Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

17.10.2013 04:19:47

A Warrior takes sword in hand, clasping a gem to heart.
Engraving vanishing memories into the Sword,
He places finely honed skills into the stone,
Spoken from the sword, Handed down from the Stone.
Now the story can be told...
Square presents...

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Playstation --- North American Version

LAST UPDATED: October 10, 2000
AUTHOR: Jeff Chan [Atom Edge]

---------------------------[ LEGAL INFORMATION ]---------------------------

Copyright 2000 by Atom Edge
All rights reserved

This document was created and maintained by Atom Edge, it's author. It is
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:: VG Strategies
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1.1 Author's Note
1.2 Contact Info
1.3 Revision History
1.4 Prelude

2.01 Ramza Beoulve
2.02 Mustadio Bunanza
2.03 Agrias Oaks
2.04 Rafa Galthana
2.05 Malak Galthana
2.06 Cidolfas Orlandu
2.07 Meliadoul Tingel
2.08 Beowulf Kadmus
2.09 Worker 8
2.10 Reis Dular
2.11 Cloud Strife
2.12 Byblos

3.01 Squire
3.02 Chemist
3.03 Knight
3.04 Archer
3.05 Priest
3.06 Wizard
3.07 Monk
3.08 Thief
3.09 Time Mage
3.10 Oracle
3.11 Lancer
3.12 Geomancer
3.13 Summoner
3.14 Mediator
3.15 Samurai
3.16 Ninja
3.17 Calculator
3.18 Bard
3.19 Dancer
3.20 Mime

4.01 Final Fantasy IV
4.02 Final Fantasy VI
4.03 Final Fantasy VII
4.04 Final Fantasy VIII
4.05 Chrono Trigger [ from Danyal Herder]
4.06 Suikoden
4.07 Suikoden II
4.08 Vandal Hearts
4.09 Saga Frontier
4.10 Xenogears
4.11 Ronin Warriors: Dark Warlords [ from Tengu Man ]
4.12 X-Men [ from Tetragenian ]
4.13 Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete [ from Tetragenian ]
4.14 Breath of Fire III [ from Tetragenian ]
4.15 Star Ocean II: Second Story [ from Tetragenian ]
4.16 Breath of Fire III [ from Billy Lee ]

5.1 General Equip Strategies
5.2 Hints and Tips
5.3 Tricks Galore

6.1 General Questions
6.2 The Best
6.3 "Interesting" Inquiries

7.1 Credits and Special Thanks
7.2 Final Words

111 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
11 --------------------------[ INTRODUCTION ]---------------------------
11 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

1.1 Author's Note

Final Fantasy Tactics. What can I say? This is easily my favorite game of all
time, and will most likely stay that way. I've played my life into this game.
Nothing has ever hogged so much of my time. It's truly a classic game that
should live on as an icon to the gaming industry.

This was the first guide I ever wrote for the public. It's basically a guide
that covers some ways to equip your characters. This guide is something I've
taken a lot of time to create. So, enjoy it.

Oh, by the way, the character section is a huge spoiler. I included a profile
of each character who permanently joins your party.

1.2 Contact Info

My e-mail is Be forewarned though as if your email
is pointless (see below) I will delete and ignore it. No question about it, no

The following are the messages I will answer.
:: Webmasters who want to host this guide
:: Criticism either positive or negative (with reasoning)
:: Contributions
:: Corrections
:: General Talk on the Game or this Guide
:: Anything I might find helpful

Not only will I not answer the following, but I'll delete them on sight and add
your email to my filter.
:: Questions already answered
:: Questions regarding how to play the game
:: Questions on how to beat a part of the game*
:: Questions about another game
:: Question not related to something in this FAQ
:: Death Threats - yes, I've gotten these before**
:: Viruses and Trojans - and these too**
:: SPAM - I don't care for your half assed money making schemes
:: Chain Letters - what would compel you to think I would want these
:: Anything Rude - this is obvious
:: No subject line - if you can't even write a subject line it's pathetic***

* This one really annoys me. There are plenty of great guides out there that
are written for the express purpose of helping you through the game. Check
those (listed in the credits section). My guide is written for Character
Set Ups, not written as a walkthrough. If I were willing to write an email
explaining how to beat something, I would've put it in here. If it's not
here, then I probably won't write it, be it into this guide or in e-mail.

** These get special treatment. I don't just delete them and filter your
e-mail, I will report these to your ISP. This will get your internet
connection summarily terminated. Also, as far as death threats, or any
threats and things that are illegal activities, they will be reported to
the police, or any other authorities. I will not hesitate. I've gotten
people expelled from high school when they e-mailed a death threat using
a school computer. I do not tolerate crap of any kind.

*** I am an extremely lazy person, but I wrote this guide. There is no
excuse for being too lazy to write something the subject line of an
e-mail. A simple "Final Fantasy Tactics" is more than enough, and even
then some people can't do that. Also, something like 'Hey' will also be
ignored unless you've emailed me before I know who you are. I get an
enormous amount of junk mail, and if I can't tell what your e-mail is
about before I even read it, then I'm going to consider it junk.

If I haven't covered whatever type of message you might want to send, rest
assured it's most like one that I will not answer. To make sure that you don't
ask a question I've already answered, please check the Frequently Asked
Questions. Please. If you still can't find it there, use Ctrl + F. This will
let you search the document making it easier to find things.

At this point, you probably are thinking I'm such an **** *******. Personally,
it doesn't matter. I've gotten loads of crap e-mail, and I simply don't have
the time to deal with it. My life is extremely stressful, and when I take a
great deal of time and effort to sit down and write a guide, I don't want to be
drowning in pointless crap. I'm sorry for the restrictions on e-mail, but that
is just how it has to be. Also, if you do send in an e-mail and it does have
merit, please be patient. I don't check my e-mail everyday, and I can take
quite awhile to respond.

1.3 Revision History

Version 1.0 - February 27, 2000
- First started making this guide

Version 1.5 - February 29, 2000
- Added a completely new section
- Updated the Wanted list

Version 2.0 - March 3, 2000
- Added a new team
- few minor adjustments

Version 2.5 - March 4, 2000
- Added my Final Fantasy VIII team
- The Chrono Trigger Team was contributed by Danyal Herder
- minor spelling errors corrected

Version 3.0 - March 5, 2000
- Added my Suikoden team
- Added my Vandal Hearts team

Version 3.1 - March 7, 2000
- Added a Suikoden II team

Version 3.2 - March 9, 2000
- Added my team

Version 4.0 - March 11, 2000
- Added the Saga Frontier team
- Added a reccomended equip for all normal classes

Version 4.1 - March 14, 2000
- Added my Review

Version 4.2 - March 16, 2000
- Added a few contributions
- Fixed a word wrapping problem

Version 4.5 - April 1, 2000
- Added Black Mage's contributions
- Added my Xenogears team
- Fixed a few grammar problems

Version 4.51 - April 24, 2000
- Added a tip, one that I've been getting e-mail over since who knows when.

Version 4.52 - June 13, 2000
- Due to certain circumstances, I've decided to delete a line out of an
evaluation of my Xenogears team.

Version 4.7 - June 21, 2000
- Added Tengu Man's Ronin Warrior Team

Version 5.25 - July 10, 2000
- Added Tetragenian's 4 teams.
- Bit of polishing to the guide

Version 5.5 - August 20, 2000
- Changed format a little bit
- Polishing
- Changed ASCII art title
- Updated Copyright Info
- Took away Wanted Section
- Changed Intro to Contact Info

Version 5.6 - September 4, 2000
- Added Billy Lee's Breath of Fire III team

Version 5.61 - September 6, 2000
- Minor fixes
- Check Annoucement

Version 6.0 - September 6, 2000
- Changed Format
- Revised the Table of Contents
- Changed Major Characters section
- Changed Job Characters section
- Updated Legal Information
- Updated Contact Information
- Added the Prelude section
- Removed the Review
- Major Polishing Up
- Still to come: Level Up/Level Down Trick
Frequently Asked Questions
Change the format of the Party Strategies
More Equip Strategies

Version 6.1 - September 22, 2000
- Few grammar mistakes
- Copyright slightly changed
- Added Frequently Asked Questions
- Added a few Equip Strategies
- Added the Level Up/Level Down Trick
- Still to come: Change format of the Party Strategies
Any other things that would help the guide

Version 7.0 - October 10, 2000
- Small adjustments to the Character section
- Party Strategies Section redone completely
- Adjustments to FAQ and Section 5
- Minor changes to format and content all over the guide
- Copyright and Contact Info slightly edited
- Changed the Final Words section [Read it]
- ASCII Title Change
- Still to come: Edit Section 5

1.4 Prelude

I am Alazlam, a scholar of ancient Ivalice history...

Have you ever heard of the "Lion War"?

It divided Ivalice in two over who would be the successor to the throne.
It ended with the appearance of a young hero named Delita.

Everybody living here knows this hero's tale...
But we also know that what we see with our eyes alone...
isn't necessarily the truth.

Here stands a young man, the youngest Beoulve in the order of knighthood.
There's no record of his playing an active part in history but...

According to the "Durai Report" released last year
(concealed for many years by the church),
this unknown man is the true hero...

The church claims he was a blasphemer and anarchist -- the root of all evil...

But is this the "truth?"
Won't you join us on a journey for the "truth?"

2222 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
22 ------------------------[ MAIN CHARACTERS ]--------------------------
222 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

2.01 Ramza Beoulve

OTHER ALIAS: Ramza Ruglia POSITION: Heredic
ZODIAC SIGN: (Up to you) CLASS: Squire

Balbanes - Father
Dycedarg - Eldest Brother
Zalbag - Older Brother
Alma - Younger Sister

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ivalice was brought to peace under the rule of Delita Hyral, the hero of
the Lion War, who was born a peasant. The history books have labeled him a

The truth, though, is far different. In Gallione, Ivalice, is was a
powerful family, the Beoulves. Serving under Prince Larg, the family was
one of the strongest influences of Ivalice. During the Fifty Years' War,
the head of the family, Balbanes Beoulve, was hailed to be the one who
ended the war. His skills were so fearful that his might alone forced
consideration of a peace treaty.

Balbanes later died of poison, and was survived by his four children.
Dycedarg was the eldest, whom became a Duke and resumed his father's
position as Prince Larg's right hand man. Zalbag, Balbanes' second son,
became the general of the fearsome Hokuten Knights when Dycedarg (on
Balbanes' request) stepped down. Zalbag was recognized to be so strong
that he only had two equals in all of history, his father, and the Thunder
God Cid. Balbanes' third son was named Ramza. His only daughter was his
youngest child, Alma. Both Alma and Ramza were illegitimate children.

Ramza grew up without the support of his family, as he was illegitimate and
his brothers had more important things to attend to. Alma was the closest
to him, as she was the same age, but Ramza hardly considered her his friend.
Ramza befriended a peasent whose family worked in caring for the Beoulve's
chocobos. This peasent was Delita Hyral. Soon the two became best friends,
and with Balbanes' influence, Teta, Delita's sister, was sent to a school
along with Alma. Ramza and Delita attended Gariland's prestigious school
of war.

At this point, Balbanes passes away. Ramza and Delita become great
swordsman, ranking at the top of their class. Soon a group called the
Death Corps forms. The Death Corps were low ranking citizens that fought
in the Fifty Years' War. During the war, while they fought, their
possessions were taken away. Now they want them back, and to be treated
with the respect they deserve for their efforts in the war. They began to
terroize Ivalice under their leader, Weigraf Folles.

Ivalice is still recovering from the Fifty Years' War so they started to
deploy cadets to aid in the supression of the Death Corps and other riots.
When the Death Corps reach Gariland, Ramza is sent with command of a few
other cadets and his friend Delita. When returning to Igras Castle from
their first victory they encounter an injured cadet whose about to be
killed by some scattered Death Corps. This is Algus Sadalfas.

Algus' family was once noble, but his family lost their rank and pride.
Algus would stop at nothing to regain the rank his family once held. The
young cadet was part of a team that protected Marquis Elmdor of Limberry.
They were attacked and the Death Corps kidnapped the Marquis. Algus, joins
Ramza and Delita and the three eventually rescue the Marquis. Later, Algus
and Delita get on bad terms and Algus leaves the party. Teta is later
captured by the Death Corps who think she is a Beoulve. In an attempt by
Ramza and Delita to save Teta, she is killed by Algus. Delita in turn
kills Algus. The fort they were at is blown up, and Delita is caught in it.

Ramza runs. He runs away from his life, his name and everything he knew.
Little did Ramza know that this would eventually lead him to who who really
was. He takes the name "Ramza Ruglia" and joins a mercenary Gaff Gafgarion.
Gafgarion was hired to protect Princess Ovelia. When the Nanten, the
equals of the Hokuten Knights, attack Orbonne Monastory, a battle ensues.
Ovelia is kidnapped by Delita in the process.

Now Ramza joins Agrias Oaks, Ovelia's bodyguard, in an attempt to rescue
the princess. This quest leads him to lost both his brothers, get his
sister kidnapped, and uncover the conspiracies that truly brought about
the evils of the Lion War.

In order to rescue his sister, he fights the armies of hell and in the
process saves Ivalice. Delita, eventually married Princess Ovelia and
became Ivalice's king.

Ramza's story is irony in it's purest form. The bastard fought and battled
with evil gods and only wanted to save his sister. Instead he saves the
very world. Delita became obsessed with power, the thing he needed most to
save Teta. He used everyone but went down in the history books as the
world's savior. In the very end, Ovelia and Delita killed each other, and
with his dying breath, Delita asked why Ramza fought when he didn't gain
any power or fame. Delita was once the only person who understood Ramza
and through his choice of roads in life, he fell blind to what he once
fought for too.

He fell blind to the fact that Ramza fought his battle through a land where
conspiracies and betrayal were a way of life, through a land where his
brothers killed each other, through world where people only cared for power.
He fell blind because he changed his life to achieve power, when Ramza
fought against that very power that had made men evil.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Out of all the special characters, Ramza is the most underrated. People
keep complianing that his skill sucks compared to T.G. Cid. My answer to
this is 'no crap'. You're comparing Guts to Holy Swordskill. That's real
fair. On the other hand, if you compare the character, they aren't too
far apart in actuality.

As far as base stats go, Ramza is like every other main character of every
other game on the planet. He's well rounded. Decent HP, attack, magic,
speed and dodging ability.

Ramza is basically a normal character that is pumped up. It's hard to
notice it early on, but he really is.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Scream -
Very potent as with one casting, you raise Brave, AT, MA, and speed

- Cheer Up -
Great for permanently raising brave

- Yell -
Good for long battle where it'll take awhile to get to the enemy, or
for searching the Deep Dungeon

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Variety
Fa ~ 97 - Power
- Speed
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Blade Grasp
Left Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Range
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Power Sleeve WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Bracer - No decent multi hitting attacks
- Focuses on power, leaving some
Primary Ability ~ Guts defense gone (no shield, strong
Secondary Ability ~ Throw armor, ect.
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

Basically a quick killing machine. The Excalibur and Thief Hat provide
plenty of speed, and the Bracer, Power Sleeve, and Chaos Blade provide
tremendous power. Move + 3 makes Ramza like a jeep, he can get anywhere.
Blade Grasp provides some protection, and he has Guts' variety. With
Move + 3 and such high AT, Ramza can utilize Throw very well.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 97 - Different types of attacks
- Abilities provide ranged attacks
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin - Great Defense
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Strong Balance
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet - No magic defense because except
Gold Escutcheon
Primary Ability ~ Jump - Slow
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Another well balanced Ramza. Draw Out allows healing, and combined with
the Gold Escutcheon and Abandon, Ramza could very well be unkillable.
Robe of Lords makes Draw Out stronger, and provides decent protection.
The heavy armors aren't nessessary, as the shield and reaction abilities
prevent too much damage. Draw out and Jump provide for long range attacks
and the Attack Up helps make the Ultimate Javelien rip opponents up.

2.02 Mustadio Bunanza

ZODIAC SIGN: Taurus CLASS: Engineer
SEX: Male ABILITY: Snipe

Besrodio Bunanza - Father

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Before Ivalice took on it's medieval roots, there was a civilization. In
this civilization, a thing called technology existed. The civilization
was far more advanced than anything in all of time. But something the
civilization suffered. Something happened and it and all of the wonders
were lost. Technology was lost.

Now in Goug Machine City, ancient relics of the past have appeared. And
thus mechanics came about. People who uncovered the ancient technology
and restored it. Among these mechanics are a father and his son.

Mustadio grew up an engineer working alongside his father Besrodio.
Together they uncovered something that would shake the very world and very
nearly destroy it. They uncovered a Holy Zodiac Stone...

The Zodiac Stone would give life to some of the relics they uncovered. But
it's true purpose was to give life to the spirits of hell. When they
uncovered the stone, they were immediately pursued. A group using the
front of "Bart Company" an importer, immediately attacked Mustadio's home
and Besrodio sent him away with the stone.

Cornered and about to be captured, he has a chance encounter with Ramza
Beoulve. With Ramza's help he fights of his enemies, and eventually joins
Ramza in a fight for the world's very existance.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Mustadio is a very unique character. He's basically the first NPC you get,
and usually will last you to the end. His skills are immensly helpful if
they connect, and he's got range with his gun. Also, Mustadio is a very
good character to turn into a chemist.

Though he isn't powerful, he's a nice utility. He can serve as great
support and cripple most enemies. Try him out, he can't be worse than
anyone else you have.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Arm Aim -
Extremely useful since it's the simplest wat to make a character not
be able to act. Useful early on.

- Leg Aim -
Later in the game this overshadows Arm Aim. The reason being is since
powerful spells take so long to cast, people just move away. This
screws them. Also, if they cant hit you from far away, you can use
this and piss 'em off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Chemist STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Range
Fa ~ 84 - Quick Healing
- Invite
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Can't take hits too well
Armor ~ Rubber Costume - No offense
Accessory ~ Angel Ring

Primary Ability ~ Items
Secondary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Monster Talk
Movement ~ Move + 3

This set up is ideal for ever battle. Mustadio can wear enemies down from
long range and heal any injured. In the event that there is a monster you
like, or a character holding good equipment, Mustadio can just invite. The
Angel Ring and Auto Potion will keep him alive long enough for him to run
away with Move + 3.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Engineer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Range
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- A bit of longevity
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun - Crippling abilities
Left Hand ~ Kaiser Plate
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - No healing
Accessory ~ Angel Ring - Weak offense

Primary Ability ~ Snipe
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Equip Shield
Movement ~ Move + 3

Great support character. Can either cripple enemies with Snipe, or can
lower their performance with Battle Skill. Speed is an asset as if you
miss, you can try again. They Kaiser Plate is for protection and added
strength to the Blast Gun.

2.03 Agrias Oaks

OTHER ALIAS: --- POSITION: Princess' Bodyguard
ZODIAC SIGN: Cancer CLASS: Holy Knight
SEX: Female ABILITY: Holy Sword

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Agrias is a knight whose sole duty is to protect Princess Ovelia. She is
a powerful warrior. Her devotion to the knight's honor is strong.

As the head knight at Orbonne Monastory, she fought off the Nanten Knights
that were sent by Goltana, with the help of Ramza and, reluctantly,
Gafgarion. During this skirmish, Delita kidnapped Ovelia.

With this, she joined Ramza in his quest for the future of the very world.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Agrias is the first character you get that can rip people up. Real easy.
She has great abilities, and strong AT. The only problem is that she is
slow and has bad range in her normal class. Scratch that, she just has
bad speed and range, period.

Later in the game she gets supremely handicapped by this. You can remedy
it somewhat with the Excalibur and move uppers, but why wouldn't you just
spend those on someone who is already better?

In the late game, her only saving grace is that she is a female. Females
own in Final Fantasy Tactics. Perfumes are great.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Lightning Stab -
Very good range, coupled with good power, and multiple enemies being
hit, and you got a great ability. You'll be using this like crazy
when you get it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Holy Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Immortal
Fa ~ 84 - Immune to status effects
- Strong abilities
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Slow if Speed Save doesn't keep
Armor ~ Robe of Lords working
Accessory ~ Chantage - Teleport backfires

Primary Ability ~ Holy Sword
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Teleport

This is actually a pretty good set up for her. Normally she's crippled by
speed and movement. If it enough, Speed Save will make it so that she is
extremely fast. Teleport will somewhat remedy the movement, but it does
backfire if you get to greedy. Holy Sword is always good for hitting
multiple enemies and you could manipulate Two Hands and just whack the guy.
Steal is nice in the event you want to charm.

2.04 Rafa Galthana

ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces CLASS: Heaven Knight
SEX: Female ABILITY: Truth

Malak Galthana - Twin brother

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Her family was a clan. She was born as a twin along with Malak, and they
inherited the secret of their bloodline. Twin skills that used opposite

Duke Barinten, "the Weapon Lord," wanted their power. The clan elder flat
refused. Bariten was enraged. If he couldn't turn them into his weapons,
they wouldn't exist. Barinten set the clan village on fire. Strangely,
the twins survived. The Duke was delighted.

The twins had suffered trauma from the death of their family and Barinten
used this to his advantaged. He took the two in and raised them to be his

In truth, both Malak and Rafa knew the truth. Malak had grown into comfort
with Barinten and eventually clocked it from his mind. Rafa remembered.
She remembered and couldn't bring her self to do anything.

Malak decided he would attack and kill the heretic Ramza Beoulve before he
reached Riovanes Castle to save his sister. Rafa asked for Ramza's help
and she was forced to fight her own brother.

When Ramza reached Riovanes, Rafa confronted Barinten and Malak overheard
Barinten's confession. He was killed saving Rafa from Barinten. Later,
the Holy Zodiac Stone brought his life back and he too joined Ramza.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Out of all the special classes, I think Rafa and Malaks' are the worse.
Random hits and horrible strength describe their skills very nicely. Or
better yet, 'pure crap' sounds more descriptive.

Both of them suck horribly. The only purpose they serve is the same as
_anyone_ could. Not worth it at all.

