

15.10.2013 23:46:18
Cadaver WalkThrough
Cadaver is a puzzle solving Adventure/RPG game by the Bitmap Brothers.
Gameplay takes place in a orthogonal view, with the player guiding the dwarf
Caradoc up through five treachorous levels of the castle.
I was actually surpised that no walkthrough seemed to exist for Cadaver,
since its pretty alright game, so I decided to endevour to make one myself.
Currently only the complete solutions to levels 1, 2, and 4 are provided,
with partial solutions to 3 and 5 (as far as I've got). If anyone can add
details, PLEASE, PLEASE, email at:

Starting at different levels============================Cadaver uses a special data system for defining each level. Thus, you can
start play on a different level simply by copying the files in the data
subdirectory of the level you wish to level 1. The batch file below should
be typed in and saved in the directory Cadaver is located in under the name
.* > NULCOPY DATA\%1\ROUTINE%1.TAD DATA\1\ROUTINE1.TAD > NUL:ENDLEVEL should be invoked with a number from 1 to 5, which indicates the level
you wish to start at. Note that you should be carefull with saved games saved
across different levels started in this manner; loading a saved game for a
different level which was started at will crash the program.Level 1=======Pick up the coin and diary. N, flip switch, N, get throwing stones, W, arm
stones, and throw stones over barrel to kill tentacle. Get the pickaxe, drag
a barrel near the west wall, and stand it to jump up onto the the small bowl,
get the charm. S, get Turn Monster spell, N, N, go to north wall push the bag
out of the wall, and get the gem, S [avoiding the snake]. E, E, S, jump onto
barrels and get rope [you can stay there until the mushrooms grow; they
provide a good place to stand where the snake can't get you]. E, E, get key
and bread. W, W, N, W, S, S, E, get throwing stones, throw switch, open chest.
W, N, N, E, S, S, drop pickaxe in middle of the passageway, then push it
against the wall until only one row is left, then get the pickaxe. S. search
skeleton, E, E, N, W, get key, E, NW, open chest, get coin and food, E, N,
get coin, unlock lock, N, [give man food here for usefull info], S, kill
tentacle [easiest way is to go on the opposite site of the table to him], E,
get key, S, S, E, get gem, press button, E, E, search skeleton, get key, N,
get key, unlock lock, kill southern two spiders. From right to left the
potions are:
red-cross: stamina, acrid: poison, empty, shot-shield, refreshing: cure poison.S, S, get the chicken and as many of the coins as you can [some you can't
reach], N, E, get Learn potion spell and frogskin-covered [giant jump] potion.
W, W, W, W, W, S, kill jumper, unlock lock, S, W, W, kill jumper, get charm
and holy water bottles, S, kill jumper and get key. W, W, S, open chest, get
coin and chicken, N, E, N, get the king's sheid, Wulf's armour, gold circlet
helmet, and sword. S, W, press button [teleport]. Get gold, amulet, and crown,
throw switch [teleport].E, E, N, E, E, S, avoid creatures, and jump onto one of the flames. Then jump
onto the other to unlock the eastern door. From the small platforms, you can
kill the creatures when they travel along the southern wall. S, kill creature,
keep jumping on flame till you receive some gold chests, open them. S, S, W,
get holy water.Put a bottle of holy water in bowl, then drink bowl [teleport]. Throw the
switch, get the item, and throw the switch [teleport]. Now return to the room
and repeat putting holy water in. You have three bottles, so this should be
done three times.N, N, N, N, E, S, get key, N, E, NW, examine urn, avoid snake, and get charm.
