Dragon Warrior 3

Dragon Warrior 3

16.10.2013 16:27:28
Dragon Warrior 3 FAQ: version 1.0--by Daniel Wagoner
completed February 4, 1996


Most of the game is self-explanatory. It plays pretty much like any other
RPG. The A button brings up the menu, and accepts commands in windows. The
B button cancels commands in windows. Press start to begin the game. Select
is not used. HP means Hit Points, when your hit points reach 0, you die. If
one person in your party dies, you must revive them with a spell, item, or a
visit to the house of healing; sleeping at the INN will NOT revive dead party
members! If your entire party dies, you will lose half your gold, and the
person who last saved your game will revive only the hero.

MP means Magic Points, each spell costs a certain amount of MP. **Some
classes cannot use spells. If someone is poisoned, cursed (by equipping
cursed things), or dead, you can remedy this at the house of healing, for a
price. You can only save your game with a king (or, if there is no king,
someone else may save your game). BE SURE TO HOLD RESET WHILE TURNING THE

Doors can be opened by using the right key, or with the OPEN spell. The
thieves' key opens simple doors; the magic key opens magic doors and simple
doors; the final key opens jail doors, magic doors, and simple doors.
***IMPORTANT*** All weapons and armor MUST be equipped before they are

The vault, located in Aliahan, can be used to store items and gold. Gold
stored in the vault will be protected if your party is defeated. Items you
don't have room to carry, but will need later (or items you can't sell or
discard, and don't need anymore) can be put in the vault. There is a charge
to remove an item based on its value. If an item cannot be sold to a store
(such as an orb), the removal charge is only 1 GP.

Some items that you will use often (such as the Final Key, and Staff of
Thunder) you will want to have at the top of your item list. I will use the
final key as an example: transfer the final key to the fighter; have the
fighter transfer all the items above the key to himself. This will move each
item transferred to the bottom of the list. Now, reequip him with his
equipment. Now, the final key is easier to use.

After meeting the king, it is wise to enlist party members at Loisa's place
in Aliahan. You register members upstairs, and enlist them downstairs.
(More info. on this is found below under the heading "Classes")


You are the son (or daughter) of the hero, Ortega. Ortega went long ago in
search of the Archfiend Baramos. Ortega is seen in the opening sequence
fighting a dragon. Since your father has never returned, you are ordered by
the king to defeat the Archfiend.

Status Ailments:

Poison: You will lose HP while you walk. Remedy: House of Healing, antidote
herb, or ANTIDOTE spell.

Numb: You cannot move. Remedy: walking around will cure it eventually,
full moon herb, or NUMBOFF spell.

Confused: You will attack your party members in battle. Remedy: kill the
affected person, put the affected person to sleep, or win the battle.

Sleep: You will be defenseless. Remedy: goes away after a couple of battle
rounds, cast AWAKE spell, or win the battle.

Cursed: Some weapons and armor are cursed; effects depend on the weapon or
armor that is cursed. Remedy: House of Healing, or CURSEOFF spell.

Dead: When you lose all HP, you cannot do anything. Remedy: House of
Healing, VIVIFY or REVIVE spell, or leaf of the world tree.


The hero may enlist 3 companions at the eatery in Aliahan. I highly
recommend a Fighter, Pilgrim, and Wizard for your first time playing the game.
You can experiment with other combinations later, if you wish.

* Note--To make it easier, I will refer to a person as "he", although you
have the option of making them male or female.

Hero: You are the hero, and you cannot enlist another hero. The hero is
strong and has high HP. His other attributes are average. He can equip most
weapons and armor, this makes him quite expensive. He has many spells, some
of which are specific to the hero. He commands both healing and attack spells.
Some of his spells are the most powerful in the game.

Soldier: The soldier is quite strong and has high HP. His luck, agility, and
intelligence are low. He can equip most weapons and armor, this makes him
quite expensive. He commands no spells.

