Medievil 2

Medievil 2

17.10.2013 04:34:42
Written by Timothy Maahs
v 1.4 (June 5, 2000)

Table of Contents:
Section 1:Starting off
2.Revision History
Section 2:Main Walkthrough
1.The Museum
2.Tyrannosaurus Wrecks
4.The Freakshow
5.Greenwich Observatory
6.Kew Gardens
8.Iron Slugger
9.Wulfrum Hall
10.The Count
12.The Sewers
13.The Time Machine
14.Cathedral Spires
15.The Demon
Section 3:Extra Stuff
5.The Spiv
6.The Professor's Laboratory
7.Life Bottles
10.Just for the Cheaters
11.In Closing

Section 1: Starting off
This work is copyright 2000 by Timothy Maahs

This work can be reproduced electronically as long as the following two
conditions are met:
1.This work is reproduced fully intact. This document should not be modified
in any way.

2.This document should be distributed freely. No one should receive payment of
any kind for this.

I don't really care about stuff that is commonly known, however if you quote me
directly or find something unique in here that isn't in any other documents I'd
like acknowledgment.

If you wish to put this on a website please let me know(e-mail me at the
address at the top of this document).

Medievil II is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment of America. The game
and everything in it is Copyright 2000 by Sony Computer Entertainment of

2.Revision History

The latest version of this can always be found at:
Cheat Code Central(

v1.0 May 30, 2000
-first edition, basic walkthrough

v.1.1 May 30, 2000
-added version history
-added endings
-modified in closing
-added two more life bottles
-found some uses for the daring dash

v1.2 June 1, 2000
-fixed weapon section
-fixed item section
-finished enemies section
-major reformatting for easier reading
-fixed spelling errors

v1.3 June 3, 2000
-fixed a mistake with a life bottle(it was in the walkthrough but not the
"life bottle" section)
-added how to get to previous levels(due to the overwhelming amount of e-
mails I get about this)
-Added the "Just for the Cheaters" section
-Changed "In Closing"

v1.4 June 5, 2000
-found how to get both endings
-fixed little errors here and there


I highly suggest using a dual shock controller for this game.

View the controls for each individual level by pausing and selecting Control
and then View Controls from the pause menu.

Special controls for Dan

Daring dash: This time you get this move from the start. YIPPEE!!! While
running just press triangle. Useful for a burst of speed and invaluable for
dodging boss attacks(check The Ripper).

Super jump: While doing daring dash press jump and you'll do a long jump.
You'll have to do this once to progress in a level but that's it.

Danhand: When you see a little hand following you press L1 + triangle to put
your skull on the hand. Now you can enter small spaces. This tactic is
invaluable both to progress and to find secrets. Note: this is not available
until you reach Wulfrum Hall


1. Conserve your health: The green fountains can refill your health and life
bottles and you can return to previous levels to revisit them but once you use
them up, that's it. So conserve your health as much as possible, you'll need
it for the last couple of level.

2.The Chalice of souls: I highly suggest you collect every single one of these
and don't progress to the next area until you have all of them from all the
previous areas. The weapons you'll gain for them are invaluable. If you want
some easy money, once you have some more powerful gear, return to an easy
level like the museum and get the chalice of souls a second time. When you
return to the lab you'll receive a chest of gold for it.

3.Distance weapons vs. melee weapons: Don't rely on your guns for everything,
ammo can only be obtained from the spiv, and its not cheap. Basically use your
guns on tougher enemies, don't waste ammo on easy guys like zombies.

4.Kill, Kill, Kill: It may be tempting to run away from the bad guys but If
it's an enemy that can be killed, you should kill it, at least until the
chalice is full. Once the chalice is full and collected then run or fight, it
doesn't matter. Of course if you want to spend an entire level running away
like a little girl, go right ahead.

5.Save: When Winston approaches you and asks you to save do it. There are
many opportunities to die so save at every opportunity.

6.I'm not your mama: I will not point out every little bag of gold in the
game. If I don 't mention it, it doesn't matter. If you want it, go get it.

Section 2: Main Walkthrough

1. The Museum

This is just your basic training level. After the movie, I suggest you play
around in this room a bit just to get used to the controls. When your ready,
start off by running across the hall and smashing the case for a small sword,
not much but it'll have to do. head down the hallway, up the stairs (notice
the small hand following you, come back here later with the Danhand and look
next to the stairs) and into the open room, you'll see a key and a zombie
straight ahead. Cut up the zombie and collect the museum key. Shred the other
two zombies in this room and head through the large door. in this room you'll
see a movie as soon as you enter. Kill the armors and go up the steps closest
to where you came. Collect the energy vial and run behind the big block for
some gold. Now head up the large staircase. smash the case in front of you to
get a pistol. Head through the door. You're now on the balcony above the room
where you got the key. run around the entire balcony to get some gold, an
energy vial and a copper shield. open the door here with your key and go

Run to the end of the balcony, use the ladder to go up and over the railing.
When you reach the floor and run forward some the dinosaur bursts through the
wall, roars and drops off some goons, waste 'em and the dinosaur gets angry,
shakes the ground(knocking over the statue) and then leaves. Head up the
statue, grab the gold, use the fountain if you need it, and exit through the

Thugs with guns! take'em out and go through the next door. Three more bird
skeletons lurk here. Get rid of them, then take notice of the guy standing
near the entrance, whispering and mumbling at you. This is the Spiv. Check
out what he's selling(it's just pistol ammo at this point) and buy some if you
need it. When you're ready head down both sets of stairs. Hmmm, a cannon and
a blocked door, you do the math. The problem is that the cannon isn't load or
lit. Dan can fix that can't he. Head through the door with "Display Room"
over it. In here is another gun toting hunter, kill him first, then grab the
torch. As soon as you grab the torch, more armors burst from their display
cases and come after you, you know what to do. When you get rid of them head
back out the door, run past the cannon and into the door marked "Garden". Two
zombies here, hack through them then look at the glowing transparent cup,
that's the chalice, but it's not at 100% yet. head to the dirt patch with the
life fountain on the other side of the room and three zombies will come up from
the ground, kill them and the chalice should be full, collect it then go to the
chest along the wall where you came in and get the cannonball from it. Head
back to the cannon.

Run over to the cannon and use the cannonball on it from your inventory the
arm yourself with the torch, lite it on a nearby torch, then lite the cannon.
BOOM!!! Head through the door. In the next room turn right and go up the
ladder. Run along the balcony to collect gold and the dinosaur key. Head
down, kill the two hunters, grab the copper shield from the chest and exit
through the now unlocked door. Walk in and the dinosaur will burst through the
wall again and leave some more skeleton bird for you to deal with. Kill them
and the door will open. You can jump through the hole the dinosaur made but
there's nothing in there...yet. Exit through the door to end the level.

2.Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

Head up the stairs, Watch the Wrecks make his entrance(isn't Dan brave) and
get ready for:
* *
* *
*FORM 1 *
* Reminiscent of the Tyrannosaurus from Parasite Eve isn't he. *
*He's got two basic attacks here one where he breaths fire and another*
*where he charges you. Just keep running around him in circles and *
*you should dodge his attacks. Keep doing this until pink waves emit *
*from his head and he calls some other goons in to help, when this *
*happens, ignore the goons, instead run up his tail and along his back*
*until you come to his exposed brain. Slash at it and he'll screech. *
*Rinse and Repeat. *

Watch the dinosaur reform into a dragon like creature. When you regain control
run out the door along the wall. Grab the gold and the copper shield in here
and head up the stairs. Make sure you buy some pistol ammo from the spiv.
When you emerge on the balcony, use the life fountain if you need it.

* *
* *
*FORM 2 *
* Almost the same as the last form. Keep running to dodge it's *
*flame breath. When it stops to call it's comrades open fire with * *your
pistol. Rinse and Repeat. *

When he's dead he'll burn and then the exit will open. Hop to the floor and
check the Wreck's remains for a life bottle. Then head through the exit.