S. NE, move aside all the rocks and get the bless weapon spell. S, SE, put
gold coin on the southern tomb, get Fire Shield potion. N, E [avoiding spiders
or killing them].Get key, push off the two other urns, get dispel trap, open chest. S, offer
some food [put it on altar], get Super Fast potion, N, E, get sack, get gold,
W, unlock lock, W, W, N, N, cast Dispel on chest, unlock chest, get urn and
charm. S, S, W, S, drop Carolus's urn on left altar, get Unknown spell. N, N,
N, N, E, E, N, drop rope into pit, fall down pit. Open rat, get the keys, open
chest, get urn, E, E, get gems, W, [you can use the frogskin giant jump
poition or a stack of rocks to jump up to the chain and out to a small room
to the east of the pit entrance, but since we have the six jewels anyway, we
might as well get rid of them]. W, throw the six gems into pool [teleport].S, W, W, W, S, S, S, S, S, E, put Ragnar's urn on his pedestal. Get blood, W,
drop blood on altar. Get key and read magic spell. Drop unknown spell, and
cast Read Magic on it to reveal it a Massacre spell. Unlock lock, W, cast
Dispel Trap on chest, open it, get Read Language spell, N, get map scroll
and use it if you want, S, E, N, N, N, N, N, press the buttons in the order
1-4-3-2 (where 1 is the left button). W, drink Fire Sheild, NE, cast Massacre.
Search body and get the treasure, press button, N, throw switch.Level 2=======N. Get the shirikan and wand from inside the chest on the altar, and the shot
shield potion from the chest. N. W, hurry to the coin, grab it, and get back
out to the east before the eye stuns you [leaving you vunerable to being
poisoned by the blob]. Back in the lava spout room, you can use a shot shield
if you want, but it's not really necessary. Jump east onto the altar. [You'll
notice the lava spouts can only shoot rocks at certain set angles]. Get the
stamina potion and book, and fall off the right hand side of the altar, and
go E through one of the two doors.Get the ashes of Captain Axel, and insert them into his urn. Get the urn, bowl,
and the Mind Blast spell. Jump up under the skull to hit hidden switch. S,
flip switch when both lights above door are totally black. Get shirikan from
chest, and one of the books. N, N. Arm a book and throw it at the gap between
the block and the moving block above it. If it gets caught inbetween [as it
likely will] throw a second one, which should make it through, since the
previous book will keep the top moving block higher. E, avoiding the two
blocks [which will sap your energy]. Throw switch.W, S, W, scoot around the north-eastern lava spout, and go N. Open the small
chest and insert the Mind Blast spell into it. Insert the small chest into
the big chest to recharge the spell. Open the chests back up and pick up the
spell. Jump underneath the two skulls to reveal a hidden door. S, go around
the lava spout again, jump onto the small dias with the orb, and get it.
[teleports you].Throw the switches in the order 1, 3, 2, 1 [where 1 is the left lever]. Press
button, W, S, go W through the center door and keep walking without stopping
until you are through the spout room. Get the coin and wand being carefull of
the darts activated by stepping on the switches. W. Examine the throne and
press the hidden switch, then press the other two buttons. W, throw switch,
E, N, SW, get key, and fall down into cavity, open chest, and get gold and
teleporter. S, SW.S, avoid creatures, NE, drink the stamina barrel [to restore any lost HP], W,
SE, get the Cure Poison potion, W, get the unknown [super fast] potion, S, S,
jump onto bed, then onto the eastern saucepan, and when in position open chest.
Get key, then get saucepan and bucket [very usefull, since will go up and down,
and the other can remain unsupported; good for stacks].N, E, cast Sleep spell,
S, open chest and get gold, throw switch, W, press button, open chest, and get
teleporter. [teleport]Push all of the bottles off the platform, to get a key and some gold. N, W, W,
throw a shirikan at the turtle, open it, get sack of gold, E, E, unlock lock,
E. Get key from under northern platform. Unlock lock, go onto northern platform
and switch chain. Fall into hole, flip switch, [good idea to save here], fall
into hole and avoiding the blob, get the two keys, flip the switch, and get to
the chain (jumping up to it) to get brought back to the room above, jump onto
the chain there to get brought back to the top room. W, W, W, unlock lock, N, N, E, N, NW, N, unlock lock, grab the scroll when the
light is black [then quickly get off the floor switch]. Cross over the switch
when the light is black again. N, open chest, get teleporter, you'll then need
to press the button on the wall beside the floor switch. To avoid setting off
the darts, drop an item on the pad, then jump onto it, to press the button. S,
jump switch when black, S, SE, E, E, E, N, N, cast sleep, N.Get token, insert all four tokens into slot. W, flip switch, W, move under
platform and "lead" blob so that it pushes the dispel trap spell off the edge.
