Oddworld 2: Abe's Exoddus

Oddworld 2: Abe's Exoddus

13.10.2013 09:34:52

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|_____)(_/ \_)|_____||____/ |____/ |___|_|(_____|
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| ___)| _ || | By Rob White
| |___ | (_) || _ |
| ___)| _ || (_) | Finished On 10/1/99
| | | | | || \
|_| |_| |_||___/\_\ Version 1.02


In this document, I will attempt to explain all the questions that people
might ask. All are true, and for anonymity have not put the names of people
who asked me these questions. You know who you are.

This is not meant to be a play guide (That's called a 'walkthrough') or how
to solve any of the puzzles in the game. Remember that this document was
first written *before* the release of the game in England, and there were so
many wild rumours written about the game in various magazines that I did'nt
know what to believe, which is why I wrote this out to help people
distinguish what is true and what is false.

I had quite a feedback after the first one went on GameFAQs, especially from
people from the US who wanted the whole walkthrough of the game.

Everything in this document is mine, you can distribute but no charge must
be made except for the disk it's on. Charge for printing and I'll send my
rabid mate Elum round. And no "But it cost me £50 honest guv" type saying to
try and sell it on. It's bloody illegal and p's everybody off.

I hope to see this go global, just like the game. If it goes official, then
I'll have copyright, and I'll call back all the copies I sent out to various
FAQ sites. There might not be another one of these.

Thanks to www.gameFAQs.com for putting it on their site, look out for the
next update soon!

Thanks to James Stevens also for putting on his site.

Thanks to Morgan Marks (feldon@phoenix.net) and Alex Macfarlane Smith
(macfarlaneah@altavista.net) for their information on the game which they
gave me.

Thank also to Blockbuster video for selling the game so cheap!

Oddworld Inhabitants Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus are TM and © Oddworld
Inhabitants Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Published and Distributed by GT Interactive Software Corp. GT is TM, and the
GT logo ® is a registered trademark of GT Interactive Software Corp.

All other names are copyright to their relative companies.

That's the rant and the legal mumbo-jumbo over, now on with the FAQ!


Well, what is Abe's Exoddus all about?

Abe's Exoddus is the follow up to the hugely popular Oddworld: Abe's
Odyssee. Abe's Exoddus is /not/ the next Oddworld game, but uses the same
game engine as the first.


Who is Abe?

Abe is part of a race known as the Mudokons. He is humanoid, and has a
distinguishing head comb not unlike a hen. Other bodily changes are his
feet, hands and his body mass. I guess you could describe him as a skinny


What is Abe's Oddysee?

This story is in the game manual: "You are Abe, an ignorant, happy
floor-waxer in RuptureFarms, the most dangerous slaughterhouse on Oddworld.
You and the rest of the blue guys are Mudokons. You've been a slave all your
life for your boss, Molluck The Glukkon. Molluck represents the Magog
Cartel, the meanest bunch of corporate weasels you'll ever meet.

You start the game chained up in a cell, awaiting interrogation by Molluck
The Glukkon. You've done something Bad ... something very, very Bad. What
have you done? You'll have to play the game to find out, because Oddworld:
Abe's Oddysee is a flashback. That means it happened in the past, even
though you'll be playing it in the present. Or something like that. Look,
just play the lousy game, all right ?!?

Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge
of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals
into lunch. That's right - Abe's on the menu! You've got to escape from
RuptureFarms. The guards (those squid-head guys, called Sligs) are on the
look-out for you, so you'll be on your toes if you want to sneak past them.
Once you'e safely away from RuptureFarms, you'll learn more about your true
destiny. We'd write it down here, but that would be telling. Suffice it to
say that your mission is a lot more complicated than just running away from
RuptureFarms. You'll have to brave haunted temples, rescue your buddies,
survive weir ritual mutilation at the hands of BigFace, learn secret moves,
outwit monsters, and turn into a monster yourself before your Oddysee is
complete ... and even then you'll probably get the bad game ending because
you missed so much stuff the first time through. You see, there are these
secrets scattered all over the place, and everything you do influences you
reputation, which has a direct effect on whether your buddies will come to
your rescue when you need them most. The key to success is ... oops! Out of


What kind of game was Abe's Oddysee, and is Abe's Exoddus the same?

