1080° Snowboarding

1080° Snowboarding

13.10.2013 18:05:42
BY: "TJames" JamesD@microsped.com

1. INTRODUCTION-intro for 1080
2. CONTROLLS-in-depth usage for all controlls
3. RIDER-a modown for all noemal riders
5. COOMMANDS-detial for all menu commands
6. COURSES-the feature of this file 1080% of every level is described.
8. UPDATE!!!-more screw-ups from Jason Griffith(fore20@midwest.net)
Southern Illinois University

1. 1080 Snowboarding introduction:
1080 is an extremely fun and long lasting game which will keep you
playing for a good while. And if you don't have it, GET IT! As you have
abvously have seen, 1080 is a snowboarding game that is extremely
realistic and rendered well. In the game, there are 6 long courses and
also a traning course with a LONG half pipe and lots of jumps. There is
also a half pipe course and a "air make" course which is one big jump
and you do as many tricks as you can before you land. There are 5
snowboarders and 3 secret ones and 8 boards with one secret one. All
and all, this is a big game that will keep you playing.

2. Controlls:
The controlls in this game are great, but I think they could have
put more camera angles as they did.

Control stick: move
The control stick works extremely well in this game. The basic
controlls are left and right (of course) which makes you turn. To
brake: press the stick in the lower left or right positions, eventhough
it may slow you down, you can use it for really sharp turns. At any
time that you are in the air, the stick will change your attitude and
rotation. When in the air, press forward to make the front of the board
go down and back to make it go up. And press left or right to change
board angle. You would want to do these things to level the board with
the ground for an easier landing. And at any time when you are stopped
or almost stopped press up to get a boost of speed (espiacally at the
stare of the race after the announcer says "go")

Z button: tuck.
When you press Z it will make your rider tuck, therefore reducing
air drag and increasing speed, but it makes you steer differently and
can be a bit hard to controll and go straight. Also you cannot hold Z
forever because it drastically inhibits steering. Pressing Z helps
landings. If you do a trick off of a semi or big jump, without pressing
Z will result in you falling and busting your butt. But if you press
right before you land, and your board is level with the ground your
almost garaunteed a safe jump. Also when you push Z, it stableizes you
and allows you to go on rocks and other hazards without falling if you
did not press Z.

C UP: change view.
Pressing C UP changes your view to one of three: just behind
rider, behind and up, and rider cam.

C DOWN: Backwards
Looks behind you, up the mountain.

C RIGHT: Turn ghost on or off (if appacapliable).

A Button: jump
When jumpping the longer you hold the button down the higher you
will jump. You actually jump when you let go of the buton. You would
want to jump to get over ledges, logs, and gain heighth when on a ramp
or a half pipe. When jumpping of the ramp, to get the maximum height,
press A a little bit before you get to the top of the ramp and let go
of it just before your board would normally leave the ground and you
will soar through the air. NOTE: don't hold A too long, your rider will
get tired and not jump when you let up.

B Button: trick.
The trick button lets you do tricks (go figure). You can only do
board grabs with it. Go to traning to find out what does what. NOTE: A
common mistake is that you cannot do a trick while holding the Z or A
button and you can do tricks only after you JUMP by pressing A. You can
do trick without jumping, but with an extremely low success rate.

R Shouler: Rotation trick
This button lets you to the all famous 1080, but it is extremely
hard to do at first. You can do a 180, 360, 540, 720, 900, THEN 1080.
Use this chart. RT=complete rotation from any point, if there is two or
more rotations in one trick, rotate in the Same direction.



540----------R+RT Then R+Left

720----------R+RT Then R+RT+B

900----------R+RT Then R+RT+B Then R+Left+B

1080---------R+RT Then R+RT+B Then R+RT+B+Z

You can't do a 1080 by just pressing buttions or for that fact,
any of them. When you do manage to do a 1080, you will get 3,000 points
in trick mode.

3. Riders:

Kensuke Kimachi
This is the most all around rider which is a good beginner rider.

Dion Blaster
This rider is the fastest of the normal riders but has poor
controlls, stumbles, and can't jump worth crap. But his speed makes up
for all of that.

Bob Haywood
Although a little slower than Dion, he has a lot better control,
balance, and jump.