Rafa's only saving grace is that she is a female. But personally, I'd
rather use a generic character.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- (none) -
How nice...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Heaven Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - (none)
Fa ~ 84
Right Hand ~ Mace of Zeus - Crap attributes
Left Hand ~ --- - Crap Skills
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Crap character
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Truth
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Teleport

Horrible class, but if you're going to use her, you might as well marvel in
all her crappiness. Speed Save with the Ribbon and Chantage are just good.
Math Skill will be the thing you should use most with her, so Magic Attack
Up is extremely helpful.

2.05 Malak Galthana

ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini CLASS: Hell Knight
SEX: Male ABILITY: Un-Truth

Rafa Galthana - Twin sister

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Her family was a clan. She was born as a twin along with Malak, and they
inherited the secret of their bloodline. Twin skills that used opposite

Duke Barinten, "the Weapon Lord," wanted their power. The clan elder flat
refused. Bariten was enraged. If he couldn't turn them into his weapons,
they wouldn't exist. Barinten set the clan village on fire. Strangely,
the twins survived. The Duke was delighted.

The twins had suffered trauma from the death of their family and Barinten
used this to his advantaged. He took the two in and raised them to be his

In truth, both Malak and Rafa knew the truth. Malak had grown into comfort
with Barinten and eventually clocked it from his mind. Rafa remembered.
She remembered and couldn't bring her self to do anything.

Malak decided he would attack and kill the heretic Ramza Beoulve before he
reached Riovanes Castle to save his sister. Rafa asked for Ramza's help
and she was forced to fight her own brother.

When Ramza reached Riovanes, Rafa confronted Barinten and Malak overheard
Barinten's confession. He was killed saving Rafa from Barinten. Later,
the Holy Zodiac Stone brought his life back and he too joined Ramza.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Out of all the special classes, I think Rafa and Malaks' are the worse.
Random hits and horrible strength describe their skills very nicely. Or
better yet, 'pure crap' sounds more descriptive.

Both of them suck horribly. The only purpose they serve is the same as
_anyone_ could. Not worth it at all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- (ability to die) -
This is effective for every turn too

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Hell Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - longevity
Fa ~ 03 - Quick Healing

Right Hand ~ Octagon Rod WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Un-Truth
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - It's Malak
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Angel Ring

Primary Ability ~ Un-Truth
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Throw Item
Movement ~ Move + 3

At least this Malak can survive. Low Faith gives magic cover and Blade
Grasp gives physical attack cover. Angel Ring is backup in case it's
needed. Basically use Malak as a chemist. About all he can handle
without making a complete ass of himself.

2.06 Cidolfas Orlandu

OTHER ALIAS: Thunder God Cid POSITION: Ex General of Nanten Knights
ZODIAC SIGN: Libra CLASS: Holy Swordsman
SEX: Male ABILITY: All Swordskill

Olan Durai - Step Son

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Orlandu is the leader of the Nanten Knights, the equals of the Hokuten.
Much like Balbanes served Larg, Orlandu serves Goltana. Though they serve
apposing lords, the two were good friends. In the Fifty Years' War, they
both led undefeated armies and have always been considered equals.

Of all of Ivalices history, Orlandu is the strongest, only equaled by
Balbanes and Zalbag Beoulve. During the Lion War, Orlandu knew the truth
from the beginning. When he tried to convince Goltana to end the war,
Goltana began questioning Orlandu's loyalty.

The Church then framed Orlandu of treason, and Goltana sentenced him to
death. He was held at Bethla Garrison to await his execution. Olan had
Ramza free him.

At this point, Delita, who had since gianed Goltana's trust and taken over
the Nanten, killed Goltana. He then framed Orlandu for the death, and
killed a man dressed as Orlandu to make the world believe the Thunder God
had died.

Orlandu now hides with Ramza and aids him with his unparalleled techniques.
Orlandu is also the one who bears the Libra Holy Zodiac Stone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Orlandu is beyond demi-god. This character has the most dominant character
I've seen in all my gaming experience. Nobody can compare at all. Kills
anything you want. No doubt about it.

He's got pumped up stats, with huge attack, HP, speed and defense. Also
he's got multiple hitting moves, with great range. Add in a move that
heals him for whatever damage he does (and that's a lot) and the ability
to totally cripple any human. 'Thunder God' is an understatement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Stasis Sword -
His first multiple hitting move. Not the best of range, but on
Orlandu, it doesn't matter since he'll decimate enemies anyway.

- Lightning Stab -
Best ranged multiple hitting attack. Strong as hell. Will rip
enemies like nobody's business.

- Hellcry Punch -
Make any humans worthless instantly. If you don't kill them that

- Night Sword -
Gafgarion's move. Orlandu's much better with it. He hits enough
to kill almost any character in one hit and he gets all the HP
back. Just don't use it on the undead.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Holy Swordsman STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - He's Orlandu
Fa ~ 84 - Immense Attack
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Fast as hell
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Can't be touched
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Range
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer WEAKNESSES:
- makes the game too easy
Primary Ability ~ All Swordskill - then again, the game is already
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art easy =]
Reaction ~ Damage Split
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This Orlandu will kill anything it sees. Anything at all. All Swordskill
rips. Punch Art is there as support and backup. The Thief Hat and Robe
of Lords adds so much support. Damage Spilt is there in case something
gets past the Gold Escutcheon. Since Orlandu can take damage, might as
well make the other person take damage too.

2.07 Meliadoul Tingel

OTHER ALIAS: --- POSITION: Shrine Knight
ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius CLASS: Divine Knight
SEX: Female ABILITY: Mighty Sword

Vormav Tingel - Father
Izlude Tingel - Younger Brother

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Meliadoul is the daughter of Vormav, the leader of the Murond Shrine
Knights, who are attempting the revivial of Lucavi. Her and her brother
Izlude were aiding their father. What they didn't know was that he had
already become possessed by the demon Hashmalum.

At Riovanes, Vormav transformed into Hashmalum, and attacked the guards.
Izlude, who had accompanied him, witnessed that the demon was no longer his
father, and attacked. He was killed in the fight.

At Bervenia Free City, Ramza encountered Meliadoul. She had assumed that
the heretic was the killer of her brother and attacked. She retreated when
she was overpowered by Razma, she swore she would fight him another day,
which would be the day he dies.

In an attempt to find his sister, Ramza travelled to Limberry Castle, home
of the now possessed Marquis Elmdor. In a battle against Zalera, the demon
whom had possessed Elmdor, Meliadoul walked in. Realizing that Ramza had
not lied about her father on the previous encounter, she aided him in the
defeat of Zalera. Afterwards, she joined sides with him to avenge her

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Meliadoul is a decent character. She's decently well rounded in terms of
attributes. Her skills rule.

There's just a few problems. Her skills only work on characters that are
human and have something equipped. The Mighty Sword is worthless on
monsters. Also, by the time you get her, Orlandu has already been on the
team, and he's better ten fold.

If you like her, there's no penalty to using her, especially since she a
female, but I never really bothered.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Hellcry Punch -
Make any humans worthless instantly. Without a weapon most enemies
can't do anything.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Divine Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Strong
Fa ~ 84 - Fast
- Immortal
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Immune to Status effects
Left Hand ~ Excalibur - Can charm
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Chantage - Mighty Sword ineffective against
Primary Ability ~ Mighty Sword
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 2

Since Meliadoul's skills are worthless to monsters, she needs the extra
boost from the Chaos Blade. The Chantage and Ribbon make her immortal,
and the A Save will make her extremely fast. Steal is helpful as she can
charm enemies. Also the Ribbon will keep her from being charmed and
breaking all of your stuff. With her equipment, she has Haste, Protect,
Shell, Regen, and Reraise on at all times.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Divine Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Strong
Fa ~ 84 - Fast
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Immune to Status effects
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Gold Escutcheon
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Secret Clothes WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Setiesmon - Mighty Sword ineffective against
Primary Ability ~ Mighty Sword - Low HP
Secondary Ability ~ Jump
Reaction ~ A Save
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move HP Up

Jump works quite well with Meliadoul. Couple in the Chaos Blade, Attack Up,
and A Save for extreme power. The A Save is better here than Speed Save
since she isn't immortal and if she dies with extreme speed, she might be
lost before you can revive. Her Low HP is remedied by the Gold Escutcheon,
Regen, and Move HP Up.

2.08 Beowulf Kadmus

OTHER ALIAS: --- POSITION: Ex General of Lionel Knights
ZODIAC SIGN: Libra CLASS: Temple Knight
SEX: Male ABILITY: Magic Sword


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Beowulf was once the Leader of Lionel's Holy Knights. One of Lionel's
priests, Count Buremonda was envious of Reis' love for Beowulf.

He cast a powerful spell on Reis that turned her into dragon and sent her
away from Lionel. Then he used his position and branded Beowulf a heretic.

Beowulf then began his search for his beloved Reis. His journey took him
to Lesalia where he heard a rumor that a Holy Dragon was within Goland Coal

Here he encountered Ramza Beoulve, a fellow unjustly branded heredic. With
Ramza's aid, he rescued Reis. Later after the defeat of Worker 7 *New* at
the Nelveska Temple, Ramza received a holy stone. With the power of this
holy stone, Reis was returned to her own form.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Beowulf is one of the best characters. True, all he is a pumped up Oracle,
but how is this a bad thing? Status effects rule in Tactics. Though his
spells take MP, they don't have to charge, which is a huge help.

Also, Beowulf is incredibly accurate in terms of his spells. Add inthe fact
that he can be in a Knight type class, and you've got a powerful warrior.

By the way, his abilities are just awesome...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Chicken -
This move lowers brave by 50 points. When an opponent currently has
less than 10 brave points, they become a chicken. They receive one
brave point ever round until they have 10 or more. Two castings make
anyone a chicken. Don't forget that this is an extremely accurate
move. You won't know it's true potential until you use it, but it is
the best ability in the game.

- Don't Act -
Instantly casts Don't Act on an opponent. Usually about 70% - 80%

- Sleep -
Put's opponent to sleep. Usually about 70% - 80% accuracy.

- Break -
Instantly petrifys an opponent. Don't want to fight, instantly end
an opponents annoyance.

- Shock! -
A specialty move. The damage done by this attack is:
(Your Max HP) - (Current HP) = (Attack done by this move). It's
usually not worth it, but on occassion, it's extremely potent. The
reason being, that it's got INCREDIBLE range and always hits. If
Beowulf had a lot of HP to begin with, and got killed and revived,
this is the perfect move to use.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Temple Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 16 - Chicken =] (yea it's that good)
Fa ~ 84 - Other Magic Sword abilities
- Quick Healing and MP replenishing
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Longevity
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Robe of Lords - No real offense except for spells
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes like Break
- Bad Range and AT
Primary Ability ~ Magic Sword
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Half of MP
Movement ~ Move Find Item

Beowulf is heavily revolved around his Magic Sword abilities. With this
set up, he's the ideal character for the Deep Dungeon. He's got the
Excalibur and Sprint Shoes to speed him up. The Robe of Lords, and Half
of MP helps out with his MP consumption. Gold Escutcheon protects him
from most attacks, and Abandon is used since you have to make every
reaction count with him (he gets so few cause of brave). Items is in
case he's hurt or to replenish the lost MP.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Temple Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Chicken =] (yea it's that good)
Fa ~ 84 - Other Magic Sword abilities
- Strong
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Range
Left Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Long Range attack
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - No way to replenish MP

Primary Ability ~ Magic Sword
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

This is basically your post Deep Dungeon Beowulf. He can now hit for
pretty good. Throw is also helpful with Move + 3. The only problem is
that he can run out of HP with no means to replenish except Aspel. Not
a big problem since he can just start whacking people with Excalibur
and Chaos Blade when that happens.

2.09 Worker 8

ZODIAC SIGN: ??? CLASS: Steel Giant
SEX: --- ABILITY: Work

Worker 7 *new* - Brother =]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


In an ancient civilization, giant robot were build to serve as the world's
primary source of labor. Eventually, this civilization was destroyed and
with it, techonology.

Now in Goug Machine City, ancient relics of the past have appeared. And
thus mechanics came about. People who uncovered the ancient technology
and restored it. Among these mechanics are a father and his son, Mustadio.

Mustadio left on a quest with Ramza Beoulve. During this time, Besrodio,
the father, uncovered a strange sphere shaped mechine. He couldn't figure
out how to work it. At this time Ramza and Mustadio stopped by.

When Ramza went to inspect it, the sphere reacted to a Holy Zodiac Stone.
Later in their quest, they ran across Beowulf. When he decided to join,
he gave Ramza another Holy Stone. When they went to Goug, the sphere
reacted to this stone and came to life. Now he joins Ramza, whom it
thinks is it's master.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


As far as a character goes, Worker 8 isn't the top of the line. He's very
strong, yes, but all his abilities take away his HP. He's permanently
innocent meaning he can't be hurt by magic, and also can't be healing. The
only means to heal this giant is through items.

All in all, there are a lot more characters that serve more use. You get
much more bang with Worker 8, but in the end it's not worth it. He can't
utilize good equipment either.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Dispose -
Immense range. Strong has hell. Takes away HP.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hmmmm.... can't really help you here.

2.10 Reis Dular

ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces CLASS: Dragoner
SEX: Female ABILITY: Dragon


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Reis is the sweetheart of Lionel's Former Head of Knights, Beowulf Kadmus.
Her beauty caught the eye of not only Beowulf, though, it also caught the
eye of a powerful priest, Count Buremonda. When he finally gave in to the
fact that he would never have Reis' love, he became enraged.

He cast a powerful spell on Reis that turned her into dragon and sent her
away from Lionel. Then he used his position and branded Beowulf a heretic.

Beowulf then began his search for his beloved Reis. His journey took him
to Lesalia where he heard a rumor that a Holy Dragon was within Goland Coal

Here he encountered Ramza Beoulve, a fellow unjustly branded heredic. With
Ramza's aid, he rescued Reis. Later after the defeat of Worker 7 *New* at
the Nelveska Temple, Ramza received a holy stone. With the power of this
holy stone, Reis was returned to her own form and finally reunited with

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Best character in the game sums her up real nice. *grasp* Yea, I've heard
it all, about how she can't equip much, how Orlandu is better, and all this
other kind of snap. They are all wrong.

Why is she good? Well here's a general breakdown:
:: Best natural base HP of any class
:: Best natural base MP of any class
:: Best base Speed of any class
:: Best MA of any class
:: Second highest natural AT (only second to Orlandu)
:: Natural Two Swords ability
:: and she's female

Basically, she's got the best stats for everything, and second in AT only to
T.G. Cid. This is amazing. So what if she can't equip items, she wipes out
entire teams in the first turn of the battle quite often. Refer to the set
up below.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Ice Bracelet -
Decently Strong attack. Not entirely bad range. Ice Damage.

- Fire Bracelet -
Decently Strong attack. Not entirely bad range. Thunder Damage.

- Thunder Bracelet -
Decently Strong attack. Not entirely bad range. Fire Damage.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Dragoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - It's Reis
Fa ~ 84 - Can end the match in the first turn
- Longevity
Right Hand ~ H Bag - High HP, MP, AT, MA, and Speed
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ --- - errr... nothing really
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Dragon
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Cheapness personified. Reis is the fastest in the game, and with Haste and
a little added help from the H Bag, she will most likely start the battle.
If this happens, a very wicked grin will form on your face, trust me. The
Math Skill, if used right, can completely wipe out the other team. Magic
Attack Up isn't there for no reason. Her natural HP and the MP Switch and
Move MP Up combo will keep her alive. Utterly powerful.

2.11 Cloud Strife

OTHER ALIAS: --- POSITION: Sephiroth Clone
SEX: Male ABILITY: Limit


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Oh hell, I don't have time to go through the entire plot of Final Fantasy
VII. Plus, if you don't know who Cloud Strife is already, you should be
playing Final Fantasy VII instead of reading this.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Aside from Reis and Malak, Cloud is probably the most underrated person in
Final Fantasy Tactics. He starts on Level one, and his skills take too
long to work. Well, people who think this need to get their head examined.

Cloud has some of the greatest potential in the game. Starting at level 1
doesn't hurt at all since he'll get so much experience real fast if you
have him use the Thief's Steal Exp. ability on a higher level character.

Then there's Finishing Touch. I love that move. It's the most useful
large area effecting move in the game (barring Math Skill).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Finishing Touch -
Adds Dead, Petrify, or Stop to enemies in a large area. This
move is reason enough to use the hero of Final Fantasy VII.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Job ~ Soldier STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Finishing Touch
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Quick Healing
Right Hand ~ Materia Blade - Range
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Can be killed easily
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Limit
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move + 3

This character is very potent. He's basically a high risk, high reward
character. His equips make him extremely fast and with the Short Charge,
he'll rip people up with Finishing Touch. Item is for a quick heal.

2.12 Byblos

SEX: --- ABILITY: Byblos


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


An ally that supported Ramza against Elidibis.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Well, it's a decent character. It's skills are great, but he's kinda slow
and not very ranged at all. He would be a wonderful character, but since
he can't equip things, he's severely handicapped to the point that it's not
even worth considering. Too bad. Byblos is one of those so close, yet
can't quite cut it characters.

He automatically has Ignore Heights and Secret Hunt given to him, though it
doesn't say.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Energy -
Decent Healing move.

- Parasite -
Nice way to piss off enemies.

- Shock -
A good move to use in certain cases.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hmmmm.... can't really help you here.

3333 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
_33 -----------------------[ GENERIC CHARACTERS ]------------------------
33 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

3.01 Squire

ABILITY: Basic Skill
WEAPONS: Sword | Dagger | Hammer | Axe
ARMOR: Clothes | Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The squire is the bottom of the barrel. At the beginning of the game, it's
useful for the simple style of using it. Just go up and attack someone.
Later on, it's obsolete. The basic class for warriors. It's an all around

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Accumulate -
This is actually a very good move. It's main use is in those level
up schemes. If not, it doesn't serve that much purpose as it's not
needed, but it still is decent. Raises AT by one.

- Gained JP Up - {support}
The reason why Squires are ever used after you have access to other

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Male/Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Healing
Fa ~ 84 - Strong Draw Out
- Range
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade
Left Hand ~ Rune Blade WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - It's a Squire
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Low HP
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet - other classes can manipulate this
Primary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

This set up is made to revolve around the Draw Out skill. The dual Rune
Blades can be used to attack, but it's main purpose is to give tons of
MA. With the blades, Flash Hat, and Genji Gauntlet, you get a decent MA
to work with and pump up the Draw Out skills. Since it has the Secret
Clothes for Speed, it doesn't have much HP, which is remedied by MP Switch
and Move MP Up. Anoter good idea is to use the Throw Stone to set off some
bonuses for teammates (such as Speed Save, A Save, ect.)

3.02 Chemist

WEAPONS: Dagger | Gun
ARMOR: Clothes | Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The chemist is the first character that can heal your party, and in
actuality, the most useful and reliable until you can get a good
calculator which is after you're already strong enough to beat the game.
As a character, the chemist isn't too good, but the Item is a fast and
efficient way to heal. Magic takes too long to charge. Punch Art and
Draw Out both have offense aspects, so they aren't dedicated healers.

Don't get me wrong, the Chemist isn't that good a class, it's just the
Items are quite useful.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion -
Simplist way to heal.

- Phoenix Down -
Simplist way to revive and most reliable.

- Auto Potion - {Reaction}
Auto Potion. Automatically healing yourself if hit without wasting
a turn. How can this be bad?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Fast
Fa ~ 84 - Longevity
- Easy Healing
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun - Inviting
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Low HP
Accessory ~ Speed Shoes - No strong offense
- It's a chemist
Primary Ability ~ Items
Secondary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Monster Talk
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Fast healer. You gotta love that. Lack of HP is countered by MP Switch
and Move MP Up. Talk Skill is quite effective.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Fast
Fa ~ 84 - Immortal
- Easy Healing
Right Hand ~ H Bag - Inviting
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Low HP
Accessory ~ Chantage - No offense
- It's a chemist
Primary Ability ~ Items
Secondary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Monster Talk
Movement ~ Move + 2

Immortal healer. Quite good actually. If you don't need to heal,

3.03 Knight

REQUIREMENTS: Squire lvl. 2
ABILITY: Battle Skill
WEAPONS: Sword | Knight Sword
ARMOR: Shield | Helmet | Armor | Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Knight is one of the earliest class you get (aside from Squire and
Chemist) and still is useful at the end of the game. It is good defense
wise and is extremely strong. The Knight is a medieval tank.

Offensive wise, Knights have amazing AT. All you basically need to know
about a Knight is the "attack" command, and you'll be fine. Also, Knights
are the ONLY normal class that can equip a Knight Sword. *evil grin*

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Speed Break -
If you can hit this, it's a great advantage. It's needed to steal
some of the best items.

- Weapon Break -
Cripples the enemy. Simple

- Equip Sword - {Support}
Swords are about the best weapon for a good part of the game. Also
this helps people like Agrias and Orlandu when switch classes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Haste
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Range
Left Hand ~ Excalibur
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Robe of Lords - Needs to be close to do substancial
Accessory ~ Bracer damage.

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

This character can kill most anything in one turn. The combined strength
if a Chaos Blade and Excalibur with Bracer and Robe of Lords as added
bonus, you have raw power. Counter will deal with a few opponents as well.
The Punch Art is a good means to heal and for general support.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Lot's of Power
- Haste
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Healing
Left Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Robe of Lords - Needs to be close to do substancial
Accessory ~ Setiesmon damage.

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Elemental
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 2

Basically like the male version, but it loses the Bracer, and 1 movement
for dual Chaos Blades. You'll rarely ever need that much power, but it's
just nice to have. Since it loses some range I added Elemental.

3.04 Archer

REQUIREMENTS: Squire lvl. 2
WEAPONS: Bow | Crossbow
ARMOR: Shield | Hat | Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This character really isn't good at all. They are generally really weak,
die easy, and ineffective. Their abilities aren't at all useful, and they
don't really have too good of attributes.

