Heroes of Might & Magic 2

Heroes of Might & Magic 2

14.10.2013 09:00:33
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"PRICE OF LOYALTY" Copyright 1997 New World Computing
FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright 2003 Raging_DemonTEN

E-Mail Address..............eagle25_100@yahoo.com

----- Copyright Information -----
| |
| This FAQ is copyrighted by Raging_DemonTEN in the year 2002. It is for |
| private use only, and cannot be reproduced or sold without strict |
| permission from the author. Permission can be asked for by e-mailing me |
| with the title "LP Permission" at: eagle25_100@yahoo.com. |

[ Version History ]

Version FINAL - FAQ Format Revisions

[ Table Of Contents ]
| 1. Introduction | 001 |
| 2. What's New in Price Of Loyalty | 002 |
| 3. Campaign Walkthroughs | 003 |
| a.) The Price Of Loyalty | 031 |
| b.) Descendants | 032 |
| c.) The Wizard's Isle | 033 |
| d.) The Voyage Home | 034 |
| I.) Appendix A | 004 |
| - Artifact Listing | 041 |
| - Spell Listing | 042 |
| II.)Appendix B | 005 |
| - Movement Bonuses And Penalties | 051 |
| - Hero Types | 052 |
| - Secondary Skill Chart | 053 |
| - Sec. Advancement Probabilities | 054 |
| - Pri. Advancement Probabilities | 055 |
| III.)Appendix C | 006 |
| - Creature Statistics | 061 |
| - Structure Statistics | 062 |
| 4. Expanded Version History | 007 |

SIMPLE GUIDE NAVIGATION - To reach a section quickly, just hit Ctrl+F, then
type in the three numbers next to the section you
wish to goto.

1. Introduction 001

The Heroes Of Might And Magic series has always been my favorite
turn-based strategy games series. It is a spinoff of the popular RPG series
Might & Magic, but instead of RPG dungeon crawling, you must lead your armies
of creatures against your opponents.

The first Heroes Of Might And Magic was a classic but was flawed in some
areas, especially the campaign. The sequel, Heroes Of Might And Magic II, fixed
the flaws, improved the graphics, and made the game much more deep. However,
you still has the complaint that you only played two campaigns that never
really explored the Might & Magic mythos. The expansion pack changed that by
adding four(!) new campaigns, and added many more hours of enjoyment to the

I hope this guide helps you beat the campaigns and gives you a better
understanding of how the full game works.

2. What's New In Price Of Loyalty 002

The Price Of Loyalty expansion not only added four new campaigns
and a bunch of new scenarios, but also added some improvements:

- Ghosts are now availiable for purchase

- Elementals are now availiable for purchase

- Cursed items can be removed if you visit a Ancient's Hut

- A new Necromancer stucture, the Evil Shrine, can be built. The Evil Shrine
increases the number of enemies resuurected from the Necromancy skill by
10%, for a maximum of 60%.

3. Campaign Walkthroughs 003

The campaigns in Price Of Loyalty are what really made this game worth
buying. They are very well made, but also can prove to be quite a challenge.
The Price Of Loyalty and Descendants are long campaigns, while The Wizard's
Isle and The Voyage Home are short campaigns.

In my campaign walkthroughs, the phase numbers are the order in which
you want to complete tasks before you move on to the next phase. I found this
enabled the player more freedom if he messed up, unlike a step-by-step guide. I
hope you like the format.



On orders from your Emperor, you attempt to claim an ancient artifact of
great power. Unfortunately, an old friend has become a powerful rival, and is
attempting to claim the artifact before you. The fate of the empire balances on
who retrieves the artifact first.

Island Of Chaos
/ |
/ |
/ |
Arrow's Flight |
| |
| The Abyss
| |
The Giant's Pass |
| |
\ |
Aurora Borealis
| \
| |
| Betrayal's End
Corruption's Heart

{{{ Uprising }}}

Phase 1

You start off with a Barbarian castle on a very small map. You have one
main hero. One thing to keep in mind is to build a new creature structure
every turn. You'll want an Upg. Adobe by the end of the first week or beginning
of the second. Make another hero, and explore the surroundings and pick up
supplies. Load the first hero up with all your creatures, and attack the Mutant
Zombies that defend the Ore Mine and the Boars that defend the Dragon Sword Of
Dominion. Ignore the area that is shown when you visit the Hut Of The Magi,
because you can easily win without even acknowledging it.

Phase 2

Attack the Sprites that serve as a border between you and the Orange
player. He should only have one or maybe two heroes active, so use your main
hero to attack their castle first and then prevent them from escaping by
blocking the route out of their land with your secondary hero. Only attack them
when you are sure you can attack him/her without letting another hero pass by
in the route you just left open.

Make another hero to flag the gold mine, and let the main hero go to the
Coliseum to get another point in his/her Defense skill. Build an Upg. Bridge
with all the extra income from the new castle and gold mine.

By now, the Red Player may have deactivated the Blue Gate that prevents
the Blue Player from reaching you. If you feel aggressive, attack the Red
Player's castle as soon as you can so you can attack Blue at your leisure
without having to worry about Red.

Phase 3

Put all of your troops on the main hero and go for an all-out attack
on Red. If you encounter any heroes on the way, destroy them before they have a
chance to reach your undefended base. It might be especially risky if Blue has
yet to be attacked, or still has heroes roaming the map. If so, make sure
you built Turrets and put about 8 Ogre Lords inside the castle. These are
especially tough units, and can withstand any ranged attacks while the turrets
rip the other army to pieces. After beating Red, immediately head to the Blue
castle if you haven't already, defeat any heroes on the way, conquer the
castle, and claim victory!

{{{ Island Of Chaos }}}

Phase 1

You start out with a Sorceress castle in the middle of a wasteland. The
first thing to do is upgrade all the armies you can, and build, build, build.
Once you think you're ready, head north to the Observation Tower. You'll see
three Red castles at the northwest, southwest, and east respectively. Time to
prepare for battle.

Phase 2

Build your army up and head to the southeast. Conquer the Warlock castle
located there and then build a boat to get back to your base quickly, since you
are a Sorceress with the Navigation skill. Once you get back, take some fresh
troops and head towards the Warlock castles on the island to the south. After
capturing all the castles on the island, hire a secondary hero to lith-block,
which means to have a hero go into a lith and warp back, but not making the
hero move from that lith. Therefore, the enemy won't be able to use the lith to
reach you, and you can take your time to build up your army.

Phase 3

Now that you have a mega-army of Warlock troops from the two castles you
conquered, go in the lith that you blocked and start to sweep up the
competition. Work your way from southwest to northeast. If you need any
reinforcements, just get your secondary hero to deliver them by boat. Once you
conquer all the Knight castles, finally recapture your beginning Sorceress
castle which undoubtabley got captured by the enemy sometime to end the

{{{ Arrow's Flight }}}

Phase 1

Before you start this campaign, I would suggest picking Advanced
Logistics as your starting bonus. First thing to do is to flag all the
immediate mines, especially the gold mine east of your castle. Also, don't
attack the Elves blocking the northern passage, as they act as a kind of border
guard protecting you from the enemy until you are ready.

Phase 2

Fill up your main hero with troops, and head north to capture the neutral
town. Be sure to turn that town into a castle when you can afford it. Now's the
time to attack the Elven border guard, but don't move forward until you get new
recruits and you're well and ready.

Phase 3

Once the border guard is gone, quickly capture the Red castle northwest of
your starting point. If you have enough troops after that attack, grab the
other castle nearby. This should eliminate Red. Check the Red Traveler's Tent,
remember the password, and use a hero close to your original castle to unlock
the red barriers, making a shortcut for your main hero to receive more troops
from the home base.

Now on to attack the Green castles to the northeast. Combine some Knight
armies on another hero and just start ripping up the enemy castles. They
shouldn't be too tough, and victory is yours.

When you win this scenario, you gain a wood bonus every turn in all
the other scenarios, and any wandering neutral Elf or Grand Elf stacks
will join your army free of charge.

{{{ The Abyss }}}

Phase 1

This scenario is the shortest official scenario in the entire game,
as you have a two-week time limit to reach the enemy Necromancer castle and
capture it. First thing to do is take the troops from the nearby town. Since
this scenario is about battle tactics more than sheer numbers, I suggest using
a close formation to protect your Grand Elves. Take the only path open to you,
and be sure to visit the Hut of The Magi and the Red Tent. Since these are the
only troops you have, use them wisely. I suggest always Blessing your Grand
Elves, and using the Phoenix's two-hex attack to the best of its ability. Keep
on following the path until you reach three signposts, each showing a different
route to the Necromancer castle.

Way Of Might

This route is filled with tough enemies that require good combat tactics
to defeat. You'll want to go north this whole entire path, as it is the fastest
route so you don't waste time. You'll have to fight the following stacks: Ogre
Lords, Rocs, Minotaurs, Giants, Nomads, and finally Titans. Sounds scary,
doesn't it? Just attack the stacks in the order I listed, and remember the tips
I said above.

Way Of Numbers

This route has large number of walking troops, so you're going to have
to use your shooters to their maximum efficiency. You'll have to fight the
following stacks: Peasants, Mutant Zombies, Hydras, Swordmen, Wolves,
Crusaders, Unicorns, Ogres, and Skeletons. The biggest threats are the Unicorns
and the Crusaders, so you might have to sacrifice one stack to keep the others
alive. However, you can grab Sprites and Air Elementals following this route.

Way Of Magic

This route requires clever use of magic, and there are plenty of spell
scrolls to grab along the way. You'll have to fight the following stacks:
Archmages, Goblins, Bone Dragons, Gargoyles, Boars, Black Dragons, Centaurs,
Dwarves, and Griffins. You'll want to use the spell Cure a lot on your Phoenix
to keep it alive.

Eventually, you'll reach the Necromancer castle. After the battles you
just went through to get there, it should seem like a piece of cake:).

{{{ The Giant's Pass }}}

Phase 1

Another small map, it is also one of the easiest maps in the campaign. You
begin with a Knight castle and an army of 25 Archers, 60 Peasants, and 10
Pikemen. As soon as you start, head down the east road, visiting the Archer
cabin along the way. Then turn north at the intersection, and capture the town
at the end of the road.

Phase 2

Hire more Peasants and Archers from the town you just captured, then
head towards the barbarian castle to the northeast. Stay inside the
castle until Week 3.

Once Week 3 rolls around, hire Barbarian troops, hopefully Trolls and Orc
Chiefs, and rush the enemy castle to the west. After you conquer that castle,
destroy any enemy heroes remaining.

{{{ Aurora Borealis }}}

Phase 1

The main goal in this scenario is to find the Anduran Artifact, not
defeat the red player. Remember that. I would suggest the Traveler's Boots as a
starting bonus, as they are the best choice for the large map, full of
tough terrain. First thing to do is go rrecruit all the armies in thecastle,
and then head east, towards the Observation Tower. Notice how badly outnumbered
you are :). Then, go north towards the Yellow castle, and hopefully capture it.
Reload if you don't.

Phase 2

Head north from the Yellow castle you just captured with your main hero
until you reach the red barrier. Visit the Keymaster's tent, then you should be
able to open it. It blocks the key to your victory on this map, the spell
Dimension Door. Dimension Door is useful to bypass stacks guarding artifacts
and resources on the western side of the map. From here, head east to conquer
your first red castle with this hero, while your secondary hero should cross
the snowy region near the southern frontier. This hero will arrive in the
southeast corner, deep within red territory. With the help of your main hero,
eliminate red.

Phase 3

Now head to the northeast with your strongest army, and Dimension Door on
to the volcanic island there. The Anduran Helm is in the possession of a
powerful green Necromancer, who will stay inside of his castle until you are
prepared to defeat him.

{{{ Betrayal's End }}}

Phase 1

This scenario is optional to complete this campaign, but recommended
because it gives you the Anduran Battle Garb, the best artifact in the entire
game! You begin with a Necromancer with no town. If you go north, you will
encounter a town to conquer. Transform the town into a castle, and explore your
surroundings. DONT EXPLORE TOO FAR AWAY! If a Red or Blue enemy hero spots you,
they will rush your castle, ending the scenario very quickly. Try to attack
weaker stacks, as they build up your Skeleton stack when you defeat them. Try
to capture any nearby mines, and remember to not travel too far.

Phase 2

Now its time to build-up. This is going to be boring, as you must build up
an army big enough to handle Red or Blue. While you wait, you might want to
check out the Red Traveler's Tent and write down the password. Also, grab any
resources and artifacts.

Phase 3

Time for some action. Head through the glowing lith near your starting
castle, which will take you to the eastern island. Capture the Blue castle
there, and stay inside the castle. Eventually, its heroes will abandon Blue,
and you can move out of it now. Get some reinforcements from your starting
castle via the glowing lith, and head south. Capture the second Knight castle
here. From there, head east, then north. Capture one of the Green Knight
castles and stay in it! Green is still too powerful to take on.Send some
expendable scouts out to explore the surrounding area. Notice the other Green
castle a few steps away.

