

17.10.2013 20:23:45
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Written by 007
Email :
ICQ Number : 40489746
AOL Screename : mmnpsrsoskl
Date FAQ Was Started : Tuesday 3 October 2000

*Version Updates*

Version Final

Change of email.

Version 1.5

Even smaller update than before. Added info on sites who are now posting my
FAQ's. Thanks guys!

Version 1.4

A very small update. Just a little bit of info added here and there. Plus a
new section. Other FAQ's written by me.

Version 1.3

I have added little bits of info here and there, plus a few more cheats.
This will be one of the last updates, unless someone out there actually
reads this, and wants me to put in some info or something.

Version 1.2

Another quick update. Whoops! I forgot to put some more cheats in the last
update! Oh well, they are in here. Really. Yes, Really... Plus I have added
some info on the police cars in Section 5. And I am adding a new section :
Tips. I will put in some tips on how to play, and just some general tips and

Version 1.1

Wow! The first update! The day after I sent the FAQ in, I noticed about,
lets say, A MILLION ERRORS! Plus I have added more info about all of the
stages, and more cheats. Remember to email me for any help, or if you see a
mistake, and such and so. Oh Yeah, email me if you wanna see a new section
or something to...

Version 1.0

The first version! Woo Hoo! Carmageddon is the most addictive racing game,
that I have ever played. Plus, with the FAQ, in future updates there will be
more sections. Maybe. Carmageddon is so very cool, I decided to write a FAQ
for it. Now, read on and enlighten your minds children.....


1. Welcome
2. Options
2.1 Sound
2.2 Detail
2.3 Controls
3. What Car To Pick?
4. Starting A Game
5. List Of All Cars Available
6. List Of All Stages Available
7. Parts Shop
8. Action Replay
9. Powerups
10. Cheats
11. Tips
12. Credits, Links and Copyright Info
13. Other FAQ's Written By Me
14. Closing Statement

*1. Welcome*

Welcome to the FAQ! I hope you like it. I decided to write this FAQ, and
send it in to GameFAQs, because I looked at and saw that
there are only 2! FAQ's for Carmageddon. Both are excellent, but when I
checked the bigger one, it was mainly for the beta demo version of the game.
Benn Rice's FAQ is EXCELLENT!, but I would still like to see a FAQ for the
full game. Anyways, send in your ideas, questions, and all other
related stuff to my email at the top. Here is my version and I hope you


*2. Options*

Here I will list all of the options available from the starting menu and
what they mean :

2.1 Sound

Here you can adjust the level of Sound Effects and level of Music. You may
wanna play with no music, cause it tends to drown out all the sounds of gut
wrenching, organ squashing, blood curdling screams, etc etc etc...

2.2 Detail

This basically means, you change the settings so that your computer can run
the game a bit faster. Or just to make the game look good. Settings towards
the left tend to make the game run faster.

Car Complexity - This means how blocky the car would be. The lowest setting
is very blocky, and the highest is almost perfect.

Car Textures - This determines how much detail the car will be displayed in.

Shadows - Turns off either all shadows, all but your car or all shadows on.
Pretty useless having shadows on, it just slows down the game. Unless you
have a very fast PC, unlike me.

Wall Textures - The level of detail of walls and buildings.

Road Textures - This settings changes how 'realistic' the road looks. Pretty
boring set on the lowest. I mean, come on, at least have a sort of realistic
look on the road.

Scenery Cut-Off - This settings determines, how far behind scenery is
'Cut-Off'. The booklet is wrong cause it says how far in front of you, but
that has to do with 'Scenery Pop-Up'. The closer you set it the faster the
game will run. I have it on nearest, cause I don't even bother using the
mirror. Thats what its for. If you wanna see stuff in the mirror, put this
on a further setting.

Scenery Pop-up - The exact opposite of 'Scenery Cut-Off'. The closer it is
set, the faster the game. Have this set as far away, cause you will have
some time to react to that big huge looking wall straight ahead after
cruising along the straight at 200mph+. Unless you are cheating...

Sky Texture - Turns the sky on or off. I have it off, cause, you can't hit
the sky, and it just takes up valuable memory.

