Alundra 2

Alundra 2

12.10.2013 19:06:36
[ƒAƒ‹ƒ“ƒhƒ‰2–‚is‚Ì“ä ‘ÌŒ±”Å] FAQ
by J.T.Kauffman

note: this document contains some Japanese characters and is best viewed
in NJStar 4.0+ (download at or IE4+ with the Japanese
language pack, although it is also perfectly readable in any normal word
processor/browser, as all of the Japanese is merely the original version
of the name or whatever I may be referring to. Also, the Japanese is
placed in brackets ([“ú–{Œê]) to make it easy to differentiate. In the end,
viewing the Japanese is just a small bonus...

0. Table of Contents
1. Intro
2. Controls
3. Walkthrough
__Outside the robot.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part I: Gears and pipes.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part II: Steel balls.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part III: More steel
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part IV: Fun on ladders.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part V: Run!
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part VI: Fight!
4. Runthrough
__Outside the robot.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part I: Gears and pipes.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part II: Steel balls.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part III: More steel
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part IV: Fun on ladders.
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part V: Run!
__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part VI: Fight!
5. Misc.
__Menu Screen.
6. Outro
__Revision history

1. Intro

This FAQ covers the Alundra 2 demo that is contained in the 'Tokyo Game
Show Autumn '99 Special Experience Edition'
[“Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE'99HSpecial‘ÌŒ±”Å] that was given away by Sony at said Tokyo
Game Show (Sept. 17-19, 1999). The disk itself contains two demos: the
first is Robbit Mon Dieu [ƒƒrƒbƒgEƒ‚ƒ“EƒWƒƒ] (translated from the French as
Robbit, My God), starring the Robbit from Jumping Flash. Needless to say,
I probably won't be covering this half of the disk. The other game is
Alundra 2, the 3D, Contrail-developed sequel to the original Alundra
(released in the US by Working Designs). Needless to say, this caught my
attention a bit more...

This demo more than likely contains a single level of the full game, so
once the full game is released on 21oct99, this FAQ _may_ pertain to part
of the game, although it also may not. Also note that if this level is in
the final game, some of the puzzle solutions may be changed. Use it at
your own risk... Also note that this covers the demo that is on the TGS
disk, and may not pertain to other Alundra 2 demos (as I'm sure that there
are more to follow...). Finally, note that the FAQ will not really get
into the story of the demo, as my Japanese level is fairly low...

2. Controls

d-pad - moves Furitto around
left analogue stick - moves Furitto around
Square button - draws and swings sword
X button - jumps
O (circle) button - puts sword away; action button (open door, pick up
items, open chests, etc.)
Triangle button - uses item displayed on screen
L1 button - rotates the screen 45 degrees to the left
R1 button - rotates the screen 45 degrees to the right
L2 button - brings up the contents of your Pocket - press left or
right to choose between them. Also acts as a quick
R2 button - switches between walking and running
Start button - brings up menu screen
Select button - no use
L3 button - moves Furitto around (aka. left analogue stick)
R3 button - no use (aka. right analogue stick)

__Menu screens:
d-pad - moves cursor around
left analogue stick - moves cursor around
Square button - confirm
X button - cancel
O(circle) button - confirm
Start button - exit to gameplay screen, reset to defaults (Config
other buttons - no use

3. Walkthrough

This is what you need to do, and when, with complete commentary. For a no-
frills, step-by-step walkthrough with no commentary, see section 4.

Also, this section uses the Compass [ƒRƒ“ƒpƒX] occasionally, so if there are
sentences like "Continue walking West", that's where they come from.

__Outside the robot.

After loading the demo and watching the intro movie, you'll find yourself
in a sort of rock-covered field, with Aisha [ƒAƒC[ƒVƒƒ] standing a bit in
front of you. Go up and talk to her. She'll look to the large wooden
tank-like robot thing in the distance. The scene will then change to the
base of the robot, where Tettsuo [ƒeƒbƒcƒI], Aru [ƒAƒ‹] and Ruby [ƒ‹ƒrƒC] are
talking. Aisha will say a bit more, then run off to the robot. Follow her
up the tank tread, then head in the door. There's actually not much else
that you can possibly do out here except for that...