S, flip switch, get coin and shirikan, when meat appears push it carefully so
that it goes between any two of the bars. Get the gold when it appears. When
the creature eats the meat, you'll be moved out of the cage. N, W, kill turtle,
open it, and get key, unlock lock, W, [if the bars closed down on you before,
you can get in this way to do the stuff].E, NE, get Strength potion and Freeze spell, E, throw switch, W, SE, E, press
left switch, push platform to east wall, jump onto it, press right switch, N,
get key, E, cast Sleep spell, get the square and triangle. [This is also the
room where the the book you threw back at the start went to]. W, S, S, E, get
gem and unlock chest spell. Unlock your choice of two of the three chests: the
left has gold, the center has a Bless Potion wand, and the right has a Stamina
Potion.W, fall down, Form a stack against the block on the west wall and use it to
jump up onto the block, and then onto the platform. Get sack, stamina potion,
get key, fall down, get stack, unlock lock, W, S, insert the triangle, square,
and sphere gems you found. E, jump over the spikes three times [they reposition,
so be carefull]. E. Get close to bars so that they open, and drop the bowl
between them, Get key, and then jump through the bars. E, N, drag an object
over to the western tapestry and touch it. Press button. Open chest, and get
chicken and gold.N, press button, open chest, get gauntlet. E, get spike, key, open chest, get
gold, drag rack back, unlock lock, switch chain, W. Insert spike into hole, S,
S. You now have two options here: i) To try and maneouvre the blob to push the
orb through the bars (possible, I think) ii) Use the saucepan that moved up
and down to get over the bars. Grab the teleporter [and if you did ii) and
were hit by the blob, drink the cure poison]. [teleport]. You might also be
able to get into the storeroom to the N, E. It contains a mouth which should
be feed the chicken you're carrying and the other meat on the ground. Then go
S, W, and get the teleporter.Unlock lock. E, get the shields, position the shields in a line to the north
of the gem, throw switch, push the northernmost shield until the gem is pushed
all the way south to the wall. Run between the walls to the south wall and get
the gem. The walls should come together as soon as you move aside or get the
southern shield.N, get poison, throw it at mouth, get gold and sack. S, E, push platform north
onto hole, throw switch three times, climb one of the stairs, jump onto
platform, push button. NE, get gem when flames go up, S, NW, drop the bucket
you got from the haunted room, form a small stack to enable you to jump onto
it, jump over bars when it's high enough. Get sack and map spell, throw switch.
[This room is not necessary, but the map spell can help by mapping the level].
S.S, S, S, press button, move onto central platform and get unlock door and gem.
Get onto platform when it passes southern end, press west button, move back
onto central platform on western end. Move onto moving platform at northern
side, and exit room to the north. N, E, insert the three gems into the lock.
D.N, press button [teleport], W, get key, E, unlock lock, E, N, E, drink shot
shield potion, go get key, W, W, get shirikan, arm the gauntlets, open chest,
and get gold. E, N, W, get gold and lead chest. Take one bag of gold at a
time, inserting it into chest, going E, E, opening up the chest and dropping
the gold, and returning for the next. When finished, go E, E again, unlock
lock. NW, put alcohol bottles in punch bowl to fill it [don't know if it does
anything worthwhile]. S, get the gold you dropped, NE, unlock chest, get keys,
drop gold on platform, press right skull and push the glowing teleporter off
the table [it's the evil one]. Push the left skull. Get the teleporter.
