Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem

24.09.2013 04:48:04

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[----------->{Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Walkthrough}<-----------]
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes Walkthrough Version 2.25
For the Sony Playstation and Playstation 2

| |
|Email: scotsman16@hotmail.com (I check this address everyday) |
|ICQ: 70085246 (I don't use this too much) |
|AIM: kingmark008 (Normally active) |
|MSN: scotsman16@hotmail.com (Always active) |

[-----{Table of Contents}-----]

I. Special Thanks
II. Revision History
III. Disclaimer
IV. Background Information
V. Walkthrough
VI. Things to come
VII. Credits

[-----{Special Thanks}-----]

Special thanks goes out to everyone mentioned below for one reason or another.
This is the bit where I show my respect. ^_^

~¤*¤~ Mom:
Funding the purchase of this wonderful game. Luvs ya!

~¤*¤~ Step-dad (Bob):
For being nice enough to give my this computer and providing me with cable
Internet ^_^

~¤*¤~Dingo_Jellybean: (www.vfaqs.net)
Inspiring me to write a guide of sorts and for being the bestest Dingo ever!

~¤*¤~CjayC: (www.GameFAQS.com)
For creating his amazing site. And for giving me the chance to post my work in
a place where it will be appreciated. But the chat! Noooooooo!

~¤*¤~3D Realms (www.3Drealms.com)
For creating the whole Duke Nukem idea.

~¤*¤~N-Space (www.n-space.com)
For producing and developing the game.

~¤*¤~Sony: (www.scea.com)
For making the greatest video gaming console ever. (Both PS2 and PSX included)

[-----{Revision History}-----]

Version 1.0 (13/05/01):

-> First non-beta version of guide. Template info added, no walkthrough. Not

Version 1.25 (20/05/01):

-> A lot of work has been done since the last update. First version with the
complete walkthrough included. Made a decision not to include the weapons and
enemies section in the first release. Not released.

Version 1.5 (24/05/01):

-> Well, since this was my first Walkthrough I have had several periods where I
have looked at it and asked myself if this is the kind of quality material
expected at GameFAQs. After much editing and deliberation, I have decided that
yes, it is good enough. Walkthrough has been given to a select few for final
confirmation and to see if there is something that I have missed. Thanks a lot
guys. Not released.

Version 1.75 (26/05/01):

-> Good reviews have come back to me from the people mentioned above, and it
seems that everything will be ready for contribution. w00t! <- for you

Version 2.0 (27/05/01):

-> Everything seems ready, and after one final read over I will submit it to
GameFAQs. Lets hope it gets approved!

-> First released version!

Version 2.05 (29/06/01):

-> My first update since the FAQ was posted at GameFAQs, and not much,
unfortunately, to say in this update. All I have done in way of updating is I
have changed my "Things to come section" to show my new FAQ plans.

-> Not released.

Version 2.01 (01/06/01):

-> Not much to report here other than that I have added the new ASCII art at
the head of the document, as the art there before done by myself really did
leave a lot to be desired. In need of some better art, I used a rather a nice
website for generating ASCII art. Check out (www.surfplaza.com/figlet/). The
art at the head of the page is compliments of that fine site.

-> Not released version due to the lack of updates.

Version 2.015 (02/06/01):

-> Changed layout at the top of the FAQ due to untidiness and my own view of it
as a perfectionist. I hope you like it!

-> Not released version due to the lack of updates.

Version 2.2 (05/06/01):

-> Again, nothing much to say here other than that I have changed the
disclaimer a little to suit the newer usage of my FAQs. A friend of mine,
Wpmike has a website called GameHQ Online (http://www.gamehqonline.com) and he
has asked if he could use my FAQs, and of course I gave him the permission.
Anyways the disclaimer has been changed, no biggie for most readers.

->Yet again, another non-released version, just need to add a little more then
it will be release, I promise!