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part I: Gears and pipes.

When you first walk in, you'll automatically look around a bit. After
that, you gain control. You can walk to the left a bit and go up the
ladder to the save room, but seeing as you can't save in the demo, it's a
bit useless. What the save points _do_ do in the demo is refill your life,
so definately keep them in mind later on... There is an old man-robot up
there that you can talk to, but he probably just tells you that you can

After exploring that room, head back down to the room you started in. You
can look around a bit, but all of the accessable doors are locked, or
blocked off (in fact, the door on the ground floor I have never gotten
open). Go to the metal plate that is right next to the large rotating gear
and stand on it. Jump and swing your sword, hitting the lever that is up
on the next level. One of the pipes that is blocking your way will recede.
Head up the stairs on the other side of the gear. The first door (north-
west) that you come across is locked (you need a key [ƒJƒM]), the second
(west) you can go in, but will find a temporary dead end, and the final
door (south-west) won't open either. Continue walking around until you
come across the lever that you jumped and hit (although now you are on the
same level as it). Hit it again with your sword. The pipe will come back
out, but the door all the way on the left (this, and all of the following
in this section, are assuming that west is towards the top of the screen)
will open. Enter it.

You'll be in a (temporarily) small room with a single chest. Open the
chest, and you'll recieve a key. Exit the room again.

Walk back down to the lever, hitting it once more. The pipe will again
recede, allowing you access to the door that required a key. Use the key
on the door, and walk inside it.

When you enter the door, you'll be in a section of a larger room. Jump on
the orange-topped block to make the pipe recede even further, allowing you
access to the other side of the room (which is what you were in if you
entered the only door that was open initially). Walk over to that side and
jump on the orange block over there as well. Another pipe will recede,
allowing you access to the remainder of the room. You'll find a chest
hidden on the far side of the gear that is beside the block you just
jumped on. In it, you'll find the first Puzzle Piece [ƒpƒYƒ‹‚Ì‚©‚¯‚ç]. Grab
it, and then go back outside to the first room.

Go back into the room that you got the key in. You'll find that the last
pipe that moved opened up more of the room, and that there is another
orange block for you to jump on. Do so. Another pipe will recede, opening
up yet more of the room, and another door. Enter the door.

You'll now be in a hallway with a large block in your way. Notice the
torch beside you, and the unlit bomb on top of the block. Pick up the
torch using the Circle button and jump and throw it on top of the block.
The bomb will catch fire, and explode, taking the block with it. Continue
down the hallway. You'll soon come out into a larger blue room. Jump down
to the lower level and you'll have your first fight - there are two
enemies down there for you to enjoy. The red one takes about three hits,
the yellow fire-breathing one about four. Dispatch them, and the metal
plate that was blocking the exit ladder will disappear. Climb the ladder
and you'll enter the next room.

In this room you'll find another block like the one you recently exploded
in the hall. You'll also find two more fire-breathing enemies. Don't kill
the one on the ground level yet. Climb the ladder to the upper level, kill
that enemy if you want, and grab the bomb that is up there as well. Jump
back down to the base level and set the bomb down right beside the block.
Now, lure the remaining enemy near the bomb, and have him use his fire
breath to light it. Note that when he's breathing fire, he will rotate
around, following where you move. This includes if he can't see you, so
you can walk behind the block to get him to breath fire in the right
direction. After the block is done for, finish him off if the bomb didn't,
then grab the treasure - another puzzle piece. Then go in the door on the
ground floor (the one on the second floor is locked) and you'll see a
short sequence between Aisha, Basoiseki [ƒoƒRƒCƒZƒL], and Takara [ƒ^ƒJƒ‰],
the latter of which are robots. Grab the key from the chest and go back
into the other room. Now head back up to the second story door and enter

You'll now be in the same room that you saw the sequence in. You can talk
to any of the three people in the room (Aisha is gone but there is a third
robot to talk to) - you can do so if you want, but it's not necessary.
You'll find a ladder on the other side of the room, and a door on the
platform that the ladder leads to. Enter it.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part II: Steel balls.