[teleport].W, S, S, go through West opening you uncovered. N. [You're now entering the
maze. Where a direction is given where the door is locked, unlock it with the
Unlock Door scroll. For those rooms with a spout in it, take a position on the
opposite side of the room from the door to unlock, and a little to the side,
so the spell can hit the door]. N, N, W, W, W, N, S, E, S, S. N, N, W, N, flip
switch, get sack, unlock lock, S, E, S, S, W, flip switch, get stamina potion,
E, N, N, E, E, N, flip switch.W, S, get teleporter [teleport], W, get gem, W, S, W, W, N, W, S, W, W, N, E,
[all your magic/weapons disappear], put Axel's urn onto the empty pedestal,
put gem on empty pedestal, get gems and drop them in hole, drop teleporters
in hole. E, flip switch until light is black, attempt to leave the room.That's it for this level. I can't remember which room the 'Long lost room which
gives untold wealth and knowledge is', so you can explore the level if you want
and try to find it.Level 3=======Go S, avoid the hole, then E. Jump up underneath the lever to open the bars.
Stand between the bars until they attempt to close, and the gap will stay open
large enough for you to pass through. Go D, and get the throwing rocks under
the stairs, then go U, W. Flip the switch to lift the bar. You can either go
[S, N and grab the key before the spiders take up position again] or [let the
spiders hit you and get both key and the shirikan].Go S. You might be able to kill the spider, but don't waste too many stones on
him, and don't worry if he hits you. Use your key on the lock, then S. Open
the chest and get the Dispel Trap scroll and the Stamina potion.Go S, get the candle and key, and touch the guy on the throne. Go N, N, N, E,
D, N, and use the key on the lock. S, U, W, S, S, press the lever, and fall
through the hole. Get the crown, open the chest, get the confusion spell, and
use the key on the lock. S, then return to the old guy and give him the crown.Get the key, N, E, and follow the center path across the screen. Use the key on
the lock, E, E, E. Jump over the two balls, E. Take the bottom left door west,
get the broken handle, E, N. Pick up the unknown potion (stamina), W, W, open
the chest and get the key, E, N, W, throw the bottom left-hand switch and take
the SW door. Pick up the bottle with the key in it, drink it, pick up the key,
and wait around until the alcohol wears off. N, throw the switch again, S, pick
up the candle, N.Unlock the chest, and pick up the two candles. Use the handle on the north-
eastern switch slot, and then press it. [From here there is another room to
the south with a switch. Pressing it will either give you gold or start
shirikans flying at you and locks off the other exit; you can take your chances
if you wish]. E, E, middle W, press each of the two buttons a few times, S, E,
pick up the chest, press the button to receive a gem [if you've pressed the
other 2 buttons proply]. W. You should notice a chest in the room. You can only get it by one of two
methods [i. I haven't worked out the proper way; may have something to do with
the candles] [ii. Stack two candles with your throwing sack on top just beside
the western bars (you'll need to form a second smaller stack of a candle to
stand on to get the high enough to drop the sack on the candles). From the
second stack (candle) jump up onto the throwing sack and then over the bars].Cast dispel on the chest, then open it and get the money and the ring, then
drop the chest you found and open it, get the key. W, S, E, E, use a key on
the lock, N, W, N, W, E, E, SW, S, get your candles/throwing bag, E, N, S.
