Clock Tower

Clock Tower

16.10.2013 09:50:18

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Clock Tower Walkthrough
For The Sony PlayStation Game Console
Written By Rob McGregor
Version 3.0 - 17th October 2000
HTML Version at:

No portion of this walkthrough may be reproduced without
written or e-mail permission from me. You may contact me at for any authorizations, comments, or
corrections or additions.

If you wish to put this walkthrough on a web site, e-mail
notification is needed. If you do wish to use this on a page in
HTML please make sure you tell me before doing so with
information on how and where it will be used. This document may
not be sold or used for profit.

This walkthrough is not authorized by, endorsed, or associated
in any way with Human Entertainment Ltd. or any associated or
affiliated company. This walkthrough should not be confused with
any publication that is distributed by Human Entertainment Ltd.
or any associated or affiliated company. Clock Tower, all
characters locations etc. (c) & TM Human Entertainment Ltd.
(c) & published by Agetec/Ascii Entertainment Ltd.

1.0 - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S

1.0 - Table of Contents
1.1 - Updates
1.2 - Introduction
1.3 - Slight Mishap
1.4 - What is Clock Tower?
1.5 - Review
1.6 - How To Play Clock Tower
1.6.1 - Game Terminology
1.6.2 - Display Screen
1.6.3 - Operations (Controls)
1.6.4 - Game Flow
1.6.5 - Intermissions
1.6.6 - Progression Screens
1.6.7 - Power and Game Over
1.6.8 - Pause Options
1.6.9 - Memory Card Information
1.6.10 - Designers Notes
1.6.11 - Other Info You Should Know
1.7 - Characters
1.8 - Items
1.9 - Hints
1.10 - Story
2.0 - Walkthrough
2.1 - Prologue - Samuel Barton
2.2 - Intermission 1 - 1 - Jennifer Simpson
2.3 - Intermission 1 - 2 - Helen Maxwell
2.4 - Scenario 1 - 1 - University - Jennifer Simpson
2.5 - Scenario 1 - 2 - University - Helen Maxwell
2.6 - Intermission 2 - 1 - Jennifer Simpson
2.7 - Intermission 2 - 2 - Helen Maxwell
2.8 - Scenario 2 - 1 - Rick's House - Nolan Campbell
2.9 - Scenario 2 - 2 - Rick's House - Stan Gotts
2.10 - Scenario 2 - 3 - Municipal Library - Helen Maxwell
2.11 - Intermission 3 - 1 - Jennifer Simpson
2.12 - Intermission 3 - 2 - Helen Maxwell
2.13 - Scenario 3 - 1 - Barrows Mansion - Jennifer Simpson
2.14 - Scenario 3 - 2 - Barrows Mansion - Helen Maxwell
3.0 - Maps
4.0 - ??? Option Explored
4.1 - Earning ???
4.2 - Inside ???
5.0 - Unknown Info/Things to add
6.0 - FAQ
7.0 - Legal Stuff
8.0 - Credits

1.1 - U P D A T E S

Version 3.0 - Added details in sections. Added notes on my
situation w/Clock Tower. More FAQ's. My review from Survival Horror
Extreme also added.

Version 2.0 - Important Notice about "Play as Scissorman" code
added, added info on '???' Option, FAQ section filled slightly.

Version 1.0 - All the sections are up. I don't have much idea on
when any other updates will come though, so I'll just see.

1.2 - I N T R O D U C T I O N

Why the heck do I find myself writing this walkthrough for such
a game as Clock Tower? I have no real reason, I just seemed to
pick up the game again after a nearly a year and find there was
no full FAQ for it.

Clock Tower is one of those games that has replay value if you can
be bothered to play, and to my knowledge is only liked by a select
few. You can play it for five minutes and decide if you like it
or not. I just happened to like it enough to write this guide for
people who want to finish it but don't want to waste too much time
on it because they want to play another game, which seems to be the
norm. I even get requests to explain the game quite often.

Okay, so you've chosen to play this game and need a guide. Well
you've come to the right place. This guide should be everything
you need, if it's not here you have 2 choices, Find another
(hard thing) or e-mail me (easy thing). Your choice :-)

For those of you who want more of the recently defunct Human
Entertainment's Clock Tower games, check out Clock Tower
Ghosthead aka Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within. Or if you
looking for a chalenge, try and find a copy of Clock Tower: The
First Fear on Super Famicom or PC from 1995 or the 1996 PlayStation
re-release. Good luck with that. Either that or somewhere on the net
there is someone is peddling a ROM of the Famicom version.

Before you e-mail me, make sure you're not going to ask
me about "Playing as Scissorman," as that code a Gamesages is a
load of crap. The amount of e-mails I got on it during the time the
guide has existed has been too much, so I thought I better include
it, though at the same time I have been able to include some new

For this latest version I had hoped to have added a Mouse Useage
section but a slight mishap has caused me to not be able to.

Well I think I've blabbed on enough, on with the guide. Have fun.
- Rob

1.3 - S L I G H T M I S H A P !

While I don't want to admit this, I came close to not being always
able to help people with exact questions anymore. This was because
a few months ago a friend of mine accidently snapped my Clock Tower
disk when it got stuck under a stool. I bet you can guess that he
sat on the stool and the resulting pressure snapped the disk. I
have yet to figure who left the disk on the floor :(

Though I was lucky. I went on the hunt for a new copy, which is
becoming harder and harder to track down, and while I've missed out
on one recent opertunity, in the end I was lucky enough to fine a
store with a second hand copy.

The problem though means that the time I took finding the new copy
has stopped me from being able to being a mouse use section to the
guide and with this looking to be the last ever update I doubt I
ever will do so.

1.4 - W H A T I S C L O C K T O W E R ?

The most common question I am asked through my web page is what
the hell Clock Tower is (what is it about exactly), and how does
it play. Although this should be in the FAQ section, it has
importance to what Clock Tower is.

Q - What is Clock Tower?

Clock Tower is a game for the Sony PlayStation console (I can
guess most people know this) that was released in 1997 by Human
Entertainment Japan. It is the sequal to a game called Clock Tower
for the Super Famicom and PC from 1995. Clock Tower - First Fear is
a re-release of the original Super Famicom version, and was
released in 1996 for Japan only. Tracking down a copy will be hard
and playing it even harder if you don't know how to read Japanese.
If you want to know what the story is about check out the Story
section of this guide.

Q - How does Clock Tower play? Is it like Resident Evil or

No, Clock Tower isn't like Resident Evil. It's a point and click
adventure game. You don't use weapons (well not exactly) to get
rid of your enemy, you use objects and items to hit him with or
hide in. It's not too hard in places, if your looking for a
really hard puzzle with no scares just a mystery style type game
I suggest you find Broken Sword 1 or 2 and play that.

If you need to know anything more which you can't find in this
guide then contact me at

1.5 - R E V I E W

Basically because I thought I better add a review, and had written
one for my friends site, Survival Horror Extreme
(, I decided to add it to the guide
in what can probably be called a lame attempt at adding more KB's
to a guide though I'll just say it's a nice bit of info for those
wanting to see my views on the game fully.

A giant pair of scissors.... how unoriginal I hear you say. Well of
course, Clock Tower is a game made of B grade horror, but it isn't
the Scissors you should be scared of, it's the manic killer who is
wielding them. Clock Tower is the thinking mans (or woman's)
Survival Horror game and rightly so.

A mansion in Norway, the site of a horrific case of mass murder,
casts the opening of the Clock Tower story. One of two survivors of
the murder incident, Jennifer Simpson, explains the situation of
being hunted down by one of the Mansions family, Bobby Barrows, who
she described as a Scissorman, a man wielding a giant pair of
scissors which he used to kill people. Throughout Norway, talk of
the Scissorman murder case works it's way through the locals'
chatter. A professor of criminal psychology, Helen Maxwell takes in
Jennifer, and for the next year the Scissorman case slowly dwindles
out of thought. Suddenly a series of murders start appearing again,
it seems Scissorman has returned. It is time for Helen to search
out the killer and put an end to his murderous spree.

Clock Tower takes place in an interactive point and click world
allowing you to search most items and interactive with objects. It
is also by clicking in this manner which lets you move around the
areas. While this may seem slow for many people used to the speedy
movement of games like Parasite Eve and Resident Evil, for others
the ability to move around in this movement will make the game
better. To someone new to point and clicks, especially on the
PlayStation, the system can be downright frustrating, and take a
good while to get use to. The game is PlayStation mouse compatible
though, which if you have access to one, makes the game much easier
to play.

The point to the exploration is based in a more set out location.
Unlike most Click and Point games that can have 2D images on 2D
backgrounds (usually hand drawn animation such as Broken Sword)
both the characters and backgrounds are made of the 3D models. This
means you have to move around tables, move up stairs and other such
objects, and also allows the camera to swing, pan and follow you
around rooms. The only let down to this 3D is a lack of details to
some objects, and the occasional graphics glitch. If you can get
around them, then you should be happy with this department.

But what would be the game without the horror touch? The game does
put it to good use; you can't help but be shocked when you find
dead bodies sliced open or stabbed with Scissormans blades. Of
course his blades aren't the only thing used, which is something
to credit the creators, the now defunct Human Entertainment, on.
Even with the huge scissors as weapons they still managed to not
use them for every death and have some shock value. The game also
has ways to make you jump, both when it comes to being surprised by
events and when you're attacked (and this will happen often).

While Scissorman can attack you doesn't mean you have to stand back
and let him kill you, though should you die you can basically just
continue on as long as you don't shut off the machine. There aren't
any real weapons to use, except for a Pistol you gain late in the
game, so you use your smarts to hide or use items around you to
attack him with. Smash a pot plant on his head, smack him with an
umbrella, or hide under a bed, desk, or in a closet. It's the quick
thinking that will let you survive, and this is why Clock Tower is
often called a thinking Survival Horror game.

Clock Tower features some nice music and sound effects, and the use
of two themes for Scissorman is good because you should never tire
of listening to the music. It's also used as a key to know he on his
way, well that is if he doesn't spring a trap on you first. Just
about everything has a sound effect, though some sounds don't sound
exactly right, and you might find the game occasionally glitches
playing incorrect sound or playing a sound for too long. You'll find
the voice acting to be average, not Metal Gear Solid of course, but
not Resident Evil either.

The game also offers various events in certain areas depending on
what Scissorman is up to, and 10 endings for maximized replay value.
The problem is once you know the game well enough you can get an
ending in about 30 minutes to and hour. On top of this the
intermissions are a real pain to get through and they slow the game
to a halt. While they might be good the first time through for
explaining more of the background story, it would have been nice to
have the option to skip past them to stop the action from slowing

Overall, I will say Clock Tower is more geared to people who like on
the edge survival, and a bit of logical thinking, it's not a game for
every survival horror game fan. Despite minor niggles with graphics
and some sound effects, Clock Tower is a game worth picking up should
you see it and be interested in the game. If you haven't had the
chance to play it but see it for sale real cheap (probably the only
way you will see it-I hear AgeTec no longer prints copies) or on a
rental shelf, get it and give it a go. And if you don't like it you
can come back here and kick my ass hard and proper, just the way I
like it.

Graphics - 7
Sound - 8
Control - 6
Gameplay - 9
Overall - 7
(Total - 7.5)

1.6 - H O W T O P L A Y C L O C K T O W E R

There is so much to Clock Tower, so I've split this up into

1.6.1 - G A M E T E R M I N O L O G Y

Click Point - The cursor (arrow on screen) will change shape
when placed on certain objects. This indicates that the
character can interact (pick up, talk etc.) with this thing.
These points where the cursor changes are called click points.

Click - Pressing a button on a click point to perform an action
is called "clicking" (obviously).

Panic/Danger Mode - When a character's life is in danger the
cursor will blink red.

Escape Mode - Escape mode is activated when the character is
chased by Scissorman. Unlike the normal mode, click points only
occur on objects for escaping, door's etc. and effective for
making Scissorman retreat. Thing's to throw etc. This mode
remains in effect until Scissorman is somehow forced to retreat
(a specific music theme accompanies the escape mode).

1.6.2 - D I S P L A Y S C R E E N

Cursor - The character performs an action when the cursor is
moved to a click point and an object is selected. When the
cursor is placed at a new location and clicked, the character
will move to that new area. The cursor also indicates current
power and panic mode (see Power and Game Over).