(note that in this section, many of the places that I refer to as rooms
are actually decently sized metal platforms. For ease, though, I refer to
them as rooms, as they all load up separately, and there are plenty of
other platforms for them to get confused with)

Now you'll be in a room with a platform, a sign, a save point (again,
inactive), and another platform that functions more like a door. The
platform in the middle of the floor is inactive right now, so just go
straight across to the platform/door and go on to the next room.

There will be a short sequence where you look up at the room you've just
entered. After that, climb the ladder, and walk up the platform, jumping
over the steel balls that are rolling down. At the end of the platform is
another orange box to jump on. Do so, then head back the way you came, and
to the first room (the one with the save point).

You can now use the previously un-usable platform as an elevator. Do so.
You'll find yourself in another similar room, but with a few spiky doglike
friends as well. Kill the dogs if you want. The next thing that you need
to do is go up the elevator that is usuable from the start (the other one
becomes usable once you kill the dogs).

On your way up you'll see a brief cinema where Aisha opens a chest, finds
a key, and then replaces it. At the top, you'll find a small room with a
chest and an orange block. Open the chest to find an herb, and then step
on the block (which opens a door in the other section of the room, which
is good for later). After that, head back down.

Once you're back in the room with the dogs, kill them if you haven't
Now head up the newly-usable elevator. You'll now find yourself in a room
with another (up) elevator, and a platform leading to the next room - if
you take the platform out of the room, all you'll find is a locked door,
so head up the elevator instead.

Now you'll find yourself on the other side of the room where you got the
treasure and jumped on the block. Kill the dog if you want, and grab the
treasure (100G this time). Now head out of the room via the platform.
You'll be back in the large room with the rolling steel balls.

Walk all the way to the end of the top-most platform (avoiding the balls,
of course, which do about 20 damage each). Now, walk off the edge of the
platform (towards the screen). You'll drop down to another platform.
Continue towards the screen to enter another room.

You'll now be in the room where you saw Aisha and the key. Get the key
from the chest, and head back to the steel balls room. All that you can do
now is drop back down to the first level, and go back to the room with the
save point. Do so. Then head back up the far right elevator. You'll now be
in the room with an up elevator, a down elevator, and the platform that
led to the locked door. Now that you have a key, you can open that door.
Head out the platform, and do so.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part III: More steel

You'll now find yourself in another large room laden with yet more rolling
steel balls. You have two options - go up the ramp, or go down it. Going
down it will lead to a shut door, so head up.

You'll now be in a room with an inactive elevator, an active elevator, two
red enemies, two treasure chests, and some prickly vines in the middle.
The first treasure chest is 100G, the farther one being a potion. Grab
them both, kill the enemies if you want, but then head up the initially-
working elevator. For right now, the newly-working one leads to a dead

Once up the elevator, kill the enemy if you want, but head out the
platform, and back to the steel ball room. Go down the platform a bit
until you're lined up with the orange box. Jump towards the screen, and
the box. You'll spring open the previously shut door on the very bottom
level. Jump back down to the bottom level and go towards the screen on the

You'll now be in a room with two torches, an explodable block, a bomb, and
a chest, which is, of course, on top of the block. Grab the bomb and toss
it on the torches - you may break one of the torches, but it will still
light. On the other hand, you can grab a torch and throw it on the bomb.
One way or another, get the torch lit, and explode the block, then grab
the key inside the chest. Head back out.

Go back up the ramp and into the next room via the ramp. Kill the enemies
if you haven't yet, and go up the newly-working elevator. Here, kill the
fire-breather if you want, and then head towards the locked door. Use the
key, and continue on.

Head up the ramp, climb the ladder, then head down that ramp, and out the
platform. Nothing real fancy here.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part IV: Fun with

Go up the stairs, and ignore the ladder (which is blocked at the top).
Continue walking west and jump on the orange block. Now start running
(hold the R2 button) along the rest of the platform (it branches off south
- head that way, not back the way that you came. As you run along, you'll
start to see footprint that lead up to a line. Jump right when you get to
the line to avoid the 'hurdles' that are places along the way. After a set
amount of time, the orange block that you jumped on will click off, and
the large stone block at the end of the hurdles (there are five hurdles in
all). You do have a good amount of time, though - I've confirmed that you
can make it if you miss at least four, hurdles, and probably if you miss
five as well (six is out of the question, though). After the final hurdle,
but before the stone block, you'll see a rainbox colored arrow - don't
follow it, or you'll go back to the beginning of the room, right near the
entrance. (Same with the arrow on the platform past the stone block.)

