Duke Nukem: Time to Kill

Duke Nukem: Time to Kill

10.10.2008 14:05:28
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill FAQ
Version 0.2
c1998 Seth Paul

Duke Nukem: TIME TO KILL is c1998 3D Realms Entertainment. All rights
reserved. Developed by n-Space. Published and distributed by GT
Interactive Software Corp. All other trademarks are the properties of
their respective companies.

* This file has been

I. Credits
II. Current and Earlier Versions
III. Duke's Enemies(not done yet)
IV. Duke's Arsenal(in progress)
V. The Levels(in progress)
VI. The Secrets in Each Level(also in progress)
VII. The Challenge Levels(in progress)
VIII. Cheat Codes(none just yet)

I. Credits
For this release of the FAQ, I decided to move the credits to the
front (much easier for people to see them!). I also have some new
names to add.

3D Realms: For making such a great series of games (and such a cool
character to have star in them).

n-Space: The real creative edge behind Time to Kill. Great job with
the Duke license, guys!

GT Interactive: The company that manages to put Duke Nukem and other
fine products on the shelves. Thanks for bringing
the work to the public!

J Young : Provided me with the last secret
to level 1 and was the first to
send me info on the current
state of the FAQ. Thanks!
Rodrigo Silva : Not only gave me the last secret
I hadn't found for level 2, but
gave me all 6 secrets for level
The Last, but certainly not the Least:
The following, unfortunately, weren't the first to provide me with
the last secret to level 1 (of course, no one really knew I already
found it!), but they were nice enough to send the information along
to me, and I'm really very grateful for that:

Simon Tompkins
Greg Foltz

II. Current Version and Earlier Versions
Version 0.2
-Clarified and completed entire Level 1 Section
-Began work on Duke's Arsenal
-Added new section: Challenge Levels
-Added secrets for Level 2 and 3
-Added walkthroughs for Levels 2 and 3
-This FAQ should be available December 1, 1998.

Version 0.1
-Finished the level 1 walkthrough
-Found 6 of 7 secret areas of level 1
-That's about it. Pretty crappy to start, isn't it?
-This FAQ was posted November 25, 1998.

If you have any information on secret areas, please e-mail me at
greypatch3@aol.com. Anyone submitting information WILL be included in
the credits, as I probably would not have done it without you.

II. Duke's Enemies
This section has not been completed yet. Hopefully, it will include
not only a short bio, but also the enemies' strengths and weaknesses.

III. Duke's Arsenal
Weapons are provided in the order that you are most likely to find
them in the course of the game. This includes weapons found in
secret areas.

