Crash Team Racing

Crash Team Racing

15.10.2013 18:50:12

Crash Team Racing (Time Trial)
FAQ/Walkthrough by aych
Version 1.0 (6/28/01)
(c) 2001 aych; All Rights Reserved. (

1: Introduction/Versions
2: Characters
3: Codes
4: Races
5: My Records
7: FAQ
8: Legal Info.

SECTION 1: Introduction

---Version 1.0--- (6/29/01)
- Finished Introduction (section)
- Finished Characters
- Finished Codes
- Started Races
- Finished My Records
- Started CTR HOF
- Started FAQ

---Version 1.1--- (6/29/01)
- Fixed some typing errors
- Added more codes

CTR (Crash Team Racing) is an easy and fun game. If you're like most
people, you can beat this game without any help. Completing Adventure
Mode 100% is a snap. You can get at least gold on all the Relic
Races. The game is getting kind of boring. So, you should try Time
Trial. I play the same races over and over trying to beat my score.
This FAQ will help you take all the fastest paths, take all the
shortcuts, and eventually beat Nitros Oxide on every race (overlap
him on one race too). Or if you've beaten him on every race, this
should still help, too. If you are stuck in N. Tropy, this FAQ will
help you blow him out of the water!

SECTION 2: Characters

The characters you have to pick from (including secret characters).
You won't use them all. Once you find who is good where, you will
only use them for the race. I will tell who I use for the character
sug. Remember, I have tried about every character for every race, so
I know who to use.

Crash Bandicoot:
He is the Hero. Overall Good. Intermediate.
Handling 4/5, Top Speed 4/5, Acceleration 4/5.

Coco Bandicoot:
Crash's sister. Good Acceleration, not so good Top Speed
Handling 2.5/5, Top Speed 3/5, Acceleration 5/5.

Good for beginners, not so good for Time Trial.
Handling 5/5, Top Speed 2/5, Acceleration 4/5.

I like Polar more than Pura, but their stats are the same.
Handling 5/5, Top Speed 1/5, Acceleration 3/5.

Neo Cortex:
The same as Crash, overall good.
Handling 4/5, Top Speed 4/5, Acceleration 4/5.

He likes acceleration, like Coco. He falls behind on straight-aways
Handling 2.5/5, Top Speed 3/5, Acceleration 5/5.

YES!! The Time Trial King! Not the best handling, but...who cares?
Handling 2/5, Top Speed 5/5, Acceleration 3/5.

Yeah, the same as Tiny. But I just don't think he is as good.
Handling 2/5, Top Speed 5/5, Acceleration 3/5.


Ripper Roo:
For beginners, not for Time Trial.
Handling 5/5, Top Speed 1/5, Acceleration 3/5.

Papu Papu:
Another Top Speed kind of guy. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think
he handles as well as Tiny.
Handling 2/5, Top Speed 5/5, Acceleration 3/5.

Komodo Joe:
Yet another overall good character... No one special here.
Handling 4/5, Top Speed 4/5, Acceleration 4/5.

He has a cool voice, but that's about it.
Handling 3/5, Top Speed 2/5, Acceleration 5/5.

Dr. N. Tropy:
I think he is the only person worthy enough of being a "Tiny
Handling 2/5, Top Speed 5/5, Acceleration 3 or 4/5.

Fake Crash:
The same as Crash. He is the Japanese version of him.
Handling 4/5, Top Speed 4/5, Acceleration 4/5.

Penta Penguin:
Where did this character come from? Should of just left 'em out.
(Weird voice right?)
Handling 5/5, Top Speed 1/5, Acceleration 3/5.

Nitros Oxide:
No matter what anyone says, or any crazy codes you find, you CAN'T
He has the coolest looking kart, seems like he has good stats too,
but you CAN'T get him.

SECTION 3: Codes

When you enter a code, you will hear a sound. Enter all codes at the
Main Menu

SUPER TURBO PADS: (A MUST for the best Time Trial times)
At the Main Menu hold L1+R1, and press triangle right right circle

Win the Purple Gem Cup in Adventure mode.

Hold L1+R1, and press left triangle right left circle right down

Hold L1+R1, and press up up down right right up

Hold L1+R1, and press down circle left left triangle right down.
Alternately, win first place on the Blue Gem Cup in Adventure mode.

Hold L1+R1, and press down left right up down right right.
Alternately, defeat N. Tropy's ghost on all time Trial Tracks.

