King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne

King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne

16.10.2013 05:58:32

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 18th August, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. The First Door
2.2. The Second Door
2.3. The Third Door
3. Command Walkthrough
4. Maps
5. Point List
6. Character List
7. Item List
7.1. Information
7.2. Descriptions
8. Easter Eggs and Secrets
9. Debug Information
9.1. Items
9.2. Information
10. Death List
11. Copyright Information


1.1: 18th Aug, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 27th Mar, 2000 (First version)


1. Introduction


It had been one year since Graham recovered the three stolen treasures and was
made King of Daventry. Deciding to hold a celebration, he invited all of the
maidens in the Kingdom to his castle in the hopes of finding a wife. And though
everyone came to the celebration and stayed for days, none of them interested
Graham. He returned to his room and mournfully asked where he would ever find
the maiden that he is looking for. At this question, the mirror changes to show
an image of a beautiful woman in a tower. Graham asks the mirror more questions
and discovers that the woman is from Kolyma, and was imprisoned in the tower of
an enchanted land by the witch Hagatha. The only way of entering the enchanted
land is to find three keys hidden in the kingdom of Kolyma. Knowing that this
is the maiden who will be his wife, Graham sets off to Kolyma to find her.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. The First Door

The game starts in the land of Kolyma, where Graham begins his quest to find a
queen. The arrow keys control movement in the game, so use the up arrow key to
walk north to the next screen. A group of rocks seem to block the way to the
next area, but there is a small gap hidden between the rocks at the top-right
corner of the area. Walk through the gap and continue north to the next area. A
trident lies on the grass here, but Graham has to be close by to this item to
do anything with it. Stop moving north by pressing up the up arrow key again.

Get the trident on the grass and it will be added to Graham's inventory. Walk
north two screens to see a white shell on the beach. Get the shell and also get
the diamond bracelt that was hidden under it. Walk east one screen and get the
stake leaning up against the bottom of the tree. Walk south to an area with
lots of trees. You can view one of the game's easter eggs by looking at the
sign on the back of one of the trees. Walk east one screen but be careful not
to walk too far into the area as Graham will fall into the poisoned lake.

While standing at the side of the poisoned lake, it is a good idea to save the
game by pressing F5 as Hagatha the witch can appear around this area. If she
does catch Graham and takes him back to her cave, then restore the game by
pressing F7. Walk south two screens to see a log at the bottom-right corner of
the area. Look in the log to see a necklace made of diamonds and sapphires.
Get the necklace to add it to the inventory. By now you should have five items
in the inventory, and these can all be examined more closely by pressing F4.

Walk south two screens from the log and then walk west one screen to arrive in
an area where various flowers are growing. Little Red Riding Hood should enter
the area. If she doesn't appear, exit the area and return to it until she does.
Talk to the girl and she will tearfully explain that her basket of goodies were
stolen while she was picking flowers. She asks Graham to help her find them.
Walk east one screen and open the mailbox outside the cottage. Get the basket
of goodies from the mailbox and walk west to the previous area.

Little Red Riding Hood may not be in the area, so again just exit and return to
the area until she appears. Give the basket of goodies to the girl and she will
give Graham her bouquet of flowers in return. Walk north one screen and then
walk east two screens to an area with a door built into a tree. Open the door
and walk onto the ladder. Climb down to the bottom of the ladder and then walk
east to enter the home of a dwarf. If the dwarf is there, exit and return to
the room until he has gone. All the dwarf will do if he catches Graham is take
him outside his house, so just return to his room if he does this.

Get the bubbling pot of chicken soup from the fireplace. Open the chest and get
the earrings. Walk west to the previous screen and climb back up the ladder.
Exit the tree and walk south one screen and west one screen to return to the
area with the mailbox outside the cottage. Open the door and enter the cottage.
If there is a wolf in the room, quickly exit and return to the cottage until
there is an old woman in the bed. Give the soup to the woman, and in return for
his kindness she will tell Graham to look under the bed. Do this, and Graham
will find a large ruby ring and a black cloak. Exit the cottage.

Walk east two screen and north two screens. Walk to the top of the rocks and
get the mallet from the hole in the tree. Walk south two screens and east one
screen to the monastery entrance. Open the door to enter the monastery where a
monk is praying at an altar. Walk to the altar and pray to gain the attention
of the monk. He will stand and ask Graham his name, so answer him. The monk
says that he has heard of his quest, and he gives Graham a silver cross to
protect him from evil. Wear the cross and then exit the monastery.

Walk south one screen to see a rock with a hole in it. Look in the hole and get
the brooch. Walk north two screens and cross over the bridge. The ropes on the
bridge prevent Graham from falling into the chasm. Walk north one screen on the
other side of the bridge to see a magical door in the middle of the area. Read
the inscription on the door and it will mention that the seeker of the key will
make a splash. Walk south one screen and west one screen. Cross the bridge and
go west five screens and south three screens to see a mermaid on a rock.

Walk into the water and swim over to the mermaid. Give her the flowers and she
will summon a seahorse. Ride the seahorse and it will take Graham down to King
Neptune. Give the trident to the King and he will give a bottle to Graham. He
also uses his trident to open the clam, which reveals a gold key. Swim over to
the open clam and get the key from it. Move east one screen and the seahorse
will return Graham to the surface of the ocean. Walk north three screens, east
six screens and north one screen. Unlock the door using the gold key.

