Brave Fencer Musashiden

Brave Fencer Musashiden

17.10.2013 10:53:32

A FAQ / Walkthrough for...

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Brave Fencer Musashi
Platform: PlayStation
Version: Final
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
My website:

Created: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 7:02:34 pm
Last Updated: 11/02/00 9:33:03 pm
Size: 130 KB (133,339 bytes)


4. Game Controls
5. The Story
6. Game Basics
7. Characters
8. Walkthrough
i. Chapter 1
ii. Chapter 2
iii. Chapter 3
iv. Chapter 4
v. Chapter 5
vi. Chapter 6
9. Legendary Armor
10. Village Shops
11. Bincho Field Locations
13. Minku Locations
14. Boss Strategies
15. Toys
16. Item List
17. Fighting Techniques
18. Assimilated Abilities
19. Five Scrolls
20. GameShark Codes0
21. FAQ
22. Credits
23. Contact Info






I'd like to start off this FAQ by saying that this is one the BEST
Square games ever, and is deserving of a sequel, and possibly it's own
series of games. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to EVERYONE. It's
incredibly fun to play, the story is wonderful, the music is beautiful,
and the gameplay engine is deep. There's just so much to do in this
game, the replay value is awesome. You'll be playing it for days, maybe
even weeks, after you beat it. Even though the game isn't all that long
(you can beat it in around 30 hours, if you don't use a strategy guide
or anything) the things you can do after you beat it, or just being able
to go back and find all of the things you missed the first time, makes
it an incredibly rewarding experience.

I do, however, recommend that you only use this guide if you are stuck,
or really need help finding where to go next, or where that last Minku
is, or how to get the Legendary Gloves are, and what not. Playing
through this game by your self is what it really is about, and there's
nothing like beating a game without a guide. But if you need the help,
or just want a walkthrough, that's why this guide is here.

Well, I just got this game a while ago, and it is the best Action/RPG
around (I don't really consider Zelda 64 a Action/RPG). Here are my
thoughts on each major category:

GRAPHICS (8 out of 10)-
The graphics on Brave Fencer Musashi, while not breathtaking, do manage
to get the job done. The colors are vibrant, and they work well for a
game of this type. I think the characters are done very well, and look
even better. I love the Japanese style artwork and influences, and they
really do give this game character. The only problem with the graphics,
while not terribly bad, is the collision detection. Sometimes you'll
just sink into a house or something, and it can be annoying.

SOUND (9 out of 10)-
The sound in Brave Fencer Musashi is spectactular. The sound effects ar
wonderfully done, and are crystal clear. The voice acting, while kind of
annoying, is done well, and is annoying purposely, not on accident. But
what really makes the sound stand out is the wonderful music. It's
definatly Square quality music, and sets the tone of the game
beatifully. I just bought the soundtrack because it's so good. The music
is the type that stays in your head for days, and you don't want it to

GAMEPLAY (9 out of 10)-
The gameplay of Musashi is solid as a rock. All of the RPG elements are
done great, and the multiple abilities give the game some depth, as well
as variety. All of the bonus things and mini-games that are in the game
just make a great game better. Outstanding.

CONTROL (8 out of 10)-
Controlling Musashi is downright easy. Using Lumina and Fusion is
simple, and attacking ememies is even easier. The analog control is
smooth and precise, and adds more simplicity to this game. The only
trouble is with some ledges, where you might accidently fall off of,
because the analog is so precise.

Buy/Rent- Buy.

OVERALL SCORE: 9 out of 10

Here's an in-depth review from James Mielke of fame:

The setting is 160 years ago, and a great tension is brewing between two
rival nations: the Yaquinik Kingdom and the LeCoir Empire. The LeCoir
Empire stages a surprise attack on the Yaquinik Kingdom, with the intent
to steal Reygund, the legendary sword of light. Yaquinik was not
prepared for such an encounter and was, consequently, in great danger.
At the moment of their greatest distress, the supervisor of the kingdom
decided it was time for the "hero summoning." So 160 years after he had
last saved the world from complete destruction, Musashi was called upon
once more to serve the kingdom.

Musashi. Legendary warrior of ancient Japan. Originator of the Ni
TenIchi Ryu method of sword fighting. Philosopher. Samurai. Poet. He's
also the star of Square's new action/RPG, Brave Fencer Musashi. Touted
by some as Square's Zelda killer, Brave Fencer Musashi is really a much
different game. Sure, it's an action/RPG in the sense that there's a lot
of action, and there are RPG elements in the game, but at its core,
Brave Fencer is really more of an action/platformer than anything else.

Imagine, if you will, a game that looks like a cross between Klonoa and
Gex: Enter the Gecko, and you'll have a fair approximation of Brave
Fencer's stylistic approach. The game is made up of polygonal characters
and fully 3D backgrounds. Some backgrounds can be rotated 360 degrees,
like when you're exploring towns. Other times, the backgrounds remain
fixed, so as to let you concentrate on solving the matter at hand, and
since problem-solving is a main fixture in Brave Fencer, it becomes
apparent that lots of thought went into the design. Each level has its
own logical set of challenges that careful thinking will solve every
time. It's very rewarding to escape the perils of the first few stages,
which neatly sets the tone for the game.

Control in the game is very good. If you have a Dual Shock pad, you'll
be glad to know that Brave Fencer fully supports both analog mode and
Dual Shock vibrations. In an RPG of this nature, it's fun to feel the
hits and spell effects in action. However, if you don't have a Dual
Shock pad, digital control is just fine, too. In any case, the L2 and R2
buttons control the camera angle, while the square and triangle buttons
perform such functions as checking treasure chests, attacking, using the
Book of Five Rings, and reading signs. The X button is used for jumps,
while the circle button activates the "get in" technique. More on that
later. Lastly, the R1 button is used for blocking, which, if you want to
get anywhere in the game, must be used effectively or else your numerous
enemies will make quick work of you. Musashi, when he has the
appropriate equipment, can perform all sorts of functions. For example,
when you first start the game you must embark on a mission to recover
Lumina, Musashi's powerful Sword of Light. Additionally, when he finds a
certain item, he'll be able to climb rock walls using his two swords.

One technique that gamers will find particularly useful is the get-in
technique. By holding down the block button, a gauge on the side of the
screen begins to fill. When the gauge is full, you'll press the square
button to throw Raikoumaru (your short sword) in the direction you're
facing. Assuming you threw it at an enemy, once it hits he will be
immobilized for a few seconds. While your enemy is trapped in this
attack, quickly press the square button to absorb his power. Your enemy
will disappear, and you will have temporarily gained a new get-in
attack, which can be used, at the expense of BP points, by pressing the
circle button. Later in the game you will find different spell books.
Each book has different attributes, such as the Book of Earth, which can
cause earthquakes when properly powered up. Additional sword techniques,
like the Ni TenIchi Ryu Slash, may also be learned as the game
progresses. Each of these skills will become necessary to overcome the
increasingly difficult challenges the game will provide.

One of the things that should be noted is that the game takes place in a
virtual time zone. Although not quite real time, Brave Fencer has a
clock that continuously runs, whether you do anything or not. You'll see
the day turn from morning to noon to night all within the space of 15
minutes (although it seems to stay night longer than it does day).
Accordingly, you must rest Musashi regularly, either at the local inn,
or have him just lie on the ground and catch some winks. If you don't,
you'll have an increasingly lethargic and ineffective Musashi on your
hands. Not the best way to finish the game. Whether or not this was such
a good idea is up for debate, since you seem to be spending as much time
resting the poor bastard as you do questing (although, thankfully, when
sleeping, time moves superfast). As far as the RPG elements are
concerned, there is the usual interaction in the towns, like buying
items, food, accessories; sleeping; eating at the local inn; drinking
and talking to the people in the taverns; talking to townsfolk or anyone
who happens to be wandering around; etc. Whew.

As previously stated, the graphics in this game are very well done.
Better looking than Square's other recent RPG, Xenogears, Brave Fencer
features well-designed towns and environments and good-looking textures
with very little warping or pop-up. One slight problem with the towns,
however, is that there is no zoom-out function. A feature like this
would be greatly appreciated, since trying to find your way around towns
is reduced to simply running around until you find something that's
familiar and starting from there. And the fact that the towns can be
completely rotated adds unnecessary confusion. A transparent overhead
map would have helped tremendously, but unfortunately there isn't one.

Players who liked the look of the characters in Final Fantasy VII
(during the exploration, not the battle scenes) will enjoy the graphics
here. Each character is Gouraud-shaded and rendered in polygons, with a
superdeformed look. Musashi himself is the most obvious example, with a
small body, huge head, and even bigger set of hair. The music in Brave
Fencer is a combination of all kinds of sounds, ranging from traditional
Japanese music to medieval orchestrations that suit the game very well.
Sound effects are up to the usual Square quality, with sharp metallic
clangs during sword fights and ambient sounds like running water. The
game also features an extraordinarily large amount of voice acting, most
of which is very good. Musashi himself can be a little overzealous, but
otherwise it's a welcome relief from the crappy voice acting found in
games like Resident Evil and The Granstream Saga.

Overall, Brave Fencer Musashi goes a long way towards repairing Square's
reputation, which had taken a beating after the release of shaky efforts
like Soukaigi, Saga Frontier, and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon. It's a
fun game that relies more on gameplay and exploration than it does on
flashy special effects, and it features a lengthy (although linear)
quest that should satisfy even the most critical gamer. A Zelda killer
it's not, but considering what's being offered here, it should more than
make up for any unfortunate comparisons.

By James Mielke






This FAQ can only appear on the following sites:

-GameFAQS -Cheat Code Central -GameSages
If anyone finds it on any other site, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address:

© Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen,
altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced
electronically, and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be
placed on a CD, printed in a magazine or any type of publication. If you
want to use this FAQ on your site, please contact me. If you would like
to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as
well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above.

All rights reserved.




Version 0.2 (12/29/99)

* First Version. Still haven't finished Walkthrough Section yet, but I
will soon

Version 0.4 (12/30/99)

* Not sure if this can be called a real update, but i just added the
ATTENTION WEBMASTERS disclaimer at the top of this FAQ.

Version 0.6 (01/01/00)

* Added the Walkthrough for Chapter 3. Whew!

* Cleaned up the layout of this FAQ a little bit.

Version 0.8 (01/02/00)

* Added the Walkthrough for Chapter 4.

* Added the boss strategies for Chapter 3 boss, Relic Keeper, and
Chapter 4 boss, Frost Dragon.

Version 1.0 (01/14/00)

* Added the Walkthrough for Chapter 5.

* Added the boss strategy for Chapter 5 boss, Queen Ant.

Version 1.01 (01/30/00)

* Added some simple ASCII art at the top of this FAQ

Version 1.02 (05/13/00)

* Cleaned up the FAQ a bit, and added some new ASCII art at the top

Version 1.0 (06/28/00)

* Changed the FAQ back to Version 1.0, since it is now officially complete

* Completed the Walkthrough finally

* Updated the Boss Section


4. Game Controls


NOTE: These controls were taken directly from the game manual.


Directional Buttons/Analog-----Walk/Push

Square-----------------Attack with Fusion, Asslimilate, open treasure
chests, read sign posts

Triangle---------------Attack with Lumina, Use the power of the Five


Circle-----------------Use techniques obtained by assimilation

R1---------------------Defend, Fill up charge gauge


Directional Pad/Analog-------Walk

Square------------------Talk to people, knock on doors, read sign


R2/L2-------------------Change viewpoints


Directional pad/Analog----Move cursor

X-------------------Execute, proceed to next dialoge box

Triangle------------Cancel, procees to next dialoge box

Circle--------------Skip voice overs


L1+Direction---------Walk slowly

START, SELECT, L1, L2, R1, R2 at the same time-----Soft Reset


5. The Story


NOTE: The Story was taken directly from the game manual.

