

17.10.2013 13:30:48
*** Anachronox (PC CD-Rom) ***
*** ***
*** FAQ v0.50 by mps247 ( ***
*** ***
*** Start Date: 15 July 2001 ***
*** Finish Date: 7 August 2001 ***

Table Of Contents.

1. Revision History.
2. Introduction.
3. Walkthrough.
3.1 The Bricks.
3.1.1 Rowdy's Bar.
3.1.2 Fountain Spiral Area.
3.1.3 Whackmaster Jack's Temple Of Beating.
3.1.4 Casinox Area.
***3.1.4a Sub-quest: Simon Langer.***
3.1.5 Frank's Flophouse.
3.1.6 Grumpos' Apartment.
3.1.7 Platform Area.
3.1.8 Building 5 Re-Visited.
3.1.9 "Lucko" Coldwolf - Sub-Game.
3.1.10 Anachronox Tours Area.
***3.1.10a Sub-quest: Murder Of Kewp.***
***3.1.10b Sub-quest: Speeder.***
***3.1.10c Sub-quest: Brebulan Photographs.***
3.1.11 Fountain Spiral Tunnels.
***3.1.11a Sub-quest: Red Bippridi.***
***3.1.11b Sub-quest: Anachronox Symbols.***
***3.1.11c Sub-quest: Yerocan And Working For The Resistance.***
3.1.12 Junkyard.
***3.1.12a Sub-quest: Symmetrical Tree - Part 1.***
***3.1.12b Sub-quest: Symmetrical Tree - Part 2.***
3.1.13 Upper Alien Tunnels.
3.1.14 Sewage Minigame - Sub-Game.
3.1.15 Lower Alien Tunnels.
///3.1.15a BOSS: Stone Sentinel.\\
3.1.16 Shuttle To Sender Station.
3.2 Sender Station One.
3.2.1 Sender Station Station.
3.2.2 Commons Area.
***3.2.2a Sub-quest: Dead Drug Dealer.***
3.2.3 Lounge Of Commerce.
***3.2.3a Sub-quest: TACO Collector.***
***3.2.3b Sub-quest: Certificate Of Authenticity.***
***3.2.3c Sub-quest: Drugging Detta's Man.***
3.2.4 Laboratory Coats.
3.2.5 A Ticket To Sunder.
3.2.6 Another Ticket To Sunder.
3.2.7 Access To Gate 5.
***3.2.7a Sub-quest: Lovesick Scientist.***
3.2.8 Gate 5 - Destination Sunder.
3.2.9 Sender Shuttle.
3.3 Sunder.
3.3.1 Sunder Station.
3.3.2 Blue Lasers.
3.3.3 Playing Cards.
3.3.4 Green Lasers.
3.3.5 Red Lasers.
3.3.6 Disabling The Lasers.
3.3.7 Rainbow Sanctuary.
3.3.8 Service Tunnels.
3.3.9 Escape.
3.3.10 Escape From Sunder - Sub-Game.
3.4 Democratus.
3.4.1 Council Chamber Area.
3.4.2 Votowne.
3.4.3 Proposition 2: Vomit Torture For Planet-Dwelling Murderers.
3.4.4 Proposition 3: About Selling Squizzle Beats.
3.4.5 Proposition 5: Outworlder Possession Of Narcotics Sentence.
3.4.6 Proposition 1: Maximum Ramp Angle.
3.4.7 Proposition 4: Official Colour Of Festival Of Choice.
3.4.8 Proposition 7: Deforestation Of Waugees Forest.
3.4.9 Proposition 8: Ring-Dweller/Planet-Dweller Marriages.
3.4.10 Proposition 6: Bipridi Meat Use A Felony.
3.4.11 The Votabulator.
3.4.12 Secret Areas.
***3.4.12a Sub-quest: Lost And Found Beebohbot.***
3.4.13 The High Council Of Democratus.
3.4.14 Warship Bay.
3.5 Verilent Hive.
3.5.1 Hivebay Minigame - Sub-Game.
3.5.2 Outer Hive.
3.5.3 Crystal Areas.
***3.5.3a Sub-quest: Mystech Room - Part 1.***
3.5.4 Unlocking The Main Computer.
3.5.5 Inner Sanctum.
***3.5.5a Sub-quest: Mystech Room - Part 2.***
///3.5.5b BOSS: Hive Queen.\\
4. Appendix.
4.1 Battle Skills.
4.1.1 Sylvester 'Sly' Boots.
4.1.2 Grumpos Matavastros.
4.2 The Mysteries Of Mystech.
4.3 Worldskills.
4.3.1 Sylvester 'Sly' Boots. Worldskill: Picklock.
4.3.2 Grumpos Matavastros. Worldskill: Yammer.
4.3.3 PAL-18. Worldskill: Comptalk.
4.3.4 Dr. Rho Bowman. Worldskill: Analyse.
4.4 Patches.
5. Input From Other Players.
6. Disclaimer.
7. Copyright.

1. Revision History.

15 July 2001 - v0.14 - First release of FAQ. South Anachronox section
-18 July 2001 finished. Sly's, Grumpos' and PAL's Worldskills

19 July 2001 - v0.23 - Second release of FAQ. Sender Station One section
-20 July 2001 finished. Battle Techniques section removed for now.

21 July 2001 - v0.24 - A few corrections to the disclaimer added.

22 July 2001 - v0.30 - Third release of FAQ. Sunder section finished.
-23 July 2001

25 July 2001 - v0.41 - Fourth release of FAQ. The Mysteries of Mystech
-31 July 2001 Section added. Bowman's Worldskills added.
Democratus section finished and The Verilent Hive
section started. Input From Other Players added.
Boots' and Grumpos' battle skills details also

6 August 2001 - v0.50 - Fifth release of FAQ. The Verilent Hive section
-7 August 2001 completed. Rho's and PAL's battle skills details
also added. New inputs from other players added.
Battle skills section detailed at the beginning of
each section.

2. Introduction.

"Anachronox is a long-abandoned alien city-planet floating inside a huge sphere
in the center of the galaxy. These spheres were created by the same or some
other unknown alien race, and are used to travel from system to system. Our
particular sphere is called Sender One." -Fatima

As a PC only owner, I have always strangely thought of console RPGs as being
far superior to their PC counterparts. It seems that some of the developers at
Ion Storm may share my view, and have come up with perhaps the most funny and
addictive RPG ever to come out on the PC: Anachronox.

Anachronox is a futuristic RPG in which you take on the role of Sylvester 'Sly'
Boots, a washed out private eye, on tell you the truth I haven't
finished the game yet. When I do, I will describe the plot in greater detail.

Anachronox, in the style of Deus Ex, gives you primary (Compulsory) goals and
secondary (Optional) ones. In the walkthrough below I have detailed how to
complete sub-plots (Secondary goals) as soon as they are uncovered.
I often find it best to complete sub-plots as soon as you discover them because
they are not listed under your main goals.

Finally, this is my first FAQ so please be kind when you email me criticising
or praising it. Please be constructive with your concerns so that I can improve
it further.

I'm afraid that this FAQ may not be of much use to those of you past this
stage, but it is very detailed - I spent over 10 hours in South Anachronox.
Sender Station is small in comparison, so I spent around 6 hours there. If I
have missed anything, and with a game this vast I'm sure I have, please email

Many thanks.

3. Walkthrough.

3.1 The Bricks.

Anachronox Tours, waiting room outside ticket gates.
Anachronox Tours, North platform.
Anachronox Tours, South platform.
Anachronox Tours Area, behind NOX guard left of first junction.
Anachronox Tours Area, beside stolen Anachronox Symbol.
Casinox Area, between elevators.
Casinox Area, outside Casinox.
Frank's Flophouse, beside Frank's desk.
Fountain Spiral, outside Whackmaster Jack's Temple of Beating.
Junkyard, entrance.
Junkyard, Eddie's camp.
Junkyard Area, eating outside Ghallas.
Lower Tunnels, Lower Alien Tunnels left at junction after boat.
Lower Tunnels, Lower Alien Tunnels before boss fight.
Mystech Museum, entrance.
Mystech Tunnels, Upper Alien Tunnels beside lift.
Mystech Tunnels, Upper Alien Tunnels beside boat.
Platform Area, outside entrance to Anachronox Tours Area.
Platform Area, floor 2 on runway.
Rowdy's Bar, entrance.
Tenements Area, Lower Tenements Area outside Movie Theatre.
Tenements Area, Upper Tenements Area at bottom of first ramp.
Whackmaster Jack's Temple Of Beating, ground floor near ramp.

Ghallas Shop, Junkyard Area left of elevator.
Zordo's Gun Palace, bottom of ramps in Fountain Spiral Tunnels Area.

Boots - Vistin Three Beam, behind a box at Eddie's place. Thanks to Brent
Miller, Tim Van Holder, Mark Devonside and Ivan Leonov for this.
- Vistin Three Beam, bought at Zordo's. Thanks to Brent Miller.
Grumpos - Vistin Spikehead, Upper Alien Tunnels.
- Vistin Spikehead, bought at Zordo's. Thanks to Brent Miller.
PAL - Cordicorps Shockclaw, Anachronox Tours Area.

Frank's Flophouse, Lower Tenements Area.

Battle Skills - See Appendix section 4.1.
Boots - Find Kewp's LifeCursor and tell Detective Rukh for FlashBlind.
See section 3.1.10a.
Grumpos - Talk to a person inside Whackmaster Jack's as Grumpos, claim that
you are a member of the Five and collect the crystal. You will
need it to learn a battle skill in Sender Station. Thanks to
Stephen Clouse for this.

3.1.1 Rowdy's Bar.

Not the best of starts I must say. You get thrown out of your office window by
somebody half your size, and fall twenty feet, landing on your back. It seems
as though Sylvester is in trouble from the start with a debt to be repayed - A
considerably large debt - to a mobster called Detta. So large that Fatima,
Sylvester's dead secretary (Very strange game so far isn't it?), insists that
he gets another job to pay it back before he joins her in the land of the dead.

So here we begin. The first time I played it, it felt like playing Messiah.
That is probably because Messiah is the only third person shooter I have ever
played. Control is fairly basic. When you are moving your life cursor
disappears meaning that mouse movements affect your point of view in this mode,
formally known as Exploring Mode. When you stand still your life cursor
reappears and you are now in Interactive Mode. In this mode, your mouse
controls the life cursor in the same way as in Windows, and if you drag it to
the sides of the screen, you can change your point of view. When brought close
to an object, the life cursor will spin around indicating that you are close
enough to that person or object to talk or use them. If there is a side-to-side
motion you need to move closer to that object, and if there is no motion the
object cannot be used or manipulated. When talking to a person, the camera
angle changes to focus on him/her, and stays in this state as long as the
person has more things to say. It is a good idea, as mentioned before, to talk
to everybody and get as much information out of them as possible. Without doing
this, much of the game is wasted as a lot of the comments are very funny. Now
you are ready to begin.

Press F1 to view your task list:
- Find a job, kiddo.
- Do this stuff, cause I ain't letting you leave Rowdy's without a clue:
- Get the camera off your desk.
- Find some money in your office. Try the back room, maybe.
- Find a job lead.

There is a lady, called Valesta, at the bar wearing a black jacket and blue
jeans who has a lead on a job. Approach her and speak to her. She will tell you
about one of her friends staying at Frank's Flophouse who may need some extra
help with her job.

Press F1 to view your task list. A new task has been added:
- There's a Deanamo in Frank's Flophouse. Some guy hired her for a job.
Maybe they need another hand.

Turn around and run past the bar. A ramp is situated to the left. Climb up this
ramp, then turn right. In front of you is the door to your office. Enter your

You'll find your camera on your desk. Take a look at the robot by the wall.
It's PAL-18, but he needs a battery. Don't worry about him yet. Pick the lock
for the back door situated on your right using Sly's Worldskill. You will
receive instructions, but if you are unsure about what to do read the
appropriate section in the appendix.

As soon as you enter, pick up the money lying on top of a box on your left
($20). You can try to pick the lock on the chest in your room, but you are not
skilled enough to do so. You will need an upgrade to your lockpick. If anybody
knows about upgrading your lockpick in The Bricks let me know.

Exit your office and walk down the ramp. The only other person at the bar,
Taine Parradox, offers to give you the secret of successful fighting as long as
you buy him a drink. You can do so, but it's a waste of money as Fatima tells
you the same thing for free later. No matter what drink you buy him he will
tell you to visit Whackmaster Jack's Temple of Beating.

3.1.2 Fountain Spiral Area.

Leave the bar and talk to the flying creature on your right. His name is
K'jagra Khk, and he tells you about his cousin, K'Conrad, who is the master
informant at The Bricks.

Your task list changes with the addition of a new task:
- There's a floater named K'Conrad Khk hanging out near the Fountain
Overlook. He's supposed to be the master informant in The Bricks. Funny
how we've never heard of him.

Walk down the wooden ramp and you'll get into a fight with a Ppaki who is
annoyed at something you did to his sister. This fight is unavoidable and
unwinable, but you don't die after loosing. Instead Fatima suggests that you
visit Whackmaster Jack's Temple of Beating.

A new addition to your task list:
- Stop at Whackmaster Jack's and brush up on your fighting skills. Just my
humble advice.

Walk up the ramp in front of you and follow the path, picking up and using the
Healgrease Plus. The NOX guard informs you that a guy fell to his death when
the gravpath above you malfunctioned, closing off the area below you. Anyway,
you don't have to go down there now so walk straight on, follow the tunnel,
then turn right at its end. Walk up the ramp and make the first right. Walk
into Whackmaster Jack's Temple of Beating.

3.1.3 Whackmaster Jack's Temple Of Beating.

Run forward and make a sharp turn to your right. Take the ramp up and follow
the path until you see a fighting ring. Whackmaster Jack is standing at one of
the corners wearing a red jacket. Talk to him, and he'll charge you a 5 loonies
training fee. Pay it and take all three lessons as they are very useful and
give you a lot of information. Battle techniques and skills are also listed in
the appendix. You also go up a level after the first lesson and get a number of
useful items for free as part of your training.

I strongly suggest that you save your game because there is a chance that you
will die soon, especially if this is the first time you have played. When
you've had enough, leave the Temple the same way you came in. Walk up the
spiral ramp in front of you and take the first right. A Ppika is waiting for
you and you enter a fight. After you win, turn right and move into what seems
to be a dead end. You will enter the next area.

3.1.4 Casinox Area.

Turn left and use the lift. After you get off, run forward and speak to the
lady in front of you. Her name is Maria Black and she is interested in avenging
the death of her father. A man named Simon Langer seems to be the guilty party,
and this is your first sub-quest.

3.1.4a Sub-quest: Simon Langer.
*Unlike most other sub-quests, I suggest that you do this when you come to*
*the Tenement Area instead of immediately. If however you want to *
*undertake it now do the following. Turn left and take the elevator to *
*the Casinox Area. Follow the path until you get to a door, which you *
*need to go through. Do so, and walk forward until you find another lift. *
*Take it down to the Junkyard Area, then turn right and run forward. You *
*will get into a fight, after which you should run forward into the *
*Tenements Area. Take the elevator in front of you down, then turn left *
*and climb down the ramp to your left. The first building on the right is *
*building 5. Enter it and look at the building directory located on the *
*right wall. After finding Langer's name, return to this area and tell *
*Black. You will have to enter this building later anyway, so I recommend *
*you wait to save time. *
* *
*You can tell Langer about Maria's intentions by walking up to his room, *
*C05, and knocking on his door. Wait for him to get out of his shower and *
*ask for 25 loonies. If you ask for 50 loonies and give him the *
*information he won't pay you, and if you ask for 75 loonies he'll refuse *
*to listen. Even if you tell Langer about Maria's plans you can still tell*
*Maria about Langer's location and earn 75 loonies in total. Depends on *
*what you think is right. *
* *
*Reward: Tell Simon Langer only: $25. *
* Tell Maria Black only: $50. *
* Tell both: $75. *

Turn left and take the first right to Fountain Overlook. Here is K'Conrad Khk.

Fatima adds another task to your list:
- A floater named K'Conrad Khk is an information specialist. He hangs out at
the Fountain Overlook, waiting to trade information.

Exit the area and use the elevator in front of you. After you get out, talk to
the guard here. He will show you a picture of a person you may have seen in
Rowdy's Bar. If you haven't already spoken to her, she is a resistance member,
called Marina. The guard will not give you any money if you tell him about her
location. If you return to Rowdy's now, you will even see NOX guards talking to
her. As far as I can tell there is no real advantage to doing this. Even the
NOX guard is rude to you after you give him the information he requires. It
also prevents you from talking to Marina later in the game due to the NOX guard
presence, so teh sub-quest detailed in section 3.1.11c is out of reach. Your

Turn left and walk through the door. Someone's on fire in the Casinox Area so
part of it is closed off. Run forward and board the lift, which will take you
to the Junkyard Area.

Turn right after leaving the elevator and run forward. You will break into a
fight with 2 Alley Goons. After beating them, run forward into the Tenements

3.1.5 Frank's Flophouse.

Run forward and operate the lift to reach the Lower Tenements Area. When you
arrive, turn left and move forward towards the door to Frank's Flophouse. Enter
it and proceed to the next door.

Walk up the small ramp to the counter and talk to Frank, who is sitting down
reading a newspaper. If you want, you can pay him 5 loonies to tell you where
Deanamo is, but I prefer to lock pick all the rooms instead. Some rooms contain
useful items. There is also a person to your right, called Sveta Fone, who will
explain the way in which Timeminders operate if you're interested.

Walk towards the first door, labelled A, and pick the lock. When successful you
will see a cutscene and a new task will be added to your list:
- Find a job, kiddo.
- A guy named Grumpos hired Deanamo for a job she didn't finish. Now's
your chance to make some dough. She said he lives across the street from

Valesta's bracelet is located on a box in Deanamo's room. Deanamo will inform
you that it will cost 200 loonies to have an artificial limb attached if you
speak to her long enough. Leave her room.

