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Unofficial Dyna Blaster FAQ
For PC/DOS Only
Version 1.1
By Beno Jange
Email: beno_jange@hotmail.com
I. Disclaimer ................................................. 0100
This FAQ is intended for personal use only. It can't be used for any
profitable purposes nor can it be published in any forms. No one are
allowed to update, edit, translate, HTMLize, reproduce or do anything
with it without my permission. If you like to add it on your site, pls
ask my permission first. If I agree with you then keep it unaltered and
up to date by checking the newest revision on GameFAQs once a month. If
you want to take some parts of it, give a credit where it is due. Any
offenders will severely dealt with. Furthermore, it is protected by US
Copyright Law and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976.

Dyna Blaster characters, logo (C) 1991, 1992 by Hudson Soft.
Unofficial Dyna Blaster FAQ, logo (C) 2000-2001 Beno Jange.
All copyrights and trademarks (if any) are acknowledged.

II. Table of Contents .......................................... 0200
I. Disclaimer ................................................. 0100
II. Table of Contents .......................................... 0200
III. Revision History ........................................... 0300
IV. Author's Note .............................................. 0400
V. Game Menu & Item Description ............................... 0500
Game Menu ............................................... 0501
Item Description ........................................ 0502
VI. Walkthrough ................................................ 0600
Stage 1 ................................................. 0601
Stage 2 ................................................. 0602
Stage 3 ................................................. 0603
Stage 4 ................................................. 0604
Stage 5 ................................................. 0605
Stage 6 ................................................. 0606
Stage 7 ................................................. 0607
Stage 8 ................................................. 0608
VII. Tips & Tricks .............................................. 0700
Bombing Strategy ........................................ 0701
Complete Password ....................................... 0702
Finding Item ............................................ 0703
Increasing Your Points .................................. 0704
Never Loose ............................................. 0705
Enable Cheat ............................................ 0706
VIII. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 0800
IX. Credits .................................................... 0900

III. Revision History ........................................... 0300
v1.0 - 10/26/2000 - First Release.
- All of the section has been filled.

v1.1 - 05/08/2001 - Revised the Disclaimer.
- Revised the Author's Note.
- Reformated the FAQ lay out for easy searching.
- Added Complete Password in the Tips & Tricks.
- Added the Frequently Asked Questions.
- The FAQ is officially finished now.

IV. Author's Note .............................................. 0400
Welcome to my Unofficial Dyna Blaster FAQ. I love this game since this
game resembles Bomberman. I've found out that there's not a FAQ for it.
So it's my time to do that. For easy searching, just highlight the
keyword number in Table of Contents and press Ctrl+F. Btw, pls excuse
for my poor English.

The newest revision of this FAQ can always be found at:
- GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com

This FAQ can also be found at:
- Game Advice http://www.gameadvice.com
- DLH.Net http://dlh.net
- The Cheat Empire http://home.planetinternet.be/twuyts
- Fresh Baked Games http://www.fbgames.com

NOTE: If you find this FAQ not in the above site pls let me know.

I'm not going to update it anymore unless there is such a keen need for
me to do so (which probably won't happen). Any corrections suggestions,
questions, critizisms, contributions are welcome as long as you state
"Dyna Blaster" as a subject of your letter. I will surely answer it
if I have a time.

V. Game Menu & Item Description ............................... 0500
Game Menu ........................................................ 0501

Game Start = Start 1 player game.
Battle = If you want to challenge more player choose this option.
This option will allow you to challenge player up to 4
Setup = Here you can configure your key, change your player
input, test your VGA.
Password = Enter your password to go to the certain level.

Item Description ................................................. 0502

Fire = it will make your explosion range longer
Bomb = it will add your bomb by 1
Skate Board = it will speed up your walking
Detonator = it will make you can detonate the bomb
Wall-Through = it will make you can accross the wall
Bomb-Through = it will make you can accross the bomb
Dyna Blaster = it will add your life by 1
Invincible = it will make you invincible temporarily

VI. Walkthrough ................................................ 0600
Well, actually this is not a walkthrough in which can describe how you
kill the enemy one by one since the appearance of the enemy and the
wall are random. Access this mode by choosing GAME START.

Your objective on this game are to kill all of the enemy with your bomb
and find the door. Btw, you should avoid your bomb explosion since it
can kill you if you are not aware of it.

Stage 1 .......................................................... 0601
Item in these area: 1=Fire, 2=Bomb, 3=Skate Board, 4=Detonator, 5=Bomb-
Through, 6=Wall-Through, 7=Dyna Blaster

Boss Strategy
When you see the 'dragon', use your 'bang' on it and quickly run to the
other corner. If you 'bang' it enough then the door will appear. It
will be an advantage if you got detonator. Go to the door to the next

Stage 2 .......................................................... 0602
Item in these area: 1=Fire, 2=Invincible, 3=Skate Board,4=Bomb-Through,
5=Detonator, 6=Dyna Blaster, 7=Wall-Through

Boss Strategy
Watch for the 'dragon' head. You should kill it first then kill the
rest. It will be an advantage if you got detonator. As usual it will
appear the door for you ...