Over 150 years ago, a giant monster suddenly appeared in the
Thirstquencher Empire, neighboring country to the Allucaneet Kingdom.
This monster was known as the Wizard of Darkness and was a huge creature
made of almost entirely of a powerful crystal known as Binchotite. After
easily destroying the Thirstquencher Empire, the monster made way for
Allucaneet, seeking the bountiful supply of Binchotite believed to be
buried there. The monster destroyed everything along the way. It is
believed that many creatures were born of this destruction as the Wizard
of Darkness had a strange effect on everything that crossed its path.

Upon hearing of the Wizard of Darkness' approah, King Allucaneet ordered
the Hero Summon spell to be cast. The Hero Summon spell is a special
magical power that is handed down, generation to generation, amongst
only the Princess of Allucaneet. A closely guarded state secret, this
power is onlt used as a last resort when the kingdom is faced with great
danger. It grants it's user the ability to summon a hero through
incantations made over a specially prepared crystal of Binchotite. The
summoned hero called upon to defeat the Wizard of Darkness was a two-
sworded fencer named Musashi. Musashi accepted the princess' task and
set out on a journey to defeat the Wizard of Darkness.

Musashi and the Wizard of Darkness battled fiercely for a long time.
Even for a hero like Musashi, The Wizard of Darkness proved a
formiddable foe. Finally, with the help of Lumina, the Sword of
Luminescense, Musashi was able to seal the monster wiithin a magical

It is said that Musashi then divided the power if the monster into the
five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Sky, and sealed them
within five crests. These five crests became known as the Five Scrolls
and in the years to follow passes into myth along with the legend of the
brave fencer, Musashi.

Things began the rather suddenly. For years, tension had been steadily
rising between the Allucaneet Kingdom and the Thirstquencher Empire.
Finally, after diplomatic relations between the two nations ceased, the
Thirstquencher Empire abruptly attacked the Allucaneet Kingdom.
Unfortunatly for Allucaneet, the king and queen were absent at the time
of the attack.

As if the Thirstquencher Empire had timed its invasion according to
their absence, the invasion began with one specific goal in mind; to
capture Lumina, the Sword of Luminescence. Unable to repel the surprise
attack, Allucaneet's army lost ground quickly while the ememy pressed on
toward the castle. As the Thirstquencher army approahed the castle, the
senior members of Allucaneet realized that their only hope would be to
summon a hero.


6. Game Basics



Assimilation is one of the key aspects of this game. It's unique in
every aspect, and if you are stuck in the game, assimilation is probably
the answer.


First, charge up Fusion by holding down the R1 button until the charge
gauge is filled.

Next, you need to throw Fusion at an enemy. To do this, press Square,
and Fusion will stick to the enemy that it first touches. Once you have
done this, rapidly press Square to start Assimilation. Once the the
charge bar is filled up again, you've completed assimilation.

Once you've assimilated an ability from an enemy, you can use it at any
time by pressing the Circle button. The only time you can't use the
ability is if you assimilated another ability.

There will be times during the game when you will become lost or
confused as what to do next. This may become irritating and may cause
you to lose interest in the game, or become frustrated. Well, if you do
become lost, here are some things you might want to try.

First of all, talk to the surrounding people and villagers. Since Brave
Fencer Musashi is half RPG, you can talk to people. Do this to get some
hints or clues as what to do next in the game.

Or, you might want to see what Mujsashi himself is saying. If you go to
your inventory screen, and see what he has to say. Or, if you're just
plain lost, use your compass to see where to head off to next. You can
also go to the Castle and talk to the servants and other people there as
well. They can give you some pretty helpful tips and will help you
throughout your quest.

And, if all else fails, you can always use this guide to help you. :)

In order to save your game, you'll need to go to the Village Inn. You
can also save your game after a boss fight. Save your game OFTEN.

There are other means of saving, but they are only a type of checkpoint.
They are called Memory Boxes. These allow you to temporarily save your
game, or Musashi's Memory. But the downside to these are that if you die
and have to start over with one of these boxes, your health will only be
at 50%.

There are two ways to get full HP. Either go to the Inn and pay to get a
room in order to rest, or you can just head to the Castle and stay at
your private room and rest for free. Only use the Inn if it's life or

Try not to sleep outside of houses and other areas. When you do this,
even though your HP rises, your BP goes down. This technique will have
to be used plenty of times throughout the game, as it is a useful
ability. I only use it as a second resort, and I can't go to the Castle.

There are several helpful places, all within Allucaneet Palace. Here are
the facilities that will help you out in your adventure.

*NOTE- The info for all of these places were taken directly from the
game manual.

During less troubled times, this served as the palace's dining room.
Musashi will be able to talk to people he has rescued during his
adventure here. They may provide helpful information or techniques.

Allucaneet Palace takes pride in its vast colection of books in the
Library. If there is something you would like more information on, you
can look it up in the Library.

A room that Butler Livers furnishes for Musashi. He can sleep on the bed
or play with his action figures here. A great place to restore your HP
and BP quickly.

Here are some of the various establishments in Grillin Village.

Recover HP, BP, and reduce tiredness. You can also save data here or
speak to the residents.

BP can be recovered by eating bread or drinking milk. Prepare for your
journeys by buying food here, but remember that fresh bread and dairy
products will spoil if kept for more than a week.

Sells various useful items for your journey suchas medicines to recover
HP and 'Antidote'.

A place for the villagers to get together and socialize. Useful
information may be obtained here by chating with the customers.

Mysterious items that Musashi gathers during his journey can be brought
here for apprasial. Certain items may prove to be useful, while others
can be sold.

A variety of of action figures may be purchased here-check back for new

In Brave Fencer Musashi, there is a real-time game clock that runs 24
hours a day, seven days a week, just like in real life. Everything
within the village, including store hours, access to different areas of
the game, and when people are awake and asleep, are all depentant on the
in-game clock. The week goes like this: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Skyday, Saturday, and Sunday.The longer you are awake in the
game, the more your Tiredness and HP will go up, and the more your BP
will go down. Try to stay rested at all times.

When Musashi gets tired, his attacks weaken, a stops running, and all of
his actions slow down. You don't want Musashi to go below 50% tired, or
else his health will decrease, and the likability of him dying
increases. Some ways of decreasing tiredness, is to go to the palace and
rest, go to the Inn and rest, or you can even sleep in the field or
village. You can also buy items from the grocery shop, like Mint or H-
Mint to help fight tiredness.

Throughout the game, you will need to find some way to increase your HP
and BP in order to defeat harder ememies and bosses. The only way to
increase your HP is to use Longevity Berries. To get these berries, yo
need to find the hidden Minkus throughout the game, and to defeat it.
Defeating these creatures gives you one berry, which increases Musashi's
HP by 25. Look in the MINKU LOCATION Section for more info on how and
where to find these mysterious creatures.

To increase your BP, find the Bincho Fields. Everytime you find one of
these and free whoever is inside, your BP will increase by 5. This will
help you immensely throughout the game.


7. Characters


Here are the character profiles of Brave Fencer Musashi:

*NOTE- The character profiles below were taken directly from the game

A brave fencer summoned by Princess Fillet of the troubled Allucaneet
Kingdom. He has a fondness for duels and rice balls. After learning that
he won't be able to return to his home world until he fulfills the wish
of the princess, he reluctantly becomes the hero desperatly needed by
the kingdom.

The daughter of the king and queen of Allucaneet. She summons Musashi by
casting the Hero Summon spell. Because she is a tomboy at heart, those
around her have difficulty keeping her under control and out of trouble.

These three statesmen aid the Allucaneet Kingdom. Taking care of the
mischievous princess is a constant headache for them.

A swordsmen summoned into this world by Princess Fillet after Musashi's
arrival. In their home worls, he wanted to challenge Musashi to a duel,

A strange threesome in which each member thinks they are the leader.

A Thirstquencher Lieutenant who leads the Empire's miliary force. Though
not especially clever, he is persistant enough to get in Musashi's way.

Fuher Flatski's right-hand man. A cold and calculating strategist.

Member's of the Thirstquencher Army's spy group. It is rumored that they
are beautiful sisters who compete for the number one spot in the
Thirstquencher beauty contest.


8. Walkthrough


Here's the main meat of this FAQ, and will guide you through all six
chapters of the game, as well as give you boss strategies for each chapter.


******************** i. Chapter 1: The Journey Begins **********************

After the intro, you'll start your game in soem kind of forest. Start
running forward, and kill all enemies in your way. This way, you can
collect plenty of Dran, and start the game off right. Once you reach the
three rocks, push the one in the middle out of your way, and keep on
running forward. Once you reach the river, and look for the enemy on a
cliff to your left. Face him, hold R1 until your charge gauge is full,
then hit Square to throw Fusion at him. Now tap Square rapidly to
assimilate the ability Gunshot from the soldier. This is assimilation,
and it will be a key ability throughout the game. Once you've got
Gunshot, hit Circle to shoot the logs on the other side of the river.
They should fall over, and should create a type of bridge. Now cross the
bridge, and make your way to the large tower.

This tower is called Spiral Tower. Once you get there, head up the ramp
and go left. Destroy every statue on the way up to the top. Once you've
desroyed one, step on the circle beneath it. At the last one, run up the
sprial runway to the very top. Kill more enemies on the way to the top
to get even more Dran, or money. Head through the door and into the
mounatain side. now run up another spiral runway. Once again, kill more
enemies to acquire more Dran. At the top of the runway, assimilate
Gunshot from the enemy by the door. Now go through the door at the top.

Now, find a soldier, and assimilate the Stun ability from one of them.
Kill as many soldiers as you can to get more money. Now get the
attention of a soldier, and get him to stand on the platform by the
force field. Once he's on top of the platform, use Stun on him so he
stays on it, and the force field will be temporarily shut down. Now grab
Lumina from where the force field used to be.

Now that you have the sword, you'll have to run away from the giant
head. It's not too difficult, so I'll just let you do it yourself. The
only thing that I can say is to keep on running. :)

After another cut-scene, you should recieve another attack: Lumina's
Rotation. Now here comes the first boss!

The first boss of the game is also one of the easiest ones to defeat.
There are three different parts of this bosses' attacks.
During the first part do not hit the Steam Knight until he throws his
ball-and-chain at you.

Avoid the attack, and when it gets stuck in the ground, attack the
Knight's foot. Do this over and over until until the Steam
Knight falls over. When he has fallen, hit the cloth on his body, and
keep hitting him here until he gets back up. The Steam Knight will
repeat the first round of attacks again, but this time, attack the other
foot with Lumina, and when he falls over again, hit the green crystal
where the cloth was, then push Square to pick him up and then throw him
through the wall.

The Steam Knight's second part will begin once you're outside of
the palace. Do the same thing as before, wait for him to attack, then
attack him when it's stuck in the ground, attack one of his legs, then
hit the green crystal. Do this over until all of his four legs are
desroyed, then throw him through the second wall.

Now begins the Steam Knight's third phase of attacks, and it's a little
bit more difficult than the other two. He'll jump into the air, and when
you see his shadow on the ground, move out of the way, and then once
he's landed on the ground, attack the green crystal. Keep on hitting the
crystal, while still avoiding his other attacks. Once he's defeated,
press Square again, and you'll toss him over the mountain to destroy him
once and for all.


********************** ii. Chapter 2: A New Journey ***********************

While Chapter One was more of a training level than an actual Chapter,
Chapter 2 is where the game really begins. Chapter 2 is a lot longer
than Chapter 1, and there are far more objectives in this one.

After you've talked to those two guys, you need to go to the Library and
learn about Musashi and about the Five Scrolls. Although this is not
required, it gives a good background setting and tells you what the
whole story is about. Now go over to the Gondola, and ride it down to
the village. Once you are in the village, you should walk around it to
get familiar with the shops and other locations. Now find the church,
and go south to find a man trapped in some stocks, and you should also
see two different paths. Go into the path with the dead end sign.

