Blood Omen - Legacy Of Kain

Blood Omen - Legacy Of Kain

14.10.2013 12:35:57


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Still to be updated:

- Special places of nosgoth
- Secrets


1.General Tips

1. When you enter a new town search every house. There you
can find nifty items.
2. When you get the option to fly to the next dungeon, walk
instead. There could be important items or spells on the
way to the dungeon.
3. If you're almost dead, use a heart of darkness while you're
alive instead of when you're dead. That way you'll get more



Sanctuary : This spell returns Kain to his crypt. Use this
spell when you're low on HP.

Light : Illuminates the whole area for a short period of

Energy Bolt : Fires an energy bolt, which is very usefull. It
isn't very strong, thouch.

Repel : I think this is the best spell in the game. It
protects Kain with an energy shield, making him
invulnerable for a short period of time. Even to
poison. I recommend using this spell very often.
It's very usefull when fighting bosses, and
enemies with poisonous attacks

Inspire Hate: Causes enemies to attack themselves instead of
Kain. Very usefull with lots of enemies around

Stun : Stuns enemies with one blow, making it very easy
for Kain to feed on them.

Incapacitate: Stops an enemy in his tracks for a short period
of time.

Control Mind: With this spell Kain can take over any HUMAN
mind until the body dies.

Blood Gout : With this spell, Kain can drain blood from his
enemy, without even hitting him. Be carefull
though, you musn't use this spell on enemies
who's blood is green. Always check the blood
before using this spell.

Blood Shower: Same as Blood Gout, but drains blood over a
larger area striking all the creatures in that

Spirit Death: A projectile, which seperates the soul from the
body leaving your enemies dead.

Lightning : Summons lightning to hit enemies. This spell
must be used outdoors.

Spirit Wrack: Same as Control Mind, but this spell allows Kain
to control a creature's Spirit.

Spell Location
Santuary Kain's Mausoleum
Light Shrine of Light
Energy Bolt Energy Shrine
Repel Coorhagen
Inspire Hate Tunnels of Coorhagen
Stun Bandit Cave
Incapacitate Caves to Oracle
Control Mind Mind Dungeon
Blood Gout Blood Dungeon
Blood Shower Vorador's Mansion
Spirit Death Dark Eden
Lightning Lightning Cave (full moon)
Spirit Wrack Spirit Wrack



Heart of Darkness : When Kain has died, this item brings him
back to life, with a small amount of
blood. When Kain is alive, it gives him a
larger amount of blood.

Flay : Blades, which track their enemies down,
stripping the skin of their bodies

Implode : Causes an enemy to shrink, crushing every
bone in it's body.

Slow Time : Causes enemies to move more slowly.

Font of Putrescense: Dissolves enemies into a poisonous pool.

Energy Bank : This item lets Kain use unlimited amount
of Magic for a short period of time.
After that period, Kain magic bar will be
completely empty.

Pentalich of Tarot : A random mixture of 5 interesting deaths.

Anti-Toxin : Cures Kain of green blood, which is



Iron Armor : This is the armor you begin with. It has no
special powers, but offers the most protection
against damage.

Bone Armor : This armor isn't very strong, but because you
look like a skeleton, lower undead lifeforms
won't attack you that fast.

Chaos Armor : This armor also isn't strong, but causes some
enemies to receive the blows as well.

Flesh Armor : This armor is the weakest. It automatically
drains the blood of slain enemies. Watch out for
green coloured blood!

Wraith Armor: At night, this is the strongest armor. In day
light, it's useless.

Armor Location
Iron Armor Start
Bone Armor Tunnels of Coorhagen
Chaos Armor Vorador's Mansion
Flesh Armor Dark Eden
Wraith Armor Avernus' Cathedral


Iron Sword : This is strong weapon. It is also quick, but it
is not the strongest weapon.

Spiked Mace : With this weapon Kain can strike two blows in a
row. The second one stuns an enemy, so Kain can

Axes : These are very strong. Push the button once and
Kain will stike one time. Hit the button twice
and Kain will strike two times. Hit it several
times and he will strike several times. And if
you go beserk on the button, Kain will go beserk
too. You can't use a spell or items while using
the axes.

Flame Sword : Use this blade to burn your foes. It's stronger
than the iron sword, but when you've burned your
enemies, you can feed on their blood.

Soul Reaver : This is the strongest weapon, altrough not the
best. This blade tears the soul of an enemy
apart. The two bad things of this weapon are,
that it's two-handed and it uses magic points.
The stronger the foe, the more magic points it

My favorite weapon is definitely the flame sword. I know you
can't drain blood, but if you play well, you won't need to.

Weapon Location
Iron Sword Start
Spiked Mace Nupraptor's Retreat
The Axes Malek's Bastion
Flame Sword Flame Dungeon
Soul Reaver Avernus' Cathedral



Bat : This form allows Kain to travel to specific placs of
Nosgoth, where he has been ready. This could be a
dungeon, town or landmark. Kain can't use bat form
in a dungeon.

