Twisted Metal 4

Twisted Metal 4

15.10.2013 19:09:54
___ __/___ _____(_)__________ /______ ______ /
__ / __ | /| / /__ / __ ___/_ __/_ _ \_ __ /
_ / __ |/ |/ / _ / _(__ ) / /_ / __// /_/ /
/_/ ____/|__/ /_/ /____/ \__/ \___/ \__,_/
______ ___ _____ ______ _____ __
___ |/ /_____ __ /_______ ____ / __ // /
__ /|_/ / _ _ \_ __/_ __ `/__ / _ // /_
_ / / / / __// /_ / /_/ / _ / /__ __/
/_/ /_/ \___/ \__/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/

by Joseph Christopher
version 1.0
Dec. 23, 1999

this faq is copyright 1999-2000 Joseph Christopher

by reading this faq you agree that I, the author, am not in any way
liable for any harm that anybody thinks came from reading this faq

* I've tried playing Twisted Metal 1, and it was fun, but not that memorable.
Twisted Metal 2 is what I have become experienced at, and it is the version
that has brought me a fair share of laughs, screams, and jaw-dropping
victories as well as losses. It's a little too late to write a faq on
that now, as there are two new versions out in the market. Twisted Metal
3 just sucks, with that health-hounding AI and those tumbling principles,
but the fourth one is a saving grace and so I have decided to write a
faq on it.

Why read this guide:
I. Basic Gameplay
II. Storyline
III. Character Bios
IV. Weapons and Moves
V. Arenas
VI. Endings
VII. Credits
VIII. Revision History
IX. Final Words

____ ____ __ ___ ____ ___
(_ _) ( _ \ /__\ / __)(_ _) / __)
_)(_ ) _ < /(__)\ \__ \ _)(_ ( (__
(____)() (____/(__)(__)(___/(____) \___)
___ __ __ __ ____ ____ __ __ _ _
/ __) /__\ ( \/ )( ___)( _ \( ) /__\ ( \/ )
( (_-. /(__)\ ) ( )__) )___/ )(__ /(__)\ \ /
\___/(__)(__)(_/\/\_)(____)(__) (____)(__)(__) (__)


1) directions - turn
2) [] (square) - tight turn (U turn at times)
3) /\ (triangle) - reverse
4) {} (circle) - rear view
5) >< (X) - accelerate
6) L1 - change current weapon
7) L2 - fire current weapon
8) R1 - change current weapon
9) R2 - machine gun

* Tap the accelerate and/or the reverse buttons twice and hold it on the
second time to activate your turbo boosters for faster movement. The
second button you tap (and hold) determines where you'll go (forward
or otherwise)

* There is some sort of radar on your upper-left which you should always
pay attention to in order to be able to deliver surprise attacks to
you opponent and avoid theirs as well. It works in a relative basis:
the center of the "radar" is you while the dots around it are your
opponents. If a certain dot is located east of the center, then that
is where one of your opponents is relative to YOU.

* Tap select to change your view (no, not front or back). For single player
mode, you may choose between close, far, and mid-way. For two-player
mode, the choices are limited to horizontal and vertical split-secreens
as well as one-fourth the screen. If you plan to play with two or more
other players, however, there'll only be one view---one-fourth of the

* Avoid those drums! They deal some nice damage and could make or break
your game. What you can do is shoot them whenever an opponent is near
cause they explode and deal damage within a blast radius.

* Any mass of metal that is vehicular in nature but is neither an ally
nor an opponent (eg. trains) will do a HEAP of damage when you come
in contact with it so stay away from those at all costs! Use the Ricochet
to push opponents towards those accursed vehicles and hear them scream!
(hehehe) Another thing: they'd suddenly vanish when the level boss arrives
so you won't have to worry about anything besides your current opponent.

____ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _ _ __ ____ _ _ ____
(_ _)(_ _) / __)(_ _)( _ )( _ \( \/ )( ) (_ _)( \( )( ___)
_)(_ _)(_ \__ \ )( )(_)( ) / \ / )(__ _)(_ ) ( )__)
(____)(____)() (___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__) (____)(____)(_)\_)(____)

As related by one of Sweet Tooth's henchmen: (not a direct quote, as I
am just relating this from memory)

" A story is told of a carnival that would travel from town to
town. The owner of this carnival was a man surrounded by mystery, known
only as Calypso. One day, this carnival went to my master's town. It was
unlike anything he had ever seen before. In it, contestants would battle,
in vehicles of their choosing, for a chance of winning a mysterious prize.
Some say that the prize was a single wish, ANYTHING the victor could possibly
desire, but, they also say that the stakes for playing are high. The cost
of losing? One's immortal soul! My master also tells me that he didn't
start life out as a clown. He was once a little boy---a boy who dreamth of
fire!, destruction!, and TWISTED METAL! Word of the deadly traveling show
spread like the plague. Great was my master's skill in battle, but in
the collection of souls, he was just a bug. (Sweeth Tooth wishes to be
the star of the Twisted Metal Tournament) Days turned into months,
months into years, desire turned into envy, and envy turned into a plan.
Calypso's reign at the master ceremonies had ended. MY master had taken
his rightful the throne...of the Twisted Metal EMPIRE...
hahahahahahahaha!!! "

____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ __ ____ __ ___ ____ ____ ___
(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) / __)( )_( ) /__\ ( _ \ /__\ / __)(_ _)( ___)/ __)
_)(_ _)(_ _)(_ ( (__ ) _ ( /(__)\ ) / /(__)\ ( (__ )( )__) \__ \
(____)(____)(____)() \___)(_) (_)(__)(__)(_)\_)(__)(__) \___) (__) (____)(___/
____ ____ _____ ___
( _ \(_ _)( _ )/ __)
) _ < _)(_ )(_)( \__ \

1) Orbital - Type of Car : Sleek Sports Car
- Driver Demeanor : Good
- Special Weapon : Orbital's Special is the Teleorb.
It electrifies the enemy and then
freezes them.
- Handling : @ @ @ @ @
- Armor : @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @
- Speed : @ @ @ @ @

2) Pizza Boy - Type of Car : Illegal Street Racer
- Driver Demeanor : Good
- Special Weapon : Pizza Boy sends out two giant, spinning
pizza saw blades that home in an opponent.
- Handling : @ @ @ @ @
- Armor : @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @
- Speed : @ @

3) Capt. Grimm - Type of Car : Pirate Ship Car
- Driver Demeanor : Evil
- Special Weapon : Captain Grimm shoots a fiery cannon
ball that sets fire to and heavily
any opponent.
- Handling : @ @ @ @ @
- Armor : @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @
- Speed : @ @ @ @

4) Calypso - Type of Car : Nuke Mobile
- Driver Demeanor : Evil
- Special Weapon : Calypso employs powerful nuclear missiles
which must be detonated near his opponents.
- Handling : @
- Armor : @ @ @ @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @ @ @
- Speed : @

5) Quatro - Type of Car : Xeon Hoverbike
- Driver Demeanor : Good
- Special Weapon : Quatro sends out a pulse of microwave
radiation around his hoverbike that
severely damages opponents.
- Handling : @ @ @ @ @
- Armor : @
- Special Weapon : @ @
- Speed : @ @ @ @ @

6) Goggle Eyes - Type of Car : Roach Coach
- Driver Demeanor : Evil
- Special Weapon : Goggle Eyes sprays a green, hydrochloric,
toxic acid which causes, on contact,
massive damage.
- Handling : @ @ @
- Armor : @ @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @ @
- Speed : @ @ @

7) Meter Maid - Type of Car : 3-wheeled Meter Car
- Driver Demeanor : Good
- Special Weapon : Meter Maid releases an energy circumference
that syphons an opponent's health unto
her own.
- Handling : @ @ @
- Armor : @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @
- Speed : @ @

8) Gen. Warthog - Type of Car : WWI Tank
- Driver Demeanor : Twisted
- Special Weapon : General Warthog plants a marker/target
which initializes an ion satellite
and later activates a powerful ion
- Handling : @
- Armor : @ @ @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @ @
- Speed : @ @

