Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong Country

15.10.2013 20:24:12
Ein (leider) englisches FAQ zu Donkey Kong Country 1 mit vielen Tips
und Tricks, auch ARCs sind dabei !


DKC FAQ (v1.3 of 03/27/95)


This FAQ has three major sections:

(1) "Frequently Asked Questions" about things OTHER than bonus rooms
and hard-to-find items.


Q-1: How many levels are there in Donkey Kong Country?

Q-2: How can I tell if I've found all of the bonus rooms in a level?

Q-3: How can I jump for extra distance (horizontally)?

Q-4: How can I grab things out of a pit without falling to my death?

Q-5: What's the "Diddy controller code"? How does it work?

Q-6: Where are the special "2x" icons?

Q-7: Are there any ways to bypass parts of some levels?

Q-8: Does the ending change depending on the percentage of completion?

Q-9: Is the original "Donkey Kong" game hidden within DKC?

Q-10: Are there any "warps"?

Q-11: Are there any Game Genie codes?

Q-12: Other controller codes

(2) A list of the locations of all 67 bonus rooms.


BR-1. Kongo Jungle bonus rooms

BR-2. Monkey Mines bonus rooms

BR-3. Vine Valley bonus rooms

BR-4. Gorilla Glacier bonus rooms

BR-5. Kremroc Industries, Inc. bonus rooms

BR-6. Chimp Caverns bonus rooms

BR-7. General notes and strategy hints

BR-8. Sample description interpretation

BR-9. Kinds of bonus rooms

(3) A list by level of all hard-to-find objects (animal icons, animal
crates, golden letter icons)


OB-1. Kongo Jungle hard-to-find or hidden objects

OB-2. Monkey Mines hard-to-find or hidden objects

OB-3. Vine Valley hard-to-find or hidden objects

OB-4. Gorilla Glacier hard-to-find or hidden objects

OB-5. Kremroc Industries, Inc. hard-to-find or hidden objects

OB-6. Chimp Caverns hard-to-find or hidden objects


Frequently Asked Questions - about things other than Bonus Rooms



Q-1: How many levels are there in Donkey Kong Country?
Q-2: How can I tell if I've found all of the bonus rooms in a level?
Q-3: How can I jump for extra distance (horizontally)?
Q-4: How can I grab things out of a pit without falling to my death?
Q-5: What's the "Diddy controller code"? How does it work?
Q-6: Where are the special "2x" icons?
Q-7: Are there any ways to bypass parts of some levels?
Q-8: Does the ending change depending on the percentage of completion?
Q-9: Is the original "Donkey Kong" game hidden within DKC?
Q-10: Are there any "warps"?
Q-11: Are there any Game Genie codes?
Q-12: Other controller codes


Q-1: How many levels are there in Donkey Kong Country?

There are 33 "normal" levels, 67 bonus rooms, and seven boss
areas. There are also six each of the "friendly" areas
(Candy Kong, Cranky Kong, and Funky Kong).

The first six bosses do not count towards the percentage total.
The remaining 101 areas (33 levels, 67 bonus rooms, and
the very last boss in "Gangplank Galleon") each count as 1%
towards the completion total.


Q-2: How can I tell if I've found all of the bonus rooms in a level?

On the map screen, a level is marked with an exclamation point
once there are no undiscovered bonus rooms remaining in it.

(e.g., "Ropey Rampage" becomes "Ropey Rampage!" when all of its
bonus rooms are found.)


Q-3: How can I jump for extra distance (horizontally)?

This question and Q-4 are related, because the same technique
covers both. The trick is that the Kongs can jump upwards out
of a cartwheel (Diddy Kong) or barrel-roll (Donkey Kong), just
as if they were standing on solid ground... even if they
happen to be in mid-air at the time.


In "Jungle Hijinks," there is a red balloon above the group
of trees is just past the [K] icon. There is a second red
balloon over the next group of trees beyond that, and if you
move quickly you will find a green balloon over the third
group of trees.

But the trees are spaced too far apart for Diddy to jump from
group to group, even with a running start. Also, the second
and third sets of treetops can't be reached from the ground.

How do you collect the second and third balloons? By rolling
off a tree, and then jumping from mid-air... which increases
the total horizontal distance which can be covered in a single

In detail:

(A) Position Diddy on the right-hand edge of the first group
of trees, where you collected the first red balloon.

(B) Press "right" on the control pad and the "Y" button
(approximately simultaneously), and Diddy will cartwheel
off the tree towards the right.

(C) At any time before Diddy finishes the cartwheel move, (the
later, the better), press and hold the "B" button to jump
as high as possible. (Don't forget to continue to hold
"right" on the control pad so that you jump to the right!)

If your timing is good, you will land on the left edge of the
next group of trees just in time to jump up and collect the
second red balloon (before it floats away).

With practice, you will be able to jump these large gaps quickly
and easily. This technique comes in handy later in the game --
there is at least one bonus room that I can't reach without it,
and at least one more that is far easier to reach with this
technique. But it is not stricly necessary to be able to
cartwheel-jump, to get to the end of any level (or "win" the
game with less than 101%).

Unrelated note:

This example, incidentally, is a good way to pick up lives very
quickly. In "Jungle Hijinks"... pick up the balloon in Donkey
Kong's tree-house and then these three treetop balloons, for a
total of five quick lives. Then quit the level with pause-
select (and re-enter to repeat as ofter as desired). I'm able
to earn extra lives more quickly this way than with the "DYDDY"
controller code (which is discussed later in this file).


Q-4: How can I grab things out of a pit without falling to my death?

This question and Q-3 are related, because the same technique
covers both. The trick is that the Kongs can jump upwards out
of a cartwheel (Diddy Kong) or barrel-roll (Donkey Kong), just
as if they were standing on solid ground... even if they
happen to be in mid-air at the time.


In "Stop & Go Station", the golden letter [O] icon sits just
below the level of the surrounding land, in a pit which kills
Diddy or Donkey Kong should they fall into it and off the

How do you go about getting the [O] without losing a life? By
cart-wheeling (or barrel-rolling) into the pit, falling partway
down (far enough to collect the [O])... and then jumping upwards
out of the roll in mid-air, to get back onto solid ground.

In detail:

(A) Position Donkey Kong (or Diddy Kong) at the left edge
of the pit, facing to the right.

(B) Press "right" on the control pad and the "Y" button
approximately simultaneously, and Donkey (Diddy) will
barrel roll (cartwheel) to the right and slightly
downwards into the pit.

(C) Once Donkey (Diddy) touches the [O] and collects it,
press and hold the "B" button to jump up to the ground
level on the opposite side of the pit. (Don't forget to
continue to hold "right" on the control pad so that you
jump to the right!)

This is a move which requires some practice, but it isn't too
difficult once you get the hang of it.

Again, it is not strictly necessary to be able to do this in
order to "win" the game, but you can't get "101%" or pick up
some of the interesting items (e.g., also the [K] in "Forest
Frenzy", and many other letter icons and bananas, especially
in the later parts of the game) without it.

Unrelated note: Not every item in a pit requires this
strategy. Sometimes an item in a pit, especially a vertical
line of bananas, is a hint that there is a hidden barrel
cannon off-screen.


Q-5: What's the "Diddy controller code"? How does it work?