Version 2.3 (13/07/01):

-> I said I would, and I have. Finally a large update has been done. In this
update I have completely re-formatted the whole document to try and make
everything easier to read and just all-around look good.

-> Released version.


If, for some truly bizarre reason, you feel the need to use this guide on your
site, by doing so you are accepting my terms:

-You are not making any money at all from it
-The text etc has not been touched in anyway what so ever
-Finally, you give credit to those who deserve it

On a side note; it would be a very good idea not to bother using this guide on
your website until the very last version has been released. The
most-up-to-date, and only places that I expect this guide to be found are at
GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) and Game HQ Online (www.gamehqonline.com).

"Thanks for reading this important part" -kingmark


This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be
reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice
of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty---and
high fines susceptible by law. If this legal document is portrayed in any
commercial use, you are therefore stricken under the code of law----and will
be---punished. In full contrast, this document portrayed in the website found
(www.gamefaqs.com) is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot
be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author
before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of the
document appears in due credit. You may juxtapose this---document with
other---documents as well without notice of the author but it must not be used
for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be---included
in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. This FAQ
may not be used in a password-protected area or---in a high security area.
This FAQ is solely used and ONLY used for public---use only and may not be used
in a promotional ad that sponsors any type of monetary use. This FAQ is to be
used "just like a book" meaning that it can be read over and over again by
anybody who wishes to do so. Just like a book it can be moved around from one
person to another, but unlike a book the document can be viewed by more than
one person at---once. This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagiarized, doing
so not only damages the person you had intentionally forged, but it also
damages yourself in terms of self-guilt or in terms of law, whether the
punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at best, DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH

This document is copyright Mark Barron 2001

[-----{Background Information}-----]


Released on September 27th 2000 in North America, "Duke Nukem: Land of the
Babes" is the sequel to the ever popular "Duke Nukem: A Time To Kill" for the
Sony Playstation. Another game, same idea. One man with a helluva alotta guns,
alotta enemies to slaughter, and alotta women to save, what could possibly be
more fun?


When the earth is enslaved by millions of aliens who have nothing better to do
with their time than simply cause all sorts of natural disasters and to mass
massacre the human race, everything is being destroyed, that is everything with
one exception...the human babe.

Women everywhere are being enslaved by the aliens and used for many things that
only sick minds like theirs can come up with. The aliens are controlling an
army of genetically modified apes who are in charge of everything from slave
augmentation centres to ravaging the Earth's few remaining resources.

But the humans, being the sturdy and hearty folk they are, are all but
defeated. A small amount of the women manage to escape their captors and go
into hiding amongst the rubble of Earth. As more and more babes escape they
come together for protection. Without men to save them, the babes are left to
fend for themselves, which means a military force. As the rogue force
alleviates into a more than a small army, the women decide to call themselves
the Unified Babe Resistance (UBR).

As time progresses the UBR grows more and they are now have sufficient forces
to stand up and defy the alien forces. Through hard work the women manage to
reopen the Earth Defence Force Base. The babes successfully get the base's old
time machine up and running. They decide to head back in time to get the one
guy who has experience battling evil aliens...

Having heard of the babes newfound ability to travel back in time the aliens
assemble a new strike force headed by an ape named Silverback. Silverback and
his army have one mission: destroy the UBR.

Meanwhile, enjoying a bit of R&R in the Bootylicious, Duke is disturbed...


The walkthrough section of this document. Even if you are not in need of a full
game walkthrough and are just stuck at one point, this guide will most likely
still be able to help you.

Since this is my first walkthrough I am unsure as to how well it will al come
out in the end. But, the main thing is: I like it.

Onward to the guide!


Level 1:

[-->{Clear the way to the generator}<--]

:Use the ladder, and head downwards from the elevator shaft.

:Get a hold of the ledge and then climb out of the elevator shaft.

:Shimmy (climb hand-over-hand) to the control room.

:Use the red button to move the rocket on the other side of the room that is
blocking your path.