Fighter: The fighter is quite strong, has high HP, and has very high agility.
His intelligence is low. He is average in the other areas. He can only equip
a very few weapons and armor, which makes him very cheap. As his levels
increase, his chances for making critical hits go up. He commands no spells.

Merchant: The merchant has low intelligence, but is average in all other
attributes. He can equip some weapons and armor, his cost is average. He has
the ability to find extra gold at the end of battles, and he is the only
character that can appraise items. He commands no spells.

Goof-off: The goof-off has very high luck, otherwise, the goof-off is similar
to the merchant, except that he lacks the special abilities of the merchant.
The major drawback to Goof-offs is that they, well... goof-off. Sometimes
they will do something totally useless in battle, like sing, study the
situation, or cheer on his companions. The good thing about goof-offs, is
that they can become sages upon reaching level 20, without the Book of Satori
(see class changing, below). He commands no spells.

Pilgrim: The pilgrim has fairly high intelligence, and is average in all
other attributes. He can equip some weapons and armor, his cost is average.
He can use the Pilgrim spells, which include mainly healing spells.

Wizard: The wizard has high intelligence, but very low strength. He is
average in all other attributes. He can equip few weapons and armor, thus
his cost is fairly low. He can use the Wizard spells, which include mainly
attack spells.

Sage: **You cannot choose a sage at the begining of the game. A character
must become a sage later (see class changing, below) The sage is average in
all attributes. He can, for the most part, equip the same weapons and armor
as the pilgrim, his cost is average. The best part is that he can use both
the Pilgrim AND Wizard spells. This makes the sage a very powerful companion.

Class Changing:

After reaching level 20, any character (except the hero) can
change their class. The place to change your class is the Shrine of Dhama,
located North of Baharata, and West of Jipang.

When someone changes classes, the following always occurs: The person
loses all experience points and goes back to level 1; The person loses half
of all attributes (i.e. max. HP, max. MP, intelligence, etc.); The person
remembers all spells he learned up to that point (thus, it is possible to
turn a wizard into a soldier or fighter who knows magic!!); The person is
totally de-equipped (they still keep all their items and equipment, but you
must equip all weapons and armor again).

A goof-off may become a sage at the shrine after reaching level 20; however,
any other class must obtain the Book of Satori to become a sage. The book is
located in the tower of Garunda, North of the Shrine of Dhama.

Medical Herb--restores some HP.
Antidote Herb--removes poison.
Full Moon Herb--removes numbness.
Invisibility Herb--same as INVISIBLE spell.
Spider's Web--same as SLOW spell.
Wizard's Ring--restores 15-30 MP; may be used repeatedly until it breaks.
Fairy Water--same as REPEL spell.
Wing of the Wyvern--same as RETURN spell.
Leaf of the World Tree--same as REVIVE spell.
Stone of Life--If a person has this item, it will shatter when BEAT or
DEFEAT is cast on him, saving his life.
Meteorite Armband--doubles wearers agility when equipped; found in Isis.
Strength Seed--slightly increases strength permanently.
Agility Seed--slightly increases agility permanently.
Intelligence Seed--slightly increases intelligence permanently.
Vitality Seed--slightly increases vitality permanently.
Luck Seed--slightly increases luck permanently.
Acorns of Life--slightly increases HP permanently.
Lamp of Darkness--changes day into night.
Shoes of Happiness--if you are lucky, metal babbles might leave this; when
equipped, experience will increase 1 point per step
while walking on the field.
Water Blaster--does anyone know what this is used for??
Poison Moth Powder--same as CHAOS spell.
Ring of Life--when equipped, this item restores HP as the person walks.
Silver Harp--when used on the field, a monster will immediately appear.
Sage's Stone--casts HEALUS spell in battle, very useful item found in Zoma's
castle, can be used repeatedly.

*Note--W=wizard, P=pilgrim, and H=hero; Sages learn both wizard and pilgrim
spells; D=damage done to each enemy.