Abe's Oddysee was a 2 dimensional platform game. Each level was made up of
several screens, which could scroll either up, down, left or right
considering which way Abe went. Abe himself could walk, sneak, run, jump,
roll and hoist himself in a series of increasingly difficult levels. What
they did'nt tell you was that you have to solve a lot of puzzles along the
way, like throwing a switch to open a door, or throwing a stone to alert a
Slig and then running like hell. Abe can also possess people by chanting.
By holding down L2 and R2, he would chant, and you would be able to become a
Slig. Everything the Slig does is controlled by you. Abe's Oddysee also used
a never before seen act of gamepley which enabled you to communicate to
another person or a Slig. You could say Hello to another Mudokon, and then
tell him to Follow Me. You could then lead him to a Bird Portal, and with a
quick chant open that Bird Portal, and let him escape. Abe's Exoddus is
almost exactly the same. The story behind it is quite interesting, and the
game is rumoured to have another opening for another Abe game when you
complete it.


Bird Portals, Sligs, blimey, it sounds complicated. Is it?

Well actually no. When I first started playing it, I already had a good
knowledge of the game as I had extensively played the demo that came with my
Playstation. The same thing applies to Abe's Exoddus. The demo available on
the Official Playstation Magazine CD 38 introduces you well to the game. The
controls are easy to get to grips with, and LED boards tell you all you need
to do with a few pointers. The scrolling messages tell you to jump, climb or
crouch, or to even draw the attention of a Slig. This time round things
are not that different, but there are quite a few little surprises, which
include new monsters, new scenery, new gamespeak, and also some rather cool
gaming effects.


Like what then?

Well, the new monsters I have seen are Fleetches and Slurgs. Fleetches are
little worms that look quite harmless, but if Abe goes near them, SNAP! It
tries to lash at you with it's long tongue. Get a bit more closer, and the
thing will swallow Abe, get fatter, and belch! Slurgs you will find under
Fleetch nests, as they feed on the droppings of the Fleetch. From the
pictures I have seen of them, you can't really see what the smeg they are,
but apparently they squeek loudly if you walk on them. Another monster I
have seen looks like a Flying Slig. He is slightly more hard to avoid. He
will chase you, dropping grenades in a vain attempt to kill you. You can
hear him coming as his engine coughs and splutters as he moves about.

Other game features and improvements to be included in the full game are
that they have extended the game speak and included character emotions. For
example, you could slap another Mudokon (Another feature!) and tell him to
follow you, and he would refuse! You would then have to apologize to him for
giving him such a slapping, and then have to grovel a bit to get him to
follow you. Other features to be added are door locks and laughing gas. The
former are quite simple, just stand infront of a steel wheel, and push up to
turn it. To indicate that the door is open, a green light flashes above the
wheel. To indicate that whatever it is your trying to open is still locked,
the light flashes red. If there are two wheels, you will have to rope in
another Mudokon and tell him to work. He should then turn the wheel, whilst
you do the same, and both lights should flash green. Emotions also interfere
with the game by making some Mudokons walking Mood Rings. If they are green
and ducking down holding their heads, it means they are depressed, and
suicidal. If they are red, they are angry, and slap you whenever they get
the chance. Green Mudokons are the normal ones who are effected the most by
Laughing Gas. Laughing gas is a different feature altogether. Any Mudokons
that inhale Laughing Gas will turn into utter twits. They will laugh, and
joke around, and even attempt to run through bombs. Saying Stop That will
stop them, or giving them a quick slap then apologizing will get them back
to normal. According to rumours (Probably started by Play Magazine) Abe can
even turn himself invisible!
Oh, and yes, you can possess your own farts. It's absolutely essential in
some parts of the game apparently.


Anything else I should be aware of?

Well, there is now a quicksave facility, where you can save the game
whenever you like. In theory, this could make the game a lot easier, but
will most certainly make it less annoying when you get blown away, and have
to do half of a level again. You can also control every character now too,
and there is also a special feature which let's you use items I think. This
could be the same old stone or grenade throwing action though, there aren't
any items to pick up in the demo. There is also a status option which awaits
you when you pause. It tells you how many Mudokons there are in the game,
how many you've rescued and how many there are on the current level.


What kind of weapons does Abe have?

None, why would you need them if you can possess a Slig? I think that
Oddworld Inhabitants who made the game thought that the game would be far
more appealling to a larger bandwidth of Playstation players if they kept
lots of guns, gore and (not much) violence out of the game.


What's Abe's Exoddus all about then?