[-->{Restore power to the base}<--]

:Shimmy around the rocket.

:Simply follow the hallway until it leads you to the generator.

:Use the button to restore the power.


[-->{Make your way to the surface}<--]

:Leave secret area #3 and open the door on the right side of the high voltage

:Enter the laser testing room.

:Move the mirror in the room so as to have it directly in front of the laser.

:Use the red button to turn on the laser. When you have blasted the door open,
turn off the laser.

:Enter the new room and shoot the grating in the ceiling.

:Get the cart and position it directly beneath the hole in the ceiling.

:Jump from the cart to the ladder to complete the level.


Level 2:

[-->{Open the dive tank}<--]

:From the area of secret #2, enter the control room on the right.

:Use the button to start up the fan.

:Stand directly in front of the now moving fan.

:As the wind propels you, make a running jump over the pit.

:Enter the room on the left and use the button to open the dive tank.


[-->{Access the top floor}<--]

:Open the door to your left and exit the control room.

:Enter the Zero-G room from the main hallway.

:Enter the control room and use the button until the third yellow light on the
control panel is lit.

:Once the arm of the machine stops moving, jump on the square end to reach the
upper walkways.

:Walk to the right and jump up to the next level.

:Shoot the grating on the left and proceed through to reach the dive tank room.

:Jump into the water, shoot the grating, proceed to swim through the tunnel,
and exit via the hole in the bathroom floor.


[-->{Blow the way out}<--]

:Go down the hallway and take a right.

:Follow this hallway all the way to the end then take a right.

:The hallway leads into a room with two enemies, kill them both and take the
door on the left.

:Kill the next enemy and take the detonator.

:Go back down the hallway to the room with the explosive device lying next to
the dead babe.

:Use the device to complete the level.


Level 3:

[-->{Bring down the tower}<--]

:Enter the building next to the tower and collect the detonator.

:Use the button to activate the bomb and get the hell out of the way.


[-->{Find Jane}<--]

:Go down the hole in the ground created by the falling tower

:Follow the hallway until it ends.

:Shoot the grating in the floor and drop down.

:Follow the hallway and climb the ladder you come to.

:Jump on the crate to get to the upper ledge.

:Talk to Jane by pressing the action button.


[-->{Use the turret to down Silverback's ship}<--]

:Use the key cube given to you by Jane to open the turret access door.

:Climb the ladder, and press the button.

:Shoot down Silverback's ship to complete the level.


Level 4:

[-->{Find the tool to rescue the UBR babe}<--]

:From where you start do a 180 and swim through the hole in the floor.

:Turn left and go enter the room on the right.

:Swim down the stairs and enter the next level of the apartment complex. Take a

:Enter the apartment and head for the bathroom.

:Go through to the neighbouring apartment via the hole in the wall.

:Beat the enemy outside the apartment.

:Proceed to swim through the whole on the left, and start on your way to dry

:Use the platforms to reach the hole in the wall near the ceiling.

:Enter the next room and scale the fence.

:Head towards the platform in the centre of the room. Shimmy to the firehouse.

:There you will find the axe you need to rescue the babe.


[-->{Locate the downed ship}<--]

:Leave secret area #2 by heading through the hole in the floor.

:Swim through the tunnel back to the area where you killed the gunsub.

:Swim into the hole in the wall of the apartment created by the gunsub.


[-->{Pry out the UBR babe}<--]

:Press the action button when you are at the back of the ship

:You should now use the axe to hack it open and rescue the babe.


[-->{Pursue Silverback}<--]

:Go back to the hallway where you killed the last enemy. Swim down the hall and
enter the stairwell on the right.

:There lies the exit.


Level 5:

[-->{Shut down ventilation system}<--]

:Go forwards and take note of the boiler to your right as it will become the

:Start swimming to the left and turn right and at the first opportunity.

:Keep swimming straight, then take another right.

:The air flow will push you down this hallway.

:Proceed into the laundry room and activate the switch.