NAME MP Level Target Description
Blaze 2 W:1, H:2 One Enemy Attack-small fireball, 10 D
Blazemore 6 W:17 One Enemy Attack-large fireball, 80 D
Blazemost 12 W:36 One Enemy Attack-huge fireball, 180 D
Fireball 4 W:7, H:10 One Enemy G. Attack-small fireballs, 20 D
Firebane 6 W:14, H:23 One Enemy G. Attack-wall of fire, 35 D
Firevolt 12 W:29 One Enemy G. Attack-scorching fire, 100 D
Bang 5 W:11, H:13 All Enemies Attack-small explosion, 20 D
Boom 9 W:23 All Enemies Attack-big explosion, 60 D
Explodet 18 W:38 All Enemies Attack-HUGE explosion, 140 D
Infernos 4 P:12 One Enemy G. Attack-small vacuum, 15 D
Infermore 6 P:26 One Enemy G. Attack-large vacuum, 40 D
Infermost 9 P:36 One Enemy G. Attack-huge vacuum, 100 D
Zap 8 H:26 One Enemy Attack-lightning bolt, 80 D
Lightning 30 H:41 All Enemies Attack-HUGE bolt, 200 D!
Icebolt 3 W:5 One Enemy Attack-bolt of ice, 30 D
Snowblast 6 W:20 One Enemy G. Attack-blast of snow, 50 D
Snowstorm 12 W:26 One Enemy G. Attack-severe storm, 100 D
Icespears 9 W:32 All Enemies Attack-spears of ice, 70 D
Beat 7 P:22 One Enemy Attack-kills enemy instantly
Defeat 7 P:28 One Enemy G. Attack-kills enemy instantly
Sacrifice 1 P:41 All Enemies Attack-caster dies, foes die
Bedragon 24 W:34 Chanter Attack-caster becomes dragon
Upper 3 P:4 One Ally Defense-defense power up
Increase 4 P:9 All Allies Defense-defense power up
Surround 4 P:7 One Enemy G. Defense-enemy hit rate down
Stopspell 3 P:13, H:18 One Enemy G. Defense-blocks spells
Bounce 8 W:24 Chanter Defense-reflects spells
Barrier 6 P:32 All Allies Defense-protects from fire
Ironize 6 H:12 All Allies Defense-no damage to party
Return 8 H:7, W:12 All Allies Misc.-go to any town
Outside 8 W:9, H:14 All Allies Misc.-exit a cave or tower
X-Ray 3 W:18 Treas. Chest Misc.-red glow=enemy inside
Stepguard 2 W:19 All Allies Misc.-protect from barriers
Repel 4 H:19 - Misc.-repel weak enemies
Day-Night 12 W:25 - Misc.-reverses day and night
Invisible 15 W:33 All Allies Misc.-invisible to people
Open 0 W:35 Door Misc.-opens all locked doors
Chance 20 W:40 Random Misc.-random effects, try it!
Expel 2 H:6, P:2 One Enemy G. Indirect-get no exp. or GP
Limbo* 7 P:20 One Enemy Indirect-get no GP
Sleep 3 P:9, H:16 One Enemy G. Indirect-put enemy to sleep
Chaos 5 W:27 One Enemy Indirect-enemy attacks others
Robmagic 0 W:15 One Enemy Indirect-steal MP from enemy
Sap 3 P:8 One Enemy Indirect-lower def. power
Defence 4 P:18 One Enemy G. Indirect-lower def. power
Speedup 3 P:5 All Allies Indirect-raise agility
Slow 3 W:12 One Enemy G. Indirect-lower agility
Bikill 6 W:21 One Ally Indirect-raise attack power
Transform 12 W:31 Chanter Indirect-take ally's form
Heal 3 P:1, H:4 One Ally Healing-restore about 30 HP
Healmore 5 P:14, H:29 One Ally Healing-restore about 85 HP
Healall 7 P:30, H:33 One Ally Healing-restore all HP
Healus 18 P:34 All Allies Healing-restore 50 HP each
Healusall 62 H:38 All Allies Healing-restore all HP
Antidote 3 P:11 One Ally Healing-remove poison
Numboff 6 P:15 One Ally Healing-remove numbness
Awake 3 P:16 One Ally Healing-wake up ally
Vivify 10 P:24, H:35 One Ally Healing-50% chance revive
Revive 20 P:38 One Ally Healing-always revive
Curseoff 18 W:30 One Ally Healing-break curse

* Limbo makes an enemy disappear; if one of your party disappears, they will
be taken to the eatery in Aliahan. Go there to get them back.


