Saga Frontier

SaGa Frontier

17.10.2013 11:18:29


- S A G A F R O N T I E R -


chapter of blue

(c) Squaresoft 1997
Illustrated by Tomomi Kobayashi

Written by FreaK ( )


A mere mortal like everyone else, I was able to
write this FAQ thru sheer perseverence in playing
the game and reading up on it. All material listed
here unless otherwise stated, is spawned out of
self-deduction and a mind-boggling element known
as experience. Any incorrect data or translation
is...human. This is my tribute to SAGA FRONTIER.
Nothing more.

- Edited the Walkthrough and Characters section
- Added a new Fighting section
- Confirmed Game Secrets

C O N T E N T S v1.7 (20.10.97)----------------------O

o Character background and mission summary

o Spells
- understanding them
- highlights

o Collectable characters
- race synopsis
- character analysis

o Unlocking fighting potential
- mastering sword and technique fighting
- linking
- battle strategy for the last boss

o Complete walkthrough
- part 1: choosing paths
- part 2: finding companions
- part 3: the quest for the cards/runes
- part 4: the showdown of the twins
- part 5: the omega

o Game secrets



"Blue is a young man exceptionally gifted with magical abilities.
However, this ablilty is indelibly tied to the fate of his twin. For Blue
to realize his full power, he must kill his own brother, who also bears the
same cross. Though they travel apart, their fate will invariably draw them
together. And only one will survive.

"Blue's home region, Magic Kingdom, is a fantastic environment where
magic reigns supreme. Blue, whose huge potential as a magic user was
recognised as a child, has been carefully raised with full knowledge of his
awful destiny. Now that he has come of age, Blue must depart on a journey
to hone his abilities as a magic user and eventually face his twin Rouge."
Telparc GAME Geisen News



An essential component in Blue's quest, he has to learn spells and
master them.

There are several categories of spells available for collection that I
currently know of.

o Runes/Secret(tarot cards)
o Nova(sun)/Lunar(night)
o Demon/Ghost
o Yin/Yang
o Time/Space
o Life(heart)/???

Spells can either be bought or acquired. Some are innate (ie. Mystics
always come with Ghost magic). However, one can only learn one of the two
types in their respective categories because they are opposing (eg. if one
learns Nova spells, he cannot learn Lunar spells. Alternatively, if one
learns Secret magic, he will be unable to learn Rune spells). This principle
applies to ALL categories of spells. Blue himself (until he defeats Rouge)
will not be exempt from this.

However, acquiring the spells themselves is usually not enough. For
every type of spell, there is a "power-up", which enables the user to gain
more if not all versions of similar type magic (exceeding what a normal
human can acquire by simply training with them). This, of course, enables
you to gain more powerful or effective attacks within a category. ALL
power-ups MUST be specially acquired. When the power-up is found, a silver
star will appear beside the category, signifying the character's capability
to master all the spells. Some power-ups will be easier to get than others.
The Runes or Secret power-ups are the most complicated (not to mention
difficult) ones to get; considering the fact that it is Blue's mission to
acquire one of them. Once he gets it, it won't be long before his battle
with Rouge consumates.

There is also a "kick-up" factor, by which the user can intensify and
even mold the effect of a spell through training with it and gaining level.
For example, one of Blue's first spells, a simple 1 JP attack (0 JP if you
are a master), can be up-ed to become a highly-damaging and paralysing

o Runes
Has a HP auto-refill spell. Great for long battles.

o Secret
The "Shield" casts a spell that increases the defence of the entire
party, reducing damage by approx. 100HP. It's always a good idea to
use it when fighting a Boss or a powerful enemy.

The "Ta" or "Tower" is the ultimate attack: capable of damage close
to 50,000! It does, however, deplete the caster of ALL JP and is
unpredictable in its damage factor (a measly 1000+ HP is what you
sometimes get). A worthy last resort/desperation move.

o Nova
"Chao Yun" meaning devastation wind. The hardest proximity whacker
under 10JP.

The "Light Sabre" is a spell that creates a magical sword that 'up's
the caster's stats tremendously. Gives the wielder automatic blocking
ability and can be used as a base for learning sword attacks.

o Lunar
The HP drain attack is great for its ability to damage and heal at
the same time. Also able to reduce enemy strength when practiced or
of high level.

A spell that drains darkness from the surroundings, creating a shadow
of the caster that will mimick the his next move as well as protect
him from all attacks.

o Demon
It's simplest 0JP attack can become highly damaging and paralysing
with practice. A great spell to fall back upon when you are
conserving on JP.

Has a spell that prevents the enemy from casting any magic. Should
the receiver attempt to do so, his magic will backfire and injure him
instead. Invaluable against the Time or Space bosses.

o Ghost
Perhaps the most familiar Mystic spell of all: the "Genmu Strike".
Capable of damage coupled with all sorts of side effects (eg. poison,
sleeping, paralysis) to auto-death, depending on the user's as well
as the enemy's level.

This Mystic spell creates a glass shield that protects the caster for
the duration of the fight. Should the subject receive any physical
attack, the shield will splinter and inject its broken shards into
the attacker, inflicting major damage.

A protection spell positions 1 to 3 images of the caster on front of
himself or his companions. The images protect the subjects from all

o Yin
A powerful healing spell that can restore HP up to 999! (Depending
on the person's level) It's drawback: only works for the caster.

"Life". A powerful whacker (1000 odd HP for a good Blue) that only
requires 1JP (if you're a master). Excellent spell for links.

o Yang (only seen in action by a red-headed mystic, Zozma)
A spell that sends streaks of white smoke into all enemies,
inflicting damage of er, 666.

o Time
An auto-death spell that can also reduce the Quickness of the enemy

A 10JP spell that stops all time, allowing the caster to do 4 to 8
moves consecutively depending on caster's level. This spell, however,
depletes the user of ALL JP (like Ta) and should only be used in
desperation or when down to 10JP.

o Space
This spell creates a black hole which sucks in ANY effects (poison,
sleeping etc.) from everyone. Useful against the last Boss.

o Life
This is simply the best spell ever. An auto-resurrection spell with
NO deduction of LP! Casting it means you can never die!