[-->{Activate the pump system}<--]

:Swim back to the pump system and activate the switch.

:The water level will now be lowered.


[-->{Blow the boiler}<--]

:From the area with the pump system, take a right, and keep going till you
reach a room.

:Activate the valve wheel to start the boiler.

:Head back to the laundry room.

:Activate the valve wheel you find here.


[-->{Blow the boiler continued}<--]

:Get Duke out of the secret area.

:Activate the final valve wheel.

:The boiler explodes and the whole level becomes flooded.


[-->{Escape from the basement}<--]

:Swim past the area where you took note of the boiler earlier.

:Exit through the hole created by the boiler in the ceiling.


Level 6:

[-->{Find the library terminal}<--]

:Take the street on the right. Swim down it and take the first left.

:The building on the right is the public library.

:Shoot the grating in the wall, and make your way inside the library.

:From the first room, hang a left and enter the next room.

:Take a right and go inside the data terminal room.

:Place Duke in front of the computers and he shall activate them.


[-->{Across the evidence room}<--]

:Leave the main area with the fountain.

:There will be a donut store on the corner. Swim inside and grab the key to the
evidence room from the dead cop.

:Go inside the police station and take a left.

:When you reach the end of the stairs, use the key to enter the room and obtain
some explosives.


[-->{Blow the hidden exit}<--]

:Press the action button at the foot of the fountain to blow it up.

:A new exit will appear in the ground.

:Swim down the hole and go to the side without the grating to end the level.


Level 7:

[-->{Align the sewage ventilation system}<--]

:After collecting the jetpack, use it to reach the end of the gas filled room
and enter the sewage tunnels.

:Follow each walkway into the tunnels. Activate the switches that you see.

:Get down to the lower floor and enter the tunnels. In here you will find the
final vent valve.


[-->{Gain access to Silverback's hideout}<--]

:Head on into the ventilation tube.

:The tube will transport you to the next level.


Level 8:

[-->{Recover the stealth generator weapon}<--]

:Take a right and destroy the stealth machine. Be sure to collect the ammo.

:Go through the newly opened doors and pick up the stealth generator weapon.


[-->{Gain access to Silverback's Lair}<--]

:Turn of the lasers and proceed to the next room.

:Make your way up to the highest level and go into the next area.

:Shoot the grating in the floor and slide on down.

:Jump, and then follow the passage. This will take you to the quest item.

:After receiving the item, turn off the lasers and continue into the next room.

:Take a right, deactivate some more lasers and kill all the enemies. Search for
the red key cube that one of them will drop.

:Don't forget to save them babes!

:Head back to the main area and turn off the other laser.

:Enter the room that the laser was guarding and kill the two enemies. One will
drop the blue key cube. Be sure to pick it up!


[-->{Gain access to Silverback's Lair continued}<--]

:In the corner of the main room there will be a door with two consoles.

:Activate both of the consoles as you have both of the key cubes required to
open the door.

:In the next area, head down the platforms and onwards into the next area.

:Climb to the top of the ladders and go into the next area.


[-->{Gain access to Silverback's Lair continued II}<--]

:Proceed through the doorway and down the hall.

:Go into the room on the left and shoot the grating on the floor.

:Search for the control panel on the balcony in this area.

:Activate the control panel to gain access to the lair.


[-->{Eliminate Silverback}<--]

:After activating the console a babe has opened a set of doors for you. How

:Go through the blasted doors and defeat Silverback.


Level 9:

[-->{Create a bomb}<--]

:Save each babe as you go through this level!

:Head straight until you can take a right. Take this hallway until it comes to
an end.

:Turn the wheel to raise the water level.

:Get into the water, and then swim to the surface.

:Using the babe blocks, jump to the other side and follow the hallway.

:Utilise the control panel to activate the elevator.

:Go up the elevator and get on the conveyor straight in front of you and jump
into the water.

:Find a way out of the water that leads into a building.