9) Microblast - Type of Car : Toy Car
- Driver Demeanor : Evil
- Special Weapon : Micro Blast engages a series of rapidfire
speed missiles called the Gatlinger
- Handling : @ @ @ @
- Armor : @
- Special Weapon : @ @
- Speed : @ @ @ @

10) Trashman - Type of Car : Garbage Truck
- Driver Demeanor : Twisted
- Special Weapon : Using large hydraulic arms, Trash Man
picks up and slams his opponents repeatedly
onto spikes mounted on his roof.
- Handling : @
- Armor : @ @ @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @ @
- Speed : @ @ @

11) The Joneses - Type of Car : Family Wagon
- Driver Demeanor : Good/Twisted
- Special Weapon : The Joneses launch three strong, homing
missiles called hornets which causes
heavy damage on an opponent.
- Handling : @ @ @
- Armor : @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @
- Speed : @ @ @

12) Drag Queen - Type of Car : Hot Rodder
- Driver Demeanor : Twisted
- Special Weapon : Drag Queen's Flame Thrower projects
forward from the car's grille and sets
opponents on fire.
- Handling : @
- Armor : @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @
- Speed : @ @ @ @

13) Mr. Zombie - Type of Car : Dracula
- Driver Demeanor : Evil
- Special Weapon : Mr. Zombie fires a spinning skull which
draws enemies in as it electrifies,
then explodes at its final stage.
- Handling : @ @ @ @ @
- Armor : @ @ @
- Special Weapon : @ @ @
- Speed : @ @ @

____ _ _ _ _ ____ __ ____ _____ _ _ ___ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( \/ ) ( \/\/ )( ___) /__\ ( _ \( _ )( \( )/ __) /__\ ( \( )( _ \
_)(_ \ / ) ( )__) /(__)\ )___/ )(_)( ) ( \__ \ /(__)\ ) ( )(_) )
(____) \/ () (__/\__)(____)(__)(__)(__) (_____)(_)\_)(___/ (__)(__)(_)\_)(____/
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

WEAPONS: you start with some of these and replenish your supply by looking
for power-ups scattered throughout the arena.

1) Auto lob - the green missile; launched vertically upward and drops
on the opponent as a multitude of successive explosions.
Best used on opponents hanging at the edge of cliff-life
structures and those that are cornered since, when not
in these areas, only one to two of your dropping missiles
will connect.

2) Fire - the yellow missile; it HAS a little homing ability and
turns a little toward the opponent if he is close enough,
won't follow him if he changes course. Does normal, quite
respectable damage. Use it while in a hot chase.

3) Freeze Bomb - the blue box; dropped on the ground and detonated by hitting
L2 for a second time. Freezes everyone within a blast radius.
Nice to execute on many, many opponents to freeze 'em all
and hit 'em with the REAL bomb---the REMOTE!

4) Homing - the purple missile; will follow an opponent EVEN if he changes
course, provided that change is not abrupt or close to a
wall. Does minor damage but very useful to finish off someone
with little life left and is turbo charging like crazy to
escape your wrath.

5) Lightning - the lightning(obviously); hits and does major damage to
everyone within a certain radius. Can kill some characters
even if they still have full life if they take it all from
the beginning. This weapon is quite harder to find than
the others but usually(again, usually) the place where
you found it is the safest place to use it and be assured
YOU don't get hit too.

6) Mirv - the white missile; travels slowly in mid-air and "lobs"
mini missiles on opponents. I really don't use it much
but maybe you can on opponents who are too busy battling
one another.

7) Mortar - the black box; launches what looks like one of the Auto
lob missiles at an arc towards the opponent. Does high
damage, especially when done up-close, but in this case,
you take damage as well. I still recommend doing it up-close,
though. If you don't want to take damage, try chasing an
opponent and do this to anticipate when he turns along a
corner and where he'll end-up by the time it lands.

8) Napalm - the fireball; launched at an arc towards the opponent. Sets
an opponent on fire and does good damage, especially when
done from afar. If done up-close, will set YOU on fire too
so be careful. Best used like the Mortar---try chasing an
opponent and do this to anticipate when he turns along a
corner and where he'll end-up by the time it lands.