The following rooms are labelled with their corresponding letters. Information
about their contents are given below:
B - You are not skilled enough to lockpick this.
C - This lock is not pickable.
D - HealGrease on bed on left side.
E - Guy on bed on left side mumbles about another guy called Eddie in his
sleep. Your task list changes:
- Find a job, kiddo.
- There's a mysterious guy somewhere in The Bricks named "Eddie" who
"knows things". You can never have enough contacts, so keep an eye out.

Return to Frank's desk. Walk down the small ramp, turn left and follow the path
to a door. Open the door to a back room. A TACO is located on a table. You can
pick the lock to the room inside it, which leads to a spiral staircase and yet
another locked door at the bottom. Pick the lock to this door to enter Frank's
Privacy Lounge. This exercise is a little pointless though because there is
nothing here. Exit the same way you entered, and leave Frank's Flophouse.

Fatima will stop you before you leave, having searched successfully for Grumpos
Matavastros. Your task list changes:
- Find a job, kiddo.
- Maybe Grumpos Matavastros will hire you to finish the job Deanamo
didn't finish. She said that he lives across the street from Frank's in
building 5, left of the movie theater. Check the building directory. And
try to act like a professional.

Exit Frank's Flophouse and enter the Tenements Area.

3.1.6 Grumpos' Apartment.

Walk forward and turn right. Follow the ramp down, then take the ramp to its
left, turn left and enter the building in front of you to your left. Fatima
suggested that you investigate the Building Directory, which is located on the
right wall as you enter. If you want to, find Langer's name for Maria Black as
detailed in the subquest above. Find Matavastros' name. It seems he lives in
flat C19. Take the elevator labelled C up to floor 4. Turn left and left again.
Grumpos' room should be the last one on the right. When you pick the lock Sly
will go up one level.

He's not pleased with you, and knocks you out. When you wake up and explain the
situation he doesn't seem to think you're competant enough. To prove it, you
must find a size 5 NOX guard helmet.

Your task list changes to the following:
- Find a job, kiddo.
- You have to obtain a size-five NoxGuard helmet before Grumpos
Matavastros in Building 5 will hire you.

There is a TACO on the floor to right of where you are standing after leaving
Grumpos' laboratory. After you get this, turn around and walk towards the ramp.
Take it down, follow the path and re-enter his appartment. The key to the
Mystech Museam is on the kitchen counter. Get it and walk to the elevator.
There are a few more rooms that you can enter in Building 5 if you wish:

Flat C05 - Langer, S. - This is the guy that Maria Black is looking for. Don't
(Floor 2) be too greedy if you want to ask for cash. See
sub-quest section 3.1.4a for more details.
Flat C07 - Kewp, W.R. - There is a life cursor on the kitchen table, but you
(Floor 2) can't use it yet. You will have to find detective Rukh,
as detailed in a section below. Ivan Leonov has emailed
me about a HealGrease that is also in this flat.
Flat C11 - Shumate, T.G.T. - HealGrease Plus on a table in the kitchen area.
(Floor 3)
Flat C14 - Nelson, K.D. - HealGrease Plus on central table in living room area.
(Floor 3)

Leave the building the same way you entered. The entrance is on the floor 1.

3.1.7 Platform Area.

Getting a size 5 helmet from a NOX guard won't be easy. Start making some
enquiries if you wish. Take the ramp up to your right, and board the elevator
on your right. Take it to the Upper Tenements Area and turn left. Run towards
the Junkyard Area.

Run forward until you arrive at the elevator. Sometimes you seem to have to
fight 2 Alley Goons, whilst at other times you don't. I'm not sure why this is,
but whenever you run past this area be ready for a fight. It is probably due to
the Junkyard being so close. Run towards the lift at the end when you've
finished and take it up to the Casinox Area.

Follow the path forward until you can turn left. This area is now open. Follow
the path round until you see another Alley Goon. He will only fight you if you
talk to him. Whatever you decide to do, run into the Gravpath in front of you
to enter the Platform Area.

Take a left at the junction ahead and open the door. Follow the path around
until you arrive at a door. Go through it and operate the lift. The NOX guard
you want is on floor 1. Exit the lift and turn right followed by another right.
Walk up to the guard and talk to him.

Talk to him as many times as is necessary to get the helmet. As long as you
talk politely to him you won't need to fight him. If you don't want to fight
him, make sure that you don't speak to him after he gives you his helmet. Once
you get the helmet your task list changes:
- Find a job, kiddo.
- Not bad, Boots. I mean, a far cry from the Veelchaz case but not bad.
C'mon let's take the helmet back to the old man.

Whatever happens, leave the same way you entered. The entrance is on floor 4.

Now follow the path until you come back to the junction you were at earlier.
Turn right and move into the Gravpath to the Casinox Area.

3.1.8 Building 5 Re-Visited.

Follow the path to the left until you come to a fork. Turn right towards the
lift and move forward. Take it down to the Junkyard Area, and after leaving it
turn right. Run forward into the Tenements Area and proceed to the elevator in
front of you. Take it all the way to the bottom and turn left. Proceed down the
ramp to your left, then to ramp to the left of that. Turn left and the entrance
to Building 5 is in front of you towards the left. Enter Building 5.

Take the elevator to Grumpos' apartment (C19) and enter it. Go through the back
door and follow the path to the ramp. Climb the ramp and enter Grumpos'

After the cutscene, Grumpos will join you as a playable character. To change
between party members use the TAB key, unless you have reassigned it. People
react differently to different party members, but it is better to play as Boots
when you speak to people. Remember that you can only use a character's
Worldskill if he/she is the party leader.

Your task list changes:
- We need to get into the Mystech Tunnels.

Move out of Building 5. Fatima will give you directions to the Mystech tunnels.
Turn left and run forward until you reach a fork. Turn left and follow the path
until you reach the Mephad'in DoorLord. Talk to him.

It appears that he cannot let you in. Fatima appears before you challenge him
to a fight, which you have no chance of winning. She explains that this Eddie
character may know an alternate route in and K'Conrad Khk may know where to
find him.

A new task is added to your task list:
- This Eddie character might know how to get into the Mystech Tunnels. For
lack of any better leads, we should try and find him.
- Call me crazy, but maybe K'Conrad Khk at the Fountain Overlook might
know where to find Eddie.
- We need to get into the Mystech Tunnels.
- Drat. There's a Mephad'in DoorLord guarding the entrance. That's a

Turn around and return to the entrance of Building 5 the way you came. Go up
the two ramps and turn right. Enter the elevator and take it to the Upper
Tenements Area.

Leave the lift and turn left. Run forward into the Junkyard Area. Then run
towards the lift and take it to the Casinox Area. Exit the lift and run
forward until you reach a door. Open the door, move through it, and follow the
path until you see the elevator. Take it up, and move through the door in
front of you to Fountain Overlook.

Talk to K'Conrad Khk. After you tell him about Rowdy's bouncer he will tell you
about a guy called "Lucko" Coldwolf. After he flies off, exit the area and
Fatima will appear after conducting a search on Coldwolf.

Your task list changes:
- Some guy named "Lucko" Coldwolf can lead us to Eddie. We need to find him.
He might lead us to Eddie.
- His last place of residence was 628 Burton Arms in the upper levels of
the tenements.

You need to get to the Tenements Area. Take the lift in front of you to the
Junkyard Area, turn right and move into the Tenements Area.

3.1.9 "Lucko" Coldwolf - Sub-Game.

Turn right as soon as you enter the Tenements Area. Run forward until you reach
a wall. Move down the ramp behind you on your left. When you reach the bottom,
a cutscene interupts your movements.

After Grumpos explains what you need to do, move to the railing closest to you.
"Lucko" Coldwolf will pass by the area you are standing in, and may see you.

Follow him as best you can. When you are too far away, Fatima will warn you.
Likewise, when you are too close. If Coldwolf looks behind him, move out of his
line of sight or far enough away from him to make sure he can't see you. He
turns around at certain times during your journey as listed below. If I have
missed out any, please email me about them:

1. Half-way between ramp and 628 Burton Arms building.
2. Climbing up ramp in Upper Tenements Area.
3. In middle of Junkyard Area.
4. Near Casinox in Casinox Area.
5. Close to Gravpath in Casinox Area.
6. Beginning of Anachronox Tours Area.
7. Past traffic window in Anachronox Tours Area.
8. Just before he enters the lift in Anachronox Tours Area.

He also stops twice on his way:
1. Picking up fruit from the salesman in the Junkyard Area.
2. Talking to the guard outside the Casinox in the Casinox Area.

When he operates lifts, Fatima will warn you that you are too far away. Don't
worry about this, just operate the elevator as quickly as you can.

It is not too hard, but if you have a slower computer it might be a problem
because of the lag in certain areas. However, I'm not sure about this. Any

Coldwolf moves in the following areas in order:
1. Tenements Area.
2. Junkyard Area.
3. Casinox Area.
4. Platform Area.
5. Anachronox Tours Area.

3.1.10 Anachronox Tours Area.

After finding one of Eddie's contacts in a Brebulan restaurant and speaking
with Fatima you receive new tasks:
- He (Eddie) lives in the hovel. We'll need an offering in order to see him.
Something stinky and chewy. Riiiiight.
- There's a guy in the tunnels near Fountain Spiral with a real stinky
sock. Hell, it might even be chewy.

You need an offering to convince Eddie to help you. The perfect offering would
be something stinky and chewy as suggested, so finding the guy with a sock is
the next step.

Walk forward and leave the restaurant using the lift. As you exit, turn right
and walk towards the man in a dark jacket standing by a dead body. It's
Detective Rukh, an old friend of your to whom you owe favour. You can pay it
back and get an upgrade for your LifeCursor too if you wish.

3.1.10a Sub-quest: Murder Of Kewp.

*Like the previous sub-quest, I suggest that you undertake this one when *
*you are passing through or near the Tenements Area as it will save a lot *
*of time. I recommend you do this one because the reward is an upgrade to *
*Boots' LifeCursor, which allows him to blind enemies in battle. *
* *
*Make your way back to the Tenements Area by taking the ramp to your left *
*down and following it to the end. When you come to the fork, run forward *
*and enter the Platform Area. Then run forward into the Casinox Area. *
*Follow the path around until you arive at another fork. Turn right and *
*take the elevator down to the Junkyard Area. Turn right and run forward *
*into the Tenements Area. Run towards the lift in front of you and operate*
*it in order to get to the Lower Tenements Area. *
* *
*Go to Building 5 and enter flat C07. Kewp's Lifecursor is on a kitchen *
*work surface. Fatima will read it for you giving you data on it. Leave *
*Kewp's flat and return to Detective Rukh who will reward you. *
* *
*As a sidenote, I strongly suggest that you complete this sub-quest, and *
*all other tasks that Detective Rukh asks you to complete during the *
*course of the game. This is because Detective Rukh gives you items in a *
*specific order, meaning that if you miss him in one location, you will *
*get that item when you meet him next. Although this sounds great, it also*
*means that you loose one of the last item he gives you, which happens to *
*be Sly's Master Lockpick skill. Thanks to Stephen Clouse for pointing *
*out. *
* *
*Reward: PAX Flashpak, which can be used on Boots' LifeCursor *

Use the ramp to your left to go down. Follow the path until you arrive at a
fork. Turn right and talk to the NOX guard. He has a task for you. He wants you
take a photograph of a dangerous driver.

3.1.10b Sub-quest: Speeder.

*Unlike the previous 2 sub-quests I recommend you do this one immediately.*
*The speeder you need to photograph is on a red motorcycle. Turn around *
*and go back to the fork. Turn left and follow the path until you arrive *
*at an opening to the right in which there is traffic movement. The red *
*motorcycle makes a noise of a different pitch to the other cars, and *
*passes through this area quite often. Press F11 to get your camera out *
*take a photograph of him as he passes. *
* *
*Go back to the NOX guard and claim your reward. *
* *
*Reward: $75. *

Go back to the fork and turn right. Run forward into the Gravpath leading to
the Platform Area, and then forward into the next Gravpath leading to the
Casinox Area. Follow the path around until you come to a junction. Turn left
and go through the door. Turn right and take the elevator up. Follow the path
round to the elevator, which you should take up to the Gravpath.

Turn left after leaving the elevator and speak to the NOX guard in front of you
in the corner. He explains that he needs 5 Brebulan photographs.

3.1.10c Sub-quest: Brebulan Photographs.

*You will need to take photographs of 5 different Brebulans in the Bricks.*
*Here are their locations: *
* *
*1 in Annachronox Tours Area, Brebulan Restaurant. *
*1 in Casinox Area, outside entrance to Gravpath. *
*2 in Junkyard Area, next to Brebulan shop door. *
*1 in Lower Tenements Area, first right after descending ramps. *
*1 in Upper Tenements Area, talking to NOX guard outside a Brebulan shop. *
*1 in Zordo's Gun Palace Area, offering a game similar to 3 card monty. *
* *
*There are also three more Brebulan that have been brought to my attention*
*by Zatos (jskeels): *
* *
*2 in Whackmaster Jack's, just outside fighting ring. *
*1 in Zordo's Gun Shop, lower level. *
* *
*Remember, you only need 5 photographs. You must get their whole body in *
*the photograph too. Ivan Leonov has emailed me about the photos. It seems*
*as though you can take one photograph to capture 2 Brebulans and the NOX *
*guard won't mind. *
* *
*Go back to the NOX guard when finished to claim your reward. *
* *
*Reward: $500. *

3.1.11 Fountain Spiral Tunnels.

Turn right and move towards the Gravapath, leading to the Fountain Area. Turn
left, then right, then left and follow the ramp to the bottom. At the bottom,
turn left into the tunnel and follow it until you see an exit below you to the
left. This area was closed off previously, but is now open and has been for
some time. Walk down the ramp and turn left or right. Follow the tunnels until
you find a man with brown trousers and a limp walking around. Talk to him to
get his sock.

Press F1 to see your new task list:
- Take the stinky sock to Eddie in the junkyard.

Whilst you are here, you can talk to Pap Figgene. He is keen on Bippridi and
asks you to photograph a rare breed of Red Bippridi.

3.1.11a Sub-quest: Red Bippridi.

*Pap Figgene wants you to take eight photographs of the rare Red breed of *
*Bippridi. I have received a few emails concerning their locations. *
* *
*Stephen Clouse, Yun Wang and Denis (poulin76) have emailed me concerning *
*the locations of one of the two Red Bipridi in The Bricks: *
*1. Tenements Area. When you enter the Tenements Area, turn right and walk*
* forward until you see a ramp on your left. Take the ramp to the bottom*
* and turn around. Walk forward until you see another ramp. Proceed down*
* this ramp, which will lead you to a ledge. If you look across the *
* ledge, into the left-hand corner, you should see a Red Bipridi there. *
* *
*Stephen Clouse has also told me about one in Sender Station. However, he *
*is unsure about the exact location. However, Zatos has emailed me about *
*it: *
*2. The Sendormitory. He is on the third level of the sleeping slabs. Go *
* to the opposite side and look up. You should be able to hear him *
* singing. *
* *
*Denis (poulin76) has emailed me about two Red Birpridi on Democratus: *
*3. The Rebuplic Inn. Before you climb the staircase look to your left. *
* You will see 2 Orange Bipridi and hear the singing. Wait for a little *
* while and the Red Bipridi will show itself. *
*4. The Warship Bay. Near the end of the level, you will go down a long *
* elevator. Look outside into space and you should see a Red Bipridi *
* moving from right to left. *
* *
*Denis (poulin76) also said something about another Red Bipridi in The *
*Bricks. Ivan Leonov has emailed me to say that this bipridi can be found *
*from the beginning: *
*5. The Mystech Museum. Enter the Museum and go up the ramp to your left. *
* As soon as you reach the top, you should hear the Bipridi sing. Look *
* to your left and at foot level their should be a beam. Wait here and *
* he will wonder towards and away from you. *
* *
*Stephen Clouse pointed out that it is hard to get the game to register *
*some of the photographs for these Red Bipridi. He suggests taking several*
*pictures of each Bipridi to be safe. *
* *
*Reward: UNKNOWN. *

If you want another sub-quest, pay a visit to the Mystech Museam, which can be
reached by going through the tunnels, and taking another ramp down. You should
pass by two drivers who have challenged each other to a race.

If you pass by a prostitute and a Brebulan who challenges you to a game similar
to 3 card monty, you are going the wrong way. Turn back, go up the ramp and
follow the tunnel on your right. Then take the ramp down.

The Mystech Museam is at the bottom of this ramp. To the left of the door is a
swipecard machine. Use it if you want to enter.

This used to be Grumpos' workplace before he retired. Talk to the man behind
the desk as Boots, and once you've asked all you want to ask make an attempt to
leave. He will stop you and tell you about a job he wants you to do.

3.1.11b Sub-quest: Anachronox Symbols.