3. Kensington
Run down the street and you'll meet your first necromancer. Kill his goons
then kill him. Head straight through the archway. Run down this street to
find another necromancer. take him down. Now run around the building to the
left by the river. There should be a switch there. hit it and the elevator
right by it will lower. Take it up and go through the archway. Drop down and
drag the crate near the water next to the boxes to make a crude staircase. If
you don't know how to drag stuff just talk to Winston the ghost here, he'll
tell you. Here's a diagram for the really inept:

---------- \-------------
|Balcony * box |
|************** |
| |
|2boxes X-drag it here |
|3boxes |
|1box (crate) box |
| * |
\exit* ___________________|
| * water |
|balcony* |
|***** |
|gold(below) |

grab the gold then go jump up the boxes, grab the key and leave. You'll come
out near where you went in. drop down, kill the three zombies and run straight
down the street through the archway. Kill the necromancer and crew here and
continue straight ahead. You'll come to a large locked door, which you have a
key for, and three zombies. Waste them and head through the door.

Go left, kill the three zombies and avoid the chest, it's a trap. Should you
see chests like this in the future, don't open them. This is the only warning
I'll give you. Head up the ladder on the wall and through the archway. You'll
see another key on a pile of crates and a fountain. use the fountain if you
need it, then jump up and get the key. When you hop down you'll see a short
movie and be introduced to the anubis jackal. When you get control of Dan
again jump back up on the crates and clear out some of the crowd with your
pistol, then cleanup any left overs with your sword. To leave you have to push
the one moveable crate in the room onto the cart to create another crude
staircase. I won't draw a picture for this one. You should know what I'm
talking about by now. Jump on the crate and leave through the archway. Again
you'll come out near where you went in. Hop down and head for the gate. Three
zombies will pop up near the gate. Kill them if you want. Then go through.

Take another leisurely jog down this street killing the five zombies as you
go. Turn left at the intersection, and you should see a house with a keyhole
next to the door on you're left. Unlock it and go in. In the house, head
upstairs and smash the crates in the corner with your sword to reveal a pocket
watch. Take it and leave the house. By now you should have 100% in the
chalice(if you don't wander around and just kill some more stuff). To get it
head left from the house, past the three zombies to the archway. Instead of
going through, climb the ladder next to it and drop onto some train tracks.
Open the chest for a copper shield and run down the tracks till you get to the
station. You can buy from the Spiv if you want then hit the bell on the wall.
A train will come down the tracks and stop in from of the station. The chalice
is on the back of the train. Keep going down the tracks until you reach the
end. Climb down the ladder there and the climb up the ladder near it onto the
roof of the museum. Run along the roof towards the skylight, watch the short
movie with Beavis and Butt-Head then jump through the skylight.

You've been here before, at least if you jumped through the hole in the wall
Wrecks made before you left the museum. If you want you can try to jump from
light to light or you can just drop(I repeat drop, you'll die if you jump and
fall). It doesn't matter, the only thing on the large structure in front of
you is a little gold and the spiv. When you reach the floor you'll be attacked
by more anubis jackals. Either stand and fight or jump through the hole Wrecks
made and try to snipe them with you're pistol. When they're dead the tomb will
open. Head in. Watch Dan show you how to start fire. I didn't know he was a
knight and a pyromaniac, oh well, back to the walkthrough. Head down the ramp
and you'll run in to two more anubis jackals. Kill them and continue(for the
sake of reference come back to this room with the danhand ability and go to the
crack in the wall). Puzzle time!!! This one isn't that tough but I'll draw
another picture because I'm so nice:
-------------------------------- -----------
| | C | | |
| |_________________________| | |
| | | 1 | | |
| | | | | |
| | / \ | |
| /---------------- --------------\ |
|B | 2 3 |A |
| \---------------- --------------/ |
| | \ / | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |

1 = 1 block
2 = stack of two blocks
3 = stack of three blocks
A = Tablet of Horus
B = Scroll of Sekhmet
C = Staff of Anubis

Just push the blocks around until they form steps up to the various items. You
should be able to figure this out. Also be careful when pushing blocks around
because there are three anubis jackals in this room that come after you
individually when you move the blocks or get the staff. When you have all
three leave through the exit. In the next room go down the stairs and use the
appropriate item in from of each statue. For those of you who don't know
Egyptian Mythology like I do(come on people) Anubis has a head like a dog,
Horus has a head like an eagle and sekhmet has the head of a cat. When
everthings in place you'll meet Kiya. That ends this level.

4.The Freakshow

Well at least this level is appropriately titled. Make sure you have the
hammer, if you don't go get the chalices you missed. It makes this level much
easier. Head straight in. Don't let the freaks push you into the water,
instead introduce them to the business end of your hammer. Continue through
until you see a wall with a gate. Don't go through the gate. Turn left and go
through the small cave. In here you can kill some imps(use your hammer) and
collect some gold and a life bottle(very important, believe me). Head back out
and go through the gate in the wall. Now you'll be introduced to the magician.
Introduce him to your hammer. When your through the gates will open. Continue

Kill more freaks and imps. Charge up your hammer and hit the test your
strength thing. If you ring the bell you'll get some gold. The red tent here
is your danhand passage. Go through the door with the hammer on it to play a
game of whack-a-imp. Should you win(easy)you'll get gold, an energy vial, and
chicken drumsticks, cool huh? The Spiv is in the black building with the
barred windows, and there's a life fountain on the left side of the big tent.
When you're ready go through the green tent at the end of the path.

Ready to do some killin'? In this tent are a magician, three freaks and a lot
of imps. Take out the magician first and try to stay away from the holes in
the crates so the imps don't come out. When they're all dead the doors will
open. Keep going.

Well This is new. The big white platform is a trampoline. Run up the ramp
and jump onto it. Hold the jump button to keep going higher then jump off onto
the ledge. Did you like that? Good!!! Now you get to risk dying while doing
it, fun huh? See the trampoline at the corner of the water? Well, you have to
jump from trampoline to trampoline until you reach the grassy ledge on the
other side. Did I mention that there's imps on the trampolines too? Enjoy!!!
Did you make it? Good. Let's continue. Kill the imps and run down the path
until you reach the archway. go through and you'll fight a mechanical elephant
mini boss. This is easy just arm your pistol, run underneath the elephants
legs and shoot the imp driving it from behind. Keep doing this and it'll go
down in no time. you'll get the elephant key for winning.

Leave but instead of taking the trampolines back just drop off the small ledge
here, kill stuff and go through the door in to the big black building. In here
kill the imps then bounce off the trampoline on to the ledge. Up here is the
spiv, a copper shield, and the chalice. If the chalice isn't full, just come
back when it is. It should also be noted that there is a life fountain in
here. Leave and continue down the path, through the archway, across the freaky
bridge and into the archway. Another mechanical elephant awaits you. Beat it
the same way as before to get the second elephant key. Now go all the way back
to the big circus tent you couldn't enter before. Use the keys on the statues
in front of it and go in. Time for another...

* *
*Mecha-Elephant *
* *
*Don't worry. This is another easy boss. First know that your weapon*
*don't hurt him. The way to beat him is to crush him. You see the *
*metal junk hanging from the chains? If you the corresponding lever *
*it'll drop. The object is to drop all three pieces on the elephants *
*head. Just follow the elephant. When you get to a lever, run in *
*front of it and hit the EXACTLY when the elephants head is underneath*
*Do it two more times. *

When you beat him you'll see a gate open. Run back to where you fought your
first magician and through the now open gate. Back to the lab.

5.Greenwich Observatory

Things are starting to get tougher now. From here on out the enemies just get
more annoying, plus you learn that Dan's head is detachable here.