If you follow this path to the end, you'll find the first Bincho Field
of the game. A Bincho Field is a large, green crystal, with a person
trapped inside. You need to free whoever is inside of these Binch
Fields. To free someone, hit the Bincho Field with Fusion, or Triangle.
After you've freed someone, your BP will rise by 5 points. Now, free the
slave inside of the Bincho Field, and return back to the begining of the
path, then head over to the second path where the man in the stocks is.
Continue to follow the path, and you should be heading to the Northwest.
Look to the northwest of the pond of water to find another Bincho Field,
behind a tree. Go to the other side of the tree and assimilate the Hop
ability from the Flower Pot guy. Now, use the Hop ability to hop over
the nearby thorns, and go north. Go across the bridge and run past the
three red enemies. Keep on running straight ahead, and when you get to
another Flower Pot enemy, go behind it and look for a cliff. Use the Hop
ability to climb up the cliff. There is another Bincho Field at the top.
Free the person inside, and go across the nearby pipe. Get whatever is
inside of the chest, then go back across the pipe, and hop back down to
the ground. Go back across the bridge, and once you find the flower pot
enemy, head west, and you'll find a secret area inside of the trees. If
you are here at the right time, usually after midnight, you'll find a
Minku. If not, then you should find a Minku dropping. If there is not a
Minku there, sleep until after midnight, and one will appear. To catch a
minku, pick it up with Square, and throw it. After you've done that, it
should have released a Longetivity Berry. Longetivity Berries increase
your overall HP by 25 points.

After you've gotten the Berry, go east and past the Flower Pot enemy, go
across the bridge, and head through the giant pipe. Keep on going
forward, and then jump onto the third pipe to the left. If you walk
across it, you'll find another Bincho Field. After freeing the person
inside of it, head back to the pipe and go to the path you just were on.
Head to the north once you are back onto the path. Now if you jump onto
the gray steam pipe to your right, and go up the stairs, you'll find
another Bincho Field. After you've freed the person inside, go along the
two pipes to your left, and you should find a 500 Dran coin and a heart.

Now, you need to hop down to the main path, and go back to the region
where you entered the huge pipe eariler. Once you are in front of the
pipe, head east of the pipe, and take that path. It should return you to
Grillin' Village. Once you are back in the village, you should probably
go to the Inn, rest up, and save your game.

After you've done that, head over to the Mayor's house, and speak to
him. Agree to help rescue the dog, then go north and go up the ramp that
leads to Twinpeak Mountain. After going past the guard, head west on the
west path, and head over to Twinpeak Mountain. If you continue on, there
should be a Bincho Field on some rocks. After doing this, continue
forward, and assimilate the Shrink ability from the nearby Magician. Now
use this ability to shrink the giant white thing that is blocking your
path, and jump across the water. Look to your right, and you should see
the dog on a tiny island. Pick up the dog, and then throw him across the
water. Throw him across the two water hazards, then carry him back to
the area where you first entered Twinpeak Mountain.

Now go back to the Mayor's house, and then go and talk to the guy stuck
in the stocks. After speaking to him, go to the Grocery and buy any
bread item, and get some water from the well. You might have to wait for
the two women to leave before you can get the water from the well. After
getting these two items, take them to the guy in the stocks. After
agreeing to help him out of the stocks, leave the village through the
path next to the windmill. Go back into the giant pipe, go back across
the bridge, and go north past the three red enemies. Keep on following
the path underneath the big pipe, then assimilate the Hop ability from
the Flower Pot enemy. Now hop over the spiked vines on the ground, and
look to the left to find the dog.

Now follow the dog until he leads you to the key. The dog will show you
which direction to go by barking. You need to protect the dog, because
if he dies, you'll need to restart. After getting the key, head all the
way back to the man in the stocks. In order to free him, do it after
midnight, that way nobody will know about it. You might want to go to
the store in the morning to buy plenty of Mints and W-Gels with all of
the money or Dran, that you've collected. After doing this, go back to
Twinpeak Mountain where the dog was trapped. Keep on going left, until
you reach another Bincho Field. Free the guy, then hop across the three
poles to the other side. After getting to the other side, go left, and
use the Memory Box to temporarily save your game. Keep on running left,
get whatever is inside of the treasure chest, then go back right. Head
up the path, get the treasure underneath the waterfall, then go up the
hill to the left. Now you need to hop across the moving platforms, and
into the cave. Jump across these platforms inside of the cave, then kill
the guards on the other side, on a bridge. Jump off the bridge, and onto
the vine below. Climb down it, get the treasure on the left, then go
across the rocks to your right to get another Bincho Field. Climb back
to the top, and enter the cave on the other side of the bridge.

After leaving the cave, jump across the platforms, then run to your
right unitl you see a large tree. Perform your Lumina spinning attack
next to the tree. This will cut down the tree. Pick up the log, and run
up the path to your left. Continue to follow the path, then run right
until you see a pole. Go down the pole, and you'll find another Bincho
Field. Go back up the pole and keep running right. Cross the moving
platforms, find another pole, go down it, get another Bincho Field, and
chop down another tree. Once you've got the tree, go back up the pole,
and go right by swinging from pole to pole (the ones that are sticking
out of the Mountain side). Go up the pole at the end of the path, and
you'll find another tree. After cutting it down, and grabbing it, run
left. You might want to either sleep or use a Mint, because you're
probably really tired. Once you've reached the last tree, grab it, go
left, up the stairs, and you'll find Jon the theif.

If you give Jon the logs, he'll make you a raft out of the logs. Now
you'll take a ride on the river. While on the raft, use X to move out of
the way of things in your way. If you decide to take the right side of
the river, there are more coins, but it is much more dangerous. If you
take the left side and paths, it's much safer, but won't have as much
money as the right path. If you lose four logs, you'll have to start
over at the top. Now, right before you go under the giant skull, go
left, and enter a secret cave. Go up the hill to your left, and you'll
find a Bincho Field. Hop across the river and go back all the way to the
top of the mountain and enter the rapids ride again.

After survivng the rapids ride, hop off the raft, go left, and you'll
find a treasure chest containing the Legendary Bracelet. Go to the Pawn
Shop, and have the guy appraise it. After he does this, you should learn
a new ability--Rock Climbing. Once you leave the shop, you'll get your
next mission from the Mayor. Now, go to the Inn, rest up, save your
game, and prepare for your next mission.

When you're ready, go back to the path that leads to Twinpeak Mountain.
But instead of talking to the guard and entering, go left, and use the
Rock Climbing ability you just got on the cliff. Talk to the engineer,
then go back to the village. From the village, go to the path next to
the Windmill. Once you get to the fork in the roak, take the right path,
and at the dead end, climb up the cliff. At the top, run through the
pipe archway, until you get to the Steam Factory. Once you get to the
Steam Factory, go inside. Remember, you have a time-limit, so don't
waste time. Once you are inside, take the elevator to the first floor.

Now go right and shut off valve #1, now go right again and shut off
valve #2. Once again, go right, and shut off valve #3. Go right again,
get on the elevator, and go up to level 2. Get off of the elevator, and
get onto one of the red pipes. Go left, and shut off valve #4. Run left
again, and shut off valve #5, then run left again to shut off valve #6.
Go up the elevator to the last level. Go left, get past the steam, shut
off valve # 7, go right and shut off valve # 8. You've done it, you've
saved the village!

Now, follow the engineer into the pipe, then go back to the village.
Rest up, and save your game. Go and talk to the mayor. Now go south
across the bridge, and follow the path. Keep on following the path to
the south, go under the pipe, and get the Bincho Field and whatever is
in the chest. Go all the way back to Twinpeak Mountain, and follow the
path to the left. Again, use the three poles to cross the river, and go
left. Here's where you'll race Rootrick to the top of the Mountain. Just
climb as fast as you can, and you'll beat him with ease. Once you've
beat him, go towards the center of the mountain, and hit Triangle to
break the black stone. You should now have the Earth Scroll, and a new
ability. You can now change your sword from Normal to Earth. To perform
your new ability, Earthquake, just hold R1 to charge it, then tap
Triangle to use it. Walk to the huge boulder and use Earthquake on it.

Now, hop on down to where the boulder fell, then go left and head all
the way back up the mountain, to the area where you first met Jon the
thief. Now ride the rapids again, but once you're off the raft at the
end, go up the stairs, and go south. Use Earthquake to knock the
boulders over, and into the pit. Get whatever is in the chest, and
return to the village to rest and save your game. Be sure to buy plenty
of Gel and W-Gel. Go to the Palace, and talk to the geezer. After doing
this, head back to Twinpeak Mountain, but this time, take the right
path, not the left one. You should be heading into Hell's Valley. Go
across the boulders again, and free the prisoner inside of the Bincho
Field. Now use Earthquake to knock over every boulder in your way, then
head straight ahead to fight the second boss...

This boss has to be the easiest boss in the entire game, although you do
have to be patient to defeat him. The reason Skullpion is so easy to
defeat is that you have people helping you out.

Now, when he begins his first attack, when he sprays stuff at you, avoid
it by standing behind him. While doing this, charge your charge gauge
until it's flashing. Wait until there is something above Skullpion like
rocks or bombs, then tap Triangle to use your earthquake attack that
causes those items to fall on top of him. Once something falls on him
and he's stunned, attack the crystal inside of his mouth. Do this three
times, and he's defeated. To protect your helpers from Skullpion, use
your earthquake attack to cause him to fall back to the ground.

********************** iii. Chapter 3: Mission Vambee *********************

After beating Skullpion, go to either the inn, or your room in the
Palace, and get some rest and save your game. Once it's light out
outside, go to the grocery store and talk with the Mayor and the other
guy. After you've finished speaking to them, go into the store, and you
should buy anything you need, like W-Gels. Now head over to the
windmill, knock on the door, and the man should give you the Mine Key.
You'll have to do this at night, because the guy at the windmill only
sleeps during the day. Now head north, and find the mine entrance. Use
the Mine Key to open the locked gate, and once you are inside of the
mine, take the right hand path, and at the end of it, go up the pole to
the second level. Once at the top, keep on going right, and trying to
not to get hurt by rocks and such. You should now be heading into the
caves themselves. You'll know that you're in the caves when you see a
giant fan below you. It should be blowing air up towards you, and once
the blades of the fan stop spinning, jump INTO the fan.

At the bottom, you should see a Memory Box. Use it, and take the left-
hand path. Hop onto the first converyor belt, after doing this, go
across the platforms, then hop onto another conveyor belt that is in the
foreground. If you get onto the platform to the right, you'll find a
Bincho Field. After freeing the prisoneer, go back onto the conveyor
belt, and jump onto the platform above it. You now need to hop onto the
belt on your left, and then onto another conveyor belt that is in the
background. You'll see some more platforms, so jump across those to find
another Bincho Field. Now hop onto the conveyor belt you were just on,
and go onto the platform to your left. Now keep on going to your left,
and into the cave.

After you've gone inside, jump on the moving platform, and ride it all
around the cave. If you jump off of it at any of the three ledges around
the cave, you can find a Bincho Field, a treasure chest, and a moogle.
After you've done this, you need to get back onto the moving platform,
and ride it and jump from platform to platform, until you've reached the
center of the cave. You should see a Bincho Field around this area, so
free the person inside, get back onto the platform, and ride it again
until you see some stairs. Jump onto the rock island witht the stairs,
and go up to the very top of the island, and you'll see a flower. It
might not be bloomed yet, so if it isn't, just sleep until it does
bloom. Once it has bloomed, grab it, then go all the way back to the
area with the giant fan. Climb up the side of the wall to get back to
the top of the fan, but wait until the fan stops spinning to go through
it. Once you are above the fan, wait until it starts spinning again, and
use the air it produces to float over to the path to the right.