Hero: The best equipment for the hero is the Sword of Kings, the Armor of
Radiance, the Shield of Heroes, and the Iron Mask. The Armor of Radiance
protects him from barriers and swamps, and restores HP as he walks. Other
important equipment to get along the way is: Zombie Slasher, Magic Armor,
Thunder Sword (casts BOOM in battle!!), and Swordedge Armor (reflects back
part of physical damage to enemies).

Soldier: The best equipment for the soldier is the Demon Axe, Swordedge
Armor, Shield of Strength, and the Iron Mask. The Thor's Sword is a better
weapon, but you can only get it rarely, from a Boss Troll; it casts firevolt
in battle. The Swordedge armor reflects part of physical damage back to the
enemy, and the shield of strength casts healmore on the soldier when used in

Fighter: The ONLY equipment the fighter can use is: Training Suit, Fighting
Suit, Iron Claw, and Golden Claw (the golden claw quadruples random enemy
attacks, so sell it once you get it; don't keep it). The fighter CAN equip
some other weapons, but they will DECREASE his Attack Power!!

Goof-off: The best equipment for a goof-off is Sword of Illusion, Flashy
Clothes, Leather Shield, and the Turban. The Sword of Illusion produces the
CHAOS spell in battle, but can only be used by women.

Merchant: The best equipment for a merchant is Zombie Slasher, Half Plate
Armor, Iron Shield, and the Turban. The Iron Apron is also good armor.

Pilgrim: The best equipment for a pilgrim is Zombie Slasher, Magic Armor
(protects from fire) or Angel Robe (lower def. power, but protects from
BEAT/DEFEAT spells), Silver Shield, and the Iron Helmet.

Wizard: The best equipment for the wizard is the Poison Needle, the Water
Flying Cloth, and the Mysterious Hat. The poison needle, found in Kanave,
allows the wizard to always do 1 damage point to an enemy, and occasionally,
it will hit an enemy's vital spot, killing them instantly! This will work on
almost all enemies (including metal slimes and metal babbles!), except
bosses. The water flying cloth, purchased in Kol, lowers damage done by
flaming breath. The Mysterious hat decreases the amount of MP needed to cast
spells! Occasionally, glacier bashers will leave the mysterious hat behind.
If you are not fortunate enough to get one, the Leather Hat is the next best
helmet a wizard can equip. Be sure you equip the wizard with the Cloak of
Evasion upon reaching Noaniels. Also, be sure to search around the well in
the village of Soo to find the Staff of Thunder. Instead of equipping this,
have the wizard use it in battle to produce the FIREBANE spell.

Sage: The best equipment for the sage is the Orochi Sword (casts DEFENSE in
battle), Magic Armor or Angel Robe (see Pilgrim), Silver Shield, and the Iron

Experience Chart:

The following is a list of places, and the recommended levels that most of
your party members should be at before going there. This information comes
straight from the instruction manual.

Place Level Place Level

Aliahan 1 Pirates 21
Reeve 3 Jipang 23
Tower of Najima 4 Tower of Arp 23
Enticement Cave 8 Luzami 23
Romaly 10 Navel of the Earth 27
Kanave 11 Samano 27
Noaniels 12 Cave South of Samano 28
Village of Elves 12 Phantom Ship 28
Cave 13 Cave of Necrogond 32
Tower of Shanpane 14 Liamland 34
Assaram 14 Castle of Baramos 34
Isis 15 Tantegel 35
Pyramid 16 Kol 36
Portoga 17 Hauksness 37
Baharata 18 Cantlin 38
Cave 19 Ridmuldar 38
Shrine South of Portoga 19 Cave North of Tantegel 39
Tedanki 19 Tower of Kol 40
Lancel 19 Rainbow Bridge 43
Eginbear 19 Castle of Zoma 44
Field (New Town) 19
Villiage of the Soo 19
Shoals 20
Greenlad 20
Dhama 20
Tower of Garuna 21
Muor 21