Darkness / Fog - Makes for a more realistic look to the game. It blocks out
Scenery Pop-Up, so you won't notice the buildings just 'popping-up'. But it
slows down the game just a little. Who cares? It is worth it.

Track Accessories - This turns on or off all of the objects that can be
pushed/smashed around ie Street Lights, Traffic Lights etc etc etc...

Special Effects - Turns all of the blood stains, skid marks, smoke from when
you do a burn-out, on or off.

2.3 Control

This options screen allows to you....... CHANGE YOUR CONTROLS! Wow! Anyways,
I reckon the default controls setting is the best :

Keypad 8 - Accelerate forwards (brake when in reverse).
Keypad 2 - Brake when going forwards (accelerate when in reverse).
Keypad 4 - Steer left.
Keypad 6 - Steer right.
Z - Wheelspin. Hold it, Accelerate, and then turn and start doing doughies!
Spacebar - Handbrake.
C - Switches between 1st and 3rd person view ie Inside and Outside the car.
Q - Look left from internal view.
W - Look forward from internal view.
E - Look right from internal view.
Arrow-Keys - Used to turn the external camera around. Press left and right
together to get back to the default camera view.
H - Horn (use to frighten pedestrians, you can even try creeping up on them
before using it).
P - Toggle Pratcam, the little view of you, the driver.
M - Toggle mirror on and off when in internal view.
S - Toggle sound on and off.
Tab - Toggles the map. You can still see the car in a little window. Use
the arrow keys to move it around.
Esc - Go to menu.
Backspace - Repair car, press twice quickly for total repair.
Ins - Places your vehicle back on its wheels, after you just done that
insane jump or had a huge smash.
Keypad minus - Toggles all the peds, blood and gibs off. To be used as a
panic button when your 3-year brother/sister or 85-year old grandparent
walks in. Press again to go back to normal mode.
Shift-D - Takes a screenshot. Makes a BMP file in your Carmageddon folder.
F1 - Help.
F2 - Save.
F3 - Load.
F9 - Quit.
Control-A - Abort race (can also be done from menu).
Control-Q - Quit (can also be done from menu).
Enter - Toggle between live action and action replay modes.

These keys are used in Action Replay Mode :

Keypad 5 or Spacebar - Pause/Unpause (plays in ‘current’ direction).
Keypad 0 or Backspace - Flip direction of playing.
, or Keypad 1 - Play backwards.
. or Keypad 3 - Play forwards.
Keypad * - Cycle through different camera modes.
Keypad 4 or Page Up - Rewind (hold down).
Keypad 6 or Page Down - Fast forward (hold down).
Keypad 7 or Home - Go straight back to the start of the tape.
Keypad 9 or End - Go straight to the end of the tape.
Keypad 1 (When Paused) - Frame advance backwards.
Keypad 3 (When Paused) - Frame advance forwards.

But as always, no-one probably agrees with me. And if you do, Cool! Thanks
for doing so!


*3. What Car To Pick?*

After you pick your difficulty, you get to choose between the Red Eagle or
the Yellow Hawk. Here are some stats for the cars :

Red Eagle Yellow Hawk

Driver Max Damage Die Anna
Speed 6/10 9/10
Strength 9/10 6/10
Handling 8/10 8/10
Weight 1.1 tons 0.8 tons
Maximum Speed 200mph 250mph
0-60mph 4.01 seconds 3.15 seconds

If you want brute strength, pick the Red Eagle. And if you want to get away
from those pesky adversaries, pick the Yellow Hawk. Plus the Yellow Hawk
accelerates faster than the Red Eagle. They both handle about the same.
I like picking the Red Eagle, cause it looks cooler, I like smashing up alot
of stuff, and I just like it. Simple. Plus you enter your name here.


*4. Starting A Game*

Well, you finally started your game. There are three modes to choose from :

As Easy As Killing Bunnies With Axes (Easy)
Normal Everyday Carnage (Medium)
Harder Than French Kissing A Cobra (FREAKIN' HARD)

I recommend that everyone picks Easy, as it is very easy. It does get harder
during the course of the game, but by the time you get there, you be a pro
at Carmageddon. If you want a challenge try the Medium mode. Only play Hard
if you have played the game before, and you are very experienced with it.
Cause you get about 10 seconds per race to find someone to run over, and
that is after every player pounds you from every direction. Fun hey?