Abe's Exoddus picks up more or less where the last game left off. I suppose
Abe's Exoddus will have a nice rolling intro FMV which explains it well
(Just like the demo). In Abe's Oddysee, Abe killed Mullock The Glukkon, his
evil boss. He also destroyed RuptureFarms (By blowing it up I think). He
also inadvertantly destroyed the main ingredient for the Glukkon's addictive
depressing, soft drink: SoulStorm Brew. There is a place on Oddworld called
Necrum, where Mudokons used to bring there dead. Then, rumours started
spreading that the Glukkons and RuptureFarms had relocated to Necrum in
order to mine fresh bones from the Mudokon dead. Everything that took place
in this mine is secret, and nobody dared spread false rumours for fear of
the Magog Cartel paying them a visit in the middle of the night. Even the
workers, the humble Mudokons, did'nt know what took place, and, for fear of
an information leak, the Glukkons employed blind Mudokons, who can't see
what they are mining. So, Abe, our hero, sets off for Necrum with a few
other Mudokons. After a couple of days, the group get lost in the vast
expanse of desert near Necrum. Suddenly, a monorail zooms past overhead,
spilling it's cargo everywhere. Abe picks it up and examines it. The rumours
are true, the Glukkons /are/ using Mudokon bones! The group follow the train
all the way to Necrum, and when they get there they break in by jumping over
a wooden barricade. All the group land safely on the other side of this huge
barrier, except one, yup you guessed it, Abe! He wanders too close to the
edge as he lands and falls! He slips and slides all the way down to the
bottom (Just like the end of the Stockyard Escape in Abe's Oddysee). Landing
with a thump, his mission seems clear, rescue the mudokons, kill the
Glukkons and destroy RuptureFarms once and for all!


Are there any cheats?

The game has'nt been released yet, so I would'nt know. I suppose that the
movie and level select cheats will stay though. One cheat that won't be
there is the green air fart cheat, the one that makes Abe fart green dust.
The cheat is now the default, which makes for more engrossing (Geddit?)
There are already GameShark codes available, so go to Surfing with the
Sharks for them (There's a link on the Abe's Exoddus page of


You mentioned earlier that the Oddworld games are part of a series, explain.

Oddworld is a Quintology of games, which means that there will be 5 of them.
The next in the Oddworld series will be called Munch's Oddysee, and will
feature a big ugly rabbit and 64-bit technology. Little is known about the
next game(s), but you can be sure that next time I update this I'll include
any information I find. Each game will have a different plot, a different
hero, different enemies, even different cheats, but some characters that you
overlook in the first game could have quite a bigger, significant role.
Little is known about this idea too, but I think that the same programming
team will be used for each and every game.
When you complete Abe's Oddysee you get a picture of all the people who
programmed the game dressed up as butchers from RuptureFarms (Covered in
blood and stuff). You get a slightly altered photograph of the programming
team when you complete the demo of Abe's Exoddus. By comparing photographs,
everyone is present in the same place, so I suppose we'll just have to wait
and see the game manual for the credits of who made the game.
At the back of the manual, it further enlightens you on the Oddworld
Quintology, and states that each 'regular' game, like Abe's Oddysee, will
have a bonus game, like Abe's Exoddus. It also says that there might be more
than one bonus game, so I suppose we'll just have to see.


When was Abe's Oddysee released?

Abe's Oddysee was released in the Autumn of 1997. It is now a year after
it's release, and it carries on selling plenty of copies a day. I can see
this one being a huge hit when it is released on Platinum. The game has
stayed at the same price since it came out, and still it sells. Sony must
have known they were on to a winner. Luckily, I bought my copy from Dixons
for £44.99 which was bundled with Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown. I would have
been happy to buy it at the full price, but you can't take any chances these
days can you?
You can now get Abe's Oddysee in Woolworths for 20 nicker now too.


When will Abe's Exoddus be released?

I have got a finalised date from Sony Europe which says October 23, but it
is now October 28, and it has still not hit the shelves. According to Game
in the Kingston Bentall's Centre, the game is due for a Christmas release.
According to the message you get when you complete the Abe's Exoddus demo,
the game is due to be released in the Fall of 1998. as it is now Winter, I
would think that a Christmas release is a safe bet.


How many players did Abe's Oddysee have, and is Abe's Exoddus the same?

In Abe's Oddysee, one or two players could take on the Glukkons, but not
simultaneously. Anything the 1 Player did the 2 Player had to do too, and
vice-versa. I'm not sure what happens when you complete it with 2 Players,
or even if you still have to rescue 99 Mudokons. Abe's Exoddus will be the
same. You have an unlimited lives.
In my opinion, this is quite a big let down. Just by modifying the game
engine slightly, it would be possible for two players to effect what they
other is doing, by closing a door or pulling a switch etc.


I'm stuck on the demo, who can help?

