Thrill Kill

Thrill Kill

24.09.2013 14:12:20

***Thrill Kill Faq Version 0.1***
Composed by Goob
e-mail -
Copyright 1999


Introduction - <0.0>

Basic Moves - <1.0>

Key - <2.0>

Throws - <3.0>

Character Moves - <4.0>
<4.0> - Tormentor
<4.1> - Oddball
<4.2> - Belladonna
<4.3> - Dr. Faustus
<4.4> - Imp
<4.5> - Violet
<4.6> - Mammoth
<4.7> - Cleetus
<4.8> - Cain
<4.9a> - Judas
<4.9b> - Marukka

Secrets - <5.0>

Credits - <6.0>

Introduction: <0.0>

Hello all! This is my first Thrill Kill faq. You may be wondering why I
would be making a faq for a game that doesn't "exist". Well, let me tell you
something, IT DOES! I have played it personally and I do understand Electronic
Arts (EA) reasons for cancelling this game. This game is so violent. Did I
mention that this game is VIOLENT? DON'T get me wrong, I would love to own
this game. It is awesome. It is the first four-player fighting game to have
ever graced the home console. But some of the stuff in this game is hardcore.
If you aren't seventeen or above you may not even want to read this faq. If
you are not offended by violent descriptions please read on. If you like violent
descriptions of people dying in very explicit ways, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP!
Also, if you have any comments, questions, or smart remarks, drop me a line at But please don't ask me where to get a copy of Thrill
Kill. I will just ignore you. Enjoy!


Thrill Kill has buttons similar to the Tekken series. (sort of) If you don't
like the button positioning, you can change it in the configure controller
option in the option screen. The buttons are as follows for a character facing

L2 = Crouch R2 = Nothing

L1 = Block R1 = Nothing

Up = Moves character up Triangle = Strong(er) punch

Left = Moves character back Square = Weak(er) punch

Right = Moves character forward Circle = Strong(er) kick

Down = Moves character down Eks(X) = Weak(er) kick

Select = Nothing Start = Pauses the game

Note: In most instances, these buttons apply. But it varies between some
characters. So strong(er) SHOULD be stronger than weak(er). But not
always. For one thing, Judas doesn't even have legs so he doesn't have
a weak(er) or strong(er) kick. He just has two sets of punches. Same
with Mammoth.

Key: <2.0>

This is the key. These are also the abbreviations I will be using:

Triangle = [T] Square = [SQ]

Circle = [C] Eks(X) = [X]

DtF = Down to forward movement on the control pad

DtU = Down to forward to up movement on the control pad

DtB = Down to forward to up to back movement on the control pad

[SQ]+[X] = The plus sign in the middle means to push at SAME time

F, D, U, B = Forward, down, up, and back respectively

**NOTE** When in the move list, if it says to hold F+D or B+D during a Thrill
Kill, It means RIGHT+DOWN or LEFT+DOWN. Sorry for any confusion.

*Kill Meter* = This is the reason Thrill Kill is so great. This tells you
when you can kill someone. A round in Thrill Kill starts out with four
characters in the level. The character that dishes out the most punishment
will have his/her meter fill. And when it gets filled you get to do a kill.
You can only do normal kills in the first and second rounds. But after the
last round you get to do a Thrill Kill! (YES!) The buttons for the normal
kills will be in the Moves section but the Thrill Kills will be in the
Character Moves list.

*How to do a Thrill Kill* Right after you kill the last character in the
level, it will show you all alone in the arena. You must hold the Thrill
Kill buttons BEFORE you are struck with lightning. After you are struck,
you can let go of the buttons and watch the killing begin!

Throws: <3.0>

These following moves every body has. Don't worry though, each character
does these moves differently.

*Basic Throw 1* - This is done by every character in the game. You can do
this from both the front and back of a character. Press [SQ]+[X].

*Basic Throw 2* - This can also be done from the front and back. Press

*The Hold Throw* - This throw is used for multiplayer only. What has to be
done is you need to get BEHIND a character and press [T]+[C]. What will
happen is you will grab the opponent from behind and restrict them from
moving. You can also move them around with the control pad. What is great
about this is that both characters involved in the beating of the character
(the one holding and the one beating) get a little bit of charge to the
Kill Meter. You can do this in a single match but what good would that do?

*The Swap Throw* - This throw is used mostly for when you are running away
from a character that has his/her Kill Meter full. It is sweet to have
someone chasing after you to kill you and just throw another person in the
way instead. It can also be used to turn the character backwards to grab
them. You need to be in FRONT of a character and press [SQ]+[C].