Hold L1+R1, and press left triangle right down right circle left left
Alternately, win first place on the Green Gem Cup in Adventure mode.

Hold L1+R1, and press down right triangle down left triangle up.
Hold L1+R1, and press left right triangle down right down.
Alternately, win first place on the Yellow Gem Cup in Adventure mode.

Hold L1+R1, and press right circle circle down up down right.
Alternately, win first place the Red Gem Cup in Adventure mode.

Defeat Nitros Oxide's ghost on every track in Time Trial mode to
unlock Scrapbook option (at the main menu).
Alternately, Hold L1+R1, and press up up down right right left right
triangle right.

TURBO COUNTER (consecutively)
Hold L1+R1, and press triangle down down circle up.

SECTION 4: Races


On all of these races, YOU GO INTO A POWERSLIDE, TRY AND GET 3
BOOSTS, AND START ANOTHER ONE! To do this, you have to know how to
hold the opposite direction you are turning. For example: If there's
not a very sharp LEFT turn coming up, you hold down left for a second
to start the powerslide, then you switch to holding right (while
powersliding) to finish the powerslide. On straight-aways, do the
same thing, but you may only be able to get 2 boosts out of a
powerslide, which is OK. Just get out of that one and start another.
Also, at the very start of a race, start into a powerslide, unless
told otherwise Before reading through on any one of the races, and
you don't understand it, read it over and over. If that doesn't help,
read the part before it and after it. I usually don't have you go too
long without giving you another instruction. If that still doesn't
work, e-mail me (, and I will try and help you.
Also, do the Super Turbo Pads code for ALL these races!
How to go over a turbo pad: Since you are always powersliding, and
with the Super Turbo Pads code on, for some reason you get 2 kinds of
boosts when you go over a turbo pad. There's a big one, and a bigger
one. In order to get the bigger one, you must go over it on the very
left or the very right side. Hitting the bottom right or left corner
is the best! You should practice this a little, so you know how to
get the bigger turbo boost. This is also explained in CRASH COVE. I
usually try and hit the bottom left corner of the turbo pads.

Super Turbo Pads Code: At main menu, hold L1+R1, and press triangle
right right circle left.


CRASH COVE: Character suggestion, Tiny. Beating Oxide: 4/5

Go forward for about 1 second, there should be a little hill
that goes down. Jump off the top of it, and start a powerslide.
REMEMBER, ALWAYS KEEP POWERSLIDING!!! Keep going and you should
come around the first turn. Powerslide, aiming for the ramp.
Jump off the top of the ramp (you should get your third boost
right before jumping off). When you land, start another
powerslide immediately. Get 1 boost out of it, and there should
be this almost invisible little ramp in the water (you should
practice this before racing through it). You will go down a
little bit right before the invisible ramp. When you jump off
of it, you should get up to this place that leads you to the
start of the vertical (up and down) bridge (where you are
jumping is to the left of the horizontal bridge). When you land
on the bridge, Oxide should be right next to you. Keep
powersliding across the bridge and don't drop off at the end
like Oxide does. Go off the bridge like you normally would.
Keep going around the big curve. Don't go up on the Pirate Ship
to jump off. Just keep powersliding around. Then you get to
your first turbo pad. With the SUPER TURBO PADS code on, like
it should be, you will notice you get 2 kinds of boosts when
you go across it. You can't get both of them going across the
turbo pad once. It depends on how you go across. The two are: a
big one, and a BIGGER one. To get the plain big one, go across
the turbo pad right along the center. To get the bigger one
(the one you want) go off the very left edge or the very right
edge (corners are even better) of the turbo pad. This takes
practice, too. You must know how to go across the turbo pad to
get the BIGGER boost. After you hit that one, there's another
at the top of the hill that leads you right into your next lap.
Because of that, your second and third laps should be a little
better than your first.

ROO'S TUBES: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 2/5

This is one of the easier races to beat Oxide. The only reason
it's a 2, is because of other races with huge shortcuts which
make it even easier to beat Oxide.
At the beginning, start into a powerslide, go down that first
hill, and around, up to the first turbo pad. Hit the side of it
to get the bigger boost (It will seem huge right here), and
you'll be flying. Powerslide around the tunnel curve, hit the
turbo pad, and try to stay along the wall on the right side.
Jump right when you get to the area where you go down. Land
into a powerslide, and keep going through the race. Go through
the 2 turns, and there should be a couple of turbo pads next to
each other. Hit the left edge of the left one. Hopefully you
hit it big, because you need to. When you jump off the hill
(right after the turbo pad) you jump to the left, along the
dirt. Make sure you powerslide across the dirt area. Go to the
RIGHT of the mushrooms, while turning left along it. If you are
clueless, just see what Oxide does. When doing this on your
third lap, stay along the wall on the left right after you get
past the mushrooms. You will finish the lap your last lap a
little quicker this way.