Wolf : With this form Kain moves a lot faster and can jump
over obstacles. When fight however, he is very slow.

Disguise: At first Kain has the diguise as a peasant. With
this disguise he can talk to normal people. The form
can be upgraded to "Beguile", giving him a look of

Mist : This form allows Kain to move over water, through
some doors and cracks in walls. This form needs the
most amount of magic points to contain.

Form Location
Bat North/west of Energy Bolt Shrine
Wolf Wolf Cave
Disguise Gypsy Camp
Mist House of Mist


6.Special places of Nosgoth

Mooncaves : These cave only open when the moon is
full. As soon as dawn breaks they
close. When you're walking in a
mooncave and the sun is coming up, it
closes when you leave the cave.

Locations of Mooncaves:

1. South of Nachtholm
2. East of Nachtholm
3. North of Steinchencroe
4. South of Coorhagen
5. South/west of Beguile cave exit
6. West of William the Just's Stronghold (present)

Caves of Spirit forges: In these caves you can get artifacts
if you sacrifice a bit of your own
blood. These caves can often be found
in a mooncave.

Location Artifact Secret
North/west of Wolf Cave Flay Yes
Termogent Forest Anti-Toxin Yes
Third Mooncave Implode Yes
Fourth Mooncave Font of Putrenscense Yes
Fifth Mooncave Slow Time Yes
South of Dark Eden Heart of Darkness Yes
Sixth Mooncave Pentalich of Tarot Yes



Note: This walkthrough doesn't have all 100 secrets. I have
been able to find all of them. Most of the secrets I
have found, were in a dungeon, without noticing it. So
if anyone has more secrets, and they aren't listed here,
please e-mail me at


- You start the game in the tavern of Ziegstuhl. Go outside
the tavern, where you are murdered by peasants.

- A scene will follow, where the necromancer Mortanius you a
chance offers to get revenge on the murderers. Of course
you accept it and return as a vampire to get revenge.

- You'll restart the game, but now as a vampire (cool).


Spells: Sanctuary
Items : 1x Heart of Darkness
1x Ancient Vile
1x Symbol of Power

- When you exit the Mausoleum, walk down the road and enter
the shrine it leads to.


Spells: None
Items : 1x Ancient Vile,
2x Flay,
2x Heart of Darkness
1x Symbol of Power

Note: Halfway through, you'll see three buttons. Push the
first two to get through.

- After exiting the small shrine find the peasants who
murdered you and sent them to hell.

- When you killed every last one of them, Mortanius tells
you that they weren't the cause of your death. Now you have
to find your answers at the pillars.
On your way to the pillars, you'll come across the town of

- At you arrival at the pillars, a scene follows, where you
are told to find AND kill Nupraptor in order to forfill
your quest. So now up to Nupraptor.

- On your way to Nupraptor's retreat, you'll find the batform
and two dungeons (don't forget to activate the landmark
where you get the batform).


Spells: Light
Items : 1x Ancient Vile
3x Flay
1x Symbol of Power
1x Heart of Darkness


Spells: Lupine (form)
Items : None

- Use the lupine form to climb your way up the hills. The
road will split eventually. Go left first. You'll come
across a cave of spirit forges, where you can get a relic
after sacrificing blood. It's not very important, but check
it out, because it's a secret. Walk on and enable the

- Now go back and go right. Walk on and you'll pass a big


Spells: Energy Bolt
Items : 1x Symbol of Power
1x Ancient Vile

- After getting the Energy Bolt spell move on to the town of
Nachtholm. You can't enter the town, because three small
boulders block your way. No problem, just change into
lupine and walk a bit back, jump on the hill, enter the
cave and drink from the Blood of Ages. These fountains are
located throughout Nosgoth giving you a special power
(strenght, rain resistance etc.). Now you can push the
boulders away and enter Nachtholm.

- Explore the village and walk north. There you'll find a
cave with another bloodfountain, which makes you immune to

- Again the road will split. Left leads to the town of
Steinchencr`e. Right leads to a cave (come back later), a
passage, which you cannot enter yet and a passage to the
left leading to a landmark (both roads come together).

- First go to Steinchencr`e. Talk to the lunetick in the
upperright area of the town. He'll tell you you need a
disguise in order to talk to ordinairy people.

- Now take the roed to the right and activate the landmark
(2nd passage to the right). Go back and head north.

- Left you will see a secret area, which you cannot enter
yet, so go right yo the gypsy camp. Enter the orange tent
and obtain the disguise form.

- Now head north to Vasserbhnde. From this city, you can fly
to Nupraptor's retreat. Go southwest instead and exit left.
Enter the house and open the doors by turning the switch.
Go outside and head north trough the now-opend door.
Fight your way to the two caves and enter the second cave.
You will get to a 'slow time' item. Now go to the other
cave leading to Nupraptor.


