Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban

Puyo Puyo Sun Ketteiban

11.10.2013 22:43:40
PuyoPuyo SUN Ketteiban (Compile, Puzzle Game, PSX)
Secrets FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
V1.0 4/17/99

Written by: Richard Uyeyama (ru e ama best.com)*

* Instances of the letter "y" and the "at" symbol have been removed
(replaced with spaces) from the above e-mail address in order to prevent
unscrupulous UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) bot processes from
adding to the amount of e-mail I already get...

The latest version of this file can be found at:
DAKARA, watashi wa Santa de wa NAI!!!

Document formatting, organization, and wording Copyright 1999 by Richard

Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its
entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. Author
reserves the right to rescind specific or general permission, if he sees a
reason (such as loophole abuse) to do so.

PuyoPuyo SUN Ketteiban is Copyright 1997 by Compile. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents:

0. Document History
I. Basic Stuff
1. What is this document?
2. What is PuyoPuyo?
3. What's new in Puyo3 (compared to Puyo2)?
4. "Ketteiban"?
II. Hitori de PuyoPuyo (1P Mode) Stuff
1. Are there any hidden challengers?
A. Carbuncle
2. Is it just me, or are there fewer puyo colors on certain stages?
III. Futari de PuyoPuyo (2P Mode) Stuff
1. Are there any codes for 2P games?
A. Play as Carbuncle
B. Play as Satan-sama
C. Choose Opponent's Character
D. Random Select
E. Everybody Zoh!
2. Is there any way to reselect characters after a match?
IV. Options Menu Stuff
1. Is there only one page of Options?
2. Is there no save option?
3. How does the game keep track of the date?
4. How many extra pictures are there?
5. Does the background ever change in music test mode?
6. Could you map out the load extras in a single reference?
7. Whose voices correspond to which numbers in the voice test?
8. How do you earn stuff in the Demo Viewer?
V. Miscellany
1. Is there a soft reset command?
2. How much damage does a sun-puyo add to an attack?
3. Would you happen to have a complete cast list?
VI. Thanks and Stuff

0. Document History

V1.0: 4/17/99
Launch version
(11/27/98: GBC Pocket PuyoPuyo SUN now on sale)
(4/17/98: Win95 PuyoPuyo SUN now on sale)
(11/27/97: PSX PuyoPuyo SUN Ketteiban now on sale!)
(10/30/97: N64 PuyoPuyo SUN64 now on sale)
(2/14/97: SSat PuyoPuyo SUN now on sale)
(Dec/1996: Arcade version PuyoPuyo SUN)

I. Basic Stuff

I.1 What is this document?

This document is an English language informational resource for
PuyoPuyo SUN Ketteiban (which I shall hereafter refer to as Puyo3, for
brevity's sake), a puzzle game (available in Japan) by Compile. Puyo3
belongs to the "falling pieces" genre of puzzle game, probably best
defined by, ummm... Compile's PuyoPuyo series of puzzle games. ^^;
In this document, I'll be covering codes and secrets and other such
information which may be of interest to Puyo3 fans. This is a Secrets
FAQ, and not a strategy guide, btw, so I won't be including game
strategies, or chain setup patterns, or anything like that in this
This document was written for the PSX version of Puyo3, but some
(though obviously not all) of the information contained herein (for
example, the Carbuncle challenger conditions, or the 2P mode codes) may
apply to other versions of the game as well...

I.2 What is PuyoPuyo?

PuyoPuyo is an amazingly successful puzzle game that was created by
Compile around the early 90's (1991, I think). It was so popular in
Japan, that it basically defined its own genre of games (how many games
can you say that about? =) ). Indeed, one could argue that most "falling
pieces" puzzle games today owe their very existence (some more obviously
than others) to PuyoPuyo! ^^;
PuyoPuyo has come a long way since its first appearance. But the
PuyoPuyo series still ranks among the best (imho) puzzle games on the

I.3 What's new in Puyo3 (compared to Puyo2)?

Sun-puyos! Sun-puyos are kind of like ojama-puyos that give you an
attack bonus when they're made to disappear. Sun-puyos will fall before
ojama-puyos do, potentially giving you an extra move to save yourself
before being buried by an opponent's attack... =) You're rewarded with
sun-puyos for counterattacks and zen-keshi (clearing your board of
Three characters are now playable in 1P mode. In addition to Arle
(Normal story, 13 stages), you can also play as Draco (Easy story, 3
stages) and Schezo (Hard story, 8 stages).
All characters are now selectable in 2P mode.
All characters now have unique attacks!
New modes: Tokoton NazoPuyo (99 puzzle levels, a 1P infinite puzzle
challenge, and a 2P (versus) puzzle challenge) and Kachinuki PuyoPuyo
(Elimination Tournament (4, 8, or 16 human or CPU players)).
There are some other new things as well, but those are the major

I.4 "Ketteiban"?