TIGER TEMPLE: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 2/5

At the beginning, jump off the hill to the left (about a half
second into the race), land in to a powerslide, and aim for the
second little hump (while cutting across the grass). When you
get there, jump off of it, land just to the left of the third
hump (on the edge of the grass) and start into a powerslide to
the left taking the sharpest left turn possible. When you come
out of the grass, it should be on the third to last hump right
before the tunnel (practice cutting across the grass first).
When in the tunnel, try to powerslide only getting 1 or 2
boosts. When you come out, go a little to the right. Then you
can do one of 2 things.
1. Keep going down, until you get to the last little hump
before the turbo pad (you can barely see the turbo pad). Do a
powerslide over the hump. Hit the top right corner of the turbo
pad (you should still be in the same powerslide) and go to the
LEFT of the ramp, continuing on the same powerslide, until you
get 3 boosts, of course.
2. Jump off the hump right before the turbo pad (you can barely
see the turbo pad). Try and land on the top right corner of it,
and start a powerslide.
You should know see a series of humps. Jump off the first one,
land into a powerslide, and powerslide right over the next hump
(without jumping). You should only get 2 boosts on this
powerslide. Then you get to the next hump (you should be about
on the top of it right when you get your second boost), jump
off the top of it. Land into a powerslide going across all
those little humps without jumping. In this same powerslide
make you way to the right (use the holding the opposite
direction you are turning, thing). Hit the left edge of the
turbo pad, and go right into the tunnel. If you get a huge
boost (I mean the biggest boost you get in the game), you will
get all the way through a tunnel and make a powerslide over the
START/FINISH line. If you don't get this huge boost, you may
need to do a couple more powerslides towards the end of the
tunnel. Believe me, you will notice if you get "the big one."

COCO PARK: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 3 or 4/5

You may be thinking, "there's no skill in this one." Yeah
Right! This is one of those races where there are not any
shortcuts, only several paths that will save you one half to
one-second. It all comes down to driving and powersliding
At the beginning, start into a powerslide and stay on the
inside of the track as much as possible! Doing powerslides all
the way. Keep doing this until you get to the second turn,
right before a turbo pad. Cut across the grass a little bit
while powersliding. Try and hit the left side of the Turbo Pad,
and it should send you right into the tunnel. At the top of the
hill in there, go to the right, and powerslide down it going a
little to the left. When you come out of the tunnel, you should
be on the left half of the track. There should be a little tiny
hump, don't jump off of it. A tiny bit after that, there should
be a patch of grass to the left. Cut across it (about halfway
in between the wall and the track) while powersliding. Then
make your way to the right of the track, hit the turbo pad on
the left side. Keep going until you get to a left turn. There
should be a turbo pad right after this turn. Hit the left or
right side of it (not the middle, of course) and that should
finish the lap and/or race.

MYSTERY CAVES: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 3/5

Right away, you should see two turbo pads. Start a powerslide
before getting the first one. Hit the left side (when I side I
mean corner if you can get it) of the first one and hit the
right side of the second one. Jump off the left turtle. Do NOT
cut across the sandy area right before the 2 turtles. It only
slows you down. Instead, go around the turn while powersliding.
Keep going through the track, until you see the next two
turtles. Jump off the right one. When you jump off of it, aim
the left a little bit. Start powersliding staying near the
wall. Hit the right edge of the turbo pad (you can't see it
yet, but it's there). That should send you flying down. Then
the track splits into two sections. Take the left one. When you
get out of the left path, there's a series of jumps. Try to
stay on the...
Left side on the first one.
Left side on the second one.
Right side on the third one.
After the third jump, you will be going up a little hill, going
into a cave. Enter the cave while staying on the right since
(inside part) of the track. Then, there's 2 sets of 2 turtles
coming up. Jump off the left one of both of them. While jumping
off the second one, jump to the right a little, and powerslide
while staying close to the right wall. Then take the inside of
the next turn (left). This should bring you to the last two
turtles. Jump off the left one and land into a powerslide to
start you into the next lap.

