Tobal No. 1

Tobal No. 1

14.10.2013 11:10:29
Subject: Different Tobal No. 1 FAQ, includes Grappling System, Quest Items, Moves
From: (Chris Gross)
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 96 06:12:45 GMT

This is my Tobal No. 1 faq. It is more complete than anything else I have seen
posted, so I hope it helps some people. If this post comes out with screwed up
alignment (moves should be in neat columns) and you want the original file,
please email me.

Tobal No. 1 FAQ v.1
by Chris Gross ( )

Common Moves
Main Move List
Quest Items

I have no idea if this is a complete movelist, but it must be
pretty close, as it contains moves I haven't seen posted by
anyone else, and I haven't seen the computer perform any moves
not listed here. I have tried to translate names of the moves
that appeared in the manual as best I can, but I know I am
probably wrong in a few places. If you can provide better
translations, please email me. I don't care if this gets
reproduced or appears on a web page, as long as it remains whole
and some credit is given.

U - Up
D - Down
F - Forward
B - Back
H - High Attack
M - Medium Attack
L - Low Attack
G - Guard
J - Jump (tap jump for a hop, hold for a high jump)

(ws) - While standing (Move can be done while standing after a
crouch, at the end of a standing low attack, or any other move
where you end up half crouched)

(away) - Face away from your opponent

(turns) - Turns you away from your opponent

[] - Moves inside brackets are optional

_ - represents "or"

Common Moves
(note- Most moves invloving "B" or "B,B" can substitute "U"
or "D" for the direction, resulting in a different angle of

Jumping Front Kick - J+[U,D,F,B]+(H_M)
Jumping Side Kick - J,(U_D_F_B)+(H_M_L)
Somersault - J+[U,D,F,B]+L (will hit lying opponents)
Dash/Sidestep - A double tap in any direction will cause you to
Run - F, F (hold second F)
Crouch - D+G

You can grab someone from the front, left, right, or back, each
resulting in different moves. After any grab, you can throw your
opponent. For specific throws, see the main move list.

Grab - G+M
Grab ducking opponent - Crouch+M

After a front grab:
Forward Push (F.Push) - F,F (will also keep opponent from
freeing themselves, see below)
Backward Pull (B.Pull) - B,B
Sideways Pull (S.Pull) - U,U_D,D
Let Go - F,B (you will push your opponent
away, and turn them around)
Headbutt - H
Knee to the groin - M
Standing Sweep - L

After a back grab:
Push away, side kick - H_M_L

After a left grab:
Elbow Smash - H_M_L

After a right grab:
Punch to the head - H_M_L

There are a few things you can do after you have been grabbed,
depending on what your opponent is currently doing.

After being grabbed:
Opponent is doing nothing:
Throw your opponent - G+M
Free Yourself - B,B
Sweep - L
Mid Punch - M
High Punch - H

If grabbed from behind:
Punch to the head - H_M_L (Ill-Goga is an exception. See
his entry below)

If grabbed from the left or the right:
Gut Punch - H_M_L

Opponent is attacking (i.e. headbutt, etc):
Block - Hold G

Opponent is throwing you:
Every throw has a certain point in which it can be
reversed. This point is shown in the practice mode, under the
heading "Nage Nuke" (Throw Nuke?). Perform a throw, and watch
when a red "ok" flashes. This is the point in that throw when
your opponent can reverse it, by pressing G+M. Timing must be
very exact. (I can hardly ever get it off) If done correctly, you
will slip from your opponents arms, and grab them. Depending on
how you end up grabbing them, procede with the throw of your
choice. (I suppose you could keep reversing throws infinately,
but I can barely escape once, much less over and over) Since you
can't get the practice computer to grab you, I don't know if it
is possible to reverse the defensive throw.

If anyone has anything else to add about the grappling system
(especially about reversals and defense) please email me.

Main Move List


Shoulder Throw - G+M
Bulldog - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Body Toss - Grab from behind, G+M
Body Press - F, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Side Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
Reverse Body Press - B. Pull, B, G+M
Neck Toss - F. Push, B, G+M

Two Wind Spiral - H, H, H
Double Spinning Kicks - G+H, [H]
Crescent Kick, - Crouch+H, [M, M]
[Double Front Kicks]
Double Front Kicks - (ws) M, M
Spread Backhand - F+M
Backflip Kick - B+M
Mule Kick - ((away) M)_(F, F+M)
Backhand - (B+H (turns))_(U+H (turns you left)_
(D+H (no turn))
Backflip - B, B+M
Breakdance Kick, - (B+L)_(D+L, [M (at start of spin)]
[Mule Kick]
Leg Sweep - F+L (turns if missed)
Sliding Low Kick, - Run, L, [L]_[M, M]
[Breakdance Kick]_[Double Front Kicks]
Jumping Spin Kick - Run, H
2 Punches, Gut Punch - H, H, M
Punch, Mid Kick, Sweep- H, M, L
2 Punches, Sweep - H, H, L
Low Kick, Mid Kick, - L, M, L
Low Kick, 2 Mid Kicks - L, M, M
Low Kick, Sweep - L, L
Sweep - G+L