*For detailed instructions on how to get these spells as well as the
power-ups, refer to the complete walkthrough section.*



The races that comprise the Saga community can be classified into four
groups: humans, mystics, monsters and machines.

Versatile breed. Are capable of casting magic as well as physical
fighting. When possessing a large number of techniques or spells, they
become Masters and crowns are displayed. A Master is able to execute a move
using 1 less JP or WP. They can also be equipped with all kinds of armour,
potions and accessories.

Another factor unique to humans is the ability to think up of new
techniques during a fight. When that happens, a light bulb appears over the
character's head and the person then executes the new move.

An elitist breed, the ability of the mystic depends on his or her
rank. The higher the rank, the more powerful and attractive he or she is.
Versatile all-rounders, Mystics gain new attacks and increase their stats
by absorbing enemy ablities using their mystic weapons. Can be equipped
with everything.

Monsters get better by draining good enemies and taking on new forms.
Can only be equipped with accessories, and generally utilize only Monster

Specialists in guns but are unable to cast magic. Machines gain stats
and attacks by obtaining new robot parts and programs from enemy machines.
Can be equipped with more than one body armour.

Below is a list of characters Blue is able to pick up.

o Gen
A bandanna-wearing fighter with a penchant for alcohol. His physical
strength and intrinsic sword-fighting ability make him someone to be
reckoned with.

o Roufas (also known as Roufus)
Sports blonde dreadlocks and wears a pair of Star Trek-inspired
sunglasses, making him immune to flare attacks. Versatile fighter.

o Lute the Bard
A wandering and carefree minstrel with sapphire hair. Highly
adaptable with a tendency to learn and execute only stylish attacks.
Can be a tremendous asset to the team if given time.

o Emilia the Ex-supermodel (also known as Emiria)
A blonde accused of murdering her husband, and now a fugitive case,
is bent on finding the one who framed her. Has a talent with guns
and fist fighting.

o Fuse (also known as Hurge)
A green-suited IRPO officer with crimson hair. Possesses enormous
potential in techniques; capable of mastering all ultimate attacks
even without effort.

o Meiren
A chinese girl who wears her purple hair in a ponytail. Initially
appears to be a magic-user, but proves to be a better gun fighter.

o Annie
Emeria's ex-cell mate. Another blonde in green shorts. The female
version of Gen.

o Liza
A purple haired girl. Also a friend of Emeria. Despite her obvious
femininity, has an extraordinary amount of strength.

o Nusakan the Doctor
Raven haired, and possesses an innate healing ability, due to his
white coat. Cool and down-to-earth.

o Mesathrim the Mermaid
Injured in an accident with a fisherman, this mystic is currently
recuperating in the abode of a young ruler. Capable of casting all
Rune spells, and is immune to water attacks.

o Silence
An exotic blonde guy sporting butterfly wings. Apparently has
connections to the IRPO.

o Coon
A naive monster on a quest for a magical ring that will save its
dying homeland.

o Seioh the Skeleton
The remains of a dead king. Possesses auto-HP refill and some unique
attack moves.

o Thunder
Lute's childhood friend. A towering brute with fiery-red fur.

o Cotton
A cute monster saved from torturific genetic experiments.

o Slime
A pale jelly-starfish that is actually a gigantic golden blob.

o Suzaku (have been unable to collect)
An extremely high powered pheonix.

o T260G the Robot
A robot with a hidden past; is on a quest to search out his mission
and identity.

o Tokusyukousakusya
A robot with wheels like that of an army tank. Mighty resilient.

Who Blue collects will depend on his mission path, and what he does
and collects during this period. It will not be possible to collect ALL the
characters in one mission.

* For detailed instructions on how to acquire the characters listed above,
refer to the complete walkthrough section.*



'Growing up' a character to be a fearsome fighter is not much of a
challenge. All it takes is an understanding of the nature of the different
attacks, as well as how the different races react to them. *This guide is
not exhaustive; it will mostly supply info on humans, which is more or less
the most complex race to grow up and comprise the largest percentage of
Blue's collectable companions. There is of course, the minutiae of the
concepts by which the other races grow up; but that I feel, can be easily
grasped through simply playing the game (especially if you play all seven

Humans. The only race capable of spontaneous learning, you'll find it
worthwhile to invest time in them. Having covered spells, this section will
focus on sword and technique(fist) fighting.

Learnable sword attacks and techniques can be classified into four
levels: Novice, Veteran, Master and Ultimate. Obviously, what we would be
interested in learning are Master and Ultimate level attacks as well as the
best low-level attacks for conserving on WP.

To go about this, you'll first need to gain the two higher level of
attacks and then move on to learn the lower class attacks. Is that possible?
Definitely so. And why? To hasten the learning process.

o Learning Master attacks

To gain Master level attacks, the way to go about it is similar for
sword and technique fighting. Fight harder enemies using your most powerful
moves. How well your characters learn will depend solely on the level on
your enemies. As well as the number of attacks already learnt. It is a
good idea to group human fighters together when training as such. They'll
learn better when isolated from the other races (such as monsters and
machines). It's because when one person learns a cool new move, everyone
usually follows suit.

A critical note: you MUST keep de-equipping your characters once they
learn more attacks. Should the equipped moves fill up the available slots
in the inventory, they'll stop learning. I usually make it a point to leave
at least 2 slots empty; so as to retain the Master status as well as enable
the character to learn a max of 2 moves per fight. In learning high-level
moves, try to un-equip all the low-level ones and leave the highest-level
moves behind.

If they aren't learning, it probably means that the enemies aren't
hard enough (Dying is duh, an invalid reason). Find opposition that forces
you to use extreme strategy to survive. The enemies in the Swamp or
Laboratory for example. If that does not work (supposing you whack too hard
even if low-level or keep linking), section your people out even more eg.
three or two swordsman to a team. The key here is make your characters
realise that what they've got ain't good enough, which means that they'll
have to learn new, better attacks to compromise.