BLIZZARD BLUFF: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 5/5

I think that this is one of the hardest races to bet Oxide on.
In fact, it was the last race I beat him on. I'm not the
biggest help on this one, but I try.
At the beginning of the race, there's a passage to the very
left. You have to go through the snow (this is before the first
turn) and you will notice a little path. Only take this the
second and third lap, or don't take it at all. After you take
the first turn (a left turn) you should see a cliff. Keep
powersliding around and jump off the very right of it. Land
into a powerslide (of course) and make you way to the left of
the track. Land right in front of the turbo pad, and hit the
left side of it. Watch out for the big snowball. That turbo pad
should bring you to the right side of the track. Stay along the
right wall powersliding and jumping off those hills. On the
hill before the ice, jump straight, land into a powerslide, and
make your way to the far left. You should see a shortcut (Oxide
takes this). In my opinion, this is VERY hard to make. You can
jump off of it however you want, but I suggest getting your
third boost of your powerslide (you should have started this
powerslide right when you land on the ice) , and jump off the
right side of it, and hope you make it. WHEN you do, just keep
going forward (powersliding of course). When you get to the
left turn, cut all the way across the snow, along the wall.
Oxide should be right next to you, or even in front of you.
Jump off the first hump, and powerslide towards the turbo pad.
Don't jump off the hump right in front of the turbo pad. Just
powerslide over it. Hit the left side of the turbo pad (this is
your only chance to catch up to or pull away from Oxide) and
you'll go flying across the START/FINISH. If you want to, take
that little path to the inside of the first turn (way inside).

SEWER SPEEDWAY: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 2/5

This is one of my favorite races.
Right away, start a powerslide, and go along the right wall
(where you can see under the track) and jump off the ramp along
the very right side. When you land, stay along the part on the
track where you can see under. Do a powerslide to get in the
right tunnel, go to the left inside the tunnel (towards the
left turbo pad). Jump off the ramp, and jump to the left tunnel
(Oxide jumps to the right). The reason you have to jump to the
left is because you will hit the top of the tunnel if you go to
the right (sine you have the Super Turbo Pads code on). Now
here comes the tricky part. When you land, make your way to the
right (powersliding of course). Go in between the middle of the
track and the right wall. Time your powerslide, so you get your
first boost, drop off the ledge (without jumping), do your
second boost, go to the left where the top section on the left
turns left. You ramp up it (you get your THIRD turbo boost
right before you jump). You land on the other side (going
down). Make sure your lined up with the "secret shortcut
entrance." Then you ramp up the side right before the entrance
(your landing should give you a turbo boost to help you out).
If you are lucky, you made it in there. aych made this faq. If
someone tries to copy it, they will most likely miss this. If
you don't understand what I just said (about the shortcut, that
is), just see what Oxide does. When your in the secret
shortcut, there's a turbo pad right away. Hit the MIDDLE of it.
You are now going across the bridge. Jump off the right of it
(this should lead you in the tunnel with the first rolling
barrel). Oxide should still be up with you. When you land, go
to the right, and ride up the wall a little on the right, keep
riding until a little before the turbo pads. You should get
down from riding up the wall a little right when there's enough
time to do a powerslide with 3 boosts. Now here comes the next
tricky part. When you jump off the ramp, land about half way up
the wall, jump when there's a turn (still staying up on the
wall). You should still be riding on the wall. Then the tunnel
makes a small, second right turn. This is when you jump from
riding up the right wall, from riding up the left wall. You
keep riding up the left wall, until there's the part where
there are 2 little paths you can take. The reason of staying on
the walls is: you go faster. It takes a lot of practice, but
with enough practice, you will go as fast as you do right after
you jump in the beginning of that tunnel (the jump with a long
turbo pad you go off of first). Now, there's only one right
turn left. Take the inside of it. You will see a small hill.
You can either powerslide over it, or jump off the top of it.