Spells: None
Items : 3x Flay


Boss : Nupraptor the Mentalist
Spells: None
Items : Nupraptor's Head
8x Flay
2x Ancient Vile
2x Symbol of Power
1x Slow Time
1x Enery Bank
1x Font of Putrescense
2x Heart of Darkness

- After destoying Nupraptor, get the spiked mace. You'll
notice that you now can enter some secret area's, which you
couldn't enter at first, but don't rush. They will come

- You will automatically fly to the pillars. There you'll
obtain your second quest: kill Malec.

- Go north of Vasserbhnde and smash the rocks with your mace.
Move on and enter the cave you'll pass. There you'll find a
bloodfountain, which gives you quicker magic recovery.

- Go outside and follow the road (south-west is a secret
area). You'll soon be entering Coorhagen, your hometown,
where a plague has broken out.

- Take the first house to your left. There you'll get one
Heart of Darkness. Now go to the third house (the second
one is empty), the one with the bodypiles.


Spells: Repel
Items : 1x Heart of Darkness
1x Energy Bank
1x Ancient Vile
1x Flay
2x Implode
2x Symbol of Power
1x Font of Putrescense

- Back outside again, go inside the first house and take the
items by smashing the barrels. Now enter the second house
and take the item and finally enter the last house.


Spells: None
Items : Bone Armor
1x Implode
2x Symbol of Power
1x Ancient Vile

- Once again go into the second house, get the items and
enter the first house leading to the final dungeon of


Spells: Inspire Hate
Items : 11x Flay
5x Heart of Darkness
3x Pentalich of Tarot
2x Symbol of Power
1x Ancient Vile

- Check the final house and head north.

- Climb your way up the mountain's and look at Malek's
Bastion (you must fly), but activate the landmark first.


Boss : Malek the Damned Warrior
Spells: None
Items : Axes: Havoc and Malice
10x Heart of Darkness
3x Symbol of Power
1x Pentalich of Tarot
2x Flay
1x Energy Bank
1x Ancient Vile

- After running from Malek, you are teleported outside.

- Activate the landmark

- Cut the tree's with you new axes and walk you way to the
bandit camp (you might notice a cave to the west but you
need mist form to get there). Before going to the camp
enter the other cave


Spells: Stun
Items : 1x Heart of Darkness
2x Flay
1x Symbol of Power
1x Ancient Vile

- Go through the bandit camp and enter the cave leading to
the Oracle of Nosgoth.


Spells: Incapacitate
Items : 2x Font of Putrescense
12x Flay
2x Heart of Darkness
1x Ancient Vile
1x Implode
2x Symbol of Power

- Note: Take your first right. It will lead to a
bloodfountain, which makes you immune to snowfall.

- When you have visited the old man at the Oracle, you are to
find Vorador, an old Vampire. He has defeated Malek once.
Now you must find him for answer's how to defeat Malek.

- Leave the caves and walk south. Equip the axes and chop the
tree in order to gain entrance to the house of Mist.


Spells: Mist (form)
Items : 1x Ancient Vile
1x Symbol of Power
2x Energy Bank
2x Heart of Darkness

- Go east and activate the landmark. Now head west again and
cross the water in mist form. You can see Vorador's
mansion, but you must walk, because you need the 'control
mind' spell to get to Vorador (and there are other itmes on
the way).

- Exit south. Look on your overhead map. You'll see two caves
and three small dungeons. First go to the two caves (in one
there is a bloodfountain which increases your strenght),
then enter the small dungeon's.


Spell: Blood Gout
Items: 4x Anti-toxin
1x Energy Bank
1x Ancient Vile
2x Flay
1x Symbol of Power


Spells: Control mind
Items : 1x Ancient vile
1x Symbol of Power
1x Heart of Darkness


Spells: None
Items : Flame sword
1x Ancient Vile
1x Symbol of Power

- When you've finished these dungeons, exit to the right and
walk to Vorador's mansion.


Spells: Blood Shower
Items : Chaos Armor
Vorador's Ring
2x Ancient Vile
16x Flay
1x Anti-toxin
3x Energy Bank
9x Implode
1x Font of Putrescense
2x Symbol of Power
5x Pentalich of Tarot
2x Heart of Darkness
3x Slow Time

- When you left the mansion, walk to the left and activate
the landmark. Head on and take your first left (it's a
secret). Walk all the way up, jump off, go south and
explore the village of Uschtenhiem.

- Go North. On your way you'll once again pass two caverns.
The first one is a bloodfountain and the second a secret

- Just follow the way to the Dark Eden. On your way to the
Dark Eden you'll see a cave, which you can enter, but can't
walk through. Come back to this point when you've finished
the Dark Eden.