Item Window - To use an item that you've picked up, move the
cursor to the top if the screen (upper left hand corner) to
display the current inventory of items. Click the item you want
to use. The cursor will display a picture of the item which
moves around the screen with your cursor. You can then select
a click point with the cursor to use that item. Obtained items
not displayed in the inventory (some keys etc.) are
automatically used when the appropriate location is clicked.

1.6.3 - O P E R A T I O N S (Controls)

Clock Tower makes use of any standard PlayStation controller,
or the PlayStation mouse.

X Button (Left Button on Mouse) - Used for directing your
character and for selecting items on progression screens. A
quick double click makes the character run. Click once more
to stop running.

START button (Left + Right buttons on Mouse) - Pause button.
Allows the use of the pause function. (see Pause Options)

Square Button (Right Button on Mouse) - Used as a panic button.
Rapid repeated clicking in panic mode can get you out of a
tight spot.

Direction Buttons (Movement of the Mouse) - Used for moving
the cursor around the various screens.

Circle Button (Right Button on Mouse) - Cancels a progression

1.6.4 - G A M E F L O W

Basic Game Flow - The game repeats the pattern that you will
find below. There are four scenarios per game including the
prologue. An ending may come before the fourth scenario
depending on how a game progresses. The succeeding scenario
depends on the player's actions in the previous scenarios.
Mid-game scenario variations do not affect your ending rank.

Scenario - Save Screen - Intermission - Scenario

Heroines - The main heroines throughout the game are Jennifer
Simpson and Helen Maxwell. Actions during the prologue determine
which will be the central character you portray in
your story.

Player Character - Within each scenario, you may be operating
characters other than the heroine (in the Prologue, for
example). The character you play is determined by the scenario

Endings - There are five different endings per heroine,
determining a total of ten endings for this game. The
conclusion depends on your actions and the progression through
the scenarios that you explore.

1.6.5 - I N T E R M I S S I O N S

Scissorman appears at night. The Intermissions refers to the
adventure mode between scenarios. These are usually daytime
scenes, so Scissorman poses no danger. Selections made could
affect the scenario progression.

Intermission Map Screen - This screen displays the entire
neighborhood where the characters live. Click points indicate
places on the map where the character can visit. Use the cursor
to click on places you wish to visit.

Intermission Room Screen - When the desired location is clicked
on the intermission map screen, the selected building is
entered and conversations begin with the characters found
there (operations are identical to those used during normal
game play). When certain conditions are met within the
building, you automatically return to the map screen. The next
scenario begins after you have fulfilled all required
conditions of the intermission.

1.6.6 - P R O G R E S S I O N S C R E E N S

Main Menu Screen - The controls of the main menu.

New Game - Starts a new game.

Continue - Resumes a game from the entrance of the room where
the game ended unless the power has been turned off since the
last game played.

Data Load - Switches to the data load screen when selected.
Data saved on a memory card is read and you can select to
continue from your save file.

Sound - Select "STEREO" or "MONORAL." Selected item switches
upon selection.

Ending List - Switches to the ending list screen when selected.
Displays an ending list so you can check the endings you have
so far.

Pamphlet - Switches to the pamphlet screen when selected. This
displays extra information about the game.

Data Load Screen - This screen is for loading data saved on
memory cards to continue specific game play. Any of the three
areas with data will display the characters name, scenario
level and total play time. Select the data you wish to load.

Data Save Screen - When a scenario is completed, a data save
screen appears. Play data can then be saved to memory cards
at this point.

Ending List Screen - Endings cleared display "CLEARED." Select
one to see the ending movie corresponding to that ending
(NOTE: The movies can only be watched after you have that
ending. "D" endings have no movies).

Pamphlet Screen - Extra info and goodies are in the Pamphlet

Hint - This contains the hints you discovered during the game.
Select HINT to switch to the hint screen. Once there, select
the hint you want. Discovered hints are marked. (For the full
list of Hints see the hints section)

Story of Clock Tower - This contains the story line and
background of Clock Tower (It is written in the Story Section)

??? - This is not initially available. But when certain
conditions are met...

1.6.7 - P O W E R A N D G A M E O V E R

During the game, each character has three levels of strength
indicated by the cursor color. Strength decreases after extreme
action or after being attacked, and recovers with time (In
escape mode, action has no effect and recovery is also
suspended). For example, if you encounter Scissorman using
the panic button, your strength decreases by one level. If your
strength is already at the lowest level (red cursor and you
encounter Scissorman, your strength goes down to zero. You
will be killed no matter how much to rapidly press the
panic button.

Game Over Screen - Game over occurs when your strength reaches
zero, when you fail in rapid firing during panic mode etc. When
the game is over, the screen switches over to the "Dead End"
game over screen, the returns to the main menu. Select CONTINUE
from the main menu to resume play from where you just entered
the room. The game restarts with your strength recovered by one
level, use this opportunity wisely and escape! (NOTE: Resetting
or turning the power off eliminates your chance to CONTINUE)

1.6.8 - P A U S E O P T I O N S

When you pause, the pause menu is displayed on the screen.
Choose an option by the X Button or the Left Button on the

Return To Game - Returns to the game.

Save Game - The current status is saved onto a memory card.
Your game will be saved at the point when you just entered the
current room.

Load Game - The data saved on the memory card is loaded.

Screen - This option adjusts the screen display position on the
monitor (X is left or right, Y is up or down). Use it when the
display runs past the edge of the monitor.

Reset - This terminates the game and returns to the title
screen (If hit by accident, you can use the continue function
to return to your game).

1.6.9 - M E M O R Y C A R D I N F O R M A T I O N

Handling Memory Cards for Clock Tower - Rules and info for
memory cards.

- It uses a maximum of 4 (min 1) blocks on a card.
- Clock Tower uses memory card slot 1 only.
- Data for up to three games can be saved per memory card
- The ending list, hint's found etc. is checked upon the start
of the game. Make sure the memory card with that info is
inserted into memory card slot one when you start. If not the
game will be reinitialized.
- Before play make sure there is enough room on your memory
card for the saves.

1.6.10 - D E S I G N E R S N O T E S

Within the instructions were some notes from the games
designers. Just thought they maybe of interest for people to

Hifumi Kawano (Director) - Should the game system come first,
or should the material come first? This is the first vital
question faced by a game designer. Many current games place
the system first, and then the material is superimposed as an
extra little flavor. Clock Tower is designed so that the
material comes first. All systems were designed to address the
question of how best to express horror. This resulted in some
rather ruthless work, but frankly, if you were being chased by
an immortal killing machine in real life your survival wouldn't
be much better anyway. If you manage to finish the game without
getting killed even once, consider yourself capable of survival
even with Jason tracking you down.

Also, the high ranking endings in this story are not
necessarily the best endings Especially the "A" rank endings,
which are so opportunistic that we call them the "Hollywood"
version. Players' opinions will no doubt vary on whether these
endings are appropriate for this story. If you don't like the
"A" rank ending, find another ending you like. Then again for
Jennifer's sake, you might want to see a completely happy
ending... at least once.

Masaki Higuchi (Main Programmer) - Kudos to the staff, and
thanks to the players who brought this software. Try using
lots of different patterns to finish this game. We've secretly
included all sorts of weird fun stuff.

Yoichiro Shimazaki (Visual Director) - A more realistic image
was sought by using lots if animation and full 3D polygons to
portray murders in normal and surreal settings. We're counting
on your perseverance to see every single image and every
movement of Jennifer and the other characters.

Kaori Takazoe & Hiroshi Niikura (Sound Composers) - As with
the best horror stories, our sound theme was "Noise and
Silence." The terror or silence, the terror of sound, sounds
that aren't there when they should be, sounds that occur in
impossible places... the sound production for this game
involved a lot of variations on the "noise and silence"
theme. If the player gets even a small taste of "The terror
of sound," the sound staff couldn't be more pleased.

1.6.11 - O T H E R I N F O Y O U S H O U L D K N O W

This section is for all the other stuff that doesn't fit into
the other sections, especially in game tips. Keep looking here
for added tips. If you have some info that isn't here the e-mail
me at and tell me about it.

- Always look out for objects you can use against Scissorman.
- When escaping don't use the same methods over and over. Things
break or Scissorman works out where you are.

1.7 - C H A R A C T E R S

There is many characters that you meet and play as in Clock
Tower. Here is long list of who's who, and a little info about
each. Also remember, the number of survivors at the end of the
game relies on your actions in the game, so take notice.

Jennifer Simpson -
15 year old heroine of Clock Tower, Jennifer lost her parents
when she was very young and raised in the Granite Orphanage.
After her narrow escape from the Scissorman a year ago, Helen,
who was investigating the case for her studies, took her in.
After a year together, they developed a sisterly relationship.
Jennifer's difficult life has made her tough and inventive -
she had to be to stay alive.

Helen Maxwell -
30 year old Helen, the other heroine of Clock Tower, is an
assistant professor of criminal psychology and curious about
Scissorman in the Clock Tower case. She wants to do a profile
on him... in turn, he wants her dead. Helen is very instinctive
of the events going on from her psychology work. It comes in
quite handy during the game.

Nolan Campbell -
A reporter for a third-rate tabloid newspaper. Nolan is
targeted by Scissorman when he starts getting a little too
interested in the Clock Tower case. He seems more invloved in
getting the scoop on the murders from Jennifer than anything
else (well apart from Jennifer ^_^), something he may learn to

Stan Gotts -
A Police Officer investigating the Clock Tower case. Stan
is obsessed with tracking "Scissorman" down. A believer in
hands-on experience he places no faith in the supernatural and
believes that he'll be able to bring this case to a close.

Samuel Barton -
Professor of criminal psychology. Provides psychological
profiling research and investigates the Clock Tower case from
his own angle. Believes that Scissorman is not an immortal
killer, instead places that idea has been created by newspapers
like the one Nolan works for. Instead he feels that he is a
screwball who likes to uses scissors as his murder weapon.

Harris Chapman -
Research assistant studying criminal psychology. Harris is a
sneaky, small, gaunt man and has a warped infatuation with

Edward -
Another person who, like Jennifer, survived the Clock Tower
incident a year ago. Edward's true identity is unknown. He
lost his memory when rescued and was taken to the Granite
Orphanage, where he was given the name Edward.

Beth -
Another of the Research Assistants. She becomes involved in
the events of Scissorman and Clock Tower when they start
getting more involved with her.

Tim -
Nolan's camera man. He works closely on all the things that
Nolan works on. He gets scared when things get freaky.

Kay -
Edward's guardian when he's in Norway. She doesn't do much in
the story, but she is just there to look after Edward.

Rick -
An old butler of the Barrows mansion, he left before the
murders began. You'll meet him in Scenario 2 where he'll
explain more about the Clock Tower story.

Mr. Sullivan -
The head librarian. He likes to collect things and show them
off in a personal gallery. You may meet him in Scenario 2 when
he looks at the statue.

Danny -
Danny is the computer guy for the University. You'll meet him
a couple of times during the game.

Scissorman -
Scissorman is the main enemy in the game. He's real identity
and reason for killing is unknown, and he carries a giant pair
of Scissors which he uses to kill people with. Claims of him
being immortal seem true, as no matter how many times you loose
him he comes back again and again.

1.8 - I T E M S

Here is the full list of what items are in the game.

The format is simple
- Use
- Where the item is found.
- In what characters scenario is it found

Scenario 1 Items

Ladder Key
- Used to open the escape ladder.
- In the security office on the desk.
- Jennifer.

Oil Can
- It's used in the third scenario to open the storeroom door.
- It can be found in the storage room, on the shelf on the
right side.
- Jennifer.

Office Key
- You use it automatically when you go into the Treatment Room.
- Found on Helen's desk.
- Jennifer, Helen.

- Used to take the wire of the escape door.
- They are found on the back computer desk in the computer
room on the third floor.
- Helen.

Storage Key
- Used to open the escape door.
- In the security office on the desk.
- Helen.

- It's used in the third Scenario, to find the door spell.
- It can be found in the office, in the locker nearest to
the wall.
- Helen.

Scenario 2 Items

Rick's House Scenario

Devil Statue
- Used in the third Scenario against Scissorman.
- If Harris took the statue to Rick's, you will find it in
the closet on in the bedroom on the 2nd floor, playing as
Nolan, or on the table in the living room on the 2nd Floor
playing as Gotts.
- Nolan, Gotts.

Powder Soap
- You use it on the dog outside so that you can escape.
- In the laundry on the first floor.
- Nolan, Gotts.

Library Scenario

Devil Statue
- Used in the third Scenario against Scissorman.
- If Burton took the statue to Mr. Sullivan, you will find it
on the table in the Collection Room of Mr. Sullivans.
- Helen.