You might also want to equip your swordsmen with two swords, so they
can learn double sword blocks and attacks. For example, one particular
Master level attack whereby the attacker jumps up in the air and shoots out
fluorescent-green projectiles at all present enemies has a double-handed
sword version which takes up the same amount of WP but does twice the
amount of damage.

o Learning Ultimate techniques

Having gained Master level attacks, you'll next need to learn
Ultimate ones. With regards to techniques, there four ultimates that one
can learn:

1. This move jams four chinese words of destruction against a firestorm of
crimson and orange, throwing the victim back with tremendous force.

2. Causes the background to turn black by which the attacker draws a
glowing triangle around the enemy followed by emanation of three flashing

3. In the third attack, the executor jumps up and brings down a powerful
tornado upon the enemy, wreaking havok.

These techniques can be most easily learnt fighting Bosses or sub-
bosses. (I never fail to learn an ultimate when fighting the tortoise in
the Lab.) Or in some cases, getting charmed (transference of enemy
desperation, I guess).

4. DSC. The final and most damaging physical attack ever is a combination
of several grab techniques executed in succession. It requires that the
character learn AND equip six specific moves before it can be learnt.

o Learning Ultimate sword attacks

The nine sword ultimates come in a wide variety, and can be learnt in
basically two ways. The first is similar to learning ultimate techniques.
The most powerful move by which the executor teleports into four images of
himeslf around his victim, slashes him repeatedly, slams him up, throws him
down in an explosion of light and blood (worth 10WP) is learnt this way. An
equip-able ultimate counter where the executor dodges an attack and
counters back with multiple sword slashes can also be learnt.

The second is to use inate sword attacks. For example, three
complimentary attacks named Snow, Moon and Flower respectively can only be
learnt by using the default attack move of Japanese knifes or 'dao's. All
knifes enable the fighter to learn these moves. Other ultimates are also
learnt the same way through swords which are equipped with inate attacks
(a similar comment always appears underneath the names of such swords.)
Some specials are immediately apparent, as they appear in the move
inventory upon equipping. Others have to be picked up, once again using
the inate attack, which usually is deceptively umimpressive.

Once your characters have got their super moves down pat, learning
lower class attacks is less than chicken feet. All you need to do is go
fight a squid (or something of the sort) and select your lousiest, lowest-
powered moves. They'll start learning like crazy (four to five lightbulbs
within one fight is what you'll get) and in no time, they'll have learnt
tons of attacks.

*From personal experience, Fuse seems to be the most talented fist fighter
and Gen the best swordsman. Both have managed to learn ALL ultimates in
their respective skills. Blue is, quite honestly, the best overall. I've
managed to make him a master in magic, techniques AND sword-fighting in one
game. Of course, that's just my opinion ^_^*

The key to linking is through the Link Attacks menu in your inventory.
Creating massive links is a building process. 2-fold links can be built
into 3-fold, 4-fold and finally into 5-fold.

First, find a 2-fold you like. Then equip it as the top priority link
in the Link menu, which basically works as a notepad to tell the computer
which links to do and which not to. Execute the link in the next battle
coupled with other attacks from your non-linked characters. A 3-fold will
emerge. If it doesn't happen, try new attacks, or rebuild and equip the
first link using a different combination. Upon achieving the 3-fold, equip
the attack above your previous link. Then use in the next fight. A 4-fold
then emerges. Simply repeat the same process to build up on the link. It's
that simple. However, should you break the link on purpose, you'll have to
rebuild it from scratch again.

Whilst the above method (should be) officially correct, it is,
admittedly tedious. I only do it to massive link super attacks (ie
ultimates) which by normal methods, are difficult to link. There are
shortcuts by which one can speed up the linking process.

Here are some basic guidelines:

o Link conducive attacks

- Opposing spells. Contradictory yet complimentary. Sounds like a
paradox but really isn't. It's really kind of like two sides to a
coin. For example, a Nova and Lunar spell executed within the same
round have a high chance of linking. You can easily use this link
with say, Demon and Ghost spells and form a decent four-fold.

- Elemental attacks. Eg. Gun-attacks of fire, lightning and water link

- In general, a couple of specific attacks are highly linkable. Take
note of attacks which frequently link, and try to use them to chain
link your supers, for example.

o Access your characters

- Group characters of similar race together. Humans tend to link better
amongst themselves, as is with robots. This is of course, vastly
general and isn't always the case. In fact, a well-assorted team
tends to make for more strategic fighting.

- Make sure you've reach a stage where learning becomes difficult. A
light-bulb breaks a link. Always make it a point to train with the
intent to learn until you can't learn any more (that means having
learnt EVERY Master and Ultimate level attack or at least most), then
start linking. In other words, link when you are secure in your best
moves and therefore ensure ultimate whacking ability.

- Fight enemies with high HP or damage factors. Your characters aren't
going to link if one person alone can kill off the opposition. The
rule is simple: if they can't learn, they'll link. Period.

This is a spoiler, duh.

The guy is quite simply, chicken feet if you know how to fight him.
Even if you don't, he still isn't tough. But since he's the Last Boss, I
guess I've gotta give some credit. Here's how to make him fodder.

o Prep Up

- Stock up on 'Wang Neng Yiu' or the Oil of a Thousand Uses.
Alternatively, you can equip the 'Blackhole' Space spell.

- Equip the two Life(heart) spells of mass-healing and auto-

- Equip the Infinite Time and Secret spells as well as the Shadow Night

- Equip the best attacks you've got.

- Prioritize your most damaging links.

- Make sure you aren't low on WP and JP. Utilize 'Jie Guo Shi' if needs
be; it restores everyone.

o The Battle

- For the first round, get someone (other than Blue) to cast the secret
Shield Spell. Blue casts the auto-resurrection on himself. Everyone
else whacks.

- The Boss should try to poison/paralyse everyone early in the fight.
How badly your characters react to the special effects would depend
on your level. You can either choose to ignore it, use Wang Neng Yiu
or the blackhole spell. The blackhole however, cancels out the
resurrection spell and the shield spell, meaning that you've have to
recast them again.