*The Wall Throw* - This throw is used to slam a character into a wall for
extra hits in a combo. Not everyone has a wall throw. It is just a
Basic Throw 1 or 2 from either front or back.

Character Moves: <4.0>



[X] - medium kick [SQ] - straight jab

F,[X] - medium knee F,[SQ] - elbow smash

F,B,[X] - spin kick F,B,[SQ] - gut punch

F,F,[X] - running knee DtF,[SQ] - charged punch

L2+[X] - straight leg F,Dtf,[SQ] - charged uppercut

F,F,[SQ] - running shoulder

L2+[SQ] - low jab

[C] - side straight kick [T] - chain slash

F,[C] - snap kick F,[T] - spinning chain slash

F,B,[C] - sweep kick F,B,[T] - back and forth snap

Dtf,[C] - ax kick DtF,[T] - guilty lashes

F,F,[C] - running knee DtU,[T] - chain twirl through

L2+[C] - sweep DtB,[T] - lasso threat

F,F,[T] - running shoulder

F,B,F,[T] - nut cracker

L2+[T] - chain punch

[X]+[SQ] - neck slice ***Thrill Kills***
[C]+[T] - punishment
[T]+[X] - taunt *Chain Decapitation* - Default
[SQ]+[C] - swap places Puts chain on neck and pulls,
sending head to the ground.
*Body Splitter* - [T]+[C]
Cuts in half with mighty
blow to the torso.
*Raising Hell* - [SQ]+[C]+U
Chains come from off screen
and pull limbs of of character.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [C]+[X]+L1+B

*Fever Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+F



[X] - forward high kick [SQ] - head jab

F,[X]- psycho side kick F,[SQ] - rising shoulder

F,B,[X] - ax kick F,B,[SQ] - super rising shoulder

DtF,[X] - suicide drop DtF,[SQ] - front roll escape

DtB,[X] - slow leg sweep DtU,[SQ] - neck breaker

F,F,[X] - running spin kick F,F,[SQ] - suicide spin

L2+[X] - straight kick L2+[SQ] - headbutt

[C] - mental roundhouse [T] - headbutt

F,[C] - spinning ax kick F,[T] - spinning headbutt

F,B,[C] - psycho spin F,B,[T] - suicide throw

DtF,[C] - flipped out DtF,[T] - back roll escape

DtB,[C] - windmill DtU,[T] - head case

F,F,[C] - running spin kick F,F,[T] - running body spin

L2+[C] - spin sweep L2+[T] - rising headbutt

*DtU,[X]or[T]or[C] - losing it (press control pad to headbutt)

Throws: ***Thrill Kills***

[SQ]+[X] - butt swap *Kick Off* - Default
[C]+[T] - neck twister Jumps on characters head then
F,B,[SQ]+[X] - donkey kick kicks it clean off.
[SQ]+[C] - where did you go *Sit and Spin* - L1+B
[T]+[SQ] - lost it Jumps on shoulders and then he
spins until head comes off.
*Corkscrew* - [SQ]+[C]+[X]
Kicks them into the air and
jumps into them, killing them.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [C]+[X]+L1+F

*Butt Bump* - [SQ]+[C]+[X]+L1+U



[X] - quick thrust [SQ] - straight jab

F,[X] - knee thrust F,[SQ] - back slap

F,B,[X] - forward heel flip DtF,[SQ] - bitch slap

DtF,[X] - ball kick DtU,[SQ] - rising prod spin

DtU,[X] - forward cartwheel F,F,[SQ] - running prod swing

F,F,[X] - running splits L2+[SQ] - low slap

L2+[X] - low leg jab

[T] - prod slash

[C] - side kick F,[T] - prod poke

F,[C] - vegas vertical F,B,[T] - overhead prod slam

F,B,[C] - splits kick DtF,[T] - prod swing

DtF,[C] - slap kick DtU,[T] - rising prod spin

DtU,[C] - backwards cartwheel F,F,[T] - running prod swing

DtB,[C] - triple attack L2+[T] - prod smash

F,F,[C] - running splits

L2+[C] - rising kick ***Thrill Kills***

*Choke the Prod* - Default
Throws: Rams the cattle prod right down
their necks causing an explosion.
[SQ]+[X] - crotch crush *Do It Yourself* - [SQ]+B
[C]+[T] - slap and tickle Gives the cattle prod and coaxes
[C]+[SQ] - swap places them into zapping themselves.
[X]+[T] - moan *Go Down* - [SQ]+[C]+L1+D
This one wasn't supposed to be in
the game. Too bad for the ESRB.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [T]+[X]+L1