Now you'll be on a circular platform with a couple of torches and an
explodable block. On top of the explodable block is a bomb and an orange
block. Pick up one of the torches, jump, and throw it on the bomb to set
it off. Then, once the smoke has cleared, jump on the orange block. This
will cause the steel plate that was blocking the ladder to disappear. Now,
follow the rainbow arrow and head for the ladder.

Once up the ladder, you'll find another blocked ladder, and a larger area
with two red enemies, a treasure box, and three holes, each one with an
orange button in it. If you just jump on the orange buttons, they release
right as you get off of it, so you need all three buttons pressed at the
same time. So, don't kill the enemies, but instead lure them down the
holes so that they are standing on the buttons. Jump down the third hole
yourself, and the steel plate blocking the latter will disappear. Jump out
of the hole, grab the potion from the treasure chest, and head up the

You're now in yet another room, with yet another blocked ladder. First of
all, grab the treasure towards the north. It's 200 G. Now, take a look at
the rest of the room. There is a wooden pillar in the center, and steel
plates at each corner (north-west, north-east, etc.). There are steel
balls that occasionally drop on the east and west side of the pillar. One
of the steel plates is flush with the ground (the north-west one). Jump on
it. Now, run and jump to the plate that is just a bit off of the ground
(the north-east one). Continue to work your way around the pillar
clockwise, making sure to avoid the steel balls. I found it very helpful
to rotate the screen 90 degrees after every jump so that I was always
jumping from right to left. The final plate is a south-east one. After
you're on that, jump to the center pillar, and jump on the orange block.

When you get to the next level, you'll find a fairly large room. There's a
save point to refill your energy, and a large set of prickly vines that
are blocking off a small portion of the room. There is also the normal
ladder blocked by a steel plate. In the center of the room is an orange
block. There are also strange green lights that don't seem to do much of
anything... Anyway, jump on the orange block, and head up the ladder.

At the top of the ladder is a suspended spiral platform that is blocked by
a shut door. Aisha is also up there. Walk up to her, and the game will go
to a cinema. Aisha tells you to be quiet, and watch. She points out
Tettsuo, Ruby, Aru, and a minotaur named Maokkusu [ƒ}ƒIƒbƒNƒX]. They're all
talking. Maokkusu is getting upset, and eventually rolls up into a ball
and crashes into the three others, knocking them like bowling pins. Then,
of course, he heads for yourself and Aisha. You jump to the ledge that has
been circling the outside of the last few rooms, and one of Alundra2's
minigames starts...

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part V: Run!

OK. Here's how it works. You automatically run down the ramp. You can move
left and right, up and down, but the screen advances automatically. You
can also jump using the X button. There are coins (both silver and gold)
and potions to pick up, and diamond shaped crystals to break that usually
drop a rock behind you to slow down Maokkusu, but will sometimes release
stuff. There are also rockets that will temporarily speed you up. There
are five checkpoints that look like little sticks on screen, and are
labeled 'C' in the gauge on the right of the screen. There is also the
goal, which is 'G'. Also on said gauge is how far you are (the blue arrow
on the left) and how far Maokkusu is (the red arrow on the right). The
number of items that you've gotten is kept track of on the left of the
screen. The large stone blocks you have to avoid, which isn't hard... When
you come to some X's on the ground, followed by arrows, then a hole is
coming up - either jump over it, or go to the left or right (depending on
how big it is). Also, remember that you can control yourself in mid-jump.
If you do fall, just select the top option to continue at the last
checkpoint, sans any items that you might have gotten between checkpoint
and death. Past that, just don't fall in the holes, and don't let Maokkusu
catch you... At the end, you'll collect any potions and coins (silver are
5, gold are 10) you got.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part VI: Fight!