Pick up the herb bowl, and unlock the lock. S. Return to the guy and put the
herbs in the cauldron.Pick up the key. N, N, N, E, NW, N, unlock the lock, W. Get as many of the
floating coins as you can, and when the falling scale nears the bottom, jump
on the floor switch in the middle of the room several times to raise it again,
and then get the rest of the coins. Get the two gems.W, jump over the spikes, and place the three gems before the button on the
plank the ball is rolling on. Flip the switch, and the ball will roll into
the hole, and the spikes will disappear. Get the three gems, flip the switch,
W.Pick up the roast, S, S. Pick up the key under the bowl. Move aside all the
barrels, and flip the switch. N, E, pick up the rock, the boars head, and the
raw meat from in the barrel. W, N, drop the meat on the oven, and then eat it
when cooked. Pick up the key. S, E. Push the two barrels together, and stack
two candles on one of them. Jump from one barrel onto the candles, and then
from the candles over the bars and into the center section. Get the key. Eat
the boar and you will be teleported.W, W, S, E, pick up the candles, W, W. Open the chest, and pick up the
stamina potion, massacre orb, and token. Unlock the lock, S. Open the chest.
The red potion is super-fast, and the green potion is something. Put the
token in the slot, and pick up the two stamina bottles. Stack some candles, and use them to jump up onto the top walkway. Push the
barrel off, and get the Nodos potion from inside it. Pick up the candles, N.
Drag chest underneath hole in wall, and use rock on it. Line up barrel at
eastern end of room and flip switch to break barrel. Repeat several times
until all barrels are broken, and their contents picked up. E, S, unlock the
lock. Press the switch behind the barrels (This causes the ball to appear in
the room to the west, not sure what is does; probably another way to knock
down the barrel). Return to the old guy and put the Nodos in the cauldron. Pick up the key, W, S, unlock the lock, W. Jump over spikes (A stacked object
may help here). W, W, wait in corner until falling stones stop. Jump over floor
switch. Look in barrel and pick up throwing rocks, open chest, and pick up
dispel scroll and strength potion, E. Jump on floor switch, S.Knock chest off platform, open it, and pick up diamond and shirikan. Drop
diamonds on each of the four holes. NE, wait for the rock to break and pick up
all of the rocks. S, drop a rock as far north on the platfrom as possible
(causing the spikes to appear at the wrong place). At the southern end jump
west to knock the switch. From the top of the stairs jump back up onto the
plaform, S.S, flip the switch whilst on the platform, S, S, form a stack and jump onto
the plaform and get the key, Flip the switch and get out of the way of the
spikes. Upstairs is a room with some bags and chests in it. Beware the shirikan.
Its best to do a bit at a time, say pick up a bag, and go downstairs, then
come up again.W, drop something into the hole (say a casket you've picked up) until you hit
the switch. Drag chest under lock, and unlock lock. N, and stand just by
eastern door until bars drop. Then unlock the chest, and pick up all the gold.
E, cast confusion on the spiders, E. Dispel chest, open it. pick up stuff,
open chest, and pick up strength and super-fast potion. Flip switch in barred
area three times, and then press the two northern switches, looking out for
falling rocks.N, quickly get to the eastern side, and cover up the holes with useless objects
one at a time. Then flip each of the four switches in an anti-clockwise order
starting at the NE. W, flip bottom switch, W.Flip switch, unlock lock with key, N. Get onto platform, and at northern end
fall off. E. Flip switch and jump onto northern edge of square. When it's risen,
fall off to the east, E. Flip switch, N. Form a pile against hole, blocking it.
