Bloody Roar 2

Bloody Roar 2

17.10.2013 11:02:28
Bringer of the new age
By:DuaMaxwell.My e-mail address is RPITM@AOL.COM
Version 0.1

Hello every one this is my Very first F.A.Q
I just love this game personally i find BR2 better then the original one
.First of BR2 has more moves and graphic's then the first one.
There are Couple of new modes. But I'll explain that next time.
Any way if you do happen to live in New,York City Manhattan make sure
to watch my show Called Animation&Games Fridays at 10:30 channel 57.
OK all these move are for the PSX and this came got's a lot more then
part one If your a hard-core Fan of the first Bloody Roar this is a
most have. If you have a website and decide to but this on your site
make sure to contact me at RPITM@AOL.COM.I would like to thank Kain
< > Who was the Only Person that e-mailed me with
the Beast Supers.So Kain as they say In japan Arigato Gozaimasu.Well
Let's get started


2.Characters Moves:
3.Secret Characters:
4.Secret Characters Moves:

1. Conventions:

\ | /
BW-- + -- F
/ | \

F: Forward
FF: Run
BW: Backward
BWBW: Dash Backward
D: Down
U: Jump
P: Punch
K: Kick
B: Beast
G: Guard
QCF: Quarter circle forward ( D,DF,F )
QCB: Quarter circle back (D,BWD,D)
S: Simultaneously
+ Hit button
H: Hold


I don't now the Name of the moves for the characters because I don't
speak or read Japanese so IM just going to make there names up.

2. Characters Moves:

Yugo: (Beast the Wolf )

Normal Moves

P High Punch
F+P Strong Punch
BW+P Middle Punch
S,BW,U+P Flying Jaw breaker
S,F,D+P Upper Cut
S,BW,D+P+P Duck Trick Punch

K High Kick
F+K Hammer Kick
BW+K Round house
S,FD+K Chest Kick
S,FD+K+K Double kick
S,BW,D+K Sweep
S,U+K Jumping Round House

F,F+P Flying Upper Cut
F,F+K Flying Middle Nee
F,F+B Overhead slash

U+B Quarter Moon
D+K Double Sweep
D+B The Gutter
BW+B Spinning Backhand Slap

Special Moves:

QCB+P Electro Upper Cut
QCB+K Full Moon
QCF+P Rapid Punch
QCF+K Flying nee
QCF+B Shredding Neck
QCB+B+B Bow & Arrow
U,QCB+B Half Moon
U,QCB+K Horse Kick ( When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

Running attacks:

FF+B Spinning Missile Drop Kick
FF+K Ground Missile
FF+P Charging Elbow

Beast Supers:
Stun: ( Beast the insect)

P Strong Punch
F+P Shoulder throw
BW+P Middle Punch
S,U+P Hammer over Drive
S,FD+P Upper Cut
S,BW,D+P earthquake

K Nee
F+K Low Kick
BW+K Jaw Breaker
S,FD,+K ??? ( i don't now what this those)
S,BW,D+K Ground Flip
S,U+K Flipping axe Kick

F,F+P Over head Punch
F,F+K Fly Kick
F,F+B Head Butt

D+B Diving Nee Claw's
U+B Jumping Head Butt
BW+B Sting

Special Moves:

QCB+P Foot Slam
QCB+K Electro Kick
QCF+P Neck Throw
QCF+B Crucified
QCB+B Tough or Fly
U,QCB+B Flying Head Butt
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Flying Drat
FF+K Baseball Slide
FF+P Charging Horn

Beast Supers:
Stun: 2x HCBw + B (Throw)
Marvel (Beast the leopard)

P Jab
F+P+P+P+ Rapid Punches
BW+P Spinning Fist
S,U+P Overhead Punch
S,FD+P Middle Punch
S,BW,D+P Spinning Chap

K high Kick
F+K Middle Nee
BW+K Round House
S,FD,+K Hip Breaker
S,BW,D,K Nee breaker
S,U+K Falling Jumping Kick

F,F+P Shoulder Attack
F,F+K Flying Missile
F,F+B Charging Head Butt

D+B Nee Claw
U+B Flipping Caw
BW+B Atomic Kick

Special Moves:

QCB+P Atomic Punch
QCB+K Electro Double Kick
QCF+P Claw Upper Cut
QCF+B Face rip
QCB+B Slashing Upper Cut
U,QCB+B Spinning Craw
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backard )
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Diving Claw
FF+K Baseball Slide
FF+P Sprier

Beast Supers:
Bakuryu (Beast the Mole)


P Chap
F+P Spinning Chop
BW+P Shoulder Choppier
S,U+P Spinning Flip
S,FD+P Upper Cut
S,BW,D+P Nee close Line

K High Kick
F+K Spinning Ax Kick
BW+K Round House
S,FD,+K Nee breaker
S,FD,+K+K Double Nee Breaker
S,BW,D+K Trip
S,U+K Spinning Back Kick