As if you weren't out of breath already, after the run you get to fight
Maokkusu. You'll see a short cinema showing him breaking through the
floor, and then, it's time to fight!

Quickly, the room set-up. It's a large, octogonical (is that a word?)
room. In it is a steel ball (which just sits there most of the time), a
large minotaur, and yourself.

First off, run around and avoid Maokkusu's punches. They do about 12-15
damage, which isn't real bad, but it can add up. Eventually, he'll hit the
ball - try to get it to hit him. When it does, he'll get knocked out of it
for a moment, which is when you hit him. You'll do about 25 damage each
swipe. After hitting him three times, he'll taunt you a bit. Now, he'll do
a bit more damage (20-25 points), and will be a bit faster. He'll hit the
ball one more time, but this time it won't come back after it hits.
Instead, he starts rolling up into a ball and coming at you. It's the same
kind of strategy, though - just avoid him, and after a few passes, he'll
stand up, head swimming. Hit him then. He'll go down after another 6 hits
or so. You'll see him explode, and then turn into a cow? He runs around a
bit, then heads out the now open door...

After that, you'll see two stills with some Japanese writing over them,
and the demo will end! Congrats. You've beaten it.

4. Runthough

__Outside the robot.
- Head up the tank tread and enter the robot.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part I: Gears and pipes.
- Stand on the metal plate, jump and hit the lever with your sword.
- Go up the stairs, and hit the same lever again.
- Enter the door that opens (the one of the far left).
- Get the key from the chest inside that room. Exit the room.
- Hit the lever again.
- Enter the locked door (on the far right)
- Jump on the orange block.
- Jump on the other orange block.
- Get the Puzzle Piece from the chest on the far side of the gear from
the block you just jumped on. Exit the room.
- Enter the room where you got the key (the one on the left).
- Jump on the orange block.
- Enter the newly-revealed door.
- Grab the torch and throw it on top of the large block.
- Kill the two enemies. Go up the ladder.
- Don't kill the enemy on the bottom. Get the bomb and set it near the
block. Lure the enemy towards the bomb, and let him detonate it using hie
fire-breath. Retrieve the puzzle piece from the chest that was on the
- Enter door on the ground floor.
- Retrieve the key. Exit back to the previous room.
- Use the key on the second-floor door. Enter it.
- Climb the ladder on the far side of where you enter, and enter the door
that you find at the top.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part II: Steel balls.
- Enter the next room by means of the platform on the far side of where
you enter.
- Jump on the orange block at the end of the platform with the steel
balls rolling down it. Go back to the previous room.
- Go up the elevator/platform.
- Go up the usable elevator.
- Get the treasure (an herb).
- Step on the orange block.
- Go back down the elevator.
- Kill the dog-like enemies.
- Go up the newly usable elevator.
- Go up the other elevator.
- Grab the treasure and head on to the next room (the large steel balls room).
- Walk all the way to the far end of the top-most level and walk off the
platform, towards the screen. You'll find yourself on another platform.
Continue towards the screen to enter a new room.
- Get the key from the treasure chest.
- Drop back down to the first level, go back to the save point room.
- Go up the right elevator.
- Use the platform to enter the steel balls room again.
- Unlock the door. Enter it.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part III: More steel
- Go up the ramp and head towards the screen, entering a new room.
- Get the two treasure boxes (100G and a potion)
- Head up the working elevator.
- Line yourself up with the orange block and jump towards the screen (and
the block). You'll spring open a door on the very bottom level. Jump down
to the bottom level and enter the door.
- Grab the bomb and toss it on the torches, causing the block to explode.
- Grab the key inside of the treasure chest. Head back out.
- Go back up the ramp and enter the room with the prickly vines.
- Kill the enemies, and head up the newly-working elevator.
- Unlock the door, and head out the platform.
- Go up the ramp, climb the ladder, and then go down the ramp. Head out
the platform.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part IV: Fun on ladders.
- Jump on the orange block.
- Run along the rest of the platform (to the south) and jump at the lines
to avoid the hurdles. There are five hurdles to make it past before the
orange block clicks off. Continue running until you're under the stone
- Grab one of the torches and toss it on top of the explodable block,
onto the bomb, so that the bomb explodes. Jump on the orange block.
- Climb the newly-climbable ladder.
- Don't kill the enemies, but lure them into the holes on the floor so
that they land on the orange buttons. Jump into the third hole to make the
steel plate disappear.
- Get the treasure (potion)
- Head up the ladder.
- Grab the treasure (200 G).
- Run and jump on the steel plates, going around the pillar clockwise.
- At the top, jump on the orange block.
- Head up the ladder.
- Jump on the orange block.
- Go up the ladder.
- Talk to Aisha.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part V: Run!
- Get to the checkpoint by avoiding holes and hurtling minotaurs.