Hmmm... you can probably just think of "Ketteiban" as meaning
"PlayStation version". Puyo2 Ketteiban, Puyo3 Ketteiban, WakuPuyo Dungeon
Ketteiban... Actually, the literal meaning is closer to "final version";
the PlayStation console is usually the last to get Compile stuff... ^^;
On the plus side, though, sometimes extra stuff is added for the PSX
version, so... =)

II. Hitori de PuyoPuyo (1P Mode) Stuff

II.1 Are there any hidden challengers?


II.1.A Carbuncle
Arle's Story - If you've continued your game 20 (!) or more times,
then after you've defeated Satan-sama, Carbuncle will appear as a hidden
challenger. You may not continue against Carbuncle. Arle's ending is not
affected by Carbuncle's challenge, or by the outcome of the match.
Note: If you're trying for Carbuncle with Arle, you may want to turn
Manzai Demo OFF in the Options Menu, in order to cut down on the extra
load time 20 continues would entail...

Schezo's Story - If you haven't had to continue at all (0 continues),
then after you've defeated Satan-sama, Carbuncle will appear as a hidden
challenger. You may not continue against Carbuncle. Schezo's ending is
not affected by Carbuncle's challenge, or by the outcome of the match.

II.2 Is it just me, or are there fewer puyo colors on certain stages?

There are. Normally, there are five puyo colors (red, yellow, green,
blue, purple). However, certain stages in 1P mode have fewer than five
puyo colors...

Draco's story: Stage 1 has only three colors.
Stages 2 and 3 have only four.
Arle's story: Stages 1 and 2 have only three colors.
Stages 3 and 4 have only four.
Schezo's story: Stage 1 has only four colors.

Also, it looks like the largest number of puyo colors you can get in
2P battles is four...

III. Futari de PuyoPuyo (2P Mode) Stuff

III.1 Are there any codes for 2P games?

There sure are...
Note: These codes will also work for player challenges in 1P mode,
for Taisen games in Tokoton NazoPuyo mode, and for Kachinuki (Tournament)
mode (exception: the "Choose Opponent's Character" code (Draco) won't work
in Kachinuki mode)...

III.1.A Play as Carbuncle
On Arle Nadja (bottom row, second from left), press and hold the
START button for a second or two. Carbuncle will appear in the upper left
corner as a selectable character.

III.1.B Play as Satan-sama
On Schezo Wegey (bottom row, second from right), press and hold the
START button for a second or two. Satan-sama will appear in the upper
right corner as a selectable character.

III.1.C Choose Opponent's Character
On Draco Centauros (bottom left), press and hold the START button for
a second or two. The player select markings will switch, so that P1 will
select P2's character, and vice versa.

III.1.D Random Select
On Rulue (bottom right), press and hold the START button for a second
or two. Both players' select markings will go flying around the character
select screen. Press the O button to select a random character.

III.1.E Everybody Zoh!
On Zoh Daimaoh (top left), press and hold the START button for a
second or two. All characters will become Zoh...(!)

III.2 Is there any way to reselect characters after a match?

Alas, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this without exiting 2P
mode... =/
However, here's a nice little trick you can do instead. Instead of
playing in 2P mode, start a 1P mode game, then have the second player come
in as a challenger (you can join in during the map screen, or the manzai
demo, btw). Select your characters and play your match. The winner goes
back to 1P mode. Have the other player join in as a challenger... And so
forth. =) Not as efficient as being sent directly back to the character
select screen would be... but imho, not too bad as an alternative...
A couple notes: Of course, this means that you wouldn't be able to
play using any non-standard rules. Also, do note that the ojama-puyo
bonuses for chains are actually larger in 1P mode (and challenges) than in
2P mode. For example, a 1-chain will usually send nothing over to the
opponent in a 2P mode game...

IV. Options Menu Stuff

IV.1 Is there only one page of Options?

There are three pages. Use the L1 or L2 button to move to the left,
and the R1 or R2 button to move to the right.

IV.2 Is there no save option?

