Breath of Fire 3

Breath of Fire 3

15.10.2013 07:05:05
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** B R E A T H O F F I R E I I I **
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Breath Of Fire III - Walktrough With Ultimate Playing Hints
Version 2.000
Done By: Tricrokra (

Data of Breath Of Fire III version I played.
System: PlayStation
Region: PAL (Europe)

Legal Notics.
You're free to download and copy this FAQ to anyone you know as long as it's
unprofitable and this FAQ is unmodified.
When uploading this FAQ to please let me know. In most cases it won't be a
problem if you do.
(C) Copyright JBC-Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricrorka), 2001, All rights reserved

1.000 06-13-2001 This whole FAQ
1.001 06-14-2001 Revision on Berserker, added faerie guide, added masters
Bais, Wynn, Lee and Lang and added hidden weapon powers
1.002 06-15-2001 Added Gene guide and added secret dragons Trygon and
Wildfire (which I forgot first, oops)
1.010 06-17-2001 Added Toxic Man. Exact route for Workbot and Ryu's mind has
been added. Added statistics changes for masters. Black Ship
bonusses added. Inn prices added
2.000 09-19-2001 Total FAQ revision



Not only the file tells you how to solve all the puzzles. It also tells you
the ULTIMATE strategy you should use. And before you think that I'm bluffing...
I think after playing this game for over 50 times or maybe even much more times
from the beginning till the end may have provided me a very good look at the
situation. I've even managed to defeat the final boss without using the
powerfull dragon skills for example.

I played the PAL version since I am from Europe. I suppose this file will also
work of the NTSC version. I only heard that a few names are diffrent.

North in BOF3 is the upper left corner of the screen!!!!

Maybe some parts need a revision. Be sure you got the latest version
of this FAQ. You can always find it on

If you want to print this FAQ, DON'T EVER USE WORD or WORDPAD!!!
The FAQ will fuck up, trust me... The best way to do it is to use
the DOS prompt and type: COPY FAQ.TXT PRN (this is when you saved this
FAQ as FAQ.TXT). You can use the CD command to get into the right
directory (oh microsoft wants me to call it a folder. Don't count on
that Bill).

*** Index ***
- The Hero's
- Walktrough
- Masters
- Gene guide
- Secret Dragon Forms
- Hybrids
- Fearie guide
- Hidden powers from weapons
- Secret treasures on black ship
- Inn prices
- Where to catch the best fish?
- Manillo list

*** HERO'S ***

Ryu (No matter which name you give him. I'll just call him Ryu)
Description: The Hero
Place of joining: Dauna Mines
Advantage: Ryu is a powerfull healer and assistor.
Not only that. Ryu also takes advantage in his skill to
transform into a dragon.
Disadvantage: Using dragon skills blocks your healing magic and cost AP
each turn.
Starting level: 1
Remark: During the game you have to choose 3 party members out of 6
to take with you. You are always obligated to take Ryu with
Action: Cut*

Discription: Friend of Rei's who feels a strange connection with Ryu
Place of joining: McNeil village
Advantage: Powerfull fighter and good attacking magic
Disadvantage: No really annoying disadvantages
Starting level: 1
Remark: Will leave the party forever very early in the game
Action: Kick*

Discription: Thief who finds Ryu somewhere in the forest
Place of joining: McNeil Villlage
Advantage: Very fast and much later in the game he'll turn out to be a
powerfull weretiger
Disadvantage: Rather weak and in weretiger form he's out of control.
You can control his movements (in weretiger form) with the
Starting level: 5, after coming back he starts at level 20
"influence" ability wich can be learned by examaning
"Boss Goblins" (Pink ones)
Remark: Rei will leave together with Teepo, but will come back much
later in the game
Action: Pick Locks

Description: Princess of Wyndia.
Place of joining: Dungeon under Castle Wyndia
Advantage: Powerfull attacking magic
Disadvantage: Very weak
Starting level: 5
Action: Enchant*

Description: Scatterbrained engineer
Place of joining: Strange tower
Advantage: Healer and assistor. Can take over the healing when Ryu is
in dragon form
Disadvantage: Her bazooka is a very strong weapon but it misses easily.
Momo is the one with the lowest accuracy. And also not very
high defense.
Starting level: 10
Remark: Momo will live longer when placing her under master Fahl
Action: Shoot*

Description: Mutant onion
Place of joining: Dump
Advantage: None (His low level is nice to use for masters)
Disadvantage: Weak weak weak. Attacking sucks. Defending sucks. No really
handy spells. He's just worthless.
Starting level: 1
Action: Kick*

Description: Guardian. Winner of contest of champions. He knows something
about the dragons.
Place of joining:Maekyss Gorge
Advantage: Strong.
Disadvantage: Strong but not as strong as he appears to be. And Garr's magic
is too weak to use.
Starting level: 13
Action: Push

(Actions marked with "*" are accesible by using the action button. /_\ =

About the markings:
## Means it's not nescesarily required to get further, but it could be
## a hint for ULTIMATE gameplay

$$$$ Marks Boss enemies

**** Marks samples (near the end of the game)

Here goes:

## First thing of all.... My advise is to keep always the armor and shields
## with the highest defense, no matter how much they slow you down.
## "Be slow or be dead" is the motto of this game. I say it here and I won't
## say again all the time.
## Same goes for using the "Camp" feature any time you need a rest. Just
## do it when you feel the need. When somebody's max hitpoints have dropped
## you'll need an inn to heal that back.
## I'll give you my party + the respective levels in that party.
## The levels are not recommended levels, just mine.
## If you are not really experienced in playing RPG games it may be
## recommended to use higher levels than I. Since I consider myself
## a pro when it comes to BOF3, I'm willing to take risks, and I know
## what will come. See?

**** Dauna Mines I ****
Gary and Mogu let a crystal explode and a dragon comes out of it. This dragon
is YOU (Ryu). Out of fear Gary and Mogu will try to fight. Whelp breath solves
the problem. This goes for all the miners who'll try to attack you.
In the end you'll meet a strong fella. Use dragon breath and the engineer will
use his crane to knock you out.

**** Rei and Teepo ****
You'll be transported in a train. Giggle the controller until you fall off.
Rei will find you in the forest and take you home. When you wake up Rei and
Teepo are gone. You can use the diary here to save. Search all the closets in
this house. They contain some items. Leave the house and find your way out of
the forest. Go to McNeil Village. Rei and Teepo are trying to break in a house
but they are kicked out. Follow them and talk to Teepo. You'll get some
equipment now. Leave this place.

### Okay... Now head for a battlefield. That are spots on the worldmap where an
### exclamation mark will appear above Ryu's head. Now train here with the
### enemies here. Recommended is to try to get level 5 with Ryu. When you're
### getting out of AP leave the field camp to rest and re-enter the battlefield
### Now some enemy hints
### Eye Goo Try to use Rei to steal "Healing Herb" from them. Since Ryu's AP
### is pretty low here you may need them
### Mage Goo They can use "Burn" twice. Let Ryu (ONLY RYU) examine for "Burn"
### You need it very badly. When you learned "Burn" Rei may pilfer
### for "Healing Herb"
### Mantrap You can "Pilfer" for "Pointed Stick". You need two of them.
### but beware, "Pilfer" will wake him up. And he's rather strong
### His weakness is "Flame" magic.
### Boss Goblin Let Rei use "Pilfer" to get a "WaistCloth". The best armor for
### for now. It may be handy to let the others examine for
### influence. The boss goblin can only use that skill to command
### his allies. When he has no more allies he'll run away.
### Goblin Try to "Pilfer" for "Bent Sword". You'll need 4 of those things
### When they are without a Boss Goblin, try to examine for
### "Unmotivate". It saves you a lot of time later when you have it.
### Gooey Always paralyzed. Only if you are at extreme high levels (60+ or
### so they can become dangerous, break out of their paralysis and
### use the spell "Ebonfire").

Now go to Yraall road.
### New enemies here
### Ripper Can blind you and is fast. Not really a thread but annoying
### Gonghead You can try "Pilfer" for "Vitamin". Not really a thread.
Walk to the south until Rei and Teepo begin to talk. Now hide behind a big tree
as Rei says. After meeting Bunyan you may want to take the bag here which
contains some money.

Go to the chedar woods and look for Bunyan's house. Rei can open the door.
Walk to the ladder down and search the cabinet downstairs. It contains a
"Beef Jerky". Now Bunyan will get home. When Rei and Teepo investigate it they
get caught. Leave the house, and Bunyan will knock you out.
Bunyan will sent Rei to Mount Glaus and have you and Teepo to chop wood.
The pricipal is easy. Teepo sets the log. As soon as he removes his hands use
the action button (default = Triangle) to cut the log. After chopping wood you
can go to Mount Glaus.

**** The Monster On Mount Glaus ****
My party: Ryu 5, Teepo 5
Near the Chedar Woods is a spot marked as "?". Enter it.
You may see a large rock here. It's blocked by a small stone. When Teepo kicks
that stone away the rock will fall and block the water in the little river.
You can go trough it and obtain a "Weather Vane". There are more small rocks
here. Some cover a hole containing an item.
## There's also a "coin" hidden under one of those rocks. Try to find it.
## You'll need it.

When you made it through you'll get on Mount Glaus.
## There are three handy treasures here. An "Antidote", a "Heavy Caro" and a
## "Cloth Shield". You may want to get them
## New enemies:
## Curr Their "Clorine" may really stress you since it poisons you.
## Rei could "Pilfer" for "Antidote", but when you first meet
## them he isn't around, but he'll be back and then you can do
## it. But don't push yourself getting these Antidotes. Chances
## are little that you get it and it increases the chance to get
## poisoned
## Puff Goo First round they'll always defend. After that always attack.
## They can also counter your attacks
When you reach the top of Mount Glaus you'll meet Rei in a small hut. You'll
automaticly take a rest and the next day you meet the Nue.

$$$$ Boss #1a: Nue I
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ My party: Ryu 5, Teepo 5, Rei 6
$$$$ If you use "Pilfer" with Rei you may get a "Power Food". For the rest you
$$$$ must be aware of the fact that he can poison you and that he counters
$$$$ easily. When he gets weak he'll run away.

After the Nue leaves it may be wise to rest in the hut first. The dragon statue
here can be use to save the game.

## Around this spot is a "Vitamins". It can be used to heal all partymembers in
## once. But beware. That item is very rare.

Enter the cave here. Follow the trail of Blood.
## If you search the whole cave you can find handy weapons. The pile of dragon
## bones hide a "Bent Sword". There are also some dead fellows here who got nice
## stuff.
## New enemies:
## Bat Defense first round then attack. Rather fast. Can be "Influenced"
## Zombie Starts confused. Weak. Can be hurt with healing, but don't do it
## since you magic is little
When the trail of blood stops near a waterfall you may turn back. Teepo will
have a theory about how the Nue escaped.
Follow the main path of the cave till the end and then you may turn left.
There's a water flow. Teepo will suggest to jump in the water.
Rei will ask you if Teepo's right. Your answer doesn't matter but when you say
that Teepo's wrong it's funny to see how pissed he gets. Jump in the water and
here you'll find the Nue again

$$$$ Boss #1b: Nue II
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ My party: Ryu 7, Teepo 7, Rei 7
$$$$ Same story as the first time. (And "Pilfer" may again result in obtaining
$$$$ a "Power Food". Even when you got it the first time).
$$$$ When the Nue howls with the Fury, he may use "Jolt". So beware. After
$$$$ using that spell once he can't do it again, so that makes one problem less
$$$$ to worry about.

You can try to enter the cave behind the Nue to see its dead cubs, but you don't
need to. Leave the cave and you'll end up at home.

**** And now you're hero's ****

Leave the house and head for McNeil. They're gratefull for killing the Nue.

## Okay... Now listen closely. DON'T and I repeat DON'T sell any weapons until
## you have met Master D'lonzo. She wants you to have 15 diffrent kind of
## weapons to become her apprentice, and you can take advantage when you can
## manage that the first time you meet her you'll have a great advantage. But
## the only way to do that is to handle as I say. Buy all the weapons you can
## buy here and DON'T sell any of them. No matter how little money you have.

## Now buy a "Wooden Rod" and some kinds of fishing baits. And spend all your
## money on all kind of stuff. Try to get your ammount of money as little as
## possible. Now leave McNeil and at the spot with the cut tree you'll meet
## Mygass. In exchange for all your money you can become his apprentice
## (even 0 zenny will work). Let Ryu apprentice under him.
## now go for the fishing spots and try to catch two Trouts and two
## Rainbowtrouts (they are both on another fishing spot). When you got that
## you need to try to catch a Manillo. A human shaped fish. Use the coin as lure
## and lure him as closely to you as possible. But beware, the coin is heavy and
## may get lost easlity against the ground and coins are RARE!!!
## when you managed to catch the Manillo you can trade some fish for a "Silver
## Knife". Handy in the next mission and needed for D'lonzo.
## when you got everything go back to McNeil.

**** McNeil's Mansion ****
My party: Ryu 7, Teepo 7, Rei 8
In McNeil talk to a mysterious fellow (Loki).
Loki wants you to do something. Accept his request and meet him again in the
barn in the "Farm". Loki wants you to break into McNeils house. You'll end up
outside McNeils garden. There's a spot a little diffrent than others here.
Click on it and Rei will accidently open a path. There's a thief around here
hidden behind a big wall. Talking to him will get you 50 zenny. Go to the guard.
he wants 50 zenny. Pay it. Go up the stairs. There a wallet here. Get it and
give it to the guard here. Now watch out for guard with searching lights. When
you step in their light you'll be kicked out!!! Search for a big bell.
Ryu or Teepo can ring it and one of the guards will leave opening a path for
you. Now you'll meet a lazy guard who'll ask you to fight the dog.

$$$$ Boss #2: Pooch
$$$$ Difficulty: Very easy
$$$$ My party: Ryu 7, Teepo 7, Rei 8
$$$$ The only thing to watch out for is that he uses "Snap" (which can be
$$$$ learned in you want to) to lower you defense. For the rest this one is too
$$$$ easy to even talk about

Now the guard will let you pass. There's a barn here with a guard who wonders
about a woman named Mina. Search Mina and talk to the man by her and Mina
herself. Go back to the barn and talk to the guard and he'll leave.
Enter the bard and it appears to be a chicken coop. Here you meet Rocky!

$$$$ Boss #3: Rocky
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ My party: Ryu 7, Teepo 7, Rei 8
$$$$ His "Ovum" and "Jump" are his biggest weapons.
$$$$ Jump (which can be learned) is unpredictable with its damage
$$$$ Ovum transforms you into an egg dropping your defense and paralysing you
$$$$ for 5 rounds. When you wake from it all you HP and AP is restored.
$$$$ "Pilfer" him to get a "Life Shard".
$$$$ Teepo's Simoon (he should have it by now) is his ultimate weakness

Now all the chickens will get mad and run all over the place. and some guards
will leave. Don't go directly to the front door, but find the stairs up. Then
you can reach the door from aside. Rei will leave to distract the guards and
Ryu and Teepo will get in.

## Enemies:
## Roach Beware for their "Jump". Easy to kill with "Simoon", but your
## magic is limmited!!!
## Volt Electric enemy. You can try to learn their "Charge". It's all they
## do. Not really dangerous. Eelectic attack will heal them make them
## able to cast "Jolt" once and granting you MUCH more experience.
## Guard Annoying assholes. With their "Healing Herbs" they can make a
## fight take forever! A way to do it is to do only one attack in
## a round and do two attacks in the next round.
## another way is to use "Simoon", but your magic is limmited

The big door to the east will lead to a resting point where you can also save.
It's a servant standing next to a bed! Handy to remember as long as your in this
mansion. Now find your way and you'll find four ghosts

(All the McNeils are vulnerable for healing magic. But I don't recommend to use
it on them. Your magic points are too valuable for that)

$$$$ Boss #4: Thorast McNeil
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ My party: Ryu 7, Teepo 7
$$$$ He uses "Sleep" a lot, but he's not really a thread.
$$$$ Let Ryu carry the "Silver Knife"... That'll hurt him.

$$$$ Boss #5: Kassen McNeil
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ My party: Ryu 8, Teepo 8
$$$$ He tries to steal you HP and AP

$$$$ Boss #6: Galtel McNeil
$$$$ Difficulty: Very very very EXTREEEMLY easy!!!
$$$$ My party: Ryu 8, Teepo 8
$$$$ All he does is using power down moves. He seldom attack which makes him too
$$$$ easy.

$$$$ Boss #7: Doksen McNeil
$$$$ Difficultly: Tricky
$$$$ My party: Ryu 8, Teepo 8
$$$$ Dokson counters easily and reflects your magic, and that makes him annoying
$$$$ BUT, when you use "Heal" (which will hurt him) once on him or when you
$$$$ attack him with the "Silver Knife" he'll heal you each round.

Now you'll get on the roof. Somewhere here is a rope with a grappling hook. Pick
it up and you'll meet Rei again. He'll make a way to the other roof.

## A broad sword is hidden here. Pick it up. Another weapon to please D'lonzo.
## You can also find a "Swallow Eye" around here.