Reading Room Key
- Needed to get into the Reading Room.
- You get it off Mr. Sullivan.
- Helen.

Collection Room Key
- Needed to get into the Collection Room.
- You get it from Sullivan's desk.
- Helen.

- To remove the vent so that Edward can escape.
- You will find it in the Library's office, in a draw on the
left side of the desk near the photocopier.
- Helen.

Scenario 3 Items

Stair Key
- Needed to get upstairs.
- Found in the coats in the clergy room.
- Jennifer.

Foreign Note
- See The Door Spell.
- Found in the chapel library.
- Jennifer.

Star Plate
- Needed to pick the right path.
- In the Church Hall.
- Jennifer.

- Needed to find the map.
- In the torture room.
- Jennifer.

Library Key
- Needed to get into the Library.
- Found in a mouse hole in the master bedroom.
- Jennifer, Helen.

Mansion Key
- Needed to get past the metal gate.
- Given to you by Beth in Jennifer's game. Found on a counter
in the sitting room in Helen's game.
- Jennifer, Helen.

Copper Book
- Book needed to get to the hidden library.
- Found in the bed in the Servant's Quarters.
- Jennifer, Helen.

Door Spell
- Needed to kill Scissorman.
- For Jennifer, it is the translated foreign note. For Helen,
it is found in the fireplace of the master bedroom.
- Jennifer, Helen.

Box Key
- Used to free Helen.
- Found in the stone coffin in the store room.
- Jennifer.

- Used to free Helen.
- Found on the shelf in the storeroom.
- Jennifer.

- Information on the Barrows.
- Found in the upstairs library.
- Jennifer.

- Needed to light the candle.
- You get them off Tim.
- Jennifer.

Mansion Map
- Used to find the path underground.
- For Jennifer, it's inside the fireplace on the second floor.
For Helen, it's inside the cosmetic box in the church.
- Jennifer, Helen.

- Needed for the torch.
- In Nolan's tape recorder in the store room.
- Helen.

Fireplace Key
- Only use it if your going for ending C.
- Given to you by Harris, in the kitchen.
- Helen.

Lead Balls
- Needed to find the "Dry Path."
- Are found in the chest in the store room.
- Helen.

Wooden Box
- Contains the cosmetic key.
- Found in the upstairs library.
- Helen.

Cosmetic Key
- Is used on the cosmetic box.
- Inside the wooden box, you have to burn it to get the key.
- Helen.

- Used for shooting Scissorman, and shooting the lock off the
church door.
- You get it off Gotts.
- Helen.

1.9 - H I N T S

Here you will find all the hints in the game and their
locations, just incase you feel like picking them up in the
game for some odd reason.

Hint 1 -
Who - Prof. Barton
Scenario - Prologue
Location (Object, Room) - File Cabinet, Treatment Room

The main character is determined by the number of times Harris
is spoken to in the corridor during the prologue. If he spoken
to two or more times then Jennifer becomes the main character.

Hint 2 -
Who - Jennifer
Scenario - Scenario 1
Location (Object, Room) - Left corner boxes, Storage Room (1F)

If a certain item is not picked up in Scenario 1, then the best
ending will not occur.

Hint 3 -
Who - Jennifer
Scenario - Scenario 1
Location (Object, Room) - To right of door, Women's Lounge (3F)

When in a pinch, there are many times when clicking on some
item will rescue the character. Don't give up! Try to click on
something until the very end.

Hint 4 -
Who - Helen
Scenario - Scenario 1
Location (Object, Room) - On top of desk, Treatment Room (2F)

Endings except Ending E are determined according to how many
conditions were met in the last scenario.

Hint 5 -
Who - Helen
Scenario - Scenario 1
Location (Object, Room) - On top of table, Student Office

One extremely important point is who is asked to investigate
the statue in the Prologue. Do NOT forget who was asked!

Hint 6 -
Who - Nolan
Scenario - Scenario 2
Location (Object, Room) - On fireplace, Upstairs Living Room

The pattern of the Star Plate is extremely important (Note -
In Jennifer's Scenario). It would wise to write it down.

Hint 7 -
Who - Helen
Scenario - Scenario 2
Location (Object, Room) - In Machine Room of the Library

If Helen is the protagonist in the last scenario, be very
careful of the item she is given by Harris. If she uses it...

Hint 8 -
Who - Gotts
Scenario - Scenario 2
Location (Object, Room) - In cabinet on left wall, Kitchen

If Helen is the protagonist in the last scenario, something
muct be dropped down the shaft when decideing which of the
three shafts is correct.

Hint 9 -
Who - Jennifer
Scenario - Scenario 3
Location (Object, Room) - On table in the Upstairs Living

If Jennifer is the protagonist in the last scenario, when she
is trying to escape and runs out onto the 2F terrace, if you
click on...

Hint 10 -
Who - Helen
Scenario - Scenario 3
Location (Object, Room) - On bookshelf just left of the door
in the Chapel Library

When carring the box that can't be opened, you need to do
something fairly drastic to get at the contents.

1.10 - S T O R Y

Terrified, a young girl climbs up a steep cliffside trying
desperately to get away from the malevolent butcher known as
Scissorman. The girl, Jennifer Simpson, knows all too well the
fate that lies in store for her if she does not reach the top
in time. She has seen too many of her friends sheared by the
cruel blades of the Barrows Twins. Dan and Bobby - The
Scissormen. Jennifer, in her frenetic last attempts at escape,
reaches for the final grip at the top of the cliff. Just as she
pulls herself to the top, her grip breaks free, pulling down a
large crate that she had been supporting herself on at the top
ledge. The contents of the crate explode upon impact below,
engulfing the entire area in flames. Listening to the screams
of her attacker as he withered under the brunt of the explosive
flames, Jennifer turned to watch in horror as her would be
assailant turned slowly into nothing but a ball of fire before
her very eyes. It was finally over - or so she thought...

In the mountains of Romsdaaren, Norway, stands the Barrows
Family Mansion. This mansion had a large clock tower by which
the locals tended their flocks in the surrounding fields. The
local people called the mansion the Clock Tower. In 1986, the
mistress of the Barrows Mansion gave birth to twins. From the
day they were born however, it was obvious the twins were not
normal and were evil. The twins were given the names Bobby and
Dan, who were later to become the murderous Scissormen.
In 1995, Jennifer, a young girl from Granite Orphanage, whose
parents died when she was quite small was lured into the
Barrows Mansion where she was attacked by a monster wielding
a giant pair of scissors. That monster was the grown-up Bobby.
She managed to escape from the terrible horrors, destroy the
monster, and flee the mansion. For the next year all of Norway
was caught up with the sensationalized Scissorman Murders.

But then a series of brutal murders swept the front pages of
the local news... the Scissorman has returned! After her rescue,
Jennifer had been taken in by Helen Maxwell, an assistant
professor of criminal psychology. Helen had heard every detail
of Jennifer's encounter and now she searched for any
information that could put an end to this killer. How could
this madman be back? Somehow she had to find the secret to the
seemingly immortality of this crazed, psychotic lunatic. But
the murders are moving closer and closer to home. Will she
survive long enough to uncover all the secrets that could
finally destroy him forever?

2.0 - W A L K T H R O U G H

This is the full walkthrough to all 8 Scenarios and 10 Endings
of Clock Tower. This game is hard when first you play it, but
once you get used to it is rather easy. Also, after talking
to people who used the bits of information out on the net
already, they told me finished the game in under an hour, and
could get every ending in less than a day. I would agree, I
have done it by using my very own guide. So it is for this
reason that I think that this guide should only be used when
you are stuck. Don't follow it right through as you will only
spoil the game for yourself. And don't say I didn't warn you
about it. :-D

Now that the mean stuff is over I can get down to the business
of the guide. As you read up top there is 8 Scenarios... well
that is actually 8 Possible scenarios in game. The Prologue is
one, there are two possible 1st Scenario sections, a three
possible ones for the 2nd Scenario, and another 2 for the 3rd
and final Scenario. Within all these are decisions that will
be made that choose the characters you play as, the next
scenario, the ending and survivors. Some of these can be easily

Scissorman will turn up at anytime so use the Tips To Survive
to escape and then continue on following the guide. There are
a few in-game things that will change depending on what order
you do things, such as how Rose dies in the University. If you
go to the 2nd floor toilets before going to the therapy room,
then Rose will be at the Toilets dead, if you go to the room
first then she will be dead on the bed there. There are a few

The guide is written in steps so that you can also keep track
of where you are, but there is also are some brief notes (Tips
To Survive) at the end of each section on stuff you should know
like the items in full, where Scissorman hides to scare the
crap out of you, and how to defeat or hide from Scissorman.
Also, please note, that if I say left or right I mean to the
screen left or right, seeing as all the playing views you can
always go left or right on the screen.

If you have anything to add, or if I have anything wrong,
please e-mail me at

Well, I guess it's onto the guide. Good luck.

2.1 - Prologue - Samuel Barton

1 - After Helen and Jennifer leave, examine the bed, and the
scissors on the desk. If you wish to get HINT 1, search the
file cabinet beside the bed. Once you have done that, and read
all that Barton has to say, go out the door.

2 - In the office, talk to Beth twice, look at the Devil Statue.
Afterwards, look at the Scissorman mask, Harris' desk (the one
opposite the file cabinets just behind Danny), and then talk to
Danny twice. Once you have done that you will find you will be
able to leave the office.

3 - Go down the hall to the right and talk to Harris. BIG
DECISION - If you want to play as Helen, talk to Harris ONCE
only. If you want to play as Jennifer talk to him TWICE or more.

4 - Use the elevator to go to the first floor. Click on the
black area when the lift doors are open to exit it. Go through
the big talk with Nolan, then when your back on the lift choose
the 2nd floor.

5 - Go back to the office. Once inside talk to Harris, then
examine the Devil Statue. BIG DECISION - You will get the
choice of asking Harris to take the Statue to Rick. You have
the choice of Yes or No. Choose your one; Yes means he will
take it to Rick, No means Barton will take the Statue to the
Mr. Sullivan, the head librarian. Do not forget who it has
gone to, as this is very important.

6 - Go into the treatment room and talk to Edward and Kay,
this will end the scenario and you will have the choice to

If you talked to Harris Twice, go to Jennifer's 1st

If you talked to Harris Once, go to Helen's 1st Intermission

2.2 - Intermission 1 - Jennifer Simpson

The Intermissions are straight forward enough... I'll just say
where to go very quickly, so you don't muck around with all
the boring stuff.

Jennifer decides to go out. When she does you will get a map
with places to go to. This is where you have to go to in order.

University Research Building - Talk to Helen, then leave.

Municipal Library - Talk to Mr. Sullivan, the head librarian
about his collection.

Norway International Hotel - Meet Kay and Edward.

University Staff Housing - Talk to Nolan and you will go on an
interview/date... kinda sicking actually... he's a cradle-
snatcher. Nolan is 26, and hitting on a 15 year old. Oh well...

Go to Jennifer's 1st Scenario

2.3 - Intermission 1 - Helen Maxwell

The Intermissions are straight forward enough... I'll just say
where to go very quickly, so you don't muck around with all
the boring stuff.

After Helen's computer crashes, she decides to go out for a
while as she cant do anything else.

Police Station - Talk to Gotts about the Clock Tower case and
Prof. Barton.

Norway International Hotel - Meet Kay and Edward.

University Research Building - Return here to finish off the

Go to Helen's 1st Scenario

2.4 - Scenario 1 - University - Jennifer Simpson

1 - After the street scene, and the death of the security
guard, you will be inside the University. Run (double click)
quickly to the toilets. Hide in the stall until the music
stops. It is then you know that Scissorman is gone. When it has
go back to the hall.

2 - I think it's easier to work your way up floor by floor.
Start by heading to the left from the toilets, and go to the
second door along. This is the storage room. In the boxes in
the left hand corner is HINT 2. Go over to the shelf on the
far side. On it you will find the "OIL CAN". This is a very
important item, so don't forget to grab it.

3 - Leave the storage room, and go right, past the stairs and
the lift, all the way to the end of hall. The doors at the end
will be locked, so go in the door to the left of the window.
Once inside you will find a security guard with his back to
you. Talk to him... Oh no it seems all this Scissorman stuff
has gone WITH his head. There is a phone which you can use by
the door but it is dead. You can hit the alarm which is by
the window, but it will just make a noise which wont bring
anyone (I was expecting Scissorman-perhaps if you continue to
press it he does something, never tried). Search the table
for the "Ladder Key." You will need this to escape. Leave the
room and take the lift or stairs to the 2nd floor.

