Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness

10.10.2008 14:05:33
Heart of Darkness

Level 1: Into The Canyon

[L1-01] Jump right to avoid the explosion, then walk right off screen.
[L1-02] Run and jump right over the gap, then proceed right.
[L1-03] Lie down to shoot the crawling shadows. Then stand up and blast up-right
at the hanging skeleton.
[L1-04] Aim up-right to shoot the hanging skeleton before proceeding right.
[L1-05] Blast the shadow several times to kill him. Shoot up-right at the rock,
then kill the shadows which appear.
[L1-06] Make your way right, killing shadows ahead and behind you (not all of
[L1-07] Continue right, over the bridge, shooting more shadows.
[L1-08] Lie down to shoot the shadows, then jump straight up to avoid the
running ones. Shoot the remaining shadows and proceed right.
[L1-09] Shoot the shadows on the bottom. Wait for the one above the ladder to
jump up before shooting him, then blast the final one. Climb up the bones.
[L1-10] Two big monsters eat your gun and helmet. Hold square and c to run right
off screen.
[L1-11] Head right, but walk over the narrow ledge - don't jump or you'll fall
[L1-12] Keep walking right, but hold square so you'll start running as the ledge
[L1-13] Run through the light beam and the chasing shadow will be destroyed.
[L1-14] Climb up the wall, following the path of the lizard.
[L1-15] Climb up and right to the gap edge, then hold cross to jump to the other
side. Drop onto the ledge.
[L1-16] Climb up and right, then hold cross to jump the gap. Climb right and up.
[L1-17] Climb up to the ledge, then jump twice to make the ground give way -
you'll automatically grab the skeleton tail to climb up.
[L1-18] Now climb to the left and upwards under the ribs.
[L1-19] Climb up to the mouth and jump right before it closes. Climb up.
[L1-20] Climb up from the ledge to knock the bone down. Then push it left to
form a bridge. Cross it and climb up to see some FMV.

Level 2: Down the Swamp

[L2-01] Simply walk right to reach the next screen.
[L2-02] Jump straight up to pull the vine and open the gate, then head right.
[L2-03] Do two normal jumps across the rocks to avoid the water.
[L2-04] Time jump to the vine, then jump to drop onto rock. Wait till the
snapping plant is eating before jumping it. Then climb up.
[L2-05] Walk right to the edge and time jump to vine (snappers can't get you).
Time jump to next vine.
[L2-06] Time jump to drop onto Èrock' - to be propelled right by creature.
[L2-07] Wade across, but duck down in the deep water when the flying shadows
[L2-08] Continue right, ducking in deep water to avoid the flyers.
[L2-09] Wade right and the flyers will be destroyed by the light.
[L2-10] Climb up the rocks onto the ledge, then head right.
[L2-11] Jump right to pull down the snapper. Continue right.
[L2-12] Wait till the snapper is eating before jumping up into the green sac six
times. Repeat to release lots of flies, then return left.
[L2-13] Head left through the next screen and climb up the rocks to the top of
the screen.
[L2-14] Climb up to the top of the rocks and walk off to the right.
[L2-15] Continue right to the other side of the screen - the snapper you pulled
down earlier was here.
[L2-16] When the first snapper's eating, walk past it. Jump the gap under the
second plant (it can't get you).
[L2-17] Wait for the middle plant to start eating, then jump up to the vine.
Crawl under the third snapper.
[L2-18] Walk right and climb up rock to automatically push rocks right.
[L2-19] You end up dangling upside down. Swing left and right to grab the stick
on the left - this saves you being eaten by the monster. Then swim right.
[L2-20] Keep swimming right across the next screen to avoid the monster.
[L2-21] Swim to the right to get out of the water.
[L2-22] Head to the right tree and climb up it.
[L2-23] Climb up as far as possible, then jump left to let light in, killing
shadow and releasing Amigo. Nice FMV sequence.