9) Power - the fat-headed missile; my favorite; Does very high damage
but only shoots straight forward and doesn't do any turn
whatsoever. I'm afraid this weapon is best done only when
the opponent is frozen and will take hits directly. Still,
it's my favorite.

10) Proximity - the red-centered disc; dropped on the ground and explodes
automatically if an opponent tries to get near it. The most
sure-fire technique for this weapon is to go through a
portal(several of these are found in most levels) and plant
one wherever you land. Go away and never go through the
same portal again unless someonoe has already fallen for
your trap. (heheh)

11) Rain - the yellow-tailed missile; travels slowly in mid-air and
drops mini Napalms on opponents. I really don't use it much
but maybe you can on opponents who are too busy battling
one another.

12) Rain 2 - the yellow-tailed missile; just like the Rain Missile, but
makes use of laser beams instead of fireballs. I don't
use it much either but again, like the Rain Missile, can
be used on opponents who are too busy battling one another.

13) Remote - the gray box; dropped on the ground and detonated by hitting
L2 for a second time. Does heavy(and I mean heavy) damage
on everyone within a blast radius. Best done while you're
in shield mode (see the "moves" sub-section) and are surrounded
by a ton of opponents.

14) Ricochet - the black ball; does some decent damage and bounces off
walls. If you're feeling nasty, try unloading a ton of
these whenever you're on higher ground just to annoy those
down below. Also good for pushing opponents into oblivion.

15) Speed - the red missile; you need to hold L2 when using this weapon
and treat it like a Machine Gun 'cause it does just that---
give a ton of really low damaging hits. Like the Power
Missile, is best used when an opponent is frozen for dramatic

MOVES: these serve to enhance gameplay and have their own strategies as
coupled with your array of weapons

1) Freeze - left, right, up, up
- just like the homing missile, but, see the name?
Means it FREEZES the opponent on impact. This
is my favorite move and is best coupled with
a Power Missile or Ricochet. Avoid using Napalms
and other flaming moves because the opponent's
frozen state prevents him from being set on fire.

2) Hyperspace - up, up, down, down
- works like a charm. Makes you suddenly vanish
and appear in a random, "safe" part of the level,
usually on the lowest ground. You may think of
using this when cornered but really its best use
is when you are about to fall to death.

3) Invisibility - down, down, up, up
- makes you invisible, what else? Computer opponents
can obviously still "see" you since, after all,
they ARE the game! Human opponents can still use
the radar to track you down, so there really is
not much use for this move except temporary confusion
and immunity to the homing abilities of some weapons.

4) Jump - up, up, left
- you use your boosters to propel yourself in mid-air
One of the best evasion techniques when facing
an rusher, but I'd rather put my shields up. Another
use for this move would be when you need to cross
a gap and there's no ramp to do the job. Just
rush with your turbo boosters and jump at the
last moment. One last thing: you CAN'T do this
move when you're already in mid-air, so don't
think bout flying or anything.

5) Massive Attack - up, down, up, down, up
- sends forth a whole lotta assorted homing missiles
and freezes the opponent in the process. Does
the most damage among all the moves in the game
but consumes so much life you cannot do anything
afterwards until your energy replenishes. I really
do not recommend it since I always make it a point
to reserve a little amount of energy for Shields
and Hyperspaces just in case.

6) Rear Attack - right, left, down, down
- allows you to shoot the current weapon backwards.
The obvious reason for doing this is whenever
your opponent is behind and chasing you to death.
A not-so-obvious use for this move is when you
and an opponent meet and go opposite directions---
he'll never expect it! And DON'T use this move
on weapons that should be dropped! You'd be wasting
valuable energy and yield the same results as
when you just hit L2!

7) Rear Freeze - left, right, down, down
- just like the homing missile, but, see the name?
Means it FREEZES the opponent behind you on impact.
This is best coupled with a Power Missile or Ricochet.
Avoid using Napalms and other flaming moves because
the opponent's frozen state prevents him from
being set on fire. The obvious reason for doing
this is whenever your opponent is behind and chasing
you to death. A not-so-obvious use for this move
is when you and an opponent meet and go opposite
directions---he'll never expect it!