There is no manual save option. Data is saved to the memory card by
an auto-save process. The easiest auto-save spot to get to is probably
the one activated whenever you exit the Options Menu (i.e. every time you
exit the Options Menu, the game saves to your memory card). I think Puyo3
also auto-saves after every game you play... but I haven't tested this
fully. There may also be some other auto-save spots in the game, but I
usually just stick with using the "exit Options Menu" one, so...

IV.3 How does the game keep track of the date?

It doesn't. All of the special events (extra pictures, sound test
backgrounds and costumes) in the Options Menu are triggered by the number
of times the game has been loaded. Each time you load up Puyo3, the load
number goes up by one. Note, however, that the load number on the memory
card file won't go up unless you pass an auto-save point... So "load,
reset, load, reset..." won't increase the load number; rather, you have to
do "load, auto-save, reset, load, auto-save, reset...".
Hmmm, the game seems to count 372 loads as one full cycle (a year).
I woulda thought 365 to be a more logical number, but... ^^

IV.4 How many extra pictures are there?

There are nineteen. Well... twenty, if you count "INFORMATION".
Here's a list, with short descriptions:

Pic # Load # Assigned Date Pic Name Description
0 1 11/27/97 INFORMATION Draco, swimswuit
1 1 11/27/97 POSTER 1 group photo
2 29 12/24/97 ICHI snow!
3 30 12/25/97 YUMI Arle
4 37 1/1/98 POSTER 2 Mino
5 60 1/24/98 TANQUITOW ? (Witch?)
6 81 2/14/98 TAKAFUMI TANIDA Tanida Nohoho
7 91 2/24/98 POSTER 3 Valentine's Day!
8 101 3/3/98 TACHIBANA TASOGARE Kiki
9 122 3/24/98 RIU Mecha-Suketoudara
10 153 4/24/98 POSTER 4 young Arle
11 165 5/5/98 NAMIHEI Puyo3 trio
12 184 5/24/98 KEROL Mecha-Nohoho?
13 215 6/24/98 POSTER 5 Arle, Dragon...
14 246 7/24/98 SAWATARI JU-SABUROU Honeybee
15 277 8/24/98 MIFUDUKA TSUKASA Arle
16 299 9/15/98 POSTER 6 Merry Christmas
17 308 9/24/98 YOUNGER HAYASHI Lagnus
18 339 10/24/98 ZAZAMUSHI Harpy
19 370 11/24/98 MOO NIITANI Moo!

Notes on Pic Names: Besides the pictures labelled "POSTER", it seems
that the names of the pictures represent the artist who drew the picture,
or the person who appears in it. All of these names appear somewhere in
the Puyo3 end credits, btw...
Notes on Assigned Dates: Besides the twelve dates that are the 24th
of their respective months (btw, for those of you who aren't familiar with
Japanese numeric word representations, "24" can interpreted as "puyo"...
(side note: the default high score for Arle is 24243... =) )), the other
dates are those of holidays and special events:

11/27/97: Puyo3 Ketteiban release date
12/25/97: Christmas
1/1/98: New Year's Day
2/14/98: Valentine's Day
3/3/98: Girls' Day
5/5/98: Boys' Day
9/15/98: Elders' Day

Note on checking for new pics: If a new picture is available, a "new
picture" message will be shown next to the "Atelier" (gallery) option,
until you've checked the gallery. Pictures in the gallery are shown in
inverse order of appearance.

IV.5 Does the background ever change in music test mode?

Yep. Here are the seasonal background and costume changes in the
music test area:

Season Load #s Background & costume info
WINTER 6-30 Santa costumes
37-39 New Year's costumes
51 New Year's costumes (again)
SPRING 99-160 Honeybee stage background (field of flowers)
101 New Year's costumes (again)
SUMMER 223-284 Rulue stage background (beach by the castle)
242-269 Swimsuit costumes

One full cycle (a year) takes 372 loads, so for the second cycle,
simply add 372 to each of the above load numbers, for the third cycle, add
another 372... and so forth.

IV.6 Could you map out the load extras in a single reference?

Sure. Here's a load "calendar" of the special events for the first
year or so:

Load # Pictures Music Test scene
------ -------- ----------------
1 POSTER 1 Background normal (end credits)
6 Santa costumes
31 (normal costumes)
37 POSTER 2 New Year's costumes
40 (normal costumes)
51 New Year's costumes
52 (normal costumes)
99 Background: Honey Bee stage
101 TACHIBANA TASOGARE New Year's costumes
102 (normal costumes)
122 RIU
153 POSTER 4
161 (background normal)
215 POSTER 5
223 Background: Rulue stage
242 Swimsuit costumes
270 (normal costumes)
285 (background normal)
299 POSTER 6
378 Santa costumes
403 (normal costumes)
409 New Year's costumes
412 (normal costumes)

IV.7 Whose voices correspond to which numbers in the voice test?