__Inside the large wooden tank-like robot thing, Part VI: Fight!
- Kill Maokkusu.

5. Misc


The following characters appear in the demo. However, I really don't know
anything about them except for their names. This section _may_ be expanded
in the future...

Main Characters (has a face illustration while speaking):
Furitto [ƒtƒŠƒbƒg] - You. The hero.
Aisha [ƒAƒC[ƒVƒƒ] - Appears to be your friend. She occasionally helps you
Tettsuo [ƒeƒbƒcƒI] - Apparently the leader of the bad guys...
Aru [ƒAƒ‹] - One of Tettsuo's sidekicks...
Ruby [ƒ‹ƒrƒC] - And the other sidekick...

Sub-characters (no face illustration): (in order of appearence)
(unnamed character) - an old robot who mans the first save point.
Basoiseki [ƒoƒRƒCƒZƒL] - a robot scientist(?)
Takara [ƒ^ƒJƒ‰] - another robot scientist(?)
(unnamed character) - a third robot scientist(?)
Maokkusu [ƒ}ƒIƒbƒNƒX] - the robot minotaur who you fight at the end of the


The following items appear in the demo.

Medical Herbs [–ò‘]- heal 100HP
Potion [ƒc[‚̐…] - heal 300HP (literal translation is Tsuu Water)
Compass [ƒRƒ“ƒpƒX] - shows you which direction North is
Power Bracelet [ƒpƒ[ƒuƒŒƒX] - unknown effect
Guard Bracelet [ƒK[ƒhƒuƒŒƒX] - unknown effect
Puzzle Piece [
Silver Coins - worth 10G
Gold coins - worth 20G
(unknown item) - (there is an item that enemies would leave occasionally that I'm not sure the
effect of)

Bronze Sword [ƒuƒƒ“ƒYƒ\[ƒh] - your weapon for the demo. Rating: 2.
Small Shield [ƒXƒ‚[ƒ‹ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh] - your shield for the demo. Rating: 2.

__Menu Screen

Pressing the Triangle button displays the menu screen. At the top in the
center you'll find the 'Pocket' [ƒ|ƒPƒbƒg] section, which shows what three
items you have in your pocket, and thus have easy access to. Beneath,
towards the bottom, that is the actual navigatable menu. First, to the
left, you have Item [ƒAƒCƒeƒ€]. Select this, and your items (sans gold and
keys, of course, which is displayed in the top right corner, and is always
on screen, along with the current item and your HP) will be displayed
beneatht the Pocket section. Beneath item display is a space for a box to
display the item's name (if one is selected). After Item comes Special
[ƒXƒyƒVƒƒƒ‹], which shows any special items that you've picked up (in the
demo, only puzzle pieces are shown). Last, you have Options [ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“],
which shows the options in the same place that the items appear.

First of all, the Item section. When you select an item, a box will open
up with three choices - the first is Pocket [ƒ|ƒbƒPƒg], which will put the
item in your Pocket section for easy access during gameplay. The second
line is Use [Žg‚¤], which obviously uses the item straight out. The last is
End [‚â‚ß‚é], which cancels.

