Adventure Island

Adventure Island

12.10.2013 23:50:53

__ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ _____ _ _ ____ ____
/__\ ( \ ( )( ) ( _) ( ) ( ) (_ _) ( )( ) ( _ ) ( _)
| | | | ) | \/ | ) =_ | \| | | | | || | | < ) =_
(_/\_) (___/ \__/ (____) (_)\__| (_) (____) (_)\_) (____)

_ ____ _ __ _ _ ____
( ) ( ___) ( ) /__\ ( ) ( ) ( \
| | (___ ) | |__ | | | \| | | | )
(_) ( ___) (____) (_\/_) (_)\__) (____/

FAQ for: Adventure Island (NES)
Author: Dallas (
FAQ #: 01
Date: 9/19/99
®1999, Dallas (

Hi. This is my first FAQ that I have wrote, so I hope you like it and I
hope it is very useful. This FAQ is ®1999, Dallas (
You may not copy, redistribute, change, publish, submit, or edit this
FAQ in any way without my permission. In other words DO NOT PLAGERIZE!!!

Table of Contents
i. Introduction
ii. About the game
I. Enemies
II. Friends
III. Items
IV. Weapons
V. Walkthrough
VI. Codes
VII. Game Genie Codes
VIII. Credits
IX. Future FAQ's
X. Disclaimer

i. Introduction
Hi. This is a FAQ for the game Adventure Island on the Nintendo
Entertainment System (NES). This FAQ has a complete walkthrough on how
to beat the game Adventure Island. It also has codes, tips, etc. So if
you don't want to know how to beat something don't read this because it
is a spoiler. Thank you.

ii. About the game
Adventure Island is a game for the NES and it was made by Hudson in
1986. You cannot read the title of the game unless you read japaneese
or chinese or some language like that, but the name of the game is
Adventure Island. In my opinion I think it is a really fun game, but
the main negative feature is it's just too plain. But anyway here is my
rating of the game on a 10 scale:

__________ ___________
| Category | Out of 10 |
__________ ___________
| Graphics | 6.5 |
___________ __________
| Sound | 7.5 |
__________ ___________
| Control | 6.0 |
__________ ___________
|Game Play | 7.0 |
__________ ___________
| Overall | 6.5 |

I. Enemies
Snail - your basic enemy if you hit it you die.
Bird - flies up and down after you.
Flying Fish - (Flying Tuna as I like to call them) - Fish that fly from
the ocean at you, if they touch you, you die.
Walking Pigs - another basic enemy, you touch it you die.
Rocks - You can trip on them and fall down a gap or into an enemy. So my
suggestion is to just jump over them.
Fire - Burns you bad enough that you die when you touch it.
Boulders - They roll towards you and if they touch you, your gone.
Snakes - they spit mini-flying fish at you, so watch out, In my opinion
this is the most dangerous enemy, besides the bosses.
Bats - Fly up and down in a similar way the birds do.
Skeleton Heads - Heads on the floor just like snails.
Icicle - Fall from the celing and kills you.
Chili - A thing like the fairy decrease dramatically.
Spiders - Hang from their string, or move up and down on their string,
you touch them and you die.
Hatchet Man - A guy that runs from behind with a hatchet, one touch and
your gone.
1st Boss - Rhino Head - Throw hammers at his head to defeat him.
2nd Boss - Coming soon, just wait for updates.

II. Friends
Higgins - The character you play as, real name is Master Higgins.
Tina - your Wife, the one who is kidnapped and you are looking for her.
Monster type things - I think these are called magical fire (NOT SURE)
If you know what these are called e-mail me at ( or if
you know what Magical Fire is e-mail me. There are 2 or 3 different
types of monster things.