Bosses: Bane
Spells: Spirit Death
Items : Flesh Armor
Malek's Helmet
Bane's Headdress
Dejoule's Cloak
18x Anti-toxin
2x Energy Bank
4x Ancient Vile
3x Symbol of Power

- Enter the cave mentioned before and walk through. Walk all
the way down (you can enter the cave, but that only for
items). North of the landmark is the lightning cave, which
leads to the lightning spell. Return here when the moon is
full. Just keep walking until you reach the town of Aver

- Having reached Avernus, you'll see it's in ruins. You can
go several way's, but all will eventaully lead to the


Boss : Azimuth the Planer
Spells: None
Items : Soul Reaver
Wraith Armor
Azimuth's third Eye
Time-Streaming Device
6x Ancient Vile
4x Symbol of Power
4x Heart of Darkness
1x Flay

- Outside, activate the landmark and walk out. You will be
teleported to the pillars where you will place the eye in
front of the dimension pillar.

- You will be told to seek out king Otmar of Willendorf. For
that you'll need to upgrade your disguise to a gentleman.
Fly to the last landmark and walk east.

- After a while you pass two small camps. There's nothing
important there. Just blood. Near the second camp, (orange
tents) however is a cave. Enter it (don't forget to acti-
vate landmark.


Spells: Spirit Wrack
Items : 2x Pentalich of Tarot
2x Symbol of Power
2x Flay
2x Energy Bank
1x Ancient Vile

- Walk south and drink from the bloodfountain in the cave you
can enter. It will give you more strenght (now you can push
big grey boulders).

- Keep walking on south.

- Take your first right, cut the tree and enter the cave it
leads to. There will be another bloodfountain.

- Take your second right and enter the secret cave. Take the
items and exit.

- Climb your way down and take your first left. Cross the
water and take the items. keep heading south. You'll find a
mooncave and a landmark.

- fly to Willendorf. Walk all the way east, through the town
to the cave, where you find a better disguise.


Spells: Improved Disguise (form)
Items : 1x Ancient Vile
1x Symbol of Power
6x Flay
1x Heart of Darkness
2x Font of Putrescense

- With your new disguise you can enter the city of Willen-
dorf. You can explore the city for items if you want, but
if you want to get through it quickly, go to the towers
located east and west of Willendorf and open the doors.

- When you've met King Otmar, walk south and go into the
tunnel leading to Elzevir the Dollmaker.


Spells: None
Items : 3x Flay
1x Pentalich of Tarot
2x Implode
1x Energy Bank

- Walk south and use the spirit wrack spell to control the
Nemesis' guards and swith both levers to open the door. Now
walk north.

- When you're outside again, just walk on. Activate the
landmark and exit north.

- You will enter the town of Stahlberg. Explore the town and
exit north.

- Now go west. Use the spirit wrack spell to control the
puppet and open the gate. Now you can go to the dollmaker.


Boss : Elzevir the Dollmaker
Spells: None
Items : Elzevir's Doll
1x Implode
1x Heart of Darkness
1x Energy Bank
1x Ancient Vile
2x Font of Putrescense

- Return to Willendorf and visit King Otmar again.
Now you must battle the army of the Nemesis.
(read note below first)

NOTE: Be warned!, if you go to Otmar's throne room, you
will automatically go to the battle field. If you
want to search for secrets, make a second save game,
before going to Otmar.

- Fight your way through. You will be teleported.

- You'll notice you've been teleported 50 years back in time.
Kill the man and watch the scene.

- Now head north to Stahlberg. Explore Stahlberg again for
items. Go north.

- Search the houses for items and go north once more.

- You'll see the stronghold of William the Just. Enter it.


Boss : William the Just
Spells: None
Items : Time-Streaming Device
2x Energy Bank
2x Symbol of Power
2x Heart of Darkness
1x Pentalich of Tarot
2x Ancient Vile
3x Implode


Spells: None
Items : 2x Ancient Vile
2x Energy Bank
4x Heart of Darkness

- Outside again, walk south. You can explore the town again
if you like (I did). Exit south. You'll realise
that after killing William the Just you've changed history.
And you are in the time of vampire hunting.

- Walk all the way to the event. You'll see Vorador being
decapetated. Kill the people who will attack you.
You meet Mobius (again), from the Oracle. A conversation
will take place and then head north.

- Fight Mobius' creature from the past. Then fight his
creature from the present. And finally a creature from
times yet to come, yourself. After that slay Mobius himself
and take his hourglass.

- You will automatically fly to the pillars for your final

- First fight Mortanius in his normal form. After you
destroyed him he will join with the dark entity.

- Take Mortanius' Death Orb and Anarcrothe's Scales. Then
fight Mortanius

- Having finally defeated the dark entity, you will be given
a choice:.

1. Let the world of Nosgoth be doomed.
2. Save the world of Nosgoth.

The choice is yours!




Below is a list of bosses throughout the game.