1. Mighty Foot
Not much of a weapon, really. Duke basically sticks his foot out
and hopes it hits something. Mainly useful if you want to break
open boxes or weak grates without wasting important ammo.
AMMO USAGE: None (It's Duke's foot, all right?)
AMMO CAPACITY: N/A (Duke has as many feet as needs.)
SUPER VERSION: I wouldn't think Duke can get a super foot, but
if he can, please write and let me know!
2. Desert Eagle
Duke's trusty sidearm. A good, reliable piece when no other
weapon is available. It's high accuracy, high rate of fire,
and very little loss of damage over distance makes this a good
sniping weapon.
AMMO USAGE: Pistol clips.
AMMO CAPACITY: Duke picks up 20 bullets per clip up to a maximum
of 200 bullets.
SUPER VERSION: The Super Eagle (Same as Desert Eagle, but fires
even faster than the normal version).
3. Combat Shotgun
A powerful gun (it can blow limbs off!) that has an acceptable
rate of fire. However, the bullets spread out, so the further
away the target is, the less damage it will take. This gun is
probably the commonly chosen for wandering around the levels.
AMMO USAGE: Shotgun shells.
AMMO CAPACITY: Boxes of shells give Duke 10 rounds up to a maximum
of 50. Used shotguns give Duke 24 shells.
SUPER VERSION: The Super Shotgun (Can fire several quick blasts
in a row before reloading).
4. Gatling Gun
Another good gun to roam levels with. Has an EXTREMELY high
firing rate, but has low accuracy, especially at far distances.
It also consumes ammo quite rapidly, but Duke can hold enough
ammo for this gun that this really isn't a drawback.
AMMO USAGE: Boxes of bullets.
AMMO CAPACITY: Duke can hold a maximum of 400 bullets, with boxes
adding 100 bullets to his arsenal. Picking up Gatling Guns adds
150 to the total amount.
5. Pipe Bomb
One of Duke's more useful indirect weapons. Duke can throw one
a fair distance, depending on how long you hold down the action
button. Duke can then either pull out another one (useful for
setting up big explosions or multiple small explosions at once)
or detonate them with a remote switch. There is no time limit,
so Duke can wait until he's good and ready to set them off. Good
for setting traps for the unwary. Be careful of the explosion,
though. If you're too close Duke can get hurt or even blow
himself up.
AMMO USAGE: Pipe Bombs
AMMO CAPACITY: Picking up Pipe Bombs gives you 5 bombs to toss,
up to a maximum of (?).
6. RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade)
One of the most powerful weapons Duke can use. Basically, it's
a rocket launcher. One shot can reduce most enemies to mere
piles of steaming meat. Unfortunately, Duke can only hold a
very limited amount of ammo.
AMMO USAGE: Box of grenades
AMMO CAPACITY: A box of grenades gives 4 rounds, up to a total
of 8. Picking up an RPG also gives you 4 rounds.
7. Dynamite
A weapon similar to the pipe bomb, but lights immediately and
should be thrown quickly. Be careful you don't bounce it back
into yourself!
AMMO USAGE: Dynamite sticks
AMMO CAPACITY: Comes in packages of 10, and Duke can hold 20
8. Throwing Knife
A weak looking weapon, but a well thrown knife can take out an
enemy in one or two hits. But, Duke can't find many of them at
once, can't hold too many, and don't have fantastic range.
AMMO USAGE: Throwing Knives
AMMO CAPACITY: Duke can only grab one knife on a pickup, but can
hold a total of (?).
9. Buffalo Rifle
A gun found in the Old West, this baby can do some fairly good
damage for long range firing. Reload time on it is pretty bad.
AMMO USAGE: Buffalo Shot
AMMO CAPACITY: Duke can pick up a rifle for 8 bullets, but
picking up shot gives him 10. The maximum he can hold is 20.
10. Flame Thrower
At short range, this weapon can roast any adversary, but pig cops
are probably the most susceptible. It has two problems: You have
to hold the weapon for a fairly long time on the target or they
won't heat, and it burns ammo very quickly.
AMMO USAGE: Bottle of fuel
AMMO CAPACITY: A Flame thrower offers 75 bursts of flame, but a
bottle completely refills your ammo at 200.

IV. The Levels
A. Level 1 - Time to Kill

Above Ground
You start out in a small park. Shoot however many pig cops show
up unexpectedly. Run towards the wrecked police car (NOT the
regular gray car) and turn left. Shoot some more pig cops and run
into the subway. One pig should drop a blue ID card. If you
don't find one, then run to the locked door at the end of the
end of the subway hall. Shoot the cop standing in front of it and
take the keycard. Swipe it in the slot and the door will open.

The Subway
You are now in the subway station. Run onto the tracks and turn
into the opening not blocked by the train. Kill some enemies and
climb up to the doorway. Kick the door open and prepare to face
some pig cops. Disposing of them, run to the farthest wall of the
room from the door. There will be a switch there that activates
the subway's power. Run back to the station and into the ticket
booth, where a pig cop is waiting. Kill him and, if you want to,
take a peek with the security cameras. A console will be just
under the window of the booth. Activate the switch and the train
will start. Don't get on it, though. It will crash shortly after
you start it up. But, the way behind it is now clear. Kill the
pig cops and shoot the explosive canisters as you head down the
now clear tunnel. Jump up into the cavern created by the
explosion and kill some Draks. One Drak in this passageway will
drop an ID card for the locked room in this hallway. Open the
door and you will find the time machine that started this whole
business. It doesn't work yet, though. You will need three
crystals scattered through this level.

