Test Drive 5

Test Drive 5

10.10.2008 14:05:28


Test Drive 5

Leichter Highscore:
Starte ein Dragrace, welches Dein Auto stark bevorteilt.

Alle Spielmodi freischalten:
Gib VRSIX als Namen im Highscore-Bildschirm ein und speichere die
Polizeiverfolgung und andere Spielmodi sind nun anwählbar.

Gib NOLIFE als Namen im Highscore-Bildschirm ein. Nun sind der Pitbull Special,
Chris's Beast und der mächtige Maui anwählbar.

Gib SPURT als Namen im Highscore-Bildschirm ein.

Gib AUXYRAY als Namen im Highscore-Bildschirm ein. Wähle dann die "Fear Factory
Video"-Option im Hauptmenü aus.


Test Drive 5

Easy high score:
Start a drag race that heavily favors your car.

Unlock all game modes:
Enter VRSIX as a name on the high score screen, and save the game settings. Cop
Chase and other game modes will now be selectable.

All tracks:
Enter NTHREE and MTHREE as names in time trial mode. Press Triangle to go back
and enter more codes.

All cars:
Enter NOLIFE as names on the high score screen. All cars, including the Pitbull
Special, Chris's Beast and The All Mighty Maui bonus cars will now be
selectable. Alternatively, enter RONE as a name in time trial mode. Press
Triangle to go back and enter more codes.

Bonus car:
Enter SPUNK as a name on the high score screen.

Super arcade mode:
Enter SPURT as a name in time trial mode. Press Triangle to go back and enter
more codes.

Bonus FMV music sequence:
Enter AUXYRAY as a name on the high score screen. Then, select the "Fear Factory
Video" option at the main menu.

No CPU cars during cup race:
Complete the first race of any tournament except for Ultimate. Save the game and
reset the PlayStation. Reload the previous race, select "Full Race" and "Time
Trials". Select any car and complete the time trial race. Quit time trial mode
and select "Continue Race" without loading the previously saved game. Select
"Next Cup Race" to start with the car used during the time trials with no CPU

Raining question marks:
Select Washington D.C. and begin a race. Turn around or drive in reverse past
the starting line to cause question marks to begin raining downward.

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