2.2. The Second Door

With the first door unlocked, a new blue door is revealed behind it. Read the
inscription on the door, which mentions that the seeker of the key should set
their sights high. Walk south one screen and west five screens to see the cave
that Hagatha the witch lives in. Enter the cave to see Hagatha standing by her
cauldron, stirring her brew with a stick. She cannot see Graham, but will be
able to locate him if he talks or scares the bird in the cage. Get the cloth
from the bottle given by King Neptune, and then put the cloth over the cage to
prevent the nightingale from being scared. Get the cage and exit the cave.

Walk east four screens, south two screens, east one screen, south one screen
and then west one screen to see an shop. Be careful of an evil enchanter that
appears in this area, as he will kill Graham if he catches him. Stay close to
the edge of the area so that you can quickly exit if he does appear. Open the
door to enter the shop. Walk over to the counter and give the bird cage to the
woman. Grateful to have her nightingale back, she gives Graham an oil lamp and
closes the shop. Rub the lamp and a genie will appear to give Graham a magic
carpet. Ride the carpet to travel through the clouds to a mountain top.

Walk east one screen and rub the lamp to receive a sword from the genie. Now
while this could be used to kill the snake that is blocking the path, less
points are awarded so rub the lamp again to receive a bridle from the genie.
Put the bridle on the snake and it will transform into a horse. Talk to the
horse and he will explain that the evil enchanter transformed him into a snake.
He gives Graham a sugar cube that protects against poisonous brambles. Walk
east two screens and get the gold key from the rock in the cave.

Exit the cave to see a small hole at the bottom of a rock. Looking in the hole
reveals another easter egg, this one an advertisement for the original Space
Quest. It is a long scene and there is no way of skipping it. After the scene
has finished, ride the carpet to return to the antique shop at the bottom of
the mountain. Walk north one screen, east one screen, north one screen, west
one screen, north one screen, east one screen and north one screen to return to
the area with the door. Unlock the door using the gold key.

2.3. The Third Door

With the second door unlocked, a new green door is revealed behind it. Read the
inscription on the door, which mentions that the seeker of the key should have
a stout heart. Walk south one screen, west three screens and north two screens
to see a shrouded ghoul on a boat in the poisoned lake. Wear the ring and the
cloak. Get in the boat, and the ghoul will mistake Graham for someone else. If
you don't have the ring or the cloak, then for less points you could give him
any of the treasures that have been found so far. Either way, the ghoul will
row over to the island in the middle of the poisoned lake.

Exit the boat and eat the sugar cube given by the horse up on the mountain top.
Graham will now not be harmed if he touches the poisonous brambles growing from
the ground. If you killed the snake with the sword before it turned into the
horse, then carefully follow the path while avoiding the brambles. Walk north
one screen at the top of the path to see two ghosts flying around in front of
the castle door. They will fly away once they see that Graham is wearing the
cloak and the ring. Open the door to enter the castle.

Walk west one screen and climb up the spiral steps to the room at the top. Open
the drawer and get the wax candle. Walk back down the spiral steps and stop at
the torch on the wall to light the candle. Continue down to the bottom of the
steps and walk east two screens to the dining room. Get the meat on the table
and then walk east one screen. The lit candle will illuminate the room, so walk
carefully down the steps to the empty room at the bottom. For a small shortcut,
you can safely drop off the ledge and avoid the last two sets of steps.

From the empty room, walk west one screen into the coffin room. Exit and return
to the room until the coffin is closed. Open the coffin and kill dracula using
the mallet and the stake. Dracula crumbles to dust, leaving a shiny silver key
in the coffin. Get the silver key, pillow and gold key from the coffin. Walk
east one screen, up two screens, north one screen and up one screen. In the
tower at the top of the spiral steps, unlock the chest using the silver key.
Open the chest and get the tiara. Walk down one screen, south one screen, west
one screen and south one screen to exit the castle.

Walk south down the path between the brambles. If the effects of the sugar
cube have worn off by this point, the brambles will be deadly so be sure to
save frequently when walking down the path. Get in the boat at the bottom of
the path to return to the other side of the poisoned lake. With the final gold
key now in the inventory, walk east one screen, south two screens, east two
screens and north one screen to return to the door. Unlock the door using the
gold key. This time, unlocking the door leads Graham to a new world.

Walk north one screen and get the fishing net on the ground. Walk south one
screen and stand near the ocean to fish. Keep fishing until Graham catches a
big golden fish. Get the fish and then throw it back into the water, where it
offers Graham a lift across the ocean in return for his kindness. Ride the fish
across to the small island. The water surrounding the island is turbulent, so
swimming back is not an option. Walk north two screens and east one screen to
get the amulet on the ground. Walk south one screen and open the tower door.

Climb carefully up the spiral steps and give the meat to the lion at the top.
You could use the sword to kill the lion, but less points are given this way.
Open the door to see Valanice, the woman that Graham saw in the mirror. Say the
word home, and Graham will return with Valanice to the monastery in the land of
Kolyma. In the ending, friends and enemies from Daventry and Kolyma watch as
Graham marries Valanice. Together, they return to Daventry castle.