F,F+P Hadoken (I wish)
F,F+K+K+K Triple Kick
F,F+B Charging Claw

U+B Flying Claw
BW+B Slash upper Cut

Special Moves:

QCB+P Atomic Wave
QCB+K Teleport
QCF+P Spinning in the air neck breaker
QCF+B Claw Gutter
QCB+B Claw Upper Club
U,QCB+B Spinning Craw
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Diving claws
FF+K Flying Kick
FF+P Charging Slash

Beast Supers:
Bakuryu: 2x HCF+ B
Long (Beast the tiger)

Normal Moves

P high Punch
F+P Strong Punch
BW+P Shoulder hitter
S,U+P Flying elbow
S,F,D+P Upper Cut
S,BW,D+P Low Blow

K High Kick
F+K Forward double Kick jumping roundhouse
BW+K Roundhouse kick
S,FD+K Strong Kick
S,BW,D+K Sweep Kick

F,F+P Spinning Elbow
F,F+K Step sweep
F,F+B Upper slash

D+B Ripping Craws
U+B Helicopter
D+K Low Kick
BW+B Atomic Push

Special Moves:

QCB+P Electro Elbow
QCB+K Stomper
QCF+P Rocket Punch
QCF+K High Double flying Kick
QCF+B Charging Neck Grab
QCB+B+B+B Earth stomping triable Roundhouse
U,QCB+B Spinning Claw
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

Running attacks:

FF+B: Cannon Ball
FF+K Charging Flying Kick
FF+P Charging elbow

Beast Supers:
Alice (Beast the rabbit)

P Jab
F+P middle Punch
BW+P Strong Punch
S,U+P Hammer Over Drive
S,FD+P Elbow to the Hip
S,BW,D+P Nee Chop

K High Kick
F+K Forward Flip Kick
BW+K Backward Flip Kick
S,FD,+K Nee kick (Hit K a lot to perform Combos)
S,BW,D,K One Foot Sweep
S,U+K Jumpkick

F,F+P Nee Punch
F,F+K Flying Nee
F,F+B High Strong Kick

D+B Wabbit Combo (Hit B a lot to perform Combo)
U+B Over Head Kick
BW+B Ground Atomic Fall

Special Moves:

QCB+P Elector Double Upper Cut
QCB+K somersault
QCF+P Helicopter (if Beast Flying Helicopter)
QCF+B Leg Upper Cut
QCB+B Giant Flip Kick
U,QCB+B Atomic Fall
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Charging Flip Kick
FF+K Baseball Slide
FF+P Charging Elbow

Beast Supers:
Uriko (Beast The Half Beast)

P Jab
F+P Elbow to the Nee
BW+P Hadoken (Joking)
S,U+P Double Upper Cut
S,FD+P Elbow to the stomach
S,BW,D+P Rocket Punch

K High Kick
F+K Jump Kick
BW+K Strong Kick
S,FD,+K Helicopter Kick and Punch
S,BW,D,K One foot Sweep
S,U+K High Jump Kick

F,F+P+P Rolling Punch
F.F+P+K Rolling Flying Kick
F,F+K Triple flying kick
F,F+B Slashing Upper Cut

F+B Triple Slash
U+B Jumping Upper Cut
BW+B FrontFlip flash

Special Moves:

QCB+P Elector Jump
QCB+K Head Stamp
QCF+P 4hit Slash
QCF+B Ducking (Press different Buttons To do different Moves)
QCB+B Slashing Claw
U,QCB+B Atomic Fall
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Spinning BaseBall Slide
FF+K Flying Double Kick
FF+P Falling Head Butt

Beast Supers:
Busuzima (Beast the Chameleon)

P Slap
F+P Miidle Punch
BW+P Spinning Backhand punch
S,U+P Tern Back
S,FD+P Stomach Jab
S,BW,D+P Middle Backhand Punch

K Nee
F+K High Kick
BW+K Atomic Kick
S,FD,+K Sweep
S,BW,D,K One foot Sweep
S,U+K Atomic Missile Drop Kick

F,F+P Atomic Hammer Drive
F,F+K Foot Stamp
F,F+B Back Flip

D+B Atomic Hammer Over Drive
U+B Backflip Slash
BW+B Claw Sting

Special Moves:

QCB+P Elector Upper Cut
QCB+K Foot juggler (Hit the K rapidly)
QCF+P Back Neck Breaker
QCF+B Invisibility Claw
QCB+B Invisibility Back flip
U,QCB+B Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCB+K Atomic Missile Kick
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Slash Back Flip
FF+K Spinning Missile Drop Kick
FF+P Charging Head Butt

Beast Supers:
Jenny (Beast the Bat)

P Slap
F+P Hip Chap
BW+P Huh? ( Have know idea what this those)
S,U+P Double flip in the air
S,FD+P Slashing Upper Cut
S,BW,D+P+P+ Triple Nee chap