Now go into the house here. There are two entrances. When you picked the right
one you'll see McNeil chasing a young woman, when you took the wrong way, you'll
just see an empty room. When that the case go back and take the other way.
McNeil will fear your and the ghosts will appear again and join into the

$$$$ Boss #8: Amalgam
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ My party: Ryu 9, Teepo 9, Rei 8
$$$$ Not a really big thread. Having the silver knife will hurt him badly and
$$$$ he is also vulnerable by healing spells. But I recommend not to use them
$$$$ for that.
$$$$ His "Sleep" and "Astral Warp" can be dangerous. For the rest not really
$$$$ difficult

**** Time for trouble ****
After the fight you'll end up home again. Go to the farm and meet Loki. He'll
be scared and ask to go to the barn. Enter the barn and meet Bunyan how tells
you on a rude way that McNeil is a member of some kind of maffia. TROUBLE!!!
Go back home and your house will be on fire. You'll also meet two guys Balio
and Sunder (Somebody called them the "Frustration Foundation". Good name for

## Before you go back home after Bunyan spoke to you remove all armor from Rei
## and Teepo. If you were so clever to collect 4 Bent Swords give them both
## a "Bent Sword". Keep Ryu's equipment as it is however.

$$$$ Boss #9a: Balio and Sunder I
$$$$ Difficulty: Impossible
$$$$ My party: Ryu 9, Teepo 9, Rei 9
$$$$ There's no way to win this fight and you're not even supposed to. Just let
$$$$ them kill you. The game won't be over.

After you lost the fight, you'll wake up in a bed in Bunyan's house. When you
leave Bunyan will say that all he found was you. He doesn't know where Rei and
Teepo are. He thinks they are dead. Ryu wants to look for them and he wants to
go to Wyndia, since it was Teepo's dream to go there some day.

## Okay... For an easier gameplay later this part will require a little patience
## It'll give much advantage later.
## Go to Mygass. He'll teach you "Frost". If he doesn't train Ryu up a level
## and visit Mygass again.
## Go near the Mount Myrnegg and go to a battle field. Train Ryu here and visit
## Mygass every time you gained two levels. He'll teach you "Meditation",
## "Magic Ball" (important later) and "Typhoon". "Typhoon" is the last spell.
## When you got that spell let Ryu quit using Mygass services and go over the
## the Mount Myrnegg
## Enemies:
## Thunder Watch out. Causes Jolt over Volts to power them up. Gives more
## EXP but it makes them rather deadly
## Tar Man Too high defense, but very slow. Use "Frost" on them and they'll
## get frozen. They cannot move any more and their defense drop
## significantly
## Nut Trooper Dodges nearly all attacks. Kill them with "Burn". Let Ryu examine
## to learn "Double Blow"
## Nut Archer Dangerous and fast. Kill him with "Burn"
## Nut Mage If you kill him before he casts "Flare" you obtain a Molotov
## Kill him with "Burn"

Go to the top of Mount Myrnegg
## If you find the "Bat Amulet here" have Ryu to equip it

On the top Balio and Sunder will be there and try to kill you. When they
discover that Ryu is really a dragon


Balio and Sunder bring you to the king who'll lock you up. Nina will appear and
she's so foolish to release Balio and Sunder. Balio and Sunder will try to
kidnap her. Let Ryu try to break the cell door (You must do this twice)

Go downstairs and meet Balio and Sunder

$$$$ Boss 9b: Balio and Sunder II
$$$$ Difficulty: VERY VERY HARD
$$$$ My party: Ryu 15
$$$$ Okay, as a matter of fact, it doesn't matter if you win or loose this fight
$$$$ winning gives some EXP, but when you loose the game won't be over. Real
$$$$ gamers go for winning, right?
$$$$ Gotta tell you, this fight is tough!!!
$$$$ First of all, look out for Nina. She may not get hurt!!
$$$$ Now I hope you get "EX"-turns, or else you're in BIG trouble
$$$$ Keep on repeating these things:
$$$$ Turn into a fire whelp (Fire Gene, Hey it's the only one you have now) :)
$$$$ Turn into a human in the EX-Turn
$$$$ And so all over again...
$$$$ After some turns Nina will wake up, attack Sunder and run away.
$$$$ Now it can be wise to use some breath attacks. Balio and Sunder will both
$$$$ run away....

If you lost the fight, Nina, will pep you up with some medicines. If you win,
Nina will come back and be impressed by your strength.

**** Dungeon under Wyndia ****
My party: Ryu 15, Nina 5
If you go down you get into an underground graveyard.
Look for all the gravestones (there are 8 of them), except for the one on the
right on top of the hill. Push all the green words and write down the red.
Then find the big gravestone and push the "7". If nothing happens you didn't
push all the green words on all the stones. Of you got them all you'll fall
into a hole and you can get a Light Bangle. Now make your way to the ladder
up and go for the tombstone op the top of the hill facing south. On it push
all the words which were red on the other stones. Now you can make your way
Oh for my big 2.000 FAQ revision I noted the words to push on the final
stone for you: Red, Climbing, I, Is, Look, Beneath, This
## New Enemy:
## Ghoul No big deal. His bone darts can be dangerous since it confuses
## you

**** Wyndia ****
In Wyndia you need to find some kids near a fountain. Talk to the standing
boy and he'll challenge for a game of hide-and-seek. Here are the locations
the kids will hide.
1 - In the corner near the iniculation centre
2 - Behind the city wall near the gate
3 - Behind the weapon store
4 - Behind the big tree on the main square
Now the boy will tell you about a kid who robbed someone near. Maybe it was
Teepo. Now you can leave the city

## Now do the next things. In a hut between the walls of Wyndia lives
## Durandel. A master. Make Nina his pupil. Go out to the battlefields and
## train Nina until he teaches Nina the skill "Backhand". That move will be
## of terrible importance later. It can save you HOURS of playing a boring
## part when you have it.
## Also a good idea is to collect enough money to buy all the weapons they
## have for sale in Wyndia. Remember I mentioned D'lonzo. You need them for
## her. If you want you can also buy a "Midas Stone". I admit it is expensive,
## but it can increase your money. That slowing down is something which is
## easily dealt with.

Now go for the road and enter the hut. You'll hear Nina scream. When you leave
you be captured by Balio and Sunder and they'll put you in Fahl's pub at
Genmel (On the worldmap shown as "Arena"). But you'll get out easily. (Fahl is
too drunk to notice what's really happening. Garr is here too, but you're not
of his interest, yet. That comes later).

## You may have guessed that this place contains some merchants. And yep go for
## all the weapons. Can take a little time, but it's worth it.

**** Mount Glaus ****
My party: Ryu 16, Nina 10
Now go up the Mount Bouwmore, and talk to the guy in front of the hut
## DON'T and I repeat DON'T do that if you're not sure to have all weapons.
## There is no way back, after you spoke to him
## New Enemies:
## Gonger ANNOYING!!! First round is always "Venom Breath" to poison
## all party members. After that he mostly defends and then
## he runs away!
The man will let you rest in the back room. The next morning it will seem
that the guys brought Sunder. Time to make a run for it. In the next room
is a cable lift. Nina can activate it (You can also try to access it with
Ryu. Nina will automaticly take it over).
After some dangerous stunts you're on the other side.
## Nice to know that somewhere on this part of the mountains a "Life Shard"
## is hidden.
## New Enemies:
## Orc STRONG!!! Best way to fight them is having Ryu as leader
## of the "Attack Form" wearing a "Claymore". He's easy to
## counterattack so watch out.
## In the first round he uses "Last Resort" very much. It'll
## make his power stronger and his defense weaker. You can
## try to examine for it. There's one mission where it can be
## handy, but you can live without it.
On a dead end you will meet Sunder. Nina would rather die then to get
caught again and so she and Ryu will jump of the high mountain. Ryu's
strong will to protect Nina turns him into a dragon awakening his
"Defender" power. Now you can leave this place.

Now you can leave.

## Now near here is a place marked as "?". Enter it and you'll find
## the "Reverse" Gene.

Now go for the place marked as "Tower".

**** Momo's tower ****
My party: Ryu 16, Nina 11

## The first thing you'll see here is a giant bassin filled with water with
## a treasure chest on the bottom. As you may have guessed, the meaning is
## pretty simple. Remove the water to receive the treasure. What the chest
## contains is a mystery. It can be diffrent each time you play the game.
## it can be valuable. It can be worthless. But how to remove the water.
## Enter the tower at the one of the entrances beside the bassin. Have Nina
## in the lead. There's a giant crystal here. Nina can enchant it by using
## her magic rod, when you press the action button. Now the entrance will
## be blocked by a laser beam and a timer of 30 seconds will be activated
## Go up the stairs North. There's an exit to the west go through it and
## you're outside again. Go downstairs and your at the bassin again.
## Let Nina enchant all the crystals and the water will be gone. Now to go
## for the mysterious treasure.

When you make your way through this tower you'll once meet a very small
robot who seems to seek cover for an explosion. That robot is Honey. She'll
enter the room she escaped after the explosion. Enter the room too and
you'll meet Momo. Momo IS a rather strange one. She's a scatterbrained
woman who acts first and thinks later, and she's addicted to machines. But
she's a very good and friendly woman will help you to find the way back to
Wyndia. So she'll join you.

## Time for another interesting puzzle. When solving this one you'll get
## the final 2 weapons you'll need to please D'lonzo. Next to Momo's room
## is a room where you see some slabs. The meaning is to make them all
## grey. When stepping on brown one it'll turn grey, when stepping on a
## grey one it'll turn brown. You may not step on the same slab twice
## without stepping on another one first. Got it? No? Okay, Here goes.
## A B C D Okay... Here's a simple map of the slabs. G indicate
## 1 . . . . the ones that are already grey. Read the sign here
## 2 . G . G first to activate the puzzle. Then walk this way on
## 3 . . G . he slabs.:
## 4 . . . . D3 - D4 - C4 - B4 - A4 - A3 - B3 - B2 - A2 - A1 - B1
## B2 - C2 - C1 - D1 - Step off the puzzle and voila!
## The door will now open. The flame crysm and the ice crysm are
## the items you need here to please D'lonzo. There's also a
## third bonus
## Could be nice too :)

There's also a cube puzzle here. That puzzle is NOT optional but no
difficult at all. The cubes are switches. Press the 2nd (from west) and
4th and you can cross this room.

## Somewhere in the tower is a bamboo rod. Used as a fishing
## pole.
## That thing sucks. So save yourself the frustration from using
## it.

After going on for awhile you'll see two platforms and two switches.
It doesn't really matter which one you use

## But the switches do not only open the path to continue the
## game
## both of them hide their own bonus. Which are both VERY nice. I
## only should tell you, you need to deactivate one first before
## you can use the other.

The next puzzle is the Edritch platform. This is a job for Nina. Nina
must enchant the crystal serveral times. About 16 times will lead the
platform far enough to continue your way.

## 2 times and 6 times lead to a bonus

The last puzzle is also for Nina. You see three lasers of which 2
activated and a crystal in the middle. Letting Nina Enchant the
crystal will active the deactivated laster and deactivate the
activated lasers. That sounds easy. Well... It IS easy. Just look
out not to hurt your party members when changing the lasers. They
may get poisoned.

Now you'll get in Repsol's working room (Repsol = Momo's father).
There's a hidden switch behind his desk. That will bring a rocket
and you'll escape with that.... Well...? You'll escape... :)

# Outside have Ryu to pick up the "Thorn" gene.

**** Coffee Shop ****

Back on the world map go to the coffee shop. Here you'll hear
that Balio and Sunder blocked the road in other to find you.
That's get's you stuck here for awhile. An old man named Palet will
talk to Momo. He's the current director of the Plant that Repsol,
Momo's father built. Repsol will ask for Momo's help. And since the
road is blocked there's no way to go, so our young heroes will
accept to help Palet out.

## Okay, now what we've been waiting for. Master D'lonzo. She's
## up the hill here. If Ryu has a weapon of which you got only
## one copy give him a bent sword (if you were clever enough to
## keep at least two of them). For Nina goes the same but now
## for the pointed stick. Now you should have 15 diffrent kind
## of weapons and D'lonzo should make you her apprentice. If
## she's not happy, you must have forgotten a weapon. No way to
## get it any more.... OOPS...
## Anyway... Make Ryu and Momo her apprentice.
## Ryu will speed up a little (Have patience. Later we'll speed
## him up even more), and it makes him more accurate, since Ryu
## seems to be missing a lot on critical moments.
## Momo misses nearly always and her hitting chance can be a
## little bit increased. I admit it's a little bit, but it IS
## significant.

Okay, leave the coffee shop and head for the plant. I really don't
think I need to tell you how the conveyors work. It's too easy to
discuss here. It's rather annoying though, 'cause you'll have to go
that way later in the game more times.

After going over some conveyor's you'll meet Palet. Let Momo talk to
him. Palet will tell you about a dangerous Mutant at the dump. He
wants you to take care of the problem. Leave the plant (You don't need
the conveyor's go get out of here. There's a shortcut to the Northwest).

**** Dump ****
My Party: Ryu 17, Momo 11, Nina 13
## The bonusses are nice here. Placing the crates right by using
## the swiches and conveyors will allow you to acces them.
## They are: - 12000 zenny (I tought)
## - High Boots (Raises defense)
## - Artimis Cap (Raises accuracy)
## - Magic Shard (Raises AP)
## New enemies:
## Rank Weed Counters easily. Easily killed with Simoon.
## Pain Weed Magic will only make him stronger. Attack form
## with Ryu in the lead wearing a Claymore will be the
## best way to kill him
## Bomber Their "Air Raid" is not only painfull, it can also
## cancel your moves. You can try to learn that ability
## but personally I never use it.
## Having Ryu in the lead (attack form) wearing a Claymore
## is the best you can do. Save your magic on this one!
## Slug Cowards. Escape easily, also poisonous. But also
## very very weak.
## Fireslug As you might expect these creatures use fire attacks.
## But their "Firebreath" will get weaker when their
## ammount of HP decreases. They're vulnerable for cold attacks,
## but don't waste your AP on that.
## ?? I forgot the name of this one. Little kind of weed
## with a big eye that's what I'm talking about. They
## easily use "Silence" but since since I use "Save
## Magic" technique it never bothers me. What may
## bother is their "Regeneration". No big deal,
## however.

Find your way and you'll meet the Mutant

$$$$ Boss 10: Mutant
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ My party: Ryu 17, Nina 13, Momo 12
$$$$ His move to watch out for is Dream Breath and Venom Breath. For the rest
$$$$ plant is not a thread at all.
$$$$ His regeneration of 250 is pretty high. Two fire attacks will make him lose
$$$$ Dragons are absolutly not needed on this one. They just cost magic.
$$$$ If you really want to use one I suggest the "Flame Dragon". (Flame +

After the fight the Mutant wants to be destroyed. You'll place him on
a conveyor. Flip the left switch and the mutant will be dropped in
the magma. Peco will come out of it and join the party. You may now
choose three party members. Any wise person will choose Ryu, Nina
and Momo.

*** The Contest Of Champions ****
My party: Ryu 17, Nina 14, Momo 13

Now you can leave the dump now and go back to the plant. Palet will allow you to
rest. The next morning he'll say that he'll smuggle you to Wyndia, but he really
wants Balio and Sunder to get you. Which actually happens. Nina will challenge
Balio and Sunder to enter the contest. They'll allow you to, but one must stay
behind as a hostage
## You may choose Peco or Momo. I STRONGLY recommend to keep Peco as
Now you can enter the arena to fight. The first round is in the hall of fire
## In your room is a coin in the closet.

$$$$ Boss 11: The First Arena Matches
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy, Medium & Hard
$$$$ My party: Ryu 17 (fought all the battles by me), Nina 14, Momo 13
$$$$ You can try to beat you opponent in these three fights, but then you must
$$$$ find a second and third opponent. You can also go straight for your
$$$$ opponents dodai, which will make you win instantly. But when you do you
$$$$ opponents will go for YOUR dodai as well.
$$$$ I suggest to keep the form order Ryu, Nina, Momo. When Ryu looses a battle
$$$$ Nina will take it over and when Nina looses Momo will take it over.
$$$$ if you loose your dodai, the game is over.
$$$$ First Match:Claw
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Ryu I suggest to let Ryu wear the "Bat Amulet" since Claw will
$$$$ try very much times to blind you. Save your magic and heal
$$$$ with items is recommended.
$$$$ Nina Beating Claw with Nina is much tougher, but she should be
$$$$ able to make it. Nina should be able to beat Claw, but I
$$$$ think going for the Dodai is a very good idea
$$$$ Momo Go for the Dodai and hope for the best!
$$$$ Second Match: Cawer
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ Ryu Save your magic since Patrio (the next one) is very strong
$$$$ Cawer will fist protect himself and speed himself up. Attack
$$$$ his Dodai will make him cast those spells over your dodai,
$$$$ it does not make so much sense. Healing with items is
$$$$ Nina I suggest to go for the Dodai, because Nina is no match for
$$$$ still you can try to beat Cawer, but save your magic or
$$$$ loose against Patrio
$$$$ Momo Go for the Dodai and hope for the best!
$$$$ Third Match: Patrio
$$$$ Difficulty: Hard
$$$$ Ryu If you go for Patrio himself, then protecting yourself could
$$$$ a wise idea, since Patrio is VERY strong. Patrio is also
$$$$ fast, so be sure to heal in time. Going for the dodai could be
$$$$ better idea, since it also provides much more EXP
$$$$ Nina Pray that Nina has enough AP to kill Patrio's Dodai
$$$$ Momo Congratulations, you're in an impossible position. Forget it
to win!
$$$$ Dodai
$$$$ Reasons to kill the dodai... 3000 exp and next rounds are not needed
$$$$ Best ways
$$$$ Ryu Turn into an ice whelp (Fire + Reverse gene) and use "Frost
$$$$ on the opponent's dodai. Never use "Frost Breath" since that
$$$$ hurts you own dodai!!!!!
$$$$ Nina Pray you got enough AP and cast "Ice Blast" on the opponent's
$$$$ dodai until it's gone
$$$$ Momo Shooting is the only way. Since Momo misses easily you can only
$$$$ pray she'll hit.