Experience Gaining Tips:

The easiest way to gain exp. is by fighting metal slimes and metal babbles.
I have listed here the best places to get exp. at different levels.

levels 1-19: Gaining levels shouldn't be too much of a problem now; just
follow the above chart and get up levels around the nearest town.

levels 19-34: Once you have the ship, go west from Portoga until you see
land, head up the coast and go by the new town. Keep going north to the tip
of the continent. North is the island of Greenlad and right below that is an
island with a shrine that has three travel doors. This small island is the

The enemies here might give you a little trouble at the lower levels, but
once you reach level 23, they shouldn't be a problem. The main thing is that
at night, metal slimes appear frequently here in groups of 2 or 3. (To keep
it night, get the lamp of darkness in Tedanki, and keep using it every time
day breaks.) Just attack the metal slimes with weapons (only the BEDRAGON
and CHANCE spells will have any effect on them, so forget about spells at
these levels). They only have about 4HP each, and you will only do 1 damage
point per hit. If you do a critical hit, or if the poison needle works, they
will die instantly. You will net over 1,000 exp. each for every metal slime
you manage to kill.

Rarely, you may meet a lone metal babble here, but chances are it will run
away before you can even hurt it. Metal slimes are very weak attackers and
know the blaze spell; metal babbles are also weak attackers and know the
fireball spell. So, since they can't do much damage at all, NEVER RUN AWAY
FROM THEM!! (unless, of course, they brought friends (other types of
enemies.)) They are much more afraid of you than you are of them!

levels 34-40: Northwest of Ridmuldar is an excellent spot. There are metal
babbles here. The other enemies that appear shouldn't be TOO hard to kill at
these levels. If there are more than 2 metal babbles that appear, cast
BEDRAGON. This will take one round to cast, but th e next round, you'll wipe
them out. If you know CHANCE, cast it no matter how many there are (although
this is kinda risky, because CHANCE sometimes gives bad results, but
sometimes it will defeat them instantly!). Otherwise, just attack them. A
Metal Babble gives over 12,000 exp. to each party member.

levels 40+: The 1st and 2nd floors of the Tower of Kol contain metal babbles
and other enemies, which also yield a lot of experience points.


*Note: I will not mention petty equipment, or exp. levels in the walkthrough;
just make sure you keep everyone adequately equipped, and refer to the exp.

When you begin, go meet the king and listen to what he tells you.
Afterwards, go to Louisa's Place and recruit your party. I recommend a
Fighter, a Pilgrim, and a Wizard. Talk to everyone, and you will discover
that your first goal is to find the thief's key, which is in the Tower of
Najima. Buy a couple of antidote herbs before going to the Tower.

You can enter the tower through the cave at the southwest of the island.
At the top is an old man who will give you the key.

Now, go to Reeve and get the magic ball from the old man there. Go to the
cave of Enticement and use the magic ball on the seal. Find your way to the
travel door. Upon arriving in Romaly, the king will ask you to retrieve the
golden crown, which was stolen by Kandar. Kandar has fled to the Tower of
Shanpane to the west. But first, head north to Kanave.

If you have a wizard in your party, steal the poison needle from the item
shop at night. This town has the Fighting Suit and Iron Claw for sale, the
best equipment for a fighter. Go west to Noaniels.

What's this? Everyone's asleep!! Go west to the elves' village, and then
explore the nearby cave. You will find the Dream Ruby there. Take the dream
ruby to the elf queen. She will give you the Wake-Up Powder. Take this to
Noaniels and awaken the villagers. Make sure you buy the Cloak of Evasion
for your wizard.