Power Bomb - G+M
Moon Dive - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Knee Slam - Grab from behind, G+M
Kientakku Breaker - B, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Giant Swing - F. Push, B, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Push, B, G+M

Cutter Hook - F+H
Snipe Shot, - F, F+M, [M]
[Elbow Smash]
Tiger Thrust - F+M, M
Gazeru Upper - B+M, M, [M, M]
[Snipe Shot]
Machine Gun Knuckle - B (hold)+H, H, H, H, H_L (punch or sweep)
Backhand - (B, B+H (turns))_(F, F+H (no turn))
Backflips - (away) M (can repeat infinately)
Lunging Right Hook - B, B+M (If you use U, U+M or D, D+M, you
can feint repeatedly by alternating
directions. When you stop alternating, you
will attack. i.e. U, U+M, D, D+M = feint
up, dash down, and attack)
Screw Kick - Run, M
Sweep - G+L
Jumping Knee Bash - (ws) B+M
3 Punches - H, H, H
Punch, Spin Kick - H, M
2 Punches,
Crescent Kick - H, H, M
Headbutt, - (ws) F+M, [M] (After the headbutt, Oliems
[Chicken Flaps] will do one chicken flap for every press of
M. (you can do it infinately) when he has
done as many flaps as you wanted, he will
headbutt again. You can also trigger the
second headbutt at any time during the
flaps by pressing G. Alternately, by
pausing a bit after the inital headbutt, it
is possible to headbutt infinately.


Shoulder Throw - G+M
Falling Slam - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Throw - Grab from the left, G+M
German Suplex - Grab from behind, G+M
Wheel Throw - B, G+M
Falling Rotted Tree - F. Push, G+M
Flip Throw - F. Push, B, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
Reverse Shoulder Throw - B. Pull, B, G+M

Aurora Rain - F, F+M
Aurora Salute - B+M
Slant Roll, - F, F+L, [H]
[Cartwheel Kick]
Double Flying Kicks - F, F+H
Drop Kick - F+H (turns)
Tornado Hammer - (away) M
Rising Knee - B+H
Jumping Side Kick - B, B+H
Sliding Uppercut - B, B+M
Sliding Side Kick - (U, U+M)_(D, D+M)
Spinning Mule Kick - F+M
Backhand Sweep - (F+L)_((away) L)
Spinning Back Kick, - G+H, [L]_[M, M]_[M, L]
[Sweep]_[Punch, Aurora Salute]_[Punch, Sweep]
Sweep - G+L
2 Punches, High Kick - H, H, H
Punch, 2 Mid Kicks - H, M, M
2 Punches, Gut Punch, Aurora Salute - H, H, M, M
Punch, Mid Kick, Sweep - H, M, L
Low Kick, 2 Mid Kicks - L, M, M
Low Kick, Mid Kick, Spinning Back Kick - L, M, H
Low Kick, Mid Kick, Sweep - L, M, L


Spinning Power Bomb - G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Body Lift - Grab from behind, G+M
Brilliant Severe Driver - F. Push, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Pull, B, G+M
Flip Toss - F. Push, B, G+M

Shut Down - D+J+G
Screw Punch - G+H, M (can press M infinately for
many punches)
Guru Guru Punch, - M, H (can interrupt H with L, for
[Shin Kick]
Hi Ho Hi Ho - F+L, L_M (low or mid finish)
Mt. Fuji Kick, - B+M, [M_L]
Distant Arrow Drop - M, M
Mixed Fast Kicks - F+M, M (You can kick infinately by
alternating attack heights after the
second M, but you must always go back
to M. i.e. F+M, M, H, M, L, M, L, M)
Spinning Punch - F, F+H
Back Flip, - (ws) M, [L (up to three times), M]
[Breakdance Kicks]
Sweep - G+L
2 Punches, Jump Kick - H, H, H
Punch, Mid Punch, Sweep - H, M, L
2 Punches, Gut Punch, Uppercut - H, H, M, M
Punch, 2 Gut Punches - H, M, M


Surface Spin - G+M
Reverse Surface Spin - B, G+M
Arm Spin - Grab from the left, G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Twisting Body Toss - Grab from behind, G+M
Hell Wheel - B. Pull, G+M
Reverse Throw - B. Pull, B, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Windmill Toss - F. Push, B, G+M