4 - Go into the door to the right of the lift, ignore the
waiting room you enter as there is nothing there. Go into the
other door. There is a phone which you can use, Jennifer will
call Helen, but all she gets is Helen's funny answering
machine message before the phone is cut off. Also usually
while you are in the room a fax comes in from Scissorman "Get
Ready! I'm comin' to get Ya!!" Leave the room and go back to
the hall where the lift is.

5 - If you feel like grossing yourself out go into the
toilets on the 2nd floor, and look in the stall closest to
the camera. Nice. Okay, Jennifer... you didn't need to puke
like that in the corner. There's a stall right in front of
you can do that in. Go back to the hall. Regardless of if
you did that or not, head into the lab that Helen works in.
Once inside, search Helen's desk (The computer beside the one
with the orange thing on it) to get the "Office Key." There
is a phone on Barton's desk (the one by itself) but it's
dead. Go into the treatment room by Barton's desk. There isn't
any thing in here, but you may notice that the giant scissors
are no longer on the desk. Leave and head up to the third
floor using the stairs or the lift.

6 - There is nothing in the computer room to the door on the
right of the lift. If you go to the far left end of the
hallway, it will lead to another hall. The left door of the
two is the Woman's Lounge. There is nothing in there but HINT 3
on the stand by the door. Other than that, there is nothing
else on this floor, so take the stairs up to the fourth floor.

7 - Once your up on the forth floor, use the ladder key to
open the ladder box below the window. It will then cut to a
scene of Jennifer climbing down the ladder. She will run off,
and you've just finished the scenario. Save if you wish to.


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Ladder Key - In the security office on the desk. Used to open
the escape ladder.

Oil Can - It can be found in the storage room, on the shelf
on the right side. It's used in a later scenario.

Office Key - Found on Helen's desk. You use it automatically
when you go into the Treatment Room.

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor -
A. Lockers on the left end of the hallway, the third from
the right.
B. Storage room has two places, he can be hiding in the box
by the shelf where you get the Oil Can from, or behind the
table leaning against the wall.

2nd Floor -
A. The office with the Fax machine and lockers. He can jump
out of the lockers.
B. Or through the window (See places to Hide from SM. - 2nd
Floor, J )

3rd Floor -
A. The computer room "KILL... KILL... KILL"

Any Floor -
A. Sometimes he is on the lift
B. If you stand around for too long he may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With. *
* Please note a lot of these have downsides depending on if
Scissorman knows where you are, or if you have used them a
few too many times.

1st Floor -
A. The Security Room - You can hide under the bench to hide.
B. The Toilets - You can use the stalls in the Toilets.
C. The Toilets - You can use a mop lying in the corner of the
stall to wack Scissorman over the head should he actually
try to break in through the stalls door.
D. The Elevator - You can use the lifts to escape. If you use
it a lot, or have been playing for a long time you may find
it is not working because the power is out.
E. The Storage Room - The box by the right hand wall is a good
place to escape, just be careful that you know where
Scissorman is before you open it.

2nd Floor -
A. The Fire Extinguisher - You can spray this at Scissorman.
It's located at the left-hand end of the 2nd Floor hall.
B. The Toilets - Yet again you can use the toilets... but don't
forget the closet one to the screen is occupied.
C. The Elevator - Read above for Elevator info.
D. The Laboratory - There is a can of Mace on Beth's desk (the
one with the orange thing on the computer), spray it at
E. Treatment Room - On the shelf beside the desk where the
scissors are SUPPOSED to be is a bottle of Ammonia which you
will throw at Scissorman.
F. Waiting Room - You can hide under the bench.
G. Waiting Room Again - You can use the flowerpot in the middle
of the room to smack over his head.
H. Office - You can hide under the desk.
I. Office Again - One of the lockers has an umbrella in it that
you can smack Scissorman over the head with.
J. Office YET Again - You can click on the window when being
chased, and you will hide between the window and the door.
This only works ONCE though because the second time he will
jump through the window.

3rd Floor -
A. Bathroom Again - See 1st Floor above
B. Lifts Again - See 1st Floor Above
C. Fire Extinguisher - By the Woman's Lounge, spray Scissorman
with it.
D. Woman's Lounge - You can hide in the top bunk beds.

Go to Jennifer's 2nd Intermission

2.5 - Scenario 1 - University - Helen Maxwell

1 - You will start in the woman's quarters. Talk to Rose a
couple of times before turning out the light and hopping into
one of the bunks. You will be woken up and you will find Rose
is not these anymore. Click on the door to answer it.

2 - After the scene, you will be out in the hallway. Go to the
left and grab the Fire Extinguisher and use it on Scissorman.
You will be on the third floor. Go into the door on the right
side of the lift. Once inside check the last computer on the
closets side of the room to the camera. There will be some
tools on the desk. You will take the "Pliers." Leave the room
and go down to the second floor taking the lift of the stairs.

3 - Go into the door to the right of the lift, and into the
waiting room. Go through here and into the office. Check the
locker closest to the wall for a "Flashlight," A very
important item. Also while you are here, search the top of
the desk in the middle of the room for HINT 5. Usually while
you are in the room a fax comes in from Scissorman "Get
Ready! I'm comin' to get Ya!!" Leave the room and go back to
the hall where the lift is. You can use the phone to call
the police, but the police wont believe you. If you call a
second time, after telling them where you are the phone goes
dead. Leave and go back to the hall outside the lift.

4 - Head into the lab that Helen works in. Once inside, search
Helen's desk (The computer beside the one with the orange
thing on it) to get the "Office Key." There is a phone on
Barton's desk (the one by itself) but it's dead. If you feel
like grossing yourself out go into the treatment room by
Barton's desk, and look the bed. Nice. Check the desk for
HINT 4. There isn't any thing else in here, but you may notice
that the giant scissors are no longer on the desk. Leave and
head down to the first floor using the stairs or the lift.

5 - Again, go into the door on the right of the lift, with
the window to the right of it. Once inside you can hear a
dripping noise, we will get to that soon. There is a panel
on the back wall you can press. Just makes an noise, Helen
gets freaked, and I'm amazed it doesn't bring Scissorman
your way. The phone which you can pick up is dead. If you
look at the partition in the middle of the room (the big
brown thing) something will be mentioned about the sound
of dripping water. Click on it again to see what it is.
Great huh? Click on the desk (it looks like you are
clicking on the bottom of the partition), and grab the
"Storage Key" which you will find there. Now leave the

6 - Head down the hall to the last door before the
non-emergency exit, and enter it. You should find yourself
in the Storage Room. Go to the red door at the back and
click on it. You will be told that it leads to the parking
lot outside, but that it is wired shut. To fix this, use
the pliers on door, then use the storage key. Once that
is done you will exit out the door and finish the Scenario.
Congratulations. Save and continue.


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Pliers - Used to take the wire of the escape door, they are
found on the back computer desk in the computer room on the
third floor.

Storage Key - In the security office on the desk. Used to
open the escape door..

Flashlight - It can be found in the office, in the locker
nearest to the wall. It's used in a later scenario.

Office Key - Found on Helen's desk. You use it automatically
when you go into the Treatment Room.

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor -
A. Lockers on the left end of the hallway, the third from
the right.
B. Storage room has two places, he can be hiding in the box
by the shelf, or behind the table leaning against the wall.

2nd Floor -
A. The office with the Fax machine and lockers. He can
jump out of the lockers.
B. Or through the window (See places to Hide from SM. -
2nd Floor, J )

3rd Floor -
A. The computer room "KILL... KILL... KILL"

Any Floor -
A. Sometimes he is on the lift
B. If you stand around for too long hey may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With.
* Please note a lot of these have downsides depending on if
Scissorman knows where you are, or if you have used them a
few too many times.

1st Floor -
A. The Security Room - You can hide under the bench to hide.
B. The Toilets - You can use the stalls in the Toilets.
C. The Toilets - You can use a mop lying in the corner of the
stall to wack Scissorman over the head should he actually
try to break in through the stalls door.
D. The Elevator - You can use the lifts to escape. If you use
it a lot, or have been playing for a long time you may
find it is not working because the power is out.
E. The Storage Room - The box by the right hand wall is a good
place to escape, just be careful that you know where
Scissorman is before you open it.

2nd Floor -
A. The Fire Extinguisher - You can spray this at Scissorman.
It's located at the left-hand end of the 2nd Floor hall.
B. The Toilets - Yet again you can use the toilets... but
don't forget the closet one to the screen is occupied.
C. The Elevator - Read above for Elevator info.
D. The Laboratory - There is a can of Mace on Beth's desk (the
one with the orange thing on the computer), spray it at
E. Treatment Room - On the shelf beside the desk where the
scissors are SUPPOSED to be is a bottle of Ammonia which
you will throw at Scissorman.
F. Waiting Room - You can hide under the bench.
G. Waiting Room Again - You can use the flowerpot in the
middle of the room to smack over his head.
H. Office - You can hide under a desk.
I. Office Again - One of the lockers has an umbrella in it
that you can smack Scissorman over the head with.
J. Office YET Again - You can click on the window when being
chased, and you will hide between the window and the door.
This only works ONCE though because the second time he
will jump through the window.

3rd Floor -
A. Bathroom Again - See 1st Floor above
B. Lifts Again - See 1st Floor Above
C. Fire Extinguisher - By the Woman's Lounge, spray Scissorman
with it.
D. Woman's Lounge - You can hide in the top bunk beds.

Go to Helen's 2nd Intermission

2.6 - Intermission 2 - Jennifer Simpson

After Gotts and Helen have finished you will be back on the
map. The places you need to go to are as follows.

Oslo Week Newspaper Company - Go to find Nolan, but you'll talk
to Tim, Nolan's cameraman.

University Research Building - You will talk about the statue.
Very Important info will come up about the place where the
statue is. Helen will offer to go get the statue from the
Library. You wont have to make the decision just yet.
Now go back to the Newspaper Company, and talk to Nolan.
IMPORTANT - Nolan will offer to go to Rick's and get the statue.
This is where your memory comes in handy. If you said YES to
Harris about taking the statue to Rick, then say YES to Nolan.
If you said NO to Harris, and took the statue to Professor
Sullivan then say No to Nolan, and Helen will go to the Library.

Special Note- If you want to get the E Ending, go to the
opposite place of the statue, e.g.. If Harris took it to Rick,
and you want this E ending then you will say no to Nolan, so
that Helen goes to the Library and doesn't find the statue.
This way, you will get the E ending.

If you said YES to Nolan, go to the 2nd Scenario in Rick's
House with Nolan

If you said No to Nolan, go to the 2nd Scenario with Helen
in the Library

2.7 - Intermission 2 - Helen Maxwell

After Gotts, Jennifer, and Helen have finished you will be back
on the map. The places you need to go to are as follows.
Norway International Hotel - You will talk to Kay for a bit
about Scissorman and Edward.

University Research Building - You will talk about the statue.
Very important info will come up about the place where the
statue is. Helen will think about going to get the statue
from the Library. You wont have to make the decision just yet.
If you go to the Library, you will find Suliivan is not there.
Now go back to the Police Station and talk to Gotts.

IMPORTANT - Gotts will offer to go to Rick's and get the statue.
This is where your memory comes in handy. If you said YES to
Harris about taking the statue to Rick, then say YES to Gotts.
If you said NO to Harris, and took the statue to Professor
Sullivan then say No to Gotts, and Helen will go to the Library.

Special Note- If you want to get the E Ending, go to the
opposite place of the statue, e.g.. If Harris took it to Rick,
and you want this E ending then you will say no to Gotts, so
that Helen goes to the Library and doesn't find the statue.
This way, you will get the E ending.

If you said YES to Gotts, go to the 2nd Scenario in Rick's
House with Gotts

If you said No to Gotts, go to the 2nd Scenario in the
Library with Helen

2.8 - Scenario 2 - Rick's House - Nolan Campbell

1 - After Rick is crushed, Scissorman will be after you. Go to
the door on the left side of the house and enter it. In
the hall you come to will be two doors, enter the left door.
Once inside the bathroom, go to the bath area, and open the
door. Your character will hide from Scissorman.

2 - Go back into the hall outside the bathroom where you hid
from Scissorman, and go into the other door on the right side.
This is the laundry. Just inside the door, high up is a shelf.
Search it for the "Powder Soap." Go back out to the main room,
where Rick's body is.