In my most humble of opinions, I suggest you just use a Chemist or Mediator
and a nice gun. They can serve every purpose the Archer can.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Speed Save - {Reaction}
This reaction goes really nicely with the Chantage and Ribbon.
Don't use it otherwise though, as if you get knocked out, the
counter goes out real fast and you might have a crystal as an

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Breaking Stuff
Right Hand ~ Perseus Bow
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Low HP
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Still kind of weak
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - Needs to have high ledge

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Ignore Heights

This only works in battles where there is a high ledge. Find it, and
get on it before doing an action, so you can keep Invisibility. When
up high, you'll be out of harm's reach and can safely snipe people.
Battle Skill works long range too.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Break Ability
Right Hand ~ Perseus Bow - Immortal
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Still kind of weak
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skills
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Fly

At least she's immortal. Just walk around breaking stuff and if you get
a chance, take pick them off slowly. I don't know why I stuck Fly on,
just didn't feel like anything else =]

3.05 Priest

REQUIREMENTS: Chemist lvl. 2
ABILITY: White Magic
ARMOR: Robe | Hat | Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


White Magic isn't too good. Neither is a Priest. But, White Magic can
be very helpful when you get a Calculator. HOLY!!! =]

As far as a character, the Priest isn't bad, but there are better classes.
As far as pros go, it can surprisingly take a lot more than it appears to
be able to take. It has decent speed and strong MA.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Raise 2 -
If you're a Calculator, this can be very prominent. I once healed
everyone who was dead (all four other characters) when I made a
rather careless and fatal mistake. This tipped the tide all the
way back to a win for me =]

- Holy -
Powerful. Normally it's still pretty good when you have to Charge,
but when you have Math Skill, there's nothing that can match the
ease in wiping out an entire enemy force.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Math Skill
Fa ~ 84 - Holy
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Mace of Zues - Longevity
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - Low HP
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ White Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Just send Holy's all over the place. Very effective. You won't be doing
much else with this Priest, but that isn't neccesarily a bad thing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Math Skill
Fa ~ 84 - Holy
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Mace of Zues - Longevity
Left Hand ~ --- - Speed
Helmet ~ Flash hat
Armor ~ Wizard Robe WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Setiesmon - Low HP

Primary Ability ~ White Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Just send Holy's all over the place. Very effective. You won't be doing
much else with this Priest, but that isn't neccesarily a bad thing.

3.06 Wizard

REQUIREMENTS: Chemist lvl. 2
ABILITY: Black Magic
ARMOR: Robe | Hat | Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Wizard's are great. Unlike Priests they serve well in any situation.
Black Magic is pretty useful since it provides long range attacks that do
a substantial amount of damage.

Wizard's have great MA. It's got the strongest base in the game for normal
characters. This is very potent with the Math Skill.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Flare -
Not particularly the best move, but it's just fun to fry people
with extremely strong attacks.

- Frog -
One thing to say: Calculate this.

- Magic Attack Up - {support}
Pump up magic power. Amazingly good.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Male/Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - High MA
Fa ~ 84
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod - Slow
Left Hand ~ --- - Low HP
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Just let the magic rip people apart. Since everthing is revolved around
MA, MP Switch and Move MP Up is needed.

3.07 Monk

REQUIREMENTS: Knight lvl. 2
ABILITY: Punch Art
WEAPONS: Bare Hands
ARMOR: Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Many people like Monks. I do too, but late in the game, there are others
better. A Monk has incredible brute force. Late in the game, however,
a knight or Lancer equipped right is just as potent.

The Monk's best point is the Punch Art skills. It's varied for great
attacks as well as defensive styles. Still, there are better classes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Wave Fist -
Decent move. Usually hits for the same as normal attack, except this
keeps you from being countered. Not too useful if you use Two Swords

- Earth Slash -
Good to hit multiple enemies.

- Chakra -
Best healing move in the game, hands down. If you've got a good Monk,
then you've got a great healer.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - High PA
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Power
Right Hand ~ --- - Ranged Attack
Left Hand ~ --- - Longevity
Helmet ~ --- - Throw Rock!
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Bracer WEAKNESSES:
- Low HP
Primary Ability ~ Punch Art - Bad Range
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Well, this is simple. Just walk around destorying stuff. Heal when
needed. If you can't get to someone, just Accumulate.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Power
Right Hand ~ --- - Ranged Attack
Left Hand ~ --- - Longevity
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Throw Rock!
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Setiesmon WEAKNESSES:
- Low HP
Primary Ability ~ Punch Art - Bad Range
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

The female version trades in power for speed. Still it's a Monk and Two
Swords makes it so the extra PA from the male isn't needed, but then the
Punch Art is weaker. But you get to use it more, so it's up to you.

3.08 Thief

REQUIREMENTS: Archer lvl. 2
ARMOR: Clothes | Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Thiefs are great. They have great attributes and their abilities allow
you to get some of the best equipment in the game.

As an attacker, they suck. Seriously, they reak of horrible butt odor.
But they make some of the better support characters in the game, and
support characters are always great.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Steal Heart -
Have someone help your team? Great. This ability (if it hits)
can turn the whole match around. It is extremely useful. Use
it more with Females, as their are more males, making it easier
to charm some enemies. Well not easier, just you have more

- Steal Weapon -
Basically like Weapon Break, but infininately more useful. Their
are some very good things to get from this.

- Catch - {Reaction}
As a reaction, it's crap. Pure and utter crap. But... it's the
only way to get more than one of those great weapons like the
Chaos Blade legitimately. See the section '5.3 Tricks Galore'
for details.

- Secret Hunt - {Support}
If you plan to use females, you had better invest in poaching.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Longevity
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Stealing
Right Hand ~ Zorlin Shape - Breaking
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Low HP
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - No Offense

Primary Ability ~ Steal
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Equip Shield
Movement ~ Move MP Up

One of the most specialized characters in the game. Extreme speed. The
low HP factor isn't a problem at all since he has the Gold Escutcheon, and
the combo of MP Switch and Move MP Up. Battle Skill is there in the event
you've taken/charmed all the useful equipment/characters, and feel like
Speed Breaking.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Longevity
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Stealing
Right Hand ~ C Bag - Breaking
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Charming
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Secret Clothes WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Setiesmon - No Offense
- Low HP
Primary Ability ~ Steal
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Equip Shield
Movement ~ Move MP Up

This version of the Thief, I find, is more useful. She can charm like
nobody's business. Since Steal Heart differs from the other steal skills,
using MA as a base instead of speed, for the chances of success, it's
better to boost her MA with the C Bag and Flash Hat. The Setiesmon also
allows more speed.

3.09 Time Mage

REQUIREMENTS: Wizard lvl. 2
ABILITY: Time Magic
ARMOR: Robe | Clothes | Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I have a differing view on Time Mages. I personally think they suck. The
thing is, they have some abilities that are extremely fun to use. Ever
Stop someone and then drop a Meteor on them? yea... *evil grin*

Also, their Short Charge skill opens up worlds to many other classes. The
teleport is also quite useful, if it doesn't fail.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Haste -
This, despite what a lot of people think, really is only useful at
the end of the game. By the time you can get it on many characters,
you should have been able to end the match already. Then there are
those awesome items that give you Haste, Excalibur and the Setiesmon.
I've only found it useful when you can Calculate it, and that's at

- Don't Move -
Fun to use. If you have powerful magic casters, or people who like
to charge their abilities (coughCloudcough), this is an interesting
move to use.

- Stop -
Basically used the same way as Don't Move.

- MP Switch - {Reaction}
If you've read a couple of previous movesets, you'll recognize this.
I love the MP Switch and Move MP Up combo simply because it let's
anybody have the privilage of longevity. For more details, read the
section, '5.1 General Equip Strategies'

- Teleport - {Movement}
Very useful when it doesn't fail.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Powerful Spells
Fa ~ 84 - Nice Support character

Right Hand ~ Mace of Zeus WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Can run out of MP
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Time Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Use the Time Magic as support, casting Haste, and the occasional Don't Move
or Stop. If you see a weak enemy, pick it off with a summon. Also, the
combo of Time Magic and Summon can produce lethal effects, like a enemy who
can't move caught in a Bahamut or Zodiac.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Powerful Spells
Fa ~ 84 - Nice Support character
- Immortal
Right Hand ~ H Bag
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Low HP
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Time Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Reaction ~ Damage Split
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Immortality is quite useful. Very useful in fact. Since this is a mage,
and mages tend to be hit, I gave her Damage Split. This will help get an
incentive for opponents not to want to hit you (they still will though, but
at their loss, not yours).

3.10 Oracle

REQUIREMENTS: Priest lvl. 2
ABILITY: Yin Yang Magic
WEAPONS: Staff | Dictionary | Rod | Stick
ARMOR: Robe | Clothes | Hats

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I've never really like the Oracle. It never served any purpose at all.
Other classes provide a more solid foundation in which to build a

The only time I've seen an Orcale of any use is when it's Beowulf's
pumped up Oracle skills.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Move MP Up - {Movement}
If you've read a couple of previous movesets, you'll recognize this.
I love the MP Switch and Move MP Up combo simply because it let's
anybody have the privilage of longevity. For more details, read the
section, '5.1 General Equip Strategies'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Strong Draw Out
Fa ~ 84 - Longevity

Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Low HP
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Bad Speed
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - Bad Range
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Yin Yang Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

This set up focuses on Draw Out. Since everything is based on bumping up
MA, HP is quite low, MP Switch and Move MP is quite useful. If you want,
use a few Yin Yang Magic abilities to cripple people and waste 'em with
Draw Out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Strong Draw Out
Fa ~ 84 - Longevity
- Speed
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Bad Range
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - Low HP
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Yin Yang Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

This character has nice balance of Speed and Magic Strength from Draw Out.

3.11 Lancer

REQUIREMENTS: Thief lvl. 2
ARMOR: Robe | Shield | Helmet | Armor

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Lances are one of the best normal classes you can get. Hell, it's one of
the best classes, period. They are basically a more advanced version of
the Knight (not neccessarily better, as Knights serve great under certain
circumstances), but Lancers generally are more useful.

Jump is one of the best abilities there are. Great range, temporary
invunerabilty, and a powerful attack. Those add up to something that
should be feared.

As far as stats go, Lancers have great stability, as they are a knight
type class. Their speed isn't something to shout about, nor is their
range, but their power is quite a force. They always have weapons that
are top of the line and can access the Ultimate Javelin, which is second
in power only to the Chaos Blade.

Keeping one on your team at all times can never hurt.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Level Jump 8 -
Very nice range.

- Vertical Jump 8 -
Yea, with this and Level Jump 8, you'll have plenty of range.

- Dragon Spirit - {Reaction}
Reraise is always good. This triggers nicely and has some nice irony
to it. Getting hit will actually make you last longer in battle.

- Ignore Height - {Movement}
Ultimate in jumping. This is hilarious to watch when you jump up a
considerable distance. Also, it's helpful for Archers and Gun users.
Magic users can use this well too.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Defense
- Range
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin - Longevity
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Healing
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Bracer - A bit slow

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This thing is a tank. Utter annihilation follows anywhere this character
goes. It's power is amazing, especially with Jump. Move + 3 helps out its
range. Punch Art will help out in terms of support and healing.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Defense
- Range
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin - Longevity
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Healing
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - Speed
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Setiesmon WEAKNESSES:
- No Bracer
Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Basically a less beefy version of the male, but a lot faster. Same aspects.

3.12 Geomancer

ABILITY: Elemental
WEAPONS: Sword | Axe
ARMOR: Shield | Hat | Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Geomancers are a "so close, yet not good enough class." They are good
characters, it's just that other classes deserve to be on your team more.

They are generally above average in all attributes, but they don't excel.
Very balanced. Also, they can use Swords and Shields.

They Geomancy ability is decent, as it has nice range and can cause status
effects. The only problem is that it tends to be weak compared to a normal

All in all, they really aren't worth it unless you're trying to develop
through the level up/level down trick, to create an ultimate character.
(For more details, read the section, '5.3 Tricks Galore')

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Attack Up - {Support}
Very potent on a strong character.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - High MA
- Strong Draw Out
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade - Healing
Left Hand ~ Rune Blade - Power
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Longevity
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet WEAKNESSES:
- Low HP
Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Well balanced character. Has nice ranged attacks, and can even fight close
up. I still stand by my opinion that others have more uses though.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - High MA
- Strong Draw Out
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade - Healing
Left Hand ~ Rune Blade - Speed
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Immortality
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Chantage WEAKNESSES:
- Low HP
Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Teleport

Immortality owns. The combo of Chantage, Ribbon, and Speed Save works
wonders here.

3.13 Summoner

REQUIREMENTS: Time Mage lvl. 2
ABILITY: Summon Magic
WEAPONS: Rod | Staff
ARMOR: Shield | Hat | Clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ohhh yea, this is where powerful spells lie. Summons have always been
powerful in Final Fantasy Games, and this is no exception. Summon magic
not only is powerful, it's got a variety of uses, including healing and

Summoners themselves aren't too great. Like most mages, they tend to be
defensively crappy. Still, since Summons have range it's not a problem.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Ramuh -
Nice to pick off groups of enemies.

- Shiva -
See above.

- Ifrit -
Again, see above.

- Golem -
This move almost always works, and it rules. It makes it so that
no physical attacks have no effect for awhile.

- Fairy -
Great healing spell. Substantial healing with good group range.

- Zodiac -
Brillant power. Can hurt so many, so badly.

- Half of MP - {Support}
This ability is common overlooked. People don't realize how costly
magic can really be. This is a nice alternative.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Powerful Spells
Fa ~ 84 - Fast casts
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Easy to kill
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Speed Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ MA Save
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

If this character can survive, which it should since it can attack from
far away, then it'll rule. Just keep those Elixers and Ethers on hand.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Powerful Spells
Fa ~ 84 - Fast casts
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod - Immortaily
Left Hand ~ --- - Speed
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Wizard Robe WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Chantage - Can be charmed (ouch!)

Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

If you can keep this character from being charmed, you're set.

3.14 Mediator

REQUIREMENTS: Oracle lvl. 2
ABILITY: Talk Skill
WEAPONS: Knife | Gun
ARMOR: Hat | Clothes | Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Mediators are another set of support characters. They have the innate have
abilities that can alter elements of the battle. They aren't particularly
needed, but their skills are quite helpful. They have the ability to
invite, lower and raise both faith and brave, as well as the skill of using
a gun, which can be brought over to another class.

As far as a character goes, they really aren't that great. As far as stats
go, they don't shine in anything. They really don't make good characters,
it's just it's annoying to have to have Talk Skill and Monster Talk to use
this skill. Bleh.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Invitation -
Nice for getting equipment, poaching, ect. It's a great ability,
but hard to use.

- Persuade -
Against some people (Elmdor) this will help you steal.

- Praise -
Makes using Katanas and Knight Swords better to use, and allows
better reaction success.

- Threaten -
When you venture into the Deep Dungeon, you're going to use this.

- Preach -
Good to use on magic characters, or if you plan to heal by way
of magic.

- Solution -
If you utterly hate using magic, use this on your characters.

- Mimic Daravon -
Put them to sleep better then sheep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Decent Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Long range Breaking
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun - Inviting/Sleep
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield - Hard to hit
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Feather Mantle - Not overly strong
- Breaking, Talk Skills inaccurate
Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Equip Shield
Movement ~ Move HP Up

This character can actually work pretty well. The Blast Gun is very useful
to pick enemies off. When not doing that, they can try to Persuade, Invite,
and put enemies to sleep. If that doesn't work this character has the
alternative of breaking stuff. Always fun =]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Great Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Long range Breaking
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun - Inviting/Sleep
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield - Hard to hit
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Setiesmon - Not overly strong
- Breaking, Talk Skills inaccurate
Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Equip Shield
Movement ~ Move HP Up

Though a lot easier to hit, she has much more speed than the male version.
If you like speed, this is the way to go, but if you like longevity, the
male works better.

3.15 Samurai

REQUIREMENTS: Knight lvl. 3, Monk lvl. 4, Lancer lvl. 2
ARMOR: Armor | Helmet | Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The Samurai is my favortie normal class. They have arguably the best magic
skills in the game. Their class has nice bonuses, and great reaction and
support skills.

As far as attributes go, Samurai's own. They have above average power and
magic, great stability and moderate speed. They can also evade nicely, not
as well as Ninjas, but you can't win 'em all.

Commonly overshadowed by Ninjas, but in actuality, they serve better. They
can last much longer than most Ninjas, and their skills are much better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Murasame -
Definitely a good skill. One of the better means to heal.

- Kiyomori -
Good to get tons of experience early on. Also a decent move.

- Kikuichimoji -
Great range and moderate power. Similar to Earth Slash, but
infinitely more effective.

- Masamune -
The best Draw Out skill in my opinion. Too bad to get them legit,
you have to go through the trouble of catching.

- Chirijiraden -
Powerful attack that hits plenty of enemies. Again, too bad to
get them legit, you have to go through the trouble of catching.

- Blade Grasp - {Reaction}
IMO, this is the best reaction skill. If you have 97 Brave, you
will block nearly all physical attacks. Pair it with an Aegis
Shield and you most likely won't die at all.

- Two Hands - {Support}
You give up your other hand, but in most cases it's not a big
loss. This will double your power. [insert Kefka's laugh here]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Simplicity
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Massive Power
Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden - Range
Left Hand ~ --- - Tons of HP
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Bracer - No Variety

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Elemental
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

There is no need for strategy here. Just walk around destroying things.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Immortal
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Charming Ability
Right Hand ~ C Bag
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Ribbon - No physical offese
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 2

This Samurai is slightly more specialized. A good fast character that can
use Draw Out nicely. Steal Heart is also useful.

3.16 Ninja

REQUIREMENTS: Archer lvl. 3, Thief lvl. 4, Geomancer lvl. 2
WEAPONS: Dagger | Ninja Sword | Hammer
ARMOR: Clothes | Hat

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Ninja's are quite good. They have superior speed, Evasion, and the innate
Two Swords. Also, Ninja's have great range in movement and jumping. Their
ability isn't all that great, but it can be powerful if you can throw Chaos
Blades. But it's annoying to get too many to spare legitimately.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Knight Sword -
Massive Damage from afar. If only there was a way to get a large
amount legit, and fast.

- Abandon - {Reaction}
Useful in the event you have low Brave and need all the reactions
to count.

- Two Swords - {Support}
One of the best support abilities there are. Great for Knights
and Monks.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Range
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attack
- Strong
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade - Good Draw Out
Left Hand ~ Rune Blade - Fast
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Power Sleeve WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet - Can die easily

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Dragon Spirit
Support ~ Equip Sword
Movement ~ Move + 3

Variable styles of play are what this character is all about. Firstly, you
could just go old school and whack anybody you see. Or you can use the MA
boosts and Draw Out. Throw can be used if you're afraid Dragon Spirit
isn't completely reliable.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Range
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attack
- Strong
Right Hand ~ Blood Sword - Draining
Left Hand ~ Blood Sword - Fast
Helmet ~ Twist Headband
Armor ~ Power Sleeve WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Bracer - Weak without set up

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ A Save
Support ~ Equip Sword
Movement ~ Move HP Up

Ok, I know I'm gonna get flamed for this. Everyone's going to say that I
should use the Koga and Iga Knives and stick Attack Up where Equip Sword
is. Well, you're right, but this is just to be different. Also, if you
get enough Accumulates and A Saves in, you can really start doing damage
with these weapons.

3.17 Calculator

REQUIREMENTS: Priest lvl. 4, Wizard lvl. 4, Time Mage lvl. 3, Oracle lvl. 3
ABILITY: Math Skill
WEAPONS: Dictionary | Stick
ARMOR: Clothes | Hat | Robe

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I have mixed feelings for the Calculator. It's skills are one of the best
sets in the game, and this makes using the Calculator very important. The
problems, though, are too great.

First, to use them well, you need to have quite a lot of White Magic, Black
Magic, Time Magic and Yin Yang Magic. Also, the class is extremely slow.
So slow it's mind boggling. As for other stats, they still suck.

Calculators really suck. I say this with the most positive tone possibly.
Although, you should still use them since their skill is incredibly strong.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Damage Spilt -
If you've got a tank, then this is quite useful.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Math Skill
Fa ~ 84
Right Hand ~ Papyrus Plate - It's a Calculator
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Math Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Can't really make this any better. It's got Speed boost and Magic boost
to help the horrible innate traits. Since it's weak, it needs MP Switch
and Move MP Up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Math Skill
Fa ~ 84
Right Hand ~ C or H Bag - It's a Calculator
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Math Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Not much different.

3.18 Bard

REQUIREMENTS: (Male) Summoner lvl. 4, Mediator lvl. 4
ARMOR: Clothes | Hat

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Bard's really great as support. They can be like an infinite battery just
adding to your power. Especially good when you increase speed using them.

Since they act as support, their stability, ect. has no meaning whatsoever.
You can only legitimately base them on their skills and their skills are

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Angel Song -
If you use a lot of Summoners, this is the way to go. It also
works if you've got plenty of MP Switchers.

- Life Song -
In case you take damage like a fool =]

- Cheer Song -
Perhaps their best ability. This usually hits the majority of
your party and is very useful. If it hits the Singer, then they
sing more frequently.

- Battle Song -
If you like Powerhouses.

- Magic Song -
If you like Math Skill or Draw Out, go for it.

- Move + 3 - {Movement}
Great Range modifier.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Br ~ 97 - Support Abilities
Fa ~ 84 - Never enter harms way (seldom
Right Hand ~ Fairy Harp
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - No Offense (who the hell cares?)
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Sing
Secondary Ability ~ Items
Reaction ~ Sunken State
Support ~ Defense Up
Movement ~ Ignore Heights

Either climb high and start singing, or sing, then let someone hit the Bard
with a weak hit to send him into Transparent state. This works since when
singing, all you have to do is Wait, which doesn't take away the
Transparent state. Defense Up will help if you have to take a hit to go

!! !!
!! Originally, I had Short Charge set as the ability. I then got an email !!
!! from a Charles Jones . He told me that Short !!
!! Charge doesn't effect Dance or Sing at all. !!
!! !!
!! I decided to try this myself, and found two generic characters with the !!
!! same speed. One of them had Short Charge, the other didn't. They went !!
!! into battle and one of them started to Sing, and then the other right !!
!! after. Sure enough, they always Sang at the same time. !!
!! !!
!! Thank you Charles Jones. You were entirely correct. !!
!! !!

