Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot

Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot

17.10.2013 00:32:38

Westwood Studios Official
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Frequently Asked Questions List
Last Update: December 9nd, 1996

Version 1.4

About this document....

This FAQ file contains all information currently being released
regarding Westwood Studios' newest Command & Conquer game, RED ALERT.
Because the game has not yet been finished (but we are only days away
now), some details may change before our final release.

This FAQ is available from our web site (

All information contained herein is copyright 1996 by Westwood Studios.
You are allowed to distribute it freely, but not to make changes.


--- PART 1 : GENERAL INFORMATION -------------------------------------------

1.1 What is Red Alert?
1.2 System Requirements.
1.3 Is this Command and Conquer 2?
1.4 When is the game going to be released in North America? Elsewhere?
1.5 Are there screenshots or maybe a Demo available to download?
1.6 Where are GDI and Nod?

--- PART 2 : NEW FEATURES --------------------------------------------------

2.1 What new units and structures are there?
2.2 What kind of missions are there?
2.3 How is the computer AI in comparison to C&C?
2.4 What new controls are there?
2.5 How do I set waypoints?
2.6 Are there any cheat codes?
2.7 Is there any kind of editor included?
2.8 The Engineer
2.9 The Spy

---PART 3: MULTI-PLAYER OPTIONS---------------------------------------------

3.1 Can I play Command & Conquer against a friend?
3.2 What kind of Internet support is there?
3.3 What is Westwood Chat?
3.4 Can DOS and Wind95 play together?
3.5 How many players, IPX, modem, null modem?
3.6 Does the AI build bases in multiplayer games?
3.7 What is "skirmish" mode?
3.8 Are the crates back?

--- PART 4 : TROUBLESHOOTING -----------------------------------------------

4.0 Read Me First!
4.1 What is DirectX?
4.2 Video Card Problems
4.3 Sound Card Problems
4.4 DOS and Win95 LAN connection
4.5 DOS and Win95 Savegames
4.6 Does Red Alert work with Windows NT or OS/2?
4.7 "Letterbox Screen" Effect
4.8 Crash on the score screen

--- PART 5 : GETTING MORE INFO ---------------------------------------------

5.1 How to Order Red Alert.
5.2 Contacting Westwood Studios directly.
5.3 Our Internet WWW and ftp sites.

--- PART 6 : IN THE FUTURE -------------------------------------------------

6.1 Will there be a mission disk for Red Alert?
6.2 When is C&C2: Tiberian Sun going to be released?

** GENERAL INFORMATION *****************************************************


Red Alert is a real-time strategy-combat game developed by
Westwood Studios, the creators of DUNE II and the original
COMMAND & CONQUER: TIBERIAN DAWN; Red Alert is a prequel to
the latter game.

The Press Release :

With the release of Command & Conquer last year, Westwood Studios
broke new ground in the computer real-time strategy genre. C&C has
been heralded as one of the year's best, selling over 1 million
copies to date worldwide. Thousands of people challenge each other
daily, with the war raging over phone lines and Internet as all
strive for supremacy over their peers.

Now, Westwood Studios prepares to once again re-define the real-time
strategy game with Command & Conquer: Red Alert. The prequel to C&C,
Red Alert probes deeper into the mystery of the C&C universe, giving
the player all new strategies and elements to further their conquests
in solo, LAN, and modem play.

At least, not the way we think of it. Hitler never rose to power and
threatened all of Europe - something more terrible happened: Joseph
Stalin. The Soviet empire is storming into Europe. Towns are falling
and countries collapsing before the overwhelming might of the Soviet
forces. Does anyone stand a chance, or will the red storm engulf all
of Europe?

New Features for Red Alert include :

Enhanced AI - The computer is smarter than ever! Base construction
and management are the smallest of the enhancements. New settings
will allow the player to set the difficulty of the opponent they want.

