Spiritul Warfare

Spiritul Warfare

10.10.2013 11:34:23
|Spiritual Warfare FAQ|

NES game by Wisdom Tree, Inc

Version 1.0 completed 10/18/97
by Adam Lamontagne (doleman@ime.net)


Alright, you're probably asking why in the world is somebody writing a
walkthrough for an unlicensed 8-bit Nintendo game that's rarely been heard
of. Well, I had never heard of it until a little over a year ago. When I
managed to get my hands on a copy I threw it in the NES, wandered around
for a few minutes, saw that I was getting nowhere fast, and put the game
away...for almost a year. Anyway, someone mentioned the game on the NES
mailing list (which you can subscribe to at nes-list-request@segasages.com)
and said that they were stuck, so I figured why not try to go through the
game to see if I could help. Well, you're reading the end result. I not
only got into the game, but was pleasantly surprised to see how similar to
The Legend of Zelda the game is. It's definitely not as great a game as
Legend of Zelda, but it should be appreciated by true fans of that game.
I'd call the game "Link goes to church." You'll see what I mean.


You have to collect the six pieces of the Armor of God and defeat the
ultimate source of evil, which remains nameless, but as you will see at the
end is none other than the devil. The six pieces of the Armor of God,
which you earn after defeating the bosses, are as follows:


This allows you to push blocks and other obstacles, sort of like the power
ring in Zelda.


Cuts damage taken in half.


Allow you to walk across burning rubble and wet cement.


Protects you from certain explosions.


The sword will shoot at your enemies and retrieve items like Samson's
Jawbone does. The sword is the best weapon in the game.


Cuts damage taken by an additional half and makes you immune to some
demon's flames.


As I mentioned, the sword is the best weapon in the game, but you don't get
it until late in the game. Until then, there are five different "Fruit of
the Spirits" you can use as weapons to convert unsaved souls (this
basically means to defeat your enemy, as enemies don't die in the game, but
turn into people praying or demons). Certain converted souls leave behind
Spirit Points (SP) which you collect and use to purchase things like
fruits, so SP is basically the monetary unit in this game, since we all
know money is bad ;) Each fruit (weapon) has its own unique method of
attack and you can collect up to 4 of each fruit. If you have 2 of a
certain fruit, you will be able to throw 2 at a time, and if you have 3,
then you can throw 3 at a time. You get the picture. The different fruit


Medium speed, very short distance, stops at solid items like rocks and
walls. This is the first fruit you will find, but is the weakest.


Medium speed, short distance, goes through solid items and travels in a
zig-zag pattern.


Slow speed, medium distance, goes through solid items as well as continuing
to travel through villains and obstacles in its path.


Fast speed, medium distance, goes through solid items and travels in a
spraying pattern.


Very fast speed, long distance, goes through solid objects. This is the
best fruit to have.


You will find some helpful itmes throughout the game. Some are helpful and
some are necessary. They are:


These are scattered all over the various areas of the city. Collect them
to increase your heath meter.


These are basically bombs. You find them or buy them in groups of 3 or 7.
Use the Vials to expose hidden items and doorways found under bushes and
walls, or to inflict damage on some enemies. You can either place the Vial
down and wait for it to explode or put it down and throw a fruit at it to
detonate it quicker. You will need to use these in certain rooms to get
some barrels out of your way.


Remember the boomerang in Zelda? Well, that's pretty much what the Jawbone
is. It's nifty because you can throw it at items that you can't reach and
the Jawbone will retrieve them for you. You need this to get the Raft. It
won't damage enemies or freeze them though, like the boomerang did in


You will find a few of these during the course of the game. You can hold
two at a time and will use them to completely refill your heath meter.


Certain locked doors will need a Key to open them. They can be found in
certain rooms throughout the game. I suggest that when you find a room
with a key in it, get the key, exit the room and clear about ten screens of
enemies, then when you return to the room with the Key it should reappear.
Get about 5 or 6 of these at the beginning of the game and you shouldn't
have to worry about them for the rest of the game.


Use the Torch to see special blocks in puzzle rooms. You don't really need
this item to finish the game, but it makes things a bit easier.


Use the Jawbone to retrieve the Raft, which you can use to cross areas
covered with water.


This allows you to travel between any of the five train stations. The
train stations are basically warp zones to other areas on the map. There
are also several underground passageways from one area to another. I will
talk about them in the walkthrough section of this FAQ.