Ricky Winterborn
This is a poor downhiller, but has exllent controll, and jump.
This makes him the stunt man of the team, but he is the slowest of them

Akari Hayami
To me, this is the most useless rider. One thing she is slow, but
faster than Ricky, she has the best balance which is her best
attrabute, is still not worth picking.

4. Boards:
This is an easy choice, always pick the Tahoe 155. Almost any other
board is not worth picking unless you are board.

5. Commands:
Match Race: You race agianst the computer
You first start on normal and have to win in four courses, Crystal
Lake, Crystal Peak, Golden Forest, Mountian Village, Dragon Cave
(hard), and Deadly Fall (expert).

Time Attack: Another name for time trial.
You race the tracks by yourself and try for time. Great for

Trick Attack: Run the courses for pionts.
You do tricks to get points. If you do two or more tricks in one
jump, you get combo bounses starting at 500 and going to 30,000 (8
tricks). When you do rotation tricks higher than a 360 you get combo
points for each rotation and the last half rotation, when you do a 1080
it counts as a 360,720, then 1080 which gives you 3,000 points and a
1,500 bonus resulting in 4,500 points if you just do a 1080. NOTE: if
you do a trick, but do not land it, you get no points.

Contest: It is like a trick attack with saloms in it.
In contest mode you go through 5 stages, Crystal Lake, Air Make,
Crystal Peak, Half Pipe, and Golden Forest. When you do either of the
three courses, there are saloms in it and you get a 2 second bonus and
points starting at 100 and progresses to 500 by each flag you pass and
it stays at 500 untill you miss a flag, then it starts over. If you run
out of time at any point the game is over. At the end of the game, it
counts up all of your points and gives you your total.

2P VS: You and a friend race agianst each other in time trial mode.

Training: (guess)
In this mode you have three choices, you can go left to a really
long half pipe, go right, center for a lot of jumps or follow the trial
to the right for manuvering pratice. In the upper left corner is the
trick counter, it shows you a trick and moves to the next one when you
complete and successfully land the trick. NOTE: press C RIGHT twice for
the trick list. Move to the trick that you want to do and press A. If a
trick is red, you have already done it right. If it is white, you have
not done it.

Everything is self-explanitiory execpt replay, it lets you view
the ghost that is saves in the game pack. And you can ONLY have one at
a time (BUMMER).

Crystal Lake
This is the first and easist of the 6 tracks. It is pretty
straight through and simple.

TIME ATTACK: The best route for this track is obvously not to take the
two jumps at the beginning and when you get to the first dropoff, don't
jump and try to get a good landing. Then proceed along the course
untill you see the house on the right and take the ramp that is on its
left side. Press Z and aim a little off to the right and make sure the
board is level with the ramp and go over it and then land in the snow
behind it. Make sure you don't hit the fince to the right. Stay on the
ground untill you pass under the Bit TV and take the pass to the left
and stay to the left untill you pass the finish line. This is a course
that you can hold Z practicly the whole time.

TRICK ATTACK: The first thing that you want to do is take the first two
jumps and after the second, at the top of the next hill, get to the far
left, but not to hit the rock and jump high and do a trick or two. If
you are using Ricki or gold man you should be able to jump over the
helicopter. Take all jumps and take the normal route (not over the ramp
by the house) and creep up both of the right banks and make high jumps
there. Jump a lot and take all ramps untill the finish line.

MISC. AND SCREW UPS: You can jump through the helicopter on the jump
off the side of the hill, the Big TV shows through all of the fog, when
you take the path by the house you can ride on the rocks easily. You
can cross paths from the right one to the left (piontless).

Crystal Peak
I think that this is also one of the easier tracks in the game and
it is also pretty simple.

TIME ATTACK: When you start out, don't forget to press up to make you
hop to go faster. Don't take the first jump, and when you get to the
first fork-jump where the path goes stratght to the right and there is
a jump to the left, take the right and when you get to the little ledge
by going straight, jump to go over and stay to the right on the snow
(don't take any jumps). And when you get to the part to where it gets
curvy, switch to the rider-cam view for eiser manuvering. When you get
to the tunnel go back to the third-person view. The next fork is up to
you because the left is harder and shorter, but the right is easier and
longer. If you go left, hang on to the left side and go over the ice
and when you get close to the wall, take a very sharp right, but don't
brake, and then turn left to get through. Hang to the right side, but
don't jump on the upper part right when you get out in the clear. Then
stay to the right. When you get to the bumps, hold Z and be sure that
your board is lined up right for landings. The rest is straight forward
if you stay to the left.