*The man behind the desk wants your help in two matters. *
* *
*Firstly, he needs pictures of the six Anachronox Symbols scattered around*
*The Bricks. One is missing, so he gives you the credit for it. The *
*remaining locations are as follows: *
* *
*1. Casinox Area, above signs to Anachronox Tours and Platform Area at *
* fork. *
*2. Fountain Spiral Area, above signs to Rowdy's Bar and Zordo's Gun *
* Palace. *
*3. Junkyard Area, above sign to Tenements Area and Frank's Flophouse. *
*4. Platform Area, inside elevator tube on floor 2. *
*5. Tenements Area, above signs to Platform Area and Fountain Spiral. *
* *
*He also has another job for you. He wants you to retrieve the stolen *
*symbol from the top of the Anachronox Tours Area. Return to the *
*Anachronox Tours Area and run forward. Follow the path through the door *
*and proceed up the ramp. When you get to the top, run forward and climb *
*the next ramp. At the top of this ramp, turn left and you should see a *
*door to the Anachronox Tours Building. Go through this door and follow *
*the path. When you reach the waiting area, walk down the ramp to your *
*left and go to the furthest corner from you. Enter the door labelled *
*Maintenance. Navigate around the boxes until you reach another door. Go *
*through it and up the ramp to the right. Follow the ramp up until you get*
*to another door and take this door to the roof of the Anachronox Tours *
*Building. Once outside, follow the railing until you see the Anachronox *
*Symbol. Use it to take it, and you will also jump down to the level *
*below. Return the stolen Symbol to the guy at the Museum and he will pay *
*you for your troubles. *
* *
*Reward: For photographs of Anachronox Symbols: $200 & 2 HealGrease Plus. *
* For stolen Anachronox Symbol: $400. *

Go to back to Rowdy's. If you don't know how, turn around and exit the museum.
Walk up the ramp, turn right and walk up the ramp to your right. At the top,
turn left and walk towards Rowdy's. Enter the bar and talk to Marina Silvero.
She is standing on the ground floor close to the ramp leading up. She is with
another resistance member, and as long as you didn't tell the NOX guard about
her location, she won't have two NOX guards hanging around her. Talk to her and
she will tell you about Yerocan, a resistance member who seems to have not
reported back.

3.1.11c Sub-quest: Yerocan And Working For The Resistance.

*Yerocan is located in the tunnels in the Fountain Spiral Area. Leave *
*Rowdy's and follow thte path until you reach a junction. Take the path *
*leading down and turn right at the bottom. Follow the tunnel until you *
*come to its opening. Yerocan should be standing there, where he wasn't *
*before. *
* *
*Talk to Yerocan Worb. He will tell you that there is a spy after him and *
*will ask you to take some blueprints of Detta's fortress to Marina. Take *
*the blueprints and go back to Rowdy's. Talk to Marina to give her the *
*blueprints. She will thank you and give you 200 loonies for your *
*troubles. Then talk to the guy next to her, called Mardoman Nonick. He *
*will ask you to check up on Yerocan. Leave Rowdy's. *
* *
*Go back to where Yerocan was standing and talk to him. He will thank you *
*and ask you to go to the Fountain Spiral Area to photograph a spy of *
*Detta's that was trailing him. The man he wants is patrolling the upper *
*footpath to the Fountain. Turn back the way you came until you reach the *
*top of the second ramp. Turn right and follow the tunnel until its *
*opening. Then take the exit on the left and photograph the guy patrolling*
*this area. The guy will ask you about a "package" if you talk to him. Now*
*go back to Yerocan and show him the picture. He will give you an Eluder *
*band and ask if you can report his position back to Mardoman. *
* *
*Return to Rowdy's. It looks as though Marina has taken Yerocan's advice *
*and disappeared. Talk to Mardoman and he will tell you of a shipment of *
*Melt coming in from Detta's Gorian connection. The drug dealer is waiting*
*at the Platform Area for Detta's men. He asks you to take care of him. *
*Leave Rowdy's and go to the Platform Area. When there, walk forward *
*towards the junction and turn left. Go through the door and follow the *
*path until you get to another door. Open this door and operate the lift *
*inside. The dealer is on level 3. As long as you talk to him 3 times, no *
*matter what you say, you will fight him. He should be easy. Report back *
*to Mardoman at Rowdy's who will give you a Pre-Owned ShieldCell as *
*reward. *
* *
*Reward: Give blueprints to Marina: $200. *
* Photograph spy: Eluder Band. *
* Kill drug dealer: Pre-Owned SheildCell. *

Whilst you're in Rowdy's, if you want to, you can tell Valesta about Deanamo.
She will then leave, and if you want to pay the pair a visit later, they are in
Room A in Frank's Flophouse. Whilst there, you can get Grumpos to pay Deanamo
some compensation so that she can have a new limb installed. This will cost 200
loonies, however they are no immediate rewards to your decision other than
personal satisfaction. Perhaps later in the game your decision will be
important, but do whatever you want here for now.

3.1.12 Junkyard.

When you have finished here, turn around, walk through the door and leave the
museum. Walk up the ramp, turn right and walk up the ramp to your right. At the
top, turn right and walk into the tunnel towards the Fountain Spiral. Take the
spiral up and exit through the first exit to the right. Follow the path and
walk into the Gravpath leading to the Casinox Area. Turn left, then right and
climb into the lift. Take the lift up and follow the path until you reach
another lift. Take this up, and follow the path to the door. Go through the
door and straight onto the lift in front of you. Take the lift to the Junkyard

Leave the lift and walk over to the two Brebulans standing to your right. Talk
to them. They will tell you about a tree that they need to find in the Junkyard
for a recipe of some sort, and will ask you to bring it to them.

3.1.12a Sub-quest: Symmetrical Tree - Part 1.

*There is a tree in the Junkyard which the two Brebulans want you to find *
*for them. You will be entering the Junkyard now so I will detail the its *
*location after visiting Eddie later on. If you have found Eddie, but want*
*to go back in to find the tree, follow the walkthrough until you get to *
*the first fork and then refer to section 3.1.12b. *

Turn around and enter the Junkyard. I suggest that you save your game whenever
you can whilst here because of the number of fights in this area alone. Follow
the path until you get in a fight with a single Alley Goon. After winning,
continue on your route until you reach a fork. Here you have a choice of either
entering the path to your right or in front of you. If you want to search for
the symmetrical tree take the path to the right and read section 3.1.12b below.
Otherwise, walk forward.

3.1.12b Sub-quest: Symmetrical Tree - Part 2.

*Turn right at the first fork and walk towards the guy wearing a blue *
*shirt, called Tisiphone. Turn left and walk into the open pipe. Then turn*
*right and follow the pipe until you get to a set of wooden planks. Turn *
*left here, then right down the ramp. At the bottom, move forward into the*
*tree area. You will have to fight a Golite. Afterwards, move around the *
*pillar to your right. There is a symmetrical tree here. If you speak to *
*any of the Golites, they will ask you not to remove any trees. They won't*
*do anything more than call you names if you do. *
* *
*Return to the fork. If you want to find Eddie turn right here. If not, *
*turn left and move back to the Junkyard Area. Talk to the Brebulans here *
*and they will reward you. You can always do this after you speak to Eddie*
*if you wish. *
* *
*Reward: $175. *

There is a Pre-Owned ShieldCell in front of you on top of a box. Get it if you
want, then turn left and move into the next area. You will encounter 3 Alley
Goons, after which you should turn right and follow the path. You will then be
forced into another fight. There are 2 Alley Goons and 1 Gorite against you.
After you win move forward towards the boxes. Take the ramp to the right and
follow the path until the you reach the inside of an exposed pipe. Turn left
and follow the pipe until you reach a ramp on your right, which you should
climb down.

Fight the 2 Alley Goons if you wish, but you can avoid them by staying on the
path and walking by. Whatever you decide, afterwards follow the path and take
the ramp up. Turn right at the top of the ramp and move forward into next area.

Another fight looms with 2 Alley Goons and 1 Gorite. Once you have dealt with
them, move through the opening in the left wall. Follow the path until you
arrive at the ramp, but don't take the ramp up yet. Walk past the ramp, keeping
it on your left. Turn left and move behind the boxes here. There is a TACO on
the floor here.

Turn around and head towards the ramp. Take it up and you will encounter your
next fight which will be with 3 Gorites. After you win, turn left and walk
towards the doorman, called Moop. Unless you show him your offering, he won't
let you in so talk to him first. He'll let you in and follow the path to Eddie.

After a cutscene during which Eddie tells you about some dirt on Mephad'in
DoorLord's brother, you end up outside Eddie's camp. Your task list changes to
show the following:
- We need to get into the Mystech Tunnels.
- Eddie says to ask the guard about... you know.

Re-trace your steps to the Junkyard Area, you should encounter no further

3.1.13 Upper Alien Tunnels.

Turn right into the Tenements Area, but don't forget to give the symmetrical
tree to the Brebulans here if you decided to take it. Move towards the lift in
front of you and take it down. Proceed down the two ramps to your left and walk
up to the end wall. Turn left and follow the path to the doorman. After letting
him know about the information you have on his brother, he tells you of an
alternate entrance to the Mystech Tunnels. You jump down to the floor below.

Press F1 to view your new task:
- Accompany Mr. Matavastros on a full exploration of the Mystech Tunnels.
Don't screw it up, Boots. We need the dough.

I strongly suggest that you save your game in this area as often as possible
due to the large number of fights you will encounter.

Turn right and move forward. After climbing the ramp, turn right and take the
lift down to the Mystech Tunnels. If you want to return to the Tenements Area,
turn left at this junction. This leads to the entrance that the Mephad'in
DoorLord is guarding.

After leaving the lift, move forward into the next area to fight 2 Cave
Crawlers. I think there is a Glodent around this area. After you have disposed
of them follow path to the right. There are 2 Skitters here who also want to
fight you. After dealing with them pick up the Batt behind one of the pillars
on your right. Take the ramp down and follow the path.

There are 6 Skitters waiting for you here. After you beat them, turn right and
go up the ramp to your right and then move to the left of the pillar in front
of you. Move forward until you reach a wall, turn right and then follow the

You will encounter 2 Mean Moles, and once dealt with, move forward and turn
right until you reach a ramp. Climb the ramp to your right and move to the left
of the pillar in front of you. On the floor is a Vistin Spikehead, an upgrade
for Grumpos' weapon.

If you want to enter another fight with a Skitter and Cave Crawler go around
the outside of the pillar and move forward into the area in front of you.
Otherwise, keep the wall on your right and move forward. Follow the path until
you come to a bridge. At the other side of this bridge you can either turn left
or right.

An area with a Lifeflower petal is in the area to the left. Before you can get
to it though, you will have to fight 2 Skitters, 1 Mean Mole and 1 Cave
Crawler. The Lifeflower petal is on the furthest wall next to the pillar. Go
back to the junction.

Turn right, or straight on depending on where you've come from, and follow the
path. Enter the area in front to fight 3 Mean Moles. After they are disposed
off, use the exit behind you to your right. You should be walking on a very
narrow bridge. Run across, don't worry, you won't slip off. Follow the path
until you reach an opening. I suggest you save your game here. Walk towards the
boat on the right and get in. You will enter another sub-game.

3.1.14 Sewage Minigame - Sub-Game.

During this minigame you are on a boat in the Sewagic Rapids which pass through
the Mystech Tunnels. The aim of the game is to pick up as many supply crates,
light grey colour, and to avoid any explosive crates, brownish-red colour. Use
the mouse's left and right directions to stear the boat.

Your helth meter is shown in the top left-hand corner of the screen. You will
destroy the boat if you collide with 5 explosive crates. There are two health
packs on your journey, and they are both quite easy to pick up. They will each
restore 1 point of energy. Once all 5 points have been depleted, you will be
given the option of trying again. This option doesn't seem to make a difference
to your final reward or the number of boxes that can be collected during your
next attempt.

Another point is that finishing the game with full health rather than one point
of health seems to reap no extra rewards. So, if you need to go through an
explosive crate to get to a supply one, do so.

There are nine boxes in total, and you will receive a reward depending on how
many you retrieve as follows:

1 - 2 : 1 Cordican Diamond Disc.
3 - 6 : 2 Cordican Diamond Discs.
7 - 8 : 3 Cordican Diamond Discs.
9 : 1 HealGrease.

3.1.15 Lower Alien Tunnels.

After climbing out of your boat, move forward and turn right at the junction.
There are two HealGrease on the floor by the piles of boxes. Get them, then
turn around and move forward into the next area for a fight with 2 Cave
Crawlers. After you win, move forward and pick up the two HealGrease Plus
bottles on the floor beside the box on your right.

Move forward into the next area to fight 2 Stare Bears. Turn left and move into
the next area to fight 3 Skitters. Then use the ramp to your left in front of
you and follow its route until you fight 1 Stare Bear, 2 Cave Crawlers and 2

Turn right now, and follow the path. Another fight looms with 2 Stare Bears and
2 Mean Moles. After they are beaten, walk straight on and down the ramp. You
will come to a juntion. On the left is a HealGrease Plus. Get it and proceed
down the other path leading to a fight with 2 Stare Bears, 2 Mean Moles and 1
Skitter. Move forward and you will find a Timeminder. I strongly suggest saving
your game here. Although the next boss is not very hard, there is always the
chance that you may loose and after fighting all those battles I hope you agree
with me when I tell you that you don't want have to fight them again.

Whatever you decide, move into the next area. You will see a city-like
structure. Walk towards it and a cutscene will start. The city-like structure
is alive and you have to fight it. Welcome to your first boss.

//////////////////////////////////////// //////////
3.1.15a BOSS - Stone Sentinel. HP = 5500
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\

Don't let his health fool you. He is quite easy to beat as long as you know his
tactics. Even if you ignore everything I say you should find him beatable, but
I suggest that you follow my advice.

Observe the diagram below:

--- Key:
/ \ ----
\ 1 / G - Grumpos' Plate
/ --- \ S - Sly's Plate
/ \ 1 - First Plate hit
/ \ 6 - Last Plate hit
--- ---
/ G \ / S \
\ 3 / \ 2 /
--- ---
| |
| |
| |
--- ---
/ \ / \
\ 5 / \ 6 /
--- ---
\ /
\ /
\ /
/ \
\ 4 /

There are six plates in the battle arena. Grumpos is initially standing on the
plate marked G whilst Sly is initally on plate S. The Stone Sentinel only
attacks plates, and does it in the order shown above, where 1 represents the
first plate and 6 represents the last plate. He will attack these plates in
this order even if nobody is standing on the ones he attacks. Before he
attacks a plate, he heals himself by 100 HP. This means that he heals himself,
attacks a plate, moves on to the next plate and heals himself, then attacks the
next plate, and so on.

If he hits any of your characters, they will take around 420 points of damage.
Therefore, try to move from plate to plate in such a way that he never catches
up with you.

Sly's Flashblind ability is not useful against this boss as far as I can tell.
This is because he only attacks plates, regardless of whether or not you're on
the one he strikes or not. Therefore, he won't miss you if you stand on a plate
he attacks.

When you have beaten him, turn around and walk forward until you reach a wall.
Turn right and follow the ramp down. On the floor is the item that Grumpos was
looking for. It's a Mysterium Rock. Pick it up.

Unfortunately, Detta wants to add this rock to his collection. He finds you as
you make your way out, and even though Grumpos is reluctant to hand the rock
over, Sly does a good job convincing him. Detta also reminds Boots of his debt
and gives him his final deadline.

After you receive 100 loonies for your troubles, Grumpos persuades Sly to help
him unlock the secrets of Mystech. He suggests that they look up an old friend
of his from the scientific community to help them. Her name is Dr. Rho Bowman.

Your task list changes:
- Journey to the planet Sunder and find Dr. Rho Bowman. Grumpos wants to
knock heads with her about Mystech.
- Take a shuttle from Anachronox Tours to Sender Station with Grumpos.
Better than sticking around here, wouldn't you agree?

3.1.16 Shuttle To Sender Station.

Go through the door in front of you. Do you recognise the area? It was where
the Mephad'in DoorLord was standing before. Follow the path back to the main
Tenements Area and then turn right at the junction. Walk forward and take the
two ramps up to the lift. Use the lift to reach the upper levels, then leave it
and turn turn right. Run forward into the Junkyard Area.

Run towards the lift in the left corner. Take it up to the Casinox Area. Then
run forward, take the first left, and follow the path to enter the Platform
Area. Run forward here to enter the Anachronox Tours Area.

Go to the far wall and turn left. Follow the path until the ramp finishes in an
open area. Turn left here and run to the guy standing by a robot. Unfortunately
for him, somebody has vandalised her. Fortunately for you, the battery is spare
and he sells is to you for 200 loonies. Buy it and a new task will be added to
your list:
- But not before you go back to Rowdy's and reactivate PAL with a size B
battery. How could you even think of leaving him there?
- Much better, Boots. Now if you hurry back to Rowdy's and use this
battery to wake up PAL, I'll neglect to mention this cold-heartening
lapse to him.

Fatima tells you off like this because you might try to leave without PAL. If
you try, Fatima will tell you off. So go back to Rowdy's. Take the ramp to your
right down and follow the path until you reach the Platform Area. Run forward
into the Casinox Area.

Now follow the path until you come to a junction. Turn left and go through the
door. Turn right and board the lift, take it up, and then follow the path round
until you come to the next elevator. Take it to the top and then climb off it,
turn left then right and enter the Fountain Spiral Area.

Turn left then right and then follow the spiral down. Take the first left and
follow the path until you arrive at the junction. Turn right and follow the
path until you see Rowdy's. Enter Rowdy's.

Walk towards the bar, then turn left and run towards the ramp at the far end.
Climb it and turn right at the top. Run forward, enter your office and use PAL,
who is on your left, to fit his battery.

Tim Van Holder and Brent Miller have each sent me an emails explaining that PAL
can be used to hack a computer panel underneath the ramp in Whackmaster Jack's.
The door opens up revealing a TACO. Do this if you wish on your way to the
Anachronox Tours Area.

Now you have PAL, you can go to Ghallas in the Junkyard Area and hack the
computer system in the robot maintenance bay to give PAL full health. However,
there is no need at the moment. You are also not skilled enough to hack the
computer in the Anachronox Tours Area, beside the traffic window, so don't
worry about that yet. For more information on PAL's Worldskill see the
appropriate section in the appendix.