- When everyone is sufficiently low in HP, get Blue to cast the mass-
healing spell by which everyone is refilled with Blue's HP points (he
himself however loses 1LP). This spell will be your only form of
healing during the fight, so don't cast it too often (twice is more
than enough). Blue himself will be covered by the resurrection spell.
After he dies and is resurrected, simply recast the spell again.

- When you've whacked to guy about 50,000HP, activate the infinite Time
spell. This will be the final killing move. The spell will stop all
time and cancel out move turns of everyone except Blue's. You'll now
have eight consecutive turns to do your spells and kiss your JP
goodbye. Activate the Night spell as the first spell to be cast
followed by seven rounds of Tower (if you have DSC, all the better).
After the Night spell is cast, and in activating the first Tower,
Blue's shadow will come out of him and mimick his move. And that will
continue till ALL eight turns are used up! That means, Blue gets to
do FOURTEEN rounds of Tower (or DSC) before he's finished! And that's
all it takes to completely annihilate the Boss.


-This walkthrough assumes knowledge of info previously relayed.
Part 1 <> Choosing Paths

At the start of Blue's quest, he is given the choice of 2 starting
points. The iridescent orb signifies Luminous; the angular yellow ball
Duvan. The starting point does not affect the outcome of Blue's story; so
feel free to select either option.

If you selected Luminous, Blue will now have the choice to learn
either Nova or Lunar spells as well as collect their power-ups. Remember:
He can only learn one or the other. First, walk up and into a shop that is
carved into a boulder. This merchant sells Nova spells. Speak with him and
test out his ware. Don't buy from him yet, unless you are sure it is his
spells you want. Now exit and head right. You'll see a another merchant
holding a staff. Speak with him and test out his Lunar spells. Decide which
one you prefer, Nova or Lunar, and buy a spell from the respective merchant.
At this point. you'll no doubt notice you'll have a lack of money, so buy
only the most expensive one ($600). This way, Blue can learn the lower class
attacks of the same type a lot easier when he practices his new spell.

Now for the power-ups. For Nova users, head west. You'll enter an
area where 2 nondescript stone walls stretch out into a cluster of
crystallic boulders. Now speak with the guy standing there and you'll
be sent to the Beam Labyrinth. The objective here is to adjust the mirrors
so as to manipulate the beam of light to shine upon the exit. (Note: you
cannot exit this area by normal means, neither can you save.) Do so (you
shouldn't have much difficulty) and when a door opens, enter the second
room. Do the same as before, except that you'll also need to change light
sources (the hexagonal crystals). Another door will open, and Blue will
enter the third room. Here, you'll need to make use of the mirrors, light
sources as well as the colour filters to manipulate specific colours of
light beams to shine upon the pentagon on the north wall of the room. When
you succeed in doing so, walk up to the pentagon.

Here's what the different colour lights do:
Red - Powerful Enemy
Dark Blue - Weaker Enemy
Pale Blue - An item
Purple - Another item
Yellow - $400
White - Exit and Power-up!

For Lunar spell buyers, the path to the power-up is through the
merchant you bought the Lunar spells from. If you walk up north from the
merchant, you'll notice a golden haired man locked within the pillars. You
can ONLY free him and get him to join your party if you buy Lunar spells and
go for the power-up. Speaking with the merchant will result in you being
sent to Ombre. I'll recommend that you take time to train and gain level
FIRST before entering this area. Companions would help, tremendously. (On
how to acquire characters, read on) Coz the enemies here have a habit of
whacking you into non-existence when you are low-level. So be patient.
You'll get your power-up later.

Now that you got your Nova power-up or Lunar spells, you need to go
to Duvan to buy Runes or Secret spells. Open your inventory (second option
in menu) and utilize Teleportation (it's a potion Blue has originally been
equipped with). You're now back to the starting destination menu. Select
Duvan, the yellow ball, and you'll be transported there. Alternatively, you
can go via airport, but who in the right mind would want to do that!? In any
case, you might want to visit the Luminous airport, another room-in-a-
boulder, because chances are you'll notice a disappearing man at the four-
seater. That guy is your brother, Rogue. He disappears because you're not
supposed to meet him...yet.

Now you're at Duvan. Those who selected Duvan as a starting point,
start here (and after you're done with this place, don't forget to go to
Luminous to do as written above). Walk around and talk to everyone. What
you'll need to take note of is the merchant in the tent (who sells Rune
spells) and the gypsy tarot card reader in one of the mushroom houses (who
sells Secret spells). Test out their spells, decide with type you prefer and
purchase them (You can buy the entire range if you like). This is where you
will choose the path of your main mission on which you will soon embark -
the quest for the corresponding power-up. After having bought your spells,
talk to your trader and keep selecting the first option. He or she will
tell you about the power-ups and where to get them. You'll also be handed
'empty' cards or stones in which to collect the power-ups. Blue can also
decide to favour both of them to keep his initial choices open.

Once you've acquired your spells, you'll need to train them up and
earn more money to buy more spells (as well as enhancements). This would
also be a good time to pick up some companions.
Part 2 <> Finding Companions

First, travel to Kowloon. Exit the airport and descend one level.
You need to interact with the purple-haired man standing apart from the
other merchants and passers-by. He'll relay some information with regards
to either Runes or Nusakan to you. Then approach the caped skeleton further
up. He'll tell you about Gen and Wakatsu. Walk left, and you'll enter
Backstreet A. Fight the 3 bird-like enemies (using magic), and enter
the little shack admist the debri. Talk to the despondent-looking person
and wait for the doctor's prompt. Then enter the ajoining room, talk with
Nusakan and select the first option when it comes up. You've now got your
first companion!

Leave the shack, and enter the sewer just beside it (in the meantime,
giving those irritating birds hell because they had the nerve to fly into
you). Once in the sewer, go around the bend and collect $200. Of course,
whacking all the naive-looking things that attempted to barr your path. By
the way, the sewers in Kowloon are an excellent training ground for
low-level characters.