DINGO CANYON: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 5/5

This is the hardest race to beat Oxide on (in my opinion). If
you can beat him here, you should be able to beat him on every
race. There are no shortcuts at all, so it all comes down to
pure driving skills.
At the beginning, keep powersliding around the first curve, and
watch out for the armadillo. To the left, you should see where
the track goes downhill. Powerslide over the hill (where it
starts to go down, without jumping) and down it. Keep
powersliding all the way down. You should go across a little
section of water, and then you should see a little section of
land. Right when you get to the land, jump, and it should send
you flying in the air. Land into a powerslide (of course) and
do it on the next little section of land, like Oxide does.
Powerslide through the tunnel, hit the any edge of the turbo
pad, and make a hard right. Watch out for the armadillos again.
When the track splits in two, take the left path. You see it
will go uphill a little before the left path, jump off the top
of the hill, and you should get a little boost when you land.
Land into a powerslide (getting as many boosts as you can), and
go out the rest of the path powersliding. Powerslide through
the left (next) turn, and make your way to the right of the
track. Stay along the right side of the track (while
powersliding) until you get to the row of turbo pads. Go off
the middle or right turbo pad, jump off, and you should clear
(go over) the last armadillo. This leads you into your next

PAPU'S PYRAMID: Character sug., Fake Crash (ooh!). Beating
Oxide: 0/5; it's not even a challenge.

Thanks a great shortcut, Oxide is really really easy to beat in
this race.
Start the race by powersliding around the first turn. Keep
going around the turn and you should see a hill. Jump off the
top of it, and land into a powerslide. Keep going forward a
little bit, until you come to a section where the turns are 90
angles. Powerslide around them, only getting 1-2 boosts. Until
you get to the last turn (one before the turbo pad). Try and
get all 3 boosts on that powerslide, hit the right edge of the
turbo pad, and it should send you flying out, towards the
(Crash) eating plants. You should see a small, left turn coming
up. Take the very inside of it, without going over the grass.
Get as close to the plants as you can, without them eating you.
Keep going forward while powersliding. You will see Nitros
Oxide take a shortcut by jumping the platform (you should
already know about this shortcut). DON'T TAKE IT!!! Instead,
just go through the track as the computer would. Keep going
until you see the turbo pad on the right edge of the track. Hit
the turbo pad, and make your way to the left side immediately!
Jump to the platform on the left. Ride across that, until you
can see the horizontal bridge. Jump on that and make your way
to the right. You should now see the track to the left and the
right wall to the track straight in front of you. Jump ON the
wall (it will kind of seem like you are hovering on it). Keep
going forward for a little bit, while still riding on top of
the wall. DON'T FALL OFF THE WALL! You should see the end of
the lap to the right. Jump off the wall so you land just before
the end of the lap (it helps to hold down right and box while
doing this). When you land, just go right over the START/FINISH
line! If you had a good lap, your first lap should be about 32
seconds. Don't worry if it's a little over that, with practice
you will eventually have some laps under 30 seconds. Do ALL of
that last shortcut without stopping. It might take you tries to
figure out how to do it perfectly.

DRAGON MINES: Character sug., who ever you want. Beating
Oxide: 3-4/5

I rarely ever do this race. I'm not that good at it, and my
friend messed something up, so all my times say 0 mins. and
seconds (it's like this on Dingo Canyon, too). FYI, I use Tiny.
Start by powersliding through the tunnel and around the first
turn. You will then take a left tun that leads you in a room
with water on the left side of it. You will see Oxide cut
through the water. Go just a little bit to the left of where he
goes. Powerslide through the water! You will see a small tunnel
and a hill coming up right after the water. Jump off the hill,
and take a sharp left. Keep going forward, while powersliding,
of course. You will now see some tracks. Do NOT follow them. It
is faster just to go over the spiral bridge. You will now get
to a bridge (right turn). If you chose someone like Tiny, you
start powersliding, getting as many boosts as you can. You
should hit the left wall a few times. Just jump, and start
another powerslide. With about anyone else, do the same thing,
except you will hit the wall once or no times at all. After the
bridge, you will see Oxide goes to the right of those wooden
poles. You go to the left of them (while powersliding, of
course). After the very last one, make you way to the right and
hit the turbo pad. After you hit the turbo pad, you will need
to take a sharp left because you will be going so fast (because
of the super turbo pads code, which should be on). You will now
take a right turn. You should now see a hump, jump off it, and
start a powerslide right along the blue stuff (without touching
the blue stuff). Go along it, and finish the lap. If you are on
your third lap, jump off the hump (mentioned before) and cut
across the blue stuff, as inside as you can. This will be
faster for your third lap.

