City Of The Lost Children

City of the Lost Children

13.05.2008 16:52:35
City of The Lost Children Walkthrough

Part One: The Receipts Hut Break-In

* Classroom

The action starts in the 3 Doves orphanage's classroom. Pieuvre
(the director) orders Miette to commit a theft in
the receipt hut, and tells her to see Pelade to get the key of the
hut door.

* Speak to Pieuvre (ask for the key of the cashier's hut)
* Pick up a bag of marbles on the shelves
* Pick up a sponge at the blackboard
* Careful: if you stay too long in the classroom, you get
chucked in the cellar

* Orphanage Courtyard

* Go to see Pelade and ask him for the key
* Pick up a bone in the dustbins
* Pick up 2 bottles on the top of the stairs
* Get out of the orphanage and go to the lighthouse

* Footbridge between the orphanage and the harbour's storage

* Pick up a brush
* Pick up an empty bottle

* Footbridges between the receipt hut and the harbour's storage

* Go to the lighthouse

* The lighthouse pier

* Pick up a metal bar on the bundles at the entrance of the
* When next to the lighthouse's electric wires, throw the metal
bar on it to switch
off the light
* Run quickly, bend down behind the boxes on the opposite side
of the lighthouse to hide yourself

Movie Sequence : The watchman will then come around to repair the
fuses but won't see you.

The receipt hut

Go to the receipt hut and open the door with the key
When inside, switch on the light, to your right
Open the cash register and jam it with the bone (or brush) to
deactivate the electric safe
Pick up the cash and get out of the hut

Movie Sequence: The watchman is waiting for you, but he get
slaughtered by One. One tells Miette that his young
brother Denree has been kidnapped by the Cyclops and that he needs
Miette's help to find him (movie sequence).

Go back to the orphanage (automatic sequence).

The harbour's storage (non obligatory passage)

If you get caught by the watchman, you're chucked into the
harbour's storage with the tramp.

To get out, climb on the two boxes
Activate the circuit breaker
Then, climb the stairs and activate the switch on the left of
the door to open it
Turn left and go down the stairs (movie sequence)

Orphanage cellar (non obligatory passage)

If you stay for a long time in the class room or in the courtyard,
Pelade throws Miette in the cellar. There are three
solutions to get out:

You can close the box cover and climb on it to get out through
the dormer window
The door may be open
You can pick up a rusty hook in the alcove to pull the door
locker and get out

Careful: if Miette is chucked more than three times in the cellar,
the game is over

Part Two : The Loan Shark's House

In the classroom

Pieuvre gives you a new mission: go to the loan shark's house and
steal the jewels

Pick up a sponge on the blackboard and a bag of marbles on the
shelves before leaving the classroom (if
you didn't before)
Go out into the courtyard

Courtyard / kitchen / footbridges between the orphanage and the
harbour's storage

Make Pelade fall asleep in order to get into his bedroom. Find the
key that opens the grid allowing access to

First Solution

Pick up empty bottles (2 in the orphanage courtyard, 1 after
the footbridge leading to the pier)
Bring them successively to the tramp, under the footbridge, to
fill them up (in exchange with some chicken,
cake or cheese found in the kitchen, on the right of the
classroom exit).
Give the full bottles to Pelade. He'll give you information
about the cashier's hut, and then, he'll drink the
wine, get drunk, and fall asleep.

Second Solution

Enter the kitchen at the right of the classroom exit. Exchange
Boule's potion for his bag of marbles (you can
take a pestle on the dresser, a slice of cake in a cupboard
and a piece of cheese in a cupboard)
Give the potion to Pelade

Then, in the courtyard, you have to get the pulley basket down (on
Pelade's left) to pick up a door handle and a

Pelade's bedroom

Climb the stairs of Pelade's house, and use the door handle to
get in his bedroom
Switch on the light
Find the courtyard door key under the matress
Give a bone or a sausage to the dog so that he doesn't bark
when you're next to the grid (not to wake
Pelade up)
Use the key to open the door and get downtown

The factory courtyard

Get in the factory courtyard
Pick up the pliers on the worker mending his truck's engine
(you can only steal them when the worker is
bent on the engine, so he can't see you)
Pull the bell out with the pliers to pick it up

Downtown's wharves

Go back. Use the bell on the stairs banister to neutralize the
Cyclops (they can't endure noise)

Loan shark's house

Get close to the model and pick up the miniature safe
Put it on the scales
The safe opens and you can take the jewel

Movie sequence: when you come out, you face a Cyclops and fall in
the canal automatically.

Part Three : Release of the Children

The diver's cave

Switch down both handles at the same time. To do so:

Find the chock (piece of wood) situated on the floor, behind
the periscope
Block the right handle with this piece of wood
Once the levers are down, the periscope goes down, and an
alarm rings. The scaphander suddenly wakes
up and bumps his head. The move makes the bottle unbalanced
and the key that was behind it, now
becomes visable
Use the periscope and you'll see the kidnapped children
embarked on a boat
Take the key on the shelf. The bottle falls down and the smoke
contained in it, leaks and makes the
scaphander rave. Movie sequence showing children kidnapped
going in a boat.

Outside the pier

Find a lighter hidden behind a crane
Climb the stairs, you'll then see the bar courtyard.
Climb on the boxes to go in
In the courtyard, you have to attract Lune, a prostitute,
to be able to get into the bar
Find a candle on the right part of the courtyard
Put the candle under the winch rope
Light it with the lighter in the courtyard and hide
yourself behind the door. The boxes fall down and
the noise lures Lune into the courtyard.

Careful: If you use the scissors to cut the rope, Lune catches
Miette and the game is over.

Movie sequence showing Miette meeting One and exchanging
information about the kidnappings. One asks
her to search for a amp while he is looking for a boat.

The harbour / the docks

One is in a boat, waiting for Miette to bring a map and

To find the map

Go to see the sailor who is painting his boat. If he is
at the left of the pot of paint, go away and come
back as he must be on the other side for you to steal the
Take the paintbrush, and dip it into the paint
Go to see the Cyclops, near the docks. Put some paint on
his optacon. A movie sequence shows
you the Cyclops falling in the water. This allows you to
go on the footbridge and see the fishermen
The fisherman tells you how to get the map only if you
give him a tin in exchange. The tin is on a
window at the corner of the footbridge (use the stairs
next to the sailor)
Go and visit the tatooist. You can see the map on the
counter but you're not able to take it
Go on the side of his shop, and make Miette unscrew the
sign. The plank falls down on the tatooist's
head and stuns him
You can now take the map
Bring it to One

To find the compass

Marcello has a compass-watch. To retrieve it, you must kill
Find the stick that is on the pier, next to One's boat
Go and find the DDT near the tatooist's house
Go to see Marcello. There is a jar with fleas in it on
his right
Use the stick to make the jar fall down
Go in front of the little organ and play the music so
that the fleas sting and kill Marcello
Careful: Do not try to take the compass-watch right now
or Miette will die
Kill the fleas with the DDT
Take the watch
Go to see One and give it to him

Cinematic sequence showing the crossing to the platform, where
Miette meets Irvin. Irvin tells her what's
happening on the platform with the mad scientist. Miette
delivers all the children, they're going in the boat
and then there is a big explosion.

The End

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