8) Rear Massive Attack - up, down, up, down, down
- same as the Rear Massive Attack but of course
is fired backwards. Anyone chasing you at this
moment is sure to regret what he's been doing.
As with the other rear moves, though I don't
recommend using this move at all, a good strategy
would be to use this move when you and an opponent
meet and go opposite directions---he'll never
expect it!

9) Shield - up, up, right
- makes you totally invulnerable to any form of
attack the opponent can think of ('cept pushing
you off a cliff, (heh) but you got a Hyperspace
for that). Best coupled with weapons that can
also affect you like the Remote, the Freeze Bomb,
the Auto Lob, and the Napalm.

_ _ __ ____ ____ _ _ __ ___
( \/ ) /__\ ( _ \( ___)( \( ) /__\ / __)
\ / /(__)\ ) / )__) ) ( /(__)\ \__ \
\/ () (__)(__)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(___/

1) Construction Yard - "Rise above the pain, master the crane!"
- decription: a very small arena that's made up
of five sections, one of which is the center
and that, in turn, branches into the four other
- quote interpretation and tips: at the center of
the arena is a glassy area which you are to
shoot down. It reveals a green two-dimensional
image. Drive through that image and you're
in control of a large, magnetic crane! Aim
it on opponents and hold >< to pick them up.
Hit >< once more to drop them, but not before
positioning the "crane" above something that
hurts---like a double flame thrower(snickers)
- other tips: when you see a one-level warehouse
of some sort, shoot it down. It yields some
nice power-ups.
: the wooden barricade may be destroyed
to allow you to drive through
: see a crack in the wall? Shoot it
down! There are lots and lots of power-ups
: avoid the green area (don't worry,
it won't melt you down) simply 'cause nothing
can be found there.
- fighting the boss: stay close to him, but never
in front, just by his side. He sucks at turning
left and right so if you would just position
yourself beside him, and fire away with Napalms
you'll be fine.

2) Neon City - "Catch a ride from the secret balcony and enjoy a
healthy triumph!"
- description: just about as small as the Construction
Yard, but this one has a "second floor" (access
via train tracks) and that makes it twice as
- quote interpretation and tips: when you get to
the second floor, there are two ways to go;
follow the side with the portal in it but pass
it by and don't go through. On your upper-left
is a ramp that leads to a glassy room. Use your
turbo boosters to jump the ramp and break through.
Pick-up the prizes, shoot down the wall to your
upper-left, and wait outside. A giant magnet
will pick you up and drop you at another secret
place with more power-ups. You should know
what to do from this point on.
- other tips: notice I said something about train
tracks? Means there's a TRAIN out there! Avoid
that train at all costs 'cause it'll ram you
to death if you're not careful.
: the flat, green light showing a turning
arrow that points upwards then left or right
does just that---propel you to the direction
it shows.
: don't worry about falling from the
rooftops, doing so won't deal any damage whatsoever.
With this in mind, use this tactic to escape
from a multitude of opponents and fight another
- fighting the boss: play a lot of keep away and
freeze him whenever you get the chance cause
his super can easily catch you whenever you're
near enough. Drive through the tunnels and
plant a whole lotta Proximities to nail him

3) Road Rage - "Winning on these streets means getting off the beaten
- description: not big, nor small, but looong level.
composed of intertwining roads and portals
that lead too...more roads!
- quote interpretation and tips: if all you do is
follow the road from which you started, you'll
get bored, run out of power-ups, miss a lot
of action, and lose. The trick is to ALWAYS
turn left or right instead of going straight
ahead in all the intersections you encounter
except, of course, when you're chasing someone
- other tips: there is a large glassy part somewhere
in this level which is too high for you to
shoot. Don't worry, you can destroy the cemented
part below and the effect would be just the
: part of the long road can be broken
to reveal a link to a parallel one---teeming
with power-ups! One of them is a Lightning,
and this is probably the only instance when
you'll need to move away first before using
it---you have been warned...
: move constantly; you can't out-wait
anyone in this level nor can you pull off
surprise attacks 'cause most of the time you'll
be seen a mile away.
- fighting the boss: treat this match like a joust
among knights---always keep a distance from
him then meet him head-on, but don't crash
into him! Avoid him at the last moment and
nail him with a missile in the process. You'll
go your separate ways...just turn around and,
once again, joust!

