

12.10.2013 09:03:18
Walkthrough V2.0
Original Version from http://www.justadventure.com
Author Unknown
Edited and Completed by Winston Avalon

This FAQ was taken from a partially completed FAQ I found. As the walkthrough
was not completed and I happen to be playing the game as
well, I thought I might as well finish it.

Here is the first part of the original walkthrough :


Here is the walkthrough for the majority of the game. A few easy scenarios were
left out due to time. (For our purposes, north points to the top of the screen.)

Prologue: Arrival at Island

Talk to guy sitting in the tower.
Go downstairs.
Obtain RECORD and PAINTING on the ground level.
Go back to the tower.
Put painting on the east-side easel.
Go downstairs and go to the east path. Continue into hut.
Open doors (78 hut) in the following order: RED, PURPLE, BLUE, PURPLE
Set clock to 6 o'clock.
Go back to tower.
Remove PAINTING and place on the west-side easel.
Go downstairs and go down the west path. Continue into hut.
Open doors (33 hut) in the following order: RED, GREEN, RED, GREEN
Set clock to 6 o'clock.
At the pier, click on the foot-shaped burns. This will take you to the front of
the Mansion.

Outside Mansion:

Talk to man on the south-side and get the DOG card.
Go to the west-side. Use DOG card, obtain GOD card.
Go to east-side. Use GOD card, obtain EVIL card.
Go to the west-side. Use EVIL card, obtain LIVE card.
Go to the north-side, use LIVE card.

Inside Mansion:

Leave paint studio and find body-converter(BC) on the first floor.
Get adult body.
Go back to the painting studio. Obtain YELLOW paint and RED pastel.
Go back to BC and become soul.
Go upstairs to second floor and find BC. Obtain Juvenile body (JB).
Go out of room and turn fight. Continue down hall and turn right. Go into door
(southwest door) and continue down stairs. Go through the door on the right.
Become soul. Go to the next room and obtain adult body. Go north and you will
see skeletons on the floor.
Turn skull on the right side, 3 times.
Turn skull on the left side, 3 times.
Convert back to JB.
Go back to door near skeletons. Open door and go in. Obtain FILM under table.
Go back to second floor with JB, then down to the first floor.
Go to the south-central door. Continue through door to LL1.
Change to Adult body. Open large yellow doors.
Continue through to LL2. Half-way down hall is a ladder. Go up ladder to LL1.
Open door in front of you. Obtain PICTURE from the drawer and IRON from armoire.
Go back downstairs. Change to JB.
Go up south staircase to second floor and become soul. Go downstairs and obtain
adult body.
Go to the photo studio on the west-side of the second floor.
Go to the door on the left-side. Click on lock and input: D, F, A, C
Go inside and obtain mirror. Go to the right-side door and input: 5, 3, 8
Go inside and obtain FILM.
Go back downstairs and shed the adult body. Go to second floor and obtain JB.
Go through the door on the southeast corner.
Continue through door and it will take you down the stairs to the first floor.
Use the MIRROR on the stand located in the middle of the hail. Obtain FILM.
Continue down hall to metal stamping machine and use IRON.
Push the top button (block to key).
Go back to second floor and become soul.
Go to the first floor and obtain adult body.
Go to second floor and go into the dining room located at the top of the stairs.
Continue straight ahead and use KEY to open door. Obtain BLUE paint.
Go back downstairs and become soul. Go to second floor and obtain JB.
Go to the Metal Stamping Machine. Use KEY. Select button second from top (key to
Go back to second floor and become soul and continue to second floor and obtain
adult body. Go back to dining room.
Go to back of room and push white wall. The wall should slide. Go inside. Wall
will push you out. Go to east side of the table and press the button under the
candle holder. Push wall again. Continue inside, up the ladder. Go right, left,
left. You will be in a janitor-type room. Go to "hole for something" near ladder
and use CRANK. The water will drain. Go up ladder, into water tank. Go left to
the end and search the ground. Go to the other side and search the ground. You
will have obtained KNIFE and COIN.
Exit tank and go back to dining room.
Exit dining room and go right. Go through door into the Rec. room. (with pool
table, bar, etc.)
Go to clown machine and use RED pastel and COIN. (write the outcome down, it
will show up later in a room that is in black and white.)
Go to next room over with bed and picture. Use KNIFE on picture to slash it.
Go to first floor and become soul.
Go to second floor to the southwest door, which leads to the hallway with the
skeletons. Obtain the adult body and go to the door next to the skeleton and
press the button on door.
Turn the left skull, 1 time.
Turn the right skull, 3 times.
Go inside room and slash painting with KNIFE.
Become soul and go to the second floor and obtain JB.
Go to first floor to south-central door and go downstairs.
Use CRANK on large yellow door.
Obtain the adult body and go into large yellow door. Obtain FILM.
Exit room and change to JB. Use CRANK again.
Change to adult body and go through large doors again to slash the painting with
KNIFE. Change to JB. Go to second floor and become soul. Go to first floor and
obtain the adult body. Go to painting studio and obtain AX from painting that
Become soul and go to second floor and obtain JB.
Go back to large yellow doors and use CRANK. Change to adult body and go through
door to the ladder. Go up ladder to room with four doors.
Go into the door to the right of the one straight ahead (west side door).
Go to the door in the back of the room. Do not open door. Combine BLUE and
YELLOW paint to make GREEN. Use GREEN paint on door.
This will lead you to a Microcosm.
Go straight ahead and open door.