Demolishing Attack - B+M (tap M up to two more times for
delays and more damage)
Flying Front Kicks, - F, F+M, M, [M_L]
Falling Body Leg Sweep - B+L, L
Whirlwind Leg - Crouch+H
Spinning Wrap Up - Run, M
Backhand, - F+H, [M, M]
[2 Punches]
Spinning Hook Kick, - F, F+H, [B]
Spinning Jump Kick, - B+H, [M]
[Hop Punch]
Low Front Kick, - F, F+L (can intterupt with M for
[Spinning Spring Kick] kick)
Spring Kick - F+M
Backflip - (away), M
Backflip Kick, - B, B+M, [L, L]
[Falling Body Leg Sweep]
Twisting Low Kick, - F+L, L, [M]
[Crouched Mid Kick]
Crouched Mid Kick - (ws) M
Leaping Demolishing Attack - (ws) B+M (can delay for damage)
Cartwheel Kick - (ws) F+M
2 Punches, Spin Hook Kick, - H, H, H, [B]
2 Punches, Backflip - H, H, M
Punch, Mid Kick, Sweep - H, M, L

Mary Ivonskaya

Atomic Drop - G+M
Power Bomb - F, G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Suplex - Grab from behind, G+M
Pendulum - F. Push, G+M
Giant Swing - F. Push, B, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
D.D.T - B. Pull, G+M

Drop Kick - F, F+H
Sobat - G+H
Knuckle Bomb - F+M
Russian Lariat - B+M
Tornado Hammer - Run, M
Right Hook, - B+H, [M]
[Russian Lariat]
Power Lariat - B, B+M
Boot - F, F+M
Ankle Kicks, - F+L, [L, L]_[M, M]_[M, H]
[2 Mid Kicks]_[Mid Kick, High Kick]
Fast Backhand, - (ws) M, [H]
Sweep, - G+L, [M]
[Tornado Hammer]
3 Chops - H, H, H
Punch, Backhand, Sweep - H, M, L

(note- anyone grabbing Ill from behind will grab his tail and do
a giant swing as their throw. Ill can't do a punch to the head
as a reaction to being grabbed from behind. Instead, press G+M,
and Ill will perform a giant swing with his tail.)

Power Bomb - G+M
Body Lift - Grab from behind, G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Pull, B, G+M
Giant Swing - F. Push, B, G+M

Wild Rush - H, H, H
Rock Buster, - B+M, [L] (After the B, M,
[Shin Kick]_[Spinning Back Kick] immediately press H for
a back kick)
Punch, Rock Buster, Shin Kick - H, M, L
Double Left Hammer - F+M, M
Mad Kick - H, L, H
Heitoro Rush - H, L, L, L, H
Rock Crusher - (ws) M, M (if you pause after the
initial headbutt before
hitting M again, you
can keep headbutting)
Tail Whip - B+H
Uppercut - B, B+M
Low Punch, - F+L, [L]_[M, M]_[H, M]
[Low Backhand]_[Double Left Hammer]_[Overhead Smash, Uppercut]
Right Hook, - G+H, [L]_[M, M]_[H, M]
[Sweep]_[Double Left Hammer]_[Overhead Smash, Uppercut]
Tail Sweep, - G+L, [M, M, M]
[Tail Slashes]
Punch, Spinning Back Kick - H, M, H

Green Katz

Body Slam - G+M
Head Slam - B, G+M
Crank Spin - B. Pull, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Neck Throw - F. Push, B, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Pull, B, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Suplex - Grab from behind, G+M

Casual Kick - F+L
Right Blaster - F+M
Big Ben - F+H
Royal Rorusu(?), - B, B+M, [B]_[M]_[L, M]
[(turns)]_[Crescent Kick]_[Sweep, Flipkick]
Spinning High Kicks, - G+H, H, [H]_[M, M]_[M, L]
[Third Kick]_[2 Gut Punches]_[Gut Punch, Sweep]
Rising High Kick - Crouch+H
Gut Punch, - B+M, [L]_[M]
[Sweep]_[Gut Punch]
Lunging Gut Punch - B+M, F (Must press F immediately
after the B+M)
Middle Spin Kick - F, F+M
Leaping Right Blaster - (ws) F+M
Feint Sweep, - B+L, F, [M] (must press F
[Leaping Right Blaster] immediately after the
Lunging Backflip - (ws) B+M
Sweep, - (G+L, [M])_(F, F+L, [M])
Punch, Gut Punch, Uppercut - H, M, M
2 Punches, High Kick - H, H, H
2 Punches, Gut Punch - H, H, M
Punch, Gut Punch, Sweep - H, M, L
2 Punches, Casual Kick - H, H, L


Power Bomb - G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Suplex - Grab from behind, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Giant Swing - F. Push, B, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Pull, B, G+M

