Dino Crisis 2

Dino Crisis 2

13.10.2013 19:50:51
Date: Monday, October 09, 2000

Version 1.0
by Robby Irawan

Feel free to use this FAQ for non-commercial purpose, as long as you give me a
credit for it. I would appreciate it if you ask for my permission first at

01. Introduction
02. Updates/Revision History
03. Key Configuration
04. Walkthrough
05. Extra Crisis
a. Dino Colosseum
b. Dino Duel
06. Game Shark Codes
07. Credits

01. Introduction
This Dino Crisis 2 walkthrough is based on the Japanese Version. I only changed
it into North America version. So this FAQ is a little bit the same with my Dino
Crisis 2 JP Version FAQ.

02. Updates/Revision History
Version 1.0
-The first release version.

03. Key Configuration
Square : access, check, walk up/down stairs, shoot
Triangle : cancel, jump (when using Diving Suit)
Circle : use the sub weapon
X : access, check, walk up/down stairs, shoot
L1 : change aim-target (during aim/hold R1 button)
L2 : show map
L3 (Left Analog) : move character (same as directional button)
R1 : aim target
R2 : quick turn
R3 (Right Analog): N/A
Start Button : Pause game/option menu
Select Button : open main menu

04. Walkthrough
Enter the door which opened by Dylan. You'll encountered with some raptors. Kill
'em all to get some points. Head to the Water Tower. Dylan will meet with 'Power
Rangers'. Get the Dino File #1 (Velociraptor) on the floor.

Head to the Military Facility. Meet the Rex there. There are two doors, enter
the second door. Get the Dino File #2 (T-Rex) on the desk. Enter Medical Room
and grab the Key Plate. Then head to the first door. Use the Key Plate on the
red control panel. Once you got the Research Facility Keycard, Dylan will
trapped by the security system. He'll ask someone for help. Then you'll play the
sexy one, Regina.

Use the Stungun to open the door. Check the dead soldier to get a Dino File #3
(Allosaurus). Head to the Research Facility. You'll meet an Allosaurus at the
entrance. Go to the save/shop room and buy the Flame Wall or the Flame Launcher.
When you exit this room, you'll see the 'power rangers' again. This time Regina
catch one of them.

Back to the previous area and enter the blue door. There are some poison plants
everywhere. Shoot them with the flame. Get the combo point as much as you can
here. Once you got hit by the gas, you'll dead. Or at least you'll be in danger
status. Exit through the door. Doesn't it look very familiar here ?

Go to the place where Dylan is trapped. Grab the Key Plate that he threw out and
then go to the door next the medical room. Use the Stungun to open the door.
Replace the Key Plate (take the blue). Head back to Dylan. Use the Key Plate to
release Dylan from the 'jail'. They'll head back to the Patrol Ship.

After the event you'll controlling Dylan again. Go to the Research Facility
area, in front of save/shop room. There's a door which covered by the vines. Use
the Machet as usual. You'll encountered by a lot of Oviraptors. Just run to the
next door and use your Research Facility Keycard.

Go to the right and clean the vines from the first door. Use the Research
Facility Keycard on the card reader. The card was stolen by a compy. You must
get it back. When it runs into the air shaft, enter the room and close the air
shafts to catch the dino. When you get back the Key Card you also get the Dino
File #4 (Compsognathus). Use the Key card again to open the door and get the
Starter Battery for the Patrol Ship. Head back to the Patrol Ship.

Use the Patrol Ship to go to the 3rd Energy Facilities. You'll play a 'mini
game'. Just shoot all the dinos and try not to get hit by them. Everytime when
they come to close there will be a warning for you. I only got 23 max combo
here. Try to get better.

You'll play Regina again. Just go through the area until you find a locked door.
Check the truck to get Dino File #5 (Pteranodon). Find the file near the dead
soldier. Head back to the jungle (look at the map). Check the waterfall, follow
where the leaf leads and grab the 3rd Energy Facility Keycard. Go back to the
door and use the 3rd Energy Facility Keycard.