3. Command Walkthrough


North. North. "Get trident". North. North. "Get shell". "Get bracelet". East.
"Get stake". East. South. South. "Get necklace". South. South. "Open mailbox".
"Get basket". West. "Give basket to red riding hood" when she appears. North.
East. East. "Open door". Down. East. "Get soup". "Open chest". "Get earrings".
West. Up. West. South. West. "Open door". "Give soup to woman". "Look under
bed". Exit the house. East. East. North. North. "Get mallet". South. South.
East. "Open door". "Pray". "Graham". "Wear cross". South. South. "Look in
hole". "Get brooch". North. North. East. North. "Read door". South. West. West.
West. West. West. West. South. South. South. "Swim". "Give flowers to mermaid".

"Ride seahorse". "Give trident to King". "Get key". East. North. North. North.
East. East. East. East. East. East. North. "Unlock door". "Read door". South.
West. West. West. West. West. Enter the cave. "Get cloth". "Put cloth over
cage". "Get cage". Exit the cave. East. East. East. East. South. South. East.
South. West. "Open door". "Give bird to woman". "Rub lamp". "Ride carpet".
East. "Rub lamp". "Rub lamp". "Put bridle on snake". "Talk horse". East. East.
"Get key". West. "Ride carpet". North. East. North. West. North. East. North.
"Unlock door". "Read door". South. West. West. West. North. North. "Wear ring".
"Wear cloak". "Enter boat". "Exit boat". "Eat cube". North. "Open door".

West. Up. "Open drawer". "Get candle". Down. "Light candle". East. East. East.
"Get meat". East. Down. West. Exit and return until the coffin is closed. "Open
coffin". "Kill dracula". "Get key". "Get cushion". "Get key". East. Up. Up.
North. Up. "Unlock chest". "Open chest". "Get tiara". Down. South. West. South.
South. "Enter boat". East. South. South. East. East. North. "Unlock door".
North. "Get net". South. "Fish" to catch the gold fish. "Get fish". "Throw
fish". "Ride fish". North. North. East. "Get amulet". South. "Open door". Up.
Up. Up. "Give meat to lion". "Open door". "Home".


4. Maps



________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
| | |Poisoned|Poisoned|Poisoned| | |
| Beach | Lake | Lake | Lake | Lake | Brooch | Lake |
| | |Poisoned| |Poisoned|Antiques|Antiques|
|Mermaid | Trees | Lake | | Lake | shop | shop |
|________|________|________| |________|________|________|
| | |Poisoned| |Poisoned| | |
| Shell | Stake | Lake | | Lake | Field | Cliff |
| | |Poisoned| Castle |Poisoned| | |
| Beach | Sign | Lake | boat | Lake | Lake | Chasm |
| | | | | | | |
|Trident | Lake |Necklace| Field | Mallet | Chasm | Door |
| |Hagathas| | Dwarf | | | |
| Beach | Cave | Field | House | Field | Bridge | Chasm |
| | Riding | | | | | |
| Beach | Hood |Cottage | Field | Church | Church | Chasm |


| |
| Tiara |
________ |________|
| | | |
| Candle | | Spiral |
| | | | |
| Spiral | Lobby | Ham | Steps |
| | | |
| Ghosts | |Basement|
|________| ________|________|
| | | |
|Brambles| | Coffin |
|________| |________|

+--------------------------+ +-----------------------+
+--------------------------+ +-----------------------+

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
| | | | | |Mountain| | | |
|Neptune | Ocean | Ocean | Ocean | | Top | Viper | Hole |Gold key|
|________|________|________|________| |________|________|________|________|

+-------------------------+ +-----------------------+
+-------------------------+ +-----------------------+

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
| | | | | | | |
|Fish Net| Ocean | Island | Amulet | Island | |Valanice|
|________|________|________|________|________| |________|
| | | | | | | |
| Beach | Ocean | Island | Tower | Island | | Lion |
|________|________|________|________|________| |________|
| | | | | | | |
| Beach | Ocean | Island | Island | Island | | Steps |
|________|________|________|________|________| |________|
| |
| Steps |


5. Point List


3 3 Get the trident on the beach.
10 7 Get the bracelet below the clamshell.
12 2 Get the stake leaning against the tree.
19 7 Get the necklace from the log.
20 1 Open the mailbox outside the cottage.
22 2 Get the goodies from the mailbox.
26 4 Give the goodies to little red riding hood.
28 2 Get the soup from the dwarf house.
35 7 Get the earrings from the dwarf house.
37 2 Give the soup to grandma in the cottage.
41 4 Look under the bed in the cottage.
43 2 Get the mallet from the hole in the tree.
45 2 Pray at the monastery.
47 2 Answer the monk's question.
49 2 Wear the cross given by the monk.
50 1 Look in the hole in the rock.
57 7 Get the brooch from the hole in the rock.
58 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the first time.
59 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the second time.
61 2 Give the flowers to the mermaid on the rock.
63 2 Ride the seahorse in the ocean.
67 4 Give the trident to King Neptune.
72 5 Get the first gold key from the clam.
73 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the third time.
80 7 Unlock the first door using the gold key.

