Destruction Derby

Destruction Derby

17.10.2013 10:02:47
by 12/19/95

Copyright 1995. All Rights Reserved. Please feel free to distribute this
FAQ within the AOL/Internet community, but do not reauthor or modify the
original contents. Also, do not print or publish any portion of this FAQ
without consent from the author.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this FAQ,
please feel free to e-mail me at I'll try to answer as
many questions as possible. : )


1) INTRODUCTION - "It's the first race of the season!"
2) THE BASICS - "Watch out for those barriers, they'll only slow ya
3) CONTROLS - "Stay outta my way!"
4) PLAY MODES - "You'll regret that!"
5) THE CARS - "Whoa!"
6) THE OPPONENTS - "That'd make a great replay!"
7) THE TRACKS - "You've blown your radiator!"
8) WINNER'S CIRCLE - "Your car's just about finished. Take it easy!"
9) SECRETS - "He won't forget that in a hurry!"
10) CONCLUSION - "Oh no!"


PlayStation. Saturn. 3DO. They're here, they're 32-bit, and odds are you
own at least one. Now that we're at that 'next level' of videogaming,
we're really beginning to see what lies in store for its future. And of
all the gaming genres, the one that has possibly seen the most
improvement with the advent of 32-bit technology is the driving sim. If
you don't believe me, check out Ridge Racer, WipEout, Twisted Metal or
Sega Rally (if you've got a Saturn). But IMHO, the most exciting,
adrenaline-filled driving sim for any 32-bit system is Destruction Derby
from Sony/Psygnosis. From the first time I entered The Bowl to 'smash-
'em-up', I found myself laughing aloud in astonishment at the sheer
realism of this game. It was almost as though I could feel the impact of
every bone-crunching hit, the super-charged announcer screaming wildly
in my ear whenever I piledrived an opposing car into a 360 spin. From
the moment I spun this shiny black disk, I was addicted.

For you gamers who feel the same (or even if you don't), this FAQ is for
you. It's filled with info on all three cars, opponents' vehicles,
tracks and even a few secrets (they're in the TV ad if you can catch
'em). If you own a PSX and haven't played this awesome game yet, at
least give it a rent. I think you'll find that Destruction Derby is one
of the coolest rides around.


There isn't much of a storyline to this game, just hop in the driver's
seat and start smashing. You'll face off against 19 other opponents, all
of whom would like nothing more than to send your car to the scrapyard
(especially 'Psycho'). The one thing that does add character to this
game is the fact that every opponent has a different look and
personality. For example, hit the female-driven 'Idol' and you'll hear a
lady shriek. Smash into 'The General' and he'll vow "You'll regret
that!", and may even retaliate. The 'L' in 'L. Driver' stands for
'learner' and he drives just like it, always the slowpoke on the track.
These are minor details, but they add to the realism of the game and
make you feel as though you're not just racing against mindless CPU

In the main championship events, there are five divisions to race in,
and every division means a new set of tracks and a new set of opponents
to compete against. Your goal is to pile up as many points possible to
reach the next division, eventually reaching Division 1 and the
Championship Trophy!

One unique feature in DD is the ability to save and edit your replays.
You can playback any race, but the camera editing function is where you
can get the most from your replays. Once you get used to the slightly
confusing controls, you'll find that you can edit the replay angle every
second (!) from an almost infinite number of views. This is especially
great for getting that just-perfect view of your 360-degree multi-car
intersection pile-up!

If there are any shortcomings to Destruction Derby, it's the similarity
of the tracks and the lack of a real solid challenge. Beating the game
is easy at best, and after you've raced all the different tracks a dozen
times or so it gets fairly routine. But this is countered by the fact
that with all the pile-ups and collisions, race results can be highly
unpredictable (i.e. you'll never race the same race twice). A split-
screen 2P option (a la Twisted Metal) may have also been nice.

A note about using the memory card with DD: This game uses at least
three blocks of your memory card. One block to save your best lap times,
one block for each saved game in progress, and one block for every
replay that you save. Believe me, it can add up!


Controlling your car in DD is simple and very intuitive. In basic setup,
you use your D-Pad for steering, your X button for Gas and your Square
button for Brake/Reverse. The L1 and R1 (with gas or reverse) buttons
will reverse your car from a 180 spin, with the exception of the Rookie
vehicle, which corrects itself automatically. The L2 and R2 buttons are
used to zoom in and out from four different camera angles, the 'inside -
the-car cam' being the best and most exciting. Get spun in a 360 while
in this view and you're likely to end up with vertigo! And unlike other
racing games (Ridge Racer, perhaps?), your car controls beautifully from
any view.

Contrary to reports in some major gaming magazines, powersliding and
countersteering play a major role in DD, especially with the more
advanced cars. Apply the brakes on a sharp turn at just the right moment
with the Pro vehicle and you'll execute a perfect powerslide. The
collision and steering in this game have been tweaked beautifully,
making those 10-car pile-ups all the more rewarding.