After you enter the next area, you'll find a boat with a box behind it. You'll
need a key to open the box. Enter the next door. In the save/shop room you'll
find the Key (Key for the box), a file, and Dino File #6 (Mosasaurus). There are
two doors in that room. Use the key on the box and get the random password
number. Go to the save/shop room once again. Enter the unlocked door. Grab the
Mechanic's ID Card from the dead body. Re-enter the save/shop room. Use the ID
Card on the elevator and enter the password. I've played this game so many
times, so try one of these followong codes (2350/3051/5420/5210). Use the
elevator to go to the lower ground.

You'll see a big generator with blue screen and three little boxes below it. Try
to activate it and you'll find that the power has been overloaded. Use the Stun
Gun everytime each box blinks red. Do it all over again until the power get
stabilizied. Take the Diving Suit from the box and activate the elevator to go
to the underwater.

Meet the Mosasaurus. Just shoot them with the Needle Gun. Don't ever worry about
running out of ammo. Go down the hall and enter the door. Just go ahead until
you reach the save/shop room. Buy the Aqua Grenade. There's a computer here.
Just remember this place. Go to the next door.

You will see an item above next the dead corpse. There's also an elevator up
there. Enter the next room. Go to the next save/shop room. There's a shaft
closing the way. Exit the save/shop room. Jump into the boxes near the save/shop
room entrance until you reach a broken platform. Use the Aqua Grenade to the
platfrom and enter the door. Before you go further, activate the elevator
switch. Then take the Plug. Back to the first save/shop room and use the Plug to
open the shaft.

After that go to the second save/shop room and grab the City Keycard. There's
also Dino File# (Plesiosaurus). Enter the next door to fight the Plesiosaurus.
After you beat him enter the next door. Now you have just reach the Edward City.
Meet Dylan and watch some events.

Playing Dylan again. Enter the blue door after you fight some raptors. It's a
save/shop room. But you'll meet an Allosaurus here. Don't forget to buy the
Chain Mine. Exit this room and grab the Dino File #8 (Inostrancevia) near the
dead corpse. Let your Machet do its job on the door. You'll meet up again with
Regina. Follow David's Mark.

Blow the rock at the cave entrance. The Inostrancevias are very slow but they're
really deadly. Just follow the marks until you reach the save/shop room. Buy the
Rocket Launcher if you got enough points.

Meet Regina. Your next mission is to clear the way from all the containers and
dinos. Use the Circle button to give signs to your partner. After it all, save
your game at the next save/shop room. Don't forget to pick up the Dino File #9

After the event, you'll chased by two triceratops. Regina and Dylan jump into a
jeep and run away. There's another first person view shooting mode. Then you
will see a cool FMV.

Control Dylan again. Check the truck to get Dino File #10 (Oviraptor). There's a
door behind Dylan but go to the Robson's Shop first to take the Living Quarters
Key. Exit the shop and enter the door. Use the Living Quarters Key on the next
door. The rex will meet you again. Dylan will use the tank to run away from him.
Use the L1 and R1 to change the aim of the tank cannon. Each time you have
knocked him down, you'll get 1000 points.

Take the Gas Mask on the next area. The 'power rangers' again. after you back in
the Patrol Ship again, go to the jungle area once again. Now you control Regina.
Go to the poison plants area (see the map for details). Climb down the ladder
and follow the path. There's no enemy here. Enter the green door. Kill all the
raptors. Go down the stairs and take the 3rd Energy Data Disk. Check the monitor
to get Dino File #11 (Gigantosarurus). Exit and meet the rex. Hey, that's my
rex. Nooo...!!!

After the long event get prepare to fight the boss. You only got 10 minutes to
take him down and deactivate the missile. If you want to fight him much easier,
just use the steam pipe and then shot the dino with your Missile Pod. It will
cause a great damage to him. I think it only takes about 2 minutes to knock him
down even if you play the game in Hard level.

After you defeat him, activate the control panel at the end of the path. Use
your Stungun again. De ja vu, huh ? Just keep going up there. Use the control
panel and then deactivate the missile. Go back down and watch a cool FMV.
Oooh..., it must be hurt. Right, Regina ?

Now you're in a save/shop room. Just leave the area and you'll meet with Dylan
and David. Shooting mode again. Just protect David from the raptors. There's an
event. Very sad event. Good bye, bro...

After the event, you play Dylan. Protect the girl from the dinos. I hate this
Sherry Birkin mission. Follow her to the room. Push all the switch on the
reactors to deactivate the gate security laser.