1. Name : Nupraptor the Mentalist
Location: Nupraptor's Retreat.
Fighting: Nupraptor the Mentalist attack by shooting
style energy balls slowly at you in a horizontal row.
After you've hit him a few times more spikes
will appear. Finally, he teleports to the center
of the room and fires projectiles at you (only
vertical, horizontal or diagonal).
Way to : The row of energy balls he fires at you consists
defeat of green balls and two purple balls. The green
balls don't fade , but the purple ones do. At
this point walk through the row and move slowly
towards Nupraptor. When you reach Nupraptor,
you'll be able to hit him once. Then he will
teleport to the other side. Do the same thing
again. After you hit him about 5 times, he will
teleport to the center. Now you need one hit to
kill him. Just walk up to him and give him a good
slash with your iron sword.

2. Name : Malek the Damned Warrior
Location: Malek's Bastion
Fighting: Malek fights with a Polearm. He walks around very
Style slow, but does a lot of damage when he hits you
(since your blood bar isn't that large you should
be carefull).
Way to : To defeat Malek equip the iron sword, Now hit him
defeat four times in a row (pushing attack button rapid-
ly). He'll fall to the ground (if he doesn't, hit
him another four times). Every time he stands up
he will shoot two homing energy projectiles and
three straight ones (diagonal and vertical).
After that, he will continue to walk around
trying to hit you. When you've hit him three
times to the ground, he will go to the center of
the area and fire a very destructive energy
wave. The only thing you can do now is flee to
the south/east corner.

3. Name : Bane
Location: Dark Eden
Fighting: Since Bane is a wizard of Nature he turns land
style into water. He walk, fast but doesn't attack you.
By turning land into water he tries to destroy
Way to : The fact that Bane turns land into water isn't a
defeat problem, because you could change to mist. But
when you're in mist form, you can't do anything
else. So I suggest you take out Bane as fast as
you can. First equip the flame sword. Then use
the repel spell to reflect Dejoule's energy
bolts. The only thing you have to do is hit Bane
a lot of times and he will die.

4. Name : Dejoule
Location: Dark Eden
Fighting: Dejoule doesn't do much really. She just stands
style on water firing homing energy bolt at you. Dejou
le is also protected by a ring of energy balls.
Way to : After you killed Bane, it's Dejoule's turn to
defeat die. Dejoule is the easiest boss to defeat. Again
use the repel shield and walk to the edge of the
land so that you can see her. Now you can either
throw flay's or energy bolts. If you haven't got
enough flay's, throw energy bolt and if you
haven't got enough magic power for that either go
stand in the east near the door to the teleporter
and wait until you have enough magic power. Just
keep throwing one of the two at Dejoule's shield.
which will disappear and keep throwing until you
hit her. After a few hits, she will die as well.

5. Name : Azimuth the Planer
Location: Avernus' Cathedral
Fighting: Azimuth summons two Demons at the time to kill
style you and she also attacks with energy bolts.
Way to : First use the repel shield against her homing
defeat energy bolts. Then equip the soul reaver, which
you have by now and make sure you magic bar is
completely filled. Don't waste your magic power
on the demons Azimuth summons, when you kill them
she just summons two more. Walk to Azimuth inste
ad, and with a full magic bar one good blow would
be enough to slay her. If you're to slow she will
teleport to the other side. Just try again and
again until you hit her. When she's dead kill the
two demons. There shouldn't be any problems
killing them.

6. Name : Elzevir the Dollmaker
Location: Dollmaker's Mansion
Fighting: Elzevir fights quite the same as Azimuth, but he
style shoots arrows instead of energy bolts and summons
dolls and teddy bears instead of demons.
Way to : The way to defeat him also is the same as Azi
defeat muth. The only differince between the two is that
you need a lot more that one magic bar to kill
Elzevir with the soul reaver.

7. Name : William the Just
Location: William the Just's Stronghold
Fighting: William the Just is one of the hardest enemy to
style beat. He fights along with other gaurds and as a
weapon he has a SOUL REAVER!!!. yep, a very
strong blade indeed. The good point is, that he
doesn't walk that fast.
Way to : What can I say. Use the repel shield a keep
defeat hitting him with as much as you 've got. The soul
reaver works, well, but you need to fill you're
magic bar. The flame blade would be better,
because you can use magic while being equiped
with it. When you've defeated him a bunch of
gaurds will attack you, but with the repel shield
on, they can't harm you.

8. Name : Mortanius
Location: The Pillars
Fighting: Mortanius isn't that hard to defeat, he stands
style still on one point and summons lesser undead
creatures like skeletons and ghouls.
Way to : Put on a repel shield (as soon as you have this
defeat shield use it very often) and hit Mortanius with
the soul reaver or flame sword.

