Outpost 2

Outpost 2

17.10.2013 11:11:48
E-mail: doggeru@hotmail.com
Name: Death 2000
Version: Final (Or maybe not but proboly never)
E-mail comments and errors please.

Topic: The Outpost 2 Divided Destiny FAQ


Chapter 1: Story
I. The Story

Chapter 2: Units
I. Eden Units
II. Plymouth Units
III. Normal Units

Chapter 3: Structures
I. Eden Structures
II. Plymouth Structures
III. Normal Structures

Chapter 4: Personel Walkthroughs
I. Plymouth/Eden Walkthrough for Colony Games

Chapter 5: Credits/Thanks/Legalstuff
I. What i said up there

After the earth was destroyed by two meteors the people of
Earth have launched a spaceship to a planet in a different
galexy. They named the planet New Terra, After some time
the people split into two factions Eden & Plymouth.
During a laboratory experiment in Edens advaneced Labs
a virus escaped and destroyed the area around it.
They named the virus The Blight. The two factions at war
only knew one way to escape The Blight and that was to
launch a new spacecraft and leave New Terra.
With The Blight & The Normal Disaters of Volcanic Eruptions,
Electrical Storms, Vortexes and Meteors it will be hard...
But remember "Extiction is not an option..."

Edens Units:

Lazer Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: The Lazer is the first and weakest
weapon eden develops dont use these guys when you have better.
(If used in packs with the Rail Gun or EMP they make kinda
good reinforcement :) )

Rail Gun Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Very good with low-medium armored
units, I dont use these guys when i get Thors Hammer.
(Best if in Panther/ Tiger form)

Starflare Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Almost always destroys a unit
on contact but it destroys itself as well not worth the cash.
(It is 2x powerful when its in tiger form)

Acid Cloud Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Launches a grenade of acid
at a enemy unit its ok, best in packs, very expensive.
(Be sure not to have anybody within the splash damage it'll really

EMP Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Very good! Disables a unit for a short
period of time best if you have some strong units backing it up!

Thors Hammer Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: THE BEST UNIT FOR EDEN!
These guys launch a directed bolt of lighting (Thor Hammer) at
a enemy unit! If in packs can destroy a base in minutes!
(If in packs have some emp or Acid Cloud tanks for back-up)

Plymouth Units:

Microwave Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Same as the Lazer exept the graphics,
dont bother with them if you got better.
(Best if backed up with RPG tanks)

RPG Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Just like the Rail Gun but strangly
more powerful (Weird, i tested it, It won) Allways have these guys
in turret form all around your base! (This is the Thors Hammer of plymouth

ESG Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Launches a grenade that blows into mines
confusing but efective, best if in packs but not on the same unit.
(Kinda good can only fire once untill all the mines are gone best in
packs (NOT ON THE SAME GUY!) )

EMP Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Very good! Disables a unit for a short
period of time, best if you have some strong units backing it up!

Starflare Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Almost always destroys a unit
on contact but it destroys itself as well, not worth the cash.
(Kinda sucks who wants to spend 900+ on a one time useage?)

Supernova Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Stronger than Starflare but
more expensiver than it, has better splash damage then Starflare
(Kinda sucks who wants to spend 1200+ and 300+ on a one time useage?)

Stickyfoam Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: Shoots some foam stuff onto a
enemy unit rendering it in-mobile very worthless and the EMP
does better than that.
(Only good if you got a long range weapon next to it)

Spider: VERY GOOD! They repair units and structures! plus they
can reprogram EMPed units and make them your own!!!
(What is there to say they RAWK!)

Scorpions: Same as spider exept that they have a lazer cannon
on there back best in packs or fodder for units when storming into
a base.
(Best in packs of 10 or 20 (Thats very easy to get since they come in 3

Normal Units: (i.e. Units both teams got)

Convec: A MUST! They construct structures and repair them!
if you dont have them and dont have a vehicle factory your screwed.
(Allways have back-ups)

Cargo Truck: A MUST! They gather ore from mines and transport them to
the smelter to be turned into cash! if you dont have them and dont
have a vehicle factory your screwed.
(Allways have back-ups)

Lynx/ Panther/ Tiger: You must've seen this before! They are in order
of strength Lynx being weakest and Tiger being strongest the panther is
a good mix of speed and power but not as fast as the Lynx or as Strong
as the Tiger.
(Lynx for speed, Panther for a good dose of both and Tiger for pure

Earthworker: They can build walls and tubes you NEED tubes or you
will die... Wall are good if you have a turret behind it.
(Wall up the entrances to your base and have turrets behind the walls
(With spiders of course!) )

Evacuation Transport: WORTHLESS! They are only for decoration plus
you can't make them in Colony games...

