Goblins 2

Goblins 2

17.10.2013 23:36:21


Lösung zu GOBLINS II:

Definition: "Dummer" = Blauer typ mit langer Nase
"Schlauer"= Der andere ;-))

Erstmal brauchst Du die Flasche. Der Dumme versucht die Wurst zu nehmen und wird
weggeschleudert. Die alten Männer lachen sich halb (oder ganz???) tot und der
Schlaue nimmt schnell die Flasche. Damit geht's zu der "Fortune" (rechts,
nächster Bildschirm) und die Flasche wird gefüllt. Der schlaue drückt auf die
Titte der Fortune und der dumme hält die Flasche in den Wasserstrahl. Dann
benutzt der dumme die Flasche mit dem Frosch und nimmt dann den Stein. Dann gibt
der dumme die Flasche dem schlauen. Dieser giest damit die Blumen im ersten
Bildschirm und pflückt eine davon. Die Blume gibt er dem Penner (?) vorm
Haus. JETZT KOMMT DER SPRUNG :-))! Der doofe stellt sich auf den Fussabtreter
und der andere drückt den Knopf. Vom Dach aus kann man dann die Wurst nehmen.
Jetzt geht's ab nach links (zum Riesen). Der dumme hält das Huhn in die Luft und
der andere zieht dem Huhn die Wurst über die Rübe und nimmt dann das Ei was
'rausfällt. Nun steckt der schlaue die Wurst in das Loch vor dem Hund (lachen
erlaubt!) und der dumme spurtet schnell am Hund vorbei. Er versucht am Riesen
vorbei zu gehen mit dem Erfolg im Baum zu landen. Dann steigt er in das Baumloch
und kommt beim Hündchen (?) wieder 'raus. Nun geht's wieder zur Fortune und zu
dem Haus in dem Bildschirm. Der schlaue wirft den Stein auf die Leiter rechts am
Hausdach und zieht sie dann ganz herunter. Jetzt wird's etwas kompliziert (aber
es geht). Ich habe das Spiel vor ca. 1 Monat gespielt und weiß nicht mehr alles
haarklein (ich "erzähle" im Moment "frei-Hand"...). Erstmal versuchst Du mit den
beiden Typen in den Schornstein zu steigen. Wenn das nix nützt wirfst Du den
Stein dort hinein. Wenn immernochnix geht steigst Du nochmal in den Schornstein.
Vielleicht muß man auch vorher erstmal unten anklopfen. Auf jeden Fall kommt der
"hausherr" irgendwann aus der Tür und läßt sie offenstehn. Also nix wie hinein.
Was dort drinne gemacht werden muß weiß ich auch nur noch so ungefähr. Der dumme
tritt dem Krokodil auf den Schwanz und der andere holt das Teil (ich glaube es
war ein Schlüssel oder sowas ähnliches) aus dem Maul. Jetzt musst Du mal schauen
ob es irgendwo Streichhölzer gibt (zur Not nimmste welche von Dir :-)) ). Fülle
die Wasserkanne mit der Flasche und zünde das Feuerchen darunter an. Dadurch
müsste Dampf entstehen und an der Wand das Bild abfallen. Blase das Feuer aus
und nimm den Schlüssel von der Wand. Damit (oder mit dem Teil aus dem Rachen,
weiß nicht) aktivierst Du die Kukucksuhr. Der dumme wirft den Stein nach dem
Kuckuck mit dem Ervolg den Schlüssel zu haben. Damit geht man wieder aus dem
Haus 'raus und zu dem kleinen Türchen welches man aufschliesst. Nimm den Wein
(und vielleicht was dort sonst noch ist (?) ). Jetzt gehst Du mit beiden zum
Riesen (durch das Loch). Entzünde das Lagerfeuer und backe das Ei. Der Riese
erwacht. Gib ihm Wurst und Wein (kannst es auch erstmal mit Wasser versuchen
:-))))) ). Nun gehst Du an dem Riesen vorbei - und oh schock: HIER SCHEINT SICH
DIE DEMOVERSION BEMERKBAR ZU MACHEN!! Man kann "dir" und ähnliches hinter einem
verräterischen "C:\>" eingeben.......schade eigentlich......