It is a controller sequence that leads to a special bonus
room, which always contains three golden icons of each animal.
This allows repeated play in any of the animal bonus games
(as Enguarde, Expresso, Rambi, or Winky).

The code is "DYDDY" (down, Y, down, down, Y). Enter that
exact sequence of directions and buttons on the controller,
during the introductory screen that shows Cranky Kong turning
the handle on a record player.

In order to collect lives in this special area and then take
the collected lives into a game, it is necessary to perform
one extra "setup" step before entering the special bonus room:
first get the "GAME OVER" screen by losing your last life IN

(For more information on the meaning of "COMPLETED",
see [NOTE 1] below.)

When the "GAME OVER" screen is displayed, press "start" once
to dismiss it and return to the game's opening sequence. Wait
for Cranky Kong to show up. When he appears, enter the "DYDDY"
code to get to the special bonus room.

(In a two-player game, the player who died last must
press "start" to dismiss the "GAME OVER" screen; then
"Player #1" -- the player using the controller plugged
into the left-hand side of the unit -- must enter the
"DYDDY" code, play the bonus games, and exit.)

When the special bonus room is entered in this way -- following
a "GAME OVER" screen that is due to losing your last life in a
"COMPLETED" level -- it is possible to exit the special bonus
room with start-select.

(For more information on start-select, see
[NOTE 2] below.)

When you exit the special bonus room in this manner... you will
be returned to the game that you died in, on the main map
screen at the level where you lost your final life.

The main map will not "forget" any of "unsaved" progress that
was made before your death. Also, you will still have all of
the lives and spare animal icons which you collected in the
special bonus room.

(If you think you are following the instructions
and still cannot get out of the special area,
see [NOTE 3] below.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[NOTE 1] Dying in a "COMPLETED" level

A "COMPLETED" level is one where you have reached and walked
through the exit door. Any "COMPLETED" level is marked with
Diddy or Donkey Kong's head on the map screen, while any
non-complete level is marked with a Kremling's head.

-> It is not necessary that you find any or all of the bonus
rooms in the level.

-> It is not necessary that you die in the level which you
completed the most recently, or a level which you completed
since starting your current game. (i.e., it can be a level
which you completed long ago, saved in a completed state,
and had not revisited until you went in there and died.)

-> It is not necessary that the completed state of the level
be saved. (i.e., even if it IS a level which you have
completed since the last "save," and it will revert to
"uncompleted" status if you reset the game, it still counts
as completed for the sake of returning from the special
bonus room.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[NOTE 2] How to use start-select

Press "start" to pause the game. Wait a second or so, then
press "select". (If you press "select" too quickly following
"start", "select" is ignored.)

This is the same controller sequence which is used in both
this game and Super Mario World, to exit a level which you
have previously completed. The sequence allows you to exit
from anywhere in a level, even from inside its bonus rooms.

If you aren't sure you are using start-select properly, try
playing the game and using it to exit any completed level.
If you can exit an already-completed level with this sequence,
then you are doing it properly and should be able to exit the
special bonus room in the same way (...providing that you had
set-up your entry to the special bonus room properly).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[NOTE 3] Still can't get there?

Are you still having trouble exiting from the special bonus
room and carrying your lives back into the game? Try the
following five things:

[A] Be sure you are trying to exit from the special bonus room
itself. "start-select" is always disabled while playing
any of the animal bonus games... so it is never possible
to exit from them.

[B] Be sure you are using start-select properly. Test yourself
by using it to successfully exit from a "COMPLETED" level
while you are playing a normal game (see [NOTE 2]).

[C] Be sure you are dying in a "COMPLETED" level to get the
"GAME OVER" screen before entering the special bonus room
(see [NOTE 1]).

[D] Try having an even number on your "life counter" when you
exit. There are two versions of the cartridge; even though
most people do not report such a problem, there remain
persistent rumors that an even number of lives is necessary
in order to be able to exit.

(If you find that an even number of lives IS necessary on
your cartridge, please contact me.)

[E] If all else fails... try following the steps below, exactly
and carefully, to test yourself and/or your cartridge.
These steps reproduce a situation which is known to permit
many different people to exit the special bonus room:

1. Erase one of the three saved games, and start that
game as a one-player game. (This resets the game to a
known state.)

2. Finish "Jungle Hijinks" by walking through the exit
door, so that the level is marked with Donkey/Diddy
Kong's head instead of a Kremling's. (It does not
matter whether you visit any of its bonus rooms.)

3. Backtrack to "Jungle Hijinks" and re-enter it. (If you
have not done so yet, this is a good place to test your
ability to exit a completed level with "start-select".)
Kill yourself off. Keep re-entering "Jungle Hijinks"
and killing yourself, until you lose your last life in
"Jungle Hijinks" and then see the "GAME OVER" screen.

4. Press "start" once to dismiss the "GAME OVER" screen,
and wait for Cranky Kong to appear.

5. When Cranky appears, enter the "DYDDY" sequence to get
to the special bonus room.

6. After winning at least one life in the various animal
games, use "start-select" (see [NOTE 2]) when inside
the special bonus room, to exit it.

Following Step 6... you should be returned to the map area,
back in your brand new one-player game. "Jungle Hijinks"
should still show as "COMPLETED", even though you didn't
"save" the game between completing that level and getting
the "GAME OVER" screen. Your "life counter" should show
all of the lives that you collected in the special bonus

(If this sequence does NOT work for you, contact me via
E-mail at "", and we will decide what to
try next.)


Q-6: Where are the special "2x" icons?

In each animal bonus area, there is a special extra-huge icon that
doubles the quantity of golden icons collected so far, making it
possible to get as many as eight extra lives in a single run.
(Actually, I've been told nine is possible, but haven't been able
to do it.) These icons are located:

Expresso -- at the extreme right-hand end of the level, beyond
where the level appears to end. (Go to the third (last) area
to the right, stand on the last step on the right-hand wall,
and jump as high as possible AND flap once for extra height,
to get through an off-screen break in the wall.)

Enguarde -- in a hidden room at the bottom-center of the area. It
is straight down from Enguarde's starting position. (Go through
an apparently solid wall.)

Incidentally, there are three other hidden rooms in Enguarde's
area. (One in the top-center, straight up from Enguarde's
starting position; one at the left-center, straight left from
Enguarde's starting position; and one at the right-center,
straight right from Enguarde's starting position.) These
rooms contain groups of the golden enguarde icons.

Rambi -- at the extreme right-hand end of the level, beyond where
the level appears to end. (Jump on top of the entrance door,
stick to the highest ledges while moving across the whole level
to the right, then jump over the right-hand cliff and head down
into the special area.)

Winky -- at the extreme left-hand end of the level, beyond where
the level appears to end. (Cross to the left-hand side, climbing
up to the top of the level, and jump over the left-hand wall.)


Q-7: Are there any ways to bypass parts of some levels?

- Barrel Cannon Canyon

To skip some of the first half of the level: Walk up above the
entrance (bounce off the "Kritter" to get up on top of the
doorway) and jump into the barrel cannon hidden at the extreme
left. Jump into the overhead barrel cannon of the tree that it
deposits you on. You'll be transported to the last barrel
cannon sequence before halfway point of the level.