9. Name : The Dark Entity
Location: The Pillars
Fighting: The Dark Entity uses his own body to attack. It
style disappears in the ground and after a while it
comes out from the ground. By rising out of the
ground he attempts to hit you with his massive
body. When he does you'll get a lot of damage.
Way to : For the last time use the repel shield. When the
defeat Dark Entity comes up, you won't get hit. Now
strike him as many times as you can untill it
drops back in the earth. The flame sword and the
soul reaver are the best weapons you can use to
fight him.


9.The Pillars

In order to restore the pillar, you need to bring an item from
that person and lay it in front of the pillar. Only then will
the pillar be restored.

Pillar of Token Location Item
The Mind Nupraptor's Head Nupraptor's Retreat
Conflict Malek's Helmet Dark Eden
Energy Dejoule's Cloak Dark Eden
Nature Bane's Headdress Dark Eden
Dimension Azimuth's Third Eye Avernus' Cathedral
Time Mobius' Hourglass After death of Vorador
States Anarcrothe's Scales At the Pillars at the end
Death Mortanius' Death Orb At the Pillars at the end
Balance N/A When finished the game

The Pillar of Balance is the last pillar that needs to be
restored and can only be restored if you defeat the Dark Entity.


10.Dark Diary

Throughout the game there are several movies that can be seen
when an important event has taken place. Listed below are the
movies in chonological order. All the movies can be seen in the
'Dark Diary' section in the game menu.

Movie Description Lenght (min)

Intro : This movie first shows Vorador 2.35
defeating Malek and therefor Malek
will be damned. Then Ariel, the
love of Nupraptor is murdered and
the Pillars begin to crack.

Movie#1 : You are dead and are offered a 1.19
chance for vengeance. Foolish
as you are you accept it with-
out hesitation.

Movie#2 : You arrive at the pillars and find 1.30
Ariel's ghost flying around. You
learn that the pillars are corrupted
by a traitor and that you must restore
the pillars. Of course not for Nosgoth,
but for yourself.

Movie#3 : This movie is in the Oracle. There you 1.40
see an old man. You seek anwers and
tell him you want anwers. To that the
man asks for the questions. You ask him
who Malek is and how you can defeat him
Then you are told to seek out Vorador,
who has defeated Malek once.

Movie#4 : At Vorador's Dining table you realise 3.40
Vorador is on your side, because you're
a vampire. He tells you great stories,
about how he defeated Malek and finally
gives you his ring. With this you can
summon Vorador whenever you need him.

Movie#5 : You summon Vorador to let him fight 0.57
against Malek. Bane and Dejoule flee
and you run after them. There will be
a fight between Malek and Vorador,
leaving no clue of who will win.

Movie#6 : You enter the castle of Willendorf. 1.39
There you find King Otmar. He tells you
about how he lost his daughter's soul
to Elzevir the dollmaker and that he is
willing to give his kingdom to anyone
who brings her back to life.

Movie#7 : As you restore the life of King Otmar's 0.36
daughter you refuse to have his king-
dom, but ask for his army instead. Now
you're going to fight the Nemesis' army

Movie#8 : You travelled back in time and witness 0.48
a speach from Mobius, who also travel-
led back in time. He's incouraging the
people to go hunt vampires.

Movie#9 : As you walk to the event, you see 1.00
Vorador being executed. Then you are
attacked by the peasants

Movie#10: This is the smallest movie. There is a 0.31
small conversation between you and
mobius. After that you chop off his
head to restore the pillar of time.

Movie#11: As you arrive at the pillars, you hear 1.33
two voices. The voice of Mortanius
(sounds familiar) and the voice of
Anarcroth. You hear that Mortanius was
the one who murdered you and brought
you back to life. The quarrel between
the two ends up into a fight with
Mortanius as a winner. You walk away
from the pillar and tell Mortanius
that you must kill him.

Movie#12: Having defeated Mortanius in his 0.46
normal form, he joins with the Dark
Entity (very smoothy). Now the final
battle will take place.