OK, I got enough requests! Below is the walkthrough of Tunnels 1 and 2 in
Abe's Exoddus. This is the tried and tested way /I/ did it. You might want
to familiarise yourself with the level layout before you attempt to rescue
any Mudokons. I don't think that anyone puts demo solutions on their cheats
sites. As demos go of adventure puzzle games, Abe's Exoddus is a toughy. It
retains some of Abe's Oddysee tricky parts, with the not-so-obvious
solutions. Some of the puzzles, especially the first one, are truly evil,
but this means that the average player can get more involved, and in my
opinion it is more fulfilling when you solve a puzzling enigma. Unlike Abe's
Oddysee's demo there are even some secret areas. You also get to possess the
Flying Slig, and fly about dropping grenades to get to one of the secret


On Abe's Oddysee, when you get to the end, you don't have to face a big
boss, which is a bit disappointing. Is the same true with Abe's Exoddus?

I really do not know. It is going to end on another cliffhanger apparently,
so anything is possible. In my opinion, Abe's Oddysee did not end on a
cliffhanger, but the end was perfectly fitting in the story. If you were
good to your fellow Mudokons, and you rescued 50 or more, they would rescue
you just as you're about to go into the meat-o-matic. If you were bad to
your buddies, and you rescued 49 or less or shot or killed too many of them,
they would let you die. If you rescued 99 Mudokons, you get the cool ending,
and a list of cheats you could use. I'm guessing that this is the same with
Abe's Exoddus. More information will be available next time I update this
FAQ, so I might be able to fill you in. Besides, in my opinion, using the
Shrykull and killing 5 Glukkons and 5 Sligs is a good and fitting ending to
the game.


In the full game, will there be a few pointers on the way?

Yes, just like Abe's Oddysee, Rune Stones and Map Directories will exist on
many levels. There is even a couple in the demo for Abe's Exoddus, the main
one being at the end just after you find the depressed Mudokons that you
need to turn some wheel locks. The Rune Stone there tells you that you need
to go to the Paramite and Scrab areas and return there later on.


Earlier on, you mention the new monsters. What kind of old monsters are

In order of appearance in the game, there are...

SLIGS: Gunned up slugs in mechanical pants, with itchy trigger-fingers and
room temperature IQ's. Cruel taskmasters of the sadistic playpen that
is RuptureFarms. These are the only enemies you can possess.

SLOGS: They bark, eat live flesh, and definitely not good with children,
but they're a Slig's best friend. Their favourite bone is in Abe's
leg. They are basically alien dogs!

PARAMITES: On their own, they're cute in a stomach-churning way, but put
them in packs and they get vicious. Kind of like children. You
will first meet them in Paromonia, they're own section of
Oddworld. They are fond of meat, can be easily tricked, and
might attack you if you get they're backs to the wall.

SCRABS: These relentless nightmares reside in the dusty vaults of a lost
desert temple. Not much to look at, but terrific dancers. Get two
together, and they'll fight to the death!

GLUKKONS: Sharp-dressed, cigar-smoking, merciless corporate masters of
RuptureFarms. When these creeps make a killing in the market, they
use a butcher, not a stockbroker. Out of all the Glukkons, Mullock
has to be the worst. He is the boss of RuptureFarms. Don't take it
personally when he sells your guts for fertilizer - it's only

ANTI-CHANT DROIDS: Glowing spheres who don't like you trying to possess the
Sligs. They'll zap you, so you must find another way
round them, either make the Slig follow you onto the next
screen, or blow it up with a grenade from the Boom

MEECHES: Well, they're classed as an enemy, but are more ex-inhabitants of
Oddworld. RuptureFarms has led the Meech race to extinction by
making more Meech Munchies than ever.


What other characters are there?

Other than Abe and the other Mudokons, and the enemies, there are quite a
lot of characters.

ELUM: Abe's "pet" is cranky, stubborn, selfish, and smells like a burst
sewer pipe, and those are his good points. Fortunately, chicks dig him. Elum
plays quite a large part on the game, as you will need him several times to
jump large gaps that Abe normally would'nt be able to get across. Elum also
likes honey, so to stop him eating, you better put him off bees and honey.
You call him normally by ringing a bell, but God knows how you call him in
Abe's Exoddus. It is'nt even certain that he will be in Abe's Exoddus.

BIGFACE: Mysterious spiritual leader of the Mudokons. Already a shamen,
healer and teacher, add "miracle worker" to his CV: He has to make a
hero out of Abe. Abe first meets him after he dies after falling down the
cliff after the Stockyard Escape. He shows Abe why he should try and save
the Mudokon race. After Abe returns from Paramonia and Scrabania Bigface
gives him a tattoo relating to the worlds he has just survived. He also
gives Abe a Shrykull Spirit Ring, so he can pass a nasty screen littered
with Sligs, Mines and Anti-Chant Droids.

SHRYKULL: Half-Mudokon, half-God, all trouble. If Abe survives his quest, he
gets to turn into this bad boy and kick some tail. Life is good. Shrykull
kind of looks like a cross between a Scrab and a Paramite.

