Hard Edge

Hard Edge

13.10.2013 13:50:10

Hard Edge
Version 1.0 for the Sony PlayStation, (Japanese version)
By Zachary Alexander
Copyright (c) 1999
This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this
disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ is not to
be used for profitable nor promotional purposes which includes being used by publishers
of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in any way.
This FAQ was created by Zachary Alexander and is owned by Zachary Alexander.
Please notify me and give proper credit if you are going to post this on your web site.
And please post the entire walkthrough. Thank You.

Getting Started:
The opening FMV informs you that some terrorist have taken over the Togusa Building
and that there are hostages being held. Your Commander (I think?) is accessing the
situation and finds out that he can not communicate with the special forces teams sent
into the building because their signal is being jammed. The teams are now on their own
to complete their mission.
After the opening FMV you will start the game in the rear hallway of the first floor.
can choose to start with either Alex or Michelle. The difference will be the route that
you will take to get up stairs. If you start as Alex (Default) and kill the Roboguards
in the
lobby then you will take the elevator route. If you start with Michelle and kill the
then you will activate the stairway route. When given the choice you can choose either
character to go up with but I think that Alex is the better choice to take the stairway.
of the items are in the same locations no matter which character takes which route. But
there will be some differences in the way and order that some of the scenes and
sequences are carried out. You can switch between your two parties at anytime during
the beginning of the game, but at certain points the story will automatically switch in
order for you to continue the game. The actions of one character will affect and allow
the events of the other. You activate a switch on a panel and it opens up areas for the
other player on the other floor. That type of stuff. This walkthrough was done using
both characters going through both routes and will refer to the events in a `general'
I will make notes about specific differences between the two characters during their

Stairway Route:
We will start with the stairway route because it opens more doors for the character on
elevator route.
You will start in a room with a save unit to your right by the soda machines. Exit to
next area and there will be 2 doors, blue and brown. Go through the Blue door and you
will be in a computer room. There are 3 knife toting punks that you will have to kill.
Check the computers on the desk for some info. Once your go around the first corner
check the locker and get the "Blue EX." At the other side of the room you will find a
Network Computer, you will not be able to access it because you need "Key Card B".
Leave the room and go through the brown door. In this hallway you will fight 2 shirtless
creature wearing blue jeans and gym shoes, I called them "Sneakers". There is also a
proximity bomb here next to the gray door. Clear the hallway and enter the blue door.
Clear the punks and you will find 2 more doors. One looks gated and will tell you the
you need "Key Card B" to open it. You will see quite a few of these as you go room to
room. Go into the brown door and fight the 2 punks and 2 sneakers. One sneaker is by a
set of lockers, open the second from the top and the hidden closet. Inside is a Key Card
B switch.
Now go back to the gray door. One punk and a sneaker. Get rid of them and enter the
brown door. Clear the enemies and go over to the white screen. See the two dog statues
in the corner? Turn them. You will get the Key Card B.
Leave this room and go to the gated door by the entrance to this hallway, unlock the door
and enter it. You will be in an "L" shaped hall with a couple of punks and a bomb. Go
into the door. The lights are out in this room because there is no power so one of two
things will happen depending on who your using.
Michelle - Can't see and will automatically leave the room.
Alex - Will activated his night vision goggles. There will be some sort of machine in
middle of the room. You can't turn it on because there is no power. Walk pass it and
check the bulletin board on the right wall and get the locker key.
Go back into the other hallway and go to the other gated door. Go through it and there
will be a save unit across from you, a gray door, and the lobby doors (electronically
locked). Enter the gray door and dispose of the 3 sneakers. Check the lockers on the
right side of the radiator looking thing for a Blue EX. Also check the bunks where the
sneaker dropped from the ceiling to get some info off of it. Go into the shower room and
check the lockers.
Michelle - Can't open, doesn't have the locker key.
Alex - Will unlock it and find a puzzle. There will be 4 symbols. A dove, a rose,
something that looks like waves or the wind, and something that looks like the sun. By
clicking on them they will move to the center and then you can move another one to the
side. Another puzzle to be solved soon.
Go back to the room with the switch in the closet and use the key card. This will give
you access to another room. Enter it and check the guy on the floor, you will get a
medal. Go up the stairs and check the wall safe. You will have to enter a 3 digit
combination. Something about a "Gold Plate"? Hmmm?
Now make your way back to the Network Computer at the beginning of this floor.