Start: Illusion Island, Scenario 4-2

After fighting with Tochis, you go back to your hut.
Search all huts and talk to everyone and select everything you can.
Go to Seim's hut and talk to him.
You will then go back to your hut.
Go to meeting place. Talk to everyone.
Go to Tochis' hut. Search the hut and go back to meeting place and talk to
Go back to Tochis' hut with Tyros and search again.
You will then be back at your hut.
Go to meeting place, talk to people.
Go to Kura's hut, search the hut, and talk to everybody.
Go to Seim's hut and talk to him.
You will then be back at your hut.
Go to Death Spring and you will see the path turning white.
Go to Daron's hut and talk to him.
Go back to Death Spring to see the white path.
The scenario is pretty much over. You just have to read the text and watch the

Start: Scenario 5-2, Beauty of Death

Obtain ID card and go through door, through cave. Go through another door.
Click on white bar on wall. FMV will show.
Turn right go to door. Turn left. Click on white stripe and FMV will show again.
Go through door.
Go to second floor.
Go down hall until you get to two doors on opposite sides. Turn left.
Go down hall and go into door on right. This is the computer room.
Click the keyboard and type in: TOYBOX, DAWN, DUSK, then exit.
Click on the card reader and type: 0010100, 0202020, 3030303, 0404040, and
Exit computer room. Go into room ahead (TOYBOX) and obtain GUN.
Go to the rooms on the other side of hall. Collect items.
Go back to hall, turn right.
Continue down hallway.
Shoot guard.
Use ID card to go into elevator to 3rd floor.
Once door opens, shoot the two guards.
Walk through hallway. There will be two doors on either side of you.
Enter the right door into computer room.
Click on the keyboard and type: BIRDCAGE
Exit room to hallway.
Go to the prison cells and go into BIRDCAGE cell.
Enter and obtain TRANQUILIZER GAS GUN.
Enter room across hallway and obtain GASMASK.
Go back to the hallway and use the ID card to access the elevator to the 4th
When the doors open, there will be 4 guards waiting. Shoot the guard second from
the left.
Continue down hallway into elevator to 5th floor.
Once on the 5th floor, go straight into Warden's office.
After conversing with the warden, use GUN.
The rest of this section is reading text.
Exit painting room to room with 4 doors.
Go into the room on the left.
You should be in a black and white room with a star on the door.
Solve puzzle and go into Microcosm.
Go to the left and open door.

Scenario 4-1: Spirits of the Children

After you wake up, go into the next room. You will see a woman and she will run
away. Follow her out of the hut and make a left. Go down the ladder.
You will hear a gunshot.
Go back to the front of the hut, not inside.
Make a left so you go around the hut. Go down the ladder and enter the cave.
Talk to the woman.
Click on the oil lamp.
Talk to her again.
You will spend another night with her (woo woo!)
You should be on the outside of the hut. Go around and click on anything you
can. Walk around and look at everything possible.
Go back to the hut. You will see an FMV. After the FMV, go to the cave around
the back of the hut.
Talk to her again.
Click on the oil lamp again and another FMV will play.
Exit cave and go down the west path. A new path will be seen on the map.
Continue down that way to the beach with the dead bodies.
Keep going down the path until you come to a tent.
Talk to the crazy soldier.
After he dies, go back to the cave.
You will see nobody and go down the east path to the beach.
Talk to the children then use the GUN to shoot the spirits.
In the Microcosm, go to the next door.