Here are a few other interesting things in the game that should be noted:

Every once in awhile you will see a GUARDIAN ANGEL float across the screen.
If you come in contact with it, it will ask you 5 Bible related questions.
The first 4 questions you answer correctly are worth 5 SP, and the fifth
question he asks is worth 10 SP plus two hearts to fill your energy meter.
I've gone through and put the answers for a bunch of the questions at the
end of the FAQ to aid those who want to get them all correct.


If you are low on energy and have at least 10 SP, you can pray. To pray,
press Select to get to the status menu and select the Praying Hands icon
and press A or B. This will refill your health at the rate of one-half
heart per 10 SP.


The game is divided into 11 different sectors:

BEACH, WOODS and PRISON. There is no set order to go through the sectors,
but you will need to go through some before others since you can't enter
some of them without certain items. The walkthrough will lead you through
the sectors in the order I went through them. There are also various
underground areas, but they do not show up on the map and are fairly easy
to navigate.

Below is a map which you can use throughout the game to figure out where
things are. I will refer to each screen by their horizontal and vertical
coordinates on the map, so I suggest printing out the map for reference. I
will list the horizontal coordinate first, then the vertical
one (horizontal, vertical). By pressing Select during play, you will bring
up a subscreen which has the same map. I have placed various symbols and
letters for the more important objects and places in the game:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 | | T | | | | | |* B| | | G | | T | | F | |
1 | * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2 | |P @|1 A| | | | |6 D| | | | | | K | | |
3 | | | R | | | | | | 2 | | | | M | | $ | |
4 | | * | | | | K | P | | | | | | | | | M |
5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | T |
6 | | | | |* P| | | | * | | | | * | | | |
7 | M | | | | | | | K | | | A | 4 | | A | G | C |
8 | T | | | | * | | | J | | | | | | # | | |
9 | | | 3 | B | | | | | | | | | M | | | |
A | | | | | | G | | | | | | | | | | |
B | | | | | | | | | | | | G | | | | |
C | A | | | K | T | | | * | | | * | | | B | | 5 |

@-Starting point 1-Boss Room 1 (Belt of Truth)
*-Heart Container 2-Boss Room 2 (Breastplate)
J-Samson's Jawbone 3-Boss Room 3 (Boots)
P-Pear 4-Boss Room 4 (Helmet of Salvation)
A-Apple 5-Boss Room 5 (Sword of the Spirit)
M-Pomegranate 6-Boss Room 6 (Shield of Faith)
G-Grapes D-Demon Stronghold (Final Boss Room)
B-Banana T-Train Station (need RR Ticket)
R-Raft #-Railroad Ticket
K-Key C-Church
F-Torch $-Pawn Shop

Note that Boss Room 6 and the Demon Stronghold are in the same spot (7,2).
This is because 7,2 is the entrance to a huge underground area where the
last two bosses in the game are hiding. I didn't map it out, but I have
directions on how to get through that section in the walkthrough.


Alright, finally you're ready to delve into this game. The game does have
a password feature which keeps track of all the items you collected and
everything except for your score, which comes in quite handy. Write down
passwords after each major accomplishment and you should have no problem
making your way through this game.


This is where you begin your journey (1,2). Enter the door in the wall and
receive the Pear from one of the Christian Helpers, who are found
throughout the game. Some of these Helpers offer advice, while some of
them sell items like Fruits, Vials and Anointing Oil. Now that you have a
weapon, you are ready to go convert some souls.

Explore a bit to get used to the feel of the game. Convert unsaved souls
to collect SP, which you use to purchase weapons and items. You can
collect a maximum of 255 SP.

Move down one screen (1,3), picking up the Vials of God's Wrath. You will
find these throughout the game and can also stock up to 255 of these.
Proceed one screen to the right (2,3) and you'll see a Raft in the middle
of some water. You will need Samson's Jawbone to get this, which you'll
find later in the game.

At 0,2 you can use a Vial on one of the bushes which leads to a shortcut to
A,5 (DownTown). You'll get there eventually, so don't bother with this
unless you feel like exploring.

Go up one screen (2,2) and you'll see stairs leading down into a dungeon
where you'll battle your first boss in order to gain the Belt of Truth,
which gives you the strength to move some obstacles. There's also some
Anointing Oil to be had down there. To beat the boss, toss the Pear at him
3 times when he pops up from behind the rock. Collect the Belt of Truth in
the next room. On your way out, notice that there are six barrels sitting
next to each other (you probably noticed them already on the way in). Blow
up the barrels with your Vials and behind the last one is a door leading to
a Christian Helper, who is selling an Apple which you can buy for 40 SP.
Now you have two different weapons to choose from.