81 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the fourth time.
83 2 Get the cloth from the bottle.
85 2 Put the cloth over the nightingale cage.
87 2 Get the cage from Hagatha's cave.
93 6 Give the nightingale to the antiques shop owner.
95 2 Rub the lamp once for the carpet.
99 4 Ride the carpet to the mountain top.
101 2 Rub the lamp twice for the sword.
103 2 Rub the lamp three times for the bridle.
108 5 Put the bridle on the snake.
110 2 Talk to the horse.
115 5 Get the second gold key from the cave.
116 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the fifth time.
123 7 Unlock the second door using the gold key.

124 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the sixth time.
127 3 Wear the black cloak and the ruby ring.
128 1 Eat the sugar cube outside Dracula's castle.
130 2 Get the candle from the drawer.
131 1 Light the candle on the west tower torch.
133 2 Get the ham on the dining room table.
140 7 Kill dracula in his coffin.
142 2 Get the silver key from the coffin.
147 5 Get the third gold key below the pillow.
148 1 Unlock the chest in the north tower.
155 7 Get the tiara from the chest.
156 1 Cross the bridge over the chasm for the seventh time.
163 7 Unlock the third door using the gold key.
164 1 Get the net from the beach.
166 2 Catch the golden fish.
169 3 Throw the fish back into the water.
170 1 Ride the fish across to the island.
173 3 Get the amulet from the island.
177 4 Give the ham to the lion in the tower.
182 5 Open the door in the tower.
185 3 Say the word on the amulet to return to Daventry.


6. Character List


Found in the antiques shop. Her nightingale was stolen by Hagatha the witch.
Although she will accept two treasures in exchange for her oil lamp, she will
gladly hand over the oil lamp for free in return for her nightingale.

Found in the coffin in the basement of the castle. Dracula can be killed if
Graham quickly uses the mallet and the stake on him. If Graham waits too
long, Dracula wakes from his sleep and runs toward Graham. He is afraid of
the cross given by the monk in the monastery and will leave if he sees it.

Found outside the dwarf house and in the living room of the dwarf house. The
dwarf will steal any treasure that Graham is carrying. If no treasures are
being carried, the dwarf will leave Graham alone. If he catches Graham in his
house, he will take him outside without stealing any treasure.

Found outside the antiques shop and also one screen south from the shop. The
evil enchanter was responsible for transforming the horse into the snake on
the mountaintop. He can cast a spell that changes Graham into a frog.

Found outside the monastery and also one screen south from the monastery. The
fairy casts a spell that will temporarily protect Graham from enemies.

Found by fishing on the beach at the enchanted land. The golden fish takes
Graham across the ocean to the island when it is thrown back into the water.

Found by rubbing the oil lamp. The genie grants Graham a different item each
time the oil lamp is rubbed. One time for the carpet, two times for the sword
and three times for the bridle. The genie disappears after giving the bridle.

Found outside the entrance to Dracula's castle. The two ghosts possess Graham
if they touch him, making him walk into the poisoned brambles. If he wears
the black cloak and the ring the ghosts will think he is Dracula, and will
leave him alone. They will also fly away if Graham wears the monk's cross.

The main character of the game. Graham has travelled to the land of Kolyma to
find the entrance to an enchanted land where a maiden is trapped.

Found in her bed in the cottage. When given the chicken soup, she will allow
Graham to take the black cloak and the ruby ring from under her bed.

Found in the cave one screen south-east from the trident. Hagatha is a witch
who imprisoned Valanice at the top of the tower on the enchanted land. She
has a nightingale in her cave that belongs to the antiques shop owner.

Found on the mountaintop if Graham uses the bridle instead of the sword on
the snake. The horse was transformed into the snake by the enchanter when he
refused to be his steed. He will give Graham the sugar cube.

Found by riding the seahorse in the ocean after giving the flowers to the
mermaid. He will give Graham the first gold key when his trident is returned.

Found one screen west from the cottage. She has lost her basket of goodies.
When Graham finds the basket for her, she gives him a bouquet of flowers.

Found at the top of the tower on the enchanted land. The lion can be given
the ham, or can be killed with the sword for less points.

Found on a rock on the beach after the inscription on the first magic door
has been read. When she has been given the bouquet of flowers, a seahorse
appears that will takes Graham to King Neptune under the ocean.

Found in the monastery. The monk will say nothing until Graham prays. When he
does, the monk asks Graham for his name and gives him a cross.

Found in Hagatha's cave. The bird is scared of Graham, and can be taken only
when its cage has been covered with the cloth from the bottle. The bird can
be returned to the antiques shop owner, who rewards Graham with an oil lamp.

Found by looking in the hole in the rock one screen west from the cave on the
mountain top. Roger Wilco is a janitor from the Space Quest series of games,
although he appears in a lengthy easter egg advertisement in this game.

Found by giving the bouquet of flowers to the mermaid on the rock at the
beach. Graham rides the seahorse down to King Neptune under the ocean.

Found at the south side of the poisoned lake after the inscription on the
third door has been read. The ghoul will take Graham across the lake for free
if he is wearing the black cloak and the ring, or he can be given one of the
treasures and will take Graham across the lake for less points.

Found at the top of the tower in the enchanted land. Valanice is the maiden
that Graham viewed in the magic mirror and the one he set out to save.