POLAR PASS: Character sug., Fake Crash. Beating Oxide 1/5

At the beginning, you should see a very small right turn, with
a hill on the top. Powerslide towards the right side of the
hill and jump off the top of it. When you jump, land in the
snow on the left side and powerslide across the snow until you
get into an area that's a figure eight. Take the LEFT side both
times. Powerslide through the figure eight, of course. When you
come out, you should see a turbo pad in the middle of the
track. Hit the top left corner of it. This should send you
flying forward. Make you way to the left side of the track. Go
in the snow, and take the sharpest left turn possible. Avoid
the seal. When you come out of the turn, go back on the left
edge of the track. Hit the turbo pad. You should see two turbo
pads next to each other. Now here comes a shortcut. You should
have the super turbo pads code on right now (it should ALWAYS
be on. I keep reminding you, just in case you didn't read the
thing before the races). Go over the very right edge of the
turbo pad, and jump right. You should land on the track over
there. you might hit and fall in the water, but it's still
faster. Now go along the narrow straight-away. You should see
small hills, made of wood. Jump off the highest part of them,
on the right side. Land into a powerslide only getting one
boost, and do the same thing on the other hill like this. You
should see a small left turn. Take the furthest inside you can
on it. There are two seals going back and forth. Watch out for
them. Powerslide past them, and at the top of the hill (right
before it levels off), jump over the ledge right in front of
you, and go off to the left. There's now a turbo pad right in
front of you. Hit it, and you now go across some ice. Just try
and stay in the middle. Powerslide over the ice. Jump off the
hill, land in some more ice. Powerslide over that ice. At the
end of the section of ice, do NOT jump off the top of the hill
coming up. Just powerslide right over it. Go over the turbo
pad, and jump off the top left corner of the jump. Land into a
powerslide (of course, again) and make your way to the end of
the lap (powersliding the whole way, of course).

CORTEX CASTLE: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 4/5

About every single turn in this level is a 90 degree angle.
At the start, powerslide around the first turn. There is two
turbo pads in front of you now (after the right turn). Go off
the very right edge of the right one. There is now a spider in
front of you. Go to the right of it, and powerslide around the
right turn. The track now splits in two. Take the LEFT path.
The main reason why is because you have to take one more turn
taking the right path. Powerslide around all turns on the left
path. You should now be going up a ramp. Stay along the right
side of it. Jump off the top of it, go to the left a little
when you jump, and land into a powerslide (of course,
again...). There is now a right turn in front of you,
powerslide around it, and make your way to the left, towards
the turbo pad. Hit the turbo pad. Because the Super Turbo Pads
code is on, it will send you flying up towards the wall. You
probably need to hit the breaks right here. While going up the
next little ramp, or along the left turn, going towards the
ramp. When you go up the ramp, you can jump off the right half
of it, or just powerslide over the right half of it. You are
now in a section of the track with two spiders in it. Go to the
left of the first spider, and to the right of the second one.
When you take the left turn out of there, powerslide towards
the top left part of the next jump. Jump off the very left part
of it, and you are now outside. In front of you, part of the
castle sticks out from the left side. powerslide along the edge
of it. This brings you towards the left wall. Go over the turbo
pad. You now go down some steps on a hard left turn. If you got
the bigger boost, you probably need to hold down left and box.
If you got the smaller one (better here, for once) you won't
need to do that. Down the steps, stay as far left as possible.
When you land, there's a right turn coming up. Powerslide along
that, and get yourself even with the middle of the track. Start
a powerslide with enough time to get all three boosts out of
it. When you powerslide, you should be right along the left
wall when you get your third boost. Jump off the very left of
the track, and jump to the left. You should land in this strip
of land, this is called taking a shortcut. Powerslide along
this strip of land, and towards the two turbo pads. Jump off
one of the turbo pads. When you land, make sure you are on the
left half of the track. Land into a powerslide, and make your
way for the right side of the track. If the right spider is up,
take the inside of the turn. If the spider is down, go around
him while powersliding of course. There is now a turbo pad up a
little. Hit the left edge of it, and come around the final
right turn. The end of the lap.

TINY ARENA: Character sug., Komodo Joe (surprised?). Beating
Oxide: 1/5

I will make this one very detailed. Pretty much every turn,
every hill, and how to jump over every hill. I have an
EXCELLENT Time Trial time on this race, so I know what to do.