*5. List Of All Cars Available*

Here I have listed all of the cars (even the ones you get using the cheat
code) in order they appear when you pick them.

Driver : The name of the original driver.
Top Speed : The top speed of the vehicle. Most of these, I will take them
from the manual.
Weight : The weight of the car. Again from the manual.
0-60mph : The time it takes for the car to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph. More
stuff from the ... you guessed it ... manual.
Cheat : If the car can only be accessed through a cheat or not.
Comment : A comment.

1. Red Eagle
Driver : Max Damage
Top Speed : 200mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.01 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

2. Yellow Hawk
Driver : Die Anna
Top Speed : 250mph
Weight : 0.8 tons
0-60mph : 3.15 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

3. Leadpumper
Driver : Agent Orange
Top Speed : 150mph
Weight : 1.7 tons
0-60mph : 7.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : This car is awesome. What can I say? VERY COOL! If you are using
the cheats, this car will kill with about one hit, to small cars.

4. Squad Car
Driver : The Cops
Top Speed : ?
Weight : ?
0-60mph : ?
Cheat : Yes
Comment : The Cop car you see in most of the stages. These guys are a pain
in the...

5. Suppressor
Driver : The Cops Special Forces
Top Speed : ?
Weight : ?
0-60mph : ?
Cheat : No
Comment : WOW! One of the fastest cars in the game, and also one of the
BEST cars in the game.

6. Road Bratt
Driver : Auto Scum Members 2 & 3
Top Speed : 220mph
Weight : 0.6 tons
0-60mph : 3.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : These guys are a pain in the you know what! But there cars are
pretty cool. Small and quick.

7. Grunge Buster
Driver : Mech Maniac
Top Speed : 220mph
Weight : 0.4 tons
0-60mph : 3.3 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : Another very cool car.

8. The Plow
Driver : Don Dumpster
Top Speed : 100mph
Weight : 2.6 tons
0-60mph : 14.8 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : I know. You are probably thinking, what a crap car! But it is
heaps of fun. The thing hoons around when powered up. And it can knock
down light poles in one hit. Sometimes.

9. Street Eater
Driver : Auto Scum Members 1 & 4
Top Speed : 220mph
Weight : 0.6 tons
0-60mph : 3.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : See the Road Bratt above.

10. Hevy Impaler
Driver : Ed Hunter
Top Speed : 160mph
Weight : 2.3 tons
0-60mph : 9.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : The manual says : 'His armoured station wagon's a moving
roadblock.' This is VERY true. A VERY cool car in my opinion. Pick this
for heaps of fun.

11. King Merc
Driver : Heinz Faust
Top Speed : 160mph
Weight : 3.0 tons
0-60mph : 7.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : Yeah, this car is good, but pick another if you can.

12. Tanka
Driver : Firestorm
Top Speed : 100mph
Weight : 2.1 tons
0-60mph : 8.9 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : This car (well its not really a car) is VERY small. But very cool.

13. Stiffshifter
Driver : The Brothers Grimm
Top Speed : 230mph
Weight : 1.2 tons
0-60mph : 4.2 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : Very cool car! Very funny how there is a dead body in the back.

14. Project X
Driver : Hammerhead
Top Speed : 210mph
Weight : 2.0 tons
0-60mph : 6.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : This guy is an idiot. He reckons he is a really cool, but he sucks.

15. Lumberer
Driver : Halfwit Harry
Top Speed : 170mph
Weight : 1. tons
0-60mph : 9.4 tons
Cheat : Yes
Comment : Hehe hehe hehe. Heaps of fun if you pick this car. Virtually

16. The Bear
Driver : Ivan The Bastard
Top Speed : 150mph
Weight : 1.4 tons
0-60mph : 9.4 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : This guy is a bastard! Plus his car has this little blade on the
front that goes back and forth.