*Macarena Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+L1

**Dr. Faustus**


[X] - quick kick [SQ] - jab punch

F,[X] - crane stance F,[SQ] - small uppercut

F,[X],[X] - crane kick F,B,[SQ] - dog bite shake

F,B,[X] - front lunge kick DtF,[SQ] - dog maul

F,F,[X] - flying kick F,F,[SQ] - running trip

L2+[X] - front kick L2+[SQ] - straight jab

[C] - swing kick [T] - scalpel jab

F,[C] - spin kick F,[T] - scalpel uppercut

F,B,[C] - spinning sweep F,B,[T] - low incision

F,F,[C] - flying kick DtF,[T] - stomach stab

L2+[C] - flip DtU,[T] - 1000 stabs

DtB,[T] - surgery swing
F,F,[T] - running trip
[SQ]+[X] - surgery
[T]+[C] - turn around slap L2+[T] - uppercut
[C]+[SQ] - dance with me
[T]+[X] - sharpen the knife
***Thrill Kills***

*Mad Doctor* - Default
Bites of their head.
*Plasic Surgery* - [SQ]+L1
Puts a set of bear trap jaws
on the character, just like him.
*Shake 'n' Spit* - [C]+[X]+D
Grabs the character by the head
and shakes until they fall apart.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[T]+L1+F

*Scalpel Ballet* - [SQ]+[T]+[X]+L1+B



[X] - thrust kick [SQ] - tiny jab

F,[X] - rising knee F,[SQ] - chest jab

F,B,[X] - stilt stun F,B,[SQ] - gut punch

DtF,[X] - back flip kick DtF,[SQ] - charged punch

DtU,[X] - pommel horse DtU,[SQ] - lost balance

F,F,[X] - running slide F,F,[SQ] - running headbutt

L2+[X] - crouch kick L2+[SQ] - crouch jab

[C] - stilt spin kick [T] - 'lil push

F,[C] - stilt roundhouse F,[T] - hopping hammer

F,B,[C] - body drop kick F,B,[T] - ear slapper

DtF,[C] - forward flip kick DtF,[T] - mighty tiny uppercut

F,F,[C] - running slide DtU,[T] - lost balance

L2+[C] - spinning crouch sweep F,F,[T] - running headbutt

L2+[T] - 'lil uppercut

[SQ]+[X] - stilt to head ***Thrill Kills***
[T]+[C] - body whip
F,B,[SQ]+[X] - knee to the head *Stilt to the Head* - Default
F,B,[T]+[C] - stilt and spin Sticks the stilt in the their
[SQ]+[C] - swap places mouth and stomps.
[T]+[X] - 1,2 little punches *Body Possession* - [SQ]+D
DtF,[SQ]+[X] - riding on papa* Goes into their body, causes
*press [SQ] or [T] to hit. pain, then explodes out.
press [X] or [C] to get off. *Now Who's Tiny* - [T]+[X]+F
Shrinks the character and then
stomps on them.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[X]+L1+B

*Rump Shaker Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+D



[X] - front kick [SQ] - slap

F,[X] - fierce kick F,[SQ] - straight elbow

F,B,[X] - thrust float F,B,[SQ] - wind punch

DtF,[X] - chiropractor DtF,[SQ] - limb hit

DtU,[X] - split kick F,F,[SQ] - running hip rush
L2+[SQ] - straight jab
DtB,[X] - super fool waltz
[T] - backhand slap
F,F,[X] - running ball roll
F,[T] - corkscrew
L2+[X] - crouch kick
F,B,[T] - flex float

[C] - hyper heel DtF,[T] - super flex float

F,[C] - foot loose F,F,[T] - running hip rush
L2+[T] - uppercut
F,B,[C] - dislocating stun
***Thrill Kill***
DtF,[C] - cherry picker
*Spinal Adjustment* - Default
DtU,[C] - flex fury Grabs on and flips them into an
unnatural shape.
DtB,[C] - super foot waltz *Twister Kill* - [SQ]+[T]+[X]
Grabs and twists them into a
F,F,[C] - running ball roll pretzel. OUCH!
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[C]+L1+D
L2+[C] - tweaked crouch sweep
*Shake Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+L1+U


[SQ]+[X] - private pounder
[C]+[T] - violet hold*
*Grab the opponent again.
[X]+[T] - twister