3.19 Dancer

REQUIREMENTS: (Female) Lancer lvl. 4, Geomancer lvl. 4
WEAPONS: Dagger | Cloth
ARMOR: Clothes | Hat

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Dancers are the exact opposite of Bards. They use their skills against
opponents. It's still basically the same principle, but women have better

Since they act as support, their stability, ect. has no meaning whatsoever.
You can only legitimately base them on their skills and their skills are

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- Slow Dance -
Perhaps their best ability. This usually hits the majority of
the enemy and it is very useful.

- Nameless Dance -
Can cast a lot of abnormalities on opponents.

- Last Dance -
If you're fast enough, this can stop enemies from even going.

- A Save - {Reaction}
Great in some occasions.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sex ~ Female STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Support Abilities
Fa ~ 84 - Never enter harms way (seldom
Right Hand ~ H Bag
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Bard's are more reliable (but
Armor ~ Secret Clothes that's neither here nor there)
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Dance
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Sunken State
Support ~ Defense Up
Movement ~ Ignore Height

Either climb high and start dancing, or dance, then let someone hit the
Dancer with a weak hit to send her into Transparent state. This works
since when dancing, all you have to do is Wait, which doesn't take away the
Transparent state. Defense Up will help if you have to take a hit to go

!! !!
!! Originally, I had Short Charge set as the ability. I then got an email !!
!! from a Charles Jones . He told me that Short !!
!! Charge doesn't effect Dance or Sing at all. !!
!! !!
!! I decided to try this myself, and found two generic characters with the !!
!! same speed. One of them had Short Charge, the other didn't. They went !!
!! into battle and one of them started to Sing, and then the other right !!
!! after. Sure enough, they always Sang at the same time. !!
!! !!
!! Thank you Charles Jones. You were entirely correct. !!
!! !!

3.20 Mime

REQUIREMENTS: Squire lvl. 8, Chemist lvl. 8, Summoner lvl. 4,
Mediator lvl. 4, Geomacer lvl. 4, Lancer lvl. 4
ARMOR: ---

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


To be quite honest, I've never really used Mimes much. As far as I know,
they are quite useless. If you want to mime a character, why not just
create another one of that character?

4 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
4444 ------------------------[ PARTY STRATEGIES ]-------------------------
4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

4.01 Final Fantasy IV

-------------------------------- C E C I L --------------------------------

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 97 - Healing
- Range
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Long Ranged Attacks
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon
Helmet ~ Flash Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Mostly reliant on beating people
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet with weapon (not entirely a bad
thing =])
Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Hamedo
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Please note, first and foremost, this Cecil is simply Ramza that has been
renamed. Now then, since there was no Crystal Sword, so I thought it
would be most appropriate to give him the Excalibur since he had one in
FFIV (and because it's such a good weapon). Draw out is for healing as he
had White Magic in FFIV. The equipment both boosts Power and Magic.

!! !!
!! Dragoon Kain sent me an e-mail that !!
!! suggested the use of the Ragnorak in the Excalibur's as the Crystal !!
!! Sword was called Ragnorak in the Japanese version of Final Fantasy IV. !!
!! !!

--------------------------------- R O S A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Archer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Longevity
- Math Skill
Right Hand ~ Persues Bow
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Archers suck
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Find a nice high ledge and sit up there. Now, you can slowly pick all the
enemies off.

-------------------------------- R Y D I A --------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Powerful Magic
Fa ~ 84 - Immortal

Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Low MP for summons
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Rydia owns. With this setup, just sit back and let the enemies taste Math
Skill. If she gets hit enough and Speed Save gives her enough speed, she
can turn to Summon Magic.

--------------------------------- K A I N ---------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Longevity
- Bonuses of Robe of Lords
Right Hand ~ Ulitmate Javelin - Quick Healing
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield - Range
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Robe of Lords WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Bracer - No magic offense
- Should have better speed for Jump
Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Just make sure he doesn't betray you for the umpteenth time. Kain is just
a freakin' powerhouse that can destroy people like nobodies business. The
combo of the Aegis Shield and Blade Grasp should keep him pretty protected.
The Robe of Lords, Bracer and Attack Up should provide a decent amount of
PA to destroy with.

--------------------------------- E D G E ---------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Range
- Variety in Skill
Right Hand ~ Iga Knife - Power
Left Hand ~ Koga Knife - Magic Attack
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Power Sleeve WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Red Shoes - Not the most stable character

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Edge was an interesting character in Final Fantasy IV. The one thing
everyone could say about him that couldn't be doubted was that he was the
most versatile character (well you could also say that he had a crush on
Rydia, but he'd probably deny that anyway). So, true to that nature, this
Edge is just as versatile. He's got very good power with the natural Two
Swords trait, the two strongest Ninja Knives, and Power Sleeve. To back
up his throw ability, you have Move + 3 and Red Shoes, which add to it's
range. The Flash Hat and Red Shoes adds to his Math Skill as does Magic
Attack Up. Compared to the other characters on this team, Edge is
relatively easy to kill. Don't worry though, being a Ninja, he can dodge
pretty good, and Blade Grasp doesn't hurt either.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Final Fantasy IV forced you to have a specific final party. This was in no
way a bad thing, as they gave you a very balanced team. You have two
strong offensive characters (Cecil and Kain), a healer (Rosa), a powerful
mage (Rydia) and a great versatile character (Edge). In this FFT version
of the team, you have got something just as good, if not better.

Every member of the team is hard to kill, and each can heal themselves.
They all have ways to ranged attacks. All three males can take most any
character with one hit, and Rydia has immense magical power. Rosa is very
useful as a character to weaken opponents, or pick them off.

4.02 Final Fantasy VI

-------------------------------- T E R R A --------------------------------

Job ~ Geomancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Strong Magic and Geomancy
- Physical power
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade - Longevity
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield
Helmet ~ Flash Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Runs out of MP easily
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

In Final Fantasy VI, Terra generally was physically strong and had good
magic. This was the closest way I could get a balance between the two.
The Rune Blade and Flash Hat all add to her MA, and the Magic Attack Up
makes it even more lethal. The Rune Blade let's her just whack people on
the occassion that you feel you don't want to use the Summon Magic (or if
you run out of MP). The Setiesmon gives her a speed boost. Though the
Power Sleeve does give a bonus since it provides strength, but it also
means less HP. This doesn't matter with the combo of the Gold Escutcheon
and Blade Grasp. This Esper will own opponents up.

-------------------------------- L O C K E --------------------------------

Job ~ Thief STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Charming Ability
- Breaking
Right Hand ~ Zorlin Shape - Stealing
Left Hand ~ Zorlin Shape - Range
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Secret Clothes WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - Risky
- No offense
Primary Ability ~ Steal - Easily killed
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

The two most common types of characters are offensive and support. Locke
just didn't fit the bill for either. He's a Treasure Hunter, so I decided
to make him a specialized character. With the use of speed and range, he
can sneak into a nice position behind the entire enemy lines. He can them
pick a target and steal. Make sure you're in a good position, cause after
the action Locke loses invisibility. Abandon should help enough to keep
him alive. Charming doesn't hurt, but you can also steal weapons, and the
like. If you're done stealing, Speed Break. You get two chances with Two
Swords. I admit, it's the greatest set up, but it's pretty decent.

-------------------------------- E D G A R --------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Durability
Fa ~ 84 - Range
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun - Breaking Skill
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Disabling Abilities
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillian WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - Doesn't have Excalibur
- Not very Strong
Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Snipe
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Equip Gun
Movement ~ Move + 3

First off, this character mock up is basically Mustadio. If you don't want
to use Mustadio, then replace Snipe with Steal. Edgar is a ladies' man, so
I guess having the Steal Heart ability is somewhat appropriate. Although,
he doesn't seem to be very good at it =]. In Final Fantasy VI, Edgar was a
mechanical genious, and Mustadio is an Engineer. They fit nicely. As a
mechanical genious, it just feels right to give Edgar a gun. Also, he had
the resemblence of a Knight, which is why he has so much armor. As far as
the character goes, it's pretty good as a support character. He won't die,
as the Gold Escutcheon and Armor will keep him relatively safe, and Auto
Potion almost guarantees he won't bite the dust. Battle Skill and Snipe
work amazing to cripple and disable enemies.

-------------------------------- S A B I N --------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ --- - The incredible Throw Rock skill
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Low HP and the MP Switch/Move MP Up
Accessory ~ Bracer combo doesn't always work to keep
you alive
Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Well, the pumped up muscle head is extremely impressive. Very few enemies
will live after an encounter with Sabin. With Power Sleeve, Bracer, and
Two Swords, Sabin will completely rip up an opponent. If you can't reach
them, use Accumulate. If you want to poke fun at people, use Throw Stone.

-------------------------------- C E L E S --------------------------------
Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Math Skill
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Strong Magic Power
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade - Longevity
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - Not to high PA
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 2

Celes was a soldier, and so she shall be a knight. With all the equipment
to boost her MA, Math Skill will rip opponents up like nobody's business.
The Grand Helmet will give a significant HP boost and the Aegis Shield
with Blade Grasp is a very effective combination. Since the Rune Blade is
not the greatest weapon, Battle Skill could be employed to some use.

------------------------------- S H A D O W -------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Range
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Iga Knife - Power
Left Hand ~ Koga Knife - Evasion
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Power Sleeve WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - Can be killed if not aided

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Shadow has a good set up here. Added to the already naturally high speed of
the Ninja is the Sprint Shoes and Thief Hat making Shadow an extremely fast
character. With Attack Up, natural Two Swords, the pair of Ninja Knives,
Power Sleeve's boost, Shadow has the potential to rip opponents up. Ninja's
naturally have great evasion and with Abandon, they can become extremely
annoying to hit, saving him from a lot of fainting. In Final Fantasy VI,
you could watch Shadow's past, in which he was a thief. With that, I
decided to make his secondary ability Steal. His abnormally high speed will
put that skill to great use. The Move + 3 will also add to the range of his
primary ability, Throw.

<><><><><><><><><><> A L T E R N A T E S E T U P <><><><><><><><><><>

!! !!
!! Dragoon Kain submitted this version of the !!
!! resident ninja from Final Fantasy VI. The information was edited to !!
!! fit my format, but the general information, set up, etc. remains the !!
!! same. All credit should be given to him. Thank you very much, Dragoon !!
!! Kain. This is much appreciated. And here is his set up for Shadow... !!
!! !!

Job ~ Ninja

Right Hand ~ Iga Knife
Left Hand ~ Koga Knife
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Black Costume/Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Bracer/Vanish Mantle

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Sunken State
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Everything is almost obvious, you know why the move 3 and the attack up,
but the sunken state is to take the place of the Inviz Edge, and the
vanishing items are to start the battle already transparent.

--------------------------------- C Y A N ---------------------------------

Job ~ Samurai STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Hard to Kill
Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden - Healing
Left Hand ~ --- - Range
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet
Armor ~ Genji Armor WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet - Not much variety, as Elemental and
Draw Out tend to produce much the
Primary Ability ~ Draw Out same effects
Secondary Ability ~ Elemental
Reaction ~ Hamedo/Counter
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

This is a very potent set up. Cyan not only has the HP provided by the
Genji Helmet, but also has the Robe of Lords' Protect and Shell. Draw Out
also has the ability to heal, so Cyan won't be falling any time soon. The
Genji Gauntlet provides for both power and magic power so that his normal
hits as well as his Draw Out/Elemental skill will prove effective. Two
Hands and the Chirijiraden are immensly strong, especially since the Robe
of Lords gives PA bonus. I gave Cyan Elemental, as he seems "in touch"
with nature, as far as Final Fantasy VI goes. He's into all the poetry
stuff, so I guess it fits... kinda. Depending on what type of battle you
go into, alternate between Counter and Hamedo. If it's a story battle,
Hamedo usually works well, if it's a random battle, it's safer to use

------------------------- G E N E R A L L E O --------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Range
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ Excalibur WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet - Needs to be close to the enemy
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

This is such a good character it's sad that that dumbass Kefka (I like him,
but he's still a dumbass) had to and croak good ole Leo. Anyway, with this
combination, General Leo has a pair of wicked weapons to dismantle enemies.
Regen from the Chaos Blade and Auto Potion will most likely keep him alive,
but Punch Art does provide Chakra. I made Leo a Knight because he seemd
noble and whatnot in Final Fantasy VI.

<><><><><><><><><><> A L T E R N A T E S E T U P <><><><><><><><><><>

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 97 - Speed
- Range
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ Excalibur WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Twist Headband - Needs to be close to the enemy
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

First off, to get this set up, you need to use Ramza as a base for Leo.
The amount of power this character is... scary (to say the least). Not
only was the combo of Chaos Blade and Excalibur enough to kill most
any enemy, but now you have the Twist Headband, Power Sleeve and Bracer
all adding to its destructive power. If you think that this set up is
more than enough power (and it is), you can always put in the Thief Hat
over Twist Headband to improve speed. This doesn't hurt or hinder the
character, but I just like the added power since the damage that appears
on the screen is hilarious to watch. Again, Regen and Auto Potion should
keep Leo alive for the most part. Guts can be used to increase PA even
more (making damage done and Punch Art both even more amazing) or increase
speed. The chooses are limitless.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Final Fantasy VI literally had a huge cast of characters. Above, there are
eight of them. Out of the eight, you've got interesting possibilies to
create a team of five. From the awe inspiring power of General Leo, to the
"interesting" set of skills that make up Locke, this should be considered
more of a _fun_ team than a serious one. Either way, though, it's still
incredibly easy to completely waste enemies this way.

Every member is pretty self reliant with the exception of Locke, but since
you have a team of five, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Some of them
specialize in long range, others sheer power. Just mix and match to your
own liking.

4.03 Final Fantasy VII

-------------------------------- C L O U D --------------------------------

Job ~ Soldier STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Finishing Touch
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Quick Healing
Right Hand ~ Materia Blade - Range
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Can be killed easily
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Limit
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move + 3

This character is very potent. He's basically a high risk, high reward
character. His equips make him extremely fast and with the Short Charge,
he'll rip people up with Finishing Touch. Item is for a quick heal.

------------------------------- B A R R E T -------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Long Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ --- - Easily killed
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move HP Up

Well, Barret did have a gun arm in Final Fantasy VII, but since the guns in
this game don't resemble a gatling gun at all, I just made him seem like he
was, big and immpressive. Though this Barret can easily be wasted if he
fights up close, if you stay back with Wave Fist and Earth Slash, he can do
some damage. Punch Art will be immensly powerful with this set up, and
because I wanted this character to be more long ranged, I didn't give him
Two Swords. Attack Up makes the Punch Art skills much more useful. Basic
Skill provides Accumulate, as always. Plus, Wave Fist resembles some of
Barret's limits... somewhat...

--------------------------------- T I F A ---------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - Immortality
Fa ~ 84 - Strong
- Healing
Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Can only attack one person per turn
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Dance
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 2

With just her bare hands, she'll reduce most enemies to a bloodly pulp. It
is that simple. Power Sleeve and Two Swords will make her deal immense
damage. Punch Art is good, as always. The Ribbon/Chantage/Speed Save
combo is always useful. If you've speed saved enough, you might even think
about using Dance.

-------------------------------- A E R I S --------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Powerful Spells
Fa ~ 84 - Fast casts
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod - Math Skill
Left Hand ~ --- - Speed
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Wizard Robe WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Setiesmon - Status effects reak havoc on her
- Can be killed quite easily
Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Restore
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

If you can keep Aeris out of harms way, you've got a powerful ally. She'll
take out tanks like this. The majority of attacks should will most likely
come from Math Skill since Summon takes so much MP. Move MP Up and MP
Restore will provide for the occassional summon, which is handy since Math
Skill might harm your own team in some instances.

------------------------------- Y U F F I E -------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Range
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Fast
Right Hand ~ Koga Knife - Evasion
Left Hand ~ Iga Knife - Speed
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Stealing
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Setiesmon WEAKNESSES:
- Not offensively strong
Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Move + 2

Yuffie true to her nature, is both a ninja and thief. In Final Fantasy VII
Yuffie's stealing skills were nothng short of sheer annoyance. In this,
it remains the same, but you won't be the ones getting annoyed. With the
massive speed she has, she'll be able to pillage all the equipment from
enemies as easily as... {insert simily here}. Evasion from the Ninja class
and Abandon plus the HP from equipment will keep her living for the most
part. Throw is greatly powerful if using the right weapons.

------------------------------ V I N C E N T ------------------------------

Job ~ Geomancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Strong Magic Power
- Protection w/ Blade Grasp and
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun Aegis Shield
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield - Ignore Heights
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Math Skill
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet WEAKNESSES:
- Guns aren't the greatest weapons
Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Equip Gun
Movement ~ Ignore Heights

Though guns generally aren't the greatest of weapons, Vincent can use them
decently with this set up. With protection from the combo of Blade Grasp
and the Aegis Shield, he can walk around shooting things. I chose him to
be a Geomancer, because Geomancers have above average MA, and they are the
only generic character with long hair (although last time I checked, the
Dark Vampire had black hair). Math Skill is there cause some of Vincent's
Limits had spells incorporated.

---------------------------------- C I D ----------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Power
- Gold Escutcheon
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin - Healing
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon - Protect
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - Shell
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer WEAKNESSES:
- Tends to be slow
Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ HP Restore
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Heh... no Final Fantasy VII team would be quite complete without the tough
talking, cigarette smoking, airship building, arm breaking, hilarious SOB
named Cid. Cid is utterly powerful with this set up. He won't die since
he wields the Gold Escutcheon, Punch Art provides fast and cheap healing.
Just walk around and poke people with the might that is the Ultimate

----------------------------- S E P H I R O T H ---------------------------

Job ~ Samurai STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Abandon
Right Hand ~ Masamune - Strong Physical Attack
Left Hand ~ --- - Draw Out Skills
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet
Armor ~ Wizard Robe WEAKNESSES:
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet - Not the world's strongest character

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

Sephiroth was basically a demi-god. I kept the Masamune on him so that it
would be the same as what he equipped in Final Fantasy VII. He weilded it
in an awesome pose, which favored Two Hands, and thus I gave him Two Hands.
Generally, he is quite immpressive. His physical attack is amazing, not to
mention his Draw Out Skill. Throw can also come in handy if you like to go
and catch multiple weapons (see Section 5). Experiment and find your own

<><><><><><><><><><> A L T E R N A T E S E T U P <><><><><><><><><><>

!! !!
!! This character is the creation of Black Mage !!
!! so all credit should be given to him. This is his ideas, set up, etc. !!
!! Thank you Black Mage. !!
!! !!

Job ~ Samurai

Right Hand ~ Masamune
Left Hand ~ N/A
Helmet ~ Genji/Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Genji Armor/Maximillian
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Jump/Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Ignore Height

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


For the most part, this is a defensive team. Most all characters have long
ranged skills, and should be used like so. Cloud is easily the strongest
of all of them, but can be killed rather easily. Others like Tifa, Cid and
Sephiroth are potent close range fighters. You have spell casters, special
support characters, close range fighters, and long range fighters. Mix and
match, as the possibilities of these eight are impressive.

4.04 Final Fantasy VIII

------------------------------- S Q U A L L -------------------------------

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 97 - Gold Escutcheon
- Haste
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Good selection of skills
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon
Helmet ~ Twist Headband WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Low HP
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Hamedo
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Well, there really was no way for me to create a replica of Squall, so I
just changed this Ramza into a character with Squall's traits. Without a
shadow of a doubt, Squall will be remembered for the power of LionHeart,
so I felt this character should have an abundance of power. Thus, I gave
him as many PA boosting items as I could, and came up with this. Since HP
is a major factor with this character, and it's in the front lines, Squall
utterly needs the Gold Escutcheon.

--------------------------------- Z E L L ---------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - Utter Power
Fa ~ 84 - Healing

Right Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Bad Range
Helmet ~ --- - Low HP
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Even Seifer would be afraid to call him Chicken Wuss now. Well... not
really, Zell's still a Chicken Wuss, but at least he can fight. He can
rip apart anything he fights.

------------------------------- I R V I N E -------------------------------

Job ~ Mediator STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Invitation
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Easily Killed
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Low HP
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Irvine is a Mediator simply because this way, he was somewhat a smmoth
talker in Final Fantasy VIII. Steal is there for Steal Heart. All the
equipment provides a boost in MA which helps Steal, Talk Skill and the
power of the Blast Gun.

------------------------------ Q U I S T I S ------------------------------

Job ~ Dancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Dancing
Fa ~ 84 - Fast

Right Hand ~ H Bag WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - No Offense
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Not that great
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Sunken State
Support ~ Defense Up
Movement ~ Ignore Height

Quistis had a ton of Blue Magic Spells. Most of them provided unique
effects, much like this Dancer. The basic strategy to to either find a
high ledge and start dancing, or dance and let a weak character smack you
so you go Transparent. This way, she'll keep dancing, but won't be able to
be touched by the opponent.

-------------------------------- R I N O A --------------------------------

Job ~ Archer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Math Skill

Right Hand ~ Gastrafitis WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield - Just about everything else
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Ignore Heights

This resembles Final Fantasy VIII's princess as best a Tactics character
could. She used a crossbow in FFVIII, thus the archer class and crossbow.
Her sorceress powers are emphasized by the Math Skill. Blade Grasp and
Aegis Shield will keep her alive. Since she starts the match Tranparent,
she should find a nice high ledge with Ignore Heights before acting.
This way, she'll be out of harms way by the time she performs an action
so she can safely snipe, or cast magic. Not the greatest character, but
it'll do.