17. Countslash
Driver : Kutter
Top Speed : 280mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.1 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : This car is supposed to be a Counthash (or whatever it is), but
is a very cool looking green colour. Very fast too! But you get wasted very

18. Cullwing
Driver : Wanda Lust
Top Speed : 210mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 6.7 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : She is a mega-bitch! But she has a very cool little sportie car.

19. Fraud Broko
Driver : OK Stimpson
Top Speed : 170mph
Weight : 1.9 tons
0-60mph : 8.9 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : Its supposed to be a Ford Bronco. This car is like having the
Hotrod power-up permanently built in. Makes you feel like your driving a
Monster Truck! Run them over! Yeah!

20. Caddy Fat Cat
Driver : Otis P Jivefunk
Top Speed : 180mph
Weight : 1.8 tons
0-60mph : 7.7 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : Another cool car to cruise around in. It packs some mean lookin'
spikes on the front bumper too!

21. Towmeister
Driver : Psycho Bill
Top Speed : 160mph
Weight : 2.0 tons
0-60mph : 9.1 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : A Tow Truck! Too bad you can't grab car with the tow thing, and
spin the truck and sling the other cars flying in the air! That would be fun.

22. Razorbill
Driver : Auto Scum Member 4
Top Speed : 220mph
Weight : 0.6 tons
0-60mph : 3.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : I hate these guys! But there cars are pretty cool. Go hooning
around in a little buggy thing.

23. The Twister
Driver : Screwie Lewie
Top Speed : 220mph
Weight : 1.7 tons
0-60mph : 6.4 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : Hehehe, another cool car. This monster has a huge screw thing on
the front. Drill them other idiots!

24. Pinkpulveriser
Driver : Burly Shirley
Top Speed : 170mph
Weight : 2.0 tons
0-60mph : 9.9 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : Halfwit Harry's Sister (or Brother!, I think?) Another big
monster of a car that is like a tank.

25. Electric Blue
Driver : Stella Stunna
Top Speed : 230mph
Weight : 1.0 tons
0-60mph : 4.5 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : WOW! This car kicks big Ar-eh heh heh heh! A VERY cool car, cause
it has the electro bastard ray built into the car. So you don't have to
worry about running the peds down, cause the car zaps them for you. But,
you have to be a certain distance away.

26. Volkswerker
Driver : Stig O'Sore
Top Speed : 150mph
Weight : 1.0 tons
0-60mph : 11.6 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : Another tank of a car! Very weird looking too.

27. Fearari F666
Driver : Madam Scarlett
Top Speed : 270mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.1 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : A Ferrari! I mean, a FEARARI! Hehehehe, cool. A big car, but very
weak. Very fast though. VERY.

28. Taskita
Driver : Ed 101
Top Speed : 280mph
Weight : 0.9 tons
0-60mph : 4.2 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : A cool looking car. Apparently, Ed 101 stole it! And then you can
steal it from him! Cool!

29. Cleaver
Driver : Val Hella
Top Speed : 220mph
Weight : 1.3 tons
0-60mph : 5.5 seconds
Cheat : Yes
Comment : A very cool looking car. If only some of them were real... Cool
spikes that stick out of the rear wheels.

30. Annihilator
Driver : Vlad
Top Speed : 420mph
Weight : 1.0 tons
0-60mph : 2.2 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : WOW!!! The fastest car in the game! But it couldn't turn for crap.
But, very fast! This was the first car I stole.

31. Yellow Eagle
Driver : Max Damage
Top Speed : 200mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.01 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

32. Blue Eagle
Driver : Max Damage
Top Speed : 200mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.01 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

33. Green Eagle
Driver : Max Damage
Top Speed : 200mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.01 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

34. White Eagle
Driver : Max Damage
Top Speed : 200mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.01 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

35. Black Eagle
Driver : Max Damage
Top Speed : 200mph
Weight : 1.1 tons
0-60mph : 4.01 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

36. Black Hawk
Driver : Die Anna
Top Speed : 250mph
Weight : 0.8 tons
0-60mph : 3.15 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

37. Blue Hawk
Driver : Die Anna
Top Speed : 250mph
Weight : 0.8 tons
0-60mph : 3.15 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

38. Green Hawk
Driver : Die Anna
Top Speed : 250mph
Weight : 0.8 tons
0-60mph : 3.15 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

39. Red Hawk
Driver : Die Anna
Top Speed : 250mph
Weight : 0.8 tons
0-60mph : 3.15 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

40. White Hawk
Driver : Die Anna
Top Speed : 250mph
Weight : 0.8 tons
0-60mph : 3.15 seconds
Cheat : No
Comment : See above under Section 3.