Also in the Park sector, more Anointing Oil can be uncovered by using Vials
at 4,1.

The basketball player you come across isn't of any consequence. You can
get to him by using a Vial on the lower left corner of the court, but he
just gives you a little useless advice.

Exit the Park at 5,3, where you can use your newly acquired Belt of Truth
(it works automatically) to move a block out of the way and open the
entrance to DownTown.


At 6,4 you can purchase 7 Vials for 20 SP, Anointing Oil for 75 SP and a
second Pear for 25 SP.

There's a manhole cover at 9,4 that you can push away that leads to a
shortcut to the Shipyard at 3,C. Actually, this is a one-way shortcut.
You cannot go through the passage from DownTown, but you will be able to
get to DownTown later in the game from the Shipyard
DO NOT go into the bar at 8,5. You will lose your Belt of Truth and have
to search the Slums for it.

Get the Heart Container in the building at 8,6.

Buy an Apple for 40 SP at A,7.

Grab the Key in the building at 7,7. It can be collected repeatedly as the
enemies eventually return to the room. Now you're ready to go get the
second boss.

Enter the building at 8,3. Collect the Vials and head up the ladder to the
roof. Cross the rooftops and go down the ladder, working your way to a
locked door. If you have a Key you can enter and battle the second boss of
the game. He's fairly easy to beat, as it takes only 3 Vials to defeat
him. Enter the door and collect the Breastplate of Righteousness. This
will reduce damage by 1/2.

There are 3 exits leading out of DownTown. You can enter the Slums at A,3,
the Houses Area at A,6 or the Airport at 6,6. You can tackle them in any
sequence you prefer, but I suggest going through the Slums, then back to
the Houses area, then lastly the Airport.


Enter the Slums through Downtown screen A,3.

The door at B,3 leads to a passageway to another section of the Slums at D,0.

The building at C,3 is a shop which has a Pomegranate for 60 SP and 7 Vials
for 30 SP.

At D,2 you'll find a Key in the building.

The Pawn Shop is at E,3. This is where you can find any items that may
have been taken from you during the game. If you follow this walkthrough,
you shouldn't have to visit this place.

A Train Station is at C,0.

Go in the locked door at E,0. Inside you will be able to buy the Torch for
150 SP.

You've pretty much gotten everything you need in this sector. The exit to
the Prison sector is at B,1, but you shouldn't go there yet, as the enemies
are very difficult and fast. Instead return to DownTown and enter the
Houses sector at A,6.


There is a Heart Container in the house at C,6.

At D,6 is an entrance to the Woods. Stay away from the Woods for now, as
you need both the Helmet and the Boots to proceed.

On screen E,7 enter the lower right garage (out of the 4) where you can buy
the Grapes for 75 SP.

At F,8 is a passageway which takes you to the Prison at 9,0. Avoid it for now.

The Church is at F,7. At the altar you will get advice on what to do next
and will get your energy filled up. You can visit the Church whenever you
want and they will always have a clue for you in case you are at a
standstill in the game.

There is a Train Station at F,5.

At F,4 you will be able to purchase the Pomegranate for 60 SP.

Now return to DownTown again and enter the Airport at 6,6.


Enter the Airport building itself at 4,6. Inside, go one screen left and
you'll see the luggage conveyor belt. Enter the black square where the
luggage is coming out. From this room work your way to the door which
leads to a room with a Heart Container.

Go back to the first room inside the Airport building and go right. The
lower door in this room is where you can buy another Pear for 25 SP. The
upper door leads you outside to 4,5. Go this way.

You can get a Key in the airplane at 5,4.

Work your way to the Warehouse entrance at 2,6.


Proceed to 1,4 to get another Heart Container.

Go back down to 0,7 where you can buy a Pomegranate for 60 SP and some
Anointing Oil for 75 SP.

There's a Train Station at 0,8.

At 1,B there's an opening to the train tracks. Follow them all the way to
the left, then up a bunch of screens to 0,1, where you can get that Heart
Container you couldn't get earlier in the game. You can follow the tracks
all the way to the Train Station in the Houses area at F,5, but don't waste
your time.