Re-trace your steps to the man who sold you the battery. Now take the left ramp
up to the Anachronox Tours Building. Enter the building and select PAL as your
leader. Turn right as you enter, then left. Walk up to the robot in front of
you and talk to him twice as PAL to get a Cordicorps Shockclaw, which is an
upgrade to PAL's weapon. Turn left, select Boots as Party leader and walk over
to the guy at the ticket kiosk.

The guy's name is Prochnow, and he doesn't seem to want to move until the
tickets he wants change price. Grumpos suggests using his Yammer skill. Select
Grumpos as your party leader and use his Worldskill to access the machine. Read
the appropriate section in the appendix if you are unsure of how to use it.

Get your tickets as Grumpos, because Sly has a bad credit rating. PAL doesn't
need a ticket as he can be stored in an overhead container.

Your task list changes to the following:
- Okay, you've got your tickets. Board a shuttle on the South Platform.

Turn right and wake through the ticket barriers. Then take the lift at the
far end up to the platforms.

Turn right, then right again. Follow the path to the South Platform. Get on any
shuttle there. You won't be able to board any shuttles leaving from the North

Now you're on your way to Sender Station One.

3.2 Sender Station One.

Lounge, Lounge Of Commerce next to toilets.
Sender Station, inside Gate 4 at Sender Station Station.
Upper Routubes, at bottom of ramp close to entrance.
Upper Routubes, next to entrance for Red Light District.

Vend-O-Mart, close to garden area on second level of Commons Area.

Boots - Vistin Three Beam, bought at Vend-O-Mart.

Royal Penthouse Suites, you'll never afford a suite here.
Sendormitory, next to SenderNet machine on second level of Commons Area.

Battle Skills - See Appendix section 4.1.
Grumpos - If you have received the prism from the person in Whackmaster
Jack's during the last game, go to the Pay2Pray temple in the
basement of the Vend-O-Mart and meditate with it to learn
StaffSweep. Thanks to Stephen Clouse for this.
- Talk to person standing on the top floor of the Vend-O-Mart as
Grumpos. Take this crystal to the Pay2Pray temple in the basement
of the Vend-O-Mart and meditate with it to learn HealField.
Thanks to Stephen Clouse for this.

Vending Machine Robots.
Yun Wang and IceTea (The Dark Stalker) have emailed me concerning the
Vending Machine Robots' use. It seems as though they can be used to buy and
sell items only for profit. For example, you can buy an item from a certain
bot for a certain price, and sell it to another bot for a greater price. If
you are interested, you can find them at the following locations:
- Lounge Of Commerce, near exit.
- Sender Station, outside Gate 6.
- Sendormitory, right of counter beside seating area.
- Upper Routubes, Mad Gorian Area in front of a small permanently closed
- Vend-O-Mart, entrance.

3.2.1 Sender Station Station.

Follow path until you reach a gate-like structure comprising of several
vertical bars. Don't worry, you can still go through it. Its purpose is to stop
anybody with an incorrect ticket from entering. Pass through the gate and
follow the path until the cutscene takes over.

Press F1 to see your new task list:
- Journey to the planet Sunder and find Dr. Rho Bowman. Grumpos wants to
knock heads with her about Mystech.
- Find the ticket counter and take a shuttle from Sender Station to

Move through the door, into the waiting area. One of Detta's men is standing to
your left, but he won't attack you even if you speak to him. Walk forward, then
turn left and take the first left into the waiting area for Gate 5. Speak to
the scientist here and he will inform you of the requirements to board the
Brain Train to Sunder III. It seems as though you require credentials, lab
coats and a vast knowledge-filled brain.

The following new goals are added to your task list:
- Once you get tickets, you need to do the following to get on the Brain
Train to Sunder:
- Get past the security door at Gate 5.
- Look more like scientists.
- Get past the Brain Bouncer.

As you have probably guessed, Sly is missing all of these. Your main task is to
obtain these items at Sender Station One.

Exit the waiting area at Gate 5 and turn right. Run forward and move through
either door in front of you. Run forward into the Commons Area.

3.2.2 Commons Area.

Run forward until you reach the ticket kiosk area. Turn around. Do you see a
familiar face here? It's Detective Rukh. Speak to him and he will give you a
new task to do.

3.2.2a Sub-quest: Dead Drug Dealer.

*Detective Rukh is on the trail of a drug dealer. It seems as though the *
*dealer is possibly dead, and Detective Rukh asks you to go to the *
*Routubes on the way to the Red Light District and find out what has *
*happened to him. *
* *
*I suggest that you do this sub-quest later when you come to buy some *
*sleep inducing dust and a ticket off another drug dealer in the Routubes.*
*If, however, you have already got these two items from the Gorian in *
*question, go to Pumping Station 7 and follow section 3.1.5, detailed *
*later in the walkthrough until you come to the dead body of the drug *
*dealer Detective Rukh wants you to photograph. Take a picture of him and *
*return to the Station, where Detective Rukh is standing. Show him the *
*picture and he will give you an item to show his gratitude. *
* *
*Reward: Ammulet of Awareness. *

Go up to the vacant ticket counter and talk to the robot there. Try to order 2
tickets to Sunder and he will kindly inform you that they are all sold out. You
may have heard this from the scientist you spoke to before outside Gate 5 in
Sender Station Station.

Your task list changes to the following:
- Get two tickets for the Sunder Shuttle, boarding at Gate 5.

Turn left and move out of the doors in front of you. Turn left, move down the
ramp and around the central structure until you reach a set of ramps going up.

Next to them is a guy standing beside a group of trees. He is wearing a white
t-shirt and blue shorts, and his name is Carlin Moy. Talk to him and he will
inform you of his cousin, Goat Knife, who may know of where to find tickets to

Turn right and go around the central structure until you arrive at the Station.
Goat Knife is to the left of the Station entrance, in a gap between two walls.
Talk to him about your problem and he will refer you to another guy who seems
to like clowns.

Turn around and make your way back to the ramp Carlin Moy is standing beside.
Take it up to the top of the second ramp only and move forward. Turn left, then
right, and finally left. Walk into the small garden area in the centre of the
platform. Talk to the child sitting on the grass, whose name is Naudie.

He doesn't tout tickets anymore, but tells you of a guy hiding in the shadows
around the Lounge of Commerce. Turn to your left and move forward. Talk to the
guy in a red shirt and black trousers, called Divadopher. Ask him for 2 tickets
to Sunder and he will tell you of a "Slick" Janomin in the Routubes underneath
Pumping Station 7.

Turn around and move forward. Open the first door on your left to enter the
Lounge Of Commerce, and walk towards the door on your right. Go through it.

3.2.3 Lounge Of Commerce.

Walk over to the guy at the table to your right. His name is Zicky Zoom and he
will buy TACOs from you.

3.2.3a Sub-quest: TACO Collector.

*Zicky Zoom is a collector of TACOs, so whenever you are in the area *
*again, go to the Lounge of Commerce and give him the TACOs you have *
*He will give you an item for every group of TACOs you give him. He will *
*also give you a vial of HealGrease Complete for your first TACO. *
* *
*Reward: For First TACO: HealGrease Complete. *
* For next 5 TACOs: 5 Timeminder Tears. - Thanks to Tim Van *
* Holder and Ivan Leonov for this. *
* For next 10 TACOs: 10 Baneblade Mystech. - Thanks to Tim Van *
* Holder and Ivan Leonov for this. *
* For next 15 TACOs: Cordicom Personal ShieldCell. - Thanks to *
* Ivan Leonov for this. *

Turn around and walk towards the bar. Order the cheapest drink (Pazoola at $2).
The lady at the bar, called Mulafey, will sympathise with you for buying such a
cheap beverage, and will tell you to visit a friend of hers, Contessa
Shrivenstein, at the Royal Penthouse Suites. She may have some work for you.

3.2.3b Sub-quest: Certificate Of Authenticity.

*Unless you talk to Mulafey first, Contessa Shrivenstein will not hire *
*you. Instead, she will talk about how to tell the difference between fine*
*art and any other kind of art. *
* *
*From your present location, leave the Lounge of Commerce. Now move around*
*the central structure, keeping it on your right, until you come to the *
*multiple ramps. Take the ramps down to the lowest level and turn around. *
*Stay on this level and run around the central structure until you can see*
*a golden building. These are the Royal Penthouse Suites. Go through the *
*central doors, which also happen to be gold, and run straight on until *
*you reach the bottom of the golden ramp. You are now standing in the main*
*hall. At the furthest corner on the right is a sofa on which Contessa *
*Shrivenstein is lying on. Walk up to her and talk to her. She will *
*explain her situation. It seems as though she bought a piece from a *
*Brebulan art dealer who forgot to give her a Certificate of Authenticity *
*with her purchase. She wants you to find the dealer before he leaves the *
*Station. Turn around and leave the building the way you came in. *
* *
*As a point of interest, you will never be able to afford a suite here. *
*This is not because you haven't saved enough to rent out a suite here, it*
*is because the cheapest suite is always 1 loonie over your current *
*savings. *
* *
*Anyway, turn left and walk around the central structure until you reach a*
*large building in front of you called the Sender Station Theoretical *
*Science Museum. Go inside, turn left, then right, and then walk forward *
*down the stairs, and through the door ahead. *
* *
*The Brebulan arts dealer you want is called Hermano, and he is located *
*next to the exhibit on your right as you enter. Talk to him and he will *
*apologise for his mistake. He will ask you to check with his assistant *
*for the required Certificate, who is currently outside Gate 2 at the *
*Station. *
* *
*Leave the Museum the same way you entered and take the left-hand route in*
*front of you to the end. Climb the ramp and go through the Station's door*
*in front of you. Walk in and go through the second door. Take the second *
*left to enter the waiting area outside Gate 2. There is a robot standing *
*here who was not here before. Have a very ammusing conversation with him,*
*after which he will give you a dry cleaning bill. Talk to him again to *
*get the Certificate of Authenticity. Now make your way back to Contessa *
*Shrivenstein for your reward. Go back to the bar to return to the *
*walkthrough. *
* *
*Reward: $50. *

Turn left and go through the hole in the wall. Turn left and speak to David
Salsa. It seems that Yerocan speaks very highly of you. You may have noticed
one of Detta's men at the bar when you walked in. Salsa wants you to slip a
drug into his drink so that he can extract information from him later.

3.2.3c Sub-quest: Drugging Detta's Man.

*This sub-quest is slightly different from the others because you don't *
*get your reward straight away. I suspect that you have to find a guy at *
*Sunder and then report back to a member of the resistance to get *
*I do recommend you do this, just to make the game more interesting. *
* *
*As with sub-quest 3.2.2c, I suggest that you complete this when you are *
*on your way to getting tickets from the Gorian drug dealer in Routubes. *
*If, however, you have already done this, follow section 3.2.5 below when *
*you enter Pumping Station 7. *
* *
*Reach the platform with the Gorian drug dealer on it. Talk to him and ask*
*him for some Soporific Wander Dust. It will cost you 100 loonies. *
* *
*Re-trace your steps back to the Lounge of Commerce and talk to Salsa. He *
*will ask you to slip a drug into the clone's drink. Walk up to the clone *
*and offer to buy him a drink. You will slip in the drug, and he will *
*become unconscious and you'll find a note in his pocket. Now return to *
*Salsa. *
* *
*Salsa mentions that the note mentions a contact at Sunder called Xiuwen *
*who responds to the codeword "Gemini". Seeing as the resistance can't get*
*to Sunder, you can assume the job for yourself. See the appropriate *
*section in the walkthrough. I have found this person on Sunder, in the *
*Rainbow Sanctuary on Sunder. He gives you a package, which I assume, you *
*must have to deliver to a resistance member to get your reward. *
* *
*Reward: NONE, not yet anyway. Perhaps later. *

3.1.4 Laboratory Coats.

Now leave the Lounge of Commerce. Turn left and walk forward. The Vend-O-Mart
shopping centre is located on the left if you pass the garden area on your
right. Go through both doors to enter the shop.

Walk over to the machine to the left of the slide in front of you. The glass
panel will open up. Click on button 6 using the mouse. This is the lab. coat
that you need in order to look like scientists. Unfortunately, you need
Scientific Association Credentials in order to purchase them. Nevermind, there
are always other ways. Whilst you are here, you should pick up the
Megalocephalic Wendy doll and the Vistin Three Beam, for Sly, that are on sale.

Get PAL to hack the databank below the panel. Once done, two lab coats will
drop into the slide and you will exit the building in full scientific dress.

3.2.5 A Ticket To Sunder.

Now you have the lab coats, you need the tickets. Do you remember speaking to
Divadopher, who was standing beside the Lounge of Commerce. It is time to find
that Gorian drug dealer.

Orientate yourself so that the central building is on your right. Now follow it
around until you come to a set of ramps. Take the one that leads up to the top
and open the first door to your left. This is the entrance to Pumping Station
7. If this is your first time down there then you'll have to remove your lab.
coats if you're wearing them. Don't worry because you will put them back on
when you leave. Go down the ramp ahead, through the door, and down the next
ramp. I suggest that you save your game here because there are two fights in
the area beyond.

Turn left and enter the centre of the area for the first fight. It is with a
Mad Gorian. After you win, walk to the furthest left-hand corner of the
platform you are on, and hack the computer system using PAL to open the gate
directly behind you. To the right of the gate is a vial of HealGrease, which
you can get if you wish. Move through the open gate and turn right. There is a
Glodent behind the second pillar to the right of the ramp, which you should
pick up. Move down this ramp and follow it until you reach the bottom.

The last fight in this area is with 4 Pipe Mimics. Once you have beaten them,
you can turn to your left and pick up the HealGrease on the floor in the
furthest corner from you. Now turn around and walk towards the furthest edge of
the platform. There is a path here, which leads to "Slick" Janomin.

If you haven't found the body that Detective Rukh is searching for, then turn
right here immediately, go to the edge of the platform and make another right.
Follow this path to the body, beside which there is a Glodent. Return to this
area when you have finished.

Ask "Slick" Janomin for the sleep inducing drug if you want to. He'll sell it
for 100 loonies. Otherwise, ask him for two tickets to Sunder. Unfotunately, he
only has one, and will sell it to you for 250 loonies. Buy it and leave the
area the same way you came in.

Your task list changes to the following:
- Get one more ticket for the Sender Shuttle, boarding at Gate 5.

3.2.6 Another Ticket To Sunder.

You are now one ticket short. You should be outside the entrance to Pumping
Station 7. Proceed down the ramp to your right by one level, and then walk
forward. Turn left, then right and finally enter through the door on your left.

Walk forward until you come to two doors. Enter the one to your left, and then
turn left. Walk towards the elevator and take it down to the Sendormitory

Get out of the lift and turn right. Follow the path until you come to a ramp
leading up, which you should take. At the top of this ramp, turn left and walk
over to the scientist standing by his bed. Talk to Doctor Nynx and he will tell
you about his fear of going back to Sunder. However, he doesn't seem to want to
give you his ticket.

Grumpos will need to use his Worldskill to talk him into it. Its very ammusing,
and I suggest you read through it.

When he's had enough the scientist will ask you to leave him in return for the
ticket. Your task list changes:
- Okay, we've got the tickets. Now we gotta get on that Brain Train to
Sunder somehow.

You now have two tickets to Sunder III. Leave the hotel the same way
you entered.

3.2.7 Access To Gate 5.

Fooling the bouncer will be the hard part. You should now be standing outside
the hotel. Turn left, then right and move forward until you reach the set of
ramps. Take the ramps going down to the bottom and move forward. You will need
to enter the Museum that will approach you.

Go in through the door and turn left immediately. You will see a computer in
the corner of the room. Walk up to it. Everybody can access it, as it is a
public computer, but only scientists and PAL can download scientific data from
it. Get PAL to hack the databanks beneath the computer and then to download the
Credentials to allow you to hack the door to Gate 5. I suspect that PAL also
needs this information to help get Sly past the Brain Bouncer.

Now leave the Museum and enter take the path to your left. Go up the ramp and
past the Station. Now follow the path until you see a golden building to your
right. These are the Royal Penthouse Suites. Enter them and make your way to
the ramp in front of you. Turn left at the bottom and walk forward towards the
scientist there. His name is Dr. Brywelle. There is a table next to him, which
has a rose on it. Take the rose.

3.2.7a Sub-quest: Lovesick Scientist.

*Many thanks to Stephen Clouse and Tim Van Holder for the addition of this*
*sub-quest. Dr. Brywelle, the scientist you just spoke to, is looking for *
*love. You can help him in his search in return for an item later in the *
*game, when you return to Sender Station later. *
* *
*Both Stephen Clouse and Ivan Leonov have informed me that doing this *
*sub-quest will get you a free ticket to Sunder, meaining that there is no*
*need to pay the Gorian Trader in the Lower Routubes. *
* *
*Leave the hotel and run towards the green area on the level above you. *
*Talk to the woman standing beside the child, called Naudie, sitting on *
*the grass. Talk to her, give her the rose, and then she will go to the *
*hotel. *
* *
*Return to the Penthouse Suites later on and speak to Dr. Brywelle. He *
*give you his ticket to Sunder. *
* *
*Reward: Ticket to Sunder. *

Leave the hotel the same way you entered. Move forward until you can turn left.
Now keep the central structure on your right and walk towards the station. Go
through either door to enter the station.

3.2.8 Gate 5 - Destination Sunder.

Go through the doors in front and take the fifth left to enter the waiting
area for Gate 5.

Face the door. You will not be able to enter without credentials, but there are
always ways around these things. To the right of it, near the floor, is a
databank which PAL can hack to open the door for you, as long as you have
downloaded the Credentials from the Museum database.

Once the door is opened, move into it and follow the path. Give your tickets to
the guard and enter the gate. Keep walking and you will encounter the Brain

It seems that whatever Grumpos says to him, he accepts, in whatever order. Sly
speaks another language, so whatever Sly says is going to be correct in his
eyes. This is because PAL is translating for him, and PAL knows his stuff.