Ich hoffe es half einigen verzweifelten "Goblins"........


Walkthrough for GOBLIINS 2 Henning Koch
========================== koch_h@lifra.lif.de

Level 1 (Village, Well, Giant)
First Fingus has to steal the bottle, while Winkle tries to steal
the sausage. At the well Fingus has to push the statue. While the
statue is spiting water, Winkle has to fill the bottle. Then
Winkle has to scare off the frog with the bottle. Take the stone.
With the stone Winkle must use the mechanism. Let Fingus pull down
the mechanism, while Winkle goes up. After Fingus has spoken with
the magician, let Winkle jump into the chimney. Now the door is
open. In the house Winkle has to kick the tail. While the mouth is
open, Fingus has to take the matches. Now you must use the bottle
and the matches on the kettle (wait). Then one of them has to blow
out the fire. Take the key, put it into the clock, turn the key
and while the bird comes out, Winkle has to throw the stone on the
bird. With the key you can open the door to the wine-cellar. Take
the wine. In the village give the poured flower to the old man
with the sausage. Now you must put Winkle on the mat in front of
the house and Fingus has to push the button. From the top of the
house Winkle can take the sausage. In the level with the giant
Winkle has to grab the hen. While he holds the hen, Fingus must
use the sausage on the hen's head. Take the egg. While Fingus is
putting the sausage through the hole in front of the dog, Winkle
goes past the dog and goes through the tree. Then both Goblins go
back through the hole in the wall. After one of them fire the
wood, Fingus has to put the egg into the fire. Then wake up the
giant and give the sausage and the wine to him. Now you can go
into the next level.

Level 2 (Ditch, Kael, Vivalzart, Musicroom, Tom)
Fingus has to take a bomb out of the tower. While he holds it,
Winkle fires it with the matches. Then Winkle takes a bomb and
fires it while Fingus holds it. After that Fingus takes a bomb
again and fires it while Winkle holds it. Then one of them goes on
the carpet and speaks with the magician. In the level with Kael
Winkle has to use the bottle on the nymph. After Winkle gives the
bottle to Kael and stands on his branches, put Fingus on the rock
under the branches. And now they have a flower. One of them has to
put the flower in the stone and you get honey. Winkle opens the
stone and Fingus has to jump on the bee. He gives the honey to the
nymph and takes the mushroom which the nymph shows you. Let Winkle
knock on the door and Fingus shows the mushroom to Vivalzart. In
the house Winkle has to take a worm. Put Fingus on the plate under
the vulture. Winkle must push the button and while Fingus is
hanging on the meat, Winkle has to throw the worm to the vulture.
Give the meat to the piranha and take the bone. Then Winkle has to
put the mushroom in the machine and Fingus must push the button.
After that Fingus goes on the dustbin and Winkle gives the bone to
Vivalzart. Then take the wash-clip. Now both must fill the bottle
and then they are at the musicroom. Winkle has to grab through the
floodlight and put the blowstick through the catch- sock. Then he
has a catch-net. Now Fingus has to jump on the feather. And while
he is jumping, he has to grab through the floodlight. Now both
have to jump on the feather (together). Then Winkle has to clamp
the pipe with the wash-clip. Fingus goes to the guitar player
through the hole on the left side. Winkle jumps into the hole on
the right side and catches the guitar player's note with the net.
Winkle blows the saxophon player with the pump. Then Fingus has to
go through the hole and catches the mosquito. Now Fingus has to
blow the saxophon player and Winkle catches the note. Now Winkle
has to put the mosquito through the floodlight and Fingus catches
the last note. Now they are in the level with Tom. Winkle has to
throw the ball with the stone. Now he has to go into the house
with the boy. While Winkle goes in, Fingus has to go into the
house on the top. Now Fingus gives the ball to the
basketballplayer. While the ball is jumping on the basket, Winkle
has to jump into the basket. After you spoke with the mayor and
Tom, Winkle has to throw the melody into the house at the bottom.
Then speak with Tom. Take the sand-clock and use it on the ditch.
Go through the hole and you're in the next level.