Right Hook - B+H
Spinning Uppercut - B+M
Sitting Smash, - F+M, [M] (can infinately hit M)
[Overhead Smashes]
Big Uppercut - B, B+M
Lunging Low Punch, - F+L, [L]_[M]_[H, M]
[Backhand]_[Uppercut]_[Overhead Punch, Spin Smash]
Power Punch, - G+H, [H, M]
[Overhead Punch, Spin Smash]
Sweep - G+L
2 Jabs - H, H
Double Uppercut - (ws) M


Piledriver - G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Suplex - Grab from behind, G+M
Trip Slam - F. Push, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Pull, B, G+M
Giant Swing - F. Push, B, G+M

Handstand Kick - B+H
Double Smash, - F+H, [H, H, H]
[2 Overhead Smashes, Backhand]
Side Kicks - B+M, M, M
Double Uppercut - B, B+M
Spread Smash - F+M
Sliding Low Kick, - F+L, [L, L]_[M]
[Stepping Kicks]_[Turn Kick (turns)]
Mule Kick - (away) M (you stay turned)
Pirouette Kick - G+H
Sweep - G+L
Low Kick, Handstand Kick - L, H
Whack a Mole - H, H, H
Goose Step - M, M, M

Emperor Udan

Piledriver - G+M
Twisting Neck Throw - Grab from the right, G+M
Arm Breaker - Grab from the left, G+M
Suplex - Grab from behind, G+M
Flip Throw - F. Push, G+M
Giant Swing - F. Push, B, G+M
Rolling Throw - B. Pull, G+M
D.D.T. - B. Pull, B, G+M
Body Toss - S. Pull, G+M

Hopping Spinning Hook Kick - B+H
Spinning Kick - F+H (can tap H once more for delay/strength)
Jumping Backhand - F+M
Backflip Kick - B+M (can repeat infinately with no delay)
Forward Flip, - F, F+M, [M]
Shoulder Charge, - B, B+M, [M, [M, [M]]] (interrupt B+M with M
[Dropkick, [Rising Flip, [Backflip]]] for Dropkick. If you
only do the rising flip
and pause, you will be
Dropkick - (away) M
Spinning Backhand - (away) H (will stay turned)
Sweep - (U_D_F_B)+L
Alternate Sweep - G+L
Low Shoulder Charge - B, B+L
Low Dropkick - F, F+L, [M, [M]]
[Rising Flip, [Backflip]]
Charging Backflip - (ws) M
Flying Stomp - (ws) B+M
Turning Flip - (ws) F+M (turns)
One Two Punch - H, H
Punch, Gut Punch - H, M
Spinning High Kicks, - G+H, H, [L (turns), [(ws) M]]_[M]
[Sweep, [Backflip]]_[Front Kick]

Quest Items
The following are the quest items I have seen so far.

Bread/Small Bread - Increase health.
Cake - Increase health (less than meat or bread).
Small Meat - Increase health, increase attack.
Large Meat - Increase health, if health 100%,
increase defense.
Balancing Scales - When held, doubles effectiveness of
another item. Dissapears after one or
two uses.
Dynamite Cherry - Gives you Hyper mode for 18 seconds
(you can attack with no delay time).
Lantern - Extends Map view.
Skull - Throw at opponents to damage them.
Pot - Drop items on pot to put them inside.
Throw to break and retrieve items.
Crystal - Unknown. Throw and it gets smaller, until
it dissapears. Perhaps you throw it at
enemies? (I died shortly after finding this)
Key - Open doors.
Heart - Gives you an extra life.
Crystals - Three kinds: Blue - Worth 1
Red - Worth 5
Yellow - Worth 20
Use them to buy things.
Potions - There are many kinds of potions, each having
a different color. Unfortunately, the colors
corresponding to each type change every time
you play. Once you drink a potion however,
you will "remember" it, and when you pick up
another of that type, it will display what it
is. In addition to drinking potions, you can
throw them at your opponents, forcing them
to drink it, and feel their effects.
These are all the potions I have seen:
Life Up - Heals you.
Life Full - Heals you fully.
Life Max Up - Lenghtens your life bar,
but doesn't heal.
Life Down - Wounds you.
Life Max Down - Shortens your life bar.
Poison - Reduces you to 1 HP.
(The offensive potion of
Hyper - Gives you hyper for 1 minute.
Hoi Poi Capsules - Familiar to Dragon Ball fans, throw these
to create item shops.


Alternate Player Colors
Hold up while choosing your character for a different costume.

Play as the Bosses
Beating bosses in quest mode lets you use that boss, except Nork,
beating him lets you use Snork.

I haven't beaten Udan's Dungeon myself, so I don't know what
secrets open up after that (I assume you get to play as Toriyama,
in his robot guise often seen in Dragonball). If anyone can
confirm what happens after beating Udan's dungeon, please email

"When Cthulhu calls, he calls collect."

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