New Units & Structures - Thieves, Medics, Attack dogs, Spies, Land
mines, Tesla Coils, Mobile Radar Jammers, Saboteurs, Destroyers,
Cruisers, Bombers, Paratroopers, and Submarines... to name just a
few. We won't even hint at what the Chronosphere and Gap Generators

Improved unit control - Complete control over air, land and sea.
Formations control for those with specific tactics in mind, and
waypoint plotting for all those that want units to get to their
destination in a certain way.

Enhanced Multiplay - New Internet head-to-head and 8 Player IPX
multiplay. Improved chat interface that allows for longer messages
and more transmission of information to the player. New setup options
make starting a game even faster.

Skirmish Mode - Want a little practice? Take on one to five computer
opponents in a solo Multi-player game.

Detailed, interweaving story-line - an Allied and a Soviet path
through the game with 13+ missions per path. A large cast of
characters, including Stalin and Einstein, brings it all to life,
drawing you into the C&C universe.

Play in standard VGA and Super VGA screen modes with detailed
graphics like you have never seen before!

Add to this the superb 3D cinematics and audio that people expect
from Westwood Studios, and the result is obvious - A game so
addicting you'll swear the history books are wrong.


Red Alert will be released in both a DOS version and a Windows 95
version, both of which are included in each box on 2 CD's.


MS-DOS 5.0 or higher
486 DX2/66 or higher
Double Speed CD-ROM
30MB of free HD Space
VGA compatible video card (320x200 with 256 colors)
Keyboard & Mouse
100% Sound Blaster compatible sound card. (Gravis Ultrasound,
Ultrasound Max, ESS Audiodrive, Ensonique Soundscape,
Roland RAP-10, Gold Sound Standard, Pro Audio Spectrum,
Microsoft Sound System)

Multiplayer Requirements:
* 2-8 Players over IPX compatible network
* 2 Players over Null modem cable
* 2 Players over minimum 14.4 baud modem

* SORRY, the DOS version does not support SVGA.


Pentium Required
Windows 95 Required
8MB RAM (16 recommended)
30 MB HD space
Double-Speed CDROM
1MB Local BUS video card with MS DirectDraw compatibility.
Sound Card: Sound Blaster (all models), ESS: 488, 688, 1488, 1688
Mediavision (most models), Aztech: Nova 16,
Washington 16, Rocky 2 or any Microsoft DirectSound
supported card
Keyboard & 100% Microsoft Compatible Mouse

Multiplayer requirements:
* 2 players over Winsock 1.1 compliant Winsock
stack (requires ISP connection over 28.8 baud
modem or direct Internet connection such as ISDN or T1).
* 2-8 players over IPX compatible Network
* 2 players over null-modem cable
* 2 players over minimum 14.4 baud modem

1.3 Is this Command & Conquer 2?

Red Alert is commonly mistaken for Command & Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun.
C&C 2 will be out late in 1997.

1.4 When will Red Alert be released?

Red Alert is available now! We appreciate everyone's patience during
the past few months while we made Red Alert the best game we possibly

1.5 Is there a demo or screenshots available?

There is no demo available yet. We do have movie files, plenty of
screenshots, and music from the game available at our website :

1.6 Hey! Where are GDI and the Brotherhood of Nod?

Red Alert takes place early in the history of the alternate Earth
where the Command and Conquer saga takes place. At that time, GDI
was not yet formed, and Nod was still hiding in the shadows. Red
Alert will show you the beginnings of these two powers. In addition,
the mineral Tiberium has not yet been discovered, so the wars and
technology surrounding that mysterious substance are not yet around.

** NEW FEATURES ***********************************************************

2.1 What new units and structures are there?

Lots! There are many new units and structures in the game such as
Badger Bombers, Mine Layers and the Chronosphere, and a few
that will be familiar to C&C players like the Mammoth Tank, Artillery
and Barracks. Also new for C&C is the addition of several naval units,
so you can take the battles to the high seas. As with C&C, each side has
different units, strengths and weaknesses, so strategies will vary.

Check the quick-reference cards included with the game for unit types
and info for both sides.