Access it. Pretty weird, huh? Access it a second time and it will give you info about a
Christmas party on December 24th. on the 26th floor. Whatever, it's filed now. Now go
pass the room that had the switch in the closet and through the "Key Card B" door. You
are now in a passageway with 4 doors. Two of them are electronically locked, one has a
puzzle lock and the other enters the Bar. There are 3 Floating Tops and 2 proximity
bombs here. You can destroy to tops with a simple attack. Go into the Bar and see a
short scene. Kill the punk and talk to King, the Bartender. Check the dead researchers
body and get another medal. Talk to King again and he will give you "Key Card A".
Before you leave go over to the dart board and read it. You will find these numbers.

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8
Now go back into the hall and to the door with the coded lock. This is how you use it.
There are blue and red buttons. You must get all of the outer red buttons to read "15".
Use the D-pad to move to the top left corner box. Hold the square button push up or
down to get to the number 2. Go to the box to the right of that and change it to 9. Do
this until all of the numbers match those from the dart board. The door will open and
you will go activate the console upstairs. You have 2 selections:
Auto Door and Room Breaker.
Choose yes for both of them. This will unlock all of the electronic locks and provide
power to the room that had no lights. Go back to the room where the lights were out and
you could not see. Turn on the holographic unit in the middle of the room and it will
show you the order of the symbols in the living quarters. Michelle will need to get the
locker key off the wall. Now go solve the puzzle in the living quarters.
Sun Dove
This will open a door around the corner by the bunks that lead to an outside lift. It
take you down to the 25th floor. Go inside and kill the sneaker. There is a machine
you can't access because you need a "Password Code". Go back up the lift and into the
living quarters. Go back to the bar and then through the door at the other end, Alex
meet Burns Biford. At this point there is nothing more that you can do. So hit the
button and change over to the other character.

Elevator Route:
This part of the walkthrough is based on the assumption of the gamer having played the
Stairway Route of this walkthrough.
Go through the door opposite of the save unit and enter the room with the skull on the
door. There will be a control panel on the wall behind the desk, don't activate it yet.
First walk around the room. Go pass the big blue monitor and around the corner to find a
machine in the corner. Once you activate the panel behind the desk you will have 15
seconds to run back to this machine to get the "Floor Pass". Once you have the Floor
Pass get the Blue EX from the shelf next to the machine. There will be a cut scene.
Afterwards go and check the body in the hall and get the medal. Now go into the
medical station and check the desk by the X-ray for "Gold Plate" with the number 052 on
it. Gold Plate? Wasn't you partner looking for one of those? Now go and get the Blue
EX from the cabinet in the corner.
Leave and go into the next room and clear the enemies (3 punks and a GEP). Go into the
door where the last punk stood. Inside there will be Red Balloons with bombs attached
to them and sneakers. When you get close to the balloons they will inflate and explode.
Clear the first group of baddies and lure the balloon out of the next room. Once it
explodes carefully enter the room and take the "Slide Film" from top of the cabinet.
the other two sneakers one at a time and check the back of the room for some info. Now
leave and go into the door where the GEP once stood. At the end of the platform is a
but you need a "Battery Unit" to get it to work. Now go back to the door that got you
into this area, but do not go out. Turn around and walk to the wall to find a door with
"Time Key Lock". Once activated this lock will flash a sequence of lights that you must
repeat in order to open the door. But there's a catch to it. You have to do it at the
time the computer does it. It's tricky, but it can be done. Once you open the door go
inside to meet Rachael.
After her little introduction is over, go take the battery from the robot in the corner.
Insert the battery pack by the lift and ride across to the other side. When you exit go
around the corner and you will find a "Time Key" door and a save unit. Once you open
the door go inside and watch the slides. After Rachael's explanation go back through the
door and return to the lift. Take the battery unit. Now you will have to run back
to the lobby and into the door by the save unit. You don't have to fight the Roboguard
here, just run around it and back into the room with the slide projector. Once again go
back through the door and all the way up to a room with a dead researcher on the floor.
Check his body and get a medal. Now go through the green door in the corner.
The first door that you see is locked, but look out for the balloons (2). Put the
unit into the robot and it will reveal a door. Take the battery unit again and enter the
room there will be 3 punks. Kill them and go into the door on the left side of the room.