To skip most of the second half of the level: just past the
continue barrel, use Diddy to bounce consecutively off a few
purple "Kritter"s (in the vicinity of the second bonus room)
and then off a green one while he is still standing on a small
hill at the extreme right-hand end of the land area.
After hitting the green "Kritter", bounce left and
up as high as possible, to land on a nearby treetop. From
there it is possible to jump into a high (usually off-screen)
"barrel cannon", which blasts into a horizontal sequence that
ends just short of the exit.

- Mine Cart Carnage

To skip nearly the entire level: Jump over the barrel cannon
that's just beyond the entrance (the one which blasts you into
the first mine cart), and fall down as far to the left as
possible (against the cliffside). You'll fall into an
off-screen barrel cannon that deposits you in a mine cart
shortly before the exit (there is one "Krash" cart coming the
other way that you'll have to jump).

[Source: Dave Kilman ]

- Stop & Go Station

To skip nearly the entire level: Walk back through the entrance
door to be transported to a few screens short of the end of
the level.

- Snow Barrel Blast

To skip most of the second half of the level: in the barrel
cannon sequence that is just past the golden Rambi icon (which
is above a rotating barrel cannon with two "Zinger"s), blast
straight down from the third barrel cannon. You'll land in a
sequence of horizontal-blasting barrel cannons which kick you
up and out just short of the exit.

- Slipslide Ride

To skip about two thirds of the level: on the ledge above
the entrance (where the first bonus room is located) there is
a barely-visible on-screen barrel cannon above the entrance
to the bonus room. (It is hard to see because it is the same
color as the background.) When you jump into it, you will
emerge a short distance before the end of the level.

- Poison Pond

To skip a few sets of mincers: head straight to the left
after picking up the [N], past a single side-to-side mincer
and then a "room" with three rotating mincers. Go straight
across this room and through the left-hand wall. Upon
entering a hidden room, go through its left-hand wall to
appear in the middle of the last vertical shaft before the exit.


Q-8: Does the ending change depending on the percentage of completion?

Not in any significant way.

Upon winning the game with less than 101% complete: just at
the start of the endgame sequence, Cranky says a few lines
about being sure there are some things you haven't found yet.

Upon winning the game with 101% complete: at the same point
of the endgame, Cranky will instead congratulate you for
finding everything.

All of the rest of the endgame stays the same.


Q-9: Is the original "Donkey Kong" game hidden within DKC?

There have been a couple of rumors to this effect -- probably
because one of Cranky Kong's sayings at his cabin is that
he is leaving to play the original Donkey Kong game.

There have not yet been any solid reports in r.g.v.n about
how to get there, and I personally doubt that it is present.


Q-10: Are there any "warps"?

There are three warps in Kongo Jungle. They occur at each point
where a path between levels bends. To activate a warp, press
the "B" just as the map screen's marker reaches a bend in the

Note that it must be a accomplished with a single press of the
"B" button at exactly the right time (I have not been able to
get into the warp by constantly and furiously pressing "B").

The only paths with bends in the whole game are:

1) between "Jungle Hijinks" and "Ropey Rampage" (warps to about
the middle of "Orang-utan Gang")

2) first bend between "Cranky's Cabin" and "Reptile Rumble"
(warps to the middle of "Ropey Rampage")

3) second bend between "Cranky's Cabin" and "Reptile Rumble"
(warps to just past the middle of "Orang-utan Gang")

If you successfully warp beyond the levels which you have
completed (e.g., you warp to "Orang-utan Gang" but have not
yet reached that level without the warp), the levels in
between are NOT marked as completed.

Once you have warped, it is not possible to get back to
the early levels of the game -- except by winning the entire
game, which returns you to "Jungle Hijinks". (Since the
intervening levels are not marked as completed, the "flight
path" from "Monkey Mines" to "Vine Valley" is never made

[Source: Patrick McBride, <>]


Q-11: Are there any Game Genie codes?


(c) 1994 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Excerpts
from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available for the private
This file may be freely distributed FOR PRIVATE, NON-COMMERCIAL
USE as long as it is not altered and all text remains intact.

Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not
manufactured, distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc.
Super NES is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles
are trademarks of their respective owners.

Game Genie is a trademark of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc.
U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.

Donkey Kong Country(tm) Game--FINAL VERSION




C2C9-4E2C [Alternate: C2C1-4A9C] Infinite lives

D568-C34D [Alternate: D568-C33D] Start with 8 lives
DC68-C34D [Alternate: DC68-C33D] Start with 11 lives
DE68-C34D [Alternate: DE68-C33D] Start with 16 lives
FB68-C34D [Alternate: FB68-C33D] Start with 26 lives
7468-C34D [Alternate: 7468-C33D] Start with 51 lives
0868-C34D [Alternate: 0868-C33D] Start with 76 lives
1768-C34D [Alternate: 1768-C33D] Start with 100 lives



EE65-C37E [Alternate: EE66-C27E] When your last Kong
is hit, the other one returns--must have had both Kongs
at some point in the level for code to work--reset if
you get stuck.

1DCC-CA7A [Alternate: 1DCA-C2EA] Almost invincible--Switch
off if you get stuck.

D76B-337E [Alternate: D76C-327E] Get both Kongs back
on the map screen after dying (doesn't work when you
fall off screen).


Number of bananas needed to win an extra life:

DBC1-3D6D + DCC1-34AD [Alternate: DBC9-340D + DCC1-3D6D] 10 bananas
F6C1-3D6D + FBC1-34AD [Alternate: F6C9-340D + FBC1-3D6D] 25 bananas
7FC1-3D6D + 74C1-34AD [Alternate: 7FC9-340D + 74C1-3D6D] 50 bananas
0CC1-3D6D + 08C1-34AD [Alternate: 0CC9-340D + 08C1-3D6D] 75 bananas



A081-1273 [Alternate: A086-13E3] High jump for Donkey Kong
2D81-1273 [Alternate: 2D86-13E3] Super jump for Donkey Kong
3D81-1273 [Alternate: 3D86-13E3] Mega-jump for Donkey Kong

8081-1E73 [Alternate: 808B-1AE3] High jump for Diddy Kong
AD81-1E73 [Alternate: AD8B-1AE3] Super jump for Diddy Kong
2D81-1E73 [Alternate: 2D8B-1AE3] Mega-jump for Diddy Kong

A08F-C273 [Alternate: A087-C3E3] High jump for all animals
2D8F-C273 [Alternate: 2D87-C3E3] Super jump for all animals
3D8F-C273 [Alternate: 3087-C3E3] Mega-jump for all animals



1D6B-3FDD + 196A-333D [Alternate: 1D6B-3D6D + 196A-3ECD]
Keep animals between stages (keeping fish on a non-water
stage or others on a water stage will cause problems).

DD8B-C28A [Alternate: DDB0-34A4] In the 2-player team
mode, the inactive player can get control at any time
by pressing A or SELECT on their controller.

DDB9-3DD4 [Alternate: DDB0-34A4] Pressing Start and then
Select will exit any level, including those not yet

[Source: Joe Sewell, ]


Q-12: Other controller codes

There are two other controller codes that I'm aware of:


When the 'erase game' line is highlighted on the game select
screen, press 'BARRAL' -- B-button, A-button, R-button (on
front edge of controller), R-button, A-button, L-button. You
will hear a chime if you entered the code correctly.