4) The Bedroom - "Get everyone amped...Break the lamp!"
- description: "A bedroom!? This should be f****n
small!!" is what most people would probably
say when they first see it. Could be true,
but imagine yourselves as Matchbox toy cars
in a little kid's bedroom...NOW you're thinkin'
large, aren't you?
- quote interpretation and tips: this is obvious,
find the lamp and destroy it. By the way, you
can find it by going up the slides at the center
of this arena. Don't just concentrate on the
lamp cause there are a lot of other power-ups
near and next to it.
- other tips: destroy the boxes to reveal a secret
room with lots of power-ups.
: one of these secret rooms have a another
secret room hidden within it and you can easily
access that by destroying the obvious things
that seem to block your path.
: try to find the TV cause it's surrounded
with lotsa goodies.
- fighting the boss: easy, just use your homing
and freeze moves a lot and never stay in front
of him. His laser special does a heap of damage,
not to mention setting you on fire. He'll also
follow you like crazy so tight turns and detonators
would be quite handy too.

5) Amazonia 3000 B.C. - "Find your way to the top of the ring, and the
gods will grant you everything!"
- description: big level with three sections: two
main highlands and a lowland that links them.
You'd be using a lotta ramps to jump from island
to island in this level.
- quote interpretation and tips: you see the part
of this arena shown in the crystal ball at
the loading screen? Try to find that first.
Then look for the closest ramp that leads to
an island and jump it. Drive straight ahead
and jump the next ramp. Turn right and jump
that ramp. Turn left and, once again, jump
the ramp in front of you. One more...jump it.
You should be facing a portal now, go through
it---voila! You're there! Collect the power-ups
and proceed with crushing the opposition.
- other tips: whenever you see a ray of light coming
from the ground, place yourself directly above
its source and you'll be hurled upwards, usually
to grab the health icon waiting for you.
: the lowland also has lots of goodies
in it so explore and enjoy.
: if you accidentally fall from an island,
don't worry. There's another one of those green
arrows nearby to propel you back to one of the
main highlands.
- fighting the boss: this my favorite character
from the previous Twisted Metal tournaments---
Axel! And now he's even more powerful to suit
his new name---Super Axel---just fine. Anyway,
don't you ever get near him unless you're shielded
cause he'll make you fly with his special.
Rely on the quote tip, push him to the edge
if he follows you, and punish him with a Lighting.

6) The Oil Rig - "Beneath the drill is crude and black treasure,
but above are riches beyond measure!"
- description: big, big arena composed of two whole
floors and two incomplete ones. Falling is
common, but make sure you're landing on a
lower floor, not into oblivion!
- quote interpretation and tips: try find a large
pink structure which is separated from the
main arena. When you do, you'll notice the
fact that it's a little lower than where you're
viewing it, so all you have to do to get to
rush with your turbo boosters. Go through
the portal there and poof! You're on top of
the drill surrounded with a ton o' power-ups!
- other tips: when you're in a room with a wall
of glass, shoot that wall down and jump the
RIGHT (not the left) ramp to land in a platform
with a health icon waiting for you.
: notice that those health icons are
deposited by the helicopter that hovers by,
so keep taht in mind and you'll know when to
try to get there.
: after grabbing that health icon,
race forward to land in an incomplete floor,
choose the left ramp this time and turbo charge
all the way. You'll grab a Turbo power-up in
the process so don't worry bout it.
: master the location of the different
portals and where they take you. This knowledge
would prove most useful in desperate moments.
- fighting the bosses: yep, there's two of 'em!
You'd probably thinking isolation and try to
beat the crap out of them one at a time but
I really would prefer otherwise---get them
together, equip your shield, and take part
raw carnage! Use your remotes a lot and chip
away with Napalms for a sure-fire victory.