The voice test is numbered from 0 to 251. These samples are loaded
in chunks, categorized as follows:

0-11 Skeleton-T 132-143 Honeybee
12-23 Harpy 144-155 Lagnus
24-35 Chopun 156-167 Rulue
36-47 Draco 168-179 Schezo
48-59 Incubus 180-191 Satan-sama
60-71 Suketoudara 192-203 Arle
72-83 Kiki 204-215 Carbuncle
84-95 Nohoho 216-223 Ending 1 (Draco) voices/sounds
96-107 Kodomo Dragon 224-236 Ending 2 (Arle) voices/sounds
108-119 Witch 237-250 Ending 3 (Schezo) voices/sounds
120-131 Zoh 251 Title screen vocalization

And in case anybody was wondering, the 12 voice samples each
character has are presented in the following order:

1) Character selected
2) Character attacked (small attack)
3) Character attacked (large attack)
4) Win quote
5) Lose quote
6) 1-chain
7) 2-chain
8) 3-chain
9) 4-chain
10) 5-chain
11) 6-chain
12) 7-chain and higher

IV.8 How do you earn stuff in the Demo Viewer?

You start out with the arcade opening in Demo Kanshou. New items are
earned as you view them in-game. These include: Manzai Demo (side note:
you can earn these even if the Manzai Demo option is turned off!) for
Draco, Arle, and Schezo, and Endings for Draco, Arle, and Schezo. The
anime OP will not become available here, however.

V. Miscellany

V.1 Is there a soft reset command?

Yep. Simply press SELECT+START on the P1 controller to reset the
game back to the title screen.

V.2 How much damage does a sun-puyo add to an attack?

The number of ojama-puyos a sun-puyo adds (when it's made to
disappear) to an attack can be calculated as follows:

(for chain # = 1) bonus = 3
(for chain # > 1) bonus = (chain # - 1) x 6

(Note: the chain # is defined by the part of the chain that causes
the sun-puyo to disappear, of course, and not by the total length of the
(Tip: the longer the chain, the larger your sun-puyo attack bonus.
So try to put sun-puyos at the end of long chains, in order to get the
most out of them...)
Okay, so since 6 ojama-puyos is 1 row, for each sun-puyo, you get 1
row per chain #, starting with a 2-chain. So... making a sun-puyo
disappear at the end of a 5-chain, for example, would get you 4 extra rows
of ojama-puyos! Wow, and that's just for one sun-puyo! =)

V.3 Would you happen to have a complete cast list?

Why, yes, I would. Alas, the in-game end credits don't match all the
seiyuu to the characters they played, so here follows a complete cast list
for those of you who were wondering who played which characters...

Arle Nadja Minako Ozawa
Draco Centauros Ayame Kizuki
Schezo Wegey Yujiro Ootsuka
Skeleton-T Yoshinori Fujita
Harpy RIU
Chopun Kenji Kawakita
Incubus Kotatsu
Suketoudara Yasutoshi Akiyama SSS
Kiki Mora Sakanaya-san
Nohoho Kerol
Kodomo Dragon Ayame Kizuki
Witch Nodapon
Zoh Daimaoh Yasutoshi Akiyama SSS
Honeybee Kemi
Yuusha Lagnus Bishasi Sakanaya-san
Rulue Noa Asagi
Minotauros Murasaki-shu
Satan-sama Moo Niitani
Carbuncle Ayame Kizuki

VI. Thanks and Stuff

Thanks to:
Kasahara Yasuhiko's PlayStation Secrets Room
(http://www.na.sakura.ne.jp/~kasa0/PS/secret/), for mentioning the
2P Mode codes...
Tutokku's puzzle game secrets page
(http://www2a.meshnet.or.jp/~tutokku/urawaza/urawaza.shtmll), for the
1P Mode Carbuncle challenger conditions...
The PuyoPuyo SUN Ketteiban Koushiki Guidebook
(Compile, 1000 (y)en, ISBN4-906659-03-9), for the date assignments
for the extra pictures, for verifying some of my load numbers, for
verifying the basic voice test numerical data, for the sun-puyo
damage bonus info, and for the complete voice cast listing...


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PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanischeese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

14.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018