TRICK ATTACK: When you start out, take the first jump and then go to
the left side and take that jmp, but veer to the right a little to get
on the other side and then go up the middle to get to the bigger jump.
When you get to the fork, go right and do as many tricks down that
straight path and take all jumps to you get to the yellow pass over.
Here, take the first jump, but not the second. The third is a 3 in 1,
take the far left one.

MISC. AND SCREW UPS: This course and the previous course end in the
same path, right before you get to the yellow gate, look back and you
will see the other course. The snow stops at the tunnel. And again, the
TV showes through all the fog.

Golden Forest:
This is a rather difficult course for begginers Because it has
plenty of sharp turns.

TIME ATTACK: When you get to the first fork, go RIGHT even though the
path to the left you will loose time. When you take the fork, don't
hold Z the whole time because you will end up way up the bank on the
right side. When you get to the opening stay to the far right where the
good snow is because the thick snow slows you down. Then jump over one
of the two logs that are there and when you get to the next fork go
left and stay in the center so that you don't hit your head. Then jump
over the log at the end of that way. Then go either to the left or the
right of the big log that sticks out so you can stay on the ground.
When you get to the stream, follow it because it is faster and when you
get to the drop-off be sure not to hit the rock that is in the center
of the fall. Then avoit all rocks and walls untill the end of the

TRICK ATTACK: Same as above execpt be sure to jump at the top of every
hill and also to take the big log and the waterfall to do tricks off

MISC. AND SCREW UPS: When you go under the log that is across the path,
when using a tall person that is riding the pinguin board, you will
almost always hit your head. The reflection in the water is not a
reflection when you use ice or gold man, instead it is a shadow.

Mountian Vllage:
This is one of the more fun courses because you go through unique
things and has plenty of different ways that you can go.

TIME ATTACK: When you start out at the first part, it is possibe to
hold Z the whole time and stay on the snow, but is it difficult. Then
when the path opens, stay all of the way to the left and fall onto the
rocks and stay to the left all the way to the tunnel. When you get to
the tunnel take the fork to the right and watch out for the walls when
the fork comes back together because you will be going very fast. And
when you get to the next fork go right, but hug the right side as much
as you can so that you go left instead of down the hill. And besur to
jump over the two logs and go down the hill side past the road. Don't
jump on the big pile of snow or the ramp to the top of the green thing,
instead stay to the left side. And when you get to the black and yellow
jump, go to the right of it and then go straight onto the sidewalk and
try to stay on the sidewalk untill you get to the finish line.

TRICK ATTACK: For tricks follow the path above untill you get to the
lodge to get the bonus five points. Go into the lodge so that you get a
big jump. And then go to the right, left, then make a small jump onto
the last big rock to get a good jump off of it (be sure to hold Z while
doing this). Then Follow the same path until you get to the pile of
snow, jump off it and go up the ramp and stay on the left side of the
pipe. Then try to get the black and yellow jump in. Then follow the
path and jump off the hood of the red car and then avoid the other
jumps untill the end because they are not real jumps.

MISC. AND SCREW UPS. You can do jumps off the cars. After the pipe, go
right to go on top of a bunch of houses.

Dragon Forest:
This track is easy and hard at the same time, it has two really
big glitches in it stated later. This is also a fun track.

TIME ATTACK: This is kinda a straight forward one, when you start off
stay on the snow. The bridge is extremely hard to go on so don't be
discouraged at first. When you get to the first fork go left then left
so that you can jump into the tunnel and stay in the tunnel as long as
possible. Then follow the track the best that you can, and when you get
to the house, everyone will tell you to go in it, but rather, go to the
right of it for the fastest route.

TRICK ATTACK: When you get to the fork, go right then right. Even
though this route is a little harder, it is better for jumping.