I may include descriptions of the cars in the next version.

*6. List Of All Stages Available*

I will list all of the stages, in order they appear on the screen.

Name : Name of the stage.
Rank : What rank you need in order to access the stage.
Location : The location.
Pedestrian Count : The number of peds/cows in a stage.
Length of Lap : The length of the lap on the stage.
Number of Laps : The number of laps needed to finish the race.

Name : Maim Street
Rank : 99
Location : Bleak City Business District
Pedestrian Count : 527
Length of Lap : 2.87 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Coastal Carnage
Rank : 99
Location : Dusty Trails National Park
Pedestrian Count : 229
Length of Lap : 5.97 miles
Number of Laps : 2

Name : Fridge Racer
Rank : 99
Location : Frosty Pass Ski Resort
Pedestrian Count : 516
Length of Lap : 1.8 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Death Valley
Rank : 96
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Town
Pedestrian Count : 498
Length of Lap : 1.8 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Pit Stop
Rank : 93
Location : Devil's Canyon Mines Complex
Pedestrian Count : 581
Length of Lap : 1.59 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Industrial Injury
Rank : 90
Location : Magnachem's Acid Ocean Reprocessor
Pedestrian Count : 153
Length of Lap : 1.2 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Avenue Of Atrocities
Rank : 87
Location : Bleak City Outskirts
Pedestrian Count : 594
Length of Lap : 3.1 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Mist Me!
Rank : 84
Location : Dusty Trails Scenic Coastal Drive
Pedestrian Count : 423
Length of Lap : 3.28 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Chiller
Rank : 81
Location : Frosty Pass Ski Resort
Pedestrian Count : 511
Length of Lap : 1.46 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Erasing Arizona
Rank : 78
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Town
Pedestrian Count : 500
Length of Lap : 1.95 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : 600 Ft Under
Rank : 75
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Complex
Pedestrian Count : 618
Length of Lap : 2.29 miles
Number of Laps : 2

Name : Mangled At The Mall
Rank : 72
Location : Bleak City Commercial District
Pedestrian Count : 533
Length of Lap : 1.95 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : I Scream In The Sun
Rank : 69
Location : Dusty Trails National Park
Pedestrian Count : 517
Length of Lap : 4.19 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Magnachem Mayhem
Rank : 66
Location : Magnachem's Acid Ocean Reprocessor
Pedestrian Count : 297
Length of Lap : 1.73 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Off Quay
Rank : 63
Location : Dusty Trails Quayside Complex
Pedestrian Count : 401
Length of Lap : 4.16 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Halfway To Hell
Rank : 60
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Complex
Pedestrian Count : 610
Length of Lap : 4.7 miles
Number of Laps : 1

Name : Industrial Action
Rank : 57
Location : Magnachem's Acid Ocean Reprocessor
Pedestrian Count : 160
Length of Lap : 2.3 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Wall Street Crash
Rank : 54
Location : Bleak City Financial District
Pedestrian Count : 602
Length of Lap : 4.07 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Terror On The Trails
Rank : 51
Location : Dusty Trails National Park
Pedestrian Count : 516
Length of Lap : 4.16 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Roswell That Ends Well
Rank : 48
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Town
Pedestrian Count : 470
Length of Lap : 1.99 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Shafts Of Fright
Rank : 45
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Complex
Pedestrian Count : 609
Length of Lap : 2 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Top Gear Thrash
Rank : 42
Location : Bleak City Outskirts
Pedestrian Count : 592
Length of Lap : 3.77 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : Acid Reign
Rank : 39
Location : Magnachem's Acid Ocean Reprocessor
Pedestrian Count : 265
Length of Lap : 2.45 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Hitch Hiker Harvest
Rank : 36
Location : Dusty Trails National Park
Pedestrian Count : 243
Length of Lap : 3.91 miles
Number of Laps : 3