3 - There isn't much to do in here, you can make yourself a
nice drink from the cocktail bar Rick has on the right hand
wall. Go through the closest door to the screen on right side.
You will find yourself in another hallway. Go up the stairs
and through the door. You will be on the second floor, above
the main room. Head into the door right beside where you

4 - Once inside look in the green wardrobe on the left wall.
If your not getting the E ending then you will be told that
there seems to be something inside. Check again and you will
receive the Devil Statue. Leave the way you came and go down
the 2nd floor hall to the other door. Once inside the only
thing of interest is HINT 3 on the fireplace mantle. Head
back down to the first floor main room where Rick is.

5- Last thing we need to do is locate the Barrows Castle. Go
into the other door on the right hand side. This is the
kitchen. On the wall is a mask. Look at it to find the
location of the castle. People always get confused with the
next part. The mask, a chair and a painting all attack you.
Grab the vase off the table, then click on the mask when Nolan
has it in his hand. This will get rid of them. Leave the

6 - Time to leave. Go to the right hand side of curtain at the
back of the main room. Right at the end you will be able to
pull it back. Do so. Once outside approach the dog, and quickly
equip the powder soap. Use it on the dog then escape. You just
finished the scenario. If you went to this area to get the "E"
Ending then it will come on. If you did get the statue, the
option to save will come up. Save if you wish.


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Devil Statue - If Harris took the statue to Rick's, you will
find it in the closet on in the bedroom on the 2nd floor. This
is the main item for this scenario.

Powder Soap - In the laundry on the first floor. You use it on
the dog outside so that you can escape.

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor-
A. Kitchen - Pantry in the floor. You have to be careful of
this sometimes... at one stage while I was writing this
guide Scissorman randomly arrived while I was standing
around. I went to the kitchen to hide in the pantry just to
find he was hiding in there already. Scared the shit outta me
because I didn't expect it. Its a bit like the box in the
Storage Room thing in Scenario 1.
B. Outside - Besides Scissorman, you also add have to watch
out for the dog...
C. Main Entranceway - Coming in from the main lounge,
Scissorman might jump down from the staircase as you walk
towards them.

2nd Floor -
A. Lounge - For a bit of comedy, you will sometimes find
Scissorman in the rocking chair watching Cartoons on the TV.
B. Bedroom - Sometimes when you enter Rick's bedroom, an alarm
goes off and alerts Scissorman to where you are.
C. Really a 2nd/1st Floor thing. If you come out to the top of
the stairs, Nolan will trip and roll down the stairs
allowing Scissorman to catch up for an attack. Rumors have it
that it only happens after you have a drink from the cocktail

Any Floor -
A. If you stand around for too long hey may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With.

1st Floor -
A. Shower/Bathroom Area - Hide in the bathroom. IIRC you can
only use this once because he'll smash through the door if
you do it again.
B. Pantry - Use Scissorman's on trick against him. You can
hide in the pantry, just make sure he isn't already in there.
C. Main Entranceway - You can use one of the umbrella's on the
umbrella stand if your quick enough, to whack Scissorman over
the head obviously.

2nd Floor -
A. Bedroom - You can grab the sheet off the bed and throw it
over Scissorman to escape.
B. Bedroom - You can climb into the closet where the statue
is located.

If you went for the E Ending, then it is GAME OVER

If you got the statue, then go to Jennifer's 3rd Intermission

2.9 - Scenario 2 - Rick's House - Stan Gotts

1 - After Rick is mauled, and you shoot the crap outta
Scissorman, he will be after you. Go to the the door on the
left side of the house and enter it. In the hall you come to
will be two doors, enter the left door. Once inside the
bathroom, go to the bath area, and open the door. Your
character will hide from Scissorman. Exit the bath area when
he is gone.

2 - Go back into the hall outside the bathroom where you just
hid from Scissorman, and go into the other door on the right
side. This is the laundry. Just inside the door, high up is
a shelf. Search it for the "Powder Soap." Go back out to the
main room.

3 - There isn't much to do in here, you can make yourself a
nice drink from the cocktail bar Rick has on the right hand
wall. Go through the closest door to the screen on right side.
You will find yourself in another hallway. Go up the stairs
and through the door. You will be on the second floor, above
the main room. Ignore the door right beside where you entered
(It's only good for when your being chased), and enter the
door at the end of the hallway.

4 - Once inside check the table and you will receive the
Devil Statue if Barton had it sent here (If your not getting
the E ending). Last thing we need to do is locate the Barrows
Castle. Have a look at the painting to the right of the
fireplace, Gotts will examine it and find the location of the
Barrows Castle. Head back down to the first floor main room
where Rick is.

5 - If you wish to find HINT 8 go into the other door on the
right hand side. This is the kitchen. Check the cabinet on
the left side of the room for it. On the wall is a mask, you
do NOT have to look at it . If you do happen to, you will be
in a little trouble People always get confused with the next
part. The mask, a chair and a painting all attack you. Grab
the vase off the table, then click on the mask when Gotts
has it in his hand. This will get rid of them. Leave the

6 - Time to leave. Go to the door on the right hand side at
the back of the main room and go outside. Once outside
approach the dog, and quickly equip the powder soap. use it
on the dog then escape. You just finished the scenario. If
you went to this area to get the "E" Ending then it will
come on. If you did get the statue, the option to save will
come up. Save if you wish.


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Devil Statue - If Harris took the statue to Rick's, you will
find it on the table in the lounge on the 2nd floor. This is
the main item for this scenario.

Powder Soap - In the laundry on the first floor. You use it
on the dog outside so that you can escape.

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor-
A. Kitchen - Pantry in the floor. You have to be careful of
this sometimes... at one stage while I was writing this
guide Scissorman randomly arrived while I was standing around.
I went to the kitchen to hide in the pantry just to find he
was hiding in there already. Scared the shit outta me because
I didn't expect it. Its a bit like the box in the Storage Room
thing in Scenario 1.
B. Outside - Besides Scissorman, you also add have to watch
out for the dog...
C. Main Entranceway - Coming in from the main lounge,
Scissorman might jump down from the staircase as you walk
towards them.

2nd Floor -
A. Lounge - For a bit of comedy, you will sometimes find
Scissorman in the rocking chair watching Cartoons on the TV.
B. Bedroom - Sometimes when you enter Rick's bedroom, an alarm
goes off and alerts Scissorman to where you are.
C. Really a 2nd/1st Floor thing. If you come out to the top of
the stairs, Gotts will trip and roll down the stairs allowing
Scissorman to catch up for an attack. Rumors have it that it
only happens after you have a drink from the cocktail bar.

Any Floor -
A. If you stand around for too long hey may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With.

1st Floor -
A. Shower/Bathroom Area - Hide in the bathroom. IIRC you can
only use this once because he'll smash through the door if
you do it again.
B. Pantry - Use Scissorman's on trick against him. You can hide
in the pantry, just make sure he isn't already in there.
C. Main Entranceway - You can use one of the umbrella's on the
umbrella stand if your quick enough, to whack Scissorman over
the head.

2nd Floor -
A. Bedroom - You can grab the sheet off the bed and throw it
over Scissorman to escape.
B. Bedroom - You can climb into the closet and hide.

If you went for the E Ending, then it is GAME OVER

If you got the statue, then go to Helen's 3rd Intermission

2.10 - Scenario 2 - Library - Helen Maxwell

1 - You will start in the front lobby of the Library. You can
talk to the Clerk to tell you where Mr. Sullivan is. Go
through the sliding doors. You can talk to Edward, but there
isn't much to say. Go past the shelves and out the door. The
door to your immediate right is the Reading Room. You need a
key to enter it. The next door is Mr. Sullivan's office. Go
inside and talk to him. You will get the "Reading Room Key"
for the reading room, he will talk about Leave and go into
the reading room.

2 - Look to the left of the step ladder. Helen will mention
that books on England are above the stepladder. Click on the
stepladder, and see will find the book "Lords of Northern
England" The scene will cut to later on, the clerk will come
in and tell you that the library is about to close. Click on
the door and go out. The clock will start ringing, and Mr.
Sullivan will come out. You will go up to the clock room,
and Mr. Sullivan will loose his head about the whole matter.
Escape down the stairs.

3 - The best place to hide is the front desk. Go all the way
back to the desk (click high), and click on the bit where the
clerk sits, to hide yourself from Scissorman. When he is gone,
go back to the hallway.. You may or may not want to click on
the clerk's body has it hanged on the book shelf. Scissorman
will show himself if you do. Once your at the hallway you will
hear Edward's voice.

4 - Go back up to the clock room, a video will take place,
then you will have some sort of chain coil itself around your
leg, and Scissorman will turn up. Mash the panic button and
escape and hide back at the front desk again. Go back up to the
Clock room later on if you want to find HINT 7, search the cogs
for it.

5 - After all that, head into Professor Sullivan's office.
Click on the desk. You will get a message about the computer
the first time (IIRC - either that or you got it for clicking
too high, click lower if you get the computer message again and
again), a message about letters the third time, and you will
find the "Collection Room Key" the third time. Now enter the
other door on the left wall with the newly gained Collection
Room Key.

6 - After turning on the light (and if Scissoman wasn't there,
or you have returned), search the table in the middle to get
the statue if Mr. Sullivan had received it in the prologue.
Once that is done go back to the front desk and go into the
door behind it (Click on the wood partition to get to it).
Once inside you will see a cut scene of a chair moving. Click
on it and you will find that it will be Edward.

7 - You will find yourself in the Reading Room, and you will
chuck Edward under the desk. Go have a look at the vent on
the left wall if the Reading Room, then head back to the office
you found Edward in. At the front desk you will find that the
Police have came. Continue to the office and search the left
end of the desk just behind the photo copier. You will find
the "Screwdriver" which you can use to remove the vent cover.

8 - Return to the Reading Room and use the Screwdriver on the
vent cover. Edward will crawl out the vent. Make your way back
to the Front Desk. On the way, you will meet Gotts.
Scenario Finished.


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Devil Statue - If Burton took the statue to Mr. Sullivan, you
will find it on the table in the Collection Room of Mr.
Sullivans. This is the main item for this scenario.

Reading Room Key - Needed to get into the Reading Room, you
get it off Mr. Sullivan

Collection Room Key - Needed to get into the Collection Room,
you get it from Sullivan's desk.

Screwdriver - To remove the vent so that Edward can escape.
You will find it in the Library's office, in a draw on the
left side of the desk near the photocopier.

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor-
A. Main Library - If you look at the shelf where the clerk is
hanging, he will attack you.
B. Collection Room - Fish Tank, and that's about all you need
to know.
C. Collection Room Again - Statues. If you have a look at the
statues at the end of the room, sometimes Scissorman will be
up on the table acting as one.

2nd Floor -
A. When Sullivan is killed.
B. After the Chain attacks you.

Any Floor -
A. If you stand around for too long hey may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With.

1st Floor -
A. Front Desk - You can hid under the desk all the time and
Scissorman wont find you.
B. Reading Room - You can use the stepladder to hit Scissorman
C. Sullivan's Office - You can use the lamp on his desk to hit
him with.
D. Collection Room - If you click on the table, you will pick
up an object off the desk to use to hit Scissorman with.
E. Office - Click on the photocopier, and you will nail
Scissorman by pushing it into him when he comes in the room.

If you went for the E Ending, then it is GAME OVER

If you got the statue for Jennifer, then go to Jennifer's 3rd

If you got the Statue for Helen, then go to Helen's 3rd

2.11 - Intermission 3 - Jennifer Simpson

This is where it all winds up. Your going to go off to the
Barrows Castle, and you'll be bringing heaps of people along.

If Nolan went to get the statue then -

Back on the map head over to the Newspaper Office. You will
talk to Nolan and decide to go to the Barrows castle "In
England." Gee, can you get any more detail that that Nolan?

Police Station - Head over there and talk to Gotts, Professor
Barton will also be there. You have just picked up two more

Norway International Hotel - Talk to Edward and Kay, and then
go. Two more added.

University Research Building - Beth and Harris will be in the
Lab. They will also decide to come to the Castle.

Newspaper Office - Helen will be at the newspaper company
along with Nolan. All the arrangements have been made. On your
trip are yourself (Jennifer), Helen, Nolan, Gotts, Barton,
Edward, Kay, Beth, Harris and Tim.

If Helen went to get the statue then -
University Research Building - Helen and Beth are there.

Police Station - Head over there and talk to Gotts, Professor
Barton will also be there. You have just picked up two more

Norway International Hotel - Talk to Edward and Kay, and then
go. Two more added.

Newspaper Office - Nolan will be at the newspaper company along
with Tim. They decide to come along for the trip.