Level 3 (Guards, Blacksmith, Well)
In the level with the guards Winkle has to wake up Krusty. While
the mouth of one guard on the right side is open, Fingus has to
grab the bubble gum. One of them puts the bubble gum into the
keyhole. Winkle has to put the mayonnaise under the mask on the
floor. Then Fingus goes above the board on the top of the screen
and jumps on the mayonnaise. While the guard is deverted Winkle
has to grab the rapier. Give the rapier and the stamp to the
blacksmith. Then Winkle has to use the stool on Oto. Fingus
quickly has to jump on the lance. After Fingus jumps on the
bellow, he goes to the blacksmith and takes the key and the anvil.
While Winkle gives the mayonnaise to the gnome on the right side,
Fingus takes a piece of meat with the stool. In the level with
the guards Winkle gives the meat to the gnome with the teeth. Then
one goblin opens the cupboard. Take a diving suit with each
goblin. In the level with the well the well goes into the tunnel.
Then he lifts the axe. Now Fingus pushes the button at the axe.
Fingus goes into the tunnel. And while the mouth is moving, Winkle
goes into the door. Now Fingus quickly goes on the stool and ties
the rope on Schwarzy. Then Winkle shocks Schwarzy with the teeth
and gives the anvil to him. Finnaly both goblins put on their
diving suit and go into the well. Now you can swim into the next

Level 4 (Wreck, Mermaid)
Fingus has to push the light-fire. Then Winkle has to catch the
lamp-fish. Now Winkle puts the lamp-fish to the ??? on the right
side. In the level with the blind mermaid Fingus slips through the
hole besides the exit. While Winkle is throwing the shell, Fingus
catches it. Now Fingus climbs on the sea-horse with the stool.
Then he grabs into the cave and while the glove appears, Winkle
throws the shell from the place where Fingus catched the shell.
Now Winkle grabs the shell and takes a glove and a starfish. Then
Fingus puts the glove above the gel-monster, takes the bottle and
gives the parchment to the octopus. Now Winkle takes the bottle,
takes the pearl and gives it to the mermaid. Then he takes the
glove and goes back to the wreck. There Winkle calls the moray
per light-fire. Now put Fingus on the big shell. When Winkle uses
the control wheel, Fingus will catapult up. While Winkle throws
the starfish on the chest, Fingus has to touch the statue and
takes the rapier. Now Winkle goes through the door and Fingus
throws the rapier against the skull. He takes the diamond, gives
it to the mermaid and goes to the exit (don't forget the stool).
Now you are in the next level.

Level 5 Stock Chamber, Throne Room, Armament Chamber)
In the stock chamber Fingus has to touch the sword-fish. Now
Fingus lifts the cover of the pot and Winkle puts the salt into
the pot. Take the file out of the three pots. Then Winkle goes to
the rope above the cook. While Fingus takes the rope on the other
side, Winkle pulls on the rope. Fingus has to file the chain of
the cage and takes a nail. Winkle has to put the salt on the meat
balls, while Oumkapok takes up the cook. Winkle has to put the
nail on the box. Now Fingus must pour the friend- drink above the
flying meat ball and Oumkapok is now friendly. Then you must go to
the throne room. Fingus takes the pepper. Winkle holds his hands
on the parapet and Fingus goes on them. Now Fingus pushes the
button and Winkle goes through the door on the right side. Fingus
goes to the tongue and pulls it while Winkle is in the ear. Now
Winkle pulls the tongue while Fingus is in the ear. Then Fingus
grabs in the hole on the right side with the glove while Glotziok
is deverted from Winkle whilst he puts his head through the
opening on the right side. You must put the cockroach in front of
the hole on the right side and pour friend-drink on it. Now you
let a cockroach come again, take the cockroach and go to the
armament chamber. At the armament Fingus jumps per stone-pressure
in front of the window. He opens the visor and puts the crown on
the helmet. Then you take a feather from the helmet and put this
feather in the red paint at the painter, put the cockroach in
front of the hole, pour the friend-drink above it, use the red
feather on it and put pepper on it. The fool is free now and can
reduce the both goblins. Now you are in the next level.