When you select and start a game, you will have 50 lives.
(Current reports are not clear on whether or not you must
select a slot where there is a game already saved.)


When the 'erase game' line is highlighted on the game select
screen, press 'DARBYDAY' -- down (control pad), A-button,
R-button (on front edge of controller), B-button, Y-button,
down (control pad), A-button and Y-button. You will hear a
chime if you entered the code correctly.

This enables the sound test mode. Pressing 'select' will
cause the game to cycle through the various musical selections
that it plays.


Location of all bonus rooms


Following are short, semi-vague descriptions of the locations of all
DKC bonus rooms and their contents.


BR-1. Kongo Jungle bonus rooms
BR-2. Monkey Mines bonus rooms
BR-3. Vine Valley bonus rooms
BR-4. Gorilla Glacier bonus rooms
BR-5. Kremroc Industries, Inc. bonus rooms
BR-6. Chimp Caverns bonus rooms

BR-7. General notes and strategy hints
BR-8. Sample description interpretation
BR-9. Kinds of bonus rooms
BR-10. Acknowledgements


BR-1. Kongo Jungle bonus rooms

- Jungle Hijinks

* First right-hand wall after the Rambi crate.
LEVEL: red balloon

* Right-hand wall in the pit under the tree with [G]. It's just
after a big hill -- or just about where the first bonus room
exits, if that route was taken instead.
MATCH: Rambi, Expresso, Winky, Enguarde icons

- Ropey Rampage

* Low off-screen barrel cannon, just to the right of the tree with
[O]. (Walk to the right off of the [O] tree, fall straight down
into the barrel cannon.)

* Low off-screen barrel cannon, just left of the red arrow signpost.
(Fall into the pit just before the red arrow sign.)
FIND: red balloon

- Reptile Rumble

* Right-hand wall, immediately below [K].
LEVEL: red balloon

* Visible barrel cannon above and left of a "DK" barrel on a hill,
between [K] and [O]. (The barrel cannon is only visible when
standing on the hill. There is a second similar hill after the
continue barrel, which does not have a barrel cannon nearby.)
LEVEL: only bananas

* Right-hand wall of two-"Slippa" pit, just past the continue barrel
and the [N] icon.
LEVEL: only bananas

- Coral Capers

- Barrel Cannon Canyon

* Hidden doorway on the cliff-side just past [O]. (It is not possible
to get to the doorway carrying a barrel. It is necessary to blast
straight into the cliff-side -- intentionally missing the moving
"connecting" barrel cannon -- immediately after collecting the [O]
BLAST-SIDEWAYS: DK barrel and red balloon

* Right-hand wall of the pit that is between the 2nd and 3rd purple
"Kritter"s after the continue barrel.
BLAST-UP: top off-screen prizes: Enguarde icon on the left,
red balloon in the center, and a bunch of bananas on the right.

BR-2. Monkey Mines bonus rooms

- Winky's Walkway

* Visible barrel cannon above "Necky", just after continue barrel.

- Mine Cart Carnage

- Bouncy Bonanza

* Right-hand wall of the pit under a pair of "Zinger"s, between the [K]
and the [O].
MATCH: banana, bunch of bananas, Winky icon, red balloon

* Visible overhead barrel cannon, above the moving platform that is
between [G] and exit.
BLAST-UP: only bananas

- Stop & Go Station

* First right-hand wall after continue barrel. It's a short distance
past the steel-rim barrel that can be picked up.
BLAST-AROUND: only bananas

* High off-screen barrel cannon at LEFTmost position the first movable
tire can reach (the left edge of a wide, shallow pit with three
"Klaptraps"). The path up to the barrel cannon is marked with three
bananas in a vertical line.
BLAST-UP: top off-screen prizes: bunch of bananas on the left
and in the center, and Enguarde icon on the right.

- Millstone Mayhem

* High off-screen barrel cannon above the entrance door. (Use the
tire to bounce up on top of the entrance, then jump upwards from
BLAST-UP: top off-screen prizes: DK barrel on the left,
bunch of bananas in the center, and [K] on the right.

* Visible barrel cannon over 3rd millstone. (Get the movable tire
between the first and second millstones, by using the barrel cannon
hidden in the pit to knock out the tire from the spot to its
SPELL: "RARE" for Enguarde icon

* Right-hand wall below the fifth millstone.
FIND: green balloon

BR-3. Vine Valley bonus rooms

- Vulture Culture

* High off-screen barrel cannon at the right edge of the land area
with a coconut-thrower sitting on a movable tire. The path up
to the barrel cannon is marked with three bananas in a vertical
SPELL: "KONG" for Expresso icon

* Left-hand wall in the land area that is just past a sequence with
a barrel cannon and two "Necky"s; before the continue barrel.
JUMP: 2 blue "Klaptraps" for red balloon

* Left-hand wall beside a single coconut-thrower on stair-step "hill."
BLAST-SIDEWAYS: DK barrel, red balloon

- Tree Top Town

* Visible barrel cannon up and LEFT of entrance. (Can get high enough
by having Diddy bounce off Gnawty.)
MATCH-KONG: red balloon

* Low off-screen barrel cannon in the second barrel cannon sequence
past the continue barrel. (From the last of the three barrel
cannons, blast low sideways at the lone banana, instead of trying to
blast high to land on the platform.)
BLAST-UP: top off-screen prize: only [N] in the center.

- Forest Frenzy

* Barely visible barrel cannon at bottom edge of screen when hanging
on a moving rope. It's early in the dodging-flying-"Necky"s part
that's shortly before the end of the whole level.
FIND: Rambi icon

* Last left-hand wall before exit. (There is a barrel that can be
used to open the wall, available at the extreme left end of this
same chunk of land.)
LEVEL: Enguarde icon

[Thanks to: "Big Bad Harvey" for help with one bonus room]

- Temple Tempest

* Right-hand wall after the first pit. The first millstone will stop
covering this entry. (The millstone can be made to vanish if it is
in the way, by walking to the right until its clicking sound stops.
Upon returning to the left, the millstone will be gone.)
LEVEL: Expresso crate

* Low off-screen barrel cannon - straight down off the middle of
three ropes. Just past the continue barrel and before the hidden
[N], there's a downward-pointing arrow made of bananas marking it.
JUMP: one blue "Klaptrap" for Rambi icon

- Orang-utan Gang

* Open off-screen doorway under the vine where the level begins.
(Use Expresso to fly left from the low-lying land level where the
first DK barrel is found.)
SPELL: "WINKY" for Winky icon, then "RAMBI" for Rambi icon,
then "ENGUARDE" for Enguarde icon, then "EXPRESSO" for Expresso

* Right-hand wall under vines past the [N] icon. (Use Expresso to fly
to the right from [N], under vines. At the rightmost point, there
is a cliff-side with the hidden door, and a barrel which can be used
to open it.)
LEVEL: bounce off of tire to reveal DK barrel

* Left-hand wall in a small pit, under the last vine before the exit.
LEVEL: bounce off of tire to reveal only bunches of bananas

* Right-hand wall past the small pit with the entry for the previous
bonus room, just before the cliff that ends under the last vine
before the exit.
LEVEL: bounce off of tire to reveal [G]

* Right-hand wall immediately before red arrow signpost. (The barrel
just before the last vine can be used to open every one of the final
three exits. They are all in the same area, and the barrel returns
after going through a bonus room.)
LEVEL: Expresso crate and red balloon

[Thanks to: "Big Bad Harvey" for help with one bonus room]

- Clam City

BR-4. Gorilla Glacier bonus rooms

- Snow Barrel Blast

* High off-screen barrel cannon directly above entrance. (Stand on
the entrance and bounce off the slow "Necky" when he gets near.)
FIND: Winky icon

* Low off-screen barrel cannon in the pit a short ways left of the
continue barrel. (Watch carefully: an earlier barrel cannon will
blast the player past this area and onto the continue barrel -- it
is necessary to backtrack from that point.)
BLAST-UP: top off-screen prize: only [O] in the center.

