

18.10.2013 05:32:00

Blood Cheats, Secrets & tidbits file v0.5 - 10/03/97
Steve Wells -

Q: What is "Blood"?

A: To date, Blood is the latest in a long line of Doom clones, i.e.
first-person perspective 3D shootemups. Blood is written by a team
at Monolith Productions, and uses a modified version of the Build
engine designed by 3D-Realms which was used for Duke Nukem 3D among

The Text files that come with the game describe all the various
enemies and weapons, so I won't bother with that here, or for even
more information, you can visit the official Blood homepage at

Q: What cheats are there?

A: Blood has more cheat codes than I've ever seen in any game. Some
of them have duplicated effects, and some of them, despite being
recognised by the game, don't actually appear to do anything. To
enter a cheat code, you must press 'T' to go into talk mode, then
type in the code and press ENTER. Cheating will cause the game to
not tell you how many kills or secrets there should be on that level,
or how many of each you have managed to achieve.

Here they all are:

BUNZ All Weapons, Ammo and Guns Akimbo.
CALGON Level Warp.
CAPINMYASS Disable God Mode.
COUSTEAU 200 health. Scuba suit.
EDMARK Displays "Those were the days".
EVA GALLI Toggle Clipping.
FORK BROUSSARD No Ammo, Armor or Items. 1 Health. Delirium.
GOONIES Gives you the full map of the level.
IDAHO All Ammo & Weapons.
JOJO Delerium.
KRUEGER Sets you on fire. Displays "Flame Retardant".
LARA CROFT All Weapons & Infinite Ammo. Displays "Lara
MCGEE Sets you on fire. Displays "You're Fired".
MONTANA All Ammo, Weapons and Items.
ONERING Invisibility.
RATE Displays current framerate.
SATCHEL All Items.
SPIELBERG Level Warp. Disables all cheats.
SPORK 200 Health.
STERNO Temporary Blindness.
TEQUILA Guns Akimbo.
VOORHEES Displays "I will not cheat, I will not cheat"
and if repeated "I am a compulsive cheater"

Q: What are the secrets

A: Secrets in Blood, as with Duke-3D, Quake and presumably others,
are areas that aren't usually in the direct path required to be
taken to complete a level, and often will require looking in odd
places, getting to hard to reach spots and trying to open every wall
you see. Here are the list of currently known secrets in Blood
Shareware v0.99.

Episode 1:

Mission 1 - Cradle to Grave:

Secrets: 11

#1 After climbing out of the grave, immediately in front of you
is a piece of metallic wall curving outwards towards you. Open this
and it slides around to reveal a box of TNT.

#2 After stepping outside of the doors where you meet your first
zombie, turn back towards the doors and "open" the bushes to the left
of the door, it will slide up revealing the empty grave of one Eric
Draven and a shield.

#3 Downstairs there is another graveyard with a tomb with "In
loving memory" on the side of it, on top of this is the "Guns Akimbo"
powerup. There are 2 ways of getting to this. Either jump on top of
the nearest tombstone and jump onto the top of the tomb, or you can
jump out of the window later on and walk across the top of the fence,
jumping over the gap in the middle. Using this powerup with the
alternate fire mode of the shotgun (both barrels) means instant
death for all but the toughest enemies.

#4 In the altar-room with the "rest in pieces" sign on the far
wall, walk straight down the middle of the room towards this sign,
and the altar will slide forward revealing a few rats and a box of

#5 Behind the curtains in the altar-room is a piano-organ,
active this and a small panel slides up in front of you revealing
a "Beast vision".

#6 In the morgue, just opposite the window with the 2 bundles of
TNT in front of it, is a door with a crack in it. Blow it up with
TNT to reveal some armor.

#7 Around the other side after blowing up 2 TNT barrels, another
empty wall-coffin appears with some rats and some fire armor in it.

#8 In the crematorium, after you have the fire armor, run down
the conveyor into the fire, grab the life-seed and then run out the

#9 Along the wall beside the shelves in the crematorium there
is a saw, use this and the shelves slide sideways revealing a hidden
compartment with some flares.

#10 Near the end of the level a zombie climbs out of a stone
coffin, behind the lid to this coffin is another secret area with
some flares.

#11 ?

Mission 2 - Wrong side of the tracks

Secrets : 8

#1 In the train station, after answering the "Hugh Jass" phone,
the 4th phone to your right hides a secret hole with some armor.

#2 In the kitchen, blow up the fire extinguisher to get some

#3 Also in the kitchen, open the cupboard/fridge and push the
button with the handprints on it to open another secret area in the
room that blowing up the fire extinguisher opened which has a cloak
of invisibility in it.

#4 Going up the left-hand stair case above the ticket booth,
there are some windows, break one and jump onto the ledge to get a

#5 In the room at the end of the stairs, there is a picture on
the wall, open this to reveal a Guns Akimbo powerup.

#6 & #7 In the bookstore behind the door near the phones is a
cash-register. Use it to open one secret area right in front of you
with a Dr.s bag in it, and another to the right of the register with
some armor in it.