DD has several exciting game modes, most of which I'll list below.
Please pardon my lack of info on the 2P modes as I don't know anyone I
can link up with!

WRECKIN' RACING - This is the circuit where'll you'll likely spend the
most of your time. It involves five different scenarios, with five
tracks for each scenario, and The Bowl (which I'll go into later).
Participants in this race are rated on a point system based on two

A) Final position in the race. You'll receive 10 points for 1st place, 6
points for 2nd place and 4 points for 3rd place.

B) How much havoc you wreak with the other cars. Spin a car 90 degrees
and you'll receive 2 points, 180 degrees nets you 4 points, and a full
360 nets you 10 points. You'll also receive 10 points for knocking a car
out of the race. Any damage inflicted on a vehicle currently in first
place gets double the normal point total (i.e. spin the first place car
360 and take him out and you'll get 40 points!)

A tip for Wreckin' Racing: In Wreckin' Racing, finishing in first place
(or finishing at all for that matter) isn't as important as trying to
inflict mayhem on the other cars. A good strategy is to move up to
second place, then try to spin the first place car for mega points.
After you pass him, let another car take first so you can do the same to

STOCK CAR RACING - Basically the same as Wreckin' Racing, except you're
not rewarded for smashing other cars. In this mode, the goal is to stay
alive, sustain minimal damage and end up in first place. IMO, stick with

The point system in Stock Car Racing is as follows:

1st place = 50 points; 2nd = 40; 3rd = 35; 4th = 30; 5th = 25; 6th = 20;
7th = 18; 8th = 16; 9th = 14; 10th = 12; 11th = 10; 12th = 8; 13th = 7;
14th = 6; 15th = 5; 16th = 4; 17th = 3; 18th = 2; 19th = 1; 20th = 0.

DESTRUCTION DERBY - The Bowl. The place where all cars go to die. The
place where multi-car collisions reign supreme. You're pitted in a huge
arena against the 19 other cars, and as with Wreckin' Racing, you're out
to do as much damage as possible.

Listed below are a few tips necessary for maximum Bowl survival:

¥ Drive in reverse often. Despite what the instruction manual says,
your car's rear end is virtually inexhaustible. Save your front end for
when you need it, that's where your engine is (this ain't no VW Bug!).

¥ When the race starts, don't gun it. Wait a few seconds, then head
towards the center of the arena. This way you can set yourself up for
some big time spins.

¥ Whatever you do, DON'T SIT STILL! Keep moving to avoid letting your
car get set up for a big hit. If you hear the sound of an engine rapidly
approaching, that is a BAD thing! : )

In most 1P racing modes you have several options available, such as
Duel, where it's just you versus another CPU opponent. Or Multi-Player,
where you and your friends take turns racing the CPU. Total Destruction
is a lot like riding a bull in a rodeo. You're in The Bowl, simply
trying to survive as all other cars all have targeted you for
termination. Unless you're an absolute pro, you won't last long here!

TIME TRIALS - Go for the best lap time on several tracks and save it to
your memory card. A good way to get familar with the tracks.


There are three cars to choose from in DD, and perhaps more exist as
secrets. Let's cover the basic three:

ROOKIE (PSYGNOSIS) - Of course, this is the car you'll probably take out
first. Handling and control are easy and this car automatically corrects
itself from a 180 spin. Nice, but it'll be time to move on before you
know it.

AMATEUR (GRIM REAPER) - Now we're talking. This is the car I'm currently
most comfortable with. Plenty of power and takes turns like a pro. Get
used to using the L1/R1 buttons to spin yourself around, you'll need

PRO (SMOOTHIE) - Not for the squeamish. The center of gravity on this
baby is way up front, meaning more powerslides (and more spinouts, if
you're not careful). If you can adapt to this car, you've got one mean
machine on your hands.

All of the above three cars' racing number is 01.


As mentioned earlier, one of the coolest things about racing in DD is
your opponents. It's like they actually have personality. You may even
find yourself developing a dislike for some of the other drivers (such
as 'Psycho', who just happens to be a real pro at causing collisions).
It's important to remember what division you're in and who your
competitors are. If possible, try to take them out. For example, if
you're in Division 3 and 'The Skum' is leading your division by 2
points, wouldn't it be nice to make sure he doesn't finish the next
race? Remember to look for cars with the same hood color as you!