Go back to the airport and talk to the receptionist. The destinations
in the first menu are: Manhattan
Magic Kingdom
Other places

Second menu: IRPO
Shingrou (Shinlo)
Other places

Once Blue has visited a place, he is able to teleport there.

Now select Scrap. Feel free to explore the place. Go to the Lounge.
Here you can pick up Gen, Lute, Coon, T260G and Meiren. So now you've got 6
companions. Great. Leave the place. If you exit via mercenary airport,
you'll have to pay a $100 service charge.

Teleport over to Yorkland. Go south and walk up to the fiery
red-skinned monster standing beside the windmill. Select 'OK' when the
option comes up. Thunder will walk into you (he just joined your party) and
Lute will walk out. Talk with Lute.

Now go to Shrike. Enter the hotel at the Street (the cross-shaped
junction), talk to the receptionist (select 1st option) and sleep. Sleeping
restores everything (LP,JP,WP) lost during battle. This will soon be a
regular place for restoration later in the game, since it is one of the two
places where you can sleep for free. Exit the hotel and walk left. Enter
the bookshop and read some excerpts from the books on the shelves.

Exit the Street and go down to the Factory. Walk to the corner of the
room and talk to the robot sitting there. He will join your party.

Now leave and walk up north into the countryside. Hop down from the
top of the waterfall, across the stream and into the woods. You'll now
enter Seioh's Tomb, your first dungeon. SAVE. Run past the first 2 screens
(fighting the enemies you accidentally bang into), and into a room with 3
stone pedestals. You'll need to collect 3 items in this mausoleum to place
onto the pedestals to activate the opening in the north wall. Explore the
place, and train while you're at it. You should soon be able to group the
characters into primary and secondary teams once you are familiar with how
each character fights. Here what you need to find: A sword, a shield and an
accessory. DON'T equip them; (as tempting as it might be) you'll have to
use them to open the door back in the first room. Now go back to the room
with the pedestals. Place the items in this order:
West wall - Accessory
South wall- Sword
East wall - Shield and the door at the north wall will
open. Walk through it and you'll now enter the Boss area. SAVE. Walk up to
the coffin and a fight with Seioh will ensue.

Once you defeat him, he will offer you his sword. If you choose to
accept it, select the first option. And if you graciously decline (second
option), he will join your team instead.

Head now for the Laboratory. Traverse its corridors till you come to
three flights of stairs. Ascend to the third level and enter through the
automatic doors. Destroy the enemies masquerading as scientists and you'll
free the monster confined to the experimental paraphernalia. It will become
your cohort. Now descend to the ground floor infested with exotic and
hideous undergrowth. Roundabout the building on the right and enter it.
Climb the ladder, defeat the console controller and activate LOCK OFF.
Leave the building and enter the structure on the left. SAVE. Approach the
damsel standing there and a Boss fight with an armoured turtle will
commence. Once it is defeated, Blue can cross the ledge to retrieve the
turtle shield in the wooden chest.

Teleport over to Owmi. Walk west and enter the quaint inn. Sleep.
This is the other place where you can sleep for free. Travel north from the
inn and into a resplendent mansion. Explore the place and retrieve the
items in the treasure chests in the attic as well as the room facing east
in the basement. Once in the basement, go through the door facing south and
you'll enter another dungeon (the cute 'lil caterpillar thingie that wiggles
around enthusiastically at your presence says everything). Go past 2 rooms,
making sure you collect all the items. Massacre the annoying squid that
blocks the entire stairwell and once you're done, walk through the
inconspicuous opening in the west wall of the ajoining room. Blue now finds
himself in front of a pool. Walk up to the pool, and a mermaid will swim up
to you. Speak with her and she will join your ranks. In the meantime, your
other mystic, Nusakan, will walk out of you. Talk to him and then leave the
place. Continue exploring the dungeon below (you can either glamorously
descend the stairs or drop down unceremoniously from above. Either way, the
natives here won't be any less fond of you) and pick up everything.

Now that you've accumulated quite a bit of cash, you might want to
buy more spells. Teleport to Kyo. Head for the Buddist temple. Walk up to
the girl and speak with her. You MUST approach her across the counter; if
you go to her side, she will ignore you. Try out her Yin spells and buy
them. Later on in the game, Blue will have to return here to acquire the
Yin power-up.

For those who've yet to collect the Lunar power-up in Ombre, you can
now attempt the battle the place and its inhabitants. Nova spell users,
skip this part. Go back to Luminous, and talk to the merchant whom you
purchased the Lunar spells from. Keep selecting the first option and you
will be sent to Ombre, region of shadows. (Only Night magic using companions
will be able to accompany you here). Upon setting foot here, Blue's shadow
will depart from him. The objective is to get it back. Now walk up, and
talk to the shadows that roam this place. One shadow in particular will
relay vital information to you. Now ascend the stairs into the gothic
architecture. Run past the shadows under and beyond the arch and up another
level (Conflict will be, at times, unavoidable). From this room, run up the
stairs and into the next room. Go right and talk to the merchant (a shadow
holding a scythe). You can choose whether or not to buy his products. Now,
return back to the first room and go left. Walk through the passageway, and
you'll find yourself in a room with many shadows. Talk to each of them and
one by one, they will shift over into the adjacent room. Exit and return to
the first room. This time go north (there is an item to collect on the way)
and you'll now be in the room where all the shadows have been herded to.
SAVE. Blue must now attempt to find his own shadow (which isn't remotely
difficult; the dangly ponytail thingie's just way too hard to miss).
Talking to it will cause it to move up into the room above. Note: All other
shadows will be enemies; you'll have to fight them if you do not talk to
the correct one. When you've succeeded in getting Blue's shadow into the
room above, follow it up and talk to it. A Boss fight will commence, where
Blue and his companions have to fight their own shadows. You'll be able to
leave the place once you defeat them. Once out, go to Silence and you'll be
able to free him and take him into your party.