Crystal #1
Turn around and head through the hallway directly across from the
transporter room. As you move through this tunnel you should see
a tunnel branching off to the right (it has purple lighting). Go
down this new pathway and you will reach a set of platforms
suspended from chains. You will also hit a couple of Draks. Kill
them, then jump off of the nearest platform and into the water
below. There should be only one platform you can reach from here.
(Well, there are more, but its the only one with chains) Climb up
onto the platform and grab one of the chains holding it up. Climb
up the chain, making sure to turn Duke enough so he can grab onto
the ledge above. Turn and jump up into the inset of the wall.
Here you should see a large gray statue-looking thing. In it is a
crystal. Take it. Duke will comment and you can leave this room
with a small series of jumps. Return to the original hallway that
you entered this area from.

Crystal #2
Follow the green hallway until you reach a large room with a
broken bridge. Making sure no one can hurt you, run across the
first half of the bridge and jump to the second. Follow the rest
of the corridor (careful, there's an area where the water bogs you
down considerably. The robot is seated on the ceiling at the
other end. Try taking it out with the handgun as soon as it comes
into your view. You can see it, but it can't see you unless you
get too close). The crystal is just a swim across an empty pool.

Crystal #3
Return to the area just outside the transporter room. Facing the
room, turn right and head up the passage. It will open up into a
large chamber holding a bunch of boxes and enemies. Jump down,
taking out everyone necessary. Take the only (clear) exit out of
the room and go until you come to the very end of the road. There
should be a platform with a robot and valve in the middle of a
pool of water. Shoot the robot and jump onto the platform. Turn
the valve. The water should drain out. Backtrack to a another
room with a valve and turn it. The room will fill up with water.
Jump into the water and swim down halfway to an underwater tunnel.
Swim into the tunnel and follow it (taking a breath at a midway
point if you need to). At the end, surface. Kill any Draks and
get out of the water. Move in and take the crystal.

Now, with all three crystals, go to the transporter room. Place
the three crystals and watch as the time warp opens. Jump in and
get ready to go to the Old West!
B. Level 2 - Duke Hill

Duke now wonders what the aliens are up to in the Old West. But,
to find out, he needs to get inside the bank vault. Then, once he
knows, he can grab a key and storm the nearby garrison, where a
mine shaft has been excavated. That shaft brings him to level 3.
The important thing now, though, is to find the three pieces of
paper scattered through the level that hold the combination to the
bank vault.

Note #1
Duke begins by an old church and a hangman. Further along is a
street. Run down the street, dodging and shooting at Western pig
cops. On your left as you run down the street is a building with
the sign BANK above it. Kick in the door and shoot some pigs.
Run behind the counter. Right in front of the vault door is a
piece of paper. This is the first number of the combination.

Note #2
Leave the Bank and proceed around the street corner, opening up
upon a dusty walk with a saloon and pig cops. Shoot the pig cops
and run down the street, turning LEFT when you reach the end.
There should be a well here. Climb down the inside of the well
and go into the water. Be very careful of the Necros down here!
Swim around, making sure to stay to the left. Eventually you'll
arrive at a surfacing point. Jump out to collect some ammo and
the second combination note.

Note #3
Exit the well the same way you came. The final note is around the
corner, in a cell in the garrison. Problem is, two sentry guns
block any access to the garrison. The easiest way to deal with
them is to pull out the RPG (if you have it, but if you don't
check The Secrets to find one in this level!) and blast them from
a nice, safe distance. A cellar door will open. Proceed with
caution until a pig cop or two jumps out. Deal with them and go
in the cellar. You will come to a seemingly dead end. A wall in
the back is movable, though (it's VERY differently colored than
the other ones), so just push it. Grab the NVGs if you don't have
them already and enter. The dark corridor leads to a ladder (and
a box of grenades hidden in the dark). Climb the ladder and enter
the cell. If a pig gives you trouble, shoot him. The note should
be right in plain sight.