Level 3: Waterworld

[L3-01] Dive down to avoid the fiery blasts, onto the next screen.
[L3-02] Swim down into the green goo to receive a superpower. Swim right to the
next screen.
[L3-03] With the rocks cleared, swim down the tunnel.
[L3-04] Swim around the curling tunnel to the top.
[L3-05] Get out of the water, then hold and release triangle to throw a power
goo ball at the rocks.
[L3-06] Kick the seed to the right, then hold triangle and lie down to release
it to create a beanstalk. Climb it and jump right.
[L3-07] Kick seed into water, so it floats across. Throw power ball at it to
create beanstalk. Climb up pink wall, then run and jump to the stalk. Climb up
and jump right.
[L3-08] Drop into the water and dive down.
[L3-09] Hug the right wall to swim safely past the suction plant.
[L3-10] Time your move past the two sets of tentacles, round and up to the left
for air. Then swim down the bottom left.
[L3-11] Keep down to the floor to avoid the suckers as you proceed left and
[L3-12] Swim round the tunnel, avoiding the tentacles at the top right.
[L3-13] Swim up and right to avoid the sucker, then right.
[L3-14] Wait to time move past the tentacles, then up past the second set.
[L3-15] Swim up and left between the first two suction plants. Avoid the third
one as you swim into the left channel and down.
[L3-16] Head left through the next screen, then left to grab some air.
[L3-17] Return right past the next screen and up the channel by the three
[L3-18] Carefully time your moves past the five sets of tentacles, to reach the
[L3-19] Surface for air, then dive down to the right and swim low past the
sucker to avoid being blown into the snapper.
[L3-20] Time move past the first set of tentacles, then keep swimming right to
avoid the others.
[L3-21] Swim up and right to exit the water, then head right.
[L3-22] Throw power ball at first snapper, then jump and hold cross to grab pink
wall. Aim power ball right at snapper, then head right and down.
[L3-23] Press circle and a direction to shoot at the burrowing creatures (two
hits to kill). Blast them all, then jump right. Head left and down.
[L3-24] Drop down to the ledge and head left.
[L3-25] Shoot the shadows and throw a power ball at the beanstalk. Wait for seed
to drop, then power-ball the snapper. Quickly power-ball the seed and climb the
[L3-26] Jump left and push boulder into hole. Then crawl left under snapper.
[L3-27] Shoot the burrowers, then head left and climb down the pink wall.
[L3-28] Climb down and enter the water, then exit to the bottom right.
[L3-29] Swim right through the narrow tunnel.
[L3-30] Clear rocks blocking tunnel, then swim back left through narrow tunnel
to avoid piranha, surfacing by the overflow.
[L3-31] Climb up pink wall, head right, crawling onto next screen to avoid that
snapper again. Jump to beanstalk.
[L3-32] Climb down the beanstalk a bit, then jump right to avoid snapper. Now
power-ball the stalk and the snapper, then kick the seed right to the next
[L3-33] Kick first seed into water, then (from edge) power-ball seed on island.
Run and jump to stalk, climb up, then jump to next one.
[L3-34] Climb down and power-ball stalk from left, then kick seed to next
screen. Head right.
[L3-35] You should now have seeds on the two islands. Power-ball the first (from
edge), then jump to stalk. Climb up, power-ball second seed, then jump to stalk
and climb to exit.
[L3-36] Jump left and power-ball snapper on left before climbing pink wall. Jump
right, shoot snapper on right, and climb pink wall.
[L3-37] Climb up a bit to aim power-ball up and right at snapper. Quickly
power-ball the other two and climb up and left to kill shadows.
[L3-38] Climb up though the next screen. At the top, run left from the horde of
[L3-39] Quickly power-ball the seed and climb stalk. Jump off to the left to
[L3-40] Shoot the shadows up above, then head left to the edge to shoot all
those below. Drop down and head left.
[L3-41] Blast all the shadows, then climb up the left wall and head left.
[L3-42] Walk left over the narrow bridge to see the FMV sequence.

