Metal Gear Solid Integral

Metal Gear Solid Integral

10.10.2008 18:36:08
Metal Gear Solid Integral Basic Guide Version 4.3
For Sony PlayStation Only
E-Mail :
Date : 4th Sept'99
ICQ : 25076522
Country : Singapore

Copyright Protected. 1999. No part of the content is allowed to be re-
edited or published without the permission of the writer. It can only
be used as a personal guide, but not for any commercial purposes.
Anyone who has violated this agreement will be severely dealt with.
Anyone who wants to link the faq to a particular site must seek
permission from the author. Thanks for your cooperation.

I have spent a lot of time typing this faq and the only way to show
your appreciation is not to use this faq for profitable means and
hopefully, this faq will be of some help to you.

Besides Integral, i have also written faqs for Brave Fencer Musashi,
Final Fantasy VIII Demo and Final Fantasy VIII(Full Jap version), if
you need help on these games, check out

This Faq is best viewed using wordpad wrapped to ruler.

PlayStation and PocketStation are registered trademark of Sony
Computer Entertainment Inc.

1987 1999 Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid Integral
are registered trademarks and copyright Konami.

Presented By Konami Computer Entertainment Japan West
A Game Directed By Hideo Kojima.


You haven't forget Metal Gear Solid, have you? A lot of action-
adventure fans might be disappointed with the short length of the
original Metal Gear Solid. Because of its popularity, Metal Gear
Solid has undergone a new remake. Known as Metal Gear Solid Integral
in Japan, and likely to be called Metal Gear Solid VR Mission in the
US, will this remake be worthwhile? Though games like Azure Dreams,
Suikoden, Vandal Hearts were never a hit, it did represent that
konami is creative to create innovative game. Metal Gear Solid
surpasses all that.

Before i say anything, i will like to thanks the staff at Konami,
making this remake possible. And Hideo Kojima too, being the director
of Metal Gear Solid, creating such a fantastic game. Call this an
expansion package of the original version, a new remake, or an
installment, Integral has contained 300 advanced VR Training that
didn't make it to the original version. Honestly speaking, i do think
that Metal Gear Solid has a lot of potential, to be exact, the
concepts are really cool! Who would ever think of an auto-lock on
stinger missiles, a sniper, and even contacting your superior through
a codec. I mean, if there is a Metal Gear Solid 2, perhaps in PS2 or
Dreamcast, while retaining and expanding upon the original concept,
it will be awesome. I like the fast-pace action in MGS, but i find
it hard to keep me satisfied as i find myself, asking for more. I have
completed the story mode four times for the original version. So far,
i do enjoy the VR Training missions in Integral. There are always a
lot of in-depth strategies, and i am always willing to play the same
stage over and over again to perfect my skills and get the best
ranking. However, i was quite disappointed with the first two discs
as the story remained the same, but think of it, the original MGS
took around two years to finish. Okay, enough of talking and let's
get back to the real thing.

Finally, after many weeks of playing, i have completed the VR
Training to 99.0%, having all sneaking, weapon, and advanced mode
cleared. I have also cleared all the special modes, except the three
Ninja stages. I haven't open up the Ninja mode yet, as i don't have
a gameshark, PDA, and no time to get the best ranking.

After many busy days of typing, this faq has contained the complete
VR Training guide, from sneaking, weapon, advanced to special mode.

Version 1.0
-Added in informations about disc 1 and disc 2.
-A brief introduction about the various modes in the VR training
Version 2.0
-Fixed some alignments problems.
-Confirm that the original saved data does not work with Integral.
-Added in new codes for Metal Gear Solid Integral.
-Added in Codec Frequency.
-Added in weapon section.
-Added in item section.
-Added in control.
-Added in percentages for the VR Training.
-Added in Tactical Strategy.
-Added in VR Training Guide.
-Added in Wish list
Version 3.0
-Added in Gameshark codes.
-Updated VR Secret section.
Version 4.0
-Added in some more informations about the Photography mode.
-Added in some more wish list.
-Updated VR Training Guide with a few more strategies, mainly the
1 Min Battle.
-Added in frequently-asked-question section.
Version 4.3
-Updated some informations for the photography mode.
-Added a new strategy for Variety Level 04.
-Sorted out the credit section.
-Added a link section to two new cool MGS site.
-Added in more wish list.
Future Update
I have already added in a guide on VR Training. Is there anything
more that you think i should add? Perhaps, this update could
probably be the last, until i can find something that i can add.
My school exams are coming, so i have to stop updating my faq
for the time being. If you have any questions about Metal Gear
Solid Integral, feel free to e-mail me. I'll be glad to answer
you. But before e-mailing me, make sure you have read some of the
questions asked in the frequently-asked-question section, just in
case these questions are repeated again.

i)Story Mode
-Disc 1 and Disc 2
-Pros and Cons
ii)VR Training Disc
-Sneaking, Weapon, Advanced, Special Mode
-No of Stages
-Replay Theater
-Extra Mode
iii)My Current Status
iv)Codec Frequency
viii)Tactical Strategy
ix)VR Training Guide
-UFO Target & Enemy
-Sneaking Mode
-Weapon Mode
-Advanced Mode
-Special Mode
x)GameShark Code
xi)Frequently Asked Question
xii)Wish List

Before you continued, please read this message.

I got a shock when i was checking my mails, with a mail, saying
that i took certain informations from without
asking the webmaster, Chris Barker's permission. I, honestly didn't
take anything from the site. All the Ninja, photography, background
about NG Selection etc were all taken from ,
BOng's faq and if you notices his faq, i have already given credits
to those who has contributed the informations to his faq, which i
have taken it.
Later, i found out that the Ninja secrets etc, were being first
published in and then in www.MetalGear.Net.
Is this a concidence or what?
Nevertheless, Chris Barker was really kind and understanding and
from here, i will express my sincere apology to Chris Barker and
the webmaster of
I'll glad that all the misunderstandings have been clarifed and
i have already given proper credits to Chris Barker, which can be
found in the credit section.

I)Story Mode:Disc 1 and Disc 2
So,what's the difference between Integral and the original version?

I.I)Disc 1 and Disc 2: Similarity and Difference
1)The story has not changed a bit at all.

2)However, there are five choices of difficulty levels: Very easy,
Easy, Normal, Hard, Extreme. Like the first original version, you
can only play extreme mode when you have completed the story mode
at least one. Very easy mode are for beginners, who are new to
Metal Gear Solid. Instead of being unarmed, Solid Snake will start
with an exclusive weapon, MP 5 SD, with infinite 999 ammo, plus
rapid shooting possible with the Square button. Both Hard and
extreme mode doesn't have radar.

3)When you have completed the story mode at least once, you will be
allow to play the first person view mode in the special option.

4)Like the original version, you will get roll A for Meryl and roll
B for Otacon, depending on what storyline you choose.

5)Once you have gotten the special items, camera, a new section in
the extra option called Photography, in the 3rd disc, which is the
VR training mode opens up, where you can take photos of Naomi and
Mei Ling, depending on your rankings.

6)Once the story mode is completed, you will be able to play a game
in the PocketStation. Unfortuately, i don't have a PDA.

7)Metal Gear Solid Integral is more like an international version,
supporting both English and Japanese text. by default, the language
is set to Japanese in the option mode. The voice-overs are still in
English, so there won't be any problem for anyone who has purchased
the import. However, the explanation for the weapons, items, and
the instructions for the VR training mode are still in Japanese.
But that shouldn't be of any problem to those who has played Metal
Gear Solid before. To add on, the options in the briefing mode are
in japanese and cannot be changed. However, when you watch the
videos, you can change the text to English. The voice-overs are
still in japanese. The mission log, previous operations and Metal
Gear Solid Snake in the special mode are in Japanese, and cannot be

8)Note that if you have taken any photos, the album will not be in
found in special mode in the story mode discs, instead , it will be
found in the VR Training, 3rd disc in the extra mode, together with
movie and photography.

I haven't got much time to replay the whole story mode again. I have
only completed the Otacon story for one time in the normal mode. I
haven't got time to save Meryl yet. Refer to the VR Training secret.

I.II:Pros and Cons
1)Unfortuately, datas from the original Metal Gear Solid, regardless
it is Japanese or US version, cannot be used for Integral, meaning
you have to complete the game two more times to get special items
like Camera, Stealth, and Bandanna.

2)Having a first person view mode gives a more 3-D feeling, however,
it does have its disadvantage. To switch to the first person view
mode, press triangle two times, and another two times to return
back to normal mode.

-It's strange. Because for the first time you complete the game, and
let's say you get stealth and camera, you are now able to select
the first person view mode, however, the stealth and the camera you
have collected will be gone, meaning you will have to start all over

-First person view mode gives a more 3-D feeling of the enviroment,
however, it is more advisable to view the normal mode, as you can
see more things, as the camera is placed overhead.

3)Is the graphics enhanced?I don't see any differences.

Here is a list of secrets that can only be found in Metal Gear Solid
Integral. I will not write in any secrets that can be found in the
original version, only the new ones, just to save time.

Alternate Outfit:
If you complete the game two times with both endings revealed and have
stealth and Bandana as your special item, both Solid Snake and Cyborg
Ninja will have their alternate outfits, tuxedo and Crimson red and
blue cyborg suit. So, what's the difference between the original
version and the integral version? The difference is, beside Solid
Snake, and Cyborg Ninja, Meryl will now have a new outfit, which is
like Snake's sneaking suit.

First-person View Mode:
The first-person view mode will be available in the special option
once you have completed the game once, except on difficulty, Very
Easy. This mode will be quite similar to any Doom or Quake style
games. To switch between first person view mode and normal mode,
tap triangle twice rapidly. Note that rank doesn't affect anything.

This weapon works like famas, and is only available for very easy
mode. Very Easy level is meant for beginners, and if you think you
are good enough, try other harder difficulties. To add on, this new
MP 5 SD weapon allows rapid shooting like famas, and unlimited ammos,

New Codec Frequency
Ever wonder what the last row and last columm for? Try calling
frequency 140.07 to talk to the staff. Unfortuately, the
conversations are in Japanese, so i don't know what they are talking
about. There is no English voice-overs available.

Credit: for the new staff codec frequency.
=>Sorry, i have lost your e-mail long ago.

II)Disc 3:
Does it really contain 300 advanced VR Training that will keep fans of
the genre satisfy?
II.I:VR Training Mode
The original VR Training contains Practise, Gun Shooting, Time attack
and survival modes. In the VR Training Mode in Integral, it can be
divided into four modes: Sneaking Mode, Weapon Mode, Advanced Mode,
and Special Mode Not all modes are available at first and you can only
begin with sneaking mode and weapon mode initially. For every stage
you completed, your training percentage will increase as shown
on the top-right hand corner of the screen, and more modes and stages
will eventually open up as the figures keep on increasing.

Tips:The intro of the VR Training Discs shows you some of the very
cool demo scenes that you will eventually encounter on later on,
so i guess you can roughly estimate what you will expect in the
VR Training. Also, if you leave your controller untouched for
some time, you will be able to view some demos.

Sneaking Mode
This mode is similar to the VR Training in the original version. It
contains 15 VR Training stages, 10 are taken from the original version
and 5 new ones. The new stages are 7, 9, 11, 13, 14. It can be divided
into No Weapon and Socom, follow by Practise or Time Attack mode.
Below shows a flow chart.

Sneaking Mode
| |
No weapon Socom
______|______ _______|_______
| | | |
1.Practise 2.Time Attack 3.Practise 4.Time Attack

1:Unarmed,you must not be spotted by any guards.
2.Similar to the 1, you are now racing against time.
3.You need to kill all the guards,yet without being spotted.
4.Similar to 3, you are now racing against time.

Total no of Stages: 15 x 4= 60

Total percentages : 20%

Weapon Mode
The weapon mode allows you to train how to deal with all your weapons.
Basically, you can select all the weapons, except Stun, Chaff Grenade.
Each weapon has ten stages, five for practise mode, and another five
for Time attack mode. Your targets are mostly the blue or red UFOs.
The red UFOs are more dangerous as they are very explosive if you
come too close to them. Below shows a flow chart.

Weapon Mode
| | |
Practise | Time attack

Total no of Stages: 8 x 5 x 2= 80

Total percentages : 26.6%

Advanced Mode
Advanced mode is more of a higher training level than the weapon mode.
Similar to the weapon mode, each weapon will have ten stages, five for
practise, and another five for Time attack mode. But a few differences
separate it. Firstly, you won't be dealing with anymore red or blue
UFOs, instead your enemies will be a real Genome soldier. Secondly,
unlike the sneaking mode, you will not fail the mission, if you get
spotted. However, if you are playing the Time attack mode, bonus
points of max 3 secs will be given for not being spotted, as well as
the number of remaining ammos.

Total no of Stages: 8 x 5 x 2= 80

Total percentages : 26.7%

Special Mode
Special modes are probably the most coolest of all.Sneaking, weapon,
and advanced modes are just your basic training. The special modes
are then the real challengers and can be divided into 8 sections.
Below shows the flow chart.

Special Mode
| | | | | | | |
1 min VS 12 Mystery Puzzle Variety VR Ninja NG
Battle Battle Mission Selection
| |

1 min Battle
This is very easy. You get to use all of your weapons listed in the
weapon and advanced mode, as well as using bare-hand. Yeah, Fist is
also a weapon. All you need is to kill as many as possible within 1
minute. In the VS target mode, you will face the UFOs, and they will
not attack you. In the VS enemy mode, you will face Genome Soldiers
and they will attack you if you get spotted by them. If you fail to
meet the min targets within the time limit, you will fail the mission.

Total no of Stages: 9 x 2= 18

Total percentages : 6.0%

VS 12 Battle
This is another coolest section. There are a total of 8 stages here.
You are given some weapons with limited ammos. The type of weapons,
and the number of ammos you get differ from stage to stage, but as
you proceed on to a higher stage, it gets harder, as less ammos are
given. You have to kill 12 guards within 5 minutes, and each time,
only 4 guards are in. You won't fail the mission if you get spotted.
My advice is try not to get spotted as it waste a lot of time, and
choose your weapons wisely, and don't waste any unneccessary ammos.
Checkpoint only appears when all 12 guards are dead. You can also
use the choking technique to strangle the guard.