Okay. Now go to the Null Magic Hall. Emetai will enter and tell you about his
sick daughter and wants you to let him win. He's just a liar so don't believe
him and try to win the next battle!!!

$$$$ Boss 12: Emitai and his Golems
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack form with Ryu in the front rank
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Momo
$$$$ My party: Ryu 19, Nina 14, Momo 13
$$$$ The difficulty is that you magic is blocked in this fight, since you're
$$$$ fighting in the Null Magic Hall. Emitai himself won't do a thing, but the
$$$$ Golems are under his control. Try to strike down Emitai first and the
$$$$ will get out of control and kill each other.
$$$$ Needless to say to to check if you got enough healing items before entering
$$$$ the arena, cause you healing magic is also blocked

After the fight Sunder will come to bother you again. After he leaves he'll
the business with Balio. After this chat you must go to the Hall Of The Kings.
WHen you enter Balio and Sunder will tell you opponent, Garr, that Ryu is a
When you enter the arena Garr will tell Ryu not to hold back or he'll kill you!

$$$$ Boss 13: Garr
$$$$ Difficulty: Impossible
$$$$ My party: Ryu 19
$$$$ There's no way to win so don't try it. Just put it on Charge Attack and
$$$$ Until Garr has struck you down.

As a reward Garr wants Ryu and his friends. After Ryu awakes go to the office to
release the hostage. Garr will take care of Balio and Sunder for you. After
Garr will explain that there's an ancient race with very great powers called the
and that Ryu is one of them. Garr tells you to come to Angel Tower.

Leave the Arena

**** Getting rid of Balio and Sunder ****

## Have Peco in your party go a place marked as "?" near a tree (hard to spot)
## enter it and let Peco kick the tree to get the Flower Jewel. Handy thing
## you'll need it later.... DON'T EVER SELL IT, NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU NEED THE
## MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to Maekyss Gorge and you'll meet Balio and Sunder who'll send some Bullies

$$$$ Boss 14: Bullies
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None!!!
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Momo
$$$$ My party: Ryu 19, Nina 14, Momo 13
$$$$ Maybe you can let Momo cast "Silence" the bully with the cigarette will be
$$$$ almost harmless when you do. For the rest, no special techniques required
$$$$ Save your magic since there's a MUCH stronger boss right next

Garr will come to help and Balio and Sunder will transform into their super form

$$$$ Boss 15: Stallion
$$$$ Difficulty: Hard
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None or the Fire Dragon (Fire+Defender)
$$$$ Recommended Party: As long as Peco isn't there
$$$$ My party: Ryu 19, Momo 13, Garr 13
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack Form with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Remark: You're obligated to have Garr in the party
$$$$ First round Stallion will always use "Barrier", You can have Ryu to shield
$$$$ the party. If you took Momo with you she can act as a healer, especially
$$$$ when you want Ryu to be a dragon. If you took Nina be sure that you got
$$$$ enough healing items when you want Ryu to be a dragon. Nina can also use
$$$$ "Iceblast" to do much damage. Ryu can attack in Human form and especially
$$$$ when he has a Claymore he can do much damage. In Dragon Form "Flame Claw"
$$$$ is nice, but don't use Breath Attacks, especially not when you got little
$$$$ Garr can use "Pyrokenisis" or normal attacks. Doesn't really matter.
$$$$ What you really need to watch out for is "UtmostAttack". It can hurt you
$$$$ very bad so keep you HP as high as possible.

Okay, you got a new ally now: Garr. Garr is pretty strong, alas not as strong as
the game says he is... Pity, but we can live with that!

## Now a very great advise. Go back to the arena and enter Fahl's pub. Talk
## with Fahl and allow him to teach you how to fight. He'll tell you to win
## thirty fights without resting. Ok... Go to the Yraal region and go to the
## battle fields and make sure you win 30 fights WITHOUT RESTING, but that's
## easy since the monsters here are to weak to even talk about. After 30 fights
## (It's advisable to go for a few more to be absolutly sure) go back to Fahl
## and allow him to teach you fighting. Make Momo and Garr his apprentices.
## Especially Momo is important. Momo's agility (with will go down) will be
## taken care off later, and her intelligence drop is no big deal. Garr, no
## big deal either, but since I don't train him much it's advisable to get
## the points here.

Go to Wyndia.

**** Wyndia ****
Required Characters: Nina

Go to the castle and let Nina talk to the guard. He'll let you in. When the
party leaves the castle Nina will stay behind. She's sad about it. Then she
hears a scream. Leave Nina's bedroom and go to the dining room. Talk to the
female servant with the broken dish on the ground. She'll mention a small
creature. That "creature" appears to be Honey and she'll walk away.
Go to Nina's mother's bedroom and talk to Nina's Mother (Sheila). Go to the
basement and enter the kitchen. Near the frog man is a way down. Go down
there and behind the second row of big barrels you'll find Honey. When Nina
tries to talk to her, she'll run away again.
## There's also a rat hidden here. He'll ask "Squeak?". Say "Yes" and you'll
## get a piece of cheese
Go back to Nina's bedroom and go to the balcony. Honey will try to run and
Nina and Honey will fall off...

Nina will now make her way to the party automaticly and have Momo to fix
Garr will tell that Ryu will learn everything about the Brood once you get
in Angel Tower, but there's a possibility that he may die soon afterwards.
This will upset Nina and she decides to go with you. She doesn't want Ryu
to die somewhere while she isn't around.

**** Eastern Lands *****
Automatic Party Change: Ryu, Nina, Garr

Garr will smuggle Nina trough the checkpoint, after it you'll be in the
Eastern Lands

## Okay... You were so clever to give Peco Master Yggdrasil, right?
## Peco was level 1 when you gave him that master? Great!!
## train Peco to level 10 and go back to Yggdrasil until he teaches
## you "Shield"
## For the rest I take it that Nina had Master Durandel to get
## "Backhand". Okay... Time for a skill change.
## Let Momo have: "Shield", "Last Resort"* and "Influence"
## Let Ryu have: "Backhand"
## * = "Last Resort" is not blood needed, but handy. When you don't
## have it, you don't need to go for it.

## New enemies
## Tricker Very fast and pretty annoying. You can try to learn
## "Flying Kick", but it's more trouble than it's worth
## Be sure to kill them quickly, because when they're
## wounded badly, they'll always run away which means
## that you miss the EXP and the cash. Trickers have
## pretty much cash and you'll need it!
## Lizard Man First round they'll mostly cast "Shield", they are
## also there to heal their wounded allies. They'll also
## counter your attacks pretty easily and they are pretty
## strong. I recommend "attack form" with Ryu in the lead
## wearing at least a "Claymore". A "Barbarossa" which can
## be obtained later is even better, but you don't have
## that now. Thunder is their ultimate weakness, so having
## Nina around is a wise thing
## Blood Bat They dogde nearly everything. "Typhoon" is the best way
## to kill them. But when you meet them in the Lighthouse
## later in the game I suggest not to waste your magic on
## that. On the battlefields it doesn't matter.
## First round is always "Syphon" which drains some HP.
## Second round they'll always run away.

**** Training Beyd ****

Go to Rhapala and visit the Inn. Downstairs there's a man sitting on a table.
(There's a Manillo on the other side of his table). Talk to him and he'll
say that his daughter (Shadis) is in charge of the ships. Go to the warf and
talk to Shadis. She seems upset about the big fellow Zig. After this talk
it's clear that the boat isn't coming. When you leave the warf you'll meet
Shadis. She'll tell you to talk to her father. He should allow you to use a
road. Alas, when you talk to her father (at the Inn) it seems that the road
is out, because of a volcano eruption. Leave Rhapala.
Nina will say that Beyd's in love with Shadis and that she wants to talk to him
about it.
## Go to Wyndia and get an extra Claymore and go to Rhapala and buy the
## best armor Ryu can wear. This is the equipment that Beyd will need.

Automatic Party Change: Ryu, Nina, Momo
Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Momo (So it's no big deal)
My Party: Ryu 20, Nina 15, Momo 14

Go to the Wharf. Let Nina talk to Beyd. Beyd likes Shadis a lot, but he
thinks he's too weak for her. Nina will suggest Beyd to train and she
wants to help with that. Beyd refuses and will walk away. Follow him
and Beyd is shocked by the way Zig is acting now. Beyd will accept now.
He'll give you 1000 zenny for equipment. Talk to him again and let the
training begin.

## Sorry, but, my training program for Beyd will tune him out in only ONE
## training session!
## Let Beyd have a "Claymore" as weapon and the best armor you got, in
## this region that should be the "Scalemale"
## When the training starts be sure that Ryu has "Backhand"!!!!!
## Recommended form: Attack form with Momo in the lead. Especially not Ryu.
## Ryu will counter-attack easily and that will ruin the training program!!!
## I prefer Momo and Nina in the party since they NEVER counter-attack!
## Okay, now you got 20 rounds to train
## If Momo has "Last Resort" let her cast it.
## Let Nina examine (then her defense is lower. When Beyd does more damage
## he'll get more power). Let Ryu cast "Backhand"
## Beyd will defend in the next round. Let Momo heal him and Ryu use
## "Backhand" again.
## Repeat this for serveral turns and after 5 or 6 turns quit the backhand
## and let Ryu cast "Rejuvenate" over him and let Momo heal party members
## if needed.
## Now Beyd will attack again. Continue with "BackHand" and start the same
## cycle all over again.
## In the last round I'll mostly knock him out (for fun), but I only do that
## in the last round.
## Now watch the training results. If you did this well, Beyd will gain about
## 25 defense points. That'll almost make him invulnerable!!!

When you think Beyd is strong enough, talk to him and say he has to go to
the Lighthouse (When you think he's still too weak you can always do a second
training session).
Zig will get angry and challenge Beyd to a duel

$$$$ Boss 16: Zig
$$$$ Difficulty: If you took my training program seriously then
$$$$ he's too easy
$$$$ Recommended party: Ryu, Momo, Nina
$$$$ My party: Ryu 20, Nina 15, Momo 14
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: NONE!!!! N! O! N! E! NONE!!!!
$$$$ This is not a regular boss. Beyd must do the fighting here, and when
$$$$ you interfere, Beyd will get disqualified. When that happens or when
$$$$ Beyd looses you can always try it again or train more.
$$$$ When you used my training program, Zig will hardly hurt Beyd. It is
$$$$ possible that Zig will hit a "Lucky strike" which will hurt him.
$$$$ No worries. After that he'll always wave to Shadis and be distracted
$$$$ that's the time you can heal Beyd (But never hurt Zig!!!!)

Beyd will ask Shadis to take care of the guild together. The next day
go to the warf and you'll see Beyd in so such a good condition. That's
why he'll ask you to fix the lighthouse. He'll give you a badge. The
guard at the end of the warf should now let you in.

**** Lighthouse ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
My party: Ryu 20, Momo 14, Garr 13

## New enemies:
## Ghost Masters of magic. Their magic is powerfull and their
## "Sleep" spells is f*#^$^%ing annoying. There's a dream
## ring hidden around here. Let Ryu have it and these
## fellows are a much easier. Oh, they may be undead
## but they are NOT vulnerable by healing spells
## Spectre All they do is cut your AP and drain you AP. Get rid
## of them ASAP before you run out of AP.
## You can kill them with healing, but don't do it.
## you'll loose more AP then when you allow them to
## drain you.

After going a long way (there's a shortcut Momo can create going through
a path blocked by barrels Momo can destroy) you can enter the lighthouse
## There's a dream ring around here. Let Ryu have it!!
There are a few things to do here. First there are two levers. They both
need to be switch ONCE!!!!! (IF you did it twice you may do it a third time
as long as it's a odd ammount of times)
THere's also a reactor. Open it and put a Fire Crysm in it (If you haven't
some you can get three ones somewhere in this tower and the shop at Rhapala
sells them too). Activate the lever. Now you must handle 100% precisely or
you'll mess up. This puzzle is hell, but practise makes perfect. You'll see
a line moving on a screen, at a certain moment you'll see it light up,
indicating the reactor is good. You must hit the "X" button EXACTLY on this
moment on the centisecond exactly or you'll mess up. It's better to miss
the first time this happens and wait for the next time which will be after
4 cycles. If you succeed the main valve will be open.

Now that the reactor is open a new unpleasant surprise appeared. A
head-less body. When you continue you way, its head will appear and turn
into a boss

$$$$ Boss 17: Gazer
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragon: Fire Dragon!!!! (Flame + Defender)
$$$$ Gazer's normal attacks will always hurt the whole party, but is not
$$$$ really a big deal. What you need to watch out for is his "Eye Beam"
$$$$ which will hurt one party member REALLY bad! He is also able to
$$$$ to confuse you with his "Hypnotize" move.
$$$$ First let Ryu and Momo cast "Shield" so that at least his normal
$$$$ attacks are less painfull. Then turn Ryu into a Fire Dragon and use
$$$$ Flame Claw all the time. If Garr is able to he should use "Pyrokenisis"
$$$$ You may have guessed it... Fire is his Ultimate weakness!!!

After defeating Gazer you can get on the roof
## Let Ryu get the "Eldritch" Gene here.
When you flip the lever, the lighthouse will be turned on. An angry faerie
will appear an in her attempt to turn the lighthouse off she destroys the
lever. The Lighthouse can't be turned off any more and the faerie will call
you names and command you to visit the faerie world. She'll give you a

"faerie tiara" and leave.

Leave the lighthouse and search for a flower ring and use the faerie tiara.

**** The Faerie World ****
Automatic Party Change: Ryu, Nina, Momo
My party: Ryu 21, Nina 15 (16 recommended), Momo ? (forgot to
check, silly me)

Enter the hut and the faeries will tell you about a monster that bullies
them about the lighthouse. Momo offers to kill that monster.
Leave the hut and go down to the beach. The computer will ask you to wait
for nightfall. Say "yes".
At night they'll encounter a friendly dolphin, but soon it'll turn out
to be the monster. After some talk he'll get mad and attack you.

$$$$ Boss 18: Dolphin
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo and Nina. The only possibility
$$$$ have anyway.
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack form with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragon: Thunder Dragon (Thunder + Defender)
$$$$ First of all let Momo and Ryu shield the party and try to
$$$$ examine to learn "Initimate" (Saves some time for D'lonzo)
$$$$ ## You can also try to learn "Tsunami". Not a really needed
$$$$ ## spell but it's just fun to have it.
$$$$ When you learned "intimidate" let Ryu turn into a Thunder Dragon
$$$$ and let Nina cast "Lightning" all the time.
$$$$ Oh yeah, Ryu should attack with "Thunder Claw"
$$$$ Thunder is this beast's weakness. Basically, all you need to
$$$$ watch out for is "Tsunami" which could halve your HP

After the battle, the faeries will offer you a place to rest.
## Later in the game you'll be able to build up a faerie civilazation
## You need to do it to live MUCH longer in the game. Once you'll
## be able to go for that I'll tell you more.

Leave the faerie world and go back to the wharf. Talk to Beyd and he'll
say that the ship won't come a little longer. Go to Sinkar (Shadis' Father
who's still at the inn). He'll tell you that the road is still blocked, but
that there's a shortcut THROUGH the volcano. He'll give you a letter that
allows you to use the shortcut.

## First thing to do. Visit D'lonzo to get "Monopolize" and "Steal"
## (Ryu should still be her pupil), go to a spot near the bridge
## that Sunder blocked earlier in the game. Peco is required here.
## Cut the bushes the free the path to a little source. Let Peco
## kick the rock in the middle of the spring and Meryleep will
## appear. She wants you to get her flower jewel. (You can get that
## thing by kicking at the tree at the spot near the bridge where you
## fought Stallion). Give her the flower jewel and she'll become a master.
## Let Ryu be her apprentice. He'll get much faster as he gains levels
## and later in the game I'll give you an other hint that will even give
## you more advantage from that.

**** Mount Zublo ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Momo
My party: Ryu 21, Nina 16, Momo 15

## Rest first and then go to Rhapala and take Momo and Nina with you and go
## to the inniculation centre (Marked with a green cross). And give all the
## party members a "Flame Block". That will make you live longer and go to
## the Mount Zublo without resting

Enter the Mount Zublo. Watch out here for lava lying around and for the
gasses here. White gasses will hurt you. Yellow gasses will confuse you.

## New enemies:
## Lava Man Flame attacks will only heal them and ice attack will hurt them
## still my recommendation is not to waste your magic on them.
## They can use the spells "Flare", "Burn" and "FireBlast" on you.
## Vulcan In normal situations they're almost invulnerable and do nothing
## at all. Running away or using iceblast seem to be the best options
## BUT, if you want to earn much EXP there's a special treadment for
## them. Cast "Burn" or "Simoon" over them and they'll start to move
## and they're no longer invicible. Now you can just kill them and
## you'll earn much more EXP. WARNING! Their "Lavaburst" can be really
## deadly. I hope you took my iniculation advise! By the way
## "Lavaburst" can be learned by using "Examine"

## Another two hints.
## 1st.
## A "ring of fire" is hidden down at the first road with yellow gasses.
## find it and give the ring to Nina.
## 2nd.
## Near the end the "Miracle" gene is hidden. Don't leave this place
## without it, or you'll get in BIG TROUBLE!!!

At the end of this cave you'll meet an old crazy man. He'll summon two
monsters and attack you.

$$$$ Boss 19: Gisshan, Scylla and Charibdis
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Momo
$$$$ My party: Ryu 22, Nina 17, Momo 16
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack Form with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragon: Ice Dragon (Frost + Defender / Flame + Defender +
$$$$ I recommend to go for Scylla and Charibdis first. The quickest way
$$$$ to kill them is to turn Ryu into an Ice Dragon and to use Flame Claw
$$$$ all the time on them. Nina can help with "Ice Blast", Momo should act
$$$$ as the healer of the bunch. Once Scylla and Charibdis are gone
$$$$ turn Ryu back into a human and use normal attacks to get rid
$$$$ of the old man Gisshan.
$$$$ Beware that Gisshan has "Sleep" and "Confuse"... He also has
$$$$ "Vitalize", but that's no big deal.