Lastly, the Option section brings up the following choices: First, to the
far left is Screen Adjust - it allows you to adjust the position of the
screen on your television or monitor. Second is Config [ƒRƒ“ƒtƒBƒO], which
brings up the Config screen (see below). In the middle is Status
[ƒXƒe[ƒ^ƒX], which shows your picture, HP (with room for MP as well), the
gold (G) you have, and then your weapon and it's rating (in the demo it's
Bronze Sword [ƒuƒƒ“ƒYƒ\[ƒh], which a rating of two), and your shield, and
it's rating (the demo has you with a Small Shield [ƒXƒ‚[ƒ‹ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh], again
rating of two). There's a bit of kanji on the screen that I don't feel
like translating right now... Anyway, back to the Options section, to the
middle-right is Key Config [ƒL[ƒRƒ“ƒtƒBƒO], which allows for you to choose
between three different Key Configurations, or to create your own (I
believe... I haven't played around with it much...). The final section of
the Options section is another screen function - this time it appears to
be screen brightness.

Now, for the config screen. You'll see the following options from top to
bottom: First is Font [ƒtƒHƒ“ƒg] - you'll see slight differences between
fonts 1, 2, 3, and 4 - they're all still Japanese, though... Next is
Message [ƒƒbƒZ[ƒW]. I believe the selections are slow, normal and fast,
but I'm not sure in what order. In the demo there is so little text that
it really doesn't matter, and isn't worth going into. Third down is some
Kanji that is too compressed for me to try to read, so I won't. Fourth is
Dash [ƒ_ƒbƒVƒ…], which selections of Switch [ƒXƒCƒbƒ`] and Hold [ƒz[ƒ‹ƒh] -
the former allows you to switch from walking to running by pressing R2
once, the latter requires you to hold down R2 to run. Fifth is Window
[ƒEƒBƒ“ƒhƒE], with the left option being Normal [ƒm[ƒ}ƒ‹], the right option
being more compressed and unreadable (to me, at least) Kanji. Sixth is
Sound [ƒTƒEƒ“ƒh], with Stereo [ƒXƒeƒŒƒI] and Monoaural [ƒ‚ƒmƒ‰ƒ‹] being the
selections. The last two are BackGround Music (BGM) and Sound Effect (SE)
levels, and operation through sliders. Press O to accept all the changes
you've made, X to cancel them, and start to reset to defaults.

6. Outro


Why write FAQs for Japanese game demos that will probably never see the
light of day outside of Japan, and may even be hard to come by here in
Japan? Well, a couple of reasons. First off, my first Japanese game demo
FAQ for the disc 'What's Shen Mue' generated the most mail of any single
title that I've written a FAQ for. Most of the people that wrote didn't
have the demo, and were simply interested in actual game, and hungry for
information. Thus, it seems that demo FAQs are more like mini-reviews on
games. And since I can easily obtain some of the demos, as I do live in
Japan, I might as well write FAQs about them. The other reason is a more
obvious one. There may be people who are playing the demo and having
problems, and thus need a FAQ. Of course, judging by the response that I
got from the What's Shen Mue FAQ, these people are in the minority...

__Revision history

ver.0.87, 19sept99:
Everything added. Written in one sitting. Missing bits of the menu, and
what a few of the items do. The walkthrough is pretty complete, though,
and will probably not be updated.


This document is copyright J.T.Kauffman 1999 and cannot be reproduced for
profit in any form. It can be freely distributed over the internet as long
as it is unaltered and is only distributed on free (i.e. non-subscription)
sites. If you do choose to post this document on your site, please email
me to let me know.

Alundra 2: Mysteries of Evil Evolution [ƒAƒ‹ƒ“ƒhƒ‰2–‚is‚Ì“ä ‘ÌŒ±”Å] is
copyright 1999 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.(SCEI) and Contrail. Tokyo
Game Show Autumn '99 Special Experience Edition
[“Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE'99HSpecial‘ÌŒ±”Å] is copyright 1999 SCEI. Tokyo Game Show
Autumn '99 [“Œ‹žƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒ‡ƒE'99H] is copyright CESA. All other copyrights
are property of their resective owners.


from 18sept99
Shibata, Miyagi, Japan.

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Guide to all items and secrets.

16.Октябрь 2013
Demo FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013
Boss FAQ

12.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und +35 Trainer für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die spanische PAL Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Französiche Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die [deutschsprachig]e PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die japanische Version.

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018