Follow the tracks down to 0,C where you'll see a building with 2 doors.
Enter the one on the right and follow the path to the brown door where you
can buy another Apple for 40 SP. Exit the way you came in.

Follow the tracks to 2,B and go down the stairs. Work your way through
this room to emerge at 2,A. From here move on to 2,9 and you'll see a
locked door. Enter it to do battle with the third boss.

There is a wall of bricks between you and the boss. Certain bricks will
turn purple at random. When the boss throws bombs at you they seek you out
like heat-seeking missiles. Lead them to the purple bricks to blow them
up, making a path to the top where the boss is. After doing this a bunch
of times they'll be enough stairs to work your way up there. There will
still be a few bricks that will be in your way, but you can use Vials to
take them out. The boss will have fled out the door. Exit through this
door to collect the Boots. These will let you cross certain obstacles that
you previously couldn't get by.

Now you can cross the burning rubble at 2,8 to proceed to the Hotels sector.


In this sector, do not enter the Casino at 5,7 or you will get the
Breastplate taken from you (and have to return to the Slums to get it).

Buy the Grapes for 75 SP in the shop at 5,A.

Enter the building at 4,A and work your way to the roof for another Heart

Go to 3,9 and talk to the guy in brown robes. Now just sit still for
awhile and a car will magically move out of the way revealing a staircase.
Go down the stairs where you can buy the best weapon, the Banana, for 90

Leave this area at 5,9 to enter the Shipyard.


>From the start, go up on the dock, then right to 7,8. Make sure you have a
Key and at least 195 SP. Inside you will be able to purchase Samson's
Jawbone, which you can use to get the Raft in 2,3. You should head back
there right away for it, as you will need it soon in the next sector.
There's that one-way passage in the upper house at 3,C which will lead you
right to the DownTown manhole cover, bringing you a bit closer to the Raft.

Return to the Shipyard and head back south from the entrance.

There's a Train Station at 4,C.

At 3,C the lower right house contains a Key.

There is a locked door at 7,C. Use the Key to enter and inside you'll see
a Heart Container that you can't get to. Throw the Jawbone at it to
retrieve it.

The entrance to the next sector, the Beach, is at 8,B.


Buy more Grapes for 75 SP in the beach house at B,B. There's also some guy
in front of the house looking for his surfboard. I don't think he is
significant, but I may have missed his purpose in the game, if there is one
at all.

Use a Key to enter the locked room at D,C. Inside you will be able to buy
a Banana for 90 SP.

Make use of the Raft to get to another Heart Container at A,C.

Now, still using the Raft, travel over to the dock at F,C. A staircase is
hidden under one of the shrubs. Use a Vial to discover it. Down these
stairs is Boss Room 5. I know, you haven't reached Boss Room 4 yet, but
you will soon enough.

To beat the boss of this room, you have to hit the guy with the white robe
3 times with Vials. To get to him you have to get by his 3 helpers. They
will only go away when pushed by a barrel. Use Vials to find the hidden
ladders. When you nail the white robed guy with a Vial, he will disappear
and turn up somewhere else in the room. Just seek him out and after the 3
Vial shots he will be no more. Enter the door at the top of the screen to
get the Sword of the Spirit, which is the best weapon in the game and the
only one that can easily defeat the demons in the stronghold later in the

Also in the Beach section is a warp back to the Park. I'll let you find
it, as it isn't essential to beating the game, but it involves the Raft and
a waterfall...

Enter the Woods at screen C,B.


Work your way all the way up to B,7, defeating enemies with your Sword
along the way. This is the location of Boss Room 4. This boss is kind of
tricky. Stay one space from the top of the screen and fire your Jawbone or
Sword (I used the Sword, though the manual says to use the Jawbone) at the
boss right when he launches his bomb at you. This should knock his bomb
backwards, where it will destroy the next bomb being added to his supply.
Timing is everything. The key is to destroy all of the bombs being added
to his supply so he ends up running through the bombs he started with and
has none left to throw. Once he runs out of bombs, he'll run off and a
door will appear. Enter to get the Helmet of Salvation, which protects you
from harmful explosions.

At C,9 you can buy the Pomegranate for 60 SP.

In the locked cabin at D,8 you will find the Railroad Ticket. Now you can
finally ride the trains if you feel like it.

At D,7 is the exit to the Houses sector. Also on this screen you can move
the lower right rock to uncover a stairway leading to another Apple, which
you can get in exchange for 40 SP.