Congratulations, you have fooled the Brain Bouncer and are now on your way to
the planet Sunder.

3.2.9 Sender Shuttle.

Once inside the Shuttle, turn right and talk to the scientist on the desk with
a laptop. His name is Dr. Labbe and you may recognise him from the Brain
Bouncer cutscene. He will give you a trial version of the Labbe Linguinator
Adapter to allow you to understand alien dialect not programmed into your

Orlando (DJBAZ) has brought it to my attention that you will need to talk to
the three scientists in the corner until one of them leaves to find some
peanuts, before you can talk to Dr. Labbe again to land the shuttle.

3.3 Sunder.

Rainbow Sanctuary, left of counter where secretary is seated.
Rainbow Sanctuary, entrance to Dr. Bowman's laboratory.
Service Tunnels, left of door leading to exit.
Starport, right of door to lounge.

3.3.1 Sunder Station.

You will be standing outside the door to the shuttle you just came form. Follow
the path until Fatima stops you to inform you of Dr. Rho Bowman's whereabouts.
It seems as though Dr. Bowman is in the Rainbow Sanctuary. A new task is added
to your list:
- Dr. Rho Bowman is in the Rainbow Sactuary near the starport. Find the
place and find her.

Walk up to the door in front of you and open it. This is Sunder Station. From
what I can tell, there are no sub-quests to do here. You do however meet Dr.
Xiuwen here (See section 3.2.3c for more information) and you can get the
package from him.

There are also no fights, although your shields can be depleted. More on that

Anyway, turn left and continue moving forward, and down, until you see an exit
to your right. This is the baggage collection area. Climb down the steps into
this room.

Now run forward, keeping the fountain in the centre of the room to your right,
until you hit the exit sign in front of you. Turn left and walk towards the
door in front of you. This area will lead you to the Rainbow Sanctuary. Walk
down the escalator in front of you and, at the bottom, turn around towards the
lasers. Unfortunately, there is a PAX guard blocking your way. Walk up to him
and talk to him. Whatever option you select, you will get the information that
you need, but make sure you are not too rude to him.

It seems as though there are three security lasers blocking the moving
pavement. Each of these lasers work at a different frequency, and in order to
shut them off, you must find out the frequency and enter it into the correct
terminal. There are three terminals, one for each laser, in the main section of
the building.

However, there are two complications. Firstly, nobody knows the frequencies of
all three lasers. There are three other PAX guards in the Station who each know
one of the frequencies. Therefore, you must find all three and pursuade them to
give you the frequency that they know.

Secondly, you will also need to fit a special card into the slot to the left of
the screen, in order to block the laser. The PAX guard, however, helpfully
informs you that anything thin enough to fit in the slot should be adequate.

Now you have to find these PAX guards. You must talk to the PAX guard beside
the security lasers before you will find any other PAX guards.

Press F1 to see your new task list:
- Security lasers are blocking the way to the Rainbow Sanctuary. Each PAX
guard knows one of the individual frequencies.
- You need to get the lower frequency setting for the red lasers.
- You need to get the lower frequency setting for the green lasers.
- You need to get the lower frequency setting for the blue lasers.
- We need something thin to block the low-frequency lasers at the security

3.3.2 Blue Lasers.

Turn around and walk back to the escalator. Climb up it and exit through the
door in front of you. Walk forward until you reach the barrier, then turn right
and walk straight on, until you enter the next area. Turn right towards the
lounge and walk through the door.

Walk down the stairs to your left and walk up to the PAX guard on your left,
called Officer Rather. A scientist is speaking to him about a new discovery,
X-ray goggles. The PAX guard is very interested in this and shouts at you when
you bother him. However, he does give you a little information concerning the
contents of his briefcase.

Get Boots to pick the lock to his briefcase. The frequency for the blue lasers
is given here as 493 THz. The guard isn't to happy about this, but don't worry,
he won't attack you. Your task list changes to the following:
- The blue laser low frequency is 493. Use that to disable the blue laser.

3.3.3 Playing Cards.

Once you have the frequency, move around the table, keeping it on your left,
until you see a robot in the middle of the room. Walk up to him and speak to
him. He will offer you some complementary playing cards. Accept them.

Your task list changes to reflect your new find:
- Maybe these playing cards are thin enough to block the low-frequency
lasers. Worth a try.

These playing cards can be used to block the lasers. Turn around and find the
stairs up. Go up them and through the door ahead.

3.3.4 Green Lasers.

Walk forward and climb up the stairs until you see a PAX guard to your right
beside a newspaper machine. Talk to him. He seems to be having a problem with
getting a newspaper from this machine, so you offer to help him in exchange for
the frequency of the green lasers.

Have PAL hack the machine. A successful hack will result in a newspaper, which
you will give to Officer Rabin. He is very grateful and will give you the
frequency, which is 691 THz, in return. Out of all the PAX guards I have met,
he is the nicest by far. Your task list changes:
- The green laser low frequency is 691. Use that to disable the green laser.

3.3.5 Red Lasers.

Turn left and walk up the stairs. Keep going until you reach the top. Now, turn
left and walk out of the opening. Turn left and follow the path. Walk up the
escalator until you reach the top.

Follow the path until you get to a junction. Turn right here and run to the end
of the corridor. There is a PAX guard here, called Officer Down. Talk to him
once if you want, but not again otherwise he will hit you and it will deplete
your shields.

He has the laser frequency, but is not willing to give it to you. Grumpos will
have to use his Worldskill and yammer the information out of him. He will give
you the frequency of the red lasers when he has had enough, which is 507 THz.
Your task list changes:
- The red laser low frequency is 507. Use that to disable the red laser.

3.3.6 Disabling The Lasers.

Now you have all the frequencies and a pack of playing cards, you are ready to
disable the lasers. Turn around and run forward until you reach a junction.
Turn right, and follow the path until you come to an escalator. Take it to the
bottom and run forward until you see an exit on your left. Go through it and
turn right.

There is a security panel is on this level. Run forward until you see it on
your right. Use it and enter the number 691 to set its lower frequency. The
dots on the screen should form a wave. Now place a playing card into the slot
on the left hand side of the window. The dots should all move in a line, and
the green laser is now disabled. Press the X button, on the bottom right, to

Turn left and run down one flight of stairs. Run on until you see another
security panel to your right. This panel operates the red lasers. Use it in the
same way as described in the previous paragraph, substituting the lower
frequency with the value 507. Now exit the window.

Turn left again, and run down one more flight of stairs. Run on until you see
another security panel on your right. This panel operates the blue lasers. Use
the same technique as described before to disable the blue lasers, using 493 as
the value for the lower frequency. Exit the window when you are finished.

A new task has been added to your task list:
- Alright, the security lasers are down. Let's find Doctor Bowman in the
Rainbow Sanctuary.

Now turn left and take the first right. Run forward, keeping the central
fountain on your right. Now turn left and go through the door in front of you.

Climb down the escalator in front of you and turn around towards the security
guard. Walk up to the security gate and pass through. Don't worry, Officer
Perrot will let you go. Turn left and follow the moving pavement.

3.3.7 Rainbow Sanctuary.

Follow the moving pavement until you see a sign telling you the next section is
out of order. Walk past the sign and open the door in front of you. Follow the
pavement until you get to another barrier. Move to its right and exit on the

Stephen Clouse has emailed me about the presence of a True View Torque in this
location. It is an accessory that lets you see an ememy's remaining HP when you
attack. Grab it now, because you won't be able to get it later.

Go over the grass, towards the door on your left. Enter it and walk
forward. Turn left when you reach the wall, and climb down the steps ahead.
Open the door to your left at the bottom of the stairs. Turn right and walk up
the stairs. Go through the door ahead.

You are now in the lounge area of the Rainbow Sanctuary. Turn right and go
towards the window on your right. Behind the pillar is a chest, which you
should lockpick in order to get some Sunder Moss.

Turn left and walk up to the secretary. Talk to her and she will try to get in
contact with Dr. Bowman. It seems that Dr. Bowman is a little busy and has
switched off her speakerphone. Ms. Cachepence offers to walk you to her office.
Your task list changes:
- Follow Ms. Cachepence to Doctor Bowman's laboratory. And stop looking at
her butt, Boots.

She will stop occassionally. Just talk to her when you are ready to move to the
next area. Talk to her now. She will open the door for you. Now follow her and
speak to her again. She will open the next door into a commons area.

There is a Brebulan standing by the window to your right. Walk up to him and
give him the codephrase "Gemini". He is Dr. Xiuwen, and will give you a
package, which I assume, you need to deliver to a member of the resistance.
Turn around and run towards the furthest pillar from you, on your right. To the
right of it is a TACO. Pick it up.

I recommend you do this all before talking to Ms. Cachepence, as you may be
stretched for time later. Talk to Ms. Cachepence when you are ready to proceed,
and she will move up the spiral staircase. Follow her until she stops beside a
door. Now talk to her and follow her after she opens the door. There is one
more door left. Talk to her when she has stopped outside it, and follow her
when she walks through. She will open the door to Dr. Bowman's laboratory for
you. Go through it.

This is Doctor Bowman. A cutscene will show the catastrophic consequences of
the experiment she is conducting. You need to make a hasty escape. The good
news is that the Doctor has a private ship. The bad news is that she has lost
her docking bay keycard. You need to help her find it. Your task list will
- What are you doing?! Help Doctor Bowman find her docking bay keycard! NOW!

The keycard is on the table to your left, on the furthest side to you. Get it.
Don't worry if you don't want to get it, Dr. Bowman will eventually find it.
You don't get anything extra for finding it first.

Bowman wants you to meet her at her shuttle at Gate 12. It is very inconvenient
that Gate 12 is the furthest gate from you. She recommends you to take the
basement route, and who are you to argue? Your task list changes:

Make your way to the exit, but just before you reach the minibridge, turn left
and take the ramp down to your right. Follow the path until you come to a
chest, which contains a Scuttle Shield Unit. Now exit the way you came and
leave Dr. Bowman's laboratory.

Follow the path and use the keypad on the right of the first door you come to.
The combination is:

Follow the path until you come to the next door. Its combination is:

Follow the path until you enter the commons area again. Don't bother speaking
to anybody unless you really want to. Some people have funny things to say, but
none of them are in this room. Go down the spiral staircase on your right, and
run to the right-hand corner in front of you to exit the area.

Follow the path until you come to the next door. The code is:

Follow the route until you reach the final door. Its code is:

Get PAL and run to the exit in the furthest right-hand corner. I recommend you
don't save your game unless you have at least four and a half minutes left.

Go through the door ahead and take the staircase to the bottom. Walk over to
the door on your left. Use the swipecard machine on the left-hand side of the
door. Go through the door.

3.3.8 Service Tunnels.

There are three bottles of HealGrease Plus located in this area. You should
have enough time to grab them all.

Open the gate in front of you and run forward. If you don't mind missing a vial
of HealGrease Plus, then turn left and run forward until you reach a junction.
If, however, you want some HealGrease Plus, turn left and run towards the
closed gate. There is a HealGrease Plus lying on the floor in front of the
gate. Turn around and follow the path until you come to a junction.

Take either path, they both lead to the same place. Follow the path until you
come to another junction. The left path leads to some HealGrease Plus outside
another closed gate. Whatever you decide to do, take the path to your right
when you are finished.

Take either exit when you approach the next junction. At the final junction,
take the exit to your right. There is a HealGrease Plus next to a door that you
will pass on your right. Take it if you wish, then continue in the same

Turn right and go through the door at the end of the corridor, on the right,
just before the Timeminder. I recommend you save your game if you have at least
two minutes on the clock. Whatever you decide to do, go through the door and
run forward.

3.3.9 Escape.

Turn right when you hit the wall. Go through the door in front of you and turn
left. Take another left and climb up the stairs ahead. At the top, run towards
the furthest right-hand corner where there is an exit. Open the door, run
forward, turn left, and run forward, over the metal bridge. Take the next left
and follow the path until you reach a door.

Go through the door. Do you recognise the area? Run forward until you hit the
barrier, then turn left and run forward until you arrive at the steps. Climb
them, turn left, and climb the stairs ahead of you. Now run forward until you
reach the very top.

Turn left and walk through the hole in the wall. Turn left and follow the path
and climb up the escalator. Turn left at the top, and follow the path until you
come to a fork. Turn right and run to the end of the corridor. Gate 12 is the
last door on the right.

Swipe Bowman's keycard in the machine to the door's left to open it. Go through
the door and approach the shuttle. Walk to the right of the shuttle, and climb
the mini-staircase to enter it.

Don't forget, you only have 8 minutes to get from Doctor Rho Bowman's
laboratory to her shuttle, so be quick. There is enough time to talk to almost

3.3.10 Escape From Sunder - Sub-Game.

The Mystech reaction in Bowman's laboratory seems to be leading to the
destruction of Sunder. You will need to make your escape in all the chaos that
has followed.

Use the mouse to pilot your ship around the screen. You have 3 HP, as shown by
your health meter on the bottom left of the window. Debris, destroyed ships and
those escaping, all threaten you. One hit will knock off 1 HP.

Debris will either fly from the bottom of the screen to the top, or the other
way around. There are six examples of ships that are a threat to you:

1. Two white ships moving from left to right. One in the middle of the screen,
the other at the top.
2. One white ship in the middle of the screen moving from left to right.
3. One white ship at the top of the screen moving from left to right.
4. One damaged white ship moving from right to left. It starts off in the
middle of the screen, and ends up at the bottom.
5. One damaged red ship moving from top to bottom.
6. One damaged red ship moving from bottom to top.

You will have to avoid all impacts for around a minute. The best thing is to
stay in the centre of the screen, as this position gives you enough time to
move out of the way of incoming threats, wherever they come from.

This is quite hard so don't worry if you can't do it immediately. It can take
several attempts and a lot of practise.

The cutscene after this is really good. It was as though it had been directed
by a movie director.

The second cutscene after this is the funniest yet, so keep at it just to see

3.4 Democratus.

Council Chamber, beside your ship in the Council Chamber Area.
Council Chamber, Council Chamber waiting area.
Republic Inn, lounge area.
Votowne, beside ramp to Council Chamber Area.
Votowne, outside Jejune Juices shop.
Warship Bay, next to door leading to fighter.

Excellent Choice, above Jejune Juices in the second half of Votowne.

Boots - Vistin Octogun, on floor in secret area in Votowne.
Grumpos - Vistin Blader Staffhead, Cargo Bay Floor in Warship Bay Area.

The Republic Inn, second half of Votowne.

3.4.1 Council Chamber Area.

After drifting through space for 17 days, you finally reach a civilisation.
From your first impressions, however, this may not seem to be the case.

As soon as you climb off Dr. Bowman's ship, you are attacked by three
Robodudes, one of which is slightly damaged from Bowman's initial attack. After
dealing with them, Bowman will give you a talk about the mysteries of Mystech,
which are also detailed in section 4.2 in the appendix.

After Rho has finished talking, your objectives change to the following:
- This rock. Need to get off it. Talk to folks.

Don't worry. The area you are in is not full of hostiles, although there are
some. You can speak to anybody you see without the fear of attack. The only
enemies you will fight here are Robodudes.

Choose two party members by talking to them. Although you will need all three
at some point in the next game, you can come back here later and get them. I
recommend that you choose PAL and Dr. Bowman first, and for the remainder of
this section, I will assume that you have done so.

In light of Stephen Clouse's email, I strongly recommend you take PAL along
with you. This is because he will not be here if you return. If you ask one of
the guys here, they will tell you that he got scared and ran off to find some
company. Even though you can return to Democratus later in the game, I suggest
that PAL comes with you know as some of the secret areas are only accessible by
using his computer hack skill. He is also needed for one of the tasks that you
will need to do, although you can probably guess the result without him.

Once you have decided, turn left and walk towards the door in front of you. Go
through it and walk up to the person in front of you. He is called Keeber. He
will speak to you when you approach and inform you that they have a sort of
government in place after the overthrowing of their previous emperor. This
government is known as the Council and would be happy to help you after they
have sorted out the major problem that they are dealing with now.

Your task list changes:
- The High Council seems to be top brass around here. Maybe if we talk to
them in person, we can convince them to repair the shuttle so we can get
the shuttle so we can get the hell outta here.

Move forward, turn right and move down the ramp in front of you. You will see
maintenance crews working in this area. Talk to them if you wish, but it is not
necessary. Move forward and follow the path curving to the left. Move up the
ramp in front and walk forward. You will enter another fight with three
Robodes. This will be your last fight for quite some time.

Dispose of them and turn right. Run forward until Fatima stops you. She will
inform you of the present situation of Democratus and of its history. When
Fatima has finished, run forward towards the door ahead and go through it.

In the next room, take the door on your right. This is the only exit out of the
room apart from the one you took to get in. Move through the door and move
forward. Approach the guard standing by the door ahead of you, towards your

His name is Sergeant Cuff and he will talk to you when you come closer. Be
polite when speaking to him and he will tell you how the voting system works.
He explains that the Council only trusts their Allies, and in order to become
an Ally to the Council you need to vote like them to obtain a Gold Council Ally
Card as proof.

Your task list changes to reflect this:
- To meet the High Council, we need to vote like them in today's election
and earn a Gold Council Ally Card.

Turn left and run towards the door in front of you. Go through it and then open
the next door ahead. You are now in Votowne.

3.4.2 Votowne.

Votowne is divided into two parts, seperated by a door. The voting machine, the
Votabulator, is located in the second part of the town. If you use it now it
will tell you that you are not allowed to vote because you are not registered.
Talk to the guard next to the machine and he will inform you of the whereabouts
of registrar. This is just a little background information, and even though the
town is divided into two parts, there is no loading screen between each one.