7) Minion's Maze - "If you get lost, please do not panic, get to the
top or call a mechanic!"
- description: this is clearly the most annoying
level in the game. It really is a maze, and
you can get lost at times, not mention frustrated
to see your opponent on the radar, but not
on-screen since the only thing in front of
you is a dead-end! Oh $%#@!
- quote interpretation and tips: Getting to the
top, especially the snowy area, gives you
a nice view of the whole maze and gets you
reacquainted with it so think higher ground
whenever you are lost.
- other tips: the three corners of the arena are
decorated with portals that lead to an area
different from where you accessed it (eg. portal A
leads to portal B while portal B leads to
portal C and so on)
: one of these portals lead to a corner
that has a health icon nearby. Just go through
the portals repeatedly until you find it. If
you can't after about four tries, then it was
already taken.
: somewhere in the center of the maze
is a gate which you should bring down to gain
access to an underground shrine of power-ups.
There are more of these gates and you should
bring them all down for easy access to the
power-ups below.
- fighting the boss: this may be another interpreation'
for the quote---keep yourself on higher ground
and plant Proximities on every entrance to
ensure a free hit even before the match begins.
Auto lob works pretty fine with the big guy,
especially when he's just about to fall from
where you are.

8) The Carnival - "You'll wanna be grounded when you ride the roller
- description: very small level; at the center is
a mini arena separated from the rest of the
main arena by a ring of fire (flame throwers,
actually) that you should avoid falling into.
- quote interpretation and tips: at the back of
the bigger "tent" is a corner with a large,
cube-like structure sticking out. Go near it
and crush the floor with your weight if you're
heavy enough. If not reverse and fire a Napalm.
This undergroud passageway leads to the path
of the "Roller Toaster". Turn right and you're
heading for the same direction as the said
vehicle. Just remember to stay on the left
lane cause it's the safe one. Go on and grab
everything in sight.
- other tips: if you ever fall into the ring of
fire I was saying, just move around and look
for the portal that's transport you out of
it. Whew! And remember to avoid the drums!
: the mini-buildings and structures
all have doors that you can destroy and enter
from to gain access to a good share of power-ups.
: keep an eye out for that mini arena
cause a health icon might suddenly pop in
the middle and it's almost always the computer
who gets to it first if you're not careful.
: when an computer opponent has very
low life, it tends to hang around that mini
arena, teleport out of it, and re-enter via
ramp-jumping. It'll also tend to ignore your
presence so use this to your advantage and
nail him!
- fighting the boss: his special goes through walls
is homing, and if it connects, which is very
likely, it'll stay with you, draining your
life, long enough to kill you. BUT I HAVE escaped
this seemingly invincible move, though not
that easily. The trick is to first use your
energy to execute Hyperspace. They'll still
follow you so this time use your energy to
raise your shields and use whatever turbo
boost you have left to escape their wrath.
Freezing Sweet Tooth before you attack is the
ONLY sound way of approaching him and that
you should always remember.

_ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ___
( \/ )(_ _) ( ___)( \( )( _ \ (_ _)( \( ) / __)/ __)
\ / _)(_ )__) ) ( )(_) ) _)(_ ) ( ( (_-.\__ \
\/ (____)() (____)(_)\_)(____/ (____)(_)\_) \___/(___/

* I don't have much free time nowadays so it'll take some time before I
complete this part, ok?
* The quotes here are NOT exact but are more or less the same...

1) Orbital - Henchman: "Orbital! Hahaha! You've won the Twisted
Metal contest! What is it you desire?"
Orbital : "All I want now is to be norml again. I don't
want to be the only person in the planet
with half a face. "
Henchman: "Your wish has been granted driver!"

- Orbital notices that he has become normal again, but
because half his face was restored, but because all
the other people he new lost half of theirs!