--------------------------------- E D E A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Wizard STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Strong MA
Fa ~ 84 - Math Skill
- Immortal
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Slow unless Speed Save works
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 2

Well, you can blast people to hell with Edea. The only problem is that
Wizards aren't particularly fast. To remedy this, use Move + 2 and get in
the heat of a fight. Keep it up until you have decent speed, so that you
can totally destroy opponents.

------------------------------- S E I F E R -------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Positive Status Effects
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ Excalibur WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - No Variety
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Dragon Spirit
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

As far as sheer power goes, Seifer has it all. The PA bonuses coulped with
The Excalibur and Chaos Blade will drop anyone, real fast. He has the
statuses of Protect, Shell, Regen, and Haste with him. This combined with
Dragon Spirit will allow Seifer to roam around killing. Throw's nice as it
gives him range when he can't quite reach an opponent. Too bad he doesn't
have means to heal, or he'd be the ultimate character.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This is one of my few teams that don't have much magic. Aside from Edea,
and a bit from Rinoa, this team is mostly physical. Not bad at all though.
All the guys barring Irvine are tanks that can charge the enemy and leave
destruction in their wake. Irvine is great for ranged attacks and general
support roles. Edea is powerful as hell if used right. Rinoa is generally
weak, but she does make a nice supporting character.

4.05 Chrono Trigger

!! !!
!! This team is the sole creation of Danyal Herder . !!
!! The ideas, set ups, etc. were crafted by him, so he deserves all praise !!
!! with regards to this team. Thank you Danyal. Your contribution is !!
!! greatly appreciated. The team has been edited to fit my format, but !!
!! none of Danyal's work has been altered. !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

-------------------------------- C R O N O --------------------------------
Job ~ Squire

Right Hand ~ Rune Blade
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Rubber Conscious
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 2

To me, this is the epitome of the secondary warrior. Two hands allows him
to do incredible damage, and his counter is always a good thing to have.
His equipment is also top-notch in the terms of the squire.

-------------------------------- L U C C A --------------------------------

Job ~ Calculator

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Golden Hairpin
Armor ~ Light Robe
Accessory ~ Red Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Math Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Equip Gun
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Calculators are usually pretty slow, but the red shoes at least build her
up to a moderate speed. I think the calculator is the best for when the
enemy has an army of knights and monks and you don't want her harmed. She
has a gun, though, just in case.

-------------------------------- M A R L E --------------------------------

Job ~ Archer

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Golden Hairpin
Armor ~ Light Robe
Accessory ~ Red Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ White Magic
Reaction ~ Weapon Gurad
Support ~ Concetrate
Movement ~ Walk on Water

White magic allows her to go to the front line and retreat when things get
rough. Marle is a sort of all-purpose warrior. She can move pretty far,
attack from afar and with concentrate is unbeatable.

--------------------------------- F R O G ---------------------------------

Job ~ Knight

Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ Venetian Shield
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillian
Accessory ~ Feather Mantle

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skills
Secondary Ability ~ Elemental
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Maintenance
Movement ~ Move in Water

The best knight I could come up with. He is, quite simply, unstoppable.
Keeping in touch with his natural roots, I included Elemental, which is one
of my favorite secondary skills. He is always in my party, if not for
brute strength, then just to soak up damage.

--------------------------------- R O B O ---------------------------------

Actually just Worker 8 renamed, I don't go anywhere without Robo. A good
tactic I use is having Robo and Marle use their long range attacks and
Marle cures the both of them the next turn (when she is equipped with
Items). They're a great combo.

--------------------------------- A Y L A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Monk

Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Black Costume
Accessory ~ Diamond Armlet

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Dance
Reaction ~ A-Save
Support ~ Martial Arts
Movement ~ Ignore Height

With her brute strength, she makes a great sidekick to Crono or Frog.
Dance is given to her as well, to show off her... unique style of
dance. I equipped her with Martial Arts so that no matter what class
she is, I can keep her weaponless.

-------------------------------- M A G U S --------------------------------

Job ~ Wizard

Right Hand ~ Faith Rod
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Theif Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MA Save
Support ~ MA Up
Movement ~ Teleport

The ULTIMATE magic-user. I gave him everything magic-related I could think
of, and at his level the black magic he uses can simply tear opponents
apart. Like Frog, Magus is always in my party as my desinated magician.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!! !!
!! Once again, thank you Danyal Herder. This contribution is greatly !!
!! appreciated. !!
!! !!

4.06 Suikoden

------------------------------- M C D O H L -------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 97 - Gold Escutcheon and Robe of Lords
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet - Not the fastest character
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Guts
Reaction ~ Hamedo
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

McDohl should be made with Ramza's character as a base. McDohl used his
staff quite a bit, so I gave him the Ultimate Javelin. True, it's not a
direct duplicate, but hey, give me a break will you? Guts is there
because The Soul Eater had great magic spells, and Ultima is supposed to
be the best (though it really isn't).

------------------------------- G R E M I O -------------------------------

Job ~ Geomancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Slasher
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Twist Headband - Elemental Skills are weak with
Armor ~ Power Sleeve this set up
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move HP Up

This is a very useful character. Though the Elemental skills will go to
waste since MA is important to it's damage, it doesn't matter at all.
With all the PA boosts and Attack Up, Punch Art will be very potent.
Though HP is low due to the equipment giving very little HP boost, the
combined efforts of Auto Potion, Move HP Up and Chakra should keep this
character up for quite awhile.

------------------------------- V I K T O R -------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Good HP
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - Bad Speed
Armor ~ Maximillian
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

Viktor is a powerhouse. His strength is unbelievable. Chaos Blade coupled
with Two Hands will most likely copletely destroy any opponent that should
be dumb enough to cross Viktor. Move + 3 and Throw will allow range to aid
him, since speed is not his strong point.

--------------------------------- F L I K ---------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Magic Power
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Ability to survive
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet - Attack Power isn't quite as good
Armor ~ Wizard Robe as it should be
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Blue Boy is equipped so that he can use Spells effectively. Math Skill
are pumped up like this. Also, if you don't want to use Math Skill, the
Excalibur does pack quite a punch.

------------------------------- O D E S S A -------------------------------

Job ~ Archer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Charming Abilities
- Speed
Right Hand ~ Perseus Bow
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Archers aren't exactly a class you
Armor ~ Power Sleeve should want to use...
Accessory ~ Setiesmon - Easily killed

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Ignore Heights

If she wasn't around, Flik would snap from having to deal with Vikto. We
can't have that. So this is Odessa, back from the dead. Anyway, with
this set up, Odessa has ranged attacks (gee... being an Archer, who would
have guessed?). Also, stealing is very nice since she can Steal Heart.

---------------------------------- L U C ----------------------------------

!! !!
!! This set up for Luc is proudly brought to you by the one they call the !!
!! Black Mage . Thank you to the efforts of him !!
!! as these are all his ideas, and his contributions are always immensly !!
!! appreciated. It has been edited to fit my format, but his set up has !!
!! not been altered in anyway. !!
!! !!

Job ~ Wizard

Right Hand ~ Faith Rod
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This team basically revolves around teamwork. McDohl, Gremio and Viktor
are largely offensive. McDohl can spend most of his time in the air so you
shouldn't worry about him. Gremio can also act as one hell of a healer.
Viktor is essentially a human tank that will run over opponents. Flik is
a great magic user from afar, and Odessa has the nice job of killing weak
opponents. She can also turn the tide for a battle using Steal Heart.

4.07 Suikoden II

--------------------------------- H E R O ---------------------------------

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Magic
Fa ~ 97 - Speed
- Good Variety of Skills
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Rune Blade WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Low HP
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move HP Up

This character works really nice when made from Ramza. Math Skill is very
powerful on the hero of Suikoden II. Two Swords gives the bonus of Haste
from Excalibur and Rune Blade's MA boost. Abandon is quite useful as well
as Move HP Up.

--------------------------------- F L I K ---------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Magic Power
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Ability to survive
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet - Attack Power isn't quite as good
Armor ~ Wizard Robe as it should be
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Blue Boy is equipped so that he can use Spells effectively. Math Skill
are pumped up like this. Also, if you don't want to use Math Skill, the
Excalibur does pack quite a punch, though the accessory doesn't provide
any bonus for AT.

<><><><><><><><><><> A L T E R N A T E S E T U P <><><><><><><><><><>

!! !!
!! This set up was crafted by Dragoon Kain . !!
!! All credit for this Flik set up belongs to Dragoon Kain, for his ideas. !!
!! Much thanks to you Dragoon Kain. !!
!! !!

Job ~ Archer

Right Hand ~ Rune Blade
Left Hand ~ Crystal Shield
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Black Costume
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MA Save
Support ~ Equip Sword
Movement ~ Move + 3

I chose Archer since he is one during Suikoden 2's Map Battles. The Rune
Blade, well, y'know why is here. The MA save is to improve his spells (I
use it with Cloud to improve his Limits' strength)

------------------------------- V I K T O R -------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Good HP
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - Bad Speed
Armor ~ Maximillian
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

Viktor is a powerhouse. His strength is unbelievable. Chaos Blade coupled
with Two Hands will most likely copletely destroy any opponent that should
be dumb enough to cross Viktor. Move + 3 and Throw will allow range to aid
him, since speed is not his strong point.

------------------------------- N A N A M I -------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Immortality
Right Hand ~ --- - Ranged Attacks
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - She's Nanami
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Martial Arts
Movement ~ Move + 2

Let's be quite frank here, I hate Nanami. But, like it or not, she was a
main character in Suikoden II, and thus I felt obliged to create her into a
Final Fantasy Tactics character. In this form, she should spent most of
her turns healing with Punch Art. Throw is a nice alternative, as it gives
her the ability to safely attack from afar. And lastly, she is immortal in
this form (although she seemed to die an aweful lot in Suikoden II).

--------------------------------- J O E Y ---------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Power
Fa ~ 84 - Protection
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet - No variety in attacks
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Hamedo
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Why is it that such a traitorous character can be loved so much? Oh well,
this set up is pretty much self explanatory. Throwing swords is somewhat
like is final Rune Spell. Gold Escutcheon and Robe of Lords is good
protection... blah, blah, blah. Also, since Joey spent most of the game
weilding a staff. You could change the class to Knight and add in the
Excalibur since he did use a sword near the end, but it's your choice.

---------------------------------- L U C ----------------------------------

!! !!
!! This set up for Luc is proudly brought to you by the one they call the !!
!! Black Mage . Thank you to the efforts of him !!
!! as these are all his ideas, and his contributions are always immensly !!
!! appreciated. It has been edited to fit my format, but his set up has !!
!! not been altered in anyway. !!
!! !!

Job ~ Wizard

Right Hand ~ Faith Rod
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

-------------------------------- C L I V E --------------------------------

!! !!
!! This Clive set up was made by Black Mage and !!
!! for that, I thank him. This contribution, like all others, is greatly !!
!! welcomed and appreciated. Thank you so much, Black Mage. !!
!! !!

Job ~ Thief

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Black Costume
Accessory ~ Vanish Mantle

Primary Ability ~ Steal
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Sunken State
Support ~ Equip Gun
Movement ~ Move + 3

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


This team goes back to the world of basics in team balance. Firstly, you
have the pair of Joey and Viktor simply plowing through the frontlines of
opponents. Next, the main character and Flik both are adapted so that the
awe inspiring might of Math Skill is employed to destroy the enemy. To
complete the team, you have Nanami who serves as support. She can either
pick people off with long ranged attacks, or she can heal wounded allies.

4.08 Vandal Hearts

---------------------------------- A S H ----------------------------------

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Haste
Fa ~ 97 - Math Skill
- Gold Escutcheon
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Not much to fall back on if Gold
Armor ~ Wizard Robe Escutcheon doesn't block some hits
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Quite similar to Vandal Hearts, when Ash got the Vandalier class. That
god-like class had access to every spell in the game, and thus, so does
this character. Use Ramza as a base so you get Guts too. Pretty much
straightforward otherwise.

-------------------------------- C L I N T --------------------------------

Job ~ Samurai STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Hard to Hurt
Fa ~ 84 - Good Balance of Power and Skills
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden - Good set of Abilities
Left Hand ~ Genji Shield
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Genji Armor - Too Defensive
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Defense Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Clint isn't a samurai in Vandal Hearts, but for some reason, I thought it
fit him pretty well. With this, he is mainly defensive. The Genji equips
provide good HP (and they just fit with a Samurai). Blade Grasp will block
most all physical attacks and the Genji Shield with Magic Defense Up will
make sure spells aren't too destructive. Also Draw Out has the Kiyomori
with it's Shell and Protect casting. Between the power of the Chirijiraden
and the skills of both Draw Out and Throw, you've got a great character.

-------------------------------- D I E G O --------------------------------

Job ~ Archer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Evasion
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Battle Skills at range
Right Hand ~ Perseus Bow
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - It's an Archer
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Can be killed if Abandon fails
Accessory ~ Feather Mantle - Not a reliable character

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Move HP Up

As far as an archer goes, this is as close to as good as you can get.
With the Feather Mantle and Abandon, Diego has a slight chance of survival.
The Thief Hat and Power Sleeve are to provide as much speed and power as
possible. Battle Skill works nicely from afar.

-------------------------------- E L E N I --------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Fast Casts
Fa ~ 84 - Powerful Spells
- Huge MA with this set up
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Can die rather easily
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - Low HP and MP
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Eleni was a magical powerhouse in Vandal Hearts, and so she shall remain.
Summons here are both powerful and fast, with the boost given from Flash
Hat, Wizard Rod, Wizard Robe and Setiesmon. Short Charge also helps. Move
MP Up will keep a decent amount of MP on stock, and in the event you've
used them all up, Eleni has Item (you do have Ethers right?).

------------------------------- H U X L E Y -------------------------------

Job ~ Priest STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Math Skill
Fa ~ 84 - Calculating Holy is fun =]
- Strong MA
Right Hand ~ Mace of Zeus
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Can be killed if attacked by
Armor ~ Wizard Robe multiple characters attacking
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet together

Primary Ability ~ White Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

This character shouldn't be underestimated. Old men can do amazing things,
like calculating a devasting Holy. Also, he is very good for healing. If
that was not obvious enough, then you really need to lay off the beer.

--------------------------------- K I R A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Archer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed beyond belief
Fa ~ 84 - Can actually use Charge well
- Long Range Break Skill
Right Hand ~ Gastrafitis
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - It's an archer
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Can be killed so easily
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Meatbone Slash
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Ignore Heights

This is a high risk character. She can be killed extremely easily, and if
killed, you're in a world of trouble, as her countdown goes fast. Her
speed is excellent, so you can quickly climb high with Ignore Heights. If
she is in a safe place, just use long range Battle Skill. If you don't
want to take the odds of Battle Skill, then Charge. She should be able to
charge reletively well with her speed. Meatbone Slash is just there in
cause it is awesome when the right situation comes (though the odds of that
are about the same odds as winning the lottery).

--------------------------------- G R O G ---------------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Positive Status Bonuses
Fa ~ 84 - Amazing Power
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade - Two Swords and Battle Skill combo
Left Hand ~ Excalibur
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Robe of Lords - Lack of Magical Attacks
Accessory ~ Bracer - No Dodging/Blocking abilities

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

Absolutely nothing new here. This is your classic "Beat them senseless"
style of character. Chaos Blade and Excalibur will thoroughly annihilate
opponents. With the Robe of Lords and Bracer adding to PA, Punch Art is
an excellent long range set of abilities and a means to heal. Also, you
get amazing bonuses from all the equipment.

-------------------------------- D O L A N --------------------------------

Job ~ Geomancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - High MA
Fa ~ 84 - Good Variety of Attacks

Right Hand ~ Rune Blade WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield - Relies too much on MA
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

Dolan was a swordsman, but you already have Grog and Clint, so I thought a
bit of change wouldn't hurt anyone. Here, MA is greatly important. You
have massive boost in magical power making both Elemental and Draw Out
vastly powerful. Blade Grasp and Aegis Shield will help protect you, and
if things get rough, you can heal and use the positivie effects from Draw
Out Skills.

--------------------------------- A M O N ---------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - High HP giving armor
Fa ~ 84 - Power
- Long Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - Pretty slow compared to other
Armor ~ Maximillian characters
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

I didn't really like Amon, but I made him good anyway. This resembles the
Airmen as best they could. The set up is pretty much what you'd expect
from a Lancer, so I won't even go into it. Onto the next person...

--------------------------------- S A R A ---------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - Immortal
Fa ~ 84 - Power
- Range
Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Low HP (who cares, you're immortal)
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ A Save
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This is mainly for healing. A Save and Accumulate will pump PA up so much
that Chakra will be a blessing. If you want to attack, Wave Fist and Earth
Slash are good, since Two Swords isn't here for dual attacks. She's a good
compliment to either Eleni or Zohar, as you can readily replenish MP for a
sick combo.

-------------------------------- Z O H A R --------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Great set of Abilities
Fa ~ 84 - Powerful Spells
- Huge MA with this set up
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Can die rather easily
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - Low HP and MP
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ MA Save
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Zohar is your all around great character like this. MA is huge and that
really helps out with Summon Magic and Draw Out. Draw Out provides all
kinds of help in the form of Haste (enjoying catching those Masamunes),
Protect and Shell (Kiyomoro) and healing (Murasame). The Haste is a great
asset as casting in turn will become faster.

------------------------------- D A R I U S -------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Ranged Attacks
Fa ~ 84 - Decent Protection
- Strong Attacks
Right Hand ~ Ultimate Javelin
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet - Pretty slow compared to other
Armor ~ Reflect Mail characters
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

This is basically a common Lancer. I should explain the defensive side of
this character though. Blade Grasp will keep most of the physical attacks
from harming you. Reflect Mail gives a good magic defense as well.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Well it's a shame Final Fantasy Tactics didn't do what Vandal Hearts did,
make your full party fight in every battle. It's amazingly fun to have a
party of 12 run rampant across a battle field. Well, as far as the team
goes, you've got some awesome characters. The selection is nice too, since
you have magic casters, all around characters, physical madmen, and a nice
variety of support skills. For the magic casters, we start with Ash and
the might of Math Skill. He can also double over as a frontline fighter.
Also, have fun with Huxley's Holy. Next is the set of Summoners, Eleni and
Zohar. It's a nice idea to have Sara next to them and continue to Chakra.
You'll get devasting results. Grog, Amon and Darius form a nice front line
as they have the potential to do devasting damage and strike first blood.
Clint, Diego, Dolan and Kira have a nice array of long range skills that
help to weaken enemies or pick them off. Pick your favorite five and you
have a awe inspiring party.

4.09 Saga Frontier

--------------------------------- B L U E ---------------------------------

Job ~ Geomancer STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - High MA
Fa ~ 84 - Math Skill
- Hard to Kill
Right Hand ~ Rune Blade
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Physical Attack Weak
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Elemental
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This set up is to boost Blue's Magic. He is essentially a mage, but since
mages are often weak, slow, die easily and whatnot, I made him into a
warrior class. The Geomancer set up here has tons of MA. Use Math Skill
carefully. This character most likely won't die. He has a good HP base
with the Rubber Costume and can be protected by Aegis Shield and Blade

--------------------------------- L U T E ---------------------------------

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Chaos Blade and Excalibur
Fa ~ 84 - Positive Status from Chaos Blade
and Excalibur
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Speed
Left Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Besides Regen, no means to heal
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes - No protection

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Sing
Reaction ~ Hamedo
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

Use Ramza as a base for Lute to get this done. I made him a Squire simply
because he could used a sword in Saga Frontier. The Sing skill comes into
play because he's a travelling musician. As far as the set up goes, it is
to help him out with speed and strength. He should plow down most enemies
with ease, and his speed will help him do it repeatedly. Hamedo is just a
very interesting move to throw in but Abandon probably works just as well.

------------------------------- T - 2 6 0 G -------------------------------

Well, just rename Worker 8 to get this character.

------------------------- R E D / A L K A I S E R -------------------------

Job ~ Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Power
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet - Battle Skill pretty much worthless
Armor ~ Robe of Lords without Two Swords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Damage Split
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This Super Hero can beat the hell out of you. Haste and Move + 3 lets him
cover the battlefield. The PA boost will help out with the Excalibur's
damage as well as Throw. Coupled with the bonuses of Robe of Lords and the
Gold Escutcheon, good luck getting hurt too badly. I threw in Damage Split
for the hell of it.

------------------------------- E M I L I A -------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - High PA
Fa ~ 84 - Immortal
- Good Set of Skills
Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Ribbon - Low HP
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Lack of Variety
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ A Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 2

I made her a Monk simply because the Dream Super Combo in Saga Frontier
completely destroyed most anyone. With this set up, Emilia has amazingly
high PA after taking a few hits. Chantage makes her immortal, blah blah
blah. Battle Skills are based on PA which she has and you get two tries
this way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


First off, yes I did leave out Riki and Asellus. The reason being, is you
really can't make a good base for Riki, and Asellus would be much like Blue
so you could probably just make her yourself. As for the current team, you
have a offset as far as balance goes. There are two types of characters,
the mage, and the front line fighters. The latter makes up 4/5 of the team
while the former only makes up 1/5. The interesting things is the minority
could also pass as part of the majority. This is very unlike me, but oh
well. If it works, it works and if you gripe about it, you're an idiot. =]

4.10 Xenogears

---------------------------------- F E I ----------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - High PA
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Good Variety of Skills
Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ --- - Low HP
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Not the Greatest Speed
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move HP Up

Use Wave Fist a lot. Attack Up is there instead of Two Swords so you might
as well stick to the skills. Chakra is a great skill.