* Low off-screen barrel cannon on ledge, below the barrel cannon with
three bananas and a yellow "Zinger" -- the last one before the land
area with the Rambi icon. (Blast down from the "Zinger" barrel
cannon, and head to the right, along the ledges.) On the way to
the bonus room, the player is blasted through the [N], picking it
up automatically.
BLAST-SIDEWAYS: only bananas

- Slip Slide Ride

* Left-hand wall at top of the very first blue up-rope nearest the
entrance. (Have Diddy bounce off a "Kritter" to reach the rope.)
MATCH-KONG: red balloon

* Left-hand wall at bottom of first red down-rope. (There's a barrel
halfway along the down-rope, in a small alcove on the right.)
SPELL: "NINTENDO" for red balloon

* Visible barrel cannon at top of a blue up-rope. It's the third rope
in the group of four that are found a short distance past the
continue barrel.
LEVEL: Expresso icon

- Ice Age Alley

* High off-screen barrel cannon on a ledge; follows a string of
"Necky"s which sit beyond the landing point from the first set of
ropes. When continuing along the ground level, it is possible to
see the bottom of the barrel cannon's ledge when passing under it.
(Use Diddy to bounce off the "Necky"s and over to the barrel cannon.
It is also possible to get there with Expresso, but necessary to
dismount him in mid-air in order to get onto the ledge.)
LEVEL: Expresso icon, Expresso crate

* High off-screen barrel cannon on a ledge; the ledge is above the
series of downward ledges with "Klaptraps" that follow the peak
with a steel barrel. When jumping down the "Klaptrap" ledges as
usual, it is possible to see the bottom of the barrel cannon's
ledge when passing under it. (With Expresso, fly to the right from
the very top of the steel barrel peak.)
MATCH: red, green, or blue balloon

- Croctopus Chase

- Torchlight Trouble

* Right-hand wall just past the continue barrel. (There is a barrel
that can be used to open the wall, sitting directly on top of the
wall with the hidden door.)
BLAST-AROUND: Expresso icon (Expresso crate at bonus room exit)

* Left-hand wall just before the exit.
JUMP: one blue "Klaptrap" for Rambi icon; the [G] icon is
also in the room.

- Rope Bridge Rumble

* Visible barrel cannon in center of the second pit.
LEVEL: Winky crate

* Off-screen barrel cannon above the second tire beyond the red arrow
signpost. It is marked by a single banana at the very top of the
MATCH: Rambi, Enguarde, Winky, and Expresso icons

BR-5. Kremroc Industries, Inc. bonus rooms

- Oil Drum Alley

* Off-screen barrel cannon under the first flaming oil drum. (Blow up
the drum with the TNT barrel that is available by jumping off the
rope very near the entrance.)
BLAST-UP: top off-screen prize: only a red balloon in the

* First left-hand wall after the [K], a very tall wall. (Open the
door with the barrel that is available from jumping down off the
top of the tall wall.)
MATCH: banana, bunch of bananas, Winky icon, red balloon

* Right-hand wall of the previous bonus level. (Match the single
banana in that bonus level, to get a barrel which can be used for
breaking the wall. Have Diddy carry the barrel and jump against
the wall.)
SPELL: "DONKEY" for red balloon, then "KONG" for green
balloon, then "COUNTRY" for blue balloon.

* Right-hand wall of the pit under the first mid-air flaming oil drum.
It is shortly after the second "Manky Kong" following the continue
barrel. (Manky Kong has a useable barrel sitting behind him on his
platform... which is useful for opening the area if the player does
not have Rambi.)

- Trick Track Trek

* Visible barrel cannon under the wooden ramp at the midpoint, just
before the continue barrel. (Use Diddy and cartwheel-jump from
the left, standing on the right-hand edge of the first-half moving
platform as it falls away.)
LEVEL: only bananas

Note: Some people report that the first-half moving platform comes
to a stop and does NOT fall away. It is still possible to jump to
the barrel from the stopped platform. There are two versions of
the DKC cartridge; perhaps this is one difference between them.

* Visible barrel cannon up beside a platform with two "Gnawty"s.
The platform is about halfway between continue barrel and end.
(Jump to the "Gnawty" platform while the moving platform is still
left of it and on a higher section of track; then jump from there
to the barrel cannon.)
JUMP: one purple "Klaptrap" for red balloon

* Off-screen barrel cannon below the Manky Kong on the exit platform.
(Once he is killed, just walk past where he was sitting -- off the
edge to the right -- without jumping up to the level of the exit.)
MATCH: red, green, and blue balloons

- Elevator Antics

* Off-screen open door, reached via the first rope that is just to
the right of the entrance. (Use Diddy to jump left from the second
rope, which can be reached from the ground. The second rope moves
slowly back and forth a short distance -- jump when it is at its
leftmost point.)
MATCH-KONG: red balloon

* Off-screen open door in a hidden off-screen hallway, up and to the
right of a three-rope segment with one ascending/descending "Zinger"
along each rope. It's the next-to-last multi-rope segment before
the continue barrel. (Jump up and to the right from the top of the
third rope -- landing on an off-screen ledge. Continue to the
right while off-screen, to get to the bonus room.)
BLAST-SIDEWAYS: [O], Expresso icon, green balloon

* Off-screen open door, reached via the last "elevator" before the
exit. (Stay on the elevator and ride it down below the level
of the exit. Jump off into a small alcove on the right-hand side.)
BLAST-UP: only bananas

- Poison Pond

- Mine Cart Madness

* High off-screen barrel cannon at gap in bananas on upper track.
(Reach the mine car on this high track via the rope.) It's
shortly before continue barrel, I think.
LEVEL: Rambi icon, red balloon

* Visible barrel cannon just past the big downhill which follows the
[N] icon. (Jump from the mine car while it's still up the hill a
ways, to reach a mid-air tire; bounce to the barrel cannon.)
MATCH: Rambi, Expresso, Enguarde, and Winky icons

* Visible barrel cannon under the peak of the big hill immediately
before the exit. (Jump from the mine car on the downward part of
the hill, or jump to the left from the exit platform, to reach any
of three mid-air tires under the track; bounce up and left to
the upper-leftmost tire, and then to the barrel cannon.)
LEVEL: only bananas

- Blackout Basement

* Low off-screen barrel cannon under the last falling platform -- the
fourth of a group of four -- beyond the continue barrel. It is
marked with a low banana. (Just stand in the center of the platform
as it falls.)