Phase 4

Gather up your army, and prepare for cheap tactics. Take your main hero
and attack the other Green castle. Stay in there. With your first Green castle,
hire a powerful spellcaster and hope you have Chain Lightning in one of your
Mage Guilds. If you don't, then prepare for a long, drawn-out battle. If you
do, then hire the powerful spellcaster, attack the Green heroes, use Chain
Lightning, and then surrender. Rehire the hero the same turn, and repeat until
satisfied. If you don't have Chain Lightning, constantly take and retreat from
the two Green castles. The Green heroes will spread their armies thin building
a garrison, and you will eventually overcome them. Now for the main objective.
Lord Kreager is in the northeast corner of the map. Just take your time until
you build up an army big enough to destroy him.

If you complete this scenario before the last one, you will receive the
Anduran Battle Garb, the best artifact in the game. It gives +5 to all four
primary skills, Blood! morale and Irish Luck, and gives you the best spell in
the game, Town Portal.

{{{ Corruption's Heart }}}

Phase 1

This strategy depends on you completing the Betrayal's End scenario,
giving you the Anduran Battle Garb. The first order of business is to eliminate
the Green armies located on the northern isles. Gather up any troops from your
island that you can grab, and attack the Hydras and
Minotaur Kings from afar with your shooters, giving you access to two boats.

Phase 2

Get Rocs in your army. Hopefully, your army consists of Halflings, Elves,
Rangers, Mages, and the Rocs. This is the best set-up for the battles ahead,
along with the spell Mass Slow. Hire another hero, and send him to explore the
southern seas. Now take your main hero, and head north to a Green town, the
only place where you can build ships on the entire map. There is another town
on this island if you head north, which you should capture. From this island,
sail west for quite awhile to capture a Green castle, the last one. Destroy all
remaining enemy heroes, and Green is finished.

Phase 3

Now its time to concentrate your forces on the Purple and Yellow armies to
the southwest. First cast Town Portal and load up on armies. Replace your
weakest shooting stack with Titans, and also you'll need plenty of Rocs. Head
to the teleporter to the island near your main island, and then lith-block with
a secondary hero. Once you're on the island, head south from the teleporter to
locate a Purple castle, with two more right below it. After you capture all
three, head northeast for the last one. You'll probably have to come back to
your castles, as they will be retaken. Just kill the hero that retakes them,
and Purple will die out eventually. Now you're going to have to face extremely
powerful magic-users from Yellow. When you fight Yellow, I suggest using
Anti-Magic on your Titans, and perhaps getting Dragons for their spell
immunities. Just follow the same strategy to defeat Purple as Yellow, and this
should all be done about Month 4.

Phase 4

The last enemy to destroy is uber-poweful Red. These are the toughest
armies in the entire game, composing of about 35 Bone Dragons per hero!
Fortunately, they cannot escape from their island, so you can build up your
forces. The way to reach the Red castles is to kill a Red hero in the
southwest. He has 45 Black Dragons, 45 Hydras, 15 Titans, and 100 Steel Golems.
I'm sure you're pretty depressed about this, but all it requires is smart
spell-casting. First thing to do is to cast Slayer on your Titan stack or cast
Blind on the Red hero's Titan stack. Then, concentrate all attacks on the Black
Dragons. Next turn, cast Mass Slow to hinder the Hydras, and once again
concentrate your attacks on the Dragons. Use Resurrect True on your Titans, as
they will be attacked the most. An alternate strategy is to cast Mirror Image,
and the image will be attacked instead of your main stack. Hopefully, you win
this battle without sustaining too many losses. Get the Keyword from the
Traveler's Tent, and find the Red Gate, only accessible by the sea. It blocks a
lith that is the only entrance to the Red base. This battle will take a long
time and lots of surrendering and returning. I suggest using the
Dragon-Armageddon combo, and also having the Pendant of Life to protect against
Death Wave. Good luck!


I finished this campaign in 360 days, with a rating of Grand Elf. While
not the most difficult campaign, it is the most time-consuming. Only players
with lots of time on their hands need apply.



You must guide a royal family as it passes from generation to generation.
Your kingdom develops over time, gaining allies and enemies. Defend against
internal and external threats to preserve your kingdom and grow in power. You
must defeat the nearby rival kingdom!

Conquer And Unify
Border Towns
/ \
/ \
The Wayward Son Crazy Uncle Ivan
\ /
\ /
The Southern War
/ \
/ \
The Elven Lands Ivory Gates
\ /
\ /
The Epic Battle

{{{ Conquer And Unify }}}

Phase 1

Build a Den, and put Goblins, Orcs, and Wolves on your first hero. Explore
your surroundings, and flag the Ore mine. Then attack the Centaurs that are
protecting the plethora of resources, and collect them all. Everyday, build a
new structure until you reach Upg. Adobe. Don't build a Well just yet, unless
you think you can afford an extra 2000 or so.

Phase 2

Upgrade your units and recruit more, and then attack the Wolves that are
protecting you from the other three kingdoms. Go immediately south, and defeat
all the Yellow heroes and castle. Build a second hero to bring the armies from
Phase 3 to the main hero when the time comes. Your main hero should then attack
the Wizard town in the center of the map. Head east then towards the Blue base.

Phase 3

Defeat the Blue heroes and castle, and then put your new recruited
creatures on the second hero and bring him to meet with your main hero. Place
all of the new armies on the main hero, and then have the main hero attack the
Red base. Victory !

{{{ Border Towns }}}

Phase 1

The first day is going to be a rough one, as all three of your towns get
attacked. The only town that can defend itself effectively is the Sorceress
town, so transform it into a castle and build some Sprites and Dwarves. This
should be able to withstand the attack. The next day, hire two heroes at your
Sorceress castle, one to act as your main hero and the other to act as a scout.
The scout should head northeast to an Observation Tower to get a peek at the
surroundings, then southeast to reach a boat. Grab some valuable resources out
on the sea. Meanwhile, build up your Sorceress castle, but don't buy Mage
Guilds, as they are a waste of resources.

Phase 2

Your Sorceress castle is probably going to be attacked now, at the
beginning of the week. Hopefully, you're prepared and can repel the attack. Now
its time to prepare a counterstrike. Head east and retake the Barbarain
village. If there is a powerful Green hero around, let him retake the town,
split his army, and then you retake the town. Do this until you can defeat the
hero and keep the town.

Phase 3

Time to begin your assault on two fronts: the Warlock army attacks the
Barbarians and the Sorceress armies attacks the Necromancers to the west. After
you defeat both enemies, the only enemy remaining is the Wizards. I suggest
building up the Warlock castle so you can have Dragons first, due to the fact
Dragons are immune to spellcasting. Build up a strong Dragon army, and you
should be able to defeat the Wizards easily.

{{{ The Wayward Son }}}

Phase 1

You start off with three heroes: a Warlock, a Sorceress, and a Barbarian.
There is a time limit, so you have to move fast. Give your fast fighting units
to your Barbarian, as he is going to be the scouting the beginning of the game,
and your Warlock will be your main fighting hero. The Sorceress will act as a
sea scout, picking up treasures and exploring a few islands. When you first
begin, grab the Summon Boat spell for your Sorceress, and make her cast it
three times, for each of your heroes. While she gets in the boat, make your
Warlock head north and capture the Warlock town. While itt can't be transformed
into a castle, you can get some Centaurs from it.

Phase 2

While your Sorceress collects floatsam and treasure from the sea, your
Warlock will get into his boat and explore the small islands surrounding your
base. Your third hero should collect all the troops from town and those that he
has now, and disembark in his boat towards the Sorceress. The Sorceress should
take the third hero's troops, and give them to your Warlock. Now that your
Warlock has a somewhat large army, it's time to attack Orange.

Phase 3

Your main hero should head towards the only entrance to the Orange
peninsula. Once you land on the island, only attack stacks that are in your way
of progress westward, as the rest of them will slow your progress and you will
lose valuable troops. Attack the first west town, and buy more advanced troops
to replace your weaker stacks. Now head east from the town until you reach the
east town. Once again, replace troops with more advanced troops, and also take
a look at the Level-5 Mage Guild, which will help you greatly in finishing this

Phase 4

Buy all the Medusas around the town you just conquered, and if you want,
head northeast to an Observation Tower that shows where Joseph is being kept.
Now go back to where you landed your boat and head north. Unlock the Blue
Barrier, and attack the next town that holds valuable Dragons. Now build up
your armies for a week, and then cast Summon Boat and head towards the island
where Joseph is being held. The last fight is against Titans. Use a lot of Mass
spells and Blind, and focus on one stack at a time. The Titans will go down in
no time, and then free Joseph from his prison to win the scenario.

{{{ Crazy Uncle Ivan }}}

Phase 1

The easiest thing about this quest is that enemy armies will NOT attack
you, so you don't have to put up any garrisons in your castles. When you begin,
follow the road northeast and conquer the town at the end of the road.
Transform into a castle, and then keep on following the road. Flag as many
mines as you can, and hire another hero to scout out the area for you.

Go northwest from your castle and clear out any and all troops you find in
the passage leading out of your area. Attack and conquer the second Warlock
town just outside the passage, and head east from there. A third Warlock town
is located there, so you can refill your troops. Also, you can build a dock and
boats here, and take the river for a faster route.

Phase 2

After exploring the river, take the Stone Liths you have passed from time
to time on your conquering trek and take them all to the center of the map. At
the center, you can hire Genies (very important) and you'll notice the castle
where Uncle Ivan resides, Ivanhome. Get rid of all 1st and maybe 2nd level
troops that you have, and attack the Throng of Ghosts at thecastle's entrance.
As long as the Ghosts don't kill more than 10 in a stack, you should be OK, and
will be able to recruit Uncle Ivan next scenario.

{{{ The Southern War }}}

Phase 1

The computer opponents are all allied, so it makes the scenario much more
difficult. When you begin, you should hire either Joseph or Uncle Ivan,
depending on who's scenario you completed. I completed Uncle Ivan's one, so
I'll refer to him from now on. Whe you begin, put most of your troops on Ivan
and head east to capture the castle at the end of the road. The rest of your
troops should stay with your starting hero, and he should head west to capture
two enemy towns. If you see a Barbarian pass by, attack him, but don't go out
of your way to destroy him, as you'll suffer some casualties.

Phase 2

As you explore the surrounding area, don't be drawn in by Very Fast or
Fast stacks, as they will quickly decimate your troops. Take all the Medusas
you can from the Ruins, and give all troops to Ivan for the big spearhead into
enemy territory. Destroy the stack guarding the pass to the greenlands, and
quickly take the two castles in there. You'll want these castles to be taken
and then you retake them, as the computer will continue to weaken his army by
leaving garrisons if you let him. Once he's weak enough, eliminate him.
Eventually, you should control all the land inbetween the mountains.

Phase 3

Now comes the big push on two fronts: Take Ivan and make him attack east
and take your secondary hero and make him attack west. While travelling in this
direction, DON'T let anyone pass you, as they will take over your garrison-less
castles inbetween the mountains. Go for the Barbarians first, and use the Liths
for quick teleporting between the castles. Then finish up the Sorceress castles
with your other hero, and another scenario is out of the way.

{{{ Ivory Gates }}}

Phase 1

You can still hire Ivan or Joseph, so hire them immediately. Start
exploring around your castle, attacking a few weaker stacks and picking up gold
and experience. Once you've built up enough forces, attack the Sorceress castle
to the west, preferably on day 1 of Week 2 so you can gather Sorceress troops
as well as your troops. Once you capture it,be sure to leave a small garrison
so the Barbarians don't take it easily.

Phase 2

You can take the risk of attacking the Barbarians, but it will be a tough
battle. If you want to, rush them, leave no garrison in the castle you take
over, let him split his army, attack again, etc., etc. However, if you don't
want to take the risk, head northwest to a Barbarian castle in the middle of
the map. It hardly ever has a garrison and prevents the Barbarians from
building up their forces later in the game. Once you can build a Phoenix Tower,
however, you should be ready to defeat Red once and for all.

Phase 3

Once you have finished Red, I suggest moving northwest, since in the
east lies a powerful Wizard army. However, be sure to leave a more powerful
garrison now, as the Wizards will start attacking you around this point. They
have very powerful spells, such as Summon Elemental and Dimension Door. Try to
hold out as long as you can so your main hero can get as many goodies as
possible to beef him up. Once you think the Wizards are going to conquer you,
send in your main hero to save the day :) Once you finish the attacking
Wizards, don't stop. Keep on pushing deep into enemy territory. Conquer
everything but Ivory Gates, and don't worry about being attacked because the
enemy is stuck in there. Just take your time and victory will be yours in a
short amount of time.