Total no of Stages: 8

Total percentages : 2.7%

This is another yet coolest section where you need to rack your brain
and find out who is the murderer. There are a total of 10 stages. At
each stage, you will see a dead Genome soldier lying on the ground.
Most of the stages, you will see three genome soldiers standing there.
There are some variations in certain stages. They will not attack you,
so do not worry. And, one of these three guards are the murderer.
Clues like objects are often provided in each stages, which will trace
you to the murderer. Once you determine the murderer, drag them along
to the check point. If this is not the murderer, you will fail the
mission. If he is, you will proceed on to the next stage. and, if you
kill one of the soldiers by accident, you will automatically fail the
mission. My hint to you is to view in first person view mode.

Total no of Stages: 10

Total percentages : 3.3%

There are a total of 10 stages, and as the name suggests, you will
have to rack your brain and think of a good strategy to help you
solve the puzzles. Good luck!

Total no of Stages: 10

Total percentages : 3.3%

As the name suggests, it is more or less a mixture of what you have
learnt all this while.

Total no of Stages: 13

Total percentages : 4.4%

VR Mission
VR Mission is more of a survival mode, but is more challenging than
the survival mode in the original version. The areas are all brand-
new. There are 10 levels in this mode and you need to complete these
10 levels within 15 minutes. Quite hard in certain areas. You will
begin without arms but there are weapons and ammos scattered through-
out each levels. It's up to you whether you want to collect them or
not. If you get spotted, they will chase after you, but you will not
fail your mission. My advice is try to get those useful weapons like
PSG1. The best strategy is to run and avoid the guards at all cost.
Remember, your life and ammos that are left will be carried over to
the next stage.

Total no of Stages: 10

Total percentages : 3.3%

Well, time to change the male lead. In this mode, you are able to play
as Gray Fox/Deepthroat or Ninja. Unfortuately, there are only three
levels. Sorry, i don't know much about the Ninja mode yet as i am
still not able to select it at this moment.

Total no of Stages: 3

Total percentages : 1.0%

NG Selection
Well, time to change your enemy. The enemy here have very distinct
appearances or to say weird will be more correct. More like an alien
to me. Also, these guards have amazing eye sight, and hearing ability.
It's best not to go near them. Also, these section involves racing
against time. There are a total of 8 stages in this mode.

Total no of Stages: 8

Total percentages : 2.7%

II.II:No of Stages in the VR Training Disc
Okay, this is just a calulation.

Sneaking Mode:60
Weapon Mode:80
Advanced Mode:80
Special Mode:18+8+10+10+13+10+3+8=80
Total Stages:300

Sneaking Mode:20.0%
Weapon Mode:26.6%
Advanced Mode:26.7%
Special Mode:6.0% +2.7% +3.3% +3.3% +4.4% +3.3% +1.0% +2.7 %=26.7%
Total Percent:100.0%

Okay, from calculation, it is exactly 300 stages, but don't forget the
practise mode and the time attack mode are more or less about the same,
except that you must be more faster in the time attack mode.

II.III:Replay Theater
Replay theater is yet another feature to capture Solid Snake's glory.
To me, i think it is pretty useless. Most of the stages, will prompt
you to save replay once you complete that particular stage, normally
in the time attack mode, that is available, and not practise mode. If
you think, you have done fantastically well for that stage, why not
consider saving the replay. Once you save it, choose replay theater
to load the save replay.

II.IV:Extra Mode
This mode can be divided into two sections: Movie and Photographing.
The movie mode contains three videos that are exclusively to the
integral version. The first video, shown in Tokyo Game Show'98(TGS
Roll A) will be available initially. It is more of a mix of selected
FMVs. The voice-overs are in Japanese, instead of English. The second
video (TGS Roll B) is another demo shown in Tokyo Game Show'98,
together with the first video, showing some breathtaking screenshots.
The third video is shown in E3 in '97/6. Both the second and the third
video are not available initially. For photographing, you will be able
to take photos of Mei Ling or Naomi. I have just completed the Otacon
story, haven't save Meryl yet and i got Naomi. However, i can't
confirm it. The higher your ranking is, you can get more closer to
Naomi or Mei Ling for a better shot. If you want to quit taking
photography, simply take the entrance at the south.


TGS ROLL A - Available Initially.
(March '98)

TGS ROLL B - Complete training mode with 46.6% and above.
(March '98)

E3 - Complete training mode with 79.3% and above.
(June '97)

Credit:Special thanks to for the exact percentages
for unlocking these two movies.

Once you have completed the game, and have gotten special item, camera,
go to extra mode in the VR Training discs, and you will be able to
select Photography mode, which will allows you to take photos of Naomi
or Mei Ling. The higher your ranking is, you will have more time and
can come more closer to take the photos.

Rumor has speculated that you need to:

-Beat the story mode with difficulty easy, normal, and hard, except
Very Easy and Extreme to get Naomi Hunter.

-Beat the story mode with extreme to get Mei Ling.

By kelvin
Kelvin says that you need to complete the game to get Mei Ling.

By Michael Jackson
He suggests that if you complete the game and save Meryl, you will
get Naomi, and if Meryl dies, which means having Otacon, you will
get Mei Lin. He has not proven this, but he has saved Meryl and
got Mei ling on the photography mode.

By Gouki/Rolento
He suggests that you don't get Mei Ling by having Otacon, as he
have already saved both Meryl and Otacon, plus Snake wearing his
Tuxedo suit, Ninja wearing his new cyborg suit and Meryl wearing
her sneaking mode, he still gets Naomi. He also suggests that if
you watch the introduction VR Training, you should see the word,
Big Boss next to her. And, Big Boss's ranking can only be obtained
in the extreme mode. Does that mean you will have to beat Extreme
(Or perhaps hard), without radar to get Mei Ling? He has also
confirmed that your ranking determines how long or how close you
can get to Mei ling/Naomi Hunter.

By Steevens Alconcel for the info.

Truth Behind NG Selection Mode
NG Selection are VR missions which did not fit into any other category,
or were for some reasons disqualified from the regular VR missions.
Famitsu PS suggests you play these "out takes" with an open mind.

Credit:Thanks to Kevin for submitting this info

Ninja Mode
There are many ways to unlock the Ninja mode. Once Ninja mode is
available, you will see Ninja unmasked at the title screen.

PocketStation(PDA)- First Method
-Finish the game on any level, except "Very Easy".
-Download your save data to a PocketStation.
-Exchange the saved data with a total of 5 players within 7 days.
-You cannot use PS memory card manager for this method.
-Load the VR Training Disc when you have meet the requirements.

PocketStation(PDA)- Second Method
-Finish the game on any level, except "Very Easy".
-Get the highest ranking for that difficulty.
-Save FOXDIE to a PocketStation.
-Load the VR Training Disc when you have meet the requirements.

Story Mode Method - Third Method
-Finish the game on any level, except "Very Easy".
-Get the highest ranking for the story mode.
-Load the VR Training Disc whn you have meet the requirments.
=>To get the best ranking, you need to achieve these requirments.
1)Complete the game in less than 3 hours.
2)Kill 25 enemies or lesser.
3)Use only 1 ration or none.
4)No continues
5)Spotted by enemies 4 times or lesser.
6)Save game 79 times or lesser.
=>Here are the name of the highest ranking for each difficulty.

GameShark Method - Fourth Method
-The most easiest way to make Ninja mode playable using a gameshark.
But, my advice is use gameshark only to the very last resort. Here
are the codes:

-If you use the above gameshark codes, you will get Ninja mode
playable, and still can increase your percentages, but you will
not see Ninja unmasking in the title screen.

Credit:The ways of unlocking Ninja mode is being contributed by

VR Training Mode
This is what you need to do to open up all modes in the VR Training.

Complete all Practice for:

Sneaking Mode->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for No WEAPON only for both VS.
->Opens up TIME ATTACK MODE for NO WEAPON in sneaking
Sneaking Mode->Opens up TIME ATTACK MODE for SOCOM in sneaking mode.

Complete all Practice in Weapon Mode for:

Socom ->Opens up SOCOM TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up SOCOM PRACTICE in Advanced Mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for SOCOM (VS. TARGET only).

C4 ->Opens up C4 TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up C4 PRACTICE in Advanced Mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for C4 (VS. TARGET only).

Famas ->Opens up FAMAS TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up FAMAS PRACTICE in advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for FAMAS (VS.TARGET only).

Grenade ->Opens up GRENADE TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up GRENADE PRACTICE in advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for GRENADE (VS.TARGET only).

Claymore ->Opens up CLAYMORE TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up CLAYMORE PRACTICE in advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for CLAYMORE (VS.TARGET only).

Nikita ->Opens up NIKITA TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up NIKITA PRACTICE in advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for NIKITA (VS.TARGET only).

PSG1 ->Opens up PSG1 TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up PSG1 PRACTICE in advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for PSG1 (VS.TARGET only).

Stinger ->Opens up STINGER TIME ATTACK MODE for Weapon mode.
->Opens up STINGER PRACTICE in advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for STINGER (VS.TARGET only).

Complete all Practice in Advanced Mode for:

Socom ->Opens up SOCOM TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for SOCOM (VS.ENEMY only).

C4 ->Opens up C4 TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for C4 (VS.ENEMY only).

Famas ->Opens up FAMAS TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for FAMAS (VS.ENEMY only).

Grenade ->Opens up GRENADE TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for GRENADE (VS.ENEMY only).

Claymore ->Opens up CLAYMORE TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for CLAYMORE (VS.ENEMY only).

Nikita ->Opens up NIKITA TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for NIKITA (VS.ENEMY only).

PSG1 ->Opens up PSG1 TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for PSG1 (VS.ENEMY only).

Stinger ->Opens up STINGER TIME ATTACK MODE for Advanced mode.
->Opens up 1 MIN BATTLE for STINGER (VS.ENEMY only).

To open up Special Mode, you need to have:

1 Min Battle ->Refer to above.

VS 12 Battle ->70.0% to 73.3% and above.

Mystery ->66.6% to 70.0% and above.

Puzzle ->46.6% to 50.0% and above.

Variety ->56.6% to 63.3% and above. *

VR Mission ->70.0% to 73.3% and above.

Ninja ->Refer to the cheat above.

NG Selection ->76.6% to 83.3% and above. *

Note:These range of figures are based on estimation and may subject
to slight variations. Also, modes, marked with *, specifically,
Variety and NG Selection may be inaccurate. I have long
forgetten the range, so i give a bigger range estimation.
Anyone who can come up with the exact percentages are feel free
to contribute. Credits will be given too.

III)My Current Status:
Here's my VR Training result:
1)99.0% of training completed.
2)Sneaking, weapon, advanced mode fully completed.
3)All of the options in the special mode are now available, except the
Ninja mode.
-I heard you have to get the best ranking to get ninja mode, or have
PocketStation or use a gameshark. Unfortuatly, i don't have a PDA or
a gameshark and are too lazy to play the story mode yet.
-I have completed all the special modes, 1 min battle , VS 12 Battle,
Mystery, Puzzle, Variety, VR mission and NG Selection, except Ninja
mode, as i still can't play the mode yet.
4)All three videos in the extra mode are unlocked.
TGS Roll B: After completing 46.6% of the training.
E3 : After completing 79.3% of the training.
5)Photography mode available as i have completed the Otacon story and
got the camera, but not Meryl yet.
-I am only able to take photos with Naomi yet.
-I played normal mode.
6)First person view mode is available in the story mode.
IV)Codec Frequency
Here is a summary of all the codec frequency:

Frequency Name Frequency Name
140.85 Campbell 140.96 Mei Ling
141.80 Master 140.15 Meryl
140.48 Deepthroat 141.52 Nastasha
141.12 Otacon 140.07 Staff

In this section, i will briefly describe the advancement of each
weapon. For how to use them efficiently, please refer to the
Tactical Strategy section. Okay, let's begin.

Weapon :MP 5 ZD
Condition:Only for Very Easy difficulty level
Specs :Honestly speaking, i don't know much about MP 5 ZD. However,
it works similarly to the Famas weapon, except that now you
have 999 infinite ammos. For more info, please refer to
Famas weapon.

Weapon :Socom
Specs :known as Special Operations Command Pistol, it is a .45
caliber pistol with plenty of stopping power. It include
special feature like a laser-aiming module (LAM) and a
buffer system for reducing the impact of recoil forces.

Weapon :C4
Specs :This volatile, plastic explosive has a texture, similar to
clay, enabling you to shape it easily. It is 1.4 times the
destructive power of normal dynamite. Highly stable, it will
not explode without a detonating device, even if it is shot,
burned or beaten. The wireless detonator is equipped with a
scrambler so that any radio sources will not interfer it.

Weapon :Famas
Specs :It is a bullpup style assault rifle. It is durable, easy to
use, and has storng resistant to thermal. It is a reliable
weapon with smooth action that can fire up to 1000 rounds
per minute, and when on full auto, it can empty 25 round
magazine in few seconds. The last three shots in the Famas
chamber are tracer bullets to locate targets by leaving a
red trail.

Weapon :Grenade
Specs :These are explosive devices that will detonate within five
seconds once the pin is pulled. It does cause a lot of noise
and alert any nearby guards or sensors.

Weapon :Chaff Grenade
Specs :It is a special grenade that will jam any electronic equip-
ment for ten seconds, by dispersing thin, narrow metallic
strips of various lengths and frequency responses. However,
it does jam up your own radar too, so make sure that you are
safe before using it.

Weapon :Stun Grenade
Specs :It is used in sensitive operations such as freeing hostages.
Known as flash bang or sound and flash grenade, it makes a
big flash, causing lots of noise which will disorient and
disable your opponent temporarily for a period not exceeding
eight seconds into an unconsious state. However, it will not
kill any enemies.