Start by just walking forward. When you get a short ways along Dan's head
gets stolen by a bird. Now you're first objective is to get your head back,
ahhh, it's good to be dead isn't it? Run down the path killing sailor zombies
until you get to the observatory. When you get there, turn left and look on
the side of the front door for a ladder. Go up and kill the bird(use your
pistol or crossbow). Now you can collect your head.
Since the observatory is locked lets check the town. head down the ladder and
check the left side of the observatory for gold and a life fountain. Now head
back to the other side and collect the stuff on the other side of the
observatory being sure to kill everything as you go. When you've taken
everything look along the wall for an archway. This takes you into town. Head
down hill and go straight down the street until you reach the end. To your
left is a ladder. At the top is a life fountain and a bird's nest. Remember
the nest just incase your head gets taken again because this is where it will
be taken. If your ready go right and meet one of the most irritating enemies
in the game. These aliens can posses a headless body and control them. This
includes Dan. It's not a problem now but later it will be. Also make a point
of destroying dead bodies lying on the ground by charging your hammer and
smashing them. This will make the aliens almost (but not completely)
defenseless. Run along the platform killing stuff until you reach a small
bridge to an elevated area go across and in the door.

Time for another puzzle. This one's also very easy. walk over to the open
box on the wall and place your head inside(check your inventory). once its
inside switch your controls over to the head(L1 and triangle) then hold L2 and
R2 to see what's in the back of the box. Now switch back to Dan's body and hit
the switches so they correspond to what's written in the box. It's random so
you'll have to get it yourself. come on you can do it. When you get it, the
draw bridge will drop. Take your head and leave. Back outside, stop by the
Spiv if you want he's in an alcove to your right, then, check around the
building for a life bottle and then, instead of going across the bridge, drop
into the pit and kill everything. You need to kill just about everything in
this level to get the chalice so get to it. Also take note of the hands here.
the danhand passage is in the side of one of the ships.

When its empty head to the ladder near the drawbridge and climb up then head
across the bridge and jump from ship to ship until you come to a lever. Hit it
and a platform will raise. Keep going the direction you were to find the
chalice or turn around and head for the wall. Jump onto it and then do a super
jump to reach the ship across from it. Run along the ship until you can jump
down onto another street. Run along, kill another zombie sailor and two aliens
until you reach a door. If you got the chalice, go through.

Hmmm, this looks rather daunting. Don't worry it's not. Just climb down and
run for the door to the right. Once inside, charge up your hammer and head for
the dead bodies. Destroy as many as possible before the aliens get into them,
then deal with the aliens. When they're gone, head up the ramp to the second
floor an run to the end of the platform. Place your head in the diving bell
and it should lower into the water. Now run back down to the first floor and
look for three levers in the pit are where you fought the aliens. Now switch
to the head view. See that black thing in the water. That's the bellow and
you need it. To get it you have to line up the shadow of the crane(which can
also be seen by Dan's head) with the bellows. Remember where it is and switch
back to Dan's body. The three switches in front of you control the crane. The
leftmost one moves it from left to right, the middle one moves it forward and
back and the right one lowers it to pick stuff up. Move the shadow over the
bellows and pick it up. Again, I can't help you because the bellows placement
is random. Once you get it it will be dropped by the room's entrance. Get it
and your head then head up to the roof.

Arm your torch and lit it on the nearby torch on the wall. Then jump onto the
balloon and use your torch to start the fire. Next use the bellows by
selecting them from your inventory and then jumping up and down on them.
Eventually you'll take off. Watch Dan ruin Palethorn's plans and then it's
time for another...

* *
*Mander & Dogman *
* *
*Dogman will rush you and if he hits you will dizzy you. Mander will *
*use Dogman as a shield by keeping him between you and himself. Arm *
*your hammer and run. While running use the hammer to create a shock-*
*wave, dogman will run right into it and eventually go down. At this *
*point Mander will get vicious and faster then you. Switch to your *
*pistol or crossbow, put a little distance between you and Mander and *
*he should eventually go down. *

6.Kew Gardens

Okay this level requires some explanation. All in all this is not a really
difficult level to simply complete, however, this is easily one of the most
horrendously difficult level to get the chalice in, especially the first time
through. First of all, the chalice starts off at 41%. The reason for this is
that there are rooms with innocents being infected by the pumpkins. Should you
let these innocents die the percentage goes down. There are a total of seven
people in here. If you lose more then two(NSS), you lose the chalice. This is
the only level that I suggest you come back to later to get the chalice when
you have stronger weapons. Right now your most effective weapons are the axe,
and the hammer. One misplaced swipe or smash near an innocent and well...

Start off by heading right. Avoid the giant rolling pumpkin and pick up the
potting shed key. Now follow the path avoiding the two rolling pumpkins along
the way until you get to a small garden are with a life bottle. Grab it and
you'll be attacked by four pumpkins. Kill them with your axe and continue on
until you reach a small shack with two pumpkins that pop up around it. Kill
them then use the potting shed key and go inside. Grab the water tank valve
from the back and leave. Now head for the door on the main building.

Inside walk forward a bit and kill the pumpkin that comes out of the ground.
Now jump into the pit. There's three innocents in here and some pumpkins. Arm
yourself with the Axe and the antidote you got from killing all those pumpkins.
Kill the pumpkins, don't hurt the people and if you see someone get stung by a
pumpkin(they'll have a pumpkin for a head and a normal body) use the antidote
on them immediately. Apparently you're immune to the sting while everyone else
isn't. Being dead does have its advantages. Also take note that if your just
going through this level and not trying to earn the chalice, you can either
ignore them or carve them up yourself, MWA HA HA HA!!!

Either way, when your done, hop out using the large leaves as steps. When you
reach the balcony run through the door at the end of it. In the next room you
can climb down to the floor and fight the pumpkins there and use the life
fountain there, otherwise jump to the platform on the wall to the left of where
you came in. Two more innocents in this room. Save them if you can. When the
pumpkins(and maybe people) are all dead climb the tree by jumping from leaf to
leaf. You certainly can't get it now but the chalice is at the very top of
this tree just so you know. When you reach it, jump onto the balcony and leave
though the door.

You're outside again. Run along the platforms and up the ladders until you
reach the roof. Head across and down the narrow corridor. Beware of the
rolling pumpkin here. Once its all clear head through the door. The spiv is
here if you need him, otherwise head to the back of the room and look for the
pump. Use the water tank valve on it and you'll see a short movie. Now head
out and back down the platforms until you reach the ground. Head back into the
main building and drop into the pit where you saved(or slaughtered) your first
group of innocents. hop on the now open plants and use the ladders to reach
the platform near the top and get the pond room valve.

Hop down(to the balcony, fall to the floor and you'll die) and then go to the
room with the second group of innocents. Can you believe these idiots are
still standing there cheering, get out of here fools!!! Anyway, climb the tree
to the balcony and get off. Run around the balcony until you see a pump with
green makings. Use the pond room valve and you'll see another short movie.
climb the plants that just opened in this room to get the hothouse valve. Now
climb down and exit.

Cross the gap using the plant and go through the door. Two final innocents
lurk in this room. Try to save them if possible. Now use the hothouse valve
on the pump in here and the two plants in here will open allowing you to reach
the exit. Also of note is that this room has another danhand passage. Aren't
you just aching to get into those passages by now? Well, don't worry it's just
a little longer. Go through the door and you'll emerge the open area where
Mander and Palethorn watched a man die at the beginning of this level. Head
forward grab the silver shield from the chest and get ready.

I sure hope you've gotten proficient with that axe because its time to face a
whole horde of pumpkins. It starts with a bunch of pumpkin bombs, then five
pumpkins and more pumpkin bombs, and finally six pumpkins and endless giant
rolling pumpkins. The last rolling pumpkin will open the exit. If its full go
back and collect the chalice, otherwise exit. Whew.


Well that's odd. Professor freaky-bighead isn't at his desk. Head through
the open door and you'll find him and Kiya. The professor will babble about
needing limbs for some monster. I don't know about you but I agree with Dan's
reaction to this.

OK, first this is a timed level. You have exactly eight minute to find six
body parts starting from when the professor finishes his speech. you have to
find left and right arms, left and right legs, a torso, and a bum(butt). You
can only deliver one item at a time so don't bother trying to collect
everything in one run. Run into the only other open room from the main room
and it will be populated with enemies.