Jump over hole (jumping from off an item can help) get the key, and jump back
(jumping off a useless item you can leave). S, open chest, get key.N, form a stack (or use the one blocking the hole) to jump over bars. Unlock
lock and get handle. Form a second stack of items to jump back. S, put handle
in switch, flip it. N. Get items from first stack, go into spike lane and flip
switch which opens a passage, get second pile. N, grab gold and small chests,
untrap big chest and get key from inside, throw switch, S (hurry before the
spikes move).W, put token in slot, W. Return to old guy (using key on the way to get back
out again).Get key, E, S, E. Get key, open up Singel casket (from previous miniquest/area)
and get read magic scroll, E, N, look at shield and get key, get skull when it
shoots from hole, U, get candle and magic missile wand, open chest, pick up
wine, cast dispel on chest and open it, pick up key, Cast read magic on
unknown scroll and pick it up (unlock chest).D, S, unlock lock, E, cast unlock chest on chest, pick up key, gold, and
triangle, flip switch and jump onto plaform. In bedroom, get gold coins,
magic missile wand (from under armour), look at pillow and put brass key in
chest. Open chest and get iron key. D, W, S, move close to creature on left
and use massacre orb. Get key, unlock lock, S, open chest, and get giant jump
potion.You then need to form the platforms into a staircase. The lever will start and
stop a platform, and the button will move the focus to the next platform (when
none are moving). Arrange them so the lowest is at the far right, each higher
platform being successively one position to the left. Climb staircase.Open big chest and get massacre spell and read language spell. Get the handle
and put the triangle on the impression, then get unlock door wand. Get
bejeweled casket. D, N, insert handle in northernmost socket, flip it, E.Here in the Eastmarch hall you need to first throw the switch [closes a pit
up the stairs] and offer the ramskull, the wine, the black book, jeweled casket.
I don't know how to do it. They must disappear; I've had some luck by throwing
one at a time at the spikes. You'll need to experiment to find it. I can't
remember how it did it when I originally found the solution.Level 4======Get sack, open chest, and get all, then walk around room clockwise, pressing
each of the floor buttons until a wand appears, get it. W, unlock door with
wand, W, open chest, get dispel evil spell, S, open chest, get key [and
chicken if you want, for use in making stacks, NOT for eating], N, W, unlock
lock, N, examine pillow, get casket, flip switch, W, look at right-hand bush,
get key, unlock chest, get scroll and wine, look at wall-hanging then press
button.E, S, E, S, W, get ram skull & tear potion, open chest and get bombs, place a
bomb next to door-shaped wall area and blow it up. W, avoid pit, S, put wine
on altar, open small chest, and get it and the key. Use Unlock spell on big
chest, and get all. Drop Finvar's recharging chest, and insert the bless
potion spell into it. Open the chest, and get the charged spell. N, E, E, N, W, W, drink super-fast potion, jump over pit [if you're close
enough to the edge, you will also jump over the spikes. If you land on the
spikes just quickly jump off], cast unlock on door, W, get candle, examine
pillow, get shirikan, open hidden-wall panel, get key, flip both switches,
cast unlock on N & E door. N, drop tear potion on key, get key, cast dispel
trap on chest, open chest, get book, cast bless potion on the potion and get
it. S, E, jump over pit, E, N, unlock lock, E, drop ram skull on altar and
read black book. Open small chest and get key and chest, unlock big chest,
get orbs, get candles. Press button on south side of altar [creates a
staircase in Trophy Room].W, S, E, S, W, W, S, go to altar, drink strength potion, pull altar backwards
until button is revealed completely. Jump over altar and press button, then
jump back and replace altar. W, N, blow up the west wall, W, examine trophy &
press button, E, E, examine trophy & press button.W, W, press trophy button, unlock lock when light is up. W, throw switch, place
two empty chest between the bars to prevent them closing. Get gold and key,
throw switch, W.Look at oil lamp and press switch, open medium chest and get cure poison
potion, oil flask, and magic missile wand. Cast dispel trap on large chest,
look at pillow and get key, and open chest, get shirikan and gold. Blow up