## The battlefields on the new location you'll get has one new enemy:
## Cerebus Ultimate weakness is Thunder. They're not really strong
## but their "Howling" confuses everybody and that make them
## a serious tread. Get rid of them ASAP!!!

**** Urkan Region ****
Required Characters: Garr

## Try to get the best weapons you can get in the two cities here
## "Urkan" and "Junk Town". That may require some patience cause they
## are VERY expensive. But it will pay-off. Especially tuning out Ryu
## and Garr is good since you'll be stuck with them for quite awhile.
## Giving Nina the Thunder Rod now is also recommended, since it's her
## best weapon for a VERY long time, and for the next couple of hours
## this is you ONLY chance to get one. When you miss it, it'll take
## VERY LONG before you get a new one.
## Oh yeah, give the Ring of Fire now to Ryu.

Go to Urkan Tapa. Above Hondara's churce is a passage blocked by a
large rock. Garr can move it. Enter the passage and meet Sudama. The
Urkan Chief. Garr and Sudama will mention some kind of "Evil". Sudama
will make arrangements for Garr to visit Angel Tower.
Go to Angel Tower now.

**** Angel Tower ****
Required Characters: Garr
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
My party: Ryu 22, Momo 17, Garr 22

## Leave the healing to Momo. The next boss is for Ryu alone so
## it my be wise to save his magic a little.

The way through Angel Tower is easy to find, but at the end is an
interesting puzzle. Garr needs to move them to create a path.
(If Garr keeps pushin when a block is against a wall he'll destroy
it, so watch out. If this happens you must leave and come back. The
puzzle will be reset).

Exact route pushing blocks:
- From the entrance go left (DON'T GO DOWNT HE STAIRS)
- When you come by a block let Garr push it till it touches the higher
- Keep following the road you were originally on and go around the corner.
- Take the way north (west road leads to skill ink)
- Push the block, but leave space big enough to let Garr fit in it.
- From here you can go to the block you pushed earlier. Push that one
into the corner.
- From here go to the starting point (DON'T GO UPSTAIRS OR YOU'LL HAVE
- Take stairs down.
- Follow road till block. push block as far as you could WITHOUT
destroying it.
- Push this block to the north with 2 short pushes.
- Push the other block next to it and the road to the stairs in the
middle will be accesible.

At the centre of the tower Garr will request you third party member (in my
case that was Momo) to leave. When you look at the tablets Garr will start
to talk when to read the one farest away stairs. He'll say that the Brood
tried to conquer the world. God bestowed her holy powers upon the people
of Urkan to become Guardians to fight and exterminate the Brood. Ryu is the
last of the Brood. To furfill his destiny Garr is supposed to kill you,
which he'll try to do.

$$$$ Boss 20: Garr
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Ryu and Ryu :-)
$$$$ My party: Ryu 23
$$$$ Recommended Form: -
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None
$$$$ Unlike his party-member actions Garr will counter-attack very easily.
$$$$ If you were so wise to give Ryu the Ring Of Fire, Then Garr's Fire
$$$$ attacks won't hurt you at all, but heal you. Protecting Ryu is a
$$$$ nice opening. For the rest, go for it and heal when needed. Chances
$$$$ are high that you get EX-turns on him.

After the fight, Ryu's power will go berserk and in the end Ryu will
disappear. Nobody knows what actually happened to him. Years later he'll
wake up (in adult form) in the Dauna Mines where he meets Garr.

**** Dauna Mines ****

Garr is doubting his actions now. His battle with you made him realize
that he and his allies were no match for the dragons. But if they were so
evil, why did they allow the guardians to kill them. Garr has now only one
desire. To know the truth. He says that you got the power and the right to
kill him, but he asks you to let him live until he found out the truth.

Go to the elevator and go to B2
## B1 leads to a manillo merchant. Handy when you're out of items.
## on B2 is a room where you can rest and save
## New enemies:
## Giant Roach Same as Roaches. Only stronger and they'll use
## "Douse" (can be learned) when there are fire enemies
## to make you more vulnerable to their fire attacks
## Zombie Doctor Same as "Ghoul" but stronger. When he or his allies
## are wounded he'll use vitalize which will result in
## suicide.
There's a chart with explosives here. Garr can push it, but just pushing
will get you nowhere. Setting the points is needed first..
The objective is to blow up the giant rock.

|-------------\ *
|4 | |
| |3 |
| *--------|2
* |

## Only one chance to get the feather sword here.
## Switch level 1 and 2 and let Garr push the cart
## Now you can reach the feather sword
## Let Garr push it back and flip level 2

Flip lever 1 (if you didn't do it for the feather sword)
Flip lever 3
Push the cart
Go the cart and push it again.

As soon as you did, the Dragon Zombie will appear and command Ryu to kill
Garr to avenge the Brood. Ryu refuses and the Dragon Zombie will attack you
for that.

$$$$ Boss 21: Dragon Zombie
$$$$ Difficulty: Bloody Hard!
$$$$ Recommended Party: Only Ryu and Garr are availble now.
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack. Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Fire Behemoth (Flame + Miracle)
$$$$ I recommend Fire Behemoth because it'll transform Garr and Ryu in
$$$$ one big dragon. "Bone Dance" will confuse you all that's why.
$$$$ The quickest way to kill him is to use "Flame Claw" now.

After defeating the Dragon Zombie, Ryu will get two extra dragon genes.
"Shadow" and "Fusion".
You can now leave the mine freely. Only one puzzle near the end.
A lower part in the ground blocks the passage. Go to the room
beside it and flip the lever three times and you can leave.

Outside you'll meet a man who'll tell what the dragon has done in the
mine which will frighten Ryu. Garr will say not to judge yourself too
harshly because you can be out of control in dragon form.

Go to the hut of the chief to get a reward (for getting rid of the
dragon), and they'll tell you about a monster on Ogre Road.

Leave this area. Go to Ogre Road

## Oh yeah... Now it's the time to build up a faerie civilization.
## A few things are required to have at least.
## Culture level 7 and a shop Items-Ability. Go for that
## This will make you able to buy "Balance Rings". You won't finish
## the game without them.

**** Ogre Road ****
My party: Ryu 24, Garr 17

## New enemies:
## Vagabond Strong but slow.
## Goo Titan You let Ryu have the Ring of Fire? Good!
## Goo Titans got a strong Burn. They also
## have plenty of HP. When they get weak or
## when you got extreemly much EXP (About
## level 55 or higher), they run away or use
## "Timed Blow"
## Blue Goblin Responds randomly to "Influence". Pretty
## slow, easy to kill, but their "Jolt" can
## be annoying.

The way through Ogre Road is easy. You may find some strange plants here.
Let Ryu cut them and you'll get "Horseraddish". You'll need that later!
At the end you'll meet a weretiger

$$$$ Boss 22: Weretiger
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Recommended Party: You only have Ryu and Garr now
$$$$ My party: Ryu 24, Garr 18
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack! Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None
$$$$ The weretiger's only thrumpcard is that he's FAST! You should
$$$$ never forget that and heal in time. For the rest, just use
$$$$ normal attacks. In the end he'll run away.

**** Mount Levett ****
My party: Ryu 24, Garr 18

The way is easy here. Pity is that you can't skip it when you need
to go back :-(
There is a trap hole at the top of the mountain. Once you fell in it

you'll find the way around very easily.
## Down the traphole is a "Gold Hairpin". Handy to give to Nina once
## she's come back.
## New Enemy:
## Slasher Will try to drop your intelligence with "Mind Flay"
## They are VERY fast and they only attack the one
## with the lowest ammount of HP

**** Back in McNeil ****

Go to the Yraall Road and you'll see it's blocked by guards from
Wyndia. The only option is to go to McNeil. Once you get there Garr
will suggest to go to the inn. Go to the inn and talk to the
innkeeper. The innkeeper is stressed about a wild tiger who seems to be
in the nearby forest. Garr offers to take care of that. As thanks the
innkeeper will let you rest for free.

**** The Wild Tiger ****

After the free rest, leave McNeil and head for the Chedar Woods. Go
to the house were Ryu used to live with Rei and Teepo. Once there
Ryu will request Garr to let him go alone. Garr respects Ryu's wish
and he'll stay behind. When Ryu continues he'll meet Rei. Rei is
surprised to see that you're still alive. Rei explains that from the
moment he lost Ryu and Teepo he was out for revenge and kept an eye
on the organization that Balio and Sunder belonged to. He's relieved
to see you alive, but he still wants to teach that organization a
thing or two and leaves. The sounds you hear when he left, makes
you think he's turned into a weretiger again.

Now go to the Farm and go to McNeils Mansion. You'll see that the
mayor is under arrest and that the leader of the arresting team
is...... NINA.... Nina is surprised to see you again. After she's
sent the mayor to jail Garr will explain what happened in Angel
Tower. Nina doesn't know exactly what to say. It seems to be to
big for her.
But first more important matters and she'll suggest to go to
Syn City first.

**** Syn City ****

When you get in Syn City, it'll be absolutly clear that Rei has
been here in Weretiger form and that he left some traces. Everybody
is heavily wounded. One of them is even dead. At the far end of the
city is the hall of the organization Balio and Sunder belonged to.
The man sitting against the wall here will tell you that the tiger
who came here wanted the boss, and that the boss left to go to the
checkpoint up north. Leave Syn City and head for the Checkpoint to
the North. Here we'll meet the boss of the oranization Mikba who
has a little argument with Rei. When Rei gets distracted by your
presence Mikba will turn into a monster and knock out Rei.
## You may now choose party members: You must take Ryu and Rei
## and as 3rd I recommend Garr.
## Form: Attack with Ryu in the lead

$$$$ Boss 23: Mikba
$$$$ Difficulty: Hard
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 25, Rei 20, Garr 19
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack. Garr in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None. Maybe the Trygon (Flame + Frost + Thunder)
$$$$ First problem. Rei starts at 0 HP. Whether you want to revive him
$$$$ or not is up to you. If you do Rei will always turn himself into
$$$$ the Weretiger, if you want it or not. Problem is that Rei is
$$$$ not only out of control (which means he can attack you too). Mikba
$$$$ counters so easily that it's a real problem to keep Rei alive.
$$$$ Turning into a dragon is for this reason not always a wise thing
$$$$ to do since Ryu is the only healer (You can't access Momo here)
$$$$ Letting Ryu shield up up a few times doesn't hurt.
$$$$ Mikba counters easily, can hit "Lucky Strike" and is poisonous.
$$$$ Garr is the one with the highest defense especially when you trained
$$$$ him under Fahl, like I did. If Garr is in the lead of the attack form
$$$$ Mikba will mostly attack him, and that can really give you some
$$$$ advantage.
$$$$ If you are crazy enough you can learn "Multi-Strikes", but you should
$$$$ only do that if you are so crazy that people should protect you against
$$$$ yourself. :)

## After the fight Rei will join you in your quest. At this checkpoint
## (In the building) is a little house. In it is a locked door Rei can open
## there is a Deluxe Rod. If you like fishing, this is the best rod until
## you crossed the ocean, later in the game.

## Near here lives Emitai (in a hut to the east on the world map)
## for 10,000 zenny he'll be you master. Let Nina apprentice under him.
## She'll get weaker, but I've a special defense method for that :)
## Will be discussed later, when things will really get dangerous for her.

Now head for Wyndia. Near it Nina will say that you need a passport
to cross the bridge to the Eastern Lands. But she knows that the king won't
help. He blames Ryu for it that Nina ran away as a child. But Nina thinks
things will work out if Ryu can proove himself a good man. So she thinks
that when he helps with an operation at the plant the king must believe that
Ryu is not evil. So the plant it'll be!

**** Plant - Meet some old friends ****

Go to the plant go over all the conveyors again and you meet you old friend
Momo (Not changed at all. Not in looks not in behavior). Nina will tell
Momo what happened so far. Momo has gone to the plant hoping she could study
Peco some more. She says that Peco likes to hang out near the big tree
Yggdrasil. Go to Yggdrasil and you'll meet Peco who'll also join again.

**** Plant - Poison in the greenhouses ****
Required Characters: Peco

Don't worry. Peco is required, but there are no battles here so he won't mess
things up.

There are two greenhouses filled with poison gas. To get the gas out of there
Peco will need to break the roofs of it. How to do that. The first one is easy.
Let Peco kick on the X take some distance and let Peco run to the rock (he'll
kick automaticly). When you took enough distance the rock will go through the
roof. That's one.

The second one is a bit trickier. Practise makes perfect I suppose. Move one of
the rocks on the X again. Peco needs to walk 'n push like this

============| R = Rock
R | * = Way Peco should walk
* |
* |
*********** |
Tricky, but once you got the trick it's too easy. Now you'll see the chimneys
spew green smoke which appears to be crysm gas

**** Plant - The secret halls ****
Required Characters: Momo
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Nina
My party: Ryu 25, Nina 19, Momo 18

Go to the furnace and let Momo shoot the door of the oven open. After entering
Momo is impressed by the machinery.

## New enemies:
## Toxic Fly Poisonous and annoying. Easy to kill, and "Typhoon" will
## do a great deal, but be sure to have enough AP since this
## dungeon is BIG and there are TWO bosses. But there's a
## place where you can rest, where you'll get much.
## Fly Man I use Ryu for "BackHand" to weaken his "Firebreath". I
## mostly let Nina examine him to get "Flame Strike". That
## ability allows Nina to kill Giant Roaches easily.
## Once you got that ability kill the moth***cker as soon
## as possible.
## Big Bulb Very high regeneration and they like to use "Pollen" to
## blind you all. Letting Ryu have a "Bat Amulet" is
## recommended.

You'll get in a room with some terminals. Let Momo access terminal one and
she'll accidently enter the correct password to open door 1. Now to search
for the second password
## The room behind the terminals contains two beds. Here you can rest and save.

You may find a room filled with Crysm Radiation. Gaint kind of containers with
sand in it. In the last one there's a plant that looks like Peco (You have to
use R1 with the arrows to see it). Read it and you'll see the message:
"Experimental Sample: "Repsol" Seed". Well, "Repsol" is the password. Go back
to the terminal room and let Momo access the second terminal and she'll try
"Repsol" as password. She'll tell you that Repsol was her father's name. She
wonders if he had something to do with it.

Anyway the second door is open now. Directly after door 2 is a passage that
leads to a switch. Flip it. Search the area behind door 2 further.
A note here tells about the "AA" project. That's the second password

## At the note telling about the "AA" project is a way up (Not the conveyor!!)
## There you'll find the "Force" Gene.

Okay take the conveyor and you'll get back to the terminal room soon. Go to
terminal 3 and Momo will try "AA" as password. It turns out to be the correct

Okay now for the third part. There's a boss here so take a rest. Behind door 3
you should find some small flashing screens. If not go through door 2. A door
directly after it leads to a switch that turns the screens on. Go back through
door 3. WHen you get deep in this area you see gas leaking out of a door. Enter

$$$$ Boss 24: Huge Slug
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Momo
$$$$ My party: Ryu 25, Nina 20, Momo 19
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack with Ryu!!! in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Warrior (Force)
$$$$ Okay shielding up could be a wise start. Turn Ryu into the warrior and
$$$$ let Nina cast "Simoon" over him. Fire hurts him nice, but there are
$$$$ better ways to get him, however for that you must destroy his protective
$$$$ coating which can be done with fire magic. The Warrior is so strong that
$$$$ you win this fight in no time at all.

Now that this boss is beaten the way is free to continue. Leave this room and
go upstairs where you find a folder containing the final password hint. Go back
to the terminal room and let Momo access terminal 4. For the password, go to
the second list of passwords. If I remember it right, they all start with a 2
except for one that starts with a 1 any way one has a diffrent first number and
that's the right password.
NOTE! IF you leave the plant this door will be locked again. This is to make
sure that you only continue with Momo.

Behind this door we'll meet Palet who tries to ressurrect his dead mother. Momo
doesn't approove his plans. Palet will get mad. He'll drink a potion and he'll
mutate into a giant mushroom

$$$$ Boss 25: Shroom
$$$$ Difficulty: Much easier than you think he is. (Medium)
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 25, Nina 20, Momo 19
$$$$ Recommended Form: Attack with Ryu in the lead.
$$$$ Recommended Dragon: I prefer no dragons. If you really want to use one then
$$$$ the warrior (Force) is the best choice.
$$$$ The first time I had a hard time beating him, but I found out that the
$$$$ trick is so simple. For example, his "Ragnarok" is very powerful. Cast
$$$$ "Barrier" over everybody and "Ragnarok" won't hurt you at all. Shielding is
$$$$ also a good idea. Especially for his "Head Cracker".
$$$$ When he gets weak he may try to heal with "Restore" or to use "Blitz"
$$$$ I prefer no dragons in this fight. If you want to use them please don't be
$$$$ to hasty on using them, since "Barrier" can only be cast by Ryu (Except
$$$$ when you trained enough under Emitai to learn it).
$$$$ If you want to know why I picked Nina, while I recommend Garr, I'll tell
$$$$ you. I prefer to take Nina for the rest of the dungeon and I'm too lazy
$$$$ to leave the plant to replace her and come all the way back. And since
$$$$ I know exactly which dangers it brings to bring Nina, I know how I can
$$$$ do this safely.

After the fight, turn off the machine Palet wanted to use to revive his mother.
And leave the plant.

## You were so wise to let Ryu train under Meryleep? Great, I think by now you
## must be able to get "Charm" and maybe even "ShadowWalk" from her.

**** Back in Wyndia ****
Automatic Party Change: Nina, Rei

As soon as you are in Wyndia, Ryu will leave the party for awhile.

## At the fountain where you played hide-and-seek as a child are two young guys
## and two young women. Bais, Lang, Lee and Wynn. Talk to Bais and he'll
## challenge you to a difficult version of hide-and-seek. Accept his challenge
## these four will hide over the whole BOF3 world. The first one is easy to find
## he's hidden at the royal cemetery under the Wyndia castle behind a giant
## tombstone. The rest can't be found now, but I'll tell you when you'll find
## It's really worth the trouble to find them. Trust me. The game will be MUCH
## easier when you do.