HOT AIR SKYWAY: Character sug., N.Gin, or even Ripper Roo.
Beating Oxide: 0/5

As you may have read, you can overlap Nitros Oxide on one race.
This is it! Some of you may be really surprised, others, not.
There are two HUGE shortcuts in this level. The bad thing is,
they aren't the easiest to make... I have only made both huge
shortcuts in the same race all three laps once.
At the start of the race, you will see some small turns.
Powerslide around them. You will now get to a spiral part of
the track that goes downhill. Try and take the inside part the
whole way down. When you hit the turbo pad on the way down, it
should send you flying left. Just get back on the right side.
After you go down the spiral, you will see two turbo pads right
next to each other. If you jump to the left, you take the
normal path. If you jump to the right, you take the shortcut
(Oxide takes this). The secret to making the shortcut here is
this: You can see each turbo pad is split in two sections
(along the line in the middle). So, on the right turbo pad on
the right side, go straight along the (right) side of it. Jump
off the very end. This should easily have you make the
shortcut. NOTE: While you are on the turbo pad, do not go on
the right turbo pad, and then go to the right side of it. You
enter it and leave it on the same side (right). When you land
on the shortcut area, powerslide across it. When you get out of
the shortcut, turn the right (duh!). Keep powersliding until
you see a little hill, with a drop. Jump off the top if it.
Keep going until you get to a left turn. You will see another
part of the track to the right, HINT, HINT. Keep going along
that little straight-away. At the end it will drop down. Turn
all the way around, and make that little drop down a ramp. Jump
off the very top of it, and jump to the left (it helps if you
powerslide). This should bring you to the other side of the
race. You might hit the track and fall off the edge. It will
bring you there anyway. When you land turn around to the right
side. You need to hit the breaks. Now just keep going forward!
That shortcut is HUGE!! Go up the little hill, and take the
left. Now here comes the second huge shortcut. You will see a
blimp way out in front of you. When you get to the turbo pad,
make sure you are on the left side of it (left half too). Jump
off, and aim for the track just to the left of the blimp. If
you are really lucky, you land on it, and that's the end of the
lap. If making this to the left of the blimp is too hard for
you, jump and land on the track just to the right of the blimp,
much easier, but it isn't as big of a shortcut. If you don't
make the shortcut, just keep trying.
You should have got a pretty good time, eh?

N.GIN LABS: Character sug., Tiny. Beating Oxide: 4/5
At the start, powerslide around the first (left) turn, only
getting two boosts. Then start another powerslide around the
right turn immediately following that turn, and get all three
boosts. Jump off the very right side of the turbo pad. Land
into a powerslide, get one boost around the corner. Then start
another powerslide heading the the two turbo pads. Jump off the
right turbo pad. Land close to the wall, and powerslide around
that turn. Head towards the next turbo pad. After you jump off
that, you land in a tunnel. Powerslide through that tunnel, and
through the big room. There is now a blue, huge, long turbo
pad. Go through that without powersliding. When you shoot out
of it, powerslide along the inside of the bridge. When you come
off the bridge, go towards the right wall. You will now see
rolling barrels. Time it so one of the barrels just rolls
across the turbo pad closer to you. That's when you jump off,
hit a right corner of the turbo pad. Go to the left side of the
next coming barrel. Go to the right again, and hit the other
turbo pad. You will now see a ramp coming up. Jump off the left
side of it. Jump to the left a little bit, and powerslide
around the part of the wall that sticks out. You now see some
90 degree angle turns coming up. Powerslide around the inside
of them. You can even jump over a little of the pit on the
inside of this, too. When you make it around those turns, go
through the little tunnel. Turn right, around the inside, of
the next turn. Jump off the middle of the turbo pad. You should
now see two square pits. A half one on the left, and a whole
one on the right. Go in between them, and then to the right of
the next whole pit. Powerslide around it. And onto the bridge.
Take the inside of the bridge when turning out of it. Jump off
the middle of the ramp right in front of you. Keep power-
sliding. There is now another ramp. Powerslide along the very
inside of it, without jumping. That brings you to the


SECTION 5: My Records

These are my personal beat records. After playing hours and
hours on MOST of the races, these are the best I have ever got.