The Bank
You can now put the combination in at the bank. Run all the way
back there and open the safe. Duke will find that bars of gold
have been mysteriously changed to lead. What are the aliens up
to? Anyway, grab the skeleton key from the back wall and be
ready for a nasty surprise! Get safely out of the bank.

The Garrison
Now you can finally go in the front door of the garrison. Run all
the way back (thankfully Duke's in pretty good shape!) and use the
key in the door. Waste some enemies and run to the left. You
will come to some stairs. Go up them and run straight through to
the next room. Turn and run past the cells with the Necros. Turn
right again, and follow the corridor to the end. Turn left and
you will come to a mine shaft elevator. Pull the switch and you
descend into Level 3, Miner 69er! (NOTE: There is a lot of stuff
you can collect here, but for the sake of those who want to blaze
through I have not mentioned them. A few tips, though: Next to a
cell on the second floor is a gray switch with four settings. Put
it on the fourth setting to collect some good stuff. The other
setting open up cells with Necros inside! Also, should you go in
the cell with the atomic health, the door will shut behind you.
Don't worry: the wall on one side can be blown open. Just don'
stand too close!)
C. Level 3 - Miner 69er

The Key: Long Way
When you start this level, there are two ways of going through:
one quick, obvious way and another, more cautious, but longer
road. The long one involves going to the pool of water down the
path behind Duke's starting location. A ledge with a pig cop on
it holds a switch. Push it and go back to where you began the
level. Go left and kill the opposing Draks. Turn left and kill
more Draks. You will be in a room with another switch. Push it,
then return down to Duke's starting point. Go into the new
opening and kill some pigs. At the end of this route is a key and
another switch. DON'T PUSH THE SWITCH! Take the key and run back
to the Drak area. Run up the other pathway and take a right.
You'll be in a room with a few levels of grating floors. If you
want to, grab some ammo and items, then unlock the big door.

The Key: Short Way
Run straight ahead into the room with the weird gas and the
Necros. Before going into the pit, though, make a right and
snag the bio mask off the wall. Kill any Necros you can see,
put on the mask, and run into the fumes. Kill more Necros on
your way to the area with the grating floors. When safely out
of the gas, take off your mask to conserve it. Go into the
only other available pathway, killing Draks. Make a right at
the dead end and push the switch. The dead end will open, letting
you go through a path with pig cops in it. Kill them and grab the
key. DON'T PUSH THE SWITCH! If you do, you'll have to run
through the gas again. Instead, backtrack back to the grating
room and unlock the big door.

The Drill
Both paths converge from now on. Follow the hallway until you get
to a room with Necros and pillars sticking out of water. Kill the
Necros and get ready to jump. The best path across goes around to
the left. You can safely ignore the ledge with the bullet on it;
it's really not worth the hassle in case you miss and fall in the
water. Jump into the next tunnel and be cautious of pig cops and
pig bombers. There are two ways to go here, but they don't really
branch off, so pick one and you'll eventually get to a room with
a mine cart and a ramp going down a ways. Kill any Draks that are
here, and go down the ramp. There will be some more Draks here
too, so kill them and follow the path until you reach a place with
a pretty nasty looking device with several drilling heads on it.
DON'T JUMP IN! Instead, jump up to the underside of the grating.
Duke will hold on and you can swing him safely past the drill. On
the other side is a hole that the drills periodically sweep over.
Wait for a safe time and fall into it while hanging directly over
it. The drop won't hurt Duke, and you'll be safely past this