The snake up on the mountaintop used to be a horse before a spell was cast on
him by the evil enchanter. The snake will attack Graham if he gets too close.
Graham can either choose to deal with the snake by force or by using a kinder
method that may return the snake to his original form.

Although Grandma appears most frequently inside the cottage, the wolf will
sometimes be sitting in the bed. After a quick pause, the wolf will jump out
of the bed and run toward Graham. Exit quickly if the wolf is present.


7. Item List


7.1. Item Information

Found on the sand at the north side of the enchanted island. The amulet has
the power to teleport Graham back to Daventry when he says the word 'home'.

Found in the mail box outside the cottage. They are given to Red Riding Hood
in the area one screen west from the cottage for the bouquet of flowers.

Found under the bed in the cottage after the woman has been given the chicken
soup. It is worn by Graham to pass the shrouded ghoul on the boat at the
south side of the poisoned lake and the ghosts outside Dracula's castle.

Found by giving the trident to King Neptune under the ocean. The bottle holds
a cloth, and changes into the empty bottle item when the cloth is taken.

Found by giving the basket of goodies to Red Riding Hood. They are given to
the mermaid at the beach after the second door inscription has been read.

Found under the clamshell on the beach one screen west from the stake. It is
one of the five diamond and sapphire treasures.

Found by rubbing the oil lamp for the third time. It can be used on the snake
one screen east from the mountain top landing point.

Found in the hole in the rock one screen north from the antiques shop
entrance. It is one of the five diamond and sapphire treasures.

Found in Hagatha's cave after the cage has been covered with a cloth. It is
given to the woman in the antiques shop for the oil lamp.

Found in the drawer at the top of the west tower in Dracula's castle. It is
lit on the torch above the steps in the west tower, and is used to illuminate
the steps and the basement area at the east side of the castle.

Found by rubbing the oil lamp for the first time. It is used to fly from the
entrance of the antiques shop to the mountain top and back again.

Found in the pot above the fire in the dwarf house. It is given to the woman
in the cottage, who will then allow Graham to look under her bed.

Found on the beach one screen west from the stake. The bracelet can be found
on the beach when the clamshell is taken. It is not used.

Found in the bottle. It is put over the cage in Hagatha's cave to prevent the
nightingale from being scared of Graham.

Found by answering the monk's question after praying in the monastery. It can
be worn by Graham to pass the ghosts outside Dracula's castle.

Found in the chest at the right side of the dwarf house. It is one of the
five diamond and sapphire treasures.

Found by eating the basket of goodies from the mailbox outside the cottage.
This reduces the total score by 2 and the flowers can no longer be collected.

Found by opening the cage containing the nightingale. This reduces the total
score by 2 and the nightingale can no longer be given to the woman.

Found by removing the cloth from the bottle. It is not used.

Found on the beach one screen north from the start point on the enchanted
land. It is cast into the sea until the golden fish is found.

Found by picking up the golden fish after catching it on the enchanted land.
It is thrown back into the ocean so it can take Graham to the island.

Found by giving the trident to King Neptune, in the cave on the mountain top
and under the pillow in Dracula's coffin. The three gold keys are used to
open the three locked doors on the east side of the Kolyma chasm.

Found on the table one screen east from the lobby in Dracula's castle. It is
given to the lion at the top of the tower in the enchanted land.

Found in the hole in the tree one screen north-east from the dwarf house. The
mallet and the stake are used to kill Dracula in his coffin in the castle.

Found in the hollow log one screen north-east from Hagatha's cave. It is one
of the five diamond and sapphire treasures.

Found by giving the caged nightingale or two of the diamond and sapphire
treasures to the woman in the antiques shop. The lamp is rubbed once for a
carpet, twice for the sword and three times for the bridle.

Found in the coffin in Dracula's castle. The silver key can be found in the
coffin when the pillow is taken. It is not used.

Found under the bed in the cottage after the woman has been given the chicken
soup. It is worn by Graham to pass the shrouded ghoul on the boat at the
south side of the poisoned lake and the ghosts outside Dracula's castle.

Found under the pillow in Dracula's coffin. It is used to unlock the chest
containing the tiara at the top of the north tower in Dracula's castle.

Found one screen east from the clamshell on the beach. The stake and the
mallet are used to kill Dracula in his coffin in the castle.

Found by talking to the horse on the mountain top. It is eaten to prevent
Graham from being poisoned by the brambles outside Dracula's castle.

Found by rubbing the oil lamp once. It can be used to kill the snake on the
mountaintop, the golden fish on the beach and the lion at the top of the
enchanted land tower. Less points are given when the sword is used.

Found in the chest at the top of the north tower in Dracula's castle. It is
one of the five diamond and sapphire treasures.

Found on the grass one screen north-west from Hagatha's cave. It is given to
King Neptune after Graham rides on the seahorse in the ocean.

7.2. Item Descriptions

AMULET "You examine the amulet. It is made of bronze that has
tarnished with age. A Tiger's Eye stone is imbedded into
the front. You turn the amulet over, and see the word
'HOME' engraved on the back.

BASKET OF GOODIES "There are many things to eat in the basket of goodies."

BLACK CLOAK "The black cloak would better fit a man taller than you.
Red satin lines the inside."