:The first part of the bomb can be found in a miniscule alcove.

:Head back to the conveyor belt, and this time head left.

:When you reach the end of the hall, take a right. In the room at the very end
of the hall is the second bomb piece.

:Do a 180 and head in the opposite direction. Duke will make a comment about a
landslide that needs some blowing up.

:Turn left and go into the first room on your right.

:On the ledge you will find the final piece for your bomb.


[-->{Blow open the landslide}<--]

:Have Duke use the bomb to blow open the landslide.


[-->{Destroy the flux grid}<--]

:Head onwards through the cave and find away across the lava pit.

:Take a left and head towards the room with the flux grid.

:Grab the ledge on the left and activate the turret.

:Then use the turret to make easy work of enemies and to destroy the flux grid.


Level 10:

[-->{Disable the assembly line}<--]

:Stay on the catwalk to the right until you meet a dead end.

;Activate the control panel to cool down the lava pit, and to create a hole via
explosion in the pipe below.

:Find away down to the hole in the pipe and got through the hole.

:Climb the ladder to the catwalk and follow it around until it opens up into
the next area.

:Jump down and take a right at the fence in front of you.

:Activate the control panel.


[-->{Teleport out}<--]

:Climb the fence, take a right, and jump down in front of the conveyor belt.

:Make your way cautiously through the smasher-thingies and the electrical

:Follow the hallway until it leads you to a large room.

:Kill all of the enemies and step on to the teleporter at the end of the room.


[-->{Ventilation tunnels}<--]

:In the next room jump up into the ventilation tunnels.

:Find your way out of the maze of ventilation tunnels.

:In one of the next rooms you will find the final teleporter. Use it to
complete the level.


Level 11:

[-->{Shut down the security system}<--]

:Use the jetpack to get across the wall in front of you. Or...

:If you don't have a jetpack, about turn and drop down the hole in the ground.
Follow the tunnels; they will lead to the other side.

:Whichever way you used to get over the wall is fine. Now that you are over,
locate the warehouse.

:Once inside, look for a room with electrical beams across the entry way.

:Turn left, and proceed up the ladder in the next room.

:Jump (or jetpack) over the electrified water and activate the switch at the
other side. The first part of the security system is now down.

:Leave this room and go back the way you came. Now head towards the opposite
side of the warehouse.

:Climb the ladder in the next room.

:Jump into the water and locate the grating. Shoot the grating to raise the
water level.

:Climb up the ledge and activate the control panel. The security system is now
shut down.


[-->{Defeat Hunter Killer Brain}<--]

:Having de-activated the security system you are now free to enter the main
room. Do so.

:*Note* To defeat the brain shoot her boobs first!


[-->{Obtain space suit and flight key}<--]

:After defeating the Brain, exit the warehouse and take a right.

:Goto the wrecker and activate the button on the back to make it open the set
of doors.

:Walk onto the fan and watch as Duke is flown skywards to the next area.

:Stick to the hall on the right as it will lead you to the space suit.

:Go back down the hallway and go into the next room.

:Grab the flight key and utilise the teleporter.


[-->{Catch a ride on the next flight out}<--]

:Press action at the rear of the shuttle and Duke will fly off to the next


Level 12:

[-->{Gain access to the slave quarters}<--]

:Destroy the mechape.

:Push the turret block as far away from the open hangar as possible.

:Jump up onto the catwalk and follow the conveyor belt.

:Defeat the Stealth machine and the rest of the enemies.

:Activate both of the control panels to the right of the room to open the jail

:Locate the two consoles on the opposite side of the room.

:Activate the one on the right first which will turn on the turret that you
pushed earlier which then proceeds to clear your path to the next section of
the level.

:Activate the control panel on the right left now and make note of the
combination above the door.

:Leave the hanger and goto the hallway that the turret blasted open for you.

:Shoot the grating on the left, and slide down the garbage chute.