-------------------------------- C I T A N --------------------------------

Job ~ Samurai STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - It's a Samurai
Fa ~ 84 - Nice set of Skills
- Abandon
Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet - Not quite as strong as Citan should
Armor ~ Robe of Lords be
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Elemental
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

He's not quite as good as he was in Xenogears, but he's decent. Elemental
and Draw Out add to his advantages. With the Genji equipments giving
decent HP and Abandon will keep him alive. Chirijiraden will slaughter

--------------------------------- E L L Y ---------------------------------

Job ~ Wizard STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - MA is pumped up
Fa ~ 84 - Math Skill

Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod WEAKNESSES:
Left Hand ~ --- - Can be killed so easily, it's not
Helmet ~ Flash Hat even funny
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move HP Up

With her lack of the ability to live Move HP Up is absolutely needed.
A ton of MA is supplied through the equipment. You can completely
nuke the enemies with her spells.

-------------------------------- B I L L Y --------------------------------

Job ~ Mediator STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - High MA
Fa ~ 84 - Ranged Attacks
- Math Skill
Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Can be killed easily
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Ignore Height

The gun toting sharp shooter of Xenogears fits the bill of Mediator quite
nicely. The high MA will help with Talk Skill, Math Skill and his attacks
so the equipment will help out greatly. Just be careful cause Billy bites
the dust fast when under attack.

----------------------------- E M E R A L D A -----------------------------

Job ~ Samurai STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Strong Magic
Fa ~ 84 - Math Skill and Draw Out
- Haste
Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet - Can be killed really easily
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Pretty straight forward. You have the best of two worlds, the Samurai and
the Calculator. MP Switch and Move MP Up is good for survival and every
thing else is generally for MA boost.

--------------------------------- B A R T ---------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Evasion
- Ranged Attacks
Right Hand ~ Scorpion Tail - Stealing
Left Hand ~ Scorpion Tail
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Low HP
Accessory ~ Feather Mantle

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Defense Up/Magic Defense Up/Secret Hunt
Movement ~ Move + 3

First off, I know this doesn't seem like it resembles Bart at all, and it
really doesn't, but it does fit. Speed was never Bart's strong point, but
if you're slow in Tactics, you're close to worthless. As for Bart's two
whips, two hammers is about as close as you can get in Final Fantasy
Tactics. With character will annoy the hell out of enemies. With the
Feather mantle, he'll have 70% physical evade and 60% magic evade. Add in
Abandon, and you'll piss the hell out of opponents. Steal works well as
Speed is high on the character. As for the support, it's your choice. I
find Secret Hunt to be the most worthwhile, as defense isn't overly needed
with such good evade. If you want Defense, use Defense Up when you're
fighting monsters and Magic Defense Up against Mages.

--------------------------------- R I C O ---------------------------------

Br ~ 97 - High PA
Fa ~ 84 - Healing
- Good Variety of Skills
Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ --- - Low HP
Armor ~ Power Sleeve - Not the Greatest Speed
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Basic Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move MP Up

I've used this set up to death. I'm sure you'll be able to find one of my
previous evaluations.

-------------------------------- M A R I A --------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Strong Magic
Fa ~ 84 - Fast Casts
- Charming Abilities
Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ --- WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Can be killed really easily
Armor ~ Wizard Robe - MP takes quite awhile to recharge
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

I made Maria a Summoner because her only useful trait as a human in XG was
to call Seibzhen for help. Summoners call for help, so it's all good.
She as four pieces of equipment, two that boost MA, and two that boosts
speed. You can get quite a few fast casts in before running out of MP.
When that happens, Steal comes into play. She makes a great charmer. Just
use that until Move MP Up gets you enough MP to scrounge up another summon.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Eight members, four for physical, four for magical. This team basically
uses the theme of team work. Not too many are self reliant, but if they
all worked together, you'll get a devasting combo though. Anyone of them
is great, so it doesn't matter which five you choose.

4.11 Ronin Warriors: Dark Warlords

!! !!
!! This team was submitted by Tengu Man . All the !!
!! ideas, set ups, etc. were his making so he deserves all praise for this !!
!! Ronin Warriors: Dark Warlords team. This team has been edited to fit !!
!! the format of this guide, but Tengu Man's work remains as is. !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

------------------------------- A N U B I S -------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja

Right Hand ~ Scorpion Tail
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet
Armor ~ Reflect Mail
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Equip Armor
Movement ~ Teleport

----------------------------- Z E G H M E I T -----------------------------

Job ~ Samurai

Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden
Left Hand ~ Chirijiraden
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet
Armor ~ Reflect Mail
Accessory ~ Feather Mantle

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Black Magic
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Teleport

--------------------------------- D A I S ---------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja

Right Hand ~ Scorpion Tail
Left Hand ~ Scorpion Tail
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet
Armor ~ Reflect Mail
Accessory ~ Vanish Mantle

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Time Magic
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Equip Armor
Movement ~ Teleport

--------------------------------- K E I L ---------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer

Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden
Left Hand ~ Crystal Shield
Helmet ~ Crystal Helmet
Armor ~ Reflect Mail
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Battle Skill
Reaction ~ Meatbone Slash
Support ~ Equip Knife
Movement ~ Teleport

--------------------------------- K I R A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Ninja

Right Hand ~ Rune Blade
Left Hand ~ Rune Blade
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Black Costume
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability Math Skill
Reaction ~ Critcal Quick
Support ~ Equip Sword
Movement ~ Teleport

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!! !!
!! Again, a sincere thanks to Tengu Man . This !!
!! team is very appreciated. !!
!! !!

4.12 X-Men

!! !!
!! Tetragenian is the person responisble for this X-Men team. These are !!
!! his character set ups, and he deserves all credit for them. Thank you !!
!! very much Tetragenian !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

-------------------------------- S T O R M --------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Faith Rod
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Summon
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Float or Move MP Up

One of the most powerful mutants would most certianly be a summoner! Well
besides being the ultimate mage, she is also immortal. I gave her Float
just for the added likeness, but you can give her Move MP Up......that's
the better idea.

------------------------------ D A Z Z L E R ------------------------------

Job ~ Monk
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Items
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 2

My favorite member (or former member) of the X-Men. This set up equals a
pretty powerful female. Enemies around her will soon perish and she will
be able to heal others. Speed Save also helps in getting her to attack

<><><><><><><><><><> A L T E R N A T E S E T U P <><><><><><><><><><>

Job ~ Dancer
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right HAnd ~ H Bag
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Theif Hat
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Dance
Secondary Ability ~ Items
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Secret Hunt
Movement ~ Ignore Height

Hmm...Chantage seems to be a popular accessory for women. Ignore Height
will allow her to get to a safe place and Dance from there. Items for
healing if no other healer is around and speed save will hwlp her dance

----------------------------- P S Y L O C K E -----------------------------

Job ~ Ninja
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Sasuke Knife
Left Hand ~ Iga Knife
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Throw
Secondary Ability ~ Charge
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Teleport

As many of you may already know, Psylocke is one of the X-Men's most
formidable members. Having Charge will allow for greater physical attacks
and Speed Save will help in her having more turns. Teleport is just what I
added b/c I like it...and it goes with her abilities.

---------------------------- W O L V E R I N E ----------------------------

Job ~ Samurai
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Chirijiraden
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillion
Accessory ~ Genji Cauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Draw Out
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Two Hands
Movement ~ Move + 3

One of the more popular members of X-Men. I had trouble with classes at
first until I rememebered his days in Japan. Anyways, this wnds up being a
very powerful class. (just make sure you have a full stock of Samuri
blades for Draw Out)

------------------------------ C Y C L O P S ------------------------------

Job ~ Knight
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcion
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillion
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Break Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Jump
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

(Or any other male mutant, I personally hate Cyclops) Not much to say
really. This is a very powerful warrior.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!! !!
!! Tetragenian , once again, thanks for the X-Men !!
!! team. !!
!! !!

4.13 Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

!! !!
!! Tetragenian is the person responsible for this !!
!! Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete team. These are his character set !!
!! ups and he deserves all credit for them. A sincere thanks for your !!
!! efforts, Tetragenian. !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

--------------------------------- A L E X ---------------------------------

Job ~ Squire
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcion
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet
Armor ~ Genji Armor
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Auto Potion
Movement ~ Move + 3

Ah yes, a very good attacker. Auto Potion will come in very handy since
the armor is a little weaker here. He can easily go to the front to
destroy enemies.

------------------------------ J E S S I C A ------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Mace of Zeus or Healing Staff
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Summon
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Half MP
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Very similar to the actual Jessica from Lunar:SSSC, except less attack
power. A wide variety of healing/assist spells making her the more valued immortality. I've seen this particular set
up too many times.

---------------------------------- M I A ----------------------------------

Job ~
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Faith Rod
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Light Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Most equips boost MA, having Math Skill will provide good backup for
Jessica. Counter Magic and Move MP Up are there for obvious reasons.

--------------------------------- N A S H ---------------------------------

Job ~ Archer
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Perseus Bow
Left Hand ~
Helmet ~ Theif Hat
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Charge
Secondary Ability ~ Geomancy
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Concentrate
Movement ~ Ignore Height

Nash uses mainly Bows in Lunar so I thoguht this would be a good class.
Ignore Height will allow him to get up high and attack safely. Geomancy
is there for some "magical-type" abilities. Concentrate will make sure
that every attack is successful.

--------------------------------- K Y L E ---------------------------------

Job ~ Knight
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ Excalibur
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillion
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Break
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Dragon Spirit
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

Good for getting towards the front line and softening enemies. Good for
getting up close and personal wioth enemies.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!! !!
!! Tetragenian , once again, thanks for the Lunar: !!
!! Silver Star Story Complete team. !!
!! !!

4.14 Breath of Fire III

!! !!
!! Tetragenian is the person responsible for this !!
!! four character Breath of Fire III team. These are his character set !!
!! ups and he deserves all credit for them. A sincere thanks for your !!
!! efforts, Tetragenian. !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

---------------------------------- R Y U ----------------------------------

Job ~ Knight
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Chaos Blade
Left Hand ~ Excalibur
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillion
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Break
Secondary Ability ~ Throw
Reaction ~ Dragon Spirit
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

Pretty much like the Ryu in BoF3. Punch Art was added so he could heal
allies if the need arrises. Also a very powerful character.

--------------------------------- N I N A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Summon
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Mace of Zeus
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Summon
Secondary Ability ~ Black Magic
Reaction ~ Counter Magic
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Just as powerful as Nina from BoF3. Armor is weak, but that is b/c she
should be kept towards the back. The magic attack here is incredible.

--------------------------------- M O M O ---------------------------------

Job ~ Mediator
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Theif Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Ignore Height

Very good long range character. She can attack from afar and heal or
attack multiple charaters. Ignore Height is necessary for safety and Magic
Attack Up helps when using magic to attack enemies.

---------------------------------- R E I ----------------------------------

Job ~ Monk
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ ---
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Steal
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 3

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!! !!
!! Tetragenian , once again, thanks for this Breath !!
!! of Fire III team. !!
!! !!

4.15 Star Ocean II: Second Story

!! !!
!! Tetragenian is the person responsible for this !!
!! four character Breath of Fire III team. These are his character set !!
!! ups and he deserves all credit for them. A sincere thanks for your !!
!! efforts, Tetragenian. !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

------------------------------ C L A U D E --------------------------------

Job ~ Squire
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcion
Helmet ~ Genji Helmet
Armor ~ Genji Armor
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Auto Potion
Movement ~ Move + 3

Pretty powerful. Draw out is for attacking multiple enemies. Auto Potion
helps since armor is weaker.

-------------------------------- R E N A ----------------------------------

Job ~ Summoner
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Mace of Zeus or Healing Staff
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Summon
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Math Skill is excellent (need I say more?). Speed save gives her the
added edge this team needs for healing and using Math Skill. Short
Charge can really be a life saver, she shoud be kept toward the back to
attack and heal.

------------------------------- O P E R A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Mediator
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~
Helmet ~ Theif Hat
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Charge
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Ignore Height

Very good long range character. Charge is a very helpful for even more
powerful attacks. Ignore Height allows her to go and safely attack. Talk
Skill is also helpful for increasing or lowering stats.

----------------------------- C H I S A T O -------------------------------

Job ~ Monk
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon
Armor ~ Rubber Costume
Accessory ~ Chantage

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Geomancy
Reaction ~ A Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Move + 2

A very powerful warrior. Geomancy is added for more choices in attacks,
while A Save is there for added attack power.

4.16 Breath of Fire III

!! !!
!! Billy Lee sent in this version of the powerful !!
!! Breath of Fire III team. His character set ups have been changed into !!
!! the format of my guide, but it's main content has not been altered. He !!
!! deserves all praise and appause for this team. !!
!! !!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

---------------------------------- R Y U ----------------------------------

Job ~ Priest
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 74

Right Hand ~ Rune Blade
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ White Magic
Secondary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Reaction ~ Dragon Spirit
Support ~ Equip Sword
Movement ~ Move-HP Up

Well, kinda like BoF3, think of Summon as his dragon abilities. Also I
gave him White Magic because he had healing and assist magics in BoF3.
Threw in Move-HP Up because he always got Life Armor, which increased HP
while walking.

--------------------------------- N I N A ---------------------------------

Job ~ Wizard
Br ~ 32
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Wizard Rod
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Flash Hat
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Magic Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Black Magic
Secondary Ability ~ ---
Reaction ~ ---
Support ~ Magic AttackUP
Movement ~ Fly

I didn't give her a reaction ability because nothing seems to fit. I
thought MA Save, but that's for guys only. But anyway, weak Attack/HP,
good MP/Magic Attack, that's our Nina.

---------------------------------- R E I ----------------------------------

Job ~ Thief
Br ~ 84
Fa ~ 69

Right Hand ~ Air Knife
Left Hand ~ Air Knife
Helmet ~ Thief Hat
Armor ~ Secret Clothes
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Steal
Secondary Ability ~ Black Magic
Reaction ~ Speed Save
Support ~ Two Swords
Movement ~ Teleport

Only give him the Lightning Magics and Death to further create the effect
of the character. Two Swords because he always had two knives showing in
battle. I gave him teleport because in BoF3 I always give him Shadowwalk,
Also he's fast as a cheetah, like always.

--------------------------------- G A R R ---------------------------------

Job ~ Lancer
Br ~ 97
Fa ~ 32

Right Hand ~ Javelin(the super one)
Left Hand ~ Flame Shield
Helmet ~ Grand Helmet
Armor ~ Maximillian
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Jump
Secondary Ability ~ Black Magic
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Any Ground

Give him the Fire Magics becuse he had those in the game. Flame shield is
there because of his natural fire resistance. This man packs a whollup
and stays around forever, just like Garr. If you really want to feel like
Garr is in your party, have someone cast Poison on him at the begining of
the battle to simulate what would happen with his Beast Spear equipped.

--------------------------------- M O M O ---------------------------------

Job ~ Mediator
Br ~ 84
Fa ~ 84

Right Hand ~ Blast Gun
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Golden Hairpin
Armor ~ Black Costume
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Talk Skill
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Catch
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Float

I gave her Punch Art because she had the non-elemental/eath elemental
attacks, which is kind of what the monk has. Catch just seemed to fit her
and Float is there because her mind was always in another place, like she
was on cloud 9 for the while game or something. Too bd the guns in BoF3
didn't have the high hit ratio they did in this game...

--------------------------------- P E C O ---------------------------------

Job ~ Monk
Br ~ 78
Fa ~ 65

Right Hand ~ ---
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ ---
Armor ~ Earth Clothes
Accessory ~ Bracer

Primary Ability ~ Punch Art
Secondary Ability ~ Elemental
Reaction ~ Counter
Support ~ Defense Up
Movement ~ Move-HP Up

I can't explain it, this just seemed to go with him...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I tried to make the characters look more like what the characters did from
Breath of Fire 3, not Demi-Gods with the same names. I'm happy with them,
though there were some things that dissapointed me, like that I couldn't
make Ryu stronger, stuff like that...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

!! !!
!! Billy Lee , once again, thanks for this Breath !!
!! of Fire III team. !!
!! !!

4.17 My Team

-------------------------------- R A M Z A --------------------------------

Job ~ Squire STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 97 - High Magic Attack
- Variety in skill
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Aegis Shield WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Flash Hat - Low HP
Armor ~ Wizard Robe
Accessory ~ Genji Gauntlet

Primary Ability ~ Guts
Secondary Ability ~ Draw Out
Reaction ~ Blade Grasp
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This character is your basic all around guy. He is by no means invincible,
but he gets the job done, and that's all that matters. His only weakness
is a moot point, since he has the set up of Aegis Shield and Blade Grasp.
The Haste from the Excalibur is awesome as well as Draw Out's immpressive
array of moves.

------------------------------ O R L A N D U ------------------------------

Job ~ Holy Swordsman STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - He's Orlandu
Fa ~ 84 - Immense Attack
- Healing
Right Hand ~ Excalibur - Fast as hell
Left Hand ~ Venetian Shield - All Swordskill
Helmet ~ Twist Headband - Damage Split is fun
Armor ~ Power Sleeve
Accessory ~ Bracer WEAKNESSES:
- makes the game too easy
Primary Ability ~ All Swordskill
Secondary Ability ~ Punch Art
Reaction ~ Damage Split
Support ~ Attack Up
Movement ~ Move + 3

This Orlandu will kill anything it sees. Anything at all. All Swordskill
rips. Punch Art is there as support and backup. The Thief Hat and Robe
of Lords adds so much support. Damage Spilt is there in case something
gets past the Gold Escutcheon. Since Orlandu can take damage, might as
well make the other person take damage too.

--------------------------------- R E I S ---------------------------------

Job ~ Dragoner STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - It's Reis
Fa ~ 84 - Can end the match in the first turn
- Longevity
Right Hand ~ H Bag - High HP, MP, AT, MA, and Speed
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Ribbon WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ --- - errr... nothing really
Accessory ~ Setiesmon

Primary Ability ~ Dragon
Secondary Ability ~ Math Skill
Reaction ~ MP Switch
Support ~ Magic Attack Up
Movement ~ Move MP Up

If you've been reading carefully, this is just the same one I have listed
for Reis at the beginning of the game. I guess I really don't have to
re-explain it.

------------------------------ B E O W U L F ------------------------------

Job ~ Temple Knight STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Speed
Fa ~ 84 - Great Variety of Magic
- Haste, Protect, and Shell
Right Hand ~ Excalibur
Left Hand ~ Gold Escutcheon WEAKNESSES:
Helmet ~ Thief Hat - Easily runs out of MP
Armor ~ Robe of Lords
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Magic Sword
Secondary Ability ~ Summon Magic
Reaction ~ Abandon
Support ~ Half of MP
Movement ~ Move MP Up

Beowulf is an awe inspiring character. With his set of magic, he has both
powerful spells, and support abilities. The combination of Robe of Lords
and Excalibur adds a lot of positive status. Also, Shock! is very lethal
move when used right. But, it requires Beowulf to be hurt for any damage
that is substantial to be inflicted, thus causing a problem. He is quite a
fast character, and with such speed, his death counter ticks away rapidly.
So, I added both the Gold Escutcheon and Abandon. They should provide
enough cover to live even in critical status.

-------------------------------- C L O U D --------------------------------

Job ~ Soldier STRENGTHS:
Br ~ 97 - Finishing Touch
Fa ~ 84 - Speed
- Quick Healing
Right Hand ~ Materia Blade - Range
Left Hand ~ ---
Helmet ~ Thief Hat WEAKNESSES:
Armor ~ Secret Clothes - Can be killed easily
Accessory ~ Sprint Shoes

Primary Ability ~ Limit
Secondary Ability ~ Item
Reaction ~ Auto Potion
Support ~ Short Charge
Movement ~ Move + 3

This character is very potent. He's basically a high risk, high reward
character. His equips make him extremely fast and with the Short Charge,
he'll rip people up with Finishing Touch. Item is for a quick heal.
[NOTE: Yes he is the exact same as the one I listed at the beginning of
the guide.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


My team is created to make sure every character does as much as possible.
Ramza can pass as a defensive support, with moves like Kiyomori, Yell, etc,
while he can still double over as a frontline fighter, who can hit multiple
enemies at a time (using Draw Out). Orlandu is my only true frontline
fighter, and even he can double over as a healer with the use of Chakra.
Reis uses Math Skill extremely well, as she can (and usually does) wipe the
entire battlefield clean of enemies (and at times, my own teammates). Also
her Math Skill also allows healing. Beowulf is my best offensive support
character. Then, there is Cloud. He is basically the only character that
can't function fully on his own, but is a worthy character, as he will pull
off devasting results if given the right chance.

On a whole scale, it's an amazing team since the possibilities in using
them is endless. You could simply have them go berserk and attack the
enemy like madmen. You could have them all use long ranged attacks (which
they can all do). Or you can use a bait and lure method. Have Reis send
waves of Math Skill over to them, and then when they come, unleash a few
summons and Limits. Orlandu can replenish Beowulf's MP, and Ramza can pick
off the remaining enemies. Choose your strategy, or do what I do, go into
battle without a plan and hope to overpower =]. Yea, that's the best way
to go...

Just a side note, this is a variation of my main team. The one I spent my
time leveling up and down, are on a completely different save file. The
reason I didn't list it is because with their stats, I don't care what class
and equipment they have since they usually never lose (unless I beat myself
senseless). If I posted it, you'd probably be confused as hell as to why I
had Cloud as a Bard with Punch Art, etc. Also, this team is actually more
fun to play as, as half the time Reis kills more of my people then the enemy.