MISC. AND SCREW UPS: First of all, in this course there is the biggest
jump in the whole game. When you see the first pionting neon light, go
as fast as you can and jump off of it for A VERY LONG AND BIG JUMP!
Glitches: 1. Before you get to the very first turn, get a big jump to
the left off of the rock that is on the curb of the turn and you will
hit an invisible wall. What's up with that? 2. Remember the big jump?
Well if you do it perfictly, with gold man, and with the pinguin board,
and if you go fast enough, and jump high enough, you will look like you
will land on the snow at the bottom of the mouton without actually
hitting the mountian,(very hard to do) right before you land, you will
be slam bam smack back in the center of the course that you are
supposed to be on execpt you take a really hard fall on the ground and
you can resume the course like you never jumped off the
cliff.........WEIRD!!!!!!! 3. When you are on the pole when you go
through the house, your shadow appearse out of nowhere.

Deadly Fall:
This is the best course of the game because it is not a course at
all, rather it looks like a actual mountianside and there are so many
places that you can go.

TIME TRIAL: I have done this course many many times and I have found
the best route. First, go as straight as possible at first (then you
may want to go around the first bumps after a while) and you should see
a HUGE rock with a snow ramp that lets you get on it. Go up it and you
would have to jump at the top of it to get across. While on top, go up
a little and you will see a nerrow path to the right, go across. If you
keep going straight, you will go over 2 cliffs, and then you need to
stay on the good snow that is to the left of the big ice trench. At the
end of that trench there is a path that looks like it goes left, don't
follow it, instead, go off the cliff that ends right at the rocks.
Before you go off, veer to the left a little and then go off. Try to go
in between the two rocks. Then you should see three different paths, go
center. Then go as far left as possible to go around the really tall
rocks and there is the finish!!! This is the best way to go in the
whole level.

TRICK ATTACK: There are a lot of big jumps, but you have to find most
of them. All I can really tell you is to stay to the right and at the
end of the level, in the middle of the four tall rocks, is the only
actual ramp.

MISC. AND SCREW UPS: This is a well made level and I found no screw
ups, but there are a lot of rocks that you can go up by first pressing
Z and keep tapping up to climb.


And now what you have been waiting for!!!! (yea!)

Beat all of the times in time attack and trick attack for each
level that came with the game and get the first three for the contest
levels. After done all that, hilihgt Rob Haywood and press C RIGHT
while you press A to confirm. With the Panda and Panda only, you can do
the back and front flip, one-foot, and Panda Tweak(Go to traning mode).

Same as above execpt you have to beat match race on expert and
select Akari Hayami and press C LEFT as you press A to confirm.

The best of all of everything. Same as above execpt you have to
beat expert with ice man. Select Kensuke Kimachi, press C UP as you

Do all tricks in traning mode. Select the far left board, press C
DOWN as you confirm. It is the best of all boards.

Select a real easy trick that you have already done and do it and
just before you land it, press C RIGHT to bring up the list and select
something you can't do and land. It will count the harder as if you
just did it.

Just as you start, go as far left as possible and jump, you would
be shot way up in the air to do tricks.

8. UPDATE!!!!-more screw-ups from Jason Griffith(fore20@midwest.net)
Southern Illinois University

the river of ice on mountain forest - it is blocked off at the end by a
series of boards that don't come together correctly - meaning you can
see the river continuing into the distance as you pass. that bugged
me, so I tried and tried to get over the wood. catch this, you can't.
it's an infinite plane and you can't jump over it. so if you board
down a little further, then jump on the left edge of the course, cut
back towards the camera and push forward repeatedly, you can cut back
along the mountain between the planks of wood and where they are nailed
onto the mountain. this allows you to snowboard for the rest of the
river (about 10 seconds),then you drop off of the face of the earth and
land back in the middle of the course.

same thing in a different level - mountain village, when you get into
the village, stay left, you will see a big stone building. past the
building is a cross street heading left and uphill, hang a left and
repeatedly tap up on the analog stick and it will take you to the top
of the hill, if you are on the sidewalk, you can go out a ways then you
fall off of the earth.

and on the training level, you can literally start at the bottom and
heft your way to the top of the route by pressing up on the analog

I really appriciate you reading this faq file and I hope that it
really helpes you. I sure did spend plenty of time writing it and it
will be better than anything you find (hopefully). Do not distrubute
thid faq file without "Tjames" or my E-Mail address on it. And if you
find anything wrong (hevan forbid) in it or something new OR have
questions E-Mail me at JamesD@microsped.com

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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