{{{ The Elven Lands }}}

Phase 1

Once again, hire either Ivan or Joseph and make him your main hero. Make
your other starting hero the scout and send him on his way. This land is very
sparse for resources, so I suggest building a Marketplace as fast as possible
and trading in gold for resources. You won't need any artifacts that protect
you against spells, so don't fight any stacks for them. After you've built up
enough forces, clear the Golems on the north road.

Phase 2

Now that you're travelling longer distances, I suggest making a bunch of
pack mule heroes to get new troops to your main hero as quick as possible by
transferring between them. If you followed the north road, you would have come
upon a swamp. In the swamp is a nice Barbarian castle for the taking. Inside
the Barbarian castle, I only suggest building the Marketplace, as the troops
weren't really needed to complete the scenario.

Phase 3

After taking the Barbarian castle, head north and liberate Gallavant
from the jail. He has some powerful troops that are useful for the ending of
the scenario. Now, hopefully, you have learned the Summon Boat spell. If you
don't, you're going to have to try to find another way on to the Blue Tent. If
you do, cast it and go through the whirlpool. Get the password from the tent
and head back. Eventually, if you keep heading north, you'll reach your goal of
three Sorceress towns you have to conquer. They have stacks of Titans and Black
Dragons, but if you use mass beneficial spells like Mass Haste and Mass Bless,
you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

{{{ The Epic Battle }}}

Phase 1

Before you start, I would pick Archery as your bonus for the beginning if
you completed the Elven Alliance scenario, and either of the two left if you
did the Ivory Gates scenario. The land surrounding your three castles if very
dangerous, so send out sacrificial heroes ONLY as you may lose your main hero
if you send him out there. Hire either Joseph or Ivan again, and give him all
the troops from your Sorceress castle. Throughout this scenario, if you
completed the Elven Alliance scenario, if you attacked any Elf or Grand Elf
stacks they will join your party. This can be a godsend, especially early in
the game. Otherwise, they are just another stack to get in your way :(

Since you will be using a lot of ranged troops, don't be afraid to hire
slower troops to protect them, such as Ogres. Now, take the only Ore Mine right
now east of your Barbarian castle. I suggest only working on upgrading your
Sorceress and Barbarian castles, as the Necromancer castles are very expensive
to upgrade. Once you've built a good number of troops, head to the center of
the map and capture the only Warlock town on the map and upgrade it to a castle
as soon as possible. It will become your main castle, especially because it can
make Dragons which give you a huge advantage against the enemy.

Phase 2

Go north from the Warlock castle to take another Necromancer town. Go west
from there for another town, and be sure to flag all the surrounding mines. Be
careful about killing stacks near the mountains, as they are the only defense
between you and your enemy. I suggest attacking them as late as possible, or
let the computer do the work for you. Head southeast from the Warlock castle to
take Knight and Wizard castles, with Titans inside the Wizard one! Very useful,
but be careful as the garrison is quite powerful.

Phase 3

Now the main attack begins. Joseph should begin attacking in the
northeast corner, trying to contain as many heroes as possible in the Grassland
terrain. Once they get out of there, they'll wreak havoc across the entire
board. Capture the Knight castle in the northeast corner and send some scouts
from there to size up the territory. While you're scouting, send Joseph east
from the castle to a little Wizard town which holds lots of Titans to hire,
making this scenario a whole lot easier. About now, the enemy should start
attacking. Don't worry if you lose a town or two, just take your time and get
it back. I suggest using the Dragon-Armageddon combo for a much easier time.

Phase 4

Once you've launched a successful counter-attack, keep on pushing and
recapture all those towns you lost. Eliminate EVERY ENEMY HERO that tries to
pass you by. Not killing them right away drags the scenario on, and on
(and on...). Just start the clean-up process with your Dragons and Titans.
Hopefully, you got rid of all the heroes and another campaign is finished !


I enjoyed this campaign alot, probably due to the "descendant" storyline. I
finished it in 407 days, and got a rating of Grand Elf.



Mysterious chains of islands have risen from the sea, and are rich with
powerful magic. You, as well as many other eager mages, seek to control this
mighty force. Whoever can control these islands will shape the destiny of the
next age.

The Shrouded Isles--->The Eternal Scolls---------------> Fount Of Wizardry
\ /
\ /
Power's End

{{{ The Shrouded Isles }}}

Phase 1

Your first priority is to capture the Wizard village northeast of your
hero, so do that ASAP. Make the town a castle, and grab any troops inside the
castle. Then start attacking any wandering enemy stacks on your island. It
should be possible to defeat them with your starting army, with a little help
from creature dwellings. Gather as many resources and mines as you can during
the first week.

Phase 2

With your hero now pumped up with fresh armies, make a boat and travel
east to attack the Warlock castles. Disembark from your boat and attack the
castles. Get back in the boat and head north towards the Sorceress.

Be sure to fortify your castle by now, because the opposing players like
to try and sneak in and attack your castle. With your hero, land on the
northern isle and conquer the Sorceress castles. Start to make creatures in the
Warlock castles for later in the scenario. If you want, resupply at your
castle, but make sure to leave a few troops in case the Necromancers get by you
and onto your island.

Phase 3

Now to head west towards the Necromancers. If you have Pathfinding, this
fight will be a lot easier, but I doubt your Wizard has it, so prepare for a
long drawn-out fight. Go for the castle first, then the heroes themselves. If
one of the heroes appears too powerful, go into the castle so the garrison will
back up your armies.

Phase 4

Now the only enemy remaining is the uber-powerful Wizards. If you've been
gathering armies with the Warlocks, it should be easier. First pump up your
main hero with Wizard armies. Then take your Warlock hero and attack the Wizard
castle. Try to defeat as many armies as you can. I was lucky enough to receive
Armageddon, so my Dragons had no problem. Eventually, the Warlock will be
defeated, but now it's time for your main hero to step up. The fight should now
be a lot easier thanks to the sacrifice of the Warlock, and that's the end of
the first scenario in the toughest campaign.

{{{ The Eternal Scrolls }}}

Phase 1

First thing to do is buy a second hero to be your scout. I wouldn't
recommend traveling east or northeast, as two extremely powerful heroes lay in
wait. Next thing to do is go to the Aqua Tent to obtain a password for the Aqua
Gate. Try to upgrade your castle as soon as possible, and also don't take too
many troops away from your garrison, due to the fact it gets attacked a lot.
Explore your initial surroundings and get prepared for a jailbreak.

Phase 2

First thing to do is free the hero Joseph from the prison. He's quite
a good hero, and comes along with a handy Titan to help you out. Now take the
lith west of the jail and start conquering Yellow castles. Be wary of Green
coming in through the lith by your castle, but you can lith-block (place a hero
on the lith so no one can enter) to prevent this from happening.

Once Yellow is defeated, travel to the northeast to learn the password
from the Red Tent. Then travel to the center of the map, and conquer the castle
for the win.

{{{ Power's End }}}

Phase 1

Remember that your goal here is to capture the Sphere Of Negation, and not
to defeat every enemy on the map. There is also a time limit of five months, so
you'll have to work fast. Hire a scout hero first off, and start flagging
mines. Take your main hero to the road and go west then north. Attack the
Orange castle you'll see by the end of Week 1.

Phase 2

Now start building up armies for an attack on the other Orange castle
close to the first. With both of these castles owned, you can begin to prepare
for a landing on the eastern continent by Week 4. Try to touch a few Obelisks
if you can, as they will give you the general location of the artifact.

Phase 3

Once you think your army will stand a chance on the other continent, give
them all to your best hero and sail away. You'll disembark on the southern
shore, and you have to fight your way to the north. If you have Dimension Door,
the trail will be a lot easier. This might take a while.

You'll find the Sphere Of Negation buried somewhere near Crazy Igor's
castle. I found it just to the left. YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT CRAZY IGOR! He'll
leave you alone if you leave him alone. So start digging, and eventually you'll
find your artifact.

{{{ Fount Of Wizardry }}}

Phase 1

You start this level with a barbarian named Uncle Ivan. Hopefully, you
did the Power's End scenario, because it will make this scenario a whole lot
easier, which is still mega-hard :(. There is a boat next to your town, so take
it and start exploring the seas. Try to grab as much flotsam as possible, as
you need all the wood you can get. For the most part, the hardest part of the
beginning of the scenario is the resource-deprived map. Be sure to grab as much
wood as you can, as you're going to need every piece.

Phase 2

You hopefully have a castle by now, so start building creature structures.
Also, hire any available sorceresses, as they make navigating the seas much
easier. South of your starting town, there is a jail with apowerful Wizard
inside. Release him, and then make him attack the Necromancer castle close to
him. Make him retreat during battle, so he can return to your castle without
wasting another boat to pick him up.

Phase 3

Phase 3 should be about building up your armies to take on the two neutral
castles to the west and southeast. They shouldn't be too tough, as they have no
creature structures to buy support troops. After you defeat both castles, don't
try to build them up, as you may spread your gold too thin. Instead, make
Marketplaces so you can access resources easier.

Phase 4

There is only one entrance to the main battlefield, so send a scout ahead
to check it out. Basically, Red and Yellow are fighting a battle for control of
the isle, taking towns back and forth. When you get there, be sure NOT TO LEAVE
YOUR BOATS BEHIND. Use Summon Boat to get them back. Otherwise, any enemy hero
might board them and come annihilate your developing castles. After you're done
with your scouting, its time to send in the army.

With your mighty army led by Uncle Ivan, hopefully with the Sphere Of
Negation, head to the battlefield. Since spells can't affect you, you'll be
able to win against superior odds. Otherwise, you might be in for a world of
hurt :). I don't suggest fortifying any castles at first. Instead, conquer the
castle, take the best troops, and then keep on moving. I would suggest going
after Red castles especially because they have Black Dragons.

Phase 5

Now you may have a support force ready to help out the weakening Uncle
Ivan. Send that in, and then you and Ivan should concentrate on one color only,
so you can eliminate him quickly. Once one color is defeated, the other can be
defeated over time.

Since I don't feel like writing out four weeks with just "Attack the
other color", I'll skip those and get right to the main objective. To win the
scenario, you have to conquer the Fount Of Wizardry, a castle at the center of
the spiral island. He will be pumped up beyond belied, with, from what I
counted, 130 Black Dragons!!! Since the castle is only reachable by Dimension
Door or Summon Boat, not all your heroes will be able to reach it. This battle
will be all about building super-powerful armies to defeat another
super-powerful army. I'm not going to get specific, but take as much time as
you need to build up your big army and defeat the castle.


This campaign was pretty long and pretty boring. It took me about
535 days, and I got a rating of Genie.



After voyaging to the outer islands of the kingdom, your ship has been
wrecked by a massive storm. You must find a way to journey back to the
mainland. On your return, you find a civil war has started, and you must choose
which side to join.

Stranded ---> Pirate Isles -----------> King And Country
\-----> Blood Is Thicker

{{{ Stranded }}}

Phase 1

Since Gallavant doesn't start with a town, you immediately have to get
one. Head east and beat the Rocs, and then continue east until you reach the
castle. Take it over. You shouldn't have lost many units at all, maybe one War
Troll. If you've lost more than that, you might want to start the scenario over
again. Beat the Halflings and the Sprites for some money and a Wood Sawmill.
You will only want to invest in Ogre Lords and Wolves, and Orc Chieftains if
you have enough money left over. Once you get some Wolves and Orc Chieftains,
attack the Orc Chief in front of the Ore mine.

Phase 2

During Week 2, you should head south and start attacking the stacks that
protect the Orange player. They are tough, so be prepared before you go. As
soon as the stacks are gone, hell probably attack you if he's strong enough.
Try to get Wolves and Ogre Lords, and if you have enough resources, Trolls or
War Trolls. After defeating the stacks, immediately attack the hero, and then
the castle on the same turn if you can.

Phase 3

You're going to have a tough fight with the Red player, so you'll have to
be prepared. Try to get all and any resources on your island, and upgrade your
castle's to produce Cyclops. Also flag the gold mine, and make a ship to get to
the Red island.

Set out for the Red island if you think you can defeat 16 Cyclops plus
lots of Ogres and War Trolls. See if you can get some basic magic spells to
help you, because you are going to need every advantage you can get. Take
another week if you don't think you're strong enough yet, and good luck with
the fight.

{{{ Pirate Isles }}}

Phase 1

Your first priority is to upgrade your town into a castle. Once that is
done, buy another hero, and grab the Lighthouse above your castle. You're going
to need it, with all the sailing you are going to do. On the next day, take
Gallavant to the Water Elemental summoning altars, and grab as many as
possible. Put your other hero in a boat, and sail him around the ocean,
grabbing as many resources as possible. Try to avoid battles, because they will
just waste your troops and energy. Send Gallavant to the upper right-hand
corner, where two castles are located, one which is Pirate's Cove. If you think
you can take the castle west of Pirate's Cove at the moment, do it. Otherwise,
wait a week, and when that week is done, move to Phase 2 of my guide.
Otherwise, take the western castle, and buy as many heroes as possible. If you
have spare money, upgrade Gallavant's troops and buy more if needed.