Below are the listings of every CPU driver and their division ranking
(when you start a game). Note that when you move up a division, the
driver that finished in last place in the division ahead of you slips a
division. For example, if you move up to Division 4 and The Optician was
in last place in that division, he'll be in Division 5 for the next

DIVISION 5 (White Hood)
THE GENERAL 50 M Army Green
THE BOUNCER 88 M Lt. Blue/White
TRASHMAN 07 M Purple/Orange

DIVISION 4 (Yellow Hood)
THE BEAST 66 F Red/Black
THE OPTICIAN 47 M Green/White
THE IDOL 23 F Pink/White
PASSION WGN. 69 F Red/Pink

DIVISION 3 (Blue Hood)
THE SKUM 13 M Black
THE GODDESS 35 F Purple/White
PYROMANIAC 64 F Candy Apple Red

DIVISION 2 (Red Hood)
PSYCHO 40 M Pink/Blck
L. DRIVER 37 M Yellow/White
CRUNCH BUNCH 22 M Pink/White

DIVISION 1 (Black Hood)
BARMY ARMY 53 M Pink/Dk. Blue
THE DOCTOR 99 M Red/White
THE TAXMAN 95 M Green/Yellow


Of course, what's a racing game without racing tracks? Here's a list of
the various scenarios you'll see in DD:

This is where it starts, and it's as simple as it gets. Finishing first
and doing mega-damage are both pretty easy here. In the first race, the
top five drivers are shown on the light display above the finish line.

Cross Over, with its blind intersections, is a nightmare. One minute
you're in first place and the next minute you're DFL. Sometimes you must
abandon any hope of even finishing the race and simply try wrecking
other cars. It's not uncommon to find yourself going the wrong way on a
track after a blindside 720 spin.

SCENARIO 3: OCEAN AVE. (10 laps)
This is where you'll encounter your first really tight turns.
Powersliding comes in handy here. Piling up opponents at these turns can
be easy and quite fun.

Cactus Creek involves some of the most beautiful scenery you'll find on
any track. Some intersections can cause headaches, but for the most part
go for the finish line.

Not unlike Ocean Ave., where tight turns provide an excellent
opportunity to set up collisions. Don't go crash-crazy at the beginning
of the race or you may find yourself hurting towards the end.

The Bowl is always the same. This is where you can come back from a 40
or 50 point deficit to win your division. Even if you're really lagging
in points before The Bowl, don't give up. You can make it up here.

What? That's not part of the racing circuit! Well, at least not until
you beat the game. Read the Winner's Circle section for more info.


As I've said before, this game is pretty easy to finish. Even the novice
driver will probably find him/herself beating DD with little difficulty.
And of course, when you do, the credits will roll, presenting you with a
nice shiny trophy with your name engraved on it. After that (remember,
save your game NOW!), you'll have access to the Ruined Monastery in Race
Practice Mode only. The Monastery is a long, winding course with a nice
tunnel and some wicked turns. You receive no additional secrets for
finishing first in the Monastery, nor do you receive anything for
beating the circuit a second time.


There are other secrets to be found, however. Entering the following
codes as your name in Championship Mode allows you special cheats and
power-ups previously unavailable! If you've entered these codes
correctly, your name will be registered as 'Cheat!'.

You can enter multiple codes in DD, and entering another code or name
will not disable the previous code.

!DAMAGE! - Makes your car impervious to all damage. Good for practicing
wrecking/collision techniques.

REFLECT! - Gives you access to the Ruined Monastery track. Available in
Practice Mode only.

NPLAYERS - Lets you select the number of opponents in a race (1-20).
Available in Practice Mode only. Enter the number of opponents after
selecting a track.

I'm certain that more codes (other cars, reverse tracks, choose the
number of laps, etc.) exist but I don't have them yet. E-mail me with
your codes and I'll include them in the next FAQ version.


Anyone remember the old 80's Colecovision racing game 'Turbo'? Man, what
a blast! It came with its own steering wheel, gear shift and gas pedal,
and at the time it really put you in the driver's seat. That was the
last driving video game I purchased, and the last driving sim I really
totally enjoyed. That is, until Destruction Derby. IMHO, DD is the best
at what it does, which is putting you behind the wheel and letting you
decide what your approach to the race will be; a classy, first-place
finish or an all-out assault on anything that moves. Most will prefer
the latter.

Sony/Psygnosis' Destruction Derby is a great game and truly worthy of a
sequel. Here are some of the things I'd like to see in DD2:

¥ Car flipping (your car is confined to a single flat plane in DD)
¥ Other car possible breakdowns such as flat tires, oil leaks, etc.
¥ Better/more diverse tracks (but then who doesn't want more tracks in
a racing game?)
¥ Competition for cash earnings to upgrade your car
¥ Automatic and manual transmission

A special thanks goes out to everyone who posted their
codes/opinions/gripes in the DD AOL folder. I couldn't have written this
FAQ without your help!

I hope that you find this FAQ useful and that it makes this great game
even more enjoyable. Of course, if you have anything to add/correct, e-
mail me at and you will receive credit!


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US Version: Last Division Save

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
13.Май 2008

16.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
25.Июнь 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016