* Left-hand wall, the last one before the exit. (Easiest way to get
here: ride the steel barrel that appears upon exiting the first
bonus room, and never get off. The steel barrel will automatically
bounce off the right-hand wall before the exit, open the opposite
left-hand wall, and send the player into the bonus room.)
FIND: red balloon

BR-6. Chimp Caverns bonus rooms

- Tanked Up Trouble

* Off-screen barrel cannon below the first vertical track section.
(Avoid the first fuel can and stand in the middle of the moving
platform as it runs out of fuel and falls off the track.)
FIND: red balloon

- Manic Mincers

* Right-hand wall of a pit with a single "Krusha", shortly after the
continue barrel.
JUMP: three blue "Klaptraps" for red balloon

* Right-hand wall under a stacked pair of stationary mincers, which
are just before the exit. (It is possible to get a barrel to carry
by going up and through a doorway shortly before the mincers. I
don't think the upper-doorway-to-get-the-barrel counts as a bonus
room, but it acts like one in some ways -- for example, when
"dying" in there, the player is returned to the level without
losing a life.)
FIND: red balloon

- Misty Mine

* Open off-screen door beside the bottom of a long rope. The rope is
just past the continue barrel, and its path crosses a DK barrel.
(Climb down to near the bottom of the rope and wait until it stops
LEVEL: [K], [O], [N], [G], and Expresso crate

* Right-hand wall near the end of the level -- the first right-hand
wall beyond: the Expresso icon, a tire jump over a high wall with
a "Klaptrap" drum halfway up, and a TNT barrel. (Carry the TNT
barrel to the right, being careful to avoid enemies, over to the
first right-hand wall. Unlike some other levels, the drums won't
spit out anything while the player is standing on them.)
MATCH: Rambi, Expresso, Enguarde, and Winky icons

- Loopy Lights

* Off-screen barrel cannon in the first pit after the entrance. The
pit is marked with some bananas in a vertical row.

* First right-hand wall after the coconut-throwing "Necky". (Carry
the barrel that is directly under "Necky", avoiding coconuts which
could shatter it, down the steps to the right; jump one pit, and
avoid the one "Klaptrap" just in front of the wall. Alternative:
carry a DK barrel from earlier in the level, to kill the
coconut-throwing "Necky" so that he can't destroy the barrel which
you will use to open the wall.)
LEVEL: Expresso icon, [N]

- Platform Perils

* Visible barrel cannon underneath the entry walkway. (Once the
moving platform has moved about its own length, jump from it to
an off-screen moving platform that is directly under the starting
position of the visible moving platform.)
MATCH-KONG: red-balloon

* Off-screen barrel cannon underneath the exit walkway. (Jump as
far to the right as possible from one of the moving platforms that
is near the exit and just below its level. The lower walkway
doesn't stick out to the left nearly as much as the exit walkway
FIND: Enguarde icon

BR-7. General notes and strategy hints

+ Entries to all bonus rooms are: (1) doorways -- either needing a
barrel to break a wall to expose them, or ones which are already
open but not visible because they aren't usually on the screen; and
(2) barrel cannons, which may or may not be visible on the screen.

+ The skill of putting down a barrel (other than TNT, which explodes
after a while when set down) is helpful because it lets enemies
be dispatched without losing the barrel. To set a barrel down:
press and hold "down" on the control pad before releasing the Y

+ If it is necessary to carry a barrel (especially a TNT barrel) a
long ways, it's easiest to go ahead and kill the enemies first,
then backtrack and pick up the barrel. (Providing that it is
possible to backtrack in the level, of course.) Then there are
no worries about losing the barrel by touching an enemy while
carrying it.

+ Since Diddy carries barrels low and in front of himself, they will
automatically break when he brushes up against a breakable wall.
When having trouble finding a breakable wall, go through the level
once to kill off everything, and then backtrack and have Diddy
carry a barrel around.

BR-8. Sample description interpretation

The description of the first "Ropey Rampage" bonus room reads in part:

"* Low off-screen barrel cannon, just to the right of the tree
with [O].

This should be read as:

The first bonus room is entered via a barrel cannon that's not
visible because it's off the bottom of the screen. It is
immediately to the right of the tree where the golden letter
"O" icon is found.

The type of bonus room is a "LEVEL" (see Section 9 for a
description of different kinds of bonus games and the names
I've assigned to them). This bonus room contains the golden
letter "N" icon.

It also probably contains some bananas -- but bananas are so
easy to find, they are present in so many of the bonus rooms,
and they are worth so little... that they aren't mentioned
specifically in this list.

BR-9. Kinds of bonus rooms

BLAST-AROUND - four or eight rotating barrel cannons in a square (if
there are four, they are arranged as the corners of the square;
if there are eight, they are arranged as a tic-tac-toe board
excluding the center square). There are various objects in
between that can be picked up by blasting from barrel cannon to
barrel cannon. (There may be an exit platform in the bottom
right-hand corner of the room, which may also have something
useful to pick up.)

There are three BLAST-AROUND bonus rooms, one of which has
an Expresso crate on the exit platform. Two of the three
have something other than bananas to collect.

BLAST-SIDEWAYS - a horizontal line of barrel cannons that blast
left-to-right, with various things in between that can be
picked up. For those barrels which don't rotate when the player
is in them, it is possible to zip through the levels collecting
everything, by quickly and constantly tapping the "B" button.

There are six BLAST-SIDEWAYS bonus rooms, five of which have
something more significant than bananas to collect. (One
has a letter icon, an animal icon, AND a green balloon -- but
it is a very tricky one where the barrel cannons rotate very

BLAST-UP - starts with the player in a barrel cannon at the bottom of
the screen; the barrel cannon may be sliding back and forth,
or spinning, or both. There are bananas on the screen, and up
to three hidden objects just off the top of the screen (left,
center, right). These objects can be reached by blasting
straight up (when the barrel cannon is at the left, center, or

It isn't always possible get all three top items -- only one
at a time can be collected, and the player must fall back into
the barrel cannon or the bonus level is over.

In some of these rooms, the control pad does not affect the
player's flight at all, and in others you can only move a
little left or right on the way back down. Generally, only
blasting up in the center allows the player to easily return
to the barrel to try again.

There are eight BLAST-UP bonus rooms. In most cases, the
most desirable top object (if any) is in the center, so that
is the way to go. (In the few cases where the desired object
is to the left or right, you'll see where it is on the first
try, and usually be able to collect it on the second.)

FIND - an object flashes among four barrels; once it stops flashing
around and vanishes, pick the barrel in which it last appeared
(by jumping up to touch that barrel). Upon guessing correctly,
the object is awarded to the player.

For those "FIND" rooms which award balloons, I find it easier
to watch the white "string" at the bottom of the balloon, than
to try to watch the balloon itself. In many cases, the contrast
between the string and bonus room background is greater than the
contrast between the balloon and barrel.

There are eight "FIND" bonus rooms. Four award red balloons,
and the remaining four each give a different reward: a green
balloon, a Rambi icon, a Winky icon, and an Enguarde icon.

LEVEL - a mini-level (generally not-reused for any other bonus rooms)
in which there are various things to collect.

There are 20 bonus rooms which have been designated of type
"LEVEL", but as a group they do not really have much in
common. This is really a catch-all label for those bonus rooms
which do not match any of the eight other common types.

JUMP - bounce on one or more "Klaptrap"s (the mini-alligators with
big mouths). They spit up bananas when hit, and also move
more quickly after each hit. The bunches of bananas stay on
the screen for only a few seconds, then disappear.