Enter castle Wyndia. After talking to the king go to Nina's mother and let Nina
talk to her. Now go to the basement, and honey will catch up with you. Go back
to the throne room. Rei will now receive the passport, but all hell breaks loose
when Rei appears to be a friend of Ryu's. Honey will lead the way out. Just
follow her. At the end she'll bang a door. Rei will open it and Honey will
activate the teleporter located here. After talking to her mother, Nina will
leave with Rei.

Outside of Wyndia Nina and Rei will catch up with the others. Now go to the
the Checkpoints to the Eastern Lands and the guards will let you pass.

## HIDE-AND-SEEK ALERT!!! Behind the wall you'll find Lee!!!!!!

Now that you are in the Eastern Lands head for Angel Tower (The road at Mount
Zublo is clear now)

**** Angel Tower II ****
Required party members: Garr


Garr will explain that after the victory over the dragons the Guardians were
allowed to meet God. After meeting God, most Guardians will enter the stone
sleep which means that the Guardian will enter an eternal sleep and that his
body will turn to stone. But before Garr wants to enter the stone sleep he wants
to find the truth about the dragon war.
Now a naked girl (Deis) will appear and say that God will not come. She tells
Garr to release her first and the key to that is Guardian Gaist.
Leave Angel Tower

## HIDE-AND-SEEK ALERT!!! Go to Junk Town and meet Wynn who's hidden behind a
## small building.

Go to Urkan Tapa and let Garr talk to Sudama (the Patriarch). He'll say Gaist
has gone to a village to the west coast.

## HIDE-AND-SEEK ALERT!!! Out of direction I know, but very important. Go to
## the Dauna Mines. In the room with the giant crysm
## dragon, Bais is hidden behind a pillar.
## And now that you go to the mines, take Momo with you. In a room near
## the location of the Dragon Zombie is a room with a wall only Momo can
## destroy. Here you can get coupons. Wearing that will reduce the prices
## in shops.
## Now that you found all four go back to Wyndia. The reward is that all four
## will be masters. Bais is a very important Master. Let Rei apprentice
## under him. After Rei has gained 3 levels you should go back and Bais will
## teach you a new battle form. Chain Form. Nicest form of the game.
## Make sure you got the new form before crossing the ocean later in the game.

**** Tidal Caves ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina, Rei
My party: Ryu 26, Nina (approx) 21, Rei 20
Basically, this dungeon is better with Ryu only, but
Nina and Rei have lightning that can somethimes become
Preparations: Let Ryu carry a "Barbarossa" and have the skill "Double Blow"

The annoying thing here is the tides. When the tide is high half of the dungeon
is blocked. After having a few encounters inside the caves the tide may rise or

## New enemies:
## Spiker Easily killed with Barbarossa. When not in a normal attack
## then at least with "Double Blow" (Can be learned from a
## Nut Trooper). Let Ryu handle this and the others defend.
## Bar Bulb They use "Steroids" to become stronger and for the rest
## they await to counter your attacks. Let Ryu kill them with
## Double Blow if a normal attack is not enough, but mostly
## it will be if you have Barbarossa and Ryu in lead of the
## attack form.
## Sleepy Easily killed with Barbarossa, else with "Lightnig" Nina AND
## Rei can cast.
## Beware for their Hypnotize. Their "Snooze" is very nice :)
## Bomb Seed They won't do anything at all, until they're heavily wounded
## then they'll get angered and Sacrifice themselves to hurt you
## very badly (1 HP left on whole party if it has maximal
## effect)

## When the tide has dropped you can as soon as you come in the area that is
## normally covered with water you can go to a chest that contains a "Thunder
## Ring". Treasure that ring cause it can be of GREAT USE.

## At the end of this dungeon you'll find the "Gross" gene.

**** Cliff ****
Required Party Member: Garr

Go to Gaist. His hut is the one at the end of the village.
Garr will explain everything to Gaist. Gaist wants to talk to Ryu alone.
After the talk Gaist wants you to discuss it with Garr.
Talk to Garr. What you say to Garr is not important but saying: "Is it that
important" and "Yeah, who cares!" is kinda funny. After talking with Garr talk
to Gaist and say that you want the truth. Gaist will now say that he needs you
to fight him.

$$$$ Boss 26: Gaist
$$$$ Difficulty: Easy
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Ryu and Ryu :-D
$$$$ My party: Ryu 27
$$$$ Recommended Form: ¿Huh?
$$$$ Recommended Dragon: Ice Warrior (Frost + Force)
$$$$ This one is EASY!!! You just gotta know the trick. Turn into an Ice Warrior
$$$$ immediatly and use "Frost Claw" to turn of his torches first. Now use
$$$$ "Frost Claw" all the time on him and he's history.
$$$$ If he happens to kill you in dragon form, just turn into an ice warrior
$$$$ again and continue.

Gaist will get killed, but that will allow you to free Deis

## Oh I got an e-mail about the beast spear hidden in Gaist's remains. You may
## it if you want, but DON'T equip Garr with it, in spite of the high strength
## will have with it. Garr's HP will drop very fastly when you do and that'll
## tons of AP... Selling it may provide a good refund, and that's what I
recommend to
## do with it

**** Deis ****
Required Characters: Garr

Go to Angel Tower. (If you want a joke in the end, take Nina with you). In face
of the door into the tower, is a cellar where Deis is captured. Enter it and
Deis will be free. After wacking Garr, she wants you to come a "The Volcano To
The West".
Go to Mount Zublo and enter the temple like building. Ryu will be able to access
the mystic door and you'll meet Deis. Deis will tell you to cross the ocean and
gives Garr the mission to protect Ryu during his quest.

Deis will mention the word "Sister" after Ryu and Garr are gone. You know who
that is? (I know, but I don't say it) }:)

**** Fixing the ship *****
Required Characters: Momo

Go to Junk Town. Beyd will be here asking permission to pass. Follow him.
## In a hut you can reach now the "????" gene is hidden.
Go to the dock and you'll encounter Beyd again. The guild ship is broken
(again). Momo can help you out. Let Momo talk to Beyd Momo will examine
the engine and she'll say it'll be easy to fix it, but she needs parts.
She'll give Ryu a memo containing the parts she needs.

**** Steel Beach ****
Required Characters: Garr
Recommended Party: Everything without Peco

Before going to Steel Beach you must first go back to Junktown. In one of the
houses you'll find the guildmaster of the machine guilt who'll grant you
permission to go to Steel Beach. Now go to Steel Beach. The guard will let you
through now.

## Have Ryu to pick up the Mutant gene here.

Put Garr in the lead and talk to the big fellow. He wants you to proove
yourself. Garr must help to pull out a machine. Just follow the instructions the
game gives you. In the end it seems you were pulling up a monster.

$$$$ Boss 27: Angler
$$$$ Difficulty: Not really that hard
$$$$ Recommended Party: Anything without Peco
$$$$ My party: Ryu 28, Nina 24, Garr 20
$$$$ (if you want to know, Rei was 23)
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain Form or Attack form with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Warrior (Force) or none if you want more fun.
$$$$ One thing to remember. If you turn Ryu into a dragon you must rely on your
$$$$ items for healing, since Momo is not accessible right now. If you have Nina
$$$$ in your party I strongly recommend to use "Shield" at least two times or
$$$$ else she won't live long. One of the most risky things to do is to turn Rei
$$$$ in the "Weretiger". Rei is out of control and if Ryu is in dragon form Garr
$$$$ (who is required here) is the only one to heal and he is much too slow.
$$$$ The Angler has pretty strong attacks, but if you keep everything in mind
$$$$ that I told you here you must get trough. Using the Warrior is definatly
$$$$ the quickest way to kill him.

You will now be allowed to search Steel Beach and the freighter to find the
parts Momo needs. The parts are lying all around the beach and the freigther so
you'll need to search.

## In the freither is a "Robe Of Wind". Right now the best armor for Nina, and
## once you found better, never sell it. You can use it to speed up partymembers
## and you can do that unlimmited times.
## New enemies
## Bolt Irritating. Always attacks the one with the lest HP.
## Sometimes they use "Frost Strike" (which can be learned) to
## you asleep. "Magic Ball" is the best way to kill them.
## Bolt Archer AAAAAAAAARGH!!! Their lucky strike is very strong and it can
## happen that Nina is killed in one blow by that. Their "Blind"
## is just a laugh since they dodge everything. "Magic Ball" is
## recommended to kill them.
## Bolt Mage Get rid of them ASAP before they silence you. "Magic Ball" is
## the best way to ice them.

Once you got everything go back to Momo who's waiting for you in the boat and
give her all the parts. If you got them all the game will continue else Momo
will mark which parts you already have delivered and which not.

**** On the boat ****
Go to the deck and talk to Nina. The rest will go automaticly and you'll end up
in Rhapala, where Zig will offer to pilot the ship for you.
Enter the ship and talk to Zig and the ship will leave. When Zig says you must
talk things over with you party members, talk to all party members and talk to
Zig after that. Now try to sail to the Outer Sea but it will turn out to be too
rough to sail through. Go to Parch which can be reached by boat.

**** Parch ****
Search the house of the mayor and ask him about the "Legendary Mariner". He'll
refuse to help affraid you'll give him fish and he hates fish.

## If you want you can now go to Deis to let her be your master.
## She can teach "Blizzard". I use Peco to go for that spell and give it to
## Momo using "Skill Ink". Don't release Momo from master Fahl!!!!!

**** Shisu ****
Required Party Members: Ryu, Garr and Peco

Go to Maekyss Gorge. Enter the hut and talk to the woman. She'll explain how to
make Shisu. Leave the hut and let Peco bump the tree to retreive Shaly Seeds.
You'll need at least 8 of them.
Maybe you'll already got horseraddish. You need 4 of them. You can get them on
Orge Road. There are some plants Ryu can cut with his sword which will give you
horseraddish. You'll also need one Mackerel. Ryu should fish for that. The
fishing spot where they can be found is near Maekyss Gorge.
And the last ingredient is vinegar. You'll need to go to the coffee shop. A
cloaked man is standing by a well. Let Garr talk to him and help him to get some
water. The cloaked man will explain how that works. If you succeed you'll get
vinegar. Go back to the woman and she'll give you the final instructions.
Go to Parch and talk to the mayor's servant and have to make Shisu. Use one
mackerel, 8x shaly seeds, 4x horseraddish, 2x vinegar and kneed twince.
THe mayor will like the shisu and as a reward he'll tell you where to find the
legendary mariner and he'll give you a sea chart.

## If the Faeries sell "Balance Rings" already it's advisable to buy one for
## all the party members before continuing. If they don't you can better
## skip it for now, and come back for that later in the game, unless you
## want to wait an eternity.

**** Legendary Mariner ****
The crags that separate the inner and the outer sea is where to look. It's near
the east. You'll have to do a little arcade sailing to get to the hut and when
you succeed you'll meet the legendary mariner. He'll advise you to get aboard
the Black Ship

After all the events find Momo and she'll suggest to ram the black ship. Go to
Zig and tell him to ram the ship.

You'll now need to ram the ship. Pretty tricky. Wait for the right moment and
ram it from behind.

**** The Black Ship ****
Recommended Party: Momo and Nina (Not very big help but Momo is required and
I like Nina to have "Blizzard" which she learns when she has
enough EXP, so I mostly take her for training here. As a
matter of fact, nobody is of big help here)
Required Characters: Momo
My party: Ryu 28, Nina 25, Momo 21

## New enemies:
## King Toad Often use icebreath. When they are together with Sleepies,
## they'll let the Sleepies confuse you and he'll use influence to
## command the confused party members. THe only way to prevent this
## is equipping everybody with Balance Rings.
## Bolt Lord Seldom encountered. Don't know much about him. Magic ball does
## the trick.
## If you have chain form, it's recommended not to use it here, but to wait
## for it, until you need to fight the boss. Chain form drops you defense a
## little, and almost ALL of the work needs to be done here by Ryu.

Enter the ship and go downstairs. Follow the hallway and you'll find a platform.
Program the console to program 3 and ride the platform, and do all you can do
on the spots you'll get and do the same with platform program 4. In the end you
should have and ID card and the crane must be turned on.
Go back to the entrance and take the door in face of it. You'll see the crane.
The crane can be operated according to the instructions the game gives you.
When you moved three crates there will be a path acros the room, if you move a
fourth crate you can get a bonus item depending on which crate is the last one.
Leave this room. If you flip the lever you can activate a shortcut to the
entrance. Go upstairs.
## The door in the corner will lead to a "Skill Ink". You can only get it now.
## Later the chest will be gone.
Go to the elevator which can be used with the ID card. Now you reach the bridge.
Have Momo to examine the console in the middle of this and Momo will explain
about the Boost Counter.

Go downstairs take the elevator down and go to the room Momo pointed. Examine
the console and you'll see a counter. Wait until it's about 50 or 60 and then
leave the room and go back to Momo. The counter will continue but you don't see
it anymore. Count the bleeps to know how far the counter is.
## Look somewhere else but the screen when activating the elevator. The dirty
## Bastards at Capcom show some numbers on the screen to mess up your counting
## Bad boys and girls there... :)
When the counter is exactyly 100 you must talk to Momo and not a moment sooner
or later and she'll activate the ship.
If you mess up, you'll have to do it all over again :( If you succeed watch the
sequence until you end up talking with Rei in a cabin.

An alarm will sound. Go to the bridge and Momo will deactivate the alarm. She'll
explain that something hits the ship. Choose 3 party members to investigate:

Recommended Party: Momo(!) and I personally take Nina, else Garr is the best

Go to the door Momo pointed you. The road here is easy.

## New enemies:
## Giant Crab Pretty high defense cababities and pretty strong. They can
## cause instant kill with their "Death" spell.
## Try to save your magic. You may have guessed it but there's a boss coming

When you reach the prow of the ship two ammonites will come out, you can back
out according to the game's instructions. this is very tricky and you'll seldom
succeed. If you succeed the main cannon will be activated.

$$$$ Boss 28: Ammonites
$$$$ Difficulty: Very hard
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Nina/Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 29, Nina 25, Momo 23
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain Form with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Warrior (Force) or thunder warrior (Force+Thunder)
$$$$ If Ryu is not equipped witht the Barbarossa.
$$$$ Before doing anything else have Ryu to shield the party. I mostly have
$$$$ given Momo "Shield" too and she can also cast it to save Ryu some turns.
$$$$ When Ryu is equipped with the Barbarossa you should turn into the warrior
$$$$ if he isn't you should use the Thunder Warrior. Ryu should do normal
$$$$ in the first situation else he should use "Thunder Claw" all the time. Momo
$$$$ should take over the healing when needed. If you have Nina use "Lightning"
$$$$ all the time if you have Garr you can better keep it to normal attacks.
$$$$ What you need to watch out for is the fact that there are two of them and
$$$$ Their attacks are pretty strong. They can also half you HP with "Tsunami"
$$$$ ## Which can be learned
$$$$ They also have "Blizzard", but they don't use it that much. Multi-Strike
$$$$ can also be a serious thread.
$$$$ Thunder is as you may have guessed from my description their ultimate
$$$$ weakness.
$$$$ If you succeeded in activating the main cannon than sometimes it'll shoot
$$$$ and that will be counted as a turn of one of the ammonites and that could
$$$$ make the fight a lot easier.

After the fight, go down the ladder and you'll reach the other side of the

**** The other side ****
You'll end up in a town. Leave the town and watch the sequence until you get on
the world map.

My party: Ryu 29, Momo 23, Garr 20

## Go to the Yggdrasill tree here and pick up the "Trance" Gene.
## New enemies:
## Assassin Quick! Their moves "Disembowel" and "Target" can be a dangerous
## combination. Disembowel can reduce you to 1 HP. Both moves can
## be learned. If you were smart enough to have Ryu under Meryleep
## all the time and when you are in Chain Form with stronger party
## members, then they're a lot easier.
## Audrey Not that strong but their "Pollen" can blind you all causing a
## little problem.
## Thrasher "Typhoon" does the trick. Their "Timed Blow" can be learned.
## Tankbot Mostly uses "Transfer" all the time. When needed they use
## "Vitalize". When alone or after being confused by electric
## attacks they'll do "Sacrifice" killing themselves but hurting
## you fatally.
## MultiBot They work like reflectors. They return what you give them.
## Is usually cast Burn on them and let Momo examine for "Wall Of
## Fire" which you'll need later in the game very badly. Another
## nice thing is that healing on them or holy attacks will result
## that they heal you. Using Steal may result in getting a silver
## armor which is nice to sell. I recommend the Warrior to kill
## them.

Go to Steel Grave and find your way here. After completing this you can get to
the Colony.
## If you have Momo around you can shoot at a blocked door. Behind it is a
## spanner. The best fishing rod of the game.

**** Colony ****
Required Party Members: Momo
My party: Ryu 30, Momo 24, Garr 22

First of all you need to go straight ahead until you see a portal. Yep the same
as under castle Wyndia. Pick up the bag. It contains a key.
Now you need to find your way until you can jump through some glass.

## On your way you can find the failure gene. A pretty worthless gene, but
## you can pick it up anyway. You can use it to prevent the Kaiser from being
## berserk.
## New enemies:
## Codger They mostly use "Magic Shuffle" which casts a spell at random.
## some of them are really dangerous. A nice thing to do is to
## use intimidate and try to steal. You can get a "Rare Book" which
## can get you a lot of money when you sell it to the "Antiques" at
## the faeries (if you have one)
## To increase the chance of stealing the book, use "Charm" (Can
## be learned from Meryleep).
## Toxic Man There are a few versions of these fellows with diffrent HP and
## defense. They start the battle poisoned and will try to poison
## you too.