Most of the body parts are easy to spot on each enemy. The bum might give you
trouble. Watch the train tracks. You see the flatbed car with a thing sitting
on it, farting for propulsion. That monsters got the bum. Toss your axe a few
times to know him off the car then kill him. Other stuff in this level include
a life bottle in the corner of the room, a danhand passage next to the entrance
and the chalice of souls. The chalice can be obtained by following the train
tracks into the main room with the projector and jumping across the platforms
until you reach the little shack.

When you've delivered everything Professor fathead will drop the head, the
only body part he got. A replacement head will have to be found. Now let's
see, who has a detachable head around here...uh oh!

8.Iron Slugger
First it should be pointed out that the instruction manual is WRONG!!! Way to
go Sony! You can view the right controls under the view controls item in the
control options menu when you pause, but basically where the instructions L1 or
L2 they mean R1 or R2 and vice versa. I'd also like to note that those of you
who have been using a gameshark to survive up until now, your free ride's over.
The infinite health-dankenstein code doesn't work. HA!!! Take that cheat
boy!!! Now that that's out of the way...

* *
*Iron Slugger *
* *
*Any one feel like playing Super Punch Out? I believe you've got to *
*beat him in 6 rounds or less other wise you lose(NSS). Your Jaw- *
*buster(R2 + square) is your best bet for beating him but be sure to *
*mix it up and throw some other stuff(particularly jabs) in there. *
*Should you lose two or more limbs, I suggest you just try to stay *
*away from him until the round end. Keep this up and you should *
*eventually wear him down. *
* *
*In between rounds, keep the axe equipped. Keep running and tossing *
*the axe at the imps until you get everything back. *

9.Wulfrum Hall

If its been bothering you so much. You finally have the danhand ability so
you may want to revisit some previous levels to check out those secret passages
I've been pointing out. Don't worry, I'll wait for you. Ready? Good, lets
go! Time to do some vampire hunting. This level isn't really that difficult,
just time consuming. You've got two objectives in this level. First to sneak
in using the danhand and steal the front door key. Second, once inside kill
all the vampires. I don't think being dead has ever been this much fun!!!

You'll start off in a small courtyard with a large building in front of you.
Unfortunately, its locked and the key is inside. Damn! Now you'll have to
find another to sneak in and get the key. Notice the hands on the ground?
There's your way in. Place your head on a hand and hop into the grassy area on
the side of the steps. There's a small open window here you can enter. Head
in. Hop down and head in to the next room. Run under the table immediately.
There's an igor wannabe in here. Should he catch you he'll hurt you then throw
you out and you lose the key if you have it. If he sees you hide under the
table. When he's not looking hop on the table, grab the key and run back to
the first room and under the table. Now hit the switch on the floor and
immediately jump into the dumbwaiter and ride it up to the next floor. When
you reach the top head through the door into the next room. Hide under the
table to avoid the little girl and dash for the next door when its all clear.
Run across the hall into the next room and dash for the crates in the corner
opposite the window to avoid the little girl. There's an energy vial in the
adjacent room if you want it. Now hop across the crates and bookcases until
you reach the windowsill. Leave through the window and you'll be back in the
courtyard with the key.

Go get you're body and then open the front door. It's payback time. Notice
the Chalice on the table right next to the door. Just come back later for it
when its full. Slaughter the armors in your way then slash at the rubble
blocking the door in front of you and part of it should break. Go through the
hole. Avoid the little girl, grab the energy vial and head upstairs. If you
want revenge on the igor that tried to throw you out the window or an energy
vial, the stairs to the basement are on the right side of the staircase. At
the second floor balcony kill igor, avoid the little girl and go through the
door at the very end of the left side of the balcony.

When you enter, the door will shut behind you. To open it you have to kill
the two sleeping vampires in here. Just slash at the boarded up window to let
some sunlight in and drag the coffins into the light. When the vampires burst
into flames just run around to avoid the until they die. When the door opens
leave and head across the balcony to the room that just opened.

Same thing but a little more thought is required(not much more though). Open
the window and push the first coffin to kill the first one. Now push the crate
to the same side the as the coffin. Push the coffin on top of the crate. Now
drag the crate across the pit and push the coffin into the sunlight. A new
door will open on the balcony, head for it.

It's starting to get tougher now. First push the long crate back into the
recess in the wall but leave enough room to get behind it and push. Now run up
the stairs and jump across the swinging platforms until you reach the window.
Open it and the head to the main floor with the two coffins. Push the coffins
off the edge so they drop in front of the long crate you set up. Now hop down,
get behind the crate and push it to force them into the sunlight. Also don't
push a coffin onto a green space or the bell will ring and the vampires will
wake up. If they do just drop to the floor and wait. Eventually they'll go
back to sleep. When you kill them all go back to the balcony and through the
door in the corner that's been open the whole time. Head down the hall here
for a life bottle then go upstairs. Kill igor and head into the open door.
This is pretty much the same as the last one. go up the elevator, open the
window and jump across the platforms until you get to a coffin. Push it off
the force the vampire onto the elevator using the square crate. Reset the trap
and repeat. Leave and go through the door and go through the newly opened door
to the last vampire puzzle.

This is easy but very time consuming. First run along the red carpeted area
upstairs stopping at the life fountain in the first door if you need id until
you reach a circular balcony. Open the window then head back down. Now run
down the path on the first floor until you reach an area with three coffins.
Push the coffin through the open door here. The dark squares act just like the
green squares a couple rooms ago. There's no way to avoid them so just deal
with it by running away. When you get the coffin into the next room, it will
fall and open. Now avoid the vampire, and hit the lever three times. When you
do the lights will shine down and the vampire will burn. Repeat this for the
other two and a door by the window you opened will open. Get the chalice if
you haven't already and then leave through the door.

10.The Count

Does anyone else feel like they're playing a castlevania game right now? Take
care of anything you need here with the spiv and head through the door and
into the pit for a...

* *
*The Count *
* *
*Form 1 *
* *
*After watching Dan irritate the count, he should fly into the enter *
*of the room and start throwing fireballs. Hit the mirrors along the *
*edge of the room so they stand straight up and down. Now stand in * *front
of the mirrors when the count starts to shoot fireballs. If * *done right,
the fireball will bounce off the mirror and hurt him. The* *rest of the time
when he's charging or throwing flaming bats just * *dodge at the last second
by jumping or using the daring dash and you * *should be OK.

When he goes down for the first time the windows will open and he'll talk some
more(I think I heard a compliment in there) now you have to fight...

* *
*The Count *
* *
*Form 2 *
* *
*Same strategy as the last fight but this time you have to hit the *
*mirrors so they are at roughly a 150 degree angle so they reflect the*
*sunlight onto the chandelier(you'll know a mirror is lined up because*
*you can see the light shining off of it). Get all four mirrors lined*
*up and the count will scream and burn. Repeat until he's dust(or *
*bats, whatever). *


If you've got the broad sword, you may want to go back and get the chalice
from Kew Gardens if you haven't done so already. Now, its time to go princess
hunting. Apparently she's in a club in the nearby town. The problem is that
the doorman won't let you in without the following:

1.A membership card
2.a beard
3.a suit

The town in this level is a lot like Kensington but with two major differences.
One is that the Streets are a lot more twisting and turning. I'll try to
guide you as best I can but if you get lost(and you probably will) just try to
look for the main gate that you entered through and start over from there. The
second major thing to note is that despite the fact that people are dying left
and right and the undead rule the streets, the cops are still trying to force a
curfew on you(stupid pigs). They are relentless in their pursuit and can't be
killed, just stunned. I suggest that you leave through the main gate or duck
into a building if you get more then two on your trail. Keep running and you
should do okay.