Location Secret
1. Shrine of Light - At the entrance, walk right and walk in
the south-east corner. A wall will open
giving you a Ancient Vile.
2. Shrine of Light - Almost at the end of the dungeon you'll
see a pillar, with a red glow around it.
It's a swith, which opens the two door
at each side.
3. Spirit Forge - North/west of the Wolf Cave there is a
cave of spirit forge, enter it and walk
to the chamber to get the secret.
4. Cemetary - East of the small shrine near the Mauso
leum, there can be found a flay. Use
Lupine form to jump over the fence.
5. Cemetary - Same as secret 4, but walk south and
take the vial of blood.
6. Small Shrine - In the shrine you'll find two small
boulders lying in two symbols of blood.
Push the boulders of their swithes
(you'll need increased strenght) and a
secret door will open to you south/east.
7. Nupraptor's - After the four tests, at the first
Retreat crossing, go south and push the lever,
which will open a door to the west of
the crossing.
8. Cave east of - Simply walk to the statue of the four-
Steinchencr`e armed demon. You'll have another secret
9. Cave east of - Break the statue with the spiked-mace.
Steinchencr`e Explore the dungeon to get the secret.
Just walk, until you hear the sound.
10.West of - Smash the stone west of Vasserbhnde and
Vasserbhnde obtain the items.
11.North/west of - Same as secret 10. Smash the rock and
Vasserbhnde get the items.
12.Coorhagen - In order to get the Inspire Hate spell,
go to the area with the female ghosts.
Open every door and then pull the chain
(to open the first door) again. Now a
Secret door will open to the dungeon.
13.Malek's Bastion - When you enter the Bastion, step on the
right switch, which will open the door
to the right.
14.Malek's Bastion - After going into the door of secret 13,
walk all the way (just keep going up),
until you come in a room with four le-
vers. Pull the first and the last one
down and a door will open to the globe.
switch the lever and there will be no
more ghost-gaurds in the Bastion.
15. Cave north of - Use mist form to walk over water and
Nachtholm go into the cave. You'll be teleported
to a location with lots of items.
16. South/west of - Change to mist form and exit to the
Vasserbhnde south. Go west walking over water.
You'll get a Symbol of Power and two
other items.
17. Termogent - In the Termogent Forest (flame dungeon)
Forest go to the spirit forge cave to the north
18. Mind Dungeon - When you enter the dungeon, exit north.
Walk on until you get the control mind
spell. Go back until you see three red
men with a mace. Use flay's to kill two
of them and you the spell the control
him. Walk on and pull the swith. Walk
back (still contolling him) and take the
19. Mind Dungeon - Same as secret 18, but do the same thing
to your right (three guys with swords).
20. Mind Dungeon - Go to the location where the skulls in
the wall are, which shoot arrows. pass
them. Now pull the switch and go back.
Take your right and take control of the
guy who is standing there. Walk north,
Avoid the axe and take the Heart of
21. Vorador's - At the second red triangle on the ground
Mansion go east. Take control of the gypsy's
body and pull the switch. Now go back to
the triangle as Kain and the door to the
left will be opened.
22. Vorador's - Having complted secret 21, exit south
Mansion through the now-opend door. Fight and
kill the werewolf, take the items and
walk through the door in mist form.
Then, take the symbol of Power to get
the secret.
23. Vorador's - At the area with the first spikes you
Mansion see (with the two gypsies on shooting
at from the side) there is a secret
button at the third pillar, which opens
a door to the east (you can see the
secret area on you overhead map).
24. Vorador's - At secret 23, walk trough the door. At
Mansion the next door, there is a secret button
to the left. This button will open a
secret door to the south/east of here.
(again, look on your map).
25. Vorador's - When you get the Chaos Armor, walk
Mansion north. There's a secret button near the
pillar. Then take control of the gypsy's
mind and walk through the secret door.
26. Vorador's - In the big room with the after you found
Mansion the blood shower spell, head north.
There should be a secret button on the
wall to the north, which opens a door to
the west
27. Vorador's - After secret 26, exit in the door to the
Mansion west. You'll enter a room with two
ghouls and four meals (chained victims).
Again there's a button, which reveals a
door next to the button from secret 26.
28. Vorador's - On your way you'll find an ancient
Mansion chronicle of Vorador. right to it is a
secret button, which opens a door to the
29. Vorador's - As secret 28, take control of the gypsy
Mansion and walk all the way south and finally
exit. In the room you'll enter there's a
button to your left, which will reveal a
door left of the chronicle (secret 28).
30. Vorador's - In Vorador's dining room, walk to the
Mansion north/west corner. Walk trough the wall
in mist form (there's a part where you
can walk through).
31. Vorador's - Still in his dining room, walk through
Mansion the door to the east. Yuo'll see a green
glow next to the pillar to the north.
That because there is a secret button.
32. North/west of - Here you can find one implode. It's not
Uschtenhiem much, but it's a secret.
33. North of - From secret 32, go north and then east
Uschtenhiem using lupine form. There are should be
2 Pentalich's of Tarot. Take the first
one for secret 33.
34. North of - Take the second Pentalich of Tarot from
Uschtenhiem secret 33, take get another secret.
35. Lava Cave - Use the control mind spell to control
the guy in the north/west and pull the
36.Shrine south of - When you enter this shrine, you'll find
the small shrine a teleporter, which teleports you to the
shrine located east from here.
37. Ziegstuhl - Enter the tavern, kill the people who
attack you and transform to wolf. behind
the counter you'll see a red glow, which
is a button. Push it. You don't have to
enter the secret door, because it just
leads to the first spirit forge cave
(unless you haven't been there yet)
38. Town of Avernus - In the area where you encounter a grey