Now keep on running right, and try to avoid rocks and other stuff that
will hurt you, until you reach another cave entrance. Once inside, hop
across the platforms until you get to the platform that rises up and
down. Get on it, ride it up, and jump off to your left. You should now
see two more platforms that rise. Get onto the second one, ride it to
the top, get onto the platform to your left, and leave the cave.

Run straight until you reach a fork in the path. Take the path in the
foreground. This will take you back to Grillin' Village. Try to rest up
and save your game. After doing this, go back to the grocery store and
talk to the Mayor again. You need to tell him that you'll find his
friend. After speaking to him, go back to Twinpeak Mountain.

This task requires you to find some healing water for the Mayor's
friend. Once you've gone past the guard, take the left path, find the
three poles that take you across the river, and go up the mountain. Go
into the first cave, get across the bridge, and into the second cave.
The Mayor's friend is inside of this cave. Talk to him, and choose the
first response. You now have only 12 minutes to get to the top of the
mountain and get some healing water. You'd better hurry!

Go up the mountain until you find a place with a floating rock. Use the
Earthquake ability, and knock it down. Jump onto the rock, and use the
sticks to swing to a cliff. Once you are on the cliff, climb up the
pole. At the top, you'll find the healing water. Once you've got it, go
back to the Mayor's friend as fast as you can, ans then go back to the
village. If you did it in time, Tim will greet you; if you didn't, the
Mayor will greet you. After speaking to whoever greeted you, go to the
bar, but only after 18:00. Talk to the guy banging on the bar door, then
go to the Inn adn talk to the two people staying there. After you do
this, rest up and save your game.

Now go back to the bar, and when the door opens, go inside. Go behind
the counter, check it out, then go into the basement. At the foot of the
steps should be the bartender. After speaking to him, use the Memory Box
you passed on the way down. If you ever need a health replentish, go to
the bartender, he'll revive your health. Go through the door on your
left, and run to the end of the path. Avoid the bowling balls by running
to the side of them. At the end, assimilate the Bowling ability from the
big enemy. Now use Bowl to break the wall behind him. Grab everything in
here, go back to where you assimilated Bowl, then climb up the wall next
to the hole in the wall. Go all the way to the end of this path, then go
into the door to your left. Avoid ALL fire enemies, because it's tough
to kill them. Use the block button (R1) to block the arrows that are
coming at you. Go inside the door at the end of this path, and kill the
big ass enemy inside.

There is a cracked wall to your right side. Use Bowl to break through
it, and then enter the new opening. Head down the path, and then step on
a black panel on the ground to lower a bunch of enemies waiting to be
bowled over. Use Bowl to knock over the enemies, then run through the
door. Free whoever is inside of the Bincho Field, then use Bowl to bust
open the wall on your right, and get whatever is in here. Now head back
to where you bowled over the enemies. Now step on the platform to ride
up to another level. When you spot the fire-spitting statues, use your
Lumina Spin Attack to defeat it. Now go through the door on the right,
and try to stay to the right side of the path to avoid the moving wall.
Now hop into the opening toward the end of the path, then take each
flying platform to get to the top of the wall.

Now head through the door, kill the enemy, break through the wall on
your left, step on the black panel to lower more bowling pin-enemies.
Bowl them over, bust through the wall, free the person inside of the
Bincho Field, then take the platform to get up to another level. Go
through the door, hit the blue eye with Lumina, and then step onto the
portal to return to the basement of the restaurant. Once there, go to
the Memory Box and save your memories. Now go and talk to the bartender,
and enter the door to the right.

Once inside, go through the next door, and walk across the moving
platforms. When you get to the end, go right from the place with four
torches, pick up an enemy, and toss him over the spike pit so he lands
on the panel on the other side. Now cross the bridge and go through the
door on your right. Once inside, walk across the wall again, then go
through the door on the right. After you've gone through the door, jump
onto the pole above the spikes, climb up it, then jump ahead to get on
another pole. Do this again, and after the third pole, jump off, and go
through the door in front of you. Free whoever is inside of this Bincho
Field, the go all the way back to the place with the four torches.

Once here, jump to the left instead, and pick up another enemy, and
throw him across the spike pit to the other side so he lands on the
other panel on the other side. After doing this, go through the door to
your left, and once inside, use the floating balls as your light. At the
end of the path, go inside of the door, then step onto the portal on the
RIGHT. Go through the door, up the steps, and through the door to the
left. Now go on the portal on the left this time.

Go through the doorway, and go up the stairs to your left, then go
though the door to the right. Now step on the LEFT portal, and walk
through the door in front of you. Now you should be in a area with lots
of lava. Hold down the block button (R1) to protect yourself from the
arrows, and go right. Fall into the pit on your right, then walk to your
left. Now fall into the pit on your left, then walk to your right this
time. Fall down into another pit, and go into the door past the enemies.
If you stay towards the left of the path, you'll find a treasure chest.
Keep on going, then go into the door. Use Lumina on the Blue eye, then
step on the portal to return to the basement.

Use the Memory Box again, then speak to the bartender to get your health
replentished. Go past the box, and down the steps. Go into a room with
one cracked wall, and with doors on both sides. Bowl through the wall,
get the whatever is in the chests, leave the tiny room, then go through
the door on your right. Make your way across the flipping blocks, then
go through the door. There is a Bincho Field on the floor, so jump down
there and free it, then go back upstairs. Now go across some more
flipping blocks, and go thorough the door. Keep on doing this (go over
flipping blocks, go through the door), until you get to the room with
the blades that are swinging. Avoid the blades, then go into the door at
the end of the path.

Head down the stairs and run by the spiked walls. Go down the left side
of the wood walkway to get a Bincho Field, and then hop onto the
rotating block on your right, and it should take you to another set of
wood walkways. If you take the southern most walkway, you'll find the
exit. Take the path, and run past the swinging blades and go through the
door on the other side. Hit the blue eye with Lumina, then step on the
portal to return back to the basement. If you need to, talk t the
bartender to get back to full health, then save your memories at the
Memory Box.

Now go through the door to the right of the hole in the wall. Go along
the path by hopping from platform to platform. Go through a few doors
until you come to a room with a red-eyed block in it. All you have to do
is push the block onto the red panel to open the door. Now go into that
room, and push the box that is furthest from you to the top-right panel.
Now, push the box on the very right of the room left once, up twice, and
left again onto the red panel. Now push the last box onto the red panel
at the upper-left part of the room. Now the door should be open.

Now go across the floating platforms into the following room with the
falling platforms, until you get to the room with the ghost. Assimilate
the Sublime ability. Use this ability to memorize the path to the next
door, then go through it. You should be in another room witha ghost in
it. Asimilate Sublime again, and do the same thing as before. But before
you leave, get the Bincho Field to your right. Go along the path, and
through the door to your left. Once again, use Sublime to spot the path
going down. Here's what to do: fall down to the left twice, down to the
right twice, down left twice, then down right once. Now go left and
through the door.

Use Sublime to memorize this BIG room. Here's how to get through it:
right once, up once, left once, up once, left once, up once and right
twice to find a chest. Now, from there, head left once, up once, then go
upwards to fall down a level. Keep on going forward to get to a room
with a Bincho Field. After getting this Bincho Field, step onto the
portal, go into the door on your left, use Lumina to hit the blue eye,
then go into the teleporter to return to the basment.

Now go to the region where you talked to the bartender, then open the
door with the four blue eyes. Take whatever is in the chest, speak to
the bartender, then return to the village, rest up, and save your game
at the Inn. After this, go to the Pawn Shop to get your Legendary Belt
appraised. After you leave the Pawn Shop, the bartender will talk to
you. After talking to him, head to the church.

Perform a double-jump over the church fence to get in, then talk to the
priest in the yard. Return to the church at 2:00 am. Once there, the
priest will let you in. You will now have to fight the gargoyals until
7:00 am. When it is 7:00 am, the sun shines in and the gargoyals will
die. After they are dead, talk to the priest again and agree to retrieve
the bell. Stand next to the well, and press Square to get into the well,
and into an underground cave. Go along the path until you get to a black
pillar. Use your Lumina Attack to break it, and you'll get the Water

Now walk across the water and grab the bell and take it back to the
Priest. You must toss it over the water, then toss it up the stairs by
where you got the Water Ring. Carry the bell to the left of the giant
pillar, then toss it across the water onto a platform on the left. Now
go across the water, pick up the bell, and take it to a cave opening on
the other side. Carry it into the opening, and across the path. At the
first fork, walk down towards the screen, then at the second fork, go
down towards the screen again. Once you've exited the mine, the priest
will speak to you. Now go to the inn, rest up, and save your game.

Now return to the basement of the restaurant, then go down the two
flights of stairs, then you should go to a door with a hole in front of
it. Jump over the hole, go through the door, across the water, and
through the door on the other side. Head across the room with lava, to
the door at the other side. In the room after this, go up past the
spikes and go across the moving platforms. Head up the stairs on your
left, then go go right and down. Jump across the platforms, then go
southwest of the room to get a Bincho Field. Now hop onto regular ground
to your right, and go along the path, until you get to the area with
spikes. Pick up an enemy and throw him across the pit and onto a panel.
Now cross the bridge, go along the path, then hop into the doorway. Use
your water ability to extinguish the four flames in this room. Now go
through the next door to fight the next boss.

The Relic Keeper isn't a really hard boss, but he is the toughest one
you've encountered so far in the game. He'll attack using fireballs, so
you need to shoot bubbles at the fireballs to protect yourself. After
you've extinguished all of the flames, the Relic Keeper's crystal will
be exposed. Use your Lumina attack to hit it.

The second and third phases of this bosses' attack pattern are basically
the same. He'll shoot fireballs that bounce off of walls and the sword.
Now extinguish the fireballs again, and when they are all gone, hit the
crystal with your Lunima attack. Repeat this one more time, and this
boss is toast.

***************** iv. Chapter 4: The Duel at Dragon Island ***************

After beating The Relic Keeper (tough SOB isn't he?), save your game,
and get healed at the inn. Now head to Twinpeak Mountain. Go up the
mountain, and if you look towards the top, look past the three fossils,
you'll see a big brown pole. Go up the pole, and there will a Bincho
Field on a platform to the right. After getting the Bincho Field, go
back to the village, then go and find the farmer's house. After you've
found it, find the path south of his house, and take it. If you follow
the path on the left, you should come to a Water Crest. You need to
drain the moat around the crest, so charge with R1, then hit triangle.
After the water is gone, take the glasses from the chest, then go to the
upper right path at the top of the screen. Assimilate Hop from a enemy,
then use it to hop across the spiked vines that are on the ground. Now
take the south path, and when you come to a small bridge, use the Water
Ability to cross the water, and get to a platform to the right. Perform
a double-jump onto the platform, and catch the Minku if it's there. If
not, sleep until it gets there. After catching the Minku, head back to
the village and save your game.

Go to the Mayor's house and talk to the Mayor's wife. Agree to become
the new mayor, then go back tot he well near the church. Find the Water
Emblem inside of the Underground cave, then charge R1 then hit Triangle
to raise the water. After doing this, you'll have to talk to the
thieves. After doing this, go south, and look for a treasure chest. To
get to it, use your Water Ability to cross the water. If you go back to
where you found the Bell earlier, you'll find a Minku.

There is another treasure chest to the very south end of the cave. If
you want to get it, you'll have to use your Water Ability to get to it,
and run really fast. After getting it, head through the mine, and speak
to the mayor's wife again. You'll need to fix the Gondola, so go to the
Palace and talk to the geezer. If he tells you that you need to find the
three carpenters, ignore him, because you've already captured them. Go
and talk to them, then go to the Mine.