Follow the path until you reach the archway. Head through into town.
Immediately head to Dan's right and run down the street and follow it past two
boxes into an open area with a crate and two zombies. Kill the zombies, then
push the crate against the wall so you can reach the ladder. Climb up, run
across the roof, drop onto the balcony and enter the house. Inside use the
life fountain if you need it then head for the basement. Once there use the
danhand and enter the small hole along the floor. Walk onto the switch and
you'll see a bookcase move. Switch back to Dan's body and collect the griffin
shield from behind the bookcase on the first floor. Return to the basement,
get your head, then smash the crates in the corner for gold and the library
key. Head to the first floor then open the locked door with the library key.
Collect the silver shield from the chest then climb the ladder for the club
membership card. Now leave through the second floor balcony and you'll be
right by the main gate.

From the steps of the main gate this time go right, then right at the
intersection. Follow the street as it curves and take the open door on the
left to find a life fountain and the spiv. Keep going down this street and
you'll find another door on your left. Go in and through the doors until you
reach a changing booth. go in the booth and you'll come out in style. Now go
back to the street. Continue down the street and keep making rights. you
should, eventually, see the chalice off to the right. Get it if you can,
otherwise keep running. Keep turning to the right and you should reach the
entrance to yet another graveyard(just how many friggin' graveyard are in

Kill stuff and stun any cops around because you have to solve another puzzle.
Hop on the large switch in front of the big statue and the lights should come
on. Hit the small switches next to each light until one is red, one is green
and one is blue. Now hit each light until the lights converge in the middle.
A panel will open in front of the statue and allow you to collect the unicorn
shield. Look to the right as you leave the graveyard and you'll see an open
house. Go in and you'll find the flaming crossbow. Also take notice of the
large gate at the end of the street as you run around the graveyard's

Now keep turning right and head back to the graveyard at the beginning of the
level. In the graveyard head to the crypt with the carving right in from of
you. Use the two shields and the door will open. Go in.

Ready for some Carnage. Go down the steps and kill the zombies. A casket
will open and a zombie in a suit will step out. Now an endless stream of
zombie will continue coming until you kill the zombie in the suit. Just hack
away and keep on him, you'll win pretty easily. When he's dead collect his
beard and leave. Head back to town.

Now that you look stylish, the cops will leave you alone, finally. I don't
know about you but now I hate cops worse then vampires, aliens and pumpkins.
Head for the club and the doorman will let you in. Inside, I kind of expected
more. Head for the back room and the woman will say Kiya went after some guy
called The Ripper. She'll give you a life bottle and then the gate by the
second graveyard will open. Head for it. You'll get there just in time to see
Kiya get cut down by The Ripper. Dan will weep(almost reminds me of Cloud and

12.The Sewers

After Professor balloonhead's show of inaffection Dan storms off. Head
forward and into the big hole. Follow the little creature to a bull who's
being controlled by an alien. Get it off him and kill it. When its dead a
door will open. Go through and follow the creature. Now you see why they like
Dan so much.

After chief fruity boy's sob story head right through the tunnel being sure to
grab the gold shield from the chest. Follow the path down. In here are two
more bulls, one with an alien. Kill the alien and hit the bulls a few times.
Eventually one will break down the wall. Go through. In the next room is a
woman being held by a tentacle. To free her(and shut her up) stand next to the
holes and slash at the worm when it pops out. When its dead she'll run
away(some gratitude), keep going.

Two mullocks, two bulls and two aliens. Kill the aliens and hit the bull so
he knocks down the wall. Go through. Another woman. Free her just like the
last. Come back here later when the chalice is full because its through the
center pipe here. Use the danhand to get it.

Head back to the chief, run past him and take the left path by the life
fountain. Two mullocks with aliens. Kill the aliens and continue. you'll
come to a room with a shallow pool and a locked door with a crack. Use the
danhand(two aliens will pop out when you do, just kill them) to go under the
door. Hop across the pipes and onto the switch to open the door. Switch back
to Dan's body, go through and collect your head. Head down the tunnel to the
next room. Use danhand to hop up the crates and through the small pipe. When
you come out go and stand in the green pipe. Now switch back to Dan's body.
Go through the door and over to the switch. The object here is to line up the
pipes to danhand can move from pipe to individual pipe and reach the other
side. This isn't random. Hit the switch once, then move to the next pipe.
Switch back to Dan and hit the switch three times, then move to the next pipe.
Finally switch back to Dan and hit the lever three more times. Move danhand
across the platform and onto the switch. The pipes will lower and Dan can use
the to reach the ladder to the platform danhand is on.

When you finally get there, get your head and go up the ladder next to the
switch and go through the tunnel. Take the first left and the spiv will give
you a poster. Keep going and you'll find another woman being held hostage.
Free her just like the last two and go back to the main tunnel to continue.
Two last worms reside at the top of this room on the pipes. One on the left
side of the room, one on the right. Free them then head for the exit in the
corner near the floor.

Drop down, head up the steps and back into the village. Go talk to the chief
and he'll let you leave by raft. You'll be transported next to the waters
edge. Collect the gold and ring the bell to summon the raft. If you have the
chalice hop on and ride it out of here.

13.Time Machine

So...the professor built a time machine. This really isn't a tough level but
has one of the most vicious bosses in the game. Another thing to note is that
while the mullocks just got in the way last level, in this one they act like
the cops in whitechapel(I still hate the pigs more) and like the cops, they
can't die so just keep running.

You'll start off in the museum again(how big is this museum anyway). Take the
open staircase to your left. You should have the magic sword by now so the
armors pose little threat. Head down the stairs and enter the room with the
door. Use danhand to enter the hole. Inside hop off the crates and onto the
satellites to reach the first time machine piece. When you've got it, leave
and go back upstairs. Go through the far door. In here head left to the door
with the "contact" sign outside it. Inside, just keep repeating the pattern it
gives you and you'll get the second time machine piece. When you've got it
leave and head for the door with the "space" sign outside it. In here use
danhand to enter the display. Go stand by the rocket. Switch back to Dan's
body and stand on one of the switches to make an Martian pop up in the display.
Immediately switch back to danhand and get the Martian to shoot the rocket.
repeat this with all three and you can get the last time machine piece. Now
head for the door with the "time" sign. Use all three time machine pieces on
the time machine and your outta here.

Your in the same place you where when you dropped down that big hole in the
sewers. Now head for the village and enter the large gray building. Drop down
the hole and go down the stairs to get the time stone. As soon as you take it,
a cage drops on you. To get out, use danhand to go up the stairs and through
the small hole. Run back up to the big gray building and enter. Jump through
the broken bars and stand on the switch. The cage will lift and the door will
open. Run upstairs and collect your head and leave. While this was going on
the mullocks took your time machine and you have to use the raft to get to it.
The raft will only pick up the chief though so you have to dress up like a
chief. Go to the chief's hut and knock out the guard outside. The chief will
come out to inspect. Now get him. Beat him and you'll get king mullock's key.
Enter his hut and go to the back room to find a changing booth. when you come
out you'll be dressed like the chief and have gained the good lightning. Also
take note that the mullocks will now leave you alone. Head to the water, call
the raft and ride out of here.

You'll arrive in the area in Whitechapel where Kiya died(again). Save and use
the life fountain for sure. Check with the spiv if you need ammo. Take a deep
breath, equip yourself with the magic sword, the gold shield, and the good
lightning and when you're ready step through the gate.

* *
*The Ripper *
* *
*This is easily one of the most difficult battles in the game so don't*
*feel bad if you lose. First there are two life bars on the bottom of*
*the screen. The red one is The Rippers and the blue one is Kiyas. If*
*Kiya dies you lose. You can however use the good lightning to drain *
*your health and restore hers. Another thing to know is that The *
*Ripper is invincible until he goes for Kiya. The Ripper's attacks *
*are difficult to dodge so expect to take a lot of damage. He's got *
*four basic attacks. A bum rush with his claws that can be avoided by*
*leaping to the side at the last second. A bouncing wall slash that *
*covers the entire area, just time it so you can run past him. A move*
*where he just runs after you swinging his claws, use the Daring dash *
*to keep ahead of him. Finally, a meteor shower that he'll only use *
*when low on health. There's no set way to avoid this. Just keep *
*moving and hope you get lucky. So all in all hack away at him while *
*he's hurting Kiya then restore her as much of her health as you can *
*with the good lightning while dodging The Ripper's slashes. With *
*luck and patience, you'll defeat him. *

When he finally goes down you'll put a bullet through his face and be rewarded
with the last chalice, a new suit of gold armor, and Kiya's life. Whew, lets
call it a day.