III. Items
Hatchet - Weapon
Magical Fire - Weapon
Skateboard - Makes you go faster
Boomerang - Weapon
Arrows - Weapon
Bananas - Fruit that gives you more time and points.
Carrots - Vegetable that gives you more time and points.
Grapes - Fruit that gives you more time and points.
Apples - Fruit that gives you more time and points.
Fruits and Vegetables basically - Give you more time and points.
Fairy - Makes you invincible for a short time.
Vase - Gives you tons of point at the end of each round.
Flower - In an egg. I'm not sure what this does e-mail me if you know
Milk - found in egg, restores all time in the time meter.
Chili - Same as fairy except it is evil, makes your time decrease.

IV. Weapons
Hatchets (Hammers, I like to call them hammers) - Your main weapon.
Boomerang - Another Weapon
Arrows - Another Weapon
Magical Fire (not sure what this is) I think this is those monster type
things that help you out. (SEE FRIENDS)

V. Walkthrough
Well here it is, what you have been waiting for. A complete walkthrough
for Adventure Island.
Before we start, in each round there are signs on the floor with numbers
or letters painted on them.. Here are what they look like:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
|_S_| |_2_| |_3_| |_4_| |_G_|
| | | | | | | | | |

The S is where you START
And you progress up to 2 and 3 and so on until you get to..
G which stands for GOAL, that is when you complete the round.

Ok, lets start. You start at...

| |
| Area 1 |
| Round 1 |

You start at a little sign on the ground with an S painted on it, which
of course stands for, you guessed it: Start
So walk forward and grab the apple for 50 points. Then keep going and
get the bananas for another 50 pts. Keep going and kick the egg and a
hammer will pop out. This is your first weapon, press B to throw it.
Keep going at throw a hammer at the snail in front of you. for 10 pts.
Keep going straight, get the bananas for 50 pts. then throw hammers at
the 2 snails. Get the bananas and jump over the 2 rocks. BE WARNED: Do
you see those little ||||||| on the top of the screen this is your time
left to complete the level so you must be quick. When the ||||| runs
out you die so hurry up. But you do get more time when you get the
fruit. Keep going and get the 2 apples and kill the 3 snails. Jump and
get the bananas. You should now come to a sign on the ground that has a
2 painted on it. Keep walking and get the apple and bananas. Then kick
the egg and, YAY! you are on the skateboard. But don't get hit by an
enemy or rock or you will fall off the skateboard. Skate on until you
get to the apple and banana next to each other. Get them and then get
the next apple and the banana and the carrot. Now watch out for the
flying birds and rocks. Remember if you get hit you will fall off. To
jump higher on the skateboard press left hold it and press A and you can
jump higher to get fruits. You must be moving and jump to get a high
jump. If you are standing still and jump you won't get a high jump. Keep
killing the birds or they will kill you, and get the fruits on the way.
Jump over the rocks and get the fruits until you come to a sign with the
number 3 painted on. Keep going and get the fruit as you jump over rocks
and fire by the totem poles. When you jump over the last rock and get
the carrot WATCH OUT!! There is a snake spitting little fish at you kill
it with a hammer and continue on. Walk up the hill and jump over the
rolling boulders that fall down at you. Kick the egg and a fairy will
come out. This makes you invincible for a short time. Kill the snake at
the end of the hill. All you have to do is walk through them if you
have the fairy. Keep going until you get the the number 4 painted on the
little sign. Jump over the gap and kill the snail, the fairy will
dissapear right about now. Now jump on the platform over the gap, and
over the 2 rocks, then kill the 2 snails with your hammers. Now jump on
that spring in the middle of the gap you come to and you will get the
VASE which is worth quite a few points. Keep going until you get to the
frog hit it twice with the hammer to kill it. Walk on and jump on the
platforms to get to the other side of the gap and you should see a sign
with a G painted on it. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! you have completed Area 1
Round 1. Now you go on to, you guessed it...