Take the path on the right, go past the falling rocks, hop through the
fan, then take the right path. When you see the snake, assimilate the
Antidote ability from it. Now keep on going right, cross the mini-ferris
wheels, then continue right. Keep going right until you reach the Scrap
Pile, or the room with junk. Now grab the gold gear with the four holes,
then go back to the village, then go to the Palace. Now speak to geezer,
sleep to regain your health, then go to the village. Now the village is
on fire! Use your Water Ablilty to put out the flames at all of the
places that are on fire. There are about eight locations to put out.
After saving the village, go to the Inn, rest up, and save your game.

After doing this, go back to the mayor's house and speak to him. Once
you've done this, go to the path that is to the right of the Windmill.
Take the path to the left, go through the pipe, past the three enemies.
Go left in between the two huge rocks, and you should see a HUGE snail-
looking rock. Touch it, then use the rock salt to melt it down. NOw take
the path on the left, and get the Bincho Field. Now go south to see some
water. When the tide is low, use your Water Ability to cross it, get the
treasure chest, then go south until you find a Water emblem. If you
activate it, you'll uncover a black column right under you.Break it to
get the Fire Ring.

After you get the Fire Ring, Kojiro will challenge you. To beat him,
attack him from the back and the sides. After killing him, head all the
way back to the Palace. Now you need to talk to the three mercenaries,
the artisan, the weaver, then talk to Scribe Shanky about the Shoji. Now
rest up and save your game. Before you set on your nest big journey,
stock up on supplies like W-Gels.

Go to the path that leads to Somnolent Forest, the nuse the signs to get
to Meandering Forest. When you get there, you should see a wooden sign.
Use these directions to get to where you need to go: Left, UP, Up,
Right, Up, Up, Right, UP, UP, Left, Up, Up, Up, Up. Once you've found
the theives hideout, enter it, and use the Memory Box. Assimilate the
ability of Map from the nearby enemy. Go through the door on the left,
then go down the room, then out the top-right door. In the next room,
hop onto the ice-cube, then wait for the penquin to push it. Now double-
jump over the pit to the other side, then go through the door.

Now you have to kill all of the penquins in here in order for a chest to
appear over the red eye. Grab the Red Stone, then leave the roo, then go
through the door on the right. Free whoever is in the Bincho Field,
perform a double-jump over the blocks, then head on through the next few
rooms to return to the lobby. Now use the Red Eye to open the door in
the west part of the lobby. Go through the door, walk along the path,
then go into the next room. Head towards the north-western part of the
room, then let the giant ape pick you up and toss you to the walkway
above. Go through the door at the top. This room is a giant maze. There
is a Bincho Field toward the southwest part of the room. After getting
the Bincho Field open, go to the northwestern part of the room, and go
out the door. In this room, there is a Blue eye on the ground. Avoid the
enemies at all cost. Kill them without getting touched. After doing
this, you'll get a treasure chest that will be on top of the blue eye.
The Blue Stone is inside. Get it, then exit the room.

Keep to the right of the maze, until a giant robot falls from the
cieling. Assimilate the Steel ability from him, then leave the room
through the door on the east side of the room. In this room, use
Triangle to crash through the spikes, then go through the door at the
end of the path. Go through the next few doors to find a Bincho Field,
then hop off the balcony to get to the below floor. Head through the
door at the top of the room, which is on the left side of the room. In
the next room, use the blue stone to open the blue eye door. There is
another Bincho Field to the left, and after freeing the person inside of
it, then perform a double-jump at the top of the room to get to another

In this room, go across the room, and go through the door to the right,
the go into the door to find a cool treasure. Now perform a double-jump
over the balcony to land on the other floor. Now go into the bottom door
to the right of the room. You should see a pole. Now climb up it, then
jump onto the ramp then hop down to find a chest. Now go up the ramp and
head through the door. Head to the southeastern corner of the room, then
Assimilate the Clone ability from the enemy. Go through the door at the
bottom corner of the room. In this room, use Clone to kill the enemy
inside. Now get the green stone, then go back to where you came from
(back to the maze). Now go to the southwest part of the room, and jump
onto the ice-block that has a heart on it. If you jump towards the east,
you'll find a Bincho Field and a treasure chest. Go to the southwestern
part of the room, and you'll find the exit out of here under a lowered

Run south to get to the main entrance. Go up the stairs to find a
colored door with three different colored dragons on it. Use your Fire
Ability to melt the ice in front of the door. Enter the door, get the
treasure in the chest in the back, then use the Memory Box at the top of
the spiral ramp. Light the two torches using your Fire Ability, then go
through the door. Hit the Yellow Crystal with Lumina to fall into the
trap door. Head up the path into the next room and use Fire to melt
those icicles. Time to fight the Boss!

The Frost Dragon is a pretty tough boss, although not as tough as the
Relic Keeper. He'll dive at you with his head. When he does, avoid him,
then use your Fire Ability Attack on him. After you've hit him a few
times, the floor will drop. To survive, you need to melt the icicles on
the right.

Once you've landed, he'll come at you again. You'll have to avoid him
again, then hit him with your Fire Attack. When the dragon starts to
spray you with ice, stand next to his head. When he slows down, hit him
with your Fire Attack again. Once he lays his head all the way sideways,
the crystal will be exposed. Hit it with Lumina. Do this three times,
and the Frost Dragon is defeated.

*************** v. Chapter 5: The One That Nests Underground ***************

After beating the Frost Dragon, go back to the village. Now speak to the
mayor, then all of the shop owners. After doing this, go back to the
Palace and talk to the geezer. Once you've listened to him, use the
Gondola and go back to the Steam Factory. Once ou get there, you need to
talk to the engineer, then go to the Princess, and grab the bag of

Now you must shut off all of the valves in the Steam Factory just like
last time, but this time, you gotta find all three missing valve
handles. Here's what to do. Go to the back of the giant pipe that the
elevator is on, grab the first handle, then go back and ride up the
elevator. Now go up the level THREE, not one, then go right to get to
valve # 8,then hop off the ledge to get to valve # 1 faster. Use the
handele you found on this valve, then go right to shut down valve # 2.
Go right again, use the red pipe to aviod the steam, then shut off vale
# 3. Keep on heading right to get onto the elevator, and go up to the
second floor. Hop onto another red pipe, then go left to get another
valve handle on a red pipe. Now shut off valve # 4 near it, then keep on
going left to get to valve # 5. Since it's blocked by steam, you need to
perform a double-jump onto the valve to shut it down. Now keep on
heading left to find valve # 6, then hop back onto the elevator and ride
it up another level.

Go left and use the red pipe again to avoid the steam, and shut off
valve # 7. Now go right, past valve # 8, then do another double-jump to
where the last valve handle is located. Now go back to valve # 8, and
shut it off. Now after doing this, go back to the village, rest up, and
save your game.

Now go to the coal mine, make TWO left turns, until you get to the area
where you first found the Water Ring. Once there, go into the cave. Once
in there, just follow the path to the right until you spot the Fire
Emblem. Use the Fire Attack on the emblem to cause fire to flame up and
reveal a hole in the ceiling. Now rock-climb your way up the wall, and
out the hole.

If the time is after midnight, you should find a Minku. Once you get it,
go up the steps, then climb up the rock to find a weird looking column.
Use Lumina on it to get the Wind Ring. You need to now activate the new
"wind powers" in the Items menu. After doing so, stand on the circle on
the ground, and hold down R1 to charge your charge gauge, then tap
Triangle to dig a hole in the ground. Once you are in the hole, free
whoever is in the Bincho Field, then go back to the village and buy
plenty of supplies. I reccommend W-Gels, Ex-Drink, and antidotes.

Use the path that leads up towards the Gondola, right at the very north
side of the village, speak to the man there, then go to the palace, and
use the Gondola to hit the giant red ant. Once the ant walks away,
follow it, then head left once inside to find a Minku. Now go back
right, and when you see some poisonous gas, use your wind attack to fly
through it. Go across the platforms to the right to find a treasure
chest, then perform a double-jump onto the path that's in the
background. Go left to find a Bincho Field.

Go back to the right again, and use Earthquake attack to make rocks fall
into the hole in the ground. Once you find some ropes, double-jump onto
them to find another path. Now use your Earthquake attack again to drop
more rocks. Go across the platforms on the right to leave the area. Now
hop to the bottom of the cave to find another treasure chest, then go up
the platforms to the top of the room, then go right to leave this area.
Use the wind attack to fly through this tunnel, then Assimialte the Hop
ability from the flower guy. Use it to hop up the slope and over the
spikes. Once you get to the next flower enemy, double-jump over the
large gap, the Assimilate Hop from the enemy again from the other side.
Now go up the slope to find the exit. Catch the Minku, then go up the
side of the vent. Now you need to activate the console, so do so here,
then leave the room throught the left. Now follow this path, and free
whoever is in the Bincho Field, then exit through the door on the left.

In this room, there is a Bincho Field to your left. Now use the wind
attack to dig another hole in the ground. You need to do this in the
middle of the room. Hop across the moving platforms to get to the bottom
of this room. Now go right to find the exit. Keep on going to the right,
then hop into the basket for a ride!

This Wind Ride is kinda like the Rafting ride. You need to avoid all
enemies by using Left and Right, and you can't get hit more than four
times, or else you'll need to start over. After it's over, grab all of
the goodies, then save your memories in the Memory Box. Now did another
hole using your wind attack, the hop into this hole to get to the
Chapter 5 boss: Queen Ant!

This boss, the Queen Ant is a tough one, so be careful and patient. Once
it reaches out to attack you, then hit on the head with Lumina. You need
to dodge all of the little things she spits at you. Repeat this process
four to five times, then the crystal will reveal on it's tail. Now use
the wind attack to blow all of the poisonous gas, then hit the crystal
with Lumina.

Now the Queen Ant will shoot some more gas at you. Now run towards it's
head, and use the wind attack to prevent you from falling off it, then
jump over to some other place on it's body when you see the spikes pop
up. You need to AVOID THE QUEEN'S CLAW, because if it grabs you, you're
dead. Now just keep on hitting the head of the Queen to make the crystal
become exposed. You need to hit the crystal three times WITH Lumina to
kill her.

***************** vi. Chapter 6: The Sword of Luminescence ****************

When you are ready (that is, when you have stocked up on as much health
items and healing items as you can afford), head into the area with the
farmers, and speak with them. Now take the path that is near the Windmill.
Make your way to Steamwood Forest. Now follow the large silver pipe to your
left, and follow it to the end, hop off it, and then jump onto the next
pipe. Go to the end of this pipe, and you will find the Earth Crest.

Use the Earth attack on it to activate it. Now climb up the cliff and to the
top. Approach the Wind Crest and use your Wind ability to fly to the Sky
Fortress in the air. This is the final area of the game. Find the 3 different
pillars and use your Earth attack on them to lower them into the water.
When all 3 of them are gone, use the Water Attack to cross the water and
go through the door.

Light up the torches in here with your Fire Ability, then smash the black
block on the ground to get the Sky Ring. Use the nearby memory box, then
make your way down the hallway and through the door at the end.

You are now in a rotating cylindar with spikes. Run down in while avoiding
the spikes, and grab whatever valubles you get along the way. Fly over
the holes at the end with the hover ability (the Sky ability), then head
through the door at the end to fight Ben.

Ben isn't that tough to beat. Wait until he runs out of bombs to throw at
you, then attack him when he hits the ground. After you have beat him, leave
through the door, save your game here, then continue along. Wait inside this
next room until you see a flash of light, then go back through the door you
just came in through. You will take a fall. Once you have landed, go right
and enter the door that has the Earth Crest symbol on it. Once inside, use
your Earth ability on the box to activate a walkway. Now keep going right
and make your way up the platforms until you reach a large box. Use your
Earth Ability about 3-4 times to lower it, then run over it and go through
the door with the circle on it.