14.Cathedral Spires

Ominous looking isn't it? After that exhausting fight with The Ripper, you
may want to return to some previous levels and fill all your life bottles
before attempting this. I also suggest you get all the chalices if you haven't
already as your reward for the last one is the gatling gun, a weapon that will
make this stage much easier. Lastly, go and get a copper shield, a silver
shield and have the spiv repair your gold shield. The first part of the level
is impossible without them. The object is to find the twelve lost souls
scattered about this level. So lets save some souls shall we?

Start by running to the left, around the tower and you'll find one soul. Now
head up the ladders and you'll meet your first gargoyle. Kill it with the
gatling gun or lightning and continue. While climbing some of the ladders here
you may be knocked off by yellow crap. Use your shield to keep yourself on the
ladder and defend against the falling crap. Time your runs through the fire
and keep going until you reach the roof. On the roof look to your right for
another lost soul. Now head along the roof until you reach the area with two
doors opposite each other. Both have souls, and both are traps. You are
attacked by gargoyles when you grab each soul. No one said being a hero was
easy. Get them both and then continue to the huge tower. Run around the tower
and into the little building behind it. The spiv is here along with a life
fountain, so I suggest you stock up on gatling gun ammo and energy. Leave when
you're done. Go to the ladder on the large tower and use it to climb all the
way around and up the tower, collecting a lost soul and a life bottle along the
way. When you get to the top there's a door. If you've collected all five
lost souls in this area it will open. Go in.

Inside, hop onto the chandelier and hit the lever in it. you will lower a
little bit and be able to see two lost souls, one on each side of you. Collect
them both then get back on the chandelier and ride it down some more. When you
reach the bottom, kill the armors and enter the small door. Inside get the
soul, kill the jackals and leave. Head through the large door. In this room
hop on to the swinging platform in the middle the to either the left or right
one. Leap to the ladder on the wall from there and go up. Jump across the
boards to each soul. When you've got all three move to the next room through
the large door.

In here talk to the spiv if you need him, then hit the lever to lower the
chandelier. get on and ride it up. Get the golden cog out of the alcove and
leave. in the room with the swinging platforms look for a small door on the
bottom floor and enter. Get the life bottle and the last soul, kill the
jackals then continue.

In here use the golden cog on the machine then hit the lever until the stairs
are at the bottom of the screen. Go through the door and up the newly aligned
stairs. In the next room use danhand to enter the small hole in the middle.
Hop to the moving gear then to the solid platform then run along the wood to
get the gold cog. Jump to the vertical gear to be launched out of here.
You'll be in the room you used the golden cog in. Bring your body here,
collect you head then hit the lever two times so you can reach the machinery in
the next room. Go to the next room, use the gold cog on it then return to the
previous room, hit the switch so you can reach the stairs again and now hit the
switch next to the stairs in the room you used the gold cog in until the ladder
is reachable. Go through the now accessible door.

In here the souls will attack the demon. You now have one minute to escape
the cathedral...RUN!!!! Get back to the room with the first chandelier(where
you got the two souls) and ride it up to the door then go through the door to

15.The Demon

BOOM!!!! That was fun! Now just one level to go. Head through the door, use
the life fountain and buy as much gatling gun ammo as you can afford from the
spiv. Move on to...

* *
*Mander & Dogman 2 *
* *
*Use the same strategy as last time except use spinning hit from your *
*magic sword(hold square) and when Dogman goes down use the flaming *
*crossbow or gatling gun on Mander. They'll be done in no time. *

Head through the door. After some more conversation it's time for the last...

* *
*The Demon & Palethorn *
* *
*Say hello to the toughest boss in the game. You can' hurt the demon.*
*To beat him, use you gatling gun to shoot the rear of palethorns ship*
*when it passes(the front is shielded). Doing so will cause him to *
*lose control and shoot the demon. Repeat. The demon has two attacks*
*A ground pound which will dizzy you and a sweeping flame breath that *
*is easily avoided. Palethorn has machine guns and homing missiles *
*that dizzy on his ship. Each time the demon is hit, they hit faster *
*and more with each move. Basically, open fire on Palethorn's ship at*
*every opportunity and dodge as best you can. Good Luck! *

Section 3:Extra Stuff


Damn, I'm an idiot!!! I finally figured out the criteria for getting both
endings. To get the "bad"(but ironically funnier) ending pick up all 10
chalices. To get the "good" ending just get fewer then 10 chalices.

Ending 1 - Palethorn blows up cathedral spires and Dan and Kiya get layed to
rest in Kiya's tomb together('s so heartwarming, I think I'm gonna be

Ending 2 - Palethorn blows up Cathedral Spires and Dan and Kiya take off in the
time machine back to Gallowmere and get eaten by Zarok(don't you love irony)
****End Spoiler****


Arm - Weak hit attack. Find something better.
Square - throw
Location - at start
Small Sword - Basic sword.
Square - spin attack
Location - across from starting point
Pistol - Basic projectile weapon. Quite useful actually.
Square - nothing
Location - top of first staircase
Cane Stick - Useless. stick with the small sword.
Square - lightning bolts on the ground
Location - chalice #1
Hammer - Fun. Squash stuff or charge it up and create shockwaves.
Square - Shockwaves
Location - chalice #2
Crossbow - Another projectile weapon. I still prefer the pistol.
Square - nothing
Location - chalice #3
Axe - Strong attack. Can be swung around. One of the most useful weapons.
Square - throw
Location - chalice #4
Antidote - saves innocents from pumpkins
Square - nothing
Location - Pumpkins
Bombs - Useless. I have yet to use these. I imagine they explode(duh).
Square - throw
Location - chalice #5
Broad Sword - A stronger sword. Can be enhanced by the spiv.
Square - spin attack
Location - chalice #6
Lightning - A powerful distance weapon. Once it's used up, that's it. Save
Square - charge up lightning blast
Location - chalice #7
Blunderbuss - A shotgun. Not really useful due to its slow fire rate.
Square - nothing
Location - chalice #8
Flaming Crossbow - Same as the regular crossbow but on fire.
Square - nothing
Location - house in Whitechapel
Magic Sword - The strongest melee weapon in the game. Shows bad guys what
ginsu really means.
Square - spin attack
Location - chalice #9
Good Lightning - Sacrifice your own life to restore Kiya's. Invaluable for
beating The Ripper.
Square - nothing
Location - chief's changing booth
Gatling Gun - MWA HA HA HA!!!!! Unstoppable destructive power.
Square - nothing
Location - chalice #10
Drumsticks - Figure this out on your own. Kind of dumb.
Location - whack-a-imp


1.Copper Shield - Wears down and breaks. 150 maximum.
Location - various places
2.Silver Shield - Wears down and breaks. 250 maximum.
Location - various places
3.Gold Shield - Wears down. Can be fixed by the spiv. 400 maximum.
Location - The Sewers and Cathedral Spires