NATIVE MUDOKONS: Not all Mudokons are enslaved in RuptureFarms, but those
that live in the wild are a vanishing breed. They don't take kindly to
city-folk, so expect some hostility. You will first meet them in the
wilderness that is the Monsaic Lines. They will threaten you with a catapult
if you tread towards them to much, so give them a password you donut!


So what are the new monsters then?


There are a couple of Glukkons this time around.

VICE-PRESIDENT ASLIK: Glukkon in charge of FeeCo Depot, the Trains will run
on time.
GENERAL DRIPIK: Stern taskmaster of the Slig Barracks.
DIRECTOR PHLEG: Head boner at the Bonewerks.
BREWMASTER GLUKKON: Half the heart and twice the flavour.


There are two more variations of the Slig this time.

FLYING SLIGS: Half-mad Slig flyboy who chases you whilst firing grenades.
CRAWLING SLIGS: Sligs without their robotic legs.


SLOGGIES: Cuter than their grown-up cousins, but just as vicious. These are
basically little ickly Slogs.

The other new monsters are:

FLEECHES: Starting life as happy Glukkon pets, these vicous little worms
rapidly grow too big to cuddle, and are eliminated by flushing
them down the toilet. Whose colonies infest Oddworld's Underworld.

SLURGS: The lowest form of life on Oddworld, they feed on the offal of

GREETERS: A public-relations nightmare made right! Glukkons were aghast when
these marketing and P.R. machines began attacking the customers.
Now, they make perfect security guards. These appear to be a
talking vat on wheels.


How do the levels from Abe's Oddysee compare to the Abe's Exoddus levels?

Well, as they are quite different games based on the same idea, you should
expect the levels, or environments, to be different. The scenery of each
level in both games is breathtaking, so obviously there is plenty to look at,
but the path your supposed to follow is still very clear. For a 2D
platformer, Oddworld Inhabitants did an absolutely supreme job in decorating
each level with colourful 3D scenery, each one different. Every level has a
different path to follow, and corresponding scenery. Rupturefarms had the
dirty meat plant look, whilst Paromonia opts for the countryside look. The
following will explain each level in Abe's Oddysee, and each level in Abe's
Exoddus. They are all in order.

Abes Oddysee:

The most dangerous meat packing plant in the world. Anything that comes out
of this plant is certified BSE positive, that's for sure. Avoid patrolling
Sligs, rescue your fellow Mudokons, solve simple puzzles and most
importantly escape in order to continue your adventure. The scenery is most
impressive, and fits the mood perfectly. Meat grinders and falling meat are
two of the best effects of the level. In order to go on to the next section,
or Zulag, or RuptureFarms you have to travel by monorail. This in turn lets
you view a magnificent cinematic sequence showing your short journey. The
backgound scenery here consists of grimy walkways and some cool barrel
packing machines. To enter the next Zulag, you have to possess yourself a
Slig and say the correct thing into the voice recognition sensor. In order
to escape from RuptureFarms, Abe hitches a ride in a barrel, and falls out
just in time for his escape through the Stockyards.

The deadly no-man's land surrounding RuptureFarms. You must cunningly avoid
Sligs and Scrabs in order to slip past them. As you escape, the evening
approaches, and you quickly find that it is dark. This is one level that is
truly surprising in both it's layout and scenery. The Stockyards have a
sunset backround, and the Free-Fire Zone has a nice moonlit look about it.
loom our for bats, and the rather helpful fire-flies who give you help if
you need it. When you get to the end, you will have your first encounter
with a Slog, who will chase you instantly. He sounds suspiciously like
Sparky, the gay dog from South Park in my opinion. When you get to the end,
a beautifully rendered FMV will show you the Mudokon moon, then Abe falls
down the cliff and dies! Don't worry though, as the BigFace patches him up,
and sends him back out again.

This level is based around the holy caves of the native Mudokons, and looks
like a jungle. There are plenty of good backgrounds, mostly based around
Scrabs and Paramites, the so-called holy creatures (In reality, they are
actually vicious b*****ds). When you reach the end of the Lines (Geddit?)
you get to choose which part of Oddworld you want to go to next, either
Paramonia or Scrabania, so hop into the corresponding well to be transported

This is quite a trackless wasteland and also a heavy test of courage. It is
a rocky desert, with plenty of cacti and giant red stones and cliffs as
scenery. Get ready to meet Elum for the first time too! In order to gain
true Mudokon enlightenment, Abe must venture into the holy Scrabanian

Abe's biggest test occurs here, as he must survive the temple, solve some
taxing puzzles, and avoid tonnes of Scrabs in order to escape! After the
Temple comes the Scrabanian Nests.