BOTTLE "There is a large cloth in the glass bottle."

BOUQUET OF FLOWERS "The bouquet of wild flowers is very pretty. The sweet
scent is delightful."

BRACELET "The bracelet looks like it would fit a small wrist. It
is a circlet of diamonds surrounded by beautiful blue

BRIDLE "The leather bridle is studded with silver rivets, and a
silver bit."

BROOCH "The brooch has an enormous sapphire encircled by two
rows of glittering diamonds!"

CAGED NIGHTINGALE "As you look at the bird it begins to sing merrily."

CANDLE Unlit: "The wax candle is unlit."
Lit: "The wax candle burns brightly. Ouch! Hot wax
dripped on your finger."

CARPET "The magic carpet is a beautifully woven persian rug with
a colorful fringe on the ends."

CHICKEN SOUP "The pot contains hot, bubbling chicken soup."

CLAMSHELL "This is just an ordinary clamshell. There doesn't seem
to be anything special about it."

CLOTH "It is a large sheet of cloth."

CROSS "You see a shiny silver cross dangling from a silver

EARRINGS "The diamond and sapphire earrings are very delicate.
Each earring has a large sapphire surrounded by
glittering diamonds."

EMPTY BASKET "The basket of goodies is empty because you ate all of

EMPTY BIRDCAGE "The gilded bird cage is empty. The nightingale has flown

EMPTY BOTTLE "The glass bottle is empty."

FISHING NET "The fishing net is fashioned from a material that is
unfamiliar to you. It is smooth and tangle-proof."

GASPING FISH "The large fish is covered with shimmering golden scales.
Its' graceful fins and tail are almost translucent. Right
now, the beautiful fish is writhing in agony."

GOLD KEY "It is a shiny gold key."

HAM "The smoked ham has a wonderful, savory smell. It's hard
to resist tasting it. It looks as though someone has
taken a bite out of it."

MALLET "The head of the mallet is made of iron. It has a long
wooden handle."

NECKLACE "The chain of the beautiful necklace is fashioned of many
sparkling diamonds and sapphires. In the center of the
pendant is a large, glittering sapphire."

OIL LAMP "The old oil lamp is fashioned of brass that has been
tarnished. There is a spout at one end, and a round
handle at the other. The lamp is empty inside."

PILLOW "The pillow is small, and made of shiny red satin."

RUBY RING "The ring is gold with an enormous red ruby. The initials
'C.D' are engraved inside the gold band."

SILVER KEY "It is a shiny silver key."

STAKE "It appears to be an ordinary tent stake."

SUGAR CUBE "It looks like a normal sugar cube. It does have a bit of
a sparkle, though."

SWORD "The shining sword is not incredibly large, but is very
sharp! It has a snake carved into the bronze handle."

TIARA "The tiara is stunning! It is encrusted with diamonds
from the back to the front, progressively getting larger.
The center stone in the front is a dazzling sapphire."

TRIDENT "The trident is rusty and corroded. It looks somewhat
like a pitchfork."


8. Easter Eggs and Secrets


It is possible to return to Daventry without Valanice by saying "home" when
Graham gets the amulet. Graham returns to Daventry and enters the castle
without a bride, and the ending credits then appear on the screen.

Walk south from the entrance to Hagatha's cave to exit the area, then walk
north again to return to the area. Keep exiting and returning to the area and
eventually the batmobile will drive out of the cave.

Walk one screen south from the stake to see a group of trees. One tree has a
sign on the back which advertises Space Quest I and King's Quest III.

Look in the hole in the rock on the mountaintop one screen west from the
cave. An advertisement for Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter appears. It
shows Wilco on the Arcada, being squashed by a rock in the desert on Kerona,
being chased by the spider droid in the desert, entering the bar in Ulence
Flats and dodging asteroids on the way to the Sarien ship.


9. Debug Information


Hold Alt + D to access debug mode. Type "Get object" followed by a number to
collect any item in the game, or "TP" followed by a number to teleport to a
new location. "Pos" can be used to move Graham around in a room.

9.1. Items

50 Sword 62 Empty Basket 74 Pillow
51 Trident 63 Basket of Goodies 75 Fishing Net
52 Bouquet of Flowers 64 Bottle 76 Carpet
53 Bracelet 65 Empty Bottle 77 Bridle
54 Stake 66 Ham 78 Candle
55 Ruby Ring 67 Chicken Soup 79 Sugar Cube
56 Tiara 68 Black Cloak 80 Gasping Fish
57 Necklace 69 Cross 81 Amulet
58 Earrings 70 Caged Nightingale 82 Clamshell
59 Brooch 71 Empty Birdcage 83 Silver Key
60 Mallet 72 Oil Lamp 84 Dead Fish
61 Gold Key 73 Cloth