Scenario 5-1: Endorphin

After you talk to M, the chief, he will give you an ID card.
Use the ID card for the elevator to the 2nd floor.
Walk straight from the elevator to a room at the end of the hall.
It will say you need a WHITE UNIFORM.
Go to the room on the northeast corner. It should be the restroom.
Talk to the guy in the restroom, you will obtain a WHITE UNIFORM.
Use this item.
Go back to the room you couldn't enter before and look around.
Then, go to the room next to it and look around.
Go to the room in front of the restroom and talk to the guy you beat up for the
uniform. Obtain ELECTRONIC KEY.
Go to the elevator and go to the 3rd floor.
WL will take you to a cell.
Then turn around, and WL will tell you to go to the computer room.
When you get there, click the keyboard and look at the info.
He will then give you a security guard uniform to use.
Out of the computer room, go left to the elevator.
Out of the elevator, go straight and click on the guys in the room.
Go back down to the 2nd floor.
Go into the Power Plant room and shut off the power.
Go straight out of the Power Plant to the emergency stairs to the 4th floor.
Go into the room and click on the table.
Go out of the room to the left and take the elevator to the 5th floor.
WL will meet you. Go into the jailer's room and talk to him.
After that, you will talk to M. The rest of the scenario is easy.
Once complete, you will be taken back to the mansion.
Exit B&W room and turn left into the projector room.
Use the correct FILM in the correct projector.
Go to the main projector and turn the switch.
This will take to the next Microcosm.

Scenario 6-1: Out-of-Control Program

Check out everything, click on everything you can.
Go to the Public Area and into Information.
Click on NEWS and watch it twice. Two different ones should be shown.
Go to the free area and talk to the people in the café.
Talk to Camia and get info about "85".
Exit café and go to the idol shop.
Click on Plastic Orange and say yes, you would like to order. Enter 85.
This will take you to the password shop. Click on Police Password and buy it.
You will obtain the Police Password.
Exit and go to the Pizza Shop. Click on the Tropical Orange Pizza and order 85.
You will go to another password shop. Obtain Taping Program MIMI.
Exit and go to Core Station and then into Public Area.
Go to Information and click on NEWS. You should see a different topic.
Exit and go to the Police.
Use Police Password and get info from the Data Bank.
Exit and go to the Program shop in the Free area.
Order 85 Orange Harvest.
Order Information Password.
Exit and go to NEWS again but do not click on NEWS. At this screen, use the
Information Password.
Click on File-5.
Exit and go back to the NEWS/EXIT screen and use MIMI.
You will obtain the Doctor's address.
Go back to Core Station and use Doctor's Address.
Click on the Exclamation Point. Type "BLOODYWORMS" on the keyboard.
This scenario is pretty much done.
You will then go back to the Microcosm.
Go to the next door.

Scenario 7-1: Forest of Vengeance

Go everywhere and click on everything you can.
Obtain the key from a drawer in a house.
Go north down the path and turn right to the house on the north east corner.
Use KEY to go inside and talk to Grandma. Exit.
You will hear a scream. Go straight ahead and you will find a dead body on the
Click on anything you can. Go back to Grandma's house and click on her face.
Exit and go to the dead body again and click on the eyes.
Go to the main pathway and go south until you reach the tombstone. Make a right
and go down the new pathway.
Click on the eyeballs sitting on the table on the right side.
After that, you can go down the path more to the cemetery.
Find two skeletons and click on the eyes.
Go to the backside of the central monument and turn right.
Click on the paintings on the ground.
Go back past the monument and make a right until you reach the coffin you've
just seen.
Click on the eyeball on the inside.
Go past the monument again but make a left turn and go past the gates.
Go inside the house and talk to the woman.
Click on the mirror.
Click on the woman again.
Click on the mirror again.
The rest of the scenario is reading text.
You will be back at the entrance of the Microcosm. Exit the room and turn left
to the next room.
It should have a few sculptures, a dresser, and an armoire.
Enter the room and turn right and go towards the wall.
Use AX and break the wall. Enter the Microcosm.
Go to the helmet-looking thing.


And here is the part I addeded. You may notice a change of style and such,
I hope it is not too much a problem for you players. for some action, I will not
be too specific as to given all action step by step ( like right,
left,open door etc ), I will just give general step ( like go to house ).