The Chasm and Exiting the Level
At the other end of this tunnel is a large chasm. Most of the
bottom is consumed by an underground stream, but most areas are
rock that can hurt if you fall too far. There are far too many
jumps here for Duke it navigate it easily, but there is a jetpack
up in the far right corner (as seen from Duke's POV when entering
this area) that will make life much easier. To get there, jump to
a ledge across from the entrance where a Drak is found. If you
haven't already, shoot him. To Duke's left is another ledge.
Jump up here. This ledge should allow Duke to jump and reach a
bridge-like rock structure. Run along this bridge and turn left.
There is a small hole in the wall. Do a run jump into it. Turn
around and you should see a ledge with a jetpack on it. Run jump
(and, if necessary, grab) to this ledge and take the jetpack.
Turn it on and face across the length of the chasm. Fly across
(be careful of any enemies that might show up!) and a tunnel
should appear. Land and run through it. DO NOT TURN OFF THE
JETPACK! Some parts of this tunnel will collapse under you
unexpectedly. If they do, immediately jetpack out of the hole,
land on safer ground, and keep moving. Unless you're low on
health, ignore the atomic health at the end of this tunnel; it
calls three pig cops in to take you out. Fall down the hole at
the end and you'll end up on a railroad track. Follow the track
all the way to the end. You will be in a room with a door in it.
Push the button to the left of the door and prepare for the next

More levels to come soon!

V. The Secrets
A. Level 1 - Time to Kill (7 secrets)
1. Go into the Club Bootylicious and walk around the bar. Under the
cash register is a switch. Pushing it opens a secret area behind
the stage. Go in to register the secret with the game.
FINDS: Atomic Health (in the closet)
2. In the alley close to the Subway entrance, climb the ladder
touching the ground. A doorway to your left holds a woman and a
SECRET! When the room is clear, talk to her. She'll move out of
the way of a light switch. Turn it off and the bed will slide
FINDS: Pipe Bombs (under the bed: it has to slide up first),
Portable Medkit(in the closet)
3. There's a rather large, green dumpster in the alley. Duke can
push it by walking up to it and holding the action button. Then
you can push it forward by moving forward. Anyway, the secret is
a small niche that can only be gotten to by pushing the dumpster.
FINDS: Gatling Gun
4. Outside, over by the gray car, a sidewalk grating should be a
different color than the rest of the sidewalk. Throw a pipe bomb
on it and step back. Detonate the pipe bomb to reveal an new
exit into the ground. Go in and run down the hall a bit so the
game knows you found the secret. Shoot the exploding barrels at
the end to get out.
FINDS: Night Vision Goggles (in a small rack just at the bend in
the corridor)
5. On the way to Crystal #2, you will enter a room with a lot of air
vents and a pool of water below. There is also two halves of a
bridge that extend straight across the room. Near one half is an
air vent with four outlets sticking out of the bottom of it.
Walk (not run) up to this structure, jump straight up, and grab
on. Turn slightly right and jump onto the next outlet. Jump
from the end of the 2nd outlet to an air vent straight across
from it. Turn right and jump straight up again to grab a thin
platform above the second half of the bridge. Walk straight
across the platform and do a stand forward jump to another air
vent. Turn right and you will see a small chamber with yet
another air vent right next to it. Do a running jump-and-grab to
this next piece of vent. From here you can easily reach the
small room, which is the secret area. The process may sound
confusing here, but does make sense when standing in the room.
FINDS: An RPG, Pipe Bombs, and a Portable Medkit.
6. On the way back from Crystal #2, a passageway will open and
release some pig cops. This passageway leads to a small area
with a couple of good powerups. However, many of the areas are
dark. If you have Night Vision Goggles with you, put them on.
On one side in the darkened area, you should find a ladder on the
wall. Climb it and remove your NVGs. Another quick lift onto a
ledge will lead you to the secret area.
FINDS: RPG ammo, Challenge Icon(leads to Challenge Stage 1; It
can be found by breaking open the discolored grating on the
ledge just before the secret area.)
7. In the room that almost completely fills with water (the one with
the valve that leads to Crystal #3), swim down to the bottom.
Under the ledge with the ladder is a small room.
FINDS: Atomic Health.
B. Level 2 - Duke Hill (7 secrets)
1. Inside the church at the beginning of the level is a ladder that
leads to a secret area. To reach it, stand Duke near the side of
the table to the right of the cross. Jump straight up and grab.
You will reach the ladder.
FINDS: Pistol clips, Dynamite, and a Medkit
2. Next to the church is a gallows with a guy hanging from it.
Shoot the guy with any weapon and he'll fall through the trap
door, allowing you to drop into a secret area.
FINDS: Gatling Gun
3. One of the shelves in the general store is movable. Try pressing
against the discolored shelves behind the counter. Another exit
from this secret is found by pushing a lantern in the room.
FINDS: Buffalo Gun, Throwing Knife
4. In the large mansion, there is a grating in the center of the
ceiling in the foyer. Shoot it and a ladder will be revealed.
Climb to find another secret.
FINDS: Shotgun shells, a Double Duke powerup
5. The third stall in the livery stable is empty save for a lantern
on the wall. Push the lantern and you'll descend into the secret
area. There's a ladder down the hallway leading to goodies, but
watch out for the Necro!
FINDS: Flame Thrower, Bottle of Fuel
6. There is an outhouse located somewhere in the level. Shoot from
a safe distance to blow it up. Fall in and land softly on..well,
let's move on, shall we? Move out into the water and swim
forward. The secret area is a cave close to this point.
FINDS: Box of grenades, Pistol clips, Buffalo shot, Boxes of
bullets, throwing knife
7. The final secret is near the well where you can enter and exit
the underwater area. In the corner of this area is a covered
wagon and a green box. Like in Level 1, push the green box
against the wall. You can climb on the box and jump to reach
the ledge the pig cops were running around on. In the corner
is an inset containing the secret.