5555 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
555 ----------------------[ MISCELLANEOUS HINTS ]------------------------
5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

5.1 General Equip Strategies

MP Switch - Move MP Up

This is basically a combo that ensures longevity. Since using MP
Switch basically adds the MP bar to your HP, you need a means to
recover it. Move MP Up. Also, everytime you make a move (and get
MP) it mean the next move will not kill you. Unless it's an
instant death move =]

As an alternative, you could use the Bard's Angel Song, in the
event that multiple characters have MP Switch.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Blade Grasp (97 Brave) - Aegis Shield

Blade Grasp negates most all physical attacks, and Aegis Shield will
take care of half the magic spells cast on you.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Blade Grasp (97 Brave) - Reflect Mail

Blade Grasp negates most all physical attacks, and the Reflect Mail
will keep all most all magic from even touching the character.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Weapon Guard - Defender/Cloth

Defenders have a 60% Weapon Evade and Cloths have 50%. Nice odds

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ribbon - Chantage

It only works on women. This is the ultimate combo. Nothing can
stop it. Chantage will keep her from ever dieing permanently, and
the Ribbon will ensure that no status effect will down her (petrify,
charm, ect.).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gold Escutcheon - Feather Mantle

This will make your character incredibly annoying to hit. Quite
effective. The Feather Mantle is overlooked quite a lot.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Equip Gun - Break Skill

Break Skills are immensily better from long range. You don't have
to worry about counters, ect.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two Swords - Break Skill

You get two chances every turn. Much better odds.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Monk Class - Two Swords - Battle Skill

Battle Skill is based on PA. The Monk is unquestionably the class
with the highest of this. Two Swords adds a second chance to the
Break attempt.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Speed Save - Chantage

The main problem with having immense speed is if the character faints.
If they do, their timer will go at extreme rates and often end up
with you losing a character permanently. Chantage remedies this real

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A Save - Chantage from Black Mage

Just keep takin' damage until you can toast all opponent in 1
strike. You can't be killed anyway.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Stop/Don't Move/Sleep/Slow - Summon Magic

Just wait until the opponent doesn't have a chance to avoid something
(through use of either Stop, Don't Move, Sleep or Slow) and cast
something powerful like the big badass Bahamut.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Move + 3 - Throw

The more movement a character has, the longer they can throw. Too bad
this doesn't apply to Teleport =]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Absorb Used MP - Half of MP - Move MP Up

For those people who are deathly afraid of running out of MP.

5.2 Hints and Tips


Stealing is one of the hardest things to do in the game successfully. This
is especially true to get the famed Genji equips from Marquis Elmdor.

Firstly, stealing items is dependent on speed. Obviously, you should use
some character that is fast naturally, like a Ninja. Second, you could use
things like Haste on the stealer, and Slow on the enemy. Stop and sleep
work nicely for this too. I prefer to have a Bard repeatedly Sing Cheer
Song. I then have another character with Two Swords continue to Speed
Break. Also, status effects like Confuse and Berserk seem to help.

When stealing, try to surround the enemy. If they keep moving around, it
gets annoying. Corner the person you're trying to steal from with the
stealer, and then completely surround him with characters that can Speed
Break. Then have someone continue using Persuade onhim and a Bard singing
Cheer Song.

If all still fails, consider testing your luck. I have found that critical
state seems to up your chances of success considerably. Just be careful not
to kill them if it'll end the battle.

On a side note, when stealing from Elmdor, things are different. Firstly,
you need to kill Celia and Lede, then the Ultima Demons they turn into.
Make sure you have a means to defend against Elmdor's annoying Blood Suck,
and Muramasa. To avoid Blood Suck, try to keep Elmdor full HP. This way,
he has less chance of wanting to Blood Suck. Now then, lower is Brave.
If not, his Blade Grasp will nearly completely neutralize all your efforts.
For stealing the Genji equips and Masamune, this is the most important
aspect. He has Blade Grasp, and without it, he won't be able to dodge to
well, and stealing as well as Speed Break will be more effective. Always
have a Bard singing Cheer Song. Steal his shield first. After that, his
Gauntlet and then Weapon. Save his Armor and Helmet last, as if your
characters are strong and get hit by Blood Suck, they may kill Elmdor if
he doesn't have the extra HP. Long side note, huh?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ultimate Javelin and Gold Escutcheon

By now, everyone should know about this. The Javelin is the weakest lance
in the game, and the Escutcheon is the most worthless shield. But, there
is a better version of both of them (and they are so much better).

In the Battle of Nelveska Temple, the one with Worker 7 *New*, there are
two pillars that are dominated by two Hyudras at the beginning of the
battle. The pillars both have a height of 7. Hidden on the left pillar
is the Gold Escutcheon, and on the right, the Ultimate Javelin.

To get them, you need Move Find Item. Of course, no character in the game
can jump up to a height of 7 when their movement ability is taken up by
Move Find Item. Well, there's a trick out there that let's you get a boost
of sorts. Monsters, like Reis (when a Holy Dragon) and Worker 8 have a
natural height of 3. And the nice thing about monsters is that you can
step on them. You can't end your turn on top of them, but if they are next
to a high platform and you can use them as a jumping platform. So since
the pillars are each 7, and monsters are 3, you'll need a jump of 4. This
is easy to get with a pair of Germinas Boots.

Like all items you can find lying around on the battlefield, these two
awesome weapons can end up being a crap item when picked up. Basically,
you need to make sure that you have low Brave. When you step on the tops
of either pillar, with Move Find Item, you'll pick up the good item, or a
normal weak version of the weapon.

To distinguish between the good and bad ones, just look at the item when
your character holds it up. For the Escutcheon, you'll see it right away,
as the Gold Escutcheon is in fact gold. For the Ultimate Javelin, it's a
bit harder, but you should be able to tell. The Ultimate one is a Bronze

Now, let me explain why these two items are so good. The best shield aside
from the Gold Escutcheon is either the Venetian Shield (50% physical evade,
25% magic evade) or the Aegis Shield (10% physical evade, 50% magic evade,
MA + 1). The Gold Escutcheon has 75% physichal evade, and 50% magic evade.
That basically means very little things will even touch your character.
Easily the best shield in the game. As for the Ultimate Javelin, it has a
battle power of 30. This is second only to the Chaos Blade. Lancers are
great, and this makes them even better.

Also, since you can only get it at the Nelveska Temple, you only have one
shot to grab the Gold Escutcheon. I feel sorry for everyone who passed it
up. The Ultimate Javelin can still be gotten later (explained in section
5.3 Tricks Galore).

5.3 Tricks Galore

Multiple Rare Weapons

In the Ninja job class, the abilities let you throw all kinds of stuff, and
in the Thief job class, the ability 'Catch' allows you to catch any item
thrown at you. If you've fought ninjas often, you'll notice they like to
throw stuff at you whenever they can. Well, they have the ability to throw
anything since the AI is cheap. This includes those 'one of a kind'
weapons like the Chaos Blade, and the Ultimate Javelin!

Of course, the better the weapons require a higher level Ninja to throw it.
This isn't technically true of course, since you could have a level 1 ninja
throw a Knight Sword if he had the skill. It's just that you're catching
the AI's weapons, and the AI won't let a weak character throw something
that good. So essentially, you want to have your characters at 90+ levels,
so the enemies will be around 90+ too.

To do this, all you need is a enemy character that has the 'Throw' ability,
and one of your characters with the 'Catch' ability. Depending on their
level, you'll start building up your inventory in no time.

As with all tricks, there are ways to do something, and then there are much
better ways. The best opportunities come in the Deep Dungeon Level 8,
HORROR. Commonly enough you'll be entered into a battle against a fair
amount of characters (8 or so). If you're lucky enough, those enemies will
be made up of Samurais and Ninjas.

When you start the battle, you should have all characters with the Catch
ability. Now, the only way to access your characters starting point is
through one spot. This spot is the panel with the Grand Helmet (height of
8). Since this houses an item, it's also home to a trap. I can't remember
the trap, but it really doesn't matter.

Now, to one side of the panel is another panel with the height of eight,
and inbetween these two is a panel of two height. Obviosly, to get to your
party, they have to jump from the eight height panel, over the two height
panel and land on the trap/Grand Helmet panel. To the opposite direct of
this panel is a panel with nine height.

Here's where you make sure they can't access you. The nine height panel is
the key. Have someone with transparent state (through the Secret Clothes,
Setiesmon, Vanish Mantle, or Sunken State) stand here. One enemy character
will be able to be at the same height as your characters, but with someone
transparent right next to them, they never get a chance to attack with
their weapons.

When you have this set up, kill all Samurais and Ninjas who have long range
abilities aside from Throw. After that's done, just sit on the edges of
your raised platform and let the chunking begin.

The reason this is so good is because this is the ONLY way to get 'one of a
kind items' more than once, legitimately. If the Ninjas are around level
99 and 98, they will throw, notably, Chaos Blades and Ultimate Javelins.
At 96 or 97, I can't remember which, they throw Excaliburs. In addition,
I know they throw all the Knight Swords, and some rare poachable weapons.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ultimate Stats - Overwhelming Power

Before I write anything, I'd like to acknowledge a few people. Though most
of what's below is from my own experience, it was all greatly influenced by
two sources: the Garanhir's Level Up/Level Down Site and Notti's Deep
Dungeon Guide. Both sources can be found listed in the credits section.
Now then...

In Final Fantasy VII, everyone knows that you can get maxed out stats by
way of sources. Well, there is a way to do it in Final Fantasy Tactics
too. What this means is that you can get 999 HP, 999 MP, 99 AT, 99 MA, and
50 Speed. This would make any character/class basically a demi god. But,
with such good rewards, you'll have to face extreme boredom while doing it.
The process itself is boring enough, but the time factor is an incredible
pain in the neck.

The basic concept lies in the various classes of the game. Wizards have
high MA, Ninjas have high speed, ect. ect. Everyone knows that. What some
people have yet to figure out though, is that when they level up, the class
will effect which stats grow, and at what rate. If you have a character in
the Monk class the entire game, s/he'll have a lot of PA. But if you have
Bard Class for most of the game, he'll have absolutely pathetic PA.

There are ways in Final Fantasy Tactics to actually lower your level. If
you lower the level the amount lowered is the same as that if you leveled
up. Here's where the trick begins. If you lower your level in a class
that has bad growth, you could level up in a class that has good growth,
and eventually max out your stats.

Of course, that's just how it works. I wouldn't leave you with just the
basics. So let's get into the more in-depth details, like the best ways to
gain levels, lower levels, and what classes have the best growth for what

The process of doing this is quite simple (keep in mind I'm assuming you
are at level 99). Here's my favorite, although it concentrates on one
1. Go into battle with two Mind Flares, two powerful characters, and
the person you're trying to level down. The Mind Flares should
be at level 99 or really close.
2. The character you are trying to level down should have Monster
Skill and the Nagrarock and Oracle skills. One of the powerful
characters should have Two Swords and Battle Skill. The other
should have the ability to haste.
3. To maximize effeciency, pick Fovoham Plains for it's level
lowering trap. (You'll have to find it on your own, as I don't
remember the exact coordinates)
4. Go into battle, and have the two powerful characters wipe out the
enemies. It shouldn't be a problem. Don't kill the enemy with
the lowest Brave though. Have the powerful character with Battle
Skill and Two Swords start to lower its speed once you have the
battle in control. The other character should finish off any
remaining enemies.
5. Have the character whose going to have his/her level lowered try
to turn the last enemy into a frog with the Nagrarock, and then
lower it's Brave so it's a Chicken and put it to sleep. It should
have already lost most of it's speed.
6. Now, petrify both of the powerful characters after the two Mind
Flares and the level down character are all hasted. This should
leave the only active characters as the one that's going to lower
it's level, the two Mind Flares and the sleeping Frog/Chicken.
7. The Mind Flares should be next to that character and continue to
use Level Blast. The character should keep stepping onto and off
of the level trap. Once your done (shouldn't take long), kill the
8. Now, re-equip the character whose at a low level with speed
boosting items, Gained EXP Up and Steal (for steal experience).
Make sure you bring in the powerful character from before (the one
with Battle Skill and Two Swords). Bring in three more just like
this character. Make sure you give the one of them Nagrarock and
the other two can petrify. The one with Nagrarock should be at
level 99
9. Go into battle. Wipe out all but one enemy Speed Break it and
Frog it.
10. Now Speed break the one that has the Nagrarock. Once that's done
have one of the two that were speed breaking the Nagrarock wielder
petrify the other.
11. Whenever the character with no speed gets a turn, try to petrify
remaining character.
12. If you did this all right, you should have the Nagrarock wielder,
the character leveling up and the frog left active. Just keep
stealing the Nagrarock wielder's experience. Once you get to level
99 like this, kill the frog.

That's my favorite process. Keep in mind if you do this often, it'll
become routine and not seem so complicated. I'm sorry but I explain simple
things horribly.

Anyway, now that you know how to do it, I'll explain what classes are best
for doing it. First and foremost, to level down, you need to find a
character with the lowest growth rate for whatever stat you want to
increase. I'm stingy and like to have all my stats high, so I'll focus on
that rather than give info for specific stats (maybe I will in the future,
but probably not).

The class with the worst growth in most everything is (surprise, surprise)
is the Calculator. All of it's growth is below average, except MP (average
being the Squire). I always level down as the Calculator.

To level up, you need to find the character with high growth in the stats
you want to raise. Again I like raising all stats, so I'll go with that.
To find which class has better growth, you just need the growth to be
higher than that of a Calculator. Like I said earlier all the Calculator's
stat growth was below average (besides MP), and since the Squire's is
average, you could do that and still gain (but lose MP). The problem with
this is that the gain is too insignificant to add up fast and I wanted MP

After I realized this, I checked Notti's guide and found that the Geomancer
had all stat growth above average. I used this for awhile, and although it
works, I found that the Geomancer had even better growth than that of the
Squire, and it even has a bonus in the MP over the Calculator. I used this
for awhile, but the growth still was slow.

Then through trial and error I found that Monks have incredible growth. It
is quite close to absurd. The only problem is that if you level up as a
Monk and level down as a Calculator, you get a crappy bonus for MA and
close to non existant MP growth. There still is some growth, but you won't
notice it most likely.

The first thought that came into my mind was, "Who the hell cares?" At the
time, I didn't. Doing that increased HP, Attack Power, and Speed up absurd
amounts. It wasn't until I found Magic Useful that I tried to find a way
to adjust it.

Through more trial and error, I found that Lancers were Tactic's worst user
of magic. I also noticed that every single stat of the Lancer's was worse
than that of a Monk. At first I thought, well hell, I'll just de-level as
a Lancer and level up as a Monk. I tried it and it was as slow as using
the Geomancer/Calculator combo.

Then I realized that I could simply do a combination. If both the Lancer
and the Calculator had worse growth in all stats, I could first level down
as a Calculator and gain massive HP, AT, and Speed. Then I could level
down as a Lancer and level back up as a Monk. I would then get the
remaining MP and MA growths. That's the fastest I can get a character to
have pumped up stats.

If you're doing this to a unique character you should usually level up as
that character. Since that's the class you'll most likely use the
character in, that class should have the growth appropiate for the
character. Reis and Orlandu have amazing growths. Ramza is decent, but I
still can't seem to figure his MP and MA growths as a squire. I just used
the Lancer and Calculator plus the Monk. If it's magic type is good, you
might want to just use his Squire class, but I don't think it really
matters much.

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6 -----------------[ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ]----------------------
6**6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

6.1 General Questions

This section was added because I wrote this guide awhile ago, and the game has
been out for two years. Yet for some odd reason, I still find I get a much
more than enough e-mail about the same questions. I got tired of having to
answer the same question every week, so I added this section. This is simply
a collection of the more notable questions I have received, and hopefully I
won't have to answer them again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Q: Why don't you have the Weapon dupication trick listed in your FAQ?

A: Well, because it's cheap. The "trick" as you call it is simply a _cheat_.
It's a glitch and if you exploit it, it's actually pretty pathetic. The
game is easy enough as it is, you don't need to take advantage of a glitch
to beat it or master it.

Also, if for some mad reason you don't agree that cheating is wrong, I dare
you to go and cheat on the person you're seeing right now. I can guarantee
when they find out, they will agree with me (although they _will_ word it
much differently, not in a good way either).


Q: Isn't that a bit hypocritical on your part? I mean, in some of your group
configurations, you have several people with multiple rare items, like a
couple of people with the Chaos Blade. There is only one in the game.

A: Firstly, I've never done that with items that can't have multiple copies,
like shields and certain armor pieces. For more information on why I have
it on weapons, please refer to section 5.3 Tricks Galore.


Q: How long is this game?

A: To complete all side quests and get every secrect and still beat the game,
it should take around 50 hours for the average player. If you have no idea
of what you're doing though, it might take 60 hours. Keep in mind this is
the time the game counts on the counter. It will actually be a bit more,
as you might lose a battle and have to start over, etc.

Also, the fastest I've ever seen a game completed is around the 25 hour
mark. I've only been able to beat the game in 28:32, but I tend to take
my time.


Q: How long does it take to master the game?

A: The answer couldn't be determined. By my standards anyway. I have an
entire memormy card dedicated to just this game and through all those files
I've played the upwards of 3000 hours in Final Fantasy Tactics. For those
that want to know, that's is the equivalent of 125 days straight at least.
Sharing this bit of information may make me seem... obsessed to say the
least, but that is neither here nor there. Even in all that time, I've yet
to even come close to my standards for "mastering the game."

Now then, I probably should list what I think is mastering the game, as the
above just wouldn't make sense without an explanation. Some of these were
influenced by Notti's critera (see credits section), but these are still
my opinions, if your views differ, hey, that's you, and this is me. Now
for me to consider you a master, you must have accomplished the following:

- There are sixteen character slots and sixteen unique characters. The
sixteen unique characters are: Ramza, Alicia, Lavian, Rad, Boco,
Agrias, Mustadio, Rafa, Malak, Orlandu (T.G. Cid), Meliadoul, Beowulf,
Reis, Worker 8, Cloud and Byblos. A unique character is someone you
get through a story event.

- You must master every job class for all the unique characters with
9999 JP. This does not apply to Boco, Worker 8 or Byblos, simply
because they only have one class and it's mastered when you get them.
This _does_ include Ramza with Ultima and all humans with Zodiac.

- You must have all the unique character with the highest possible stats
through the level up/level down trick. Also, they have to have these
stats with NO equipment on and in the worst class (such as a Bard with
no equips at 99 PA). This again, does not apply to Boco, Worker 8 or
Byblos since you can't change their class.

- All characters must have 97 brave and 84 faith. Ramza should have 97
faith and Malak should have 3 faith. Ramza is the only character that
won't leave your party and thus, can keep 97 faith at all times without
problems. Malak's is due to his Hell skills.

- Have the maximum number of items that you can possibly get. This does
include ninja thrown items and you cannot weapon duplicate to achieve
this. The maximum number of any single item is 198, since you can hold
99 in your inventory, and the fur shop can hold 99.

- Lifted every single item you can off of every single battlefield in the
game. This means the good item, the ones you get when you have lower
Brave. Don't think that getting an Ether instead of the Vanish Mantle
amounts to anything respectable.

- Done all propositions 100% correctly. Received every single treasure
and explored all unexplored lands. Don't fail anything.

- No one on your team could have ever been turned into a crystal or
treasure chest. This means a grand total of 0 casualties. You can,
of course, poach allies, though, as you can't get every item without it
(you can't poach the Wild Bow without breeding it), and poaching does
not add to the casualties counter.

- Stolen every single item that cannot be bought at normal shops. Even
if you can get them through poaching, if you can't buy it at a normal
shop, you have to steal it. This includes Gafgarion's Blood Sword,
Dycedarg's Defender, etc. Though some of them you can't prove (as you
can get plenty of Blood Swords through poaching), it's still should be

- Seen every spell/ability quote in the game. This gets really annoying
since some enemies don't like casting/using certain spells/abilities.

- Maxed out everyone's age, the timer, and your war funds. The first two
will be rather easy, as you probably will accomplish this if you do
everything else. The age one might be hard if you're like me and enjoy
catching items, and doing the level down/level up trick at the Deep

Again, I've played at the very _least_ 3000 hours. Most people, don't play
this much in their lives. Imagine if I spent that time on my job or school
work. I could've gotten so much done... oh well.

Even with that much time under my belt, I haven't even come close to the
above. In fact I'm not even sure if some of them are possible (like the
age thing). The level up/level down thing alone would take years unless
you completely gave up your life to pursue that (and if you do, seek help,
please). I only have my main party that has undergone leveling down and
up, and they aren't even completely done. I don't have the max number of
all items (those Ninjas just don't throw the things I want). And I don't
even have all sixteen unique characters (I tossed out Lavian, Rad, Alicia
and Boco).

With these guidelines, though, basically I don't consider ANYONE a master.
If you do claim to have done all of these though, you're void from my
consideration anyway, since 'Gameshark' isn't the same as 'legitimate means
of playing the game.'


Q: On some of the set ups, you didn't list STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES and/or
EVALUATIONS. Did you forget?

A: No I didn't forget. Those are all contributions, and some of them didn't
care to fill those areas out. I didn't like the idea of adding in a
description for them, since it's their character, and their ideas. I did
at one point (also making sure readers knew it was me, and not the person
contributing), but I have since removed any of my evaluations of other
people's characters.

Also, the only thing I touch as far as the contributions go is the format.
Everything sent in stays the same. I even leave spelling errors, etc. as
I respect my contributors and their works.

Now, I should probably say that with a 300+ kb guide, I'm sure I forgot to
remove some of the evaluations I gave to contributions, so if you spot them
drop me a line at .


Q: Why do you have everyone with 84 Faith? If you want it high, they could be
at 94 without leaving your party. Also, magic damage is dependent on your
faith, and if you have lower faith you won't have to worry about spells.

A: Yes, those are all good points. Firstly I keep it at 84 because any higher
produces warnings at the end of each battle. True these warning don't
matter, since they won't leave if you don't go higher than 94, but I just
don't like to bother with that screen. As for magic damage, you are right.
But you forgot to mention that magic healing is also influenced by faith.
I use a lot of Math Skill, and with it, healing. Also, most of my set ups
have magic defense in consideration. Then there's the obvious, my mages.
I use Math Skill and Summon Magic a lot and it helps that do more damage.


Q: What's the Stone Gun?

A: Well, I haven't ever mentioned it, so it's interesting why you'd ask me.
Oh well, I guess it really doesn't matter.

I haven't ever used it myself so I don't really know. I've heard that when
you enter battle with it, you're petrified, but again, I've never used it.
You'd be better off taking someone else's word.