First things first, you will have to vote. Walk down the ramp ahead and turn
right at the bottom. Move down the next ramp and walk towards the furthest guy
away from you, on your left-hand side. He should be standing by an orange
poster about Cyclical Vomit Torture.

Speak to him. His name is Mr. Atrimus Heath. You have two options. You can
either pay him 1 loonie to vote, or can squeeze out a free room for the night.
If you want the free room, be as uncooperative as possible and he will call a
security guard. The guard will claim that you are guests of the High Council,
so the people of Votowne must cooperate with you whatever your requests. Keep
your uncooperative stance and you will get a free room for the night as well as
a voting card. I don't know if being rude to him has any bad side-effects yet,
so do what you think is best.

The voting card is always the same. It has eight different propositions, and
you have to answer either yes or no to all of them when you finally go to vote.
The propositions are:

Proposition 1: Shall the maximum ramp angle throughout Votowne be 45 degrees?
Proposition 2: Shall Cyclical Vomit Torture be Abolished as a form of
punishment for first degree murder commited by Planet-dwellers?
Proposition 3: Shall the preparation and selling of dangerous squizzle beets
for consumption be a misdemeanor?
Proposition 4: Shall pouse-cafe be the official colour of next year's Festival
of Choice?
Proposition 5: Shall outworlder possession of narcotics be punishable by
death-likely sentence (immediate complete use of all substances
in possession)?
Proposition 6: Shall it be a felony to possess, sell, or export Bipridi meat
for globbering consumption?
Proposition 7: Shall Planet-dweller deforestation of Wangees Forest for
Dort-herding be allowed?
Proposition 8: Shall marriages between Ring-dwellers and Planet-dwellers be
recognised by the state?

Your task list changes:
- We need to find the Allies of the Council, who are each marked with the
six Pearls of Wisdom, and find out how the Council will vote on all eight
- Council's Vote on Prop 1? (Maximum Ramp Angle).
- Council's Vote on Prop 2? (Vomit Torture for Planet-Dwelling Murderers).
- Council's Vote on Prop 3? (About selling Squizzle Beets).
- Council's Vote on Prop 4? (Official Colour of Festival of Choice).
- Council's Vote on Prop 5? (Outworlder Possession of Narcotics Sentence).
- Council's Vote on Prop 6? (Bipridi Meat Use a Felony).
- Council's Vote on Prop 7? (Deforestation of Waugees Forest).
- Council's Vote on Prop 8? (Ring-Dweller/Planet-Dweller Marriages).

The Council's Vote seems to be randomly generated, so you will have to go
through the task of asking the Allies in Votowne for the Council's current

You will need to speak to different Allies to determine how the High Council
will vote for all the propositions, apart from one. This is proposition 2, and
will be dealt with first.

Allies of the Council can be identified by the 6 pearls on their heads. There
are three pearls on either side of an Ally's face.

You can walk over to the Votabulator and cast your vote as many times as you
like. However, you are not told whether or not your vote agrees with the
Council's when you decide on each Proposition. This means that there are many
combinations, and it takes a long time to figure them out. It seems far quicker
and easier to talk to the Allies. Doing this gives you the bonus of seeing
Votowne and meeting the people.

The quickest order in which to find the results of all eight propositions is
detailed below. For those of you who want to carry out the tasks in a different
order, I have detailed the location of the Allies for propositions 1, 3 & 5 to
8 in the first paragraph of the appropriate section. There is no Ally, as such,
for Propositions 2 and 4, but there is are posters and a letter, respectively,
dealing with the matter.

3.4.3 Proposition 2: Vomit Torture For Planet-Dwelling Murderers.

Proposition 2: Shall Cyclical Vomit Torture be Abolished as a form of
punishments for first degree murder commited by Planet-dwellers?

|Examine any of the orange posters in Votowne. There are four of them, One of |
|them is next to Mr. Atrimus Heath, located near the ramp leading to the |
|Council Chamber Area. Atrimus is the guy you went to in order to get |
|registered. Another one is located next to the speaker talking about bipridi |
|meat. The third poster is on the wall opposite the main ramp in the second |
|half of Votowne. The final orange poster is located opposite the hotel. The |
|posters are orange in colour and have "Vomit Torture Proposition" written on |
|them. |

Turn right and walk up to the orange poster on the wall in front of you. Click
on the text to read it. Whatever the result, your task list will change:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 2.

3.4.4 Proposition 3: About Selling Squizzle Beats.

Proposition 3: Shall the preparation and selling of dangerous squizzle beets
for consumption be a misdemeanor?

|The Council's Ally with this information is located on the ramp leading from |
|the first part of Votowne, to the second. As you approach the ramp from the |
|the first half of Votowne (The part you started in), he is located on the |
|part of the way up on the ramp to your left. His name is Zewpie, and he will |
|ask you to get him some Quack-Quack Juice from Jejune Juices located in the |
|second half of Votowne, at the bottom of the left-hand ramp if you are |
|climbing down. Get some Quack-Quack juice and bring it to him to get the |
|result you want. If you are having trouble locating him or Jejune Juices, |
|return to Mr. Atrimus Heath and follow the walkthrough below. |

Turn around and move past the ramp to your left. Once you are past it, turn
left and walk towards the man in front of you, standing beside the wall. His
name is Buckley White, and he will give you a lesson in the politics of Votowne
if you are interested. Whatever you decide to do, turn right and move forward
until you reach a mnini-staircase. Don't climb it. Instead, turn right, then
left and move forward towards the crowd.

You will need Grumpos to yammer the information out of the speaker. Talk to
members of the crowd if you wish, then turn left and follow the ramp in front
of you up.

At the top of this small ramp turn left, and move towards the two guys standing
here. Talk to the guy to your right. His name is Zewpie and he is an Ally of
the High Council. He also has information about Proposition 3, but your
reaction has allowed him to ask for your services in return. He wants you to
get him a Quack-Quack Juice from Jejune Juices.

Turn left and move up the ramp in front of you. Follow it up to the top, turn
left, and go through the large door ahead.

Move down the ramp ahead and turn left at the bottom. Now take the next ramp
down and turn left at the bottom. Walk forward until there is a door on your
right. Go inside.

This is Jejune Juices. There is a shop at the top of the two spiral staircases
here if you want to buy anything. Return to this position when you have
finished exploring, turn left and walk forward until you see a guy behind the
counter on your left. Talk to him. Quack-Quack Juice ($4.00) happens to be the
most expensive drink. Buy some and leave Jejune Juices.

Make your way back to Zewpie, the Ally who asked you for the drink. Talk to him
to give him the drink and get the result of the Council's Vote on proposition
3. Your task list changes:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 3.

3.4.5 Proposition 5: Outworlder Possession Of Narcotics Sentence.

Proposition 5: Shall outworlder possession of narcotics be punishable by
death-likely sentence (immediate complete use of all substances
in possession)?

|Waiia, the Ally to the Council who knows about Proposition 5 is located at |
|the top of one of the ramps in the second half of Votowne. It is situated in |
|the area before you reach the outside of the hotel. From the main ramp, walk |
|towards the wall in front of you. Turn right and walk forward until you see a|
|ramp to your left. Climb up the ramp to the top and walk towards Waiia, who |
|is in front of you. He will give you the Council's vote on Proposition 5. |

Take the ramp to your left to the top. Turn right and take the second ramp up.
Now turn left and walk through the door ahead. Proceed down the ramp in front
of you and take the ramp to your left when you get to the bottom. At the bottom
of this ramp, turn right and walk towards the two guys you see talking and
standing beside the wall ahead. When you reach them, turn right and walk
forward. Keep walking until you see a ramp leading upwards on your left. Take
it up to the top, it does twist and turn a little bit.

Once at the top, walk towards the guy in front of you. Speak to him. He is an
Ally of the Council, called Waiia, and will inform you of the Council's vote
for Proposition 5.

Your task list changes:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 5.

3.4.6 Proposition 1: Maximum Ramp Angle.

Proposition 1: Shall the maximum ramp angle throughout Votowne be 45 degrees?

|There are two guys and a robot standing opposite the hotel. Standing with the|
|hotel behind you, they are located in the furthest left-hand corner on your |
|side of the ramp. Just hack the robot there, with PAL, to get the information|
|you require. |

Turn around and move down the ramp to the bottom. Now turn around and walk
forward on the path to your right. Run towards the wall in front of you. When
you reach it, turn left and move around it, keeping the wall on your right.
Once you enter the open area, keep the wall on your right and move towards the
two guys and 1 robot standing beside the ramp.

The Ally, called Brady Day, is the guy on the left, but he won't tell you the
result of the Council's Vote. He will give you a hint, by passing a remark in
his conversation about a memo sent to him about the Proposition, telling his
friend that it is stored with his robot.

Get PAL to hack the robot. The robot won't mind, in fact he likes it. He even
asks you to interface with him if you talk to him as PAL. The robot's name is
BUDDI-12. Read the memo to find out the Council's opinion.

Your task list will change:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 1.

3.4.7 Proposition 4: Official Colour Of Festival Of Choice.

Proposition 4: Shall pousse-cafe be the official colour of next year's Festival
of Choice.

|You will need to find Merle Joid's room in the hotel. Either ask the guy |
|behind the main desk or hack the databanks on either side of the desk. The |
|room number is 201, one floor above you. Take the stairs up one floor and |
|pick the door's lock. The information you require is on the bed in front of |
|you. |

Turn left and walk towards "The Republic Inn" sign in front of you. Go through
the double doors underneath the sign, and then through the next set of doors.
Turn left and walk up to the guy closest to you, sitting on the sofa, called

Dward will give you information about two of the guests at The Republic Inn,
each of which are Allies who have information about one of the proposition.
Their names are Dass Daskin (Proposition 7) and Merle Joid (Proposition 4).
Dward only knows Dass Daskin's room number, which is Room 401.

Your task list will change to show the information you have gathered on Dass
- Find Dass Daskin staying in Room 401 at the Republic Inn. He knows how the
Council will vote on Proposition 7.

Turn around and walk up to the main desk. M. Emmy, the guy sitting behind the
desk, informs you of the location of certain people, such as the Tutay Brothers
and Dylan Dale. If you want to know the room that Merle Joid is staying in, he
demands 100 loonies, but offers to give information on another guest staying
there. Pay him if you wish, but you can use PAL to hack the databanks on either
side of the main desk to get the information you want. The extra information
you get from M. Emmy is the room of Becky Heen, who is a film actress. It is
not necessary, but it is Suite 304.

Whatever you decide to do, your task list will change once you determine Merle
Joid's location:
- High Councilman Halpert's assistant is staying in Room 201 at the Republic
Inn. He might know how the Council will vote on Proposition 4.

Keep the main desk to your right and follow it round until you see an opening.
Go through it and run forward until you reach the door leading to Room 101.
Turn right and move forward until you reach the sign for the stairs. Climb up 1
level and move through the exit.

Move forward through the corridor. Room 201 is the last door on the right. You
will need to lockpick this door. Once inside, walk towards the bed in front of
you and read the letter lying on it. It is a letter to Merle Joid telling him
about the Council's Vote concerning Proposition 4. Your task list changes:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 4.

If you are interested, there is a HealGrease Complete in the storeroom inside
the bathroom. Turn right and walk into the bathroom. Now turn right and walk
into the open cupboard here. On the floor to your right is a vial of HealGrease
Complete. Pick it up if you wish and exit the Room the same way you entered.

3.4.8 Proposition 7: Deforestation Of Waugees Forest.

Proposition 7: Shall Planet-dweller deforestation of Waugees Forest for
dort-herding be allowed?

|You must enter Dass Daskin's room at the hotel and get Dr. Bowman to analyse |
|the map on his bedside table. Dass Daskin's room is 401 in the Republic Inn. |
|You can find this out by either hacking the databanks on either side of the |
|main desk, or talking to Dward who is sitting closest to you, on your left, |
|as you enter the building. After you have analysed the map, leave the hotel |
|and climb up the ramp to your left when you are outside. As you climb up, you|
|will find a machine to your right. As far as I can tell, it is some sort of |
|photo machine. Click on it and you will be given an option to look at the map|
|from this viewpoint. Do so and you will see that the map fits. Turn right and|
|climb down the ramp ahead. At the bottom, turn left and walk forward until |
|you see a shallow ramp on your left. Move up that ramp and talk to Dass |
|Daskin who is standing here. You can pretend that you have his wife, or just |
|tell him the truth. Either way he will give you the result of the Council's |
|Vote on Proposition 7. |

Turn left and run towards the stairs. Take them up two levels to Floor 4 and go
through the exit. Room 401 is at the end of the corridor, on your right. Enter
the room, you won't need to lockpick the door, and walk up to the bed in front
of you. Turn left when you reach the bed and use Dr. Bowman to analyse the map
in front of you. Once you have successfully analysed the map, Rho will suggest
going to a higher vantage point to determine the location the map points to.

Your task list will change:
- Find Dass Daskin, the man who knows how the Council will vote on
Proposition 7. Rho suggests taking Daskin's note to a higher vantage

If you are interested, there is a TACO on the floor at the foot of the bed.
There is also a HealGrease Complete on the table beside the entrance to the
room. Leave the room, turn left, and run towards the stairs. Take the stairs to
the bottom and leave the Republic Inn.

Walk forward until you are out of the shade and turn left. Take the ramp in
front of you up until you find a machine on your right. It seems to be a photo
machine. Click on the machine and you will be given the option to test the map
out here. Do so, and you will find that the map fits the location you are in.

Climb down the ramp the same side you climbed up and walk forward towards the
wall. Turn right and then left. Keep walking until you see a shallow ramp on
your left. Take this ramp up and walk forward to the guy standing here. His
name is Dass Daskin, and he is the one you have been looking for. You can
either pretend that you have his wife, or tell him the truth, he will give you
the information whatever you say.

Your task list changes:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 7.

3.4.9 Proposition 8: Ring-Dweller/Planet-Dweller Marriages.

Proposition 8: Shall marriages between Ring-dwellers and Planet-dwellers be
recognised by the state?

|There is an Ally of the Council who walks around Votowne. Have a look for |
|her. She normally stays in the half of Votowne you are currently in, although|
|I'm not too sure about this. Her name is Crissy, and she will give you the |
|information you require if either Boots or Grumpos kisses her. |

There are three Democratans walking around. One of them will tell you that the
Council is still in session, whilst another will talk about the explosion on
Sunder. The third Democratan is an Ally of the Council, and she wonders around

Her name is Crissy. Turn around and walk down the ramp in front of you. At the
bottom, turn right and then right again. Walk forward into the open area and
search for a Democratan here. She will be walking around. If you don't find
her, don't worry, just wonder about yourself and you should bump into her.

When you find her and speak to her, she offers to give you the information on
Proposition 8 in return for a kiss. Kiss her, either as Grumpos or Boots, she
doesn't mind.

After she tells you of the Coucil's vote, your task list changes:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 1.

3.4.10 Proposition 6: Bipridi Meat Use A Felony.

Proposition 6: Shall it be a felony to possess, sell, or export Bipridi meat
for globbering consumption?

|Walk towards the ramp leading from the first half of Votowne (The half you |
|started in) to the second half. There is a speaker here, standing on a chest.|
|He is an Ally of the Council, called Prappe. Get Grumpos to yammer the |
|information, about Proposition 6, out of him. |

You will need Grumpos in your party in order to get the result of the Council's
Vote on Proposition 6. Before you do though, you may want to go to Room 402, in
The Republic Inn and have Dr. Bowman analyse the book on the bedside table.

Stephen Clouse has emailed me about the book in Room 402 in the Republic Inn.
It just gives you a clue as to how to find her battle skills during the course
of the game, as they are all learnt from a book like this one. There is no need
to analyse it though.

When you are finished, leave Votowne.

Once you are outside the city gates, open the door in front of you and run
forward. Turn right, run forward, and open the door ahead. Turn left and go
through the door in front of you. Move forward and then down the ramp. Turn
left and move down the next ramp. Run forward and turn right. Now move forward
and proceed up the ramp in front of you. Turn left at the top and go through
the door ahead. This is where you left Bowman's ship. I suggest that you leave
Bowman behind and take Grumpos beacuse I have not covered the secret areas in
Votowne yet, and you will need PAL to access one of these. Retrace your steps
back to the entrance to Votowne and enter the city.

Run down the ramp in front of you and then down either ramp. Turn to face the
two guys standing beside the wall. Run towards them, and once you reach them,
turn right, then left, and then walk towards the crowd in front of you. The
speaker here, as you will gather from a conversation with Gleek, standing on
your left, is an Ally of the Council. He also seems to have information about
the Council's Vote, but is reluctant to reveal it. It seems as though Grumpos
will have to yammer it out of him. Get Grumpos to yammer at him. The Ally,
called Prappe, will give up and tell you the information you want.

Your task list changes:
- Allies of the Council vote YES/NO on Proposition 6.

You now have all the information you require to vote and get a Gold Council
Ally Card.

3.4.11 The Votabulator.

The Votabulator is the machine you will use to cast your vote. It is located in
the second half of Votowne. Press F1 to view the results of the Council's Vote
if you have forgotten them.

If you have just come from the speaker who gives you information about
Proposition 6, turn around and take the ramp to your left up to the top. Now,
turn right and go through the doors ahead. Take the ramp ahead of you down to
the bottom and then take the ramp to your left-hand side down. At the bottom,
turn right and walk up to the machine on your left, just before the guard.

This is the Votabulator. Before using it, make sure you know how the Council
voted in all the issues. If you are unsure, press F1 to see your task list.
The left button at the bottom of the window represents a "yes" vote, and the
right button represents a "no" vote.