Level 4: On the Island

[L4-01] Avoid the fireball-chucking shadows by running right to the next screen.
[L4-02] From the left of the bridge, shoot at the flying shadows, then the
ground ones, jumping/ducking their fireballs, Run right when you can.
[L4-03] Run right onto the bridge, which then collapses.
[L4-04] Hanging on the bridge, shoot the shadow, then climb down.
[L4-05] Climb down to the right, then jump right to the wall lattice. Climb up
and right.
[L4-06] Shoot the burrowers, then climb up and right to jump right to the next
lattice. Climb right to exit.
[L4-07] Throw a power-ball at the skeleton, then drop onto the ledge and jump to
the vine.
[L4-08] Shoot shadow ahead, then run right and turn to shoot the other one.
Power-ball the beanstalk and kick seed right to next screen.
[L4-09] Kick the seed all the way to the right, then power-ball it to create a
beanstalk to climb up.
[L4-10] Climb up and jump left to the rock. Power-ball the top-left branch to
temporarily disable the shadow, then climb up and right.
[L4-11] Power-ball the left branch, then climb up just past it to the top left.
[L4-12] Shoot the burrowers, then power-ball the branch and climb up the left
[L4-13] Shoot the two burrowers, then climb up the left side of the locked gate
and exit left. Climb up from the next screen.
[L4-14] Kill the two burrowers, then power-ball the first branch and climb left.
Power-ball the other branch to climb to the bottom left.
[L4-15] Climb down the left side to the ledge, then push the boulder shadow.
Shoot the released shadows, then climb back up.
[L4-16] Shoot up and right at the far branch, then quickly climb right to avoid
the first one. Exit bottom right and climb right from boulder screen.
[L4-17] Climb up through the new gap to the top.
[L4-18] Climb up and left, dodging the falling rocks. Jump left and climb up.
[L4-19] Climb to the right, avoiding the falling rocks. Climb up and shoot the
shadows, then head left and climb up.
[L4-20] Keep climbing up to get away from the spiders.
[L4-21] Again, climb for your life up the screen.
[L4-22] Climb to the top to view another FMV sequence.

Level 5: Lava Stream

[L5-01] Walk right off the leaf, then turn around and lie down to shoot the
shadows. Exit right.
[L5-02] Alternate shooting at the flying and ground shadows, dodging any
fireballs. Then head right.
[L5-03] After shooting the shadow, the slabs block your way, so return left.
Step on the floor switch there, then run right.
[L5-04] Jump over the floor switch and run right before the large slab
[L5-05] Time your jump when first lava spurt has completely gone, quickly jump
to island, then to wall. Climb left, timing moves past spurts, then up and
[L5-06] Climb to the right, avoiding the slippery slime and shooting the spider.
[L5-07] Shoot middle shadow, climb up and shoot top one - keep 5 pressed in case
you fall. Shoot bottom shadow, then jump right across gaps.
[L5-08] Quickly shoot flying shadow to the right, then climb/walk right.
[L5-09] Shoot everything, jumping/ducking fireballs. Return left and climb round
bottom to right, then up enemy-cleared screen.
[L5-10] Shoot the two spiders while avoiding their slippery slime (hold 5 if you
fall). Then climb up.
[L5-11] Avoid the slime again while shooting three spiders and some burrowers.
[L5-12] Climb to the ledge for an FMV scene, then walk right.
[L5-13] Shoot (past the lava) at the burrower, then time your jump right past
the lava spurts after they go up together.
[L5-14] Quickly shoot the spiders. Avoid their slime and the lava spurts as you
climb to the bottom right.
[L5-15] Quickly shoot right at the spider, then climb up to shoot flying shadow.
Climb right (along bottom) past the lava spurts.
[L5-16] Climb past lava spurt, then kick seed to right. Turn to shoot three
shadows. Power-ball seed to create beanstalk. Climb left to previous screen.
[L5-17] Climb left, up, and jump right along the top rocks.
[L5-18] Head right to stalk and jump onto it. Shoot shadows which appear (after
fireballs), then climb left along wall and up.
[L5-19] Climb to the top and walk right for the end-level FMV.
Level 6: Dark Caves
[L6-01] Immediately run right to avoid crusher. Continue right to drop down
[L6-02] Head right to collapsing floor to fall down.
[L6-03] Quickly power-ball the seed to create a stalk to stop the crusher. Exit
[L6-04] Walk right and push large wall switch. Exit left, drop through hole and
exit right.
[L6-05] Walk right and shoot up at the shadow. Now power-ball seed and climb
stalk to continue right.
[L6-06] Shoot all the shadows, then walk right to drop down the hole.
[L6-07] Turn left to shoot more shadows, then crawl to the right.
[L6-08] Crawl right to avoid snappers, timing move past crusher. Go past seed,
then crawl left to bring it back.
[L6-09] Push seed left, under lowest rock shaft. Then power-ball it to create
beanstalk and see FMV.
[L6-10] Walk right to the next screen and help the Amigos to kill the shadows.
You'll then be carried off.