Weapon :Claymore
Specs :Unlike underground mines, it is planted above ground surface
and designed to produce max damage in a wide fan-shaped area.
It will explode if a human is stepping on the ground within
its range,producing spray seven hundred 1.2 millimeter steel
pillets in 100 degree pattern like an oversized shotgun. It
is camouflaged using the new stealth technology, and equipped
with sophisticated motion detector. It can only be detected
using mine detector or thermal goggle. To recover it, simply
crawl over to it.

Weapon :Nikita
Specs :Known as the remote-controlled miniature reconaissance
missile, it has CCD cameras in their nose cones. It utilises
satalite radar tracking feature, and when fired, transmit
visual data to your monitor, which allows you to control the
missile. However, the drawback is that it has limited fuel.

Weapon :PSG1
Specs :One of the world's best sniper rifle, with excellent
accuracy, that can shoot clearly through a 2.5 centimetre
square from a distance of 100 metres. Unlike other sniper
rifles, it is not bolt action, but semi-automatic and allow
rapid fire. The slightest tremble can make you miss target
by inches.

Weapon :Stinger
Specs :It is equipped with thermal homing device, and has a lock-on
feature that will automatically pursue target by lining up
the crosshairs. When equipped, it changes to an aiming mode,
where targets like humans, cameras, heat-sensitive equipment
etc are located through a red-aiming sensor. Stinger is
potent, has short range and low altitude SAMS.

Here is a list of the items.

Item :Ration
Info :Known as Combat rations or C-rations, it contains a mixture
of many nutrients, and blood-clotting agents, that can
restores Snake's life.

Item :Cigarette
Info :Solid Snake's favourite hobby. Made of nicotine based
amalgamation, and plant leaves, Solid Snake swallowed it
and smuggled it into Shadow Moses Island in Alaska, keeping
Naomi and Campbell in the dark. If you keep on smoking, it
will drain Solid Snake's life. Take note of that.

Item :Scope
Info :It is extremely vital for combats, as it allows you to
analyse the surroundings, before taking any action. To
enter the scope mode, press action(circle) to zoom in and
crawl button (X) to zoom out.

Item :Body Armour
Info :A kevlar-coated M1-11 Combat Vest, when equipped, acts as
a bullet-proof vest, and reduces your damage by preventing
bullets from penetrating, thus reducing the impacts from
gunshots, by not totally. It is extremely useful, as a
protection coat, especially in gunfire scene.

Item :Gas Mask
Info :It is a double eye-piece type. Unlike any transparent shield,
it restrict your field of vision. Also, it is equipped with
voice emitter. The outside is made of reinforced plastic and
inside is the acetate weave. Eye piece are specially treated,
so as not to reduce visibilty. Wearing this will protect you
from poisonous gases.

Item :Thermal Goggle
Info :Unlike N.V.G, it work by thermal imaging instead of
amplifying light, showing bright-red silhouettes. Therefore,
it can work in complete darkness. Beside, thermal imaging
allows the penetrating of optic stealth systems possible, as
well as spotting claymores.

Item :Night Vision Goggle
Info :It works electonically by amplifying light by transforming it
into electric signals, which increases brightness to create
an image. It can see 500 meters by starlight, just as if it
is in the day. However, it won't work in complete darkness.

Item :Mine Detector
Info :It works by searching for metal objects, such as detecting
claymores that are hidden with optic stealth technology and
then transferred the radio waves from the buried mines into
your radar.

Item :Cardboard Box
Info :There are three cardboards in Shadow Moses Island, each is a
standard tan box with military markings and coloured stripe
along the top, which can be turned upside down and hid inside
it. You can also used it to teleport via places in the base.
Simply get into the truck and hide in one of the cardboards.
Cardboard A is heliport, cardboard B is nuke building and
cardboard C is Snowfield. Note that you can only find trucks
at these three locations. Hide inside it for a few seconds
and a soldier will drive you to the desired destinations.
For example, Cardboard A will bring you to heliport.

Item :Socom Suppressor
Info :Specially designed to enhanced the .45 caliber pistol,
when both are equipped, it reduces noise, and allows
rapid firing possible, without alerting nearby guards
or cameras.

Item :Medicine
Info :Stored inside a green container with a red cross on the box,
a single capsule is an artifically-made Alaskan flu and cold
inhibitor. It dissolves into the bloodstream when consumed
and reacts any cold symptoms by hardening the white blood
cells, causing neutralisation to take place in the brain,
regaining its immunity to fight against any cold disease.

Item :Diazepam
Info :When swallowed, it acts as a tranquilizer by reducing
heartbeat to calm yourself, so that users can target and
firing enemies with a greater accuracy chance. This is
especially useful, when you are using the sniper rifle, PSG1.

Item :Disk
Info :An important MO Disk that contains military data of the three
launch test, which refers to the three test firing nuclear
warhead, codename Rex, Metal Gear Mech and encoded in fractal
encryption routines.

Item :Pan Keycard
Info :It is a purple piece of plastic sensitive card, known as
Personal Area Network that transmits data using the salts in
your body as the transmission medium. As you approach a door
with a security device slot, it reads the data in the card,
enabling the door to open. There are a total of 7 level Pan

Item :Pal Key
Info :Known as Permissive Action link keycard, it has a discrete
detonation code built into all nuclear weapon systems as a
safetly control. Does it have something to do with Metal

Item :Timer Bomb
Info :Small enough that can fit into a pocket, you may come across
it occasionally. When you come across it, quickly discard it,
as it can explode.

Item :Scarf
Info :A silken handkerchief smelling of an exotic perfume with a
kurdish design given to solid snake by sniper wolf. A clue
to you:Sniper wolf loves wolves.

Item :Ketchup
Info :Given by Hal Emmerich, Otacon, is there a purpose for it...?

Item :Rope
Info :This nylon rope is durable and does not snap easily. So,
what's the use of it...?

Item :Camera
Info :it's a photo-taking section....?

Item :Stealth
Condition:Given by Otacon during the ending if Meryl is dead.
Info :Enemies can't see you if you equip it.

Item :Bandana
Condition:Given by Meryl during the ending if Meryl is saved.
Info :When equip, if you fire a weapon, your ammos will not

This is the default control. If you are new to MGS, take sometime to
familarise with the controls. These are all just the basic controls
that you need to know. For more advanced moves, please refer to the
Tactical Strategy section.

-Directional Pad
1)To move Solid Snake.
2)Hold D-pad to run.
3)To select weapons.

1)To grab the enemy. (When no weapon is equipped)
2)To fire your weapon.

1)To punch the enemy. Press repeatedly to create a combo. The last
one, which is the third combo should be followed by a kick.

1)Press one time to crouch.
2)Press twice to lie, and then crawl using the d-pad.

1)Hold it to view in a first-person view perspective, and then D-pad
to move your head.=>For normal mode.
2)Tap twice to enter first-person view mode and then d-pad to move
your character.=>For first person view mode in the special option.

1)To pause the game.

1)To switch to codec screen via normal screen.

1)To toggle between using items or no item.

1)To select an item in your inventory.

1)To toggle between no weapon or weapon.

1)To select a weapon.

VIII)Tactical Strategy
Okay, this section covers all the advance moves and strategies that
Snake have. It is divided into three sections:Basic, weapon and
additional. Note that it has nothing to do with the VR training, but
it can be quite useful as certain strategies mention here can be
applied to the VR Training as well as the story mode.

Run up to the enemy, while unarmed with any weapon. Hold down the pad
in a direction and press the weapon button, Square.

While unarmed, tap action button rapidly(circle) to perfom two punch,
followed by a kick.

Run up to the enemy, release your d-pad and press the weapon button,
Square. Note if you did not release the d-pad, Snake will perfom a
throw instead. Do not let go of weapon button(Square) as this will let
the enemy go. Hold it instead.
-While choking,
1)Press weapon button(Square) repeatedly to snap the enemy neck. This
will kill the enemy.
2)While choking the guard, press the d-pad to drag him around. If the
guard tries to struggle, simply release the square button for a
second and then hold it again. You must be fast. If he struggles
and you do not do it, he will break himself free.
=>While you are dragging him, if you get spotted by enemies, you can
use him as a shield to dodge the bullets.

Hint:Try to choke your enemy from the back. If you start from the
side, there's a higher chance that you will get spotted.

4)Leaning against wall
Simply hold the D-pad towards the wall. This switchs to wall view,
allowing the camera to let you see things behind.
=>While leaning
1)Press D-pad to move diagonally up and down the wall.
2)Press X to crouch.
3)Press the action button, circle to knock on the wall.
=>A handy strategy to lure your enemies out.
=>Make sure you have not set a C4, if not the C4 will explode, instead
of you knocking on the wall.

Control :Hold weapon button(Square) to use Laser-aiming module to aim.
Press weapon button(Square) again to shoot.
Tactic#1:While equip Socom, try equip with a Socom suppressor to allow
rapid firing possible.
Tactic#2:Hold the crawl button so that you can run and shoot.
Tactic#3:Press R1 twice to equip and unequip for a quick reloading.

Control :Press weapon button(Square) to shoot.
Hold weapon button(Square) for rapid firing.
Tactic#1:Hold the crawl button so that you can run and shoot.
Tactic#2:Press R1 twice to equip and unequip for a quick reloading.

Control :Press weapon button(Square) to aim.
Press weapon button to shoot.
Hold Triangle to view in the first-person mode.
Move the D-pad to control the missile, both in normal and
first person view mode.
Info#1 :Nikita missile has limited fuel. Once the fuel runs out, it
will explode immediately. View in first person mode to see
the fuel gauge.
Info#2 :Once in first-person view mode, there is a sensor in a form
of square. Make use of this to locate your enemy.
Tactic#1:Though you can control the direction of the missile, you
cannot control the altitude of the missile. The altitude
depends on your position of how high you fire. To change the
altitude of the missile, you have to control the missile up
or down a incline. The VR training will provide a brief idea
of how it works.
Tactic#2:Try not to move the missile too much and this will cause the
missile to accelerate. This will cover as much distance as
possible without using too many fuel. Of course, make sure
that the missile does not accelerate so fast that it hits the
Tactic#3:What happens if the fuel has not run out, and your Nikita
missile is in mid-air, (assuming not touching any wall) and
you want it to explode now? Simply unequip your Nikita by
pressing R1. This will cause the Nikita missile to explode

Control :Once target is locked-on, press weapon button(Square) to
Tactic#1:You don't actually need to aim at the target directly. For
example, your main target is behind a wall and if you fire
straight at it, you are bound to hit the wall. Simply, lock-on
the target first. You should see red sensors. Quickly, move
the shoot target while target is still lock-on. Then, press
weapon button(Square) to shoot. You should see that the
missile travels in a curve manner. Get what i mean?

Control :While in Sniper mode, press weapon button(Square) to shoot.
Info :Sniper is very useful, especially in VR mission or VS 12
Battle as it can kill enemies from a range of distance without
being spotted.
Tactic#1:Take Diazepam to stop Snake's hands from trembling.

Control :Hold weapon button(Square) to get ready.
Press weapon button(Square) again to throw the grenade.
Info :It will explode within five seconds once the pin is pulled.

Chaff Grenade
Control :Hold weapon button(Square) to get ready.
Press weapon button(Square) again to throw chaff grenade.
Info :It will jam up any electonic equipment for a period of ten
Tactic#1:Use it to jam up any survillance camera nearby.

Stun Grenade
Control :Hold weapon button(Square) to get ready.
Press weapon button(Square) again to throw stun grenade.
Info :It will stun your enemies nearby for about 8 seconds.
Does not kill or cause damage to the enemies.
Tactic#1:Use it to stun your enemy when you are being spotted. Then,
run away.

Control :Hold weapon button(Square) to get ready.
Press weapon button(Square) again to place it on wall, ground.
Press action button(circle) to detonate it.
Tactic#1:Put a few C4 close together. Tap action button(circle) for an
unimaginable chain of explosions.
Tactic#2:Walk near to a guard from behind. While equipping C4, press
weapon button(Square) to stick on the enemy's back, hopefully
without being discover. View the first person mode to see if
you have done it correctly. Press action button(circle) to
cause an explosion.

Control :Hold weapon button(Square) to get ready, and use the D-pad to
control the detonation range of the claymore.
Press weapon button(Square) to plant it.
Info :Use mine detector or thermal goggle to detect claymores.

Okay, here is a list of some strategies that might help you, whether
it is in VR Training Disc or the story mode.

Survillance Camera
One of the interesting aspect of Metal gear Solid is not just hiding
from enemies, but also avoid being spotted by a camera. These cameras
are being positioned on the walls. There are three types.

Info: -1)These cameras are stationary, and will not rotate its angle.
-2)These cameras will rotate 180 degress back and forth.
-3)These cameras are more dangerous, as when spotted, will fire
at you, alerting nearby enemies.

Tactic#1:Use stun grenade to jam up the camera.
Tactic#2:If you are directly below a survillance camera, you will
never get spotted.
Tactic#3:Hide inside a cardboard, and do not MOVE!! Press triangle
button to have a first person view mode. The slightest move-
ment you make will still let you get spotted, even if you
hide in a cardboard. Wait for the camera to turn, then run
Tactic#4:Put a C4 on the wall and blow it out.
Tactic#5:Lock on to the camera, and use stinger missiles to blow it

Note:Tactic 4 and 5 are the only ways that i know can destroy a
survillance camera. However, it is not neccessary to destroy
these cameras.

Most(If not, all) searchlight will move around.If you happened to step
into the zone, you will be spotted immediately, alerting your enemies.