Once you're trough the glass you see a console and some giant reflectors. Have
Momo to examine the console. She'll explain the workings of the reflectors.
They're set like this.

N 2
^ 1

Turn reflector 1 once, ignore reflector 2 and turn reflector 3 three times and
activate the console. That should activate it.

Now you can enter the portal. One warning! If you're trough it, there's no way
back until you finished the next dungeon completly. be sure you got everything
you need.

**** Relay Point A ****
Follow Honey and you'll see that you're back at steel beach.

Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
My party: Ryu 30, Momo 24, Garr 22

Go back and go the the other path than Honey took.

## New enemies:
## Dragon fly Pretty fast. If Ryu has "Typhoon" (learned by Mygass) you can
## use it on them, but beware. Magic runs out very quick here.
## well, good thing is that you dragon forms are NOT required
## Insector Master with wind. Uses "Wind Strike", "Typhoon" and "Tornado"
## rather frequently. He's very vulnerable to status changes. Not
## a very big help, though.

You reach the jack puzzle in the end. If you do this wrong you can reset it by
reading the tablet to the north of the brown handle.
There are four of these handles.

Red Blue

Flip the blue first, then the cyan then the brown and you can go through the
stairs to the north.
## First the brown then the blue then the cyan will lead to a bonus item.

A bit later you'll see a puzzle with three platforms in it. Like this

| 2 1| <-
| |
| M |
| |
| 3 |

Start by stepping platform 1 let let it go to the west. You'll automaticly step
over to platform 2. Use platform 2 to go south and you'll end up beside
platform 3. Step on platform 2 to go east and the party will take over to
platform 3. Go north with platform 3 and go west with platform 3. Go south with
platform 3 and you'll end up in the middle. This will open the locked door.

At the top of the tower you'll see a giant antenna. Use the console to ajust it
using the directional buttons. When you hear a clear beep without noise through
it, it should be good. The game will say so if it's right when you stop aligning

Go back to the portal.

## When you go to the container yard you can get the "Radiance" Gene to be able
## to get holy dragons.

**** Dragnier ****
Go to dragnier. When you leave the area it seems you've found the Brood. Watch
the sequence and after that Ryu is sleeping and wakes up. When you leave the
tent Rei will come with you and say that Garr is depressed. Find Garr and talk
to him. After the talk Griol will say that the elder wishes to speak with you.
Go down in the pit in the centre of town.

At the end of the pit, the elder, Jono, is waiting for you. He'll tell you about
the history of the Brood and the goddess Myria. The god you are seeking. When he
says he wants to talk to the guardian let him talk to Garr. After that he wants
a pretty girl.
(Everyone knows he means Nina. Bringing Momo won't get you anywhere, but it's a
little bit funny if you do)
Let Nina talk to the Elder after that you can leave town to change party members
Garr and Momo are recommended and let Ryu talk to the Elder.

You have to pass a test to get the ultimate Brood power (Ultimate Brood power
my ass, but it's what the game says). You'll have to fight the Elder

$$$$ Boss 29: Elder
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 31, Momo 25, Garr 23
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain form with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Not accessible. You've have to beat him in human form.
$$$$ You can't count on your dragon powers here since they are blocked. HAHAHA!!
$$$$ Well, this boss is really more fun this way. Cast "Barrier" over everyone
$$$$ and a few shields are also very welcome. My choice for Momo is simply to
$$$$ have a second healer ready for action and that's what Momo has to do most
$$$$ of the time, since her attacks misses easily. Ryu and Garr are when the
$$$$ prepartions are done my offense team. When Ryu has been under Meryleep all
$$$$ the time then only one "Speed" over everybody (or using the "Robe of Wind")
$$$$ will be enough to gain EX-turns.

After you beat the Elder he'll give you the power of infinity and after that he


When you leave Dragnier, Horris will go with you as a guide (not as a party

## - You got enough balance rings for all party members (Faeries sell them)
## - Nina has enough levels to cast "Blizzard"
## - If Momo or Garr have leaved "Resist" from Fahl give it to Nina using
## skill ink
## - That Deis have taught you "Blizzard". I do that by training Peco under
## Deis. Give it to Momo using Skill Inks.
## - Give Nina the Wisdom Ring

## By now Ryu should have all dragon genes. If you don't it doesn't really
## matter. The only gene, you'll really need from now on is the Force gene
## which can be found in plant.

Go to the factory

**** The Factory ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
My party: Ryu 32, Momo 26, Garr 25

## New enemies:
## Hobgoblin Pretty strong, but pretty slow. Stealing result into getting
## a power food. When together with a Boss Goblin it'll kill the
## boss goblin first.
## Egg Gang Their Ovums can by annoying. On the other hand when winning
## a fight in ovum form or after being 5 turns in ovum form all
## your HP and AP will be restored. I personally get ovumed on
## purpose to restore these things. Of course, only recommended
## if there's only one egg gang and nothing more. Maybe having
## only one party member ovumed at once is also a bright idea
## (Oh in dragon or weretiger form you've
## invulnerable for "Ovum").
## Gold Egg Best way (but a rather expensive way) to do it. Turn Ryu into
## the Warrior and use "Aura" to knock them out. Lot's of cash!!
## Giant Orc Normal attacks from the Warrior are the best way. Thrust me!
## Pipe Bomb Strong and protective. When wounded heavily they can use
## sacrifce.

A few puzzles are here. An annoying one is the one with the two platforms and
the electricity fields.
Switch the first lever and the first platform will come down. However there's
also an electricity field active. Go over the platform and wait by the second
switch until the first platfrom raises again. Now act quickly. Switch the lever
go to the first lever ASAP and switch it and go over both platforms as quickly
as you can. This may require some practise.

The second puzzle with the workbot, is not really hard at all. (NOTE! Garr can't
operate the workbot because he's too large).
Operate it this way:
N = Step North
E = Step East
W = Step West
S = Step South
A = Press Action button (Triangle is default)


This should do the trick.

Near the exit is a door that's locked electronically. There are three ways to
open it.
1 - Let Momo shoot at the panel near it.
2 - Take a little distance with Ryu and let him break the panel with his sword
3 - Peco can also break the panel. It's not really recommended to let him in
your party here, though.

After leaving the you'll get in the desert.

**** The Desert Of Death ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Nina & Momo
My party: Ryu 32, Nina 28(!), Momo 27
Preperations: See my note before you entered the factory!!!!
And give Nina the wisdom rin

You can talk to Horris to find out about the North Star the Evening Star and
the False North Star. This is really important because you won't get out of the
desert if you don't know which star is which.

Go to the water jar and take some water. You'll get 16 servings. You can't
refill during your trip trough the desert!!!!
During your trip the computer may say that your troat is dry. If you don't drink
then you'll first receive normal damge, later a temporary max hp down and if you
wait too long your max HP will go down permanently! SO BE SURE TO DRINK IN TIME!

You must also know not to travel through the day. After walking for a fixed
ammount of time it'll become day. Keep on walking until the computer says it's
time to make camp.

During your trip you'll end up on battlefields to fight a few battles. After
leaving the battle field or after breaking up from camp Ryu's face will be
set into a random direction. You should check the stars before continueing.

One final note before you leave. When you got lost of when you out of water you
can use the rakda, the animal Horris will send with you to go back to your
starting point. Alas you'll have to start over again if you do this.

## The enemies for the desert:
## Magmaite Let Nina use "Resist" because she's dead when she gets
## attacked and Ryu can best use his Warrior form to kill these
## Scorpion Strong and poisonous. Ice attacks like "Iceblast" and
## "Blizzard" are very deadly for them.
## Cacti Counter easily. Double blow could do the trick. Watch out for
## their "Pollen" which blinds you all
## Drak Interesting fellow. Always paralyzed, so an easy win. However
## when he's alone and at full HP cast "Remedy" over him. Let
## Momo examine in the next turn and she'll learn "Cure". The
## ultimate healing spell on one person. It recovers all HP and
## status changes (except death).
## It may be nice to know that you don't really need to save your AP. There are
## so many times that you must rest, whether you want it or not.

And the trip begins.
- First night is only following the North Star (Pretty boring, eh)
- Second night follow the North Star and check the Evening every once in a while
when it's directly west of you (That's about after the second battlefield)
turn to the east and keep walking there.
- Keep on going east and keep checking the Evening Star in the west. Do this
until the Evening Star has vanished behind the horizon.
- Follow the North Star

Important note. If when camping during the day (like you should), Momo is lying
on the ground saying "Why... Why do we have to go all through this", it's time
to be alert. Go into the desert following the North star until the battle field
After the battlefield make camp and switch Nina for Garr and continue following
the North Star. Very soon you'll reach the end and....

$$$$ Boss 30: Manmo
$$$$ Difficulty: Medium
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo & Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 35, Momo 31, Garr 26
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Warrior (Force)
$$$$ Manmo is about to counter nearly everything. Two shields or so is a very
$$$$ good preperation. If somebody has "War Shout" (I mostly have this spell
$$$$ with Ryu) now it's a good time to cast it. Then let Ryu transform into the
$$$$ Warrior. Momo should act as a healer and Garr should attack. To save magic
$$$$ I never heal Ryu in dragon form. When Ryu runs out of HP he only becomes
$$$$ human again. Just transform again and you got full HP. Easy, huh.

After the fight, Nina will get awfully sick. Leave the tent and kill the Rakda
by using Ryu's sword. Go back into the tent. After the sequence you'll get into
the oasis where Fa'ah takes care of you.

After you're ready here leave the oasis.

## **** Container Yard ****
## This very little dungeon provides a way back to Dragnier, Wyndia and the
## other spots with a portal. You'll need Garr to blow up the crate here to make
## use of this. Mostly you'll only encounter Tankbots here, but sometimes you
## may meet the hardest enemies of the game. Even the final boss is easier.
## Enemy 01: Berserker
## Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
## Recommended Form: Chain Form, Ryu in the lead
## Recommended Dragons: Fire Warrior (Fire+Force)
## Reward: Possible you get a Rufad's spear. Nice weapon for Garr.
## Preperations: Let everybody have a "Ring Of Fire". They can be stolen
## from "Red Drakes" in Caer Xhan. Let Garr or have
## "Resist" and the other have "Influence". In case you
## could take some soul gems (Faeries sell them), but
## if you are lucky you won't need them.
## Turn Ryu into the Fire Warrior immediatly. Let Garr hit him so he's out of
## his confusion. Now he'll mostly use "Fire Whip". The ultimate Fire spell.
## in Fire Warrior Form Ryu is invulnerable to this and with Ring Of Fire the
## others will only heal from it. His problem are his normal attacks. Defending
## may help you survive it. Speeding up Momo and Garr (or who else you might
## in your party. Ryu doesn't need to speeded up in Warrior Form) can be nice
## especially Momo so she can heal if you need to.
## When the Berserker is nearly out of HP he'll
## use Berserk. There's a nice trick for this if you are in Chain Form. Let the
## one with Resist use it now, and let the other use "Influence" on the one that
## has used "Resist" and keep on repeating this every turn and let Ryu do the
## attack. THe one who used "resist" can't be hurt so you'll have an easy win
## after the beserker has used "berserk". :)
## Enemy 02: Archmage
## Recommended Party: Everything with Ryu in it. Heh, he's required anyway :)
## Momo could also do a good job here.
## Recommended Form: Attack Form with Ryu in the lead is best :(, but mostly
## I'm in chain form. Oh well.
## Recommended Dragons: Thunder Warrior (Thunder + Force)
## Reward: Holy Avenger. Best weapon for Rei and also very good for
## Ryu.
## Preperations: Let Momo have a Thunder Ring. Being at level 40 or
## higher is a minimum.
## Turn Ryu in the Thunder Warrior immediatly. Cast a few times might over him
## after that and after that let Ryu use "Focus" and "Aura" in the next turn.
## And ## after that another Aura. If this doesn't beat the regeneration of
## 1500 you are too low in level.
## Of course, the archmage could mess things up with his "Mind Sword". His
## "Myollnir" shouldn't be a problem when you have Ryu in Thunder Warrior Form
## and Momo equipped with the "Thunder Ring".

**** Caer Xhan, Part 1: The city ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo & Garr
My party: Ryu 35, Momo 31, Garr 26

At the beginning are two shops. Buy what you need there. Be sure to buy some
Mind Shields. Never dispose or sell them!!! Find a building. When
you see a little robot looking like Honey on the ground you got the right one.
In the next room you might get hurt for a mysterious reason. It's because there
are invisible security lasers. In the room below here (Easy to spot) there's a
panel. Set it to "Test Mode" and the lasers will become visible. Go through the
laser fields (Garr may easily get hurt here) :( and activate the panel you'll
see. The computer should say that you got acces to Station Myria. At the end of
the city is the building that leads to the elevator. Open the security door by
using the panel near it and enter the giant elevator.

**** Caer Xhan, Part 2: Entrance Myria Station ****
## New enemies:
## Adept Uses "Meditation" to have stronger spells and use
## Magic Shuffle to cast a spell at random. But they are easily
## killed
## Nightmare Dream rings recommended because he has sleep. Easy to kill
## with healing spells. Will run away when you are too strong.
## Death Bot Big laugh. Will first barrier, then protect and then might
## after that, they are mostly already killed.
## Armor High defense but two physical attacks will crack their
## armor dropping their defense. Warrior is nice for quick kill.

The entrance is locked. To the right is a stairway down.
You'll find an elevator not functioning. Go upstairs flip the lever and it'll
get working. Go to the maintenance deck and continue your way. When you find
a hallway turn right and you see two panels. Examine them both the disable to
security system. Then go into the other way (one of the doors here leads to a
room where you can rest and save). Once you get in the big hall go to the door
with the orange path.

**** Caer Xhan, Part 3: Drake Section ****
My party: Ryu 36, Momo 32, Garr 27
## New enemies:
## Red drake Got some time, great. Use "BackHand" (Master Durandel) to
## make his "Flame Breath" weaker. Use "Charm" (Master Meryleep)
## on them and after that use "Steal" (Master D'lonzo) or
## "Pilfer" to get a "Ring Of Fire". Make sure you got enough
## for all party members.
## Ice Drake Same as Red Drake but now you'll get a "Ring Of Ice"
## Hopper "Ragnarok" hurts them bad. They are awfully strong. If you
## were clever enough to let everyone have a Balance ring you
## have one problem less to worry about.
## Newt Normal attacks are pretty strong. But that's really all
## that's strong
## Clone Always attacks the one with the lowest ammount of HP.
## Ragnarok kills them all.

At the end you see a sleeping monster (Chimera). Deactivate the sleep gas. The
electricity puzzles contains three panels. They are set like this:

|Panel 1|Panel 2|Wall|Panel 3|

I always leave the first three spaces on the top line of panel 1 and 2 on
neutral and the first two on panel 3. (Comprenez-vous?) and a road will be
created. (Activate with X. Triangle will save the way you leave the panel but
won't change the field itself).
Well find your way to the boss.

$$$$ Boss 31: Chimera
$$$$ Difficulty: Pretty Hard
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo & Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 36, Momo 33, Garr 29
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Warrior (Force)
$$$$ Preperations: Rings of Fire :)
$$$$ You'll be in big trouble if you do.
$$$$ Letting everyone wear a ring of fire will protect you against "Inferno" and
$$$$ "Sirocco". His "Paralyzer" is very annoying and the reason why not to use
$$$$ Behemoth, Tiamat or Mamoth. It even paralyses the Tiamat which is basically
$$$$ invulnerable for such moves. Once you've taken this all in mind you should
$$$$ be able to win. When in chain form it's nice to speed everyone (on Ryu it
$$$$ won't make sense) up once to get EX-turns (if you were so clever with
$$$$ Meryleep)

After Chimera you'll get a keycard. It's junk so don't worry about that thing.
The lift here takes you to HE shells. Bad weapon for Momo but you'll need it to
complete the game.

## Now come back here with Rei to take all the equipment here. It'll pay off!!

Leave this section and the from the main hall the door with the green path will
lead to the next part

**** Caer Xhan, part 4: Artificial World Section ****
Required party: Ryu, Momo and Rei
My party: Ryu 37, Momo 34, Rei 25

## New enemies:
## Foul Weed Starts sleeping. Nice to steal "Power Foods". Vulnerable
## to fire
## Plant 42 Strong. If together with "Foul Weed" it'll bite it first to
## wake it up
## Goo King Will mostly run away. If you steal from him he may want his
## his item back and become extreemly dangerous. Dragons like
## Behemoth or Warrior are recommended to kill him then.
## Fastest way is "Aura" from the Warrior.

To destroy the plant at the entrance equip Momo with HE shells and shoot at the
plant. (Equip Momo with her Atomic Bomb again. I suppose you got that weapon) :)

Afer find your way here you'll find a locked door. Have Rei to pick it.

## Somewhere here a "Dragon Spear" is hidden. Good weapon for Garr against
## boss #33.

In the end you'll meet Teepo. He'll tell you something about the Brood and that
he's Brood as well. After the talk he takes you into a dream world

**** Caer Xhan, part 5: Ryu's dream ****
Recommended Party: Only Ryu is available here.
My party: Ryu 37

## New enemies:
## Mad Gong If low in level their Charge can be deadly.
## ??? Weed (forgot the exact name)
## Knows a lot of spells but they simple are too low in AP.
## They throw much turns away with that.
## Thanothos Deadly spells and try to drain HP and AP.

After you've heard Nina's story examine the dragon statue which'll say to turn
back. Do so and you'll hear Rei's story.

## The dragon statue here is a save and recovery spot

The next statue says to bow down and pray before him. Don't touch any keys for
awhile and the way will open.

Then you'll hear Momo's story

Step in the transporter and you'll get in a maze. Here's the shortest way.
Follow the way to the West.
Once you find a way to the South follow that one.
When you see a way to the West go in there and step on the transporter
Follow the way to the East and you'll meet Garr telling you his story.