Phase 2

Now with your heroes and Gallavant's armies, attack Pirate's Cove with as
many heroes as possible, all in the same turn. This will drain the enemy hero's
spell points, making it much easier for a victory when Gallavant attacks. When
you've used all your heroes, finally attack the castle using Gallavant IN THE
SAME TURN. Otherwise, his spell points will return, and all will be for naught.
I waited a little bit longer to build up armies, because I always enjoy a
resounding victory then one which I won by a hair.

{{{ King And Country }}}

This is the "good" end scenario, with Gallavant joining the side of good to get
rid of the evil Necromancers

Phase 1

You start out with two heroes: Lord Alberon and Gallavant. Since you can't
lose Gallavant, I would suggest having Alberon as your "fighting" hero and
Gallavant as the troop transferrer, transferring troops between your castle and
Alberon. Your first priority is to make Rangers, the only ranged unit you will
receive with the Knight castle. They are the most important units, and should
be protected at all costs. Anyway, you may want to keep one slot free on
Alberon, because a lot of wandering stacks tend to join him. With your army,
now you have to choose which stack you will fight: Vampire Lords or Rocs. I
choose the Vampire Lords, because the Crusader does more damage against the

Phase 2

Build a second castle so you can get some more money for troops in your
first castle. Move Alberon northeast and you should come to another blocked
road: Genies on one and Phoenixes in another. I choose the Genies because the
Phoenixes were just too strong. Now you come to a clearing, with a lot of
artifacts protected by a lot of monsters. Your best bet is to get the artifacts
that increase Attack and Defense, since Alberon isn't a magic-using hero. Now
you're going to wait it out for two weeks, to get your armies stronger for the
tough fights ahead.

Phase 3

Now that Alberon is uber-powerful from all the armies he got from his
castles, it's time to charge ahead and attack. Now the most disputed spot on
the map are the six Sorceress towns in the middle. If you want, wait for a hero
to come down, attack him, and follow his trail back up to his castle. There are
A LOT of castles, so this may take a while. Just take your time, expect to lose
and regain castles, and eventually you will have victory over all!


It took me 3 weeks after this to have complete victory with this
ending. I got a rating of Phoenix with 81 days.

{{{ Blood Is Thicker }}}

This is the "evil" end scenario with Gallavant and his sister
Drakonia rebelling against Lord Alberon

Phase 1

Since you don't want to lose Gallavant, Drakonia will be your main
fighting force while Gallavant is a scout-troop transferor. First give all the
available troops inside Spirit City to Drakonia, and then have Gallavant drop
the Archers and Peasants and grab one Skeleton and a Spell Book. Next, grab the
gold mine north of the city, and try to capture the Necromancer town west of
the city. Grab the Vampire Lords from the town, and then head northwest towards
the Barbarians.

Phase 2

First thing is first. Grab the sawmill south of the Barbarian castle
Frozenpeak, and then capture the castle east of Frozenpeak with
Drakonia. Build some Barbarian heroes from there. Have Gallavant head to
the Hut Of The Magi southwest from Spirit City. Also, try to build a
Laboratory in Spirit City as soon as possible.

Phase 3

Once Drakonia is outfitted with all new armies, head west and capture
another Necromancer town. Then start going after Red and Blue. In the middle of
the map, there is a clump of Sorceress towns. Take one of your Barbarian heroes
and start attacking. You should be able to grab a few before you take heavy
losses. Then take Drakonia and north to try and fight blue, while my Barbarian
hero headed southeast to fight Red.

The Barbarian hero should finish up Red, and if Gallavant has been
collecting armies on the side, now is a good time to use them. Head north
towards the four blue Knight castles with all three of your heroes. Just start
attacking, and you should overpower them in the end. Victory is yours!


I found this scenario to be a bit harder than the "good" one. It
took me 95 days to finish the campaign, with a rating of Green Dragon.



I.) Appendix A 004


A1.) Artifact Listing 041

Ammo Cart - Endless ammunition for range strike units
Ankh - Doubles effectiveness of Resurrect,Resurrect True and Animate
Dead spells
Arcane Necklace of Magic - Increases Spell Power by 4
Arm Of The Martyr - Increases Spell Power by 3, but there are no longer any
morale bonuses or penalties on the hero's army (E)
Armored Gauntlets of Protection - Increases Defense Skill by 1
Ballista of Quickness - Catapult fires twice per turn
Battle Garb Of Anduran - Combines the powers of all the Anduran artifacts,
gives the hero maximum luck and morale, and teaches
him the Town Portal spell (E)
Black Pearl - Increases Spell Power and Knowledge by 2
Book of Elements - Doubles effectiveness of summoning spells
Breastplate Of Anduran - Increases Defense Skill by 5 (E)
Brooch Of Shielding - Armaggedon and Elemental Storm do half damage, but
Spell Power is decreased by 3 (E)
Caster's Bracelet of Magic - Increases Spell Power by 2
Crystal Ball - Lets you gather more specific information on opposing heroes,
wandering stacks, and opposing towns or castles (E)
Defender Helm of Protection - Increases Defense Skill by 1
Divine Breastplate of Protection - Increases Defense Skill by 3
Dragon Sword of Dominion - Increases Attack Skill by 3
Elemental Ring - Halves the casting cost of summoning spells
Enchanted Hourglass - Extends the duration of spells by 2 turns
Endless Bag of Gold - Produces 750 gold every day
Endless Cart of Ore - Produces 1 unit of ore every day
Endless Cord of Wood - Produces 1 unit of wood every day
Endless Pouch of Crystal - Produces 1 unit of crystal every day
Endless Pouch of Gems - Produces 1 unit of gems per day
Endless Pouch of Sulfur - Produces 1 unit of sulfur every day
Endless Purse of Gold - Produces 500 gold every day
Endless Sack of Gold - Produces 1000 gold every day
Endless Vial of Mercury - Produces 1 unit of mercury every day
Evercold Icicle - The hero's cold spells do 50% more damage
Everhot Lava Rock - The hero's fire spells do 50% more damage
Evil Eye - Reduces the casting cost of Curse and Mass Curse by half.
Fire Cloak - Halves the damage the army take from fire spells.
Fizbin of Misfortune - Greatly decreases morale.
Foremost Scroll of Knowledge - Increases Knowledge by 5
Four-Leaf Clover - Increases luck during combat
Gamblers Luck Coin - Increases luck during combat
Giant Flail of Dominion - Increases Attack Skill by 1
Golden Bow - Halves the penalty of shooting past obstacles(castle walls)
Golden Goose - Produces 10,000 gold every day
Golden Horseshoe - Increases luck in combat
Gold Watch - Doubles the effectiveness of Hypnotize spells
Hideous Mask - No wandering armies will join your hero's army
Heart Of Fire - The hero's fire spells do 50% more damage, but the hero's
army receives double damage from cold spells (E)
Heart Of Ice - The hero's cold spells do 50% more damage, but the hero's army
receives double damage from fire spells (E)
Helm Of Anduran - Increases Spell Power by 5 (E)
Holy Hammer - Increases Attack Skill by 5 (E)
Holy Pendant - Army immune to the Curse and Mass Curse spells
Ice Cloak - Halves damage troops take from cold spells
Kinetic Pendant - Army immune to Paralyze spells
Legendary Scepter - Increases all attributes by 2 (E)
Lighting Helm - Halves the damage done by Lighting and Chain Lightning spells
Lightning Rod - Lightning spells do 50% more damage
Lucky Rabbit's Foot - Increases luck during combat
Mage's Ring of Power - Increases Spell Power by 2
Magic Book - Allows the casting of spells
Major Scroll of Knowledge - Increases Knowledge by 2
Medal of Courage - Increases morale
Medal of Distinction - Increases morale
Medal of Honor - Increases morale
Medal of Valor - Increases morale
Minor Scroll of Knowledge - Increases Knowledge by 2
Nomad Boots of Mobility - Increases movement on land
Pendant of Death - Army is immune to Holy Word and Holy Shout
Pendant of Free Will - Army is immune to Hypnotize spells
Pendant of Life - Army immune to Death Ripple and Death Wave
Power Axe of Dominion - Increases Attack Skill by 2
Power Ring - Regenerates 2 extra spell points per turn
Sailors' Astrolabe of Mobility - Increases movement on sea
Skullcap - Halves casting cost of mind-influencing spells (Hypnotize,Beserk)
Seeing Eye Pendant - Army is immune to Blind
Serenity Pendant - Army is immune to Beserk
Snake Ring - Halves the casting cost of Bless and Mass Bless
Spade Of Necromancy - Increases the hero's Necromancy skill (E)
Spell Scroll - Enables hero to cast a random spell (E)
Sphere Of Negation - Disables all spell casting in combat (E)
Spike Helm - Increases Attack and Defense Skill by 1
Spike Shield - Increases Attack and Defense Skill by 2
Staff Of Wizardry - Increases Spell Power by 5 (E)
Statesman's Quill - Reduces cost of surrender to 10% of the total cost of
stacks you have in your army
Stealth Shield of Protection - Increases Defense Skill by 2
Superior Scroll of Knowledge - Increases Knowledge by 4
Sword Of Anduran - Increases Attack Skill by 5 (E)
Tax Lien - Costs you 250 gold/day
Telescope - Increases terrain the hero reveals by 1 extra square
Thunder Mace of Dominion - Increases Attack Skill by 1
Traveler's Boots of Mobility - Increase your movement on land
True Compass of Mobility - Increases movement on land and sea
Ultimate Book of Knowledge - Increases Knowledge by 12
Ultimate Cloak of Protection - Increases Defense Skill by 12
Ultimate Crown - Increases all basic skills by 4
Ultimate Shield - Increases Attack and Defense Skill by 6
Ultimate Staff - Increases Spell Power and Knowledge by 6
Ultimate Sword of Dominion - Increases Attack Skill by 12
Ultimate Wand of Magic - Increases Spell Power by 12
Wand of Negation - Protects troops from Dispel Magic
White Pearl - Increases spell power and knowledge by 1
Witch's Broach of Magic - Increases Spell Power by 3
Wizard's Hat - Increases duration of the hero's spells by 10 turns

A2.)Spell Listing 042

| Level 1 |

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Blessed creatures inflict maximum damage
- Definitely a spell you want to use. Always put it on your long-range
units to inflict maximum damage at all times.
Rating: 3/12

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Adds +3 to the stack's Attack Skill
- A similar spell to Bless, but with less certain results. Use it on your
weaker stacks to make them a force to be reckoned with instead of just
ridiculed. A good target would be Sprites, because they cause a lot of
damage and the enemy can't retaliate.
Rating: 6/12

Cost: 6
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: Instant
- Removes all negative spells and heals 5x Spell Power in hit points
- A mediocre spell, but can be useful if you don't have Dispel Magic. The
curing of hit points isn't that great, but the removal of negative status
effects is. However, if you have Dispel Magic, it's useless because Dispel
Magic is cheaper.
Rating: 8/12

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Cursed creatures inflict minimum damage
- The opposite of Bless, this spell shouldn't be high on your priority list
to cast. Just wait until Mass Curse...
Rating: 7/12

>Dispel Magic
Cost: 5
Type: Combat
Target: 1 creature
Duration: Instant
- Removes all spells on a creature
- Definitely the most useful Level 1 spell, Dispel Magic will be extremely
important throughout the whole game. Whenever you're facing a bunch of
Swordsman with Dragon Slayer, Dispel Magic makes them just Swordsman
again, easy to kill with your Black Dragons. You have Curse put on your
best stack? Just dispel it. Definitely the one spell you want to have.
Rating: 1/12

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Adds +2 to the creature's Speed
- This is what you need to make your Ogre Lords and Steel Golems a true
force to be considered. A Slow unit can now reach the other side of the
battlefield in two turns. Now that shooter stack that was going to get a
few hits in is dead in two turns. You're definitely going to need this
spell, regardless of the type of army you have.
Rating: 2/12

>Magic Arrow
Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 10x Spell Power in damage to a single enemy stack
- Definitely not a good spell. Sure, it might help you finish off a weaker
stack, but once you get Lightning Bolt and Cold Ray, its almost useless.
Use it early in the game, but never late.
Rating: 10/12

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Shielded creatures take half damage from range strike attacks
- A spell that's only useful if the enemy has range attack stacks. If he
does, you definitely have a great advantage, as a huge stack of shooters
does only half as much damage. A good spell, especially for Titans!
Rating: 5/12

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Slowed creatures are reduced to half their normal speed
- The opposite of Haste, it's lost a lot of versatility compared to Haste.
Sure, flying stacks now can't reach your army in one movement, but that's
about all its good for. Unless you have an army almost full of shooters,
this isn't a very good spell.
Rating: 9/12

Cost: 3
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Increases a stack's Defense Skill by 3
- A very useful spell until you get Steelskin. This spell is better than
Shield because it helps defend against all attacks instead of just ranged
ones, and it also makes a Sprite stack about as strong as a Skeleton stack
in terms of Defense. It's probably going to be your most used spell until
you get Steelskin.
Rating: 4/12