Mine (Claymore)
When entering a mine area, you can use:

1)Mine Detector :You can locate the location of the buried claymores,
as well as seeing the detonation area.
2)Thermal Goggle:The location of a claymore appears as as a bright red
silhouettes spot on the ground.
Tactic#1:Crawl over a claymore to retrieve it. It won't explode if you
are crawling.
Tactic#2:Try luring a group of enemies to a location of a buried

Snow Area
Walking in a snow area leaves footprints temporarily, but will
disappear after sometime. The guard will investigate the source of
the footprints by following it. You can use footprints to lure a guard.
Tactic#1:Try to make your footprints look "natural".

Infra-red rays
You may entering an area full of infra-red rays. If you happen to touch
these infra-red rays, the alarm will ring, alerting nearby guards. And,
what's makes it cool is that these infra-red rays cannot be seen with
a naked eye. Cool, right?
Tactic#1:Smoke a cigarette. The smoke will make the rays visible. View
in first person view mode to see the red colour rays.
Note :If you smoke a cigarette, it will slowly drain your life.
Tactic#2:Wear a thermal goggle.
=>Try crawling over.

Stealth Enemies?
To see Stealth enemies, equip with Thermal Goggles. This includes
enemies like Psycho Mantis etc.

"Noisy" Floor
Walk on these white-coloured polished floor, it causes a lot of noise,
alerting your enemies nearby. Try not to walk too fast on such ground.
Walking along a pool of waters, also causes a lot of noises.

Some floors, if you stepped on it, will reveal a hole at the bottom.
Should you accidentally fall inside, you will be dead immediately. In
the VR training, these floors are "Bluely-surfaces." Move away quickly
once you stepped onto these surfaces.
Tactic#1:Walking on these surfaces causes a lot of noise. Try using
these techniques to lure a guard.

"Blocking" Wall
Found in VR Training mode, usually in tougher training mode, these blue
coloured-painted walls often obstruct your mission, often by blocking
your way to the checkpoint. Hitting and punching the walls do not help
as these walls are very hard. The only way is to use your weapon to
destroy it. Basically, all the weapons used in the VR Training disc

Easy Teleportation
These cheats work only in the story mode. Military trucks are found in
three locations: Heliport, Nuke Building and Snowfield. Get into one
of these trucks at any locations, and then hide inside one of the
cardboard. Don't move and a guard will come and drive you to the
desired destination as labelled in the cardboard.

How to make wolves fond of you?
Unfortuately, there are no wolves in the VR training. Wolves are Meryl
and Sniper Wolfs' friends, but not yours. If you get spotted by wolves,
they will attack you, usually those that are of larger size. Not to let
wolves attack you, and be your friend:
Tactic#1:Equip Scarf that Otacon gave you. The scarf belongs to sniper
Tactic#2:While inside the cave, perform the action button(circle) to
slap Meryl. Quickly, before the wolves attack you, hide in
one of the cardboard. Meryl will then ask the wolves to pee
onto the cardboard. Now, whenever you see a wolf, equip the
cardboard, and the wolf will not attack you.

IX)VR Training Guide
These sections will cover the strategies that is needed to help you
master the VR Training. As of like what other faq writers have done,
i will not reveal too much hint, but provide those that are really of
importance to you. Also, before proceed on reading, i suggest you read
the tactical strategy section. For more info, please read the VR
Training Disc in section II as i will not be repeating the whole thing
over and over again. I won't be going very in-depth into the sneaking,
weapon and advanced mode, since i think it is not that difficult,
perhaps for a few. Instead, i will list down the number of ammos,
enemies/targets, time limit etc and only give some hints for certain
levels where i feel there is a need to.

Credit:Both and ShinJN .

Note:If you need help on the sneaking mode, please refer to
Rudy Hendrawan's Metal Gear Solid Faq,
for the 10 levels of sneaking mode that can be found in the
original version, except for the 5 new additions.

Level 01
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 1 guard

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 20 secs
-Enemy = 1 guard

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 1 guard

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 15 secs
-Bullet = 5 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 1 guard

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-right hand of the screen.

Level 02
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 25 secs
-Enemy = 2 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 4 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 secs
-Bullet = 20 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 4 guards

Info:The check point is at the top-right hand of the screen.

Level 03
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 30 secs
-Enemy = 2 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom ammos
=Enemy = 3 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 secs
-Bullet = 15 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 3 guards

Level Layout:

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-right hand of the screen.

Level 04
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 secs
-Enemy = 3 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 5 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 45 secs
-Bullet = 25 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 5 guards

Info:The checkpoint is at the bottom-right hand of the screen.

Level 05
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 4 guards
=>Two are sleeping, while the other two remain standing.

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 30 secs
-Enemy = 3 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 4 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 secs
-Bullet = 20 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 4 guards

Level Layout:
-"Noisy" Floor

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-hand of the screen.

Level 06
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = Nil
-Camera = 2 (Non-Stationary)

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 45 secs
-Enemy = Nil
-Camera = 6 (Non-Stationary)

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 3 guards
-Camera = 4 (Non-Stationary)

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 Secs
-Bullet = 15 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 3 guards
-Camera = 4 (Non-Stationary)

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-left hand of the screen.

Level 07
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 1 guard

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
-Enemy = 1 guard

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 3 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
-Bullet = 15 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 3 guards

Level Layout:
-Infra-Red Sensors
-Use CIGS to detect the rays.

Info:The checkpoint is at the top hand of the screen.

Level 08
No weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 30 Secs
-Enemy = 6 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 30 Secs
-Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards

Level Layout:
-Low wall
=>Try crawling and do not stand as the guard can see you.

Info:The checkpoint is at the top of the screen.

Level 09
No weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = Nil
-Camera = 5 (Non-Stationary)

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 20 Secs
-Enemy = Nil
-Camera = 6 (Non-Stationary)

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 2 guards
-Camera = 4 (Non-Stationary)

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
-Bullet = 10
-Enemy = 2 guards
-Camera = 4 (Non-Stationary)

-Use CardB.A
=>The hint is in the Tactical Strategy section.

Info:The checkpoint is in the top of the screen.

Level 10
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guard

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 25 Secs
-Enemy = 3 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 4 Secs

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 Secs
-Bullet = 20 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 4 guards

Level Layout:
-Snow Area
=>Beware of leaving "Traces"

Info:The checkpoint is in the top-right hand screen.

Level 11
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 4 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 Secs
-Enemy = 4 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 5 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 Secs
-Bullet = 25 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 5 guards

Level Layout:

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-left hand of the screen.

Level 12
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
-Enemy = 3 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
-Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-hand of the screen.

Level 13
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards
-Searchlight = 2

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 50 Secs
-Enemy = 2 guards
-Searchlight = 2

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 5 guards
-Searchlight = 2

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 Secs
-Bullet = 25 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 5 guards
-Searchlight = 2

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-hand of the screen.

Level 14
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 5 guards

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 30 Secs
-Enemy = 5 guards

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 40 Secs
-Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-hand of the screen.

Level 15
No Weapon + Practice Mode:
-Enemy = 2 guards
-Camera = 1 (Non-Stationary)
-Searchlight = 2

No Weapon + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 50 Secs
-Enemy = 2 guards
-Camera = 2 (Non-Stationary)
-Searchlight = 2

Socom + Practice Mode:
-Bullet = 100 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards
-Camera = 2 (Non-Stationary)
-Searchlight = 2

Socom + Time Attack Mode:
-Time = 1 Min 20 Secs
-Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
-Enemy = 6 guards
-Camera = 2 (Non-Stationary)
-Searchlight = 2

Info:The checkpoint is at the top-hand of the screen.

IX.III:Weapon Mode
Before continuing, i will go straight into the Time Attack mode, just
to save time. The practice mode is about the same as the time attack
mode as the number of targets are the same, except that there is no
time limit and the initial ammos are different. For example, for all
Socom practice, you will begin with 100 Socom ammo, and 50 C4 for all
C4 practice.

Practice = 100 Socom Ammos

Level 01
- Time = 15 Secs
- Bullet = 15 Socom ammos
- Target = 3 Blue Boxes

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 25 Secs
- Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
- Target = 6 Blue Boxes

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 03
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
- Target = 6 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the platform you are standing.

Level 04
- Time = 35 Secs
- Bullet = 30 Socom Ammos
- Target = 6 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 05
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 40 Socom Ammos
- Target = 8 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is the centre.

Note:These blue targets are cunnning in the way that they can
disappear. But you can see shadows on the ground. However, you
can't hit them when that's happen.

Practice = 50 C4

Level 01
- Time = 15 Secs
- C4 = 3
- Target = 1 "Blocking Wall"

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 30 Secs
- C4 = 3
- Target = 8 Blue Boxes

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Hint:Take note of the height where the Blue Boxes are placed.
Try not to use as little C4 as possible, by putting C4 on a
position where it can blow up more than 1 blue Boxes.

Level 03
- Time = 25 Secs
- C4 = 6
- Target = 8 Red Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 04
- Time = 30 Secs
- C4 = 8
- Target = 6 Red Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is just near the stairs.

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- C4 = 10
- Target = 8 Red Diamond-Shape + 3 "Blocking Wall" = 11

Level Layout:

Info:Checkpoint is in the east of the upper platform.

Hint:"How do your destroy those blocking walls"

Practice = 500 Famas Ammo

Level 01
- Time = 15 Secs
- Bullet = 50 Famas Ammo
- Target = 3 Blue Boxes

Info:Checkpoint is on the platform where you are standing.

Level 02
- Time = 15 Secs
- Bullet = 100 Famas Ammo
- Target = 8 Red Diamond-shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 03
- Time = 30 Secs
- Bullet = 150 Famas Ammo
- Target = 18 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the northeast.

Hint:Use the run and shoot when there is a need to.
Perform rapid firing.

Level 04
- Time = 45 Secs
- Bullet = 250 Socom Ammos
- Target = 8 Red Diamond-Shape

Level Layout:
-"Did you notice a '?' ?"

Info:Checkpoint is in ?

Hint:Watch the VR Training Intro

Level 05
- Time = 45 Secs
- Bullet = 350 Famas Ammo
- Target = 19 Blue Diamond-Shape

Level Layout:
-"Did you notice a '!' ?"

Info:Checkpoint is in !

Practice = 100 Grenade

Level 01
- Time = 30 Secs
- Grenade = 10
- Target = 5 Red Boxes

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 25 Secs
- Grenade = 10
- Target = 3 Red Boxes

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 03
- Time = 30 Secs
- Grenade = 10
- Target = 2 Red Boxes + 2 Red Diamond-Shape = 4

Info:Checkpoint is the centre platform where you are on.

Level 04
- Time = 45 Secs
- Grenade = 15
- Target = 5 Red Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 05
- Time = 50 Secs
- Grenade = 15
- Target = 5 Red Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is on the staircase at the north.

Practice = 16 Claymore Ammos
=>Slight Variation
=>Your initial Claymore + Claymore buried on the ground = 16

Note:Mine Detector will be available for all Claymore levels.

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Claymore = 0(Initial) + 2(Buried on ground) = 2
- Target = 1 Blue Semi-hourglass shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 30 Secs
- Claymore = 0(Initial) + 4(Buried) = 4
- Target = 2 Blue Semi-hourglass shape

Info:Checkpoint is the northeast.

Level 03
- Time = 55 Secs
- Claymore = 0(Initial) + 8(Buried) = 8
- Target = 8 Blue Semi-hourglass shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the east.

Level 04
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- Claymore = 6(Initial) + 4(Buried) = 10
- Target = 8 Blue Semi-hourglass shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 10 Secs
- Claymore = 12(Initial) + 4(Buried) = 16
- Target = 16 Blue Semi-hourglass shape

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Practice = 100 Nikita Missiles

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Missile = 3 Nikita
- Target = 1 Red Box

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre of the platform where you are on.

Level 02
- Time = 30 Secs
- Missile = 8 Nikita
- Target = 4 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is at the top.

Level 03
- Time = 30 Secs
- Missile = 5 Nikita
- Target = 1 Red Box

Info:Checkpoint is your initial starting position.

Hint:Don't bother going all the way to the north as it wastes time.

Level 04
- Time = 30 Secs
- Missile = 5 Nikita
- Target = 1 Red Box

Info:Checkpoint is on the other left side of where you started.

Hint:Shoot from the centre tunnel, and use the first person view

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 30 Secs
- Missile = 5 Nikita
- Target = 1 Red Box
- Camera = 7 (Shooting)

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre of the platform of where you are.

Hint:This stage can be quite tough at first, but after some practise,
it should be a piece of cake. Beware that there are cameras
around that will fire at your Nikita missiles. I find it more
easy if i don't use the first person view mode and control
it the normal way. Also, try shooting the Nikita missiles from
the right side as there are lesser cameras there.

Practice = 150 PSG1 Ammos

Note:Scope will be available for all PSG1 levels.
There will always be Diazepam scattered around the level,
and you can carry out to a max of 3. It's up to you whether
you want to take it.

Level 01
- Time = 25 Secs
- Bullet = 10 PSG1 Ammos
- Target = 3 Blue Boxes

Level Layout:
-"Did any chinese/Japanese see two very familiar word character?"

Info:Checkpoint is in the north east.

Level 02
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 15 PSG1 Ammos
- Target = 9 Blue Boxes

Level Layout:
-"Did you see a 3 by 3 grid?"

Level 03
- Time = 50 Secs
- Bullet = 30 PSG1 Ammos
- Target = 13 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is at the centre.

Level 04
- Time = 50 Secs
- Bullet = 25 PSG1 Ammos
- Target = 7 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is the east.

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- Bullet = 15 PSG1 Ammos
- Target = 4 Blue Diamond-Shape

Info:Checkpoint is near the tunnel.

Practice = 100 Stinger Missiles

Level 01
- Time = 25 Secs
- Missile = 3
- Target = 1 Red UFOs

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 02
- Time = 40 Secs
- Missile = 10
- Target = 4 Red UFOs

Info:Checkpoint is on the right side of the wall.

Level 03
- Time = 1 Min 40 Secs
- Missile = 40
- Target = 20 Red UFOs

Info:Checkpoint is at the highest platform up the staircase.

