

13.10.2013 09:17:10
-----Act I------

Rincewinds room: open the wardrobe, take the pouch

Arch chancellors room: talk to him

Closet: take the broom

R`s room: use the broom on the luggage, there's a banana in him already

Library: give the banana to the librarian and he'll get the book, take it to
the arch-chancellor you now need 5 objects, dragon breath, staff, an
imp, a hair roller and a frying pan

Dining room: swap the broom with windle-poons staff

Outside the UU: talk to the apprentice ? him. Get the frog. Double click on the
university door to open it. You are now on the city map, run
the mouse slowly around it to find: the drum, palace, park,
inn, unseen university(UU), Alley, Livery Stable(LS), City
gates(C G), Square and Street

Square: pick up a tomato, throw it at the tax-collector in the stocks, pick up
another tomato, search the floor for a worm. Talk to the street urchin
to learn the pickpocket and get some bloomers. Go into the
psychiatrists, leave, go in again, get the butterfly net.

Street: Toy shop: get a toy, and the string. use the string on the worm.
Fishmonger: get the picture. Barbers: look at the hair roller. talk to
the woman twice, talk to the barber, when he's daydreaming pick his
POCKET to get the hair-roller.

LS: get the corn from the sack

Palace: talk to the L guard-? him. enter the palace. in the bathroom take the

Alley: put the mirror into R`s inventory. there is a glowing flagstone on the
floor to catapult you onto the roof. On the roof look in the background
for the tower. Go there. Use the mirror at the tip of the flagpole. Use
the mirror again to readjust it. It catches the dragons breath. Go down
to the roof again, move L until you see a ladder bridge, click on the
ladder and it will drop into the luggage. To exit double-click on the

Alley: walk further down the alley, to the right. There is a door, go in. Look
at the box, push the shutter release, put the corn in the flask.
Double-click on the imp to free him. He goes into the mousehole on the
right outside. Use the worm on the string to get him.

Drum: Talk to the scared guy. Talk to the barman. Get the tankard and matches.

UU: go round the back of the university (Path), and take the fertiliser. Put
the butterfly net into R`s inventory. Use the ladder on the window. Use
the net to catch the pancake (easiest to catch it at the top of its flight)
In the closet, use the matches with the shape, get the packet

Kitchen: Get the banana & Frying pan

Library: Look at the banana behind the sleazy guys ear, talk to him about it

Arch-chancellors room: Give him the frying pan, hair roller, imp, staff
and dragons breath. When the city map appears, move
rincewind down and left, the clicks get closer together
as you near the dragon-its the dragon-detector making
the noise. When you find him you get to.....

-------Act II-------

Barn: go back in the barn and take the screwdriver

Library: give the sleazy guy all the treasure to get the gold banana

Inn: Get the sheet off the bed and bubble bath from the bath-room

UU: get the garbage can from behind the university

Kitchen: get the cornflour

Library: give the librarian the gold banana and he'll open L-space.... go
through and wait, a thief appears and takes a book. Later on you get
the opportunity to take this book. DON'T. If you take it then you
can't pass through L-space, a screen appears with death and friends
on. Push the book to open the bookcase and leave. The night-time city
map appears. Follow the thief to find the Hide-out.

Hide-out: double click on the L-hand drainpipe to adjust it. It will be used
later to listen in for a password.

Inn: go in the bedroom and use the sheet on rincewind. Double click on the
jewellery box. He ends up with a hammer. The scared guy didn`t tell you
this bit before...

Park: Use the frog on the drunk. Use the net to catch the butterfly (it may
still be in R`s inventory)

Street: Open the dunny door, and read the graffiti. Go to the corner and use
the butterfly on the lamp and get the pot on the windowsill.

Drum: Look at the picture behind the little guy, use his glass when he turns to
start a fight. Outside, use the ladder with the drum shingle to get a
drumstick. Go back through L-space (enter the hole by the UU to get in
the library).

Drum: Talk to the scared guy again for info on the hammer, look at the drinks
(counterwise wine) and ask the barman for a drink. Get the glass.

Street: Get the robe from near the dunny, get s hogswatch doll from the toyshop.
Go back through L-space. Let the thief steal the book again, but get
to the hide-out before him. When he arrives, use the glass on the right
hand drainpipe to listen for the password. Use the robe on rincewind.
Watch the summoning etc...

Inn: Do the same as before with the sheet, this time you get the Gate-pass. Go
through L-space.

Dining-Room: use the drumstick on the gong. get the prunes outside the UU

Square: Enter the psychiatrickerists, talk to the troll, wait as its your turn.
Get the inkblots from the psychiatrickerist. Go in again talk to the
maid for a note. Get a donut from dibbler and give it to the dunnyman.
Talk to the street starfish.

Street: Give the barber the note, use the apparatus - you get a GOLD tooth

City Gate: Open the crate, get a keg and fireworks. Give Carrot the gate-pass.
Go out of the city.

Dark Wood: On the way get the cockatrice feather and egg. Fill the pot with cus
tard from the cauldron in nanny oggs house.

Edge of the world (look along the horizon): double click on the coconut tree.
Use the net to get the coconut, and the screwdriver to open it. You
can also tak e the lamp.

Fishmonger: Use string to get the octopus. Put it and the custard in the dunny
can. Exchange prunes for the fishmongers caviar. Get the belt with
a GOLD buckle from him.

Palace: use an inkblot on a guard to enter. talk to the peasant. Use the
garbage can with the fool. Use the bubble bath with the bath. Get the
cap with a GOLD bell. Go through L-space.

Shades: Go right, go to the house. Talk to big sal (You must have read the
graffiti by the dunny) and ask for a special. Give her the egg, coconut
and cornflo ur to get some yellow bloomers. Go through L-space.