There will be a bomb at that entrance so don't stand around it. Go and sit in the big
and take a little ride. On the other side check the lockers for some info on Dr. Vault.
through the door and talk to the guy in the hallway. In the next room go and look at the
big screen, looks like daddy is in trouble. Exit into a passageway lined with bombs,
simply run pass them all to the other end of the hall. That door will be locked. Go
the middle door and meet some tall, lanky blue guy. He will take Rachael's father and
leave you to freeze to death. You will have to break down the shutter to escape. Use
your power move to break the shutter. Once you get out of there you will radio your
partner and inform him/her that the professor has been taken. From that point the game
will switch back to your partner.
It was here that I had to do something that I thought was cheating until I realized
there was no other way that I found to continue the game. You need to get the Password
Code Key. There is only one way to get it. When your partner picked up the Gold Plate
in the medical station it had the number 052 on it. This is the combination to the safe
inside the room that had the switch inside the wall. So go and open the safe now. Go
back to the living quarters and down the lift to insert the password code. You will be
given "Pass Key". Go back up and Michelle will meet Detective Burns Biford.
Head up to the room in the top left of the map. Kill the Roboguard and run pass the
Green Eyed Pole (GEP), the top part will fall off and exploded. Use the Pass Key.
In the next room you will find a door leading to an electric barrier, two bombs, and two
balloons. Pick up the "Steel Wire" from the middle of the room and leave. Around the
corner is a container that can not be moved, it has to be pushed from the other side so
don't worry about that right now. Now leave and find a save unit and save your game.
Next go back to the Bar and through the door by the Bar entrance. When you enter the
lobby you will meet Gashu. After the scene you will have to fight a huge mechanical
scorpion. This is why I thought Alex was the better choice for this route. The scorpion
will rush you and kinda trap you in front of it and strike you with its tail. With Alex
can attack from a distance, with Michelle you have to rely on hand-to-hand combat at
close range. If your using Michelle you might want to switch over to Burns and use his
power punch. It'll do a good deal of damage to the scorpion if he connects. Doing back
flips is a good way to avoid the tail of this beast. After a certain amount of damage
scorpion will collapse. When it gets back up it go into a frenzy and then attack again.
After you have disposed of this pest you will see a pretty cool FMV. Once your on the
27th floor you want to get into the door at the upper right side by the single GEP.
will be some sneakers in here. Enter the elevator across from the locked door and you
will find a huge time bomb set to blow the building to pieces. Gashu will show up and
drop you from the walkway. The game will automatically switch to the other characters.
Now you will notice that the enemies will start to regenerate. Look at your map and you
will see some yellow circles on the left side of the lifts. That's where you want to go.
Talk to the injured guy in the passageway again and he will tell you that the Systems
is hidden inside the Jukebox. He will attempt to give you a medal but suddenly drops
dead. Check his body for the medal. Now head for the lift. There is a side door out of
the office that will put you in the hallway by the lifts entrance. When you reach the
you will find your partner and Burns there and take them to the medical station. Burns
will recovery but your partner will be out of it for a while. You must now retrieve the
Systems Disc and stop the time bomb. From this point on you will travel as a group so
the walkthrough will be more straightforward.
First get the System Disc from the juke box in the bar. Leave the medical station and go
back to the lift. Put the battery back in and ride across. Go back up the green door
go in immediately or you will have to fight another scorpion. You can now open the
door. Inside will be a sneaker. Kill it and open the flashing box on the wall and get
"Plug." Now go back through the office and down to where Rachael's father was taken.
Go through the door at the end and unlock the gate. Get the info from the computer and
take the lift up. Leave the living quarters and run across the lobby to get to the Bar.
Insert a medal into the juke box and choose the second selection, it will read "Error."
Once you have the disc you can listen to the music if you like. When your done save
your game and take the elevator up to the 27th floor. Go back to the bomb and you will
have to fight Gashu. He's quite agile for such a big guy and will sometimes dodge your
attacks. He uses flaming upper-cuts and laser blast. If he gets a hold of you he will
pounding on your head. When he lifts his arms he will fire his lasers, and it's pretty
to out run them. To dodge them use the X, square button spin and you should be ok.
When he closes in on you the back flip will come in handy again. You can switch
characters while your fighting him which is a plus. Try to strike with your power move
as much as possible. Once you defeat him you might want to go and save your game.
Now it's time to deactivate the bomb. This is what to do. You will see 4 arrows. Push
down and you will see a number on the bottom of the bomb. This is the number of the
casing that you will need to open on the top. Do this for all for sides and then you
have to make one last choice. You will have to choose either left or right. I'll leave
part up to you. : ) I hope that you saved your game after Gashu! Make the "right"
and you move on. Make the wrong one and KABOOM!!!!