2) Pizza Boy -
3) Capt. Grimm -
4) Calypso -
5) Quatro -
6) Goggle Eyes -
7) Meter Maid - Henchman : "You have won the Twisted Metal contest.
What is it you desire?"
Meter Maid: "I just came here to give you this..."
Henchman : "This fine is in the millions!"
Meter Maid: "There is another option sweetie, Mr. Tooth
can participate in community service. This,
um, community service will only take, oh,
about a couple o' minutes of his precious
Henchman : "I am sorry to inform you, that we here
at the Twisted Metal tournament, do not
accept, condone, or tolerate any legit...
Sweeth Tooth whispers something)...Community
service is indeed fair conduct and would
be exercised throughly...hahahahaha!"

- Sweeth Tooth finds out that the community service Meter
Maid was talking about was for real (all about careful
driving) and not something else (heheh)

8) Gen. Warthog - Gen. Warthog: "Left, right, left,...left, right, left...
Henchman : "Gen. Warthog, you are hereby granted,
for your display of courage and will
in the face of a greater enemy, and in
an unforgiving environment, one wish,
made possible, by the kindness, generosity,
and grace of Sweet Tooth."
Gen. Warthog: "The general would like to have the greatest
army ever amassed in the history of war!
Gen. Warthog will lead that army into
many, glorious victories. The general
would rule over all the world's battlefields!"
Henchman : "Granted! Hah! Goodbye!"

- Gen. Warthog is now part and in command of an army
that will never lose---that of a little boy playing
in the backyard.

9) Microblast -
10) Trashman -
11) The Joneses - Mr. Jones: "Nice place you got here, Mr. Tooth, really
Henchman : "I believe you have won..."
Mr. Jones: "We would like a top-of-the-line, (blah,
blah) trailer"
Henchman : "Granted."
Mr. Jones: "With the optional (blah, blah, blah)
Henchman : "Granted."
Mr. Jones: "And the (blah, blah) contract on (blah,
blah) so we can get ourselves a driver.
Henchman : "Granted."
Mr. Jones: "And that driver we want, is Mr Tooth!"
Henchman : "Granted! That's it! Someone will see you
out! Good Bye!"

- Sweeth Tooth just hates that family and driving by the
mountainside while they are singing to the top of their
voices is just too much for him. He then grins and
decides to drive them all off a high cliff.

12) Drag Queen -
13) Mr. Zombie -

_ _ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) / __)( _ \( ___)( _ \ (_ _)(_ _)/ __)
\ / _)(_ _)(_ ( (__ ) / )__) )(_) ) _)(_ )( \__ \
\/ (____)(____)() \___)(_)\_)(____)(____/ (____) (__) (___/

Janice (my kid sis) for copying some of the in-game text for me when I
just didn't have the time

Jim Chamberlin ( for info on the whats and hows of
ASCII arts for paying attention to this faq
Sony, 989 Studios, and all its affiliates for creating such a great game

Ms. AsianCuteness for inspiring me in just about everything I do!

_ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( _ \( ___)( \/ )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( \( )
\ / _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ ) / )__) \ / _)(_ \__ \ _)(_ )(_)( ) (
\/ (____)(____)(____)() (_)\_)(____) \/ (____)(___/(____)(_____)(_)\_)
_ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _ _
( )_( )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( _ \( \/ )
) _ ( _)(_ \__ \ )( )(_)( ) / \ /
(_) (_)(____)(___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__)

none yet. suggestions, anyone?

____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ __ __ _ _ _____ ____ ____ ___
(_ _)( \/ ) ( ___)(_ _)( \( ) /__\ ( ) ( \/\/ )( _ )( _ \( _ \ / __)
_)(_ ) ( )__) _)(_ ) ( /(__)\ )(__ ) ( )(_)( ) / )(_) )\__ \
(____)(_/\_)() (__) (____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____) (__/\__)(_____)(_)\_)(____/ (___/

Please feel free to email me if there's something about Twisted Metal 4
I left out or if you just want to comment on my work. Thank you. If ever
I revise this faq and add something you feel came from one of your emails
to me, email me again and remind me bout it so I can give you credit. Thanks


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PAL/NTSC Selektor und +4 Trainer für die US NTSC Version.

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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

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