Fly over the spikes in the next room, then fly over the next set of spikes.
Now drop down through the hole in the ground, and go through the door with
the giant "D" on it. Once through it, get up onto the pipes and head towards
the top of the room and to the platforms. Now go through the door with
the Fire Crest on it.

Once through it, light the torches in here, then hop onto the rising block
and make your way to the platform at the upper left part of this room.
Now go through the door with the Wind Crest on it. In here, use your
water ability to put out the torches, then hop through the hole in the
ground, and keep going right until you reach a door with the Wind Crest on
it. Go through it.

Once through the door, go through the door to the left, and use your Wind
Attack to make your way across this room and over the spikes. Now head
over the water, and to the door to the left side. Exit through the door at
the end. You will now have to fight Ed.

Another easy boss to beat. He shoots fire, but just run in circles to avoid
it, then when he stops, attack him with everything you got. He will repeat
his attacks, so just repeat your attacks as well. After you have beat him
go up onto the platform and save your game, then leave the room.

Okay, now run forward all the way until you get to the gate. Smash the gate
open and head through it. Continue right and make your way to the next
gate, then go through it to get to a easy maze. Navigate your way to the
end, and smash through the next gate to reveal a climbable cliff. Once at
the top, blow up the lasers, then hit the nearby fountain. It will turn
into an elevator if you hit it with Lumina. 2 enemies will come up. Take
care of them with Lumina. Now go into the elevator and ride it down.

Run forward when you get to the bottom, and fly across the 3 bridges, and
keep going forward, all while destroying doors along your way, until you
get to some ramps. Head up them until you get to the 2nd door. Bust through
it and go through it. Continue up the ramps and blow up the machines throwing
stuff at you, then go left and use the moving platform to the 3rd level.
Break the 3rd door at the top, and head through it. Inside, blow up the
machines in here to fight Topo.

To beat her, you must repeat her dance moves (a'la Space Channel 5). Here
are the move commands for each song:

1st Song: Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Square,
Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square.

2nd Song: X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X,
Circle, Triangle, Square, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square.

3rd Song: X, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Triangle,
Circle, Square, X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square.

After you have defeated her, hop onto the circle and you will go to the
next level. Take whatever you can here, then go through the door and
save your game.

Time to fight another boss: Tower of Death. You have to use your Flying
ability to fly around the tower and locate his blue eyes. When you get
near one, hit it with Lumina. Do this to every blue eye, all while avoiding
his laser attacks. Destroy all of the eyes to defeat the Tower. Now take
the bluish ball from the ground, then get onto the Sky Crest...

Time to fight Dark Lumina, the final boss. Start by running to one side
and avoiding his laser attacks. Follow the path, then use the platforms
to get to the top of the tower.

At the top, wait for him to start his firey attacks, then avoid it and
hit the crystal on it's head with Lumina. Repeat this as many times as
it is necessary...

After you have defeated the first form, Dark Lumina will return as a smaller,
yet more powerful being. This time you must assimilate him, so toss your
sword at him and rapidly tap Square to make Dark Lumina turn into a ball.
When this happens, attack Dark Lumina with Lumina to damage him. Rinse and
repeat until he has been defeated.

9. Legendary Armor
The Legendary Armor pieces in Brave Fencer Musashi are the only armor
upgrades you'll get in the entire game, and every piece you get will
help you move on further into the game, as well as make you stronger.
Most of these pieces of armor you won't be able to get until later in
the game. In this section, I will give a brief description of each piece
of armor, and where to get it.

The Legendary Bracelet is the first piece of armor you'll aquire in the
game. This bracelet allows you, Musashi, to climb walls and hills.

LOCATION: The Legendary Bracelet is located at the bottom of the river,
after the river ride. It's in a treasure chest at the top of a hill.

The Legendary Belt allows Musashi to do a double jump at any time. This
ability is EXTREMELY useful throughout the game.

LOCATION: The belt is located in the basement of the Restaurant. Get it
by opening all four of the eyes above the doors, and then speak to the
manager of the restaurant.

The Legendary Vest speeds up the amount of time that it takes to charge
up your charge gauge.

LOCATION: The vest is located inside of the well in the village. To get
it, activate the crest, then you need to raise the water level.

The Legendary Goggles prove to be pretty useful at many times during the
game. It allows Musashi to appraise items himself once he picks them up.

LOCATION: You can get the goggles in Chapter 3, in Solmnolent Forest.
It's near the water crest, towards the southwestern part of the forest.

The Legendary Shoes are pretty cool to use, and are helpful. They reduce
the amount of tiredness that Musashi gets, as well as allow him to walk
on icy surfaces.

LOCATION: Inside of the Ice Palace.

One of the best items in the game. The Legendary Gloves increase the
number of critical hits that can be delivered to an enemy.

LOCATION: Find the Legendary Cloth, then give it to the weaver. The
weaver will then make you the Legendary Gloves.

This is the other item that the weaver can make out of the Legendary
Cloth. It's your choice on which thing you can have the weaver make. Out
of this, and the Gloves, this is the best choice. It fully recovers your
HP and BP, and it also reduces tiredness to 0%.

LOCATION: Find the Legendary Cloth, then give it to the weaver. Then if
you choose for the weaver to make the Quilt, you'll get the Quilt.


10. Village Shops


All of the shops within the Village provide useful items that are
essential to your success in the game. Here are the shops in Grillin
Village, and what they carry.

7am-7pm, closed Thurday
Rye Bread 80/50 Restores 25 BP
Bagel 120/90 Restores 50 BP
Scone 150/120 Restores 80 BP
Gr-Bread 240/210 Restores 150 BP
Milk 70/40 Restores 10 BP and 10 HP
Biscuit 300/270 Restores 100 BP; won't spoil
Jam Bread 450/420 Restores 300 BP

Gel 150/120 Restores 80 HP
W-Gel 250/200 Restores 150 HP
C-Drink 500/400 Restores 250 HP, 5 BP
S-Revive 3000/2400 Revives Musashi; restores HP/BP
Mint 120/90 Reduces tiredness by 50%, 5 BP
Antidote 250/200 Removes poison, 5 BP
Cheese 390/310 Restores HP/BP
H-Mint 200/160 Reduces tiredness by 90%
EX-Drink 500/440 Fully restores HP, 5 BP
Orange 300/240 Restores 30 HP, 10 BP
Riceball 320/250 Restores 150 HP, 150 BP
Neatball 520/410 Restores 300 HP, 300 BP

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Room 201 210 Rest 8 hours, restores BP, 100 HP
Room 202 390 Rest 8 hours, restores BP, 250 HP
Room 203 550 Rest 8 hours,fully restores HP/BP
Room 204 80 Nap; Rest 3 hours, 10 HP, 24 BP
Room 205 Occupied Wanda
Room 206 Occupied Macho

6pm-2am, closed Sundays
Juice 300 Restores 5 HP
Pea Soup 450 Restores 100 HP, 50 BP
Cake 600 Restores 150 HP, 100 BP
Gravy 800 Restores 150 HP, 200 BP
Salad 800 Restores 200 HP, 150 BP
Lasagna 1000 Restores 250 HP, 300 BP
Pork Chop 1200 Completely restores HP and BP


11. Bincho Field Locations


Throughout the course of the game, you'll encounter Bincho Fields with
people trapped inside. In order to advance in the game, you'll have to
find them all, and free the captives inside. There are 35 different
Bincho Fields. In this section, I'll tell you where each one is, where
it is, and who's in each one. The locations will also be inside of the
walkthrough, but I decided to put them here as well, as a quick and easy
reference guide.

Every time you release someone from a Binch Field, your BP rises by 5.
In order to release the person trapped inside of the Bincho Field, use
Fusion to break it open.

*NOTE*-The first five listed Bincho Fields are not actual Bincho Fields,
but they are important figures in the game, so I listed them anyways.


NAME: Steward Ribson
AKA: Steward
LOCATION: Steward Ribson is one of the five palace members that are
remaining. He's a main character.
WHAT THEY DO: Updates you on how many remaining palace memebers you'll
need to rescue.

NAME: Scribe Shanky
AKA: Scribe
LOCATION: Scribe Shanky is also one of the five remaining palace
WHAT THEY DO: Reads you books in the Library

NAME: Butler Livers
AKA: Butler
LOCATION: Butler Livers is one of the five remaining palace members.
WHAT THEY DO: Nothing.

NAME: Clown Weinee
AKA: Clown
LOCATION: Clown Weinee is one of the five remainig palace members.
WHAT THEY DO: Clown Weinee will teach you the Shish Kebab technique. In
order for him to do this, you'll need to save Acrobat Sausages and bring
him an Orange from the Grocery Store.

NAME: Musician Beef-Clef
AKA: Musician A
LOCATION: Musician A is one of the five remaining palace members.
WHAT THEY DO: Plays background music.

NAME: Hawker Steakwood
AKA: Hawker
LOCATION: The Dead End in Somnolent Forest.
WHAT THEY DO: Provides inforamtion on capturing Minkus and getting
Longetivity Berries.

NAME: Seer Beverly
AKA: Seer
LOCATION: On top of a rock formation in Somnolent Forest. Near the
entrance to Meandering Forest.
WHAT THEY DO: Give you hints about the Five Scrolls.

NAME: Guard Lumpwood
AKA: Guard
LOCATION: In Somnolent Forest, near the entrance, past the pond in the
WHAT THEY DO: Replaces Macho at the entrance of Twinpeak Mountain,
allowing you to enter easily.

NAME: Knight Lardwick
AKA: Knight B
LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain. On small ledge near the second log by
the poles.
WHAT THEY DO: Help you open Hell's Valley and fight Skullpion. He'll
teach you Crosswire Cut.

NAME: Taster Salmoneli
AKA: Taster
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, in the path that leads to
the Reilic Keeper.
WHAT THEY DO: Nothing.

NAME: Musician Pianissimeat
AKA: Musician B
LOCATION: In Steamwood Forest, near the Earth Crest.
WHAT THEY DO: Also plays background music.

NAME: Carpenter Carvey
AKA: Carpent A
LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain, an another small ledge, past the first
WHAT THEY DO: He'll also help you open Hell's Valley and fight
Skullpion. Give you hints as to where the Gondola Gizmo is located.

NAME: Bailiff Jerkey
AKA: Bailiff
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, inside of the Teleporter
WHAT THEY DO: Help make Riceballs for the Grocery Store.

NAME: Mercenary Meitlofe
AKA: Mercen C
LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain, at the very end of the path that leads
to the left, that leads to the Mountain itself.
WHAT THEY DO: He'll help you open Hell's Valley, and fight Skullpion.

NAME: Maid Loinette
AKA: Maid
LOCATION: In Somnolent Forest, on the other side of the steam pipe.
WHAT THEY DO: She'll teach you Dashing Pierce.

NAME: Shepard Beefalo
AKA: Shepard
LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain, near the bridge on the mountain.
WHAT THEY DO: He helps you keep track of how many Minkus you captured.

NAME: Knight Brisket
AKA: Knight A
LOCATION: Inside of the mine, near the entrance to the Underground Lake.
WHAT THEY DO: He'll teach you Tenderize.

NAME: Musician Al Forte
AKA: Musician C
LOCATION: Inside of the Frozen Palace, in the maze, right before the
Green Eye.
WHAT THEY DO: Also plays background music.

NAME: Janitor Sloppy-Joe
AKA: Janitor
LOCATION: Inside of the Frozen Palace, in the room right after the Blue
Eye door.
WHEN THEY DO: Nothing.

NAME: Soldier Hankey Flanky
AKA: Soldier B
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, in the Fire Maze.
WHAT THEY DO: Nothing.