Step on the transporter and take the way to the East and when there's a way to
the North take that one. Step on the transporter and hear Peco's story.
Follow the way North and meet yourself.
Follow once again the way to the North and then you'll meet Teepo again.
Ryu disagrees with him and Teepo will say he's got to leave you
in this dream.

$$$$ Boss 31: Arwan
$$$$ Difficulty: Pretty easy
$$$$ Recommended Party: Do we have much of a choice?
$$$$ My party: Ryu 38
$$$$ Recommended Form: -
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: Warrior (Force)
$$$$ Just turn into the warrior and keep on using normal attacks. The battle
$$$$ will be over soon.

You'll end up in the real world. Teepo will give you one more chance to give up
your powes to Myria. Ryu refuses and Teepo sees no other choice but to kill you
and he'll use his Brood powers.

$$$$ Boss 32: Dragon Lord (Teepo)
$$$$ Difficulty: Meant to be hard... Oh well.
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo and Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 38, Momo 35, Garr 30
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain from with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None (that's a surprise, now, is it)
$$$$ Preperations: Let everyone wear Ring Of Fire and Balance Ring.
$$$$ Especially, the balance ring is important.
$$$$ Also have some Mind Shields ready
$$$$ Use shield about four times or so and some barriers and War Shout
$$$$ (Or might). Speed everybody up (if you followed, blah blah you should get
$$$$ EX-Turns) and this fight will be awfully easy. Only chickens use dragon
$$$$ forms here (with these preperations).
$$$$ Oh, you are a chicken? Then use Warrior.
$$$$ A nice way to refill your AP is by using Mind Shields on him.

Teepo will die and you'll get a security card. Go back to the main hall. The
door with the blue path (you may want to go back to the rest-and-save-room to
rest and save first) will lead to the next section

**** Caer Xhan, Part 6: Sample Section ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
My party: Ryu 39, Momo 36, Garr 30

## New enemies:
## Mist man Much stronger than Armors. Use Warriors on them. Watch out
## for "Thunder Strike" (Can be learned)
## Revenant "Pyrokenisis" is nice. Also vulnerable for healing spells.
## Night Bat Their Gloom will make that healing spells will kill you
## in stead of healing you.
## Vampire Most interesting one. Two ways to kill him.
## Eliminate his Night Bats and he'll get flustered. That'll
## stop his regeneration of 500 HP, but he'll continue the fight
## with more dangerous spells. Another way is the Warrior's
## Aura, which will kill him instantly. This way is recommended
## cause it provides much more experience.

You'll reach an area with all kind of samples (Forgive me if I've mistaken the
numbers, please)

Recommended party is on all: Ryu, Momo and Garr and Form is Chain.

**** Sample 1: Nue 3x
**** Difficulty: EEEEEAAAASY
**** Rec. Dragons: NONE!!!!!
**** Steal to get "Power Foods". Pyrokenisis is strong enough for instant kill.
**** Sample 2: Huge Slug 2x
**** Difficulty: Easy
**** Rec. Dragons: None
**** Same as Huge slug. Right now so weak that dragons are no longer required.
**** Have Garr to use Inferno in the first turn and the rest will be easy.
**** Steal to get "Vitamins"
**** Sample 3: Mikba 2x
**** Difficulty: Medium
**** Rec. Dragons: None / Warrior
**** Counter nearly everything and use Venom breath in the first turn. A few
**** Shields and it'll be much easier.
**** Sample 4: Dodo 1x (Not met before)
**** Difficulty: Medium
**** Rec. Dragons: None / Warrior
**** Few shields, and a war shout/might will do a great job here. Watch out for
**** his "Evil Eye" that paralyses you

**** Sample 5: Angler 1x
**** Difficulty: Pretty easy
**** Rec. Dragons: None
**** Maybe a few shields, a might and a a speed for EX-turns and that'll be all
**** you need.
**** Sample 6: Ammonite 2x
**** Difficulty: Rather easy
**** Rec. Dragons: None
**** Same as before, but you don't need dragon forms now. They are still as
**** strong as before while you are now much stronger. Beware their "Tsunami"
**** though.
**** Sample 7: Manmo 1x
**** Difficulty: Medium
**** Rec. Dragons: Warrior / None
**** Same as Manmo before
**** Sample 8: Rocky 5x
**** Diffculty: Yawn
**** Rec. Dragons: Waste of AP
**** Let Momo put them to sleep. Using the steal move (I have that on Ryu) gets
**** you life shards. Pyrokenesis will kill them instantly
**** Sample 9: Gaist 1x
**** Difficulty: ¿Huh?
**** Rec. Dragons: Waste of time
**** Preperations: Ring of fire on everyone and balance ring on everyone
**** Only a few turns and he's dead
**** Sample 10/11/12: Stallion 3x
**** Difficulty: Not hard if you took the right preperations
**** Rec. Dragons: I prefer none. You might want the warrior
**** Preperations: Ryu equiped with Dragon Armor, Dragon Shield, Ring of ice
**** Thunder ring
**** Garr and Momo: Ring of Ice and Ring Of Fire
**** You can steal from them to obtain Life Shards (Charm and Steal are
**** recommeded for that).
**** First turn they'll all use Barrier on the weakest. If all undamaged then
**** all on the white one.
**** Next turns the black one will only cast "Lightning", the red one
**** "Fireblast" and the white one "Iceblast". If you took the right
**** preperations, it's one big laugh. When they get weak they might do a normal
**** attack, resist or Utmost Attack. Not really scary, after all...

After being through some of these samples (you don't need to beat them all) you
get in a room where you can rest and save. IT'S THE LAST SPOT IN THE GAME WHERE

**** The Grand Finale ****
Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo, Garr
My party: Ryu 40, Momo 37, Garr 37

Go down the stairs and Honey will run away again. When you follow her you'll
see that she'll open a huge door. Go down with the elevator and you'll see some
holographic ladies telling you things. Not really important. At the end of this
road you'll finally meet the goddess Myria.

After hearing 15 minutes of crap have Ryu to talk to all his party members and
then talk to Myria.

She'll give you a choice:
When you choose to give up your powers the game will end with Ryu in the room
where Teepo was being locked up there forever

When you choose to choose your own path Myria will get mad and try to kill you!

$$$$ Boss 33: The Goddess Myria ** FINAL BOSS **
$$$$ Difficulty: Meant to be hard...... HA!!!!
$$$$ Recommended Party: Ryu, Momo and Garr
$$$$ My party: Ryu 40, Momo 38, Garr 38
$$$$ Recommended Form: Chain from with Ryu in the lead
$$$$ Recommended Dragons: None for a challenge
$$$$ Warrior for a quick kill
$$$$ Preperations: Ryu Weapon: Seeking Sword, Holy avenger or a Goo King
$$$$ Sword.
$$$$ Armor: Dragon Armor + Dragon Shield
$$$$ Rings: Ring Of Ice and Balance Ring(!)
$$$$ Momo Weapon: Atomic Bomb
$$$$ Shield Mind Shield
$$$$ Rings: Ring of Fire + Balance Ring(!)
$$$$ Garr Shield: Giant Shield
$$$$ Rings: Ring of Fire + Balance Ring(!)
$$$$ Balance rings are extreemly important
$$$$ Also have at least three minds shields ready and the
$$$$ Robe of Wind.
$$$$ I hope you had Ryu under master Meryleep all the time!
$$$$ I'm mostly around level 43 here.
$$$$ 50 times of playing provided me knowlegde to get an easy win here without
$$$$ using dragon forms. How about that!? The secret just lies in the right
$$$$ preperations.
$$$$ The only assist spell you should use is "Speed" over Momo (can be done with
$$$$ a Robe Of Wind), since Myria has Sanctuary.
$$$$ Ryu and Garr as used here as the offense. Turning Ryu into the Warrior will
$$$$ shorten this fight much, but if you want to put it on your name toe have
$$$$ beaten Myria without dragon forms, like me, the fight is not that hard
$$$$ without dragon forms if you took my ultimate playing hints seriously.
$$$$ I took Momo as a healer and when Momo starts to run out of AP I let Ryu
$$$$ take it over and let Momo use a Mind Shield to drain some AP from Myria and
$$$$ to have a refill this way. Ryu should do so too if he's running out (Can't
$$$$ be done in dragon form, HAHAHA). If you chose not to use dragons you should
$$$$ watch out with that, because using this too much will make Myria run out of
$$$$ AP making you unable to refill again.
$$$$ Myria's spells are easily broken with the right equipment. Her move Venom
$$$$ can be easily cured. If you don't have Balance Rings, this move will cause
$$$$ trouble because it confuses you all. If you have balance rings, this move
$$$$ is a laugh.
$$$$ When Myria gets weaker she'll start using Holocaust, which is her most
$$$$ powerfull move. That move doesn't cost any AP so she can use it
$$$$ unlimmetedly. But if you took my preperations seriously and use Mind Shield
$$$$ when needed it's rather easy to get through.
$$$$ And that's really it!

After the fight Garr will enter the Stone Sleep and Ryu and friends escape Caer
Xhan. Deis will tell Myria her opinion about what happened and Ryu and friends
have an unknown destiny awaiting them....


A few additions to this FAQ:
Master: Mygass
Location: Near McNeil
Accessible: After beating the Nue
Requirement: All your money (0 zenny is also accepted)
Stat. Change: AP+1, Int+2, Pwr-1, Def-1
Abilities: Frost, Meditation, Magic Ball, Typhoon
Recommendation: Let Ryu study under him as soon as you can. Release him from his
service as soon as he learned "Typhoon". Be sure you got that
spell before crossing Mt. Myrnegg

Master: Bunyan
Location: Chedar Woods
Accessible: After Balio and Sunder tried to kill you the first time
Requirement: None (I think, I think he wants you to have at least one master)
Stat. Change: HP+2, Pwr+2, Def+1, AP-2, Int-3
Abilities: Focus, Super Combo, Disembowel
Recommendation: Ignore

Master: Durandel
Location: Hut near Wyndia
Accessible: After you've been in Wyndia
Requirement: None
Stat. Change: ?????, ????? (That's really what the game says)
Abilities: Unmotivate, Feign Swing, Backhand
Recommendation: Train Nina under him to learn "BackHand" and use a skill ink to
give it to Ryu (Quickest way)

Master: D'lonzo
Location: Coffee Shop
Accessible: When you get there
Requirement: 15 diffrent kind of weapons (equipped ones not included)
Stat. Change: Pwr+1, Agl+1, Accuracy up, HP-1, AP-2
Abilities: Monopolize, Intimidate, Steal
Recommendation: Have Ryu under her to speed him up a little and Momo to make
her a little more accurate

Master: Yggdrasil
Location: Near Plant
Accessible: When you have Peco (only he can talk to him)
Requirement: Wisdom Fruit
Stat. Change: AP+1, Def+1, Int+2,HP-1, Pwr-2, Weaker vs Fire attacks
Abilities: Sanctuary, Recall, Shield
Recommendation: I use Peco (still level 1 then) to learn "Shield" and give it
to Momo

Master: Fahl
Location: Genmel (Arena)
Accessible: After beating Stallion
Requirement: Win 30 fights without resting
Stat. Change: HP+4, Def+3, Pwr+1, Agl-3, Int-3
Abilities: Charge, Counter, Resist
Recommendation PUT MOMO UNDER HIM ASAP!!! She'll live much longer then!
His Resist move is also nice in some situations!

Master: Meryleep
Location: Mysterious Forest near Wyndia
Accessible: After beating Dolphin
Requirement: She wants her flower jewel
Stat. Change: Agl+2, HP-1, PWR-1, Def-1
Abilities: Charm, ShadowWalk, War Shout
Recommendation: Have Ryu under her ASAP!!! You'll speed up extreemly much!

Master: Hondara
Location: Urkan Tapa
Accessible: When you get there
Requirement: Have Durandel in you master list
Stat. Change: AP+1, Int+1, Holy Properties Up, Pwr-2
Abilities: Purify, Kyrie, Bennediction
Recommendation: He sucks

Master: Emitai
Location: Dauna Region
Accessible: When Ryu is an adult
Requirements: 1000 Zenny
Stat. Change: AP+4, Int+4, Pwr-2, Def-2
Abilties: Barrier, Mind Sword, Enlighten
Recommendation: I personally train Nina under him. Her magic will be very
powerfull :-).... She'll only get weaker that she already is...
but there are some ways to cover that. His only usefull move is
Barrier. I use a skill ink to give that to Momo.

Master: Hatchio
Location: Kitchen of Castle Wyndia
Accessible: After Nina ran away from home for the second time
Requirements: Swallow Eye, Martian Squid, Angler
Stat. Change: Don't know and I don't really want to check them
Abilties: Demon Bane (he got more, but I forgot them)
Recommendation: Waste of time

Master: Bais
Location: Wyndia
Accessible: When Ryu becomes an adult
Requirement: Play hide-and-seek
Stat. Change: Pwr+1
Abilities: None, be he'll teach a new form. Chain form
Recommendation: Have someone under him to learn chain form. I personally
prefer Rei

Master: Wynn
Location: Wyndia
Accessible: When Ryu becomes an adult
Requirement: Play hide-and-seek
Stat. Change: HP+1
Abilities: None. Teaches you new form. Refuge form.
Recommendation: Nah....

Master: Lee
Location: Wyndia
Accessible: When Ryu becomes and adult
Requirement: Play hide-and-seek
Stat. Change: Int+1 (Need to check it)
Abilities: None. Teaches you new form. Magic form
Recommendation: Not my preference

MasterL Lang
Location: Wyndia
Accessible: When Ryu becomes an adult
Requirement: Play hide-and-seek
Stat. Change: Don't know... I'll look it up for my updates
Abilities: Nobe. Gives you a cupid's lyre
Recommendation: Yawn... No....

Master: Deis
Location: Mt. Zublo
Accessible: When you've spoken to the mayor of Parch about the Legendary
Requirements: You have to call her "Ma'am"
Stat. Change: AP+3, Pwr+1, Agl+1,Int+3, HP-3, Def-3
Abilities: Inferno, Blizzard, Sirrocco, Myollnir, Celerity
Recommendation: I use Peco (lowest in level) to train for Blizzard and give it
to Momo

Master: Giotto
Location: Beach near Rhapala
Accessibe: When you get there
Requirements: Fish... Don't know how much, but you must fish
Stat. Change: HP+4, AP+3, Prr-1, Def-1, Int-1
Abilities: Trump, Berserk, SuddenDeath
Recommendation: Ignore, this guy is dangerous (I mean his abilities)

Master: Ladon
Location: Dragnier
Accessible: When you get there
Requirements: Ryu must have all dragon genes
Stat. Change: Pwr+3, Def+2, Agl+1, Int+2, AP-6, HP-6
Abilities: Mind's eye, Warth Of Light, Holy Strike, Aura
Recommendation: HP -6, and AP -6 is too much of a price.

As you may have discovered, Ryu has the power to transform into a dragon.
But that is no real diffrence from the other Breath Of Fire episodes.
However, BOF3 has the most complicated dragon system of the four parts that
exist now.

You have to pick a gene, and the you'll get the dragon that belongs to the
gene. However you can also combine genes to get dragons that are more
powerfull or dragons that can do more things.
(By the way: The ability "Accession" in Ryu's attack magic menu will
enable you to transform into a dragon).

In this section I'll discuss the genes. Their basic functions and most
logical combinations.

** Flame
Found where: First gene. Will be activated when Balio and Sunder
try to kidnap Nina and from that moment you can
use "Accession" to transform into a dragon.
Function: Gives dragon form Flame properties.
Nice combinations: - Nice to combine with other property gene however
when combined with frost it'll be neutralized
- With Defender or Torn it'll become a flame dragon
- With Reverse you'll get frost properties instead
of flame
- Also nice to combine with Miracle and Force
- Eldritch gives "Inferno" spell
- Together with Frost and Thunder you'll become
a Trygon. A gold dragon with thunder/flame/
frost and dragon breath

** Frost
Found where: Near the hut in Meakyss gorge. You can get there
after beating Stallion
Function: Gives dragon form frost properties.
Nice combinations: - Nice to combine with other property gene however
when combined with flame it'll be neutralized
- With Defender or Torn it'll become a frost dragon
- With Reverse you'll get flame properties instead
of flame
- Also nice to combine with Miracle and Force
- Eldritch gives "Blizzard" spell
- Together with Flame and Thunder you'll become
a Trygon. A gold dragon with thunder/flame/
frost and dragon breath

** Thunder
Found where: Hidden on the beach by a hut near Rhapala
Function: Gives dragon form thunder properties.
Nice combinations: - Nice to combine with other property gene
- With Defender or Thorn it'll become a thunder dragon
- With Reverse the gene will be neutralized
- Also nice to combine with Miracle and Force
- Eldritch gives "Myollnir" spell
- Together with Flame and frost you'll become
a Trygon. A gold dragon with thunder/flame/
frost and dragon breath

** Shadow
Found where: Automaticly received when defeating Dragon Zombie
Function: Give dragon form powers of death
Nice combinations: - Nice to combine with other property gene however
radiance will neutralize this gene.
- With Defender or Thorn it'll become a shadow dragon
- With Reverse you'll get holy properties
- Also nice to combine with Miracle and Force
- Eldritch gives "Death" spell
- Can be used to enhance Peco's Hybrid
(See Hybrid section)
- In combination with Trance it'll become
a Tiamat

** Radiance
Found where: Near the portal at the container yard
Function: Give dragon form holy powers
Nice combinations: - Nice to combine with other property gene however
shadow will neutralize this gene.
- With Defender or Thorn it'll become a holy dragon
- With Reverse you'll get holy properties
- Also nice to combine with Miracle and Force
- Eldritch gives "Resurrect" spell

** Force
Found where: Hidden on the tubes in the secret lab under the plant
Function: Become a Warrior. Dragon that is superfast and with
very much power. My favorite dragon
Nice combinations: - Nice to combine with Flame, Frost, Thunder, Radiance
and shadow. Your warrior can use their properties
- With Trance you'll get the Myrmidon. Advanced version
of the warrior
- Can be used to enhance Rei's Hybrid (See Hybrid section)

** Defender
Found where: Will be granted when Ryu and Nina jump of a mountain in
order to escape Sunder
Function: Raises defence and give "counter" ability
Nice combinations: - Flame, Frost, Thunder, Radiance and Shadow

** Gross
Found where: On the field where Momo's rocked "landed"
Function: Junk
Nice combinations: None

** Thorn
Found where: Near the exit of the Tidal Caves
Function: Seems to enhance some statistics.
Nice Combinations: - Nice with property genes
- Combine with Miracle and Reverse to get
"Wildfire". Golden whelp with little HP
but extreemly high defense.

