Dragon Warrior

Dragon Warrior

15.10.2013 04:24:38
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__| / R A G O N | \/ /\ \/ / A R R I O R
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|_____ _____|
| | FAQ Version 1.0 - April 1995
| | Compiled by GWS Wizard
_____| |_____ Staff member of Gamewiz, Inc.
|_____________| With special help from: Mike664

Hello People! Here is the Dragon Warrior I FAQ v1.0! I know this game
may be old, but some of us old Dragon Warriors are hooked on this series
of games! And what better way to start of a series than with a classic
like this! Erdrick, Princess Gwaelin...who could ask for anything more?
The FAQ contains a monster list, EXP chart, weapons and armor charts
and a complete walkthrough by Mike664!

Message from Mike664:

Hey. What'sup everyone? Thanks to anyone who downloaded this. This
will hopefully make you happy. Keep in mind that the facts are based
on long hours of game playing, but the tips are solely mine. In case
you do not agree, there are basic tips that should apply to every-

So, let's get rolling!

WS Wizard~~

Lists of Monsters, Items, Weapons, and Spells


Armored Knight | 140 | 70 | 90
Axe Knight | 165 | 54 | 70
Blue Dragon | 150 | 60 | 70
Dragonlord | ? | ? | ?
Drakee | 3 | 2 | 6
Drakeema | 20 | 11 | 20
Droll | 25 | 10 | 25
Drollmagi | 90 | 22 | 38
Druin | 16 | 7 | 22
Druinlord | 85 | 20 | 35
Ghost | 5 | 3 | 7
Goldman | 200 | 6 | 50
Golem | 10 | 5 | 70
Green Dragon | 140 | 45 | 65
Knight | 130 | 33 | 55
Magician | 12 | 4 | 13
Magidrakee | 12 | 5 | 15
Magiwyvern | 140 | 34 | 58
Metal Scorpion | 40 | 14 | 22
Metal Slime | 6 | 115 | 4
Poltergeist | 18 | 81 | 23
Red Dragon | 140 | 100 | 100
Red Slime | 3 | 1 | 4
Rouge Scorpion | 110 | 26 | 35
Scorpion | 16 | 6 | 20
Shadow Knight | 150 | 37 | 50
Skeleton | 30 | 11 | 30
Slime | 2 | 1 | 3
Specter | 70 | 18 | 36
Starwyvern | 160 | 43 | 65
Stoneman | 140 | 65 | 160
Warlock | 35 | 13 | 30
Werewolf | 155 | 40 | 60
Wizard | 165 | 50 | 65
Wolf | 50 | 16 | 34
Wolflord | 80 | 20 | 38
Wraith | 60 | 17 | 36
Wraith Knight | 120 | 28 | 46
Wyvern | 100 | 24 | 42


Weapon | Cost | Attack Power | Where Found
Bamboo Pole | 10 | +2 | Brecconary, Cantlin
Club | 60 | +4 | Brecconary, Cantlin, Garinham
Copper Sword | 180 | +10 | Brec., Cant., Garin., Kol, Rimuldar
Hand Axe | 560 | +15 | Garinham, Rimuldar
Broad Sword | 1500 | +20 | Rimuldar, Cantlin
Flame Sword | 9800 | +28 | Cantlin
Erdrick's Sw.| Find | +40 | Dragonlord's Castle


Armor | Cost | Def. Power | Where Found
Clothes | 20 | +2 | Brecconary
Leather Armor| 70 | +4 | Brecconary, Garinham
Chain Mail | 300 | +10 | Garinham, Cantlin
Half Plate | 1000 | +16 | Garinham, Kol, Rimuldar, Cantlin
Full Plate | 3000 | +24 | Kol, Rimuldar, Cantlin
Magic Armor | 7700 | +24 | Rimuldar, Cantlin
Erdrick's Ar.| Find | +28 | Haukness


Shield | Cost | Def. Power | Where Found
Leather Shld.| 90 | +4 | Brecconary, Kol
Iron Shield | 800 | +10 | Garinham, Cantlin
Silver Shield| 14800 | +20 | Cantlin


Item | Cost | Use | Where Found
Herb | 24 | Recover HP | Brecconary, Garinham, Kol, Cantlin
Torch | 8 | Light Caves | Brecconary, Garinham, Kol, Cantlin
Dragon's Scl.| 20 | Raise Defense| Brecconary, Garinham, Kol, Cantlin
Wings | 70 | Rtrn to Cstle| Kol, Cantlin


Spell | Level | MP Cost | Spell Effect
HEAL | 3 | 4 | Replenishes lost Hit Points (HP)
HURT | 4 | 2 | Hurls fire at an enemy in battle
SLEEP | 7 | 2 | Puts an enemy to sleep in battle
RADIANT | 9 | 3 | Same effect as torch, only brighter
STOPSPELL | 10 | 2 | Prevents an enemy from using spells
OUTSIDE | 12 | 6 | Transports you to outside of a cave
RETURN | 13 | 8 | Warp to castle from the outside
REPEL | 15 | 2 | Keeps monsters from attacking you
HEALMORE | 17 | 10 | Same as HEAL, only stronger
HURTMORE | 19 | 5 | Same as HURT, only stronger


Level | EXP
1 | None
2 | 7
3 | 23
4 | 47
5 | 110
6 | 220
7 | 450
8 | 800
9 | 1,300
10 | 2,000
11 | 2,900
12 | 4,000
13 | 5,500
14 | 7,500
15 | 10,000
16 | 13,000
17 | 17,000
18 | 21,000
19 | 25,000
20 | 29,000
21+ | +4,000

NOTE: Level 30 is the highest level in the game.