2.2 What kind of missions are there?

There are many different styles of missions in Red Alert - protection,
assassination, sabotage, search and rescue, etc. Also new for Red Alert
is the addition of timed missions - you need to be quick to finish the
objective before time runs out! - and multiple mission goals. To help
you out, EVA will state your goal periodically on screen.

2.3 How is the computer artificial intelligence compared to C&C?

The AI has been enhanced since its C&C days. It will now use all of
its options to the fullest. In multiplayer games and Skirmish mode,
the AI players will build bases, form alliances, and will generally make
your life difficult. Don't think that your tried and true Command and
Conquer strategies will work here!

For those that find the AI a little TOO tough, there are 3
difficulty level settings to choose from.

2.4 What new controls are there?

There are many new ways to control your units. You can still use the
group hot-keys and map bookmarks that were in Command & Conquer. In
addition, you can now keep your groups in formation, so that keeping
those grenadiers or rocket troops behind the tanks is a snap. Air
units can now be selected in the air, for ease of control. And for
those that want their units to follow a specific route, you can now
set way-points for each unit.

2.5 How do I set Waypoints?

Waypoints are set using the "Q" key. You will not see the
waypoints appear on the map, but your unit(s) will begin following the
path you set immediately. You can set up to 10 waypoints per unit/group.

For other command keys, see the Red Alert manual or README file.

2.6 Are there any cheat codes?

There are as many cheat codes in Red Alert as there were in
C&C - that is to say, none at all.

2.7 Is there any kind of editor included?

Yes! Red Alert will include a Terrain Editor, which can be used to
create your own multiplayer maps. The maps can now be twice as large
as they were in C&C. With some creativity, you need never run out
of terrain to battle your friends!

Unfortunately, the DOCS for the Terrain Editor were left out of the
final product. You can download them from the Westwood Web site.

2.8 The Engineer

The engineers in Red Alert work a little differently than they did in
Command and Conquer. Engineers have three uses now:

1) Capture: To capture an enemy structure, you must first damage that
structure into the red before sending your engineer in. If the
structure is damaged enough, the engineer's 'enter' cursor will be
green. Otherwise, you will only damage the structure.

2) Damage: You can damage an enemy structure my running an engineer into
it. The engineer's 'enter' cursor will be red. It may take several
engineers to damage the structure enough for a capture.

3) Repair: An engineer's cursor will change to a green wrench if you
place it over one of your own structures that has been damaged. If
you send the engineer to that structure, it will heal it to full.

2.9 The Spy

The Allied Spy has many functions. To the other player, the spy will
appear as a rifleman of his own color. The only indication that the
opponent will have that the unit is a spy is the fact that it cannot be
selected. Because of this, the spy is efectively invisible to all units,
with the exception of the attack dog, which will attack them on sight.

While the spy is useful in scouting out your opponent's base, it can
also give you a lot of useful information, depending on which of your
enemies' structures you send it into.

1) Production Facility (Construction Yard, Barracks, War Factory): If
one of these is infiltrated, clicking on the structure will tell you
what unit/structure is currently in production.

2) Sub Pen: Infiltrating this structure places the Sonar Pulse icon on
your scrollbar. When ready, it will temporarily reveal the positions
of all enemy subs on the map.

3) Refinery/Silo: Infiltrating this structure will tell you how many
credits the enemy has when you click on it.

4) Radar Dome: Infiltrating this structure has two effects. First, you
can track all of the enemy's units as if you had his radar, and his
visible portions of the map will also be visible to you. Second, if
you are in a multiplayer game, you will be able to see all of the
messages your enemy sends and receives.

If the structure your spy has infiltrated is sold by your opponent, your
spy will emerge along with the other riflemen, and you can use him to
infiltrate another structure (if he isn't caught).

** MULTIPLAYER OPTIONS *****************************************************

3.1 Can I play Command & Conquer against a friend?

Yes! Westwood has built lots of multiplayer support into Red Alert.
Get ready to face battles with generals via the Internet (Win95 version
only), IPX network, modem, or direct connection via null-modem.

As with C&C, each copy of Red Alert comes with two CDs, so that you can
loan one to a friend for instant multiplayer action. Each player must
have one of the Red Alert CD-ROM's in their system before play can begin.