Once you are finished you should get a Gold Council Ally Card. If you get a
Silver VoteNote Card, you have made a mistake. Check your results again and use
the machine again to change your vote. Once you get the Gold Council Ally Card,
your task list changes:
- We've got ourselves a Gold Ally Card. Let's meet the High C and blow this

3.4.12 Secret Areas.

After receiving your Gold Council Ally Card, you can take advantage of your
time in Votowne by visiting some of the secret areas. You don't need to vote in
order to find these areas, and you can access them whenever you like.

There is another Outworlder wondering the streets of Votowne. He is a Cordican
called Fresia, and he explains the problems facing Votowne. He also begs you to
give him a lift off the planet. It is a good idea to talk to him if you want
some background information.

Firstly, the hotel. This isn't a secret area as such, but certain rooms do
contain items that you may find useful. The Republic Inn is located in the
second half of Votowne. The rooms that you can enter are:
Room 201 - This is Merle Joid's room, which you have been to before. If you
haven't picked up everything from here before, there is a HealGrease
Complete in the open cupboard inside the bathroom.
Room 304 - This is Becky Heen's room. She isn't too pleased when you burst in
and take her stuff, but other than her comments, I don't see any
negative effect of taking the items here. There is a DoubleUp Bracer
lying on the floor in one of the corners of the room. There is also
a HealGrease Plus at the foot of the bed.
Room 401 - This is Dass Daskin's room, which you have been to before. If you
haven't picked up everything from here before, there is a HealGrease
Complete on the table next to the entrance and a TACO on the floor
at the foot of the bed.
Room 402 - This is your room if you decide to stay the night. There is a book
on the table. Stephen Clouse has emailed me about this, exaplaining
that the book has no real use other than to give you a clue as to
how to learn Rho's battle skills. All of her battle skills can be
learnt from books scattered around the game. There is also a
HealGrease Plus by the sink in the bathroom.

Exit the hotel, but don't forget to spend the night here if you were promised a
free room. The guy at the counter will ask for $20, but you won't be charged.

Walk towards the blue poster in front of you. To the right of it is a ramp that
leads to a Lost and Found Beebohbot, who will ask you to look for certain items
that happen to be lost in Votowne.

3.4.12a Sub-quest: Lost And Found Beebohbot.

*Stephen Clouse has emailed me about this sub-quest. My suspicions seem to*
*be correct, as this seems to be a joke on part of the programmers. The *
*Lost and Found Beebohbot will ask you to search for items with no reward,*
*So I suggest you just ignore him. *
* *
*Reward: NOTHING. *

When you have finished talking to the Lost and Found Beebohbot, turn around and
proceed down the ramp in front of you. Turn right and walk forward. As soon as
you hit the wall, turn right. Then, as soon as you can, turn left immediately.
Walk forward until you can see a door to your left. Lockpick this door and
enter the room.

Walk up to the elevators in front of you and turn around. To your left, behind
the sofa, there is a Vistin Octogun (A weapon for Boots) on the floor. To your
right, behind the desk and just before the soft chair, is a ShieldCell. It is a
little hard to see. Get whatever you want and leave the room the same way you

Turn left and walk towards the ramp. Move up either side of the ramp and
proceed to the top. Walk through the door in front of you, move forward until
you reach the photo machine, and then turn left. Move down this ramp, turn
right, and move down the next ramp. At the bottom, move forward until you reach
the wall.

Now, turn right and proceed into the narrow corridor in front of you. At the
end of the corridor is a databank, which will open the door to your right if
PAL hacks it. There is a Fire Retardant Roundlet on the floor in this room.
Once you have it, leave the room and exit the corridor to the open area.

Walk forward towards the wall and turn right. Walk forward until you find an
exit to your left. Turn left and walk forward until you see a door to your
right. You will need to lockpick this door. Move into the room, turn right and
look at the floor in front of the boxes. There will be a piece of Mystech here,
Banewave. Get it if you wish, turn around and return to the open area.

Turn left and walk towards the ramp in front of you. Take either ramp up to the
top and go through the two sets of doors in front of you to enter the Council
Chamber Area.

3.4.13 The High Council Of Democratus.

Walk forward until you see a door on your left. This is the door that leads to
the waiting area for Allies of the Council. Show your Gold Council Ally Card to
the guard outside and he will let you in.

As soon as you enter you will see the member of the party you left behind to
guard the ship. Turn right and open the door in front of you.

It seems as though the Council is very good at discussion, but can't agree on
anything. Even in a life-threatening situation as this one. It seems as though
Bowman has stepped in to help without even asking the other members of her

You will need to destroy the threat in order to leave Votowne. PAL, however, is
not too willing to help you, so you have no option but to leave him behind for

3.4.14 Warship Bay.

Your task list changes:
- Breach the Verilent Hive, and find the central controlling unit that will
stop the missiles. Your guess is as good as mine.
- Fight through the Warship Bay and find the prototype fighter you'll need
to enter the Hive.

Move forward and follow the path to the door. Go through the door and turn
left. Walk forward and turn right. When you see a ramp, to your right, leading
up, take it to the top and run forward towards the door. Go through the door,
move forward to the railing, turn right and move towards the lift. Take the
lift down to the Cargo Bay Floor.

Leave the elevator, run forward and turn right between the two small boxes
lying on the floor. Enter the area to get in a fight with 3 Robodes.

Once you have finished with them, move to the furthest lef-hand corner from you
to pick up a vial of HealGrease Complete. You may turn around automatically
when you pick it up. If you don't, turn around now. Keep the wall to your left
and follow it until you end up behind a group of boxes. Behind the second box,
turn right and pick up the Vistin Blader Staffhead for Grumpos.

Turn around and move into the open area you were in. Turn left and move forward
between the two small boxes. Turn left and run towards the lift ahead. Take the
lift up to the Cargo Bay Exit, leave the elevator, and run forward until you
see an exit to your left. Turn left and go through the door in front of you.

Walk forward and proceed down the ramp in front of you. Turn right at the
bottom, and go down the next ramp. Turn right at the bottom of this ramp and
walk down these stairs.

Move to the left of the structure in front of you and take the second ramp to
your left, which leads up. At the top, turn right and walk forward. Turn left
and pick up the Bag o' Glodents lying on the floor. Turn left and walk forward
until you reach the railing. Take the ramp to your left down, and turn right.

Turn right again and take the next ramp down to the bottom. At the bottom, turn
left and go through the door in front of you. Follow the path to the next door
and go through it.

Run forward and turn right after the middle pillar. Move down the ramp to enter
the area that the 2 Robodes are patrolling. You will enter a fight with them,
and after winning, turn right and pick up the HealGrease Complete lying on the
floor here.

Climb up the ramp to your right and move forward until you reach the wall in
front of you. Turn right and go through the door ahead.

Turn left and enter the area to fight 3 Robodes. After dealing with them, walk
forward until you hit the wall. Now turn left and move behind the boxes in
front of you. There should be an Old Ducalion Shieldcell here. Get it and turn
left. Walk forward towards the elevator and get in. Take it to the bottom and
leave it. Turn right, then right again. Run forward and go through the door

Take the ramp to your left down to the bottom. Move forward into the next area
to fight 2 Robodes. Once they have been defeated, turn left and move towards
the boxes here. There is a HealGrease Plus on the left-hand side of a
medium-sized box. Get it and turn around.

I strongly suggest you save your game here. This is because the next bit is
very hard, and you will get tired of doing it over and over again. The exit to
the room is in the furthest left-hand corner of the room you are in. Go through
this door and move forward towards the fighter. When you reach the fighter,
turn left and a Cutscene will follow.

3.5 Verilent Hive.

Verilent Hive, close to landing point.
Verilent Hive, top of stairs in main control panel area.
Verilent Hive, bridge area.
Verilent Hive, tunnel between green crystal and cyan and red crystal areas.
Verilent Hive, tunnel before Verilent Hive Queen.

Verilent Hive, right of second control panel you come across.

3.5.1 Hivebay Minigame - Sub-Game.

This game is very hard. However, as long as you follow the guidelines below you
will get through it.

The aim is to shoot down as many drones as you can, and to find a way into the
Verilent Hive. Grumpos is piloting the ship, and you control the firing. You
can use either mouse button to fire your weapon. The meter in the bottom
left-hand corner of the screen shows your ammunition. When you run out, your
cursor will change to a round circle, similar in appearance to this meter. You
should click on this meter to reload. I recommend you reload whenever you can
do so safely.

Your health meter is displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
When you are low on health, it will flash and you will receive a warning siren.
The faster the beats of the warning siren, the less your health. Shoot Health
Packs, labelled with a red cross inside a circle, to restore some health.

You are not able to control the ship whilst it is flying. You can only decide
where to go when you reach a junction. You will be shown an exit highlighted in
green if you can pass through it. If you want to go through it, shoot at it and
you will enter the tunnel it leads to. If you can't go through an exit, it will
be highlighted in red when you are looking at it, and will have a cross through
it. These exits are surrounded by shields that you must destroy before you can
enter them.

If you don't want to go through an available exit, wait a little while and the
ship will turn to another exit. Repeat this process until you have found the
tunnel you wish to enter. Shoot the green area to go through.

Here is the route I suggest you follow. You can follow any route you like, but
this is probably the quickest:

Junction 1: Take second exit. It is the only one you can go through.
Junction 2: Take first exit. This will lead you to the Red Field Generator.
Once you have taken out the Red Field Generator, you will now be
able to access the Yellow Field Generator.
Junction 3: Take the second exit. This will lead you to the Yellow Field
Once you have taken out the Yellow Field Generator, you can now
enter the centre of the Hive.
Junction 4: Take the first exit. This will lead you back into the large area
you were in before.
Junction 5: Take the third exit. This will lead you to another area of the
Junciton 6: Take the first exit. This is the centre of the Hive, and is also
where you will find the boss.

When you have a clear shot of an enemy, your cursor will turn green. Otherwise,
it will be a red colour.

Here are a few hints to help you:

If you have a choice between shooting down drones and shooting some Health
Packs, I strongly suggest shooting the Health Packs. This is because they give
you more energy than the drones take away when they fire at you. One thing
about the drones though, they never miss. Therefore, shoot at every health pack
you see, unless you have full health. This is because you will want full health
when you come to the boss.

When you reach the Shield Generators, reload before you start firing. You will
need two full bars of ammunition to destroy them, so making their destruction
even quicker. Also, just concentrate your fire on the centre of the generator
and ignore everything else. This is because there are plenty of Health Packs
lying around the tunnels, and you will destroy the Generator far more quickly
this way.

You will need to destroy the Red Shield Generator first, before you get access
to the Yellow Generator. Then only can you reach the centre of the Hive and
fight the boss.

When you reach the boss, you will require a lot of patience to beat him. There
are two attacks. Two drones will fly out of the centre of the Hive and attack
you, one from below the other from above. The next attack will comprise of four
missiles and two drones, one from behind you and the other from the centre of
the Hive. Deal with all these threats first because they can cause you damage.
In between these two attacks, fire at the boss' head. It will take a number of
turns, but when you finally beat the boss, you will destroy the fleet of

Depending on how many drones you shot down and how much damage you took, you
are assessed on a scale of 1-5, and given a reward corresponding to your

3.5.2 Outer Hive.

You should now be standing outside the Fighter. Turn left and move to the back
of the Fighter. There is some Firespire Mystech on the floor. Pick it up.

Now, move forward and walk onto the path here, which you should follow to the
top. There is a door in front of you, however there are some Cyberinsects
guarding it so you can't get through yet.

Walk forward until you see a door to your right. Go through this door and run
towards the Democratan in front of you. This is Navigator H.B. Cronyn. Talk to
him if you wish, but you don't have to. It seems as though he was in the
infiltration team, and you should learn from their mistakes.

Turn right and follow the path until you reach a door. As soon as you go
through this door you will enter a fight with 3 Verilents and 1 Hive Fighter.

After dealing with them, turn right and walk towards the boxes lying by the
wall. On the middle box is a chest that Sly can lockpick for some Nutswalker
Mystech. Turn around and walk towards the control panel inside what seems to be
a giant ribcage.

Use Dr. Bowman to analyse the control panel and she will tell you what needs to
be done next. The control panel seems to control a section of door and security
subsystems, meaning that the inner sanctum, where the Hive Queen is, can be
accessed through this computer. However, you will need the component pieces to
activate it, and, as Dr. Bowman suggests, these pieces can be found by
searching drones.

She does manage to open the door at the top of the staircase here, and 2
Verilents jump down to your level to fight you. After beating them, turn right
and move forward until you can see a staircase to your left. Take these stairs
to the top and move forward until you see a door to your right. Walk through
this door and follow the path until you come to an opening.

Turn left and follow the path until you see a gem on your left. Touch it and it
will shine. Now turn right and walk towards the gem on the other side of the
gap in the middle. Do the same thing to this gem to release three pieces of
Mystech from the ceiling, which will fall to the level below. Only one of them
is collectible as two of them fall through the hole in the level below. You can
touch the gems in any order you like, it doesn't affect the end result.

Turn left and follow path until you see an opening leading into a tunnel. Go
through the opening and turn right. Science Officer I.K. Brunel is on the wall
to your right. Speak to him if you wish, otherwise walk forward, turn left and
move through the door ahead.

On the right of the control panel is a weapon for Rho, the Static Pulse
Injector. Unlike the previous weapon, it is a melee weapon.

Turn around and go to the control panel on your right. Have Rho analyse it and
it will clear the Cyberinsects blocking the door in the landing area. The other
door in this room is blocked, so turn around and move back through the door

Follow the path until you come back to the raised area you were in before. Run
to the exit on the other side and follow this tunnel until you come to a door.
Go through the door and turn left. Run forward until you see a staircase on
your right. Move down it and turn right at the bottom. Run forward until you
see a door to your right. Move through this door and follow the path until you
reach another door. Enter this door to get back to the landing area. Now, turn
right and go through the door ahead.

3.5.3 Crystal Areas.

Run towards the wall in front of you. There is a Slowstrike Mystech on the
floor here. Get it, turn right and follow the path to the door.

Proceed through the door to fight 3 Varilents. During this battle, Rho can
operate the bridge to remove it, restricting movement, but this is not

Move over the bridge, and if you have touched the two gems in the area above,
there will be a slag of PoisonSpin Mystech on the floor in front of you. If you
haven't, you can retrace your steps now and do it. When you have finished, go
through the door ahead and move through the tunnel into the area ahead.

The furthest corner on the right has a rock with a blue crystal lit up above
it. Walk up to the rock and touch the crystal. The crystal will start glowing
and you will enter a fight with 4 Verilents and 1 Hive Fighter. You will get a
Blue Hive Shard for winnning, amongst other items.

3.5.3a Sub-quest: Mystech Room - Part 1.

*There are two uses for the Hive Shards that you find in this area. Their *
*main purpose is to unlock the security systems that are controlled by the*
*control panel that you first encountered. *
* *
*However, they can also be used to get another slag of Mystech. One of the*
*doors, which is blocked now, can be accessed after you deal with the main*
*control panel. This door leads to a room with a floating item that *
*resembles a slag of Mystech. Placing the different coloured Hive Shards *
*in the machine there will cause a slag of Mystech to fall out. *
* *
*Therefore, you will require two shards of each coloured crystal. To save *
*time, I suggest that you get two Hive Shards of each coloured cystal now.*
*Do this by simply touching the same crystal twice and entering the same *
*fight. Refer to section 3.5.5a for futher details on this sub-quest. *

Now turn right and walk up to the yellow crystal ahead. Touch it to enter a
fight with 2 Verilents and 1 Hive Fighter. Your reward for beating them is a
Yellow Hive Shard.

Turn around and run forward into the tunnel ahead. Follow the path until you
come to an opening. Walk up to the purple cystal situated at furthest corner
from you on your left-hand side. Touch it and you will encounter 3 Verilents.
Beat them to get the Purple Hive Shard.

Now, move forward, turn right, and then forward into the next tunnel. Walk
forward up to Warrant Officer D.T. Skeritt, who is in a cocoon on the wall.
Talk to him/her if you wish, then move forward and follow the path until you
come to another opening.

On the floor at the furthest corner from you on the left, is a slag of Bane
Mystech. Walk up to it and pick it up if you wish. Turn right and walk up to
the green crystal. Touch it and 2 Verilents and 1 Hive Fighter will appear to
fight you. As a reward for winning this fight, you will receive the Green Hive

Move forward into the tunnel here. Run forward, then left, and then forward
again until you see another Democratan in a cocoon on the wall in front of you.
It is Captain E.J. Smith who will give you a hint as to how to fight the Queen.
It seems as though a team has already tried to take out the Hive Queen, which
is the only way to disable the Hive colony. It seems as though the team used
beat weapons that don't seem to affect her. Your task list changes to reflect
- It seems beat weaapons might be useless against the Queen. Mystech might
be effective.

Turn right and move forward. Follow the path until you come to another opening.
Run towards the cyan crystal at the furthest corner from you on your left. You
will enter a fight with 6 Verilents, after which you will get the Cyan Hive
Shard if you are successful in beating them.

From your present position, at the furthest corner from you on your right,
there is a red crystal here. You will encounter another 6 Verilents after you
touch it, and will get the Red Hive Shard after you win.

3.5.4 Unlocking The Main Computer.

Now that you have all six Hive Shards, you can go back to the main computer to
get access to the Inner Sanctum and the Mystech Room.

Turn left and run into the tunnel ahead. Follow the path to the door. Go
through the door and you will encounter 1 Verilent, 2 Small Hive Fighters, 2
Hive Fighters and 1 Large Hive Fighter.

After you have dealt with them, move forward and go through the door in front
of you. Follow the path until you can turn left. Follow the path to the door
and move through it. Move forward and go through the door on yur right. Go
through this door to enter a tunnel, which you should follow until you come to
an opening. Take either side and follow the path round until you come to a hole
in the wall. Go through it and follow the tunnel until you come to a door. Open
the door and enter the next area. Turn left and walk forward until you can see
a staircase to your right. Take the stairs to the bottom and turn right towards
the main computer you encountered earlier.