9.2. Locations

1 Beach 48 Bridge over chasm
2 Little Red Riding Hood 49 Cliffs east from chasm bridge
3 Cottage 50 Ocean west from the beach
4 East from cottage 51 King Neptune
5 Monastery west side 52 Ocean east from Neptune
6 Monastery entrance 53 Two screens east from Neptune
7 Chasm south side 54 Three screens east from Neptune
8 Beach 55 Mountain top
9 Lake south-west from cottage 56 Mountain top snake
10 Poisoned lake north-west corner 57 Mountain top cave entrance
11 Poisoned lake north side 58 Mountain top gold key cave
12 Poisoned lake north-east corner 59 Dracula's castle west tower
13 Brooch 60 Dracula's castle spiral steps
14 Lake south from chasm 61 Dracula's castle lobby
15 Beach mermaid rock 62 Dracula's castle north tower
16 Field north from stake 63 Dracula's castle torch
17 Poisoned lake west side 64 Dracula's castle dining room
18 Dracula's castle entrance 65 Dracula's castle basement steps
19 Poisoned lake east side 66 Dracula's castle basement
20 Antique shop entrance 67 Dracula's castle coffin room
21 Antique shop east side 68 Antique shop interior
22 Clamshell 69 Hagatha's cave interior
23 Stake 70 Cottage interior
24 Poisoned lake west side 71 Monastery interior
25 Brambles outside Dracula's castle 72 Dwarf house ladder top
26 Poisoned lake east side 73 Dwarf house ladder bottom
27 Field south from antique shop 74 Dwarf house chest
28 Cliff south-east from antique shop 75 Enchanted land north beach
29 Beach 76 Enchanted land north ocean
30 Tree with sign 77 Island north-west corner
31 Poisoned lake south-west corner 78 Island amulet
32 Poisoned lake south side 79 Island north-east corner
33 Poisoned lake south-east corner 80 Enchanted land middle beach
34 Lake north-east from mallet 81 Enchanted land middle ocean
35 Lake north from magic door 82 Island west side
36 Trident 83 Island tower
37 Lake north from Hagatha's cave 84 Island east side
38 Necklace 85 Enchanted land south beach
39 Field north from dwarf house 86 Enchanted land south ocean
40 Mallet 87 Island south-west corner
41 Chasm east from magic door 88 Island south side
42 Magic door 89 Island south-east corner
43 Beach west from Hagatha's cave 90 Island tower Valanice
44 Hagatha's cave entrance 91 Island tower lion
45 Field East from Hagatha's cave 92 Island tower spiral steps middle
46 Dwarf house entrance 93 Island tower spiral steps bottom
47 Field west from chasm bridge


10. Death List


Action: Don't swim while in calm water.
Location: In any area with calm water.
Message: You splash around in the water for a while but seem to have
forgotten how to swim. Unfortunately, you drown.
Animation: Graham splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: Just swim to avoid this death. You may want to set the speed of
the game to slow whenever Graham falls into the water, as at
fast speeds you will have to swim much more quickly.

Action: Swim out too far into the ocean.
Location: Three screens west from the beach.
Message: You are so far out to sea, you have no chance of ever getting
back. You can no longer swim.
Animation: Graham splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: This scene only appears if you decide to explore the ocean.

Action: Drink from the poisoned lake.
Location: In the middle of Kolyma.
Message: You bend over and take a deep drink of the stinking water. Oh,
dear, the lake is toxic! You die of extreme poisoning.
Animation: Graham clutches at his throat as his face turns purple.
Information: A very easy death to avoid. Just don't drink from the lake.

Action: Walk into the poisoned lake.
Location: In the middle of Kolyma.
Message: This is a poisoned lake! Too bad, you die of extreme poisoning.
Animation: Graham splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: The dead trees around the lake give a pretty good clue that it is
poisonous. Stay away from it to avoid the scene.

Action: Get caught by Hagatha.
Location: Near her cave.
Message: No message.
Animation: Hagatha picks Graham up and travels to her cave, where she puts
him in her cauldron.
Information: Hagatha is fast, so stay near the edge of the screen to avoid her.

Action: Fall down the ladder.
Location: On the ladder in the dwarf house.
Message: No message.
Animation: Graham somersaults down to the floor at the bottom of the ladder.
Information: The ladder is slightly angled, so you will need to switch between
moving vertically and horizontally to prevent falling.

Action: Get caught by the wolf.
Location: In grandma's house.
Message: The wolf pounces on you! My, what big TEETH he has! Good enough to
eat you with, my dear.
Animation: A dust cloud is shown as Graham and the wolf fight.
Information: Just be careful when entering grandma's house, as sometimes it
will be grandma in the house and sometimes it will be the wolf.

Action: Kill the monk.
Location: In the monastery.
Message: Anyone who would kill a man of the cloth doesn't deserve to play
this game. Therefore, we will end it.
Animation: Graham lies on the floor.
Information: Be nice to the monk to avoid this death scene.

Action: Fall into the chasm.
Location: At the east side of Kolyma.
Message: Whoops! King Graham has fallen into the chasm, ending his quest.
Animation: Graham somersaults into the chasm.
Information: It can be hard to avoid the chasm in some screens as it takes up
so much of the area. Lower the speed to prevent falling into it.

Action: Give the trident to King Neptune after waving it.
Location: In front of King Neptune under the ocean.
Message: With a cold look in his eye, King Neptune takes the rusty trident
and points it at you.
You feel a powerful surge of electricity, and then ... nothing.
You have died at the bottom of the ocean.
Animation: Graham and the seahorse fall onto the sand.
Information: Quite a harsh death this one, as the seahorse gets it as well.
Return the trident to the king to prevent this scene.