Enter the room until you reach the save/shop room. Make sure to take some item
healings and your Rocket Launcher. Enter the next door, put down your controller
and watch a long event.

Follow Paula to the next room. After the event you will fight the maniac. Push
all the switch on the three computers to activate the satelite communication
system. The dino will elliminated.

Enter the next door and watch the final FMV. I think that wasn't a happy ending.


This was my results (JP vers.)
TIME 5:49:44

05. Extra Crisis
Once you've beaten the game, you'll get a new mode on the title screen. The
Extra Crisis contains of Dino Colosseum and Dino Duel.

a. Dino Colosseum
A VR mission mini game. You must kill all the dinos in 10 minutes. When you
finish the game at the first time, you have already two playable characters,
Regina and Dylan to play the Colosseum. You can also buy three more characters
with your Extinct Points. The characters are RICK, GAIL, and TANK (yes, a Tank
When you have collected all the human characters and the tank, you can also buy
the dinosaur characters. You can use them in the Dino Colosseum or the Dino Duel
(read the Dino Duel section below).


An intelligence agent of S.O.R.T. She is calm and rational. She excels in
-Large Stungun
-Submachine Gun
-Heavy Machine Gun
-Hemostat (2)
-Med Pak S (2)
-Med Pak M (1)

A Special Forces TRAT member. A soldier with a tragic fate.
-Rocket Launcher
-Hemostat (2)
-Med Pak S (2)
-Med Pak M (1)

An intelligence of S.O.R.T. A hi-tech specialist.
-Solid Cannon
-Hemostat (2)
-Med Pak S (2)
-Med Pak M (1)

An intelligence of S.O.R.T. A man with a heart made of stone.
-Flame Launcher
-Antitank Rifle
-Hemostat (2)
-Med Pak S (2)
-Med Pak M (1)

An escort tank used for protection when transporting valuable resources.
-Med Pak S (2)
-Med Pak M (1)

-Food (1)

b. Dino Duel
When you already have all human characters you can buy the dinos to play in Dino
Duel. Dino Duel is a dino fighting game just like the other fighting game. Fun
enough for me.
Collect all the dinos and beat the game in the hard level. You will able to buy

Forward Up
Backward Down
Turn Right Right
Turn Left Left
Taunt L2
Face the foes (aim) R1
Quick Turn R2

A quick and tricky carnivorous dino. Attacks its enemy with its kick and poison

Running Up + Triangle
Dash Backward Down + Triangle
Jump Kick Square or X
Headbutt (while running) + (Square or X)
Poison Spit Circle

A speedy hunter of the jungle. It has many ways to attack its prey.
Running Up + Triangle
Bite Square or X
Snap (while running) + (Square or X)
Jump Attack Circle

A four legged reptile with rock hard jaws and armor like skin. Its armor will
with stand even fire.

Hard snap Triangle
Head Swing Square or X
Wild Attack Circle

A cold blooded beast with size and agility to its advantage. Its footwork will
corner its prey.

Running Up + Triangle
Bite Square or X
Hard Snap (while running) + (Square or X)
Tail Whip Circle

Undisputed king of the jungle. Ranks first in the heirarchy of the food chain.

Running Up + Triangle
Bite Square or X
Hard Snap (while running) + (Square or X)
Snap Circle

Usually a tame herbivorous dinosaur. Its running charge will destroy everything
in its way.

Running Up + Triangle
Headbutt Square or X
Running Charge (while running) + (Square or X)