| |
| Area 1 |
| Round 2 |

Start from the S of course and this Round is a little different.
Jump onto the cloud and then back on the platform. The egg in front of
you contains a Skateboard. But I STRONGLY SUGGEST you don't get it
because it is very hard to manuver your way around this level on a
skateboard unless you are sure you can do it. Jump on the clouds and
kill the Octopus that is jumping in and out of the water. Keep jumping
on the clouds collecting fruits on the way. Then jump back on land and
kill the snails and jump back on the clouds. If you notice when you jump
back on the clouds an egg appears. I am not sure what it contains
because when I go back to get it it dissapears back into the level. If
you know tell me ( I will give you credit. Keep going
and jumping from cloud to land killing snails and octopi, Collecting
fruit and vegetebles on the way. **NOTE**- the Blue octopi take 2 hits
to kill them. Walk on until you get to land and come to the 3 on the
floor. Kill the Walking pig. Then go on and get the egg which contains a
fairy. Just run through all the enemies to kill them. To run press and
hold B and run. Go on until you reach the clouds again and you will come
to the flying fish, (Flying Tuna I like to call it) Kill them or jump
over them whichever you choose, and walk (or run) on. Go on through a
series of clouds and moving clouds and get the VASE on the way. Keep
going through lots of clouds, and FINALLY you come to the goal. Wow 2
rounds gone, now you come to...

| |
| Area 1 |
| Round 3 |

This is a sort of like Cave level. From the START go up and get the
fruit and inside the egg is a skateboard. You can get on it if you want
to. Watch out because there is a bat flying towards you, just kill it
with your hammer and keep moving. Keep killing the bats as you go until
you come to the fire. Jump over the 2 fires. Kill the 2 bats and jump
over the rock. Then watch out for the boulders, jump over them and you
will come to the 2 sign on the floor. Break the egg to get a fairy. Now
run down the hill (B + Right to run) Keep running and jumping until you
get to the icy platform and your fairy runs out. Kill the skeleton head.
Now you should come to the 3 sign on the floor. Keep walking and
collecting fruit, but watch out for the icicles on the celing they will
fall down and kill you, so just run under them. There will be an egg by
you, but DON'T BREAK IT!! It contains a chili that will make your time
counter decrease very fast. Keep going avoiding icicles until you come
to the sign on the floor which says 4. You're almost done. Walk up the
steps and watch out for the boulders, go to the top of the steps. Jump
on the platform and if you can get the vase down below without dying, go
for it. Go past the moving platforms until you get to a long row of
bats, kill them and keep going. And TADA!! the G on the floor, you have
completed Area 1 Round 3. Now it's time to head to...

| |
| Area 1 |
| Round 4 |

This round is a forest type round. Go forward and kill the spiders
collecting fruit and vegetables on your way. The pot is really, really
easy to find in this round. It is right in the begining just above a
spider. Kill the spider, jump up and get it. Jump over the fire and rock
and kill the spiders or run under them. Now watch out because there is a
row of birds that are coming, just stay back and throw hammers at them.
Right after the birds there is a snake, kill and and go foward. Break
the egg to get some MILK. Milk makes your time counter completely full
again. This is also where the 2 on the sign on the floor is. Keep going
but WATCH OUT FROM BEHIND!! There is a guy running with a hatchet in his
hand so jump right when he comes or else your dead. Keep going and jump
over the rocks and fire, collecting the fruits and vegetables on the
way. Kill the frog and walk on. Ok, now you need to jump on the spring
and make it in between the 2nd rock and the fire otherwise you will fall
into the fire and be burned. Once you are in between the rock and fire
jump over the fire and continue on. You will now come to the sign on the
ground that has a 3 on it. 1 more until the GOAL. Go on kill the bird,
now there are spiders that are on the floor and in the air jump over the
ones on the floor and kill the ones in the air, collect fruits on the
way. Keep going and there will be another Hatchet guy from behind so
watch out, you will now come to the sign with a 4 on it on the floor.
Move on up the hill avoiding the boulders then at the top jump over the
fire. Go down the small hill and at the end jump up and throw a hammer
to kill the snake ahead, this is much easier than standing by the rocks
and killing it. Then move on and jump on the platforms, you will notice
a change in music, you are now at your...