[X] - head bash [SQ] - low jab

F,[X] - drum beater F,[SQ] - tree chopper

F,B,[X] - one arm slash F,B,[SQ] - jungle greeting

DtF,[X] - root shaker DtF,[SQ] - uprooted

DtU,[X] - gone ape DtU,[SQ] - jungle fury

DtF,DtF,[X] - swinging monkey F,F,[SQ] - running ape

F,F,[X] - running boulder L2+[SQ] - strech

L2+[X] - gym kick
[T] - two hand shove

[C] - shoulder tap F,[T] - double swing

F,[C] - head beating F,B,[T] - mosquito catcher

F,B,[C] - monkey kick F,B,F,[T] - jungle drummer

DtF,[C] - rolling boulder DtF,[T] - super float

DtU,[C] - banana slamma DtU,[T] - jungle fury

DtB,[C] - falling coconut F,F,[T] - running ape

F,F,[C] - running boulder L2+[T] - shoulder

L2+[C] - gym kick
***Thrill Kills***

Throws: *The BIG Punch* - Default
Whoa, BIG punch! Heh,heh.
[SQ]+[X] - triple head bash *Self Beating* - [T]+U
[C]+[T] - grab coconut* Rips off the arms and continues
*Press any punch or kick. to beat them. NICE!
F,B,[SQ]+[X] - gone bowling *Merry Go Round* - [SQ]+[C]+D
F,B,[C]+[T] - rag doll Grabs them by the legs and swings.
[SQ]+[C] - you go there You can guess what happens. NICE!
[T]+[X] - king of the jungle *Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[T]+[X]+U
*Monkey Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+L1



[X] - rattle snap kick [SQ] - stump stab

F,[X] - over the barb F,[SQ] - turning stump stab

F,B,[X] - hickory heel F,B,[SQ] - skipping elbow

DtF,[X] - 'round the barn DtF,[SQ] - dashing elbow

F,F,[X] - runnin 'round the barn DtU,[SQ] - backwoods beating

L2+[X] - low kick F,F,[SQ] - running shoulder

L2+[SQ] - stump jab
[C] - front snap kick

F,[C] - middle outhouse [T] - hickory hook

F,B,[C] - low outhouse F,[T] - southern swing

DtF,[C] - round outhouse F,B,[T] - down the stream

F,F,[C] - running 'round the barn DtF,[T] - moonshine

L2+[C] - sweep DtU,[T] - backwoods beating

F,B,F,[T] - stump squirt
F,F,[T] - running shoulder
[SQ]+[X] - arm on the cob
[C]+[T] - fillet 'o calf L2+[T] - crouching moonshine
F,B,[SQ]+[X] - lip lunch
[SQ]+[C] - doe see doe
[T]+[X] - feast ***Thrill Kills***

*Feasting* - Default
Cleetus jumps on and starts to
chow down on face.
*Fountain of You* - [T]+L1
Grabs head clean off and starts
to drink the blood.
*New Toy* - [SQ]+[T]+L1
Decides his old leg sucks so
he takes a fresh one. YUMMY!
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[C]+F+D

*Victory Dance* - [T]+[X]+L1+B+D

**NOTE** The following three characters are secret.
Look in the secrets section to find out how to unlock.



[X] - front kick [SQ] - jab punch

F,[X] - low front kick F,[SQ] - stomach swipe

F,B,[X] - power thrust kick F,B,[SQ] - two handed stun

DtF,[X] - uppercut kick DtF,[SQ] - power uppercut

DtU,[X] - backdraft DtU,[SQ] - flaming shoulder charge

F,F,[X] - running slide F,F,[SQ] - running flames

L2+[X] - kick L2+[SQ] - jab

[C] - side kick [T] - fire eater

F,[C] - spin kick F,[T] - turning flames

F,B,[C] - flame stomp F,B,[T] - dragon breath

DtF,[C] - ball of fire DtF,[T] - incinerator

DtU,[C] - quake of fire DtU,[T] - combustion

F,F,[C] - running slide F,F,[T] - running flames

L2+[C] - sweep L2+[T] - flame puff

Throws: ***Thrill Kills***

[SQ]+[X] - rear ignition *Blessed With Fire* - Default
[C]+[T] - cremation Just toasts 'em.
[C]+[SQ] - swap places *Light a Match* - [SQ]+[C]
[X]+[T] - light a match Throws a match and watches
the victim burn.
*Let's Be Friends* - [SQ]+[X]+L1
Shakes their hand. OOPS!
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[T]+B+D