Now you can go to the last above ground sector, the Prison.


Enter the Prison through the Slums at B,1 or the underground passage in the
Houses sector at F,8.

The underground passage will come out at 9,0.

Buy the Grapes for 75 SP at A,0.

Enter the door at 8,1. You will emerge up on 8,0. Use a Vial to blow open
the door at 7,0. Inside you will have to use Vials to make your way across
to the ladder. Inside you will find another Heart Container and a Banana
for 90 SP hidden in a room behind a barrel.

Now you are ready to enter the Demon Stronghold, which is located in this
sector. Make sure you write down a password at this point in case you die
fighting the demons.

The entrance to the Demon Stronghold is at 7,2. Make sure you have a Key
in your possession, as you will need one to open up a locked door somewhere
in the Stronghold. Use a Vial on any of the 3 buildings in the bottom row
and enter the hole. Once inside, go up the stairs on the upper right to
enter a room full of dynamite and movable blocks. Since you have the
Helmet, dynamite explosions won't hurt you, so toss fruit at the dynamite
to detonate it and get it out of your way. To make it out of this room,
first stand under the block on the right center of the screen and push it
all the way up. Now move the block to your left over 1 space. Go up once
space and push the block all the way to the left (where some dynamite was).

Now move 2 spaces to the right, 1 space down, and push the block 1 space to
the left. Push the block beneath you 1 space down, then the block to your
left 1 space left. Now work your way down and end up to the left of the
block which is to the left of the stairs. Push it on top of the stairs.
Now move the block above you up 1 space and then push the block on the
stairs out of the way to go down them. In this room, simply detonate the
dynamite and take the staircase down. You are now in the Demon Stronghold.


>From the entrance, move to the right then down the path to the next screen.
Defeat the powerful demons with your sword while avoiding their flaming
projectiles. Go right 1 screen, then follow the path down 1 screen. Now
you can choose to go left or down. Go down. Follow the path down and
right to the next screen. Go right and up a screen. Go straight up to the
next screen and follow the path around so you go down to the next screen.
Work your way left 1 screen, then down 1, then right until you reach the
stairs. You will now be in a blue room.

Move 2 screens to the right. Now move up 5 screens until you reach a door.
Enter it. Now you're in a section with blue floors and orange walls.
Follow the only path you can take until you reach another door. Go in,
defeat the demons, then enter the door to Boss Room 6.

To defeat this boss, keep firing your sword at him. Hit him once to stun
him, then keep pelting him when he is stunned. Repeat this several times
to do him in. A door will open after you defeat him where you are given
the Shield of Faith. The Shield will make you immune to the demons flaming

After beating the boss, go down that stairway that's in the same room as
his doorway. You should be in a room full of lava. Go right 1 screen,
down 1, left 1, down 1, left 2 and up 2 screens and through the door. You
should be in a room with blue walls.

Go up one screen, then right and enter the door. From here go up 1 screen
and down the stairs. You'll be in a room with blue floors. Follow the
path clockwise until you come to a wall. Shoot your sword at the left side
of the wall to make a path. Now move one screen to the right and go down
the stairs.

You should now be outside of a small building. Go down 3 screens, then all
the way to the right past 3 screens. Take the stairs and you'll be in a
dungeon with blue floors and grey walls. Go up 2 screens then left one.
You'll see a locked door (aren't you glad you brought that key!). Go
through it and follow the path around until you get to some stairs.
They'll bring you out to the other side. Keep following the path along the
green slime lake until you notice a weird opening in the wall. This is the
entrance to the Final Demon's lair!

The Final Boss is tough, but can be beaten with persistence. Use your
Sword to stop his rock shield from moving, then throw your fruit
(preferably the Banana) at him to register damage. You'll know you hit him
because he changes color and stuff flies from him. Do this about 7 times
and you will have thwarted the final foe. Notice how the boss looks like
the Devil, yet there is no mention of that name in the game...hmm.

Two angels fly around to congratulate you and you see the words,
"Hallelujah, Soldier of God! You have defeated the final foe and freed the
city from his evil influence. May God bless you in all that you do!" Not
a great ending, but you can at least be comfortable with the satisfaction
of knowing that you beat one of the best unlicensed games for the NES.


Just as I was about to write this section of the FAQ I went through to
double check the passwords I wrote down. It turns out that all the ones I
took from the Demon Stronghold do not work for some reason. The following
password is the closest one to the end I could get to work.