K Fast Kick
F+K Rapped Kick's (If you Hit The K button a lot)
BW+K Rapped Slash Kick (If you hit the K button a lot)
S,FD,+K Rapped Nee Kick's (Hit the K button a lot)
S,BW,D,K Round House Sweep
S,U+K Flipping Kick

F,F+P Charging Elbow
F,F+K Jumping slash kick
F,F+B Atomic jumping roundhouse

U+B Over Head Slash Kick
D+K+K Double Sweep
BW+B Helicopter

Special Moves:

QCB+P Electro Craw
QCB+K Spinning Flying Kick (something like Chun-li Spinning Bird Kick)
QCF+P One foot Stands (Hit the K button rapidly
QCF+B Charging head Butt
QCB+B Flying attack (while in air press the B button to attack)
U,QCB+B Flying higher attack (while in air press the B button to attack)
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Charging slash kick (while in air press B to attack)
FF+K Baseball slide
FF+P Hard push

Beast Supers:
Jenny: 2x HCF + B

3. Secret Characters

OK first of all I don't know how many Secret Characters there are in total
So far what I know is that there's two of them and they are GATO and ShenLong.
Gato got's some new moves. And as for ShenLong I think he is not a new character
His Something like.@_@ Hey what are you Doing remember no spoilers.^_^ Oh yeah I for
get. But at least can I tell them how to get them. @_@ Hey I think that's Okay
^_^ Good!!

Gato: ( ^_^ in order to get Gato just beat the Game with any one. But just in case
that those not work Kick every one's Butt with Long (The tiger ).

ShenLong ( ^_^ Wow this Guy is so Cool and Powerful. In order to get him it's going to
Be just a little hard. You have to beat all the characters without losing one Match
I think. I don't know a lot about this Game Because I just beat it 3 times.)and never again
played it. Well, I played it just to show off my skills.he.he Well hope you enjoy this FAQ
If you have any questions or Comments make sure to e-mail me at RPITM@AOL.COM.And don't
Forget to watch my show Animation & Games Fridays at 10:30 channel 57 Only in NYC Manhattan.
One More think I made some of the Moves for Gato and ShenLong.This FAQ will be
Updated Again as soon as i get Some help from You Gamers out there that have BR2.


4.Secreat Characters Moves:


P Jab
F+P Strong Elbow
BW+P Spinning Elbow
S,U+P Over Head Punch
S,FD+P Punching head Butt
S,BW,D+P Nee Punch

K High Kick
F+K Strong Nee
BW+K Roundhouse
S,FD,+K Hip Kick
S,BW,D,K One Foot Sweep

F,F+P Charging Shoulder
F,F+K Flying Nee
F,F+B Charging Head Butt

D+B Nee claw
U+B Back Flip Slash
F+B Stinging Claw
BW+B Atomic Kick

Special Moves:

QCB+P Atomic Punch
QCB+K Elector Roundhouse Kick
QCF+P Shut the HELL UP!!
QCF+B Face rip
QCB+B Slashing Uppercut
U,QCB+B Spinning Claw
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

FF+B Diving Craw
FF+K Baseball slide
FF+P Sprier

Beast Supers:
^_^ ShenLong haves the same moves as Long. Well, almost the same.

ShenLong (Beast the tiger)

Normal Moves

P high Punch
F+P Strong Punch
BW+P Shoulder hitter
S,U+P Flying elbow
S,F,D+P Upper Cut
S,BW,D+P Low Blow

K High Kick
F+K Forward double Kick jumping roundhouse
BW+K Roundhouse kick
S,FD+K Strong Kick
S,BW,D+K Sweep Kick

F,F+P Spinning Elbow
F,F+K Step sweep
F,F+B Upper slash

D+B Ripping Craws
U+B Helicopter
D+K Low Kick
BW+B Atomic Push

Special Moves:

QCB+P Electro Elbow
QCB+K Stomper
QCF+P Rocket Punch
QCF+K High Double flying Kick
QCF+B Charging Neck Grab
QCB+B+B+B Earth stomping triable Roundhouse
U,QCB+B Spinning Claw
U,QCB+K Horse Kick (When facing opponent backward)
U,QCF+K Missile Drop Kick
U,QCF+P Falling Comet

Running attacks:

FF+B: Cannon Ball
FF+K Charging Flying Kick
FF+P Charging elbow

Beast Supers:
Shenlong: QCF, HCBw + B

^_^ Wow I finally Finished ahahahhahah IM so happy. Any way I have know
One to thank because know one helped me on My 0.0 FAQ. Well, let me just thank
Jay, Jackson For lending me this Game. And My little Brother for naming some of
The Moves. But come back to this FAQ once in a while because if I get help I'll be
Updating this FAQ. People sorry for the Typos. If any one can help me updated this
FAQ e-mail me at RPITM@AOL.Com.And one more thing Watch my Show Animation&Games
Fridays at 10:30 channel 57 only in New, York City Manhattan. Will Bye for Now!

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