3.2 What kind of Internet support is there?

One of the most exciting additions is our built-in Internet support for
the Windows 95 version of Red Alert which allows you to go head-to-head
against people all over the world. This is all done through our
Westwood Chat service. Because Westwood Chat and Red Alert are tightly
integrated, starting a game is as easy as clicking a button!

We'll let everyone know when any arrangements have been made with other
multi-player services.

Westwood does not test with IPX emulators such as KALI and KAHN, but for
those people who cannot run the Windows 95 version, you may want to check
them out.

3.3 What is Westwood Chat?

Westwood Chat is an IRC server designed specifically to allow players
to meet and play games via the Internet. Westwood Chat has been in
service for over a year, playing host to thousands of Monopoly games.
Westwood Chat is constantly updated to provide for new game releases
(such as Red Alert and Command & Conquer Gold) and to provide a great
place to meet friends and have a good time.

How can I join you ask? All you need to do is visit the web site at

and download the client software. Follow the instructions, and soon
you too will be member of Club Westwood!

Westwood Chat requires Windows 95, or Windows 3.11 with the Win32

3.3 Can DOS and Windows 95 play together?

The DOS and Windows 95 versions of Red Alert are compatible for modem
head-to-head, IPX network, and null modem connections. Internet
connections are available only in the Windows 95 version.

3.5 How many players, IPX, modem, null modem?

Internet, modem, and null modem connections support 2 players
head-to-head. IPX network connections support up to 8 players. All
connection types can add AI players up to a total of 8.

3.6 Does the AI build bases in multiplayer games?

Yes! The AI will now build a base, and use every trick it knows to
grind you into the dirt. The computer is no longer the pushover it
used to be. You can ally with your human companion against the computer,
or go at it no holds barred. Rest assured, the computer players just
might gang up on you!

3.7 What is "skirmish" mode?

Skirmish mode is a way for you to practice multiplayer games against
AI opponents. You can play on any of the multiplayer maps with all
of the same options that are in the multiplayer game setup (tech
level, ore re-growth, starting units, etc.) You can then add 1 to 7
AI players, and set the difficulty level.

3.8 Are the crates back?

Yes! The crates will be back for multiplayer games. Watch for old
favorites such as credits, heal-all and map reveal, and watch out for
all new crates, such as unit power-ups, designed to make your
life easier, or much tougher.

** TROUBLESHOOTING *********************************************************


Included on both Red Alert CD's, and installed to your hard drive is a
file called README.TXT. This file contains important information for
both troubleshooting and gameplay. Please check the README.TXT file
before writing mail, as your question is probably covered there.

If your question isn't covered by the README.TXT file, or by this FAQ,
you may write us mail at

4.1 What is DirectX?

DirectX is a set of drivers used for Windows 95 and Windows NT which
allow for the easy setup of hardware devices. If your hardware devices
support DirectX (and most do) you can play any DirectX compatible program
without fear of having to go through a tedious setup process. Red Alert
contains the newest version of DirectX - 3.0. Red Alert uses only
the DirectDraw (for video) and DirectSound (for sound cards) portions of
the DirectX set.

To be fully compatible with DirectX, you must have certified drivers.
To check if your drivers are certified, you can run the DirectX setup
program from the CD in the following directory:


This will open a window showing your current driver sets. ALL of the
drivers must have the word CERTIFIED in the right column for your
hardware to work correctly with the DirectX drivers. If you do not
see a certified label next to a driver, contact the manufacturer of
the device for updated drivers that are DirectX 3.0 compatible.

4.2 Video Card Problems

Most Video card problems are caused by drivers that are not DirectX
certified (see above). If you get a blank screen or an error message
when you run the game, try reinstalling DirectX from the Red Alert CD
and rebooting. If you still get a blank screen or error message, your
video drivers are likely not compatible with DirectX. Contact Microsoft,
or the manufacturer of your video card.