*Chant Dance* - [T]+[X]+L1+F+D



[X] - fast chop or flip [SQ] - right jab or flip

F,[X] - slow chop F,[SQ] - cross punch

F,B,[X] - hand spring stun F,B,[SQ] - gut kick pile slam

DtF,[X] - drop kick DtF,[SQ] - friendly fight

DtU,[X] - multi backspin F,F,[SQ] - running clothesline

F,F,[X] - running clothesline L2+[SQ] - jab or flip

L2+[X] - pommel kick or flip
[T] - gut punch or flip

[C] - cross swipe or flip F,[T] - swinging gut punch

F,[C] - forward lunge punch F,B,[T] - gut kick pile slam

F,B,[C] - handspring stun DtF,[T] - power uppercut

DtF,[C] - rising power fist DtU,[T] - multi headspin

DtU,[C] - multi backspin F,F,[T] - running clothesline

F,F,[C] - running clothesline L2+[T] - left cross or flip

L2+[C] - drop kick or flip
***Thrill Kills***

Throws: *Ripper-Roo* - Default
Grabs and flips. OUCH!
[SQ]+[X] - triple elbow throw* *The Re-Arranger* - [T]+[X]+D
[SQ]+[X] - head grab and slam* Judas spins and changes the
*depends on which side is up. positions of the limbs.
[C]+[T] - handspring slam *Stretching the Limb-It* - [T]+[C]+[X]+U
[SQ]+[C] - swap places Weird. Punches them and the
[T]+[X] - clapping all hands the body stretches.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[C]+[X]+L1+B

*Running Man Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+L1+F



[X] - front kick [SQ] - demon slash

F,[X] - stomach stun kick F,[SQ] - shin slash

F,B,[X] - power front kick F,B,[SQ] - double hand slash

DtF,[X] - flying throw kick DtF,[SQ] - turn to stone

DtU,[X] - teleport DtU,[SQ] - wings of fury

F,F,[X] - running slide kick F,F,[SQ] - running charge

L2+[X] - kick L2+[SQ] - slash

[C] - sidekick [T] - uppercut slash

F,[C] - floating spin kick F,[T] - power uppercut

F,B,[C] - low sweep F,B,[T] - horn attack

DtF,[C] - rising power kick DtF,[T] - demon flap

DtU,[C] - teleport DtU,[T] - wings of fury

F,F,[C] - running slide kick F,F,[T] - running charge

L2+[C] - knock down L2+[T] - horn slide

Throws: ***Thrill Kills***

[SQ]+[X] - demon scratch *Mouth Full of Melon* - Default
[C]+[T] - flying toss Eats the head of the victim.
[C]+[SQ] - swap places *Deception Kill* - [X]+L1+F
[X]+[T] - taunt She acts like she is dead, and
when they turn around, OOPS!
*It's Better in a Hell Hole* - [C]+[X]+L1+B
Opens a hole to hell and takes
the victim with her. Listen.
*Thrill Kill Combo* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+U

*Thrill Her Dance* - [SQ]+[T]+[C]+[X]+L1+D

Secrets: <5.0>

There aren't really any secrets in this game, but there are a few tricks.

**Play as the Bosses**

Beat the game with anyone on medium, hard, and very hard difficulty mode to earn
Cain, Judas, and Marukka. It may be easier than this, but this is what I did. It
also helps not to use continues. You can't use Marukka in arcade mode.

**Unlocking the Arenas**

To unlock the Sacrificial Ruins and Dante's Cage, beat the game on hard and very
hard. It also may be easier than this, but this is what I did. After unlocking
the arenas, you can use them in practice, versus, and team modes.

**Hidden Outfits**

To get the hidden outfits, do ALL the practice moves with ALL the eight characters.
As far as I know, you can't get extra boss outfits. To wear the hidden outfits,
hold L1+L2 and then press [X] to select your character.

**Hidden Practice Dummy**

To get the Gimp, you need to do ALL the practice moves with ALL eleven characters.
Then after you select your character, hold L1+L2+R1+R2 and press [X] on your
opponent. You can only do this in practice mode. As far as I know, you can't be
the Gimp unless you use a GameShark.

Credits: <6.0>

I would like to give the credit deserved to the staff at PSM. I got the Thrill
Kills from their issue 14, October '98. They already had a guide for a game
that would end up never to be released. Congrats to a job well done. I would
also like to take the time to thank you for reading this faq. It took alot of
work typing all this stuff up, and I am grateful that someone is taking the
time to read this. And if you don't have anything else to do, tell me how I did.
Email me at Thanks.


Copyright 1999 Brooks Kruger
Distribute freely, but give me the
credit I deserve! DON'T ALTER THIS!

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European Version: All characters and Arenas are unlocked.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAl Patch für die amerikanische NTSC Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
Throw Kills FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

24.Сентябрь 2013

08.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

10.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
13.Май 2008
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016