Name : Slaughter City
Rank : 33
Location : Bleak City Financial District
Pedestrian Count : 576
Length of Lap : 2.79 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Mine's A Large One
Rank : 30
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Complex
Pedestrian Count : 613
Length of Lap : 4.08 miles
Number of Laps : 1

Name : Slalom Slayfest
Rank : 27
Location : Bleak City Outskirts
Pedestrian Count : 509
Length of Lap : 3.78 miles
Number of Laps : 4

Name : High Rise Horror
Rank : 24
Location : Bleak City Commercial District
Pedestrian Count : 404
Length of Lap : 1.54 miles
Number of Laps : 6

Name : Fragged At The Factory
Rank : 21
Location : Magnachem's Acid Ocean Reprocessor
Pedestrian Count : 148
Length of Lap : 2.08 miles
Number of Laps : 6

Name : By The Seascythe
Rank : 18
Location : Dusty Trails Ocean Drive
Pedestrian Count : 399
Length of Lap : 4.01 miles
Number of Laps : 5

Name : Desert Storm
Rank : 15
Location : Devil's Canyon Mining Town
Pedestrian Count : 470
Length of Lap : 1.56 miles
Number of Laps : 8

Name : Ramp Rampage
Rank : 12
Location : Magnachem's Acid Ocean Reprocessor
Pedestrian Count : 281
Length of Lap : 0.95 miles
Number of Laps : 6

Name : Blood On The Rooftops
Rank : 9
Location : Bleak City Outskirts
Pedestrian Count : 544
Length of Lap : 4.4 miles
Number of Laps : 10

Name : Downtown Devastation
Rank : 6
Location : Bleak City Commercial District
Pedestrian Count : 506
Length of Lap : 5.76 miles
Number of Laps : 12

Name : Beaches Of Blood
Rank : 3
Location : Dusty Trails National Park
Pedestrian Count : 519
Length of Lap : 3.14 miles
Number of Laps : 12

Name : Beef Curtains
Rank : 1
Location : Dusty Trails National Park
Pedestrian Count : 260
Length of Lap : 2.78 miles
Number of Laps : 15

Wow... So Many Stages...

*7. Parts Shop*

Welcome to the Parts Shop. The Parts Shop is used for, you guessed it,
changing parts in your car. Here you have the choice of Armour, Power or
Offensive. I like to save up and buy Offensive 1st, Armour 2nd and Power
3rd. I mean, with more Offensive you can smash up the other car alot more.
And earn more credits and time (which gets turned into credits when you
finish the race. Here I will list all of the available upgrades to your car.