Absolutely the weakest of the dinos. When in a jam, it may call his friends for

Running Up + Triangle
Attack Square or X

06. Weapon List
All the price is based on the Normal level.

MACHETE(for Dylan)
Attack 10
Speed 100
Range 90
Price N/A

Attack 50
Speed 100
Range 90
Price Heavy Blade

SHOTGUN (for Dylan)
Attack 30
Speed 70
Range 70
Price N/A

SOLID CANNON (for Dylan)
Attack 70
Speed 60
Range 50
Price 18000 Pts

Attack 90
Speed 30
Range 70
Price 38000 Pts

Attack 100
Speed 20
Range 10
Price 50000 Pts

LARGE STUNGUN (for Regina)
Attack 10
Speed 100
Range 90
Price N/A

Attack 50
Speed 100
Range 90
Price Pow.Battery

HANDGUN (for Regina)
Attack 20
Speed 80
Range 30
Price N/A

Attack 20
Speed 90
Range 80
Price 12000 Pts

Attack 60
Speed 90
Range 40
Price 35000 Pts

NEEDLE GUN (for Regina)
Attack 80
Speed 70
Range 70
Price Diving Suit

AQUAGRENADE (for Regina)
Attack 70
Speed 30
Range 10
Price 18000 Pts

MISSILE POD (for Regina)
Attack 80
Speed 20
Range 100
Price 50000 Pts

CHAIN MINE (for Dylan & Regina)
Attack 60
Speed 70
Range 50
Price 12000 Pts

FIREWALL (for Dylan & Regina)
Attack 30
Speed 70
Range 90
Price 5000 Pts

FLAME LAUNCHER (for Dylan & Regina)
Attack 30
Speed 70
Range 70
Price 8000 Pts

06. Game Shark Codes

Japanese Version (from Asian Game Shark Code Centre)

| Infinite Credit | 800ACDA0 967F |
| | 800ACDA2 0098 |
| Have All Recovery | B005000C 00000100 |
| | 800ACD58 1A01 |
| | B005000C 00000000 |
| | 800ACD60 0009 |
| | B005000C 00000000 |
| | 800ACD62 0009 |
| Have All Weapons | B014000C 00000000 |
| | 900ACC72 270F270F |
| | B00B000C 00000100 |
| | 800ACC68 0101 |
| | B009000C 00000100 |
| | 800ACCEC 1101 |
| Show Vitality | 800AC304 0001 |
| Save Time 0 | 800ACC44 0000 |
| | 800ACC46 0000 |

North America Version (from Game Software Codes Creators Club)

| Infinite Health | D0038CC8 0108 |
| | 80038CCA 2400 |
| | D0039594 0108 |
| | 80039596 2400 |
| | D0039744 0108 |
| | 80039746 2400 |
| | D00D2348 0108 |
| | 800D234A 2400 |
| | D00D24A0 0108 |
| | 800D24A2 2400 |
| | D00D25B0 0108 |
| | 800D25B2 2400 |
| | D00D26FC 0108 |
| | 800D26FE 2400 |
| | D00D38BC 0108 |
| | 800D38BE 2400 |
| Extinct Points Modifier | 800AEE10 ???? |
| Max Extinct Points | 800AEE10 967F |
| | 800AEE12 0098 |
| Super Mega Rapid Fire | D00488F0 0006 |
| (All Weapons) | 800488F2 2400 |
| Infinite Ammo | D00524F4 0C60 |
| (All Weapons) | 800524F6 2400 |
| Have Extra Crisis Mode | 800AECA8 0100 |
| | 800AECAA 0101 |
| | 800AECAC 0101 |
| Unlock All Characters | 800AECAE 0FFF |
| (Extra Crisis Mode) | |
| Walk Thru Walls | D0032DCC 000F |
| | 80032DCE 1000 |
| | D00330C8 0161 |
| | 800330CA 1000 |
| | D003365C 0013 |
| | 8003365E 1000 |

07. Credits
GameFAQs for publishing my FAQ

Capcom for making great survival horror games (Resident Evil Survivor not

Brett "NEMESIS" Franklin (thebeefycow@hotmail.com) for the Weapon/Item list

Game Software Codes Creators Club for making tons of great Game Shark Codes

Asian Game Shark Code Centre for Dino Crisis 2 Japanese Codes

All the game magazines in Indonesia (Game Mania, where I work at, Ultima, 3D,
Game Master, Game Power, Mega games, Hot Game, Game Station, Diva, etc.). Please
don't steal someone's FAQ !!!

Capsule Corp gameshop for selling Dino Crisis 2

Rio, Astrid, and Anisha for giving me support

...and YOU for reading this FAQ

Copyright © 2000 Robby Irawan

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Div. Savegames

17.Октябрь 2013
Trainer für Gegenstände, Munition und Extinct Points

16.Октябрь 2013

10.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
The Raptor Files

17.Октябрь 2013
Puzzles FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
10.Октябрь 2008

17.Октябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
Japanese FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Game is 3 times completed, all modes unlocked.

17.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European German PAL Version.

11.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European Spanish PAL Version.

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die US NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

14.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Weapons FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

18.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

12.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor für die japanische NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019