Level 6 (Board)
At the map Winkle takes the point of the knife and Fingus takes
the grasp. You must repeat this process some times. Now take the
reader-sign. Winkle has to lever the eye with the match and the
fool kicks the eye. Put the reader-sign in the candle and hold the
fragment into the light-ray. You must put the wax into the seal
and take the imprint. You must put this imprint into the stamp.
Put the seed on the Village on the map, slide down the beanpole
and you are in the next level.

Level 7 (Kael, Dreamland, Mountain)
Winkle climbs through the hole and takes a bean. He gives this
bean to the mole. While the mole is pulling the bean, Fingus takes
the moles' cap. Now Winkle takes with the match an apple from the
tree. While the apple is jumping, Fingus catches it with the cap.
Winkle puts the apple in the hole. Finally both goblins must eat a
mushroom. In the dreamland Fingus touches the cone and while the
ball is jumping, Winkle goes on the star. Winkle puts the ball on
the cover and stay with it there. Now Fingus has to stand on the
plate (safety-pin). You take a ball again, put it on the cover and
put Fingus on the catapult. Fingus jumps on the plate again and
Winkle is up. There Winkle has to push the aerial, put himself on
the bubble and when he lands on the cover, Fingus must jump on the
plate (safety-pin). Now you put Winkle up again. Put Fingus on the
plate in front of the bubble-man and Winkle jumps on the topmost
plate. Now Fingus is up, too. Fingus pushes the button. And while
the fool is catched in the bubble-ring, Winkle pushes the aerial.
Now you must prick the bubble with the safety-pin and they are in
the level with the beanpole again. Put the fool on the catapult.
While Fingus pushes the button (then the key comes), Winkle
catapults the fool to the key (try it, until a bird comes). Now
you can go to the mountains. While Fingus lifts the stone, Winkle
takes it. Now Fingus takes the stone, which Winkle lift to him.
Then put Winkle on the head of the lion and let Fingus throw the
stone. Winkle pushes down the head. You must lift the stone again,
but this time only to the second floor. Then Winkle goes on the
head of the lion again and Fingus throws the stone. Fingus goes on
the head of the lion and Winkle let fall the head. Now you let
jump Fingus on the !!! until Winkle can reach the rock. Winkle
makes a bridge between the rocks. Fingus goes above the bridge,
file the bird out of his cage, takes the key and the fool, goes
into the screen with the beanpole, unlocks the door and goes into
the next level.

Level 8 (Tazaar)
Give the magic water to the fool. Winkle has to paint with the
pencil on the portrait and a boomerang comes fly, which Winkle can
take from the arm-chair. Winkle pours water on Tazaar with the cup
and Fingus takes the teeth-poke with the boomerang. Now Winkle has
to paint on the board with the pencil three times. Winkle opens
the skeleton with the teeth-poke and makes the sponge wet in the
puddle. Winkle blows the whistle and Fingus holds the sponge into
the smoke. Now you must go through the door and you are in the
next level.

Level 9 (Death-Empire)
There Winkle goes to the !!! and Fingus on the eye. While the
crocodile wants to snatch the mouse which Fingus holds to it, put
Winkle on the head. He will catapult up, throws the boomerang
against the teeth and quickly goes the !!!. Winkle puts the sponge
on the rock. Now put the fool on the eye and catapult him to the
sponge. While the water runs out, Fingus quickly must paint a door
on the rock and Winkle quickly must open the door. Go out of the
door and you can enjoy the Happy-End.


Henning Koch, koch_h@lifra.lif.de
D-6367 Karben 5, Germany, Phone: +49 6034 5237
(Errors in my English? I'm only 12 years old and still learning...)

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