Stage 3 .......................................................... 0603
Item in these area: 1=Detonator, 2=Bomb, 3=Invincible, 4=Bomb-Through,
5=Dyna Blaster, 6=Skate Board, 7=Wall-Through

Boss Strategy
Oh boy, now you should face the first boss but with its twin. Just run
and replace your bomb when you're in safe position quickly 'bang' it.
After you 'bang' it enough as usual it will open the door for you ...

Stage 4 .......................................................... 0604
Item in these area: 1=Bomb, 2=Dyna Blaster, 3=Bomb-Through, 4
=Detonator, 5=Fire, 6=Bomb-Through, 7=Bomb

Boss Strategy
Now your job is to follow the enemy, replace your bomb. Search for safe
position and 'bang' it. Kill any of enemies as you like. After it dead
then proceed to the door...

Stage 5 .......................................................... 0605
Item in these area: 1=Fire, 2=Wall-Through, 3=Invincible, 4=Bomb, 5
=Detonator, 6=Bomb-Through, 7=Dyna Blaster

Boss Strategy
As usual, kill the 'dragon' head first then kill the rest. Watch out,
cos this time there are three 'dragon' head. Proceed to the door ...

Stage 6 .......................................................... 0606
Item in these area: 1=Bomb, 2=Bomb-Through, 3=Fire, 4=Bomb, 5=Fire, 6
=Dyna Blaster, 7=Detonator

Boss Strategy
As usual, kill any of the enemies as you like. Watch out, cos this time
there are three the 'blue'. Proceed to the door ...

Stage 7 .......................................................... 0607
Item in these area: 1=Bomb, 2=Dyna Blaster, 3=Bomb-Through, 4
=Detonator, 5=Dyna Blaster, 6=Bomb, 7=Wall-Through

Boss Strategy
Gosh... now the 'dragon' head has the shield. Wait until the shield is
gone and quickly 'bang' on it. If you don't get detonator, I will only
say good luck. After you finish them all go to the door and go to the
last stage ...

Stage 8 .......................................................... 0608
Item in these area: 1=Dyna Blaster, 2=Fire, 3=Bomb-Through, 4
=Detonator, 5=Bomb, 6=Dyna Blaster, 7=Bomb-Through

Boss Strategy
Don't bomb the enemy if the shield are surround them. Instead wait
until the shield is gone then quickly bomb on them. If you bomb them
enough then one by one the enemy will dead. It will be an advantage if
you got a detonator. As usual it will appear the door for you and watch
the ending ...

VII. Tips & Tricks .............................................. 0700
Bombing Strategy ................................................. 0701

Here I will give you a better way to avoid your bomb explosion. Btw
I'll draw it in order to clear up my explanation. o = bomb, x = safe

x|__| |__|x x__ __x x|__|x|__|
__ o __ |__|o|__| o
x| | | |x x x x|¯¯|x|¯¯|

Complete Password ................................................ 0702

Stage 1 Stage 5

Stage 2 Stage 6

Stage 3 Stage 7

Stage 4 Stage 8

Finding Item ..................................................... 0703

Bombing the wall in random to find the item will waste your time.
Instead kill all of the enemy and the 'blink' wall will indicate that
the wall has an item. But it doesn't applied on the door :(

Increasing Your Points ........................................... 0704

Kill as many as enemy with one hit and you've got alot of points. And
if you dare ... bomb the door and you should see a bunch of enemies,
kill them. Bomb again ... and kill ... Do as many times as you like but
spare some seconds to enter the door.

Never Loose ...................................................... 0705

If you dead then some of your ability will be gone such as wall-
through, bomb-through, detonator, etc. So it will be a good idea if you
stay alive so you won't loose any of your ability.

NOTE: If you go to the next stage, you will surely loose some of your

Enable Cheat ..................................................... 0706
Pls don't use this cheat since it will spoil the challenge of the game.
Use this only if you get stucked

Type "HUDSONSOFT" (without quotation marks) at the main menu. Now you
should have some bombs, invincible to the bomb, more range explosion.
During gameplay, press F1 - F8 to skip the stage, press 1 - 8 to skip
the level.

VIII. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 0800
Q: Is it possible to play Dyna Blaster through LAN in multiplayer mode?
A: Nope ...

Q: Is it possible to play it on W2000?
A: I'm not sure but if you have both W98 and W2000 in your PC then you
should switch to W98 to play it.

IX. Credits .................................................... 0900
Appears in alphabetical order:

Al Amaloo
- The webmaster of Game Advice.
- Thx for hosting all of my FAQs.

All of my friends in ISTP and anywhere.

Charles MacDonald
- Thx for some parts of the Disclaimer.

Dan Simpson
- Thx for the NOTE in the Author's Note.

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
- The webmaster of GameFAQs.
- Big thx for hosting all of my FAQs.

My Brother, Father and Mother
- Thx for all of your support

Scott Ong
- Thx for some parts of the Disclaimer.
- Thx for the email policy.
- Thx for the searching method.

Whoever on creating WordPad. GOD Bless you.
Whoever on reading my FAQ.

Yee Seng Fu
- Thx for inspiring me on making this FAQ.


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