There is a comprehensive listing of video card manufacturer's web sites
at :

Other things you can try:

1) Change your resolution: We suggest 640x480 or 800x600. Some video
cards will cause problems in the game if you set it to 1024x768 or

2) Colors: With some cards, having the color amount set above 256 can
cause problems in the game. Try lowering the amount of colors on
your desktop.

3) Bus Mastering: Some video card (especially Matrox cards) have this
feature. disabling it will sometimes fix 'black screen' problems.

4.3 Sound Card Problems

Sound card problems which are DirectX related included stuttering sound,
pauses, and can sometimes affect the video as well.

A full listing of sound card drivers can be found at :

4.4 DOS and Win95 LAN Connection

The DOS and Win95 versions of Red Alert are fully compatible in an IPX
LAN environment. In some cases, you may find that your DOS machine will
not see your Win95 machine in the multiplayer setup, and vice-versa.
Try the following to correct this problem (thanks to Tom Wright for these

1) On the DOS machine, you must run LSL, your card driver, and
the IPXODI protocol.
2) On the Win95 machine, make sure you are running the Client
for MS Networks, your card driver, and the IPX/SPX
3) You will need to adjust the Win95 machine to see DOS. To
do this:
a) Open the Network Icon in the control panel.
b) Select the properties for the IPX/SPX protocol in the
c) Select Advanced.
d) Change the default of AUTO to the Frame type used
by your DOS machines (this is generally stated when
you load the card driver on the DOS side).
e) Hit OK, until Windows asks you to restart.
f) It is suggested to turn off the machine and restart it
to reinitialize the net card.
4) Run the game on the DOS machine, then the Win95 machine, and
it should connect.
5) Have fun!

4.5 DOS and Win95 Savegames

DOS and Windows 95 version savegames are NOT interchangeable - they will
only work with there respective versions.

4.6 Does Red Alert work with Windows NT or OS/2?

Westwood Studios does not test or support games under Windows NT or
OS/2. From user feedback, the Win95 version does not work with either
operating system. The DOS version seems to work fine on OS/2. We have
no feedback on the DOS version on NT.

4.7 "Letterbox Screen" Effect

Some monitors/video cards do not automatically adjust to the resolution
of the game. When this is the case, the game can appear to have large
black gaps at the top and bottom of the screen, similar to letterbox
format in some videos. The only cure for this, short of a new monitor,
is to manually adjust (stretch vertically) the picture until it fills
the screen. Some monitors will remember the setting after manually
adjusting it the first time, others won't.

4.8 Crash on the score screen

This is a known bug, and we are working on fixing it in a patch. Until
then, you can usually get past it by saving your game about half way
through the mission. If the game crashes on the score screen, exit the
game and restart then load the mission. The game should not crash a
second time.

** GETTING HELP / ORDERING INFORMATION *************************************

5.1 What is the purchase price/How can I order Red Alert?

As of October 25th, the Virgin Interactive Entertainment order line
is pre-selling Red Alert for $54.99 plus $4.00 postage and handling.

In the United States, call..................1-800-874-4607

Everywhere else.............................1-619-549-0222

5.2 How to contact Westwood Studios

You can email Westwood Studios at :

Westwood also has online support available through America Online,
CompuServe, GEnie, PRODIGY, and the Westwood BBS. After
connecting to these services, simply do a search for "WESTWOOD" or
"WESTWOOD SUPPORT" and you'll find our section. Check your
manual for exact instructions.

5.3 Westwood FTP / WWW site.

You can get to our web site at :

Or our FTP sites at :

** IN THE FUTURE ***********************************************************

6.1 When will "Command & Conquer II: Tiberian Sun" be released?

There is no official date set yet, but we expect to release it late
in the fourth quarter of 1997. As soon as details are available about
the game, we will let everyone know through the Westwood Studios WEB
site. Tiberian Sun is an entirely new game, not a data disk for
C&C:Tiberian Dawn.

6.2 Will there be a mission disk for Red Alert?

Who knows? :)

A mission disk is always a possibility, but no positive plans have
been made yet. Watch the web site for future announcements!




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