Museum Key - opens locked door in the museum
Location - first open room in museum
Torch - lights cannon and torches
Location - display room
Cannonball - blows open blocked door
Location - Museum garden
Dinosaur Key - opens last room in museum
Location - in a chest on the balcony over the two hunter room
Depot Key - opens new area in Kensington
Location - first box moving room
Town House Key - opens locked house
Location - anubis jackal trap room
Pocketwatch - the professor thinks its interesting
Location - town house
Staff of Anubis - frees Kiya
Location - Kensington tomb crate puzzle
Scroll of Sekhmet - frees Kiya
Location - Kensington tomb crate puzzle
Tablet of Horus - frees Kiya
Location - Kensington tomb crate puzzle
Elephant Key - opens big tent
Location - beat the mini mecha-elephant
Elephant Key 2 - opens big tent
Location - beat the other mini mecha-elephant
Bellows - makes balloon take off
Location - diving bell puzzle
Potting Shed Key - opens potting shed
Location - near the beginning of the gardens
Water Tank Valve - starts water tank pump
Location - in the potting shed
Pond Room Valve - starts pond room pump
Location - top of the room with the first innocents
Hothouse Valve - starts hothouse pump
Location - top of the room with the second group of innocents
Right Arm - used to make a monster
Location - monsters in professor's lab
Left Arm - used to make a monster
Location - monsters in professor's lab
Right Leg - used to make a monster
Location - monsters in professor's lab
Left Leg - used to make a monster
Location - monsters in professor's lab
Torso - used to make a monster
Location - monsters in professor's lab
Bum - used to make a monster
Location - monsters in professor's lab
Front Door Key - opens Wulfrum Hall
Location - basement of Wulfrum Hall
Library Key - opens locked room in a house
Location - in crates in basement of the whitechapel house
Griffin Shield - opens crypt
Location - in behind bookcase in whitechapel house
Unicorn Shield - opens crypt
Location - puzzle in second graveyard
Club Membership Card - gets you into the club
Location - library in Whitechapel house
Beard - gets you into the club
Location - crypt in Whitechapel cemetery
Time Machine Piece 1 - fixes time machine
Location - "Earth" room
Time Machine Piece 2 - fixes time machine
Location - "Contact" room
Time machine Piece 3 - fixes time machine
Location - "Space" room
Time Stone - needed to save Kiya
Location - Elevated building in Mullock village
King Mullock's Key - opens chief's hut
Location - King Mullock
Golden Cog - move stairs
Location - second chandelier room
Gold Cog - moves ladder
Location - danhand gear room
Spell Page - from Zarok's spell book
Location - demon room

5.The Spiv

(100%)Enchant sword 100G
(100) Repair Gold Shield 75G
(100) Repair Super Armor 150G
(50) Crossbow 50G
(50) Flaming Crossbow 80G
(50) Pistol 30G
(50) Gatling Gun 40G
(30) Blunderbuss 50G
(10) Bombs 100G

6.The Professor's Laboratory

To go back to a previous level just stand on the picture of the chalice in
front of the projector. The screen will show you the next level you're
supposed to do. Just press left on the d-pad or the stick and you'll scroll
through all the level you've already done.

It doesn't matter what order you get the chalices in, you'll always get the
rewards in this order. Never leave the professor's lab without collecting a
new weapon. If you want some easy money, once you have some more powerful
gear, return to an easy level like the museum and get the chalice of souls a
second time. When you return to the lab you'll receive a chest of gold for it.

Chalice #1: Cane Stick
Chalice #2: Hammer
Chalice #3: Crossbow
Chalice #4: Axe
Chalice #5: Bombs
Chalice #6: Broad Sword
Chalice #7: Lightning
Chalice #8: Blunderbuss
Chalice #9: Magic Sword
Chalice #10: Gatling Gun

7.Life Bottles

1.Tyrannosaurus Wrecks - The remains of the Wrecks
2.The Freakshow - in an alcove
3.Greenwich Observatory - around the drawbridge control building
4.Kew Gardens - near the beginning
5.Kew Gardens - room adjacent to hothouse
6.Dankenstein - the bottom right corner of the monster room
7.Wulfrum Hall - the hall with the staircase o the third floor
8.Whitechapel - the woman in the club gives you one
9.The Sewers - climb in the room before the second girl
10.Cathedral Spires - the side of the large tower
11.Cathedral Spires - the room with the last soul and the jackals


Zombie - Chumps. a few quick slashes from any sword and they'll go down.
Weapon of choice - any sword

Living Armor - There are a few different varieties of these but the tactics for
beating them are the same. Run circles around these guys and keep swinging
your sword. They'll drop fast.
Weapon of choice - any sword

Skeleton Bird - Stay behind them and slash. You may want to duck to lessen
your chances of missing.
Weapon of choice - any sword

Hunters - Conquistadors with rifles. Stand at a distance and shoot them with
your gun.
Weapon of choice - pistol

Dino Goons - Ignore them. If they're out that means the Wrecks is vulnerable.
Go for him instead.
Weapon of choice - none, go for the Wrecks

Necromancers - Invincible until you kill his underlings. Cut them up them go
for him and take him down quickly or he'll revive his crew.
Weapon of choice - any sword

Anubis Jackal - If possible find a nice high place to snipe them, otherwise
keep moving and slashing. If they stop moving and stand up, run away at a
diagonal angle as they're about to fire a laser that WILL hurt.
Weapon of choice - pistol or crossbow

Freaks - Fat bearded ladies. One or two charged up hammer blows should get rid
of them. Don't let them push you into the water.
Weapon of choice - hammer

Imps - Very annoying. One axe toss will take them down. When you fight them
without the axe, charge you're hammer and let them run into the shockwaves.
Weapon of choice - axe

Magician - Invincible until he's solid. Follow him until he stops moving then
hit him a few times. Run away to dodge the dragon he sends after you and
Weapon of choice - hammer

Bird - Has the irritating tendency to steal your head. A few pistol shots or
crossbow shot will get rid of them.
Weapon of choice - pistol or crossbow

Sailor Zombie - A little tougher then normal zombies but the same tactics work.
Weapon of choice - any sword

Alien - VERY annoying. Kill the body they have then chase them down and
flatten them with the hammer or slash them up with a sword. If you don't have
you're head on, they can take control of you.
Weapon of choice - hammer or any sword

Giant Rolling Pumpkin - You can't hurt them. Follow Monty Python's advice and
Weapon of choice - a good pair of running shoes

Pumpkin Bombs - Either avoid them or set them off at a distance with a throw
from your axe.
Weapon of choice - axe

Pumpkin - If they hold their arms up they're invincible so just get away. They
can't be hurt from the from so either run behind them and slash them with a
sword or throw your axe at them. It won't hurt them initially but it will get
them on the return.
Weapon of choice - axe

Super Torso - Just axe away. They'll go down pretty easily. They give you
Dankenstein's Torso.
Weapon of choice - axe

Three Legged Thing - A few axe throws and they'll go down. They give
Dankenstein's right leg.
Weapon of choice - axe

Arm Head - More axe throws. They give Dankenstein's right arm.
Weapon of choice - axe

Lefty - Still more axe throws. They give Dankenstein's left arm.
Weapon of choice - axe

Patchwork - The axe will take them down. They give Dankenstein's left leg.
Weapon of choice - axe

Farting Rider - A few axe throws to knock them off the train car and a few more
to kill them. They give Dankenstein's bum.
Weapon of choice - axe

Igor - invincible when their arms are up. Get behind them and slash away.
Weapon of choice - any sword

Little Girl - Invincible. Just run if you hear them giggle.
Weapon of choice - none

Vampire - Your weapons can't hurt them(where's a Belmont when you need one).
Force them into sunlight then just stay away until they explode.
Weapon of choice - a sunny day

Cops - The single most annoying enemy in the entire game. By the time you get
done with Whitechapel you're going to want to slap your controller against a
wall. Invincible and relentless in their pursuit of you. keep doing the spin
attack with your sword to keep them away and duck into buildings whenever
possible to throw them off.
Weapon of choice - something with nuclear capabilities

Mullock - At first they just get in the way. The second time you meet them
they act the same as the cops in whitechapel(noooooooo). Just keep running and
hit them from behind to knock them out.
Weapon of choice - stress management sessions

Gargoyles - Flying and with a distance attack. Take them down quickly with the
gatling gun or the lightning before they gang up on you.
Weapon of choice - gatling gun or lightning

Jackal - Just keep moving and slashing. If they stop, get behind them as
they're about to shoot a laser ahead of themselves.
Weapon of choice - magic sword