Level 04
- Time = 1 Min 40 Secs
- Missile = 40
- Target = 20 Red UFOs

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 30 Secs
- Missile = 30
- Target = 14 Red UFOs

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

IX.IV:Advanced Mode
Just like the weapon mode, i will go straight into the Time Attack
mode. Note that bonus time of max -3 is given for completing the
stage without being spotted.

Practice = 100 Socom Ammos

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Bullet = 10 Socom ammos
- Enemy = 2 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 25 Secs
- Bullet = 15 Socom Ammos
- Enemy = 3 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 03
- Time = 30 Secs
- Bullet = 15 Socom Ammos
- Enemy = 3 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 04
- Time = 30 Secs
- Bullet = 20 Socom Ammos
- Enemy = 4 guards

Level Layout:
-"Noisy" Floor

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 05
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 20 Socom Ammos
- Enemy = 4 guards

Level Layout:

Info:Checkpoint is between the two tunnels.

Practice = 50 C4

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- C4 = 4
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 25 Secs
- C4 = 4
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is your starting position.

Level 03
- Time = 35 Secs
- C4 = 8
- Enemy = 2 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 04
- Time = 45 Secs
- C4 = 16
- Enemy = 4 guards

Level Layout:

Info:Checkpoint is north of pit-hole.

Level 05
- Time = 45 Secs
- C4 = 16
- Enemy = 4 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the south.

Practice = 500 Famas Ammo

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Bullet = 50 Famas Ammo
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is the right hand corner of the screen in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 35 Secs
- Bullet = 100 Famas Ammo
- Enemy = 3 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre of the screen.

Level 03
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 150 Famas Ammos
- Enemy = 5 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 04
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 100 Famas Ammos
- Enemy = 5 guards

Level Layout:

Hint:Use the run and shoot technique.

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 05
- Time = 45 Secs
- Bullet = 200 Famas Ammos
- Enemy = 6 guards
- Camera = 4 (Shooting)

Hint:Avoid being spotted by the camera. Use long distance shoot and
rapid fire.

Info:Checkpoint is in the north, up the stairs.

Practice = 100 Grenade

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Grenade = 3
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 25 Secs
- Grenade = 3
- Enemy = 1 guard

Hint:Throw the grenade into the hole.

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 03
- Time = 40 Secs
- Grenade = 8
- Enemy = 4 guards

Hint:Similar to the level 02.

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 04
- Time = 40 Secs
- Grenade = 8
- Enemy = 4 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the south, down the stairs.

Level 05
- Time = 45 Secs
- Grenade = 12
- Enemy = 5 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Practice = 16
=>Slight Variation
=>Your initial Claymore + Claymore buried on the ground = 16

Note:Mine Detector will be available for all Claymore levels.

Level 01
- Time = 30 Secs
- Claymore = 0(Initial) + 2(Buried) = 2
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 45 Secs
- Claymore = 2(Initial) + 2(Buried) = 4
- Enemy = 2 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the northeast.

Level 03
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- Claymore = 8(Initial) + 2(Buried) = 4
- Enemy = 5 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 04
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- Claymore = 3(Initial) + 3(Buried) = 6
- Enemy = 4 guards

Level Layout:
-"Noisy" Floor

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 10 Secs
- Claymore = 0(Initial) + ???(Buried) = ???
- Enemy = 2 guards
- Searchlight = 1

=>Sorry, i didn't count the number of buried mines. There are simply
too many.

Hint:You are unarmed initially. Follow the guard as there are a lot
of buried mines. There's a searchlight and avoid being spotted.
Get your mine detector first in the centre, follow by some

Practice = 100 Nikita Missiles

Level 01
- Time = 25 Secs
- Missile = 3
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:The checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 02
- Time = 30 Secs
- Missile = 6
- Enemy = 2 guards

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Level 03
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- Missile = 4
- Enemy = 1 guard

Stage Layout:
-"Noisy" Floor

Hint:This stage requires some practice. Notice the pattern!

Info:Checkpoint is in the north, up the stairs.

Level 04
- Time = 1 Min 00 Secs
- Missile = 4
- Enemy = 1 guard

Hint:If you don't understand what i am talking about the Nikita's
altitude, this level will teach you. Control a missile up a
stair, and you will understand.
Press first person view mode to see.

Info:Checkpoint is all the way in the bottom.

Level 05
- Time = 55 Secs
- Missile = 5
- Enemy = 6 guards
- Camera = 4 (Shooting) (Stationary)

Hint:This stage is easy. Simply control the missile up the stairs
while avoiding being shoot by the cameras, and ...
Another hint is to watch the VR Training Intro.

Info:Checkpoint is in the centre.

Practice = 150 PSG1 Ammos

Note:Scope will be available for all PSG1 levels.
There will always be Diazepam scattered around the level,
and you can carry out to a max of 3. It's up to you whether
you want to take it.

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Bullet = 5 PSG1 Ammos
- Enemy = 1 guard

Level Layout:
-"Noisy" Floor

Info:Checkpoint is just north.

Level 02
- Time = 40 Secs
- Bullet = 12 PSG1 Ammos
- Enemy = 3 guards

Info:Checkpoint is just at the bottom.

Level 03
- Time = 55 Secs
- Bullet = 12 PSG1 Ammos
- Enemy = 3 guards

Hint:Watch whoose coming on the left path first.

Info:Checkpoint is at the bottom right.

Level 04
- Time = 2 Min 00 Secs
- Bullet = 30 PSG1 Ammos
- Enemy = 6 guards

Stage Layout:

Hint:These soldiers hide behind walls, and it can really be a hard
time locating them. Don't waste your time moving your sniper
mode searching high and low for the guards. Use your scope,
which is faster. Once you have locate a guard, quickly get into

Info:Checkpoint is on the right side.

Level 05
- Time = 1 Min 30 Secs
- Bullet = 50 PSG1 Ammos
- Enemy = 6 guards

Stage Layout:

Hint:This stage is quite tricky. There are some soldiers hiding
behind and there are glass windows that you need to destroy,
but not all. Dpn't destroy unneccessary glass window as it is
a waste of bullets. Enemies do react to sound, get it?

Info:Checkpoint is near the tunnel.

Practice = 100 Stinger Missiles

Level 01
- Time = 20 Secs
- Missile = 3
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is in the north.

Level 02
- Time = 35 Secs
- Missile = 4
- Enemy = 1 guard

Info:Checkpoint is just before going up the stairs.

Level 03
- Time = 25 Secs
- Missile = 5
- Enemy = 2 guards

Info:Checkpoint is just up the stairs.

Level 04
- Time = 40 Secs
- Missile = 15
- Enemy = 5 guards

Info:Checkpoint is just up the stairs.

Level 05
- Time = 45 Secs
- Missile = 15
- Enemy = 5 guards

Info:Checkpoint is at the highest platform.

IX.V:Special Mode

1 Min Battle
In this mode, i have also listed down the minimum targets/enemies
you need to get within 1 min.

VS Target
No Weapon - This is easy. Just use punch. Use action button
consecutively, instead of tapping rapidly. This saves
Credit - This is taken from ShinJN's faq.
Min - 10

Socom - It takes three to four shots to destroy a target. Figure
a pattern out when the targets will pop out. Use run and
shoot technique.
Min - 15

C4 - What i have done was i put as many C4 as possible near
the wall in the centre. You should be able to put up to
a maximum of 16 C4 on the ground. Then, i simply went
to find a place where i can take cover and where i can
see the C4. This ensures that you will not get hurt
when you detonate the C4. The best position is to
go stay directly at the south where you still can see
the C4. Once a clusters of red UFOs approaches the C4,
detonate it one at a time, but not together.
Min - 25

Famas - Similar to the Socom level.
Min - 30

Grenade - Time yourself and throw the grenade. The best way is to
make sure that the grenade explodes when the targets
gathered closely at the centre. For this, you will
have to figure out a pattern yourself. Simply throw
the grenade into the centre, and i hope this helps you.
Min - 65

Claymore - What i have done was stay in the centre. Look for a
pattern and then plant a claymore on the ground. Target
an area where a group of targets are approaching.
Min - 20

Nikita - You are in the centre. You will notice that the targets
will pop in and out of the holes. There is a moving target,
circling the centre target. Try to aim at the centre.
This will destroy four to six targets.
Min - 35

PSG1 - There are six stairs and there are three Diazepam on
three of these six stairs. The left most diazepam has
a quantity of one, the middle has two, and the right
has three. Go up a stair, take the diazepam, then get
ready to shoot. You should see that the targets pop in
and out, but this shouldn't be quite hard. Just aim
and shoot like normal.
Min - 10

Stinger - Aim for a group of red UFOs targets. This shouldn't be
hard for you.
Min - 20

VS Enemy
No Weapon - Use throw or punch-kick combo to throw the guards into
the ledge. Try not to get spotted and attack from behind.
Min - 4

Socom - It doesn't matter if you get spotted. This will alert
enemies and then kill them as they approach you rather
than having to hide. But be careful, you have limited
life also.
Min - 15

C4 - Plant the first 3 C4 between the two guards, from bottom
all the way to the top. And, then plant as many C4 in
the bottom. Note that after some the guard on the bottom
right will be petrolling around, so you got to be fast.
Detonate the first 3 C4. This will then alert nearby
guards. Then, blow the C4 you have planted in the bottom
as a group of soldiers approaches there.
Min - 10

Famas - This is much easier than the Socom level. Stay in the
middle first and rapid firing at any of the guards
coming towards you. If you are running low on life,
go and take cover in one of the areas located in the
north, south, west, east and fire at whoever is
approaching you.
Min - 20

Grenade - Alert the guards and run up the stairs while keep on
dropping the grenade. As the enemy chases behind you,
the grenade will explode by the time they reaches the
area where you have dropped the grenade.
Min - 3

Claymore - Alert the guard, and as they chases behind you in a
straight row, plant claymore, facing them and it will
explode when the guards is within the detonation area
of a claymore. And, don't waste your time, planting
a claymore, knock on the wall and lure your enemies.
Min - 5

Nikita - Just keep on launching the missiles. If you stay in the
middle, beware that the enemies will go to your back,
and shoot at you. When this happens, quickly turn back
and shoot at them. Another way is to hide in any four
corners and then fire your Nikita from there. At that
position, the enemies will not be able to shoot you.
Min - 10

PSG1 - Get Diazepam first. There will be 5 guards let out on
the battlefield each time. And, considering that you
have 300 PSG1 ammos, you can do some rapid firing. Did
anyone notice a cross? This shouldn't be a very hard.
Min - 5

Stinger - Launch one missile and shoot the guard at the highest
platform. This will alert the enemies. Try not to shoot
at moving enemies as there is a higher chance of missing.
Shoot at a group. Also, do not let the guards come too
near to you, as they will fire their guns at you.
Min - 10

VS. 12 Battle
I will give a list of weapons that you will get initially for each
stage. On the right-hand side, I will list down some notes that i
think is important. At the very bottom, i will list some strategies
that you can use. Hope that this will be helpful to you.

Level 01 - 3/ 3 Grenade |Note:
3/ 3 Nikita |-Checkpoint is in the centre of the
10/10 PSG1 | screen.
3/ 3 Stinger |-Use PSG1 first, follow by other weapons.
Level 02 - 1/ 1 C4 |Note:
1/ 1 Claymore |-Checkpoint is in the bottom-left of screen.
1/ 1 Nikita |-Use Socom first, follow by other weapons.
1/ 1 Grenade |
30/30 Socom |
Level 03 - 2/ 2 Nikita |Note:
2/ 2 Claymore |-Checkpoint is in top-right of screen.
1/ 1 Grenade |-Use Socom first, follow by other weapons.
1/ 1 C4 |
12/12 Socom |
Level 04 - 2/ 2 C4 |Note:
2/ 2 Stinger |-Checkpoint is in the north, at the very
3/ 3 Grenade | bottom.
12/12 Socom |-Use Socom first, follow by other weapons.
Level 05 - 1/ 1 C4 |Note:
1/ 1 Stinger |-Checkpoint is in the south.
1/ 1 Claymore |-Use PSG1 first to kill off two guards,
8/ 8 Grenade | then the remaining weapons for the rest.
2/ 2 PSG1 |
Level 06 - 2/ 2 C4 |Note:
4/ 4 PSG1 |-Unarmed initially, you have to sneak to
12/12 Socom | the north to get your ammos.
4/ 4 Grenade |-Checkpoint is in the north where ammo is.
2/ 2 Stinger |-Use PSG1 first, followed by Socom etc.
Level 07 - 2/ 2 C4 |Note:
2/ 2 Claymore |-Checkpoint is in the centre.
12/12 Socom |-Use Socom first, followed by other weapons.
6/ 6 Grenade |
Level 08 - 1/ 1 C4 |Note:
2/ 2 PSG1 |-Checkpoint is near where you started
12/12 Socom | initially.
2/ 2 Grenade |-Use PSG1 to get rid of two guards, then
2/ 2 Claymore | Socom, followed by the remaining weapons.
- Always use PSG1 first if you have.
=>Can get rid of guards without being spotted, or harmed.
- After using PSG1, consider using Socom if you have.
=>Take about three shots per guard.
- If you are left with C4 or Claymores only, consider:
=>Get yourself spotted.
=>Lure all the guards in a row. They will chase behind you.
=>Set C4 along the way or set claymore facing the direction of the
=>Detonate C4 when enemies are near or as enemies are chasing you,
let them step onto a buried claymore and explode.
- Use Nikitas to destroy a group of enemies.
- Consider using Stinger, grenade etc the last.
=>Stinger can only kill one guard per missile. Furthermore, it alerts
nearby guards.
=>You need to time when a grenade will explode. Furthermore, it alerts

These mode is one of the coolest. Like other faqs writers, i will give
the clue for each stage, so as not to ruin the fun of discovery. And,
hints are only given to a few very tricky stage.

Level 01 - Broken Survillance Camera.
Hint: - "Distinct Appearance".

Level 02 - A mask that is wore for ski and a sock.

Level 03 - Half-finished ice-cream.