University Research Building - Helen and Nolan will be in the
Lab. All the arrangements have been made. On your trip are
yourself (Jennifer), Helen, Nolan, Gotts, Barton, Edward, Kay,
Beth, Harris and Tim.

You will go directly to the Oslo Airport. After the small
scenes your next scenario will begin.

Go to Jennifer's Third Scenario for the guide for her last

2.12 - Intermission 3 - Helen Maxwell

This is where it all winds up. Your going to go off to the
Barrows Castle, and you'll be bringing heaps of people along.
Back on the map head over to the Police Station and talk to
Gotts, Professor Barton will also be there. You will talk to
Gotts and decide to go to the Barrows castle In England.
Kinda reminds me of Wayne's World 2.

Garth: "So, did Jim Morrison give you Del Preston's exact
address?" Wayne: "Yeah, he said EXACTLY London, England."

Finish talking to them and then leave.

Oslo Newspaper Company - Talk to Nolan and Tim, they will
decide to join you on your trip to England.

Norway International Hotel - Talk to Edward and Kay, and then
go. Two more added.

Municipal Library- Beth and Harris will be in the Library.
They will also decide to come to the Castle.

Police Station - Jennifer will be at the Police Station along
with Gotts. All the arrangements have been made. On your trip
are yourself (Helen), Jennifer, Nolan, Gotts, Barton, Edward,
Kay, Beth, Harris and Tim.

You will go directly to the Oslo Airport. After the small
scenes your next scenario will begin.

Go to Helen's Third Scenario for the guide for her last

2.13 - Scenario 3 - Barrows Mansion - Jennifer Simpson

This is where it gets confusing. You can earn 4 endings here,
so the guide is split up into paths for ease of ending choice.
Game on!

1 - After the scene with Harris and Scissorman, go into the
door to the left of where you exited. Once inside hide behind
the clothes on the rack. Scissorman will arrive and you will
throw the rack on him. Back out in the hall, re-enter the
room that had the rack you threw on Scissorman. He will no
longer be here. Search the clothes on the ground to get the
"Stair Key." As you stand in the room, you will get a cut
scene of the Virgin Mary statue in the corner. Blood will run
from it's eyes. Leave back out to the hallway.

If you are trying to get ending A or B, go to SECTION 2.
If you are trying to get ending C or D, go to SECTION 3.

2 - Go into the library room that Harris had you in. Click on
the area by the ladder to receive the "Foreign Note." Leave
and go through the door at the right end of the hallway.

Go to SECTION 3.

3 - Leave and go through the door at the right end of the
hallway. You will find yourself in a very odd chapel. There
are some weird lightning effects that come up if you hang
around too long. There will be a copper plate on the right of
the fresco (the large odd cross at the front). This is the
"Star Plate". A very important item. Take note of the pattern
on the plate when it is shown close up. Writing or drawing it
down is a good idea. Once you have the plate, head through the
door on the left wall.

Go to SECTION 4.

4 - Once inside Jennifer will complain of the smell. You will
also find Gotts on the floor. After you have talked to
"Assistant Inspector" Gotts, grab the "Candle" off the floor
near him. Next comes one of the most overlooked things ever.
I've had many people I've talked to quit because they couldn't
find this. A Keyhole. On the wall next to the rollers is the
keyhole you use the stair key on. This will lower the stairwell
down, and allow you to leave this area. Go up it.

Go to SECTION 5.

5 - You will be in a lounge room. Look at the table to find
HINT 9. Exit the room, and enter the door to the left of where
you exited. Once inside you will be the master bedroom. Click
on the night stand in-between the two beds. A mouse will
scuttle across and into the left wall. Go over to the wall and
search the area where the mouse went to. You will be told about
the hole and that there is something in the hole. Search again
to move the desk, then search yet again to get the "Library

If you are trying to get ending A or B, go to SECTION 6.
If you are trying to get ending C or D, go to SECTION 8.

6 - Go out to the main hall and downstairs. Go into the door
on left rear wall (this will be directly below the master
bedroom). You will be in a sitting room with paintings on the
walls. Go out the opposite door. You will now be in what I will
refer to as Hallway 1. The first 3 doors (left to right) are
the Servant's Quarters, The Garden, and Hallway 2 door. Go into
the first door which is the Servant's Quarters. Go to the bed,
and look under the covers and you'll find the "Copper Book."
Click again to get the book.

Go to SECTION 7.

7 - Go into the fountain room, inside you will find Professor
Barton, talk to him twice, then get him to look at the
"Foreign Note." It will become the "Door Spell" after the
Latin is explained to you. Leave the room the way you came in.

Go to SECTION 8.

8 - Go out to the main hall and downstairs. Go into the door
on left rear wall (this will be directly below the master
bedroom). You will be in a sitting room with paintings on the
walls. Go out the opposite door. You will now be in what I will
refer to as Hallway 1. The first 3 doors (left to right) are
the Servant's Quarters, The Garden, and Hallway 2 door. (If
your getting the A ending, you should be already here). Go
into the Hallway 2 door, and go into the only door down this
hallway, which leads to the kitchen. Go through the kitchen
and into the kitchen storeroom. Click on the floor to be told
about it, then search the shelves and flick the switch. Go
down the hole in the floor, then try to return up the ladder.
You will hear a noise. Search the racks to find Beth, talk to
her twice by clicking the back wine rack. On the second talk
she will give you the "Mansion Key." Now return to Hallway 1
and use the mansion key on the gate.

If you are getting the A, B, or C, ending, go to SECTION 9.
If you are getting the D ending, go to SECTION 10.

9 - Use the door at the end. You won't be able to enter it
because the door has rusted up. Use the oil can you received
in Scenario 1 on it and enter. Click on the coffin once you
are inside to receive the "Box Key." Click the lower part of
the first shelf (to the right of the coffin, where you can
see the shelf) to receive the "Rope." Now try to open the box.
You will find that you can't because some bats come in and
stop you. Use the rope on the door to stop the bats coming in
(you can only use the rope on the door once you have been
attacked once). Use the box key on the box to find Helen
inside. Talk to her twice then leave. Go up the stairs nearby
and go in the door at the top. You will find yourself in
Hallway 5. There are two doors in here, go into the closest
one. You will find yourself on a balcony outside. Try to go
into the other door, you will be attacked by Scissorman. Click
on the gap by the windows to make it out onto the ledge and
in the window. Inside the room you will find Nolan. Talk until
you can't talk any more, then leave the room.

Go to SECTION 10.

10 - Go back to the main hall. On the top floor, along the left
wall is an open doorway (it had bars across it before you used
the Mansion Key on the one downstairs) go through it. This is
Hallway 3. Go into the first door to find yourself in a study/
office type room with a fireplace. Ignore this room and go
into the next. Click on the top of the closest bookshelf. You
will be told there is something on top, so use the footstool
beside the shelf to get it. You will find the "Genealogy." It
will tell you about Quentin Barrow's the 13th Generation
Barrow, who is marked as a "Traitor." Leave and go back to
the main hall.

Go to SECTION 11.

11 - Go back into the lounge where you crawled out of the
fireplace. Inside you should find Tim. Sometimes he will be
sitting beside the fireplace, and if you talk to him a few
times he will give you the "Matches." Sometimes you will find
him dead in the fireplace. If you do, find his camera on the
ground. Right beside it is the "Matches," so pick them up.
Leave the room.

Go to SECTION 12.

12 - Go downstairs to the sitting room. You would have been
through here on your way to hallway one. Look at the portraits
on the back wall. Jennifer will look at Quentin Barrows one,
and find out about the map. Leave and go back out to the main

Go to SECTION 13.

13 - Go back to the Office/Study. Look at the fireplace, and
Jennifer will say it it too dark to see. Take the candle from
your inventory, and put it into the candle holder you will
find on the left end of the desk, that is right beside the
fireplace. Now that the candle is in it, use the matches to
light it. Jennifer will automatically use it to find the
"Mansion Map."

If your getting the A ending, go to SECTION 14.
If your getting the B, C, or D endings, go to SECTION 15.

14 - Go into the Library, and look at the scratch marks on
the floor. Then use the Copper Book on the bookshelf with a
book missing. It will move across and open another room.
Go into the room, and decide which of the three shafts you
need to go down from what was at the top of the Star Plate.
When you are down the right one (you can continue if you pick
the wrong one), go into the door you found. Click on the floor
below the altar. You will find a "Dagger" but watch out, you
will need to click on the door you came in or else you will
be killed. Go back to the main hall after you have escaped.

Go to SECTION 15.

15 - Make your way to the fountain room, where Professor
Barton is or was. Now that you know about the trap door,
click on the second tree to the right of the fountain to use
the valve and drain the fountain. Click on where the trap
door is and descend the ladder.

If you are trying to get ending A, go to SECTION 16.
If you are trying to get ending B, go to SECTION 17.
If you are trying to get ending C, go to SECTION 18.
If you are trying to get ending D, go to SECTION 19.

16 - The "A" Ending. Walk to the end of the passage and
enter the room. You'll find Scissorman as who he really is,
then he'll chase you. Run across the bridge to the altar.
Put the statue down on the altar. The "Door" will open and
Jennifer will utter the "Door Spell." N-ha Ee Sh* When
Scissorman grabs you, click up on the inventory, and use the
Dagger on Scissorman, he'll go flying into the door. That's it.
Just watch the ending. Scenario ends. Game over.

17 - The "B" Ending. Walk to the end of the passage and enter
the room. You'll find Scissorman as who he really is, then
he'll chase you. Run across the bridge to the altar. Put the
statue down on the altar. The "Door" will open and Jennifer
will utter the "Door Spell." N-ha Ee Sh* You will be grabbed
by Scissorman, but you can't escape. That's it. Just watch the
ending. Scenario ends. Game over.

18 - The "C" Ending. Walk to the end of the passage and enter
the room. Watch the video. Scenario ends. Game over.

19 - The "D" Ending. You will find Edward in the tunnel. Sit
back and watch the ending. Scenario ends. Game over.


Locations Of People:

For the last scenario, the important thing is to find all the
people in the scenario. Here is the list of where people are
in this scenario.

Harris - He is in the Chapel Library.

Nolan - He is in the room with all the dead children.

Tim - He is in the lounge room by the fireplace.

Gotts - He is in the torture room.

Professor Barton - He is in the garden/fountain room

Edward - In the room under the fountain.

Helen - In the box you need the box key for in the storeroom.

Beth - She is in the wine cellar, which is under a hollow floor
board in the room Harris comes out of. (The food storage room
next to the kitchen.)

Kay - Underground with Edward


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Stair Key - Needed to get upstairs, found in the coats in the
clergy room.

Foreign Note - The door spell. Found in the chapel library.

Star Plate - Needed to pick the right path. In the Church Hall.

Candle - Needed to find the map. In the torture room.

Library Key - Needed to get into the Library. Found in a mouse
hole in the master bedroom.

Mansion Key - Needed to get past the metal gate. Given to you
by Beth.

Copper Book - Book needed to get to the hidden library. Found
in the bed in the Servant's Quarters.

Door Spell - Needed to kill Scissorman. Translated foreign

Box Key - Used to free Helen. Found in the stone coffin in the
store room.

Rope - Used to free Helen. Found on the shelf in the storeroom.

Genealogy - Information on the Barrows. Found in the upstairs

Matches - Needed to light the candle, get them off Tim.

Mansion Map - Used to find the path underground. Inside the

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor-
A. Church - Clothing rack in the clergy room.
B. Sitting Room - Comes out of fireplace if you search the
table sometimes.

2nd Floor -
A. Lounge Room - The Burrows painting on the wall. Sometimes
when you look at it Scissorman will jump out.

Basement -
A. Wine Cellar - Sometimes there instead of Beth.

Any Floor -
A. If you stand around for too long hey may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With.

1st Floor -
A. Church - Clergy Room - Rack of Robes.
B. Church Library - The Books.
C. Torture Chamber - Nail Wall.
D. Sitting Room - Jug, but he knocks it away
E. Sitting Room - Fire stoke to right side of fireplace
F. Smashed room - drop
G. Door to no where - drop
H. Servants quarters - closet
I. Kitchen - Pot on the head (bench)
J. Kitchen - Frying pan over the head (wall under cabinet)
K. Store room off Kitchen - Box

2nd Floor -
A. Master Bedroom - Sheet
B. Master Bedroom - Closet

2.14 - Scenario 3 - Barrows Mansion - Helen Maxwell

This is where it gets confusing. You can earn 4 endings here,
so the guide is split up into paths for ease of ending choice.
Game on!