Level 7: Shadow Lair

[L7-01] Walk right to shoot the shadow and the flying one which appears, then
exit right.
[L7-02] Blast all the shadows, then climb up the chains and exit left.
[L7-03] Jump left across the gap and power-ball the rocks to clear the exit.
[L7-04] Shoot/power-ball the fire-breathing soldier, then power-ball the spawn
left behind before they hatch into new soldiers. Exit right.
[L7-05] Walk carefully over the chain and shoot the two shadows when they fly
[L7-06] Go down ladder to blast shadow there, then fire up (from left side of
ladder) at shadows above. Finally, power-ball each soldier and his spawn. Exit
[L7-07] Shoot the shadow, then time jump over the pink floor switch and quickly
run under the other two crushers.
[L7-08] Climb right a bit to shoot the burrowers, then climb down to the bottom
[L7-09] Shoot shadow, then press pink wall switch. Climb up bricks to jump to
left ledge and exit.
[L7-10] Shoot the shadow, press the pink wall switch, and return right.
[L7-11] Shoot down at the shadows, then drop down and shoot some more. Press
pink switch and climb up the wall to screen above.
[L7-12] Kill the spiders, then climb left to exit. Run and jump past crushers to
head left through the next screen. Jump/run onto chain to fall down.
[L7-13] Kill all the shadows and soldiers, then exit right.
[L7-14] Shoot shadows, then jump via bricks to floor switch. Climb down and
right onto bottom-right switch. Shoot shadows, then hit other switch and kill
soldiers. Exit left.
[L7-15] Go left and down ladder to next screen. Push switch and go back up, then
right. Head right through switches screen, then down ladder.
[L7-16] Climb down and shoot soldier, but not his spawn! Now shoot two soldiers,
so they multiply into four - to feed burrowers, so you can climb up and left.
[L7-17] Climb left as far as possible, then jump right to bottom right. Climb
up, jump left to exit bottom left. Head left, killing the shadow which appears
behind you.
[L7-18] You're captured and put in a cell with the dog. Power-ball upwards, then
at the seed. Climb up stalk and push boulder, then press switch and exit left.
[L7-19] Climb down wall a bit. Shoot at soldier to multiply, then again for
four. Jump left while burrowers are feeding, to press white switch. Climb up and
left to exit.
[L7-20] Head left through next screen, then kill the horde of shadows (flying
ones first). Exit left.
[L7-21] Shoot soldier and shadows, then hit left floor switch to raise crusher
above. Climb up wall and exit left.
[L7-22] After the FMV, you've lost your powers. Drop down the gap, then
double-jump when the soldier throws a ground fireball, so you fall past burning
[L7-23] Immediately run right to next screen and jump over the shadow. Exit
right and walk over the chain.
[L7-24] On the next screen, drop down and crawl left. Keep crawling left through
next screen.
[L7-25] Run left to press switch, then run right to jump shadow and crawl right
through next screen.
[L7-26] Run right and jump to the wall, then climb up it.
[L7-27] At the top, immediately run left, through the next screen, and over the
switches and past the raised crusher.
[L7-28] Jump over the first hole to exit left. Drop down this hole to fall into
the monster's mouth!