Like the Paramonian Nests, this level takes part entirely in the shadows.
Abe must run, jump and scramble his was to safety. Timing is everything,
miss just one jump, and Abe is lunch! After Abe passes this level, he gets a
painful Scrab tattoo from the BigFace on his hand. It can only make him
stronger as we see later on.

Paramonia is part of Oddworld's vanishing wilderness, and you can see this
in the scenery. Plenty of trees, shrubs and dirt walkways are the norm here.
Just like Scrabania, you must pass through the Temple and the Nests before
you can get your tattoo.

Just like last time, except the puzzle solutions are a lot less obvious!
This level also features an Indiana Jones style rolling boulder! Paramites
are on your tail, so keep them occupied by using meat you can get froma meat

You better put on some track spikes if you want to outrun those pesky
Paramites! Make sure nothing slows you down here, it would mean life or
death. After this you get a cool new tattoo depicting a Paramite. Joinig the
tattoo makes Abe turn into Shrykull and fire Spirit Rings at the hazards
that approach him when he gets back to the Monsaic Lines. Abe is now
enlightened, and must go back in to RuptureFarms to rescue more of his

Abe must sneak back into RuptureFarms. Security around the Plant has stepped
up a bit, there are Slogs and Sligs everywhere, motion detectors, floating
mines, land mines and more Bats then you could shake a stick at.

Abe returns to RuptureFarms, and this time he has access to the other Zulags.
After he has rescued everybody he can, Abe get's set for the final encounter
with his evil boss Mullock The Glukkon.

By now, Mullock had saw what Abe was doing, so he threatened to gas any
Mudokons who dared to try and escape, including Abe! This level has a time
limit, and a tricky set of screens full of mines and meat grinders. Before
you go into the boardroom, there is still one dedicated Mudokon scrubbing
away! When Abe is in the Boardroom, he chants, joins the two tattoo's
together, and destroys the Glukkons and Sligs in there! He gets caught by 2
Sligs though, and is strung up above the Meat-O-Matic. This is where the
Oddysee begins, but this time, you get and ending as explained above.

Abes Exoddus:

Rupture Farms going Underground! This is where the Glukkons have decided to
steal Mudokon bones from. Is'nt it enough that they exploit those poor
little blue guys?

Most of Necrum remains untouched by the Glukkons...but for how long? Necrum,
just like Paramonia is part of Oddworlds quickly vanishing wilderness.

This is the Necrum equivalent of Scrabania - it's overrun with Scrabs!

This other vault is overrun with Paramites...

Transportation hub of the Magog Cartel. This is like a giant train network.

This is where the Mudokon bones are processed into the raw materials of SoulStorm Brew.

Well, those Sligs had to come from somewhere, right? Expect to meet a whole
/army/ of Sligs here!

This ain't your usual brewery, this is where Abe will find out the secret
ingredient of the SoulStorm Brew, or die trying.


You mention earlier on that Oddworld games feature 'GameSpeak'.
What this all about then?

GameSpeak gives you the ability to communicate to other people during the
game. in Abe's Oddysee, Abe and the Sligs were the only characters who could
use GameSpeak. This time, every character that Abe can possess can speak.
The only characters Abe can't possess are Greeters and Sloggies.
GameSpeak is typically enabled by holding down either L1 or R1 and pressing
different buttons for the corresponding speak you want Abe to say.
In Abe's Exoddus


What different stuff could Abe or a Slig say in Abe's Oddysee?

This next bit gives you a full guide to the GameSpeak of Abe or a Slig in
Abe's Oddysee.


L2 + Circle = Fart
L2 + Triangle = High pitched whistle
L2 + Square = Stop it!
L2 + X = Low pitched whistle
L1 + Circle = Work!
L1 + Triangle = Hello
L1 + Square = Follow me
L1 + X = Wait
L2 + R2 = Chant / Use Spirit Rings
L1 + R1 = Chant / Use Spirit Rings


L2 + Circle = Look out! (Useful for making Mudokons duck)
L2 + Triangle = Grunt
L2 + Square = Laugh
L2 + X = Grunt
L1 + Circle = Freeze
L1 + Triangle = Hi!
L1 + Square = Here Boy! (For summoning a Slog)
L1 + X = Get 'im (Order for Slog's attacking another Slig)
L2 + R2 = Explode your host!
L1 + L2 = Explode your host!


You mention that Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exoddus is a platform game. What
sort of actions can Abe or a Slig do?

It would be easier if I just list them thus...