the wall where the tapestry was, using the two remaining bombs. W, avoid the
demon's shots until he pauses, then cast dispel evil and kill him with a
shirikan. Jump over pit, and you can pick up the bag if you want, which extends
your backpack (but costs 1000 gold to do so). cast unlock on door, jump over
pit, E.E, E, E, E, N, W, W, W, N, unlock lock, W, put candle on circle (avoiding
shots), kill it with magic missiles. [A candle dropped can block the demons
bolts while you do it]. S, S, S, flip switch until barred section lines up
with opening, S, S, S, E, examine jars and pick up the key and bowl, W, S,
drop a candle before the first stake to jump up onto it. Place a candle at
the wall edge of the stake (you'll probably have to move back a bit), jump
onto it, and up onto the second stake, get the key, fall off and retrieve
both candles. Cast unlock on NW door, NW, drop bowl beside pump and fill it
with water.S, N, E, E, read book, and get unlock chest spell. Throw switch, cast unlock
on west door, W, W, N, N, cast unlock on chest and get rocks and dispel trap
spell. S, drop full bowl on the trough, S, S, NW, cast dispel trap on chest
and open it. Get key, wand, stamina potion, mind blast orb, then examine the
cheeses and eat the wholesome one, get the gold. S, N, N, unlock lock, E, put
oil flask under tap, turn on tap to fill it. Get flask. W, S, E, drop flask on
fire, then pick up the key when the rock crashes.W, W, S, move as far back on top step as you can and cast unlock on door
[casting wont work if you're too close to the door]. S, unlock lock, get
unknown potion [giant jump]. A few of your potions will be bad by now: most
likely your original giant jump and super-fast potion. You can drop them now.
Pick up ball, S, drop a candle quickly on the northern half of the passage to
block the demon's bolts, and push it close to the circle. When the demon pauses,
push it onto the circle to weakon him, and drop another one to block his bolts.
Then push it close to him and cast some magic missiles to destroy him. Get key,
S, cast dispel trap on chest, open it, cast dispel trap on chest, then unlock
chest on it. Cast dispel trap on chest, open it, get it and orange key, flip
switch.N, E, unlock lock, S, flip switch, E. You'll find that some of the blocks are
draggable. You'll go on the open side and drag the block half-way, then jump
out and fall into the new gap and push the block the rest of the way. Moving
a few of the blocks will clear the door area. You'll have to hurry on the last
one, since it will soon move back. [It'll disappear when you've gone through
the N door once]. N, climb steps, drink giant jump and jump onto platform. Get
immortal potion and tokens, throw switch, S, W, throw switch, E, N, throw
switch, E.Drop candle near southern spikes, jump onto it, and over spikes. Throw switch.
get the candle, and put it near the northern spikes. Jump over, and throw
switch. S. Open chest, get book and key. You then need to move the tiles to
spell 'Dianos' from left to right. Do this by first pushing titles down, and
moving 'I A N' to the left, while finally moving 'O S' to the right, and
returning D to the top position to form:
D I A N O Sthen push the D to the bottem, and slide the N, then A, then I into the northern
three positions, then push D up to the center tile, as in: N A I D O SPush the 'D O S' titles to the far left, then drag the S, then the O titles
back to the right. Push the northern stack down by one, and repeat the
procedure for I, then A, then finally push the 'N O S' to the left to spell
'D I A N O S'. The eastern door will unlock.E, get the bottles, W, N, give the alkaline restorer bottle to the thief,
who'll give you some info. S, E, throw switch, N. Here there is a gambling
machines you can use your tokens on, by dropping them on the holes. The
southern one can give you gold, stamina potions, and also a key. [it will
break after it gives you the key; it unlocks the door in the S, W, NW room
which leads back into the room which had four demons in it], the northern one
can give you multiple tokens, and the middle one can give you lots of tokens,
but the chance is smaller.E, into the room with four pits. Fall down the western pit. You'll need to
throw the switch reasonably quickly. Do this by stacking two bottles on the
southern end of the chest [without moving it], and making a diagonal jump
from one corner of the chest onto it [diagonal so the wall stops you from
jumping right over it]. Throw the switch and get back the bottles and the key.
