Captain Comic

Captain Comic

07.10.2013 13:37:36

From the starting position work your way all the way right, getting
the key, to the last door and leave the forest for the lake region.
Work left to the spaceship and leave the lakes for the moon. On the
moon work all the way right, picking up the first treasure (gems). All
gaps can be jumped - the long blind one must be jumped, literally, from
edge to edge. Leave the moon and enter the 'base', immediately back up
and jump up to the upper level to avoid rolling globs which you can't
destroy until you get the corkscrew (you should have 4 cans of blastcola
at this point, 1 at the start of the game, 1 just as you enter the lake
region, 1 on a shelf beside the spaceship in the lake region, and 1 as
you step onto the moon).

Work left and as you exit the first base room you should be on the
middle of the three levels. As you enter the 2nd room jump up again to
avoid the globes and continue to work all the way left where you will
find the corkscrew. If you are running short of lives this is a good
place to rest and increase your score and restore some lives (the
threshold of the spaceship in the lake region was the best place you
already passed from which to build lives if needed - you will also, re-
pass that point later). Ignore the two doors above the corkscrew
location, for now, and work your way back to the right to the end of
this room. After entering next room to your right drop down to the
lower level go left and re-enter the room you just left (but now on the
lower level). Work left till you reach the door and exit. You now
enter the right area of the base and must work right to the next door.
This door takes you to another location in the right most room of the
base. Work all the way right, drop down to the lower level and work
left till you pick up the boots and find another door. This door leads
you to the upper of the two doors you previously saw above the corkscrew
location. The door just below you is your exit from the base back to
the lake region.

Once again that corkscrew location is a good place to
build score. If you are a klutz, like me, you must find many of
these places - and there are many where the enemy are fairly
predictable. Another thing you should note is that with all
lives every time you add 50,000 points you get a bonus of full
shield energy and another 24,000 - 30,000 points. By raising you
point score to just below the 50,000 multiple (with all lives)
before you enter a particularly tough region you can get all
shield energy restored as you transit the region.

Actually the proof of skill in this game isn't really the
maximum score since klutz's like me need to keep sitting in one
place to restore lives. The guy or gal who can complete the game
with the minimum score is the most skillful. My "successful"
score was over 3,000,000.

You are now back in the lake region (to the left of the spaceship and
the wall you couldn't jump before you had the boots). Work left to the
next door and exit the lake into the cave.

As you work right, in the cave, you will see a door above you.
Ignore it, and resist the temptation to get the shield located by that
door, and continue right to your first opportunity to jump up to the
ledge over which curtains are hung. Proceed along this ledge to a door.
This door takes you to the far right position in the cave. Work left
and you will find the wand just as you reach the pit. Use your wand to
cross the pit (in 3-4 waves) and get the bag of coins on the other side,
your second of the three treasures. Face right and wand back to the
bottom of the pit and go through that door which takes you to the door
near the entrance which you previously passed up and that shield is
probably something you really need at this point. Jump down, face left,
approach and wand across that crazy step, work left and exit the cave by
the same door you entered. The portion of the cave you didn't explore
contains nothing of value.

Now you are back in the extreme left part of the lake from which you
must work right, to the extreme right part of the lake where you will
find the door to the shed.

Work all the way right in the shed through two rooms, wanding
across many areas and through some walls. There are a series of narrow
pillars along the way which may frustrate you since you can't wand
across the boarding abyss from below them or jump/wand up to their tops.
You must jump across the top of these pillars and the lack of headroom
requires you to, literally start the jump from a position where you have
only one foot on the starting pillar. At the far right, of the second
room, you will see a door in a closed room above you. The wand point is
about 7-8 steps to the left of a point just below the last blastcola can,
facing right. Get the blastcola and go through the door to the third
shed room (this point in the second shed room is the best place to build
score since you can shoot through the wall to your left with no danger
of getting hit). Work all the way right in the third shed room and exit
the door into what I will call the tube room.

Work right through the maze and the tubes jumping and wanding till
you get the lantern just before you reach the right most tube region
where you will exit back to the forest. (I found the tube room the most
easy region, save perhaps for the forest, to traverse.) Back in the
forest work left back to the extreme left which is the place you started
the game from and go through this door. (This is the castle, the last
region, which is dark and couldn't be safely entered until you had the

You immediately see the last treasure above you but, alas, you can't
get to it yet. Work all the way left until you reach the door which
takes you to the second room. The exit door is immediately above you
but you will have to work all the way right then back left along the
platforms to reach it. Here you encounter, for the first time, a nasty
cube. Like the bee the only effective way to kill it is to jump to the
ceiling and zap it. Also, like those pillars in the shed, the last few
platform jumps will require you to hang over the edge before jumping.
Once you reach the door you will be in another room to traverse left to
right where you will find one last door. This door takes you to the
last room where a few short steps to the right you will jump up and get
the crown and end your quest!

Note added 10/8/88:

Ok, I tried it again to try and find two shortcuts. There is no
reason to go through the shed except to get to the lantern which is near
the extreme right side of he tube area. Indeed there is a way. If go
back to the forest from the lake and thence to the tube room, proceed
left till you are hanging over the ledge under the lantern you can wand
to the lantern. The time and frustration saved by this trick is

Likewise there is no reason to go through the castle except to get to
the last treasure which can be seem from the entrance door. I was
unsuccessful, however, in finding a wand point which would take me
directly from the area near the entrance door to the crown room. The
castle, which is the toughest room, must, it seems, be traversed.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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