Dragon Warrior 1 Walkthrough

1st Step

The big tip that is pretty much prevalent (big word) in all RPGs is
When you start out, first buy a club. Now you can make a choice.
Either buy the clothes, or raise your gold by fighting butt naked,
and getting leather armor. Either way, fight until you've raised your
level at least up to 3. By now, you should have HEAL.
This is a big turning point in the game. There is an old man in the
castle who restores your magic points. Cure+free magic+lots of time=
high levels of experience. If you feel adventurous, listen to that
guy in Brecconary who tells you where Garinham is. If you want my
help, travel north from Tantegel, until you reach the sea.
(Stop by at the cave north of Tantegel to find Erdrick's Tablet;
the torch you get at the beginning of the game will be enough,
considering there aren't any enemies in the cave.) From the north
sea, proceed west. Near the western end of the continent is Garinham.

In Garinham, talk, of course, and if you took my advice and got lots
of experience, you also got lots of gold. Buy the handaxe, and chain
mail--or keep your money and wait for better armor. If you've reached
level 7, you should be able to brave the eastern continent where
lurk scorpions and if you are unlucky and under level 7, skeletons!
If you forge up north through the forests, you may just make it to
Kol. Search 5 steps south of the fountain for the flute. In Kol,
buy the full-plate armor for the terrrible price of 3,000 gold pieces.
Armed with the axe and full-plate armor (oh yeah--get the large
shield in Garinham) you should be able to run amuck around Kol,
fighting skeletons for experience. Warning! No matter how brave you
feel, until you've hit level 10, you'll be wolf food or warlock
kibble if you try to explore the southern continent across the sea.
Until you've got STOPSPELL (LV 10) you will be put to sleep by
Warlocks and until you've got at least 60 hps, you'll be simply torn
apart by wolves. Once you're strong enough, try to get to Rimuldar.

Once there, talk to everyone--big info!--and don't pay attention to
the guy who talks about warrior rings, because...well, it is kind of
funny, never mind. If you've made it here, and you are in pretty good
shape, gain experience here fighting just around Rimuldar (don't go
south!) until you've got enough gold to buy the broad sword (gp:1500)
and the magic armor (gp:7700!) If you've got OUTSIDE (LV:12) and
RADIANT (LV:9) you may want to earn that mucho gold in a cave on the
other side of the mountains to the west of Tantegel (directions later)
Watch out when you are deep in there though, there are Drakeemas!
(profile later) After you have HEALMORE (LV:17) you may want to
explore the southlands, far far south of Tangetel. There, in the
deserted town of Hauksness, where dwell Starwyverns, search beneath a
certain tree. Unfortunately, before you can search, an Axe Knight
will attack. When fighting this ugly dude, remember that STOPSPELL
will take away a big part of his advantage. Never stop hacking till
you're mortally hurt. Then HEALMORE. Your prize will be Erdrick's
Armor. If you think you're hot stuff, try making it to Cantlin.
Before you step in between the walls around Cantlin, make sure you're
ready to fight...GOLEM. OH no! Don't worry. Play the Fariy Flute!
Then hit him as many times as you can. Owch. He woke up! Put him back
to sleep and keep it up till he's dead. What? Only 10 gold pieces!
Don't trip. Your reward is getting into Cantlin! Buy the Flame Sword
for the low low price of 9800 gold pieces. Talk to the old man across
the barrier for a lot of help. If you don't think you need the Silver
Shield yet, test yourself against the green dragon guarding the
princess. OOops. You should know where! But, if you feel too lazy to
think, go to the tunnel to Rimuldar and wander around in the maze
instead of going straight down. If you get attacked by the Green
Dragon, you're in the right place. Just keep hacking away and healing
when you need to. Don't forget to bring a key to unlock the door.
If you manage to destroy the evil green dragon, you will finally meet the
princess! She thanks you and leaps into your arms. Ughf! Heavy girl! Well,
you have to carry her all the way back to Tantegel Castle. Once you get
there, bring her to the king. Ta-da! You've finished the first step in
Dragon Warrior I.