The first bunch PICKED UP will be worth one banana, the second
worth two, and so on. The object of the bonus game is to pick
up ten bunches (the last being worth ten bananas), at which
point the "Klaptrap"(s) vanish. Then the player is rewarded
with something more significant.

There are five "JUMP" bonus rooms. Three of them give red
balloons for completing the game, and the other two award
Rambi icons.

MATCH - objects flash on three barrels in a rotating sequence (e.g.,
banana, bunch of bananas, banana, Winky icon, banana, red
balloon, [repeat]). Each barrel freezes on what it is
displaying when touched by jumping up against it. If all three
barrels are frozen displaying the same object, that object is
awarded to the player.

There are eight "MATCH" bonus rooms. Four match any animal
icon (Enguarde, Expresso, Rambi, Winky). Two match red,
green, or blue balloons (one, two, or three extra lives).
The two others match a single banana, a bunch of bananas, a
Winky icon, or a red balloon.

MATCH-KONG - similar to MATCH, except there are four barrels and the
rotation is [K]-[O]-[N]-[G]-banana. The object of the bonus
game is to spell "KONG" across the four barrels.

There are four "MATCH-KONG" bonus rooms. All four award a
red balloon for winning the game.

SPELL - jump and hit the flashing letter from among several letters
that are flying around in a circle; the sequence of letters
spells a word. If the letters are hit in order without error,
a reward is given (which may be related to the word).

There are five "SPELL" bonus rooms, each with a different
reward. Three of the rooms play the spell game for only a
single word and a single reward (Enguarde icon, Expresso icon,
red balloon). Of the other two, one gives the player up to
three words for each of the three colors of balloon (though
any error in any word terminates the level), and the other
gives four words for each of the four animal icons.


Location of all hidden or hard-to-find objects


Following are short, semi-vague descriptions of the locations of all
hard-to-find objects.

Locations of all animal icons and animal crates are provided, even if
they are visible; locations of [K]-[O]-[N]-[G] letters are only
specified in cases where they are out of sight or in bonus rooms.


OB-1. Kongo Jungle hard-to-find or hidden objects
OB-2. Monkey Mines hard-to-find or hidden objects
OB-3. Vine Valley hard-to-find or hidden objects
OB-4. Gorilla Glacier hard-to-find or hidden objects
OB-5. Kremroc Industries, Inc. hard-to-find or hidden objects
OB-6. Chimp Caverns hard-to-find or hidden objects


OB-1. Kongo Jungle hard-to-find or hidden objects

- Jungle Hijinks

* Red balloon in Donkey Kong's treehouse at the beginning of the level

* Hidden Steel Keg revealed after jumping down following the arrow of
bananas from the second group of treetops past the treehouse.

* Visible red, red, and green balloons along the treetops just past
the letter [K] icon. (See section Q-3 for detailed information
on collecting these balloons.)

* Visible Expresso icon below the coconut-throwing "Necky" that sits
a short distance past the continue barrel.

* Visible Rambi crate just beyond the Expresso icon.

* Hidden regular barrel revealed by jumping down and right from the
tree with the [G] icon.

- Ropey Rampage

* [N] is at the end of the first bonus room (just past the [O]).

* Visible Rambi icon on treetop left and up from first swinging rope.

* Hidden movable tire revealed upon landing after jumping as far as
possible to the right over the "Zinger" that is just past the [N].

* Hidden Winky icon revealed upon landing on hilltop a short distance
past the (above) tire. The tire is needed to jump with sufficient
height to reveal the icon.

- Reptile Rumble

* Visible Enguarde icon between last bonus room and red arrow signpost.

- Coral Capers

* Hidden banana room, entered by moving down through the wall under
the first "Croctopus"'s area.

* Visible Enguarde crate. Continue to the right of the first
"Croctopus", following the floor, to reach the crate in a lower-
right corner where the path turns upwards.

* Red balloon on the right-hand side of the second "Croctopus" area.
(Use Enguarde and pick up the balloon, then reverse direction to
avoid the "Croctopus".)

* Visible Enguarde crate. Follow right-hand wall downwards after
the continue barrel, to pick up the crate in a bottom right corner
where the path turns to the left.

* Hidden Expresso icon, entered by moving to the right through a
wall beside a "Chomps". The "Chomps" is in the final vertical
shaft, which ends with the [N] at the top.

- Barrel Cannon Canyon

* Visible Winky icon, picked up by a cartwheel-jump (Section Q-3)
off the low-lying land area just beyond the [K].

* Visible Rambi icon, just past the pit containing three "Kritter"s,
that is on the land area before the [O]. (Picked up by bouncing
off a "Kritter"'s head up to the treetop.)

OB-2. Monkey Mines hard-to-find or hidden objects

- Winky's Walkway

* Visible Winky crate on platform a short distance before the continue

* [N] is in the only bonus room of this level.

* Visible Expresso icon in mid-air a short distance before the [G]
(can be reached easily when jumping with Winky, or with some
difficulty by jumping with Donkey Kong only).

- Mine Cart Carnage

* Visible Enguarde icon on the track a short distance before the
continue barrel.

- Bouncy Bonanza

* [N] is in the upper path just beyond the continue barrel. (To get
there you have to push the movable tire onto the vertically moving
platform, then jump up and to the right.)

* Winky crate where upper and lower paths converge. (Jump onto the
ledge which is on the right-hand side of the vertical path where
the two rejoin, in between the two paths in height. Walk through
the door to the right.)

- Stop & Go Station

* Barely-visible Expresso icon between the [K] and [O]. (Jump onto
the single vertically-moving ledge with a "RockKroc"; when the
ledge is at the peak of its height, jump up and left to collect
the icon.)

- Millstone Mayhem

* [K] is in the first bonus room.

* Hidden Winky crate on a ledge above the temple area which has the
[N]. (Roll a tire onto the horizontally-moving platform that goes
under a vertically-moving millstone, then bounce off the tire and
onto the steps above the millstone. Continue to the right.)

OB-3. Vine Valley hard-to-find or hidden objects

- Vulture Culture

* Hidden [K] which is revealed by jumping down and to the right from
the hill that has a coconut-throwing "Necky" standing on a tire.
(Use the tire to gain enough height to expose [K].)

* Hidden regular barrel to open the third bonus room, revealed by
jumping down and to the left off a stair-step-like platform on
which sits a coconut-throwing "Necky".

- Tree Top Town

* [N] is in the second bonus room.

* Visible Expresso icon suspended in a pit, a short distance before
the exit. (Use the cartwheel-jump -- see Section Q-4 -- to pick
it up without falling to your death.)

- Forest Frenzy

* Hidden "DK" barrel shortly before the [O].

* Visible Enguarde icon at the end of the second bonus room.

- Temple Tempest

* Hidden Rambi icon directly above the entry door. (Bounce off Gnawty
to get up on top of the door and jump up to collect it.)

* Visible Expresso crate at the end of the first bonus room.

* Hidden [N] just after the big hill following the second bonus room.
(Bounce on a tire to get to the top of the hill, jump down and to
the right to expose the icon.)

* Off-screen [G] immediately before the exit. (Fall down the right-
hand side of the pit immediately in front of the exit door; you
will collect the [G] and be blasted back up to the exit area by
an off-screen barrel cannon that sits below the [G].)