When you leave this room there will be a note on the door across from the elevator. One
of those "give us the systems disc for the Professor" type notes. Enter the door and
will be a save unit straight ahead. Go over to the panel behind the desk and get the
"Yellow EX ." There are two rooms here that I found of no use but the door on the side
wall has a Roulette table inside. You will find a chip on Red 7. You will need to
here later. Heal yourself and save your game. Then go upstairs and into the office.
will meet that crazy lady with the long nails here along with Miguel. They want to trade
to professor for the disc. Never trust the bad guys. Miguel will take off and you will
fight his fluky. She will split in two and double team you, call for a couple of
sneakers to
attack you, teleport, create a vacuum like field with huge blades coming out of it. She
also zips around the setting up prisms to reflect her laser beams all over the room. If
Alex tries to shoot her she will create a shield to protect herself. For the lasers and
twin attack use the spin-kick move. You know what to do to the sneakers. For the
vacuum try to run out of the center of it. This was a tedious battle. But once your
you will be back in the medical station. After the scene you will have to try and regain
the Systems Disc.
Take the roulette ball off of the bed next to Rachael's father. Now head back to the
roulette table and use it. A secret door will open. A couple of punks and a GEP. Don't
climb the ladder around the corner, go inside the door. Clear the enemies and make you
way to the end of the hallway. It is blocked and will need to be blown open. Now go
back outside and climb the ladder. The door will not open. Check the vents to the
You will need to switch to Rachael in order to get through. Inside there will be a caged
room with a switch in it, when you enter it the gate will close. Throw the switch. to
out you will have to fight 2 sneakers. Go around the corner and open up the shutter.
Burns will build a bomb but he needs some time. Go down the ladder and you will be in
a control room looking at the electrical field that you saw earlier. Check the blue
on the wall for a key. Now go over to the table and read the manual. It will tell you
about turning of the electrical field. Now access the control panel and insert the
You only have one right now. Go back up to Burns and he will have the bomb ready to
go. Come back down and exit the room. You will now be behind the unmovable
container. Switch to Burns and push it out of the way. Avoid the scorpion and go back
to the office where you fought your last battle. You will use the key that you found to
open up the safe and get the "Black EX." Now it's back through the roulette room and
into the door with the blocked passageway. Blow that baby and move on. Clear the next
hall of enemies and go into the room at the end of the hall. You will find the "Power
Handle" inside. Now go back to the other door and dispose of the enemies inside
(punks). Go over to the large screen and find out about the Garland System. There will
be a scene. Switch to Alex and go to the other panel. You will get some info. Stand
to the red light and pull the switch. Alexs' night vision goggles will come on. You
see some flashing red in the lower right corner. Go and activate that panel. Enter the
newly opened door and climb down. There is a sneaker in here. Get the "2nd Plug "
from the flashing box on the wall, unlock the door, and go back up the ladder. Go back
outside and climb through the vent. Go down and insert the 2nd Plug.
Now go to the 25th floor and back into the room where you met Rachael. Over by the
robot is a chute on the wall. Use the Power handle to open it and then take the handle
back. Switch to Rachael and jump in. After the close call you will be on level B6. Run
around the room and activate the panels, a window will open. You've now received to
"3rd Plug." Exit into the next room and switch to Alex. There will be a white
Roboguard around the corner and some bombs by the exit to this room. I didn't find
anything in here so just run for it! Through the door is a narrow passageway with a
Pull it and go into the next room. There is a save unit here (hint). Go down the stairs
enter the room. You will now meet Dr. Vault. He will tell you that he is just as much
a victim as everyone else and want you the release him so that he can help you. HA!
Then he will take Michelle hostage and force you to fight him. Rachael will step in and
battle him in "electronic space." Once your jacked in you will be faced by a huge head
and two arms. This really isn't that hard you a battle. He will pound on the floor and
you with a shockwave and shoots some kind of beam projectiles. Run up to the head and
start doing you power move. This should quickly dispose of the arms. Then you will
have the battle his head. The head WILL regenerate it's energy if given the time so you
want to attack as fast as possible. Again, power moves. If you don't have enough energy
or time them just do combos. After you knock him down he will get up and chew on
you!? Just keep up the attack and you'll put him out of his misery soon. There is a
FMV and then it's time to get out of there.