Race: Total Time: Lap:
Crash Cove 1:23:02 Tiny 27:03 Tiny
Roo's Tubes 1:15:40 Tiny 24:49 Tiny
Tiger Temple 1:39:67 Tiny 32:75 Tiny
Coco Park 1:22:41 Tiny 26:46 Tiny
Mystery Caves 2:04:76 Tiny 40:89 Tiny
Blizzard Bluff* 1:27:85 Tiny 28:70 Tiny
Sewer Speedway 1:50:72 Tiny 36:55 Tiny
Dingo Canyon* ** 1:36:70 Tiny n/a
Papu's Pyramid 1:29:30 Fake Crash 28:63 Coco
Dragon Mines* ** 1:36:39 Tiny n/a
Polar Pass* 2:38:73 Fake Crash 49:78 Tiny
Cortex Castle 2:29:96 Tiny 48:61 Tiny
Tiny Arena 3:23:67 Komodo Joe 1:07:49 Komodo Joe
Hot Air Skyway 2:02:43 N.Gin 40:02 Ripper Roo
N.Gin Labs 2:29:94 Tiny 49:87 Tiny
Oxide Station 2:25:48 Fake Crash 47:73 Fake Crash
Slide Coliseum 1:48:51 Tiny 35:47 Tiny
Turbo Track* 1:54:47 Komodo Joe 37:77 Komodo Joe

* Ones I rarely go to. These should be easier to beat.
** all scores say 0:00:00 for some reason. I only wrote down my
best times, not best laps.


These are the best of the best. You send in your best time, if
it's better than the one already there. They don't have to beat
mine, just the ones already there. The bad thing is, you have
to have a picture. Have the picture of the HIGH SCORE section.
Make sure you can see the race, time, character, lap, character
for the best lap. You can give me a direct picture, or a link
to a personal site that has your score. If you give me a link
to your personal site the e-mail listed on the site, and the e-
mail you e-mailed me to have to match. Example: if the person
that runs your own personal site (you) has the e-mail address
listed on the site is, You would have to
send me an e-mail using that e-mail address. Just to make sure
you aren't sending in someone else's time. You can give a name
you want to be called, or not give me a name, and I will just
use your e-mail address.
There aren't any records yet, but they should come.


Yes, a FAQ needs a FAQ section.

If you tell us to powerslide around one turn, but you don't
say anything about another turn, do we still powerslide around
that turn?
Yes, you always powerslide. Getting all three boosts, unless
told otherwise. You even powerslide on straight-aways.

How do you powerslide?
You hold down R1 while on a turn or anything. Hold down the
direction you want to powerslide. When your smoke turns black,
press L1. If you want to hold down the opposite direction you
are turning for straight-aways, small turns, etc., here's an
example: If there is a small left turning coming up. You would
hold down R1 and press left, until you start powersliding (you
will notice because of the black mark your tires make), then
switch to holding down right, while still pressing L1 for the
turbo boost. Everything will continue as normal. You can get
three turbo boosts for every powerslide.

I don't understand one of the parts of one of the races
section. What should I do?
Read the part right before all the races. If you are still
stuck e-mail me at:

You say you can get a big boost and a bigger boost by going
over a turbo pad. When I go over them, all the boosts I get are
the same. How do you get the bigger one?
Make sure you did the super turbo pads code. If they are
still the same, I mean when you are powersliding. If you just
go straight over them, all the boosts you get out of them are
the same. If you powerslide over the edge, or corner you get
the biggest boost.

Main Things to e-mail me about (things you must e-mail me
If you have a record for the CTR HOF section. (that is the
main main one)
You know a shortcut that isn't listed.
You know a faster path through a race I didn't tell you to do.

Things you should e-mail me about:
You need help on a race.
You have a question (about CTR).
You still can't beat Nitros Oxide on a race with my help.
You found a major typo (not making powerslide one word).
You want to convince me that someone is better for a certain
You want to give your opinion of my FAQ.
You want to use some of my FAQ on your site.


SECTION 8: Legal Info.

The full FAQ here should only be seen at for
now. If you see it somewhere else, e-mail me and tell me where.
You may use some of my FAQ as long as you give me the full
credit. I would rather you e-mail me first with the part you
are going to use. I will give you full credit if you send
something in to me.

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16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Strecken und Fahrzeuge freigespielt.

12.Октябрь 2013
Multiplayer FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Shortcuts FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. Cheats

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische mehrsprachige Version PDX

12.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische mehrsprachige Version KAL

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und Patch für die Europäische mehrsprachige Version PDX

16.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die Europäische mehrsprachige without Intro

17.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
10.Октябрь 2008
Codes für die US-NTSC-Version
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
07.Июнь 2019