Now that you're done, Blue can now officially embark on his quest for
the Secret Card (or Rune) power-up.
Part 3(a) <> The Quest for the Cards

In order for Blue to acquire the Secret spell power-up, he must
collect four different cards. They are: Shield, Money, Sword and Chalice.
Alternatively, he will have to seek out four Runes if he is to claim the
Runes spell power-up. *Rune users refer to Part 3(b) instead*

Teleport to IRPO (Inter-regional Police Office). Now walk up to the
receptionist and talk to her. Blue will shortly find himself in a conference
room with his first two characters seated at a table. An IRPO officer will
approach you and offer his assistance. You will then be sent into a snowy

Follow the narrow path up until the second screen. There is a small
opening beneath a ledge (don't miss it!). Enter it to fight a dragon and
collect all the freebies inside. Continue up into the mountain. Then take
the north-east pathway; the north-west one leads into a cave with a boulder
that has a fiery phoenix (which incidentally, is collectable) engraved on
it. Blue will then enter a high-ceilinged cavern with a few boars roaming
the snow-littered ground. To the left of this cavern is a cute snowman
thingie that huddles against the wall. If you are high on HP and are a
considerable whacker with tons of JP/WP to spare, you can have a go at it.
Leave this cavern via the stone stairway and follow up the wayward path to
a hilltop. Now walk up and talk to the flowers (which is kinda self-
deprecating but hey, Blue's a sensitive type of guy). Have fun with the
Boss, and when you're done, you'll be transported back into the room in
IRPO. The Shield card will spin into your possession (your first card!) and
Fuse will also be able to join your team, permanently.

Teleport to Nelson. Enter the bar/cafe and talk to the helmented guy.
He sells gold. Buy exactly four pieces of gold from him. You'll need this
later. If you're feeling filthy rich, you can also buy from the dealer in
Kowloon, who sells the same thing at a much higher price.

Teleport to Baccarat. Ascend two levels and talk to the rabbit-eared
blonde standing in front of the jackpot machines. A gnome will appear and
lead the two of you up another flight of stairs. Now take the lift down to
the Carpark. (You might see the blonde girl and the gnome within one of the
elevators, but the doors will close upon your approaching). Once in the
carpark, walk over to the open sewer hole and descend. The blonde will then
drop down on a rope and approach you. Emiria now joins your party. Go down
into the cavernous sewer. Run under the ledge and down the leftmost opening.
Then enter the first opening on the left. Go down the stairs and up through
the northern cavern mouth. Blue now enters a cave ornamented with a
plethora of gold coins and other gilded ornaments. Talk to one of the busy-
looking gnomes and he'll tell you how much they love gold (duh!). Now talk
to the gnome on the upper right twice, and Blue will hand him the gold he
bought. Note: if he possesses any less than four pieces, the gnomes will
steal the gold from him, and nothing will be accomplished. The Money card
will fall from above and Blue will hop over to retrieve it.

Blue will find himself transported back to the Kowloon airport. Now
walk up and talk to the receptionist and select Wakatsu as a destination.
Gen will walk out and get the receptionists to agree to transport you there.
By now you'll have guessed that Gen will be a key character in the finding
the location of the Sword card and retrieving it, which is true. Once at
Wakatsu, approach the Charon lookalike and he will ferry you over to the
abandoned city. Walk up the stairs and 2 impish-looking kids will open the
doors for you. Gen will then walk out of you and lead the way. (Blue can
also sidetrack to pick up items such as two high-powered swords.) Follow
him until Blue comes to an area with dilapidated buildings and debri
randomly scattered around. Gen will tell you :"There's nobody around" then
walk back into you. Walk through the skeleton of a frameway and into a
rundown Japanese house. Ascend the stairs up into the next level. Now turn
right, (yes, there actually is a opening, as inconspicuous as it looks)
walk through the doorway and ascend the stairs. You are now in a room with
three miniscule lamps facing each other. Now walk up and in between them.
The lights will turn on and three morphing shadows will appear on the wall.
In regular intervals, a clank of swords will be heard. Blue must make all
the shadows display as three crossed swords, side by side. To do this,
listen to the clanking of the swords, and then press the "Accept" button at
EXACTLY the same time as the clank sound. Gen will help you by telling you
to use your ears to listen. It's easy; you should get it at first try. If,
for some reason you do fail, the team will have to fight enemies. Once you
succeed, the Sword card will appear.

Now for the final card. Teleport to Yorkland. Go west from the
crossroad and you'll enter a well populated part of the town. There are 4
houses you can enter. You'll need the interact with the people inside to
find out information on the card of the Chalice. Keep talking to them until
everyone of them mentions something about the Chalice and gives you a
sample of their wine. Now exit back to the crossroad and enter the Swamp.
Run through the swamp until you see a flight of stairs. Blue should be
feeling the intoxicating effects of the wine and will stumble out if left
alone. If that happens, or if you accidentally take the wrong path, you'll
have to restart from the entrance of the swamp. Meanwhile, have your fill
of whacking the enemies (or squids, if you are of higher level). No mercy.
There is also a path through the swamp where Blue can avoid ALL enemies,
but is extremely hard to traverse (especially in his drunkened state). Run
up the stairs and into a room. Walk up to the Chalice and lo and behold,
the Chalice card falls down. All four cards: Shield, Money, Sword and
Chalice, will then spin together and merge into one. And there you have it:
the Secret spells powerup!
Part 3(b) <> The Quest for the Runes

First, teleport to Kowloon. Enter alley B (the one where 2 bandits
attempt to rob you.) Decline their kind offer, then whack the hell out of
them. Now go down the grimy stairs and enter the second sewer hole further
down. Once in the sewer, go straight and around the bend, and then up the
stairs. Blue will now be on the rooftops of a couple of dilapidated shacks.
Now descend the sewer hole furthest to the north and into another section
of the sewers. Go left and climb the ladder. At the top of the stairs
is a red door. Behind it is a robot that sells pretty good guns and gun
related stuff. Now go right and into the manhole. Descend from the ladder
and then enter the sewer hole on the left. (The stone steps lead out of
this place.) Now what Blue needs to do is enter the little shack; he'll
have to roundabout to do it. Try the avoid the enemies if you can (not that
they're much of a threat, but simply to avoid excessive annoyance).