GeoCon: This should be in the Eden Section but it doesnt kill anyone,
it deploys on a fumarole and give you 500 units of power!
(You should only build 2 of them total since thats usally the amount there
is of fumaroles)

Repair Vehicle: This also should be under Eden but it also doesnt
kill anyone, It repairs units up to half of its original amount (as the
spiders do)
VERY GOOD! Yet don't reprogram... :(
(Have some for medics in the field and base)

Robo-Dozer: Bulldozes land for faster movement and construction!
Best if its bulldozed on the route of cargo trucks going to mine to smelter!
(best if you have 3+ bulldozeing the same spot!)

Robo-Miner: Builds mines on Common-Rare metal deposits... Protect your mines
you wont need this.
(Have at least one in your base just in case :) )

Robo-Surveyor: You need this to survey the ore deposits, Rendered obsolete
a Edward Sattilite is deployed. (But you can still build them, Dumb)

Scout: The Fastest unit in the game! it also is the only unit that can tell
if a enemy is coming within its range!
(Have these spreaded out across your base)

Eden Structures:

Factory, Consumer Goods: Builds one time useage morale upgrades
the cheaper the lesser the effect (Best if you keep building them)
Not very good for its price and its morale bonus is short.
(Build 2+ for better improvement)

Geothermal Plant: A deployed GeoCon adds 500 power to your base.

Magma Well: A deployed Robo-Miner on a magma well it acts like a
Rare ore deposit its ok i guess (unless its far away)
(theres usally only one of these around)

Meteor Defense: Shoots a lazer beam at incoming meteors VERY USEFULL!
Best if its in a Non-Colony game, Meteors are the least of your problems
in a Colony game. (Requires a active Observatory)

Observatory: Does nothing exept makeing the Meteor Defense work right
Usefull but not that much in colony games (See Meteor Defense)

Residence, Advanced: VERY USEFULL!!! Better than the normal Residence
but takes up alot more room. (Holds 50 colonists) (Have more then enough)

Plymouth Structures:

Factory, Arachnid: Builds Spiders and Scorpians VERY USEFULL!!!
See Spiders and Scorpians for info. (You can build 1 to 3 packs of them)
(Build more of them and you can get 9+ for just 3+ factorys!)

Forum: The same as a Recreation Facility but holds 2x more! (50)
(You need to build this or your colonists will be angry)

MHD (Magnetohydrodynamic) Generator: Produces 400 units of power VERY
(Better then a Geothermal Plant due to there is usally only one

Residence, Reinforced: Holds 40 colonist plus very hard to get
VERY USEFULL!!! (Once it withstanded a earthquake thats ephicenter was just
underneath it!!!!) (Allways have more then needed)

Normal Structures: (As in the same for both factions)

Agridome: A MUST! If you dont have this your colonists will starve always
have a backup just in case. ( Always have more then needed)

Command Center: A MUST!!! If you dont have this your dead (Really you lose!)
It allows you to operate everything! plus adds 50 power! (It pays for

DIRT (Disaster Instant Response Team): Provides extra armor for your
(10 structures per DIRT) (25% extra armor to be exact) (Have 5+)

Factory, Structure: Builds Structures VERY USEFULL!!!! (And vital) If you
have one your really screwed! (Have a extra one just in case :) )

Factory, Vehicle: VERY USEFULL!!! Builds Attack and Non-Attack Vehicles
(Like Lynx-Convec) You need one at least at the middle of the game.
(Have 2+)

Garage: Docks units (Up to six) and repairs them to full hit points VERY
(Only usefull if there is a rival faction) (If you have a large army 4+)

GORF (Garbage and Ore Recycling Facility): Cargo Trucks dock here if
full of rubble and turns the rubble into cash (Usefull if a building was
(Only good if a spaceport on your enemys side exploded :) )

Guard Post: you can build a guard post with any weapong attached but its
stationary USEFULL!!! (And only usefull if you are under attack)
(Have it next to a wall)

Laboratory, Basic: Only made in the second level in the story game (Doesnt
which faction) VERY WORTHLESS!!!!!!

Laboratory, Standard: Researchs usefull technology (as in New vechicle types
and new buildings (That dont need Rare ore) ) VERY USEFULL!!!!

Laboratory, Advanced: Researchs Rare ore techs and Spaceship componets (I
this one does the spaceship stuff) Kinda Usefull but explodes very badly.