:Shoot the symbols in the door until they match the combination that you seen


[-->{Rescue all the babes using the stealth generator}<--]

:Enter the shower and be sure to stealth every babe you see!

:Head to the jail cell area and also be sure to stealth all of the babes you
find there.

:When you rescue the final babe she will reward you with the key you need to
find, and rescue Houston.


[-->{Rescue Houston}<--]

:In the next hanger, either jetpack or use your jetpack to reach the other

:Activate the control panel and head through the doorway.

:Kill all of the opposing enemies and head on up to the jail cell.

:Duke will then rescue Houston to mark the completion of the level.


Level 13:

[-->{Obtain Occulore's head}<--]

:Find the path that is near the teleporter and leads to a dead end.

:To the left you will find the maintenance entrance.

:Enter the maintenance room and kill Occulore and not forgetting to grab his


[-->{Gain access to Spanky Monkey lounge}<--]

:Proceed to the Spanky Monkey lounge which is located beneath the maintenance

:Activate the eye scanner to gain access. (Yes, you did use his head...)


[-->{Rescue all the babes with the stealth generator}<--]

:Jump onto the teleporter you find in the lounge.

;Save all of the babes that you come across.

:Use the next teleporter to get to the next hallway.

:Save some more babes and step back on the teleporter to get back to the Spanky

:From the area where you get secret #5 walk around the corner and around the

:Activate the control panel to open the doors.

:Use the teleporter to be teleported to the premiere strip club.

:Be sure, as always, to save the babes!

:Activate the control panel to open the doors. Go through the doors to the next

:Use the teleporter to get to the next strip club.

:Save all of the babes and the final one you save will give Duke the key to the
Champagne room to complete the level.


Level 14:

[-->{Kick some serious ass}<--]

:Kill each and every enemy in each room to proceed through the doors to the
next room.

:The last area that you come to will contain the final boss.

Well that is the end of the walkthrough. Wondering why I didn't offer tips as
to how to defeat the final boss? Well, that is because I think that, since I
have lead you through the game, that you should do this part yourself! If you
are still struggling, search the net; there are more than enough resources out
there to help you.


[-----{Things to Come}-----]

This FAQ:

This section is just telling about the possible additions that may be made to
this Walkthrough. I do not know when, or what exactly will be included, if
anything, but checking the version of the guide will tell you.

At a later date I would like to include in this document:

-> A Weapons section
-> An Enemies section
-> A Secrets section

*Note*: The Secrets section may actually be it's own FAQ, but only time will

Other FAQS:

Well this part section is all about the other FAQS, Walkthroughs, and various
other Guides that are in the books for development. (In chronological order)

-> Final Fantasy 9 -Weapons/Character Guide
-> Tony Hawk 2 -Character Guide
-> Final Fantasy 8 -Character Guide
-> Crash Bandicoot 3 -Boss Walkthrough
-> Gran Turismo 2 -Track Guide/FAQ

I hope to have this list completed by the end of July. But, by then more games
will have been released, so one or two of them will most likely be bumped. Only
time will tell...(again)


This is the section where I thank people for things concerning this Guide. So
people, who add things, make corrections etc, will be mentioned here.

For being me, and taking the initiative to write this, my first walkthrough.

~¤*¤ike Cheung: (WPMike)
Thanks a bunch for helping me spot errors, and for suggesting things to better
this document.

Well that is I done this guide. But, I will be back! Mark my words! I will be
back! And with bigger and better guides, as you do get better with time, or so
I hope...

Well good-bye for now, and thanks for reading this!


[-----{End of document}-----]

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Land of the Babes

24.Сентябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Time to Kill

01.Октябрь 2013
Land of Babes

16.Октябрь 2013
Land of Babes[deutschsprachig]
engl. Cheats

06.Октябрь 2013
Land of Babes
engl. Cheats

06.Октябрь 2013

07.Октябрь 2013
Time to Kill
engl. Cheats

29.Сентябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
30.Июнь 2014
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
25.Июнь 2019