1 - After being left alone in the hallway, go out the door to
find yourself in the main hall. Go upstairs and go into the
door on the left side of the back wall. Once inside you will
be the master bedroom. Click on the night stand in-between the
two beds. A mouse will scuttle across and into the left wall.
Go over to the wall and search the area where the mouse went
to. You will be told about the hole and that there is
something in the hole. Search again to move the desk, then
search yet again to get the "Library Key."

2 - Go out to the main hall and downstairs. Go into the door
on left rear wall (this will be directly below the master
bedroom). You will be in a sitting room with paintings on the
walls. At the back wall will be a small table search it for
the "Mansion Key." Once you have done that go out the opposite
door. You will now be in what I will refer to as Hallway 1.
The first 3 doors (left to right) are the Servant's Quarters,
The Garden, and Hallway 2 door. Go into the first door which
is the Servant's Quarters. Open the desk and get attacked by
the hand. Pound on square to get it off you. Grab the quill
on the desk (You'll see it in the camera angle) and stab it.
Search the draw again and you'll get the clue about going in
the fireplace. Now go to the bed, and look under the covers
and you'll find the "Copper Book." Click again to get the book.

If you are trying to get endings A, or B, go to SECTION 3.
If you are trying to get ending C, go to SECTION 4.
If you are trying to get ending D, go to SECTION 5.

3 - Now that you have the fireplace clue, return to the
master bedroom, and use the flashlight on the fireplace (Only
use the light on the fireplace ONCE, otherwise you will die in
a weird way, okay you may want to do it once to look at it).
After using the flashlight you'll be told the batteries are
dead. Head back to Hallway 1. Go into the third door and into
Hallway 2. Go into the only door down this hallway, which leads
to the kitchen, and you'll meet Harris. He'll give you the
"Fireplace key". (If you aren't trying to get ending C, DO NOT
USE IT. I will tell you when to use it for the C ending). Go
through the door Harris does and inspect the floor. Then search
the shelves and flick the switch. Go down the hole in the floor,
then try to return up the ladder. You will hear a noise. Search
the racks to find Tim, talk to him. Now return to Hallway 1.
Use the mansion key on the grate door. Head past the stairs and
into the door. Once inside this storeroom you can find Nolan
in the stone coffin. Search his tape recorder on the floor and
you'll get "Batteries" for your flashlight. Go back to the
master bedroom and use the flashlight again, and you'll
receive the "Door Spell."


4 - Go into the third door in Hallway 1. This leads into
Hallway 2. Go into the only door down this hallway, which leads
to the kitchen, and you'll meet Harris. He'll give you the
"Fireplace Key" which you will need to get the C ending.


5 - Go into the store room where you find Nolan, and search
the chest on the right side of the room for the "Lead Balls"
in it. If you came down and got the batteries for the torch
in the A or B endings, you can do this then.

If you are trying to get endings A, B, or D, go to SECTION 7.
If you are trying to get ending C, go to SECTION 6.

6 - Beside the master bedroom is a lounge with a locked
fireplace. Unlock it with the key Harris gave you. (ONLY IF YOU
WANT THE C OR D ENDINGS!) Then crawl through. From where you
arrive, proceed to your right, and you will enter the church,
and see Jennifer get killed. Scissorman will exit. Go into the
door to the right of the church, and enter the first door down
this hall. You will be in the chapel library. Search the shelf
just to the left of the door (the one with the ladder) to find
HINT10. Then go back out and exit the church to the south (you
will find the click point at the bottom front of the screen),
and you'll be back in the main hall.

Go to SECTION 7.

7 - Go back to the main hall (if your not already there). On
the top floor, along the left wall is an open doorway (it had
bars across it before you used the Mansion Key on the one
downstairs) go through it. This is Hallway 3. Go into the first
door to find yourself in a library/office type room with the
fire going. You can search the desk (click on the chair) to get
a note that (is also a hint) which will come in handy later.
Go into the back room (the real library) and make your decision
from there.

If you are trying to get endings A, B, or C go to SECTION 8.
If you are trying to get ending D, go to SECTION 9.

8 - On the top of one of the bookcases, is a box. Use the
stepladder, and grab it. You now have the "Wooden box." Now go
back into the office, and throw the wooden box into the fire.
You'll get the "Cosmetic Key." Return back into the library
room where you got the box.


9 - Examine the scratches on the floor. Then use the copper
book on the bookcase with a missing book. Enter the "Path" room.
Drop the lead balls down the pits. DO NOT GO DOWN THE PITS THAT
YOU HEAR A WATER SOUND. If you do you will die a horrible "Oh
my god, they killed Kenny!" rat eaten death. Instead, go down
the one pit that has a "dry" sound. After following the path,
you will arrive in a room where you will find Gotts. He will
give you a "Pistol." After you talk exit the room. You will be
in Hallway 3.

If you are trying to get endings A, B, or D, go to SECTION 10.
If you are trying to get ending C, go to SECTION 13.

10 - Go back out into the main hall (It would be wise to save
here in case you stuff up). Use the revolver on the locked
church door. (The HUGE door at the bottom right area of the
main hall, the one with the oversized padlock.) You'll see
Jennifer up on a cross, and Scissorman will come out... the
next part is very important.

If you are trying to get ending A, or D go to SECTION 11.
If you are trying to get ending B, go to SECTION 12.

11 - Right when Scissorman comes out to kill Jennifer, you
have about 3 seconds to click on him with the revolver. (If
you don't do this right Jennifer will die and you will NOT
BE ABLE TO GET THE A OR D ENDING, so reload your saved game
from 10 and try again.) If you do it correctly, you'll make
Scissorman go away. After Jennifer is safe, go and talk to
Barton in the back room where Scissorman when to.

If you went for the D ending then it's GAME OVER
If not, go to SECTION 13.

12 - You'll see the Jennifer on the Cross sequence. Oh well
she died, real amazing.

Go to SECTION 13.

13 - Return into the church. Go into the door to the right of
the church, and enter the first door down this hall. You will
be in the chapel library. Search the bookshelf just to the left
of the door to find HINT10. Go back to the hall outside the
chapel library, but go into the other door. The is the priests
room. Open the "Cosmetics box" with the key and you will get
the "Mansion Map." You will find that there is a trapdoor in
the fountain room. Go there now.

Go to SECTION 14.

14 - Now that you know about the trap door, click on the
second tree to the right of the fountain to use the valve and
drain the fountain. Click on where the trap door is and descend
the ladder.

If you are trying to get ending A, go to SECTION 15.
If you are trying to get ending B, go to SECTION 16.
If you are trying to get ending C, go to SECTION 17.

15 - The "A" Ending. Walk to the end of the passage and enter
the room. You'll find Scissorman as who he really is, then
he'll chase you. Run across the bridge to the altar. Put the
statue down on the altar. The "Door" will open and Helen will
utter the "Door Spell." N-ha Ee Sh* That's it. Just watch the
ending. Scenario ends. Game over.

16 - The "B" Ending. Walk to the end of the passage and enter
the room. You'll find Scissorman as who he really is, then he'll
chase you. Run across the bridge to the altar. Put the statue
down on the altar. The "Door" will open and Helen will utter the
"Door Spell." N-ha Ee Sh* That's it. Just watch the ending.
Scenario ends. Game over.

17 - The "C" Ending. You'll descend and enter the passage.
That's it. Just watch the ending. Scenario ends. Game over.


Locations Of People:

For the last scenario, the important thing is to find all the
people in the scenario. Here is the list of where people are
in this scenario.

Harris - He is in the Kitchen... he will come out of the food
storage room and give you the Fireplace key.

Nolan - He is in a stone coffin, in the storeroom.

Tim - He is in the wine cellar, which is under a hollow floor
board in the room Harris comes out of. (The food storage room
next to the kitchen.)

Gotts - He is in the room with all the dead children. To get
to him, you'll have to take the "dry path."

Professor Barton - If you kill the fake Scissorman in the
church, you'll find him there. If you don't kill the fake
Scissorman in the church, then he'll be under the fountain.

Edward - In the room under the fountain.

Jennifer - In the church.

Beth - In one of the areas where you can loose Scissorman. Off
Hallway 4.

Kay - Underground with Edward


Tips To Survive - A collection of information for this level.

Items You Can Find - Items To Be Picked Up In This Scenario.

Library Key - Needed to get into the Library. Found in a mouse
hole in the master bedroom.

Mansion Key - Needed to get past the metal gate. Found on a
counter in the sitting room.

Copper Book - Book needed to get to the hidden library. Found
in the bed in the Servant's Quarters.

Batteries - Needed for the torch. In Nolan's tape recorder in
the store room.

Door Spell - Needed to kill Scissorman. Found in the fireplace
of the master bedroom.

Fireplace Key - Given to you by Harris. Only use it if your
going for ending C.

Lead Balls - Needed to find the "Dry Path" Are found in the
chest in the store room.

Wooden Box - Contains the cosmetic key. Found in the upstairs

Cosmetic Key - Inside the wooden box, is used on the cosmetic

Pistol - Used for shooting Scissorman. You get it off Gotts.

Mansion Map - Used to find the path underground. Inside the
cosmetic box.

Places To Find Scissorman

1st Floor-
A. Church - Clothing rack in the clergy room.
B. Hallway 4 - After you find Beth in the room, she will be
attacked and you will have to fend off Scissorman.
C. Sitting Room - Comes out of fireplace if you search the
table sometimes.

2nd Floor -
A. Lounge Room - The Burrows painting on the wall. Sometimes
when you look at it Scissorman will jump out.

Basement -
A. Wine Cellar - Sometimes there instead of Tim.

Any Floor -
A. If you stand around for too long hey may come. He comes
after a certain amount of time anyway.

Places To Hide From Scissorman/Things To Attack With.

1st Floor -
A. Church - Clergy Room - Rack of Robes.
B. Church Library - The Books.
C. Torture Chamber - Nail Wall.
D. Sitting Room - Jug, but he knocks it away
E. Sitting Room - Fire stoke to right side of fireplace
F. Smashed room - drop
G. Door to no where - drop
H. Servants quarters - closet
I. Kitchen - Pot on the head (bench)
J. Kitchen - Frying pan over the head (wall under cabinet)
K. Store room off Kitchen - Box

2nd Floor -
A. Master Bedroom - Sheet

3.0 - M A P S

Just so people don't get confused, "L" means Locked.


~University Research Building 1st Floor~

__________ | |-||| | ________
\ | | 3 |- | | |
| 2 | |__/__| ___|____| 4 |
| | L | | |LIFT| |
|_______/__|____/____| | |____|_/______|
| |
L\ 1 \L

1 - Hallway 1F
2 - Store Room
3 - 1st Floor Toilets
4 - Security Office

~University Research Building 2nd Floor~

____________________| |-||| | ________
| 6 \ | 3 |- | | |
|__________| 5 |__/__| ___|____| 4 |
L | | | |LIFT| |
_______/__|____/____| | |____|_/______|
| | |
L\ 1 / 2 |

1 - Hallway 2F
2 - Waiting Room
3 - 2nd Floor Toilets
4 - Office
5 - Lab
6 - Treatment Room

~University Research Building 3rd Floor~
____________________| |-||| | ________
| | | 3 |- | | |
| 6 | 5 |__/__| ___|____| 2 |
| | L | | |LIFT| |
| ______/__|____/____| | |____| |
| | | |
L\ 4 \ 1 / |
|____________________|________________|___ ____|

1 - Hallway 3F
2 - Computer Room
3 - 3rd Floor Toilets
4 - Lounge Hallway
5 - Men's Lounge
6 - Woman's Lounge

~Rick's House 1st Floor~

| 4 \ | | |
|__ ___| | | |
|______| 2 | | 6 |_/_
| 3 \ | 1 \ | |
|__ ___| | |_______| |
|______|_/_| | ||||||| |
| \ 5 |

1 - Main Living Room
2 - Hallway 1F
3 - Bathroom
4 - Laundry
5 - Entranceway
6 - Kitchen

~Rick's House 2nd Floor~

| 3 |
| | |
| 2 | |
|_/________________| 4 |
| 1 / |
|______________ |_________|
| |

1 - Hallway 2F
2 - Lounge
3 - Balcony
4 - Bedroom

~Library 1st Floor~

| 4 |
| | | | 2 |
|_6_/| | |/______|
| | 5 | 3 | |
| 7 | | / 1 \

1 - Entrance
2 - Office
3 - Library
4 - Hallway
5 - Reading Room
6 - Mr. Sullivan's Office
7 - Collection Room