Level 8: Final Battle

[L8-01] As you've regained your gun (eaten previously), shoot the monster from
inside! Kill shadows and head right.
[L8-02] Kill the horde of shadows (watch out for those above), then continue
[L8-03] Zap the soldiers and their spawn, then climb up the ladder, onto switch
to exit right.
[L8-04] Run right to drop down and hit the switch, then exit left to avoid the
soldiers (you don't have to kill them).
[L8-05] Climb ladder and exit right. Then blast shadows before running and
jumping right via ledge.
[L8-06] Shoot all the shadows (watch out for ones above), jumping fireballs,
then run and jump right and kill the guard before exiting right.
[L8-07] Shoot up at the shadows, then zap the guard and the two ground shadows.
Climb up ladder and exit right.
[L8-08] Walk up to the pink monster to see some FMV about the crystal. After
this, head right.
[L8-09] Walk right and jump over the crystal piece, then kick it left.
[L8-10] Push the crystal to the pink monster, then head right again and up the
[L8-11] Crawl left, ready to shoot the shadow which appears.
[L8-12] Shoot shadow as you crawl left, then one in tunnel above. Climb ladder
to kill top shadows. Walk right to floor switch and jump gap to exit.
[L8-13] Quickly run past crusher (on a timer) and climb up ladder.
[L8-14] Shoot shadow, then walk onto floor switch. Head left and jump gap to go
past raised crusher. Retrieve crystal from next screen and return right.
[L8-15] Kick it down the hole, then drop down there.
[L8-16] Walk right onto the floor switch, then shoot crystal to left, past the
raised crusher and off screen. Climb down ladder and crawl left.
[L8-17] Crawl left, pushing the crystal. Then push it right along the bottom
[L8-18] Crawl right, to push the crystal into hole, then follow it. Push it left
to the pink monster.
[L8-19] Head right again, climb ladder (for FMV), crawl left. Climb ladder,
right to switch and exit, up ladder, left past crusher.
[L8-20] When shadow below hits right switch, run left and climb ladder. Quickly
run right past crusher, jump gap, and exit right.
[L8-21] Zap the two guards and their spawn, then return left and climb ladder.
[L8-22] Kill the two guards, then climb right ladder to zap the others. Exit
[L8-23] Shoot the crystal onto falling platform, then return left. Walk onto
bottom-left switch, then run right.
[L8-24] Shoot crystal onto rising platform, then return left and walk onto
top-left switch. Exit right and shoot crystal to make it drop down hole. Return
[L8-25] Climb down bottom ladder, then head right to find the crystal again.
Kick it left, then down and right past crusher.
[L8-26] Push crystal down hole, then shoot it past crusher, as before. Push it
all the way back to the pink monster for some FMV.
[L8-27] This time head left, through the next screen, to face two soldiers. Kill
them for some FMV. Drop down the left hole.
[L8-28] Shoot the shadows up top, then drop to right ledge and kill shadows. Run
and jump left off it to avoid ground shadow. Kill it and left one, then drop
down hole.
[L8-29] You drop in on a couple of guards: kill them, then head right.
[L8-30] Rush the shadows to kill them - watch out for any sneaking up behind
you. Then proceed right.
[L8-31] You have to kill all the shadows again, but this time the Master Of
Darkness arrives to throw big fireballs - double-jump over them. Exit right.
[L8-32] Now this is tough. Kill the shadows while double-jumping the boss's
fireballs - and jumping/ducking the soldiers'. Finish off the soldiers and exit
[L8-33] Simply walk to the crystal to see an FMV sequence of Andy's
confrontation with the Master Of Darkness.
The Master's Fate
[L8-34] Press circle to swipe at the bright ghosts in the foreground - run away
to avoid the larger one falling on you. Eventually a beam of light will

Game Over
It was Andy's mum opening his bedroom door - yes, it was all just a nightmare!
When she's tucked Andy up in bed, the scene switches to the Amigos playing with
the junk they've found. After the credits, it's time to don those coloured
glasses for a 3-D version of the Master confrontation sequence.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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