Open chest and get the stuff. When the clock has completed three circuits, a
lock should appear on the northern wall. Quickly unlock it with the key to
raise the bars. N, get unknown [stamina] potion. E, N. In this flame room wait
around a bit [you wont get hit by the fire bolts as long as you don't move into
them; they won't appear on a position if you stay still]. S, pick up the Unlock
door wand, Bless potion, and Mind Blast. S, S, S [teleport].E, S, N, give the potion which aids eternal rest to the thief. He'll tell you
about needing four gold keys in the main room. As you recall you had one which
you unlocked lock 1 with, and you should currently have another gold key which
you got from the room to the south. Once the other two gold keys are found,
the locks should be unlocked in the order 1, 4, 3, 2 [you've done 1 already].Anyway, look at the thief to get a mind blast spell, S, E, N, E. Fall in the
northern pit and collect all the gold, and then follow the route back to the
four pit room again. Then fall down the southern pit. Put some objects in front
of the door to prevent roots growing and blocking your escape, and then pick up
the sacks as they appear. Once finished, follow the root [heh heh] back to the
four pit room again.E, E, run to the eastern side of the room [where the demons wont hit you].
Cast dispel evil, and then hit the left one with a diagonally thrown shirikan,
and then the right one when it pauses between shots. Cast unlock door on door,
N, E. The symbols on the posts must match the ones in the room two screens to
the west. Do this by pressing the levers in the order left, right, right, left.
Press button, E. Read the books to get info. W, W, W, press button, W, open
chest, get planet. E, E, N, E, drag chest to the fourth column of squares on
the wall from the left. Stand on chest and jump to open hidden panel. Get the
small moon. W, N, E, read books: one of them (a book on marriages) has an
unknown [unlock chest] spell, examine tapestry and get key.W, W, place candles in the center of the tiles which touch the eastern door
[this will block missiles which start]. Fall into section get chest, and when
bars rise, throw the switch, and drop an object on tile which has changed to
depress the switch [dont know what it does]. Get the candles, and go E. Open
chest and take the two gold coins [DONT TAKE THE BRONZE COIN!]. Now would be
a time to drop a whole bunch of stuff you've been lugging around that you
don't need in one of the rooms, like spare Shirikans, Mind blast spells, [you
wont be needing weaponary again in this level], stamina potions, etc. You can
always come back for them.W, W, open chest, and get the spells. Cast read magic on the unknown scroll.
Go back to the Adding machine room. One of the books in the library told you
four numbers: 29, 32, 16, 7. You've got to form those totals using the four
levels (where up is add, down is subtract, and middle is nothing). Set the
levels in each of the four patterns to give the correct totals (U=up, D=down,
N=neither): 29: D U N U 32: D D U U 16: U D D U 7: U D U NW, cast unlock on chest, get planet, W, get planet,
planets by now, which must be placed on the correct poles according the books
on the planets scattered around. To do this, go S, E, N, W, W, S to the upper
room and drop the planets into the following order: fiery-planet NW hole little moon E hole 2-moon planet SW hole earth-like planet SE holeReturn to
the globe stopped spinning. Push the button in the globe, and two hidden panels
will reval the final two gold keys.Return to Central Hall, either by the southern route or via the northern door
in the passage [make sure all the lone switches in that area of the castle are
down, and fiddle with the switch by the door to open it]. Unlock the three
locks in the order lock 4, lock 3, lock 2 to complete the level and be
transported to the fifth, and final level.A few points unsolved sofar: the use (if any) of those four quartz rocks I
found earlier, getting into the room to the east of where you entered the level,
and the final cryptic message in a book: in the North East tower the lever
brings great rewards (might be the room to the east of where you started which
I haven't got into yet). Level 5=======Pick up the marble, E, pick up the marble, step on oe of the small tiles to
make a skull appear, put marbles in skull, E, get two potions on pedestals,
E, flick first switch, second switch, stand in very northern end of eastern
end of passage to avoid getting hit by the twirlys, then when they're moving
to the left open the secret panel behind the second block and get the potion.
Keep trying E until you get through.Pick up emerald, E,

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