#8 on the train platform, go into the "No admittance" room and blow
up the crack in the wall to get some shells and some flares. There's
another crack at the bottom of this new path which you can blow up to
get a shortcut back and forth from the bookstore.

Mission 3 - Phantom Express

Secrets: 6

#1 - In the carriage full of crates, walk straight ahead through the
door to the end and jump onto the box, turn around, and to your right
there is another crate with a life-seed on it.

#2 - In the same room on the pile of boxes at the front of the
carriage there is a blue trunk, open it for a Beast Vision.

#3 - In the last carriage the two bars both have switches behind them
which opens a small panel on the wall _without_ the picture which has
a reflective-shot powerup in it.

#4 - Open the grill-oven in the kitchen for a flare gun.

#5 - The first room in the passenger carriage has a crack in the
corner, blow it up, and jump up into the hole to get a Tommy gun,
some TNT and some flares.

#6 - Open the fire-grate in the engine room, and run through the fire
to get a Shotgun, Lifeseed, Tommygun and Flaregun, then quickly open
the other end and get out.

Mission 4 - Dark Carnival

Secrets: 12

#1 - Straight ahead from the start for a bit, then turn left and go
through the hole to get some body armor, TNT and shells. Can also
get to here by blowing a hole in the train on the other side later on
in the level.

#2 - Underwater by the first bridge, swim to the right to get
Flaregun, Shotgun, Tommy gun and Guns Akimbo.

#3 - First shooting gallery, shoot the targets to get a life-seed.

#4 - Jump on top of the "Rotton Candy" wagon, and get the boots,
then use them to jump over the wall opposite to get a Beast Vision.

#5 - Kick the three heads into the mouth to get an invincibility

#6 - Second shooting gallery (bottles), shoot the bottles to get an
invisibility cloak.

#7 - Using the boots, jump over the small wall to the left of the
second shooting gallery to get a drum of bullets.

#8 - In the freakshow, blow up the 3rd set of bars and shoot the
corpse to open a panel behind you with a Guns Akimbo powerup in it.

#9 - Trash can outside of the dagger-key door. Jump into it and duck
down to get the reflective shot powerup.

#10 - In the room the zombies come from after exiting the dagger-key
door, there are some boxes at the far end with scratches on them.
Push them to gain access to a room full of mimes and a life-seed.

#11 - You eventually get to a bridge that blows up. Jumping over the
posts and blowing up the wall in front of you gets you access to
another secret area with super armor and a 3-entry combination. The
correct combination to gain access to "The House of Horrors" secret
level is: Knife Eye Moon.

Mission 5 - Hallowed Grounds

Mission 6 - The Great Temple

Mission 7 - Altar of Stone

Secrets: ?

#1 An opening in the wall facing outwards along the stairway
leads to a small ledge with some Super-Armor on it and a teleporter
which puts you back at the entry point to the level.

Mission 8 - House of Horrors (Secret Level)

Secrets: ?

Spot effects and references:

Here are any references to movies etc. seen/heard during the game, as
well as anything else that may or may not be a reference but can only
be heard at certain locations.

o Grave in the secret area near the start of E1M1 says "DRAVEN" which
is used for Eric Draven in the movie "The Raven".

o The zombies "brains, more brains" comes from "Return of the Living

o Using the wash-basin in the crematorium results in "Out, out damn
spot" a line from Shakespeares play MacBeth.

o If you use the juke-box you get moaning & screaming.

o Using the wash-basin in the train-station kitchen results in "I
like my hands bloody".

o In hidden area #1 there's a prison uniform with "Kimble" written on
it, from "The Fugitive" (Richard Kimble)

o Freakshow: Chanting "One of us" and the hand is saying "I'll
swallow your soul" (Army of Darkness)

Said by "Blood" (Caleb):

o If you 'open' the DRAVEN tombstone, Blood utters 'Nevermore', from
Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven".

o Using the bar in the train-station grill gives "I sure could use a

o Sings various broadway songs. "I did it my way", "There's no
business like show business"...

o Using rat-dog stand in carnival: "Mmmm, rat burgers"

o Using the first balloon: "Do these blow up into funny shapes?"

o "That's all folks" (Warner Brothers cartoons, usually Porky Pig)

o "Okay, who wants some"

o "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" (Platoon?)

o "Is that gasoline I smell?" - Stallone & Snipes from "Demolition

o "Ta da!" - Whatever you want....

o "Who wants some, huh? Who's next?" -Bruce Campbell from "Army of

o "I have something for you."

o "You just gonna stand there and bleed?"

o "That'll teach ya!"

o "Ooh, that wasn't a bit nice."

o "Amateurs!"

o "Fool! You are already dead."

o "What're you gonna do, bleed on me?!" - Monty Python & the Holy

Work in progress - If you have any more secret areas, meanings of
references, locations of spot effects etc. please tell me so that I
can update this list. - CityTech Computers
Johnsonville, Wellington, New Zealand Honda GB400 NO JUNK EMAIL! - Personal Homepage - Pages me ASAP using I.C.Q.

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