Now you are ready to go to the Tower of Shanpane. After defeating Kandar,
you will have to let him go. He will give you the golden crown as thanks.
Take it to the king of Romaly, and you can become the king of Romaly!!
Congratulations! You are now king! If you want to continue your quest, find
the old king in the fight ring.

Now head southeast to Assaram, in search of the Magic Key. Assaram is the
only place that sells the Iron Helmet. The merchant wants 16,000GP for it;
yeah right! You can only talk him down to 2,000, although it's only worth
1,000. The Hero, Soldier, and Pilgrim need to be equipped with them.

In Assaram, the people will point you in the direction of Isis. In Isis,
make sure you find the Meteorite Armband in the basement of the castle; this
item will double a person's agility. I recommend equipping your Pilgrim with
it, because you will want him to cast his healing spells quickly in battle.

Now, go North to the pyramid and find the magic key. It is on the 3rd
floor. Push the button on the far right, then on the far left. The boulder
will move and you can get the Magic Key.

Now, if you want a lot of gold, go to the basement of the pyramid. Here,
spells do not work. Use the SEARCH command in the basement to find hidden
stairs. Use the Magic Key, and search the altar to find the Golden Claw. If
you have a fighter, equip him with it for now. Enemy encounters will
quadruple while you have the claw. You can't cast Outside, so make your way
slowly out of the pyramid, bringing medical herbs with you. After exiting
the pyramid, cast return and sell the golden claw somewhere.

Now, unlock all the Magic Key doors you couldn't before (there are doors in
Aliahan, Romaly, Assaram, and Isis). Now, go North of Romaly to Portoga in
search of a ship. The king won't give you a ship unless you give him some

Go to the cave east of Assaram, and show Norud the Dwarf the king's
scroll. He will show you a secret passage. After exiting the cave, you can
go north to an inn if you need a rest. Then, head south to Baharata. The
pepper shop is closed (of course...) because someone has been kidnapped. The
kidnapper's cave is to the northeast.

In the cave you'll find your old friend Kandar. He's meaner now, so cast
SAP and BLAZEMORE on him, if you know it. You'll have to let him flee
again. Now go back to town and get the pepper. Now, you can go northeast to
the Shrine of Dhama, or you can wait until you get your ship, and go there by

If you want to change your profession, you can at the shrine, but only if
you heave reached level 20. If you want to be a Sage, climb the Tower of
Garunda and find the Book of Satori. Now you can return to Portoga and get a
ship! Take a few minutes to explore the world.

Now, the first thing you need to do, is head south from Portoga to
Tedanki. If you start out in the morning, you'll reach a river about
evening. Follow the river to Tedanki. In Tedanki, you can buy the Magic
Armor and Zombie Slasher. You will also find the Lamp of Darkness here.

Next, make sure you visit Lancel, south of Baharata. Now sail west from
Portoga, and go up the coast until you see a patch of grass. Enter that, and
you'll find a man who wants to build a town. Go back to Aliahan and recruit
a new Merchant. Take the Merchant to the old man. They will begin building
a new town. Check back from time to time, especially after defeating Orochi,
and again after getting the Staff of Change.

Now make your way by ship to the village of the Soo, Southwest of the new
town. Be sure to search the well for the Staff of Thunder. Give it to the
Wizard and have him use it in battle to produce the FIREBANE spell.

Now, buy an invisibility herb at Lancel, and go Northwest of Noaniels to
the castle of Eginbear. Use the herb to fool the guard. Solve the boulder
puzzle by pushing them onto the tiles at the top of the room; this will open
the passage to the Stone of Drought.

Sail due South from Aliahan until you reach the shoals. Use the stone to
raise a shrine from the shoals. Inside, you will find the Final Key!!

Now, sail west to a forested area. Search where the four mountains cross
to find the Leaf of the World Tree. You can only have one of these at once,
but when you use it, you can get another at the same spot.