>View Mines
Cost: 1
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Shows the location of all mines, and their controllers, on the World Map
- This spell has two uses instead of just one. First, it shows where mines
are for a resource that you might need(Sulfur for Warlocks,etc.). Also, it
is a valuable scouting tool for the early game, where you can see the
general area the enemy is by the flagged mines. Although useful, it gets a
low score due to its almost one-time use only.
Rating: 11/12

>View Resources
Cost: 1
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Shows the location of all remaining resources on the map in World View
- Ugh, what a crap spell. Why would you use it? Almost completely
worthless, unless you can't find any mines at all and you need a specific
resource, which almost never happens. What a waste.
Rating: 12/12

| Level 2 |

Cost: 6
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Blinded creatures cannot take action until attacked and retaliate with
half strength
- A very valuable spell, this enables you to effectively take a stack out of
the fight until you're good and ready to fight them. Shooting stacks are
disabled during castle sieges, and so are flying stacks. A good but very
cheap strategy is to Blind for one round. Next round, attack the stack
with your fastest unit, and since the stack can only retaliate at half
damage, you're fine. Blind the stack again, and continue until the enemy
stack is dead or you run out of mana :)
Rating: 1/11

>Cold Ray
Cost: 6
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 20x Spell Power in cold damage to a single enemy stack
- A direct offensive spell that should almost never be used. Why? Because
Lightning Bolt is better, and it only cost one Mana Point more. If you
have Lightning Bolt, what's the use of this ? Still, if you don't have
Lightning Bolt, this spell is OK, and can be useful against Fire
Elementals. Otherwise, keep away.
Rating: 5/11

>Death Ripple
Cost: 6
Type: Combat
Target: All living creatures
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 5x Spell Power in death magic to all non-undead creatures
- A more useful spell than Holy Word, because there are 5 times as many
living creatures as undead creatures. The Necromancer's best friend, it
weakens creatures enough for Vampire Lords to start stealing life away.
A useful spell that will be forgotten as soon as you get Death Wave.
Rating: 7/11

>Disrupting Ray
Cost: 7
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: Combat
- Reduces Defense of target stack by 3. A creature can be affected multiple
times by this spell.
- Definitely a good spell to use against all strong stacks, the most
important aspect of this spell is that it is cumulative. You can continue
to lower a creature's Defense until it reaches 0, making it easy to kill.
However, the high casting cost may limit the number of times you use this
spell in a single battle.
Rating: 4/11

>Dragon Slayer
Cost: 6
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Creature gains +5 to Attack against all Dragons
- The key to beating Black Dragons, this spell will make Dragons a
noticeably weaker force. However, it only affects Dragons, and can only
be cast on one ally at a time. This spell is useful for a game with
Warlocks and maybe Necromancers, but nothing else.
Rating: 8/11

Cost: 8
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 mine
Duration: Until defeated
- Deflags a mine and sets 4x Spell Power in Ghosts to protect it
- A kind of worthless spell, it can be useful early in the game, but you
usually haven't found the enemy that early unless you're playing on a
smaller map. It doesn't flag the mine for yourself, but only stops the
opposing player(s) from using it. Can be useful if the resource is key
to victory (Sulfur for Warlocks). Altogether a very mediocre spell.
Rating: 10/11

>Lightning Bolt
Cost: 7
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy stack
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 25x Spell Power in electricity damage to a single enemy creature
- Probably going to be your main attack spell until the end game. It does
very good damage, and will take out weaker stacks in one shot. This spell
can only be beat by Chain Lighting. the true terror of armies everywhere.
Rating: 2/11

Cost: 6
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Adds +5 to the creature's Defense Skill
- A very nice defensive spell to protect your shooters or melee units going
into the thick of the other army. It gives a big boost to Defense that
will almost halve the damage of most enemy attacks. A very good strategy
is to use this on shooters during castle sieges so they don't take too
much damage from the garrison and tower.
Rating: 3/11

>Summon Boat
Cost: 5
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Summons nearest friendly, empty boat to caster's location
- A useful spell only on water-based maps. Unfortunately, you usually get it
on land-based ones. However, if you do get lucky enough to get one on a
water-based one, you have a definitive advantage over the enemy. Want to
explore different islands but only have one boat? Just bring one hero to
the island, have another hero Summon Boat, and now he can use it while the
other hero is exploring. I'm sure you can find many uses for this spell.
Rating: 9/11

>View Artifacts
Cost: 2
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Shows the location of all remaining artifacts on the World View
- Another worthless spell, unless you're dying for an artifact. However, the
artifacts are probably protected by a Black Dragon or such, so what's the
use in finding the really good artifacts? A waste of time.

Cost: 6
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 Wandering Stack(s)
Duration: Instant
- Gives relative strength of army and whether that army will offer to join
the hero
- A very nice spell when you want to get a stack but aren't sure of its
strength. Use it whenever you're unsure of fighting a stack, and see if
they can beat your army before you fight. A good spell that appears rarely
but should be used frequently.
Rating: 6/11

| Level 3 |

>Animate Dead
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: Killed undead
Duration: Permanent
- Regrows 50x Spell Power in hit points of killed undead
- A Necromancer's wet dream, this can make your army last so much longer.
And the effects don't just last the battle, they are permanent. So you
just lost 200 Skeletons to some Black Dragons. Use the spell and you'll
probably get them all back if your Spell Power is above 5.However, the
only con to this spell is that it only affects undead, so if your army is
living then this spell is worthless.
Rating: 5/16

Cost: 7
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Creature gains immunity to all magic
- Very, very nice. This spell is most useful for when you're using
Armageddon and Elemental Storm, or when you want to protect a particular
unit from Blind or Paralyze. You'll want to use this spell a lot,
especially near the end game when the spellcasters go on suicide runs with
Armageddon. Just get a very fast unit and cast it before the enemy can.
Also, the suicide run doesn't have to be suicide with Anti-Magic. Just
cast Anti-Magic one turn and Armageddon the next. The best spell out of
them all.
Rating: 1/16

>Cold Ring
Cost: 9
Type: Combat
Target: 6 hexes
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 10x Spell Power in cold damage to the adjacent hexes of the
target hex
- The same thing as Fireball, only with cold damage instead of fire. There
is only one good reason to use this spell, which is when one of your
stacks(usually shooter) is surrounded by enemies on all sides. This
usually happens when you are facing a large army of flying enemies. Even
though this is useful, it doesn't do that much damage, so use it as
desperation spell if anything.
Rating: 12/16

>Death Wave
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: All living creatures
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 10x Spell Power in damage to all non-undead creatures
- A very nice Necromancer spell, this spell can be a big help when you're
facing a large amount of living enemies. You can do, on a smaller scale,
suicide runs with this spell. Just have Necromancers attack the opposing
army, cast Death Wave, and then die. While it doesn't do a lot of damage,
the number of enemies it can attack is very important.
Rating: 8/16

Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: N/A
Duration: Instant
- Damages all castle walls during siege combat
- Not a bad spell, just has a limited use and high mana cost. I only use it
if I'm playing with a pure Magic hero, who isn't very likely to get a high
Attack Skill or the Ballistics skill. Use it when you need it, but make
sure you have enough mana left over for more magic attacks.
Rating: 13/16

Cost: 9
Type: Combat
Target: 7 hexes
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 10x Spell Power in fire damage to the target hex and each
adjacent hex
- The same thing as Cold Ring, except it is fire damage and that it also
affects the target hex. Not really the best spell because it does low
damage, but it's better than Cold Ring.
Rating: 11/16

>Holy Word
Cost: 9
Type: Combat
Target: All undead creatures
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 10x Spell Power in holy damage to all undead creatures
- While this spell looks useful, it's really a much lower-rated spell than
Death Wave or Ripple because there are about 5 times more undead creatures
than living. You waste a spell slot if the map doesn't have a Necromancer,
because that's the only thing its good against. Even if there is a
Necromancer, this spell usually only comes to Knights, and they aren't the
best spellcaster. Not much of a spell, but can be useful at times.
Rating: 14/16

>Identify Hero
Cost: 3
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 enemy hero
Duration: 1 day
- Allows you to view an enemy hero's statistics and army size
- This is probably the worst spell of the set, but it's a good set, so it
isn't that bad. It just can't compare to the other spells. While useful
when you're about to siege a castle or spot a wandering hero, its not very
useful otherwise. So while it's an ok spell, it just can't compare to the
other spells in the set.
Rating: 16/16

>Mass Bless
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Blessed creatures inflict maximum damage
- While all the Mass spells are very good, this is definitely up there with
Mass Haste. With all your creatures doing max damage, a mediocre army can
become unstoppable. Combined with a high Attack Skill, beating any enemy
can become easy. A very good spell.
Rating: 6/16

>Mass Curse
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Cursed creatures inflict minimum damage in combat
- The opposite of Mass Bless, this one is right there with it. However, I
found Mass Curse to not be as effective as Mass Bless, and I prefer to use
Mass Bless more so. However, it's a matter of personal preference, so you
Rating: 7/16

>Mass Dispel
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: All creatures
Duration: Instant
- Removes all spells from all creatures
- While this spell sounds very useful, it's not really. The catch is all
creatures, meaning any beneficial spells for your troops or offensive
spells for the enemy are also dispelled. For example, you cast Dragon
Slayer on your Unicorn stack, and then the enemy casts Mass Bless. You
cast Mass Dispel to get rid of it, but the Unicorns no longer have an
advantage. While a good spell, its not a good spell for all situations.
Rating: 9/16

>Mass Haste
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Adds +2 to allies' Speed
- A great spell, this can turn a Barbarian army into a literal killing
machine. Now any army can cross the screen in three or less turns, and
you'll get in a lot more hits before the enemy gets to strike. A great
spell to cast at the beginning of any important battle.
Rating: 2/16

Cost: 9
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Paralyzed creatures cannot take action until attacked, and cannot
- Would be the best spell in the set if not for the high mana cost for a
single unit. I found this spell to be the most useful way to completely
remove creatures from battle, and there is a very cheap strategy but also
very effective way to beat even the strongest of stacks. Take a
spellcaster with a high Knowledge skill and two or more stacks, but there
has to be one fast and above stack and one ultra-slow stack, such as
Hydras or Ogres. Cast Paralyze on the most dangerous stack, and fight the
other stacks without worrying about it. If the other spellcaster casts
Dispel Magic, just cast it again at the end of the round with your slowest
unit. When it comes time to fight him, cast Paralyze, attack with your
fastest unit, then recast Paralyze at the start of the next round.
Continue until the stack is dead:)
Rating: 3/16

Cost: 9
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: Instant
- Instantly moves any friendly creature to any unoccupied hex
- Extremely useful with Hydras, Ogre Lords, and castle sieges. This
effectively nullifies the melee advantage the defender has in a castle,
and now any creature can reach the shooter stacks in one turn. Also, this
spell can be used for avoiding slow units while your turrets and garrison
destroy it while it's chasing after you. However, this strategy isn't as
useful as it used to be in HOMM, as catapults will destroy the turrets and
garrison eventually.
Rating: 4/16

>View Heroes
Cost: 2
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Shows the location and color of all heroes in the World View
- A very useful spell that should be and can be cast every turn due to low
mana cost. Its a cheap and effective way to check and see if any enemy
heroes are coming, their general location, who to attack,etc. It has a
myriad of uses, and is so far my favorite Adventure-type spell.
Rating: 10/16

>View Towns
Cost: 2
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Shows the location and color of all towns in the World View
- The worst spell in the set, but this isn't a real bad set. It can be
useful, but usually isn't. It does show the all the towns and castles on
the map, which can be useful at the beginning of the game, but does lose
its usefulness over the course of the game.
Rating: 16/16

| Level 4 |

Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy
Duration: 1 attack
- Berserk creatures will randomly attack the nearest stack
- This spell can be useful, but I wished it lasted longer. One attack can do
some damage, especially if you cast it on a high-level stack, but one
attack is still one attack, and the higher mana cost doesn't let you cast
it that often. The best strategy is to cast it on some powerful stack next
to a more dangerous stack. For example, most people put Ogres next to Orcs
or Trolls because they don't have good movement and can defend the shooter
stack from most flying units. However, cast Berserk on the stack, and
watch that shooter stack take a whole lot of damage:) However, be careful
that your stack isn't the closest to the stack you cast Berserk on, or the
Berserker stack will still attack your stack.
Rating: 5/16

>Chain Lightning
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: Special
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 40x Spell Power in electricity damage, then half that damage to
nearest creature, until four creatures are hit
- The one spell you'll want to use in almost every major fight. Cast this
one at the beginning of battle, and watch the enemy units drop :)
Extremely damaging, especially to the first unit, and also does damage to
the surrounding units. There are only two disadvantages to this spell: you
can hit your own units, especially in melee combat, and Dragons. This
spell loses its awesomeness after the first turn or so, because if there
are no enemy units close enough to the initial target, the lightning bolt
is going to hit your own unit. Also, Dragons really mess up this spell,
because the lightning bolt won't hit the Dragons, but your own army.
Overall though, this spell is the best one out of the set, and perhaps the
best offensive spell in the game.
Rating: 1/16

Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: 19 hexes
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 10x Spell Power in fire damage to the target hex, and the 18
adjacent hexes
- This isn't a bad spell at all, just outclassed by Chain Lightning. While
the range is amazing, the damage isn't good at all. Also, it will probably
hit your units in the process. However, if you didn't get Chain Lightning
and you need an offensive spell, this is the one.
Rating: 10/16

>Holy Shout
Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: All undead creatures
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 20x Spell Power in holy damage to all undead creatures
- Here's a spell you're not going to get a lot of use out of. Holy Shout,
while definitely better than Holy Word, is also a Level 4 spell. This
means by now you have better spells to deal with the undead by now, which
do more damage. Also, Holy Shout usually only appears in Knight or Wizard
castles, so if you are a different hero, you're probably out of luck.
Rating: 11/16

>Mass Cure
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: Instant
- Removes all negative spells and heals 5x Spell Power in hit points
- Here's a pretty nice spell when you get hit by Mass Slow or Curse.
However, it doesn't really heal that many hit points, and the mana cost
is a bit high. Just use it when you need it, but save some points for more
potent spells.
Rating: 8/16

>Mass Shield
Cost: 7
Type: Combat
Target: All allies
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Shielded creatures take half damage from ranged attacks
- This spell is good in multi-player, but not so good in single-player. Why?
When you play single player, doesn't every ranged attacker always aim for
your shooter stack first, then your flying one, and just works it way
down? All you really need is one shield for your shooter stack, and that's
it. However, for multi-player, this spell becomes more effective because a
human opponent will aim for any stack.
Rating: 9/16

>Mass Slow
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: All enemies
Duration: 1 round/Spell Power
- Slowed creatures are reduced to half their normal speed
- This spell is perhaps the best spell to use during castle sieges and
versus flying units. Why? This spell stops flying units from reaching your
shooting units in one turn. This gives you a definitive advantage over all
flying units, because no longer will they be made useless by a flying
stack. Cast this spell during castle sieges, and watch as your tower and
turrets decimate the enemy. This spell really doesn't have any
disadvantages. Use it almost every battle, and it's a cakewalk.
Rating: 2/16

>Meteor Shower
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: 7 hexes
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 25x Spell Power in damage to the target hex and each adjacent hex
- Here's a spell that's good in some situations, but mostly its not. While
the damage is excellent, and so is the adjacent hex targeting, usually the
computer spreads his or her units, or places them closer to yours, so
you'll probably hurt your own units when you cast this spell. While it can
be useful in some situations, I usually don't use this spell very much.
Rating: 6/12

Cost: 12
Type: Combat
Target: Killed creatures
Duration: Combat
- Regrows 50x Spell Power in hit points of killed units
- I love this spell, period(until I get Resurrection True). If you have
enough spell points, and enough Spell Power, your battles can last for
long periods of time. I've defeated Dragons with just this spell and a
handful of Pikemen and Swordsmen. As soon as a unit goes down, bring him
back up. However, the spell has its disadvantages. If you're facing more
than one powerful stack, they might be able to defeat your army before you
can cast the spell. Also, they don't affect Dragons, due to their magic
immunity. However, this spell is great for all the tough battles you'll
face later in the game.
Rating: 3/16

>Set Air Guardian
Cost: 15
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 mine
Duration: Until defeated
- Sets 4x Spell Power in Air Elementals to guard the mine
- I dislike using this spell to the weak power of it. It does protect you
from scouting heroes who just grab your mine and run away with weak
armies, but when you finally get this spell, it's doubtful there are any
more weak heroes left. I'll use it when there are a lot of players in the
game, but I try to avoid it, and cringe when I get it for a level four
Rating: 16/16

>Set Earth Guardian
Cost: 15
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 mine
Duration: Until defeated
- Sets 4x Spell Power in Earth Elementals to guard the mine
- See Set Air Guardian
Rating: 13/16

>Set Fire Guardian
Cost: 15
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 mine
Duration: Until defeated
- Sets 4x Spell Power in Fire Elementals to guard the mine
- See Set Air Guardian
Rating: 14/16

>Set Water Guardian
Cost: 15
Type: Adventure
Target: 1 mine
Duration: Until defeated
- Sets 4x Spell Power in Fire Elementals to guard the mine
- See Set Air Guardian
Rating: 15/16

Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: All creatures
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 25x Spell Power in damage to all creatures
- If anyone played the first game, you might remember the suicide Armageddon
runs. Basically, once you had Armageddon in your mage guild, and you had a
lot of gold you just made a lot of heroes. When an enemy came your way,
you just attacked them and then casted Armageddon in battle. This wore
down the enemy, and maybe even killed him. Anyway, you can't do that
anymore due to the Wisdom restriction on that spell, but you can cast
Storm with a beginning Wizard hero. While not as powerful as Armageddon,
it gets the job done. Make lots of spell-casting heroes with one very fast
unit in his/her army, and just suicide run.
Rating: 4/16

>Town Gate
Cost: 10
Type: Adventure
Target: Hero
Duration: Instant
- Teleports hero to nearest friendly town
- Quite a nice adventure spell that's useful throughout most of the game.
Whenever an enemy comes near to your town, just Town Gate back. If you
need to grab some new armies, just Town Gate. However, Town Gate, unlike
Town Portal, only sends you to the nearest town, and not any town you own.
This has its disadvantages, especially when you reach a town you didn't
want to reach, and the enemy takes over the other one. However, you'll use
this one a lot, unless you're lucky enough to get Town Portal.
Rating: 7/16

>View All
Cost: 3
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Combines all the previous View spells, and shows the entire map in the
World View
- A good spell that just comes too late to be effective. By the time you get
this spell, the map will usually have been fully explored, unless you are
on an extra-large map. I use it though, to spot any mines I might need, or
resources I need to build the next level of my Mage Guild. Otherwise, it's
just too little, too late.
Rating: 12/16

| Level 5 |

Cost: 20
Type: Combat
Target: All creatures
Duration: Instant
- Inflicts 50x Spell Power in damage to all creatures
- The most powerful spell in the game, period. However, this spell works
against you as well as for you, unless you have Dragons or Anti-Magic cast
on one of your units. You used to be able to make suicide runs with this
spell back in HOMM, but now you have to learn Expert Wisdom first. You can
still probably do suicide runs by making Wizard heroes and you have a
Gazebo(+1000 exp) nearby. Just visit the Gazebo, level up, learn Expert
Wisdom, and then go do a suicide run. A great spell that will decimate the
Rating: 2/10

>Dimension Door
Cost: 10
Type: Combat
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Teleports the hero to an unoccupied visible location
- Would be an amazing spell if it weren't so random. It teleports you to a
random visible spot on the map, and you can do it as many times as you
want as long as you have spell points. However, where it brings you is
random, so it can actually set you back a couple of spots or put you right
next to an enemy. However, when a powerful enemy comes near, I use this
spell a lot, to try to get away as quick as I can. Since it doesn't use
movement points, I can still move even farther away. A nice spell for
Rating: 5/10

Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: 1 enemy stack
Duration: 1 round
- Takes control of the enemy stack if the stack's Hit Points are less than
25x Spell Power of the hero.
- This spell is useless, no doubt about it. When you reach the stage in the
game when you can use this spell, almost no stacks are weak enough to use
this spell, and it only lasts 1 round ! If I want control of an enemy,
I'll use Berserk, and watch the mayhem, not this spell. What a waste.
Rating: 10/10

>Mirror Image
Cost: 25
Type: Combat
Target: 1 ally
Duration: Combat
- Duplicates one of your stacks. The image is dispelled if it takes any
- A very nice spell when you're not in a castle siege or fighting a lot of
long-range units. I personally like to cast it on my ranged units and get
two hits in. Also, this spell can be used to draw a hit from a powerful
creature, so your stack doesn't take as much damage.
Rating: 4/10

>Resurrection True
Cost: 15
Type: Combat
Target: Killed creatures
Duration: Permanent
- Regrows 50x Spell Power in hit points of killed units
- I have played one game on the Internet before, but never again because it
took too long and was boring. Anyway, it was a 2 vs. 2 match, and my
partner and I had already defeated one of the enemy, and were slowly
advancing on the last one. I was scouting around with my strongest hero,
flagging mines, when I spotted one of the enemy's heroes, looking very
weak. I attacked him, and it look like I won from the outset. All he had
were a few Cyclops and War Trolls, and my Titans and Archmages looked
pretty intimidating. Anyway, I took some damage, and then killed his
Cyclops stack. However, he resurrected the whole stack again, and killed
off my Archmages. I was shocked, for he must have had an amazing level of
Spell Power. However, I persisted and finally killed his War Trolls. He
then resurrected them too in full. I realized I could never beat him, and
retreated. It hit me then that this spell was unbelievably powerful, as
you can see in the example above. When you get this spell, consider
yourself a lucky man.
Rating: 3/10

>Summon Air Elements
Cost: 30
Type: Combat
Target: N/A
Duration: Combat
- Summons 3x Spell Power in Air Elementals
- I never really liked summoning Elementals, because by the time you get
this spell, they aren't that powerful. They might help you survive an
extra turn or so, but that's about it. Also, the cost is extremely high,
which I hate. Use only when you're desperate, and you need an extra turn
or two to cast Armageddon or something that will turn the tide of battle.
Rating: 9/10

>Summon Earth Elementals
Cost: 30
Type: Combat
Target: N/A
Duration: Combat
- Summons 3x Spell Power in Earth Elementals
- See Summon Air Elemental
Rating: 6/10

>Summon Fire Elemental
Cost: 30
Type: Combat
Target: N/A
Duration: Combat
- Summons 3x Spell Power in Fire Elementals
- See Summon Air Elemental
Rating: 7/10

>Summon Water Elemental
Cost: 30
Type: Combat
Target: N/A
Duration: Combat
- Summons 3x Spell Power in Water Elementals
- See Summon Air Elemental
Rating: 8/10

>Town Portal
Cost: 20
Type: Adventure
Target: N/A
Duration: N/A
- Teleports hero to any friendly town
- This is the spell that ends the game. You can teleport from town to town,
picking up all the powerful armies. An enemy nearby your town? Just
teleport to the town, and wreck him. With this spell, you'll be an
unstoppable force. However, it's quite rare, so good luck getting it. I
got it once, and I finished the scenario 10 minutes later:)
Rating: 1/10


II.)Appendix B 005


B1.) Movement Bonuses And Penalties* 051

No PF Bas.PF Adv.PF Exp.PF
Desert | 200 175 150 100 |
Swamp | 175 150 125 100 |
Snow | 175 150 125 100 |
Cracked | 125 100 100 100 |
Beach | 125 100 100 100 |
Lava | 100 100 100 100 |
Water | 100 100 100 100 |
Dirt | 100 100 100 100 |
Grass | 75 75 75 75 |

PF = Pathfinding

- These numbers represent your movement on different terrain. 100 is a normal
pace with no bonuses or penalties. 200 is double, so it eats up more
movement points, making you cover less ground each turn. Pathfinding can
make any terrain easy to pass through, especially once it reaches Expert

B2.) Hero Types* 052

Barbarian | 3 1 1 1 |
Knight | 2 2 1 1 |
Necromancer | 1 0 2 2 |
Sorceress | 0 0 2 3 |
Warlock | 0 0 3 2 |
Wizard | 0 1 2 2 |

Starting Bonuses
Barbarian - Advanced Pathfinding
Knight - Basic Ballistics and Basic Leadership
Necromancer - Basic Wisom and Basic Necromancy, Spellbook w/ Haste
Sorceress - Basic Wisdom and Advanced Navigation, Spellbook w/ Bless
Warlock - Basic Wisdom and Advanced Scouting, Spellbook w/ Curse
Wizard - Advanced Wisom, Spellbook w/ Stoneskin

ATK. - Attack
DEF. - Defense
POW. - Spell Power
KNO. - Knowledge

- All stats are for all beginning heroes of that type. However, experience
level and creatures the heroes have will differ from hero to hero.

