reference, I feel I need to know. I also haven't
played multiplayer (yet), but I plan to soon. Maybe you would be willing
to help me out there too, if I need any. I also have an answer to one of
the questions you asked in your FAQ. Well, I don't think it was really a
question, but you said something about how to move to the Dark Side in
single player missions. I found that killing civilians quickly brings
you to the Dark Side. I was about half-way up the Force Bar in the Light
Side when I started killing unarmed civilians. Now I am about an eighth
of the way into the Dark Side. Thanks for any help you can give me. As I
learn more, I hope to give you more help too. Your fan... Darth BiNGle.

Right, Here u are BiNGle...

picture this: the screen.... u can't.... oh fine... here u are:

| |
| |
| |
| |
| _|_ |
| | |
| |
| |
|__ __|
| \ / |
|hs| |am|

right that sucks but u get the idea right?? and I always have the cross
hair up.... just my preference....

where it says HS, is your Health and SHEILD... AM = Ammo, and MANA!!!
the mana is shown as a sort of "cloud" orange in colour, the bigger the
cloud, the more mana or force you have.

hope that helps... AND THX FOR THE CIVILIANS THING!!!!


10. Secrets.

Here, I want to explain a detailed account of each and every secret in
the game. "Why would I want to find all these secrets?" you may well
ask. Well, there are some gamers, like me, that like to find as much out
about the game as possible. There is of course the bonus of having an
extra star for forces, for every level in which you find all of the
secrets. So, here we go.
If you don't understand any of these, send me an email, and I'll try to
explain it more detailed.

Lvl 1.
Double cross at Nar Shaddaa
(6 secrets)
Secret 1.
Go past the first over-head fan, the one with the green guy above (I
forgot their names) and turn left. There should be three Grans (on easy
anyway). Before you exit this corridor, head to the right platform.
There is a large slope upwards that you can climb. The Secret is
activated once you drop down the hole.
Note: If you don't drop down the fan and go past it, you can get more

Secret 2.
Go past the Second over-head fan. Open the door and go onto the catwalk.
as you step onto it, look down and right, there is a ledge down below.
Jump down. You will get hurt but there are some health packs at the top
of the lift you use to return to the game.

Sec 3.
As you go up the slanted cargo lift room, there is a hole in the right
side of the wall near the top of the lift. Drop down to enter the

Sec 4.
On the catwalk before the TIE bomber, if you head towards the area with
the TIE, but don't enter and look left. There is a sort of path to the
left that results in leading to the Secret. It is like this is suppose:
___ ____ ____ _____
_/ \___/ \__/ \__/ \___ if that makes sence.... probably

Sec 5.
When you open up the floor to head into the cargo/ crate room, a slope
is made so you can walk down the the floor. (Its near the end of the
lvl) don't go down the the slope and walk round it so you are at the
"deep end" of the slope *. There is a Beam on bothe sides of the slope
going across. Run along the righthand side and jump down onto large
group of crates. The secret is in a hole along the top.

* if u think of it in 2D:

/| * is where u are, the slope is tipping to wards you.... if
/ | that makes sense. The box is to your right.
/ |
/ |
/ |

Sec 6.
In the same area as before, go to the door. Don't open it yet, look
right instead. If you look between the wall and the crates, you will see
a hole in the wall at the top of the slope. Walk around the crates,
enter the hole and you've found the last secret!

So its only the first lvl.... these things take longer than I
expected..... It will get finished.... eentually.
11. For all the Cheaters out there/those of us that can't get along.

There are 4 types of cheats that I know of.

Console Commands:

These are simple, just press "t" in a SP game (note that they don't work
in MP so don't try) and then type in:

for JK:

Jediwannabe on (Invincability)
Jediwannabe off (turns off above code, but why would you want to??)
Red5 (all weapons)
womprat (i think that that is how you spell it... it gives you all
Bactame (heal)
Eriamjh (Fly)
Pinotnoir X (X=level you want to skip to)
Thereisnotry (Straight 1 lvl lvl skip)
raccoonking (all force)
deeznuts (force lvl up... use it after raccoonking)
yodajammies (full mana)
whiteflag on (disable AI)

for MotS

Boinga on (invul)
iamagod (fullforce)
freebird (fly)
diediedie(all weapons)
gimmestuff (all Items)
quickzap x (warp to certain place on map...)
gospeedgo on (slow mo)
cartograph (all map)
Trixie (mana)
statuesque on (disables AI)

The next are TRAINERS, which are programs that often run whilst you are
playing and can often give u certain things at the touch of a button,
which is good, but bad because it is cheating.
The other two are cogs and hacks... cogs are placed in your resource
folder in a folder called "cog" and hacks need a program to install so
to speak. To download these you will have to find them yourselves. But
if you goto (which also includes a load of lvls for the
game) you can find Patch Commander ... or at least I think it was
there... anyway.... u can look for them yourselves.
(Note that these DO work in MP games..... but of course some people
don't like cheaters....)

12. Thanks and contributers:

FAQs writers and anyone that sent a compliment to me....5 so far but
what the hey.
Right thanks to for telling me that my speelings.... I Mean spellings
are terible and pointing me in the right direction

Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ.
Thanks to NeoSeekers for also hosting this FAQ.
Thanks to wherever it was that I got the cheats and secrets. I'm sorry
that I don't know who you are.
Big Thanks to Lucas Arts for making the game
LUCAS!!!!!!! Thanks to Lucas fo giving us all the Galaxy Far away in
which we can blow stuff up....... thx, ur a hero....
13. Legal Junk:

This FAQ is 100% BigD work. Copyright (C) 2001 BigD. StarWars, Jedi
Knight Dark Forces and all other copywrite goes to their respective
owners, Which I am guessing would probably come down to george lucas.
I got the cheats from various sources, on the net, unfortunatly, I can't
remember the site from which I recieved them. Credit to that site,
whoever they may be. (It was a long time ago, so sue me.... I don't mean
that of course, pls don't sue me PLS!!!! or my family..... or my cat, or
anyother person/thing/alien that is known/owned/whatevered)
Also credit to the person that created a secrets guide that I used as a
basis for the secrets area. Well, I used it, found MOST (I didn't have
the complete guide) of the secrets, and have now writen them in a much
more fuller and comprehensive guide. Unfortunatly, due to the game being
fairly old now, I no longer have the address of that site. So thank you
to that site. (If you know that it was you... please let me know. It
contained a lot of screen shots. Although, I will need proof that it was
you. I have the guide still so If you can post me a large section to be
sure, then you can have your name here.)

You may not distribute this in any form, electrical or other wise. No
profit shall be made by any pther parties other than myself if that is
ever possible.

You may post this on your site but only if you have permision from the
Author. It is likely that I will give permission, however, I want to see
your site, check if it is alright, and then I will give it to you. I
will keep a record of every one that has it, so don't think you can get
away from it...

The latest version of this FAQ can _ALWAYS_ be found at two locations,
one of which doesn't actually exist:
hmm which one doesn't exist??? But I will change that eventually...
unfortunatly, I'm still at school so I really don't have that much time
on my hands, So I can't actually send this to every one... from now on
I'm not going to send this out, if you would like it, get if from one of
the above sites, only if you have my permision. Thank you... COME

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Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Karte für den PC Dash
PC Dash

17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Октябрь 2013
Unbegrenzte Bewaffnung

18.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019