Once in the cavern, Blue can explore the place and pick up stuff. He
will eventually come across a darkened cave containing a cluster of beetles.
One beetle will jump at him, and a Boss fight will commence. It will be a
good idea to whack the three smaller beetles first before attacking the big
one. That way, you won't have the bugger getting himself healed after each
round. Once annihilated, the rest of the beetles will make themselves
scarce and Blue will walk up further into the cave. The Protection rune
will draw itself out of the air and disappear into your possession.

Now for the next rune. Teleport to Shrike. Go southwest and into the
countryside. Hop up the pebble staircase and enter the mausoleum. First go
left and enter the first opening. Walk up and talk to Roufas. He'll join
your team. Then open the door behind him and fight some enemies. Now return
to the opening of Shuraiku. This time go right. Select the first option when
it comes up. Blue enters another part of the dungeon. Fight past the next
two screens until you see a stone staircase with a treasure chest beside it.
There are two paths Blue can take here. He can go southeast to pick up
items or descend the staircase to fight the Boss. If you choose to collect
the items, you'll have to start again from the side where you picked up
Roufus (like that's such a big deal). Fine. Once down the staircase, Blue
enters a room with a square enclosure. To the extreme left, is a huddle of
enemies. You can attempt to herd the idiots into the square enclosure
(they'll stay there) or you can fight them. Either way, your objective is
to enter the opening on the left. Once through, keep going north until you
enter a cavern with the remnants of some monstrous creature lying in
slumber. Walk up to the stone boulder to awaken the guy. For the first
round, just punch him to REALLY wake him up. Then whack him. Duh. The rune
of Victory will be yours.

For the next rune, go to the Kowloon airport and select any
destination. You'll fly, but in a much cooler contraption and to a new
place: Tanzer. Now walk up and watch the automatic sequence of the bandits
around yak. Once they're done, walk up to Fei-On (the guy with the top-knot)
and talk to him. He'll lead you and a bunch of nomads to their hideout
village. Cross the bridge and enter the cavity at the extreme right. Talk
to Fei-On and decide to co-operate with him. He'll then lead you out into
the dungeon. Follow his lead and his instructions. Blue will have to
traverse the maze via some weird vacuum doorways and sponge-like orifices.
Eventually, he'll enter another section of the dungeons with paths as
slides. Explore around, and when Fei-On suddenly appears out of nowhere,
select the first option to fight the Boss. The fight is easy. I mean, REAL
easy. You can even relegate it to your secondary team. When the fight
starts, you'll notice that all your characters have a new starter move.
Select the new move for your slowest character. And get your four fastest
characters to whack those idiotic blobs. They should be habis before you're
half done, and the way to the Energy Rune will be cleared. The last person
will do the move on the Rune and then retrieve it. And you're done. In just
one round. After Blue finds himself back in the Kowloon airport, he'll
notice he'll have a new character - a blob. The little bugger sneaked in
during all the prior commotion. Blue cannot prevent its entry; and will
have to contend with it. (In some cases, Fei-On is collectable provided
that Meiren belongs in the company; considering the fact that he is her
enstranged husband. Unfortunately, this is not possible in Blue's story.)

Now for the last rune. Ascend to the upper level of Kowloon and enter
the red door. You'll notice that it is no longer Roufus standing there, but
a purple-haired girl. Talk to her to get her to join your team. Now go out
and talk to Annie. She'll then accompany you to Despair. Follow her lead
until you come to a room with metal poles positioned at regular intervals
from each other. There are actually invisible laser beams being emited from
the poles, creating a maze. There's one one path through and Blue will have
no choice but to navigate blindly (if he makes a mistake, he'll have to
fight enemy robots). You can also activate laser beam visibility prior to
coming here. Continue from here until you see a rotating fan. Walk up to
the fan and talk to Annie. A caterpillar thingie with a skull for a head
will approach you. Defeat the thing (man, the bosses around here are just
too damn easy) and proceed to the next room. Walk up to the boulder, and
voila, the rune of Release. All four runes will draw themselves out of the
air and disappear. Blue now has the Rune powerup.
Part 4 <> The Showdown of the Twins

With an arsenal of spells, there is only one more compulsory category
left for Blue to acquire: the Time or Space spells. Before you do anything,
be sure to train with your Card or Rune spells so as to learn all the
spells within the category.

To get the Space spells, Blue will need to teleport to Duvan. Keep
walking left two screens from the airport and up the mountain path. Major
SAVE at this point; once you proceed further, there is no turning back.
Now walk up to Rei Hime, the purple-haired mystic standing meekly beneath
the autumn trees and talk to her. Blue will then be sent into Kirin's Field,
a realm of candy. Explore this place (you need to do several things to get
around, such as flipping switches, shrinking yourself and playing around
with weird but cute looking gadgets) until you reach a pearly-white
translucent flight of stairs. Walk up under the ledge and a Boss fight with
Kirin, the dragon-horse will commence. In unique cases, Kirin is a
collectable character, but since Blue requires its spells, he'll have to
fight for it. Once the Boss is defeated, Blue will possess the entire range
of Space spells. The following sequence is automatic.