Scenario 6-2: Organ Murder Mystery
Go to Public, Medical, Internal Medicine. See lady doctor on left.
Talk to System Officer at Medical Menu.
Go to main menu and use HOSPITAL CARD with Net Tel.
Check mail at mailbox twice. ( Get RECORDS and HACK PROGRAM )
Go to Public, Police and use HACK PROGRAM.
Use RECORDS with Police menu. Read all.
Get ADDRESS OF LUCIFUR PLANNING and use it with Net Tel.
Try any option, but cannot get in.
Check email and get SEARCH ENGINE.
Dial Net Tel to Lucifur Planning again choose Zenka ...,
Read all and Get N.ATAS ( Spell this backwards ... ) ADDRESS.
Use N.ATAS ADDRESS with Net Tel and use SEARCH ENGINE.
Choose (3) (D) (5) and choose (1) while (5) is being shown.

Pretty short? Anyway, head to the last door after everything ends.

Scenario 7-2: Curse of the Phlia

There is something very special about this scenario. See if you can guess
what it is. The answer is at the end.

Go North all the way to the house and open door.
Talk to Doc. Turn around and exit.
You can open door in front to examine dinering room.
Open next door and enter bathroom. Go forward and notice blood on floor.
Go to next door at corner and see creature. This is the Phlia room.
Turn left and look at mask.
Turn right and look at Phlia again. You will see blood.
Go upstairs and enter room ahead. Go to table and write memo.
Go downstairs and talk to Doc ( 1st door on left ).
Go outside and hear Church bell. If you tried to visit church before, you
cannot get in anyway, now you can.
Go to church. ( lower left house, you can't miss it )
Go all the way and see priest.
Return to see Doc and then visit Eliza upstairs on rom opposite yours.
Go back to your room and sleep. You will dream.

After dreaming, go downstairs and enter door ahead ( Phlia Room ).
View mask and you will see vision.
Return to your room and sleep. You will be waken up again.
See Doc in office and talk to him. Doc will join you.
Go outside and visit the the other 2 houses. ( now you know why no one answer
the door when you knocked ... )
Anyway, you will see feather on the body in the house on the left.
You will see feather and bloody knife on bodies on the right.
Return to Doc's house and go upstairs to Eliza's room.

There will be a FMV and some events.
Go to Phlia room and check Phlia.
Enter Doc's office. ( surprise! he is not the murderer ... )
Go to Eliza's room.
Go back and sleep (not!).

There will be a timed sequence here. Too slow and you pay the price.
Run at the door.
Go to the left, behind the shelf and display case on the left lies a
sword. Pick it up.
Hit the mask.
Hit the head of the Phlia. ( Now, you know where did the eyballs goes ... )

That ends this scenario. BTW, have you guess the answer. Well, this scenario
does not have any item at all!

Anyway, that concludes all the parts for the microcosms. Move on to the
final showdown.

The Final Showdown

Enter the newly opened purple door automatically.
SAVE YOUR GAME NOW! This is the last time you can save. Not really, actually if
you count the endsave in.
Go ahead and check the grave. Place the pendant on the hand.
Looks can be deceiving ...
Pick up cross, coin and garlic ( useless ) from the 3 sides.
The 4th side will result in the final encounter. Use cross. Nope,
it doesn't work. Use coin and it sort of does the trick.
Quickly pick up coin!
So much for the monster. Now it the answering part.
"Yes, let's make a deal"
"Don't show me your face"
"No, I won't be deceived"
The End ...?

Of course not. After the credits, save your game. You may need to reset
your set and load the game again.

The Real Ending

Go to the 2nd floor and enter the game room on the right.
Go to the chessboard at the counter and use Chesspiece you picked up
at the endgame.
Now the answer to the puzzle is to move the knight to:

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 X 0
0 0 0 0

position X above. That does something on the 3rd floor. Still remember a
room full of armor in the 3rd floor you never did anything in?
Anyway, go to the diner room and then push the wall and climb up ladder
to the 3rd floor. Turn right and go ahead to the real ending.

Now, about the ending ... I may not get everything. It sort of show some
stuff before the incident and some after ... Anyway, at least it answers
these questions :

Why the priest knew all about the demons?
Why the ancient bottle is sold at the shop?
Why the priest even bother to help you?
Why the demon is not destroyed in the first ending?

Anyway, we know who the real bad guy is, but I guess Sarah and her boyfriend
didn't make it afterall ( from the picture at the end ) and the
bottle is being sold again to make more people fall into the trap.
If anyone wants to put up his interpretation of the endings, let me know.


Winston Avalon

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