* *
* *
*FORM 1 *
* Reminiscent of the Tyrannosaurus from Parasite Eve isn't he. *
*He's got two basic attacks here one where he breaths fire and another*
*where he charges you. Just keep running around him in circles and *
*you should dodge his attacks. Keep doing this until pink waves emit *
*from his head and he calls some other goons in to help, when this *
*happens, ignore the goons, instead run up his tail and along his back*
*until you come to his exposed brain. Slash at it and he'll screech. *
*Rinse and Repeat. *

* *
* *
*FORM 2 *
* Almost the same as the last form. Keep running to dodge it's *
*flame breath. When it stops to call it's comrades open fire with *
*your pistol. Rinse and Repeat. *

* *
*Mecha-Elephant *
* *
*Don't worry. This is another easy boss. First know that your weapon*
*don't hurt him. The way to beat him is to crush him. You see the *
*metal junk hanging from the chains? If you the corresponding lever *
*it'll drop. The object is to drop all three pieces on the elephants *
*head. Just follow the elephant. When you get to a lever, run in *
*front of it and hit the EXACTLY when the elephants head is underneath*
*Do it two more times. *

* *
*Mander & Dogman *
* *
*Dogman will rush you and if he hits you will dizzy you. Mander will *
*use Dogman as a shield by keeping him between you and himself. Arm *
*your hammer and run. While running use the hammer to create a shock-*
*wave, dogman will run right into it and eventually go down. At this *
*point Mander will get vicious and faster then you. Switch to your *
*pistol or crossbow, put a little distance between you and Mander and *
*he should eventually go down. *

* *
*Iron Slugger *
* *
*Any one feel like playing Super Punch Out? I believe you've got to *
*beat him in 6 rounds or less other wise you lose(NSS). Your Jaw- *
*buster(R2 + square) is your best bet for beating him but be sure to *
*mix it up and throw some other stuff(particularly jabs) in there. *
*Should you lose two or more limbs, I suggest you just try to stay *
*away from him until the round end. Keep this up and you should *
*eventually wear him down. *
* *
*In between rounds, keep the axe equipped. Keep running and tossing *
*the axe at the imps until you get everything back. *

* *
*The Count *
* *
*Form 1 *
* *
*After watching Dan irritate the count, he should fly into the enter *
*of the room and start throwing fireballs. Hit the mirrors along the *
*edge of the room so they stand straight up and down. Now stand in *
*front of the mirrors when the count starts to shoot fireballs. If *
*done right, the fireball will bounce off the mirror and hurt him. The*
*rest of the time when he's charging or throwing flaming bats just *
*dodge at the last second by jumping or using the daring dash and you *
*should be OK. *

* *
*The Count *
* *
*Form 2 *
* *
*Same strategy as the last fight but this time you have to hit the *
*mirrors so they are at roughly a 150 degree angle so they reflect the*
*sunlight onto the chandelier(you'll know a mirror is lined up because*
*you can see the light shining off of it). Get all four mirrors lined*
*up and the count will scream and burn. Repeat until he's dust(or *
*bats, whatever). *

* *
*The Ripper *
* *
*This is easily one of the most difficult battles in the game so don't*
*feel bad if you lose. First there are two life bars on the bottom of*
*the screen. The red one is The Rippers and the blue one is Kiyas. If*
*Kiya dies you lose. You can however use the good lightning to drain *
*your health and restore hers. Another thing to know is that The *
*Ripper is invincible until he goes for Kiya. The Ripper's attacks *
*are difficult to dodge so expect to take a lot of damage. He's got *
*four basic attacks. A bum rush with his claws that can be avoided by*
*leaping to the side at the last second. A bouncing wall slash that *
*covers the entire area, just time it so you can run past him. A move*
* where he just runs after you swinging his claws, use the Daring dash*
*to keep ahead of him. Finally, a meteor shower that he'll only use *
*when low on health. There's no set way to avoid this. Just keep *
*moving and hope you get lucky. So all in all hack away at him while *
*he's hurting Kiya then restore her as much of her health as you can *
*with the good lightning while dodging The Ripper's slashes. With *
*luck and patience, you'll defeat him. *

* *
*Mander & Dogman 2 *
* *
*Use the same strategy as last time except use spinning hit from your *
*magic sword(hold square) and when Dogman goes down use the flaming *
*crossbow or gatling gun on Mander. They'll be done in no time. *

* *
*The Demon & Palethorn *
* *
*Say hello to the toughest boss in the game. You can' hurt the demon.*
*To beat him, use you gatling gun to shoot the rear of palethorns ship*
*when it passes(the front is shielded). Doing so will cause him to *
*lose control and shoot the demon. Repeat. The demon has two attacks*
*A ground pound which will dizzy you and a sweeping flame breath that *
*is easily avoided. Palethorn has machine guns and homing missiles *
*that dizzy on his ship. Each time the demon is hit, they hit faster *
*and more with each move. Basically, open fire on Palethorn's ship at*
*every opportunity and dodge as best you can. Good Luck! *

10.Just for the Cheaters

I don't promote cheating but once you've beat the game(like me) you might as
well have some fun with it(infinite gatling gun and a maniacal laugh)

Cheat Menu - This will work for the American version. There is one for the PAL
version but since I can't test it myself I won't put it in here. If you want
it, just get it from cheat code central(

Pause the game during play. Now hold L2 while you press the following:
Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle(2), Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, Down, Right,
Circle, Left(2), Triangle, Right, Circle, Left(2), Triangle, Circle, Down,
Circle(2), Right.

For the directions, use the d-pad. If you did it right an option will appear
on the pause menu called "Cheats".

Gameshark Codes - I will be adding more when I finish testing them all. These
should hold you over for now.

1.Infinite Health 800F152C 012C
2.Infinite Cash 800F15B4 270F
3.Infinite Pistol Ammo 800F156C 0064
4.Infinite Crossbow Ammo 800F1574 0096
5.Infinite Flaming Crossbow Ammo 800F1578 0096
6.Infinite Gatling Gun Ammo 800F1580 0096
7.Infinite Blunderbuss 800F1590 0096
8.Infinite Bombs 800F1594 0096
9.Infinite Chicken Drumsticks 800F1598 0096
10.Infinite Copper Shield 800F15A0 0096
11.Infinite Silver Shield 800F15A4 0096
12.Infinite Gold Shield 800F15A8 0096
13.Have Small Sword 800F155C 0001
14.Have Broad Sword 800F1560 0001
15.Have Magic Sword 800F1564 0001
16.Have Cane Stick 800F1568 0001
17.Have Hammer 800F1570 0001
18.Have Axe 800F157C 0001
19.Have Lightning 800F1588 0001
20.Have Good Lightning 800F1584 0001
21.Have Head 800F15BC 0001
22.Have Scroll of Sekhmet 800F163 00001
23.Have Staff Of Anubis 800F1634 0001
24.Have Tablet Of Horus 800F1638 0001
25.Have All Keys 800F162C 0001
800F161C 0001
800F1618 0001
800F1640 0001

11.In Closing

Thank you for putting up with the sloppiness of this document. As I stated
this is my first FAQ. I'd like to thank the following: for the format
-Expert Gamer for the technique to beat the demon
-Mike for pointing out the two life bottles I missed
-Jonathan Smith for the cheat menu code
-Dave at Cheat Code Central for the gameshark codes
-Steve for pointing out my screw up with the life bottles
-Garret Keller for pointing me in the right direction for the endings

If you have comments, additions or questions(that aren't clearly stated in the
FAQ) please feel free to ask me at:

I think I've covered just about everything. I'll probably make one last
version to add some more gameshark codes then I'll put this puppy to rest.

I leave you with an inside joke for you old school EGM and EGM2/Expert Gamer

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17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

12.Октябрь 2013

09.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und Trainer für die Europäische PAL mehrsprachige (italienische; spanische, Portugese) Version.

11.Октябрь 2013
Patch für die Europäische PAL mehrsprachige (italienische; spanische, Portugese) Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selektor, Patch und Trainer für die Europäische PAL mehrsprachige ([deutschsprachig]e, English, Französiche) Version.

10.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
04.Март 2019
24.Февраль 2018