~Library 2nd Floor~
___________ _________
| | ||||| |
| 2 \ 1 |

1 - Stairwell
2 - Clock Tower

~Barrows Mansion 1st Floor~
| | | | |
| \ 10 \ 11 | 12 |
| 9 ||||||_______/____/____/__| | |
| | | | | | | |
| | 8 | | | |___/________|___/______|
|_______/_| | | | 7 | |
Dead End^ |_/_______| | | | |
| | 4 | 5 |____| ------------- |
| | | | | |||| |||| |
| 3 | | | 6 | -----|_|----- |
| / | | | |_| |
|_________|__/_|__/__|_/__| |_| To The\
| | 1 | | Church/
DROP --> \ 2 \ |

1 - Main Hall
2 - Hallway 4
3 - Kitchen
4 - Hallway 2
5 - Garden/Fountain
6 - Empty Room (Hole to escape from Scissorman here)
7 - Servant's Quarters
8 - Kitchen Storeroom
9 - Storeroom
10 - Hallway 1
11 - Sitting Room
12 - Entrance

~Barrows Mansion 2nd Floor~
| | |
_________ | | |
| | | 11 | 12 |
____|||||| 6 |__________| | |
| | |_/__| | | |
| | | | | |___/_______|__/________|
| \ | 10 | 9 | |
| 4 | |_____| | |
|__ | 5 | |_/__| ------------- |
| | | | | |||||| |||||| |
|_/____| | 7 | 8 | -----|_|----- |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |__/_|__/__|_/__| | | | | |
| 3 | | | | |
| \ 2 \ | 1 | |

1 - Main Hall 2F
2 - Hallway 3
3 - Ghost Room
4 - Porch
5 - Hallway 5
6 - 2F Stairwell
7 - Garden/Fountain 2F
8 - Study/Office
9 - Main Library
10 - Path Room
11 - Master Bedroom
12 - Lounge Room

~Barrows Mansion Church~

| | |
| / 2 |
| | |
| |__________|
| 1 | |
| / 3 |
| | |
| | |
| \ |
/ To The Main | 5 |
\ Hall 1F | |
| 4 | |

1 - Church Hallway
2 - Clergy Room
3 - Library
4 - Main Church Hall
5 - Torture Chamber

4.0 - ? ? ? O P T I O N E X P L O R E D

Besides the Play as Scissorman question, the other question I get
often is what is the "???" Option, and how do I earn it? So seeing
as so many people asked about it I am here to explain how to get
it, and what you will find inside.

4.1 - E A R N I N G ? ? ?

There is a little confusion as to how you earn the ??? option.
Various cheat sources around the net say earn the 2 best endings
for each character (ie. The A Endings). What I found is that you
have to earn all the endings to unlock the option.

But, and here's the but, I've had people say they got all the
endings, but it still won't unlock. All I can say is that make
sure you pick up all the hints, get all the endings, and hopefully
the option will unlock.

Overall, the next section will explain what is in the ??? Option,
and it is from that you can decide if it's worth persuing the option
any farther than just seeing all the endings.

4.2 - I N S I D E ? ? ?

So you've gotten the ??? Option. What will you find inside? Or you
want to know if it's worth earning. Well, really, it's not all that

- Option 1 - Pictures - Inside this selection you will find some
art work of various area and character development sketches and
overall nice images. Other than the 40-odd images of settings and
people, there is nothing more to this.

- Option 2 - Sounds - Slightly more interesting is a collection of
5 sounds from the game, all about a minute long.

The main Clock Tower remix tune that is used during the end credits.

Scissormans attack music.

The reprised edition of his attack music

An interesting soung made of various muck arounds from the voice
actors for Clock Tower (mainly the one doing Gotts' voice).

And last is a longer version of Little John From The Castle,
including some lovely words.

Little John From The Big Castle.

Little John From The Big Castle,
Play's with a little boy,
Snip, snip, snip, off goes his head,
Bright red, bright red.

Little John From The Big Castle,
Play's with a little girl,
Stab, stab, stab, she looses her sight,
Bright white, bright white,*

Little John From The Big Castle,
Found another friend,
Slash, slash, slash, straight to his tummy,
Out his sides, red and yummy**

*It's either Bright White, or Bright Light
**I still can't work out what is said, I'm guessing it's yummy (it
sounds like it and it rhymes with tummy)

Eventually, I plan to get MP3's of these up at my page (they are
sitting on my computer, and I just haven't gotten around to
putting them up) and also screens of all the images in the Screens
section of the ??? option. Check out my page
( to see if I did eventually get them
up there.

5.0 - U N K N O W N I N F O/T H I N G S T O A D D

Well I can't think of much right now, but added info to
Scissorman's hiding attacking places, and what you can use
would be good. Other than that I don't think there is anything to
add to this.

6.0 - F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S

This is where I post up questions that I get from people. If you
have a question on Clock Tower that you want answered, email me at with your question.

Q - Can you play as Scissorman? Gamesages says you can, but I can't
do it. Can you tell me how? (To the 50 or so people who asked)

A - You can't play as Scissorman. The trick is a load of crap.

Q - Cleaning out a stack of old stuff I had, a came across some old
magazines. In one issue of Next Generation from August 1997 was a 3
page "game info" advertisement for Clock Tower. On the second page
it outlined some of the secrets that Clock Tower had. At the bottom
of this section it said:

"Also, when you've completed all ten endings, you have the power to
go back and start the game over, there will be another new option
called BUYOBUBYO (I won't give away what this does, but believe me,
it's cool)."

Can you tell me what this "BUYOBUBYO" secret is, because I have no

A: According to what I was told at Agetec, it was taken out of the
game. As to what it did and why it was taken out I have no idea.

Q - Hi. I tried the Invincble game shark code for Clock Tower 1
but it doesn't work. I know you said that you have to turn the Game
Shark off to open doors or use switches. I did that, and the code
still didn't work. Is there something wrong with the code, or did
I do something wrong?

A - Most chances are that you saw the code for Clock Tower 2 Japan
(Which is Clock Tower 1 USNTSC and PAL) or the codes for CT2: The
Stuggle Within. I haven't seen any codes for Clock Tower that were
of much use. Also with the GameShark codes it might be the version
of the GameShark you are using, though I doubt this for the age of
game, though you never know. For more support on codes you should
try the GSCCC ( or Interacts page
( for offical support.

Q - Who is scissorman and does it turn out that there were two of
them the brothers?

A - Scissorman is (or was) 2 brothers, though one was killed in
Clock Tower for Super Famicom (a.k.a. SNES). They were 2 'evil'
twins that liked to kill children, named Bobby Barrows and Dan

Q - You mentioned a fake scissorman in your walkthrough, whats the
deal with the fake guy, is he immortal too and who is he?

A - Depending on which game you play the fake Scissorman can be
either 3 things. Prof. Barton, Harris, or there can be no fake one
found. The real one is Edward, the young boy, who is really Dan

Q - Why was there a scissorman mask and scissorman shears on display
at the univiversity if it was supposedly burned up in that fire long

A - The Scissors are replicas, and the mask was from a party store.
The masks are popular because of Scissorman hype, kinda like those
Scream "Ghostface" masks if you want to think of it in that way.
The thing that gets me is only one pair is ever explained and I
assume the fake Scissormen (Prof. Barton or Harris) used them seeing
as they had access to the mask and the scissors from the lab. I just
wonder where Edward got and kept his scissoman gear that still
puzzles me.

Q - Whats the devil statue's role in the game?

A - The devil statue opens the door along with the Door Spell to
exorcise Scissorman. Placing the statue unlocks the access to the
door and the door spell opens it.

Q - Are you going to do an General FAQ for Clock Tower 2: The
Struggle Within?

A - Well I was planning on doing so, but after playing the game
right through I'm not so sure. I don't really like it that much at
all. I started on one, but it's been sitting there for a while.
I also want to do one for First Fear, but the Japanese kanji will
be a real killer.

7.0 - L E G A L I N F O

Just the legal tie up's that are too big to put at the top.

This walkthrough is Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Rob McGregor.

You may not modify it in anyway for use on web pages (in any forms
such as HTML) without asking me first. It may only be distributed
only in its entire, unmodified form otherwise. I'm probably going
to say no to a HTML version seeing as I have my own page already

Permission is not granted for anyone to "update" any of my
work, be it changing details, or add things to an already
existing walkthrough.

Failure to comply with any or all of these rules could
result in legal action.

A small disclaimer...

If I'm wrong about something that is a fact, let me know.
If I'm wrong about something that is my opinion, then you
can let me know your opinion in a nice manor. Just remember
that it's my opinion and I can't be wrong about it.

This walkthrough is not authorized by, endorsed, or
associated in any way with Human Entertainment Ltd. or
any associated or affiliated company. This walkthrough should
not be confused with any publication that is distributed by
Human Entertainment Ltd. or any associated or affiliated
company. Clock Tower, all characters locations etc. (c) & TM
Human Entertainment Ltd. (c) & published by Agetec/Ascii
Entertainment Ltd.

8.0 - C R E D I T S / P E O P L E T O T H A N K

I will take the time to thank those individuals who helped me
with the guide.

Tom Walton for giving me space at his site Survival Horror Extreme
to put my Clock Tower page back up. It can be found at or

VideoWorks Dunedin, for pointing me in the direction of where
to get a disk resurfaced. Kudos to the guy who said turn it
sideways and stick it up your candy ass. Bloody try-hard
comedians/The Rock wannabes, get some original lines.

The small scenario guides at written by SoLaR
and Lenore. They were a good basis when I first got this game.

The codes from Gamesages, that were of little help, but still
trying to play as Scissorman is rather stupid.

The GamesMaster and staff at AGETEC for putting up with my
pointless questions on a dated game.

Likewise to all the regulars at the forum at AGETEC,
especially Debbie, Derek, and "Scissorman," Dan and Bobby
Barrows who helped my in my quest for knowledge.

All the people who supported me in making my CT webpage and
all other pages I have made. Especially CinemaGirl for all
those wonderful questions on the cursor colours.

All the people who joined Resident Evil Sitez
( If you have RE page,
big or small, e-mail me about joining up with RE Sitez.
Free Advertising : - )

Somebody and Pure Evil, of New-Evil for giving me the
chance to make a web page with out letting my lack of
skills at first stopping them from letting me.

Punisher of Evil Gaming Network (EGN) for allowing me to
work, well, write my opinions and Evil Gaming news there.

President Evil for telling me that I could do well with my
page, giving me a few writing hints and allowing me to use
his Silent Hill Plot Summary at Streets Of Silent Hill.

All the people that submitted fanfucs... ehh, fanfics to my
page. Especially Jill and Crankshaft... who have also
supported my endeavors, how ever small and stupid they are.

Crankshaft again for the RE3 files that saved my butt,
and slaving away at them for an entire morning. At
least Nemesis gave you those Eagle Parts finally.

R@mmy and all the guys at the BIOHAZARDextreme message
boards, the best boards I've been to.

Andrew M. For his continual positive attitude. Keep on
gaming... and thanks for finishing FF8 for me :-)

Everyone else who has helped with this guide.

My dog if I had one.

All the other writers out on the net who do the excellent
work that we all love. You guys and gals are the stuff
that make us lowelys try to write very well and look like
asses when we do. I doth thy hat to my chest.

Anyone I may have missed... please don't kill me. Contact
me, and you will be added.

If you want to see this guide in HTML form with cool stuff
and images and such (oh goody!), check out my CT page at

Time to plug my other pages on Resident Evil

Resident Evil: A New Blood - Guide to future RE games at -

Streets Of Silent Hill -

Resident Evil Sitez - The nets biggest list of Resident
Evil/Biohazard Websites at -

That's it... that's the end of this walkthrough. If you
have any other questions, comments, suggestion, info to
be included etc. please contact me at

Clock Tower 2 FAQ Coming Soon.... Perhaps.
Clock Tower First Fear.... maybe.... if I can figure the
game out better. Damn kanji.

- Rob
"I would rather believe the truth of my eyes than the
words of the spoken." - Original dumbass quote

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The first Fear

02.Октябрь 2013
US Version: Game komplett mit allen Enden.

16.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Scenario 2 FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Scenario 1 FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013
FAQ zu Szenario 1
engl. FAQ 1
13.Май 2008
FAQ zu Szenario 2
engl. FAQ 2
13.Май 2008
FAQ zu Szenario 3
engl. FAQ 3
13.Май 2008
engl. Tip
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019