2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on i.not connected to Facebook
2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on inot connected to Twitter
2 clicks for more privacy: When you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation. As soon as the button is activated data will be send to third party – for details click on inot connected to Google+
Use the code to enable the health option on the pause menu. Then go and get yourself killed. Just
after you bite the
bullet, pause the game and renew your health bar. Now, you can walk your dead
body around the room you're in - and the meanies are powerless to do anything
to you (of course, you cannot do anything to them either) This is especially
cool on level 6.
Submission: Damian Gick (dgick@sun1.iusb.edu)
God Mode:
Pause the game on the 1st level and press square, down, down, square, down,
down, circle, circle, circle. A box should appear in the top left hand corner of
the screen, you will now have unlimited smart bombs, ammo, lives and even level
Helen Breen (tangerinedreams@cableinet.co.uk)
Weapon Power Up:
Start a game, then pause it. Then, hold down L1 and L2 for 10 seconds, and with
them held down, enter on controller one: right,down,right,triangle
More Lives:
Start a game, then pause it. Then, hold down L1 and L2 for 10 seconds, and with
them held down, enter on controller one: left,down,right,triangle,square,X,circle
Skip Level:
Start a game, then pause it. Then, hold down L1 and L2 for 10 seconds, and with
them held down, enter on controller one: X,R1,triangle,R1,square,circle,R2,R2,X,square,triangle,X