On the side of the ribcage nearest to you, there are three rocks that should
look familiar. Place the appropriate Hive Shard on top by using them. The three
rocks on this side, from left to right, take the Red, Blue and Green Hive
Shards. Walk to the far side of the rib cage to find three more rocks of
similar appearance. Use them to place the correct Hive Shard over each rock,
which, from left to right, take the Purple, Yellow and Cyan Hive Shards.

This will allow access to two doors. One of which leads to the Inner Sanctum
and the Hive Queen, the other of which leads to the Mystech Room as described

3.5.5 Inner Sanctum.

Move around the ribcage structure, keeping it on your right, until you can see
a staircase in front of you leading up to the left. Take it to the top and turn
left. Walk forward until you can see a door to your right. Go through this door
and follow the path until you reach the raised area with the 2 gems on either
side. Take either path in front of you to the opposite side, where there is a
hole in the wall leading into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel until you come to a
door, which you should open and walk through.

There should be a control panel in front of you. Ignore it, and turn left. Move
towards the door in front of you and fo through it. Follow the path until you
come to a junction.

Turn left and then right. Walk forward until you reach the wall in front of
you. To your right, on the floor, there is some Hive Moss.

Now, you have three choices depending on what you have done and what you want
to do. If you have all the Hive Shards or still need to get all the Hive Shards
in order to get the last slag of Mystech on this level, follow the directions
in section 3.5.5a below. If you are not interested in getting the final slag of
Mystech from here, then skip the next section and continue afterwards. If you
want to get this last slag, you must do it now because you won't get another
chance after you have fought the Hive Queen.

3.5.5a Sub-quest: Mystech Room - Part 2.

*You will need all six Hive Shards. This means that you will have to fight*
*the Cyberinsects twice when picking up Hive Shards as you loose them when*
*you operate the main computer for access to the Inner Sanctum and the *
*Mystech Room. *
* *
*If you do not have at least one of each Hive Shard left, turn around and *
*go back to the junction. Turn left here and follow the path to the door. *
*Go through this door, walk forward, and then go through the door in front*
*of you. Follow this path until you come to the red and cyan crystal area.*
*Work your way through the crystal areas, picking up one Hive Shard of *
*each crystal. When you have finished, re-trace your steps back to the *
*place where you picked up the Hive Moss and continue using the paragraph *
*below. *
* *
*Turn left and follow the path until you come to the door. Approach it and*
*it will automatically open for you. Move forward to the control panel and*
*place each Hive Shard into it, one by one. It doesn't matter which order *
*you do it in, or whether or not you do it at the same time. In other *
*words, you can leave halfway and come back without penalty. Once you have*
*entered all the Hive Shards, you will get a slag of PsyChain Mystech. *
*When you have finished, return to the area where you picked up the Hive *
*Moss. *
* *
*Reward: PsyChain Mystech. *

Turn around and walk forward until you come back to the junction. Now, turn
left and follow the path until you come to a door. Go through the door, walk
forward, and take the first door on your left.

As soon as you pass through the door, Fatima will appear and remind you to
equip your Mystech and use the TimeMinder behind her. I recommend you do save
your game, even though the boss is quite easy. Also, when you equip your
Mystech, make sure that it has a Great or Excellent Mys Affinity rating with
the character who has it, to maximise its possible level.

Walk forward towards the door, and a cutscene will intervene, after which you
will fight the Hive Queen.

////////////////////////////////// //////////
3.5.5b BOSS - Hive Queen. HP = 8500
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\

This is quite an easy boss. Even if you ignore everything I say, you should be
able to beat her. I suggest, however, that you follow my advice.

You will notice immediately that you have no beat weapons. Not to worry, as you
have equipped your Mystech and are ready to face her.

As soon as you enter the room, she will use the two crystals on either side to
call upon 2 Verilents to enter the arena. It is a good idea to deal with them
first, before hurting the Hive Queen.

Initially, Grumpos was standing behind a rock in the middle of the party. He
can't be hurt by the Queen in this position, however, he will not be able to
hurt her. He can, however, hit the 2 Verilents and they can do likewise to him.
If you wish, you can use him to attack them whilst your other team members
concentrate on the Hive Queen. There is no real need though.

Move Boots and Rho towards the floating crystal closest to them. The Queen will
use them to bring 2 Verilents into the battle to help her, as long as both are
still floating. You can disable them temporarily by using your Action button.

The Hive Queen has two main attacks other than calling upon the Verilents. The
first of which is a purple beam attack, hitting everybody in your party, unless
they are standing behind the rock in the centre of the screen. This hits each
character for around 150 HP. Her second attack is directed on only one party
member, and is more devastating, causing around 500 HP worth of damage.

I suggest you move Grumpos out of his initial position when you have dealt with
the Varilents so he may attack the Queen. He can only move if either Boots or
Rho have moved out of their initial positions. Keep Boots and Rho at each
floating crystal and disable it whenever it activates so the Hive Queen cannot
call upon her Verilents.

Grumpos' Yammer skill doesn't work, and Boots' FlashBlind skill seems to have
no effect.

Once you have beaten her, you will automatically leave the Verilent Hive.

4. Appendix.

4.1 Battle Skills.

Whackmaster Jack will give you a tutorial about this if you go to his Temple of
Beating. If you have forgotten a few things, this section may prove useful.

Press F5 during the game when you are in either exploring or interactive mode
to see the status of your party. Each character has 3 basic abilities:

Might: A measure of how Physically powerful you are in a fight.
====== Its level affects your Beefiness and Beat skills.

Agility: A measure of your ability to avoid and land your own attacks.
======== Its level affects your Speed, Beat Block and Beat skills.

Wisdom: A measure of how cunning you are in a fight.
======= Its level affects your Beat Block skill.

In addition to your three basic skills, you have 4 main skills:

Beefiness: The higher this skill, the greater the amount of damge you can
========== deal out on an opponent.

Beat: The higher this skill, the greater the chance of hitting someone.

Speed: The higher this skill, the less time you take to get ready for your
====== next attack.

Beat Block: The higher this skill, the more likely you are to dodge opponent
=========== attacks.

Every character also has battle skills unique to themselves. Each character has
a maximum of four skills he/she can use in battle. However, a character only
starts of with one battle skill. By talking to people, or doing certain tasks,
other battle skills can be obtained. The following gives details of how to
obtain all the battle skills for each character in the game:

4.1.1 Sylvester 'Sly' Boots.

Fatima Screen: This is Sly's basic battle skill. Fatima surrounds Sly with a
============== shield, which protects him partially against physical attacks.
The strength of a physical attack is reduced by half with the

Flash Blind: This is Sly's second level battle skill. Boots uses his
============ LifeCursor to blind his enemy, reducing the chances of the
targeted enemy landing a hit on a friendly character.

Flash Blind is obtained as an upgrade if you undertake
Detective Rukh's sub-quest in The Bricks, see section 3.1.10a
for more details.

Stephen Clouse has emailed me about Detectiv Rukh's sub-quests.
It appears that Detective Rukh only gives you items in a
specific order. This means that if you miss him in The Bricks,
you will get the PAX Flashpak (Needed for Flash Blind) when you
meet him in Sender Station, rather than the Ammulet of
Awareness. This means that missing Detective Rukh at any time
in the game will mean that you will not be able to get the
Master Lockpick uprade for Boots, which is the last item he
gives you. I strongly suggest that you do everything that
Detective Rukh asks you to do.

4.1.2 Grumpos Matavastros.

Yammer: This is Grumpos' basic battle skill. It seems to stop an enemy
======= from doing anything. It is very useful when you face multiple

Staff Sweep: Stephen Clouse emailed me concerning this battle skill. There
============ is a strange character inside Whackmaster Jack's, in the
Bricks, who speaks in riddles about fives. Talk to him and say
"Yeah, by fives" to get the Pentagonal Prism. In Sender
Station, put Grumpos in the lead and have him meditate with the
Prism in the Pay2Pray temple in the Vend-O-Mart. He will have
to pay $50 and be the leader of the party.

When used, Grumpos twirls around and attacks all enemies at

Heal Field: Stephen Clouse emailed me concerning this battle skill. On the
=========== top floor of the Vend-O-Mart in Sender Station, there is a man
standing there. If you talk to him as Grumpos, he will give you
the Hexagonal Prism. Go to the Pay2Pray temple below the
Vend-O-Mart, meditate with it, and Grumpos will learn the Heal
Field battle skill.

Heal Field heals all the characters in your team during a

4.1.3 PAL-18.

4.1.4 Dr. Rho Bowman.

Plasma Wall: This is Rho's basic battle skill. Strips of a circular wall
============ surround Bowman and are ejected towards enemies. It hits all
enemies at once.

4.2 The Mysteries Of Mystech.

As Dr. Bowman and Grumpos thought, slags of Mystech have a great deal of energy
stored within them, which can be released after you leave Sunder. Dr. Bowman
gives you a lesson in the uses of Mystech in Democratus, but if you have
forgotten a few things, this section may prove useful.

Three criteria must be fulfilled in order to release the energy dormant inside

1. Slag Of Mystech: This is a piece of Mystech with dormant energy inside it.
=================== You will need the actual piece of Mystech in order to
release the energy inside of it. There are different
pieces of Mystech with different powers. In other words,
you need the Poison Mystech slag in order to cast Poison.

2. Energy Source: To release the energy inside Mystech, an energy source is
================= required. Fortunately, the energy source used is the same
as that for your shields, in other words NRG. This means
that the source is readily available over the counter in
most shops.

3. Yourself: In order to channel its energy, Mystech requires a
============ Conduit, such as yourself. Any of your characters can use
Mystech as long as they have it equipped.

Mystech can be treated like magic, and NRG can be treated as MP. The principle
is the same.

Mystech seems to be able to read the user's thoughts and emotions. This means
that casting Mystech on an enemy, in anger, will have a different effect to
casting the same slag of Mystech on a friend, in concern. For example, Fireslag
will burn an enemy but extinguish a friend who is on fire.

Each slag of Mystech you find will have four levels. Each level costs twice as
much NRG than the previous level. You can use lower level effects with higher
level Mystech.

If you press F5, you can equip Mystech and view the status of characters
towards different types of Mystech. Each character has four skills that are
important when using Mystech:

Mys Beat: The higher this skill, the greater the chance of hitting an enemy
========= when casting Mystech.

Mys Block: The higher this skill, the greater the defense when Mystech is
========== cast on you.

Mys Power: The higher this skill, the greater the power with which Mystech
========== will hurt or help an opponent or friend.

Mys Affinity: The higher this skill, the easier the character finds it to cast
============= Mystech.

I haven't used Mystech all that much, so I am unsure whether or not the
definitions given above are correct or not. As I progress in the game, I will
make ammends to this section as necessary.

4.3 Worldskills.

Each character has different Worldskills. Different circumstances give rise to
the need for different Worldskills. In order to use a character's Worldskill,
that character must be party leader. Use the TAB key to change the active
character. To activate a character's Worldskill, hold down the CTRL key on the
keyboard and click on the target object or person.

4.3.1 Sylvester 'Sly' Boots. Worldskill: Picklock.
============================ =====================

Sly's Worldskill allows you to, as the name suggests, picklocks. When
activated, you will be presented with a picture of up to five cylinders. Below
these cylinders are a set of numbers. The aim is to get the right number for
each cylinder. But don't think the numbers are the same all the time, because
they reset themselves if you fail.

Click on the up or down, or press the up or down keys on the keyboard, to
change the active cylinder. Then click on the cyclinder, or press the space key
on the keyboard, to try that number. The meter to the left shows how close you
are on a scale of one to five. Therefore, if the meter gives a reading half-way
up, you are three numbers out from the number entered.

When the correct number is discovered, the meter will move on to the next
cylinder and the process starts again. Repeat this until you unlock all the
cylinders. The lock will now open.

A timer is shown in the top left of the window. If it runs out, you will fail
to pick the lock and will have to start again.

Fatima will tell you if you are not skilled enough to pick a lock.

4.3.2 Grumpos Matavastros. Worldskill: Yammer.
========================== ===================
Grumpos' Worldskill allows him to literally yammer about a subject for as long
as it takes to get his target to do what he wants. In order to do this, he
requires a large amount of air, which you must help him to breathe in.

When activated, you will be presented with a picture of his lungs. When either
lung inflates, press the appropriate directional button (left or right) or
click on the button beneath the inflated lung. The air meter is on the right
side of the window, and your aim is to get the volume of air in his lungs up to
the top before the timer runs out in the top left corner of the window. If you
run out of time, you fail and Grumpos will splutter. You will then have to
repeat this process again.

Try to press the button as frequently and quickly as you can before the lung
deflates. If you press either button when no lung is inflated, Grumpos will
cough and loose air. The same goes for pushing the button corresponding to the
opposite lung to the one inflated. If you press the button whilst the lung
deflates, Grumpos will cough and loose air.

It takes practise, so don't worry if you fail on the first few attempts. The
only problem is that you can't read the future, therefore you can never tell
when Grumpos' lung will deflate. I have found that pressing the correct button
around 5 times in quick succession is usually alright. If you are having
trouble using the mouse, switch to the keyboard. If you are having trouble with
the keyboard, switch to the mouse.

4.3.3 PAL-18. Worldskill: Comptalk.
============= =====================

Being a robot, PAL can naturally communicate with computers. This is what his
Worldskill allows him to do. You can hack into computer networks, which allow
you to do a variety of tasks, such as opening doors or healing PAL.

When activated, you are presented with a circuit board. There are also some
electrical junctions at the bottom of the window. Your aim is to connect the
two lighted parts at opposite edges on the circuit board together using a
combination of the electrical junctions given. Click on an electrical junction,
and then click on the square on the board at which you want to place it. You
can only place a junction on the board as long as it is connected to one of the
lighted areas or another junction.

A further catch occurs when you put a junction onto a weak part of the circuit
board. This will cause the weak square to become destroyed. I suggest you start
again if this happens, and even though the weak square reappears as though its
new, avoid it because it is still fragile. Find a different route.

Unlike Sly's and Grumpos' Worldskills, the timer constitutes a bar broken up
into ten pieces. Each piece will disappear, from right to left, as time runs
out. When there are no more pieces left, you have run out of time, and must
start again.

4.3.4 Dr. Rho Bowman. Worldskill: Analyse.
===================== ====================

The job of scientist often involves the analysis of certain substances or
papers. Dr. Rho Bowman has used her analysing skills everyday day of her
scientific life, so has become quite a master at it. This Worldskill allows you
to analyse papers and various other documents, which can confuse other people.

To analyse items, you will need to play a modified domino game. There are two
icons, one to the left of the window, the other to the right. Your aim is to
make a chain, using the dominoes at the bottom of the window, to link one icon
to the other. Just as in a game of dominoes, the right-hand image of the last
domino placed should match the left-hand image of the next domino placed.

The game is further complicated by colours. In almost every game, you need to
change colours in order to complete the chain. This is because the left-hand
icon may be of a different colour than its right-hand counterpart. A colour
domino follows the same rules as normal dominoes, but changes the colour of the
image instead of the image itself.

Every time you place a domino correctly, the new image is shown just above the
junction, together with its colour. Your aim is to make the new image identical
to the right-hand image when you get to the end of the chain.

From what I can tell, every game is possible.

The timer for this game is similar to PAL's timer, in that it contitutes a bar,
which is broken up into many smaller bars. Each piece will disappear from right
to left, as time runs out. When you have run out of pieces, you have run out of
time and will have to start again.

5. Input From Other Players.

Brent Miller.
- Locations of Vistin Three Beam in The Bricks.
- Hacking terminal under ramp in Whackmaster Jack's, The Bricks, for a TACO.

Denis (poulin76).
- Location of two Red Bipridi in The Bricks.
- Location of two Red Bipridi on Democratus.

IceTea (The Dark Stalker).
- Information on trader bots in Sender Station.

Ivan Leonov.
- Location of a Vistin Three Beam in The Bricks.
- One photograph for 2 Brebulans in The Bricks.
- HealGrease in Flat C07, Building 5, The Bricks.
- Free ticket to Sunder from Dr. Brywelle.
- Reward for 5, 10 and 15 TACOs given to TACO collector.

Mark Devonside.
- Location of a Vistin Three Beam in the Bricks.

Orlando (DJBAZ).
- Correction to Sender Shuttle section.

Stephen Clouse.
- Location of a Red Bipridi in The Bricks.
- Grumpos' Battle Skills, Staff Sweep and Heal Field.
- Free ticket to Sunder from Dr. Brywelle.
- Master Analyse skill from Dr. Brywelle later in the game.
- True View Torque near Rainbow Sanctuary.
- PAL's position in Democratus.
- Book in Room 402.
- Information concernign Lost and Found Behbohbot.
- Information concerning order of Detective Rukh's awards.

Tim Van Holder.
- Location of a Vistin Three Beam in the Bricks.
- Hacking terminal under ramp in Whackmaster Jack's, The Bricks, for a TACO.
- Reward for 5 and 10 TACOs given to TACO collector.
- Master Analyse skill from Dr. Brywelle later in the game.

Yun Wung.
- Information on trader bots in Sender Station.
- Location of a Red Bipridi in The Bricks.

Zatos (jskeels).
- 3 extra Brebulans in The Bricks.
- Red bipridi in the Sendormitory.

6. Disclaimer.

This strategy guide is intended for private use only. This strategy guide, or
any part of it, may not be copied or distributed without the author's
permission. This guide is not to be profited from, directly, indirectly or any
other way possible.

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Inoffizeller dt. Language-Patch für die Demoversion

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Erfahrungs- und Shopping-Trainer

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Hinweise im UHS-Format

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