Now explore Muor, north of Jipang, and Northwest of Dhama. Also explore
the house of Pirates, west of Aliahan, and Liamland, southwest of that. Now,
go to Jipang, west of Dhama. You must enter the cave and defeat the Orochi,
who is killing off the inhabitants. To defeat him, cast BIKILL on your Hero,
Soldier, or Fighter, and cast SLEEP and SAP with your Pilgrim. After
defeating him, he will drop his sword and ru n. Equip the sage with the
sword, if you have one. Follow him, and you'll find out that he is the
village chief!! Defeat him again and he will die.

Now, sail Northeast to find the Tower of Arp. Here, you will find the
echoing flute. Use it to help locate the orbs. Now, go to the navel of the
earth, at Lancel. Give the Hero the Meteorite Armband and Final Key. He
must go into the cave alone. Inside, you will find the powerful Armor of

Next, go to Samano by going to the shrine North of the new town. Go in the
travel doors until you go to a shrine where someone talks about Simon. Exit
this shrine and walk to Samano. You will find out that the king has turned
very evil. You must now go Southwest to the cave and find the Mirror of Ra.
Enter the castle at night at show the mirror to the king. He will turn into
a Boss Troll!! Cast BIKILL and BLAZEMORE to beat him. When defeated, he
will leave the staff of Change.

Now, go back to the village of the elves. Turn yourselves into elves or
dwarves with the staff, and you will be able to shop there. Buy some
Wizard's Rings and Angel's Robes. Now, go to Greenlad, North of the new
town, and give the staff of change to the old man in exchange for the
Sailor's Thigh Bone. Use the bone to locate the Phantom Ship, which is in
the bay of Romaly. Board the ship when you find it, and get the Locket of

The Promontory of Olivia is north of the World Tree. When the voice forces
your ship backwards, use the locket. Go to the Shrine Jail, and talk to
Simon's ghost. He will give you the Sword of Gaia.

Now, sail South from Assaram to reach the Volcano. Throw in the Sword, and
a path will form over the river. Head south to the Cave of Necrogond. This
is a hard cave to get through, so make sure you are at LEAST level 30. Get
the Thunder Sword and Swordedge Armor on the way, and upon exiting the cave,
go to the shrine to get the last orb.

Now, with all the orbs (see below for orb locations), go to Liamland, west
of Lancel. Here you will receive the great bird, Ramia! Before going to
Baramos' castle, head west from Kanave to the Dragon Queen's castle. She
will give you the Ball of Light, but you won't use this until later, so store
it in the vault.

Now, go to Baramos' castle! When you find the Archfiend, cast BIKILL on
your Hero, Soldier, or Fighter. Have the Wizard cast BOUNCE. Don't worry
about healing the wizard; you won't be able to with BOUNCE in effect. If he
dies, it's OK. Have the Pilgrim cast HEALUS, HEALALL, and VIVIFY when
needed. The Leaf of the World Tree will be helpful. Baramos has about 900 HP.

Congratulations! You've beaten the Archfiend Baramos!! Now head back to
Aliahan for a celebration! But, What's this?!? A Master Archfiend?? Before
doing anything else, go back to Portoga and get the Sword of Illusion. Did
you see that black hole near Baramos' castle? That is the Great Pit of
Gaia. It has grown now, and you can fall through it.

You will find yourself in a strange, dark land. Hmmm... Doesn't this look
familiar? If you've played Dragon Warrior 1 or 2, it should!! It's
Alefgard!!! Head east on your new ship to Tantegel Castle. There you will
find Kandar, who has finally seen the light. He will tell you about the
Stones of Sunlight. You ought to know where those are from DW1, but wait...
they're not there! Check the castle kitchen for a secret stairway; the
stones are upstairs.

You are also told that the castle's three treasures, the Sword of Kings,
the Armor of Radiance, and the Shield of Heroes were stolen by Zoma, the
Archfiend. You find out that Ortega has also come to this world. He was
nursed back to health after his battle with the dragon, and has set out to
Zoma's castle.