Towards the end of the game at the Prison entrance:



I went through and managed to come up with the answers to 60 of the
questions the Guardian Angel asks you during the game. These aren't
essential to finishing the game, but they'll give you extra SP which you
can use to buy items. The answers to the questions are in bold print.

#1 Jesus said that God's word is TRUTH.
#2 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall SET YOU FREE."
#3 Who said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the
Father but through Me?" JESUS
#4 "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves..." TRUE
#5 God desires that ALL MEN be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

#6 Jesus told his disciples to preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE.
#7 The Bible says the gospel is the power of SALVATION.
#8 The Apostle Paul was NOT ASHAMED of the gospel.
#9 John the Baptist preached for men to repent and BELIEVE the gospel.
#10 Evil men went to the churches in Galatia to pervert the gospel. TRUE

#11 The faith of an olive seed can move a mountain. FALSE
#12 The CENTURION amazed Jesus with his great faith.
#13 It is impossible to please God without FAITH.
#14 "The RIGHTEOUS man shall live by faith."
#15 Paul preached repentance toward God and FAITH IN Jesus.

#16 The Sword of the Spirit is the WORD OF GOD.
#17 The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged
sword..." TRUE
#18 The Scripture is the Word of God, but what person's name is also "the
Word?" JESUS
#19 Jesus quoted, "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word
that comes from the mouth of God.: TRUE
#20 We are to be doers of the word and not merely HEARERS.

#21 The Helmet of Salvation is first mentioned in Job. FALSE
#22 Jesus said, "He who BELIEVES has eternal life."
#23 There is salvation in no other name but Jesus. TRUE
#24 The GOSPEL is the power of God for salvation.
#25 How shall we escape if we neglect so great a SALVATION?

#26 Paul desired the righteousness which comes from God by faith. TRUE
#27 "Abraham BELIEVED God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.
#28 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for RIGHTEOUSNESS"
#29 Jesus said, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." TRUE
#30 GOD'S CREATION renders man "without excuse" if he rejects God.

#31 Jesus never quoted Scripture. FALSE
#32 Jesus appealed to Scripture as authoritative over 20 times. TRUE
#33 When tempted by Satan, Jesus quoted Scripture from DEUTERONOMY.
#34 Jesus could heal disease but could not cast out demons FALSE
#35 Jesus said some demons could be cast out only by fasting and PRAYER.

#36 "The message of the cross is to those who are PERISHING foolishness."
#37 But to those being saved, the message of the cross is the power of God
#38 Paul feared the CORINTHIANS might be led astray from the simplicity of
devotion to Christ.
#39 "The God of this age has blinded the minds of UNBELIEVERS"
#40 "For by grace you have been saved through FAITH."

#41 Jesus was condemned by the Sanhedrin, spit upon, struck with fists and
slapped. TRUE
#42 Pontius Pilate found Jesus to be INNOCENT.
#43 Though Jesus was found innocent, the Jews still demanded his death. TRUE
#44 Jesus was FLOGGED, then handed over to the soldiers for crucifixion.
#45 Jesus was delivered up to be crucified for OUR SINS.

#46 Elymas the SORCEROR opposed Paul and Barnabas at Paphos.
#47 Elymas was an attendant of the PROCONSUL at Paphos.
#48 Elymas wanted the proconsul to believe the Gospel. FALSE
#49 Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, struck Elymas with BLINDNESS.
#50 When the proconsul saw Elymas struck blind, he was amazed and
believed. TRUE

#51 Paul cast a demon of divination out of a SLAVE GIRL.
#52 The girl's owners were enraged because they made money from her
#53 The angry owners had Paul and Silas stoned. FALSE
#54 Paul and Silas led their JAILOR to faith in Jesus while imprisoned.
#55 Paul and Silas were in jail for 4 years. FALSE

#56 John was exiled to the isle of PATMOS.
#57 Jesus appeared to John, who had been exiled for his testimony about JESUS.
#58 Jesus ordered John to write down what he saw. TRUE
#59 What John wrote is the Book of REVELATION.
#60 The Book of Revelation is about love. FALSE


I'm sure there are a few things I didn't run across in the game. I know
there are a couple of Fruits I didn't locate and am sure there are more
than 60 Biblical questions. If anybody finds these or anything else that I
have left out, please let me know and I will add it to the FAQ, giving you

Thanks for reading!

Adam Lamontagne
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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