Q: Why do you constantly list weaker items for some characters? You have the
Flash Hat on a ton of characters, when you could just put the Thief Hat in
and get an extra point to speed. What's wrong too cheap to buy Thief Hats?

A: Heh heh, good one. The reason I list certain items is because they provide
certain bonuses. Take robes for example. The Robe of Lords is the best
robe, but I tend to list the Wizard Robe a lot. Sure it doesn't provide
the HP or MP of the RoL, nor the bonuses. It does provide one extra MA
though, and with some of my set ups, it matters. Plus my style of playing
doesn't require quite as much HP as you'd normally expect. I depend more
on stats, since I can usually keep myself protected through abilities.
Also I use a lot of healing, so it doesn't matter if I have low HP.


Q: What do you think about mantles? Nobody ever seems to use them, and you
don't have one listed in all your character set ups. Are they that bad?

A: Bad? They are great. Especially the Feather Mantle. I actually use quite
a few of them. The reason I don't list them is because I usually base my
equipment on what the character's set of abilities are. I use a lot of
Bracers as I use Punch Art a lot, I use a lot of Sprint Shoes, as I use
Steal quite a lot, etc.

If you like the level down/level up trick, Mantles are your best friend.
After doing all that stats growth, the only one you can't increase is evade
which makes Mantles quite useful. A Ninja with Abandon and a mantle is
very annoying to fight. Or a Knight a Shield, Defender, Weapon Guard and
a mantle... *evil grin*


Q: I have sources that say there will be a Final Fantasy Tactics II. I bet
you didn't know.

A: Well, it is kind of hard to know about something that won't ever exist. I
shouldn't say never, but don't bother holding your breath for it. The team
that was behind Final Fantasy Tactics (and Tactics Ogre, by the way), the
former Quest team, won't be helping Square anymore. I don't know the
details, the two may have had opposing views or maybe the team just didn't
like Square, or vice-versa. It could be anything, but I'm almost positive
they won't be doing anything for Square again.

There is a game in development called "Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth."
It is made by the Quest team. For more information, go to the Gaming
Intelligence Agency (the GIA) .

As it stands, there will never be a Final Fantasy Tactics II. I hate it
more than you could imagine, but hey, that's how it goes. There is a
slight chance Square will make it themselves, but as much as I respect
Square, I wouldn't consider it a true sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics.


Q: I've heard Tactics Ogre is as good as FFT. Is it true?

A: Tip of the Day, "If you want to know something about a game, you might want
to consider asking someone who has played it before." It is incredibly
hard to find this came in an English Version. I do own the Japanese
Version, but since my Japanese reading skills are close to non-existant, I
never bothered trying it out.


Q: Where do you find ?
or How do you beat ?

A: Please refer to a strategy guide or walkthrough. If you don't know of any,
I suggest you use Fritz Fraundorf's walkthrough, which is listed in the


Q: I sent a e-mail eariler. You haven't responded. Why?

It's pretty simple, I took a lot of time out of my life to write this guide
for the general public in hopes it would help people. I wasted a lot of my
personal time, and have gotten nothing for it (not that I particularly want
something). You don't even go through the trouble of looking for it when
it is already somewhere in the guide. If you won't bother taking a little
time to read before cluttering my inbox with questions I've already taken
the time to answer, I won't waste a bit of my time with you. Good day, and
don't bother me again.


Q: How can you make Ramza a Dark Knight?

A: You _are_ kidding me right? Dude, if you actually think there is a way to
make Ramza a Dark Knight, and are bothering me about it, you should be
locked away in a trunk and have the mafia throw you over some bridge.

Oh wait, I'm wrong, there is a way. You go outside, get a ride to your
local gaming store. Ask the person at the counter if s/he has a little
device called a "Gameshark." Fork your money over, and go home. Stick it
behind your PSX in the parallel I/O slot and enter the appropriate codes.
Now, for the sake of my sanity, leave me alone.


Q: I want to get Mog, but I can't find him in Sweegy Woods. How do I get him?

A: You're looking in the wrong place. That's why you can't find Mog.

Q: Oh, so he's not in Sweegy Woods? Where is he then?

A: Try Final Fantasy VI.


Q: How do I get a Heavenly Knight? Don't tell me you can't, cause it's in
the game, Balbaens had it.

A: First off, it's spelled "Balbanes" not Balbaens. (This is pathetic, I'm
resorting to correcting someone's spelling *hangs head in shame*) Second,
it doesn't exist. There is no class of Heavenly Knight, and there is no
way to get something that doesn't exist.

6.2 The Best

I've gotten quite a few e-mails wondering which is the best of this and that.
Here are the answers to the questions regarding of "What is the best..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Q: ... Weapon?

A: This is really hard to say. The sheer number of weapons in Final Fantasy
Tactics is a long list indeed, and if I were to evaluate each one of them,
I might as well start a new FAQ (which isn't a bad idea). I'll break this
down and give a small list of more useful weapons.

SWORD: Unquestionably, the Rune Blade. It has both a bonus of two MA, and
it is the strongest of the regular swords. The Materia Blade has some
merit, as Cloud can't use his awesome Limits without it. The Nagrarock
deserves an honorable mention for its interesting effect. One last sword
to consider is the Blood Sword (the crowd gasps). Check out my female
Ninja set up for details.

KNIGHT SWORD: This is a toss up between the Excalibur and the Chaos Blade.
Being the strongest weapon in the game, the Chaos Blade does have it's
high points. Also the Regen factor and petrifying ability isn't anything
to laugh at. Still, although weaker, Haste is exceptionally good. What
hey, why not have a Knight with Two Swords and use them both =]. If you
pick either one, I'd go for the Excalibur, unless you have a female using
Setiesmon, or plan to cast Haste (coughcoughMASAMUNEcoughcough) during

DAGGER: Zorlin Shape. Any questions?

NINJA KNIFE: A tie between the Iga and Koga, simply because they are the
same weapon, with different names. The Spell Edge does have the Don't
Act, but that rarely happens, and it won't turn the tide of battle anyway
but between that and the Sasuke Knife, Spell Edge wins.

KATANA: Chirijiraden all the way. The only time I would ever consider
using another weapon is the Masamune on Sephiroth, just cause it fits.

SPEARS: Ultimate Javelin. Was there any doubt about it? As for the Holy
Lance versus Dragon Whisker goes, the Dragon Whisker gets my vote. I use
lances more for jumping than anything else, and the Holy Lance has no
bonus in that aspect.

AXES: Slasher. It's undoubtedly the best. Aside from being the strongest
it is the only one that adds a negative status.

HAMMER: The Scorpion Tail. I personally hate hammers, but the Scorpion
Tail is the one I'd use if it ever came to it.

BOWS: Perseus Bow wins out. The elemental bows just suck, and no other
bow can match the Perseus' power.

CROSSBOW: Gastrafitis. This is the only one that can do anything close to
decent damage.

GUNS: Blast Gun is the strongest gun and therefore, the best. The Stone
Gun would probably be even better, but since you enter battle petrified,
that sucks.

RODS: The Wizard Rod owns this category like nobodies business. The two
MA bonus is very good. Some people prefer the Faith Rod, but I always
have my characters with high faith anyway.

STAFFS: Mace of Zeus is easily the best mace. As far as power goes
(although if you ever wanted to use a staff as a direct weapon, that's
kinda sad), it beats out even the Sage Staff, as it gives a 2 PA bonus.
The 1 MA bonus is quite useful.

STICKS: Whale Whisker is actually a good weapon, so it easily is better
than any other stick. The Octogon Rod sucks, as you can cancel quite a
lot of negative status effects that were helping you.

CLOTH: Ryozan.

HARPS: Fairy Harp.


BAGS: I think the H Bag deserves the gold here. The C Bag does provide a
1 MA boost, but the boost in speed from the H Bag is more useful in more

Now, out of all these, you're still probably wondering what's the best
weapon. Well, I can't tell you. Some weapons have their merits, while
others have theirs. The title, "best" can't be placed on any one of them.
Some of the more useful include (in no particular order): Rune Blade,
Excalibur, H Bag, Wizard Rod, Ultimate Javelin and Chirijiraden. The Rune
Blade and Wizard Rod both for their MA boost and the H Bag for being the
only weapon to add a speed bonus (Excalibur adds a status bonus, not stat).
The Ultimate Javelin because of its strength, and the added power from a
Jump that no other weapon gets. Chirijiraden because its strong, and the
Excalibur for providing the best positive status effect.


Q: ... Shield?

A: Tie between Aegis Shield and Gold Escutcheon. Usually the Gold Escutcheon,
but in two circumstances, the Aegis is better. The first is when you have
Blade Grasp. Since Blade Grasp is better than the Gold Escutcheon's evade
for physical attacks, it cancels out and it's left with 50% magic evade to
Aegis Shield's 50% magic evade _and_ MA + 1. The other instance is when
you just want the MA + 1 boost.


Q: ... Head Equipment?

A: The best is the Ribbon, especially when coupled with the Chantage. There's
only one problem, men are too macho to use them (except Cloud, the only guy
in video gaming history to ever say, "Let's Mossy!"). Also, the Thief Hat
and Flash Hat make second place. The Thief Hat is generally more useful,
but on occassion, trading one speed for one MA isn't too bad of a deal.
The only other two head gears that gets honorable mention are the Golden
Hairpin, as 50 MP is quite useful for Summoners at times, and the Twist
Headband, for people who use a lot of PA (Punch Art/Battle Skill/etc). I
don't like any Helmets, as I usually don't care for HP. There are ways to
prolong life without spiking up HP, and I prefer those means.


Q: ... Body Equipment?

A: To list (in no particular order): Robe of Lords, Power Sleeve, Wizard Robe
and Secret Clothes. The bonuses provided by each one makes it far more
worthy than any piece of armor could outmatch with HP.

Now, the big question is Robe of Lords versus Maximillian. Of course, from
reading above, you'll know which I pick, but let me explain in-depth. The
Maximillian has a 100 HP bonus over the Robe of Lords. The RoL has the
bonuses of both Shell and Protect. If I remember correctly, thoese two
bonuses lower damage to two thirds of it's original damage (I am probably
wrong, so check the Battle Mechanics guide, listed in the credits). This
in essense, makes it as if the RoL provided an extra 33 HP. Now, the armor
only has a 67 HP bonus over the RoL, but the RoL also provides + 2 PA, + 1
MA and 80 MP. All of that is generally more useful to me than 67 HP.


Q: ... Accessory?

A: Ugghhh... this is going to be annoying to answer. I'll break it down, like
I did for the weapons.

SHOES: This category goes to the Sprint Shoes. It's one of the best stats
and even a pathetic + 1 is good. The Red Shoes has some mention as it
gives range and MA + 1, but that's not really much. The Germinas Boots
also gets a mention, as movement is very good.

GAUNTLETS: All of them are good except the Power Wrist. The Genji is the
best of them, but on occassion, the Bracer is more suited. Also, since
you only have one Genji Gauntlet, you'll find yourself using the Magic
Gauntlet often.

RINGS: I don't really like using rings. The only two notables are Angel
and Cursed. The Angel sucks because the Chantage is better ten-fold.
Men won't be using the Angel much, as I normally would rather pump up
their stats. The Cursed Ring is a very good accessory, but since I like
to use healers, you won't find me using it.

ARMLETS: Although I hate them all, and find them pale in comparison to
other accessories, I would have to say that the 108 Gems wins this
category out.

MANTLES: I like the Feather Mantle here. The Wizard Mantle does provide
MA + 1 and the Vanish Mantle does provide Tranparent, but the former is
not too useful, as other accessories can do the same, and the latter is
near worthless as it wears off once you take one action. Also, evasion
is one of the only two stats you can't increase through developing, and
if you're going to raise it, you might as well raise it more.

PERFUMES: This is actually a tie. The Chantage would normally take this,
but Haste is nothing to laugh at either. Though the Chantage does give
the female immortality, if you don't plan to die too much, Setiesmon is
not bad at all. For mages, I usually like the Setiesmon, as the Haste
makes casting easier and the MA + 1 doesn't hurt at all.

Now, out of all these the two best are Chantage, and Setiesmon. Too bad
only women can wear it (and this time Cloud is a little more "macho" and
won't wear them, unlike the Ribbon). So, I would have to say the Gauntlets
are just as useful.

Also, if you're a freak like me and bothered to use the level up/level down
trick, you'll be more inclined to the Shoes and Mantles. Range and Evasion
are the only two stats you can't change. It's always dependent on what
class your character is in, so altering those wouldn't hurt at all.


Q: ... Character in the game? Orlandu?

A: Off by a landslide. Orlandu can't even compare to Reis. Reis has the best
natrual base HP and MP of any class, the best base Speed of any class, the
highest base MA of any class, second highest natural AT (Orlandu beats her
out in this). Also, she has a few natural skills that classes don't have
normally (like Two Swords). Finally she' female. This is always a plus
since females have access to Perfumes. Take away Orlandu's Excalibur, and
he is still good, but he is far from best. Also, even if you left the
Excalibur on him, he doesn't compare to Reis.


Q: ... generic Character in the game?

A: Well, none of them could be considered the "best." Not a single one of
them doesn't have a weakness. Some of the more notable classes include
the Knight, Monk, Lancer, Samurai and Ninja. Of course some of the better
set of abilities include Punch Art (Monk), Steal (Thief), Jump (Lancer),
Summon Magic (Summoner), Draw Out (Samurai) and Math Skill with all other
magic already learned (Calculator). Also, generally females are better
than males in Final Fantasy Tactics.


Q: ... Reaction Skill?

A: That really depends on what class it is, what the character is equipped w/
etc. For general intents, the best two are Auto Potion and Abandon. For
a female with Chantage, use either A Save or Speed Save. If you're using
the Aegis Shield, Blade Grasp works amazing with it. If you're fighting
regular humans, Hamedo works wonders. If you have a character is absurd
amounts of HP, stick on Damage Split for some interesting results.

Catch deserves an honorable mention too, as it is extremely useful. Just
read Section 5 for more details.


Q: ... Support Skill?

A: Again, this is like the Reaction Skill. It depends on what class you are
and what you have equipped. Among the more notable Support Skills are Two
Swords, Two Hands, Attack Up and Magic Attack Up. These all help out a lot
to increase power. Short Charge isn't bad at all either.


Q: ... Movement Skill?

A: Move + 3. It is the best, although only males (not females for a change)
can use it. For females use Move + 2 (surprise, surprise). Also, Move MP
Up works well with MP Switch. Ignore Heights can be used to some extent.
Teleport is the best if you can manage to get it to work, though most of
the time it isn't worth it.

6.3 "Interesting" Inquiries

This section is devoted to the more "unique" e-mails I've received. They don't
neccessarily help with the game, but I felt it was just some interesting read.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Q: I've played through the game several times, and I noticed something weird
about the characters. Genetically, they are all messed up. Aside from
their obvious genetic failure to have a nose, they don't have many other
people besides caucasians.

A: Yea I noticed that too. The only other race I noticed in the game besides
Caucasian was Rafa and Malak. I could be wrong, but from their choice in
clothing, they appear to be Middle Eastern. I'm not sure about the last
name Galthana. It's understandable that caucasians are the majority in
Final Fantasy Tactics, as Ivalice is basically a Final Fantasy version of
medieval Europe. I just find it interesting that there are no asians, when
they have Samurais and Ninjas.

Also, very few characters in the game had dark hair. With the exception of
the male Monk, male Chemist, Delita, Olan, Malak, Rafa, Izlude, Balk and
Kletian, I can't think of any others that had dark hair. There were 20
classes in the game, and dozens of NPCs, yet only _nine_ of them had dark
hair. Of those none characters, there was only _one_ female with dark


[NOTE: This message has been censored, simply because some of the words just
didn't belong. Still, it is an extremely offensive message (especially to
me) and you might not want to read it.]

Q: "You know something, you're a son of a *****. You are an arrogant fool
making yourself sound like you're the best at the game when you probably
suck ass. Your arrogance can be further proven by your lengthy copyright
and contact info. What the hell is your problem? Who do you think you
are? FAQ writers are supposed to be helpful, not act like punk ********!
Restricing e-mails, that's ********. I hope you get cancer and die out on
the highway, you lowly ***. Then again death is too good for people like
you. You make decent people like me sick."
- GR3a"|"|v|AsT3120Fh3L|_666

COMMENTARY: Needless to say, this really pissed me off. But, I felt that I
should address this. I replied as follows:

>>making yourself sound like you're the best at the game when you probably
>>suck ass.
Well first off, I never said I was good. Second, you don't know me,
don't you dare judge me.

>>Your arrogance can be further proven by your lengthy copyright and
>>contact info.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever had your stuff ripped off? I've
been writing for [at that time] less than four months, and already have
had two foreign magazines rip my work. I don't make anything for the
guides I post on the internet, and turn around to find someone took
credit and made others pay for _my_ hard work. There's a reason why my
copyright is long, and if you have a problem with that, enjoy being
pissed over it. As for the contact information, aside from a flood of
pointless questions, I get plenty of crap I don't want to read. This is
a prime example.

>>What the hell is your problem?
You sent me an e-mail cursing at me and whatnot. And you want to know
what _my_ problem is? Dude, there is something wrong with you.

>>Restricting e-mails, that's ********.
Well, again, this e-mail just justifies my reasoning.

>>I hope you get cancer and die out on the highway, you lowly ***.
Oh, how mature of you.

>>You make decent people like me sick.
When you compliment yourself trying when insulting someone else, that's

COMMENTARY: Yea, my reply did make me sound arrogant, just as he said, and
there was some hypocritical statements in there, to some extent,
but hey, it was the best I could control myself after reading that
kind of crap.

7777 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
7 --------------------------[ CLOSING ]--------------------------------
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7.1 Credits and Special Thanks

I have received some praises over this guide. Thank you. But I can't hog too
much of the credit (although I really want to =]), as I have had a lot of help.
These people have my thanks and more importantly, my respect, as they have made
this guide far better then in could have been without their help. Thank you:

- Danyal Herder -
for submitting the Chrono Trigger team. Great person to talk to.

- Tengu Man -
for submitting the Ronin Warriors "Dark Warlords" team. He helped me
out more than once.

- Charles Jones -
for correcting me on the Short Charge skill and Dancing/Singing. He
didn't even insult me for making such a foolish mistake =]

- Dragoon Kain -
for adding three character set ups and suggesting to use the Ragnorak
on Cecil in my Final Fantasy IX team. Very helpful.

- Black Mage -
for contributing three characters, and an ability set up. Contributions
were very useful.

- Tetragenian -
for contributing the X-Men, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Breath
of Fire III, and Star Ocean II: Second Story team. This massive
contribution exceeded my expectations.

- Billy Lee -
for the second Breath of Fire III team. If he hadn't sent in his team,
I wouldn't have gotten off my lazy ass to update this guide.

- Jin Ryukenshu -
for correction on various errors, and general chat on the game. This
guy has some great insight on Final Fantasy Tactics.

- Notti -
for the most influencial help ever. He's got my respect ten fold.
One of the most talented and skilled player at Final Fantasy Tactics
that I've ever seen across the net. His FAQ is a compilation of some
of the best tricks in Final Fantasy Tactics. Also, major help on the
Level Down/Level Up section was provided by his guide. Go to GameFAQs
to find it.

- Sam Volo and the Town Knave -
for their Battle Mechanics guide. The most in depth you can go, they
went and found the actual elements that made the game work. Influenced
many set ups with the info found in their guide. It can be found at
GameFAQs , listed
as "Battle Mechanics Guide."

- Garanhir -
for providing a solid base for the Level Down/Level Up section. The
best source on the web for this.

- Fritz Fraundorf -
for being a great writer. His guide was a great quick reference of Job
Requirements, and the weapons and armor that characters could equip.
Text version is at the GIA
HTML version is at Clubsquaresoft

- Evan Springler -
for getting me started on this FAQ. Without his guide was what got
me into writing this guide in the first place. It can be found at
RPGamer listed as
'Guide to Building an Awesome Party.'

- Gamewinners and Al Amaloo -
for hosting my guide. Al Amaloo is one of the most respectable people
on the 'net.

- GameFAQs and CJayC -
for hosting my guide and providing a great Message Board. GameFAQs is
one of the largest factors that got me into writing.

- Square -
for making the greatest games on Earth.

- Sony -
for lowering the prices of the PSX everytime mines broke so I didn't
have to pay full price when replacing it... Wait a minute...

- You -
for reading this guide.

- Me -
for writing and compiling this guide.

7.2 Final Words

This guide was my first public FAQ. It started out in late February, and I've
spent a lot of time updating and improving it. At this point, I feel that it
is pretty much complete. This will most likely be the last update of any
considerable information. I will go into further testing and make sure I fill
in all unconfirmed information.

I am in the process of FINALIZING this guide. It has helped many, I hope, and
it seems not much else is left for me to cover, that hasn't already been
explained thoroughly. My next update will most likely be my last, and I don't
have any idea when it'll be, but when it comes, this really will be "Final
Words". Until then, thank you for reading...

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Copyright 2000 by Atom Edge
- End of Document -

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Stealing Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Complete Game Script

16.Октябрь 2013
Straight Character Challenge

17.Октябрь 2013
Challenge FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Not So Common Knowledge Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Brave and Faith Summary

14.Октябрь 2013
Zodiac Learning FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Spielstand mit 14 verschiedenen Charakteren.

17.Октябрь 2013
How to Learn Ultima FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Part 1 of 3

16.Октябрь 2013
Part 2 of 3

13.Октябрь 2013
Part 3 of 3

14.Октябрь 2013
US Version: All Characters at Level 99 at Boss Stage.

15.Октябрь 2013
Dancer Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
Speed Guide

13.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013
Character Setups

17.Октябрь 2013
Deep Dungeon Exits Guide

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Stealing Guide

16.Октябрь 2013
Spell Quotes Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Secrets Guide

11.Октябрь 2013
Poaching Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Job Requirements

15.Октябрь 2013
Deep Dungeon Guide

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Build Up Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019