Level 04 - Broken spectacles
Hint: - "I can't see the way. Ouch!"

Level 05 - The soldier looking at the dead body.
Info: - The soldier will start to run away, and two other guards
will also join in the race, purposely is to confuse you.
The real murderer will run away to the exit in the north,
and if he manages to escape, you will fail the mission.
Hint: - "I can't let him escape...let my fist do the work."

Level 06 - The word "Johnny"

Level 07 - There are three guards walking in the snowing area. And,
only one set of footprints will lead you to the murderer.
Hint: - Try crawling around, as you also will leave footprints
behind, and this may confuse you.
- Footprints can "overlap".

Level 08 - Look in first person view mode.
Hint: - "My conscience..."

Level 09 - Broken spectacles.
Hint: - This is different from level 04.
- There's a certain item in ??? that you need to....

Level 10 - Which is the real one? They are so many...?
Hint: - Like what said in his faq, patience
is a virtue.

These puzzles are does lived up to its name. Hard or easy, can't say
so. True enough, you will have to figure out a strategy yourself and
solve the riddle. Like what others have done, i will not give you the
direct solution, but certain hints will be given.

Level 01 - There are 7 guards standing in a row, separating from each
other by a gap on a platform. You have 6 grenades, and the
only way is to wipe them out at one go. But how?
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - Watch the VR Training Disc Intro.

Level 02 - There are 7 guards. You are at the highest platform and
there is a guard standing there. Each guard stands on a
platform, of descending rows, like a triangular shape. How
do you kill all the guards at one go?
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - Timing, positioning ???

Level 03 - Armed with stinger, there is a Genome soldier standing at
the highest platform and a camera which prevents you from
going up the stairs. How to do?
Time: - 25 Secs
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - You don't really need to destroy the camera, but if you
wish, it's all right. However, time is precious.

Level 04 - There are 29 red UFO targets in a form of a cube or box.
You have only 50 stinger missiles ammo, and if you blow off
one red target, creating an explosion chain, there are 6
more cubes hiding behind the tower.
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - Look in first person view mode.
- "What is the lock-on feature for?"
=>There's a hint in the Tactical Strategy section.

Level 05 - Armed with 140 Famas ammo, with no suppressor, you are
standing on a "noisy" ground surface. And between two
walls, there are two guards, each standing on one side.
As Famas creates a lot of noises, if the guards hear any
gunfire, you will fail the mission immediately. And, you
notice that there are plenty of "blocking walls" along the
way that you need to destroy with the Famas.
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - The best strategy is sometimes to run. Don't let the guard
catch up with you. You will know why if you do that.
=>There's a hint in the Tactical Strategy section.
- Do not waste too much unneccessary bullets, as these
bullets are just enought for you to destroy those walls.

Level 06 - You have 50 Nikitas and 16 red UFO boxes that you need to
destroy. If you happen to destroy the wrong one, you have
to start all over again.
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - Remember the Nikita lesson? How do you change the altitude
of the missile? And, how to control the missile well?
- View in first-person view mode to see the altitude of the
red UFOs boxes.
- "Shoot the most impossible ones from the highest platform

Level 07 - Unarmed, the "blocking wall" obstruct you from reaching
the checkpoint. There are two searchlights in the centre.
How do i break the wall?
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - There's a mine detector in the south.
- "Do something foolish!"

Level 08 - Armed with 30 grenades, you will see 12 UFO cubes on the
ground. Using a grenade, cause a tower of cubes to pop up,
and similar via versa back to the ground if you use a
grenade again. The riddle is how do you make all 12 cubes
pop up?
Time: - 5 Min

Level 09 - There are two stationary cameras, both blocking the only
two paths to the checkpoint. To add to the challenge, a
guard is standing there as well. You are only armed with
C4. Should you get spotted, you failed the mission.
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Strategy - Lure the guard out of his position, by knocking on the
wall or whatever. Plant a C4 behind his back. When the
time reaches 1 min, the guard will start to inspect the
area. As he is close to one of the camera, detonate the
C4 to destroy the camera and make your way to the
Credit - Contributed by
Mystery - It seems that this is the only way, and special thanks to
Bernard who discovers the trick. If you use the above
strategy, you will find that no matter how fast you are,
your time will always be 1 min and above, since you can
only detonate the C4 after 1 min when the guard starts to
inspect the area. But if you look at the CPU scores, the
highest ranking is 45 secs...Are there other ways?

Level 10 - You are in a snow area. There is a guard turning his head,
with each 90 degress turn. And, a "blocking wall" obstruct
the checkpoint again. You are unarmed. You have a mine
detector, and there's a claymore in the north. With such
low life, you can't do anything "foolish" like in level 07.
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - Crawl over first to get the claymore after getting the mine
- "In a snowy area, traces are often left behind..try to
make it look natural!"

Level 01 - There is a glass panel ground surface in the south and a
guard standing there, facing the North. How do you solve?
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - "Kill the guard when he's standing in the glass panel,
using the 'Cs and Ds' move?"
- Figure out what's the move? The hint is in the Tactical
Strategy section.

Level 02 - There's a pit in the North and a guard sleeping in the
south. How do you let the guard fall inside the pit?
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - "There are many walls around, which you can knock to lure
the guard to the pit."
- Use punch, kick, throw etc to push him into the pit.

Level 03 - There are five guards standing at the top of a platform.
Looking down, you will see 5 large pitholes. How do you
kill them?
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - "It is quite similar to level 02."
- Watch the VR Training Intro.

Level 04 - There are 6 guards lining in a row, and you have only 6
C4. The purpose of this level is to kill all 6 guards
using C4. Due to demand's, i have been asked by many
people how to get the best time for this level. This is
what i have done. Refer to the ASCII ART below.
Time: - 5 Min

By Popular Demand:
| | Legend
| S | ======
| | Due to some reason, the diagram is
|-------------------------- | not drawn to scale.
|##########################| | G(1 to 6) represents the six guards.
|##########################| | S represents initial
|-------------------------- | position.
|SS C4 CP C4 C4 C4 | C4 represents position where
| G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 | you need to place C4.
|______________________________| SS represents Solid Snake.
CP represents checkpoint.
## represents Wall.

Strategy 1
Put a C4 each on these positions as shown in the diagram as you
lean against the wall, moving from right to left. When you reach
the position SS, you are ready to detonate the C4 that you have
placed. This should kill all guards at one go. Now, reach for
the checkpoint shown as CP in the diagram above. You should
have now left with 2 C4, enough to give some bonus time.

Best Time:00:31:42

1)Do not walk, run, crawl behind the guards.
=>These actions create a lot of noises, and when enemies hear it,
they will turn back and look.
=>Leaning against the wall is the best method for not alerting
the guards.

Strategy 2-Contributed by
You must be fast and nimble with your fingers. With reference to
the ASCII diagram above, this strategy is much faster, but of course,
more difficult. This method is rather sloppy, but is the fastest
strategy. Practice is of course vital before it can be successfull.

1)With C4 equipped, run straight to the position between G1 and G2,
and plant the C4 as quickly as possible. Of course, this will let
you be spotted by the guards, but do not panic.
2)Once the C4 is planted to the ground, wait for a split second for
G1 to hit you with your rifle butt. Your life bar will be shortened
slighly. However, you must not get a shot at this point, as a shot
will take more life from you.
3)Immediately after being hit by the guard,(You should still be
flashing), detonate the C4. If you are still in sub-conscious state,
when you are seeing circles above your head, the exploding C4 will
not hurt you, but will kill about 3 guards at least.
4)Quickly, rise to your feet, dash to the position between G4 and G5
again, when you have regained conscious. If you rise up and get to
the position fast enough, G4 and G5 should still be lying on the
ground due to the previous detonation. Once again, plant another
C4 at that position.(Slighly nearer to G5, but still in position
between G4 and G5.)
5)Wait for G4, G5, G6 to get up. Once G4 hits you with the rifle butt,
detonate the C4. You should again be in sub-conscious state.
6)The remaining guards should either be dead, or fallen over the
platform. Now, rise and run to the checkpoint at the position, CP.
Your time should be estimated between 15 secs to 17 secs, but with
four unused C4, this should give you more than enough time bonus.

Best Time:12 to 13 Secs

Level 05 - This is a very tricky stage. It's either you get it or
not. The checkpoint is in the middle, and there are 4
guards stationing the checkpoint in a circle manner.
There are basically three strategies that you can use.
Refer to the ASCII diagram below. These strategies should
put you in the first ranking.

Time: - 5 min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
_| |_ Legend
_| |_ ======
| G4 | Due to some reason, the diagram is not drawn to
| | scale.
| G1 CP G3 | G(1 to 4) represents the four guards.
| | CP represents checkpoint.
|_ G2 _| SS represents Solid Snake.
|_ SS _|
|__ __|

Strategy 1-Contributed by
_| |_ Step
_| |_ ====
| G1 G4 | 1-)The guards will first move in a clockwise
| | manner as shown in Fig 1.
| CP | 2-)Go behind G2.
| G2 G3 | 3-)At this point, G2 is about to turn backwards,
|_ SS _| and the guards are about to travel in an
|_ _| anticlockwise manner.
|______| 4)-Notice that G1 is somewhere directly above
to G2, maybe a little bit to the right.
Fig 1 5)-This is the crucial part. Before G2 turns,
perform a punch, kick combo, making sure
that G2 will knock onto the G1.
6)-Now is the time to run to the CP.
Best Time:00:05:70

Strategy 2-This method was devised by myself.
______ Step
_| |_ ====
_| |_ 1-)Perform a punch-kick combo on G2.
| G1 | 2-)G2 should land in the position (G2)
| (G2) G4 | 3-)G1 will come to (G2) to check.
| CP | 4-)Take the route as indicated in the
| G2 | | diagram by - to the CP.
|_ SS---- G3 _| Best Time:00:05:22
|_ _|

Strategy 3-Contributed by ShinJN
______ Step
_| |_ ====
_| |_ 1-)Perform a throw behind G2.
| G1 | 2-)G2 should land in the position (G2).
| G4 | 3-)Take the route as indicated by - to the CP.
| CP | Best Time:00:04:86
| G2 | |
|_ SS--| G3_|
|_ (G1) _|

Level 06 - The guards here are wearing a stealth suit and you cannot
see them. With Socom, you have to kill all of the guards.
There are about 6 guards, but i believe that they have
random positioning, which means their initial position
changes each time you restart.
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - Knock on the walls to lure the guards out.
- Even with stealth, you still can see some 'blurry'
silhouettes of a guard.

Level 07 - There are 27 red UFO targets floating towards you. You
have to destroy them. It should not be a problem at all.
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake dies.
Hint: - Try shooting the nearest UFo target first. If these UFO
gets too close to you when you shoot, it will kill Snake.

Level 08 - You have to destroy 5 blue UFO targets. The first target
is on the left hand of the screen and the second target
is on the right hand of the screen. The third and fourth
target will be in the middle, moving from left to right.
Once you shoot the fourth target, the fifth target will
appear behind the sleeping guard and the other guards
will come and surround the last target. How do you solve?
Time: - 5 Min
Note: - The mission will fail if a guard is shot.
Hint: - Use diapazam to stablise Snake.
- Try shooting from the highest platform.
- Given that, the sleeping guard will move forward, after
a period of time, can you figure out something?

Level 09 - Armed with Socom, you have to destroy 74 blue UFO targets.
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - It is found in the Tactical Strategy section.

Level 10 - This is similar to Level 09, except that you are using a
Famas, instead of a Socom, and you have to destroy 74 blue
UFO targets.
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - Same as level 09.

Level 11 - Destroy 20 red UFO targets and you will fight ??. I won't
reveal anything as the words suggest, "THE TRUTH IS OVER
Time: - 5 Min
Hint: - Keep on shooting at ?? before it gets near you. You will
know why.

Level 12 - Meryl is lying profusely on the ground, and a gigantic
Ghost..(Any..Buster nearby?) walks toward you and Meryl.
There are three targets that you can shoot, that
is the stomach, head and knee, but which one is the
real one?
Note: - Your mission objective is to destroy him before he walks
toward you and steps onto Meryl. If that happens, you will
fail the mission.
Hint: - "Shoot the one where you need it for eating."

Level 13 - This is similar to Variety Level 12. Instead of one, you
have now two.
Note: - Same as mission objective in Variety Level 12.
Hint: - The same strategy still applies.

VR Mission
Okay, this is the strategy that i have used for the VR mission. It
may not be the best, but does work well. And, after a few practice,
you should be able to get the best ranking, without restarting,
continuing etc. The best way is not to get spotted, and kill when
there is a need to.

Level 01 - When you first begin, go to the left path, then go north.
You should see a guard heading up. You will see the
checkpoint in the north. But, don't go to the checkpoint
first. Go right and you should see another guard approach-
ing. Wait till he looks to the south, then go to the right
and take the Socom. It contains 6 Socom ammos. You should
see another guard at northeast. knock on the wall to lure
that guard out and get the Socom suppressor. Then, go all
the way northwest. Hide behind the wall. You should see
a guard approaching, looking towards the north first,
then move to the right. Now, make your way to the
checkpoint. This should be under 50 secs.

Level 02 - Get Famas first. Then, go to the left. You should see blue-
painted 'pit-holes.' Don't go first. Take your aim toward
the north and use Socom to shoot at the guard. Now, you
have 3 Socom ammos. You will notice that the guard will
leave behind 10 Socom ammos. Now, walk on this pit-holes,
and take the 10 Socom ammos before the guard from the
north come and spot you. After taking the ammos, quickly
take the CardB.A and then head south again passing the
pitholes. This should alert the guard on the right, and
quickly, go make your way to the north passing the pitholes
and get Famas bullet on the northeast. Now, you should
have noticed that the guard at the north is sleeping, and
now make your way to the checkpoint.