For those interested in Time spells, head for Mosperiburg. Ascend the
marble staircases until you enter a throne room. Blue will then walk up and
converse with gothic-looking guy (yes, that IS a guy). He will then be
transported to Time Kingdom. Walk past the next few screens (there is only
one path) until you come to a gigantic shattered hourglass. Walk up to the
sand pile, (Blue will comment) and return to Mosperiburg. This time, the
guy will send you to Fascinateur, the native land of the mystics and
Asellus' starting point. Explore the incinerator (the cave with the crimson-
pink glow) and then travel south. In the root town, Blue can buy Mystic
spells as well as an excellent +70 sword with an inate ultimate move AND
counter (worth 3LP). To leave this place, Blue can simply teleport out, but
will be unable to return to Time Kingdom. To truly complete the place, Blue
needs to buy an item worth 1LP from a merchant (last option in the menu) to
activate the clockworks in Time Kingdom. Then ascend the mushroom staircase
to the extreme left of the town and talk to the mystic boy sitting at the
table. Blue will negotiate with him to give him a lift to Owmi. Now leave
the house and enter the door at the foot of the staircase. Talk to the
starfish and a bookcase will shift aside, revealing an opening. Run through
the cave to rendevous with the mystic boy. When back at Mosperiburg, Blue
will be sent back to Time Kingdom. Now go back to the hourglass, and run up
the brick stairs behind it. Blue will get everything up and running. Great.
Now proceed left, till you come to a drawbridge (you can of course, take
the time to satiate the burning desire of those hopping things just dying
to meet you). Activate the drawbridge, and walk through. A fight with
Tokinokimi, the Time Boss will commence. In unique cases, this mystic is a
collectable character, but since Blue requires his spells, he'll have fight
and defeat him. Upon termination of the Boss, Blue will then acquire all
the Time spells he needs. The following sequence will be automatic.

The scene changes. Wayward cliffs claw out to the infinite sky, their
silhouettes sinister and stark against the pale unforgiving visage of the
moon. Companions stand in a single ascending file, helpless but grim
spectators to the two brothers, who meet at last.

So basically what Blue needs to do is kick his brother's butt. Which
doesn't take a decent effort, really. The fight goes like this: each
brother will be given two rounds to do each of his own spells on himself or
his opponent. The rotating crystals morph into the shades of spells that
are supposed to be cast. For example, when it is time for Nova spells to be
cast, the crystals morph and the menu/title bar with display "Nova". This
means that Nova spells when cast at this time will be at their most
powerful. All other types of spells can also be cast, but are less
effective. The rotation is even, and fair. After Blue gets to do his
spells, Rouge gets to do his. The objective is to fight to till one person
loses all life points, that is, all seven of them. Rouge will have the same
LP, HP and JP as Blue at this point, but not the same stats (so training
would help). You'll notice that for every spell category that Blue is able
to cast, Rouge will possess the opposite. Note: the longer Blue takes to
explore, train, etc. before the fight, the more spells Rouge will get.
That, you'll find, will be to your advantage later.

Now if Blue chooses to lose (in his bid to show his brotherly love
and desire for reconciliation), Rouge will instead become the main
Part V <> The Omega

You'll remember that you have yet to collect the Yin powerup. Now you
can do so. Open your inventory, gawp at your current array of spells and
teleport to Kyo. Go to the Buddist temple. If you're using Rouge, you'll
have to rebuy the Yin spells. Now talk to the girl OVER THE COUNTER, then
go into the ajoining room. Walk up to the Budda statue. Now all of your
human characters have to fight on a one to one basis. Once that is over,
the Yin powerup is yours.

Now you can go ahead to the final stage, or hang around to train and
learn all the new spells (the squids at the Yorkland swamp would be nice).
Once you're ready, activate Teleportation and select the new destination:
Magic Kingdom.

Once there, all you are greeted with is a landscape of devastation.
There is nothing you can do here, so go north, on top of the pipes and down
underground. You'll see the remnants of your people littered around. The
guy on the left is still alive. Talk to him, and after relating some
information, he'll die in your arms. Go further down, all the way past the
statues of the three goddesses and to the bottom level. Fight the enemies
there and then walk up to the three glowing crystals. Retrieve them in this
order: right, left, center. Now climb back up to the ledge, cross over and
descend onto the statues. Time to do some breast-walking. Walk to the
centre goddess and talk. The crystal you collected with rise and open the
way to a new room with two rows of floating babies. Talk to the two people,
and find out the truth about the two of you, Blue and Rouge. Some enemies
will catch up with Blue and kill his friends. Now go back out, and climb
down the statues and out of the screen. More devastation. There's a room in
the corner containing a pedestal with information on the nature of the
three goddesses. Keep walking north and talk to your comrade lying in the
center of the path. This is it. The point of no return. Select the first
option and proceed into the final dungeon. (Before you do so, make sure
you've stocked up potions: healing, JP, WP restore, and others. Hell, just
spend all your money, since you won't have any use for it later.)

This place looks like a kid's idea of heaven. It's of course, an
illusion. And the innocent cherubs that flitter around are enemies. You can
decide to run into them, considering the fact that this is your last
training session. Explore the place; there are items to pick up around
here (including one that is being guarded by a sword-wielding dragon) till
you come to the foot of a flight of stairs, flanked by pedestals that emit
white smoke. SAVE. Then walk up.

Your last boss, the King of Hell, will keep morphing during the
battle. After the fifth transformation or deleption of approx 100,000 HP,
the game will end.


GAME SECRETS-------------------0

SaGa Frontier does provide a new/secret area to the players who
persevere, known as the 'Programmer's Room'.

Here's an idea what you'll find there: a gathering of the seven Last
Bosses in the throne room in Mosperiburg, along with a SD version of the
gothic guy accessing how you've played the game. Coupled with that lots of
miscellaneous stuff and gaming secrets.

Here's how to get there: at the start of the game, select any
character. The next screen will prompt you select a memory block. Select
the third option (fourth if you're using your second memory slot). The
subsequent screens will require that you enter your name, bloodtype, etc.

Everytime you start a new character, remember to select the first
option in the memory block menu (second for second slot). Upon completion
of all seven characters, the new area is automatically accessible.


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Gespeichert vor dem letzten Boss mit guten Fähigkeiten um das Spiel zu beenden.

17.Октябрь 2013
Vor dem letzter Gegner mit guten Fähigkeiten um diesen zu besiegen.

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MEC Data Guide FAQ

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Combo FAQ

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Alle Spezials freigeschaltet.

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T260 FAQ

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T260 FAQ

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Skill FAQ

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Scrap Shop FAQ

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Riki FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Red Guide

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Monsters FAQ

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Lute FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Junk Shop FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Help Sheet FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Emilia FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
Dummies FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Combos FAQ

11.Октябрь 2013
Blue Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
Blue Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Blue Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
Asellus FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

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17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats
10.Октябрь 2008
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