Light Tower: Lights the area around it kinda usefull if you want to remember
a certain spot (Like a good deposit of ore or a good detour)

Medical Center: Makes colonists live longer and improves morale A MUST!!!
Your Worker and Researchers live alot longer!!! (Down side is that it
only works for 50 colonists each (Doubles with a certain tech) )
(Allways have more then needed)

Mine Rare/Common: A MUST!!! You need ore if you want to build stuff, also
needs a smelter and cargo trucks (Smelter to dock cargo trucks that are full

Nursery: A MUST!!! You need this to have children (Strange we dont need a
to have children :) ) (You need only one)

Recreation facility: improves morale! (Usefull for only 25 colonist build
more to
increase the total) (Have 2+)

Residence: VERY USEFULL!!! Improves morale and longitivity (Holds 25
Plymouth has more tech to increase the total) (Allways have more then

Robot Command Center (RCC): Makes your vehicles smart in chosing a route
to take VERY USEFULL!!! (also tells you the amount of each unit you have)
(You need only one)

Smelter, Rare/Common: Smelts ore into cash, A MUST!!! (Holds 10000 units of

Storage Tanks, Rare/Common: Holds 5000 units of cash. (Best if guarded)

Solar Power Arry (SPA): Needs its own sattilite to work, gives 400 units of
(Useless to plymouth since they get the MHD right after this)

Spaceport: VERY USEFULL!!! Needed to complete the launch of the new
Also launches SULVS and RLVS that contains spaceship componets and
The EDWARD Sattilite, Solar Sattilite, and the rest of the spaceship
(Best if guarded)

Tokamak Fusion Reactor (TFR): Gives 250 units of power but is unstable and
loses hit points rapidly (if to low it'll explode) keep away from your base.
(Idle them when you got MHD or they'll explode) (Dont worry there hp allways
down it just wont explode!)

Trade Center: Only used in multiplayer games transfers units to another

University: A MUST!!! Need for children to become workers and for workers to
researchers. (You only need one)

------------------------------(Colony Game
Plymouth/Edens Walkthrough.

This is for only the Spaceship game not the population one thats for

First thing to do is to build a command center (Yes i know you start with
and build it somewhere else the base you have will be destroyed by a
volcanic eruption!
Once its built send your cargo trucks to get ore and try to research
for a Vehicle Factory! once thats researched build next to your second
command center
(Also before you researched Teleportaion you should've researched Gene
Enhancing &
The tech for the university or your screwed build them before you get the
vehicle factory)
Once you got the vehicle factory build cargo trucks like hell and get ore
from them,
you should focuse research on non-weapon tech since plymouth nor eden will
attack you,
once you got your morale to good or exellent you should have a stock-pile of
maybe 20+ make maybe 5-8 of them researchers not anymore untill you got 50+
(I mean only do 5-8
for when your stockpile is low when its 50+ have it at 10)
youshould by now build a third base for protection only build alot of
residence and agridomes
maybe like 20 each (dont forget to bulldoze the route to your mine and to
your smelter)
once you get the spaceport build alot of solar satillites until you get MHD
once your research is done (i.e. there nothing left to research) idle your
then build your population to 2000+ (only if you want a good score) then
once you sucked this
planet dry build up your spacecraft and launch your food and cash and
colonists to it and
you won!!!


Myself, Death 2000.... wow no contributers (duh like i need a contributer :)

Myself for doing this short yet complete FAQ
My Family for... dunno food and love i guess... :)
and ummm Jesus and... stuff...
And of course Sierra for making this cool yet hard to understand game!
and mIRC for people yelling at me and dissing me! :)
And MxPx for the kewl punk rawk!
and Punk Rawk for... Well Itself!
and Vancouver, Washington, USA for a good place to live and growup! (Also
And my game collection for staying with me since 1981! (My B-day for you
morons :P)
And you for reading this!!! (P.S. If you read this whole faq consider
yourself family!)

(C) 2001 Death 2000.
If you post this on anysite that i didnt post it on or say its ok you will
be sued...
you must e-mail before doing so.. (I almost always let anybody exept if its
a porno site)
and if you copy and sell this faq you will be sued upto $500,000,000,000.00
and if you slap your name on this and post it i will kill you myself.
and now for the very small writing

______________________________ If you dont follow this rule you'll die! :)

Also im a very restrictive person i wont let you have the faq if you are
plain stupid-idiotic-moronic-pushy-moody-bashful or anyother dwarf from Snow
Just be nice and cool... The way of life...

Oh and one more thing The Nick Death 2000 is a Registered Trademark of Ross
Regen and anything
remotely related to Death 2000 (Like DeAtH 2000 or Death 2001) Cause im the
orignal Death 2000.

(Final Version)


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