Level 03 - If you want, get the 3 grenades first on the right. Then,
when the guard is not looking, crawl into the tunnel.
You should have noticed a guard in the north. Get out of
the tunnel when the guard is heading north. Beware that
the ground is slippery and creates a lot of noise. Walk
a few steps and use your Socom to kill the guard. Then,
make your way to the north. You should see two guards
near the checkpoint. knock on the wall to lure one of
the guard, then make your way to the checkpoint.

Level 04 - Take C4 first. Then, take the left path, knock on the wall.
This will alert a guard. You should have 10 Socom ammos
left now. Now, aim and kill those three guards one by one
By knocking on the wall. Do not get yourself spotted. By
By the time, you have kill the three guards, you should
have 1 Socom ammos left. Now, use C4 or Famas to break the
wall and make your way to the checkpoint.

Level 05 - Get mine detector first. East of you are two claymores and
thermal goggles. Get them first. Then, make your way to
the north. Be careful, there are infra-red sensors and
buried claymore. Use thermal goggles to see. Don't bother
about getting the ration on the right path. just make your
way north to the checkpoint.

Level 06 - Get the PSG1 on the right. Then, avoid the camera and go
down the staircase and get ready to use your PSG-1 to shoot
a nearby guard. You must be quick and not be spotted by
the camera. Then, at the staircase, kill about one or two
more guards. One of the guards, when kill, will leave
some ammos behind. Never mind. Now, make your way to
the northeast of the checkpoint, without being spotted.

Level 07 - First, go to the right, crawl the tunnel, and get the
Stinger missiles annd ammos. Note that your radar is
jammed and there is a guard patrolling on a higher platform
and be careful, not to let him see you. Okay, after getting
the stinger missiles, crawl out of the tunnel, and you
should see the soldier moving left. Go north and make a
right turn on the second path and then travel south to
take C4. Next, go all the way north, and you should
see a sleeping guard. There's a PSG1 ammos near the
sleeping guard, and use the wall as your cover. Get ready
and equip the Famas. You should see a guard patrolling down
the higher platform and when he makes a turn, quickly make
your way to the checkpoint in the northeast. As you go past
the sleeping guard, this will wake him up. Run as fast to
the checkpoint and use your famas to break the wall to
proceed to the next level. If you are fast, you should be
able to make it to the checkpoint unharmed.

Level 08 - There are 21 UFOs boxes you need to destroy and there are
4 guards in this levels. There's a guard in the south of
the staircase, and it is very likely that you will be
spotted if you just make your way like that. To prevent
being spotted, once you begin the level, get ready to use
your PSG1. Shoot the guard guarding the south of the
staircase, and this will alert nearby guards. Use this
method and kill all guards, if not four, at least three.
Simply put a C4 each in the west, south, and east. Then,
detonate the C4. If there is a guard still around, this
will alert other guards, and now there will be four guards.
You should have kill 16 targets by the time you detonate
the C4. Now, throw a grenade into the pillar, either West,
East, or south. Once the grenade explodes, this should
have destroyed the remaining targets. Now, make your way
to the checkpoint in the south. Make sure you have at least
5 PSG-1 ammos by now.

Level 09 - Go up and take the left path. Use PSG1 and shoot a guard,
that is approaching you. Next, hide yourself using the
wall. You should have noticed that there is a guard in the
north and a guard is slowly approaching you in the south.
Wait for the guard in the south to head south first. Now,
knock on the wall, and lure the guard in the north all the
way to the south. Now, make your way to the checkpoint in
the north. Use Famas to blow the wall, and make your way
to the checkpoint.

Level 10 - This stage is easy, provided you have PSG1 ammos left.
There are four guards here, and you need to kill all guards
to make the checkpoint appear. If you have 4 PSG1 ammos
left, you should know what to do now. When all guards are
killed, make your way to the checkpoint in the north.

CONGRADULATIONS!!!You have clear the mode. You can also refer to
's faq on the VR Mission.

As i have mention before, i haven't got Ninja mode playable. All the
information below was contributed by . If you
need help, feel free to ask him about Ninja mode.

Here are the default controls for Grayfox, Ninja.

L1 - Cloaking Device

R1 - Electric Field

Square - Perform a forward spinning slide while running.
- Choke and then slice the enemy's throat when very close.

Circle - Cross Swing
- Hold the button to deflect bullets.

X - Press once to crouch.
- Press twice to perform a jump.

Note: - Using cloaking device and electric field will deplete
Ninja's power.
- Press R1 to activate and deactivate electric field. By
activating electric field, Ninja will have the stealth

Level 01 - There are 15 poles in this level, and your mission
objective is to slice all the poles.

Level 02 - Kill all 30 guards here.

Level 03 - Find and kill Solid Snake without being spotted. If you
kill the wrong person, you will fail the mission.

NG Selection
Level 01 - With the mine detector, retrieve all claymores in the
ground and the checkpoint will open up.
Time: - 30 Secs
Note: - Snake will die if he steps on a buried claymore.
Hint: - "Using walk and crawl at the right time."

Level 02 - Armed with grenade, start by throwing a grenade, and hide
behind the wall. By the time the alien soldier reaches
there, the grenade will explode, killing him. Then, move
to the checkpoint in the north.
Time: - 30 Secs
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.

Level 03 - You are on a long path, and there is an alien soldier in
the north. The checkpoint is in the north. Having only a
cardB.A, what comes to your mind?
Time: - 1 min
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.
Hint: - Alien soldier has amazing eye sight and hearing ability.
You must know when to move and when not to.
- Consider punch, kick, and throw etc.

Level 04 - Equipped with 35 Socom ammos, you see red UFOs targets
lined up in a shape of a '@'. There are some red UFO
targets that will vibrate. How do you destroy them?
Time: - 35 Secs
Hint: - Create an explosion chain.
- Watch the VR Training Disc Intro.

Level 05 - There are 3 alien soldiers, two are sleeping, and only one
is patrolling. Notice the ground surface? If you step onto
these 'noisy surface', it will alert the guards nearby.
And, the guard is patrolling on the other side where the
path leads to the checkpoint and the wall is low on
the other what to do?
Time: - 1 Min
Hint: - "Crawling....?"

Level 06 - This level requires you to use your PSG-1, and there are
3 blue targets. But, beware, it isn't as easy as you
think. I have a hard time, trying to locate the targets
at first.
Time: - 2 Min
Hint: - Try using Scope to locate the targets.
- Try to visual it in a 3-dimensional view and you will know
why it is hard to locate.

Level 07 - There is an alien soldier that you need to kill to make
the checkpoint appear. There is an unreloaded Stinger
Launcher near the staircase. To kill the soldier, you must
first find some stinger missiles and there are basically
two locations where you can get it. The first one is on
the higher platform on the other side, and it takes quite
some time to walk to there. The second one is on the lower
platform, where the alien soldier is on, and the lower
platform is made of 'noisy' platform. So, what do you do?
Time: - 1 Min 30 Secs
Note: - The mission will fail if Snake gets spotted.

Level 08 - This is another mystery case. I wonder why it is put in
the NG Selection, instead of in the mystery mode. Similar
to those levels you have played in the mystery mode, there
will be clues for these levels, and you have to find a way
to determine whoose the murderer out of these three
Time: - 5 Min
Clue: - A diary on the floor.
- The tunnel on the left.
=>Something is strange about the wall.

X)GameShark Code
Special thanks to the Gameshark Code Creator's Club for the gameshark
codes and making this section possible. The URL for the site is:

An additional advice:
Do not use any of the codes unless you are forced to no choice.
Using gameshark codes to unlock all the VR Training modes ruin the
fun of the game and is strongly discouraged. It is understandable if
you use gameshark codes to unlock certain levels like the Ninja
mode, if you want to save time beating the story mode or just don't
have a PocketStation. Or you use the codes to bypass the mod chip
protection. Other than that, there should be no reason to use it at
all. Due to some gameshark gamers' request, i have decided to add the
gameshark codes to it, but do not overabuse it.

Note:I won't bear any responsibility to any damage done to your
system if the gameshark codes do not work.

Codes Made & Tested on 2.4 Version Game Shark

Enable Code D00C3AB6 1040
(Must Be On Disc 1 & 2) 800C3AB6 1000
D00C492A 1040
800C492A 1000

Enable Code D00C209A 1040
(Must Be On VR-Disc) 800C209A 1000

Note:The above two codes are for those who have the older modified
PlayStation and you will need a GameShark/Game Enhancer/Pro
Action Replay to use the above codes to bypass the Modchip
Protection in Metal Gear Solid Integral Normal(Disc 1 & 2)/
VR Disc(Disc 3).

Note:I have got mails, complaining that the bypass ModChip Protection
codes, work only for disc 1 and when they reaches disc 2, the
game does not work, even though the code is still on. Is it

For Disc 1 and Disc 2 Only

Infinite Life 800B4DAE 0600
800B4DB0 0600

Infinite Oxygen (Press R1) D00AB950 0008
800ABA34 03E7

Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800ABA00 0000

Ghost Mode D00B4DB8 0000
800ABA10 0000

Have Cigs 800B4DE2 0001

Have Scope 800B4DE4 0001

Have A 800B4DE6 0001

Have B 800B4DE8 0001

Have C 800B4DEA 0001

Have N.V.G. 800B4DEC 0001

Have Thermal.G 800B4DEE 0001

Have Gas Mask 800B4DF0 0001

Have B.Armour 800B4DF2 0001

Have Ketchup 800B4DF4 0001

Have Stealth 800B4DF6 0001

Have Bandana 800B4DF8 0001

Have Camera 800B4DFA 0001

Have Level 7 Key Card 800B4E04 0007

Never Have Time Bomb 800B4E06 0000

Have Mine Detector 800B4E08 0001

Have Mo Disc 800B4E0A 0001

Have Rope 800B4E0C 0001

Have Scarf 800B4E0E 0001

Have Socom Pistol 800B4DBA 03E7
800B4DCE 03E7

Have Famas 800B4DBC 03E7
800B4DD0 03E7

Have Grenades 800B4DBE 03E7
800B4DD2 03E7

Have Nikita 800B4DC0 03E7
800B4DD4 03E7

Have Stinger 800B4DC2 03E7
800B4DD6 03E7

Have Claymore Mines 800B4DC4 03E7
800B4DD8 03E7

Have C4 800B4DC6 03E7
800B4DDA 03E7

Have Stun Grenades 800B4DC8 03E7
800B4DDC 03E7

Have Chaff Grenades 800B4DCA 03E7
800B4DDE 03E7

Have Sniper Rifle (PSG1) 800B4DCC 03E7
800B4DE0 03E7

Have 99 Rations 800B4DFC 0063
800B4E12 0063

Have 99 Medicine 800B4DFE 0063
800B4E14 0063

Have 99 Diazepam 800B4E00 0063
800B4E16 0063

Auto Reload Ammo 800AB9EC 001E
800ABA04 001E

For Disc 3:VR Training Only
Infinite Life 800B2A0E 0600
800B2A10 0600

Radar Not Jammed When Spotted 800A9660 0000

Ghost Mode D00B2A18 0000
800A9670 0000

Have Stealth 800B2A56 0001

Have Bandana 800B2A58 0001

Have Camera 800B2A5A 0001

Infinite Socom Ammo 800B2A1A 0064

Infinite Famas 800B2A1C 0064

Infinite Grenades 800B2A1E 0064

Clear Sneaking Mode 800E1050 FFFF
800E1068 FFFF
800E1080 FFFF
800E1098 FFFF

Clear Weapon Mode 800E1052 FFFF
800E1054 FFFF
800E1056 FFFF
800E1058 FFFF
800E105A FFFF
800E106A FFFF
800E106C FFFF
800E106E FFFF
800E1070 FFFF
800E1072 FFFF

Clear Advanced Mode 800E1082 FFFF
800E1084 FFFF
800E1086 FFFF
800E1088 FFFF
800E108A FFFF
800E109A FFFF
800E109C FFFF
800E109E FFFF
800E10A0 FFFF
800E10A2 FFFF

Clear Special Mode 800E10BC FFFF
800E10D4 FFFF
300E10ED 00FF
300E10EE 00FF
800E1122 FFFF
300E1124 00FF
300E114F 00FF
300E1150 0001
300E1181 00FF

Always Use Stealth 800B2A16 000A

All Weapons (Caetla Only) B0140002 000000000
800B2A1A 0063

Map Always Shown 800A9660 0000

Unlimited Bullets D00635C6 2463
800635C4 0000
D0063BC2 2463
80063BC0 0000
D006490A 2652
80064908 0000
D0065C2E 2442
80065C2C 0000
D0064E26 2652
80064E24 0000

Unlimited Bomb D00654FA 2631
800654F8 0000
D0065522 2631
80065520 0000
D00642BC 1821
800642BE 0060
D00651BE 2631
800651BC 0000

Unlimited Diazepam D003C5B8 1021
8003C5BA 0040

No Time Limit D00D6A82 2442
800D6A80 0000
D00D6A8A 2442
800D6A88 0000
D00D8372 2442
800D8370 0000
D00D9E6E 2442
800D9E6C 0000
D00D7EC6 2442
800D7EC4 0000
D00D8B46 2442
800D8B44 0000
D00D95CA 2442
800D95C8 0000
D00DAF92 2442
800DAF90 0000
D00DBE7A 2442
800DBE78 0000
D00D9C4E 2442
800D9C4C 0000
D00D9FEE 2400
800D9FEC 0000
D00DBEF2 2442
800DBEF0 0000
D00D61E6 2442
800D61E4 0000

Contributed By
Unlock Ninja Mode Only D00C209A-1040
XI)Frequently Asked Question
Just like my other faqs, i will always have a special section called
the frequently asked question. Okay, faqs, fine! In this section, i
will put down a list of questions i have been asked about Metal Gear
Solid Integral. If you think that there is something that you don't
understand and wants to e-mail me at, try reading
some of these questions first. Some of the questions listed here
maybe what you want to ask. This will save both my time and your
time, rather than i have to answer the same old questions all over.

1)How do i unlock the three movies in the Extra Mode?
Refer to the secret section in the VR Disc.