| |
| 1st Boss |
| Rhino Head |

I call this guy rhino head because of course his head looks like a
rhino's. To defeat him, you need to do a high jump by moving and
pressing A. Then while in the air throw a hammer to hit him in his big
head. Keep doing this until you defeat him. You will get 5000 pts. when
you defeat him. Now that you have finished Area 1, you now move to...

| |
| Area 2 |
| Round 1 |

Welcome to Area 2. You start out in an ocean background. Move fowards
and kill the snails and pick up fruits and the flower. Now jump onto the
clouds and kill the octopi. Remember the Octopus that is blue, you have
to hit it twice to kill it. Get off the clouds and you will arrive at
the sign on the ground with the 2 on it. Keep going and you must RUN on
this little short part of land, jump onto the 1st cloud then right when
you jump on the 2nd one jump off because it falls down into the water.
Keep moving past the clouds and jump on the spring and break the egg, it
is a fairy YAY!! Run past all the enemies killing them, this will give
you tons of points. Then you come to the sign on the ground with a 3 on
it. Move ahead and kill the frog then keep going from land to cloud
killing the octopi and collecting the fruit on the way. Keep moving and
collect the VASE on your way, then kill the snails on the land
platforms, then you will come to the sign with a 4 on it. Move on to the
clouds and watch out for the flying tuna. Kill both of them and keep
going past all of the clouds until you come to the row of clouds moving
downward, you need to go to the top of these then jump to the far right.
And you will arrive at the GOAL. Now you can go on to...
| |
| Area 2 |
| Round 2 |

Here is another Cave level. Go Foward and get the egg, it contains a
flower. Now kill the row of bats and continue on. Kill the bats and jump
over the rocks and watch out for the snake. Kill it and jump over the
fire and keep going down the hill and watch out for the boulders. Keep
going and collect fruits on the way. Now kill the 3 snakes in a row and
get the egg if you want to, it contains a skateboard. Jump on the
platform to cross the gap and kill the skeleton heads with your hammers.
Next you will come to the frog, you need to hit it twice to kill it.
Then jump on the spring and get the VASE. Continue walking up the stairs
collecting fruit and avoiding the boulders, then kill the 3 snails you
come to and keep going. Kill the bats and avoid the boulders. Kill the
bats and jump onto the platforms collecting the bananas. Now walk down
the steps and you will be at the 4th spot in the level (sign with a 4
painted on it.) Keep going down and jump on the platform and kill the
skeleton heads and you will reach the goal. Now you will move on to...
| |
| Area 2 |
| Round 3 |

Will come with the next update... Sorry if I have inconvienced you but I
will update frequently with new Rounds and Areas. But please if you
don't want to wait, E-mail me at if you have any
questions. Thank you.

VI. Codes
Will come soon, I had the codes written down but somehow lost them, I
will put them on as soon as I get them again, Sorry for the inconvience,
but I do have game genie codes (SEE BELOW).

VII. Game Genie Codes
Here they are, Game Genie codes for Adventure Island:

PEEEPALA Start with 1 life.
TEEEPALA Start with 6 lives.
PEEEPALE Start with 9 lives.
SZOEGPVG Start with infinite lives.
SXKKIAVG Stop Time Bar from decreasing.
GXNGLAKA Rocks don't hurt you.
GZXEAPSA Keep your weapons.
SPEEIIEG Can mega jump while standing still.
SPEETSOZ Can mega jump while moving.
AEVEZGPZ High Jumps (Moon Jumps)
PEEEZIAA Hudson(tm) does the moonwalk.

VIII. Credits
Hudson for making the great game.
Nintendo for publishing it.
Me for knowing all about it. Hehe.
If you submit something that I left out in this FAQ then send it to and credit will be given.

IX. Future FAQ's
The Future FAQ's I plan on writing are: Tetris DX, Donkey Kong 64,
Pokémon Gold/Silver, Adventure Island II and III (If requested),
Adventure Island for Gameboy, Revalations for GBC (Possibly) and many
others for new games that come out.

X. Disclaimer

Well thats the end of FAQ No. 1, I hope you liked it.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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