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Geht in den Cerebro-Modus und gebt dann: Select, hoch, L2, R1, L1, R2
ein und schon sind alle Punkte anwählbar. English
X-Men: Mutant Academy
Cheat mode:
Press Select, Up, L2, R1, L1, R2 at the main menu or character selection menu. A
sound will confirm correct code entry. Everything will now be unlocked in Cerebo
mode and Boss characters will be playable.
Information in this section was contributed by Bradley Paulsen.
Press Circle, Select, L1, R1, R2, L2, Square(2), Select at the options screen to
unlock all bonuses in the game.
Lock Movies, Bosses, and Survival Pictures 1 and 2:
Hold Select + Start at the main menu or character selection menu. The game will
return to the main menu. Everything except Academy mode rewards will be locked
again in Cerebo mode.
Information in this section was contributed by Bradley Paulsen.
Press Triangle + X (LK + HP) to taunt your opponent.
Successfully complete arcade mode as any character to unlock Toad.
Successfully complete arcade mode twice as any character to unlock Mystique.
Successfully complete arcade mode three times as any character to unlock
Successfully complete arcade mode four times as any character to unlock Magneto.
Movie costume:
Press Square at the character selection screen to choose that character's movie
Third costumes:
Graduate the Academy with any character and get all As. Then, press Circle at
the character selection screen.
Behind the scenes pictures in Cerebro mode:
Successfully complete the game with all characters in their movie costumes.
Character movie pictures in Cerebro mode:
Win twenty rounds as any character in their movie costume in survival mode.
Character comic pictures in Cerebro mode:
Win ten rounds as any character in their default costume in survival.
Historical comic pictures in Cerebro mode:
Successfully complete the game with all characters in their default costumes.
Character opening FMV sequence in Cerebro mode:
Successfully complete the game as any character in arcade mode.
Character ending FMV sequence in Cerebro mode:
Graduate the Academy with any character.
Movie pictures in Cerebro mode:
Win twenty rounds as Gambit in survival mode.