Square: Give the urchin the bloomers to get a handshake and a bra. Use the bra
on the ladder.

Shades: Give the mason a handshake to get a GOLD trowel. Go right and find the
hovel. Use the muffled ladder to cross. Try to take the key, Use the
feather on the thief, Take the GOLD skeleton key. Alley: put the
hogfather doll into R`s inventory. Go to the roof. Use the doll with
the chimney.

Alchemists shop: use the keg in the fireplace, and then the string with the
keg. Exit, light the fuse hanging out of the drainpipe with
the matches. You get the GOLD brush.

Barn: You now have all the gold items, so give them to the dragon

Square: Talk to Nanny Ogg - ? her to get the carpet. Use sarcasm, she wants a
kiss, while she`s waiting, take the custard book from the stall. Go
through L-space

Library: Before the thief comes, Take the dragon book (Its safe this time) and
double click it on the custard book. This exchanges the book covers.
Put the dragon book (custard inside dragon cover) into the empty

-------Act III--------


Kitchen: take the spatula.

Arch-chancellors room: take the Hat

Drum: Look at the drinks (Klatchian cactus juice) talk to the barkeeper twice.
Take the worm from the glass and use string on it.

Hide-out: Knock to get a custard tart

Shades: Talk to big sal again. Hovel: open bag to get knife. Mural: (on wall
where the mason used to be..) use the spatula to get the soot
(=caml-flage) Street: take the barbers scissors, and appointment book.

Square: Go into the psychiatrickerists twice, talk to the girl, use the
appointment book to get her autograph. You see the psychiatrickerist.
Get a bag of leeches from dibbler - open it. Use the knife on the
rubber belt on the dunny machine. Pick up an egg from the stall. Get
the snake on the floor. Use the fertiliser, then the starch on the
snake. Talk to the Amazon.

Woods: turn the crank, fill the pot from the bucket, use the screwdriver to
take the crank.

Palace: Use an inkblot or leech to get past the guards. Get the brush from the
bath. Go right, past the throne, go into the dungeon. Use the worm on a
string with the hole by the cells. look at and use the rat, it turns
into an imp. Use the crank on the rack to the right to get a sword.
Get a bone from the skeleton.

Toyshop: Get a toy, use the bone on the gluepot

Inn: In the bathroom, fill the pot with soap. Outside, go right. Give the bone
to the dog. Talk to the sailor, then the innkeeper. look at the sailor's
tattoo and talk to the sailor again.

Alley: talk to the alchemist when he leaves to get corn, take the camera

UU: dining room, swap the snake with windle-poons staff.

Edge of world: Use whistle on Rincewind. Light a firework and throw it at
polly. Use the broom handle (staff) to extend the net, and use
it to get polly. The whistle went over the edge. Look at the
hat. Use the hat on the fork. use the chain of handkerchiefs.
On A-Tuin, look for the glint, take it, use the hankiesto get
back to discworld.

Inn: give polly and the whistle to the pirate

Livery Stable: Use the brush with the soapy water. Use the brush with the
bumper bar. Look at the bumper, Look at the number plate, look
at the bumper sticker (Lady Ramkins now appears on the city map)

Alley: Put the knife in R`s inventory. Go onto the roof. Cut the ladder with
the knife. Go down to the alley and talk to the assassin. The donkey is
now in th e square

Square: Cut the donkeys tail (=moustache) off with the scissors

Lady Ramkins: Use the knocker on her door. Go round the back. Look at the
molten pile, talk to her. Use the doorknocker again, when she
appears, go round the back and steal the rosette, leash, and

City Gate: Talk to carrot about swords

Nanny Oggs: Double-click on the wool. Take the mallet from the wood pile. Use
the rosette on the sheep. Use the imp with the impsomatic camera.
Use the camera with the sheep. Use the sheep picture with the
octopus picture. Go through the hatch. Look at the potions. Talk to
Nanny about the potions, use the custardt art on yourself to kiss
her. Take the truth potion.
Mine: use the sword on the swordsmith

Woods: Give the barber the appointment book

Street: Talk to the barber

Square: Talk to the street starfish

Alley: put the rubber belt in your inventory. Go up to the roof, then to the to
wer. Use the belt on the flagpole tip, and bungee to get the transfer.

Broken Drum: Use the nail on the beam. Hang up the sheep picture on the beam.
Talk to the braggart. When you have the tankards, use the truth
potion on them and continue the conversation, he'll tell you where
the temple of offler is. Ask the barman about elderberry wine. He
should mention foxes..

Inn: go into the bedroom and look at the door. unscrew the door. Talk to the
bogeyman (use the angry conversation)

Drum: Go down the trapdoor. Look for elderberry wine. Fill the tankard with it.
Put it in R`s inventory, otherwise the luggage drinks it on route to the

Mine: Give the wine to the swordsmith, then the sword

Gorge: get thrown off the bridge, then use the carpet on the monk. Enter the
temple. Take the bandanna (blindfold), use the leash on the luggage, use
the blindfold on rincewind. At the altar fill the pouch with sand and
use it on the eye.

UU: In the dining room talk to the lecturer of recent runes about hero's.

Library: search the library for a magic book (between where the L-space door
and sleazy guy were)

------ACT IV-------

Square: Look for the key on lady ramkin and take it

Lady Ramkins: Use the key on the dragons door. There is a molten pile on the
floor. To get past this, use the magic carpet and click past.
Take Mambo the drag on.

Square: use mambo on the dragon. Give mambo a lit firecracker, use him on the
dragon again. To finish the game, use the love custard tart on the


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