Now go back and throw the lever again. Switch to Alex and go into the next room. Once
the goggles kick in you will see some thing moving on the left side of the screen. There
are two very freaky guys in here that you do not want to fight, trust me. Switch to the
"HE" bullets and do your power shot. Do the same for the next one, too. There is a big
blue light on the wall. The door is to the right of it but don't leave yet. Turn on the
switch next to the door. Go to the left side of the blue light and pull the switch. Now
back the way that you came in and through the new passageway. Inside is 3 bombs. The
one in front of you is blocking a door that you need to get into. Set it off and throw
switch next to the red lettering. Take the green crystal-like stuff and leave. Go back
inside the room and throw the switch and leave. You are now on a platform with a red
Roboguard, shoot him from a distance because he has a long reach. Kill the 4 tops along
the cat-walk and you will come to a door. Use the Power Handle to move the platform.
Go and get the Black EX from the object in the middle of the room. Go back and turn
the handle again. You can't get the handle back so just go through the door. You are
now in a room with a save unit. Go to the elevator on the other side and make you way
back to the 26th floor.
Insert the 3rd plug and the barrier will dissipate. Now you can enter the door on the
side. A guard and some balloons occupy this room, you will need to get into the elevator
on the other side. When you get in there immediately start running for a wall. A new
type of guard will drop from the ceiling and try to mow you down. I used Alex here so I
wouldn't have to get close to this thing. Your best bet is to stay against the wall and
shoot it. It will shoot lasers and use its arms to try and attack. After it has been
destroyed you will need to go into the brown door. The other door goes into the room
where Rachael climbed through the vent. You are in another medical room, there is a
"Red EX" in here across from the door. The next room is another control room, you will
meet the lanky blue guy is here. When he leaves check the control panel and see Miguels
new plan. You will have 60 minutes the do you next task. Don't panic! But you will
need to move as fast as you can. Go through the door that the blue guy did and kill the
two freaks. There is a GEP in here too. Go through the door and kill the punk, access
the panel to activate the walkway. Inside the next room Rachael will take care of her
business at the big table. Go to the back of the room and get some info from the
computer. Once you get back into the hall where the freaks were take the shortcut out by
going up and out the secret door. You will be back in the hall on the 27th floor near
bomb elevator. Now you need to go back to the basement.
When you get to the basement heal yourself and save you game. THIS IS YOUR LAST
CHANCE TO SAVE!!! Once you go through the door you will be on a elevator and you
will have to fight the blue freak. This guy is very fast! He will run in a closing
around you and then knock you down, jump into the air and land on you doing a drilling
move. His fighting moves are like lightening! It seems like the only time you can
him is when he tries to fight with you. You can back flip out of the way of his drilling
move if timed right, but I couldn't hit him. I use Burns for his strength even though
slow moving. He has a good back flip, too. Once you've beaten this lab experiment you
will enter a room with 2 red guards. Get pass them and you ate another platform. Now
this is the weird part. The first time that I got here I had to fight a meaner, robotic
Gashu! He had a rushing move that could be avoided with timing, and a machine gun
for one hand take locked on your position, if you ran you could avoid it. And of course
his trademark gorilla pounding, on your head. That's all I can remember about it because
I haven't had to fight him again! Strange, I wonder what events or if it the amount to
time played the caused it. My first completion time was 8 hours and 1 minute.
Now move on. Depending on how long it took you to get down to this point Rachael will
either run out of energy and die or she will continue to the final battle on the hull of
huge submarine. Miguel will show up and transform into his true self. He's very big
with a long reach. He shoots 2 types of projectiles (tracking and non-tracking) and does
whirlwind attack scraping the ground with his fingers. Hurt him and he will jump on top
of and smash you. To take him out you will need to get behind him and attack the red
sphere in his tail. It's kind of tricky getting pass his arms since you can't jump. I
back flips and then ran over to the tail and attacked. When he starts to spin around
really isn't much you can do except to try and get into the corner. I tried doing back
flips and the spin-kicks (tremor punch for Burns) but I'm not sure if this was really
helping. I managed to stay alive, somehow. Once again I used Burns for his power.
If Rachael dies King, the bartender will come running to join your group and you will see
the ending. I was at a lost when I saw it because I didn't know about the good ending at
the time. There are no new weapons to be found in this game. What you start out with is
what you will end the game with. What you will get for completing the game are
"Alternate Colors" for the characters uniforms. After finishing the game a third time
going as fast as I could and taking a few short cuts (like using the codes before I
found them) I saved enough time, I guess, to get the good ending and new weapons! I
didn't get all of them yet, but I'll make sure that I do. Michelle looks like a genie!
pretty cool! It turns out that I really enjoyed this game, even though it handles like
first Resident Evil. Analog controls would have been nice but It is still a playable

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