demon for the first time, there is a
house, from which the door is half smash
(north of where the demon stands. Enter
the house in mist form. There are two
grey demons and a slow time inside the
39. Town of Avernus - From secret 38, walk east, there a crack
in the wall next to the door. Again use
mist form to walk through the wall. Exit
south in the small room you enter. Now
you're in a big sewer. South/west of
where you're standing now is a heart of
darkness, which is a secret.
40. Town of Avernus - From the beginning of the sewer of
secret 39, the is another stairway,
which leads to another small room with a
crack. Again walk through the crack in
mist form and take the items. One of
them is a secret.
41. Town of Avernus - Again from the big sewer, but now exit
through the door to the south in mist
form. In the second sewer area there is
a secret slow time to the east.
42. Town of Avernus - In the second sewer area of secret 41,
exit by taking the other stairs. Walk
through the crack (I think you know how
by now). Kill the red demon and get the
slow time that lies in the chamber to
the north.
43. Avernus' - At the end of the cathedral, walk into
Cathedral the room to the east. In the south/east
corner there's a doorway to a secret
room containing lots of items.
44. Isle of the - Go to the house of mist and walk west
Dead to the water. Now cross the water in
mist form and exit west. You'll see a
small island with a teleporter. Return
here when the moon is full. At that
time, go into the teleporter. You'll be
teleported to the serpent temple. Since
the moon is full the door is open. Now
walk through the door.
45. Serpent Temple - In the big area with the ice walk to
the north/east corner, there's a secret
button on the ground.
46. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 45, but in the north/we
st corner. Having completed both secret
45 and 46 opens the door in the same
47. Serpent Temple - In the area behind the door of secret
46, there is a statue of a snake in the
center, which is a secret switch.
48. Serpent Temple - From where you entered the Serpent
Temple, walk all the way south. Then
enter the first temple to the north. In
that temple there's another statue in
the first right corner.
49. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 48, but in the upper
right corner.
50. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 48 and 49, but in the
upper left corner. Having switch the
buttons of secret 48, 49 and 50 opens
the door.
51. Serpent Temple - Go outside the temple of secret 48, and
go into the temple right above it. At
the entrance there is a button to the
52. Serpent Temple - After you push the button at secret 51,
walk to the right and take control of
the guard's mind, now walk north and
push the button to open the door to the
53. Serpent Temple - Walk into the teleporter, while still
controlling the guard. North of the
teleporter is a button.
54. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 53, but push the next
button on your way.
55. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 54.
56. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 54.
57. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 54.
58. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 54.
59. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 54.
60. Serpent Temple - Go to the temple in the center. Use the
control mind spell to take control of
the wizard to the left. Now push the
button to the north.
61. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 52, but do the same
thing to the wizard to the right.
62. Serpnet Temple - Enter the door that opened after you
completed secret 52 and 53. Go left and
take you first right. There should be a
63. Serpent Temple - Same as secret 54, but now go right and
take your first left.
64. Spirit Forge - North of Steinchencroe is a mooncave in
the cave is a spirit forge, which is a
65. Spirit Forge - Same as secret 64, but at the mooncave
located south of Coorhagen.
66. South of Beguile - Here is a cave, which contains a few
cave exit items.
67. South of Beguile - Push the large brown boulders, then
walk on and push the large grey boul-
der. At the end are a few Pentalich's
of Tarot.
68. East of - Push the grey boulder and exit to the
Steinchencroe east.
69. South of - Walk to the island in mist form. There
Willendorf are four Hearts of Darkness and an
magic orb.
70. North/east of - Left of the cave is a path which leads
to the camp with the purple tents.
There are a few Hearts of Darkness
71. North of village - Enter the house. There you'll find a
near Willendorf teleporter, which teleports you to the
fifth mooncave.
72. Spirit Forge - After secret 71, press the button to
open the door.
73. Spirit Forge - Fly to the Dark Eden in bat form. At
the place where you land exit south.
Keep walking south and exit south
again. On your overhead map, you'll see
there is a big door to the south/west.
When the moon is full this door will
open. It will lead to a cave containing
a spirit forge.
74. Lightning Cave - Fly to the Dark Eden again and enter
the cave you land before. When you exit
the cave on the other side, walk to the
landmark. Just above it is another door
which only opens at full moon. Behind
it is the dungeon where you can get the
Lightning spell.
75.South/west of - From the Dollmaker's Mansion, walk
Elzevir's Mansion west, then south. You'll see an magic
orb and some items.
76.South of - From secret 75, walk south, you'll find
Elzevir's Mansion another magic orb and a Heart of
77.South of - From secret 76, walk a bit to the east
Elzevir's Mansion and take your first to the south. There
you'll find a blood vial and yet anot-
her magic orb.
78.Island south of - South of Elzevir's Mansion is a small
Elzevir's Mansion island covered with ice. There you
should find a few items, which are a
79 East of - Enter the mooncave when the moon is
Nachtholm full. You will get another secret.
80 West of William - Same as secret 79. Inside is a Spirit
The Just's Str. Forge, which will give you a Pentalich
of Tarot. (mooncave 6)

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