||A : Level 1
Steel Rollcage
Retail : $500
You Pay : $130

||||A : Level 2
Carbon Steel Cage
Retail : $100000
You Pay : $99630

||||||A : Level 3
Cage with Kevlar Skin
Retail : $200000
You Pay : $199630

||||||||A : Level 4
Carbon Steel Plate
Retail : $300000
You Pay : $299630

||||||||||A : Level 5
Steel, Kevlar Skin
Retail : $400000
You Pay : $399630

|||||||||||A : CHEAT
Retail : $500
You Pay : $130


||P : Level 1
4 Litre In-Line 6
Retail : $500
You Pay : $130

||||P : Level 2
5 Litre V8
Retail : $100000
You Pay : $99630

||||||P : Level 3
5.7 Litre Twin Carb V8
Retail : $200000
You Pay : $199630

||||||||P : Level 4
7.6 Litre Blown V8
Retail : $300000
You Pay : $299630

||||||||||P : Level 5
11 Litre V12 Nitro
Retail : $400000
You Pay : $399630

|||||||||||P : CHEAT
Retail : $500
You Pay : $130


||O : Level 1
Steel Fender Studs
Retail : $500
You Pay : $130

||||O : Level 2
Titanium Studs
Retail : $100000
You Pay : $99630

||||||O : Level 3
Dual Titanium Studs
Retail : $200000
You Pay : $199630

||||||||O : Level 4
Micro Fender Rams
Retail : $300000
You Pay : $299630

||||||||||O : Level 5
Dual Fender Rams
Retail : $400000
You Pay : $399630

|||||||||||O : CHEAT
Retail : $500
You Pay : $130


*8. Action Replay*

Finally, a game with a very excellent replay mode! I love it when you have
just done a monstrous jump, are flying through the air, and then you land
flat on the ground and squash someone. You hit enter, and watch this very
excellent moment over and over again until you feel the urge to start
playing again. Very Cool! Anyways, here it is :

Keypad 5 or Spacebar - Pause/Unpause (plays in ‘current’ direction).
Keypad 0 or Backspace - Flip direction of playing.
, or Keypad 1 - Play backwards.
. or Keypad 3 - Play forwards.
Keypad * - Cycle through different camera modes.
Keypad 4 or Page Up - Rewind (hold down).
Keypad 6 or Page Down - Fast forward (hold down).
Keypad 7 or Home - Go straight back to the start of the tape.
Keypad 9 or End - Go straight to the end of the tape.
Keypad 1 (When Paused) - Frame advance backwards.
Keypad 3 (When Paused) - Frame advance forwards.

Anyways, there are also alot of problems with this. Firstly, the biggest
mistake they made (well maybe), was not to include an option for us to SAVE
our replays. I mean, I can remember hundreds of times when I wish I had
could have saved the replay. All those crashes, smashes and bashes are all
wasted. DAMN YOU TO HELL SCi! Just joking!!! Honest...

If you send in your funny stories that you can remember, I might consider
opening a section of FUNNY STORIES, or something to that extent. I will pick
out the best ones and try and put them on the FAQ.


*9. Powerups*

Carmageddon has so many powerups, I don't know where to begin!
I'll start by listing some of the most common ones :

Time Bonus - The most common, those green ones with the recycle sign on it.
Well thats what the little sign looks like anyways.

Turbo - Gives your car a turbo boosts. Like having a bigger engine.

Mega-Turbo - Even better than Turbo.

Frozen Opponents - Very Cool! Make sure you get a good run-up and BAM! Drive
through them like the wind. Or get them into a corner and repeatedly ram
their car!

Frozen Cops - Very Useful, just push them off a big drop. Then keep
attacking them until they get wasted. Unless they waste you...

Acme Damage Magnifier - Like having super strong offensive power.

Oh Dear, Jelly Suspension! - Very Cool. Do a jump and bounce around, Very Fun!

Pinball Mode - Good and Bad. Good if you have full armour, bad if you don't.
Cause you bounce around like a spring on a trampoline! Very fun and very

Underwater Ability - Lets you drive underwater. Simple.

Wall Climber - Hmmm, I wonder what this does? Lets you climb walls.

I don't know, check the cheats below, enter them and find out yourself,
instead of me sitting here, and spoiling it for you...


*10. Cheats*

Wow! This very excellent game has some very excellent cheats! And here they

All Cars and Levels
Type KEVWOZEAR at the screen where you pick you can change your car or the
race. You should here a clanking sound. You now have access to all vehicles,
stages and you can upgrade your car's stats to CHEAT.
Submitted by Mike Tuozzo (

All Cars in Network Mode
At the screen where you can pick what type of network game you wanna play,
type in JOYRIDER. The host will have access to all of the cars (including
cheat cars), and the client will only have access to the non-cheat cars.
Submitted by Dragon Lord (

Type In Cheats
(Type these cheats while your are racing around like a maniac...)