2)What happens if my PlayStation is not the latest modified one
and i want to play Metal Gear Solid Integral? How do i overcome
the ModChip Protection?
You will need a GameShark/Game Enhancer/Pro Action Replay etc to
overcome the ModChip Protection. The codes are listed in the
gameshark section. Please refer to that section.

3)How do i unlock Ninja mode?
Use a gameshark or have a PocketStation. The gameshark codes for
unlocking Ninja is in the gameshark section or in the secret
section in VR Disc. For more info on PDA, please refer to the
secret section too.

4)What happened if i don't have a PDA/no Gameshark and what is
another alternative to unlock Ninja mode?
Play the story mode, and get the best ranking. For more info on
ranking, please refer to the secret section.

5)Does completing all the other levels give you access to Ninja mode?
The answer is no. If you have completed all other levels, leaving
only three levels left for Ninja, you should have 99.0% of the
training completed.

6)Does gaining all the best time and ranking in the VR Training give
you access to Ninja mode?
The answer is no again.

7)How do i know that the Ninja mode is unlocked?
You should see Grayfox unmasking at the title screen.

8)What happens if i have failed to exchange datas with 5 other
players within 7 days using the PocketStation?
Sorry, i don't have a PocketStation. I'll afraid i can't answer
you this question. I guess you probably won't get to open Ninja
mode if you fail to meet any of the requirements.

9)How do i get to take photos of Mei Ling or Naomi Hunter in the
photography mode?
Refer to the secret section in the VR Disc. There seems to be
many rumors.

10)How do i play the first person view mode?
Complete the game once, except very easy in all difficulty mode.
Then, go to Special option in the first disc and select the first
person view mode.

11)How do i switch to first person view mode?
Press Triangle twice.

12)I am stuck in Variety Level 05. Can you help me?
Refer to the VR Training Guide.

13)I am stuck in Advanced Mode Famas Level 05 Time Attack Mode. Can
you help me? There are cameras around, and i have limited time.
I do admit it's quite hard but i have devised my own strategy,
which i find it to be very easy. Just a hint to you. Stay
directly below the camera. You should see soldiers in the north,
and in the centre is a camera, and up the stairs, there is another
one. To get rid of the two soldiers, one on the left, and right,
where the centre is a camera, don't go head on, instead stay there,
and use your Famas to shoot. Once they are killed, get ready to
move on.

14)I am stuck in Variety Level 08. Can you help me? I tried to
shoot the 5th Target, but ended up shooting at the enemy.
Try going to the highest platform and aim from there. You will
know why later on.

15)I am stuck in Puzzle Level 06? How do i destroy the highest cube
at the top?
This is a very good question. I was stuck once here. Your first
priority should be to destroy the highest cube first, then think
of destroying those at the lower platform. First, go to the
highest platform in the left-hand corner. From there, fire a
missile, and you should see a hole where your missile can enter.
Go into that hole, and you will be up in an incline. Remember
the Nikita lessons? This is not all. From here, i leave you to
figure out how to make the way to the top. My advice is the
Nikita missile have just enough fuel to reach the top, so find
the shortest route and do not move your missile too much, as this
reduces the speed.

16)I am stuck in NG Selection Level 08. How do i solve the mystery?
Warning:This is the solution. Avoid reading.
First, you should see a diary on the floor, and to the left,
is a tunnel. Go to the left wall of the tunnel, and knock on
the wall. Keep on knocking, and you should see the guards
coming down. After some time, two of the guards will left, and
the murderer, feeling guilty will approach the dead soldier and
take the diary on the floor. i suppose you know what to do now.

17)I am stuck at Sneaking Mode Level 09. I can't get past the cameras.
Warning:This is the solution. Avoid reading.
Use CardB.A to hide yourself. Make your way up. The cameras will
rotate itself in a 180 degress manner. If you are within the sight
of a camera, hide in the cardB.A, and do not move. Once the camera
moves away, and you are out of the sight, slowly make your way up.
Repeat this strategy for all cameras, and you should be able to
reach the checkpoint soon.

18)The ModChip Protection codes work only for disc 1. When i reach
disc 2, the game freezes, even though the code is still on.
What should i do?
Sorry, i don't know. I don't have a gameshark, so i can't help
you. Meanwhile, i will try and find out more for you.

19)When will the US version arrive?
Metal Gear Solid:VR Mission will be released somewhere in October.
It is confirmed that the US version will not have the first two
discs, only the VR disc will come to the states, which means no
first person view mode. Will VR Mission utilise PocketStation, PDA?
It's unlikely.

20)Is it true that the US version will not have the first two discs,
only the the third VR Training Disc?
Yes. But, don't be disappointed. There are several Metal Gear
Solid fans who protested that they want all three discs.
There is still some hope to see the complete package, though
chances are quite slim. Well, let just pray that we will see
the whole package in the US.

21)Is Konami planning to make Metal Gear Solid 2?
Quite possibly, but definitely not the PS. It's unlikely to be
in the Dreamcast or N64 either. Latest rumor states that MGS2 may
be in works for PS2. PS2 is far more technologically advanced than
Dreamcast, and perhaps the only system that can make the designers'
dream a realistic. But that doesn't matter. We can expect MSG2
with more new cool ideas. For the time being, enjoy Integral first.

22)Will Metal Gear Solid be released in the PC?
Yes. According to a report, Konami and Microsoft are interested in
porting this anticipated PlayStation game to PC.

23)Will the PC version of Metal Gear Solid have three CDs like the
Integral package?
Sorry, i don't know.

24)When is the release date of the PC Metal Gear Solid?
It is rumored to be somewhere next year.

XII)Wish List
After reading Rudy Hendrawan's Metal Gear Solid
faq(Not integral), i decided to add in a wish list like what he has
did. His faq is a complete walkthrough, so if you need help on it,
please refer to his. Although the 300 VR training was a welcome
addition to integral, i was really hoping for more and more. I was
quite disappointed, but i couldn't deny that the VR training was
very fun. Perhaps konami could consider adding these ideas the
next time. Anyone say VR mission?

VR Training
1)Ninja has only three levels, but don't you think it is too short.
At least, give us ten levels.
2)We have Solid Snake, Ninja, but how about an exclusive ten stages
starring Meryl?
3)You can't use Stun Grenades, Chaff Grenades in the training discs.
4)How about adding a hostage mode where Snake has to rescue a
hostage within a given time, and the whole area is heavily guarded.
5)Instead of killing the guards, how about using weapons like Famas
to knock off the guards?
6)How about using a knife and cut the throat of a guard, rather than
having to strangle him?
7)You have seen the blue and red UFO targets. How about using other
targets like shooting a bottle etc.
8)The mystery, puzzle, variety are well-designed. How i wish there
are more! And, don't you think that the last stage of NG Selection
can be put in the mystery mode?
9)There are no wolves in the VR training. How about putting Snake in
an area where you can battle wolves.
10)In the story mode, you get to fight tanker, hind, and even Rex,
Metal Gear, but how about letting Solid Snake control these
vehicles in one of the VR Training?
11)Meryl can disguise as a soldier. How about Solid Snake?
12)Ninja can jump, but not Solid Snake.
13)How about mode, where you can control the villains also like
Liquid Snake, Sniper Wolf, Vulcan Raven, Revolver Ocelot, Psycho
Mantis etc? (Did anyone mention Decoy Octopus?) I will love to
control Psycho Mantis and see how to read into other people's
minds. Haha!
14)If Solid Snake gets shot in the leg, how about seeing Snake
walking with a limp? That will be cool. Yeah, and seeing blood
keep on dripping on the blood. That will be more realistic.
15)What is the difference between Variety Level 12 and 13? How about
hiding in a maze where Solid Snake has to hide and kill those
gigantic Genome soldiers before they step onto you.
16)Coen van der Geest suggests adding
the old missions from the MSX version, with enhanced 2-D graphics
and sounds, or convert the missions from 2-D MSX version to a 3-D

version that uses the same MGS engine for the VR Training.
=>Best if it has this feature:
How about letting gamers exercise their own creativity where there
is a mode, where gamers can design their own stages, position
guards and save to a memory card?

Story Mode
1)I was hoping for a some slight changes to the game's story, perhaps
adding a new ending or a new mini-quest. One of a secret formula
to keep gamers playing is to add in more new secrets. Overall,
this is very disappointing.
2)The first person view mode wasn't that cool as expected. Have you
seen the videos on the E3? The videos seem to look in a higher
resolution, and several shots are not found in the game. Perhaps,
not just the first-person view mode, when you complete the game a
second time, you can play in a hi-resolution mode like the one
seen in E3, and gamers can easily switch views between normal to
first-person to hi-resolution mode.
3)The FMVs have too many blurry graphics. How i wish the animation
could have been much better? Remember Ocelot and Ninja at the
beginning of E3 videos. Yes, that sort of videos, if possible.
4)If there is a way to switch the briefing topic, and mission log
to English...and also can switch voice-actors, between English
and Japanese.
5)After you have completed the game, you get a chance to view the
video again in the special mode, but you have to start all over
again from disc 1 onwards, don't you find it fustrating?
6)The first person view mode is a welcome addition, but not that
impressive at all. Besides, when in first person view mode, you
don't get a chance to see the weapons you hold in your hand. I
hope Konami will correct this minor flaw. Having to see the weapons
add more realistism to the game.
7)Hopefully, you can also change the briefing text, mission objectives
in the VR Disc to English.

Photography Mode
-This is the greatest disappointment. Why waste two memory blocks to
take Naomi and Mei Ling's photo?
1)Not just Naomi, Mei Ling, what about Colonel, Otacon, Solid Snake,
Ninja, and the members of fox-hound? Can we take their photos too?
2)How about a group photos-the good ones with Solid Snake, Meryl,
Otacon, Colonel, Mei Ling, Naomi or the baddies, Liquid Snake,
Pyscho Mantis, Revolvor Ocelot, Sniper wolf, Vulcan Raven, Decoy
Octopus etc?
3)Can we change the background of the scene? How about taking a photo
from a beach?(Mei Ling, Meryl and Naomi in swimsuit???Come on!)

1)This is the one and only complaint i have about Metal Gear Solid.
It's strange. Because when i use the PSG1, aim at the leg, blood
come out of the soldiers' head instead of the leg. Can a shot of
PSG1 kill a person just like aiming at the leg?

2)The Al of Metal Gear Solid can be considered very advanced since
it's like never seen before. Enemies react to sight and sound.
However, there's one major flaw that makes the Al really look
retarded. Shoot the guard at the back of his head, without him
discover you, then hide, and he will go back to his patrol route.
Hmm, very considerable. But, wouldn't it be better if the wounded
soldier calls for help or send a research party?

Suggestions contributed by Scott Smith
1)He hopes to play through the game using Meryl and Ninja in the
story mode as the story unfolds from their perspectives, and not
just little crappy VR Missions.

2)He hopes to see a boss mode in the VR Mission where you can fight
with the bosses or perhaps fight all at one go. It will be better
if we can control one of the bosses and kill Solid Snake. For
example, controlling Sniper wolf, riding a tanker or a hind using
Vulcan Raven or Liquid Snake.

3)He hopes that the staff frequency, 140.07 can be changed to English.

4)Instead of having the useless first person view mode, how about
once you complete a certain stage or whatever, save your replay and
view in TOTAL FIRST PERSON VIEW MODE, and not like the useless
replay theater in the VR Training Disc. A view in first person
where you can also see your weapons.

That's all. If you think, you have very cool ideas that you think you
can improve the game, why not e-mail me, so i add it to the list.
Come on, this is just for fun, but we do hope that for the next MGS
sequel, we can even see more and more exciting concepts, right?
Konami staff, especially Hideo kojima, if you happen to look at this
faq, you will know what we want for the next Metal Gear Solid.

-For everything you see here.
-For making this wonderful remake possible.
-Thanks to Hideo Kojima, for coming out with this fantastic game.
Bernard Ong aka Dhampire
-For telling me how to complete puzzle level 06.
-For sharing with me about some ideas on the movie, E3.
-For sharing strategies with me.
-For allowing me to add the Ninja mode to my faq from his faq.
Chris Barker
-Sorry for the misunderstanding cause.
-Information that concides:
1)Staff Codec Frequency.
2)Getting Ninja.
3)Getting Snake and Meryl's new outfit.
4)Truth behind NG Selection.
5)Gameshark codes like the bypass mod chip code, except Ninja.
-All the above informations that concides are either my original
work, or taken from BOng's faq with permission.
-For telling me how to complete puzzle level 06.
-For sharing with me about some ideas on the movie, E3.
-For sharing strategies with me.
-For giving me the exact percentages for unlocking the two movies.
Khairuman Bin Lani
-For providing the second strategy for Variety Level 04.
Ahmad Rizudin Izzudin
-For telling me how to complete puzzle level 06.
Gouki / Rolento
-For telling me about the Metal Gear Rex 100% training confidential.
-For contributing some suggestions for the photography mode.
Rudy Hendrawan
-For setting up a wish list like his MGS Faq.
-His faq inspired me to write this Integral's faq.
Coen van der Geest
-For suggesting some ideas for the wish list.
Michael Jackson
-For contributing some suggestions for the photography mode.
By Steevens Alconcel
-For telling me about a fact behind NG Selection.

-For telling me the staff codec frequency.
-For losing your e-mail. Please contact me and give me your e-mail.
Scott Smith
-For providing helpful suggestions for the wish list.
-I rephrase some of the sentences, plus expand some of your ideas.
Hopefully, you don't mind.
Gameshark Code Creator
-For the gameshark codes
-Visit the site at
-Thanks for your time for reading this faq.
If you have any comments, suggestions or any new strategies, infos that
you think you can contribute, please feel free to mail to me at
Visit my homepage at:
Please kindly signed my guestbook as a word of appreciation.
Credits will be given to contributors.

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15.Октябрь 2013
Mei Ling Photographie FAQ

29.Сентябрь 2013

11.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019