2nd Step

The princess will give you her undying and helpful love. What's this?
You can use it! It tells you where you are located in accordance to
Tangetel Castle... hmmm. Remember what the old man in Cantlin said? Oh no.
Forgot it? He told you the precise location of the Token of Erdrick! It
is in the swamps accross the mountains south of Cantlin. The coordinates
are 70 south and 40 east of Tangetel. You should be strong enough to brave
the evil swamps. Be sure to bring some medical herbs and save some magic
to RETURN to Tantegel or bring a Wing. Now that you have it, what will
you do? Go see that old dude in the cave south of Rimuldar. Now he will
acknowledge you as Erdrick's heir! He gives you the rainbow drop! Now,
I purposefully left out the search for the harp, staff of rain, and
stones, because they aren't neccessary for finding the princess... now
you need 'em to make that durn bridge to the Dragonlord's island. The
harp is in Garinham. Unlock the door to the building in Garinham, and
push against the northern wall. Keep on trying! Oof! What's this? A secret
panel leading to the entrance of the Grave of Garinham? In the grave,
you should find the door in little difficulty, it is in the south-eastern
corner of the room, and then the stairs leading down. On the second floor,
ignore the other stairs (unless you are adventurous and agressive...
and have lots of time) and proceed to the opposite corner of the room.

Either travel west, then south, or travel south, then west. There are the
stairs you want to take. Follow the passage, and go down the stairs! Keep
on going till you find the harp! Now, the harp is a great item if you are
too lazy to walk around when looking for experience, but its main use is
a bargaining item to trade to the old guy in the northern cave (west of
Kol) for the staff of rain. The stones are hidden underneath Tangetel
Castle. To get to them, first, unlock the door so you can get to the
north-eastern corner of the castle. Go outside, and walk along the castle
wall till you find the stairs leading to the basement. Talk to the old
guy (Hmm... Mucho old guys in this game!) to get the stones of sunlight.

Now! Go to the temple in Rimuldar, where the old guy (!!) behind the desk
told you this is where rain and sun meet. If you have all the items,
(staff of RAIN, stones of SUNLIGHT, RAINBOW drop) you'll be able to make
a bridge linking the southern continent to Dragonlord's island! HAR!
Now you can free the land of evil and win the game! Just make sure you
are at at least level 25 before you brace the Dragonlord in his lair.
He's one tough bugger, and even before you have the honor of getting your
butt whipped by his highness, you may be done in by the many monsters
that prowl the castle. Ignoring those two dangers, the other danger is
that of getting eternally lost. First, forget the two locked doors on
the first floor. They are just there to kill ya. (As if the Armored
Knights, Blue and Red dragons, Starwyverns, Stonemen, Wolflords, and
Wizards weren't enough.) Behind the throne is a stairway. Take it to
B1. Gulp. Here, just follow the stringy path and soon you'll find the
stairway to B2. Here, you can make 3 vital choices. Take the first flight
of stairs you see going down, and get lost; take the 2nd flight of stairs
going down, and perhaps finding your way to the Dragonlord where you
discover you can only hurt him with Erdrick's sword, or taking the other
stairs going up, and find the sword. Not that that is easy. You have to
take another long windy path that goes back down to another level, but
you will find the sword if you go down the right flight of stairs. After
you've got the sword, you may want to use OUTSIDE to get out, or you may
want to go double or nothing and try and kill the dragonlord. For all
the brave adventurers, take the flight of stairs in B2 that I mentioned
went to the Dragonlord. Now, in B3, just look for the stairs that go

In B4, follow the path, (hey, if you are using RADIANT, which may
be a good or bad idea, depending on whether you think you should save
your MPs or not, you will see the little room in the center where you
found Erdrick's sword. Keep going! Keep on following the path in B5, and
then you make it to B6. Uh-oh. If you are really unsure as to whether
you are in the correct passage, (one goes on forever) See how far away
the walls are. If they are up close, then you are in the wrong passage
and have been in the wrong passage for a long time! ARgh! Listen to what
I say! If, however, the walls are so far away you can't see them without
leaving your straight line course, you are in the right one. Of course,
an easier way would be to check how many times you've been in this room.
If you've been in it more than once, (meaning B7 looks just like B6) you
are lost. For those of you who made it to the little basement which more
closely resembles a castle, albeit one with swamps and enemies, congrats!

Just follow a passage. It will either lead to a treasure room (with
the Ball of light) or to the Dragonlord. Get the ball of light first,
then brace the evil dragonlord! Hmmm.... At first he seems like a wimp.
(He's in human form.) After he takes on his proper ugly mug, he'll try
hard to make you look as ugly as he is. Slash away with your sword!
HEALMORE when you have to! You should readily observe that he hits
around 40-70 damage points a blow. Factor that in... and if you are a
true warrior...you'll win!


1. SXOIVLSA : Infinite Magic Power
2. AEVGUIZA : Take no damage in swamp
3. VVOYYTSA : Start with 256 gold coins (This code is REALLY weird!)
4. VKOIVLSA : All spells use only one magic point
5. YAKKEVYA : Barriers cause half usual damage


I'd like to thank Mike664, for without his walkthrough, this FAQ wouldn't
be much at all. A witty, informative, and even funny approach to DW1!

I'd also like to thank Dr Gamewiz for getting me more invloved in Gamewiz
than ever before. If it wasn't for him, I don't think I'd ever have gotten
this done. Thanks Doc! :)

And I would definitely like to thank all the Dragon Warriors out there that
have made the DW Series instant classics!

WS Wizard~~
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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