B3.) Secondary Skill Chart* 053

Archery - Increases the damage done by the hero's range strike units

Basic: +10% more damage
Advanced: +25% more damage
Expert: +50% more damage

Ballistics - In a siege, the catapult's shots,damage, and accuracy are

Basic: 1 shot + extra damage
Advanced: 2 shots + extra damage
Expert: 2 shots + maximum damage

Diplomacy - Allows the hero to bribe army camps. The higher the skill, the
more that join

Basic: 25% join
Advanced: 50% join
Expert: 100% join

Eagle Eye - Gives the hero a chance to learn a spell cast by an enemy hero

Basic: 20% chance, up to 2nd level spells
Advanced: 30% chance, up to 3rd level spells
Expert: 40% chance, up to 4th level spells

Estates - The hero begins to generate money

Basic: 100 gold/day
Advanced: 250 gold/day
Expert: 500 gold/day

Leadership - Grants the hero a bonus to morale

Basic: +1 morale
Advanced: +2 morale
Expert: +3 morale

Logistics - Gives the hero extra land movement

Basic: +10% movement
Advanced: +20% movement
Expert: +30% movement

Luck - Grants the hero a bonus to luck

Basic: +1 luck
Advanced: +2 luck
Expert: +3 luck

Mysticism - Increases the rate per turn that a hero regenerates spell points

Basic: 2 spell points/turn
Advanced: 3 spell points/turn
Expert: 4 spell points/turn

Navigation - Increases the hero's movement on water

Basic: +50% movement
Advanced: +100% movement
Expert: +150% movement

Necromancy - Animates a portion of the units you killed in battle as
Skeletons when you win

Basic: 10% of killed units
Advanced: 20% of killed units
Expert: 30% of killed units

Pathfinding - Reduces the movement penalty of the hero over rough terrain

Basic: Reduces penalty 25%
Advanced: Reduces penalty 50%
Expert: Reduces penalty 100%

Scouting - Increases the visibility radius of the hero on the Adventure

Basic: +1 square
Advanced: +2 squares
Expert: +3 squares

Wisdom - Allows the hero to learn higher than 2nd level spells

Basic: 3rd level spells
Advanced: 4th level spells
Expert: 5th level spells

B4.) Secondary Skill Advancement Probabilities* 054

B K N S Wa Wi
Archery | 3 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 |
Ballistics | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
Diplomacy | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Eagle Eye | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Estates | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Leadership | 3 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Logistics | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Luck | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
Mysticism | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 |
Navigation | 3 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 |
Necromancy | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Pathfinding | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Scouting | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
Wisdom | 1 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 |

B - Barbarian
K - Knight
N - Necromancer
S - Sorceress
Wa - Warlock
Wi - Wizard

- Each skill has a different chance to be learned by each hero type. It's
rated on a 0 to 5 scale, with 5 being you will have a chance to learn that
skill almost every level-up and a 0 meaning that hero type will never learn
that skill.

B5.) Primary Skill Advancement Probabilities* 055

Barbarian 2-9 | 55% 35% 5% 5% |
Barbarian 10+ | 30% 30% 20% 20% |
Knight 2-9 | 35% 45% 10% 10% |
Knight 10+ | 25% 25% 25% 25% |
Necromancer 2-9 | 15% 15% 35% 35% |
Necromancer 10+ | 25% 25% 25% 25% |
Sorceress 2-9 | 10% 10% 30% 50% |
Sorceress 10+ | 20% 20% 30% 30% |
Warlock 2-9 | 10% 10% 50% 30% |
Warlock 10+ | 20% 20% 30% 30% |
Wizard 2-9 | 10% 10% 40% 40% |
Wizard 10+ | 20% 20% 30% 30% |

ATK - Attack Skill
DEF - Defense Skill
POW - Spell Power
KNO - Knowledge

- This chart shows the probabilities that a hero will go up in a primary
skill each time they level up. 50% means about half the time a hero levels
up, he'll go up in that skill. Once you reach higher levels, the
percentages level out so there is an almost equal chance that you will go
up in any of the four primary skills.


* - Taken from the manual of Heroes Of Might And Magic Compendium


III.)Appendix C 006


C1.) Creature Statistics 061


Atk. - Attack HP - Hit Points
Def. - Defense Spd. - Speed
Dam. - Damage Sht. - Number of shots, if applicable
Cost - Cost for one unit

Speed Key Resources Key
----------- --------------
Vsl - Very Slow M - Mercury
Slo - Slow C - Crystal
Avg - Average G - Gems
Fas - Fast S - Sulfur
Vfa - Very Fast
Ufa - Ultra Fast


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Goblin | 3 | 1 | 1-2 | 40 | 3 | Avg | 0 |
Orc | 3 | 4 | 2-3 | 140 | 10 | Vsl | 8 |
Orc Chieftan | 3 | 4 | 3-4 | 175 | 15 | Slo | 16 |
Wolf | 6 | 2 | 3-5 | 200 | 20 | Vfa | 20 |
Ogre | 9 | 5 | 4-6 | 300 | 40 | Vsl | 0 |
Ogre Lord | 9 | 5 | 5-7 | 500 | 60 | Avg | 0 |
Troll | 10 | 5 | 5-7 | 600 | 40 | Avg | 8 |
War Troll | 10 | 5 | 7-9 | 700 | 40 | Fas | 16 |
Cyclops | 12 | 9 | 12-24 | 750 + 1C | 80 | Fas | 0 |

Special Skills

Wolf - Two atttacks in one round
Troll - Regenerates hit points
War Troll - Regenerates hit points
Cyclops - Attack affects 2 hexes, 20% chance to Paralyze creature

The Barbarian has always been my favorite hero. He is the true Might hero,
with very strong Attack and Defense skill, and little Spell Power and
Knowledge. His armies are very good also.

He starts off with some early power, especially Wolves and Goblins, and
continue to get better and better. They lack only two things: a lack of speed
and the weakest end monster. Otherwise, you are looking at pure power.
Barbarians have the best garrison unit, the Ogre Lord, which can stand up to
insane amounts of punishment, and the best mid-level range unit, the War Troll.
Also, Goblins and Wolves will make the gathering of resources early in the game
a breeze to get through. Definetly use the Barbarian if you dont mind the lack
of magic, and always be on the offensive.

Secondary Skill Suggestions
Logistics Ballistics


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Peasant | 1 | 1 | 1-1 | 20 | 1 | Vsl | 0 |
Archer | 5 | 3 | 2-3 | 150 | 10 | Vsl | 12 |
Ranger | 5 | 3 | 2-3 | 200 | 10 | Avg | 24 |
Pikeman | 5 | 9 | 3-4 | 200 | 15 | Avg | 0 |
Veteran Pikeman | 5 | 9 | 3-4 | 250 | 20 | Fas | 0 |
Swordsman | 7 | 9 | 4-6 | 250 | 25 | Avg | 0 |
Master Swordsman | 7 | 9 | 4-6 | 300 | 30 | Fas | 0 |
Calvary | 10 | 9 | 5-10 | 300 | 30 | Vfa | 0 |
Champion | 10 | 9 | 5-10 | 375 | 40 | Ufa | 0 |
Paladin | 11 | 12 | 10-20 | 600 | 50 | Fas | 0 |
Crusader | 11 | 12 | 10-20 | 1000 | 65 | Vfa | 0 |

Special Skills

Ranger - Two shots per turn
Paladin - Two attacks in one round
Crusader - Two attacks in one round, immune to Curse, x2 damage to undead

The Knight is only a good choice for two types of maps: Small or Very
Small maps, or maps with a Necromancer or Warlock to fight. The Knight has
plenty of cheap expendable units that will make it easy to build up a large
army quickly.

The Crusader is often considered the worst end monster, but his 2 attacks
mean he does 20-40 damage instead of the 10-20 posted. The Knight lacks flying
units and only has one range unit, so he is at a great disadvantage during
castle sieges. Buy your Knight a Spellbook, because he gets valuable spells
such as Holy Shout and Mass Haste which will make your fighting much more easy
in the Mage Guild.

Use the Knight only if the map meets the two requirements above, and
you'll easily beat any foe.

Secondary Skill Suggestions
Leadership Wisdom


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Skeleton | 4 | 3 | 2-3 | 75 | 4 | Avg | 0 |
Zombie | 5 | 2 | 2-3 | 150 | 15 | Vsl | 0 |
Mutant Zombie | 5 | 2 | 2-3 | 200 | 20 | Avg | 0 |
Mummy | 6 | 6 | 3-4 | 250 | 25 | Avg | 0 |
Royal Mummy | 6 | 6 | 3-4 | 300 | 30 | Fas | 0 |
Vampire | 8 | 6 | 5-7 | 500 | 30 | Avg | 0 |
Vampire Lord | 8 | 6 | 5-7 | 650 | 40 | Fas | 0 |
Lich | 7 | 12 | 8-10 | 750 | 25 | Fas | 12 |
Power Lich | 7 | 13 | 8-10 | 900 | 35 | Vfa | 24 |
Bone Dragon | 11 | 9 | 25-45 | 1500 | 150 | Avg | 0 |

Special Skills

Mummy - 20% chance to Curse enemy stack when it attacks
Royal Mummy - 30% chance to Curse enemy stack when it attacks
Vampire - Flies, enemy stacks attacked by Vampire cannot retailiate
Vampire Lord - Flies, enemy cannot retailiate, gain hits by dealing damage
Lich - Range attack affects adjacent hexes
Power Lich - Range attack affects adjacent hexes
Bone Dragon - Flies, lowers morale of all opposing creatures

The Necromancer is a mix between might and magic, and really belongs to
neither school. The Necromancer starts with a big advantage over all the other
heroes in the early game: Skeletons. You will use Skeletons as your main
offensive force throughout the whole game. The greatest sight a Necromancer can
see is a Throng of Peasants, and he has Expert Necromancy. Another extremely
good unit is the Vampire Lord. While their special skill isn't really useful
until you get a large number of them, it's almost impossible to stop them once
they reach a large number.

However, the Necromancer has some major disadvantages also. He really
lacks a good range unit, because the Lich has far too little hit points to be a
steady range unit. Also, Necromancers have neutral morale, and they are immune
to Bless, Curse, and mind-affecting spells. This has both good and bad points,
so you'll need to play with it a bit so it fits your playing style. I felt the
Bone Dragon's special skill was nothing to talk about, so the end monster is
mediocre at best. Otherwise, the Necromancer is an excellent hero who has to be
played carefully to wipe out the competition.

Secondary Skill Suggestions
Necromancy Mysticism


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Sprite | 4 | 2 | 1-2 | 50 | 2 | Avg | 0 |
Dwarf | 6 | 5 | 2-4 | 200 | 20 | Vsl | 0 |
Battle Dwarf | 6 | 6 | 2-4 | 250 | 20 | Avg | 0 |
Elf | 4 | 3 | 2-3 | 250 | 15 | Avg | 24 |
Grand Elf | 5 | 5 | 2-3 | 300 | 15 | Vfa | 24 |
Druid | 7 | 5 | 5-8 | 350 | 25 | Fas | 8 |
Greater Druid | 7 | 7 | 5-8 | 400 | 25 | Vfa | 16 |
Unicorn | 10 | 9 | 7-14 | 500 | 40 | Fas | 0 |
Phoenix | 12 | 10 | 20-40 | 1500 + 1M | 100 | Ufa | 0 |

Special Skills

Sprite - Flies, creatures attacked cannot retailiate
Dwarf - 25% Magic resistance
Battle Dwarf - 25% Magic resistance
Elf - Two shots per turn
Grand Elf - Two shots per turn
Unicorn - 20% chance to Blind enemy creature
Phoenix - Flies, attack affects two hexes, immune to elemental spells

The Sorceress is the weakest hero out of the six when it comes to army
strength. The Sorceress's units just cannot hold up to another similar
stack-sized army. However,the Sorceress gets some amazing spells in her Mage
such as Elemental Storm and Armageddon, to even the odds. A Sorceress with
enough Spell Points is a force to be reckoned with, as her spells will make her
weak units unstoppable juggernauts.

A good tactic is the Phoenix-Elemental Storm combo. Since Phoenixes are
immune to elemental spells, they receive no damage from Elemental Storm, thus
making Elemental Storm extremely powerful if you cast it when you have an army
composed of Phoenixes. The Sorceress cannot fight effectively without magic, so
don't leave your castle without Level 4 spells.