Next, go to the northwest to Garin's house. The sliver harp is in the
basement. Now, head by ship to Kol, in the east. In Kol you will find the
Fairy Flute four steps south of the open air bath. The flute will put
enemies to sleep when used in battle. Also, you will find an item shop run
by a man from Jipang. He wants some oricon.

Go to Hauksness, south of Tantegel, and find the oricon in the pasture.
Sell the oricon to the man in Kol. He will forge a new Sword of Kings; buy it.

Now go to Cantlin, and explore. Next, go to Ridmuldar, and get the Ring of
Life at the INN. Now explore the mountain cave southwest of Tantegel. Then
explore the Cave Northwest of Tantegel, and find the Shield of Heroes next to
the strange fissure. Climb the Tower of Kol, find the Armor of Radiance, and
Use the fairy flute it front of Rubiss to free him (or is it her?). He (she?)
will give you the Sacred Amulet, which repels BEAT/DEFEAT spells.

Now go to the shrine south of Cantlin to find the Staff of Rain. Take the
Staff, the Stones, and the Amulet to the Shrine of the Holy, South of
Ridmuldar. You will get the Rainbow Drop. Use this northwest of Ridmuldar
to get to the island of Zoma.

Go in the castle, and search behind the throne to find stairs. An easy way
to get through the rotating floor room is to just keep pre ssing up, and
you'll end up near the stairs. Soon you will see a man fighting King Hydra.
It's Ortega! After a fierce battle, Ortega is defeated. Go to the north end
of this floor and open the door at the top. Inside this room are several
chests; one contains the Sage's Stone!

Keep going until you get to the Archfiend's Chamber. Fight the first 3
bosses using BIKILL, BLAZEMOST, and the Sage's Stone. Use a wizard's ring to
restore magic before confronting Zoma. Make sure you brought the Ball of
Light with you!

When you fight Zoma, first use the Ball of Light. Now, keep casting BIKILL
every time Zoma shoots the light from his finger, which cancels all spells.
Have your Pilgrim use the Sage's Stone every turn, unless someone dies, then
have him REVIVE them. Your BIKILLed Hero and Fighter should attack, while
your wizard keeps BIKILL on them. If you are hurt badly, cast HEALUSALL. If
you keep doing all of this you will prevail! Zoma has about 1,000 HP.

When you beat him, go to every town in Al efgard, and let everyone
congratulate you. Then head to Tantegel and talk to the king. The king
gives you the title Erdrick the Great, a name to be remembered for
generations to come! Congratulations, you have won!

Orb Locations:

Red Orb: House of Pirates
Green Orb: Tedanki
Yellow Orb: New Town
Purple Orb: Jipang
Blue Orb: Navel of the Earth
Silver Orb: Shrine of Necrogond

[here are some non-galoob game-genie codes, from miragerx@aol.com. -tsr]

ZLOZENNY Start with 6 Magic Bikinis
ZGOZENNN Start with 6 Golden Claws
GTOZENNY Start with 6 Acorns of Life
PTOZENNN Start with 6 Leaves of World Tree
IAOZENNN Start with 6 Thor's Swords
IIOZENNY Start with 6 Stones of Life
ZPOZENNY Start with 6 Staves of Reflection
GPOZENNN Start with 6 Swords of Kings
ZIOZENNN Start with 6 Final Keys
TZOZENNN Start with 6 Water Flying Clothes
TYOZENNN Start with 6 Black Ravens *
YYOZENNN Start with 6 Sword Horned *
IYOZENNN Start with 6 Slime Sticks *
(*='dummied' item - taken out of the american version,

Dragon Warrior 3 FAQ by Daniel Wagoner. My E-mail addresses are:
Internet: Daniel0777@AOL.com
America Online: Daniel0777

If you have anything to add to this FAQ, or find any errors, please let me
know, and I will update the FAQ.

Dragon Warrior 3, spells, characters, and items in the game are all
copyrights of ENIX corporation.

You may freely distribute this FAQ as is, but if you change anything, get my
permission before distributing it.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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