Right on Directional Buttons = Walk right
Left on Directional Buttons = Walk left
Up on Directional Buttons = Jump up, Hoist, press button on Boom Machine,
enter door and work lift.
Down on Directional Buttons = Crouch, drop, and work lift.
Circle = Arm grenade or getting ready to throw stone
Triangle = Jump left or right (depends which way Abe is
Square = Action (pull switch or push button on Boom
X = Fart :o)

Right or Left + R1 = Run Right or Left
Right or Left + R2 = Sneak Right or Left
Right or Left + R1 + Triangle= Running Jump
Right or Left + R1 + X = Running roll
Down + Left or Right = Roll
Circle + Left/Right/Up/Down = Throw grenade or stone


Right on Directional Buttons = Walk right
Left on Directional Buttons = Walk Left
Right or Left + R1 = Run Right of Left
Right or left + R2 = Walk Right or Left
Up = Work lift, Sligspeak: Grunt
Down = Work lift, Sligspeak: Grunt
Circle = Fire gun
Square = Pull switch
X = Attack Mudokon


You mention earlier that you could possess other monsters like Glukkons and
Paramites. what new GameSpeak is there?

There are a couple of new phrases for Abe, and the Slig stays the same.
Other than those two differences, there are also possessible characters like
Glukkons, Scrabs, Paramites


L2 + Circle = Sympathy
L2 + Triangle = All of ya' (Used for alerting a group of Mudokons)
L2 + Square = Stop it!
L2 + X = Anger
L1 + Circle = Work
L1 + Triangle = Hello
L1 + Square = Follow me
L1 + X = Wait
X = Fart


L2 + Circle = Help!
L2 + Triangle = All o'ya' (used for alerting a group of Sligs)
L2 + Square = Cruel Laugh
L2 + X = Kill 'em!
L1 + Circle = Do it!
L1 + Triangle = Hey!
L1 + Square = Commere!
L1 + X = Stay here!


L1 + Triangle = Shred Power
L1 + Square = Howl


In the style of South park's Starvin' Marvin style clicking while he speaks,
ParamiteSpeak is probably the hadrest to understand.

L2 + Triangle = All a ya!
L2 + X = Attack! (For sending other Paramites into Battle)
L1 + Circle = Do it!
L1 + Triangle = Howdy
L1 + Square = C'mon
L1 + X = Stay


What new actions does Abe have?

Well, he can now possess his own Farts! Other than that, his actions stay
more or less the same, though a different button is needed for some. Oh, and
you can't press Circle to Crouch now, as that is now Fart.
To possess your Farts, drink some SoulStorm Brew which you can get from a
Boom Machine style machine, then just Fart and Chant to possess the cloud of
your stench!


Is the story of Abe's Exoddus presented neatly again in the manual, just
like Abe's Oddysee?

Yes, below is the full story from the Abe's Exoddus game manual.

"When we last saw Abe, he'd just rescued ninety-nine Mudokons from
RuptureFarms(tm), and struck a serious blow to the Glukkons of the rapacious
Magog Cartel. once and ignorant, happy floor-waxer, Abe now found himself a
hero to his people. You think Abe had earned a vacation...

...but that was before he fell on his head and had a vision. Three restless
ghosts let Abe in on a shocking secret.

RuptureFarms was just one of many slaughterhouses the Glukkons are using to
exploit the Mudokons. Even worse is the SoulStorm Brewery, where
super-addictive SoulStorm Brew(tm) is made from the bones of the dead
Mudokons mined from Necrum, the ancient Mudokon city of the dead!

Abe, being a schmuck - uh, hero - set out across the desert with five
friends to find Necrum. When the game opens, Abe and his pals have snuck
into the Necrum Mines.

Your mission is to destroy the Mines by sabotaging the boilers that power
the place. You'll have to find your friends, too...but keep them away from
SoulStorm Brew(tm)! One slug of that stuff and they'll get sick, and be no
use to anyone...unless you can find a way to heal them. And how do you do
that? I bet those three restless ghosts might have an idea. They're probably
hanging around their tomb. If you find the ghosts, maybe you can get them to
confirm the rumour that Scrabs and Paramites are running free in the Vaults
of Necrum.


How many disks will Abe's Exoddus come on?

It is on 2 disks this time round. GT and Oddworld Inhabitants really
excelled themselves with the graphics, which probably fill one disk on their


How long will it take me to complete?

A very long time. It took me about an hour and a half to get all the way
past the Necrum Mines, plus another 1 and a half hours of finishing every
secret, so there is a lot of replay value.


I've heard that Abe is able to fly in his next adventure, is that true?