Secondary Skill Suggestions
Wisdom Diplomacy
Eagle Eye


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Centaur | 3 | 1 | 1-2 | 60 | 5 | Avg | 8 |
Gargoyle | 4 | 7 | 2-3 | 200 | 15 | Vfa | 0 |
Griffin | 6 | 6 | 3-5 | 300 | 25 | Avg | 0 |
Minotaur | 9 | 8 | 5-10 | 400 | 35 | Avg | 0 |
Minotaur King | 9 | 8 | 5-10 | 500 | 45 | Vfa | 0 |
Hydra | 8 | 9 | 6-12 | 800 | 75 | Vsl | 0 |
Green Dragon | 12 | 12 | 25-50 | 3000 + 1S | 200 | Avg | 0 |
Red Dragon | 13 | 13 | 25-50 | 3500 + 1S | 250 | Fas | 0 |
Black Dragon | 14 | 14 | 25-50 | 4000 + 2S | 300 | Vfa | 0 |

Special Skills

Gargoyle - Flies
Griffin - Flies, endless retaliation
Hydra - Attacks all adjacent enemies
Green Dragon - Flies, attack affects two hexes, immune to spells
Red Dragon - Flies, attack affects two hexes, immune to spells
Black Dragon - Flies, attack affects two hexes, immune to spells

The Warlock has the most powerful armies in the game, but has to deal with
very expensive units as a drawback. Another thing the Warlock lacks is
long-range units of any kinds, since the Centaur is a waste of your funds
better spent, and will receive a lot of lesser spells in his Mage Guild.
However, the Warlock can make up for that deficiency with lots of flying units
with very powerful attacks. Everyone fears that army of Black Dragons that lays
waste to everything, and Hydras can become devastating when Haste is cast on
them. However, the Warlock requires time to achieve his army's true power, so a
Warlock's worst enemy is a small map or a quick-building Barbarian or Knight.
On a large map, a Warlock can defeat almost any opponent, given enough time and

Secondary Skill Suggestions
Estates Logistics


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Halfling | 2 | 1 | 1-3 | 50 | 3 | Slo | 12 |
Boar | 5 | 4 | 2-3 | 150 | 15 | Vfa | 0 |
Iron Golem | 5 | 10 | 4-5 | 300 | 30 | Vsl | 0 |
Steel Golem | 7 | 10 | 4-5 | 350 | 35 | Slo | 0 |
Roc | 7 | 7 | 4-8 | 400 | 40 | Avg | 0 |
Mage | 11 | 7 | 7-9 | 600 | 30 | Fas | 12 |
Arch Mage | 12 | 8 | 7-9 | 700 | 35 | Vfa | 24 |
Giant | 13 | 10 | 20-30 | 2000 + 1G | 150 | Avg | 0 |
Titan | 15 | 15 | 20-30 | 5000 + 2G | 300 | Vfa | 16 |

Special Skills

Iron Golem - Receives 1/2 damage from elemental spells
Steel Golem - Receives 1/2 damage from elemental spells
Roc - Flies
Mage - No penalty for attack adjacent units
Arch Mage - No penalty for attacking adjacent units, 20% chance to dispel
beneficial spells on enemy
Giant - Immune to mind-affecting spells
Titan - Immune to mind-affecting spells, no penalty for attacking
adjacent units

The Wizard is the most magic hero out of the whole bunch, but also
gets some great units to go along with his magic spells. He has the
Titan, which can be described as an equal of a Black Dragon, and has
long-range capabilities! However, Wizards also suffer from very
expensive units, which can definetly slow production a great deal.
However, they get a ton of magic spells which will beef up and support
your early units. The additonal spells and great units make the Wizard a
very tough opponent. The Wizard is the best Magic hero, the Barbarian
the best Might hero. Period.

Secondary Skill Suggestions


Atk. Def. Dam. Cost HP Spd. Sht.
Rogue | 6 | 1 | 1-2 | 50 | 4 | Fas | 0 |
Nomad | 7 | 6 | 2-5 | 200 | 20 | Vfa | 0 |
Ghost | 8 | 7 | 4-6 | 1000 | 20 | Fas | 0 |
Genie | 10 | 9 | 20-30 | 650 + 1G | 50 | Vfa | 0 |
Medusa | 8 | 9 | 6-10 | 500 | 35 | Avg | 0 |
Air Elemental | 7 | 7 | 2-8 | N/A | 35 | Vfa | 0 |
Earth Elemental | 8 | 8 | 4-5 | N/A | 50 | Slo | 0 |
Fire Elemental | 8 | 6 | 4-6 | N/A | 40 | Fas | 0 |
Water Elemental | 6 | 8 | 3-7 | N/A | 45 | Avg | 0 |

Special Skills

Rogue - Enemy cannot retailiate
Ghost - Flies, creatures killed by Ghosts become Ghosts
Genie - Flies, 10% chance halve enemy stack
Medusa - 20% chance to turn victim to stone
Air Elemental - Neutral morale, immune to mind spells and Meteor Swarm
Receives 2x damage from Elemental Storm and Lightning Bolt
Earth Elemental - Neutral morale, immune to mind spells,Lightning Bolt, Storm
Receives 2x damage from Meteor Swarm
Fire Elemental - Neutral morale,immune to mind spells and fire spells
Receives 2x damage from cold spells
Water Elemental - Neutral morale,immune to mind spells and cold spells
Receives 2x damage from fire spells

Neutral units are units you will find on the Adventure Map availiable for
purchase and will not find in any heroes' castle. However, they differ greatly
in quality. Obviously, the Genie is the best unit out of them all, with his
cheap price and great damage, and the best special ability in the game.
However, the Ghost is a very close second. If you can find a large wandering
group of Peasants, consider yourself the owner of the best stack in the game,
because almost no army can beat 500 Ghosts or more at one time.

The Rogue, Medusa, and Nomad are not really great units,but if you need to
fill up an empty space in your army, go right ahead and hire some. Elementals
are a toss-up, with both a key strength and weakness. Don't buy them, but
summon them if you have the spell and need some extra support. Overall, Neutral
units should be bought if you need an extra stack and you have to money to
afford them and have some leftover.

C2.) Structure Statistics 062

| Resource Key |
| W - Wood |
| O - Ore |
| G - Gems |
| S - Sulfur |
| C - Crystal |
| M - Mercury |

Common Structures

o Mage Guild
Cost: 2000 + 5 W + 5 O
Effect: Allows spellbook purchase and teaches spells.

o Tavern
Cost: 500 + 5 W
Effect: Gives defenders a bonus to morale and offers rumors.

o Thieves' Guild
Cost: 750 + 5 W
Effect: Gives information about other players. The more Thieves' Guilds
owned, the more information you receive.

o Shipyard
Cost: 2000 + 20 W
Effect: Allows construction of ships. Ships cost 1000 + 10W.

o Statue
Cost: 1250 + 5 O
Effect: Increases income by 250.

o Marketplace
Cost: 500 + 5 W
Effect: Allows trading of resources. The more Marketplaces owned, the
better the exchange rate.

o Well
Cost: 500
Effect: Increases creature production of each dwelling by two.

o Horde Building
Cost: 1000
Effect: Increases creature production of the lowest dwelling by eight per
Ex.) Garbage Heap for Goblins

o Left Turret
Cost: 1500 + 5 W
Effect: Adds a small ballista in the castle walls.

o Right Turret
Cost: 1500 + 5 W
Effect: Adds a small ballista in the castle walls.

o Moat
Cost: 750
Effect: Entering moat stops ground movement,and creatures in moat have
-3 defense

Barbarian Structures

| | |
Den Adobe Stick Hut
| | |
| | |
Upg Adobe Bridge Upg Stick Hut
| |
Pyramid Upg Bridge

Hut - Produces 10 Goblins per week
Stick Hut - Produces 8 Orcs per week
Upg Stick Hut - Produces 8 Orc Chieftans per week
Den - Produces 5 Wolves per week
Adobe - Produces 4 Ogres per week
Upg Adobe - Produces 4 Orge Chieftans per week
Bridge - Produces 3 Trolls per week
Upg Bridge - Produces 3 War Trolls per week
Pyramid - Produces 2 Cyclops per week
Coliseum - Raises defenders's morale by 2

Knight Structures

-- Thatched Hut --
/ | \
/ | \
Archery Range Well Tavern
| | |
| | |
-------- Blacksmith ----- Armory
| \ /
| \ /
Upg Archery Range \ /
| | | |
Upg Blackmith Upg Armory Jousting Arena Cathedral
| |
Upg Jousting Arena Upg Cathedral

Thatched Hut - Produces 12 Peasants per week
Archery Range - Produces 8 Archers per week
Upg Archery Range - Produces 8 Rangers per week
Blacksmith - Produces 5 Pikemen per week
Upg Blacksmith - Produces 5 Veteran Pikeman per week
Armory - Produces 4 Swordsmen per week
Upg Armory - Produces 4 Master Swordsmen per week
Jousting Arena - Produces 3 Calvary per week
Upg Jousting Arena - Produces 3 Champions per week
Cathedral - Produces 2 Paladins per week
Upg Cathedral - Produces 2 Crusaders per week
Fortifications - Strengthens castle walls

Necromancer Structures

| | |
Graveyard Mage Guild Pyramid -- Upg Pyramid
|| | |
|-------------| |------ Thieves Guild
| | |
Mage Guild Lv2 Upg Graveyard Mausoleum Mansion
| | |
---------------------------- |
| | Upg Mansion
Upg Mausoleum Laboratory

Excavation - Produces 8 Skeletons per week
Graveyard - Produces 6 Zombies per week
Upg Graveyard - Produces 6 Mutant Zombies per week
Pyramid - Produces 4 Mummies per week
Upg Pyramid - Produces 4 Royal Mummies per week
Mansion - Produces 3 Vampires per week
Upg Mansion - Produces 3 Vampire Lords per week
Mausoleum - Produces 2 Liches per week
Upg Mausoleum - Produces 2 Power Liches per week
Laboratory - Produces 1 Bone Dragon per week
Storm - Increases defending hero or captain's Spell Power by 2
Evil Shrine - Increases all heroes's Necromancy skill by 10%

Sorceress Structures

| | |
-------Archery Range Mage Guild Tavern
| | | |
| ------------------- Cottage-------Well
| | | |
| Stonehenge ------------
| | |
----------------------------------------- Upg Cottage
| | |
Upg Archery Range Fenced Meadow Upg Stonehenge
Red Tower

Treehouse - Produces 8 Sprites per week
Cottage - Produces 6 Dwarves per week
Upg Cottage - Produces 6 Battle Dwarves per week
Archery Range - Produces 4 Elves per week
Upg Archery Range - Produces 4 Grand Elves per week
Stonehenge - Produces 3 Druids per week
Upg Stonehenge - Produces 3 Greater Druids per week
Fenced Meadow - Produces 2 Unicorns per week
Red Tower - Produces 1 Phoenix per week
Rainbow - Gives defenders a bonus to Luck

Warlock Structures

| |
Nest Crypt
| |
Swamp Maze-------
| | |
---------------------------------- Upg Maze
Green Tower
Red Tower
Black Tower

Cave - Produces 8 Centaurs per week
Crypt - Produces 6 Gargoyles per week
Nest - Produces 4 Griffins per week
Maze - Produces 3 Minotaurs per week
Upg Maze - Produces 3 Minotaur Kings per week
Swamp - Produces 2 Hydras per week
Green Tower - Produces 1 Green Dragon per week
Red Tower - Produces 1 Red Dragon per week
Black Tower - Produces 1 Black Dragon per week
Dungeon - Increases income by 500

Wizard Structures

| | |
Pen Mage Guild Foundry-------Well
| | | |
Cliff Nest -------------- Upg Foundry
| |
| Ivory Tower Library
| | | |
------------------------ ---------------------
| |
Cloud Castle Upg Ivory Tower
Upg Cloud Castle


Habitat - Produces 8 Halflings per week
Boar Pen - Produces 6 Boars per week
Foundry - Produces 4 Iron Golems per week
Upg Foundry - Produces 4 Steel Golems per week
Cliff Nest - Produces 3 Rocs per week
Ivory Tower - Produces 2 Mages per week
Upg Ivory Tower - Produces 2 Arch Mages per week
Cloud Castle - Produces 1 Giant per week
Upg Cloud Castle - Produces 1 Titan per week
Library - Adds 1 spell to each level of the Mage Guild

6. Expanded Version History 007

Version FINAL - Descendants Campaign Walkthrough Completed
FAQ/Walkthrough Completed

Version 1.5 - The Price Of Loyalty Campaign Walkthrough Completed

Version 1.4 - The Wizard's Isle Campaign Walkthrough Completed

Version 1.3 - The Voyage Home Campaign Walkthrough Completed

Version 1.2 - Appendix A Completed
ASCII Art fixed

Version 1.1 - Appendix A Partially Completed

Version 1.0 - Introduction
Whats New In Price Of Loyalty
First Scenario Walkthrough for some campaigns
Appendix A Partially Completed
Appendix B Completed
Appendix C Completed

[ Thanks To... ]

Andro Artano - For donating his Artifact List to add to my own. Thanks
for letting me use it. Read his FAQ for Heroes Of Might
And Magic II if you want more help with the campaign.

GameFAQs - For continually posting my FAQs

New World Computing - For making such a great game


Hopefully, this guide just helped you out a lot more with your game. If
you have any questions or comments about this FAQ, please feel free to e-mail
me at eagle25_100@yahoo.com and I'll reply as soon as possible. Thank you for
reading my guide, and good luck in the future.
(c) 2002 Raging_DemonTEN

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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Necromancer Guide
Engl. Hinweise

01.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

05.Oktober 2013
Savegame-Editor - bitte selbstextrahierende Datei starten und Textdateien lesen

14.Oktober 2013
Upgedatete Version im WinWord-Format

02.Oktober 2013
Dieser Savegame-Patcher sorgt immer für genug Geld.

10.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
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15.Oktober 2013
Editoren, die deinen Charakteren etwas mehr Power verleihen.

18.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
19.Februari 2014