5 Recovery Vouchers - ICECREAMHOLE
Acme Damage Magnifier - WEHATEMARIO
Blind Pedestrians - HAMSTERSEX
Bouncey Bouncey - CHICKENFODDER
Disable Timer - SEXWITHFISH
Electro Bastard Ray - RUSSFORMARIO
Explosive Pedestrians - SUPERHOOPS
Fast Opponents - YUMMYLARD
Fast Police - YAKATTACK
Frozen Opponents - SPAMACCIDENTS
Frozen Police - NASALSMEAR
Giant Pedestrians - SMALLUDDERS
Greased Tires - BENFORMARIO
Instant Handbrake - SPAMFORREST
Instant Repair - INTHEWAR
Invunerablity - SPOONREASON
Money Bonus - GIVEMELARD
Oh Dear, Bodywork Trashed! - BIGBOTTOM
Pedestrian Harvest - TRAMSARESUPER
Pedestrians On Map - ILOVENOBBY
Pedestrians Glued To Ground - SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM
Pedestrian Respawn - NAUGHTYTORTY
Strange Gravity - IHAVESOMESPAM
Turbo Pedestrians - FUNNYJAM
Underwater Ability - GOOGLEPLEX
Vesuvian Corpses - ISLANDRULES
Wall Climber - SECRETCOWS

A Weird Cheat
Type IWANTTOFIDDLE at the screen where you pick your car etc... It makes a
sound, but I have no idea what it does. If Anyone knows, please email me.

I got most of the above cheats from
And some of the above codes came from the 2nd PC PowerPlay GAME GUIDE.

More cheats will come in the next version.


*11. Tips*

As I said, here are some tips for playing the game.

* Go around, at the start of the race, and run over a number of peds. This
will save you doing it later on, and it will give you an advantage when you
are trying to kill that last guy in the race.

* If you even hear a siren, drive outta there at top speed. Cause the cops
keep pounding you, and smashing you and, well you get the point.

* You can kill the race starter for 1000 credits, but if you do a lap, he is
worth 2000 credits. Provided no-one else has spilt his guts before you

* Try and push your opponents off high cliffs, and into the ocean. This is
very handy in the later stages, when you are up against the big guys.

* If you see a jump, try and do a trick off it, and get a Cunning Stunt

* Like the tip above, try and put a small car behind you, then when the race
starts, slam the car in reverse, and smash him right up! If you are lucky,
you can waste them this way. Very cool!

* Try and scare peds off rooftops. It works! Do it with blind peds and use
your horn (Press H.).

Another big round of applause to the 2nd PC PowerPlay GAME GUIDE for some
of the above tips.

*12. Credits, Links and Copyright Info*

Thanks to everyone who helped me write this.
SCi for making such an excellent game.
Fear Factory for such awesome music! Keep It Up!
GameFAQs and CJayC for running such an awesome site!
Gamesages for all the help they have given me.
My parents, for letting me buy Carmageddon.

Sales Curve interactive Home Page
The SCi and Carmageddon Home Page.

Fear Factory's Official Site
Hmmm. Very self-explanatory. A must see if you even remotely liked the
music that was done in Carmageddon. Some of there best work.

Go here if you need help for any game...and if they don't have a guide, you
can request help! Keep up the good work CJayC!

This FAQ, Carmageddon FAQ for PC, and all my other one's may not be :
used for profit, be used in any way except for a guide for the game it is
written for, be sold, changed, copied, manipulated, or anything else besides
being read. You may put it on your website, but you must 1. Send me an email
you are doing so and 2. Leave the FAQ in it's original form. The latest
version of this FAQ can always be found at, so please don't
bother me about sending you a copy. Thank You.
(FAQ Copyright Dale Sells 2002)


*13. Other FAQ's Written By Me*

These are other FAQ's written by me :

Dune 2000 for PC
Sim Safari for PC
California Games for NES
The Secret Of Monkey Island for PC


*14. Closing Statement*

I hope this FAQ helps someone in completing the game, or just to get more
fun out of it. I hope you enjoy it. Send me an Email if you liked the FAQ,
want to ask me a question, tell me if you saw something of yours in the FAQ
and I haven't given you credit, or just want to say Hello.

Email :
ICQ Number : 40489746

Written By 007

See Ya Soon!!!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Alle Autos und Tracks auswählbar

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
10.Oktober 2008

18.Oktober 2013
Jetzt mit Menschen, Blut und Geschrei

15.Oktober 2013
Alles ist möglich mit diesem Spielstand

14.Oktober 2013

05.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Carmageddon demo/beta text-file decoder

14.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
19.Februari 2014