Yes, you can, but it seems to me that this is a bad idea to Possessing a
Flying Slig and flying everywhere would make the game awfully easy, don't
you think? Maybe you would need it for a really vital part of a level, and
you had to avoid the sharp-shooting of the Sligs as you fly who are in the
background. Maybe you would need the Flying Slig to drop grenades for you
somewhere. Dunno. In the demo, you don't need the Flying Slig for anything
constructive, it's just a decoration. You might need him to blow a Slig away
to get to the last secret containing the Mudokons though.


Am I the only one who thinks that Abe is sexy?

Well, me being perfectly normal, and you being a bit current-cakey in the
brain department, anything could happen. Just answer me this, if Abe is so
damn sexy, why has'nt he been in those magazines that short people can't


You mention a demo available on the PSM CD 38. What kind of demo is it?

Well, Alex Macfarlane Smith estimates that the demo is roughly 1/8th of the
first level, and there are 4 levels on the first CD and 4 on the second CD,
which means that the demo is roughly 1/64th of the full game. The demo for
Abe's Oddysee is 1/16th of the full game, which means the full game has much
more depth, detail, and involvement.


I bought the game on it's release, and I've been stuck in ???????? for
weeks. How do I do it?

After I beat the first game getting the good ending, I popped along to
Sinjin's Lair and downloaded the most comprehensible Walkthrough on the game
to date. The bloke behind this is writing/has written an FAQ for Exoddus
too. It will probably be on his web-site at: www.concentric.net/~Sinjin/


My mate said that it's possible to possess your own farts. How can I tell
him that he's wrong?

You can't, according to Morgan Marks, possession of farts is the key
solution to a couple of puzzles in the game.


On the back of the game box, it says the game is suitable for 3-10 year
olds. Will Abe's Exoddus be the same?

No, Abe's Exoddus, according to ELSPA, is only suitable for ages 11-14 and
over. I doubt that GT Interactive or ELSPA would have done this about the
violence and gore, more the involvement of the game.
The puzzles in Abe's Exoddus are even trickier than Abe's Oddysee,
especially with the addition of moods and Blind Mudokons.


Blind Mudokons? Moods? What's that all about then?

OK, remember in Abe's Oddysee, those people like you? Yes Mudokons. Well,
this time around, they have more feelings. If they flash a certain colour,
then they have a different mood, and will react different to Mudokon who is,
say, flashing a different colour. Sounds complicated? Let me explain...

They won't listen to you, unless you tell them you're sorry. They'll
sometimes retaliate and take a swing at you, so be careful.
They flash red.

Oddworld's equivalent of a junkie, these guys are all hopped up and out of
control. They are usually high on Laughing Gas, which the Glukkons have put
in the mines and in other locations. A good slap will sort them out, just
remember to apologise!
They stay the same colour, but won't listen to Abe. They'll run and lark
about, making them the perfect Slig fodder!

These blokes are so upset about being slaves that they'll scarcely
acknowledge Abe is there. One good shock can push them over the edge into
suicide, so show them some sympathy when you meet them. My only advice is to
leave them well alone until you can clear any danger out of the way
(Including big drops and mining equipment).
They flash a purple hue.

These poor people will be kneeling down, groaning and holding their head.
They are drunk from SoulStorm Brew, so you will need to find a helper
Mudokon to give you a healing ring before the sick Mudokons can recover.
They stay the same colour, but any attempt of communication by Abe will just
make them groan.

Brought in by the Glukkons to stop people knowing what the Glukkons were up
to, these guys can't see on top of eveyrthing else, so you'll have to use
the 'Wait' command to stop them walking off edges or into walls. Be
especially careful of drills and big drops!
They are more pale then the regular Mudokons.


What sort of reviews did Abe's Exoddus get in the Playstation magazines?

The Official Playstation Magazine said that it improved on Abe's Oddysee
which was a "colourful and worthy edition to the genre". Play magazine said
that they looked forward to the release of the game.


Is it worth getting then?

YES!!! This has to be one of the most essential titles you should have in
your collection. If you can't afford Abe's Exoddus, either save up or but
Abe's Oddysee which is available now for £19.99!


Well, that's about it, if you want any questions answered, just post them to
me at trebor@argonet.co.uk and I will do my best to answer them. If you
haven't already read/got it, go and get my Twisted Metal World Tour FAQ at:
www.gameFAQs.com/ and follow the links.
The TM2 FAQ boasts the most accurate information about the game, and would
no doubt be a help if your stuck on the game or want to venture in being an
expert on the game.
I'm also working on the most comprehensive Grand Theft Auto Mission and
Secret Guide. Available soon from www.gameFAQs.com/ soon!

Be seeing you next time around,
Rob White, London, England.
Jim White Wimbledon London England
Millennium Smug with Acorn@Heart

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