NAME: Carpenter Dicey
AKA: Carpent C
LOCATION: Inside of the mine, also near the entrance to the Underground
WHAT THEY DO: Also gives you information as to where the Gondola Gizmo

NAME: Mercenary Stue
AKA: Mercen B
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, within the Bowling Plant
WHAT THEY DO: Gives you inforamtion on how to get into the Theive's

NAME: Acrobat Sausages
AKA: Acrobat
LOCATION: In Steamwood Forest, on the rock formation, to the right of
the dirt path.
WHAT THEY DO: Helps Clown Wienee teach you Shish Kebab.

NAME: Weaver Dineretta
AKA: Weaver
LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain, right near the Waterfall. You need the
Legendary Belt, which allows you to double-jump, to get to her.
WHAT THEY DO: She can create either the Legendary Gloves or the
Legendary Quilt, if you give her the Legendary Cloth.

NAME: Carpenter Cubey
AKA: Carpnt B
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, in the Ghost Maze.
WHAT THEY DO: Gives you hints as to where the Gondola Gizmo is located.

NAME: Artisan Teebone
AKA: Artisan
LOCATION: On the beach, at the Island of Dragons.
WHAT HE DOES: Increases Fusion's overall power for you.

NAME: Cook Mary-Nade
AKA: Cook A
LOCATION: Inside of the Underground Lake, on the island that has the
Misteria Flower.
WHAT THEY DO: She helps Bailiff create Riceballs for you to purchase.

NAME: Chief Gravie
AKA: Chief
LOCATION: Inside of the Underground Lake.
WHAT THEY DO: Nothing.

NAME: Knight Chucks
AKA: Knight C
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, in the Ghost Maze.
WHAT THEY DO: He'll teach you Desperado.

NAME: Librarian Brisketta
AKA: Librarian
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, is the Fire Maze.
WHAT THEY DO: Helps you read things in the Library.

NAME: Mercenary Potrowst
AKA: Mercen A
LOCATION: Inside of the Restaurant Basement, in the Bowler Plant Maze.
WHAT THEY DO: Gives you information on how to get into the Theives

NAME: Butcher Chops
AKA: Butcher
LOCATION: Inside of the Frozen Palace, on the second floor.
WHAT THEY DO: Helps make the Neatballs, which you can then purchase at
the Grocery.

NAME: Alchemist Leanman
AKA: Alchemist
LOCATION: Inside of the Frozen Palace, on top of an ice block.
WHAT THEY DO: He'll give you an Alchemic Tart.

NAME: Conductor Scores
AKA: Conductor
LOCATION: In the Upper Mine, right next to the Fan.
WHAT THEY DO: Plays background music.

NAME:Cook Chiffonade
AKA: Cook B
LOCATION: In the Upper Mine, right next to the entrance.
WHAT THEY DO: Help make Neatballs, which you can then purchase at the

NAME: Doctor Tung
AKA: Doctor
LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain, on a high ledge near the waterfall. You
need to use the Water Scroll to reach it, or take the alternate route on
the River Ride.
WHAT THEY DO: Give you a shot that restores HP and BP.

NAME: Knight Rumparoni
AKA: Knight D
LOCATATION: In the Upper Mine, in room past a walkway with Ants.
WHAT THEY DO: He'll tach you Rumparoni-SP.

NAME: Knitter Lunchetta
AKA: Knitter
LOCATION: In Hell's Valley, past the boulders.
WHAT THEY DO: She informs you about the Legendary Cloth.

NAME: Chef Julienne
AKA: Chef
LOCATION: On top of some crates inside of the Frozen Palace.
WHAT THEY DO: Nothing.


12. Minku Loctations


Minkus are strange creatures that you'll encounter all throughout your
adventure. These things are quick, so you'll have to have fast reflexes
to catch them. There are special rewards for catching these Minkus. For
one, each time you kill one of these things, you'll receive a
Longetivity Berry, which increases your HP limit by 25. Another reward
for catching them, is that when you catch all 13 of them, you'll get the
chance to fight the Mother Minku. If you defeat her, she'll explode, and
release all types of Coins, and heart tablets. Also, after you defeat
her, you can then go to the Toy Store and purchase a new action figure
of the Mother Minku. Cool.

There are 13 Minkus in the game, and each one is in a different place.
The Minkus only come out from 10pm-5am, so you only have a small amount
of time. If you see a small green dropping next to their location, then
you'll know that that's where a Minku is located.

In this Section, I'll list out the location of each Minku, and if there
is a requirement you'll need to get to it, because most for of them
you'll need some kind of Scroll, or a piece of Legendary Armor.


LOCATION: In Grillin' Village, left of the Twinpeak Mountain entrance,
next to the tree.


LOCATION: Inside of the caves, by the Church Bell, an a wall.

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Water Scroll to get to it.

LOCATION: On top of the hill, near the huge Vent, by the Gondola Lift.

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Legendary Brace in order to climb the wall.

LOCATION: In Somnolent Forest, next to the stream, in between the two

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Water Scroll in order to get across the

LOCATION: Right in front of the Wind Scroll statue.

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Fire Scroll.

LOCATION:In Somnolent Forest, inside of the hidden path within the
trees, next to the sign that shows where Steamwood Forest.


LOCATION: In Streamwood Forest, next to the Wind Crest, on top of the
cliff by the Earth Crest.

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Earth Scroll to get to this one.

LOCATION: On Twinpeak Mountain, on a high cliff, near where the climbing
competition was.

REQUIREMENTS: You need to free Jon to get here.

LOCATION: On Twimpeak Mountain, by those three poles, and below where
the climbing competition was.

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Water Scroll in order to reach this Minku.

LOCATION: In Hell's Valley, in the arena where you fought Skullpion.

REQUIREMENTS: You can only get this one after you've defeated Skullpion.

LOCATION: Inside of the Binchoitite Mine, just below the large fan.

REQUIREMENTS: You just need to get into the Mine.

LOCATION: Also inside of the Binchoitite Mine, but in the left tunnel
from where the dead Ant is.

REQUIREMENTS: You just need to get into the Mine.

LOCATION: In the Underground Lake, on a small ledge where the Misteria
Flower is, but on the outside part, surrounding it.

REQUIREMENTS: You need the Mine Key in order to get into the Mine.


13. Boss Strategies


There will be multiple bosses in the game, and for the most part,
they're pretty easy to defeat. But some of the later one's can be
tricky. Here are some strategies for the bosses of the game.



The first boss of the game is also one of the easiest ones to defeat.
There are three phases of this bosses' attacks. During the first phase,
do not hit the Steam Knight until he throws his ball-and-chain at you.
Avoid the attack, and when it gets stuck in the ground, attack the
Knight's foot with Lumina. Do this over and over until until the Steam
Knight falls over. When he has fallen, hit the cloth on his body, and
keep hitting him here until he gets back up. The Steam Knight will
repeat the first round of attacks again, but this time, attack the other
foot with Lumina, and when he falls over again, hit the green crystal
where the cloth was, then push Square to pick him up and then throw him
through the wall.

The Steam Knight's second attack phase will begin once you're outside of
the palace. Do the same thing as before, wait for him to attack, then
attack him when it's stuck in the ground, attack one of his legs, then
hit the green crystal. Do this over until all of his four legs are
desroyed, then throw him through the second wall.

Now begins the Steam Knight's third phase of attacks, and it's a little
bit more difficult than the other two. He'll jump into the air, and when
you see his shadow on the ground, move out of the way, and then once
he's landed on the ground, attack the green crystal. Keep on hitting the
crystal, while still avoiding his other attacks. Once he's defeated,
press Square again, and you'll toss him over the cliff to destroy him
once and for all.

This boss has to be the easiest boss in the entire game, although you do
have to be patient to defeat him. The reason Skullpion is so easy to
defeat is that you have people helping you out.

Now, when he begins his first attack, when he sprays stuff at you, avoid
it by standing behind him. While doing this, charge your charge gauge
until it's flashing. Wait until there is something above Skullpion like
rocks or bombs, then tap Triangle to use your earthquake attack that
causes those items to fall on top of him. Once something falls on him
and he's stunned, attack the crystal inside of his mouth. Do this three
times, and he's defeated. To protect your helpers from Skullpion, use
your earthquake attack to cause him to fall back to the ground.

The Relic Keeper isn't a really hard boss, but he is the toughest one
you've encountered so far in the game. He'll attack using fireballs, so
you need to shoot bubbles at the fireballs to protect yourself. After
you've extinguished all of the flames, the Relic Keeper's crystal will
be exposed. Use your Lumina attack to hit it.

The second and third phases of this bosses' attack pattern are basically
the same. He'll shoot fireballs that bounce off of walls and the sword.
Now extinguish the fireballs again, and when they are all gone, hit the
crystal with your Lunima attack. Repeat this one more time, and this
boss is toast.

The Frost Dragon is a pretty tough boss, although not as tough as the
Relic Keeper. He'll dive at you with his head. When he does, avoid him,
then use your Fire Ability Attack on him. After you've hit him a few
times, the floor will drop. To survive, you need to melt the icicles on
the right.

Once you've landed, he'll come at you again. You'll have to avoid him
again, then hit him with your Fire Attack. When the dragon starts to
spray you with ice, stand next to his head. When he slows down, hit him
with your Fire Attack again. Once he lays his head all the way sideways,
the crystal will be exposed. Hit it with Lumina. Do this three times,
and the Frost Dragon is defeated.

This boss, the Queen Ant is a tough one, so be careful and patient. Once
it reaches out to attack you, then hit on the head with Lumina. You need
to dodge all of the little things she spits at you. Repeat this process
four to five times, then the crystal will reveal on it's tail. Now use
the wind attack to blow all of the poisonous gas, then hit the crystal
with Lumina.

Now the Queen Ant will shoot some more gas at you. Now run towards it's
head, and use the wind attack to prevent you from falling off it, then
jump over to some other place on it's body when you see the spikes pop
up. You need to AVOID THE QUEEN'S CLAW, because if it grabs you, you're
dead. Now just keep on hitting the head of the Queen to make the crystal
become exposed. You need to hit the crystal three times WITH Lumina to
kill her.

Another easy boss to beat. He shoots fire, but just run in circles to avoid
it, then when he stops, attack him with everything you got. He will repeat
his attacks, so just repeat your attacks as well. After you have beat him
go up onto the platform and save your game, then leave the room.

To beat her, you must repeat her dance moves (a'la Space Channel 5). Here
are the move commands for each song:

1st Song: Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Square,
Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square.

2nd Song: X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X,
Circle, Triangle, Square, X, X, Circle, Circle, Square.

3rd Song: X, Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Triangle,
Circle, Square, X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square.

After you have defeated her, hop onto the circle and you will go to the
next level. Take whatever you can here, then go through the door and
save your game.

Time to fight another boss: Tower of Death. You have to use your Flying
ability to fly around the tower and locate his blue eyes. When you get
near one, hit it with Lumina. Do this to every blue eye, all while avoiding
his laser attacks. Destroy all of the eyes to defeat the Tower. Now take
the bluish ball from the ground, then get onto the Sky Crest...

Time to fight Dark Lumina, the final boss. Start by running to one side
and avoiding his laser attacks. Follow the path, then use the platforms
to get to the top of the tower.

At the top, wait for him to start his firey attacks, then avoid it and
hit the crystal on it's head with Lumina. Repeat this as many times as
it is necessary...

After you have defeated the first form, Dark Lumina will return as a smaller,
yet more powerful being. This time you must assimilate him, so toss your
sword at him and rapidly tap Square to make Dark Lumina turn into a ball.
When this happens, attack Dark Lumina with Lumina to damage him. Rinse and
repeat until he has been defeated.


14. Toys


Collecting Toys in Brave Fencer Musashi is one of the more enjoyable
aspects of the game. Collecting Toys can become an obsession, and you'll
find the urge to buy them all. Here's the list of every Series and what
toys are in each one, as well as the secret toys, and how to get them.