- Orang-utan Gang

* Visible Expresso crate at top of the first big hill (about 1/3 of
the way past to the end of the level).

* [O] is very low in the same land area as the Expresso crate,
almost directly under the crate and very difficult to get to.

* Hidden Enguarde icon on the left-hand side of the second big hill.
(You need either Expresso or exit from first bonus room to get to
the top of the hill; bounce off the movable tire onto the extreme
left-hand edge of the hilltop to expose Enguarde.)

* Hidden "DK" barrel on the right-hand side of the second big hill.
(You need either Expresso or exit from first bonus room to get to
the top of the hill; bounce off the movable tire onto the extreme
right-hand edge of the hilltop to expose Enguarde.)

* [G] is in the fourth of five bonus rooms, the entrance of which is
pretty much directly underneath the last Manky Kong in the level.

- Clam City

* [K] is in a hidden room through the left-hand wall at the top of
the first vertical shaft in the level.

* Enguarde crate in the same hidden room as the [K], through the
left-hand wall at the top of the first vertical shaft in the level.

OB-4. Gorilla Glacier hard-to-find or hidden objects

- Snow Barrel Blast

* [O] is in the second bonus room, just left of the continue barrel.

* Visible Rambi icon above a barrel and two "Zinger"s, just past [N].

- Slipslide Ride

* Hidden Enguarde icon in the dark spot on the floor a short distance
past (and above) the continue barrel.

* Visible Expresso icon at the end of the third bonus level.

- Ice Age Alley

* Expresso crate to the left of the entrance point.

* [K] is also to the left of the entrance point.

- Croctopus Chase

* [O] is in a hidden room through the right-hand wall just beyond the
first set of barrel cannons. (After exiting the cannons, move through
the right-hand wall below and right of the cannons. Go up and over
to the left to collect a "DK" barrel and the [O].)

* Enguarde icon in a hidden room near the top of the first vertical
shaft beyond the continue barrel. (Go through the left-hand wall
just short of where the "Croctopus" stops at the top of the shaft.)

* Winky icon at the bottom-right corner of a loop a short distance
past the Enguarde icon. (The third "Croctopus" after the continue
barrel chases you to a four-way intersection and goes straight
through it. You should go up, let the "Croctopus" pass, and follow
him to the right and down to collect the Winky icon.)

* Enguarde crate and a red balloon in a hidden room in the tunnel
off of the area where the first "Croctopus" past [N] chases you.
(Near the top of the third vertical shaft after the [N], go
through the left-hand wall; you'll enter a hidden room with a red
balloon in the top center, and the Enguarde crate at the lower

- Torchlight Trouble

* Squawks crate immediately in front of the entrance point.

* [G] is in the bonus room just before the end of the level. (Only
Diddy can collect it, by bouncing off the "Klaptrap".)

- Rope Bridge Rumble

* Winky crate at the end of the first bonus room.

OB-5. Kremroc Industries, Inc. hard-to-find or hidden objects

- Oil Drum Alley

* [N] is in the last bonus room.

* Hidden [G] shortly before the exit. (Jump down and to the right off
the big oil drum that's at the extreme left-hand edge of the
platform with the exit, to expose it.)

- Trick Track Trek

* Off-screen Winky icon on the right-hand side of the platform that is
beside the barrel cannon which leads to the third bonus room.

- Elevator Antics

* [O] is in the second bonus room.

* A visible Expresso icon is also in the second bonus room.

* [N] is on a ledge way down off the screen, against the left-hand
wall of the second set of elevators past the continue barrel.
(From the continue barrel, pass the first pair of elevators to
get to a steel barrel on a small land area. Walk off the right-hand
end of this land area and fall against the left-hand wall of the
pit, to land down on the [N]'s ledge.)

- Poison Pond

* Enguarde crate in a hidden room that is just left of the entrance.
(Go through the left-hand wall from the starting position, to
enter the hidden room and pick up Enguarde.)

* A second Enguarde at the extreme right-hand edge of the area that is
directly to the right of the continue barrel. (From the continue
barrel, head right past two mincers, then continue to the right where
a trail of bananas heads upwards. Head downwards shortly afterwards,
under two mincers, and then upwards to the Enguarde crate.)

* Rambi icon in a hidden room in the second half of the level. (From
the continue barrel, pass two vertically moving mincers then head
upwards. Pass one horizontally-moving mincer in a horizontal shaft,
then head upwards. At the top of a vertical shaft, there is a "room"
with three mincers rotating in a big circle. The top center of this
room has a fake wall which permits entry to the hidden room with the
Rambi icon.)

- Mine Cart Madness

* Visible Rambi icon in the first bonus room.

* Off-screen Enguarde icon on a low track. Immediately after passing
the [O] icon, do not jump out of the cart at the next break in the
track. The cart will fall down to a hidden track, and you'll go
right through an Enguarde icon.

- Blackout Basement

* Visible Enguarde icon at the bottom of the screen, under the highest
of a set of three small platforms a distance past the [K]. (I don't
know how to collect it without dying.)

* [O] is hidden in the platform immediately before the continue barrel.
(You can bounce high off the tire to the left of the platform, in
order to land hard and expose the [O].)

* [N] is in the first bonus room, which is below a set of four falling
platforms most of the way to the end of the level.

* There's a steel keg hidden in the floor on the last platform of the
level (just past the first bonus room entrance), but it can only be
exposed by exiting the first bonus room.

OB-6. Chimp Caverns hard-to-find or hidden objects

- Tanked Up Trouble

* Enguarde icon suspended high in mid-air just before the continue

- Manic Mincers

* Rambi crate a short distance beyond the [K].

* [G] is at the end of the level inside the open doorway a short
distance before the exit. (It's on the side of the hill which
has a "DK" barrel and TNT barrel.)

- Misty Mine

* Visible Rambi icon below a drum, about 1/4 of the way through
the level.

* [K], [O], [N], and [G] (all four) are located in the first bonus
room of the level.

* Visible Expresso crate at the end of the first bonus room of the

* Visible Expresso icon near the exit of the first bonus room (on
the second land area past the continue barrel).

- Loopy Lights

* [K] is in the first bonus room (entered via a barrel cannon in a
pit a very short distance beyond the entrance) between the last
pair of horizontally-blasting barrel cannons in the bonus room.

* [N] is in the second bonus room, on the third platform that you
can jump to in the dark.

* Visible Expresso icon in the second bonus room on the next platform
after the [N].

- Platform Perils

* Off-screen Winky icon on the middle of three falling platforms
that are under a long platform between the [K] and [O].

(From the [K]: head to the right until you reach the second adjacent
pair of short stable platforms, on a slightly different level from
each other. They are the fourth and fifth non-falling/moving
platforms beyond [K]. To the right of this pair, there is a falling
platform followed by a "Necky", and then a long stable platform with
a barrel on its left-hand edge.
Jump onto (or past) "Necky", but do not land on the platform
with the barrel. Instead, fall under its left-hand edge. You'll
land on a falling platform a short distance below. Jump quickly to
the right to the next falling platform, which is where the Winky
icon is located; and then jump to a third platform which will take
you upwards, back onto the long stable platform above you.)



Ein riesengroßes Dankeschön an/A big thank to Steven Snyder,

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