Action: Talk to Hagatha.
Location: In Hagatha's cave.
Message: What a mistake you made!! You gave yourself away! Now Hagatha
knows you are here.
She grabs you and throws you into her cauldron. She will love to
have you for donner. heh, heh, heh!
Animation: Hagatha picks Graham up and puts him in her cauldron.
Information: Avoid making any sound in Hagatha's cave.

Action: Get the nightingale cage without covering it.
Location: In Hagatha's cave.
Message: You quietly pick up the birdcage with the nightingale. Suddenly,
the nightingale bursts out in song, alerting the old hag to your
She grabs you and throws you into her cauldron. She will love to
have you for donner. heh, heh, heh!
Animation: Hagatha picks Graham up and puts him in her cauldron.
Information: This death can be avoided if Hagatha is not in the cave. If she is
in the cave, cover the cage as Hagatha has very good hearing.

Action: Get caught by the enchanter.
Location: Outside the antiques shop.
Message: Poooooof!!! The evil enchanter has turned you into a cute little
froggy. Ribbit, ribbit!
Animation: The enchanter raises his hand and Graham transforms into a frog.
He then disappears, and Graham hops around for a few seconds.
Information: The enchanter is fast, but there are lots of objects to hide
behind outside the shop to avoid him. He will not be able to reach
Graham if he climbs the steps in front of the shop.

Action: Fall off the mountain top.
Location: The mountain top after riding the magic carpet.
Message: It seems you have fallen to your death from this high mountain
Animation: Graham somersaults as he falls.
Information: The mountain top is safe and this death should be rarely seen
unless Graham ventures too close to the edge.

Action: Get bitten by the snake.
Location: The mountain top.
Message: The snake has struck you dead.
Animation: The snake lunges forward and Graham falls to the floor.
Information: Stay away from the snake, as it will bite when Graham walks near.
As soon as the attack animation starts, the snake will still kill
Graham even if it seems that he has walked safely away from it.

Action: Walk into the thorns.
Location: Outside Dracula's castle.
Message: You have been poisoned by the thorns and can no longer continue
the game.
Animation: Graham falls to the floor.
Information: Eat the sugar cube to protect Graham from the thorns. The effects
are only temporary however and Graham will have to get back this
way as well, so be quick inside the castle.

Action: Get caught by the ghosts while not wearing the cross.
Location: Outside Dracula's castle.
Message: Oh, no! The two spooks float toward you and enter your body. In a
trance, you walk toward the thorn covered brambles.
Animation: Graham turns green as he becomes posessed by the ghosts. He holds
his arms out and walks into the thorns, where he then falls.
Information: Wear the cross to protect Graham from the ghosts.

Action: Fall off the spiral steps.
Location: At the left side of Dracula's castle.
Message: You fall to your death on the hard stone floor.
Animation: Graham somersaults down to the floor.
Information: Quite easy to avoid if the speed is slow. The steps are wide, but
it is still best to walk diagonally up them to avoid falling.

Action: Fall off the steps.
Location: At the right side of Dracula's castle.
Message: You slip from the narrow stairs and fall to your death on the
rocks below.
Animation: Graham somersaults out of view.
Information: These steps are more difficult to walk on if the arrow keys are
used. Use Page Down when walking down and Home when walking up.

Action: Get caught by Dracula while not wearing the cross.
Location: In the basement of Dracula's castle.
Message: You are caught in Dracula's grasp! Saliva drips off the end of his
sharp fangs.
You feel them sink into the soft flesh of your neck, and then ...
Animation: Dracula raises his cloak as he bites Graham's neck. Graham falls
to the floor.
Information: This scene can be avoided if Graham has the cross.

Action: Fall into the enchanted ocean.
Location: The enchanted land.
Message: The water is too turbulent to swim in. You have just drowned.
Animation: Graham splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: Avoid going anywhere too close to the ocean in the enchanted land.

Action: Fall into the waterfall.
Location: The enchanted land.
Message: You fall into the swift water and are washed out to sea where you
Animation: Graham is moved quickly away from the waterfall to the ocean,
where he splashes for a few seconds before disappearing.
Information: The waterfall is very small and you don't need to go near it.

Action: Use the amulet to return to Daventry without Valanice.
Location: The enchanted land.
Message: You murmur the word home. A tingling sensation envelops your body.
You black out for a second ... when you come to, you see you are
somewhere else!
It is unfortunate that you have returned to Daventry without a
Animation: Graham actually returns to the castle seen in the original King's
Quest. He walks into the castle and the doors close behind him.
Information: Worth trying once as this is actually an alternate ending. For the
real ending, rescue Valanice first.

Action: Fall off the steps.
Location: In the enchanted tower.
Message: You lost your footing on the narrow stairway.
You land on the hard floor of the tower and are instantly killed.
Animation: Graham somersaults down to the bottom of the tower.
Information: Walk carefully up the steps as they are quite narrow.

Action: Walk into the lion.
Location: At the top of enchanted tower.
Message: CRUNCH! SNARL! CHOMP! Well, you made a nice meal for the hungry
Animation: Graham is swallowed by the lion
Information: Don't walk too close to the lion.


11. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2000-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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