C. Level 3 - Miner 69er (6 secrets)
1. As soon as you start, turn around and run for the pool of water
with the pig cop waiting on top of the ledge. Dive into the pool
and look to the left. A niche holds the secret.
FINDS: Atomic Health
2. After you unlock the first door(near the noxious gas area), run
down the hall a bit. One part of the hallway has a hole in the
ceiling. Jump up, grab the ladder, and find the secret. (If
Duke says something looks interesting, you passed it by a few
steps. Run back and look up.)
FINDS: Bottle of fuel, pistol ammo
3. When you enter the room with the mine car and the ramp that goes
down a ways, run all the way to the bottom. Straight across from
the bottom of the ramp is a large rope ladder. Climb it to get
to the secret.
FINDS: Box of bullets
4. When you fall into the hole under the drill, go until you end up
in darkness. Behind you in the dark is the secret. NVGs make
this secret much easier to find.
FINDS: Jetpack
5. In the large chasm area just beyond the drill, jump into the
water at the bottom. Swim along until you reach a place to get
out. This place is the secret.
FINDS: Medkit
6. The chasm area ends at what a tunnel with a path leading on to
the end of the level. Stand right in front of this tunnel and
jetpack straight up. There will be a small room right above this
FINDS: Challenge Icon (Challenge Stage 2)
VI. Challenge Stages
These areas are found by gaining challenge icons located throughout
various levels; I mention their locations in The Secrets(above).
Challenge stages are arguably more difficult than the regular stages
of the game. Of course, if they were too easy, everybody would get
the reward each one offers: a super version of a weapon in the game!
If you earn the super version, you can keep it for the rest of the
game. To beat the level and keep the gun, you must kill all the
enemies and escape before time runs out. A good note, though, is
that all the Challenge Stages are the two-player deathmatch levels.
If you have problems beating the stage, get a good look at it by
going in by yourself in the two-player mode (just don't move the
other guy). It will help you find all the little secret places
you can get to and waste those enemies in record time!

A. Challenge Stage 1 (Level 1 - Time to Kill)
STAGE: The Warehouse
TIME: 2:30
EXIT: In the basement, right in the middle.
WEAPON: The Super Eagle.
B. Challenge Stage 2 (Level 3 - Miner 69er)
STAGE: The Mesa
TIME: 2:30
EXIT: All the way across the stage from where Duke begins. It's
in a room, located in plain sight.
WEAPON: The Super Shotgun.
VI. Cheat Codes
I don't have cheat codes at this time. If you know of any, write me.

That's all for now. Check for newer versions of the FAQ as it rolls

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