** Miracle
Found where: In the volcano Mt. Zublo
Function: Become Behemoth. Very big dragon.
Nice combinations: - Can be granted a property with property genes
- Combined with ???? it'll become a Mammoth
- Combined with Reverse and Thorn it'll become

** Eldritch
Found Where: At the top of the lighthouse
Function: Have some magic abilities to your dragon
Nice combinations: - Reverse will neutralize this :(
- Combine with property genes to get a
related spell
- Enhances Nina's Hybrid (See hybrid section)

** Reverse
Found where: Hard to spot. There's a spot marked as a "?"
near the place where you get after using the
cable lift. It's located there.
Function: Reverse properties
Nice combinations: - Flame will become Frost
- Frost will become Flame
- Thunder & Eldritch will be neutralized
- Radiance will become shadow
- Shadow will become radiance
- With Miracle and Thorn it'll be Wildfire

** Mutant
Found where: On steel beach
Function: Random dragon form
Nice combinations: With ???? it'll become Pygmy. A funny but
not really functional dragon from

** ????
Found where: Near the fishing spot near Steel Beach
Function: None. Nice to get some secret dragons forms
Nice combinations: - Enhances Momo's Hybrid
- In combination with Miracle you get Mammoth

** Trance
Found where: By Yggdrasil at the other side of the ocean
Function: None. Nice to get some secret dragon forms
Nice Combinations: - With Shadow you'll get Tiamat
- With Force you'll get Myrmidon

** Failure
Found where: At the Colony. Can't miss it.
Function: Neutralizes all other genes and gain control
over the Kaiser
Nice combinations: Use it with Infinity. See Infinity for details

** Fusion
Found where: You'll get it after defeating dragon zombie
Function: Become a hybrid by combining Brood powers with
your friends powers.
Nice combinations: See Hybrid section

** Infinity
Found where: When defeating the Elder
Function: Become a Kaiser
Nice combinations: The Kaiser is out of control. With Failure you
can gain control over him.

Most of the dragon form are easily taken (The needed ones are also described in
the walktrough).

There are some secret ones:

Myrmidon - Force + Trance
Tiamat - Shadow + Trance
Mammoth - Miracle + ????
Pygmy - Mutant + ????
Wildfire - Miracle + Thorn + Reverse
Trygon - Flame + Frost + Thunder

A form I never use accesible with the fusion gene. This form depends on your
party and Ryu will take the powers of one of his allies. With an extra gene
you can also take an advanced form (depending on the kind of hybrid). One
note, there is no hybrid of Garr (as far as I know).... Another note, dead
party members will be counted as not in the party.

Hybrid from: Nina
With parties: Nina / Nina + Garr / Nina + Peco
Advanced with gene: Eldritch

Hybrid from: Momo
With parties: Momo / Momo + Nina / Momo + Peco
Advanced with gene: ????? (That's really the gene's name)

Hybrid from: Rei
With parties: Rei / Rei + Momo / Rei + Nina
Advanced with gene: Force

Hybrid from: Peco
With parties: Peco / Peco + Rei / Peco + Garr
Advanced with gene: Shadow

No hybrid but: Whelp (No hybrid from Garr)
With parties: Garr / Garr + Rei / Garr + Momo
Advanced with gene: N/A

Index: Part 1: What does everything do?
Part 2: Recommendation for best results

*** Faeries part 1: What does everything do?

Below I described what everything does

* Scholar - Job
The faeries assigned on this skill will try to find new jobs.
Without these students you'll never have any jobs, so this is a very important

* Scholar - Culture
This will make your culture level higher after a period of time.
When it's high enough the "scholar - job"'s will learn about new
jobs sooner and your merchants will get new merchandise quicker.

* Merchant
Easy these fellows will sell you something.
They start with one item, but as their
merchandise increases they can offer you more stuff.
What I tell you about them is what I got from them so far.

** Weapons - Speed
Pointed Stick 10 zenny
Waistcloth 210 zenny
Bronze Sword 240 zenny
Buckler 1100 zenny
Wind Cutter 2200 zenny
Crepe Cape 1300 zenny
Flame Talons 3300 zenny
Laurel 1800 zenny
Royal Dagger 6200 zenny
Spiked Gauntlets 6800 zenny
Ice Halberd 12500 zenny

** Weapons - Ability
Pointed Stick 10 zenny
Waistcloth 210 zenny
Bronze Sword 240 zenny
Crepe Cape 1300 zenny
Flame Talons 3300 zenny
Amber B-Plate 6100 zenny
Piercing Pike 7400 zenny
Katzbalger 9200 zenny
Protectors 11000 zenny
Tiger's Cap 5300 zenny
Ouroboros 22000 zenny

** Items - Speed
Green Apple 5 zenny
Vitamin 50 zenny
Panacea 100 zenny
MultiVitamin 300 zenny
Ammonia 200 zenny
Talisman 500 zenny
Life Sandals 500 zenny
High Boots 3000 zenny
Titan Belt 3000 zenny
Dream Ring 1000 zenny
Balance Ring 1000 zenny

** Items - Ability
Green Apple 5 zenny
Vitamin 50 zenny
Panacea 100 zenny
Ammonia 200 zenny
High Boots 3000 zenny
Lion's Belt 3000 zenny
Napalm 800 zenny
Dream Ring 1000 zenny
Balance Ring 1000 zenny
Barrier Ring 3000 zenny
Diamond Ring 3000 zenny

** Handyman - Speed
Berries 5 zenny
Beef Jerky 50 zenny
Clothing 50 zenny
Flame Crysm 500 zenny
Napalm 800 zenny
Bell Collar 10000 zenny
Angling Rod 2000 zenny
Belladonna 200 zenny
Royal Dagger 6200 zenny
Holy Mantle 10000 zenny

** Handyman - Ability
Berries 5 zenny
Beef Jerky 50 zenny
Taser 200 zenny
Tiger Claws 3800 zenny
Agling Rod 2000 zenny
Lion's Belt 3000 zenny
Bell Collar 10000 zenny
Soul Gem 3000 zenny
Holy Mantle 10000 zenny
Molotov 10 zenny
Hidden Dagger 7000 zenny

* Inn
The first fearie assigned to this one will run an
inn for only 10 zenny for a rest. The second faerie
on this skill (same room) will tell you how long
you've been playing the game, how many monsters
you defeated and how much money you made so far.

* Gift
Will give away items. It's always a surprise what
you get but sometimes the items are really cool!
Items I received so far: Icicle, Firecracker,
Life Shard, Magic Shard, Fish-Head, Protein,
Power Food, Coupons, Panacea, Vitamin, Wisdom Fruit.

* Explorer
Will explore the world to find items. Whatever he finds
will be given to you. This is a dangerous one. Faeries
could get killed by this one.

* Antiques
Will buy strange items. When you got items which the game describes
as "Appears valuable" you can sell them here. The faerie assigned on
this skill will give you more for it!

* Music
The faerie assigned on this skill will let you enjoy some music.
Not very usefull, is it?

* Casino
Allows you to gamble. Just as in
reality: Only stupid guys use this one!

* Copy
This is a very dangerous feature. Not for the faeries but for you.
The faeries assigned on this skill will try to copy an item. When
you gave them an item, never close the shop or assign other
faeries to it. You'll loose the item. Copy could fail, in most
cases you'll get your item back, but sometimes they will screw
it up and that they'll (accidently) destroy the original item!

*** Faeries Part 2: Recommendation
As soon as Ryu becomes an adult (after defeating Garr in Angel Tower)
you can start the civilization. It's really advisable to start a
civilization. Especially when you want an easy win on the final boss.

First have a few hunters and a student for Culture. As soon as you can
start building (you need to clear to get room to build)

As soon as you can have a student for "Work". One of the first jobs
they'll discover is "Merchant".

As soon as you can have a Merchant "Items Ability". They sell
"Balance Rings" which you will need most of in the last parts of the
game. This is most important.

Having a "Handyman - Ability" can be handy if you want to defeat the
"Berserker" to have some soul gems in case. If your lucky you won't
need them there, but just in case. If you don't want to beat the
berserker, then forget this one.

Having an Inn is recommended too. This is the cheapest Inn possible
and inns are one of the few ways to restore lost max HP.

The last very recommended thing to get a lot of money is to open
an antiques. Sell items that "Appear Valuable".

The other rooms are by used as "Gift" and I let myself surprise me
if they give good items.... :)

Hidden Powers of Weapons
Some weapons have hidden powers which can be released by using
them like an item during combat. The good point is that you can do
this unlimmited times per items but you can only use each
weapon (or armor) once per turn.

Here are the spells casted when using the weapon/armor as an item:
Dragon Blade ...................... Fireblast
Holy Avenger ...................... Might
Laquer Staff ...................... Silence
Mind Shield ....................... Steals some % of the enemy's AP. Much
more power full than Leech Power :-)
Piercing Edge ..................... Weaken
Robe Of Wind ...................... Speed
Royal Sword ....................... Lightning
Thunder Rod ....................... Jolt

Inn prices
Arena 100 zenny
Coffee Shop 100 zenny (Better go to the plant! It's cheaper there).
Faerie World 10 zenny
Genmel 100 zenny
Junk Town 100 zenny
Kombinat 200 zenny
Parch 100 zenny
Plant 30 zenny
Rhapala 50 zenny
Urkan Tapa 100 zenny
Wyndia 50 zenny

Big chests on Black Ship
You know the puzzle where you have three big wooden crates
you must move with the crane to create a path. WHen you pick the
fouth one you'll receive a bonus.
It depens on which crate you pick.
1. Protectors
2. Ascension
3. Light Bangle
4. Wisdom Fruit

Where to catch the best fish?
There are serveral fishing spots around the world. What can you catch there?

Central Wyndia - Near Maekyss Gorge
NOTE!!!!!! This fishing spot will be available when you spoke to the woman at
the house in Maekyss Gorge in order to make Shisu for the mayor of Parch.
The best ingredients for that Maekyss specialty, shisu, can be found here.
Martian Squid

Central Wyndia - South West Meakyss
Hangout of the fishing gang

Central Wyndia - Past Myrnegg
Something bizarre is wimming with the fish here
Martian Squid

Dauna Region - Near Emitai
They say that some unusual fish live in the colder areas upstream.
Red Catfish
Martian Squid

Dauna Region - Near Checkpoint North
The silence is almost tangible in this husband place

Eastern Wyndia - Near Momo's Tower
A famous spot where everyone catches the "big ones".
Flying fish
Black Porgy

Eastern Wyndia - Near bridge that was once guarded by Sunder
There are lots of different fish gathered here.
Black Bass

Lost Shore
Flying Fish

Rhapala Region - Between Cliff and the Tidal Caves (Accessible one you became an
Famous octopus fishing bed

Raphala Region - Beach near master Giotto
A beach famous for good fishing
Flying fish
Sea Bass

Raphala Region - North of Big Bridge
This is the best place to get fresh river fish
Flying Fish
Sea Bream

Urkan Region - Near crags of Legenday Mariner
Tide pool formed by Outer Sea and the Middle Sea
FLying Fish
Sea Bream
Sea Bass
Black Porgy

Urkan Region - Past Steel Beach
The best fish in the world are said to be here in this bed
Sea Bream

Urkan Region - On the way to the Tidal Caves
Area famous for the "big ones"
Sea Bream
Black Porgy

Yraall Region - Behind Farm
You can see a familiar shape amogst the fish

Yraall Region - Near Mygass
There are lots of small fish swimming in the stream

Yraall Region - Between Mount Levett and Ogre Road (accisible one you became an
One of the most popular fishing spots, just full of big fish
Black Bass

Mannillo trading shop list
In many fishing spots (not by all) you may see some traders in the water, known
as "Manillo". You can catch them by using a coin as bait. Try to lead them as
to you as possible and let them grab the coin at 1m or 0m. That's the best way
to catch them.

Manillo's trade items, weapons, armor and more shit and you must pay them with
fishes. This list will show of all Manillo's what they got and what they want.

Near Syn City (Dauna Region)
Wisdom Ring 1 x Black Bass 5 x RainbowTrout 5 x Trout
Lion's Belt 1 x Angler 9 x RainbowTrout 9 x Trout
Ginseng 2 x Bass 5 x RainbowTrout 5 x Trout
Caro 2 x RainbowTrout 3 x Trout
Frong 2 x RainbowTrout 3 x Trout
Top 3 x RainbowTrout 2 x Trout
Hanger 3 x RainbowTrout 2 x Trout
Skill Ink 2 x Mart. Squid 1 x RainbowTrout 1 x Trout
Katzbalger 1 x Barandy 2 x Black Bass 1 x Red Catfish
Laurel 1 x Barandy 2 x Black Bass 1 x Bass

Behind the Farm (Yraal Region)
Silver Knife 2 x RainbowTrout 2 x Trout
Iron Helm 1 x Trout 1 x Pirana
Waistcloth 1 x Trout 1 x Puffer
Spirit 3 x Pirana
Baby Frog 3 x Pirana
Popper 2 x Puffer
Float 2 x Puffer
Skill Ink 1 x RainbowTrout 1 x Trout
Bell Collar 3 x Angler 3 x Mart. Squid 5 x Sea Bream
Holy Mantle 3 x Black Bass 9 x Bass 9 x Sea Bass

Near Momo's Tower (Eastern Wyndia)
Chain Cap 1 x Bass 3 x Blowfish
Crepe Cape 1 x Black Porgy 4 x Flying Fish
Spirit 3 x Blowfish
Baby Frog 3 x Blowfish
Popper 2 x Flying Fish
Float 2 x Flying Fish
Skill Ink 2 x Octopus

Before the Tidal Caves (Urkan Region)
Wisdom Ring 1 x Angler 2 x Black Porgy 2 x Sea Bream
Lion's Belt 2 x Mart. Squid 2 x Bass 4 x Sea Bass
Ginseng 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus 3 x Sea Bass
Caro 3 x Sea Bream
Frog 3 x Sea Bream
Top 2 x Octopus
Hanger 2 x Octopus
Skill Ink 1 x Angler 1 x Black Porgy

After the Tidal Caves (Rhapala Region)
Hawk's Ring 3 x Black Bass 5 x Bass
Artmis' Cap 2 x Black Bass 2 x Angler 5 x Sea Bream
Speed Boots 1 x Barandy 1 x Black Bass 2 x Devilfish
Soul Gem 1 x Barandy 2 x Sea Bass
Bell Collar 2 x Devilfish 3 x Angler 9 x Sea Bream
Holy Mantle 3 x Black bass 9 x Bass 9 x Sea Bass
Skill Ink 2 x Octopus 1 x Devilfish

Between Inner Sea and Outer Sea. Near Steel Beach (Urkan Region)
Demonsbane 1 x Spearfish 2 x Black Bass
Aries Spear 1 x Spearfish 9 x Sea Bass 9 x Sea Bream
Heavy Caro 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus
Fat Frog 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus
Dogwalker 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus
Deep Diver 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus
Skill Ink 2 x Octopus 1 x Devilfish

Near Kombinat (Lost shore)
Royal Sword 1 x Whale 3 x Spearfish 1 x Barandy
Life Armor 1 x Whale 1 x Spearfish 3 x Barandy
Cupid's Lyre 1 x Whale 2 x Barandy 5 x Red Catfish
Shaman's Ring 1 x Whale 3 x Spearfish 5 x Red Catfish
Ivory Dice 1 x Spearfish 1 x Red Catfish 5 x Mackerel
Skill Ink 1 x Spearfish 1 x Devilfish

Other FAQ's by Tricrokra:
Breath Of Fire III - Walktrough with Ultimate Playing Hints
Breath Of Fire III - Fishing list
Breath Of Fire III - Manillo Tranding Shops
Breath Of Fire IV - Boss Guide
Breath Of Fire IV - Combo Guide
Grandia - Boss Guide with recommended spells
Granstream Saga - Boss Guide
Wild Arms - Boss Guide
Wild Arms 2 - Boss Guide

Go to be sure you got the latest of my FAQs or to ask me anything to:

You could find my FAQs on:

If you like RPGs, maybe you'll like my production "Power Of The Rings".
It's a simple RPG game, but surely it's fun. You can download it from
the site:

If any of these addresses causes a 404, please e-mail me about it.

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15.Октябрь 2013
Rya beim ersten Speicherpunkt. Alle Gegenstände und jede Menge Geld.

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Letzter Level Save: Gutes und schlechtes Ende

17.Октябрь 2013
Manillo's Trading Shops

15.Октябрь 2013
Where to catch the best Fish

18.Октябрь 2013
Power Up Guide

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Monster List

15.Октябрь 2013
Fishing and Dragons Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Fairy Village Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Electric Grid

15.Октябрь 2013
Dragon Gene Guide

16.Октябрь 2013
Dragon Gene Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Character Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Boss Guide

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. Lösung
13.Май 2008
engl. Cheats

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019