12pm-8pm, closed Wednesdays

*NOTE- The prices of the toys increase the longer they are there.
Musashi Soldier 3 R-Vambie
Bee Plant Herb Plant V-Soldier
Soldier 1 KManeater Bowler
Soldier 2 Magician Cure Worms
Rootrick Sleepie Bubbles
St-Knight Skullpion R-Keeper

Penguin GiAnt Soldier 1H
Haya Wolf Toad Stool Soldier 2H
Slow Guy Ed and Ben Soldier 3H
S-Golem Topo Big Walker
Ginger-E Col-Capri Flatski
F-Dragon Queen Ant T.O.D

Princess Fillet
Jon and Leno
Momma Minku
Dlumina 1
Dlumina 2
Dlumina 3

Princess Fillet Rescue all 35 Palace members (Bincho Fields)
Jon and Leno Available randomly
Momma Minku Catch all 13 Minkus, then kill Mom Minku
Kojiro In Chapter 6, visit Farmer Lacter
Dlumina 1 Beat the game once, then reload your game
Dlumina 2 Beat the game, then reload your game; random
Dlumina 3 Beat the game, then reload your game; random


15. Item List


This is an extensive item list that has all of the items you'll find
within the game.

Unappraised Appraised Value
Old Crown Cakepan 150
Old Book Comic 400
Dagger Penknife 800
Bracelet Legendary Bracelet N/A
Aged Coin Gold Coin 10
Rock Crystal 2500
Old Glove A-Glove 700
Shield Frisbee 120
Cloth Legendary Cloth N/A
Old Sword Shovel 780
Old Pipe Flute 10
Helmet Bedpan 70
Powder Soap 50
Odd Hat Pie Plate 350
Ugly Belt Legendary Belt N/A
Used Boot A-Boots 1200
Old Shirt Legendary Vest N/A
Armor Large Pot 470
Glasses Legendary Goggles N/A
Long Tube Big Straw 4500
Red Shoes Legendary Shoes N/A
Red Cloth E-Undies 10
Wh-Cloth B-Undies 10
Bl-Cloth T-Hankey 2000
Lrg Tool Pixaxe 750
Odd Bone Baton 200


Gel Restores 80 HP 150
W-Gel Restores 150 HP 250
C-Drink Restores 250 HP, 5 BP 500
Ex-Drink Fully restores HP, 5 BP 800
S-Revive Revives Musashi, HP, BP 3000
Mint Reduces tirdness by 50% 100
H-Mint Reduces tiredness by 90% 200
Antidote Removes Poison, 5 BP 250
Cheese Restores HP, BP 390
Rye Bread Restores 25 BP 80
Bagel Restores 50 BP 120
Scone Restores 80 BP 150
Gr-Bread Restores 150 BP 240
Jam Bread Restores 300 BP 450
Biscuit Restores 100 BP 300
Ol' Bread Restores 10 BP, removes 5 HP N/A
Rot Bread Restores 10 BP, removes 10 HP N/A
Milk Restores 70 BP 70
Sour Milk Restores 5 BP, removes 5 HP N/A
Yogurt Restores 50 BP, 50 HP N/A
Longetivity Berry Increases max HP by 25 points N/A
Orange Restores 30 HP, 10 BP 300
Sporange Restores 2 BP, removes 5 HP N/A
Riceball Restores 150 HP, 150 BP 320
Neatball Restores 300 HP, 300 BP 520
Sourball Restores 25 BP, removes 5 HP N/A
Moldball Restores 25 BP, removes 25 HP N/A
SP-Recover Removes all ailments N/A
Cake Fully restores BP and HP N/A
Aqualin Removes Poison and restores 10 HP N/A
Alchemic Tart Restores 10 BP N/A


Rescue List A list of 35 people traped in Bincho Fields
Sensor Watch Detects nearby Bincho Fields
Jon's Key Used to unlock Jon
Log Collect four of these so jon can build a raft
Manual Used to help you save Steamwood
Earth Scroll Gives you Earth Ability
Water Scroll Gives you Water Ability
Fire Scroll Gives you Fire Ability
Wind Scroll Gives you Wind Ability
Sky Scroll Gives you Sky Ability
Key Used to unlock the Mine
Misteria Flower Used to cure Tim
Aqualin Also used to cure Tim
Rope Helps you enter the well
Statue Used to unlock Restaurant Basement
Gondola Gizmo Used to fix the Gondola
Calander Helps you through Soda Fountain
Rock Salt Used to remove "Slug Rock"
Red Eye Unlocks Red Eye Door in Frozen Palace
Blue Eye Unlocks Blue Eye Door in Frozen Palace
Green Eye Unlocks Green Eye Door in Frozen Palace
Handle 0 Unlocks Steamwood
Handle 1 Shuts off Valve 1
Handle 4 Shuts off Valve 4
Handle 8 Shuts off Valve 8
Profits Stolen money from Village Shops
Jon's Note Gives you clues on finding the Sky Scroll


16. Fighting Techniques

Throughout the course of the game, you'll learn various fighting attacks
and techniques. These will help you defeat ememies and bosses. Here are
the techniques and how to do them.

HOW TO DO IT: Triangle, Triangle while throwing ememy
WHO TO LEARN IT FROM: Clown Weinee and Acrobat Sausages

HOW TO DO IT: Square while running

HOW TO DO IT: Square, Triangle
WHO TO LEARN IT FROM: Knight Lardwick

HOW TO DO IT: Square, Square, Triangle
WHO TO LEARN IT FROM: Knight Brisket

HOW TO DO IT: Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle

HOW TO DO IT: Triangle, while double-jumping
WHO TO LEARN IT FROM: Knight Rumparoni


17. Assimilated Abilities


All through Brave Fencer Musashi, you'll encounter ememies, and have to
assimilate abilities from them.

BP: 8
DESCRIPTION: Burns enemies, kills Ants automatically.

ENEMY: Cure Worm
BP: 6
DESCRIPTION: Cures poison

ENEMY: Bowler
BP: 10
DESCRIPTION: Press 0 to get started, press it again to bowl

ENEMY: Copycat
BP: 16
DESCRIPTION: Used to create clones.

Drop Kick
ENEMY: Haya Wolf
BP: 10
DESCRIPTION: Delevers a drop kick to enemies

ENEMY: Green Bincholoid Soldier 4H
BP: 50
DESCRIPTION: Allows you to throw grenades.

ENEMY: Blue Sodier 1
BP: 4
DESCRIPTION: Shoots bullets

ENEMY: Hopper
BP: 8
DESCRIPTION: Allows you to hop over thorny bushes.

ENEMY: Herb Plant
BP: 4
DESCRIPTION: Reduces tiredness to 0%

ENEMY: Magician
BP: 10
DESCRIPTION: Shrinks enemies

ENEMY: Stomp Golem
BP: 24
DESCRIPTION: Makes you turn into Metal Musashi

ENEMY: Red Soldier 1
BP: 4
DESCRIPTION: Paralyzes enemies temporarily


18. The Five Scrolls


You'll aquire the Five Scrolls along your journey. Here are what they
are and what they do.

This is the very first scroll you'll get in the game. It lets you rip
off an earthquake that rocks everything in it's range. Use it to make
rocks and ledges fall and tip over.

This scroll is the second scroll you'll get. It allows you to walk
across water, by putting you in a bubble, which protects you. It's also
used as a force field by protecting you from attacks.

The third scroll you'll recieve. It gives you the power of fire, and
will let you shoot fire. It lets you get surrounded by three fireballs,
and is mainly used to attack enemies, and light torches.

The fourth scroll you will get. It will give you the ability to use the
Cyclone Spin. It lets you dig holes in the ground, and lets you fight
off strong winds.

The last scroll you'll get. It is pretty useful, beacause it allows you
to float into the air at will. You can also stop at any time in the air
and turn to any direction. It becomes very useful towards the end of the


19. Gameshark Codes


INFINITE HP: 80078eb2 0172
80078eb4 0172

INFINITE BP: 80078eb6 0172
80077eb8 0172

MAX DRAN: 80078e8e 0001


20. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Q: Is Brave Fencer Musashi like any of the older Zelda game?
A: Somewhat. The graphical style is, and so is some of the gameplay.

Q: How long did it take you to do this guide?
A: It took me since Christmas Day to get this far, so that's about nine

Q: Have you gotten all of the Toys?
A: Yes, I've gotten all of them, but it took a couple of times through
to get them all.

Q: How long does it take to beat this game?
A: It took me about 30 hours the first time through.

Q: When do you usually update your FAQ(s)?
A: I usually update daily, or every few days, depending on what I'm
doing. I usually stop updating or slow down the updates once I'm
finished with it, or I stop getting e-mail on that specific game.

Q: Is it worth it to get every toy?
A: Yes, of course it it. It's fun to do, and when you know where
everything is, is becomes easier and easier to do and beat the game. It
really is pretty fun to do.

Q: Are you going to finish your Ape Escape FAQ?
A: Yeah, I'll be updating it soon, just as soon as I'm almost finished
with this Brave Fencer Musashi FAQ/Walkthrough. I really love both of
these games, but I have a thing with Brave Fencer Musashi, so I'll try
to complete this one first.

Q: What other FAQs have you done? The only one that I know of is your
Tony Hawk FAQ/Walkthrough.
A: Well, these are the ones that I've done so far: Tony Hawk's Pro
Skater FAQ/Walkthrough, Sega Rally 2 FAQ (my very first one), a Crash
Team Racing Multiplayer FAQ, a Medal of Honor Secrets FAQ, a Ape Escape
FAQ/Walkthrough, a NBA Live FAQ, and this one. These are the only one's
that I've done so far, but I plan on doing many more. :)

Q: Why do the voices in Brave Fencer Musashi suck so bad? Are they
supposed to be like that?
A: I think the voices are annoying, but I think this was done on
purpose, just to give the game character.


21. Credits


Brave Fencer Musashi Official Guide- For the Village shops info. - For the gameshark codes.

CJayC - For creating the best web site on the entire
internet. And for accepting this FAQ (hopefully!)

James Mielke and For James Mielke's AMAZING review of
Brave Fencer Musashi.

Myself - For writing this FAQ. :)

My laptop- Because it's what I used to write this on.

Everyone who reads this- Thanks for reading this!


22. Contact Info


Shameless Self-Promotion: Other FAQs by me:
-Ape Escape
-Brave Fencer Musashi
-Crash Team Racing
-Fear Effect
-Gran Turismo 2
-Medal Of Honor
-NBA Live 2000
-Need for Speed: High Stakes
-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
-R4: Ridge Racer Type 4

-NBA Live 2000
-Mario Party 2

-Crazy Taxi
-Hydro Thunder
-MDK 2
-Sega GT: Homologation Special
-Sega Rally 2
-Sega Swirl
-Resident Evil Code: Veronica (Coming soon!!!)

-Metal Gear Solid


E-Mail Address:


Types I WILL accept:
- Small questions that are NOT answered in the FAQ
- Comments
- Any types of contributions that can be HELPFUL to others
- Corrections for this FAQ

Types I will NOT accept:
- Hate mail
- Small contributions that will NOT help anyone
- Chain letters
- Any mail that is in ALL CAPS
- Any mail that demands an answer
- Mail asking me to send you this FAQ
- Unconstructive critism
- Any questions that are already answered in this FAQ
- Any mail asking if you can use this FAQ on your website. Read the
Legal Stuff section for all the details. NO MEANS NO!

© Copyright 1999-2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen,
altered, or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced
electronically, and printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be
placed on a CD, printed in a magazine or any type of publication. If you
want to use this FAQ on your site, please contact me. If you would like
to contribute to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as
well as any questions, comments, or corrections, to the address above.

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Alle Leute gerettet, letzter Level mit Allen Technicken

13.Октябрь 2013
Japanische Version: Starte in Kapitel 4,6 oder vor dem letzten Kampf

14.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Secrets Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor und +2 InGame Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

11.Октябрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018